Position Filled free porn video

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You get home at around seven in the evening after another hard day at work. Your wife Emma has prepared your diner but is sat on an armchair sobbing; she has her face in her hands, unaware you have arrived home. You quietly walk over to her and with a hand on her shoulder you ask her why she’s crying. She tries to speak but she makes no real sense.

You try and lift her head as you ask, “Emma, what’s wrong, what’s up, why the tears?”

She lifts her head and the tears streak down her rosy pink cheeks from her blue eyes. Her blond curly hair in a mess; she tries to talk but again makes no coherent sense. You sit beside her and place an arm around her to comfort her. You allow her to come round and tell you in her own time.

You have been married for just over a year; it was a wedding not attended by her parents, because they could not afford the flights from Jamaica. Emma’s parents were not very happy saying you were both too young.

Although you were twenty five and she was twenty two when you got married, you both felt it was the right future for you both. But it has not been easy financially to break away and set up home on your own. You both liked the street you lived in and as a mixed race couple you were both accepted happily into the neighbourhood.

You stand up and fetch some tissues for Emma’s watery eyes. You kiss her forehead with a couple of tender kisses. She looks straight into your eyes and says, “The place burnt down and I’ve lost my job.”

Emma worked in a small family run business, where she helped out with the orders. She is a friend of the owner. But because of the disaster, the owners cannot afford to rebuild and restart the business; more so that the elderly owner was thinking of retiring soon anyway. He told Emma that the insurance money he would get will be his retirement fund, and unfortunately not for a rebuild.

You are not that well off and you both need each other to be bringing in money. You already work long hard hours as a labourer at a building site, a new job for you there. The next couple of months are very difficult to get through, only having money to pay for essentials, no luxuries, not that you and Emma indulged in anything extravagant.

At work you hear a position for a secretary has become available. But you think it’s already been allocated to a friend of the boss. This was a new boss there too, he only started last week. But you wonder if you could put Emma’s name forward, not that you were on any special relations with the boss. But you want to help Emma as she feels so low.

You go into work as usual and as you pass the site office your boss is pulling up in his car. You put up your hand and say, “Morning.”

But he just looks at you and grunts while he gets out of the car and walks to his Porto cabin office. You walk on and wonder if it’s a good idea to bother him with your problem. The morning goes by and every time you pass the office, all you hear from within is him shouting at someone; either someone in the office with him, or on the phone. You can make this out through the dirty office window.

Lunch time and he has come out of the office and is stood in the open doorway. As you are passing he shouts out, “Hey you come here.”

You walk up to him and say, “Yes sir can I help you?”

He gives you some money and says, “Here get me a bacon sandwich and a cup of coffee. Be quick I haven’t much time.”

You take the money and go to fetch him what he requested. On your return, you knock on the door with your hands laden with his items. He shouts out, “Come in.”

You open the door and walk in; he looks up with a very stern look on his face and says, “Put it on the table over there.”

Your boss is white, he is older than you at forty one; he’s not slim but not that fat, well-built fairy tall and always with a very serious look. His face looks weathered, his eyes very steely, his tone very strict, and his attitude was always harsh.

You place his lunch on the table and take a deep breath, you swallow. He has his head down and going through some papers. You just stand there and he looks up and says, “That’s it you can go.”

You still stand there not knowing what to say, how to ask. He looks up again and with a sterner tone says, “Well what is it, I said you can go.”

You want to ask about the position for Emma, but you choke and hold out your hand and say, “Your change sir.”

He grunts and says, “Just leave it there as well, on the table.”

You turn sideways and put the money on the table and slowly turn again to face him. You take a step closer to his desk. Your heart races, you feel hot, your palms perspire. He looks up and almost shouts at you, “What is it now.”

You know in your mind you need Emma to have a job, some money coming in, just to pay the monthly bills so that you both can survive. You again swallow and say, “Sir…I was wondering…”

You cannot finish the sentence; he stands up and again very loudly says, “What the hell’s the matter with you, can’t you speak.”

You think to yourself, ‘If I don’t ask now I’ll never have the opportunity, come on, come on, ask.’

You make eye contact and he scares you to the bone, but you manage to utter out in almost a whisper, “Sir the position for secretary, my wife would be interested.”

He stares at you, you feel utterly weak. He thinks and then says, “It’s filled.”

You know in your mind that it’s not; he’s got this other person already lined up. You know you are desperate. You almost plead with him, “Please sir, please give her a chance.”

He still stares with a stern expression and says, “I said it’s filled.”

You almost have tears in your eyes but know that would be a very weak signal to him, your mouth is dry, but you swallow. You know that Emma’s not happy being at home, not working, and you both need the money. She has had several interviews and not got anywhere. And lately even the interviews have not come along.

Again you say, “Please sir just a short interview, you don’t have to spend too much of your time.”

Your boss looks down to his desk and you say, “Please see her, you’ll be happy with her, she works really hard.”

He looks up very slowly, he sees you with your hands clasped in front of you, not crying but do look very sorry for yourself. He says, “Look here… okay, I’ll see her for a chat… tomorrow lunchtime ask her to come in, ten minutes, that’s all.”

Your face lights up and with a broad smile you cannot thank him enough, “Oh thank you sir thank you. She’ll be so happy; you’ll see she’s just right for the job… thank you.”

He says, “It’s just a chat, no guarantees you understand.”

You take small steps backwards as you almost bow out and say, “Thank you, thank you.”

You go back to your work and have the biggest smile for the longest period. You can’t wait to get home and tell Emma.

You rush home and Emma is in the kitchen preparing your meal. You rush up to her and give her a big hug and say with joy, “He’ll see you tomorrow, for that job I told you about.”

Emma smiles, in her heart she knows she won’t get it because you already told her about the other person for that job, but nonetheless she smiles with you for your joy and says, “That’s nice of him.”

You say, “Tomorrow lunchtime, his office.”

The next day as you leave early you say to her, “Don’t forget, lunchtime.”

She laughs and says, “Yes, yes, as if I’d forget.”

When you get to work, there is a very large lorry on site. It has the new equipment on it, the pile-driver for the deep footings needed for the pillars of the building. It gets put up and starts its job late in the morning, it’s very noisy.

You go about your work and have to wear ear defenders. You keep looking at your watch, it’s close to lunchtime. Your mind is on when she’s coming, you keep looking at the main gate where she will come through.

It’s nearly time; you look towards the office, you see your boss waving his arm at you, wanting you to come to him. You run across the muddy yard to him and he steps back into the office, you follow him in and take off your ear defenders. The noise is still very loud even with the door closed. But you know what he wants, as he holds out some money and says, “Get me a bacon sandwich and a coffee.”

You hardly hear him, but you know what he wants; you take the money and say to him, “Emma, should be here soon.”

You wonder if he heard you, you shout out again, “Emma, she should be here soon.”

He waves his hand for you to go. You run out and go to fetch his lunch. You’ve been gone for fifteen minutes and on your return, you knock on the door and go in. You see Emma sat on a chair; you look at each other and smile. You look at your boss and he says nothing, he points to the table for you to leave his lunch.

The noise from the yard is still loud, but now there are small breaks where you can just hear each other talk for short periods. You see your boss has a smile on his face and he says, “I didn’t realise your wife was…”

But he stops in mid-sentence; you finish the sentence off in your head, ‘White.’

He looks across to her and says, “Very pretty.”

You are black and he expected your wife to be black also. The noise outside starts again; he waves at you and says, “Okay, you can go about your work now.”

You look at Emma and give her a comforting smile as you leave.

As you work outside you keep looking at the office to see when Emma comes out. Then one of the supervisors asks you to do something over the other side of the site. It’ll take you some time to get it done and you can’t see the office from over there.

You work as quickly as possible so you can get back as quick as possible to see when she leaves. You know that you will probably have missed her, as your boss said he will only spend ten minutes with her.

When you finish over the other side fifteen minutes later, you rush back and notice your boss’s car is not there. You run up to the window and wipe away the dusty layer on it and look in, no one in there. You go to try the door but it’s locked.

You say to yourself, they must have finished and she’s gone home and your boss must have gone off somewhere. You drop back and notice it’s still a little while for you to finish work.

Time moves slowly as you keep checking you watch, over and over again. Then its time, you clock out and rush home. You can’t wait to ask Emma how she got on! Did she get the job?

Your head tells you the other person had already got the job even before your boss saw Emma today. But your heart wants to believe Emma got it. Your heart is singing all the way home as you hope she has got it and would be so happy. Your face shines for her happiness, you walk quickly with a skip in your step.

But then the smile you had on your face all afternoon disappears, giving way to a quirked look. You see a car very similar to your boss’s parked outside your place. You think it’s not his, it can’t be his, he doesn’t know where I live.

As you get closer, your walk has already slowed to almost half walking pace. You look at the number plate and it’s his, the muddy covered paintwork from the muddy yard, it was his car.

You turn and look at your house from top to bottom, you wonder what’s going on, and why is he here? Did your boss give Emma a lift home? You go into your home expecting to see them there in the front lounge. But there is no one there, you briskly walk to the kitchen, there is no one there.

You still look around frantically and then make your way upstairs. You hear some noises but they are muffled, you can’t make them out. The door to your bedroom is wide open. You can make out that the noises are coming from in there. You gingerly step closer and you peer through, wide eyed, not blinking.

The site that beholds you is one you will never forget, ever!

Your wife Emma, there on the bed, spread-eagled naked, her hands and feet tied to each corner of the bed, she has a gag in her mouth, your boss’s neck tie. Your boss is too without a stich on, laid outstretched on his front between her open legs. His hands under her arse, his face buried in her pussy. He sucks licks and eats your wife.

Emma is going through an orgasm; her eyes are closed, shut tight. Her head is thrashing from side to side, her hips are bouncing up and down, and her tits sway left and right. Her voice is muffled as she moans out.

Then your boss is the first one to see you, he turns his face just slightly and says, “It was too noisy at the office, so I brought her here for the interview.”

Emma has now opened her eyes, she stares at you, again she’s trying to say something but her muffled voice makes no sense.

Your boss has gone back down and has stuck in a couple of fingers as he licks her bulbous clit. You do remember what her clit and pussy look like? Let me remind you. She is clean shaven; she has long pink pussy lips. But the best feature is her big clit; it’s very big, almost like the end of a little finger.

You stand there, motionless as you watch your boss lick and suck on her big clit. You look back at your wife’s face, her eyes are closed again. You look closer, you notice her face is wet, not just wet with perspiration but you make out that it’s cum over her face. Your boss has already blown a load off onto her face and probably down her throat too before gaging her.

You can’t see your boss’s cock as he is laid on his front. What you can see is his hairy back and legs, he is balding, but his body hair is quite thick. He moves his knees up and you catch a glimpse of his cock. It dangles down, semi hard.

Your wife has started to thrash about again; her muffled cries are like you have never heard her before. Your boss has his fingers knuckle deep and is wriggling them inside her pussy, on her g-spot. With a finger and thumb of his other hand he has pushed back the hood, and is sucking on her protruding clit.

Your wife’s hips push up into your boss’s face three four five six times and then her cries die away as her arse falls gently back onto the bed. Your boss lifts his head up and looks at you and says, “I’m sure you know, but, she really does taste exquisite.”

He lets go of her and falls back onto his knees. You see his cock, and you stare at it. It’s fully erect now and it stands almost twice your size. Yours is five inches and his seems to be a nine. And as you stare, you also notice his thickness, and gauge it’s probably as thick as your wrist. He’s is cut, his purple bulbous head like a plum on the end of a thick rod.

He catches you staring and says, “Never seen a cock before son?”

You look away and towards your wife, her eyes are open and she stares back at you. Your boss leans forwards and slips across your wife’s body, he reaches out and pulls on the knot on the cum covered neck tie. He throws it to one side and kisses your wife.

From the way she kisses him back you can tell she is not being taken by force, she is not the innocent party. Your boss’s cock lies on her belly, pressed hard between their two bodies. He swivels his hips around while they kiss, her body replies to his. They both massage the cock between them.

He lifts his head up just slightly and pokes out his long tongue, your wife looks at you while she sucks on it. He spreads his arms and legs out on top of hers, he clasps her fingers in-between his.

You feel nothing, just numb all-over, your dick does not even get excited, it lays in your pants as limp as a wet biscuit. Your eyes roll over their bodies from their feet to their entwined hands. They both look at you; you take a long gulp and continue to look at their outstretched naked bodies.

You see your boss raise his arse up and lower his cock to seek your wife’s entrance. You take a couple of steps to the side and you see his plum head stab at your wife’s flower petals. Your wife moves her hips from side to side allowing him to get into her. You see her pussy being opened wide as his plum stretches her out. He thrusts in very slowly, about three to four inches and pulls out with her juices now on his cock. He again pushes in, and this time he goes all in right up to the hilt, right up to his balls.

Your wife moans out, a low grunt as she accommodates your boss’s big thick cock. They both lay still for a few moments, then he pulls out. You see your wife’s inner pussy being pulled out as it hugs tight to his oversized shaft.

He pulls out to the head, and then back in. Not rushed, all done very sensually. He seems to be in control, long deep thrusts take his cock from being seen to being hidden into your wife’s willing pussy.

They continue this for a few minutes while they kiss and look at you, looking at them. As you are watching the intimate connection, you hear your boss say, “Like the view do you son.”

You don’t say anything, your dick still limp, and your eyes wide. You hardly blink, not wanting to miss a second of the proceedings before you.

Your wife moans out continually and on each occasion his cock hits home, your wife softly says, “Oh god.”

You had never got her to say that with all the fucks you had with her. Your boss turns his head back to you and says, “I love her pussy, it’s real nice and tight.”

Your wife looks at you and she says, “Show him your dick.”

You hesitate, you feel embarrassed because you know you don’t measure up to anywhere near his cock. Even if you got it hard, you would need two of yours for one of his. Your wife again says, “Come on get it out and show him. Show him why my pussy is still so tight.”

You step back and undo your zipper; you reach in and pull out your dick. It’s limp, it droops and only barley hangs out of your pants. Your boss looks at it and says, “Well it’s a good thing I’m here to help out from now on.”

Your boss turns back to face your wife and she says, “Contrary to popular belief, not all black men are supplied with god’s gift for a woman.”

She turns her face to you and says, “Okay, put that pathetic thing away.”

You fold it away and redo the zipper. You take a couple of steps back to your favourite view. They have started to pick up the pace; your boss’s cock goes in and out of your wife much quicker. The moans and groans from your wife are more audible and more frequent.

The words and tone of her language are again something you have never heard her say when you fucked her. Phrases like, “Jesus fuck,” “Harder, harder,” and, “This cunt loves that fuckin’ cock.”

You can see her juices leak out the sides as his shaft pistons in her pussy; your wife says to your boss, “Hold on a minute, take it out.”

Your boss does not want to, he carries on fucking your wife with even more vigour, and she says again, “Take it out just for a second.”

With great reluctance your boss slows and comes to a stop deep in her. He then slowly slips it out; it sparkles and only strands of your wife’s womanly offerings link his cock to her pussy. She looks at you and says, “Have a feel of that cock, see how hard it is, see what’s making me scream out with pure delight.”

You reach down and grab his cock; the width of your whole fist fits easily onto his shaft. You notice your fingers as they barely meet. You can feel it throb, it’s intense heat, but what makes you say ‘Fuck’ in your head is the strength of the thing, it feels alive, it feels strong and is as hard as a tree trunk - as hard as the wooden floor you are stood on.

Your wife says, “Nice isn’t it, hard, fucking hard. What I need, what I’ve always wanted and what I’m going to be getting from now on.”

Your boss without turning says, “Let go, go on fuck off.”

You let it go, and your boss promptly shoves it back into your wife. Your wife’s cries start straight away, your boss’s cock now moves even faster. Two or three minutes and your wife goes through another very visible orgasm. He still fucks your wife like you could never; he fucks your wife like she is demanding from him. She has never demanded anything like that from you.

He kisses and sucks your wife’s tits and hard nipples; he gropes her tits and slaps them hard with his rough builder’s hands. He fucks your wife with his very hard builder’s cock. His big builder’s hairy arse is going like the clappers up and down, driving that builder’s cock deep and hard into your wife’s cunt.

It sends a fierce body ripping orgasm through your wife. Her body violently shakes, her legs, her thighs, her arms all tremble. Rope burns noticeable around her ankles and wrists.

She looks towards you and in frenzy shouts out, “Free my hands, now free my hands.”

You go round and undo the knots and her arms are free. She instantly grabs your boss in a bear hug. Her finger nails dig into his hairy back. Your boss is now taking long slow deep thrusts into your wife. You quickly return to your much-loved vantage point. And you can see your boss’s cum run out of your wife’s pussy. It trickles down her arse and soaks into the bed sheets. His thick hefty cock is covered in cum as he withdraws and plunges back into your wife, to discharge load after load of the man juice. You could never even envisage on supplying anywhere near that sort of load.

They both lay panting; your wife still hugs your boss, his cock still deep in her, cum still trickles out of your wife’s pussy. Your boss squeezes his arse and pushes out the last few drops of cum, then rolls off her. His hairy chest moves up and down, both their eyes closed.

You undo your wife’s ankle bindings, as she looks at you and smiles. Your boss gets up and starts to put his clothes on. Your wife pats the bed indicating for you to sit there. You do, and watch your boss finish dressing. He picks up his cum covered neck tie and throws it to you and says, “Souvenir for you. But bring the ropes back tomorrow.”

As he walks to the door you ask, “So can she start soon?”

He chuckles and walks out while he says, “I told you… the position’s filled.”

You turn your head and look at your wife sadly, she has a beaming smile on her face as she shrugs her shoulders and says, “O well, at least we tried... but I’m not giving up. I’ll keep trying harder and harder. I’m sure he won’t mind!”

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All holes filled

Hi as some of you know from Mike’s stories I’m Chris; since he put the first story of how I became the slutty wife many of you think I am I’ve enjoyed reading them online. Sam and Ben were at first a little pissed but seeing the read count has given us all a buzz. One thing about me and Mike is that I might not tell him straight away what’s happened but he knows as soon as. Anyhow Mike suggested I use the logon as this was my story so here goes. Our neighbours Bill and Chris have a corner...

2 years ago
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I was at club with my friends then i met with a couple he 52 she 46, a man approach me and said come here lets have a chat let me buy u a drink so I sat and chatted then he whispered to his wife and then she said in my ear she wanted her husband to watch me have sex with her back at their place, I smiled and told my friends I see them back at army Base, so we all left in taxi she was wearing a dress like Jessica rabbit all red and he was in blue shirt and jeans , I had tight army tshirt on and...

1 year ago
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Marion stood by the park swings as her two young daughters both squealed with delight while flying through the air with the greatest of ease!!! "Look, mommy," Lindy yelled, "I'm going higher than your head!!!" "Just be careful," Marion replied, "an hold on tight, I don't want to have to explain to your father how you fell on your head!!!" "Oh, don't worry, mom," Kristy retorted, "we know what we're doing!!!" "I'm sure you do," Marion answered while shaking her head and laughing, "but be careful...

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Finally Filled

I'm 21 and a virgin, but I've been masturbating for a long time. Mostly just with my hands, but I've occasionally experimented with inserting my fingers, brush handles, oversized markers, travel shampoo bottles, and other small things when I've had that insatiable, aching urge to be filled up. That urge was never fully satisfied and all my experiments with fucking myself had been disappointing—that is, until I secretly "borrowed" a dildo from my old roommate (but that's a story for another...

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Alice runs away with Mathew and gets herself filled

I am begining writer so please don't judge to harshly! Enjoy! I can't belive this is happening again, I thought. Why can't they just get divorced if they hate each other so much! I've lived with their stupid fighting long enough!  I was running away that night. Not for long, but for a while. I was getting awfully tired of their constant yammering. I was going to my boy friends house for the weekend, mom and dad didn't know. They wouldent care. I shoved tons of clothes into my bag;...

2 years ago
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Unexpectedly Filled

I didn’t cope very well when I started university. During freshers’ week, when everyone was making friends, I stayed in my dorm room. Compared to the posh voices of the rich kids, my Brummie accent sounded low-class to me. Naturally slim, I lost weight that first month so that my legs were like sticks and my breasts the size of dumplings.One night, Kate, the girl whose dorm was next to mine, obviously felt sorry for me and invited me to a house party. I plucked up the courage and decided to go....

3 years ago
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A Need to be Filled

Closing my laptop I looked at the screen, half in frustration and half in planning. Another evening chatting on a b**stie site and the same old questions came up, "How did you start?" and "when are you going to do it again?" The first question was easy, it all started when I was 19. I decided I would try dog sex. At that time I only went as far as having my boyfriends German shepherd lick peanut butter off my pussy. Looking back now I regret not fucking that big beautiful b**st. The second...

1 year ago
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His Fantasies Fulfilled

Stuart Middleton was aged in his mid-fifties and he was married to Eileen. Although to all intents and purposes, the marriage was in name only because, although neither of them had anyone else, it was a sexless and largely loveless marriage.Stuart had a passion for walking in the wilds of Scotland and he combined that with another love of his, photography.He had booked himself a week in a Bed & Breakfast just outside a small village way up in the north of the country and Eileen was not bothered...

1 year ago
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Desire Fulfilled

"Yin... Are you sure of this?" Brushing my brown hair from my face, he whispers, looking straight into my eyes. I simply make an eye contact with his charming brown eyes, and nod, saying nothing at all. That is all it takes to forget and let go of whatever reasons for his restraint he may have had. He pulls me straight into a hot and passionate kiss with our moist lips locked together as tightly as it can ever be. It all seems to last forever. I have never dreamt that I can ever feel like I...

2 years ago
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Wishes Fulfilled

By Zenda Introduction Looking back on it now, I never realized that when I bought this old house, that my dreams would be fulfilled so soon. The house was very old but sturdily built sometime in the 15th century. But when the agent showed me around he never said anything about a secret room, perhaps nether he or the previous owners knew about it. I only found it by sheer chance one day when I was attempting to...

2 years ago
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Tinas Fantasy Fulfilled

This is a story written at the request of a very good friend of mine. “I wanna B gang fukd” “U wanna what?” “U heard me, I want 2B fukd by lots of coks” This latest round of texts was not at all what I had expected from one of mine and my wife’s good friends. Tina was a girl who we had become to know through one of our kids baseball leagues. As the convener, she was the go-to person for any and all complaints and concerns that any of the parents had. After one of the games, my wife and I needed...

3 years ago
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fantasy fulfilled

New experience   Where to begin?   I’m sixty nine years old male, feel about forty, am still working and keeping fit. I’ve had a varied life, done the wife swopping and been to a number of swinging parties. I have watched my wife having sex with up to four guys at a time and also with two women. The most I have had, was two women at the same time.   Well my wife and I parted company about six years ago.   We are still friends, but not for sex. Over the past couple of years I have been...

3 years ago
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Church GILF fantasy fulfilled

As a young teenage boy, I was raised in a very strict church. There was a f****y that were members there and the mom was a stunning MILF fuck fantasy for me. Protecting her real name, I will just refer to the now GILF as ‘Kat’. Kat always wore a very long dress but nine times out of ten, she wore a low cut top along with her dress to church. There were times that I would walk into the kitchen during potluck and she would bend over to take food out of the oven and I would see her big voluptuous...

4 years ago
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Unknown Desires Fulfilled

Becky felt her heart pounding against her chest. Her arms and legs pulled and struggled against the restraints but she could not wrestle free. She felt abandoned here in Ryan’s playroom. It was only a few hours ago that she was staring at the package from the adult novelty store dreaming of sexy, kinky encounters and now she was tied and at her master’s mercy, a master that she did not even know until she stepped into his den of bondage, pain and delight. She strained to hear the voices on the...

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Bisexual Fantasy Fulfilled

Not my Story, but a great read.Bisexual Fantasy Fulfilled # 1 (mmf)bisexual – mmf – threesome - creampie – clean upIntroductionMy wife Lisa and I have been happily married for 14 years, and I still think she's the hottest woman in the world. She's a petite, fiery red-head with a beautiful round face and a little button nose. Making love with Lisa is one of my greatest pleasures in life. She is absolutely fantastic in bed. I love the feel of her ample breasts, and the firm roundness of her...

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My Wife is Finally Fulfilled

My Wife is Finally FulfilledSome background first then a few years ago (sorry this is long for my first attempt)Names have been changed but there is plenty of facts and some fiction. We are Kay and Vernon.Having now been married for over 20 years to Kay, we have been through the normal ups and downs during this time that most couples encounter. As couple we are now in our mid/late 50s and we had both had our share of previous partners, while I had been married previously my now wife had not.It...

1 year ago
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Church GILF fantasy fulfilled

As a young teenage boy, I was raised in a very strict church. There was a family that were members there and the mom was a stunning MILF fuck fantasy for me. Protecting her real name, I will just refer to the now GILF as "Kat". Kat always wore a very long dress but nine times out of ten, she wore a low cut top along with her dress to church. There were times that I would walk into the kitchen during potluck and she would bend over to take food out of the oven and I would see her big voluptuous...

2 years ago
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Fantasy Fulfilled

Another fact-based story. Some of the circumstances are different but the betrayal is maybe too real.In response to some folks whom don't believe it is possible to penetrate a woman's cervix: You don't know what you think you know. If you have never experienced the extreme pleasure of a 'deep fuck', then I hope you do one day.*********Neither my wife Stacey nor I were virgins when we married. Hell, we weren't even virgins when we first met! First hooking up in the late 1980's, we dated...

3 years ago
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Wife Fantasy Fulfilled

Like many other men I have long had the fantasy of watching my wife getting sexually fulfilled by another man -- or woman. Like many wives she has for a long time rejected the idea.However, over the past few months she became more receptive to discussing my desires, even if not living them out. I explained to her that I still loved her dearly, but it was also for that reason that I wanted her to enjoy her sexuality to the full. I wanted her to be able to submit to her sexual desires and not to...

4 years ago
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A Fantasy Finally Fulfilled

A Fantasy Finally Fulfilled Every since I was in my teens I have always had this fantasy about having a black lover, even then, I watched porn of huge black guys fucking white girls and was so aroused and fascinated by these interracial couplings, the contrast between the shiny black body of the stud and the milky white body of the girl coupling with pure lust, I know in real life its not always like that but it still fascinates me and gets me very wet and horny. The opportunity to turn this...

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Phantasies Fulfilled

Phantasies -- Fulfilled? By Renee Part one I've always had this fetish, ever since I was a kid. I used to wear my sisters bathing suit or short shorts and since I had a small frame and very little hair, I looked pretty cute. I would fantasize about being forced to wear my sisters bathing suit and then being tied up to a pole outside the school for everyone to see. There were even some boys I used to look at in the locker room...

1 year ago
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Fulfilled By Gingerfred Man Chapter One ? The Letter I was sitting at my desk at work and trembling as I read the letter for the third time. "Dear Mr. Harris: An anonymous benefactor has arranged for an all-expenses-paid, two-week vacation for you at ?Fulfillment?, our t-girl fantasy spa in the Mediterranean island country of Gingerfredonia. Your dream experience will begin on July 24. A general description of optional activities is enclosed. No need to make your...

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Anne8217s Dream Fulfilled

Hey, this Steve from Calcutta and Delhi. Wrote a different one from a female’s perspective. Would love your comments for the experiment. Mail me on And now.. Anne Arendt was about to enter the classroom, but stopped in her tracks. Christ on a bike. This can’t be happening. But it was Dennis McLaren before the class in all his six-feet-three, bearded Scottish glory, instructing them (in that deliciously gruff baritone) to whip out Richard Siken’s Crush (her all-time favourite poetry collection)...

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A Fantasy He Didnt Want Fulfilled

*******************************************************************************Disclaimer:All credit to Motothis story can be found at www.liteerotica.com.another one of my favourites*******************************************************************************A Fantasy He Didn't Want Fulfilledby m-o-t-o©I had one steady girlfriend throughout college. I met her my freshman year; she was a sophomore. When we met, she was dating a guy at another school but that did not stop her from pursuing me....

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A Step in Transition Part 4 Dreams Fulfilled

A Step in Transition - Dreams Fulfilled Bonnie Lea A few weeks had passed by since Nikki's date with Bryan and she was still thinking about all that transpired that night. Just the thought of touching another man's cock and taking it in her mouth had made her feel so much like a woman that it was all that she cared about now. The pills that Claudia had been getting her to take had obviously done the trick as her breasts were now fully formed and as she looked naked in the mirror all...

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Fantasies Fulfilled

FANTASIES FULFILLED by Throne "Priscilla, we are ready for our tea," his wife Abagail said, intentionally using a plummy voice. Paul took a steadying breath. He couldn't believe this was actually happening. It had been one thing to have the fantasy. To imagine himself as a perfect maid, serving his wife and one of her friends while he was in full uniform. His face made up conservatively but femininely. No hair anywhere on his body. But it was something else again to actually be...

2 years ago
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Tinas Fantasy Fulfilled

This is a story written at the request of a very good friend of mine. “I wanna B gang fukd” “U wanna what?” “U heard me; I want 2B fukd by lots of coks” This latest round of texts was not at all what I had expected from one of mine and my wife’s good friends. Tina was a girl who we had become to know through one of our kids baseball leagues. As the convener, she was the go-to person for any and all complaints and concerns that any of the parents had. After one of the games, my wife and I needed...

Group Sex
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Fantasy fulfilled

                                  Fantasy Fulfilled                                     Horace was last off the helicopter, there in the waste ofthe desert.  There were a zillion stars, but there was no glow inthe sky from the lights of Las Vegas; they must be miles fromanywhere.  The cabin attendant, a sexy blonde who had serveddrinks, led them across the sand for a hundred yards or so, towhat looked like an outcropping of rock.  In fact, there was aconcealed door, and an elevator.     In the...

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Janes Fantasy Fulfilled

Jane’s Fantasy FulfilledMy wife Jane and I enjoy a very satisfying sexual life. It may be kinky to some, but we enjoy spanking as a part of our play. I'm the top and Jane is the bottom, and a very lovely bottom she is. I'm sure it would come as quite a surprise to Jane's very prestigious law firm to know that one of their most popular and professional attorneys can often be found with her skirt hiked up to her waist, her panties around her ankle's and her bottom cheeks subjected to hair brush...

1 year ago
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fantasy fulfilled

New experience   Where to begin?   I’m sixty nine years old male, feel about forty, am still working and keeping fit. I’ve had a varied life, done the wife swopping and been to a number of swinging parties. I have watched my wife having sex with up to four guys at a time and also with two women. The most I have had, was two women at the same time.   Well my wife and I parted company about six years ago.   We are still friends,...

First Time
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Pilled thrilled drilled and fulfilled

Pilled, thrilled and fulfilled        part 1The waitress had two drinks on her tray - a tall Killian's Red in a frosted mug for me and a Margarita on the rocks for my wife.  I wouldn't typify our relationship as truly Master/slave; however, ?m? allows me to play occasionally, which keeps me completely satisfied and always coming back for more.I took a long sip of my beer while she stirred her drink.  The two vicoden tablets lay in front of her.  My preference, and I suppose m's too, is to get...

2 years ago
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Sex Fantasy With Mother Fulfilled

Suraj coveted his mother for a long time and had a sex fantasy about her. He is married and has a son, but his relationship with his wife soured when he found his wife cheating on him. However, he decided to continue with his family because of his son. He thought his walking away may jeopardize his son’s studies. His parents lived at a distance, and he used to visit them weekly. When his mother Sonalata used to start to backbite against his wife, he disliked that. But somehow, in his mind, he...

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Sex Fantasy With Mother Fulfilled

Suraj coveted his mother for a long time and had a sex fantasy about her. He is married and has a son, but his relationship with his wife soured when he found his wife cheating on him. However, he decided to continue with his family because of his son. He thought his walking away may jeopardize his son’s studies. His parents lived at a distance, and he used to visit them weekly. When his mother Sonalata used to start to backbite against his wife, he disliked that. But somehow, in his mind, he...

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Finally Filled

She heard the message come in on her phone but before she could cross the room to check it there was a knock at her back door. Expecting one of the neighborhood k**s, she quickly opened it and then he was pushing her inside."What are you doing here?' She asked, breathless. He closed the door behind him with one hand and swiftly locked it. "This is what you wanted, right?" His voice sounded deeper than normal. "Now get on your knees and open your mouth.""Wha-""I said get on your knees."  He...

2 years ago
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An Empty Nest Filled

I was just puttering around the house per my usual when the phone rang. The phone started ringing. I stared at it like a foreign object. I'd gotten my number on the No Call list way back when the law first went into effect. I was an old guy caught puttering around his house. My phone could go a week without a peep. But not much more than that, because I was one number off from a nearby chain restaurant popular enough to encourage reservations. Usually I politely informed them that they've...

3 years ago
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Storm Filled

"What do you want me to wear?" Her text message reads."High heels and that silver heart necklace," I shoot back. Quickly I send another message, "And nothing else." If I had been in the mood I might have let a smirk cross my lips, but this wasn't the time for that. I was filled with that undeniable authority that came from knowing exactly what I wanted at exactly the time I wanted it. This wasn't some random act of ignorance. Every move has a purpose. Control of myself meant control of...

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A Man and His PetsChapter 8 Cindys Holes Get Filled

Trina and Cindy obediently followed Jim to the Kennel. Once there, Jim removed his clothes and hugged both of his pets. "Cindy, did Trina tell you what to expect today? Did she tell you about the blowjob and butt fucking?" With a bit of a fearful quiver in her voice, Cindy answered. "Yes, Sir. What do you want me to do?" Why don't we start with a little blowjob. Did Trina tell you I will be shoving my cock into your throat, and cuming in your mouth?" "Yes, Sir." Jim laid on the...

1 year ago
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Gina fills in and gets herself filled

‘Ok’ I said, ‘but you know I can’t write for shit!’ ‘That’s fine. All you have to do is take a tape recorder and ask them the questions that I’ll write down for you. Drink free wine in the hospitality area while watching the show! It’ll be easy.’ Said my best friend Shelly. My name is Gina and I am a 32 year old married woman. My best friend is a music journalist and she asked me to cover for her in going to see a gig and interviewing a band. She had double booked herself and wanted to go on...

2 years ago
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Gina fills in and gets herself filled

‘Ok’ I said, ‘but you know I can’t write for shit!’ ‘That’s fine. All you have to do is take a tape recorder and ask them the questions that I’ll write down for you. Drink free wine in the hospitality area while watching the show! It’ll be easy.’ Said my best friend Shelly. My name is Gina and I am a 32 year old married woman. My best friend is a music journalist and she asked me to cover for her in going to see a gig and interviewing a band. She had double booked herself and wanted to go on...

Group Sex
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Fantasy Fulfilled

We didn't have sex until about 5 months into our relationship, not that we didnt want to, just that we had both been burned before early on and wanted to make sure the other was going to stick around. However, when we finally did, WOW it was amazing (for both of us i might add). Im white, about 6'3", thin, to an atheletic degree, fairly handsome as i am told by the ladies and real world well endowed. Most stories are always like "oh and i have 10 inch peniss" no. I have a respectable,...

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Sisterinlaw fulfilled

I am Patrick, my friends also call me Jimmy. I’m 20 years old, currently studying. I have a brother who is married to his wife, Kate. I live in Missouri with my parents. I don’t mind staying with my parents. I have a part time job in a nearby restaurant where I work as a waiter. It pays off really. I was doing my work and studying for all week long, so I decided to go meet my brother for the weekend who was also available for the weekend. My brother, Chris is the best friend I have. So, on...

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