From Queen To Sexslave free porn video

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In a small land far away there were two warring countries eachbeautiful lands but both in need of a king. One had a very beautiful olderbut stunning Queen the other a handsome young Prince.

Queen Raya, came up with a plan to help her take full control of her kingdomall she had to do was marry being that her husband the late King was very oldand had just died and few weeks earlier and now her country was asking fora new King even thought she wanted the thrown for herself she new she had todo something or the people might rebel against her. So she and her adviserscame up with a plan to get her a new husband and King but it had to be someoneshe could control. Within several months she had found a suitable young manto be her new husband and King he was a young prince from one of their mosthated enemies. It was decided that it would help the two countries come closerif they married. Unknown to the Queen a similar plan was also in the worksfor her.

Young Prince Alan was a very handsome man who gave off the appearance thathe was very naïve but in reality he was much more. He to had his advisershelping with his plan for the meeting of his new bride or so was thought. Aftera few meetings with the Queen his advisers put the plan into action. It wasa simple plan his men had searched the land and found a young man who was aperfect double for him. He was brought to the Prince and explained what hewas supposed to do. As a precaution the young man was castrated so he couldn'tgo back on the deal he had made with them. He too like his counter part wasvery well endowed now only except for his missing jewels. He was trained whatto do and say then after a few weeks he was sent to meet the Queen who hadbeen waiting for his arrival for some time now.

The Prince's double arrived with in a few days he and Queen Raya started toget to know each other after the royal party for them they retired to her bedchambers. He watched as his new bride to be removed her clothes. She was avery beautiful women at only still in her thirties she was 5ft5 115lbs herlong black hair hung down her back her brown puppy dog eyes her firm lusciousbody and lovely firm 38d breasts were all a man could want. He noticed thatshe also kept her royal cunt shaved clean except for a narrow strip pubic hairjust above her moist shinny cunt.She then crawled onto the bed awaiting himto join her.

He stripped off all his clothes then stood in front of her she looked overhis firm powerful body how muscular he was then her eyes went to his huge cockthat hung down between his legs.

As she lay on the bed spread her legs and started rubbing her moist hole waitingfor him to join her he eased up onto the bed next to her she took his toolin her hand and started massaging it with in minutes he was hard and ready.Not letting her feel around to much he quickly thrust into her waiting lovetunnel she gasped out as he plowed into her hard impaling her to the hilt withhis large tool .Her breath taken away many times as he pounded her for severalhours she had many orgasms and came so many times she lost count. Finally heflipped her over and pulled out a crewed looking dildo that was filled withhorses cum.Raya was out of it she didn't even notice when he removed his cockand put the dildo in he thrust it into her several times then yelled he wasCumming then released the contents into her she swooned and shook as the horsecum filled her. He then pulled the empty tube out and put his cock back inand lay on top of the worn out Queen as he had hide the tube from sight. Thetwo stay that way the rest of the night with him embedded deep in her hot cunt.This process was done over and over for the next few days a short time laterthe wedding was announced and they were married. The plan had worked perfectover the next few months Queen Raya, began to show her authority over her newKing .Being that his manhood was no more the fake Prince had already becamesubmissive and was very easy to control. Another of the real Prince's servantswas on the inside as well he had been giving the Queen a drug in her food thatgave the impression that she was pregnant but only in looks as she began toswell.

The plan was working unbeknownst to Queen Raya and the fake Prince Alan. Thereal King Alan had been slipped into the kingdom and made his way to the thrownroom where he awaited for the two Queen Raya and the imposter Prince Alan.It wasn't long the two made their way to the thrown room as well they bothcouldn't believe their eyes as King Alan sat on the thrown. The queen quicklycalled for the guards but no one moved. Then the King gave the order to seizeboth of them and they were both captured by his personal guards.

King Alan sat on the thrown looking at the bewildered couple as both werestunned to see King Alan. Well now he spoke to them you to make a wonderfulcouple and you my servant you have done your job well. Queen Raya couldn'tbelieve her ears as she listened to Alan tell what had happened to them. Yousee I to had a plan to over take your kingdom for my own and now I have. Youwere so over whelmed by my imposter you didn't even notice that I had all youradvisers replaced and your own guards. Now all that is left is to rid myselfof the two of you. Guards if you will strip these two slaves for your masterquickly the guards do as told till Queen Raya and the imposter stand nakedbefore King Alan.Raya screams and yells as the guards remove her clothes andall her royal jewelry from her body last her crown is taken . She continuesto shout at him Alan grows tired of their shouting and orders them shackledand gagged then forced to knee before him.

Now let me explain to you what has happened and is going to happen to theboth of you. First of all I sent my imposter here in to get you to make himKing and it worked I am now King. You also thought that by getting pregnantyou would have and heir to take over the thrown someday. Then Alan comes downto Queen Raya and starts rubbing her swelled rip belly you see my former Queenyou think you have and heir in here but I hate burst your bubble but it's justone of mother natures little tricks. You see I've had one of my servants feedingyou a rare drug that gives off the impression that ones with child. Your titsswell as well as your belly you even miss your periods lol.The queen screamsand cries from behind her gag as does the imposter. I'm sure you're thinkinghe fucked me many times yes he did but as you can see he goes over and standshis twin up. He uses his scepter to lift up his cock and ball sack as you cansee no balls and yes he's a eunuch I had him castrated .The two both cry andwail from behind their gags as he continues to mock them.

Now I must decide what to do with you then as he sits and thinks oh yes Ialmost forgot I want you to meet my new Queen Laya .As the two look a beautifulyoung girl comes out from the shadows all dressed in her royal garments theyboth notice that she to is with child.Oh and don't worry she has been breedby my own personal seed he laughs. Now what to do with you?

Then his new queen speaks my lord if I may make a suggestion .Yes by all meansplease do why we don't keep them as personal sex slaves that's a wonderfulidea. But we can't have anyone finding out who they really are. That is easymy King call for your royal doctor and surgeon then he does they enter thegreat hall I have summoned you to do a service for me anything your highness.I want you to take these two and make them where no one will ever recognizethem again but do not kill them as you wish my lord it shall be done and onemore thing she is to beautiful like myself you will fix that yes my lady itwill be done. Take them away I want to see your work in a month. They are takento the doctor's workshop and there they are modified as told their screamsgo on for days and weeks as they are put through the worst conditions possible.

It has been a month and King Alan and his Queen decide to go and see whatprogress has been made of their unfortunate guest. As they enter the dark anddismal place he calls out for the royal doctor who quickly comes and bows tothe King and queen then asks for forgiveness for not coming quicker to them.He tells him it is no need but they want to see how things are coming withtheir guest.

Then the doctor has the imposter brought out first as they come closer asyou can see your highness I have started the changes you asked for. As youmay notice I have had all his body hair removed it will not grow back alsohe was a eunuch but I went a step further we removed his penis as well andhave given him a sex change. He will be ready in a few months for his new stationin life as your highness's personal sexslave to give you both all the pleasureyou want not only having two holes but now he will be used in all three thedoctor laughs then orders the imposter to bend over as you can see. I haveplaced a large dildo plug in his I mean her ass to stretch her for your pleasurehe is also very oral we have had to use the whip on him many times but he nowis becoming very obedient. Would you like a demonstration? Yes please! Thenslave come here and suck my cock the imposter starts to move to the doctorbut is stopped wait let him come and suck his true master's cock yes my lordforgive me no need. The imposter is then ordered to go to the King he doesas told and gets down and takes out the King's large tool then proceeds tostart sucking his/her master's big cock slurp,slurp,slurp as he/she bobs herhead up and down on Alan's cock .You are very good my pet after a while theKing's body shacks as he cums in his pets mouth now swallow he /she ordersas it is done. He laughs and asks the imposter what he/she thinks of his newlife but no response the King asks again but still nothing then he noticesthe bandage under his neck. My lord I cut his/her vocal cords as well afterall slaves don't need to speak just do as their told. Then he has him/her takenaway now my lord your other guest.

Former Queen Raya is brought out as she comes out a young slave girl is infront with a lease in hand as Raya follows on her Alf ours .Her head hung downas she crawls behind finally stopping in front of the new King and Queen. MyMY !i s this the once powerful Raya I see before me? She is humiliated andkeeps her bald shinny head down as the doctor explains what all has been doneto her she to has been trained for you my lords. I thought sense she was nothingbut a bitch to you that should be her new station in life for you a total bitchand have been training her that way she's becoming quite obedient as well.Bring her closer they do as told. The doctor then orders two servants to lifther up as you can see she to has had all her body hair removed even her beautifullong black hair which has been made into her new tail here. As instructed bythe Queen I had her beauty somewhat removed as well her lovely 38d tits areno more she is now flat chested she has been ringed in what's left of her titsher nose and cunt lips. Yes I also had her vocal cords cut out as well shewill never speak out of turn again. As you may have noticed she also will nolonger be able to stand. I had her ankle tin dens cut also she will never againstand and will remain at pussy and cock height for the rest of her days. Afterall we wouldn't want her to try and escape. I also had her beautiful teethremoved encase she wanted to get revenge on you your highness when you wereusing her for your pleasure. The King thanks them and tells them what a wonderfuljob they've done.

As they leave the new Queen gives orders to bring to her chambers later butfirst she asks her husband to have her branded he agrees and its done she isbranded on both ass cheeks. Then she is taken to the Queen's chambers whereshe waits Raya. As Raya is brought in by one of the servant girls

Queen laya, lays on the bed her long tanned legs spread open ready for Rayashe give the order for them to attend to her needs. Then orders Raya to crawlup on the bed and make love to her hot moist pussy then she and the other youngservant make love as well.

This was now to become the former Queen Raya's new station in life as a cuntand cock slave to her masters. She was used for their pleasure as well as breedmany times through the years and bared many sons and daughters for the King'sservants. They were all sold to other Kingdoms and high ranking Officials.

As for the king's imposter everything went well with the sex change and wasfrom then on next to Raya each time they were needed for sex by their masters.As the years went on they would often look up from time to time at each otherthinking what their lives had been like before they were made sex slaves thenwatch as tears would roll down their cheeks as they tried to communicate witheach other as no words would ever escape their lips again. They would finishtheir days as their masters and mistress playthings never knowing the wordfreedom again.

The End

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Service to the Queen

       David knew better than to struggle against his captors. The thought had crossed his mind several, if not many times, to try and fight back. Part of him argued that they were merely women, that they were no match for him. Yet the other part, the far more sensible part knew that it was futile. They had taken him this far with very little effort; an attempt to fight back now would only worsen his situation. After all, they were the palace guards, and he was bound; as good as helpless.    ...

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The White Queen

No one knew how, or from where, but ever since she appeared, the so-called White Queen of South Africa had been a nightmare for all South African gangs in the so-called famous Cape Town.Almost nothing was known about her, except that she had previously been a prostitute in Namibia, and that it was believed that she had been born there, perhaps in Windhoek, being of a possible German or Dutch origin due to her particular accent when speaking for those who had managed to dialogue a bit with her,...

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The White Queen

No one knew how, or from where, but ever since she appeared, the so-called White Queen of South Africa had been a nightmare for all South African gangs in the so-called famous Cape Town.Almost nothing was known about her, except that she had previously been a prostitute in Namibia, and that it was believed that she had been born there, perhaps in Windhoek, being of a possible German or Dutch origin due to her particular accent when speaking for those who had managed to dialogue a bit with her,...

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My Affair with the Queen

Queen Isabella was very beautiful. It was impossible to keep our relationship professional.Queen Isabella was so beautiful, and I secretly wanted her. Probably every man working in the palace did. Her husband, Leonardo, paid little, if any, attention to her and had several mistresses hidden away that he visited regularly.But being a good Queen, she ignored it outwardly, but I knew she was hurting inside. I felt sorry for her, but I was only her personal secretary and could not do anything. I...

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The World of Erasthay the Son of LustChapter 27 The Rakshasa Queenrsquos Naughty Offer

Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – Azkobez Hold, The Otsal Mountains “My mother,” I groaned, the fog falling off my mind. I sat up and saw that the woman who was speaking to me was short....

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Queen Yavara Chapter 61

Chapter Sixty-One YAVARA It took me months to fully heal from the wounds I suffered atop the tower. Even with the full expertise of the royal mages, my stomach and liver were permanently damaged, and my abdominal wall had to be held together with a stiff corset lest I develop a hernia. It made it damnably difficult to sleep, but at least my posture was always good. Headmaster Lucian assured me that it would only be a temporary measure, for he and his best mages were working diligently to...

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Memoirs of an Interplanetary Queen

Memoirs of an Interplanetary Queen Part 1 Tomorrow is my eighteenth birthday and I've been waiting for this day for many years. You see, I've had a crush on a girl since the tenth grade. She's like the feeling of standing in a warm summer's rain; like the first day in spring when you realize you don't need to wear a coat; like the fresh smell of the air after a lightning storm; and like the first taste of bubblegum before it become all bland and tasteless. Tomorrow, on my birthday,...

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The Queen and the Slave

The man had shown such promise when he’d been captured during the siege of Garanelle far to the south. When she finally led her warrior maidens to her enemy’s throne room, this man had stood defiantly at the head of the old king’s bodyguards. He was tall and bare-chested, his sun-kissed skin glistening with the heat and sweat of battle. He crouched in a defensive pose, two short swords held ready before him. Ten other men stood by him, glancing nervously at each other and looking almost like...

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Alices Very Naughty Adventures Chapter XXIV The Queen of Hearts

When Alice came to, she was alone and in what could only be described as a compromised position.“Oh, dear,” she murmured, gazing at herself in the oval mirror that had been moved to the foot of the bed upon which she knelt, her arms stretched towards the ceiling, manacles of gold securing her wrists to a chain descending from the rafters. She let forth a sigh at the sight of her once pretty outfit, now quite disheveled and revealing much more Alice than she would have preferred. Much more leg....

5 years ago
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Virgin Queen Part 2

It didn't take Amelia long after stepping out of her cage to feel the effect of having sex with a Succubus. She felt drained like she hasn't slept any from the night before, and her limbs felt heavy. Amelia focused all of her attention on the cold hard cobblestone floor below her feet to keep from thinking about Mary's ass. The way it swayed from side to side as she walked made her want to do forbidden things to it.When her mind became one with that creature, it knew everything about her,...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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My Boyfriend The Petticoat Queen Part 1

My Boyfriend, The Petticoat Queen (Part 1) FIRST DATE Checking my reflection one final time in my compact mirror, I ran my fingers through my long blonde hair. It was far from perfect, the wind had put paid to that, but it would do. I got my phone out of my bag so I could check the time. I was fashionably late, but only slightly. I put it back, took a deep breath and entered the bar. Thankfully it wasn't too busy, there was just a gentle hum of conversation and background music...

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Tha Man Who Would Be Queen Ch8

The Man Who Would Be Queen Chapter Eight "Degrees of Evil" It was early the next morning and there was much to be done today. It would require a lot of initial exposure in public for Dexter and he wasn't ready. "Dexter please put the dress on honey. You know you have to do this," his mother said handing him the simple light blue sun dress. Dexter took the dress and looked at Angela. "Dexter, you have to do this for now....

4 years ago
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Virgin Queen part 1

Amelia woke from her sleep noticing that something was very wrong; the bed that she was on wasn’t her own. Her bed was very soft and had a sweet scent of flowers coming off of it, but the one she was on now was hard and had a pungy odor. Amelia was the virgin queen that ruled over Femdara, a land that the humans mostly inhabited. She was a part of a strict religious order that bond people to a moral code that they must follow. More than five hundred years ago, a new religion was formed by some...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Queen Yavara Chapter 8

YAVARA I had seen Elena naked hundreds of times. During our early teens I’d been horribly envious of her woman’s form, and I often admired it. I remember how she used to blush when she caught me staring, but she never attempted to hide herself. I knew why then, but I never said anything. Homosexuality was disgraced in Highland society, and I feared for her sake. Truth be told, I feared a little for my sake, for even at the age of thirteen, I’d felt an odd tingling when I gazed upon the...

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The Rise and Fall of the Queen of HeartsChapter 11 The Fall of the Queen of Hearts

The Baron took her hand and led the Queen towards the couch bed. Her new larger breasts swayed and jiggled as she walked. He sat her on the bed and she scooted back so that he could kneel between her legs. "What do you want her to do, Sam?" asked Selassie. "Do you want an airhead bimbo? Do you want a slave? Do you want her to call you master?" "Master would be nice," answered the Baron. He ran his large black hands down her smooth wide legs and pulled them apart. "Semen Sez call him...

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Queen Yavara Chapter 41

YAVARA Elena was straddled across my hips. My buttocks conformed perfectly into the inner portions of her thighs, and her cock nestled comfortably between them, its underside running pleasantly across my pussy and anus, teasing the receptive nerves there. Her thumbs kneaded the knotted muscles of my back, turning them into gelatinous mush that flowed warmly beneath the flesh. Her hair tickled my face, as it was cast over one side of her head so that she could plant delicate kisses upon the...

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The Queen

My quest to find the Queen of Sex Fantasy Land in search of the ultimate sexual experience...The Queen.I am so ashamed. I am just so ashamed of myself, you have no idea. I have been so bad I should be punished by one or two of you fine looking women. Really, I have been a bad boy. I have let you people down big time. Oh yes, I really did it this time. Here I am on an adult web site and what do I write? c***dish nonsense about lost tribes of wild women, going back to the Garden Of Eden, girls...

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The World of Erasthay the Son of LustChapter 18 Pleasing the Rakshasa Queen

Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – Ankush, The Queendom of Naith My stomach roiled. Summoned to see the queen. Dawn peeked through Princess Lavhi’s window. My sisters, sex slaves, and I...

3 years ago
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The Prom Queen A Story About a Lovely Boy 8211 Part Four

The Prom Queen: A Story About a Lovely Boy - Part Four Copyright, 2006 by K. G. Communications Even though his attorney had arranged to have Corey excused on the day after the School Board meeting, so as to avoid the many distractions that an interested media might create, Corey was determined to go to school, as he had done in the past few weeks, dressed in his unisex manner. "Thanks," he told the attorney, Kristen, "but I have come this far and don't see any reason to shy away...

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Queen Yavara Chapter 12

PRESTIRA Yavara was in good spirits, having gotten the message this morning that both Brock and Elena were alive and well. From what little Zander had risked putting on the parchment, I gathered that he’d set plans in motion for finding a Froktora. I liked Brock, truly I did, and the Terdini were renowned for their strength and size, but they were just too small a clan. The Protaki were the largest tribe in The Pines, but even they paled in numbers compared to the hordes of The Tundra. The...

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Queen Yavara Chapter 9

LEVERIA My father stared in disbelief at the enchanted mirror. King Dreus’ face stared back. “…I hope that we can come to a diplomatic solution here, Clartias.” Alfred Dreus said, “I have five-hundred-thousand beasts that reside in my city, and I cannot condone any aggression taken by you or your people.” “I can’t believe this.” Father sighed, collapsing into the chair, “My own daughter.” He’d remained silent as King Dreus recounted everything that had happened, from the failed rescue...

2 years ago
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Aoife the Queen Maker A Halloween Story

1Aoife, the Queen Maker - A Halloween Storyby The TechnicianHalloween, Romance, Fantasy = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =  The arrow falls; the door opens; the Queen is made.This story explores the connection between the Orionid meteor shower, the ancient Celtic myths which surround Samhain, and the great warrior Queens of ancient Ireland."Aoife, the Queen Maker" is the story the pixies told me when I wanted to write something else. Sometimes I write a story with a theme and plot that I...

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The Virgin Queen part 1

Amelia woke from her sleep noticing that something was very wrong; the bed that she was on wasn’t her own. Her bed was very soft, had a sweet scent of flowers coming off of it, but the one that she was on now was hard and had a pungy odor to it. She was the virgin queen that ruled over Femdara, a land that was mostly inhabited by the humans. She was a part of a strict religious order that bond people to a moral code that they must follow. More than five hundred years ago a new religion was...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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The Queen

By the way, did I mention we are going to Fantasy Land? Giddy up Fantasy Horse, because we are going to ride into town with both guns blazing. Oh yea... To tell you my latest story we do have to go back in time a bit. I know, I'm sorry. We have to go all the way back to the late eighties. If you recall, I was engaged to a nice girl named Kim. Kim and I seemed to get along real well. After a while we fell deeply in love. So, after a couple of years of dating we did the inevitable. We got...

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