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‘We KNOW from our sources, that their Matriarch has the satellite in her residence. We are also fairly certain that her people have not figured out our how to retrieve the information it contains. They need the encryption code. The problem, of course, is that the longer they have the satellite the closer to having that encryption key they get. We can NOT allow that to happen.. Combined with what they already know, perhaps … Unfortunately, the Matriarch’s palace has some sort of shielding so we can’t erase its contents remotely. We can’t risk exposing any of our planet based sources, so we need someone on the ground who can get close enough to that satellite to initiate its computer into erasing all of it data. Agent Dawn Richards, this is where you come in.’
The beautiful blonde secret agent met the intense gaze of her boss, Supervisor Yanick. Already the implications of this assignment were causing her mind to spin in several directions at once.
‘I see, boss,’ said as her bright blue eyes flashed with intensity, ‘you need me on the ground to enter the palace, to erase the data on the satellite and get the hell out of there. I assume we will be using as little violence as possible. How are you going to get me into the palace?’
‘We finagled an invitation for you to her annual Goddess and Slave Ball. You’ll be working with Sullivan on this case.’ replied the portly man on the other side of the desk.
‘What, boss?’ Doesn’t it make sense for me to work alone?’ she asked earnestly.
‘Not in this case, a solitary woman is bound to raise suspicion, but a Goddess of the Matriarchy, traveling with her collared and caged submissive male in tow, won’t bat an eye. Sullivan’s been briefed. Or rather,’ said Yanick, ‘in this case debriefed’ He took a moment to chuckle at his own joke before he returned a sober expression to his face and stated, ‘Because of the sensitive relationship between the Matriarchy and the Federation, we can not risk sending more than two agents. There is nothing directly tracing the spy satellite to us but IF they can decode the data, it leads right back not only to the Federation but this very building. There will be no plausible deny-ability and the current cold war between our current spheres of influence could become quite lava like.’
The supervisor of the spy agency waited a moment for his words to fully sink in before continuing.
‘We’ll be inserting you in five day’s time via a cloaked scout ship and extracting you at the same point precisely five days later. We will not be waiting and can spend no time in orbit around the Matriarchy home world. If you are not at the rendezvous point, we will assume that either your mission has failed or the two of you were captured. Needless to say, if you ARE captured, our hands have to be clean, the Secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions, but then again, you knew this job was dangerous when you took it,’
Agent Richards’ left hand tugged briefly on her long flowing locks, it was a nervous habit from her childhood, one which only came out when she was under the most intense of pressures.
‘I see, Chief. Go big or go bust. Of course, I’ll accept the assignment, but I haven’t worked with Sullivan at all. Does he have the stuff? I mean it is one thing for me to integrate on a planet dominated by women, but Sullivan will have to suppress everything that makes him Sullivan.’
‘Andrew Sullivan is the most adaptable male agent we have,’ replied supervisor Yanick. ‘The psych computer selected his profile and the company shrinks agree with its assessment. As of now you two are to get into character. You will have five days in close quarters on the scout ship, but every consultant agrees that the faster you fall into your dominant and submissive roles, the better your verisimilitude on the ground of Matriarchy Prime. Sullivan is in the locker room along with your wardrobes and kits for this assignment. Your duty is to process him, shave him, collar and cage him, just like his Goddess on Matriarchy Prime would. Then he will help you suit up. Take Sullivan back to your place tonight. Read the reports and maintain character until you are back in my office when this assignment terminates. Lights out is at twenty-three hundred. A car will be sent for you tomorrow but the schedule is insanely tight. Be at the spaceport at eight hundred hours sharp. Is that clear, Agent Richards?’
‘Yes, Chief .’ replied the beautiful blonde agent.
Moments later Agent Dawn Richards was walking next to her boss down the hallway to the locker room, their heels clicking in staccato on the highly polished floor. Along the way, Dawn recalled how she had sometimes dressed in black and ordered the men in her life to service her. Ordering a man to eat her pussy was such a kick! She had never gone full dominant role but she had often fantasized about having total control over a strong, handsome man. That the Bureau’s shrinks knew that she would have no problem with the power role, reinforced to her just how skilled they were. If she and Sullivan were not the best choices for this assignment, she would not currently be in the hallway next to Yanick. The balding Supervisor Yanick led his top female agent to a locker full of fetish gear and Agent Andrew Sullivan.
Dawn and Andrew eyed each other, mentally assessing the other. Agent Richards knew that Agent Sullivan was a few years younger than herself, she had also been at the bureau longer. They had never worked in even remote proximity on any case before but Dawn thought that the few times their paths had crossed, that they had a very good rapport. Privately, she had always found the six foot one, well-muscled man with gorgeous brown and curls and huge brown eyes, quite handsome. He was the type of man she was innately attracted towards. A factor, she now realized had , no doubt, been part of the reason she was chosen to lead this mission. ‘The company psych computer and the house Freuds missed NOTHING!’ she reminded herself.
For his part, Andrew Sullivan had no problem focusing on Dawn Richards. She was tall and although dressed in a conservative fashion in a knee length tan skirt, and matching blazer atop a white blouse and complementary footwear that, while designed for action, were still fashionable, Andrew was quite certain that the agent who would be commanding him this assignment had fine breasts and fantastic legs That he would be sure of that in only a short while, made him involuntarily stiffen. ‘Perhaps it is a good thing that I will be caged this entire trip. It’s not only an excellent disguise, it is a good idea!’
Even as that thought crossed his mind, Agent Sullivan was disappointed that he would not have an opportunity to make love to the beautiful agent.
After formally introducing the two agents, Supervisor Yanick stated a re-cap of the mission and asked if either had any loose ends that he could take care of while they were on the mission. After about an hour of instruction and explanations, the supervisor stated simply, ‘I’ll give you two some privacy.’ before he made his way out of the locker room.
Two sets of eyes followed the chunky supervisor’s back out of the door of the locker room. Dawn collected her thoughts took a deep breath and said,
‘Agent Sullivan, I apologize in advance for what I am about to do and in how I am about to treat you.’
Agent Sullivan swallowed hard and replied, ‘Understood, Ma’am.’
‘Good! NOW strip, Worm, everything OFF!’
Andrew paused for only a moment before he cast off his suit jacket and loosened his tie. He threw them on hooks in the empty locker next to him. As he unbuttoned his white dress shirt, Dawn realized just how muscular was his physique. Dawn had an inkling that ordering Andrew around would be more than a little fun. The tall and dark agent bent to unlace his shoes and remove his socks. In a nonce, they joined his shirt, jacket, and tie. Andrew did not pause for a moment as he unbuckled his belt
Of course, Dawn noticed the bulge in his boxers. ‘It’s almost a shame that I have to lock that up.’ she thought to herself, ‘Perhaps after this assignment is over?’ Dawn pushed the thought away and focused on entering her role as Domme. Dawn invariably controlled any relationship she was in. A man had to be obedient or he was not by her side for long. She realized now how much that must have been no small factor in her selection for this risky project.
By now, Andrew Sullivan was naked as he deposited his watch and class ring on a shelf of his locker. He made no effort to cover or hide, not that he wasn’t more than a little embarrassed, but he was a professional agent and to be honest, for reasons, he did not understand himself, Dawn Richards was easy to be naked in front of.
‘Over to the showers, Worm!’ barked Dawn as her eyes drank in his virile nudity as she grabbed a razor and shave cream from the pile of equipment that the quartermaster had compiled. ‘THIS part will definitely be fun.’ she thought. Smooth chested, Andrew was not especially hairy, depilating him would not take the superior agent too long. ‘I MAY have to stretch out the time I work on him.’ thought Dawn as she kept a neutral expression upon her face.
Dawn enjoyed watching Andrew’s muscles flex as he lathered himself. She took off her blazer and rolled up her sleeves to work. Standing on the periphery of the shower, her clothing would not become excessively damp as she worked. Dawn was amazed at how quickly Andrew obeyed her. First she shaved his left leg, then his right. His underarms came next followed by the thin hair on his forearms and the back of his hands and knuckles. Dawn has Andrew step out of the shower, so she could coat his pubic hair. Despite the chill of the locker room after the hot shower, Andrew was instantly hard at her touch.
Feeling mischievous, Dawn lightly swatted Andrew on the rump and said. ‘Bad boy! That is why you will be caged for this entire assignment, and forget about me letting you have any kind of relief until we are back on Terra Firma. When we get home, I couldn’t care less if you jerk off.’
Delighting Andrew’s hurt look, Dawn softly hummed to herself as she deliberately took an agonizingly long time to shave Andrew balls and pelvis behind his very nice sized uncut cock. With more than a touch of sadness, Dawn regretted that she could not take Andrew out for a test drive until after the assignment was over. ‘This must be sheer torture for him.’ thought Dawn as a wan smile crossed her lips.
With a flourish, she wiped away the last trace of shaving cream with a washcloth and ran her hands over her handiwork. ‘As you can see worm I am rather skilled with a razor.’ After a few more minutes savoring the result, Dawn led Andrew back to the pile of equipment.
‘Now, worm! Time for you to be safely locked away.’. She hefted the chastity cage. Dawn had secretly always desired to perform this very task. With a sudden insight, she realized that being a Goddess might be an essential aspect in her personality. Perhaps it was the one thing missing in her relationships with men. It was certainly worth considering. She took a long look at Sullivan, he did not seem angry or out of sorts, in fact, he appeared quite content. ‘Now I know that BOTH of us will be permanently changed by this mission.’ realized Dawn as she forced Andrew’s raging hard on into the chastity cage. Her smile was wide as she heard its locking mechanism close.
Holding up the single key present, Dawn waved it before Andrew’s face. ‘Worm, you stay locked up until I whether decide you can have any release. I am your Goddess, you shall worship me, you shall adore me, you shall please me, and you will obey my EVERY command. Is that clear, Worm?’
Andrew surprised both of them with the passion in his voice. He sounded just like a well-trained soldier when he replied, ‘Yes Ma’am,!Your wish is MY command!’
‘Very good, Worm. Now you need to undress and redress me. You may begin!’
Andrew’s hands betrayed only the tiniest flutter as he bent to unlace and remove Down’s shoes. He placed these in the empty locker next to his and then stood. He was about five centimeters taller than the woman he would be in submission to for the entire assignment, but Andrew already understood that she possessed all of the power in the room. Viewing his place in a new way, he withdrew his hands and asked very politely, ‘May this worm undress you, Ma’am?’
‘You are a quick learner. Proceed, but mind your manners.’
The involuntary flutter reappeared for a few moments as Andrew’s fingers set to work on the buttons of Dawn’s blouse. His erection was downright painful as he opened the white blouse and spied Dawn’s huge breasts restrained by a well constructed but lacy bra. Now Andrew was sure, Dawn Richards was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. With his manhood rebelling against its captivity, Andrew slid the blouse off of Dawn’s arms. Standing in just her bra, Andrew noted that she was in spectacular shape. A firm flat tummy with some abdominal definition, enchanting navel and nicely flaring hips. In his briefing for this assignment, his supervisor had explained that the mission would be less obtrusive and more likely to succeed if he showed obvious affection for and deference to Agent Richards. At first, the task seemed daunting, but now Andrew realized how easy it would be, already he could feel himself falling into something akin to love with the beautiful blonde agent he would be serving under.
Andrew unclasped Dawn’s belt and stepped behind her to unfasten the button and zipper holding her skirt in place. Andrew felt sure he was going to come, even despite his cage as he witnessed Agent Richard’s fantastic ass and amazingly long legs come into view as he lowered the skirt to the floor. As she stepped out of the garment and Andrew saw her ass flex, he gasped out loud. Dawn, of course, noted Andrew’s rapture and smiled. She was SO going to enjoy this mission!
While behind her Andrew unfastened Dawn’s bra.. She made no effort to conceal her breathtaking areolas and pink nipples from view. Andrew ached to caress and nuzzle those breasts right this moment but he was first and foremost a respected agent of the Bureau. ‘Good things come to those who wait.’ he told himself as his hands began tugging at the waistband of a Dawn’s hot pink panties. She stood with her arms at her sides as Andrew bent during his task. Dawn’s sacred grounds came into view. Her neatly trimmed bush was the same shade of straw yellow as the hair on her head that cascaded just past her shoulders. Andrew had never encountered a lovelier pussy. That Dawn was enjoying his efforts became clear to Andrew as his eyes detected the subtle change in color of Dawn’s bush as it moistened with her juices.
As Andrew made a move to stand and gather up all of the clothes he had just removed, Dawn said with a huskiness in her voice that had not been present before. ‘Worm, let’s see if you are adequate, see to my release.’ Dawn parted her legs and gave Andrew a commanding stare. Andrew felt the world spin as all the blood drained from his head and he fell to his knees before this most beautiful of women. Not needing any further prompting, he began to gently kiss Dawn’s, increasingly damp bush. Her aroma in his nostrils was heavenly as his tongue gently parted the lips of her sex in quest of the clitoris.
It did not take Andrew long to find it as his arms encircled Dawn’s thighs and he set to work more forcefully upon her secret place. Andrew had always been proud of his skills at cunnilingus. He had one ex-girlfriend, who loudly proclaimed that she despised him, yet showed up with astonishing regularity requesting that Andrew eat her pussy. He would, she would come, thank Andrew, and then insult him as she walked out the door. Andrew had long reconciled himself to the fact that he would NEVER understand that particular relationship. Andrew forced thoughts of all other women from his mind as he
sought to do the best job at eating pussy in his life. Andrew soon lost track of time. Aware only of the soft demanding cries of his new boss and her final shout of ecstasy as she forced his face further into her kitty.
Andrew gazed up, grinning as he observed Dawn’s features blush before she took on a far away look for a fraction of a second, became her old self and stared down at Andrew with an inscrutable expression on her face. ‘Adequate, Worm, adequate. Resume your duties’.
Andrew felt very good indeed as arranged the female fashions of the Matriarchy home world before him. The material was one of the wonders of the new century, having all of the best aspects of rubber and leather with none of the downsides. Andrew contemplated a moment before he raised the tiny black and lacy thong and had Dawn step into it. Next he helped her into the skin tight black mini-skirt. He was deeply disappointed in the fact that Dawn’s pussy was now hidden from view, but that sadness was tempered by the fact that he felt certain he would recall the naked glory of Agent Dawn Richards if he lived three centuries.
Next he zipped up the black bustier and matching short jacket. Following this, he assisted Dawn with the black thigh high boots with the intimidating heels. A simple black cap completed the ensemble. Andrew was supremely impressed. Dressed like this Dawn would blend in perfectly on the Matriarch home world. It was more than the look, Andrew realized, Dawn now had an even greater air of authority and power about her. Though she was known around the Bureau for her ‘take no shit’ attitude, now looked like she could stride into a den of lions and silence them merely with a glance. At last, Andrew stammered, ‘You look like a Goddess!’
‘I AM a Goddess, you Worm. Your supplication is required.’
Somehow Andrew knew exactly what to do. He prostrated himself on the floor and began kissing Dawn’s boots and praising her with everything he possessed. Where all of this was coming from Andrew himself did not know. ‘No wonder we are forbidden from ever seeing out own psychological profiles.’ he thought between kisses of Dawn’s boots.
He was still on the floor when Dawn stated, ‘Enough, Worm.’ She pointed to the remaining items in the quartermaster’s kit. Andrew slid on the brief leather trunks and then bent so that Dawn could fasten the locking collar about his neck and attach a leash. Andrew was well aware that Dawn owned the only key to penis prison. Dawn had Andrew’s full attention she hung the key around her neck with its attached lanyard.
‘You are mine now, you slave and you worm. If you think for one minute that I will not be a harsh mistress, you are in for a rude awakening. Now seal these lockers and fall in behind me,’
Very soon after, Dawn led Andrew by the leash into the main offices of the Bureau. Waiting at her desk was a duffle with spare clothes and all of the other accouterments, Dawn would need to add authenticity to her role. In front of everyone Dawn opened the satchel and had Andrew read off the inventory list. Among the items, strap-ons, dildos, butt plugs, flails, paddles, and everything any Goddess would ever need. Some of the guys were in total hysterics, to the point of having tears rolling sown their cheeks as they witnessed Andrew’s public humiliation. Yet Andrew, who was an astute judge of people, noted envy and admiration on many of the men, especially those laughing the hardest. Andrew passed from scarlet shame to white hot pride that he had been selected for this mission.
The two drove to Dawn’s apartment, Andrew at the wheel. ‘As my servant, I expect you to take care of me.’ she said while seated next to him ‘When I get you home, you are getting a pegging and then we cram till dawn. We have five days on the shuttle to catch up on our sleep. Really, though you will be striving to please me every meter of the journey.’
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It was Saturday night in Sunnydale. Dawn sat on the edge of her bed in her bedroom. She felt restless and bored. Buffy had told her that she had to stay home tonight. She was mad about some silly incident at school. Dawn had gone to Willow, but she wouldn’t help. So here she sat all alone in the big house. She kept trying to think of things to do, but all she wanted to do was get out of here. No one understood her. She felt like no one paid much attention to her anymore either.The group of new...
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Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Dawn's Wish Part 5 "Anything you want Dawnie."Dawn's question had been rhetorical, however the little brunette couldn't help find it cute that Buffy answered her anyway.Unfortunately Buffy ruined the moment by whimpering, "Please Dawnie, just stop. If... if you stop I promise I won't punish you and we can forget this ever happened.""Please, I don't even need to ask to know that's bull." Dawn scoffed before smiling, "Now get your cute little butt upstairs, go to my room...
Disclaimer: "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" & "Angel the Series" and their characters are the property of Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy and 20th Century Fox. This story is for entertainment purposes only and no money exchanged hands. No copyright infringement is intended. The original characters, situations, and story are the property of the author.Dawn walked in the front door after a long day at school. "Hello? Anyone home?" No answer, but it was what she had expected. Buffy was probably off on...
Dawn walked in the front door after a long day at school. "Hello? Anyone home?" No answer, but it was what she had expected.Buffy was probably off on one of her adventures and Willow was probably at Tara's house. Ever since Willow and Tara had gotten back together they hadn't seen much of Willow alone even though she had a room here.Dawn was somewhat relieved that Buffy wasn't there. She had worn a very short skirt to school that she knew Buffy would not have approved of. She loved wearing it,...
The Seduction and Using of Dawn Pt. 01This is a story about an unfaithful wife and how she became an unfaithful wife as told by herself and one of her lovers. There are many twists along the way.Each chapter is the story so far as told by either Dawn or Neil. It's in the he said, she said style.*****Chapter 1: (Neil)The first time I saw her was at a company dinner dance. She was quite small in stature, but possessed a regal serene presence. She commanded everyone's attention as she glided...
The Seduction and Using of DawnThis is a story about an unfaithful wife and how she became an unfaithful wife as told by herself and one of her lovers. There are many twists along the way.Each chapter is the story so far as told by either Dawn or Neil. It’s in the he said, she said style.Chapter one: (Neil)The first time I saw her was at a company dinner dance. She was quite small in stature, but possessed a regal serene presence. She commanded everyone’s attention as she glided through the...
DAWN REBORNDawn Carson sat at the neatly laid table at the back of the restaurant feeling worried, yet with some excitement. Why mixed emotions? Partly because she had never done anything like this before. Thirty-four years old, separated from her husband for nine months, and here she was waiting to meet a man she did not know, who could be bedding her by the end of the evening. And she had set it up herself.Her simple black cocktail dress with two narrow straps that left her tanned shoulders...
Group SexDawn was in her bed, relaxing in the dark with her long legs spread apart just enough to allow room for her busy hand. The pillows were propped up against the wall so that she could almost sit upright. Certainly she could watch herself if she wanted to. If she could have seen through the covers. It was fall and the nights were just starting to cool off, so she was using a light blanket and not the heavier comforter that she knew she’d be using in a few weeks. The clean sheets felt crisp and...
"Hey guys," Buffy said as she greeted her friends at the door. "How long has it been?""Too long," stated Willow as she and her lover, Kennedy, hugged the Slayer in passing entering the Summers' residence. Dawn heard the commotion and pushed open the kitchen door with her hips as she carried a large tray of various holiday treats into the dining area. Upon setting down the tray, she recognized a much too familiar voice coming from the foyer.She hurriedly walked to the foyer to verify her...
Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Dawn's Wish Part 4 Buffy was in the best shape of her life. She felt stronger, faster and like she always had pent-up energy to burn. However she had never ran across town before, stopping only to stake the odd vamp who was luckily so stunned from being confronted by a naked Slayer that they didn't put up much of a fight. If they had Buffy might have been screwed because she felt exhausted. Her entire body was covered in a thick shiny coat of sweat, her feet were on...
Dan Becomes Dawn By Kathi Jo Daniels After years of being a closet crossdresser, Dan takes an opportunity to come out Chapter One: The Invitation I work from home and can dress en femme most days. Today I am wearing a pink flower pattern, button-front blouse, knee-length white a-line skirt, a pair of white walking sandals with a wavy, medium brown wig, and clip-on earrings. Under that is a corset to flatten my gut, matching white lace panties, and a 40-D underwire bra to...
I had known Dawn for years we had gone to High School together a long long time ago and we were both in our 40's now. Although we had never had a relationship, over the years become very good friends and now we had become fuck buddies. Sometimes when we were single and sometimes when one or both of us were in a relationship. We had kept this secret from everyone we knew, so all our partners friends and family just thought we were close friends. Dawn and I had the same adventurous and curious...
Introduction: I shared my girlfriend with my best friend The First time sharing Dawn So here I am in my bedroom with my best friend and my girlfriend. Were listening to music and just being teenagers. Im not allowed to close my bedroom door whenever shes in here with me. Even though we are all 18 years old now and graduated earlier this summer. I guess thats the security that we wont be naked making my parents early grandparents. Even with the door open I can hear someone coming down the...
By rutger5 Copyright 2016 “Oh, my, my. Mr. McCoy, she’s back again.” “Huh, what’s that Louella? Who’s back? What are you going on about?” “It’s poor Miss Johnson. She’s walking back and forth in front of the bus station and she’s carrying that suitcase again. Oh dear me, the poor thing.” Mr. McCoy put down the merchandise he was marking with the price gun and walked over to the large plate glass window to look out. Sure enough there she was, pacing back and forth while...
Then she went to the washroom, splashed some cold water on her face and scraped back her long hair into a band. Flipping on a radio that sat on a shelf near the sink, the beautiful slim, young brunette heard, at a low volume, a very, very apt song start and laughed to herself. It was ‘Sunday Morning Coming Down' by Johnny Cash. The first verse played: Well, I woke up Sunday morning With no way to hold my head that didn't hurt. And the beer I had for breakfast wasn't bad, So I had...
Guy spent Thursday evening after work day preparing for his adventure.For starters, he carefully took a shit into an old bowl. Using adisposable plastic knife, he cut up the stools and set each piece into aslot in a plastic ice cube tray. Peeing into that bowl, he then poured hispee into the tray over the lumps of shit, filling the tray up. He thenplaced it in a double layer of zip-lock baggies and placed it in hisfreezer. He then checked his back of toys to make sure that everything wasthere...
by stevie3624 The "Coffee & Cake" was as packed as the mall since Christmas was only two weeks away. Ginny and Dawn were fortunate that a small booth in the corner opened up just as their turn came to be seated. Ginny said, "Ooh this is nice, and those cinnamon buns smell fantastic...share?" "Why not," her friend said. "But you're such a bad influence on me Ginny, you never gain an ounce, and I gain a dress size after we're together, but we do have fun – not to mention all the money you...
This is a continuing story about an old friend of Carol’s ,who was asked if she would like to play . It was an unexpected or unplanned invite as Dawn was working in housekeeping at the hotel we were staying in. She happened to walk in to change the sheets and saw us naked ,she will definitely have to change them when we are done. Before I start let me describe Dawn to you, she was a short rather stocky woman of native american descent. She was very pretty , soft spoken and at the age of 40...
It was a look that said: you're not going anywhere in a hurry - and she was right of course. Steadying myself, hand on her head, stroking the golden mane, I began to buck against her mouth, thrusting into the pursed lips in much the same way I'd attack a pretty little pussy. Honk honk, the reminder rang out from the road as I upped the tempo, taking the pigtail in hand and slamming forcefully into my fianc?s throat. She took the oral pounding willingly, saliva pooling at each corner of her...
Dawn and Patti Move to Denver By Kathi Jo Daniels Background: In the first story, Dan Becomes Dawn, Dan had visited former neighbors in Denver, coming out as Dawn, a crossdresser. The next afternoon, at a party attended by some swingers, Dawn had met, and connected with, Patti. In the second story, Dawn Visits Kansas, Dawn travels to appraise Patti's deceased parents' property for a venture capital buyout. Patti and Dawn also enjoying swinging with another couple. In the end,...
A New Dawn Arises by Dawn McMahon Chapter 1 The Arising To celebrate my transformation and to increase the effect of my feminization, Mistress Lynn decided a name change was in order. "What's a good name for a useless, slut French Maid," she asked herself aloud. "I shall call you Dawn. I think it's appropriate because you are at the dawn of a new way of life." Another belt was strapped around my waist. It had a number of loops. My mistress attached my wrist restraints to the...
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Looking after DawnIt was two years since Buffy Summers had sacrificed herself for her s*ster. At first Dawn had grieved inconsolably, and her friend Willow had worked herself into the ground trying to bring her back. The slaying duties in Sunnydale were divided up between the friends they knew and loved. With the exception being those who were too young to hold their own against the undead.But all the attempts had failed.With Dawn's Mom dead, as well as her s*ster,...
You could say I was fat, dumb and happy. I'm really not fat--it's just a figure of speech—but I was dumb because I thought I was in a solid marriage. I was wrong--she's a lying cheating slut. I'm John T. Miller my friends call me JT or BeerMan. They call me BeerMan because I brew 5 gallon batches of beer in my home. Most guys in my Beer Club keg their beer. I, however, bottle mine. My wife, Dawn, drinks wine. She hates beer. No, I don't have a beer belly. I work out 5 days a week at the...
A New Dawn Arises - Chapter 1The ArisingTo celebrate my transformation and to increase the effect of myfeminization, Mistress Lynn decided a name change was in order."What's a good name for a useless, slut French Maid," she asked herselfaloud. "I shall call you Dawn. I think it's appropriate because you are at the dawn of a new way of life."Another belt was strapped around my waist. It had a number of loops. Mymistress attached my wrist...
As usual, when he got home from work, Guy's in-box contained the expected assortment of requests people in Nigeria seeking help from random strangers to smuggle their vast fortunes in America. They all made it to his wastebasket. But there was one that looked sort of real. > From: Dawn > To: Hungry > Subject: Hi > > My name is dawn Figuring it might be real or it might be spam, he took a chance. > From: Hungry > To: Dawn > Subject: Re: Hi > > Hi Dawn!...
Chapter 1The ArisingTo celebrate my transformation and to increase the effect of myfeminization, Mistress Lynn decided a name change was in order."What's a good name for a useless, slut French Maid," she asked herselfaloud. "I shall call you Dawn. I think it's appropriate because you are at the dawn of a new way of life."Another belt was strapped around my waist. It had a number of loops. Mymistress attached my wrist restraints to the strap.This allowed me limited use of my hands."Just enough...
I knew I was screwed. The biggest party of the year and I may not be able to go. It was my senior year and should be the time of my life, but instead, my bratty little sister found out about it and threatened to tell our mom if I didn't take her with me. She had just turned 12 and thought she was older than she actually was. I mean she had only this past summer started having her period and about two months ago mom bought her first training bra but you'd think she was all that. I thought...
I had noticed that most of the house lights were on as well as the bedroom so I walked her down to the beach.”Would you like to take a dip” I said then started to strip when she smiled and nodded yes. But as we both started walking naked in the lake we both stopped quickly and agreed it was too cold. We gathered our clothes and started walking back to the house stopping along the way to kiss and fondle one another.As we made our way to the patio I pointed to the windows “looks like they...
The following story is about consensual, informed, extramarital sex. If this is a subject that offends you, please stop reading now and seek out one of the thousands of other stories available on this website that would be more to your liking.All events depicted in this story are absolutely true and accurate, or at least as accurate as my memory can reconstruct. With that said, the names of the guilty have been changed for their protection. I sincerely hope that you enjoy this tale. I have a...
Wife LoversAll events depicted in this story are entirely true and accurate, or at least as accurate as my memory can reconstruct. With that said, the names of the guilty have been changed for their protection. I sincerely hope that you enjoy this tale.Some couples get into threesomes or hot-wifing later on in life, after the initial spark has faded and the doldrums of life start to lean in, they begin to look for a way to invigorate their sex lives.Dawn and I were not that couple.Our very first threesome...
TeenChapter Twelve: MondayPart 1: Morning – County Clerk’s OfficeI woke at sunrise, eased out of bed, trying to not disturb Patti, gathered clothing, and went into the bathroom. Showered and shaved, I put on panties and bra, did my makeup, put on my wig and stud earrings. I slipped on my navy floral V-neck dress and tip-toed out of the bedroom, closing the door before slipping on my black open-toe two-inch heels.I went into the kitchen and started a pot of coffee, then to the office and powered up...
CrossdressingAs Dawn tried hard to stretch her lips around Joe’s and my cock in her mouth.Carol got up,sarcastically saying she better go and get some Vaseline ,chuckling as she walked away. Dawn looked at her leaving, then up at me with some tears in the corner of her eye. I didn’t want to fuck Dawns pretty ass and I knew she didn’t want it either. So when Carol left the room I turned to Joe and said “do you remember Becky” ? Becky was a friend of Amber's and was having a gang bang that Joe...
Chapter Seven: WednesdayPart 1: Morning - Business UpdateI woke at sunrise, but Patti was still sound asleep, so I snuck out of bed, gathered lingerie, clothing, shoes, wig, and purse going into the bath to shower and shave. My dress for the day was a very simple, short-sleeve tie-waist shirtdress in tartan. After getting dressed and applying my makeup, I tiptoed out of the bedroom, closing the door behind me. Then I put on my two-inch black open-toe heels and went into the kitchen to make...