Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 18
- 3 years ago
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Dany found herself more heated than ever after supper, as she felt her husband’s cock inside her luscious pussy, knowing that this appendage belonged to her nephew as well. There was simply something quite natural and comforting to her in this knowledge that, as a Targaryen, she came home to the old ways and traditions of her family, even without being aware prior to the marriage. It was little wonder, she thought, that she was in fact drawn to Jon Snow from the moment that he arrived, even as he defied her and she found herself naturally eager to convince him in ways that did not involve fear and coercion. Something about Jon Snow had made her reject that approach from the outset and not attempt to jail him. Even in her annoyance and irritation, what had hurt and bothered her most was that she cared what he thought of her and he didn’t seem to approve of her yet.
The truth was that, from the moment that Daenerys Targaryen laid eyes on Jon Snow, then King in the North, she had been not merely attracted to the man, but fascinated with him and hungry for his acceptance. This had been an uncharacteristically reversed position, given her apparent leverage at the moment, one that her faction had no doubt found bewildering, particularly Grey Worm and Missandei, yet she had never bothered to even put the man under house arrest. She was loathe to threaten him with death by fire, as she did with Lord Randyll Tarly and his son Dickon, as did she with Lord Varys, and so many others. It had just not been in her to do such a thing to Jon Snow. Now, of course, she knew why she treated him so differently, marrying instead of burning him, the King in the North: he was kith and kin, of the blood of Old Valyria, a fellow Targaryen, the son of her eldest brother, Rhaegar Targaryen.
Now, feeling Jon Snow on top of her and inside her body felt as if the world wrapped its bosom around her and cradled her close, soothing and healing her at last with its warmth. As Jon took her repeatedly from behind, she felt truly commanded in a way that made her feel safe, not vulnerable and weak. It was the perfect feeling and sensation that she was treasured, loved, desired, and caressed by this man, this hero, this king ... Her King! The fact that he was her nephew and she his aunt made all of the sense in the world to her Targaryen mind. Together, they were the last of their house, the only future that Aegon the Conqueror’s descendants had left now. For Dany, incest wasn’t some perversion or abomination. It was a comfort of knowing that she could trust this man, even if past Targaryens slaughtered each other. It didn’t hurt that Jon’s other ancestry was of House Stark, a family known for its brutal candor, keen sense of honor, and true courage.
This also meant that Jon and she forgave each other their past offenses against each other, nobly intended as they were, such as Jon screwing Bernadette and Dany making love to Missandei. This reminded her, also, of Jon’s assent to her plan to have him breed the interpreter from the Isle of Naath, as well as the fact that she had not yet been rewarded for her services. Well, the chief reward would be a child, courtesy of Jon’s seed, but she deserved something beyond that, something tangible and material, as well as proof of her high rank. Yet what would that reward be, and in what way could it serve the realm? Yes, Dany realized as she thought closely, I’m listening to Varys and Tyrion a lot more than I thought, thinking of the realm first at last, rather than simply myself or my dreams.
Dany felt the heat in her body increase, as she rose and pushed Jon onto his back for a moment. Then she mounted him, only this time easing her bottom onto his cock instead of her twat. He was surprised at first at the switch, as he realized which hole he entered on this occasion. He was inside her arse and he felt the most intense pleasure of his life. It felt as if the warmest hands in the world caressed and stroked his dick, rubbing and massaging it with their velvety touch. There was a deliciously sensual contact between the two now, as Dany rode Jon and he could see her breasts bounce from her torso, their firmness and softness his to handle as he pleased.
Jon reached for Dany’s tits, fondling them in ways that left no question of his lust and passion for her. He didn’t merely love her or care for her. He desired her, truly craved her, and she could sense it now. There was a force of nature at work here now, their two bodies seamlessly moving as one, connected by more than flesh. She continued riding her husband, moaning as he groaned, enjoying the mixture of pleasure and pain that came from having her nephew’s prick lodged now inside her bum. She had never felt so intimate with a man before, not even Khal Drogo. She truly was a part of Jon now and he a part of her, as he was deep inside her body and she could feel every throbbing second of his ecstasy as well as her own.
Somehow, thinking of how much she desired more of this caused Dany to think of Missandei and how much Jon could bring her interpreter pleasure as well as a child. Yes, if Dany had her way, as she hoped, Jon and Missandei would become one together as well. Nor would Greyworm be discarded or left out of the delights of their sharing. Dany would see to that, for both his pride and his cravings had to be sated as well. If the Unsullied enjoyed the taste of Missandei, he would also have the chance to sample his Queen, Daenerys Stormborn, the woman who set him free. If Dany could arrange it, Grey Worm would also experience Jon’s cock inside his arse, bringing him the delights that only men could give men at all.
It was only right and fair, wasn’t it, to include Grey Worm in the activity, to seduce him into the arms of not only his lady, Missandei, but his own King and Queen? Grey Worm would be a part of the conception, a real, physical partner in the act of mating between his lover, the man breeding her, and the woman who lent her husband to this sexual congress. He would receive the benefits of aiding his woman in her impregnation, and so he would be a father in a corporeal as well as a spiritual sense of said word. Grey Worm had to be intimately involved from the outset, and he would be, entirely so. The four of them, Dany, Jon, Grey Worm, and Missandei, would be a family and friends as well as lovers for the rest of their days.
Such were Dany’s thoughts as she felt the pulsations of both her heart and his, of the throbbing, aching cock taking her bottom from below. She was impaled, but in such a glorious, wonderful way, her body swallowing his prick with the silky caress of her arse. As Jon couldn’t withstand the intensity of the pleasure any longer and spurted continuous ropes of his cum inside her bum, Dany was so exhilarated that the climax which followed reached fever pitch in both noise and force, rocking both of them even as it awoke half of the Red Keep. Dany limped off Jon’s dick and gave it a very soft, gentle, loving kiss, as she recalled with pride that she had made a point of cleansing her bowels ahead of the act. It was no impulse, but a carefully planned ambush. No part of her was virginal anymore and she reveled in that fact.
“That was my last maidenhood, my King. I have given you all of my body at last. Khal Drogo died, sadly, before he could experience my bottom that way, so I have taken that loss and turned into a boon for you, my lord husband, my nephew. After all, I cannot bear you a child, so there is no seed wasted with this act that would not be wasted with any others. I wish that I could carry your spawn in my belly, but since I cannot, I will make good use of that fact. Even my arse is yours now, Jon. Oh, please do call me ‘Dany,’ as you are my flesh and blood, just as my brother Viserys was,” Dany told Jon as she leaned over him now to press her breasts onto his bell and kiss his left arm.
“It really doesn’t trouble you, does it, Dany? That you’re my aunt and I’m your nephew. This is a normal practice for you,” Jon recalled for yet the thousandth time.
“Well, if I hadn’t been given to Khal Drogo, I would have married my brother, Viserys. That was his intention until he realized that he would need the Dothraki to reclaim the Seven Kingdoms. I am a Targaryen, as are you, though, of course, you’re also a Stark by blood. For you, there might be guilt or shame or doubt or something like that, as well as rather obvious enjoyment, but for me, no, there is no disgrace at all. It doesn’t trouble me in the least to bed and wed my wonderful, brave, strong nephew and make him mine as I am his. And I am yours, Jon. No matter who else might grace our marriage bed, I am your wife now. I belong to you, as you belong to me, as my husband. Missandei will never get in the way of that. She will only enhance it, as will Grey Worm,” Dany assured him.
“Grey Worm?” Jon asked with surprise.
“Just trust me. Remember, my love, that he is a soldier who should be honored and treasured, and I believe that not only should we take his woman to bed, but we should take him as well. He has been denied too much pleasure, as have you, but the women in your lives shall deliver it to you ... both of you. Imagine how intimate the four of us can be, and trust me, when he understands the benefits of the act, he will come to welcome it. Just remember that I am always yours, first of all, and you are mine, my King.
“Have faith in me. I belong that we deserve as much happiness in our lives as we can, especially in the face of the Dead that imperil us all. Should we not prevail over the Night King, at least we will enjoy our last days, and if we should prevail, we can usher in a new dawn, one that will cast the silly scruples of such things aside like so much refuse,” Dany told Jon with soft, wet kisses that mingled with her soft breasts and soft hands to comfort and soothe him.
“You want me to bugger Grey Worm, and you think that he will enjoy it?” Jon asked curiously.
“Yes, because there is a part of a man which is easily aroused and it is within his body, inside of his arse. When he feels you tickle that, as long as you are gentle at first and don’t hurt him too much, he’ll treasure the only real way that he can have full masculine bliss, by taking a prick inside his bum. Grey Worm will come to appreciate it, with my aid and Missandei’s as well, as will you. Claiming another man’s bottom, isn’t this another way to assert your lordly rights as King? Simply trust me on this much, please,” Dany encouraged Jon to accept her proposal that they take Missandei and Grey Worm as lovers for the rest of their lives.
“This reminds me ... Yara Greyjoy, she ... indicated that she would enjoy bedding me. Would you counsel that, too, my wife, my aunt, my Queen?” Jon asked Dany, who simply smiled.
“I think that, my lord, you should stop denying your body what it desires, what it craves. You might be a Stark by blood, but you are also a Targaryen. It’s time to act like one, at least in this matter. If our vassal wishes to share her body with her lord and lady, what else is that but a tangible, physical proof of her true fealty and fidelity to us? It is an act of good faith, my King. You should put a child in her belly and let her proudly proclaim it your daughter or son. I imagine that she is quite delicious, too, this Yara the Bottomless as she wishes to be known. I certainly wouldn’t object to a sample of her flavors myself. Now, if you don’t mind, my lord, I wish to let you taste my arse and see how sweet and salty it is with your cum inside it,” Dany urged Jon as she planted her bum on his face.
Far from being finished with her husband and lover, Dany wished for another round of delights, as she proved by leaning over while he rimmed her and putting his cock inside her mouth. This sensation caused Jon to stiffen a bit more, as he felt such intense, exquisite pleasure from his wife’s lips and tongue lathering his prick with her spit. She knew that some of this was older, some of it newer to her nephew, but she wanted him to relax completely and surrender his foolish taboos entirely to the new way of life she hoped to make theirs as well. She had yielded the preeminence and seniority of their mutual sovereignty to her lover, but she wanted him in turn to renounce any inhibitions which might hurt their cause and weaken their marriage.
Jon gasped as he felt every last lick of Dany’s tongue across the head and base of his dick, even as he tasted her bottom and realized how delicious her flesh really was. Even his own cum merely added a saltiness to an otherwise sweet arse. He grabbed her buttocks and fondled them repeatedly, adding to his aunt’s arousal as she felt his tongue slide across her crack. This was the woman that he had married out of duty, but also out of love. For once, love and duty came together for a better purpose after all. Now, Jon could add pleasure to this list, as he found that his old moral code had deprived him of what were truly wonderful new experiences after all.
“Your bum ... it is quite sweet, you know, just as you said. Missandei ... is hers this tasty?” Jon inquired, even as Dany brought him fully back to hardness.
“Every bit, my lord. Every bit. And her sweetness can be yours to taste, just as it is Grey Worm’s. Mine can be his, just as it is yours. And if you like fucking my arse, I believe that you will enjoy buggering them equally as much. You should take Yara’s bottom, too. Make her live up to her name in that sense as well. Yara the Bottomless. Has a nice ring to it. I bet that her flesh tastes of sea salt and rain. I would revel in the chance to devour her skin and kiss it with my lips and tongue,” Dany asserted.
“Some would say that you’re corrupting me with loose Targaryen morals. But, as you say, I am Targaryen as well as Stark. I have the blood of both inside, warring within me. And if this is corruption, I must say, it is a lot better than it’s cracked up to be,” Jon teased Dany as he licked her cheeks for a moment, and then returned to rimming her delectable bum.
Dany screamed a release that this time caused Ser Jorah to break into the bedchamber, and he wasn’t alone. Rendal and Raina accompanied him, in fact, being his regular bedfellows now. Both were half-naked, and Dany rose to greet them, even as Jon prepared to do. Instead, Dany rushed to push Jon back onto the bed and invite the couple to join him. Then she closed the distance to Ser Jorah, still naked, kissed his mouth, and pushed him onto the floor to his astonishment.
This was partly guided by the wine, a fine Dornish red that had poured down Dany’s mouth and Jon’s, among others. Even so, Dany was inspired to do what she once felt certain that she would never do. She climbed upon Ser Jorah, tore his nightshirt open, and mounted him to take his cock into her snatch. She listened with delight as the man and wife now took turns servicing and pleasuring Jon, even as she sampled her loyal Lord Commander at last. He could not believe it, not at first, not after so many years of painful and ardent longing for his Khaleesi, that she would take him as a lover at last. After she had banished him twice for betraying her, Jorah was now in the arms of the woman that he loved most of all.
“This changes nothing, Jorah. I am his Queen, your Queen. You must share me with our King. He is, after all, our King, not just mine, not simply yours, but ours. I am barren, in any case. I cannot be your wife or bear you a child, but I can spread my legs for you, just as I do for our King and your lovers are doing now for him. I had him inside my arse. Do you want to do that someday as well?” Dany coaxed Ser Jorah, making Mormont pant as well as gasp in pain from his wounds received at the White Sword Tower as she rode him aggressively.
As for Jon, he heard these loving words, directed at him as much as Ser Jorah, and while he felt some jealousy, he enjoyed the sight of Dany’s hips and buttocks from behind as his wife used the knight for her pleasure. He also delighted in the eager way that Rendal and Raina sucked his cock while he witnessed his wife’s adulterous tryst with Mormont. When Raina climbed on top of Jon, he turned her over onto her back so that he could continue watching Dany bounce repeatedly on Jorah’s prick while he himself fucked this lovely commoner and her husband sucked his balls.
When Jon was bored with that idea, he flipped Raina onto her belly and took her from behind, still watching Jorah and Dany couple together with fascination and awe. Rendal began rimming his wife as his King entered her repeatedly, the man not apparently upset in the least that his spouse was Jon’s lover any more than her similar role for Jorah. If this was the model for marriage that Dany proposed, while shocking to one raised up as a Stark, even of bastard stock, it was nonetheless rather charming in its own way. Instead of jealous rage, everyone drew pleasure and joy from that of others, much as empathy made one share the sorrows and pain of other folk.
It was nonetheless a great shock to Jon how much he enjoyed humping Raina so soon after coupling with his wife, who also happened to be his aunt. When he heard Rendal call her “cousin,” Jon realized that they were married kindred as well. The more that Jon thrust inside Raina, the more that Rendal licked her bottom, and the more that they watched Dany ride Jorah, the more that the King and she rocked their hips to push their private parts together. For Dany, it was that much more exhilarating to mate with her old champion and mentor, even as she heard her husband having his way with another man’s wife.
This was a sort of wild fantasy for Ser Jorah that truly made him think that he still dreamed of this, but it was quite real. His Khaleesi was still astride him, her succulent snatch engulfing his throbbing prick in its wet and juicy depths. She still kissed his face and his scars, still let her tears of joy and pain drop onto his flesh as she served him. She would always be his, even though she would ultimately be Jon’s. Mormont knew very well his place in this scheme of things, and it wasn’t as Dany’s equal. He was her counselor, her protector, a sort of uncle and second father to her, but Viserys had been that, too. Unlike her elder brother, though, Ser Jorah was a man of real substance and strength, in spite of his vices and flaws.
Jon, in any case, felt Raina tightening up on his cock as she felt shivers on her flesh, chills descending upon her spine, especially from the combination of dick and tongue on her most sensitive parts. She also reveled in the sight of her Queen riding her paramour, Ser Jorah, sensing how blissful that was for both of them at last. Jon certainly had the most difficult time not spending himself yet again, as he experienced the softness, wetness, and warmth of Raina’s cunt receive him continually. The sight of the man eating his own wife’s arse as well as the vision of Dany’s delectable bottom as she rode Ser Jorah intensified the encounter for Jon and threatened to make him cum too soon.
At the end, though, Jorah was too far gone and he spilled his seed inside Dany, making her laugh lovingly as she quivered and creamed herself at last. She collapsed on top of her new lover, who was so much older and less attractive than most men that she loved, other than Magister Illyrio and Ser Barristan Selmy, neither of which she could imagine seducing or being seduced by her. In a way, however, this was her atonement to all of them for whatever weaknesses and failures she had. It was best to admit that she was, at bottom, a woman, not a Goddess, with all that entailed. She had been wrong about her birthright all this time, after all.
“Khaleesi, I... , “ Ser Jorah tried to say, but Dany hushed him with a finger to his lips.
“I’m barren, Ser Jorah. I can get away with this sort of thing in ways that other Queens might not. Just remember some basic understandings between us, shall we? This happens, or happens not, on my terms, and whenever I shall choose or not. I am the Queen. You serve me, as you serve my husband, the King.
“You should not let jealousy or envy tempt you to try to harm my husband, who is also my nephew, as you know. He’s of House Targaryen, just as I am, and while I adore you, if you ever harm Jon, I will burn you alive. Jon is first in my affections and always shall be. This happens when I wish it and if I have to choose between bedding Jon and coupling with you, Jon shall benefit at your expense. Am I quite clear to you, my sweet knight?” Dany warned Jorah, who nodded, thoroughly overcome by her charms as ever.
“Also, whenever I take you to bed, you shall encourage this couple here, your other paramours, to service and satisfy my husband, our King. It is only fair and just that you share from your bounty of lovers as Jon and I do with you. As you and I are lovers, so our lovers should also be lovers to each other, do you not agree? In the unlikely event that I do fall pregnant, you will not mention a word of this to anyone, or in any way imply that my progeny is from any man’s loins save Jon’s. Also, if you hear any rumors of other lovers, you will ignore them and wait to learn of them directly from King Jon’s lips or mine. Do we understand each other?” Dany waxed fierce in both love and loyalty there.
“Of course, Khaleesi. I am yours to command, as ever,” Ser Jorah reassured her, still in disbelief about his good luck and unwilling to risk any of this by reckless ambition.
Somehow, hearing Dany threaten Ser Jorah on his behalf, Jon shuddered and spent his load far inside Raina’s twat. This in turn caused her to cream herself, moaning loudly as she curled her toes and splattered his dick with her cunny juice. There was no doubt of what took place in Raina’s mind as Jon withdrew from her. The knowledge that she could well conceive a royal bastard was far too much to ignore and it excited her so thoroughly that she could never give this up now. Raina adored Ser Jorah, absolutely loved her husband Rendal, but she worshiped Jon Snow ... her King. He had captured King’s Landing, had he not, and now he could have conquered her womb as well.
“Your turn, boy. Take my wife as I just took yours. Fuck your Queen, my aunt, much as I humped your cousin just now,” Jon really got into the spirit of things, feeling far more secure than before, much as that might surprise many.
“You wish me to take this youth to bed? I serve at your command, nephew,” Dany winked at Jon, very pleased that he had let any jealousy fade for the present, much as she did of late.
“I trust you now more than ever, my Queen. You have proven that much, auntie,” Jon teased Dany in turn, smacking her bum to reiterate his point.
“In that case, I will ... take my leave of you both, if you so wish. Your Graces should know that I would already have risked my life and blood for you, though admittedly my bond and affection lies with the Queen. I have nothing but the greatest of respect to you, my King, given the way that you have evidently won my niece’s admiration by all reports and the way that you took King’s Landing for the two of you so effectively with so little loss of life.
“I was once confronted by a shadowbinder of Asshai, named Quaithe, for my past treachery. She asked me if I would ever betray my Khaleesi again, and I assured her that I never would. I have kept my word to that, and always will, even if refusal to betray you both costs me my head or any other part of me. Also, I owe your friend, Samwell Tarly, a great debt, my King, for curing me of greyscale. If you had not sent him to the Citadel in Oldtown, I would be dead right now. I had set my mind to taking my own life to spare myself and others the horrors of my becoming a Stone Man.
“I would never betray you, or Samwell Tarly, or anyone in either of your families. I have been pardoned once of my crimes, and I will be loyal henceforth to the very bitter end. Also, if I ever hear a whiff of treason from these two, or anyone else, I’ll drag their sorry arses before the Iron Throne myself and let Your Graces decide their fates. They have been spies for Qyburn in the past, as mummers and actors, so I will always keep an eye on them.
“I will depart now, but I assure you that I will never forgive myself fully for the past treasons, nor forget what you have done for me. I am your man until the end, even without my Kingsguard vows,” Ser Jorah assured Jon and Dany, even as the latter mounted and rode Rendal already.
“Yes, about those vows. Let’s just forget to include the part about celibacy, shall we?” Jon offered Jorah, who grinned in response.
“Indeed. You may leave us, or perhaps stay and watch me enjoy your bum boy here. Perhaps, if you’re capable of reviving in that manner, the sight will aid that cause for you. Maybe you’ll demonstrate what you do to him in front of us,” Dany encouraged Jorah to tarry a bit, rather than remove himself from the royal apartments just yet.
Jorah watched in true fascination, as did Jon, as Dany pinned Rendal to the bed and really began thrusting against him with a vengeance. The Mother of Dragons certainly knew how to press her advantages, from her long, flowing white-blonde hair that fell down and landed on Rendal’s face to the soft breasts that rubbed his skin with their gentle caress, to the freshly shaved cunt that tickled his prick. The lad was already quite eager from having licked his young bride’s arse earlier, so he had to struggle to keep any self-restraint, especially while being taken and used for the pleasure of the Queen.
As if this weren’t difficult enough for Rendal, Raina began sucking both Jon and Jorah in turns, kneeling to service both men so that she could taste their cocks and whatever they had fucked. She loved how Jon tasted of herself, though with just a hint or trace of Dany’s bum on his dick. She enjoyed how much Ser Jorah’s prick had the savory slickness of Dany’s twat on it as well. Raina revered these men, even her husband who was also her cousin to an extent, so the opportunity to please them was an honor and she reminded herself of that fact, making her juices flow more freely than ever. She also looked forward to tasting Dany’s juices on Rendal’s cock, too, once he finished.
As if thinking this much could make the deed happen, Rendal jerked, and then flinched for a moment as he erupted inside Dany’s snatch. Some private fantasy of his had her conceiving by all three men that night, as he would love to watch the Mother of Dragons swell up with one child for each dragon that she possessed. He envisioned one son and two daughters, all grown up as a man and his sister-wives, much like Aegon the Conqueror, each mounted upon a dragon as they blew kisses at each other. Unknown to him and the others, Dany had much the same fantasy herself, much to her own shock and embarrassment, causing her squirt all over his groin as she pulled off him.
“Remember, the same thing goes for the two of you as with Ser Jorah. You betray us, you pay with your lives. You serve us well and you will be rewarded in many ways, not merely this. You must also consent, if this is to continue, to claim any issue as yours. I do not wish to see my offspring treated as I was, as a bastard of any sort. Trust me on that. Now, Ser Jorah, if you’re ready, feel free to use whichever one of them you want. I’ve borrowed your lovers and now I’ve returned them to your custody. Just let us watch it as you do what you please with them,” Jon urged the three who had swapped that night with their King and Queen.
“Suck me, both of you,” Jorah instructed the couple, who enthusiastically put his prick in each of their mouths in turn, sharing it and passing it back and forth between them.
Jon and Dany watched the ruthless way that Jorah dominated both man and wife, becoming rather aroused by the sight. What they didn’t prepare for was the angry, powerful manner in which Jorah then pushed Rendal over onto his belly and simply rammed his cock up the lad’s arse. The Lord Commander had warned his companions that he would bugger Rendal and ruthlessly at that, so here at least he kept his word on that matter. Neither of them objected to the rough treatment, at least in part because they knew of the actors’ history of serving Qyburn, after all.
“Lick your wife while I bugger you, lad. I want to see you clean up the King’s mess. Oh, and when I take you two back to my room and we sleep, I will make a point of screwing your wife before breakfast, after which you can bury your tongue and dick in my cum and her cunt,” Jorah hammered viciously at the young man’s rump, taking him as he pleased, which simply aroused Jon and Dany even more.
Jon did not expect to rise to the occasion again, but when Dany put herself in a prone position as they watched the buggery from their bed, he noticed his loins thickening and stiffening in response. He entered her sloppy snatch from behind, rubbing her ass with his hands and making her squirm more than a little. She felt her husband’s cock thrust in and out of her slippery cunt, Jorah’s cum mixing with Rendal’s to coat his prick as he pounded her with a new ardor. Dany’s eyes widened as she wondered just how her husband could have hardened yet again, a third time that night.
As Rendal ate his wife’s twat to a series of wild, enthusiastic climaxes, he relished the taste of the King’s seed inside her quim in the process. The mummer slurped with eagerness at the cream that Jon Snow left inside her slit, enjoying the act without any embarrassment or humiliation, either, even as Jorah came at last due to the heat and tightness of the lad’s bum. The Lord Commander then slapped both of them on the arse and ordered them to walk naked back to his apartment within Maegor’s Holdfast, leaving their clothes for the staff to pick up now. He blew a kiss at the Queen and bowed to the King as he departed, taking his playthings with him.
“How in the Seven Hells are we to get into the damned city, anyway? We must get past this rotten mess and this is the perfect moment for a sentry to catch us, you know. You two really know a passage into this miserable town?” Ser Jorah looked at Tyrion and Davos with a bit of skepticism and hesitation even now. “Three, counting myself, Ser Jorah. Remember, with Ser Jamie’s aid, I was able to smuggle Tyrion here out of King’s Landing and on a ship to Pentos. Trust me, though. We’ll be in...
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“You’re quite sure of this? It isn’t a joke or trick?” Daenerys Targaryen asked Missandei, as she reread the raven’s message. “No, my Queen. Your husband is also your nephew, by blood, the sole surviving son of your eldest brother, Prince Rhaegar Targaryen, and his second, secret wife, Lyanna Stark. That would also make him slightly older than Your Grace, would it not? Older than his aunt, who happens to be his wife? Is this a problem, due to it being incest, my Queen?” Missandei asked Dany,...
“All in a good day’s work, I suppose,” Missandei greeted her Queen, Daenerys Targaryen, as she returned from burning the Iron Fleet near King’s Landing, tempted as she was to go further and burn the Red Keep. “Is that any way to greet your Queen now, my dear friend?” Dany teased Missandei, both of them knowing that she didn’t actually object when in private like this. “Did you bag the whole lot, my Queen? Burn them all?” Missandei inquired of Dany, who smiled in response. “All charred and...
Winterfell, two days later... “My lady Sansa, a message for you by raven,” Lord Yohn Royce of the Vale presented the latest news to Sansa Stark, Lady of Winterfell and Wardeness of the North. “I can see that, my lord,” Sansa observed as she sat with her sister, Arya (still posing as Lord Petyr Baelish, also known as Littlefinger), her knight, Brienne of Tarth, Lyanna Mormont of Bear Island, Lord Royce, Lord Glover, Lord Robin Arryn of the Vale, Lady Meera Arryn of the Vale (formerly known...
“Found this one slipping away. Must have been forgotten somehow, Your Graces,” Ser Bronn informed King Jon Snow and Queen Daenerys Targaryen as they were formally crowned and enthroned. “My lords, I present to you Their Graces, Jon, of Houses Snow, Stark, and Targaryen, First of His Name, King of the Andals, of the Rhoynar, and of the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, Protector of the Realm, King of Meereen, Astapor, and Yunkai, the White Wolf, the King in the North, the Resurrected,...
“Most of our troops are still scattered all over the Seven Kingdoms, even more so now that the Dothraki and the Unsullied are on the march across the Stormlands, wresting much of them from our control,” Ser Jaime Lannister laid out the current disaster that was the war map of Westeros while standing next to the Iron Throne. “Many of their troops are unavailable to them as well, both in the North and in the Stormlands, to say nothing of the Riverlands. We can still defeat them, and their...
For Lord Varys, the path was far more treacherous and he was far less sure of the outcome. Still, he had to test the loyalty of the little birds, whether they had truly defected to Qyburn to a man, or rather some of them might retain some allegiance to the former Master of Whispers. To the eunuch, this could well make a difference between a more decisive and imminent victory and a longer, more dangerous conflict that impaired their chances against the Night King later. If this meant his...
“Lord Baelish, might we have a word?” a voice at the door asked Littlefinger, who naturally responded to the sound and the knock. “Of course, my Lady of Winterfell. Perhaps you’ve heard the news, then? The ravens have already borne the message that our King, Jon Snow, has taken the Dragon Queen, Daenerys Targaryen, as his bride? Quite an auspicious union, of course. Still, I don’t recall what this has to do with gathering dragonglass, do you?” Petyr already began to spin his web, seeking to...
“Where’s that sellsword of yours?” Cersei Lannister, self-appointed Queen of the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros, asked her twin brother and general, Ser Jaime Lannister. “Where’s that pirate king of yours?” Jaime retorted, “why isn’t he reporting on the status of the Iron Fleet and paying court to you, his intended bride?” “Enough of that, Jaime! Euron is not my twin, he did not come out of our mother’s womb into this world together, he did not father my children, he did not fight my wars and...
“You know, Jamie did help you rescue me, Varys. I just thought that I should point that out,” Tyrion observed to Lord Varys, who smiled calmly in response. “Of course. I did not mean to imply otherwise, though I suppose that my words could have been more carefully phrased. I simply wanted to make it clear that you do not owe the kind of debt to your family that would cause you to spare Cersei from her doom. She blamed you, framed you with your father’s aid, spied on you through Pycelle,...
The Neck, That same evening “Lynesse, why are you here?” Ser Jorah finally found the words to confront his former wife. “I am here to ... reconcile with my husband, if that’s at all possible. I have ... made ... mistakes. I have been wrong about you. I thought that you lacked ambition. I thought that you were content to just live in exile from Bear Island in an austere, miserly existence, and that wasn’t for me. In Braavos, of all places. Now, however, I find you ... here, Lord Commander of...
“How many days until we reach White Harbor?” Yara the Bottomless asked Lord Darren Haerd. “I’d guess about four or five at most, Your Grace,” Darren smiled as he stood with his Queen at the helm of the Balon, her flagship. “I’ve had a raven send me this note. Seems that my brother, Theon, is now very firmly attached to the Night’s Watch in Eastwatch. I’ll see him again when I arrive, assuming that he survives. That’s hardly certain, as it appears that four men have already perished in the...
Eastwatch-by-the-Sea Two days later... He was back from Castle Black ... Tormund Giantsbane, with whatever fresh provisions he could requisition for the defense of the coastal fort. He also had clear instructions from Dolorous Edd, the Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch. Eastwatch must not be surrendered intact, must not be abandoned while a single brother could fight to hold it. It was far too vital to the defense of the realm, after all. If Eastwatch fell, then the Night King and the...
“You, man, what brings a knight like you into a tavern like this?” Ser Jorah heard behind him as he drank some ale, missing the wines of Essos. “Well, now, that’s the question, isn’t it? What gave me away as a knight?” Mormont asked the fellow approaching now, a rather young and clean-shaven septon from the looks of him. “As a septon, I’ve witnessed many a knight take his vows. Despite your Northern accent, you’re definitely consecrated as a knight in the light of the Seven. There’s a...
For Ser Gregor Clegane, The Mountain That Rides, also known simply as the Mountain, things had definitely gone downhill for him. He was alone for a good while, except for Ashlyh, who didn’t particularly enjoy what he did to her whenever he took her to bed. She grunted and winced in pain even now, taking that monstrous cock up her bum. He oiled her bottom before going in, but that was his only courtesy to her while buggering the young maid. She bit her lower lip in her agony, trying to endure...
“Lord Varys, to what I do owe this pleasure?” Yara Greyjoy asked the Spider as he descended upon the docks, where she had rounded up some three dozen Lannister men. “I have been given orders to arrange the transport of certain cargo presently located in the Dragonpit, namely wildfire, for the voyage to White Harbor, and from there to Eastwatch-by-the Sea, which must begin as quickly as practicable,” Varys answered, “also, I have been named Master of Coin, so I will naturally help fund this...
War Council, Last Hearth, Bay of Seals That evening “So, we’ve beaten back the first assault of the newest wave. It won’t be the last, I can assure you of that. The Night King is playing the long game and he’s playing for keeps. He wants to overrun all of Westeros and the known world and cover them in ice and darkness and snow. “Still, the flames have helped, no doubt of that. We’ve held our own in spite of a lack of proper arms such as dragonglass and Valyrian steel. Only by facing the...
Sunspear, Dorne The next morning Elia Sand, the young Princess of Dorne, daughter of the late Prince Oberyn Martell and Ellaria Sand, niece and namesake of Elia Martell, nervously tossed back a good deal of Dornish red wine while listening to Kinvara, the Red Priestess sent from King’s Landing to Sunspear. As the eldest remaining Sand Snake, she was the obvious choice to rule Dorne, and so now she did. Elia heard rumors that Kinvara and other Red Priests could resurrect the dead, but if so,...
Somewhere north of the Crownlands ... the camp of the Stark/Targaryen banners. “A raven, Your Grace,” Ser Jorah presented the newest message to Daenerys Targaryen, Mother of Dragons. “Astapor and Yunkai have both fallen to the forces of the Free Cities of Essos. Slave Cities of Essos would be a better description. Leaders of any resistance have been crucified, along with any sons that they had. The coalition arrayed against the freedmen now includes Norvos, Pentos, Lys, Myr, Volantis,...
Storm’s End, The Stormlands That very evening “Open up for your rightful lord!” the commander of the small, already besieged Lannister garrison at Storm’s End, Ser Martyn Hill, heard someone cry out to him from below the battlements. “Who are you?” Hill, widely rumored to be a bastard of either Tywald or Tion Lannister, demanded of the stranger, who seemed to have a lot of retainers just then. “I am Lord Gendry Baratheon, son of Robert Baratheon, Lord of Storm’s End and Lord Paramount of...
The Last Hearth, The North, War Council of the Bay of Seals A few days later... “So, the first attempt has been repulsed, but you know that won’t be the last. They are but testing our strength, even now, and they now have Skagos and Skane from which to keep up their raids. Be assured that this enemy will not relent. They made more than fifteen or was that sixteen attempts to take Eastwatch-by-the-Sea from the waters, after all. This foe wants to cover the world in ice and snow. He will not...
Eastwatch-By-The-Sea Four days later “Seven Hells, they’re back! They’re back!” Wyllam Waters, a Crownlands bastard serving as the lookout on the docks of Eastwatch, exclaimed, “the Dead have returned to attack us again!” Sure enough, the Dead had returned to Eastwatch. The Night King had committed his wights and White Walkers to another assault Eastwatch, using his newest troops from Skagos and Skane to attack the fortress. It was a new strategy, but it had every possible chance of...
In the prison tent at the Royal Army Camp, The Neck Later that night... “Ashlyh Waters, you said? Yes, I’m familiar with her ... intimately. I took her to bed, as did Cersei, in fact. But then the Mountain took her from us and deserted us, so that was that. Sweet girl, that wench. I hope that she is rewarded for helping bring him into captivity, along with her husband, you said? I had no idea that she’d gotten married, but as I said, we lost touch once the Mountain abducted her and fled the...
White Harbor That very evening Yara Greyjoy, First of Her Name, Queen of the Iron Islands, was relieved that, after some delays, she had finally reached White Harbor, leading port of the North. She wasn’t alone, had taken as many ships as she could manage with him, containing prisoners, supplies, etc. Most importantly, she had taken the precious cargo assigned to her by Lord Varys: wildfire. It could very well make the difference between victory and defeat here in the North, against this...
“Well, well, what have we here? My former husband, the Imp, perhaps?” Lady Sansa Stark, Lady of Winterfell and Wardenness of the North, greeted Lord Tyrion Lannister, Lord of Casterly Rock, Lord Paramount of the Westerlands, Warden of the West, and Hand of the King and Queen. “And this, my dear former wife, the She-Wolf of the North, liberator of Winterfell. Tell me, sweet Sansa, are you interested in renewing our previous arrangement? Or has my watch ended?” the Imp teased his once and...
The Neck, Five Days Later... The trout sigil of House Tully was unmistakable, of course. With it came more than a few hundred knights, many of them hedge knights freshly wed to Frey and Rivers girls as prizes probably better than they would otherwise have for at least another year. Lord Edmure Tully, Lord of Riverrun and Lord Paramount of the Riverlands (the title used to be “Lord Paramount of the Trident,” but Edmure preferred a stronger association with Riverrun itself), rode eagerly into...
“Is this all that you could find, Decran?” Ser Gregor Clegane, his face looking even less human by the moment. “You’re lucky that I found this lot, Ser Gregor. Even half of the men who I found would probably betray you for enough coin. I would advise you to watch your back, but I suspect that none of these poor fellows, not even all of them, could take you down. They would be dead men within the hour. Incidentally, if any of us die, it would be best not to break the new law, at least for...
Maegor’s Holdfast, Small Council Chamber, King’s Landing Next Morning “So, let’s begin. I have plenty to do and I’m not alone there. Sam, how are those scorpion plans coming along? The ones from Qyburn? Are they all ready to send up North?” Ser Bronn of the Blackwater, Lord of Castamere and Lord Commander of the City Watch (they couldn’t very well refuse him using the word “Lord” in the title when he was effectively governor of the capital), asked Samwell Tarly, the Grand Maester on the...
A week later ... Eastwatch-by-the-Sea... “Whatever happened to the galleys that we once used to guard and trade from Eastwatch, anyway?” Theon asked Cotter, the thought more than once naturally occurring to an Ironborn prince, even a fallen one. “Where do you think that the Night King got his ships? He turned every last one of those poor buggers, that is my only conclusion, plus any foolish smugglers and pirates caught in the open. Look, we have now been cut down to a force of what two...
“Milord, milord, please rise,” Lord Edmure Tully heard as he rose from his bed, thinking himself still in his dungeon cell. “Is it breakfast already? If so, might I have fewer maggots this time with the bread?” the groggy nobleman asked as his eyes adapted to more light than expected. “Why would milord want maggots at all? We generally try to keep those out of bread, m’lord,” a gentle voice, very feminine answered him, in the bedchamber where he lay. “What, where am I?” Lord Edmure asked...
“There they are. They waited for those forces on the ground to get closer, weren’t they?” Daario Naharis inquired of Howland Reed and Benjen Stark as the boats carrying the Night King’s flotilla approached them. “That they did, more’s the pity,” Howland Reed concurred, feeling nervous in spite of his attempts to steel his nerves as the wights on the water closed the distance. “It’s a classic pincer move, of course. One flank attacks from the front, the other from the side. They hope to find...
The Bay of Seals, Two days later... “Here they come, boys ... here they come!” Jallen Tarlor, the captain of the watch, shouted, as the Dead came ashore yet again in force. “Aye, that they do! Are we ready to set them ablaze, too!” Nardel, his sergeant of the watch, a Wildling like their commander, asked him. “You know Lord Tormund’s standing orders, my savage friend! Cook them! Fry them! Roast them! Burn them all!” Jallen insisted, much to the relief of Nardel, who was anxious to rid the...
The North, facing the Bay of Seals ... ten days later... “Here they come, men. Damn those wights to all Seven Hells!” Torrhen Snow, a bastard of House Umber, warned the other handpicked men of the small, but growing coastal watch. He was captain of the watch, after all. “Get the word to our commander, Tormund Giantsbane. Or failing him, to Sandor Clegane, the Hound,” he added, “now, you know our orders ... set everything ablaze as soon as they land. And pull back for now. We want to kill...
“A raven has arrived, Khaleesi,” Ser Jorah Mormont, Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, informed Daenerys Targaryen, Queen of Westeros rather abruptly. “What does it say? Have you read it, Ser Jorah?” Dany turned to her oldest adherent, the most loyal of her supporters. “Yes, my Queen, I have. It is from Cotter Pyke, Commander of Eastwatch-by-the-Sea. It seems that there was a brief naval clash ... with the Dead. The Night King attempted to sail around the Wall. He was stopped for now, but at...
The Neck, Just moments later... “A raven from the Stormlands. The last Lannister men having yielded in Storm’s End to Lord Gendry Baratheon, Grey Worm has commenced a forced-march of the Unsullied toward our camp, with the Dothraki riding ahead and guarding his flanks. He has rewarded the bastard and his bride from the Westerlands who aided in the capture of the Mountain, per the bounty granted by Your Graces, and has convinced them to serve the realm in this war as well,” Varys informed...
“Well, for a man with no cock, you sure drank a lot, little brother!” Yara Greyjoy, Queen of the Iron Islands, also known as “Yara the Bottomless,” teased Theon Greyjoy, now a man of the Night’s Watch. “Well, I’ve taken the black and I’m celibate, both by choice and by force, so there’s nothing left for me but fighting, drinking, and eating. And pissing through a wooden straw such as this,” Theon said, “which often makes me ill.” “Theon, whatever your crimes in the past, you’ve certainly...
The Riverlands, not far from the Neck, Four days later... “Your Graces, this is report that three different battalions of ‘Faith Militant’ seem to have simply been former Sparrows that lined up for their dragonglass and showed up armed with cudgels for now. When they were denied dragonglass as yet, because it’s not available here, and were instructed to put away their cudgels, they caused an uproar and the Gold Cloaks were forced to kill several before gaoling the rest. They will instead...
Eastwatch-By-The-Sea Just after the arrival of the Iron Fleet Yara Greyjoy, Queen of the Iron Islands, better known by her latest epithet of “Yara the Bottomless,” now prepared her nasty surprise for the Night King. Wildfire. “Prepare the jars! Prepare to launch!” Yara ordered the crew, even as Lord Darren Haerd, her lover and deputy, began to carry out her commands. Now was the test of her strategy. There was no doubt that the ships would burn. The only question was ... what would happen...
“M’lord, please have ... mercy,” the unfortunate soul being buggered by Ser Gregor Clegane, the Mountain, begged him to go easier. This only prompted him to get rougher still ... buggering Decran Hill as punishment for him losing Ashlyh Waters. The Mountain didn’t care for the bastard too much that way, certainly didn’t fancy him. Nevertheless, he wanted to teach him a lesson and make an example of him ... that even a high officer can be punished if he failed a Clegane. The actual effect was...
House of Magister Illyrio Mopatis, Free City of Pentos, Essos The next evening “Welcome to my house, my friend. This is a most ... unusual visit, to say the least, and you are a most remarkable guest,” Magister Illyrio Mopatis of Pentos told his visitor now, as they walked into his palace and prepared for supper. “A man does well to know when to accept or decline invitations. This man knows very well that acceptance is the better option here ... under present circumstances. A man does not...
“Seven Hells! They’re making another attempt!” one of the Night’s Watch, an Earic Flowers from the Reach, warned Cotter Pyke, rousing him from his slumber early in the predawn chill of the great maritime castle of Eastwatch-by-the-Sea. “That soon? Either the Night King is more resourceful than I knew, or else he’s just more attempt to get around or capture Eastwatch now. Get a party of men together as quickly as you can, under Ragnar Slait, Sandor Clegane, Theon Greyjoy, and Lord Beric...
Riverrun, The Riverlands Noon the next day “So, you’re the Red Woman, Melisandre of Asshai, the Red Priestess who once served Stannis Baratheon,” Lord Edmure Tully remarked as he sat back in his seat in Riverrun, with his wife, Lady Roslin Tully, nee Frey, at his side, and his chief mistress, Lady Marleigh Rivers, Lady of the Twins, at his feet. “And you are Lord Edmure Tully, recently liberated from a dungeon where he spent several years thanks to his own father-in-law, the late Lord...
“My lord, there is a man ... and woman here with very ... interesting information regarding the Mountain, Ser Gregor Clegane. Seems that, well, they can explain better,” one of his key officers, a fellow Unsullied known as Cat Piss, informed Grey Worm, now Master of War and Lord of the Dreadfort. “Who is it, Cat Piss? Bring them in ... but under close guard,” Grey Worm insisted, still getting used to the news that he had an actual castle of his own somewhere in the North, a gift from Jon...
The Royal Bedchamber (Ned Stark’s old bedchamber) Winterfell That same night “You summoned us, Your Graces?” Grey Worm spoke to his Queen and King (and he thought of them in that order). “Yes, we did. I am glad that you brought Missandei with you, of course. It is high time to make amends, if you will, for what we did to you recently. I know that you have ... limitations, but you still have a tongue, and your Queen asks you to make good use of it,” Dany disrobed in front of her Master of...
Game of Thrones. Amazing. Season 7. The hype is real! Sex. Also amazing. This story is basically a sex-filled retelling of each Game of Thrones Season 7 episode. I will try to release them every week, but no promises! The chapters may be one long sex scene or a bunch of smaller ones. Maybe it will be a bunch of longer scenes! It all depends on what happens in the episode. I will try and vary the characters and the scenes, but again I haven't seen the episodes yet. One thing I won't do is just...
When they were casting for new characters for Game of Thrones, it was tradition now that two current cast members sat in with them. It was Kit Harington and Iwan Rheon’s turn this time. It was also a tradition that some casting happened in the star’s apartments, and today Kit and Iwan were hoping they’d have some more casting to do after they’d seen the hopefuls.Kit and Iwan had been having a casual affair since Iwan had joined the cast. It was almost entirely oral as neither of them wanted a...
You, Francis, you're magically joined the universe of Game of Thrones, your ultimate goal would be to understand how and why and escape from it, but you know, in the game of thrones happen ... So many beautiful things. Choose now what you subplot
Hi this is Varun from Chennai, i am here to share one of my erotic experience in recent time. I am very tall, brownish with a good dick size. Coming to the story i am working in a reputed MNC in Chennai. The story is all about the experience i shared wit my friend Priyanka(Name Changed) , She is tall, lean wit good boobs and ass. her sizes should be somewhere around 32-28-34. she is very fair, she is not from Chennai so she is staying in a room along with her friends. i know her since i joined...
“If I am your Queen, then what if I command you to be my consort? Marry me Jon Snow, and we can break the wheel together!!” Daenerys looks at Jon with her beautiful blue eyes pleading for him to join her. Jon is still wrestling with the thousands of dead in King’s Landing. He has seen unspeakable cruelty and carnage today. He has witnesses the soldiers who fight for her executing people who have already surrendered. He has witnessed those same soldiers raping and pillaging. They follow their...
Unlimited power at your fingertips. You have the powers of the ancient one, George R. R. Martin. You can bend the world of Game of Thrones at your will. Anything is possible. Incest being common? Easy. Sex in the streets? No problem. A gangbang on the Iron Throne with Queen Cersei, Robb, Jon, and Theon? Why not? The only limit is your imagination. So, what happens next? Authors are welcome and there is no rules (except chyoa rules)! All I ask is good grammar and a consistent POV (first person,...
Disclaimer: this is a parody, farce and covered by the rules of satire. It is loosely based on the books and show known and loved by fans as Game Of Thrones. However, just like the show and characters I do not own, the plots will differ from the actual plots. There is no financial gain in the writing or posting of this story. All characters are eighteen years-old or older in this ongoing story as new chapters are added in the future. Votes and Comments: Please read and vote and realize as an...
The Hand of the King is dead, killed under suspicious circumstances. The King Robert Baratheon rides north with the royal court to call on his old friend Eddard Stark to aid him in ruling the realm as the new Hand. Across the Narrow Sea, an eighteen year old Daenarys Targaryen readies to be married to a ferocious Khal in exchange for an army to take back her family's birth right - the Iron Throne. The Game of Thrones has begun. Death and Debauchery await.
In Westeros, when you play the game of thrones, you win or die. However, what happens when history changes? What could happen? Could Ned become king? Could Theon take over the Iron Throne? Perhaps Arya becomes a prostitute, or Sansa marries Sandor Clegane? Who knows?
(The North) Orys II Was Riding His Horse Alongside the Knights of The Kingsguard, He Was The Squire of His Uncle Jaime Lannister, and Had Been for Five Years. Before That He Had been Fostered Amongst the Tyrells, and Served as A Page in The Court of His Grandfather, Lord Tywin Lannister. Unlike His Siblings, He'd Inherited His Father's Traits, and Some of The Man's Personality as Well. In short, He was a Combination of Baratheon Ferocity and Fortitude, and Lannister Cunning and...
Once the atonement was over, Queen Daenerys did not feel any more satisfied than she had after her victory in King’s Landing. There still felt like there was more to be accomplished. The women apologized for things they had done in their past. The Queen knelt at Samwell’s felt and asked his forgiveness. Samwell smiled like a giddy child that was being fawned over and immediately offered his forgiveness. Daenerys was shocked; it had been that easy as well. She said a few words of remorse,...
You Wake up on the ground with nothing around you but green hills. You try to remember what happened to you. But all you can remember is that you were watching Game of thrones when all of a sudden you blacked out. You then find a piece of paper on the ground and written inside is a letter... It reads "Hello there you might be wondering were you are and how you got here. Well I will tell you what happened I brought you to my world a world you know as a TV show called a Game of thrones but it is...