Positively Glowing free porn video

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"That's quite alright, Ms Kimble." Gerry smiled into the headset microphone he wore as he typed into his large screened, desk top computer, "it's what I do. It was just a little glitch in the coding, but everything should run fine, now. Call me back if you need anything else." He hung up the phone and glanced at the crib set up against the wall in his home office. The big, blue eyes and gold hair of his niece smile back at him, expectantly. He stood and walked towards the child, bent at her level and smiling. "And that's his Uncle Gerry makes a thousand dollars, honey." They both giggle as he lifted her out of the crib and took her and bounced her on his hip. "That little call earned Uncle Gerry more than he has earned since he started this software consulting business. Yes it did! Yes it did!" Then Gerry noticed the smell. "Oops! Someone's dirty!" he cooed at the child. "Let's get you changed and then we'll go out on the deck for a little while, till mommy and Aunty Stevie come home." He smiled down at the child, who smiled back up at him as he opened the bottom of her onesie. "Oh, my goodness," he smiled as he pulled the Huggies disposable away from her bottom, "we are a dirty girl this morning, aren't we?" He used the clean portion of the diaper to dispose of the excess poo, then dropped the folded item into the diaper pail and grabbed a baby wipe to clean his eight month old charge who smiled and blew spit bubbles back at him. For the past four months, since Gerry's sister had returned to work, little Mila had been his best friend from 8:30 to 5:15 everyday while Taylor, Gerry's older sister, went to work as an investment advisor at their mother's firm downtown. Taylor and Gerry were both gifted at numbers, but where Taylor's talent had led her to her mother's investment company, Gerry's gift had led him to software engineering. Some people could look at Beethoven's music and hear it all in their heads. Gerry could look at a screen of ones and zeroes and he could picture how each command would function. It made him an excellent proofreader for software designers, but sadly, not many software designers knew about him, yet. He'd worked for a local software developer for a little over a year when he'd graduated from college, and he'd done well there, but he really wanted to run his own business. Luckily, his wife did very well and she agreed to help him get started by working out of the spare bedroom in their townhouse. In his spare time, he wrote his own programs and tweaked existing programs for small businesses. At twenty five years old, he was doing alright well for himself. A beautiful wife, a nice townhouse with his sister on one side and his mother on the other and, due to his wife's investment acumen, between them they had nearly a million dollars in the bank. Granted, Stevie had earned most of that money, but that's how marriages worked, right? The one thing that Gerry never thought he wanted, though, was a child in the house, but since Mila had come along, he was infatuated with her and he couldn't wait till he and his wife, Stevie, adopted one of their own. Sadly, they had recently explored having a child the old fashioned way, but found that Gerry's sperm count was very low and the sperm that he did produce were 'underperforming,' whatever that meant. The doctors didn't even recommend artificial insemination saying that the chances of success were too low to warrant the cost. Gerry fastened the fresh diaper onto Mila and snapped the onesie back together just as the front door opened and within seconds Taylor appeared in the doorway of his office/nursery. "Well, look at you - the perfect little mother." She smiled as she stopped to kiss her brother's cheek. "How was she today?" "Perfect as always." He smiled as he handed the child to her mother. "Mommy's home, Mila!" Taylor took the child and kissed her as well. "Hi, baby! How are you?" She cooed. "Did Uncle Gerry take you for a walk today?" "Only a short one," Gerry offered. "I had a job for Dynatran that took up most of the afternoon. We were just going out onto the back porch to get some fresh air. I have chicken stew in the crockpot. Want to stay for supper?" "Sure." Taylor smiled, although staying for supper was the norm, lately, and she really appreciated her brother's kindness. "Has she eaten lately?" "Not since her nap, no." Gerry looked to the door. "Where's Stevie?" Taylor and Stevie had been friends since they both played on the Women's Basketball Team at George Mason University up in Fairfax, Virginia. Stevie was a business major, too, and when they graduated, Gerry's mom invited both of them to work for her. That was how Stevie and Gerry got together and even that was an improbable scenario. Like Taylor, Stevie was just about six foot one and just as pretty as Gerry's sister. The very idea that a tall, athletic woman could be interested in a five foot four computer nerd was absurd, but it was also true. Gerry was cute, in a little guy kind or way, and funny and incredibly intelligent. During the summers of Gerry's college career, he worked at his mother's firm doing everything from cleaning, organizing, filing, to acting as a receptionist, answering phones and directing clients to the proper advisors. That was when he and Stevie struck up a friendship and found that they shared a lot of interests - theater, music, travel... they also had their own interests as well. Stevie and Taylor were on a local basketball team in a YWCA league and they both went running a few evenings a week to stay fit. Gerry played video games and watched action movies. They got along great. "Just as we pulled in, Stevie remembered that she was supposed to bring home some milk, so she dropped me off and went back to get some. She'll only be a few minutes." Taylor reached down and grabbed a clean, cloth diaper and threw it onto her shoulder, both to protect her silk blouse and to offer a little modesty for what she needed to do, right now. "Do you mind if I take her out onto the porch now and feed her? I need to get this milk out and I'd rather not have to pump later." "No, let's go." Gerry held the screened door open and let his sister through. She sat in one of the tall chairs and prepared herself to nurse the child. "Could you hold her again for a minute?" Gerry took the baby as Taylor unbuttoned her blouse and and pulled it free of her grey, pencil skit, exposing her nursing bra. Without a moment's thought, she popped the cup open, revealing her left breast. She reached for the child and Gerry handed her back, while looking away from his sister. "I know that you have no shame in front of me, but we do have neighbors, you know. You may not want to give them quite that much of a view," Gerry teased. "Oh, for crying out loud, Gerry. It's a completely natural thing to do. Get over it. Besides, the screens are dark. No one can see me." She laid the clean diaper over her left shoulder and the baby's head as Mila latched on and began feeding. "I'm glad I have you alone for a moment." Gerry looked back towards the front door to be sure that Stevie had not come in. "Look, November tenth is a month away and, for our first anniversary, I was thinking that I'd take Stevie to St Thomas for the Veteran's Day long weekend. What do you think?" "Sounds great! Can I come?" Gerry laughed at his sister's joke. "No. Anyway - do you think mom would give her a couple of extra days off so I could stretch the whole thing to a week long vacation?" "I don't see why not. November isn't usually all that busy. Ask mom. See what she says." "Yeah, well, that's why I'm talking to you. Would you ask her?" "Me?" Taylor smiled as she moved the baby to the other breast. Now, both breasts were exposed. "Why me? Can't you talk to your own mother?" Gerry sighed. "Of course I can, but... she's really been riding me about money and about losing weight and if I mention going to a beach... Could you ask her for me? There's just too many things there for her to criticize." Their mother had a point, though. Gerry was not earning much money since he'd started this company six months ago and his sedentary lifestyle was catching up with him, recently. Currently he was sporting a noticeable pot belly. "Well, she's not wrong, Gerry," Taylor laughed. "You live in Florida, for crying out loud. You could be at a beach nearly everyday of the year, but you just sit at that computer..." "... which is my job..." "... even when you're not working, and eat trash." "Trash!?" Gerry was genuinely hurt. "I make a great meal every night!" "Yeah, and eat chips all day." "That's not true." He wasn't hurt, now, but still defensive. "Mostly I eat Cheerios and Goldfish, and lately I share them, with Mila." "It's better junk food, Gerry, but it's still junk food. You should get out and exercise more." "I take Mila out for a nice walk nearly every day." "Uh Huh... and where do you go?" "The park, usually." "The one at the corner? That's probably a thousand feet there, another thousand feet around, stop for a rest to feed the ducks Cheerios, some of which you eat, then another thousand foot walk back home. That's not exactly marathon training, Honey. You need to do more." "Now that you mention it," Gerry stole a look at the door, "and please don't say anything to Stevie, I've been considering getting a tummy- tuck. You know, get rid of my belly." He stood sideways to show his sister. "Your baby-bump, you mean. Gerry, I was out to here when I was pregnant, just like you. Now, I'm back to my old size. It's just diet and exercise." She moved the baby from here breast to her shoulder to burp her and stood, her blouse hanging freely, both cups of the nursing bra open exposing her entire torso to her brother, who was quite used to being eye level to the breasts of either his wife or sister. "Ah ha!" he shouted, pointing at her abdomen. "Your old size, huh? Well, what's that, then?" She looked down and saw the waistband of a foundation garment peaking out above her pencil skirt. "Alright, I admit it, I'm wearing a high waisted panty girdle, but that's just to help everything go back where it belongs." She handed Gerry the baby as she began to reassemble her clothing. "A woman's body goes through a lot when she has a baby. It takes a while to heal." "I bet," Gerry laughed as he bounced with the infant. "If they made girdles for men, I'd look just fine, too." "Yeah, ok." Taylor shook her head. "I'm going to go next door and get changed. I'll be right back." At the front door, Taylor met Stevie who was holding a gallon of milk. "Leaving?" "No." Taylor gave up on tucking her blouse back in. "Just running next door to change. Gerry's in the kitchen with Mia getting dinner ready. I'll be right back." Stevie entered the kitchen and saw Gerry standing by the counter, the baby on his hip, swaying back and forth while stirring the contents of the crockpot and singing quietly, "Look for the bear necessities, the simple bear necessities, forget about your worries and your strife..." He was kind of adorable. His pudgy little rump swaying back and forth just like Baloo the bear in The Jungle Book. "And how's my little homemaker?" she teased. Without interrupting his swaying, Gerry turned and smiled. "Hi, Stevie. Taylor just went to change. Why don't you, too and Mila and I will get things onto the table, ok?" Stevie smiled at him and said, "Ok. You know, you look very natural with Mila." Not knowing quite how to respond to that, he just smiled as she left to change. By the time Stevie and Taylor returned, Gerry had professionally plated food on the table and Mila was situated in a high chair, and he was pouring a little white wine into glasses for Stevie and himself. Taylor was still restricted to water due to her breast feeding. Stevie sat at one end of the table and Gerry on the other, with Mila between Gerry and Taylor on one side, an empty chair on the other. When she took her seat, Taylor hung a beige, plastic bag from the back of her chair. "I saw mom outside," Taylor mentioned. "She's already eaten dinner, but she has some pastries that she picked up at Cuomo's Bakery that she's going to bring over for dessert, if that's ok." "That's great!" Gerry smiled. "Oh, I love Cuomo's pastries," Stevie agreed, "but I usually stay away from them because I don't want to be as big as a house." "Just a taste won't hurt," Gerry teased as he served his wife and sister their food. Taylor caught Gerry's eye, then leaned over and whispered, "Mom says that the vacation is fine, but she needs a favor from you, too." "What?" Gerry scowled. Taylor shrugged. "What are you two whispering about?" Stevie asked. "What?" Gerry looked at her innocently. "I didn't hear what you two were saying." "I was telling Gerry that mom needs a favor from him." Taylor smiled. "Oh?" Stevie was surprised. "What kind of a favor?" "No idea," Taylor laughed. "Just a favor. I'm sure she'll tell us, later." "Hence the pastries, I'm sure," Gerry laughed. "Maybe," Stevie shrugged, "but before she comes over, you'd better brush your hair and redo your ponytail. Your hair looks a little greasy and it's coming out of your scrunchie." "Really?" Gerry asked concerned. "Yeah," Taylor nodded as she took a bite of the chicken stew. "I notice when I got here. Whenever you have a challenging job, you run your hand through your hair while you work. It always makes it a little greasy and pulls some hairs free." "Shoot." Gerry stopped serving before playing his own food. "Should I shower?" Both women chuckled. Taylor and Gerry's mother, Kate, was a great woman, but being a professional woman, appearances were everything. Everyone needed to always be dressed well, no matter what they were doing. Even casual clothes needed to be 'presentable,' as she put it. "That's ok, babe," Stevie said, "but after dinner, brush it out, redo the pony tail and put on some clean jeans instead of those sweats. You'll be fine." "Ok." Gerry nodded and plated his own food. Dinner converse was mostly shop talk. Gerry proudly told the others about his successful work for Dynatran, which prompted the confused women to congratulate him while not understanding a word of what he'd just said. From there, Stevie and Taylor spoke of the work at their office, leaving Gerry to chat with Mila and give her the occasional Cheerio. After dinner, Gerry rinsed the plates and loaded the dishwasher while the woman chatted some more, then, when Taylor said, "I'll call mom and tell her to come over for coffee and bring the dessert." Gerry hustled to the bedroom to change. He pulled his hair free of the scrunchie and let it fall beyond his shoulders as be pulled off his sweat pants and Star Wars tee shirt, replacing them with a pair of clean, chinos and a baby blue polo shirt before giving his hair a quick one hundred strokes and replacing his scrunchie with a white terry cloth one and making sure that it hung perfectly centered at the base of his skull. He looked in the mirror and decided to just run his electric shaver over his face and neck to be sure that he didn't have a stubble before he was satisfied that he was presentable. His mother didn't really approve of his long hair, but as long as it was clean and kept, she tended to just give the occasional 'tsk' rather than a lecture on how unprofessional long hair looked on men. God forbid anyone were to mention getting a tattoo! When he was in college, Gerry had sported two small, gold studs in each of his ear lobes and his mother had never missed an opportunity to berate him for what she considered to be a massive fashion faux-pas. He'd liked them, though. He'd only given up wearing earrings because Stevie didn't like them - and he'd always suspected that her dislike of them was due to his mother's influence. "Hi, Kate!" Gerry heard Stevie say as he headed back to the kitchen. When he arrived, he found his mother setting a box of pastries on the counter, looking for a platter on which to place the dessert. "Hi, mom," Gerry said as he kissed her cheek. "Leave the box. I'll get a platter and pour the coffee." "And how's my beautiful granddaughter?" Kate kissed the baby and took a seat opposite Taylor. "She's wonderful, as always." Taylor smiled at the child. "I've never seen a happier baby." "Well, she's well loved." Kate smiled. "Oh, you're a beauty. Just like your mommy." Taylor blushed. "Thanks, mom." "And where is daddy this week?" Now, Taylor sighed. Her boyfriend of four years and father to Mila worked for an international engineering firm. Before Mila's birth, Fred had travelled for the company, but the trips had been brief and infrequent. Since Mila's birth, he seemed to be gone almost continually. Frankly, Taylor was beginning to despair that the relationship was coming to an end. "He's in Frankfurt, mom. I'm not sure when he'll be home." Kate nodded, a bit too judgmentally. "I see." She left it there. Gerry served the coffee and placed a platter of petit-fours from the box that Kate had brought on the table. When he'd also placed the milk pitcher and sugar bowl in the center of the table, Gerry joined the women, who were once again engaged in shop talk. Eventually, Kate turned her attention towards her son, who was in the process of eating his fourth petit-four. "I think you may have had enough of those, Gerry," she looked at him with disappointment on her face. He shrugged. "They're small." "Yes, THEY'RE small, Gerry, but you've gotten pretty chunky, lately. You should watch that." Gerry placed the remainder of the small cake on his plate, his taste for dessert ruined. "So, as I'm sure Taylor told you, I do have a favor to ask of you, Gerry." "Sure, mom," he said, trying not to let his annoyance show. "What can I do for you?" "Well, you know Monica, my receptionist?" Gerry nodded. "Well, she's going to be taking four days off this week to fly home for a wedding. I need a temporary person to run her desk. A temp would be a waste of time, since whomever they'd send would need to be trained and couldn't possibly learn the job in four days, so I was wondering if you'd be willing to come to work for me - just for four days." Both Taylor and Stevie looked very pleased at the prospect of having Gerry join them at the office, but Gerry was a bit anxious about the idea. "Gee, mom, I don't know. What if a job comes in while I'm working there?" "I've seen you work, Gerry." Kate sipped her coffee. "If a job comes in, you can use Monica's computer to do whatever it is that you do. We don't have that many people walking in without an appointment, so you'll know what to expect as far visitors right from the start of the day. I'm sure it will really only interfere with your video game time." Gerry looked to his left and saw Mila playing with the Cheerios on her high chair tray. "Well, what about Mila? I have her with me all day." "There's plenty of room behind Monica's desk to set up a playpen and a travel bed. She's a good girl. She won't be an issue, I'm sure. Both you and Taylor went to work with me many times when you were infants." Realizing that his mother wasn't about to back down and that he couldn't expect any support from Stevie or Taylor, he finally shrugged. "Alright, I guess, but if I get a call from Dynatran, I'm going to have to leave and deal with it here, ok? Everyone else is easy to deal with, but Dynatran writes some very complicated code and I'll need my equipment to analyze it." "Then we're all set." Kate smiled, having gotten her way, as usual. "Make sure you're dressed appropriately, dear, and make sure your hair is... well, see what you can do with it, please." "Of course, mom." He smiled despite his irritation. "You may have to buy a new sports coat, babe," Stevie said, nibbling on a petit-four. "I think you may have outgrown your old one." "Oh!" Taylor perked up. "Maybe not." She grabbed the plastic bag on the back of her chair and handed it to Gerry. He looked inside and saw a beige garment of some kind. "What's this?" Taylor giggled. "It's a girdle, silly. You said that if men had girdles you'd wear one. Well, now you have a girdle. I bet if you put that one on, your sports coat would fit." "Haha, very funny." Gerry shook his head and tried to hand the bag back to his sister. "I didn't give it to you to be funny, Gerry. I think it may be useful for you. Try it on." "Don't be ridiculous!" "Now, wait a minute," Stevie took the bag, "maybe this is a good idea, babe." She was half teasing, but half serious, too. "I mean, you have been packing on the pounds lately. A girdle is designed to help with that kind of thing. Come on. I'll help you try it on." "No." Gerry wasn't sure if the girls were teasing him or not, but the situation was getting odd. "I'm not wearing a girdle." "Tell you what," Kate offered. "Try on the girdle and see if your sports coat will fit. If it does, I'll buy you a couple more girdles so that you can wear a clean one everyday until you smarten up and lose some weight. If it doesn't help you into your sports coat, I'll buy you a new coat to wear to work this week." "Mom, I can buy my own clothes..." Stevie interrupted him. "That's not the point, babe, and you know it. The point is that your getting pudgy and you need to do something about it. If a girdle helps, it'll be an ongoing reminder that you need to concentrate on diet and exercise. Besides, it'll be fun to see how much it helps. Come on. Don't be a stick in the mud. Let's go try it on." "Stevie..." he started to argue, but his wife's face suddenly took on a dark look that said 'don't embarrass me in front of your mother.' "... alright, but just to make you all happy." "Great." Stevie smiled. "We'll be right back." They adjourned to the bedroom where Stevie sat on the bed. "Take off your pants and boxers. I'll help with the girdle." She fussed with the bag for a moment as Gerry undressed from the waste down. When she'd gotten the garment out, Stevie seemed a little perplexed. "Hey, Taylor?" she called putting to the kitchen. "Did you mean to bring a one piece?" "No," Taylor called back. "I meant to bring a high waisted brief. I grabbed it in a rush, though. Why? Did I bring a one piece?" "Yep, but we'll give it a try anyway. The result should be the same." Then she looked at Gerry. "Gotta take of your shirt and tee shirt, too, babe. Sorry." "Oh, for crying out loud." Gerry pulled off the polo and tee shirt, leaving him naked except for a pair of white socks. Stevie held the opening of the one piece foundation garment open and motioned for Gerry to come to her. "Step in, babe, and I'll help you pull it up. Then, it'll go over your shoulders, like a bra." "Wonderful." Gerry shook his head, steadied himself against his wife's shoulders and stepped into it. Stevie pulled the waist up, but stopped for a moment. "You'd probably be more comfortable if you tucked your little guy into the crotch." Gerry rolled his eyes and complied. Stevie continued to work the garment up his body. When the hips, crotch and waist were in place, she slipped each of Gerry's arms into an appropriate arm hole and pulled it up. When it was all in place, she looked at him for a moment and laughed. "Oh, my goodness." "What?" "Wait a minute," she laughed. "Let me check something." She reached into the cups of the bra portion of the one piece control garment and pulled gently on Gerry's excess body fat, drawing it into the cups. "Jesus, babe, you fill the cups up completely! You really need to start exercising." "What? Don't be silly," but when Gerry looked down, he found that she was right, but before he could react, Stevie called out again. "Taylor, I don't think that this particular girdle is going to help Gerry." "Why not," she called back. "I'll show you," she stood and adjusted some straps that ran below his belly and fastened to the other side of the garment with Velcro then took Gerry by the hand and led him towards the door. "What are you doing?" He tried to pull away from her. "I'm nearly naked." He was, in fact, presenting a fairly modest sight. Everything was covered that needed to be covered, but the skin toned garment made him feel naked, in spite of the flowered side panels and bra cups and the little bit of lace that surrounded his new found cleavage. "Oh, don't be silly," Stevie chided as she moved him along, through the doorway and back towards the kitchen. When they'd reached the doorway to the kitchen, Stevie pulled her little husband in front of her and displayed him to her mother and sister in law. "This is why," she said, presenting the obvious. Both of the woman began laughing hysterically. "Oh, my God, Gerry!" Taylor could barely speak. "When are you due?" "You'd better put some pads in those bra cups before you start leaking," Kate howled. "What?" Gerry looked at Stevie, confused. "Come here." She was laughing too, as she led him to the hall closet, which she opened, revealing a full length mirror. "Look." Gerry did look, and what he saw was his own face on the body of a very pregnant woman. "What the fuck!?" he yelled. "Hey!" Stevie was offended by the word. "Watch your mouth! Is that any way for a woman in your condition to talk?" Suddenly, Taylor and Kate we're beside Gerry, still guffawing at how he looked. "I'm sorry." Taylor tried to control her breathing. "I really meant to bring a regular, high waisted, panty girdle over. My bad! This is a maternity girdle. A baby-belly-belt they call it. It gave me smooth lines and lots of support, but there's very little firmness in the front to avoid causing the baby any harm. I used to joke that this girdle made me look like a model from the back and ready to burst in the front - and look! It does the same for you. Nice tushy, bro!" "Very funny." Gerry was growing tired of being the brunt of their jokes. The girdle did left his excess flab on his rear end and on his pecs and pushed it into feminine forms, but what was very odd was the way that his pot belly was pushed forward into an imitation of the belly of a pregnant woman - and not just into a subtle baby-bump, but into the full, round belly of a woman who was six or seven months along. "I'll tell you what's not funny," Kate said seriously. "How well you fill out that bra! Look at yourself, Gerry. You really need to get a handle on your health. You have a wife and a niece to think about." As, if on cue, Mila began crying from her high chair. The poor thing felt alone, abandoned and afraid. "Oops." Taylor hurried down the hallway. "Mommy's coming." "Your mom's right, babe." Stevie shook her head. "Look at the size of these things." She said this last sentence as she cupped his newly defined breasts in their silk and lace cups, but instead of feeling disgusted, something in Stevie was suddenly titillated and excited. Huh. This was a new sensation! But she snapped back to reality when Taylor and the upset a Mila came back out into the hall. Taylor was bouncing her baby on her shoulder making shushing sounds, but the baby was upset and wanted comfort. When she saw her uncle, she lurched forward, almost pulling herself from her mother's grasp. Instinctively, Gerry reached out and took the child, laying her across his new, ample breast. Within seconds, she stilled and felt safe and happy again. "Well, now you look every bit the young, pregnant mother, Gerry," Kate snickered. "Maybe we're on to something, here." She stepped behind her son and pulled the scrunchie from his hair, allowing his hair to fall free. "Hmm. Pluck those messy eyebrows, apply a little make up and no one would ever mistake you for a man." Stevie snapped her fingers and excitedly shouted, "That's perfect!" "What's perfect?" Kate was surprised. "That your husband looking like a pregnant, little mommy?" "Yes." Stevie remained excited. "Well, no... I mean... the party with the other investment firms in our building! The Halloween party! This could be a great costume!" "It really could be," Taylor laughed. "You could be the husband... or just the baby-daddy... wear a suit, a short wig and a fake mustache. That might even win the grand prize." "What's the grand prize?" Gerry asked, actually interested in the conversation. "Just a trophy and, of course, bragging rights," Stevie laughed, "but no one from our firm has ever won. It would be cool to be able to brag about it to the other firms for a few weeks." By now, Mila was settling in and drifting away on Gerry's breast. Seemingly very happy with this newly designed uncle. "Well, we can discuss that later," Kate said with a bit of distaste, "but for now, could we cover up my... well... my PREGNANT son... or daughter, or whatever. I don't see any point in trying on a sports coat at this point. Gerry, I'm going to Atlanta tomorrow morning for a seminar and I won't be back till late on Sunday. Monday evening I'll take you out and we'll get you some clothing appropriate for work. Even if we have to spend a few hundred dollars on clothes, it'll be cheaper than hiring and training a temp." "Yeah, ok. I'll get changed." He started to hand Mila to her mother, but the child immediately started to fuss and another melt down was eminent. Taylor gently pushed the child back onto Gerry's breast and shoulder. "Wait until she's asleep. Then I'll take her." Stevie ducked into the bedroom and came out with a short, sheer jacket- type piece of clothing and slipped it onto Gerry's free shoulder, then carefully maneuvered it up his arm towards the shoulder on which Mila rested. When it was in place, the jacket covered the baby as well as Gerry. "Oh, what a pretty bed jacket," Kate gushed. "Where did you get this?" "It came with my bridal Lingerie. I wore it on our honeymoon and maybe a half dozen times, since." Suddenly, Gerry realized what he was wearing and glanced into the mirror. "Oh, for crying out loud," he grunted quietly as he saw the chaste-white, nearly transparent garment he wore. The lace and flowers of the all-in-one girdle were clearly visible through the sheer material, which was also trimmed in delicate, feminine lace. On tall, well muscled Stevie, the bed jacket only reached her waist and softened her physique a bit. On little, pudgy, faux-pregnant Gerry, the jacket reached mid thigh and when it's feminine designs hung from his small shoulder, it amplified the girlishness of his small shoulders, largish breasts, distended baby-belly and curved rear end. Kate took a sniff of the material of the bed jacket. "Oh, that's pretty. What is it?" Stevie took a whiff. "That's 'Flora' by Gucci. It's my favorite scent." "Oh, I like it. It's very feminine." Then she smiled at Gerry. "It suits you." "Hilarious," Gerry shook his head as he took Mila back into the kitchen and began the process of loading the coffee cups and plates onto the dishwasher while the women returned to the table and finished up their shop talk. "Well, I should get going," Kate announced as the time approached eight o'clock. "I have a car picking me up at five thirty tomorrow morning and I haven't even packed my overnight bag, yet." She said her goodbyes to her daughter and daughter-in-law, then gently kissed Mila's head, then, "Good night, Gerry." She kissed his cheek. "Honestly, I never thought I'd see my only son barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen with an infant asleep on his breast." She shook her head and laughed. Gerry refused to be baited into an argument with his mother, so he just smirked and nodded his head. "It's a new world, mom. Have a safe trip." "I guess it is. I'll see you Monday afternoon. We'll go get you some decent clothes. We'll take Mila with us." She leaned down and kissed his cheek. Not nearly as tall as the other two women, Kate was still five foot nine, very tall for a woman of her generation. As she ran her fingers through his long hair before turning to go, she thought, not for the first time, why wasn't Gerry taller? His father, God rest his soul, had been six foot four and a mass of impressive muscle. As strange as it seemed, seeing Gerry looking the way he did right now, Kate felt as if she was seeing him in his true form for the first time, ever. When Kate had departed, Taylor stood and took Mila from Gerry's shoulder. The child had been sound asleep for a good long while and didn't even stir more than just a cute little gurgle. "I should get this one to bed, I guess." She looked at her younger, little brother, hair down, looking more like a pregnant woman than she'd ever have suspected he could, and smiled. "I kind of like you like this, Ger. You're positively glowing!" He smiled and nodded, resigned to the playful ribbing. "Yeah, yeah, yeah." "Tomorrow's Saturday, so I'm taking Mila to the park for some fresh air and sunshine. I don't think she'll be back here till Monday." Gerry sighed and kissed the baby's head. "I'll miss her." Taylor kissed his cheek, again. "You'll survive." Stevie walked Taylor and Mila to the door, then waited on the stoop until the mother and child were safely in their own town house before locking the door and coming back into the living area, but Gerry wasn't in the kitchen as she expected. Nor was he in the office/nursery. "Gerry?" she called out. "In the bedroom," he called back. She found him in there rummaging through the drawers of his dresser, a pair of boxer shorts in one hand and pair of pajamas in the other. "What are you doing?" she asked. "Getting ready for bed." "Gerry, it's only eight o'clock." "I know, but if I'm going to get changed anyway, I may as well get ready for bed, then I can watch a movie or something with you." "Actually," Stevie entered the room and looked at her little husband before running her fingers through his hair, "I was wondering if I might be able to have a little fun with you before you got undressed?" "Fun?" Gerry was suspicious after his rather demeaning evening. "What kind of fun?" "Dress up fun. I was thinking about the costume party and I was just wondering if you'd let me try a little makeup on your face, maybe curl your hair just a little so I can see if the costume idea might work." "You're serious about that!?" "Of course I am, babe. You look almost perfect already. Imagine how perfect you'll be with a little tweaking. Come on. Let me try." "Stevie... I don't know about this..." "Oh, come on! Let me have a little fun." He sighed and was about to argue his case, but Stevie spoke before he could. "I'll make it worth your while." That got Gerry's attention. "Make it worth my while, how?" Stevie was surprised she'd need to explain. "I'll make it worth your while as in we'll have sex." She moved closer to him. "Just sex?" he teased. "Not JUST sex," she laughed as she caressed his body, soft in the bed jacket and sleek in the girdle. Then she gripped one of his new breasts in its satin, lace and Tricot and Spandex bra cup. "Hot. Passionate. Smoldering sex. I'll screw you so hard that you'll be waddling like a pregnant woman for a month." She bent and nibbled his ear sensuously. Gerry's eyes opened wide with shock at his wife's dirty talk, but then his knees went weak with the feeling of having her attacking his ear. "Ok, Stevie. I'm all yours." "That's my girl," she teased as she stood straighter and dragged him to her vanity, plugging in her curling iron as he took a seat. She began with the makeup. Some base, a little powder, blush, eye makeup, eyeliner, mascara, lip stick and sealant. "Your mom was right," Stevie said looking at his face critically. "We'll need to do something about your eyebrows before Halloween." Next, she had him bend over, his breasts between his knees, as she brushed out the underside of his hair. When he sat up again, he looked like a member of a hair-band from the 1980s, but Stevie began curling his hair with the curling iron, then taming all that she'd done with the brush, again. When she was finished, his hair was full and looking far more feminine than he would have liked, but still lacked real style. "This is just to see how it would look," she assured him. "You'll need to visit my stylist if we do this." Gerry sighed. "Aren't we getting a bit carried away, Stevie?" "Oh, come on. Let's have some fun with this. I know it's a petty little thing, but I'd really like to win the costume competition this year." Gerry just shook his head. She was too focused to think right now. He'd talk to her later. Stevie pulled a garment out of a drawer and handed it to her husband. "Just put this on to see how it all comes together." Gerry shook out the nightie and shook his head. It was just a plain white, nylon, sleeveless gown that hung loosely from the wearer's shoulders, draping in pleats. On Stevie, it was cute and sexy and hung to the top of her thighs. When Gerry put it on, it hung to just above his knees. Just a little lace accentuating his new found breasts. It could have been a lot worse. Stevie had a lot of sexy nighties. She had been merciful and chosen one of her plainer nighties. She was just being playful. "Oh, yeah, this could really work!" Stevie laughed as she guided him to the mirrored window on her closet door. "Seriously, Gerry... a more skilled makeup artist, a nice hair cut, get rid of that hair on your legs and armpits... I think you could be a perfect little pregnant mommy. I like it, don't you?" Gerry just shook his head. "It's fine, if that's what you want to do for Halloween. I guess I can survive one night like this." "Atta girl!" Stevie laughed and hugged him. "Ohh, you really do have quite a rack there, babe." "Very funny," he said as their hug ended. "Help me out of this, stuff, will you?" Stevie held him at arms' length for a moment and smiled sexily. "Hmmm.... What if we kept them on for just a little while, longer?" With that said, she leaned over and kissed the nape of his neck and gave it just the littlest nibble. She ran her hand along his smooth, baby belly and towards his now-smooth crotch. "Let me spend a little time with my girlfriend. Ooh, just feel how smooth you are down there. Nothing for me to grab and play with. I guess I'll have to be content to suck on these." She squeezed his left breast, causing Gerry to let out a surprisingly feminine gasp. "Feels good, doesn't it?" It did and it didn't make any sense that it should. Maybe it was just the heightened excitement of this sex game, but suddenly, more than anything, he wanted Stevie to play with his breasts. "It feels great," he whispered. "And we're just getting started, little girl," Stevie said in a hoarse, wicked whisper. "On the bed with you, my pregnant princess, and let me have my way with you." Their lips never lost contact as Gerry backed towards the bed. He laid back and Stevie followed him, her lips working down his his neck to the straps that held the bra portion of the belly-belt/girdle. She covered that exposed cleavage with kisses both gentle and forceful as she spread his legs, knees up, and she slide her excited, probing tongue into the cups of his bra. The more she teased his breasts, the faster his breathing became, making his chest rise and fall, making both of them more and more excited. Stevie pulled the bra cup back, exposing his nipple, which she gave a little bite, causing Gerry to let out a shocked gasp as his hands wrapped around her strong shoulders. "Feels good to be a girl, doesn't it Gerry? To have someone nibble you like this." She did it again. "Yes," he whispered, not wanting her to stop. "I don't know why I never noticed your pretty boobies before. They're so nice and womanly. I love the way that they fit into the lace cups of the bra. So plump and full. You're going to be able to feed a slew of babies with these." In his excitement, Gerry could barely fathom what Stevie was saying, but he began grinding his crotch against his wife, trying desperately to find some satisfaction for his tool, which was bent backwards in the gusset of his pregnancy girdle. "That's right, angel." She kissed the nipple and began rubbing his other nipple through the lace covered cup of the bra. "Rut against me like a little whore. You look like a perfect little mommy, but I know there's a wildcat under that fa?ade, isn't there?" Gerry was lost in too many overwhelming, erotic feelings to say anything beyond a few gasps and grunts. Stevie pushed her knee hard against Gerry's crotch as he rutted and her lips and tongue worked his nipples. His face was red with exertion when finally his tucked penis fired string after string of cum toward his rear end, and his body spasmed in an attempt to prolong the ecstasy he was feeling. He clenched his wife with his arms and locked his legs around her waist, bucking as much as he could, but soon it subsided and he relaxed, wide-eyed and spent. Stevie smiled at him. "You just came and I didn't so much as touch your little guy. I think you like being my pretty, pregnant wifey, don't you?" She stood beside the bed and offered him a hand. When he rose, he headed toward the lavatory, but Stevie pulled him back. "Where do you think you're going, little lady?" "To the bathroom, to clean up and take these clothes off." "Uh Uh." She had that smile, again. "You may have climaxed, sweetie, but you need to keep your husband happy, too." Gerry looked down at his nightie and his breasts contained within and tried to work out how he was going to satisfy his wife with his penis still imprisoned in the girdle/baby-belt. He looked back up at Stevie who smiled and guided his hand to the waistband of her skirt and pushed three fingers into the space between her blouse and skirt. "Don't worry, baby," she giggled, "I know that a lot of girls lose their sex drive when they're in a family way, so I'm going to let you get away with just giving me a blowjob." Still confused, since neither of them had ever offered the other any form of oral sex, Stevie took his other hand and, with her help, she guided her skirt to the ground, where she stepped out of it. "Now what?" he asked. "Seriously?" She giggled. "What don't you understand? I want a blowjob, so... on your knees, pretty lady." Her smile was intoxicating. Still aroused and wanting to keep the festivities moving, he knelt tentatively in front of Stevie. She was still wearing the two inch pumps that she wore to work and the skirt of her full slip hung from below her blouse to just above her knees. "Now, reach under my slip and pull off my panties." She was enjoying this. She'd always been the bigger member of the married couple, but she'd never really been all that aggressive. Now, she still wasn't being all that pushy, but seeing her husband being so submissive... it was just awesome. Gerry was feeling lost in a wash of submissive feelings. As a small man, he tended to avoid being in situations that made him feel even less tall than he was. He was used to Stevie's modest heels and her natural height, but kneeling before her was different. He was not her equal like this. He was her supplicant and he didn't mind. He pulled the soft, silky panties down and guided them past her shoes. "Now," she slowly raised her slip to expose her vagina, "suck my dick." He actually felt scared to try, but right now, she was his mistress, so he leaned in and gently licked her little nub. "That's it." She shivered. "Keep it up, baby. Make your big man happy." She looked down and could not believe the scene before her. It was Gerry, but he was on his knees and servicing her. His hair was fluffed out and he was wearing a soft, white nightie - and, when he pulled himself closer to her legs, she felt the most wonderful feeling imaginable! He husbands big breasts pressed softly against her legs. She had gone to heaven and she remained there for another hour and a half. XXXX Stevie's phone rang. It was still dark out and it was Saturday morning! Who would be calling her at this time of the morning!? It was from Taylor. Oh, God! Something must have happened to the baby! "Hello!?" She was sitting up, legs over the side, adrenaline pumping as she spoke. She listened for a few moments, then said, "Oh, thank God! I thought that something was wrong with Mila or you. Just give me five minutes to get dressed and I'll be right out." She listened for another moment as she headed to the lavatory. "Of course. Bring her right over." She stopped at Gerry's side of the bed and shook him awake. "Gerry," she said. "Babe, wake up." He shook his head as he looked around. "What? What is it?" "Your mom's car to the airport didn't show up. She called and it was in an accident, so Taylor's driving her. She wants me to go with her." "Oh... ok." He started to lay his head back down, but Stevie interrupted him. "Taylor's bringing Mila over to stay with you while we're gone. Get up!" Just then, there was a knock on the door. "There she is, babe!" She was sliding a pair of jeans up her legs. "Go get Mila." Still dazed by sleep, Gerry jumped up and hustled to the door. He turned on the front room's light, partially blinding and disorienting him as he ran to the front of the house, and pulled the door wide, expecting to see his sister. "Hi," he said, breathlessly, as he reached to take the child, but he was surprised to see that it was his mother dropping off the baby. The baby was grumpy, having been awakened and hustled out the door, so Gerry immediately began to bounce and sway, "Oh, it's ok, Mila. Uncle Gerry has you. You can go right back to sleep." He smiled at his mother, but she scowled back at him. "What?" he asked. "Is this going to be a new lifestyle for you then?" she asked with a bit of disgust in her voice. He looked confused, then looked down and realized what he was wearing. "Oh, my God! No! This is... This is..." At that moment, Stevie arrived and broke into laughter. "Oh, my goodness," she chuckled. "No. This is just some harmless, marital fun." "I see," Kate remained unamused. "Come on," Stevie continued to laugh as she pushed past Gerry and Mila, kissing each on the cheek, "we should go." "Yes," his mother scoffed, "perhaps we should." She shook her head as she followed Stevie out the door. When the door had closed, Gerry continued to gently sway and bounce Mila to sooth her, but he also sighed and shook his head. In a very maternal voice, he cooed to the baby, "I think Uncle Gerry is in some pretty deep poo poo with grandma. Yes, he is. Yes, he is." XXX It was just past noon when Stevie and Taylor entered quietly through the front door, careful not to be noisy in case Mila was asleep - and she was. They found her nuzzled against her uncle's shoulder as he also slept on the couch. He was upright with the recliner-footrest extended and snoring quietly. He had showered and was wearing a plain tee shirt and brown plaid, flannel, lounge pants. The women laid their bags on the small bench by the door and moved quietly to look at the baby and uncle. "Aren't they adorable together?" Taylor smiled. "My baby brother and my baby girl. Maybe it's just my mommy brain playing games with me, but it melts my heart." Stevie laughed. "That's just because you're still producing all those mommy hormones. They are cute together, though. I think Mila misses his boobies. She seemed to enjoy them last night and this morning." "Yeah," Taylor sat on a nearby loveseat, "I bet she misses them. I bet he does, too." She chuckled. Stevie sat next to her, "God knows I do." She shook her head and chuckled, too. "You're kidding, aren't you?" Stevie shrugged. "Yes and no. I mean, I'm not a lesbian - I tried that in college with Maryanne Polanski..." "You didn't!?" Taylor was shocked. "Just a couple of weeks. We roomed together when the team was on the road in our sophomore year." "You never told me that." "Well... She was gorgeous, you know. Taller than me, long black hair and so much confidence. What can I say? She seduced me and I gave it a try." "Didn't like it?" "I liked parts of it. Her tongue in my twat... ahh... heaven. My tongue in hers... no thank you! Turned me off from oral sex forever... until last night..." Taylor waited for more information on that subject, but when nothing came she asked, "What happened last night?" Stevie blushed. "Well... while I had Gerry in that nightie that mom was talking about... I got him to..." she let out an embarrassed sigh, "to perform conalingus on me." Taylor smiled, giggled and flushed just a little. "Well, good for you. Fred went down on me a few times. I liked it. Did Gerry complain?" Stevie shook her head. "No. I think he liked it." "And did you like it?" "Are you kidding? Having my husband dressed and made up as a woman and kneeling before me, the lace trim of my slip dripping over his head like a bride's veil...? I've never felt so powerful before. I loved every second of it." "Powerful of masculine?" Stevie pondered this for a moment. "Both, I guess." At that moment, Mila gurgled and lifted her head, causing her uncle to open his eyes too. He looked at the waking child and whispered in a maternal tone, "Oh, we're waking up. Did we have a good sleep? Huh? I bet we did." When he turned and saw his wife and sister sitting on the loveseat smiling at him, he blushed, just a bit, realizing how his baby-talk must have sounded. "Hi. I didn't hear you come in. How long have you been here?" "Just a couple of minutes," Taylor said. "We were watching the two of you sleeping. Honestly, Gerry, of the two of us, I think you make a better mommy. You're so good with her. I swear, sometimes I don't think that you really have any 'Y' chromosomes in your whole body. Thank you for being such a good uncle and babysitter." "Ha." Gerry shook his head as he stood with Mila still happily snuggling his shoulder. "Judging by my sperm-count-and-activity, you may be right about those chromosomes." When he'd turned his back to them and headed to the kitchen, the women looked each with a 'what was that all about' look. They heard the refrigerator open and close, then the microwave oven being used for a minute or so. A little bit of fussing and a lot of cooing to the baby and Gerry returned to the living room with Mila cradled in his arms, sucking contentedly on a bottle of breast milk. "I could have just fed her," Taylor said. Gerry just sighed and shook his head. "So, what did mom have to say about how I looked this morning?" "Oh, that's what you're upset about," Taylor smiled. "Nothing much, really. She did compliment your busy line, though." "I'm sure she did," he shook his head. Gerry loved his mother dearly and she had been very generous towards both of her children, giving them each the downpayment for their condos just after college, helping him start his own business and giving Stevie opportunities that she never expected, but appearances were everything to her. Gerry knew that he'd let himself go of late and that he needed to get his pudgy butt to a gym, but he was now afraid that he'd opened himself up to a whole new avenue of criticism from his mother. The disappointed 'tsk' that she uttered as she left this morning was enough for him to realize that he had not heard the end of the conversation. "No, really," Stevie said. "Once I explained that we were just trying to see if the pregnant mom look would work as a Halloween costume and that we just got playful, she was fine." Gerry looked skeptical. "And after I explained that seeing you like that excited my latent lesbian tendencies and I couldn't help myself, she seemed to understand completely," Stevie said in all seriousness, but it caused Taylor to fall into her friend's shoulder laughing. "Yeah, yeah, very funny." Gerry shook his head. "You did look very cute, honey," Stevie said as she stood, crossed to the couch and kissed his cheek. "And very pregnant." Taylor laughed some more. Gerry smirked, nodded his head, but remained focused on Mila. "Hilarious." "Ok," Stevie grabbed a bag, "we stopped at Goodwill on the way home and picked up a couple of maternity dresses for you to try on, so we can see what fits." Gerry gave a tired shake of his head. "Seriously? After what happened this morning, you expect me to dress up again?" "Oh, come on, don't be that way," Stevie teased, as she sat beside him on the couch. "We can win this costume party, but we need to make sure that you have properly fitting clothes. Come on! It'll be fun, I promise." "Stevie," Gerry was obviously not in favor of this game, "my mother will be there. I don't want this to become a 'big thing,' you know?" Stevie's shoulders shrugged in disappointment. "I know she will, babe, but it's Halloween. Everyone dresses up for Halloween. I guarantee you there will be at least a half dozen other guys there in dress - probably more than one looking pregnant, but you can win the whole thing, babe. Come on. Pleeeeeease? I really want to win." "Besides," Taylor moved to sit on the other side of him on the couch, "I'll run interference between you and mom. Once she realizes that she could end up getting the better of some of the other business people that attend the Halloween party, she'll get on board. I promise." Gerry shook his head. He hated conflict and, to be honest, last night was pretty amazing. "Alright, but let me finish feeding Mila, first." "You know," Taylor watched her brother feeding her daughter, "now that we've discovered that your breasts are big enough to pass as a woman's, maybe we should see if they're up to the task of nursing." "Alright, that's enough of that," Gerry shook his head, but it did make him wonder. He smiled at the child. XXX They'd bought him a new belly-belt and a more supportive bra, which was a good thing since he'd had no time to do the laundry and the one-piece he'd worn last night was pretty smelly from their playtime. If anything, though, the new and better fitting belly-belt forced his belly into a more prominent position in front of him and the better fitting, long- line bra, lifted his breasts higher. "No," Taylor said as she inspected him in the new foundation garments. "Too much hair. We need to do something about that." "Like a hair cut?" Gerry asked sarcastically. "No," she raised his arm, "like shaving your body. We'll have your hair done when we get closer to the date of the party." "Oh, for crying out loud," Gerry put his hands on his hips and stomped his foot, "I am not shaving my body." "No, you don't have to," Stevie hustled into the lavatory and returned with a small, pink and white bottle. "I have Veet." "Great!" Taylor beamed. "What's Veet?" Gerry took the bottle from his wife. "Hair Removal Cream!? No thank you." "Look, Gerry," Stevie smiled, "you can't very well be hairy and pregnant, right? Pregnant women glow. You can't glow through arm and leg hair. We need to get rid of that nasty hair so that your skin can glow through for everyone to see. It don't hurt at all. We just rub it on, wait six minutes and you shower away your hair." "Forever?" "Of course not," Taylor laughed. "It starts coming back in ten days or a couple of weeks. You'll have to do it again at least once more before the party, but it should be growing back by Christmas." "Come on, babe. Be a sport about this. Do this for me, then, after Halloween, I'll help you get back into shape, ok? It's just a little hair. It grows back." Stevie pleaded with her husband, who she knew would cave into her. "Oh, alright," he muttered, resigned to whatever Stevie wanted to do. "You're the best, babe!" She hugged him and pulled him into the lavatory. Fifteen minutes later, Gerry emerged from the lavatory with out a hair on his body below his eyebrows. Stevie had even insisted on using the Veet on his beard, which was not particularly thick, anyway. The girls helped him back into the baby-belt and bra and, this time, when Taylor inspected him, she said, "Yes, that's much better. You should be sure and use skin cream for now, though. It'll even out your skin tone and make your skin look beautiful. Of course, we'll need to get him some maternity panties. Those tightie-whities look pretty silly on a pregnant woman." "What difference does it make?" Gerry shrugged. "No one's going to see my underwear The first dress that Stevie pulled out of a bag was mint green with bright red flowers, three quarter sleeves and cinched just under his breasts. It was made of a very soft chiffon and had a modest, scoop neck. "It's pretty short, isn't it?" Gerry asked when he realized that the hem sat a good three inches above his knees. "Not at all," Stevie said. "Just because a girl is pregnant doesn't mean that she shouldn't show off her legs." "And you have great legs, Gerry," Taylor said. "I'm not kidding." "Here, try these on," Stevie knelt and slipped a pair of white, two inch heeled, open toed pumps on his feet. "Wow, those give your legs some great definition. You're a babe, babe!" "Come sit at the vanity," Stevie patted the stool. "I'm going to do your hair a little differently than I did yesterday and Taylor's going to do your makeup." As he sat, Stevie brushed and pulled and used a curling iron on his hair while Taylor applied and brushed and blended. A few eyebrows were plucked and a few clouds of hair spray filled the room and the woman chattered and offered suggestions while Gerry sat still, his head spinning. "Give me that head band, will you?" Taylor handed Stevie a headband the same mint green color as the dress, but it had a large white bow on it, too. Stevie carefully pulled Gerry's hair through the band and placed it so that the bow was just a bit to the right of the center of Gerry's head. Finally, the women stepped back and admired their creation. "Just about perfect, I'd say." Taylor smiled. "She is, isn't she? You know, some women are just more beautiful when they're expecting." Stevie teased and smiled, then kissed Gerry's cheek. "Well, she certainly is." Taylor agreed. "Would you like to see how you look?" "Yeah," Gerry feigned indifference, but with all of the fussing over him that had taken place over the last forty-five minutes, he was curious. Stevie offered a hand to help him up, which, with all of his belly fat pressed into a ball in front of him, was a bit of a chore. He looked in the mirror and was very surprised to see what looked like Taylor's smaller, pregnant little sister in a pretty, mint green dress with a matching headband and a floofy white bow just off center of her head. His hair was a little darker, Taylor's was always a bit lighter due to the amount of time she spent in the sun, but the girl in the mirror had a very similar face. "Not bad, huh?" Stevie smiled. "We can definitely win with you dressed this way, babe. We just need to get you acting more feminine and we're a shoe-in." Just then, Mila's voice came through the baby monitor. "Oops," Taylor smiled, "her highness is awake. I'm going to take her home, ok? Come on over for lunch, tomorrow. I'll make some spaghetti or something like that. I'll bake some garlic bread and make a good dessert. I owe you guys a nice meal." "Sounds great!" Stevie smiled, "but do you mind if my hubby comes in his 'Susie Homemaker' clothes? I think we need to keep up our training all weekend if we're going to get this costume just right." "Seriously?" Gerry complained. "You want me to be dressed like this all weekend?" "I do, and while we're all up and moving, I'm going to leave with Taylor and Mia and go to the Motherhood store at the mall and grab you a few pairs of panties to complete your ensemble." "Panties!?" "Of course, Gerry. Expectant mommies wear panties not men's briefs, but don't worry, I'll get you some very macho maternity panties. I guarantee you'll love them." XXX The panties were all soft and silky and dripping with lace. They were very comfortable, unsettlingly comfortable in fact, but they didn't stay on very long. Within the first hour after he'd put them on, he'd been on his knees to service Stevie's vagina twice and she'd given him a brief, but exciting, hand job through the soft, feminine material of the panties. After a rest to reinvigorate the little guy in his panties, Stevie pulled the them off of him, raised his knees and knelt between them. Gently, she guided his penis into her while he remained in the prone position. "Oh," she breathed. "What?" Gerry asked from below her. "It just feels... different this way." She began to thrust her pelvis towards Gerry. Slowly at first "Ahh," she gasped. "Different good?" "Different amazing. Oh, God, this just feels so, so awesome." "It does," Gerry was gasping, now. With his penis bent at this angle, he was feeling friction in places he'd never felt it before. "Oh, yeah, this is amazing." Stevie would speed up and slow down and take shallow thrusts followed by deep thrusts, but it wasn't just the new position of Gerry's tool, it was her new position. The sensations from her groin were smooth and elegant and exciting, but she was controlling it in a way that she'd never done before. She could control the speed and depth and destination of each thrust. The feelings emanating from her core were feelings that she created, that she controlled, that she could work any way she wanted. This was what it was like to be the dominant partner. This was what it was like to be on top. This was what it was like to be a man. And she liked it. XXX "We're here!" Stevie called as she and Gerry entered Taylor's townhouse, just next door to theirs. "We're in the kitchen," Taylor called back. "Come on in, but be prepared to step over the debris. I've been trying to get Mila to eat and it's a losing battle and Mila is... Oh, my! You look absolutely adorable!" When Taylor turned around and saw her little brother, hair and makeup done even better than yesterday, wearing a knee length, white Cotton dress covered in red roses with the same under the breast cinch and tiny, cap sleeves, she nearly swooned. With just a little bit of cleavage showing, he was the very picture of expectant motherhood. ?Doen?t she, though?? Stevie teased, but in fact, she was very proud of how she?d gotten her husband to look. ?I think that floral patterns make her look even more delicate, don?t you? I think I?ll be keeping her in floral prints for the duration.? Gerry just chose to ignore the two woman and focused on the condition of his niece. ?What on earth is going on here?? He said to Taylor in a scolding voice. ?You?re letting her just splash her food all over the place? You can?t do that! Tomorrow she?ll come to my house and do the same thing! I?m not spending all day mopping up my kitchen floor just because you can?t discipline your child!? He didn?t stop because he?d finished his rant. He stopped because he heard the girls laughing at him. ?What?s so funny?? ?Oh, nothing, mother,? Taylor laughed. He shook his head and grabbed a wash cloth from a drawer and wet it as he set about cleaning up the strained-carrot covered little girl in the high chair. ?She?s right, babe,? Stevie laughed. ?You sound just like your mother! Wait, say, ?A business woman dresses appropriately for the workplace.? That?s one of her greatest hits!? He shook his head once more and squatted to wipe up some of the mess on the high chair legs and floor. ?Honest to God, you two are absolutely useless with this child.? The women squealed in laughter at that. ?Wait, wait,? Taylor said as she opened the tall cabinet in the kitchen. ?You?ll ruin your pretty dress. Here.? She handed him a full length apron, also floral, but with birds and music notes and staves embroidered onto it as well. Gerry?s first response was to laugh at the garment, but he knew how messy feeding Mila could be when she was fussy, so he stood, slipped his head through the neck strap and attempted to tie it around his body, which proved to be impossible. ?Here,? Stevie offered, ?I?ll tie it in the back for you,? and she tied a big, pretty bow. ?It?s very pretty, Taylor, and we wouldn?t want her to get anything on her new dress. Thank you.? ?You?re welcome.? While Taylor and Stevie busied themselves preparing the spaghetti dinner for the adults, Gerry pulled a chair up beside the high chair, opened up a new jar of baby food and began placing small spoonfuls into the baby?s mouth. Within moments, Mila was happily eating, being the perfect little girl that she always was for her Uncle Gerry. When they sat for dinner, Mila remained by Gerry who kept her entertained with tastes of tomato sauce and Cheerios. Dessert was strawberry buckle, Taylor?s specialty, and vanilla ice cream. Taylor and Stevie chatted about work while Gerry cooed to his niece and let her taste the ice cream and strawberry. ?Gerry,? Taylor called to him, rousing him from his conversations with the infant. ?Huh?? ?Do you have any idea how adorable you are like that? I mean, I?m not just talking about the boobs and belly and dress, I mean the way that you are with Mila. I watch you with her and I wonder where this new Gerry came from. As a kid, you were always so isolated in the room with your computers, but you?re amazing with her. You have more maternal instincts than I have. I really envy how wonderful you are with her.? Gerry blushed a bit. He loved praise of any kind, but in essence, his sister was saying that he was a good mommy and that was a bit embarrassing. ?Thanks, I guess. The truth is, before Mila arrived, I never would have thought that I was any good at this kind of thing either, but from the minute I first saw her... I guess I just wanted to take care of her.? Taylor nodded, then looked at Stevie. ?How?s the adoption process coming?? Stevie shrugged. ?Slow as ever. We?ve filled out the paperwork, had three interviews, talked about age options, sibling options, blah, blah, blah, but in the end, we?re just left waiting and wondering.? ?And you don?t want to pursue artificial insemination or anything like that?? ?There?s no point,? Gerry stood, wiped his hands on the skirt of the apron and pulled Mila from the highchair. ?The doctors said that what little sperm I produce isn?t very active. So, to inseminate one of Stevie?s eggs, we?d need a surrogate father. A sperm donor. It wouldn?t be any more our baby than an adopted baby, so why not give a good life to a child that?s already in need, rather than spending all that money?? Trying to be funny, Taylor said, ?Gerry, they?ve checked everything, right? I mean, now that we?ve seen you like this... are they sure that you don?t have a uterus in there somewhere?? Taylor and Gerry had been verbal sparing partners since Gerry turned seven and Taylor was eleven. They were always playfully harsh and sarcastic, but that remark hit Gerry hard and his face showed his hurt. ?Oh, honey,? Stevie sat forward, ?she was only teasing. She didn?t mean anything by that.? ?I know,? Gerry sniffed then handed the baby to Taylor. ?Here. You take Mila, please. I?ll do the dishes.? ?No, no, Gerry,? Taylor grabbed his arm, ?I didn?t mean to upset you. I was really just complimenting you and trying to be funny. I?m sorry, Gerry. Just sit back down. I?ll do the dishes.? ?No, that?s ok,? he sighed. ?I mean, I might as well finish my ?training? by doing housework. After all, I?m already wearing the apron.? ?Gerry...? Stevie tried to steer things back to the happy dinner they were having. ?I mean,? Gerry started running water into the sink, ?after all, Taylor is the more masculine of my mother?s children. She?s taller than me, a better athlete than me, her hair is shorter and she?s had more living sperm in her body than I ever will.? ?Well, that was kind of gross,? Taylor grimaced, but still amused by what Gerry had said. ?Gerry,? Stevie gathered something dishes together, ?let me help you.? ?No, I?m fine,? he insisted. ?Look, there are four people in this kitchen and only one of us is wearing a dress.? ?Actually, there?s five people in this room,? a voice spoke from the doorway, surprising everyone. ?But you?re correct ? only one is wearing a dress.? ?Mom,? Taylor said shocked. ?You weren?t supposed to be home till midnight tonight.? ?Yes,? she said, imperiously, ?but the seminar was a useless bore, so I came home earlier. I?m sorry if I disrupted some sort of... well, I can?t imagine what this could possibly be. Gerry, is there anything you?d like to tell me?? ?Um,? Stevie gave a nervous laugh as she tried to explain, ?you see, Kate, I thought that we?d win that contest for sure if Gerry did a little, well, training on the weekends until the party. So, this was our first time out of our house, coming over here. I figured that, maybe, if Gerry got used to being a feminine little, pregnant woman over the next few weeks, he?d feel better about going out the night of the party. See?? ?Uh Huh,? Kate grunted judgmentally. ?What I ?see? is my daughter and daughter-in-law looking fit and and trim and well kept in casual slacks and blouses, my beautiful granddaughter looking adorable in a Miami Marlin?s onesie and my slovenly son looking better than he has since his wedding, but sadly looking like he?s seven months pregnant. It?s a lot to process.? ?It is really just for the party, mom.? Taylor stood with Mila still on her shoulder and kissed her mother?s cheek. ?Nothing more than that. Welcome home.? ?Yes, well, thank you, but I thought I?d drop in and see my children and granddaughter, but this is all too tiring to deal with right now. I will leave all of you ladies to enjoy your evening. Gerry... or Geraldine... or Gerrianne, or whatever you want to be called when you?re dressed this way... don?t forget that I?ll be coming to pick you up tomorrow afternoon to take you shopping for decent clothes for you to wear to the office on Tuesday. Please be ready and have Mila dressed nicely, too. Goodnight.? She turned abruptly and left as the others uttered a quiet ?goodnight? behind her. ?Great,? Gerry muttered as he turned to the sink full of dishes, pots and pans, knowing that his shopping trip tomorrow, which was already going to be filled with comments about his hair and weight, was now going to be filled with uncomfortable conversations about what his mother had just seen.

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Earths CoreChapter 13 Bizarre Friend

"Fine, let me hear your offer. So long that it's as you say, not excessive and can also benefit me, I'm willing to listen". That much receptiveness Zax agreed to give Carl. "Hahaha..." If the two were any closer, Carl would have pat Zax on the back. "You won't regret it, well ... only if you'll disagree, but that will be after a long time, when you'll realize your mistake". Carl phrased himself sensibly to not make it sound as if he was threating Zax and also to plant the seed of...

4 years ago
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Coming Down From the Mountain

A little about myself, my name is Charles, I grew up like most boys did in a little town in the 60's and 70's. In the summers I would play outside all day, only coming home to eat and sleep. I was in Cub Scouts then Boy Scouts, went fishing and hunting. When I turn fifteen like most boys I started to work so I could get my first car. The only real work around us was the farms that were all around the town. Like most kids in town I couldn't wait to move away and make it big but also like most...

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He helps an older bbw coworker celebrate her birt

Becky and I work for the same company, but in different departments. Both of us had worked our way up the ladder from seasonal employees to full time management. Becky stood about 5'-3" and was a raven haired BBW. She had a nice big ass, and her tits were big, but not huge. Becky wore her hair shoulder length and sometimes would get it cut in one of those "Dorothy Hamil" style haircuts that I liked. Her skin was olive tone, and she would really get dark in the summer. Even though she was ten...

1 year ago
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interesting walk

true story just happenedi was out for a my usual morning walk. I had taken care to dress in the my short black and white dress. the one with the diamond heart on the front. i had on my sheer leggings over blue bikini panties. shortly after talking with some of the others gurls in the area, i was approached by a black man saying he loved my slim build and long legs. we chatted a bit and i continued my walk with him pressing me to spend some time with him. he told me how big his cock was and...

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Its shemale BDSM humiliation time

I put a board with a hole in it over your lap and legs then I pull your cock and balls throw the hole and make you wear it like a cockring while laying on your back then I tie up your legs and hands to your bed then I put a gag in your mouth then I shoe and put it on your cock then I twist it with my foot against the wood and with my other foot I step on your nuts making you cry in pain then as I'm doing this I smack you in the face yelling at you to shut up and don't cry you little Sissy BITCH...

2 years ago
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Jappartiens Snake dsormais

Brian est appel? en Irak Ch 1 Coulybaca /? Vulgus Le texte de Vulgus ?tant tr?s long, je me suis permis de le diviser en plusieurs parties afin d?en faciliter la lecture  Premier chapitre : drogu?e, viol?e, film?e.  Pour la premi?re fois depuis le dpart de Brian pour l'Irak,? je m'accordais une petite sortie. Son unit? de la garde nationale avait ?t?e appel?e pour une p?riode de service actif, et, avant m?me que nous r?alisions, il ?tait partit en Irak. Cela faisait trois maintenant mois qu'il ?tait parti et je crevais d'en...

4 years ago
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The Benefits of FriendsChapter 25 The Prom

The day after the barbecue, I asked my Dad to do me a favour. I got him to help me rent a room at the hotel in which the prom was taking place. He didn't ask me many questions, simply assuming that some kind of party would be taking place. Of course, now that the day had arrived, he also knew that we were engaged, and it was obvious how the hotel room would be used. He had made the reservations through the hotel chain's web site, so that part of the preparations was easily...

2 years ago
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He Demon

As they say about the merits of iron versus wooden lawn furniture, "No rust for the wicker." Right in the middle of writing a gargoyle, I read an article in a newspaper that gives me an idea for another gargoyle. Since it's a Halloween-ish sort of story ("Halloweeny" sounds like a cocktail hot dog you give out to trick-or-treaters), I decided to write it now. Hope you enjoy, and YES, this was inspired by a _true_ story. More about that after the story. By the way, this story has been...

3 years ago
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Strict Owners Daughter part 2

My name is Angie and I worked in a butcher’s shop where Janine, the owner’s daughter, ruled the place. A few weeks ago I was made to witness and take part in the spanking of Jim, the 17 year old Saturday lad. She made him strip off and used the cane on his bum and a springy plastic ruler on his cock to teach him to control himself. When he came into work the following Saturday he looked down when he saw me and was clearly embarrassed so I did my best to put him at ease. I reassured him that...

2 years ago
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Too Good To Be True in Vegas

Camryn was so looking forward to this long weekend in Vegas, and traveling with two of her favorite gal pals would make the experience even more enjoyable. Camryn saw this trip as an opportunity to relax and have a little fun without having to worry about work or about the strange twists and turns her sex life had taken recently. As she and her friends arrived at the ‘Mirage’, they didn’t notice that they were being observed by a distinguished looking man in the hotel lobby. The man took out...

1 year ago
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My initiation as a BBC Slut

My initiation into becoming a BBC Slut came about in small steps. To the outside I was June Cleaver with a pearl necklace. In our bedroom we talked about fantasies that grew into watching videos. That’s how the idea of being given to Black men was born. One summer we decided to take a small vacation without the kids. We packed my with my mom and went to tour Napa Wineries. As we went from one wine tasting room to another, I noticed a good looking black gentleman who seemed to be with our group....

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old man in grocery store part 3

After about 2 weeks of meeting Dave, I decided to give him a call. Since meeting him, I realized I thought of him more and more while I jerked off. I couldn't believe I'm getting these feelings again especially for someone I don't even know. I called him up and he said, "I thought you'd never call " and told me he wanted me to try a new recipe. I said sure and told him Saturday is good for me so he gave me directions to his place which wasn't that far.I had many emotions running through my head...

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Housewives and Cheerleaders Chapter 62

Things had just started to get really interesting – Jessica had managed to get Rose to go down on Rebecca, and was moving into position to straddle Rebecca’s face – when there was a loud ringing. Lifting her head from her friend’s crotch, Rose located her phone and studied it for a few seconds.“It’s my uncle,” said Rose. “He’ll be wondering where we are.”And with that the moment was over – Jessica knew there was no sense pushing her luck and having this uncle coming snooping around. She helped...

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Big Sister is Horny

Big Sister is Horny - Parts 1-30 by Eros (c) 1993 Part 1. Mindy Masters lay stretched out on her bed wearing nothing but a yawn. It was a scorching hot summer day, not to mention boring. Mindy was wondering how in the world she was going to make it through a whole long, hot summer without a man. Mindy, a petite 20-year-old brunette, was home for the summer and separated from her boyfriend, Vince, who'd had to return to his own home town hundreds of miles away. Vince had given her plenty of...

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Beauregard Duvahl a Southern GentlemanChapter 9

Beau decided that he had to hang around until the baby was born. Both John and Elsie had urged him to do so, and he was easy to convince. Life on the farm was a whole lot like it had been back in Alabama when he had been growing up. He'd lived in a big family with no slaves, so he was used to doing the necessary farm work. He found that he actually enjoyed the work because it reminded him of his very pleasant childhood. Elsie had a midwife lined up, and she lived only about three miles...

3 years ago
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Meri Choot

Hello indian sex stories dot net dosto me jiya hu.Ye kahani bilkul sach h.Aisa aur bhi kisi k saath hota hoga.Me khud mehsus ki hu.Mere family me 4 log h mummy arun me aur varun. Ab mujhse meri chhote bhai varun ki tadap dekhi nhi jati.Raat raat bhar jagta rehta kabhi mobile to kabhi laptop.Subah uthane jati to pura bistar bikhra hua hota jaise raat bhar sirf karwat badala ho.Bhai ek chhoti si chaddi pehna hota aur uska tight lund saaf dikhta mujhe.Lekin me roz ignore karte rehti.Varun ko utha...

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