TriadChapter 8 free porn video

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The changes had happened gradually to each of us. Some were so profound that I had been the only one to make it to the Cape the previous year, and then only for a month not my usual three or four.

Anna became an even more sought after movie star. At one point she was working on three films simultaneously. EVERY week she was on the cover of some magazine in the supermarket aisles and newsstands. EVERY week she appeared on some major TV show, usually promoting one of her movies and being interviewed by every person on TV with a show of their own, regardless of time of day. Sixty minutes did a special about her. The entertainment shows – Extra, ET, Hollywood, Access, and so on – all were following her every move.

Anna Pechet was a household name. She couldn't hide. She had a retinue every place she went: two personal assistants, a script girl, a makeup lady, a hair lady, a wardrobe specialist, a personal chauffeur, and a contingent of bodyguards who I was sure had been not only NFL line backers, but also a hired assassins in a slightly earlier life. Anna had more people and protection around her than the President.

When Anna arrived at the Cape that summer, most of her staff took over a small inn in the town a little over a mile away. Big Mike, the head bodyguard, fronted a heavily armed security team that covered the four corners of the house lot on a 24/7 basis while Anna was in residence. Most of the security team traveled in advance and behind us during our outings to the Beach Shack and other lowbrow places. The orders were clear, 'Miss Pechet is not to be disturbed.' When a fan saw her, they were blunt, didn't allow close photos to be taken, and knew how to intimidate and run off the paparazzi.

The surrounding accoutrements were the trimmings on Anna becoming an A-list star of A-list stars. Going with that new and elevated status Anna tended towards narcissism and conceit. She was stressed about living up to her image, prone to fits of anger, a general bitch, and driven by the need to control and tightly manage every little detail about what was happening around her.

The mix of new personality traits made her less than the ideal person to be around, even when she was 'relaxing' at home – an activity that rarely happened. The family life we'd shared virtually vanished a short time after we'd ironed the kinks out of it. When Anna was 'home' or at the Cape, she was constantly interacting with many in her troop: attending to schedules, doing interviews, going over scripts, and constantly on the phone with others in the industry.

Abby had a transformation too; hitting some of the same rocky shoals that Anna did as the money and fame from her books and first movie started to peak. Whereas Anna was publicly visible, Abby went inside. She became a frequent recluse, locked up with her computer for days as she rode out some creative streak to its bitter end. During that time, she exhausted herself, working for forty or fifty hours without sleep, without showers, and then crashing into some delirious slumber for hours and hours. The wine bottles piled up around her were a worry, but when I raised the drinking issue, she claimed she had 'it' under control. Abby got abrupt, rude, commanding, and irrational much of the time, and when she'd over-indulged in alcohol, I just tried to leave her alone.

I was not immune to the after-effects of fame and fortune, developing some of the worst traits my two lovers were demonstrating. I became a control freak, not only about the movies, but also about trivial things like the dust jackets on my books, and so on – things I had no skill in whatsoever. I developed a sense of entitlement to all the riches and fame I was being accorded. Other people became a tool or something to be taken advantage of, even Abby and Anna, when I happened to see them.

I had a short relationship with Margo Stanger, now a well-recognized actress. I practically flaunted the assignation in the faces of Anna and Abby, at least I did until Margo basically told me I was an asshole and to fuck off.

The only thing that saved our threesome was the lack of the threesome. Almost from the time we arrived home in L.A. at the end of the 2013 summer, the three of us were rarely in the same place at the same time. Anna was often in New York or some other large U.S. city, or in Europe or Russia doing filming for her latest 'Jane Bond' thriller – as the press had started to call her. In two years she'd made three blockbuster movies that each topped over a billion dollars in ticket sales, plus she'd done four other films as the leading lady. She was the hottest thing in the box office.

Abby barricaded herself in a corner bedroom in Anna's Beverly Hills home, occasionally calling or texting the one servant we'd hired at crazy hours to bring food or wine to her. Even when we were both in the house together, I wouldn't see her.

I was on the road too, but in opposite corners of the globe. I discovered the delights of Hawaii and Bali, and weighed in heavily on the nightlife in both places. Somehow, despite the distractions of parties and the flesh, I managed to squeak out two more novels. My critics were right, however; they weren't as good as my first several works. I was trading on my name and brand recognition.

By mutual agreement with Anna and Abby, the three of us decided to spend all of July at the Cape house – retinues and bodyguards notwithstanding. We alerted Don, Jean, and Connie, and they would open the house for us. I hoped to also be there for August, but needed to hear from my agent about a number of appearances that had been arranged, plus the filming and production schedule on one of the movies being made from my fifth book.

The three of us drag-assed into the Cape house within a day of each other just before July fourth. We were tired, and had come from three different directions: the west coast (Abby), Europe (Anna), and me by way of South America where I made an appearance and speech in Rio. What welcomed us besides the security team was also a gaggle of paparazzi at the end of our driveway; many of who occasionally made forays onto the beach to try to get an angle on us from that direction.

After arriving and getting my luggage into the house, I looked out on the fracas as the security guys chased off a couple of errant photographers with cameras and lenses that must have cost tens of thousands and could probably take pictures through the walls of my house.

I chuckled in a sarcastic way, "I guess we've all arrived, and this is the price of fame and fortune. For the first time, I feel isolated here." I turned to Anna and Abby, "Don't you just want to stroll down the beach and have breakfast? We can't without creating a nightmare out there."

Both women nodded. Anna was more gorgeous than ever. She wore shorts and a t-shirt. Abby was equally beautiful, and similarly dressed. I'd missed my girls, but I was skittish of what personalities I might find in each of them: shrews, witches, bitches, marine drill sergeants, or what. I realized I didn't even allow for pleasant and loving triad partners.

I thought it prophetic that we hadn't had sex together for weeks. Near as I could tell, Abby abstained or simply jilled off in the privacy she'd created as a wall from the world. I guessed that Anna was fucking Sean, since they were doing a movie together again. I also had a fuck-buddy I'd discovered; an attractive girl who worked at the studio making one of my books into a movie. We all claimed fatigue and jet lag as an excuse, but I knew there was something deeper going on.

I guess our worst traits came out that day. We weren't speaking to each other by late afternoon. Anna and Abby had finished off two bottles of wine between them; each had a buzz on. I guessed that they each had some weed stashed somewhere too. I was feeling bitter, and realized for the first time that we were probably about to explode our plural relationship. Short as it had been, it had been a nice ride.

By six o'clock, we were hungry. I suggested a walk down the beach, and the girls agreed. Anna alerted her security force, and reinforcements were called in. We strolled down the beach, only we weren't very romantic, and no one held anybody else's hand. We even walked six or eight feet from the others.

At the Beach Shack, I suggested we take an indoor table, and our friend the owner got us a booth all the way in the back near the kitchen where we couldn't be seen from the street or beach. We slid in and sat. The menu hadn't changed in ten years, so ordering went quickly.

I took the bull by the horns, part of being a control freak, I guess. I took my ring off of my ring finger and put it in the middle of the table between the two women. "I guess fame and fortune has also killed our threesome. We weren't very nice to each other today, and we haven't been nice or loving for the past year or so. I don't think it's healthy for us to keep going like we've been. Maybe we can part as friends at this point."

Anna and Abby looked at me in shock and horror. Both looked at their ring fingers where they also wore the rings we'd gotten a couple of years earlier.

Abby put her head down. I figured she was tuning us out, but then I thought I saw her shoulders jerk as though she were crying.

Anna just stared at me.

I went on, "We've each changed for the worse. I don't like who I've become. At great personal risk my agent gave me a lecture earlier today about 'me' on our flight up from Rio. I was shocked, but couldn't argue with anything she said.

"I've become an effete snob, a jerk, an asshole, and an otherwise not nice guy who's consumed with himself and his due. I'm conceited, aloof, demanding in a not nice way, and overall a contemptible person whom others are now going out of their way to avoid. That's not the complete list she gave me, I might add; and she told me she was being kind. She told me if I didn't change between today and when she sees me next, she will drop me and I'll have to find another agent. THAT was a real shock.

"I plan to start a change in myself effective today. I need to get back to working with regular people. I need to give back to society in ways I haven't been, not only with some of the money I've made, but also with some personal effort as a volunteer. I've ceased to be a risk taker, and it has carried over into my work; so that changes too. My recent books stink for a long list of reasons. I've been trading on my name and reputation, and that's not good. I have some ideas and I'll use part of this time at the Cape to flesh them out.

"I used to be compassionate and kind. I thought of myself as loving too, but I don't think too many people would use those adjectives about me today. I'm not even sure I'm friendly anymore. I'm too controlling, self-centered, and a workaholic. I've become too focused on money, which is funny because I was less concerned about it when I had almost none. I care too much what other people think, and that's changed my behavior.

"Lastly, I hate to say it, but we've all become pretty distant from each other. Abby, you lock yourself away with a bottle of wine everyday. We may be in the same house, but I don't see you for days. That sends me a message about how you see my behavior, but I have some comments about yours as well."

"Anna, we don't see each other but occasionally, and then only for a day or so around some awards event. I know you're shacked up with Sean. I even saw Tracy one day when I needed some female company, and she confirmed what I'd suspected. You can't be anywhere without a dozen other people doting on you. You've shut me off, and I know I'm not on your favorite list anymore."

"I'm sorry I'm the way I've become. Maybe at some time in the future you will find me..."

Abby popped up and held her hand up to stop me from talking. "I don't like me either, and I suspect you guys don't either. I won't run myself down because there's not enough time. You know what I'm like now: I'm almost a hermit, and I'm apt to be drunk or stoned or both if you catch me at the wrong time of day – like awake. I'm depressed a lot, haven't been taking care of myself, and ... well, I like Jim's idea about a program to rebuild myself. If I keep going on the way I have I'll either die or kill myself."

Anna sat mute but with tears running down her cheek. Finally, she sobbed, "Oh, God. I just realized what you're all saying, and I'm there too. I'm about as artificial as they come."

She looked at Abby and me and pleaded, "I DON'T want to end this." She gestured in a triangle at the three of us, and then reached across the table to grab both our hands. "I'm not ready to throw in the towel on US. In fact, I will make a huge effort to save this – to save us."

Abby said in a soft tone, "What are you going to do?"

Anna shook her head. "I don't know, but Jim's words a moment ago were like an electric shock – a big one. Everything he got told or said about himself also applies to me. I guess I would have kept going along, also being a bitch and all, until you dumped me, or I lost my mind and left you two. Can we save what we have? PLEASE, say yes."

I nodded. "I'm willing to try, but I think we'll need to reevaluate. There's a lot to change when we add up what the three of us need to do."

Anna said, "Abby, you asked what I'm going to do. Well, the first thing is that I'm going to spend more time with each of YOU – alone time – just us, the three of us, I mean. We've drifted apart. If we don't start there and see if we can't find the glue that bound us together at one point, we may as well quit. We can't do that being in three different places in the world. I have enough sway with my schedule now, I can just tell the studio how it's going to be, and ... I'll be nice about it and not like I've been."

Abby nodded. "I agree. I want to be with the two of you again. I don't want to hide away from reality because I don't like myself ... or like you."

I added, "I want to start a foundation to make something good happen in the world someplace. I was thinking of schools of some kind in part of the world where having an educated populace could change the course of history."

Abby said, "I'd like in on that too."

Anna nodded. "That's as good as anything to try."

Abby said, "Collaboration. We need to adopt a common cause for the three of us. It'll bind us together again, allow us to be together at special times, and give us a common goal to pursue."

Anna picked up my ring where it sat in front of me. She nodded at Abby who held my left hand as Anna put the ring back on my ring finger. She said, "Don't give up on us yet. OK? Give us a chance to get our mojo back." She had tears running down her cheek.

Abby nodded, "I don't think any of us realized how easy it was to lose our way – to lose the magic we had. You putting that ring on the table was like a huge electric shock. I expect a struggle and some trial and error to get back to where I want to be. I'm hoping you'll help me. Please work with me – with us – to save US." She then looked at Anna too.

I nodded my support and agreement with her premise, and then smiled, feeling good about 'us' for the first time in months. Anna indicated her support.

Our food arrived, and so did a discussion about how to dump our negative egos and get back to some positive feelings.

Abby said, "One thing I plan to do is start meditating on a routine basis. Maybe you two can join me. It's not a woo-woo thing. I mean it just involves letting go, detaching from the material things we are letting rule our lives and from the cares and worries we have. One author I read last week calls it mindfulness. I want to try it, now that I realize I need it in my life."

Anna said, "I will do that with you Abby. I'm also realizing that part of what I need to do is simplification of my life. I'm getting rid of my groupies. When we started and I was a rising star and I didn't have a whole retinue hanging around me. They stroke my ego, making it bigger and harder to deal with. I can't blame it all on them, but something has got to change there."

Abby said, "But don't you need the security and some of the other things?"

"Do I?" Anna posed in thought. "Suppose I had one person lurking invisibly to really protect me. I can say no to autographs and selfies with me when it's inconvenient. I don't need others to do that for me. I can probably be friendlier about it too than an obviously armed ninja warrior."

"And the rest?"

"They go! I don't need a script girl; I can carry my own paperwork and rehearse without relying on someone else. I don't need to have my assistants physically present, the makeup and hair girls, or the others. They go home. If I have a question, I can call them. When I'm on a set or doing a scene, then they can show up and do what they need to do to me. I can't believe I thought I needed them around the clock. They can use email to tell me what I need to do or where I need to be."

I took my turn in the barrel. "My ego has swelled too much too – my negative ego. I need to get back in touch with the common man, and I think I know just how I'm going to start."

"How?" Anna asked with great interest.

"Tomorrow I'm going to go and volunteer at that used book store over in Centerville. Volunteers run the store, and the profits support the local library. I don't want to make a big deal of it either. I want to be where I can talk to regular folk and try to help them find something interesting to read or help do research for them.

"I also have some ideas for funneling some money into that foundation I mentioned. I think I know who to contact to start that ball rolling."

Abby said, "I can support that too. I like the bookshop idea too. I was thinking of something more, but maybe that'll work for me too until I can think of something else that'll help ground me again. We need to get out in the real world. The world we've been living in is not too real."

The elderly woman behind the counter looked appalled, "YOU want to work HERE to help US?"

Abby and I nodded. I explained, "We have free time and would like to help in some way – to pay back to the community and the many people who have been so kind to us by reading our books and thinking kindly of us."

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EvilAngel Adel Asanty Interracial DPGaping Threesome

Tan, tattooed Adel Asanty wears a slinky gold bikini, eager for an intense interracial threesome with Angelo Godshack and Dylan Brown. Adel probes her sphincter with a toy, soon welcoming the boys with passionate kisses. One stud porks Adel from behind as the other fucks her throat. Savage double penetration comes with a crude, ass-to-mouth blowjob and harsh choking. Adel’s asshole gapes from nasty anal reaming, and she gives a tasty rim job. The insatiable brunette opens her lips for a...

2 years ago
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State of ChaosChapter 27 Arrival

Everyone was at the house when Cheri and Tony arrived. The entirety of the Smith and Harris family, every one of their friends, and even Go-Go and his wife showed up to welcome Cheri home. And home it was. In the basement of the Smith house the room next to Tony's, long used as a hodgepodge of study, den, office, and catch-all, had been cleared out. All of Cheri's possessions and even the furniture from her room in the Harris home had been moved in and arranged. Father and daughter would...

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HotMILFsFuck Abbey James 05162021

We’ve been holding onto this gem for a while now and like a fine wine Abbey James tastes better with time. So we find out that Abbey’s a hard working girl that works 2 jobs and has kids at home. A true MILF by definition and we understand now why she’s been pondering the idea of making a porno for the past 10 years. Yeah a decade is a long time to think about it and now that you’ve decided to dive head first into the deep end of the Porn Pool, Jay our resident stud will surely take care of you....

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BackroomCastingCouch Rose 07192021

23 year old Rose is back. But you don’t know that because you haven’t seen her first casting session. Don’t worry, you will. Rose was so much fun that I felt it would be more interesting if we showed you her solo casting first. I really dug this chick, so I asked Rick if we could bring her back and he was like, “Hellz yeah Cam!” and I was like, “Awesome.” To catch you up a bit, Rose works at Bath and Body Works and that shit sucks. She’s super sexual and she’s got a boyfriend who thinks she’ll...

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Solomons Daughters Cassies and Cindys Chapter

This is the eight Chapter of this series I suggest you read the preceding chapters first! Also this is put under fantasy because it is not real don't pm me saying this story was fake I never claimed it was reality. Solomon's Daughters: Cassie's and Cindy's Chapter The door closed behind them and Megan rushed up the stairs and Liz followed after her. Galina looked around examining his basement and the wolf stayed close to his leg...

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Fun With Bhavi8217s Sister

HI Indian sex stories readers, I’m Suresh currently living in Kathmandu Nepal. I’m 27 years old with average height of Nepali male. Without wasting the time let me narrate the story that took place about 7 years ago when I was about 20. Before that I didn’t have any sex experience and neither had any intention to narrate it on ISS. Her name is Susmit (name changed) and she is my soltini (my bhavi ‘s sister). We had a good relation since we know each other. She often use to visit our house and...

2 years ago
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Jeff goes to Sean’s house after school. Sean’s not very talkative. “What’s wrong Sean!? You look really depressed.” “Nothing.” “What do you mean nothing!? Tell me.” “Big fight with the woman of my dreams.” Shocked, with compassion, “Ohhhh.” Then a brainstorm, “So you can go to the beach with us tomorrow!” Annoyed, but quietly, “Don’t even go there.” “I’m so sorry. I’ll leave you alone—until I think of a way to cheer you up.” “Thanks, buddy…. Actually, why don’t you sit...

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Poolside Transformation

Hello there, I go by Kachakali here. I Havent made any stories like this in a while but I was inspired recently by a picture I saw. If you want to see more of my works check out my site and read some other captions and short stories: Here is the origin of the picture used to create my short story. The Creator Toonexterminator, made a nice story on it too, have a...

3 years ago
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my boyfriend used my third hole

This is infact a true story and one that isn't very long, as with the others. My boyfriend and I had been together for almost 4 months when he phoned me one night drunk and asked me why I loved him, with the fact he was acting strange I asked if he was drunk. He hung up the phone and texted me 'you'll be sorry bitch' so 5 minutes later my bedroom door flew open, the hinges screached as they were pulled from the frame. He stood staring at me, a sick look in his eye emerged from the pits of hell...

2 years ago
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Three For TwoChapter 3

Morning found them cuddled together with her butt in his belly. He rolled away to use the bathroom and returned to his cuddling position, noticing that there was plenty of time before breakfast. He also noticed that the ship was tossing in the waves much more than usual, causing their bodies to roll together. She turned over to him and smiled as he gazed at her bright blue eyes, "Morning David. You sleep?" "Absolutely. You?" "Two nights in a row, I have slept without waking up until...

1 year ago
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PovMassage Maya Bijou Always Gets What She Wants

Bambino is preparing for his next client of the day when a beautiful, rich teen, Maya Bijou, steps in. Although she’s busy on her phone, as soon as her eyes fall on Bambino, she’s intrigued, giving him a flirty smile. It’s clear she’s a woman who always gets what she wants, and she wants HIM. Bambino leads her into the private massage room, trying to be as professional as possible, although Maya makes his job… hard. She first invites him to help her remove her...

4 years ago
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A Messy Sticky Hot Fuck

Lately, Ben has been telling me he doesn't want me to bring home any more "new" pussy he wants to focus on just he and I and our own hot sex life. I looked at him to see if he was k**ding or not but for now, he seems quite serious. Truly that's fine with me, but I know somewhere down the line he MAY change his mind :D Ben, Jensen and I were sitting around tonight (Jensen seems to be coming around a LOT more often) and I wanted to stir up some trouble. I told Jensen if he wanted to hear about...

2 years ago
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NobleChapter 7

Jen’s attack was a flurry of kicks and a few punches. Less than 10 seconds had passed when I snapped out of watching and joined the attack. My kick was quickly blocked, and I was aware of the knife as it slashed out at me. I was successful in avoiding most of the knife however it had caught my outer forearm. The kick that caught Jen in the chest left the man’s other leg as his base and that is what Dove attacked! He was falling as Dove twisted his legs against each other. I was able to catch...

4 years ago
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The Trap

Sexual And Bdsm Content. Not To Be Read By Minors, By People Who Are OffendedBy Such Material, Or By People Who Live In Jurisdictions Which Prohibit SuchMaterial. No Republication Or Links Without Prior Approval. The Trap William Soames nursed his beer while simultaneously keeping his eye bothon the Japanese clients (Mr. Sato and Mr. Watanabe) he was entertaining, andon the lithe strippers performing on the stage of the Gentleman's Club theyhad requested being taken to during their latest...

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Finally Had Sex With Didi 8211 Part 5 My Brother8217s Friend

Hello everyone, I am Riya, back with the next story in the series. Sameer and I decided that I should do the narration as it will be more erotic. Please read the previous parts to better understand the story about my brother’s friend. For the new readers, a quick introduction about myself. I am 24years old and have a curvy figure of 32D-28-36. I hit the gym regularly to stay in shape and maintain a toned body. Until recently, I was a simple, innocent girl. But that changed when I had sex with...

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My Next Door Neighbor

"Ahhh...ahhh....mmmm...." My voice echoes through my apartment as I jerk off my 10 inch cock. Up and down. Up and down. My right hand grasps firmly onto the shaft and goes up and down. With my left hand, grabbed a dildo to which I would use to fuck my boy-pussy, in and out. In and out. It was heaven. I finally got to rent my own apartment, where I can do all these things without needing to worry about my parents or siblings walking in on me. "Yes, fuck me as I fuck your girl!!" My thoughts were...

2 years ago
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My Life Between Virginity and Celibacy Part one

Foreword Dear Reader, What follows is an accounting of fifty years of my life as far as my lovemaking and sex life is concerned. I’ve tried to recall this in an honest manner with recollections of the good, not-so-good, and the painful missteps along the way. What started this was seeing a photo on a new friend’s profile page. Sadly, she has disappeared from my friends list. That photo so reminded me of the girl I first loved and wedded, and started me on this journey back through time. The...

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The Great Pawg

Nebraska was a different place for me. I was used to the beautiful state of California, the mountains, beaches, the snow, desert I mean Cali has everything you can ask for and more not to mention the beautiful women, the pulchritude of women Cali has to offer can’t be matched at least from any other state. I was going to be in Nebraska for at least 1yr so I had to find the best that Nebraska had to offer a young man and I did. I didn't know anyone other than my oldest aunt that I lived with my...

1 year ago
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Reddit Cunnilingus, aka r/Cunnilingus! Hello, fellow kings. Why am I calling you kings? Because only kings know that eating pussy is the best thing about a sexual encounter. Let me be frank for a second here. I know that there are some guys out there who are scared of eating pussy. To those guys, I have to say the following: you guys are fucking pussies more than the pussies you refuse to eat out are. Anyway, if you’re anything like me, you can’t resist gorging on some fine pussy. Of course, it...

Reddit NSFW List
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 388

This is compliments of noway! Different views on the same topic... The optimist says the glass is half full. The pessimist says the glass is half empty. The mother of a five-year-old says "Sweetheart it's whatever you want it to be, just please let mummy have five minutes peace and quiet." The engineer says "Fortunately I put half my water in a redundant glass" The project manager says the glass is twice as big as it needs to be. The realist says the glass contains half the...

3 years ago
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My transistion part 3

As always I look forward to your comments or requests. Jill has been working for almost four months now. It's been very busy and getting busier every week. Now that we got the contract to fix and setup all the computers in the public schools in the area. Jill was looking forward to getting some overtime. Ted hasn't been seen once by Jill. Then one day Jill is called to Ted's office. I wonder what he wants Jill mumbles to herself as she leaves her work area and heads up stairs. Jim's...

1 year ago
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Sophie is publically humiliated

Normally I write my encounters myself, but this time I have been instructed that my master will tell the story for me. The rough gangbang in the woods, my friend invited me and we fucked the slut until she couldn't stand. I decided from that point that she would be my personal sex slave, that I would publically ruin! I found out her phone number and text her.. 'SLUT! This is your new master, I fucked you yesterday in the woods. I know you're a little rough around the edges, but I know I can...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Love can be in plain sight 3

“Well, I love you sis, I really do wanna do this again honestly, but what do we call this though, are we boyfriend and girlfriend?” Ray asked. “Well maybe we shouldn't worry about labels for right now. Wendy and Bill are just having sex, they don't seemed to be worried about labeling their relationship,” I replied. “But what if you get... knocked up?” Ray asked. Then as I was dressed I came over to him and hugged him. “Well then we'll have a family, and mom and dad will have a...

2 years ago
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Xxxecils SilverfoxChapter 2

It was getting easier for Bertha. Yes, in the beginning she had been shocked by her own desires, the terrible and lusty things she did with that handsome, young Jason person. And ... that was the last name she could remember from the evening. That was one of the side-effects of getting her youth back with the new Silverfox drug; the craving for men - for sex it had built up inside her like a volcanic flow of feminine wetness that erupted in explosive, fiery orgasms. She didn't really...

3 years ago
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Lust for mommy

"I've left dinner for you in the microwave," Jen smiled as she leaned in to give her son a peck on his cheek."You know I can manage on my own Mom." Dan smiled. "I do the cooking at Uni and have survived just fine!""I know sweetie." Jen patted his face lightly. "It's just that a mother loves to look after her son. Now, I'll try not to be late. I hate having to go out like this but I need to update some figures for the marketing proposal tomorrow.""Ah! Don't bore me with your work Mom, I...

3 years ago
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The prude and my GF

Chapter 4.After a few drinks that afternoon, we went to my place and had a horny evening... My girlfriend was all exited about her having sex with a woman. She was proud of herself she had seduced Marjory, the most prudish woman in town.. "Can't you invite her at your place..? We could use her all day long... I'm getting horny again, thinking of it... Ohw... It makes me hot again, thinking how she ate my pussy.." As we were sitting on the couch I too her hand and put it against my cock. She...

4 years ago
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Kalluriyil Kaama Vilaiyaatu

Hi friends, enathu peyar Sanjai, vayathu 23 naan kumara maavatathil vasithu varugiren. Enathu kalluriyil nadantha suvarasiyamaana sila sambavangalai indru ungalidam kuurapogiren. Enathu teacher ennai avargalin aripedutha kuuthiyil enathu sunniyai eppadi vittu oothargal enbathai naan ungalidam pagirugiren. Intha sambavam muzhuvathilum unbaiyaanavai enbathai naan niyabagathiruku kondu varugiren. Appozhuthu naan kalluri kadai aandu padithu irunthen enathu vagupu porupaalaraaga oru pen vanthu...

4 years ago
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Fantasy to Reality

I masturbate compulsively and my wife knows it and knows why. I am obsessed with the thoughts of her being fucked by a big black cock. I don't know why I feel this way and can't remember exactly when it started, but there it is. I want her to cuckold me by fucking black men. As many as she wants and I want to watch. I have to watch her being filled with black cock and all the scum they can ejaculate into her. I need to see her hairy vagina slimy with their seed. I am sick and we both know it....

2 years ago
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Girlfriend Ki Behen Ko Pata Ke Choda

Hi guys…. Hwz u all.. This is Avi Patil from Indore (M. P. ). My age is 21. Height is 5 feet 10 inch. I’m a college student.  So ye baat may 2013 ki hai meri mausi ke yaha unke bête Vijay ki shadi thi to maa-paa to jaa nhi sakte the kisi karan se to unhone mujhe bhej diya pehle me nana-nani k yaha gaya chuki shadi Gujarat me thi or mujhe bus ki timing nhi pta thi. So me unk sath agle din subah 4. 30 wali bus se chala gaya. Hum waha karib 11 am pe pahoch gye waha mene mausi ke ladke ko call kiya...

1 year ago
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Eden on the RailsChapter 14

Tracy was soon speaking to Muriel. "Muriel? This is Tracy Abdin: Hasan's wife. John, Hasan and myself were at school together. John brought us here recently, and I thought it would be nice to arrange a get-together. Is that possible?" Muriel twigged who it was. "It most certainly is, Tracy. I was just reminding John a few days ago that we had promised to do that. How about you and I make the arrangements, and just tell the men it is happening?" "That sounds like a plan, Muriel. Your...

3 years ago
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Office Fantasy

I watched him get ready for work on that cold winter morning. As he gave me a kiss, I thought about how I wouldn’t be able to keep my hands in appropriate places when I visited him for lunch that day. He just looked so delicious in a suit. Delicious in the sense that I desired to slowly strip the suit off and do dirty things to him. Maybe, just maybe... I woke up a little later that morning. I made my coffee, got clothed and made up nicely. I wore a knee-length leather skirt with buttons all...

Straight Sex

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