The Nest
- 3 years ago
- 29
- 0
I was just puttering around the house per my usual when the phone rang. The phone started ringing. I stared at it like a foreign object. I'd gotten my number on the No Call list way back when the law first went into effect. I was an old guy caught puttering around his house. My phone could go a week without a peep. But not much more than that, because I was one number off from a nearby chain restaurant popular enough to encourage reservations. Usually I politely informed them that they've dialed the wrong number. Though there had been several occasions where the caller had been such an asshole from first word that I'd been more than happy to take the reservation for 12 for an hour hence on a busy Saturday night!
Something like that would put a skip in my step for several days. Sure it's pathetic, but after you hit 40, you live for those little thrills, those puny triumphs. Trust me on this.
At my daughter's insistence, I'd entered this marvelous new age where you didn't have to actually answer the phone. You could listen to who was calling explaining why they were calling. Mostly they were wanting to make a reservation, and mostly going ahead and making them on the tape of my machine.
The machine clicked on. The message began. "Quit pretending you're modern. Like, how many calls a week do you have to screen anyway?"
It was my daughter Christy, so I quickly picked up. "Shut up! I'll have you know that I'm constantly getting calls from Heads of States and Hollywood Actresses. If I didn't screen all of my calls, I'd have to actually talk to those sorry fuckers!"
"Daddy! Language, please!" It was our joke. I was born with a dirty mouth, but I'd kept it well in check once I had a daughter. It became a habit. Though once in awhile I'd spew out some nasty words. When the hammer hits your supporting thumb instead of the nail-head. But Christy, that apple dropped right next to the tree. She often spoke like she'd been raised by pirates. By pirates who'd gotten motherfucking into the OED in adjective status.
"Okay, young wench, why are you calling me?"
At that, Christy got shy. "Uh, well ... things aren't going so hot in my life. I'd really like to, say, come over Saturday, have dinner with my Dad, and talk."
I shrugged even though she couldn't see me. "Bring a pizza, and I'll be all ears."
I could hear a little contented sigh. "I knew you would help me."
"I'm your Dad. I'll always and only ever be here to cherish and try to help you. As long as you remember the pizza."
It was a delight to hear Christy laughing, even if just over the phone.
Come Saturday it was getting perilously close to seven in the evening, and I was getting pretty hungry. I began to realize that I was being stood up by my own daughter. It'd happened before, and I didn't really mind because I didn't much want to hear about what was not-so-hot in her life. Because that always involved her boyfriend of several years.
And let me stand corrected. He wasn't just her boyfriend. Nor was he officially her fiancé. They were engaged-to-be-engaged, a notion so stupid and useless even the French didn't have a term for it. This engaged-to-be-engaged thing was apparently a rather rocky road.
The guy's name was Turk. I'd never ascertained if that was actually on his birth certificate, or just what he'd taken to calling himself. Me, I'd taken to calling him Turd--in secret--because that was exactly what he was. The kind of guy it's best to just wipe after then flush away.
Christy knew I wasn't keen on him, but I'd mostly kept my mouth shut, and was perfectly civil the few times we'd met. It was her life, not mine.
I had food in the house, but my taste buds were tuned in to pizza. But I didn't want to go out of my house to get it. So I was gearing up for the culinary disappointment of delivery. The phone options were the crappy chains that guaranteed delivery in 30 minutes, or they'd throw in the antacid for free.
I flipped through the Yellow Pages, noting down numbers. From there it was like standing in a voting booth, trying to decide which candidate made me want to puke the least. I was rescued from the decision by a knocking on the front door. I half-expected it to be a delivery guy with the wrong address. I'd pay for the pizza, eat a slice, throw the rest in the fridge to toss into the garbage later, while retiring to bed for a night of passionate heartburn.
It was a delight, and disappointment, to find Christy on the porch. She came bearing a big box from the excellent pizzeria in town that tossed the fresh dough in the air and didn't employ drivers. She also had several bottles of a decent red wine, but in the big bottle, which did not bode well. The pizza would be delicious, the glass or two of wine soothing, but then she'd hit her third glass and I'd have to suffer through her complaints about Turk this and Turk that. There wasn't much I could actually say to help; it was a tired old litany that bored the shit out of me. The challenge for me would be to not nod out during the monologue.
The pizza was ace, and the wine not too shabby. We had nice conversations while watching the tube. With her third glass, Christy became immersed in some dumb movie. I was impatient, ready to cut to the chase so I could get that over with, be in my own bed in my quiet house when I was ready to nod out.
I waited for the next commercial break. "Uhm, so what's going on?"
That was enough to get her going. "I think I'm done with Turk. Apparently, in his book, being engaged-to-be-engaged doesn't preclude him from hooking up with other women."
"You mean engaging in sexual intercourse with other women?"
"Shut up, Dad."
"I'm just trying to translate the modern vernacular for my ancient ears. You think you're done with him? Like all the times before when it turned out you weren't?"
"You never liked him!" she accused.
"No, but I never talked trash about him like you do. So why are you here tonight if you want to defend him? I mean, it's always nice having you over, but maybe it's time for you to go home and work out your own compromises."
Christy started tearing up, which was my sign to refill my glass.
"You scented him out as a sleaze right away. Why didn't you say something?" she snuffled.
"Wait," I held my hand up. "You know I've never liked Turk--you just said so. What you don't know is that I secretly call him Turd, because that's exactly what I think he is."
Christy giggled through her sniffles.
"But baby girl, that's your life. You know my opinions, but that's all they are. How can they change anything? is what most people don't understand. It's like watching a horror movie on t.v.--Don't go in that room!!! You can shout at the t.v. all you want, but you can't alter the script--they always go into the bad room."
She nodded, silently, accepting my words of wisdom. She tried to refill her glass, but there was only a splash left. So she stepped boldly into the danger zone of opening the other bottle. Thus refilled, she cheered me. I topped off my glass, reconciled to a fuzzy morrow.
"So what do you want to do, long term? Obviously for tonight I'm taking your keys and granting you the couch."
There was the silence as we both slugged through and refilled our glasses. Eventually Christy looked up from her lowered eyes. "I was wondering if maybe I could move back home while I sort things out. This is a very comfortable couch."
I was ready for that. I'd anticipated the question since her call. It wasn't the first time. I would never say no, but given the generosity of drink, I was giddily agreeable. "Christy, baby," I slurred, "you're welcome to your old room."
"But Mom turned it into her sewing room."
"Well, yea, but it's not like she's not doing much sewing anymore."
That was the unspoken thing. My wife, Christy's mother, had been killed three years back when crashed into by a coked-out cop with a documented history of abuse. The bastard's previous wrist-slaps had won me a huge settlement. I could live off the interest. In the destroyed shell of my former life.
We kept drinking, safely on the couch. Finally, my daughter stated, "But last I looked, aren't you keeping that room as like a shrine? It's still Mom's sewing room. All her stuff is still there."
I shrugged, drunkenly. "I just never go in there. Never had the habit. But not because of that. I don't need the space. I don't have the habit of going in there. Before it was her sewing room it was your bedroom. I never had much reason to even go in the room. But we can clear it out so you can have it again for however long you need." I gave her shoulder an affectionate rub. "Better that than you hogging the couch every night, right?"
I'd been a very good husband. Now, at least, I could be a good father.
"Can you help me move?"
"Sure," I said. "I mean, first we'll need to clear out the room. But then when you're ready I'll rent a truck and we can collect your stuff." It was a passive-aggressive statement on my part. I would agree tonight, and tomorrow she'd go back home, and I'd never have to touch the room, much less get a truck.
"Can we do it tomorrow?"
Well, I nodded, thinking it was the wine talking. I was surprised when Christy sort of sprang across the distance and wrapped me in a tight hug. She kissed my ear, whispering, "Oh, Daddy, you're the best!"
The surprise was compounded as she kept me in the hug. I got uncomfortable, as it'd been three years since I'd felt a full bosom pressed against my chest. I had my arms around her since a hug of one is so awkward. I started lightly patting her back, like soothing a child. "Sounds like we have a full day tomorrow, so we should probably get some sleep, particularly after all this wine. Why don't you go brush your teeth and stuff while I go hunt up some bedding for the couch. You can check the vanity drawers; if there's not a new toothbrush there, feel free to use mine."
I turned the lights down to just the lamp on the endtable. I had the couch dressed in fresh sheets, with a comforter, and a pillow from my bed, when Christy returned from the bathroom. She was still in her short shirt, but carrying her pants. She dropped them by the side of the couch. "I should have brought an overnight bag. I'm sorry. I did have to use your toothbrush." My wife had been a modest woman. I'd never seen a girl walking around waist down in just her panties. I ... I liked the sight, even though it was my adult daughter.
She slid under the covers and I tucked her in, out of sight thus out of mind. "I'm sorry," I said, "I had to give you a pillow from my bed, but I couldn't find a fresh pillowcase."
My daughter looked like a golden goddess, lying in her improvised bed. She sniffed at the pillow. "It smells like you, Daddy--it makes me feel so safe."
I turned off the lamp, leaning down to place a goodnight kiss on her forehead. But in the relative dark of the hall light she shifted and my lips instead met hers. I straightened up, refusing to let it linger. "Mmm," she murmured, "I meant what I said, Dad. You are the best."
I trailed a finger across the tip of her nose. "See you in the morning, sweetheart."
I brushed my teeth with a toothbrush that tasted of my daughter's mouth. I thought to be smart enough to eat a couple of aspirins and slug some cups of water in anticipation of what the morning would otherwise bring. In my room, I stripped and slunk under the sheets. I had a thick erection, which I refused to touch. I didn't set my alarm for the big day ahead of us. I wanted to outsleep the wine-addled confliction in my mind. I focused on how settling it would be to wake late and find Christy up and gone back to Turk. How beautiful it would be to wake up and have everything gone back to normal. I fell asleep while making a note to myself to keep my wine intake to just a glass or two, except maybe on extra special occasions.
I woke up way too early, sort of shocked that I didn't feel too bad. The sun was barely slanting through the window. I tried to roll back over, but after barely five minutes I gave up, grabbed a robe and shrugged it on for decency. I went down the hall to the bathroom and had a long piss. I slugged down some more water, popping another couple aspirins for good measure. I ventured a bit further down the hall to have a peek into the livingroom.
Christy was still sprawled on the sofa, dead to the world, legs asunder. The covers were all awry. Were it not for the stretched fabric of her panties, I would've seen a part of my daughter I shouldn't have even been thinking about viewing. I did stray and look too long. I felt so ashamed I wanted to throw myself under a bus. Instead, I went back to bed, refusing my cock's entreaties until I again fell back asleep.
Hours later I awakened, feeling positively refreshed. I could smell the burn of old coffee overlaid with that of a fresh pot. I strode down the hall to find my daughter absolutely bustling. She greeted me with a big cheery hug. Christy poured me a mug and let me let that settle in before she showed me how she had her old room cleared and ready to go. After my second mug, she announced, "I have a truck reserved for after lunch!"
It was, indeed, going to be a big day. Like it or not.
Where things got weird was when we showed up to fetch her possessions. Turk was home, and Christy obviously hadn't called him with the update. He was, I expect, assuming the same as me: that things would blow over and resume the status quo. He started talking all nasty to my daughter, as though I was just a moving guy along for the ride. Finally I snapped. "Dude, you're fucking other women. What do you need my daughter for? Security? The fall-back option? In case they figure out what a douche bag you are and decide to cut you off?"
Turk got all huffy, but then backed down. Knowing that if it came to it, I could take him easy.
"You always were a Daddy's Girl," he sneered at Christy. That was such bullshit, I replied, "Yea, and you were always a Horse's Ass."
When it came to the bed, which my wife and I had purchased for Christy when she'd moved out of our house, he declared, "This is my bed." It was rumpled and unmade, and obviously still damp from some girl not my daughter. I allowed that concession.
"You made your bed--feel free to sleep in it. And if I ever hear of you again, I will come back and make you hurt."
As long as we had the truck, on the drive back to my house I stopped at a store to spring for a futon couch-bed. Christy worked from home doing Internet stuff I didn't understand. Thus she could wake up in her old bedroom, shunt the bed back into a couch, and then be in her office, without leaving the room.
We unloaded everything back at my house, and then returned the truck. Back home, I helped with moving the heavy items. I began looking forward to a little nap while Christy spent the afternoon arranging her things. The sewing table was still in the room. It was a beast, the kind where the actual sewing machine pushed down so that the table could be an actual table. Christy had effected that transformation earlier that morning. "You want to help me haul this out to the garage?" I asked, hoping to complete my chores. "Get it out of your way while I decide what to do with it later. If nothing else, I'm sure the Salvation Army or somebody would be happy to swing by and take it off my hands."
"You know," my daughter winced, "that's a really expensive model. Mom taught me to sew when I was a little girl; maybe I'll pick it up again sometime. If you don't mind, I'd like to keep it. If we move it over against this wall, it's out of the way. Plus, it's really the perfect size for my printer and peripherals."
There was a large translucent plastic tub filled with unused bolts of fabric. I moved to pick it up and clear it out of the room. "I doubt anyone will want this, but you never know, so I'll stash it in the garage."
Christy immediately reached and grabbed a handle, yanking it from my grip and pulling it across the carpet towards her. It was an odd tug-of-war. The battle won, she sort of shrugged. "I remember Mom always saying it was a crime to throw away good fabric." She maneuvered the tub into the closet. It fit perfectly, like her satisfied look. "I did have one question." She popped the lid and pulled out a piece of a nearly gossamer fabric, a pretty pale blue with delicate vertical white stripes, somewhat sewn but still holding pins. "What's this? It's really lovely."
I looked askant, in silence. "Well," I eventually ventured, "that was a dress shirt she was making me ... that she was working on ... right before..." I decided to lighten the mood, the moment. "I definitely would've had to wear an undershirt with that one."
Christy gave a wan smile, replacing the fabric and snapping the top of the tub down tight.
The tub of fabric wasn't exactly Pandora's box, but I did go off to my room for a little nap thinking about things I didn't want to think about anymore, because I'd thought about them so much already over the past three years. The Widower's Laments. It was not a very satisfying nap. I'd thought I was done with soaking my pillow with my quiet tears.
I was as old as I was, but back in this old hobby store in Chicago that I remember from a vivid memory when I was 5. My own father must have taken me there, but he wasn't around. There was the huge slot-car track, and the air was thick with the whine of small cars racing. There was the scent of electricity and metal and oil so light it looked like maple syrup. The whole scenario made so little sense that I urged myself awake. The racing cars started sounding like a sewing machine, but once I was fully conscious I could hear how Christy was puttering around in her room getting all her computer stuff up and running. It was a noisy job.
I was in the kitchen brewing up the afternoon pot when Christy stepped in the room. Her arms held something behind her back. "Ready for a surprise?" she piped. I nodded in reply. I wasn't big on surprises, but hers had me intrigued.
She flapped her arms and unfurled, holding up against her frame the completed shirt, her mother's unfinished project. It looked beautiful, and I said so.
"Guess sewing is like riding a bike," she gleamed at the compliment.
I reached out to touch the sleeve. It was a pretty, soft fabric. I was touched that she'd completed it for me. I moved to accept the present, but Christy snatched it away. She jutted her chin in triumph. "This is mine," she stated, softening to, "though I love to share."
When evening began, I started thinking about rustling us up something for dinner. I was rummaging around in the fridge, indeed found poking my head inside the freezer, when Christy came in. She pulled me away from the appliance and slammed the two doors.
She kept hold of my hand, swinging our arms in a carefree loop. "I've had a long day, and I'm really tired. Let's go out and bring home some Chinese, eat it like slugs off the coffee table while watching crappy t.v. Sound good to you?"
I paused a beat.
"I'm paying," she added.
"Sounds great," I deadpanned, gripping her hand and pulling her along, while gathering up my keys and wallet. On the drive over to the carry-out, Christy had me stop for some wine. Here we go again, I thought, but then I remembered my resolve from the night before. There is nothing wrong with moderation.
The food was pretty decent. But then we were full. We cleared the plates and put the lunch-tomorrow leftovers in the fridge. Back on the couch, we each nursed our second glass. Everything on t.v. turned really stupid, so my daughter sat up straight and turned to me, poised with her wineglass held mid-air.
"So Dad, tell me about the honey in your life."
"Beg your pardon," I sputtered.
"C'mon, it's been three years. Dish me some details about how you've finally moved on. Is there anyone special? You sure keep things a secret."
I ... didn't know what to say. So I kept quiet.
"C'mon, Daddy. You know the details of how I'm losing the loser. How about some reciprocation?"
These were things I was not at all comfortable talking about. But I felt I owed it to my daughter to be honest.
"Christy," I waggled my head, "it's not like I'm carrying a torch or anything, but the truth is I haven't so much as kissed another woman since your mother died."
Her jaw dropped. "But Dad!" Her further comments circled around the notion of how guys are always looking for it. That it was natural for me to seek out someone else. Definitely, after three years.
A thought occurred in my head, and I nearly shot wine out my nose. I barked a laugh. "Lead me down to the pen of eligible women, and lemme have a look, then. Where, exactly, do they congregate, waiting for the likes of me? Those kind of bars suck. Join a church group--that's even worse. I could hang out in libraries and vegetable aisles, but that seems really creepy. It's kind of convenient for me to do the laundry in my own house. I think becoming a volunteer worker for an organization devoted to good is a very honorable. But couple it with the hope of finding a new girlfriend, and the action is rendered pathetic..."
"But what about your needs?" she interrupted. She gave me the it's okay smile. "C'mon, we're all human."
That we are.
"After all," she exclaimed, "you're still young and virile. What are you doing, sitting home all alone all the time?"
I blushed, but shrugged out the truth. "Boys figure that shit out pretty early."
"Yea, but," she narrowed her shoulders and nodded, "isn't that more of a stop-gap thing?"
What could one do but reply with a shrug?
I couldn't explain why I wasn't dating sexy ladies my age. I didn't really know. I didn't really care. "It's just about appetites," I ventured. "If you're thirsty, a bottle of Perrier is nice. But you slake it just as well sucking from the tap."
That explanation didn't satisfy my daughter. I went at it from another angle.
"Sure, gourmet meals linger like landmarks in memory, but in reality, it's so much easier to just slap together a sandwich. Hunger solved."
Christy kept pressing, until I broke. "Honey, stop it. You know the story. We were virgins of 13 when your mother grabbed my hand. I don't know how to date. Having never had to find and then wade through a list of potential new mates, I'm not really sure I want to. So maybe give me a break?"
She agreed to my terms, and shut up.
It wasn't long before the t.v. became boring, and the silence between us uncomfortable. I decided I was ready for bed. I rose to do so, leaning fast back down to kiss Christy on the forehead. "I'm going to bed. But first I do want to say that I appreciate your thoughts and concerns. I know I should be more social, and I'm aiming in that direction, but I'm just not ready yet."
My words eased the tension. Christy levitated from the cushions to give me a hug. "Dad, I just want you to be happy."
That did make me happy. Until my eyes glanced down and I was ashamed that they stayed glued on the sight, taking in the generous look down the front of her shirt.
Maybe it was a good idea to start socializing again, at least to the extent that I'd get to see breasts again. Ones bared for my admiration, not the stolen shadows down my daughter's top.
I left Christy in the livingroom. I got ready for bed, and then I got in bed. My cock was thinking about boobs, wanting some attention, but I ignored it once more, turning again instead to read about 5 pages of the pretty boring book on my bedside table, after which all of me was ready for sleep.
It was about 3 hours later--the red bedside numerals read--when I lurched awake. I would've drifted back down, but I needed to pee and was incredibly thirsty. Like a breaching whale, I was fresh out of a long dream involving a swimming pool.
The house was quiet and dark; I moved down the hall like a spirit. Christy had left her bedroom door ajar, and as I passed it, I heard some rustling coming from inside, like she was dreaming and shifting in her sleep.
I continued to the bathroom, shutting the door behind me. I did my exchange of fluids as quietly as possible. I waited in the bathroom for the toilet tank to fill and shut up before I opened the door back into the hall.
Once in the hall I was next to her door--stopped by the sound. I knew the noises. They remained in my vestigial memory. I was the only other person in the house--I was clearly hearing my daughter pleasuring herself. I stood still, not wanting to disturb her. When she started hitting a pitch, I gambled on her distraction to move to the other side of her door, closer down the path of retreat to my own room.
I made the move past her door undetected. But there I lingered. I felt like the worst person in the world, but I couldn't move. I wanted to hear my daughter as she collapsed into orgasm. I wanted to listen to a woman in the throes of her own pleasure. After that happened, I padded silently back to my own bed. I lay there ignoring an erection like a construction crane. Eventually the end-of-shift whistle blew and I fell back asleep.
The next day Christy was very happy, and very busy, getting her room in final order, and doing some actual work-work it seemed. The computer kept sounding awfully busy. Well after lunch, I went to the grocery and bought the ingredients for a nice dinner.
I was in the kitchen prepping up a storm, getting some of the cooking going, when Christy popped in. "Smells great! I'm done for the day. What can I do to help?"
"Nothing. Maybe if you feel like it, go out and hunt down some movies and wine."
The dinner turned out 4-star, and we ate it watching some cheap zombie slasher film. It was a perfect match. After we'd cleared the kitchen, we hit the wine and turned to the night's other feature. It started out as some romantic comedy, but then there kept being rather arousing nude scenes. It was like an American studio had somehow birthed a French or Italian film.
About 20 minutes in, Christy got up and left the room. When she came back, she sat on the couch right next to me. She'd changed into the shirt she'd completed, and a pair of long, long bared legs. As she settled in, the long tails of the dress shirt shifted enough to give me a reassuring glimpse that she did have panties on underneath. As she leaned against me, it seemed awkward not to, so I slunk an arm over my daughter's shoulder. In response, she snuggled in even closer.
Christy sort of shivered under my arm. "This movie is actually pretty sexy." It certainly was, and I was totally trying to ignore the fact, but then her words had my cock throbbing back to life. Like a dead weight dropped on my head, I suddenly realized that my daughter wasn't so much shivering as she was squirming. Like, in her seat.
I watched as, unassisted, her nipples poked out the fabric of the shirt like she was typing out Braille. Christy shifted a little away from me. She drew her hands together; then they parted and began rubbing up and down the other's forearm. It was a most sexy gesture.
Then she spoke her piece. "This movie's getting pretty steamy--it's getting me all hot. And I don't want to wait to go to bed to go with the flow. I want to take care of things right now. Hope you don't mind!" And then she added in a near whisper, "You know what I'm talking about. I know you heard me last night when you got up to get a drink of water. I wasn't exactly being discreet about my bedtime lullaby."
With that, one of her hands was reading Braille, while the other dipped up under the hem. "Girls figure that shit out pretty early, too," she grinned.
I was stunned, and aroused. I was more than just aroused, I was more aroused, because I'd already been pretty aroused by the movie, so the additional arousal on top of the original arousal had my brain reduced to a ping pong ball rattling around in my skull. The focus of all my thoughts was the tamping down of my arousal: the mach 2 version!
"If you too don't feel like waiting to go to bed, feel free to play with yourself. I certainly don't mind. Mmm, trust me, it really enhances the movie-viewing experience."
I did not follow suit; I just sat there, not believing what I was seeing when I forgot to remember to be pretending to be watching the movie. I was an old widower sitting on his livingroom couch trying to watch t.v. despite the distractions. Such as I was a forty-year-old guy who hadn't had sex in the three years since his wife died, while further down the sofa, our lovely daughter of 24 years was openly masturbating herself into a frenzy.
My tactics stopped working. If I'd been anymore aroused, I'd have split like a brat on a too hot grill.
Christy gave herself a tremendous orgasm, while remaining modest with her hemline. She resurfaced, sputtering and gasping, and grinning at me. Her grin had the daring twist of a girl caught doing something bad, but she don't care. A grin like a challenge, to join her in doing wrong.
Monday morning Susan woke late, at least for her, feeling like she had the flu. Her nose was stuffed, her eyes were red, her body hurt, and she felt groggy. She had not slept well, at all. She had lain in her bed, crying for hours before falling asleep. After an hour of sleep she'd wake and see the empty side of the bed. She'd burst into tears, crying herself to sleep again. It was a cycle that repeated, throughout the night. She glanced at the empty place on Irving's side of the bed, and...
"OK Pilar, let me get this straight, PLEASURE’S NEST is a bar where middle aged women go to meet boys for sex?""Hey, Jewel! it isn't k**dy porn, they have to be twenty-one to get into the place. Other than that, yes you have it right, it’s fun and with no commitments, except for safe sex."When Pilar saw the wispy smile cross Jewel's face, she knew she had convinced her, she told her she would pick her up at ten. She didn't mention that she needed her to be her wingman but she would find out...
I was up late one night watching television and came across an old movie with Sophia Loren in all her "nubile boobs and big bottom" splendor doing her best to keep a straight face playing the role of a housekeeper on a houseboat. It was the most terrible of plots and the storyline was totally cliché but the film revolved around her personality and it was quite enjoyable. I remember her down on her hands and knees humming a silly tune that made no sense and all I could focus on was her...
He walked up from behind and put his arms around her shoulders, lifting one finger to her lips in that universal sign. "Shhh!" She immediately stopped wiping the plate dry. "What?" she whispered. He brought his mouth down close to her right ear. Close enough that she could feel his breath caress the lobe. "Do you hear that?" "WHAT?" she whispered. Her ear was tingling pleasantly, but what was this about a strange sound? He moved his head so that his mouth was now hovering next to...
I awoke at dawn and eagerly got myself ready. I had a good feeling about the day and was raring to go. My muscles were aching slightly after the exertions of yesterday but after a quick stretch in the shower I felt rejuvenated. The Captain ate her breakfast in silence and I did not feel comfortable bringing up my issue of being the only person who got punished for Holly. Surely, Holly getting punished for Holly would be fair also! I cleared up the breakfast things and was outside the...
Tammet checked over his shoulder, for the hundredth time. Today was the day he’d been preparing for. He looked around the forest again, making sure none of his captors, or a stray hunting party, had followed him or happened upon him by sheer luck. A light wind made the leaves overhead rustle like a soft summer rain. Sunlight filtered down through the leaves upon his long straight black hair. He reached into the hollow of a long dead tree to retrieve the items he’d carefully stowed there...
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended. Always look both ways before crossing the pond. Beware of geeks bearing gifs. An answer known is a power broken. One man’s crisis is another man’s narcissism. This space to let. Preface:...
— David Tyler slapped my cheek a few times to bring me to. ‘Kid. Kid.’ I shoved his hand away and buried my face into his shoulder. I was awake, damn it. ‘You gonna walk? I might have a bit of trouble carrying you.’ Still drowsy and lethargic, I managed to get out of the car. I wasn’t in such excruciating pain, I felt a little more like myself. I wanted to figure out what was going on. I tried to pay attention to everything. It was early morning. Summertime brightness could be...
— Violet Things were going to get sorted. Slowly, maybe painfully. Not likely to end up perfect, but at least bearable. We got back pretty late. Amelia opened the front door before David got his key in the lock. He was right, that she’d be angry. The first thing she saw was his lip, and she frowned with a trace of confusion. Then she saw the bruise on my cheek, and her eyes went livid. She shot David a glare. He could’ve bullshitted about how we ran into some trouble, but of course, he...
I could feel the heat from his body on my back, and the soft brush of his breath on my skin, as his head lowered to sample the smooth line between my neck and shoulders. ‘Let me keep you warm, Jessie’ he murmured between licks and nibbles to my flesh. ‘Nighthawk?’, my voice quivered a little. The way his hands were caressing my arms while his mouth traced lazy patterns on my back above the towel, I wasn’t very steady on my feet anymore. It was all I could do to say his nickname loud enough for...
Nathaniel wasn’t too sure of what I asked of him. I could see it in his face, the concern for my comfort, but at this point in time, that with all he’d been doing to me the last couple of hours I knew it had been just a prelude to something greater. I reached up and cupped his face in my hands, gently thumbing his jaw. Pressing his head to my stomach, I reached to the back of his head and started to massage along his spine and across his shoulders. He nuzzled into my flesh as I lifted my hips...
Crunching and chewing. The foul stench of dead flesh assaults my nostrils. This is the first thing my mind registers upon regaining consciousness. Then comes the pain. A raw, aching pain in my jaw. I dare not move my mouth for fear that my jaw might fall limply off its hinge. Luckily it doesn’t happen. I’m tucked into a dark corner of the cavern, surrounded by leaves and dried bones. This must be where the dragon feeds itself. I’m still intact, with only minor scars from the b**st’s talons and...
The year of our Lord, 1191. It is a beautiful Spring morning in northern England, and the sparse clouds drift across the sky as I stand watch over the flock. My mother and father are sheep farmers by trade, and I, their only son, have been occupying my time in the fields. Still just a young man of my twentieth year, my small height and slender frame keep me from fighting against the heathens under our king, Richard the Lionheart, but I am not saddened by this. Aggression is far too foreign a...
Breathing hard from the steep climb, Bob said, "I think it's just a little farther. Probably just past that next crest." Ellen stopped for a second. "Or the next or the next or the next. This place had better be good." "Don't worry," he replied. "I'm sure you'll find it worth the climb." Bob and Ellen were both grad students at a college over in Virginia, a couple of hundred miles distant. They were both twenty-three and had been going together since the middle of the semester...
While his wife was destroying the concept of fidelity in the arms of their daughter Jack was tossing and turning in his father’s house. He had driven out to spend the weekend with his dad since Donna wasn’t going to be around. Since he never traveled for his job like other people it was his first night since being married that he wasn’t sleeping next to his wife. His dreams were nightmare filled visions of Donna screaming in ecstasy in the arms of multiple lovers. He kept waking up in a sweat...
When I walked into the office on Monday morning, Brenda was already at her desk sorting the first load of office mail. She blushed a nice scarlet color as I greeted her. "Have a nice weekend?" I asked casually, as though I had no idea of her activities. "Oh, yes." She looked around to be sure no one could hear her. "It was fucking marvelous; or maybe it was the other way around – marvelous fucking. Either way, it was the best weekend in my whole life. Thank you for asking ... and for...
515 Ernest`s story The next few days passed without much to write about, oh they had sex, but it was sadly her week, oh Mary was no longer properly fertile, and was on the change, but it was still occasionally a pain in the belly that threw plans into disarray. So…it was not really till the next weekend when she declared herself available once more. Each day during the dry season, he had dutifully called in at 2pm and had spent the meeting, dolling out jobs and answering queries. Each man in...
513 Swapsie`s; Ernest`s story A car, a big old blue Volvo estate swept into Wye station yard and impatiently hooted, the driver waiting for him to stagger over to it half drunk and with flowers and a bag in hand! The woman, a big blousy lady in tweed, thrusting a ham sized hand strongly into his and saying in a loud commanding voice, “I am Mary, I take it you`re “the stud” my wimpy husband ‘lost’ me too!” He mumbled he was, though he was not sure about the ‘lost me too’ bit but after receiving...
513 Swapsie`s; Ernest`s story A car, a big old blue Volvo estate swept into Wye station yard and impatiently hooted, the driver waiting for him to stagger over to it half drunk and with flowers and a bag in hand! The woman, a big blousy lady in tweed, thrusting a ham sized hand strongly into his and saying in a loud commanding voice, “I am Mary, I take it you`re “the stud” my wimpy husband ‘lost’ me too!” He mumbled he was, though he was not sure about the ‘lost me too’ bit but after receiving...
March 28, 2009 - Kershaw Residence, New Braunfels, TX The house was all ready for the party, although not entirely as originally planned. Although Asheigh's 16th birthday was actually in 3 weeks, that weekend was a major cheer competition, so her mom had grudgingly allowed her to plan a 2 day party for this weekend. Her closest friends from the team were coming over for a sleepover on Saturday, followed by a party for many more friends on Sunday. While not according to the original plan,...
Caressing her extended belly, Holly watched through the window as the next set of guests arrived for the pool party downstairs. Her appearance would no doubt have caused too much disruption, given the speed at which her children were developing. Soon, however, they would have new hosts and the nest would grow. The arriving students would never stand a chance at resisting assimilation. Before the first person arrived, Donald had excreted a steady stream of pheromones around the back lawn and...
Having looked all through the house, they locked the door and, hand in hand, wandered around to the back garden. "Hello," a cheery voice called out. They both turned to see the next door neighbour over the low dividing wall. He was a scrawny looking, bald headed man in about his sixties, he had a happy face and was smiling as he approached the low boundary wall which was just a couple of feet high and really only a marker rather than any sort of wall providing privacy. "Are you moving...
I quietly as possible got my ass out of bed and turned off the alarm. Robin barely stirred as I headed for the bathroom. In the few hours I had been asleep though the muscles I rarely used had tightened up. I was sore in areas I hadn’t been sore in for years. It was a mix as to hurting good and just plain hurting. I got in the shower to wash off the sweat and sex and hopefully wake me up a bit more. I got out of the shower with a towel wrapped around my waist and turned on only the bathroom...
Arrival and Day 1 Well this road trip started out just the same as most others do for us. The van was packed to over flowing and there was myself and two other techs. The three of us hadn’t been out together for awhile. This was going to be a fairly large project though and take a couple of weeks to complete even with three of us there. The town was some where in middle America – nothing too special - around 400,000 population. The first night we stopped a little better than half way...
— Violet Being alone in Darren’s house was pretty awkward, if I’m honest. And if it was awkward for me, I can only imagine what it was like for him. He knocked repeatedly on my room’s door the following morning. ‘Violet, erm. Violet.’ I didn’t immediately respond, and he knocked again. ‘Violet.’ It wasn’t particularly early. I don’t know why I took so long to wake up. ‘What?’ I finally replied, and it came out louder and sharper than I intended. ‘Can you get up?’ ‘Yeah.’ ‘I have...
— Violet The first ‘Keane’ I met was Wesley. He was in my social science class. I watched him for a few days, like I watched everybody. The way he simply sat next to someone, introduced himself, and struck up quick and smooth conversation, was fascinating. Whatever the topic was, he kept it flowing. If talking was an art form, he’d nailed it. It was in every expression he pulled, every simple mannerism – he was friendly. He had a friendly face, attractive in a generic way. Squarish and...
— David I woke up feeling like fucking shit. Something had happened, and I knew it was going to turn into a big deal, but I couldn’t get my head around it. I seemed to be first awake, so I went straight to the bathroom and locked the door. It was like I was washing away proof during that shower, removing the evidence of what had happened. And anger simmered while thinking about it. What the fuck had happened, exactly? She just came onto me like that, out of nowhere. No condom, no nothing....
— David She couldn’t be fucking doing this. When I first woke up, there was no body directly beside me, but I didn’t think much of it and dozed off again. Coming to the second time, I looked around the room for her. She was sitting on my desk chair, fully clothed, staring back at me. As if she had been waiting for me to wake up. There was something alarming about her expression and posture, but I didn’t make any sense of the red flag in that moment. She looked at me as if I was a… thing....
— David I wouldn’t say the second half of that university year went fast. I think it went at a normal pace. Student life had a way of keeping itself interesting. Time could fly, but there’d be all those bumps and hurdles to slow it down. My chemistry professor had a long talk with me and convinced me not to drop the subject. If I could at least complete two years, I’d get something out of it. If I didn’t even complete the first year it’d be a complete waste of everyone’s time. I wanted to...
Author’s note: This is a 10 part story, with two POV characters. The setting is very mildly futuristic, but mostly alternate dimension. My warnings would be some violence (not particularly graphic), and unlawful characters behaving badly. I welcome all feedback, positive or negative. — David I think the pettiest thing that annoyed me while growing up, was that I was supposed to be taller. My best friend, Wesley, was taller than me at every age. My uncles were both taller than me. My dad,...
— Violet I was going to see what David’s life was like. What it really was like, not just how he behaved at university surrounded by other students. Last time I was there, I only got a glimpse. We didn’t take a train that time. Amelia was in a nearby town for something to do with work, so late afternoon she arrived with Zack’s car to pick us up. She was dressed in a navy blue pencil skirt and blazer, relatively low heels clicking the floor, hair tied up high atop her head. Wherever she had...
— David I don’t know why, when at home for those few days, Violet was never mentioned. Maybe I was nervous about what people would think of her, and knew that I’d be teased. Wesley never said anything either, but then, we’d always been like that. We didn’t ‘snitch’ on each other. It wasn’t his to tell. It was uneventful as far as my family goes. Lots of talking around the dinner table, and on the actual Halloween night Wes and I ‘babysitted’ a group of kids, aged 6 to 11, from Hanna’s school...
Trust me, he says. What choice did I have in this position? The man was straddling my waist with his knees barely touching my sides, his shaft was pointing toward my rising breasts, his sac was just brushing my stomach. All I wanted to do is touch him, but he had my hands locked above my head and I couldn’t reach anything. All I could do was feel the heat emanating from his body. I tried to raise my hips but he wouldn’t let me do that for long. He just shook his head and lowered his mouth to my...
The letter came in the mail on a Monday afternoon. Neatly typed, my name and address stared starkly out from the legal looking envelope, Ms. Jessica Louise Hawthorne. I always hated my legal name. It sounded so stuffy and old fashioned and because of that very fact I suffered unmerciful torment as a child in school. I signed everything Jessie H. and tried to hide the name I was blessed with by unthinking parents who chose to honor their dead relatives. Hopefully one day I’d be able to change...
Friday night was date night for the Sparrows. Gina and Dave were painting the town red, leaving their children home alone. At 18, Sarah and Michael were old enough to be left to their own devices, and were both mature enough to be trusted. Gina still gave them ‘the talk’ though, ‘No falling out. No fighting. Be in bed at a reasonable time. If you have any friends over, make sure they’ve left before we get home.’ ‘Unless it’s Mandy!’ Dave chirped, miming a pair a bosoms and nudging Michael....
Sinking into the white, leather seats as we pulled away from the curve, I finally noticed that my stomach was not in my throat. I wasn’t nervous like I usually am. I was relaxed, inquisitive. I looked about me, noticing the luxuries around me. The small tv, the stereo/cd player, the bar, the snacks….all these things surrounding me…for my comfort. The tinted windows shaded my view of the streets as we moved on to the interstate. The curtained window separating the driver from my view, slowly...
Introduction: A tale of deception and betrayal. Rob and Yvonne were so happy to at last have found a suitable house to rent. Their marriage was just a week off and theyd been beginning to despair at the possibility or finding something affordable. Having looked all through the house, they locked the door and, hand in hand, wandered around to the back garden. Hello, a cheery voice called out. They both turned to see the next door neighbour over the low dividing wall. He was a scrawny looking,...
Janet awoke -- and panicked. She sat up instantly, clutching the bedsheet to her bare chest with one hand, holding the other hand outstretched, summoning the strength to hurl a bolt of energy at whoever or whatever had spirited her to this strange place. For this certainly was not her own room; she couldn’t afford silky sheets like this, or this big four-poster bed (complete with canopy), or that beautiful dressing table with the ornate mirror … The glow around her hand died as the last wisps...
hi has been some time now since morris forced him self on me , fucking my white sa pussy with his monster black cock , his cock that he hurt my lily white pussy . well he has been quite busy pumping white pussy at my house , lots of my book club friends r now giving him their white pussies to fill with black cock and black sperm.he is so into white pussy now and there is no shortage for him , i love to watch as he goes into my friends , looks so good seen his huge dick sliding in and out of...
I was not looking forward to coming home from college! The freedom I had experienced since leaving home had been wonderful. You see my mom was rather strict when I had been growing up. I had to be home by ten and mom always inspected my clothes and made me change if she found that they revealed any part of my body from my neck to just below my knees.Maybe it was her old fashion views but I went the other way as soon as I could. Frankly I turned into a real slut even before I went to college. It...
Dr. Evelyn Peters is a good sex ther****t. At 50, Dr. Peters is still one sexually active but frustrated housewife. She has a very long list of patients where majority are middle age married man. In her over twenty-five years as a professional ther****t, she sometimes finds her job to be tiresome and boring. So in order to entertain herself, she plays games with her desperate male patients by sometimes accidentally spilling her large breasts spill over her top or seducing them by touching their...
Ladies especially, let me know if you enjoy this. It gets me off, so let me know if I do the same for you!!!Married 23 years, things get … old. At one time my wife, Tina and I had fireworks and spontaneity. At one time we looked forward to the night and we experimented. We looked for ideas, we read things, ordered things and we made the opportunities to make a sex life for the two of us exciting. I vaguely remember those days. Vaguely.Now we go to bed to watch the news, maybe watch a...
It was 6 o’clock in the evening on a Tuesday in late June when Jennifer Kurosawa was k**napped. It was dark, damp, overcast and unusually warm outside the walls of King George Hospital, and the weather seemed to be getting to everyone. The staff was silent, the patients were irritable, and she herself just wanted to go home, get changed into some comfortable jogging bottoms and her favourite Star Wars T-shirt, fix herself a sandwich and watch some telly on her computer. This, however, did not...
Room 132 was a spartan box filled by four beds separated by thin curtains, and the required medical support equipment. Three of the beds were occupied. I recognized Hutchison in the bed furthest from the small window. He had withered since I'd seen him last, the flesh wasting from his bones under the stress of his body's final fight for survival. He was unconscious, his breath coming in shallow heaves. A heart monitor made a desultory beeping beside his bed. I scanned the room, taking...
CHAPTER 1 It was 8 o’clock in the evening on a Tuesday in late June when Victoria Bidarte was kidnapped. It had been dark, damp, overcast and unusually warm, and every worker on the roofing site was sweating in the 90-degree heat. The men were sullen, and tempers were high. Those who worked on the ground envied the workers who perched on the roof, hammering and stapling the sticky shingles into place, for their access to what little breeze there was. Victoria was of course one of...
My mom eventually told me to move out because she knew I was dressing in my sisters clothes. I think she knew I fooled around with some of the neighbors.I scored a room and was working, so I had some money. I started buying my own clothes but tried to keep it private because I was around people I did not know. Some people are just mean.I love wearing my panties all the time and being just under 20 I had a fit body. I was 5'4: 120 lbs but fit and trim. I kept the hair to a minimum and of course...
As the old year became the New Year, and the snow lie thick on the ground, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo visited Belarus for the first time in 26 years, to offer American aid after Russian decision to cut off energy supplies. Later in the same year, when the snow had cleared and given way to sunshine and flowers, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Oleg Kravchenko was appointed the Belarusian Ambassador to America. As the Belarusian elections drew near Russia intensified its efforts to...
The master had finally told me I would never be strong enough to be a wizard. The best I could do was become a hedge mage. It was hard hearing that but I knew he was right. From the age of five I had been his apprentice and when I reached puberty I became his journeyman. Now I was sixteen and pretty much as strong magically as I would get. I packed the wide chest and pulled it out and loaded it into the hand cart. I returned for the long pack like bag that was my bedding. I set it on top of...
The Lodge was not crowded this early in the season. The few folks who were staying had had their evening meal, and then they seemed to fade into thin air. As I waved Warthog off, I remember the car park had seemed empty. "Sorry to be antisocial Sven, but I have some friends who live locally and I want to see them. Their car's busted, so just this once you lose!" And he had grinned as he gunned the engine and sped off. "Don't wait up!" had been one of the last comments before the little...
“Man, am I glad to get off that damn world!” Ivan swore. “They were prepared to stab us in the back, roast our livers over the fire and serve them with gravy.” Lamar chuckled. “What did you expect from a pirate planet? Love, puppies and kisses?” “No, but for all we were offering, free of charge, you’d think they’d be grateful.” “Not when we hold the potential for such untapped power,” Myi warned. “Now you see why it was so essential we flee Tandorian space. Our only opportunity at a normal...
“Ah, Zita,” Al said, as she entered the common room where everyone was discussing recent events. “How are the Zitorians doing?” “As you know, they’ve accompanied us since our initial meeting. Sorry, that’s not quite correct. They accompany us until they encounter another group, and pass us off. It appears each tribe escorts us through their territory.” “Yeah, we appreciate that, especially as we can now operate our thrusters—short bursts at least—to realign ourselves.” “Trust me, they...
‘Al, the historical records you transferred are amazing, ‘ Admiral Lillslik declared. ‘It reveals the extent of the Emperor’s manipulations over multiple centuries. People are even more upset than they were. The legislature is already taking action. They’re passing strict laws requiring the military to request authorization for extraordinary actions and restricting their ability to make autonomous unilateral decisions.‘ ‘That could be a problem, ‘ Al cautioned. ‘Officers in the field...
“Thanks for helping us ferry people,” Al began. “We honestly needed the assistance with this.” “Yeah, there’s a real ... full load to transport,” Betty said, catching herself before saying something she shouldn’t in front of so many small children. “Believe me, it was worth seeing you go apoplectic every time someone mentioned Lozzlint,” Xi giggled before turning to her bond-mate. “And you’re going to have to learn to reserve your adult language for telepathic messages.” “With you two...
Al, Betty and Myi met Zita in the hallway, where she hurried to catch up with them. “Sorry, I didn’t think you’d be ready quite so early.” “It’s Al’s new ‘work rather than sulk’ policy,” Myi explained. “He’s afraid that if he sits around our quarters with nothing to do, he’ll start obsessing,” Be continued. Zita tilted her head. “So what does he do during his downtime?” “You’re kidding, right?” Be asked. “We spend hours over dinner, waiting while he talks to everyone he...
“Are you two prepared?” Del asked their novice Lezmonom warriors. “We’re as ready as we’ll ever be,” Lizzle said, pulling on her gloves. “I’m set,” the second one proclaimed, as he checked his helmet. “I’m so excited I can hardly stand it.” “Remember, Kalib, you need to keep your head,” Siss cautioned. “There are hundreds of things to watch for. The slightest thing can go wrong, and we don’t understand enough to know what to expect. A minute sharp edge can puncture a suit, plus there may...
“This is our next alternative, named Lamar in honor of our late engineer who gave his life getting us here.” Al stood on the bridge of the Peaceful Avenger, observing their approach. “It’s clearly a more expansive system, with fewer suns, but more planets.” “There are five smaller worlds and another two immense planets farther out,” The One announced, feeling himself a member of the crew. “That includes two gas giants, beyond Lamar, which exert a strong gravitational pull on it. The gravity...
“All right,” Al said to the exploration party, “this should be interesting. There are multiple large heat sources near your designated landing area, so watch your step. You’re also bordering another massive planet, so it will likely affect your gravity. When you’re on the planet’s far side, you’ll be lighter, but when facing it, moving will be difficult. There’s dense vegetation too, so be cautious of anything lurking nearby. Since these are immense warm-blooded animals, though their thermal...
Al entered the shuttle bay where they were holding the Tissk prisoners. “Am I in time?” Despite the engineers examining the recovered fighters, the room was largely empty aside from several security officers clustered around one shuttle, Al’s. “Right on time,” Kal reported. “Myi just landed and they’re preparing to take Captain Kclekt to a holding cell—one of the bay’s spare changing rooms—to interrogate him.” “I thought I heard you,” Zita said, exiting a side room. “We’ve managed to learn...