Positive ReinforcementChapter 3 free porn video

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Life settled down into a comfortable routine. Lynn found she was actually enjoying herself more now that she wasn't worrying about money all the time. She avoiding going out any more unless she had to but other than that it was still pretty comfortable. She did worry that Jack was working too hard. He still had his schoolwork and the odd jobs he would pick up now and then, but he spent a considerable amount of time with the deskcomp or hooked into the net with his perscomp.

"Its research, Mom," he would tell her. "I always thought making money wasn't hard; it just takes a lot of research, timing and a bit of seed money. Most of my time is spent on research."

"Yes, but you shouldn't be doing it all the time," she complained.

"Okay," he said shutting down his perscomp module. "What do you want to do?"

"Uh, well, I don't know," she stuttered. He had called her on her whining and now she tried to think of something they could do together.

"How about we watch a 'vie?" she asked. "It's been forever since we've seen a 'vie together."

"Sounds good to me," he said with a shrug. "You want to see what's on at the plex or you just want to rent it off the net here?"

"Ah..." She hesitated. Ever since the incident at the store Lynn had avoided leaving the house as much as possible. Intellectually, she knew the chances were slight they would see anyone they knew or that anyone else would care that a boy was taking his IS out to a movie, but still she avoided the possibility as much as possible. "You wouldn't mind if we just stayed here?"

"No, I understand," he answered sympathetically. "I don't care either way. The company is the same and that's all that matters. Besides, the popcorn here is better."

"Thanks, hon," she said almost giggling. "But won't you miss the big screen?"

"I think if we can't enjoy the 'vie on our little ol' 2 meter tank then we've been spoiled beyond belief," he answered with a grin. "If you think this is so bad, then maybe you ought to take a trip with me down to the museum and I'll show you what it was like watching the old flat screen TV! I can't imagine it would have been that much better on the big flat wall screens."

"That's all right," she laughed. "I'm not complaining. Our holo tank is just fine with me, although I wish I could afford something better for you." She sounded a little sad after that. He put his arm around her and drew her in close, kissing the top of her head lightly. That tingle was back as he touched her and she shivered slightly pressing herself in just a little bit closer to keep the tingle going and make it as strong as she could.

She still didn't understand what was causing it, but she was pretty sure it wasn't just the normal operation of the collar. When she realized what was happening, she had spent a number of hours combing the net for information on the collars and the reactions of the "recipients." While there was several lifetimes worth of information available there didn't seem to be anything exactly matching what was happening to her. The feeling sort of matched the description of the controller when used on its lowest "pleasure" setting, but not exactly and even then why would it do it only when she was touching Jack? He didn't even have the controller. It was locked in the box still in her room. She knew because she had checked often enough over the past few days.

She would have mentioned something to Jack, but was embarrassed about what he might think about it. He would probably call Labor, Inc., to have a look at the collar. That wasn't really so bad, except what if they didn't find anything and it turned out to be all in her head? What would that say about her? Besides it's not like it hurt or anything; just the opposite, in fact. Maybe if it was a malfunction it was a good malfunction. Nothing wrong with getting pleasure snuggling up next to someone you love, now is there? Since it was an enjoyable feeling, Lynn decided she would just accept it as a bonus and not worry about it unless it became unpleasant or something else demonstrated there was a problem with the equipment.

"Don't worry, Mom," he said releasing her. "Everything is going just like I'd hoped it would. I'm pretty sure we'll have enough extra cash pretty soon if you wanted to waste it on a holo tank."

"It good to hear that everything is going well," she said, slightly disappointed that he was no longer holding her. "But I'm almost afraid to ask just what we are doing to earn these huge gobs of money."

"I'll sit down and show you if you'd like," he offered.

"And after about two minutes my eyes will roll back and I'll pass out from cranial overload, right?" she said looking up at him seriously. "Or even worse, it'll happen from me reacting in horror when I realize exactly what it is you've done."

"Mom," he said looking as innocent as possible, "I would never let that happen to you. Besides, no matter what I said before I think you could understand it easily. You're a pretty smart cookie when you want to be."

"What? You don't think I'm just some over-the-hill bimbo?" she said jokingly.

"You haven't even started up the hill yet," he grinned. "And while I do admit many men seem to think that a woman's intelligence is inversely proportional to her beauty, we both know it isn't true, especially for you."

"I'm just lucky I have big boobs so nobody will notice my face," she quipped.

"You know, I am kind of getting tired of you putting yourself down all the time," Jack said thoughtfully. "Maybe a little adverse conditioning is in order. How about when you make another untrue, self-deprecating remark about yourself I put you over my knee and give you ten smacks on your bottom?"

"You wouldn't dare," she said nervously, subconsciously bringing her hands around behind her to shield her butt from the threatened action.

"Just try me," he said raising his eyebrows. "While you have a very nice body, that includes your breasts, you also have a beautiful face, so stop dissing yourself."

"Well, I..." she choked back what she was about to say. He may have been kidding about spanking her, but then again he may not have been. It was better to play it safe with Jack sometimes. "Ah, thanks. I'm glad you think I'm pretty, although it seems kind of strange coming from my son."

"I may be your son," he said with a smirk, "but I'm still a man. Believe me, I've noticed and admired. Anyway, I think you could understand what I'm doing if you want me to explain it. At its simplest, I'm using other people's greed and their attempts to rip us off against them. Kind of like taking the loans from the consortium at less than market rate because they think they will be getting you for a bargain price. It's a little more complicated than that but it's perfectly legal and even moral, if you ask me. Do you want me to show you what I'm doing?"

"No, I don't think so," she said and made a dash for the door calling back over her shoulder, "I don't want my bimbo-head to hurt from thinking too much!" When he dropped his feet off the table she shrieked and took off for her room. He just chuckled and got a couple of packages of popcorn ready for the oven.

"This is nice," she said later as they snuggled up on the couch watching the 'vie. "Maybe we could do this more often?"

"Yes it is and yes we can," he said. He was wearing a pair of shorts and a t-shirt with his feet propped up on the table in front of them. His arm was draped casually around her shoulder as she leaned into him with her feet tucked underneath. She again felt that tingle where his arm touched her bare shoulder. It still wasn't much and certainly not overwhelming, more like the slight buzz one would get from a glass or two of wine than the euphoria of a THC-enhanced marijuana cigarette, but it still felt nice.

"I feel like I've been neglecting you lately," he said. "It's such a cliché to say the work needs to get done, but I think everything is pretty much set up now. I feel comfortable in backing off a little now. Actually I'm a little tired of it, to tell the truth. I can't understand how someone would want to do this day after day and not want to take a break from it now and then."

"You're still just a kid," she said patting him on the chest. "You shouldn't have to worry about this kind of stuff, although I'm glad you do. I don't even want to imagine where we would be if you didn't. I guess your dad and I didn't do very well by you, did we?"

"You did great, Mom," he said leaning over to kiss the top of her head causing another little shiver to course through her body. "And I'm sure Dad did the best he could. It's not like he expected to die or anything like that. Although sometime I would like to look over everything he left us, you know, the trust and such."

"Sure, if you want to," she said with a shrug. "It's all on my perscomp. I'll get it for you whenever you want it, although I suppose you could get it any time you wanted," she said giving him a dig in the side.

"Mom!" he said, trying to look and sound innocent. "Surely you don't think I would break into your perscomp without your permission."

"Since you already have, I wouldn't have to think it," she answered. "No, No. Don't say anything. I wouldn't want you to strain yourself coming up with some outrageous, but technically true, story. Save it for when you really need it."

He just chuckled and settled down to watch the show.

+ + +

She was fussing over the placement of the dirty dishes in the cleanser when she heard the front door chime announce Jack's arrival home. Looking at the clock she grunted and swore to herself. He was right on time but she was running behind. She'd been fussing with that damn machine for the past few hours trying to get it to work correctly. It was old and probably due to be replaced but as with everything else in the house, she had made do since there was no money to fix or replace everything that needed it. She had just about come to the conclusion she would have to do them by hand when she felt his arms wrapping around her waist, pulling her back into him. She snuggled back and sighed. It felt so good to have a strong pair of arms around her and a hard body behind. It made her feel safe and protected; something she hadn't felt for a long time.

"What are you doing, beautiful?" he said, nuzzling the back of her neck and setting her off into giggles and shivers as his nibbling lips tickled her sensitive skin. Wriggling rather than struggling, she tried to avoid his tickling lips until finally she begged him to let her go before she peed her pants.

Still giggling she turned back and leaned into him and sighed as he wrapped his arms around her comfortingly again. Standing up on her toes she went to give him a kiss on the cheek right next to his lips but at the last second he moved and their lips met. Her eyes flew open in surprise but instead of jerking back she looked up and into his eyes as their lips still pressed together. To her it seemed like they were locked together for hours but in reality it lasted only a few seconds until he slowly pulled back and smiled down at her.

"Well, thank you," he said. "I'm glad to be home too. Now what is going on here?"

"N ... nothing," she stammered until she realized he was now looking at the cleanser. "Oh, oh, well, the damn thing doesn't work. That's the problem." She put her head down and gently extracted herself from his arms, clearly flustered. "You know how much of a problem it's been lately. Well now I think it's finally completely dead. I guess I'll be doing dishes by hand from now on."

"I don't think so," he snorted. Patting her casually on the butt he gently pushed her out of the way and squatted down to look at the arrant cleanser. Grunting, he pulled his hand-com and started tapping on the miniature screen with his stylus. Lynn stood back watching her son as he worked. Still flustered she began to wonder if maybe she had read more into that kiss than was actually there. He was acting like it was nothing, or at least like there was nothing special about it, no more than a normal greeting. Maybe that's all it was.

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"Hi," Dani said to the knew girl while extending her hand, "my name's Dani, Dani Noonan!" "Nice to meet you, Dani, I'm Becky Rice, man this is a big school!" "Yeah, it is," Dani replied while closing her locker. "Where're you from, it must be tough transferring in the middle of your senior year?" "I'm from a little town down state," Becky replied as the two girls made their way through the lunch time throng of students. "My dad got a new job and we couldn't afford to have two houses at the same...

3 years ago
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Not quite what I expected

This new guy I'm seeing is the ultimate bottom.He practically begs for it - for me to fuck him over and over. The way he moans, and moves his hips, enjoying my cock deep inside him.And his ass is perfection. Two round, hard cheeks, covered in a dark fuzz, and a hairy crack that just invites you in.So yesterday evening, he walked through the door to my house. He had this unusually intense look on his face.He walked straight up to me, grabbed me by the neck, and started kissing me. His hands were...

4 years ago
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I Dream of DemieChapter 45 Boom

Eudora began her story, “Since the beginning, there have been rules put down by the Creator, He Who We Cannot Name.” “God,” I added helpfully. I was sitting on one of the beds next to Demie, and the Enforcer was sitting on the other bed next to the sleeping Dianna Shepherd. Eros and his mother were sitting across from each other on the hotel room’s only chairs. Demie gave me a jab in the ribs with her elbow. “Yeah, dummy, obviously.” Eudora continued, “After Earth was created, it was found...

2 years ago
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The New Neighbor Girl

My fascination with her started with one glance, one small smile. I had seen her around before, but never really noticed her. One day it changed. I had gone to the corner store for some snacks before the game that night, and she was visiting her dad, who lived downstairs in my building. As I got home, she was sitting outside on his front step, listening to her music player. I glanced up as I turned down the driveway, and she looked up enough to see me coming. She tilted her head ever so...

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Until the End of the World

"It is official. The world ends tonight at midnight. Go home to your family. Be with your loved ones. Or join us out here on the streets for our last moments together. Remember, you will never see that one person you love dearly, ever again. People, it's time to get real. Don't hold back on your feelings. If you love someone, tell them. If you forgive someone, tell them. It's time to let go and just be with one another. Join us out here in the square. Come hold hands, enjoy music and be...

2 years ago
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The Blizzard

Sometimes I can’t help but be disgusted by my own stubbornness, or maybe I should say, my own stupidity. Why, just an hour ago I was sitting in my car shaking my head at myself, wishing I’d listened to my gut instincts to stay home I’d felt earlier. But no, not me, I got ready and went to work. Heck, the weather predictors are never right anyways, right? Every school in the five county area was closing due to the weather reports of a monster snowstorm bearing down on our town. But of course I...

1 year ago
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Meeting Sarah Part 3

After kissing for a few minutes, Sarah got up to go to the head (bathroom) while I proceeded to put on a pair of shorts, so I could get the boat ready to leave. Several minutes passed while I was on deck, when Sarah appeared from the cabin. She was dressed is a short skirt with a tight t-shirt. It was obvious that she wasn't wearing a bra. The t-shirt had a logo from a local restaurant printed on the front. I laughed as I read it."Peel me, Lick me, Eat me." I read out loud. "Is that a...

3 years ago
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Dominating Miss Davenshaw Ch 02

‘Good morning, Miss Davenshaw.’ She halted in her stride momentarily. She was somehow aware of her nipples tingling under her bra, and of what could only be described as a faint tingling between her perfectly toned legs. Her breath caught, ‘Uh…good morning, Edmund,’ she replied. The faint quiver in her normally confident, authoritative voice would have been missed by most but he was glad to detect this ever so subtle sign that the hypnosis still had an effect on her. This was a deeper set,...

2 years ago
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Chatty Cathy Hits a High NoteChapter 2

I got to thinking about Chatty Cathy after graduating and I was looking for a daytime job that wouldn't interfere too much with my more important hobbies like chasing girls. My cousins were pestering me to come out and visit them but I wanted to find a job that I could rely on for some much-needed steady income to finance my pursuit of pussy uppermost in my mind. Cathy was in my memory bank because of the way she was such a good sport in following my orders right in front of my giggling...

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GirlsWhoLie Kyra Rose Messy Massage

Kyra Rose has had the hots for her male roommate for a really long time, but he has a girlfriend so she has held back on her affection. When she gets the impression from her roommate that he’s breaking up with the girlfriend, though, Kyra pounces on her opportunity. She offers him a massage because she can see how stressed he is. Once she has him laid out on the table, she starts by trash talking her roommate’s girlfriend and massaging his legs. Then she asks to take her shirt off...

4 years ago
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The LivesChapter 2

Conquered by France in 1859, Saigon was influenced by the French during their colonial occupation of Vietnam, and a number of classical Western-style buildings and French villas in the city reflect this. The Paris of the East was invaded by the Japanese in 1940, much to the chagrin of Vichy France. A well established French Import Export business, Augustin, had been extant in the city since 1860. One of the first French financial endeavors since the establishment of French Indochina in 1859,...

3 years ago
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College Daze Our First Year TogetherChapter 6 Meeting Carson Sommers

Rebecca walked slowly over the snow-covered grass, her mind still on the research she'd completed in the college library. What she had found that night seemed to contradict everything she'd believed to be the definitive knowledge base of her chosen subject. It was that dichotomy that drew her concentration away from her journey, and only when she realized that the landmarks she normally used to navigate weren't there did she return her attention to her surroundings. Now understanding that...

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Pride and Prejudice the Down Under Edition

The Deadly Sin of Sloth“For Satan finds some mischief still for idle hands to do”   - Isaac WattsMiss Elizabeth Bennet was excessively diverted; after all, nails just don’t paint themselves. This rare display of diligence had been motivated by her choice of polish. After all, she was so into the very expensive Azature Black Diamond, it was just the perfect look.Her nail focus didn’t waver as the year twelve English class gathered for Thursday’s double period. Not even when Dr Charlotte Lucas...

1 year ago
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TwinsChapter 2

The twins had problems concentrating on their school work that day. They were filled with anticipation for their trip to the library. Alex’s cock got hard every so often - especially when he looked at or thought about Allie. During math class Allie went up to the board to solve a problem. Alex looked at his sister in her blouse, plaid skirt and white stockings and his dick got hard again. After Allie solved the problem, she noticed Alex staring at her and his hands in his lap. She figured his...

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Me and my auntie

Note : This story is completely fictional! hi well my aunt and uncle were over from america visiting us family in scotland. they were staying at my grans house which was a 3 bedroom house. i had a fallen out with my parents and ended up having to stay with my gran and grandad so i slept in the spare room and thought well what a hell of a way tostart of my weekend (falling out with my parent). early saturday morning my uncle craig got up got a shower and told my auntine mari that he was going...

3 years ago
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My Subway Quickie

It was a late night, I had just moved to the big city a few months ago. I had adjusted, but transit still made me itch. I hate people always pushing me and shoving me aside. Never friendly, never warm. However this night it was the last train to my station and I was lucky to grab the last car. I was alone, except, for him. He was sitting at the end, the very end of the train car, you could see the tracks fly by as the train sped on. Then. He smiled at me as I entered the car, his grey eyes,...

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Orc slave

On a beat down path of the misty mountains, there is a lone orc traveling. He only had light armor, a leather loincloth and a large crude battle ax in hand. He was known to some as Kolgrug and he was well skilled fighter with his battle ax. Of course that is all they knew about him for his past was a mystery. He is seen as a savage barbarian but he does have a sense of honor. He knew that sooner or later he would fall in battle so he would need to leave a legacy. For this he would need to find...

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susan roughly gang banged

last weekend i took susan out to a local pub for a few drinks with the intention of getting her drunk and having some fun when i got her home, but it turned out very different to how i had planned it.susan had dressed in a very short skirt and a blouse that revealed her tits a bit to much, in fact she looked like a complete tart.there was a couple of lads in the bar who kept looking at susan and i happened to go to the toilet at the same time as one of them. in the toilet he said to me i was a...

1 year ago
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A sisters love

Lisa Jackson was watching T.V with her twin brother John. The 18 year old girl had a figure to die for. Standing at 5 foot 11 with a toned body, C-cup breasts and a firm buttle butt as well as a beautyful face with green eyes and blond hair. Her brother was 6 doot 2, slightly muscular with brown hair and blue eyes. They were as close as could be but Lisa wanted to be more. She wanted to be her brothers lover. And she knew exactly how to become just that. With their parents gone for a month, she...

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Robin part 1

The following story is essentially true. The first part is recounted from an earlier story, and the rest continues the story of my long affair with my first cousin. The events happened pretty much as described, though some parts occurred when I was very young, and I cant remember everything precisely as it happened. Names have been changed where needed. Just a bit of background first… My grandfather molested my mother and her oldest sister when they were in their teens. Her older sister,...

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ExploitedCollegeGirls Emma Expectations Met Them

Everyone start burning old memories to make room for new ones because today’s exploit is 18-year-old Emma and HOLY – FUCKING – CUTENESS, and this girl’s what wet dreams are made of!!! So if you’re looking for seasoned porn stars who take cock like they’re eating a foot long hotdog at the county fair this site, and especially this girl, is not for you. What she is though is exactly what we are here at ExCoGi. She’s fresh as fuck, cute as hell, extremely horny and down for trying all sorts...

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Me And Daddy

I stood in my room feeling myself all over. I knew I was sexy, but I knew my Dad, Daniel, would never look at me in a way no other than being his daughter. The way he fucked my mom when I was watching through the door, the way he smiled at her, I wish he would do all that to me. I rubbed my pussy while I thought of my dad and how Sexy he was. His toned abs and Huge dick. Chapter-2: Hello, baby girl! My dad said as i walked through the door. I have a supsrise! I replied, Oh-what could it be pa?...

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So, here's another thing that happened!I was shopping at the mall for a new dress. So, I went into the store and was looking at some cute ones. I had picked out a couple to try on and suddenly, I felt a hand on my lower back. I turned around and it was Ms B! Ms B was my math teacher last year. And she is sooooooooooo pretty! She asked how I was doing and how my classes were going. I smiled and told her that I was doing good and school was boring, but OK. She laughed a little and kinda rubbed...

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