Newly Weds Love Nest free porn video

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Introduction: A tale of deception and betrayal. Rob and Yvonne were so happy to at last have found a suitable house to rent. Their marriage was just a week off and theyd been beginning to despair at the possibility or finding something affordable.
Having looked all through the house, they locked the door and, hand in hand, wandered around to the back garden.
Hello, a cheery voice called out.
They both turned to see the next door neighbour over the low dividing wall. He was a scrawny looking, bald headed man in about his sixties, he had a happy face and was smiling as he approached the low boundary wall which was just a couple of feet high and really only a marker rather than any sort of wall providing privacy.
Are you moving in, he asked.

Rob introduced himself and Yvonne, and told the man, whose name was Tony, that they were about to be married and would be moving in after their two week honeymoon.
Tony immediately congratulated them on their forthcoming marriage, and offered to help with anything they wanted in regards to their house moving or collecting the mail, etc while they were away.
Rob took up this offer by asking if Tony would let the delivery men into the house the following day.
Of course, Tony had helpfully agreed as Rob gave him the key.

Thanking Tony and saying goodbye, Rob and Yvonne wandered off, hand in hand, towards their car. He seems like a nice old guy, Rob said, its good to have good neighbours.

Tony, after this brief encounter, had hidden himself behind some thick bushes and spent time gloating over Yvonnes short skirt which flounced around when she walked, and which came to about, half way up her lovely, young thighs. He leered lecherously at her lovely small breasts which bulged lasciviously beneath her tight little top.
A brand new bride. Mm, Id love to teach the little bitch all about her duties in bed, he lecherously grinned, such a lovely, sweet and innocent looking little thing too, and obviously so very much in love. Ah, Id like to fuck her and pervert that pure love of hers.

As soon as the happy young couple drove off, Tony himself went to his car and drove the short trip to the hardware store. Hello, he said to the person serving, Id like a duplicate key cut to match this one please.

* * * *

The following day, Tony was there to let the furniture delivery men into the neighbouring house, then, as soon as they were gone, he entered himself to check just what his sexy new neighbour had in the way of goods.
He took just a cursory look at the small amount of furniture, but when he noticed the baggage that looked as if it may contain personal things, he took much greater interest.
He opened the first trunk and quickly closed it up again when he saw that it was mainly linen and odds and ends.

The second case was much more interesting to him. Aha, he gloated when he saw that it contained personal clothing.
He was very careful not to leave any sign that the contents had been disturbed. He carefully lifted each pair of Yvonnes sexy little panties out one at a time and studied them admiringly.
A couple of delicate little camisoles had him grinning and muttering filthy words as he then moved onto the sexy little, nylon half-slips, sexy lace topped stockings and lovely little lace trimmed bras.
Going back to Yvonnes panties he took his already hard cock out and began stroking himself until his cum began to dribble out. He lecherously smeared a small amount of his cum onto the gussets of all of the pairs of panties, then made sure to pack all of the underwear away so as to look undisturbed.

Tony spent some time looking through a couple of photo albums and paying particular attention to those photos of Yvonne at the beach in her tiny little bikini. He also found a number of most private love letters that the young couple had exchanged at various times. He read all of Yvonnes personal thoughts that she had recorded in her diary which was packed away at the bottom of the trunk.
Having checked out everything of interest, he took the photo albums back to his house and spent some time scanning the photos of Yvonne onto his computer.

Having done that, he went back into his neighbours house, carefully packed everything away so that it looked untouched, and locked up the house.

Later that day, Rob arrived and thanked Tony profusely for letting the delivery men in and locking the house again.
Thats quite ok, thats what neighbours are for, Tony said cheerily as he handed the key back to Rob. I hope that the delivery men left everything clean and tidy, Tony added. I didnt like to go inside your house myself.
Youre too fastidious, Rob laughed. You could have gone in if youd wanted to.
No, no, Tony replied, your house is your own private domain and I wouldnt want to appear to be nosey.

What a nice old guy, Rob later on told Yvonne. Were lucky to have a neighbour like him.

* * * *

Soon, the young married couple returned from their honeymoon. Tony kept an eye out for any sign of his sexy, young neighbour, and perved on her from his window at every opportunity. At night he sat slowly masturbating as he looked over the photos of Yvonne which he had on his computer.

It was just two days after their return that Rob had to recommence work. This left Yvonne at home by herself as she had moved from another city and had not yet been able to find work locally.

Tony knew that he mustnt push himself too much onto his neighbours, he just called out hello if he happened to be working in his garden when he saw Yvonne, and only a couple of times in that first week, talked to her across their boundary wall.
He was happy that she seemed quite relaxed in talking to him, and was in two minds when she told him that he reminded her of her grandpa. He took some comfort though when she added that perhaps Tony wasnt quite that old.

Tony had, right at the start, hatched a plot that he was going to try out. Hed gone to the local charity shop and searched around for old magazines of the type that would appeal to a young girl like Yvonne. Hed bought a pile of these magazines, and had them ready to use just as soon as he thought the time was right.
It was towards the end of the second week, after hed talked with his lovely, young neighbour for some time out in the garden, that he decided he should put his plan into action.
In chatting to her earlier on, Yvonne had indicated that she got a bit bored at home alone all of the time.
Tony, seizing on this opening, had told her that his daughter, (fictitious of course,) had left lots of old magazines in the house, and he mentioned that hed pass them on to Yvonne.
He now selected a few of the magazines that hed bought, and next time he saw Yvonne hanging out some laundry, he went out with them and gave them to her, saying that there were heaps more if she wanted them.

Careful not to rush things, Tony, a couple of days later, passed on another few magazines, deciding that with the next lot he would test the little bitch out.

It was a Monday morning and the magazines were ready in a small pile on Tonys kitchen table. There were half a dozen in all, but this time, towards the bottom of the pile, he had slipped in a porno magazine, one on the cover of which, was a lovely picture of two girls sucking on a big cock.

His nervous excitement grew continually as he kept watch out of his window, for a sight of Yvonne in the neighbouring house. Finally he saw her going out of her back door to put a bag of rubbish into the waste bin.
Tony picked up his pile of magazines and going outside, he called out in his usual friendly manner over the little, low boundary wall.

Hello Tony, Yvonne said smilingly, having become accustomed to their friendly and innocent, little chats.

Tony passed the little pile of magazines to her, and, after a brief, friendly chat they each returned to their own homes.

Fuck! Tony muttered to himself when back in his kitchen, if only this leads somewhere.
The couple of hours that he waited seemed like an eternity, but then he decided that it was long enough and he went out, stepped over the low dividing wall, and going to Yvonnes back door, he knocked with his knuckles.

In a moment Yvonne opened the door, and because of her easy, friendly manner, Tony assumed that she hadnt looked at the magazines nor found the porno book amongst them.
He now put on an act of great embarrassment as he explained to Yvonne that he thought that another magazine, one that must have gotten mixed in by mistake, might be in with the pile that hed given her.
What is it? Yvonne asked quite innocently.
Tony put on a wonderful act of embarrassment. Well, um ….. this is so embarrassing ….. its …… well, um, something that you might find disgusting …. . He then blurted out that it was a sex book with rather crude pictures.

Yvonne blushed noticeably when she heard this, and it was her turn to show embarrassment.

Tony told Yvonne that he would hate it if Rob should find her with it – what would he think! he exclaimed – he would get the wrong idea completely, and all because of a simple mix up.
Tony then told Yvonne that if she could have a look and if the offending magazine was indeed there, if she could just bring it over and toss it onto his back step.

Yvonne with great embarrassment assured him that she would do that if she found the book.
Tony once more was all apologies, and with that they parted with Tony grinning to himself as he walked back across the garden towards to his own house.

Time went on, and Tony began to be happy in the thought that Yvonne must be having a good look at the porno magazine before bringing it back. If shed been shocked or disgusted, she probably would have come immediately and flung it over the fence.
Eventually, after some three quarters of an hour, he saw Yvonne through his window. She quickly hurried across the garden, lightly stepped over the wall, and had gone to the step and put the magazine down before fleeing back to her own house.

Tony had been quite right in his estimation of Yvonnes actions. She had been so very embarrassed when Tony had mentioned the porno magazine. Shed hurried back inside her house, but had immediately, and very eagerly, taken up the pile of magazines and shuffled through them until she came upon the magazine in question. Shed felt a rush of excitement when shed seen the cover picture of the two girls sucking and licking at that wonderful, big, hard cock.
Yvonne had felt her lustful excitement rapidly rising as she turned the pages and saw cock after cock fucking girls mouths and pussys. Her hand had groped at her own pussy and soon she was masturbating freely as she almost drooled over the wonderful pictures in the magazine.

Yvonne twice brought herself to a climax while fantasising about herself sucking all of the wonderful, big cocks in the pictures. She had then thought of the need to return the magazine to Tony. She was again seized with great embarrassment, and had dabbed cold water over her face so as to look not so flushed.

Running back from Tonys back door, she felt relief that he hadnt appeared. She now felt a longing to still be looking over those pictures, although she knew that shed needed to return the magazine before her husband came home and found her with such crude material.

* * * *

The next day, although he longed to find out what Yvonnes attitude towards him would be, Tony made himself scarce even though he saw his neighbour several times during the morning.
It was late in the day when, knowing that he couldnt stand be kept in suspense any longer, he spied Yvonne going outside to bring in her laundry.

Going outside and putting on a casual air, Tony cheerily called out to Yvonne who showed herself to be quite flustered and shy in talking to him after the business of the previous day with the porno magazine.
Tony again apologised about yesterdays embarrassment.
You didnt tell your husband I hope, he asked her, he wouldnt have been too happy if he thought that I was intentionally giving you that sort of thing.
Yvonne, with continued embarrassment, assured him that she hadnt said a word to Rob about the incident.

Anyhow, Tony said boldly, and determined to test Yvonne a little, I suppose a young thing like yourself would probably like those sorts of pictures,
Yvonne, already looking rather flustered, now blushed bright red, which Tony quickly realised could be interpreted in any way.

Yvonne stammered in absolute confusion, no …… I dont. She was so embarrassed that she only wanted to get away, but in her mind she desperately did want to see more of those wonderful photos of lovely, lovely cocks that she had looked at the day before.

Tony knew that it would be best to not push things any further, so he casually said goodbye and they each turned away to go to their respective houses.

Tony couldnt really decide whether his scheme had been of any value or not, but he decided that, because Yvonne had not ignored him and cut him absolutely cold, perhaps there had been some value in the exercise.

On the following couple of days, Tony made a point of going away for the day just to put a little time between he and his neighbour. On the Friday morning however, he greeted Yvonne when he saw her that morning. She seemed a little embarrassed and reserved still, but Tony got her talking about Rob, and about their honeymoon away, and soon she was chatting in her former happy way.
Tony let her chatter away, just making a comment or asking a question here and there to keep her going. Finally, when she said that she should be doing things rather than standing around enjoying the sunshine, Tony knew that it was time that he push her back to where he wanted her.
OK, he said, agreeing that it was very pleasant standing talking, but that he too had things that he should be doing. Theyd just been talking about her husbands work, so it was natural that Tony should make a further comment concerning him. You didnt tell Rob about that magazine did you, he once more asked.
No, no, I didnt, Yvonne answered, lowering her eyes in embarrassment, although Tony thought that she didnt display the extreme shame that shed formerly exhibited.
I wouldnt want him to know, even if you both like to look at that sort of thing, Tony continued, determined to press ahead.
No, Yvonne murmured.
No you wont tell him? Tony questioned.
Yes, Yvonne now murmured.

No and yes, Tony chuckled, you have me completely confused, and he gave a laugh which seemed to ease the tension with Yvonne.

No I didnt tell him, and no I wont tell him, Yvonne said, suddenly looking up and smiling slightly.
Aha, now I know, Tony laughed, and Yvonne gave a giggle.
Its not that you shouldnt enjoy looking at that sort of thing, Tony continued, but Rob might get jealous if he knew that you were looking at other men in those sorts of situations.
Yvonne now suddenly became shamefully embarrassed again, and just murmured some reply before saying goodbye and hurrying into her house.

Tony was uncertain how to proceed, but went home pleased that Yvonne was at least showing less embarrassment, and she had indeed told him that she wouldnt mention the matter to her husband.
Yvonne, for her part, had great feelings of guilt when Rob was fucking her that evening – guilt that she had a secret from him, and guilt that shed so much enjoyed looking at the lewd pictures in the magazine.

The succeeding days, being the weekend with Rob at home, Tony once more made himself scarce in order to give the impression that Yvonne didnt see much of him.
By Monday morning he was decided that he should keep the pressure on his sexy, young neighbour and offer her more porno magazines.With that determination in mind, he selected two magazines that had a delicious array of sluts being fucked and sucking cock, but at this stage he made sure that all pictures in the books were strictly one on on, rather than any threesome or gangbanging scenes.

Sometime later, seeing the opportunity, he slipped the two magazines into a plastic bag and went out to where Yvonne was busy at some activity.
Hi Yvonne, he called across the intervening lawn.
Hello Tony, Yvonne replied in friendly tones as she looked up from her work.
Ive only got a minute, Tony said, stepping over the wall and pretending to be in some haste. I realised that you would have enjoyed looking at that magazine I inadvertently gave you last week. Heres a couple more for you, but make sure that you return them before Rob gets home. Just leave them on my back verandah if Im not about, I could be a bit late. Must rush now, Im already running late, Bye.
Tony had rattled this off without a breath as hed thrust the magazines into Yvonnes hands, and had then hurried back to his house, not giving Yvonne a chance to say anything, and thus assuaging the embarrassment that she began to experience.

Yvonnes embarrassment had risen rapidly as she heard Tonys words, but he had been in such a hurry, and had thrust the bag into her hands so rapidly that she had no time for her shame to take hold. Now she was thrilled – more of those gorgeous men to look at. Her hands trembled as she held the magazines and hurried inside.
Going into the bedroom she tipped up the bag and the two glossy magazines slid out to show lovely, wonderful pictures of men with their lovely, big, hard, erect, magnificent cocks fucking mouth and pussy.
Yvonnes hand immediately went to her pussy, lifting her skirt and slipping beneath her panties. She gloated over the pictures, slowly turning the pages, sometimes going back to compare some gorgeous cock with another on later pages.
For an hour or more Yvonne went back and forth through the magazines. She fantasised about being fucked, both pussy and mouth, by all of those wonderful cocks. It wasnt until she realised that her husband would soon be home, and that she needed to do a number of things, before she thought to return the magazines to her neighbour. It was then that she began to experience feelings of shame, but it must be said that these feelings were very much dampened down by the lustfulness which she was still experiencing.

Adjusting her skirt and smoothing her hair, Yvonne lightly skipped across the lawn, over the low wall, and dashed to the verandah of the adjacent house. She dropped the bag with the two magazines onto the verandah, and dashed lightly back to her own house, thankful that shed not encountered Tony.

It wasnt much later that Tony arrived back home, and, going straight to the back verandah, he smiled as he picked up the magazines and entered his house. Once inside, Tony carefully leafed through the pages of the magazines. Scattered through the pages he had left a dozen or so tiny little pieces of black cotton thread, and now, searching carefully, he found only one, which indicated that Yvonne must have indeed spent time going through the pages.

Tony was pleased the way the day had gone. His method of delivering the magazines had worked wonderfully well, and to celebrate, he opened a bottle of his best wine.
Yvonne on the other hand, almost felt herself blush when her husband arrived home, and later on, when they were fucking, she was tormented by guilt, and vowed that shed not do that again.

* * * *

Tony had minimal contact with his neighbour over the next few days. It wasnt by choice. He found he had business matters to attend to, then he had a need to be out of town. He was frustrated by these interruptions, but, after several days of not seeing Yvonne, he considered that it was probably a good thing in the long run.

It was Friday before he was free to once more pursue Yvonne. He selected a single magazine from his extensive collection, and slipped it in a plastic bag.
He went out, placing the bag on the small boundary fence, just across from Yvonnes back door, then got a selection of gardening tools from his shed, and went right down to the back of his garden, away from the house.
Hed planned exactly how he was going to approach this new test to see how far Yvonne would go, and now he began work while awaiting his deliciously, sexy prey.

It was quite a while before Yvonne appeared, and Tony was getting hot and tired. Hed constantly kept an eye on the neighbouring house, and now saw Yvonne come out and go into her garden.
He worked on for a minute or two, then seeing his neighbour picking an armful of flowers, he straightened up and, leaning on his shovel, called out a greeting.
Hi Tony, Yvonne smiled, gosh, look at the amount that youve dug. It must be hard work.
Tony replied that it was, but said that he wanted to get it all done so as to plant seedlings. He went back to work digging the soil, then, as if hed almost forgotten, he straightened up and called as Yvonne continued with her flower collection, by the way Yvonne, theres another magazine I left on the wall for you. Just toss it on the verandah when youre finished with it. He then immediately went back to his work with his back half turned towards where Yvonne stood.

The ploy of not giving her a chance to say anything, had worked well with Yvonne on the previous occasion, and now Tony used it again, this time with the test that she had to actually go and take up the magazine herself.
Tony didnt dare look in case he scared her from picking up the porno mag, if that was indeed what she would now do. Instead, he kept working and digging diligently for some further half an hour before again straightening up and stretching his tired back. He banged the soil from the shovel, then gathered up the other implements and made his way to the garden shed, then walked back up to his house, swivelling his eyes across to see if the magazine was gone.

Yes, yes, yes, he triumphantly muttered to himself, the dirty little slut couldnt resist.

Glancing at the clock, Tony prepared his lunch and felt in a great humour at his latest little triumph.
Time went on and it was almost two hours later when he glimpsed Yvonne hurrying from her house in the direction of his own back verandah. In one hand she held the magazine as she nervously kept glancing around her.
It only took a second before she was dancing back across the lawn, over the small wall, and skipping up the stairs of her house.
You dirty, little, fucking slut, Tony laughed sneeringly inside his kitchen as he saw her disappear inside her back door. The fucking slut must have been really getting herself off over those pics, and he laughed out loud, a low, evil, exultant chuckle.

* * * *

Once more it was the weekend and Tony had time to take his time in considering exactly how he should proceed. Things were easy now compared with his first uncertain actions. That was three lots of porn now, and the last time she even went over to the fence and picked up the magazine herself – there had been no thrusting it into her hand then – she had really wanted to have it.

He spent lots of time selecting Yvonnes next display of pornography, and eventually, having made his selection, he noted several pics that he was determined to mention to her when he gave it over.
The time came on the Monday morning when he spotted Yvonne. He picked up the magazine, not covered and hidden inside a bag, but open for her to see.
Going outside and calling out to her, he laughingly told her that she was lucky to have such a supply of porno magazines at hand. He watched as she blushed profusely, but then he continued to tell her that he had heaps and heaps of them, and there was no reason why she shouldnt have the chance to enjoy them all. He passed the magazine across, holding it flat so that they could both see the picture of the girl on the cover, spread eagled and being fucked.
Tony was feeling incredible as he did and said all that hed planned. His cock was as hard as rock in his pants, and he wondered if Yvonne might notice. He was getting bolder by the minute. Yvonne, even though she looked so incredibly embarrassed and uncomfortable, had taken the magazine when hed offered it, and was constantly lowering her eyes in humiliation, though then looking back to Tonys gaze as if hypnotically attracted to his look.
Tell me afterwards, what you think of the threesome pics with the girl getting the two guys at the same time, he was telling her. Theres something incredibly sexy about a girl with more than one guy working on her, he continued.

Yvonne was in such a state of confusion, embarrassment, shame, humiliation, shock … you name it, that she couldnt say anything. Tony on the other hand, was getting so worked up that he could say anything. He didnt get the chance however, as Yvonne, just wanting to get away, suddenly murmured a hardly audible thanks, and almost ran back indoors.

Tony also went back into his house, and after masturbating, began to rue his uncontrolled eagerness, and wondered if hed ruined all of his prior efforts.
In fact he neednt have worried because inside her own house, Yvonne had almost in a frenzy, flipped through the pages of the magazine to the pictures of the girl being fucked by the two men at once.

While Tony had very quickly brought himself to a climax, Yvonne took her time, slowly stimulating herself with her fingers and sometimes with a nicely shaped cosmetics bottle that she often used for that purpose, all of the time driving herself inexorably to the point of being totally consumed by sensationally lustful feelings.
She imagined herself later on telling Tony how shed masturbated, how shed imagined being with those two men, and of having all sorts of wantonly lewd and brazen discussions with her old, but so sexy neighbour.
In truth, she afterwards disregarded all of those lustful thoughts, and wondered if she would be game to say anything at all.

Even though Tony considered that he might have pushed things too far, he was intent on carrying through this latest test that hed devised for his lovely, young neighbour. He therefore went outside and began to prepare an outdoor chair for repainting, making a point of positioning himself where Yvonne could not avoid him.

Yvonnes lustful delights lasted much longer than Tonys had done. He was outside waiting for almost two hours before he saw Yvonne appear clutching the magazine.
Seeing Tony there, she immediately retreated back inside, unable to brazen out her embarrassment.
Tony became uncertain whether he was in fact doing the right thing by expecting her to bring the porno back to him rather than to leave it on the verandah as she had done before. He kept working at the chair for some time longer, and had almost made up his mind that he should pack up and leave Yvonne to deliver the magazine as she had previously.

In the meantime, Yvonne had, once safely back inside her house, begun again to look through the magazine, and soon began to once more become very sexually stimulated. She was still lustfully examining the magazine when she suddenly realised that her husband would be arriving home very soon.
Grabbing up the magazine, she hurried outside to where Tony had finally decided to pack up and to leave Yvonne to deliver the magazine onto his verandah as she previously had.
Now, seeing Yvonne hurrying across the lawn towards him, Tony was thrilled.

There you are, Yvonne said as she hurriedly handed the magazine across. She had gained a certain amount of self assurance from the very sexy feelings that were once more stirring her lust.
How did you like it, Tony said, grinning broadly.
Its so naughty, Yvonne unashamedly responded with a coy look.

Tony was absolutely thrilled by this somewhat unexpected development. What did you think of the threesome pics, he excitedly asked.

It was true that Yvonne was feeling very sexy once more, and her embarrassment had been slightly, although not completely, stifled. She now, however, in having Tony ask her outright about the magazine, felt a further surge of lust at her present situation of discussing pornography with her neighbour, and as her mind pictured once more those very wicked photos of the girl with the two lovely men.
They were beautiful, Yvonne replied in a sexy and dreamy tone and attitude.

This delightful discussion might have gone further, but Yvonne remembering once more that her husband would very soon be arriving home, said, in a voice not at all showing embarrassment, I must go Tony. Rob will be home at any time now. Thank you for the lovely magazine. And with that she hurried back to her house and disappeared inside.

Tony was delighted by this brief meeting and exchange of words – words ever so brief, but so full of promise. He packed up his work, took the magazine, and went inside to gloat over the lewd, filthy pictures in the knowledge that his lovely young neighbour had been looking at those very same sights.

* * * *

The next day, Tony approached Yvonne as soon as he saw her emptying mail from her letter box. Do you want some more porn, he asked straight out after theyd exchanged a few words.
Yvonne blushed, but lowering her eyes, said softly, yes please.
Tony made her wait while he went into his house to get the magazine that hed already selected for her.
Look at this, he gloatingly said when he came back armed with the magazine and opened the pages to show the lewd, obscene pictures.
Gosh, was all that Yvonne could say in her embarrassment.
Bring it over to me when youve finished with it, Tony told her.

Yvonne kept the magazine all of the day, continually going back to it to lust and marvel at its wonderful pictures.
Eventually, late in the afternoon, she took the magazine up, walked across the lawn to Tonys back door, and called in a sweet voice, Tony, are you there?
Tony immediately came to the door, smiling broadly.
Yvonne handed the magazine over saying thanks.
Did you like that one? Tony grinned.
Theyre so bad arent they, Yvonne said evasively.
Do they make you want to be bad? Tony asked, lecherously.
Oh, Yvonne exclaimed with a giggle and feeling scandalised, youre so naughty Tony.
Ive got some sex aids that I should give you with these mags, Tony said, his lust beginning to drive what he was saying, rather than his common sense.
Oh Tony! Yvonne gasped in horror. Youre so terrible, and then, but not before she thanked him again for the magazine, she made her escape back to her own house.

Tony did in fact have a collection of sex aids, but had not really thought of giving them to Yvonne. It really had been his lust talking when hed mentioned them. He now, however, decided that he would actually supply her with one or two and see what happened.
He spent some time deciding upon which things to give to his neighbour, finally deciding on a long, pink, flexible, rubbery dildo that was moulded in the exact likeness of a huge cock.

The following morning he awoke early and couldnt get back to sleep as his brain had immediately begun thinking of Yvonne fucking herself with his long, cock-like dildo.
He waited impatiently and finally, seeing Yvonnes shape moving behind the curtains of her window, slipped the dildo, along with a new tube of K-y lube, into a plastic bag, and went and knocked on his neighbours door.
Yvonne seemed surprised to see him, but he told her that he had a heap of business letters to write, and thought that hed give her something before he got stuck into the task. He handed her a fresh magazine and then lifted the bag and said, and heres some fun things for you.
Yvonnes face flushed bright red when it occurred to her what the fun things might actually be. She didnt want to further embarrass herself by looking in the bag or of making any acknowledgement of what they were, so she simply said, thanks Tony, and left it at that.

On closing the door, it took Yvonne a fraction of a second to check the contents of the bag. Oh my God, she exclaimed as she reached in and took out the large, fat, pink, rubbery, cock-like dildo, he really has.
This new development made Yvonnes lust rise in her without her even looking at the magazine. She took everything into her bedroom, opened the magazine at a wonderfully lewd picture, slid her pants down, squeezed a good amount of the lube onto both her pussy and the large dildo, and, laying back on the bed with her legs spread and her knees up, she inserted the dildo and slowly, slowly slid it right up into her wet, slippery pussy and began fucking herself while slowly browsing through the magazine.

Gazing admiringly at the gorgeous big, hard cocks in the pictures, she imagined being fucked by them. Then she began to think of how outrageous it had been of Tony to have given her this lovely dildo. It made her feel even more lustful as she thought of her old neighbour thinking of her using his dildo on herself. She began to go over everything that had happened – first of all the magazine being inadvertently mixed up amongst the others, then Tony deciding that, just because she was young, she must like looking at the pictures, and then more magazines, and now this.
Slowly the realisation came upon her that it hadnt been an accident at all when the porno got mixed up with the magazines. The more she thought about it the more she believed that it had all been a very carefully laid plan by Tony, to get her to this point.
This realisation didnt upset her or turn her off, rather, it excited her more, even though she realised that she had been so naive and gullible.
Tony wants me to fuck myself with his dildo, she thought, and she delighted all the more in the sensation of it as she worked it about in her slippery, wet pussy.

This realisation of the truth came upon Yvonne in two different aspects, on the one hand she understood that Tony had really set her up in this way. The other thing that occurred to her was: she had never thought of Tony as having any sexual designs on her, other than perhaps looking her over all of the time. This latter was probably due to the fact that Tony was some three times her own age.. She now knew this to be false, and that he really did desire her and was doing this in order to groom her for …. her mind reeled ….. for goodness knows what!

She now, as she dildo fucked herself, began to think of Tony fucking her and what it would be like. He was so much older, but look at the way he had pushed her into what she was now doing. Perhaps it would be nice. She began to get more and more excited and worked up the more she thought along these lines.
She realised she was panting hard. Her pussy felt sensational. She let the magazine drop and moved one hand to stimulate herself with her finger while still fucking herself with the dildo.
Ahhhhhh, she began to moan as the delicious, well known feelings of approaching orgasm began to fill her every sense.
On and on. Now gasping and heaving her body about on the bed, arching her back and pumping her hips frantically as she reached the peak of her climax.
Fuck, fuck, fuck, she moaned and groaned and gasped. The sensations were too much, too wonderful, too lovely, so fabulously gorgeous that she couldnt stand any more.
She fell back panting and gasping. Feeling wonderful.
Ooooooo, she shuddered as she slowly slid the cock-like dildo from her pussy. She looked at it, all greasy and slimy with the lube and her own bodily juices.

A wicked thought filled her mind. Oh my God, would I be so brazen, she giggled out loud to herself.
She slipped the greasy, slimy dildo back into the plastic bag, then, dressing herself and taking up the bag and magazine separately, she left the house, and, heart beating excitedly, ran to Tonys back door. She placed the magazine on the door step, hung the bag on the door knob, knocked as firmly as she could on the wood panelling of the door, and then fled in a panic of nervous excitement back to her own house.

Safely inside her house she stood with her back to the door. Panting and with heart racing, she exclaimed, oh God, what a thing to do, then she laughed a sexy, cheeky laugh. She quickly went to her kitchen window and was just in time to see Tonys door closing, the magazine and bag gone!
Yvonnes lust had not subsided by any means. She thrilled at what she had just done, and once more she went back to the bedroom and played about while imagining fantastic thoughts.

Tony had been having a cup of coffee and pondering over a crossword puzzle. Hmm, seven letters, unnatural sexual practise, fourth letter g. Of all words I should know this one, he thought, but the word continued to elude him.
A firm rap on the back door roused him although his mind remained occupied with his puzzle.
Opening the door, there was a rustle of the plastic bag and a light thump as it fell and landed on top of the magazine.
Aha! Tony exclaimed with a grin as he bent to pick the items up, at the same time glancing about for any sign of Yvonne.
He closed the door and held the bag open to peer in.
F-u-c-k-i-n-g H-e-l-l, he exclaimed in a long, slow, drawn out way as he looked with amazement at the glistening dildo.
He could not believe it and muttered that, the fucking bitch is having me on.
Lifting the dildo and sniffing it told him different though. Of course there was the smell of the lube, but unmistakably there was another scent as well, the scent of Yvonnes cunt.
The way the lube and slime covered the cock-dildo also showed how it had been used. The very back end had nothing on it, while from the tip upwards along its length was more just slimy rather than greasy with the lube. Then there was a real tide mark where the lube had been pushed up into a wave of grease that marked the furthest extent that the cock had travelled up into Yvonnes cunt. After that point the lube was still thickly smeared as it was when Yvonne first applied it with the tip of her finger.
You fucking filthy little slut. Tony marvelled.
He kept smelling the scent of Yvonnes sex fluids and slid his finger over the sliminess of the dildo. He took a ruler and measured just how far shed had it up her cunt – just on seven inches.
This little bitch is so fucking hot, Tony gloated as he selected another dildo and a short porno dvd.
Tony really didnt think that there was any chance of a sweet, young thing like Yvonne, wanting to fuck with someone like him, but just corrupting her in this way was a great turn on for him.

Yvonne was now back in her bedroom once more masturbating and using her favourite bottle on herself. The knock on the back door startled her and she went to the window. Peering along the length of the house she could see that it was Tony, although she already knew that it would be he.
Not bothering to put her panties back on, she simply pulled her skirt into place and was still smoothing her hair down when she opened the back door.
She looked flustered, and Tony grinned knowingly at her. I see that you enjoyed my dildo, he said, grinning even more.
Yvonne didnt know what to say, and she simply stood looking at him.
Ive got another fun toy for you to use on yourself, Tony said as he handed the bag containing the second dildo and tube of lubricant to his neighbour.
She peeped into the bag and saw a huge, flexible, plastic cock. She could hardly believe that this was happening to her. She stood there in a daze.
….. and here is a short little dvd of two guys really going to town on a slutty chick, Tony was saying.
Somehow, she whispered, thanks, as she took the disc. Ill return them soon.
Have fun, Tony gloatingly leered at her with his lecherous grin as she began to close the door.

This was great, he thought, but would he ever be able to take it any further than this sort of thing. He glanced at the windows of the house, wondering if he would be able to spy on his young neighbour, but then decided that it would be a bit risky in broad daylight.

Yvonne reached into the bag and took out the huge, rubbery dildo. Oh my God, what have I got myself into, she thought. Her thoughts, for a moment, were of shame and contrition, even disgust at what she was doing behind her husbands back …… but then she put the dvd into the machine and, as it started to play, all thoughts of remorse left her and her lust arose higher and higher. Soon she was sprawled on the floor, fucking herself with that monster dildo, and almost drooling over the two gorgeous men on the film, as they fucked and fucked both pussy and mouth of the girl they had.

* * * *

The following day, Rob was at home and saw Tony doing some small job outside. Hello Tony, he called out in a neighbourly fashion, I hardly see you these days.
The two men got together and Rob continued on with what he was saying, by adding, Yvonne tells me that she hardly ever sees you from one day to the next.

Tony had to stop himself from grinning. You poor sap, he secretly thought, if only you knew what your sweet, little wife gets up to. He was pleased to hear that Yvonne was being deceitful to her husband in that way.

They talked of various things, and then Rob mentioned that his wife had hopefully landed a job. This came as a blow to Tony, as it would completely stop the little game that hed been playing.
Its just as well too, Rob went on to say. Were not saving a thing at the moment and will never get on at this rate.

An idea suddenly occurred to Tony. An idea that completely came out of the blue, but one that would be fabulous if it could ever happen.
You need to get a job on the oil rigs, he casually suggested. Those guys make big money Im told.

Rob had never considered doing such work, but when Tony mentioned the ball park figure of the wages paid, he realised that he and Yvonne could really save some money.
Aw, they probably have a waiting list a mile long anyway, Rob said in discarding the idea.
They probably do, Tony agreed, but I have a friend who is a manager and could pull some strings for you if you were really interested.

It was just then that Yvonne arrived home from the supermarket. Calling her over, Rob mentioned Tonys idea of a job on the rigs.
The real down side of such a job, Rob went on, screwing up his face, would be that its two weeks on and then two weeks off.
As he said that, Yvonne instinctively looked at Tony and saw him looking slyly at her, no doubt to see what her reaction to that news would be. Yvonne felt herself blush red, and hoped that her husband didnt notice.
What would you think of that? Rob asked his wife.
Well ….., Yvonne began hesitantly, I suppose that if you really wanted to……. Visions of what Tony might drive her to under such circumstances, flashed across her mind.

No, perhaps not. It wouldnt be fair on you, Rob began saying, going off the idea slightly.

Yvonne didnt know what made her say it, it just seemed to come out without her thinking, but nevertheless she found herself saying, but the money would really help us and Id survive for two weeks without you if it was helping us in the long run.
Rob again began to warm to the idea, and once or twice Yvonne made an encouraging comment.

Soon it was decided that Tony should ask his friend if there was any possibility of arranging something to get Rob a job.
Mind you, Rob said to his wife with some conviction, Id be a bit doubtful about being away for so long if it werent for the fact that Tony is such a nice guy and such a good neighbour to have handy.
Once again Yvonne caught Tonys eye, and once again she blushed profusely. There seemed to be some understanding between them that something would happen, but she had no idea what that something might be.

Late that night, as Yvonne lay in bed next to her sleeping husband, she thought of this latest development. She thought too of Tony. He is really wicked, she thought to herself, as she thought back over all that had happened, and now thought of how he had worked it so that Rob would be away for periods of two weeks at a time.
Once more she felt that something would happen, and her hand stole down to her wet pussy.

* * * *

It was some weeks later. Yvonne had commenced her job, and Tony now saw little of her. The job on the rigs had been arranged for Rob, and he was due to start the following day.
Tony was in his garden when he saw his neighbours car going into their driveway.

Hi Tony, Rob called. Well, Im off tomorrow on my first shift.
Yvonne stood quietly holding her husbands hand.
The two men exchanged a few words and then Rob said seriously, I really appreciate you being such a good neighbour Tony. It was really good of you to help me get that job, and I know that youll keep an eye out for Yvonne while Im away.
Oh thats all right, Tony laughed in response, secretly enjoying the secret that Robs wife had really shown herself to be a sexy little slut.

Yves really going to miss me, Rob continued, its just as well that youve got your job now, he said more directly to his wife. He then had a good idea, perhaps you should invite Tony in for dinner one night, perhaps you could watch a movie together.
Tony felt highly amused at this suggestion, though he took care not to show it. That would be good, he said with a laugh, Im sure Yvonnes cooking is better than mine. Then as an afterthought, specifically to tease Yvonne, he added, I could supply the movie.

* * * *

Rob was on his way early the next morning. Yvonne cried genuine loving tears on his departure, but then had to get herself organised to go off to her own job.

That night, Tony gave his neighbour time to settle herself at home, then, after dinner, he took the two dildos that hed previously lent, along with a two hour porno dvd, and went across the lawn to give them to Yvonne.
Hi, he said cheerily when she answered his knock on the door, I figured that youre really going to need this stuff while Robs away, he said, passing across the goods. You can either return it later or keep it for the night, he continued saying, I guess that you dont need to hide it now .
Yvonne gladly took the bag. Yes he really is wicked, here he is at it already, she thought to herself. Thanks Tony, she said in a little, shy voice.

Tony paused for just a moment, wondering if anything further might occur, but no, it wasnt going to, so he simply said with a grin, have fun, Im sure that you will, and he left her.

Yvonne didnt return the dildos and video that night.
The next day Tony saw her going off to work, and it wasnt until he later on opened his door that he found the things neatly parcelled up on his step.
Excitedly opening the bag, he was disappointed to find that everything was nice and clean. Initially he thought that she mustnt have used the dildos, but then he observed that the small tube of lubricant that hed also supplied, was half empty.

Nothing happened. The following night Tony supplied another video, along with a large, vibrating dildo. He tried to engage his neighbour in conversation, but she kept aloof, even though gladly accepting the fun stuff.
Perhaps this is far as its ever going to go, he thought to himself.

That night, being nice and dark with no moon, he walked silently all around Yvonnes house, studying the windows for any gaps or chinks in the curtains where he might be able to peep in. But alas, she had every curtain drawn tight.

* * * *

It wasnt until the Saturday when Yvonne was off work, that Tony got to talk to Yvonne. It was a lovely sunny day and he spied his young neighbour sitting outside drinking from a cup.
Going out and calling hello, Tony was most pleased when she seemed so friendly and even asked him if he wanted a cup of her freshly brewed coffee.

Having taken up her offer, the two of them sat in the warm sunshine. Tony asked if shed heard from her husband, and was told that he phoned her every evening at some time. They chatted about how Rob was getting on with his new job, then about Yvonnes work.
Yvonne was in fact, finding it lonely without her husband, and this little bit of companionship and friendly chatter had her feeling relaxed and happy. She confided to Tony that she missed Rob so much at night.

Maybe my porno films are making you frustrated, he laughed, seizing on the opportunity to turn the conversation in that direction.
He was happy to hear Yvonne laugh shyly and answer, yes, I think that they might be.
Was that a come on he wondered. Theyre probably a poor substitute for the real thing for you, he laughed.
Theyre so naughty, Yvonne said, feeling a sudden excited feeling stirring within her.
You prefer the threesome ones dont you? Tony asked, Ive plenty of just one on one if youd prefer. He tried to angle his talk to get her into discussing the films openly.
Mm, she murmured, suddenly feeling shy.
I do too, Tony said, disappointed that hed only elicited a single syllable from her. Ive got more of course if youre interested – more guys that is.
More guys? Yvonne shot back in a quizzical tone. Did he mean more men with one girl? A sudden thrill at his words had aroused her.
Yes, what you might call gang-bangs, Tony laughed, trying all of the time to keep a natural voice and making this talk easier for his shy and sometimes obviously embarrassed neighbour.

Yvonne remained mute at this description, so Tony continued, theyre sometimes a bit …. um …. a bit crude and rough, but if you want to see one ……
He left it open as a question, but Yvonne didnt respond.

Does Rob like pornography? Tony asked after a moments silence and thinking it advisable to get Yvonne back to a more comfortable level for her.
Gosh, I dont think so, but I dont really know, she said thoughtfully.
Do you think that hed be jealous if he knew that you liked looking at other men like that?
Dont you dare tell him, Yvonne exclaimed in alarm.
Hell, hed be the last one Id tell, Tony exclaimed in his turn.
I hope that you wont be telling anyone at all, not just Rob, Yvonne said, feeling reassured.

Tony paused and considered for a moment. I actually told my friend who organised Robs job, he said, deciding this was the right tack to take.
Yvonne was a little stunned at this admission, then she gave Tony a friendly dig in the side with her elbow and said, yes, so that you could get Rob safely out of the way and have your bit of fun with me.

Well, Tony thought to himself. So she realises that I set it up, and that it wasnt just an altruistic gesture on my part. Then he said openly, in a sham tone of indignation, would I do something like that?
Oh no, of course not. Why would I think of such a thing, Yvonne replied in a mocking tone, then she laughed gaily.

Which has been your favourite dildo so far? Tony asked, thrilled that this new turn of conversation was going so well.
Goodness! Yvonne exclaimed, youre very bold and forward arent you.
Well, whos the bold and forward one to return that dildo to me all covered in grease and slime the first time I loaned you one? Tony countered with a laugh.
Oh, goodness yes, that was terrible of me wasnt it, Yvonne giggled sexily, hiding her face in her hands in mock shame.

Their sexy banter went on for a short time more, before Yvonne broke it up by saying that she really must get a few things done rather than sit around talking.
They were just going their separate ways when Yvonne turned back and called out, Tony! Then as Tony turned around, she called, would you like to come over for dinner tonight?
Tony grinned broadly. Yes I would, he replied, Ill bring a bottle of wine and a few videos.

* * * *

The meal was delicious, and Yvonne had gone to some trouble to lay the table beautifully and have some delightful music playing.
The shiraz that Tony had brought with him was splendid, and they both felt relaxed and happy when theyd finished their meal.

Tony had placed a number of dvd discs on the TV table when hed first come in, and now, when Yvonne turned the lights off, leaving on just a small table lamp nearby, she looked at them for the first time.
She trembled when she read the description on the sleeve of the first disc – Fucked Frantic – This slut gets all that two men have to offer.
Slipping the disc into the machine, she pressed the play button and then settled in beside Tony on the sofa. Now no funny business, she laughingly warned him.

The TV screen lit up and after the brief title shot, two men and a scantily clad female appeared.
It was only a matter of seconds before the woman was stripped and mounted from behind while she busily went to work sucking on the other mans magnificent cock.
The three players in the movie continually changed positions, changed actions, changed the way they interacted, the camera constantly took up different angles, first from a distance, then close up, now concentrating on the cock sucking, next concentrating on the fucking. It was wonderful to watch and soon both Tony and Yvonne felt tremendously sexy and worked up.
Tony longed to stroke his now hard and pulsating cock that was squashed beneath his pants, Yvonne felt her pussy was decidedly moist, and she longed to use her fingers on herself.

Fuck, Tony eventually groaned in lustful frustration, using that coarse expletive for the first time in Yvonnes presence, this is making me so horny.
Yvonne gave a giggle, feeling so frustrated and sexy herself, while also feeling nervous about being in this situation with Tony alongside her.

A minute or two more elapsed as they watched the constant sucking and fucking of the trio.
If youre feeling like me, you should go and get the dildo and use it on yourself, Tony huskily said to Yvonne. She did indeed have several of his dildos still in her bedroom drawer.
Goodness Tony, she murmured, youre so ……, but her words trailed off, unable to find the right expression.
Well, Tony quickly responded, you cant tell me that you dont use them and dont enjoy them, and he gave a low chuckle.

Yvonne felt herself flushing as her sexual feelings began to overwhelm her. Her mind raced around what Tony had said. Every thought, every sensible notion disappeared from her brain as the all consuming sensations of animal lust toyed with her body.
Moments later, terrified at what she was doing, and yet not hesitating in doing it, she stood up telling Tony that shed be back in a second, she quickly and lightly slipped from the room.
In her bedroom she opened the drawer and took out her favourite, the big, ribbed, flexible, rubbery dildo. Smearing an amount of lubricant on it, she put it down in order to slip her panties off, then once more clutching the dildo she went back into the living room where Tony was in a state of incredible excitement at wondering what was going to happen.

Yvonne sank down on the sofa alongside Tony, still clutching the dildo in her hand. Her heart was racing. Tony had watched her as she re-entered the room, and hed grinned at her when he saw that she was holding the dildo.
It took Yvonne just a moment or two to build up courage, then, leaning forward and pretending to take a drink from the wine glass that sat on the coffee table, she took the tiniest sip, put the glass down, and in settling back on the seat, moved her feet well apart and let her knees splay outwards.
Yvonne leaned back on the couch, letting her backside slip forward slightly on the seat so that she was in a semi-reclining position. In slipping forward on the seat, her skirt had ridden up over her legs and the hemline now sat half of the way up her thighs.

Tony, pretending to still be watching the TV, had swivelled his eyes across and was gloating over Yvonnes position beside him. In his mind he was silently urging her to use the dildo which she clutched in her hand.
Yvonne was well aware that Tony was in fact looking down at her legs. Although he had not turned towards her, she had noticed the slight dip of his head as he shifted his gaze.
She paused a moment more and then lightly putting each of her hands onto her thighs, slid them upwards, sliding the hem of her skirt right up so as to exposed almost all of her legs, leaving the hemline of her skirt just teasingly, an inch lower than her pussy.

Tonys eyes devoured the sight of Yvonnes beautiful legs, so young, so slender, such perfect flesh, spread apart and splayed outwards in such an alluring, and lewd pose. As he watched he saw Yvonnes hands move. He saw her line up the dildo, large, pink and cock-like. The bulbous end disappeared beneath her skirt, her hands moving it just slightly so that he knew the end was rubbing over, and perhaps just probing her vagina.

Dare he! Dare he! Yes he did dare. He shifted his position to be turned towards her. His hands tremblingly reached out and took hold of the light material of her skirt. Lifting it up around her hips he exposed all of her lovely legs right up to her groin and above. He exposed the closely trimmed pubic hair just visible as a dark smudge in the dim light.
Tony knelt on the carpet at her feet. Now he could see that the large dildo had entered Yvonnes cunt, pressing the lips of her vulva outwards so that they bulged slightly in a delicious display of her cunt which was glistening with the lustful juices that made soft slurping noises as she continued to brazenly fuck herself before his eyes.

Tony pulled his shoes off and, standing up, he slid his pants down and off, fully revealing his huge, hard member. Yvonne gazed entranced, like an animal hypnotised by the head of a raised and swaying snake.
Standing before her, Tony gave his cock several slow, caressing strokes up and down with his hand. Yvonne wriggled to sit up, then, taking her head in his hands, Tony presented his lust gorged cock to Yvonnes mouth. Her beautiful, soft lips parted just slightly and she let them press lightly onto the cum-dribbling head of Tonys magnificent cock. She pursed her lips to kiss the cock, moving her head slightly so as to smear his cum, like a delicious sperm lipstick onto herself. She pressed forward, letting the rounded shape of the cock push her lips apart. Sliding her tongue out to provide a soft, slippery path over her teeth. She ever so slowly and teasingly pushed her head forward so that her mouth, inch by inch, engulfed Tonys cock.

Tony was now fucking Yvonnes mouth.
Evil had triumphed over good. Tonys wicked plotting had taken time, but had worked wonderfully well. He moaned in a lustful ecstasy at the feeling of Yvonnes head in his hands as he felt her wonderful, loving, soft mouth sliding slowly up and down over his cock. He revelled in the feeling of her tongue constantly moving and lapping over and around his raging cock as it penetrated right to the very entrance to her throat.

Unable to go on, unless he was to pump his semen down her throat, Tony dragged Yvonne from the sofa and onto the floor. She lay back wantonly, her knees up and her legs spread, ready to be fucked and to commit the sin of adultery. Tony knelt between her legs. He placed a hand either side of her body as she gazed lustfully into his eyes. Lowering himself between her pure, soft, white thighs, he directed the head of his swaying cock into the warm, wet, sloppy pit of her pussy. Panting like a dog, he lowered himself into her. He felt his cock sliding deeply into her cunt, swallowed up by her ravenous desire to be fucked. She felt his cock entering her body, sliding in and in, filling her with desire.
They fucked frantically and lustfully. They moaned and groaned in their ecstasy. They rolled around on the floor, their bodies heaving and writhing in their mutual, carnal licentiousness.
Now Tony was underneath and Yvonne sat astride his body with his huge, erect member fully up inside her vagina as she lustfully rose and fell in a delight of sheer voluptuousness.
Gasping, panting, groaning, moaning, fucking like they would continued fucking in this mad, frantic way forever, they went on and on. Never before had Yvonne been fucked in such a way and for so long – she was in her sexual heaven.
Once, twice, three times Yvonne was brought to a raging, orgasmic crescendo, each time falling back panting and gasping, but after just a moments pause, ready for ever more fucking, sucking, and frantically devouring one anothers bodies.

It was the early hours when eventually they lay side by side, now in the comfort of the bed, both totally spent, but both totally happy and satisfied.

* * * *

Each of the succeeding nights before Robs return home, the pair fucked long and lustfully. Tony knew that he would eventually lead Yvonne down a path of ever more corrupt and base debauchery, but under the present circumstances he was in no hurry to take things past the present satisfying arrangement.

* * * *

It was a long two weeks for Tony while Rob was at home, but finally the morning came when Yvonnes husband left once more for his two weeks shift on the oil rigs.
That evening, Tony found Yvonne ready to take up where theyd left off two weeks earlier. They fucked and lusted for one anothers bodies, and Tony made up his mind to really push his sexy little neighbour over the couple of weeks while her husband was away.

The next night, Tony arrived at Yvonnes house armed with his notebook computer which he hoped would operate from the wireless modem in his house.
Setting it up, he found that all worked well and he logged onto the net.
Now then young lady, he said with a grin, Ill have to teach you what goes on in the big wide world.

Going into Xtube, he said, what shall we look for? What about cock sucking for starters. He said all of this as if it were going to be a purely random selection that he made, whereas in truth he had earlier that day carefully selected the sites that he would show his neighbour.
Lets see what this one is, he said as his eye alighted on the one that he wanted. Dirty perverted slut gags on cock, he read from its label.
The screen came up and it took a moment to buffer, then they were watching a woman who was on a sofa laying with her head upsidedown over the edge.
Her partner in the film quickly located his quite large cock in the womans mouth and initially let her have a suck. After just a moment of this the guy then started to fuck her mouth deeply until he then slid his long cock all the way into her mouth so that it had to be right down her throat.
Yvonne gasped in absolute and very real amazement. My goodness! How on earth does she do that!
Lots of practise, Tony told her seriously.

In showing her the short video, he told Yvonne that she could see that it wasnt commercial, but was people just like us.
She might be his wife, his girlfriend, or his neighbours slutty wife, Tony told her.
She cast a quick look in his direction at this last possibility, but she couldnt tell whether hed said it alluding to herself or not.
It was indeed true that the video was an amateur effort, but as such it made it all the more sexually exciting.

Come and lie on the sofa, Tony now told Yvonne. She willingly lay down and allowed Tony to position her as he wanted. Slide up a bit so that your head hangs over the edge, he then told her.
It was then that Yvonne suddenly realised that Tony was positioning her ready to try to get her to emulate the woman theyd just watched on the video.
Gosh Tony, she exclaimed, I dont think that Ill be able to do it.
Yes you can, he told her. Youll need to slowly practise and work up to it. She positioned herself and tipped her head right back as Tony wanted.
Tony took her head in his hands, while Yvon

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"OK Pilar, let me get this straight, PLEASURE’S NEST is a bar where middle aged women go to meet boys for sex?""Hey, Jewel! it isn't k**dy porn, they have to be twenty-one to get into the place. Other than that, yes you have it right, it’s fun and with no commitments, except for safe sex."When Pilar saw the wispy smile cross Jewel's face, she knew she had convinced her, she told her she would pick her up at ten. She didn't mention that she needed her to be her wingman but she would find out...

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Discussion QuestionsChapter 6 Using the Love Nest

When I walked into the office on Monday morning, Brenda was already at her desk sorting the first load of office mail. She blushed a nice scarlet color as I greeted her. "Have a nice weekend?" I asked casually, as though I had no idea of her activities. "Oh, yes." She looked around to be sure no one could hear her. "It was fucking marvelous; or maybe it was the other way around – marvelous fucking. Either way, it was the best weekend in my whole life. Thank you for asking ... and for...

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Pirates of Caledonia II Learning the RopesChapter 4 Climbing to the Crows Nest

I awoke at dawn and eagerly got myself ready. I had a good feeling about the day and was raring to go. My muscles were aching slightly after the exertions of yesterday but after a quick stretch in the shower I felt rejuvenated. The Captain ate her breakfast in silence and I did not feel comfortable bringing up my issue of being the only person who got punished for Holly. Surely, Holly getting punished for Holly would be fair also! I cleared up the breakfast things and was outside the...

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The Summoning of Verenestra

Tammet checked over his shoulder, for the hundredth time. Today was the day he’d been preparing for. He looked around the forest again, making sure none of his captors, or a stray hunting party, had followed him or happened upon him by sheer luck. A light wind made the leaves overhead rustle like a soft summer rain. Sunlight filtered down through the leaves upon his long straight black hair. He reached into the hollow of a long dead tree to retrieve the items he’d carefully stowed there...

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Newly Wed Slutty Wife

Well hi guys iam abhijeet from bombay .Iam writing the story for the first time so forgive me for any mistakes. So without wasting anytime let me come to the main story.Me and the love of my life got married recently our marriage was a small affair. My wife nitika has a perfect body which any guy would like to fuck.Iam also a average looking guy.Well iam not writing any sizes here. But yaa my wife is very voluptuous and i have a good size dick. So coming to the story after our marriage me and...

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Honey weds gabby

I have told u bout my sex encounter with honey and cheery .that goes on till i got married to honey. Nw we have liscense for sex. But we are missing our 3rd partner cheery the night we got married . The third day we have to go for our honeymoon in europe for 15days. But the night betwween was our wedding night. And that we celebrated in hotel .honey bokked the honeymoon suite for us. We reach the hotel at 11pm and went to the reception for the keys. The recpitionist gave us the keys and...

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Arjun Weds Deepti 8211 Part 1

Contact: Hi friends tis Arjun with Deepti we are recently engaged couple looking forward our wedding date. Our’s is a arranged marriage but we started exchanging all our feelings more closely since the day we met. When we go out if i see any good looking girl i will hint her and whisper in her ear that ‘what a woman’ and she will poke me naughtily. In response she will wink at me whenever she see a man of her kind and we blush at each other. I like the attention deepti gets and all passing by...

1 year ago
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Grace and the Longest TieChapter 10A Grace Weds Three

NARRATION: With cum leaking from both her holes Grace was pulled from the recliner/bed which was removed quickly by the sons against the furthest wall and in its place was brought the breeding table. Before Grace could examine this curiosity she was taken by Dr Tabitha and Gladys to a small clothes horse she hadn’t noticed before. Hanging from it was the top part of a wedding dress minus the veil. It matched her corset and the two women placed it over her head using pins to attach it firmly...

1 year ago
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Newly Wed

Newly Wed By Peg Thebois Sheena and I had a beautiful August wedding, the sky was cloudy but bright, which was nice for her family and our friends who were assembled on the veritable sea of emerald grass behind the church, pleasant but not too hot. My brother Daniel, my only living relative, stood beside me as my best man. I had spent a bundle on the wedding, but I could easily afford it, my brother and I were the whole owners of a network of 4 radio stations in the city. When...

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Arjun Weds Deepti 8211 Part 3

Hi friends am Deepti this time with our third experience. Arjun had said me how he enjoy when other people look at me and admire my beauty. Me and Arjun decided to take a break from our wedding preparations for couple of days and landed to Kerala, indeed it was a very beautiful place as we had already booked our Resorts. So from airport we directly took the taxi and went to our Resorts which was in Chalakudy. I was wearing a short knee length skirt with a white transparent cotton short kurta,...

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Grace and the Longest TieChapter 10B Grace weds three continued

IN GRACE’s WORD When they strapped me to the breeding stall my insides were turning and there was no sense of excitement. I was fearful but kept trying to make Tabby’s words override this fear. “Do not be afraid, my child,” she had said. “You will enjoy what is going to happen to you, immensely.” Happen to me? My three husbands, whom I had never met, are going to consummate our marriage by f*****g me. But Tabby had not said that. I tried to sit bolt upright as I repeated the words again....

3 years ago
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Newly wed slut

My gorgeous wife, Anne, looks like butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth. But just after our engagement, she confessed a sexy secret that to this day still leaves me totally flabbergasted! Anne told me that if I was serious about marrying her, I would have to accept her weakness for older, dominant men. At the time, Anne was 24, blonde, with big boobs and long sexy legs. She was working as an office manager, and I knew she had a soft spot for her boss, Henry, but I didn’t realise how far things had...

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The Hawks Nest

Breathing hard from the steep climb, Bob said, "I think it's just a little farther. Probably just past that next crest." Ellen stopped for a second. "Or the next or the next or the next. This place had better be good." "Don't worry," he replied. "I'm sure you'll find it worth the climb." Bob and Ellen were both grad students at a college over in Virginia, a couple of hundred miles distant. They were both twenty-three and had been going together since the middle of the semester...

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Empty Nests

Daphne strolled seemingly without purpose through the large park. Its trees were almost devoid of leaves. A brown, orange, red and yellow carpet of leaves covered the ground beneath the canopy of bare branches. It was odd not to be pushing a pram for once. Her three year old daughter had started nursery that week. Although it was only three hours a day, it was proving a challenge for Daphne, if not her precious Stella. When her husband had first insisted that they take advantage of the free...

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The Newly Weds Part 2

There were many things that ran through Carl’s mind, a large portion of it being his work at the office. Another part of it laid out plans about what they could do to the house and how he was to go about doing it. However, both highly distracting thoughts were hugely overshadowed by the thoughts of his beautiful high school teacher of a wife, Jessie. That was the kind of distraction that he absolutely did not mind having, no matter where he was or what he was doing, an inspiration of moments...

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The Newly Weds Part 1

Jessie almost immediately came down the staircase, looking as if she had rushed all the way from the upstairs study room since she still had her reading glasses on, and gave her husband a big hug of greeting as soon as he closed the front door behind him. “Welcome home, Carl!” She smiled as she continued with her embrace, clearly very happy to see him. “Glad to be back.” Carl let out a light chuckle as he tried to hug her back, only that the paper bag full of groceries in his right arm...

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The Prince Weds a New Concubine

The Chinese prince's first marriage will be to his prime consort. She is his official wife and if later he ascends to the throne, she likely will be his empress. She will be chosen from a royal or noble family, but she will not necessarily be beautiful. The marriage likely will be a political one, so it is important to the emperor and the kingdom.Hong Taji is the 4th prince and he is 21 years old. He married his prime consort two years ago and already has a son. He just was notified by the...

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Yvonne Newly Weds

Rob and Yvonne were so happy to at last have found a suitable house to rent. Their marriage was just a week off and they'd been beginning to despair at the possibility or finding something affordable.Having looked all through the house, they locked the door and, hand in hand, wandered around to the back garden."Hello," a cheery voice called out.They both turned to see the next door neighbour over the low dividing wall. He was a scrawny looking, bald headed man in about his sixties, he had a...

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Mother in law helps out newly weds

We married three months and two days back. I work night shift and she works days. She is not the most sexual and it bothered me. Arrived home today and found her mother in the house. She fixed me breakfast and we talked. She told how she feared I may pressure and damage our marriage. Its obvious Star fears she is loosing me, calling in her mom to talk with me. Just want you to know there are no major problems, just would like more active sex life. She tells me what Star said, sex and she is...

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The Mother Saga Part 12 First Trip As Newly Weds

As this is part of a series, the story is long and request you to read it with patience. I assure you that it will make your dicks hard and pussies wet while reading. Please read all the previous parts of this story if you have not yet read them. Thank you all for your lovely responses to my stories. I am overwhelmed by the lovely responses to this series. I thank all the guys and gals who read through the stories and appreciated their emails. Your love and criticism are accepted and cherished....

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Arjun Weds Deepti 8211 Part 2

Contact : Hi friends we Arjun and Deepti are back with second experience. First I will thank all the friends who complement through mail. Tis part is about our engagement night. Since engagement was held in my hometown, Deepti’s family stayed with us, Even though we received lot of gifts, my mind sticked to the one my close friend Sanjay sent from US. Unfortunatly he could not come for our engagement but he said me to do a video call as soon as we reach home post engagement. So I sat in front...

2 years ago
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Newly Married Kanchi Ki Chudai 8211 Part 1

Hi ISS readers my self ram(MASTRAM) thanks for your lovely feedback for my previous stories.As i told maine ab tak kayi bhabhi aur auntiyon ko choda hai. Par is baar mai kisi newly married ladki ko chodna cahta tha,par mere aas pass koi aisi ladki nhi thi.Par ek din jab mai ghr ke bahar mere neighborhood me ek new family ko shift hote hue dekha par meri aankhe to kuch aur hi khoj rhi thi,to maine koi itna intrest nhi liya. Par mere nasib me kuch aur hi tha. Khani yaha se start hoti hai agli...

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Newly married desi couple first night sex pics

The wedding becomes memorable for a life-time not just because of the ‘wedding’ alone but also because of the first night that follows – especially, if the newly married couple are up for their first night sex! In our today’s Indian porn gallery, check out and enjoy these arousing and provocatively erotic photos of a desi couple having sex on their first night. This newly married couple from Shimla isn’t wasting even a single night when it comes to fucking each...

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A Different Sort of LifestyleChapter 22 The Love Nest

Jack sat down on the daybed that June had put in the guest room. It wasn’t very comfortable, basically a mattress with a bunch of overstuffed pillows placed against the back. He wondered why she hadn’t gotten a real sofa. He looked around the room feeling a little puzzled by the changes. She had redecorated the guest room without telling him about it until that evening. He went over to the recliner that she had put on the other side of the room and sat down on it. It was much more...

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Mom My Cousin and IChapter 6 The love nest

I lay on the bed next to Betty, "Are you sure you want to continue?" Betty, "Yes, I'm sure." I bent over and kissed Betty while again starting to caress her body. I started to nibble on her neck and ears, while gently pinching her nipples. I slowly started kissing my way down her body, kissing and licking around her breasts, but now barely grazing her nipples. Her body tightened up and relaxed as I played with her breasts. Suddenly biting one nipple and pinching the other one caused...

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Attacked by Silk GlovesChapter 2 The Glove Trick

Paul woke up, his heart racing. He checked his watch on the nightstand. 12 midnight, so he had only been asleep for a couple of hours. "Gonna be a long night," he sighed. Ancient but unmistakably feminine smells surrounded him. He looked around the room, scanning its contents. Apparently, nothing had been touched after Rosemary's daughter had died. "A car accident," Rosemary had said, clearly still angry. "Hit and run." Old clothing was left on chairs and dressers, make-up lids were...

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The Clover Coffee Club

This story is a little creepy. Fair warning. The Clover Coffee Club By Joe Six-Pack The desire to create is insatiable in some people. They want nothing more out of life than to dream, to design and to build. No force known to man can stop a man when his mind his focused on the goal of making something. The need to leave something behind that shows you were here, that shows that you meant something, that demonstrates an existence validated by the object one brings into...

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Newly married couple

This, the first part, of a morning fantasy between a newly married couple and my first erotic story. Hope you like it and look for part two in the future. It’s Saturday morning and Alexa wakes up suddenly. Looking at the clock, it’s only 5:30 in the morning, much earlier than she was hoping. The sun is just coming up and peering through the eggshell colored blinds of her bedroom windows. She’s hot and sweating slightly. Uncommon for the morning in her home as the ceiling fan is kept on high...

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Newly Married Kanchi Ki Chudai 8211 Part 2

Hi ISS readers I am back with my 2nd part of my story.Phle part me maine btaya ki kaise maine kanchi ke baare me aur usi dauran kaise maine ek aunty ko bhi choda,jab mom aur kanchi shopping par gyi thi.Aur wo sab hone ke baad mai kanchi se baith kar baatein karne laga,aur ab aagey ki khani yaha se shuru hoti hai ki maine kaise uski chut mari. Mai kanchi se baat kar rha tha aur tabhi mom aur aunty ek dusre se baat kar rhi thi, to maine bhana bna ke kanchi ko apne bedroom me le gya.Aur usne haa...

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Newly Joined Girl In Office

Hi! My name is ******* and I am going to tell you a real story that happen with me. I am working in IT Company and my life was very dull and boring. I was doing the daily routing work and bored with my life but one day newly joined girl came and after that life changed completely. She was so beautiful and same time damn hot. As soon as I saw her I got hard feeling inside my pant. She was wearing T-shirt which showing me the full view of her boobs I just started imaging her in my arms, but it...

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Newly Married Kaa Saath Sex Kara

Hi Dosto! Before moving a head with my story, I want to be clear about onething. I am bad with spellings so kindly bear with me. My name is Sid. Mai delhi mei rehta houn. Yeh us samai ki baat hai jub mari shadi ka baad mai apne wife ka saath naye falt mai shift hua. My wife is pretty hot and we are very active partners. Humara flat ka oopar bhi ek newly wed couple rehta hai. Unka naam Pawan and Reena tha. Dono jane bahut good looking and working tha but mari nazar to Reena pur atak gayi thi....

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Newly married teacher gangbang

Hi friends this is aditya from new delhi, this is a real story which happened in this december 2007 with my newly married teacher at my friends house My age is 26 and i study in class 10th and i have two best friends in school ashish and rahul who both stay in my society.Yeh aaj se ek saal pehle ki baat hai hamare school mein ek teacher thi english ki jinka naam simran tha. Simran mam ek sardarni thi aur us waqt unmarried thi. Unki age 28 ki thi us waqt 5.8 height thi ek dum gori lambe baal jo...

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Newly Married

Hi this is Madhu again giving my 2nd story in ISS. I have lot of mails for my first story. Thank you for reading. And this is my 2nd story about sex life after my marriage.We have married 1 year back and this happened at the second month after my marriage. I have married to Prem who is having lots of relation in his home. My In – Laws and having one more sister – in – law in home waiting for marriage. As everybody know when newly married we have lots of expectations in SEX even would like to...

1 year ago
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Newly Wed Bhabhi My Desire

Well to start with let me introduce myself – A software engineer by profession working in Pune My name is Neeraj, Age -25, Awesome looks, I am from Mumbai natively. This is the story of me & my Bhabhi (wedded just a few months ago with my cousin brother) , I have a strong urge of incest love( that was with my Aunt, will discuss it some other day ) To explain my Bhabhi , ohh guys she’s Perfectt, Genuinly young , Age-22, Figure as I came to know is about 32-28-32 Her eyes are Manzri i.e.,...

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Judy and Sylvia are lovers from No Anestheti

. Note: In the last post, I introduced Sylvia's friend Judy Chavez, a bi-sexual teen from Panama. Judy becomes her lover and she acts as the dom in their relationship. Judy got Sylvia to have sex with more than one boy or girl at a time. Sylvia loves this more than she ever thought she would` She loves being a "sub" even better. I practiced using everything I had to make the bj thing hotter and more interesting for both of us. I used my lips, especially my tongue, out there where he could see,...

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Lovey came with me

Dear friends, This is a true story about a father his daughters not one or two but all there daughters he produced during 20 years of marriage bond. First let me introduce myself i am a guy of 25 years tall handsome and loveable boy and am a student of local post graduation college.Lovey eldest of all three girls along with ruby and pinky was my classmate in degree course. We use to study together in our house for which i was being paid for by three girls not sisters(two other classmates) Rs...

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A Tale of Two Lovebirds

Our story begins with a recent refurbishment of a local theater. The local tabloids had done recent articles on the theater: when it was first constructed, its passings of ownership, and its slow decay with the poor economic times. Our two lovebirds had first fallen in love at this theater. They had been following these news articles with building interest as the week passed, for these articles were the build up to the first show of the refurbished theater. The two lovebirds had made a date of...

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The Robins Nest

Arrival and Day 1 Well this road trip started out just the same as most others do for us. The van was packed to over flowing and there was myself and two other techs. The three of us hadn’t been out together for awhile. This was going to be a fairly large project though and take a couple of weeks to complete even with three of us there. The town was some where in middle America – nothing too special - around 400,000 population. The first night we stopped a little better than half way...

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Sparrows Nest

Friday night was date night for the Sparrows. Gina and Dave were painting the town red, leaving their children home alone. At 18, Sarah and Michael were old enough to be left to their own devices, and were both mature enough to be trusted. Gina still gave them ‘the talk’ though, ‘No falling out. No fighting. Be in bed at a reasonable time. If you have any friends over, make sure they’ve left before we get home.’ ‘Unless it’s Mandy!’ Dave chirped, miming a pair a bosoms and nudging Michael....

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The Wasps New Nest

Janet awoke -- and panicked. She sat up instantly, clutching the bedsheet to her bare chest with one hand, holding the other hand outstretched, summoning the strength to hurl a bolt of energy at whoever or whatever had spirited her to this strange place. For this certainly was not her own room; she couldn’t afford silky sheets like this, or this big four-poster bed (complete with canopy), or that beautiful dressing table with the ornate mirror … The glow around her hand died as the last wisps...

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Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended. Always look both ways before crossing the pond. Beware of geeks bearing gifs. An answer known is a power broken. One man’s crisis is another man’s narcissism. This space to let. Preface:...

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my house the fucking nest

hi has been some time now since morris forced him self on me , fucking my white sa pussy with his monster black cock , his cock that he hurt my lily white pussy . well he has been quite busy pumping white pussy at my house , lots of my book club friends r now giving him their white pussies to fill with black cock and black sperm.he is so into white pussy now and there is no shortage for him , i love to watch as he goes into my friends , looks so good seen his huge dick sliding in and out of...

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Dr. Evelyn Peters is a good sex ther****t. At 50, Dr. Peters is still one sexually active but frustrated housewife. She has a very long list of patients where majority are middle age married man. In her over twenty-five years as a professional ther****t, she sometimes finds her job to be tiresome and boring. So in order to entertain herself, she plays games with her desperate male patients by sometimes accidentally spilling her large breasts spill over her top or seducing them by touching their...

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MAU Painting the Town Pink Part 8 Regeneration at the Cuckoos Nest

Room 132 was a spartan box filled by four beds separated by thin curtains, and the required medical support equipment. Three of the beds were occupied. I recognized Hutchison in the bed furthest from the small window. He had withered since I'd seen him last, the flesh wasting from his bones under the stress of his body's final fight for survival. He was unconscious, his breath coming in shallow heaves. A heart monitor made a desultory beeping beside his bed. I scanned the room, taking...

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Time to leave the nest

My mom eventually told me to move out because she knew I was dressing in my sisters clothes. I think she knew I fooled around with some of the neighbors.I scored a room and was working, so I had some money. I started buying my own clothes but tried to keep it private because I was around people I did not know. Some people are just mean.I love wearing my panties all the time and being just under 20 I had a fit body. I was 5'4: 120 lbs but fit and trim. I kept the hair to a minimum and of course...

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Sexpionage 1 Swallows Nest

As the old year became the New Year, and the snow lie thick on the ground, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo visited Belarus for the first time in 26 years, to offer American aid after Russian decision to cut off energy supplies. Later in the same year, when the snow had cleared and given way to sunshine and flowers, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Oleg Kravchenko was appointed the Belarusian Ambassador to America. As the Belarusian elections drew near Russia intensified its efforts to...

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Leaving the Nest

The master had finally told me I would never be strong enough to be a wizard. The best I could do was become a hedge mage. It was hard hearing that but I knew he was right. From the age of five I had been his apprentice and when I reached puberty I became his journeyman. Now I was sixteen and pretty much as strong magically as I would get. I packed the wide chest and pulled it out and loaded it into the hand cart. I returned for the long pack like bag that was my bedding. I set it on top of...

1 year ago
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Empty Nest

He walked up from behind and put his arms around her shoulders, lifting one finger to her lips in that universal sign. "Shhh!" She immediately stopped wiping the plate dry. "What?" she whispered. He brought his mouth down close to her right ear. Close enough that she could feel his breath caress the lobe. "Do you hear that?" "WHAT?" she whispered. Her ear was tingling pleasantly, but what was this about a strange sound? He moved his head so that his mouth was now hovering next to...

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Robyns Nest

The Lodge was not crowded this early in the season. The few folks who were staying had had their evening meal, and then they seemed to fade into thin air. As I waved Warthog off, I remember the car park had seemed empty. "Sorry to be antisocial Sven, but I have some friends who live locally and I want to see them. Their car's busted, so just this once you lose!" And he had grinned as he gunned the engine and sped off. "Don't wait up!" had been one of the last comments before the little...

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Eric Olafson Space Pirate Vol 5Chapter 13 Leaving the Nest

Cherubim had left the ship a few moments ago and I was on the bridge and together with the others went over the technical specs of our ship. Circuit had to explain to me again why we had no ISAH pods. “The reason we do not have ISAH Pods is that this ship uses TransDim Gravitonics as propulsion. Energy is tapped directly from Quasi Space and we have no need for fuel.The ISAH field too keep us in real time is generated by the same system. This ship could fly to the end of the known universe...

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