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Jack and I had waited patiently in the van for almost an hour, smoking cigarettes and sipping at a couple of beers but careful not to drink enough to lose an edge. These things require a bit of wit. There had been a couple of possibles, but both times we had decided that circumstances were not quite right.

Finally, our patience was rewarded. Dusk had turned almost to night, and most of the cars were gone from the parking lot. We saw a woman jogger turn into the park and pad her way along the well-lighted footpath.

"Looks pretty good," Jack said.

"Yeah," I said. "Let's go."

Jack slipped out of his seat and into the van interior, then out the open side door. I slid out from under the steering wheel and followed him outside. Jack walked briskly about 20 feet away to stand under a street light, holding a map in his hand and acting like he was trying to read it, his back to the van. The footpath passed behind the van. I stood near the rear wheel, concealed from the approaching jogger. I opened the plastic bag and grabbed the large gauze pad, smelling the faint medicinal smell of chloroform from the open bag.

It worked just as we had planned. The girl approached, her attention focused on Jack, who was far enough away to seem no threat. There was no one else in sight. I slipped the pad out of the bag.

Just as the jogger passed the back of the van, I reached out and caught her around the shoulders with my left arm. With my other hand, I reached around and clamped the chloroformed pad over her mouth and nostrils. She let out a muffled shriek and struggled as I pulled her back against my chest. I dragged her backward toward the open van door, keeping her off balance.

Jack was already moving toward us. He bent down and encircled both the woman's legs. She jerked as he lifted her feet off the ground, but he had her legs clamped tightly in his arms. We kept moving to the van. When my legs struck the open side, I let myself sink backward to a sitting position, then rolled her onto the floor of the van, keeping the pad tightly over her mouth and nose. She was gasping, trying to get more air, and every success she had pulled the chloroform into her lungs. She was already weakening.

Following me into the van, Jack swung the side door shut, then helped me hold her down. She tried to twist her head away from my hand, but it was no use. After a few moments that seemed like much longer, she stopped struggling. A moment later, her entire body relaxed. She was out.

"I'm going to take the pad away," I whispered to Jack. "Keep an eye on her."

Slowly I pulled the pad away from her face. There was no change. The whole thing, from the time we had first spotted her until she was unconscious on the floor of the van, had taken less than a minute.

"Help me get the gag on her," I told Jack. It was the first chance I'd had to really look at our captive. She was very pretty, with short, dark brown hair. I couldn't tell much about her body except that she was slim but well built.

I grabbed the folded sock that we had prepared and pushed it into her mouth. There was no resistance. Jack slid an arm under her shoulders and raised her head off the floor so that I could wrap masking tape around her head several times to keep the gag in place. Then I put the navy watch cap over her head and unrolled it all the way down, covering most of her face.

"Let's get going," I said. "I can do the rest myself." Jack slid into the driver's seat, started the engine, and pulled out of the parking lot. As we entered the street next to the park, he waited a second, then turned on the headlights. I looked out the back of the van. There was nobody behind us.

"Looks clear from up here," Jack said, his voice trembling slightly. "We did it!"

"Yeah," I said, "Now just drive calmly and coolly until we get to your place."

Jack seemed excited but under control. I turned back to the girl. Rolling her onto her stomach, I crossed her wrists behind her and wrapped a length of cotton rope around and around them. Then I put her ankles together and did the same with another piece. I rolled her onto her side and checked her breathing. She seemed okay.

Jack's place was two suburban cities away, but there were no apparent boundaries between one and the next, just continuous sections of residences separated by occasional sections of small businesses. It was rapidly getting darker now that the sun had set, and we slid along through the quiet evening. We were climbing slightly toward the city where Jack lived.

At an intersection of two main streets, we turned left, then right, then left again onto a smaller street. Jack's house was two blocks down on the left. As we neared his driveway, he punched the button on his garage door opener, and it began to slide upward. Jack slowed to turn into the driveway, then pulled inside the garage, punched the garage door button again to close it, and cut the engine. I had been watching the woman the entire time. She hadn't moved.

When the garage door was down, Jack slid out the driver side door and came around to open the sliding side door from outside. Together, we dragged the woman to the door. Then Jack slipped his arms under hers and lifted her head and shoulders out. I took her legs and followed.

We had to swing around so that I could open the door into the house. We had left it unlocked, but Jack couldn't support the woman's upper body with just one hand. I tucked her legs under one arm and freed a hand to open the door. When I turned back, Jack had relocated his hands. His arms were still under hers, but both his hands were cupping her breasts.

"Nice," he said, waggling his eyebrows. "Sports bra."

We carried her down into the basement and into the special room Jack and had built there. The woman groaned as we lifted her onto the narrow table that occupied the center of the room.

"We'd better get her strapped down," I said. "I think she's starting to wake up."

Working quickly, we cut through the cotton rope around her wrists and legs with a pair of scissors and pulled the pieces away. Jack raised her arms and buckled each wrist to the upper corners of the table. I did the same with her ankles at the lower corners. There was no resistance from the woman.

I picked up two ski masks from a side table and handed one to Jack. We both pulled them over our heads. Then, picking up two cloth pads, I stood near her head. Jack pulled the watch cap up and I slapped the pads over her eyes. While I held them in place, Jack used surgical tape to wrap around her head several times. The woman groaned again, but remained limp. I was sure she was still out.

It was my first chance to really look at her. She was a young woman, in her early 20's, and quite attractive, although the tape around her head and the sock in her mouth were not particularly flattering. Even through the sweatshirt and matching pants, it was clear that she had a good body -- trim waist above flaring hips, and breasts that held their shape and rose from her chest even though she was lying on her back.

"Looks like we did good," I said.

"Yeah," Jack agreed. "This oughta be great. She's a lot prettier than the last one."

We pulled off the ski masks. There was no need for them now that her eyes were properly blindfolded.

"Let's take a break," I said. "She should be waking up soon."

After coffee and cigarettes in the kitchen upstairs, we headed back down into the basement. The girl had moved -- I could tell by the way her sweatshirt was pulled up along one side -- although she held still as we came down the stairs and into the room. I knew she was awake. There's a difference in tension between an unconscious, completely relaxed body and one with a mind in control of it. She was holding still, but I knew.

I walked up to the table near her head. Jack circled around to the opposite side.

"Hello, sweetheart," I said in the husky whisper I always use for these things. She didn't move. "I know you're awake," I said. "If you can hear me, nod your head."

She still didn't move. I nodded at Jack. He reached down to her fanny and gave it a hard pinch. She jerked away in surprise and gave a muffled yelp.

"Look, sweetheart," I said, "I know it's a cliche, but there are two ways we can do this -- easy or hard. The easy way is that you cooperate, do what we tell you, and come out of it in good shape. The hard way is that you fight us and don't cooperate and don't come out in such good shape. Either way, we're going to get our way. Do you understand?"

She didn't move for a moment, and Jack, anticipating my nod, gave her another hard pinch. She yelped again and tried to move away from Jack's hand. When she realized that was impossible, she straightened her legs, pressing them flat against the table. I leaned forward and slapped her face.

I let her cry for a moment. Then I said, "A pinch isn't much, sweetheart, and neither is a slap. You need to understand we're serious. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?"

This time she nodded quickly. I put my hand against her cheek and she flinched away.

"Don't be so frightened, sweetheart," I told her. "I'm going to touch you with a lot more than my hand before we're done, but, if you're a good girl, you won't be hurt." I stroked her cheek with my hand.

"Now, I'd like to take the gag out of your mouth. I know it must be uncomfortable. But we need to get something straight. The first is that you are not going to scream or anything, because I will have to hurt you if you do. The other is that it wouldn't do you any good, anyway. Nobody can hear you here." I waited a moment. She didn't move. "So, if I take out the gag, are you going to be good?"

After a pause, she nodded her head. I looked up at Jack, and he handed me the scissors.

"Hold still, now," I said. "This is a sharp pair of scissors and I don't want to cut you accidentally."

She held her head stiffly while I slid the point of the scissors under the tape that held the sock in her mouth and clipped it away. With a quick move, I stripped it away from her cheeks, then grabbed the end of the sock and pulled it out of her mouth.

She gasped and breathed heavily through her mouth for a moment, sucking air into her lungs. She also tried to spit some fuzz out.

"Would you like a drink?" I asked. She nodded her head and then, realizing her mouth was no longer gagged, she said faintly, "Yes."

Jack handed me the water bottle we had prepared, one of plastic ones used by runners. I slipped the cap off and touched the sipper top to her lips. She sucked on it greedily. I let her have as much as she wanted. We'd dissolved a tranquilizer and a sedative in it -- not enough to dope her up, but enough to help her relax.

"So, what's your name, sweetheart?" I asked.

She hesitated a moment, then said "L-Lisa."

"Okay, Lisa," I said, "now here's what's gonna happen. My buddy and me are gonna fuck you."

She jerked in recoil and said "No-o-o," but like she had known it all along.

"Oh yes we are," I continued. "I expect we'll do just about everything there is to do. But we don't want to hurt you, and we won't unless you make us. If you cooperate, you'll be outta here in a couple of hours, none the worse for it. You might even have a little fun."

Lisa didn't seem to think that was possible. She whipped her head back and forth, whimpering "no" several times, and crying a little.

"Mr. Jones," I said to Jack, "I think you should go first. How about a little mouth action?"

Lisa froze. In the silence that followed my question, the rasp of Jack's zipper going down seemed unusually loud. He moved up close to the narrow table near Lisa's head. She turned away from him.

"Turn your head to the right, Lisa," I said. She tried to bury her face in the table's padding. I grabbed a handful of her hair with my left hand and pulled her head up off the table, then cracked her hard across the face with my open right hand. She tried to pull away, so I slapped her again.

"You're not doing so well," I said over her cries. "I thought we had an understanding. You're either gonna do what we tell you willingly, or we're gonna make you do it. The only choice you have is whether it's gonna hurt."

I let it sink in for a moment, then I said again, "Turn your head to the right, Lisa."

She didn't do it right away. First, she stopped pressing her head into the table, then slowly turned her head toward Jack's side of the table. Jack had opened the button on his jeans and fished his half-hard penis out. When Lisa's head was finally turned toward him, he touched the tip of her nose with the head of it and then moved it down to her lips.

"Open your mouth, Lisa, and let Mr. Jones in," I said. She relaxed her jaw. Jack pushed forward and his dick slid about halfway in. "Now, suck on it, sweetheart. Make him feel good."

Jack pulled back slightly and pressed forward again, sliding his cock deeper into Lisa's mouth. She opened to accept him, keeping her lips tight around the shaft. As he pulled back, I could see her cheeks hollow. Jack looked at me, rolled his eyes and waggled his eyebrows.

"That's better, Lisa," I told her. "That's much better. Now, use your tongue, sweetheart. Give him a good blowjob!"

Jack began to hunch back and forth, pushing his prick into Lisa's mouth and then slowly dragging it out until the head was just inside her lips, then pushing it back in again until most of it was in her mouth. It popped out once, and the suction Lisa was applying made a little smack. But she readily opened to him as he pressed forward again, letting him slide his now fully hard dick past her clutching lips and into her warm, sucking mouth cavern.

"That looks like it feels good, Mr. Jones," I said. "Mind if I try it?"

Jack gave me a wry look, pushed his cock deep into Lisa's mouth and waggled it around by rolling his hips before he slowly, reluctantly pulled back and dragged himself out from between her lips. I moved around the table, unzipping my fly as I went, and took the place he had vacated. I pulled out my prick with some difficulty, as it was rapidly stiffening. As always, I couldn't help but notice that it was larger than Jack's, although I never said anything about it. You have to be gentle with friends, and Jack was by no means small, just smaller than me.

"Here you go, sweetheart," I said. "Open wide!"

I pressed the head of my cock against Lisa's lips, and she let me push it into her mouth without further prompting. She gave a muffled "umpf" as the helmeted head pushed her jaw wider open than before, and took a deep breath through her nose. The feel of her warm, moist mouth on my prick was wonderful.

I pushed deeper, and she stretched to accommodate me, working her lips down the shaft until I felt the back of her throat with my cockhead. Then I pulled back slowly. Lisa clamped her lips around me and sucked. Then she used her tongue on the sensitive under side, whipping it back and forth. It was clear that Jack's was not the first prick she had sucked. This girl had had plenty of cocksucking experience.

"That's very good, Lisa," I said. "I think you've got the idea." I pushed my prick in and out of her mouth rapidly several times. The last time, I went too deep, gagging her. I pulled back and let her recover, then pushed back in again.

"You know, Mr. Jones, I think we could let one of Lisa's hands free so that she could hold on and do a better job," I said. "Why don't you release her left hand?"

As Jack moved around the table to the strap that bound her left wrist, I reminded Lisa that she was to behave.

"Now, when we release your hand, please don't do anything stupid, Lisa," I said. "Just take hold of my prick and be a good girl."

Jack unfastened the strap on her left wrist. Lisa pulled it down, stretching her around and rotating her wrist to get the kinks out. Then, without being asked again, she reached up and wrapped her fingers around my cockshaft.

"There," I said, "that's better. You can use your hand to keep me from going too deep, so I won't choke you again." I pushed forward, and she grasped my cock firmly. Her hand butted up against her lips as I shoved my prick into her face. I jerked it in and out several times, bumping my pelvis against her hand, and my cock went in only about half way.

"See," I said, "isn't that better? Now, use your hand to jack me off while you suck my cock, Lisa. Slide your hand up and down my cock. That's it. Oh, yes, that's it. Squeeze a little harder, though. Yeah, like that!"

The combination of her mouth and hand was delicious. I pulled back far enough that my prick slid out of her mouth, but it was still wrapped in her slick, clutching fingers. Then I shoved it forward, sliding through the grasping tunnel into her hot mouth, where Lisa sucked hard on the head and twisted around on the shaft.

Her hand and mouth, working together, made a long, tight tunnel that slid back and forth on my cock. I knew that if I kept this up much longer, I'd shoot a wad of cum down her throat, and I had other plans. Reluctantly, I pulled my dick out of Lisa's mouth.

"Your turn again, Mr. Jones," I said.

Jack had been slowly jacking his prick, standing near the head of table and watching me mouth-fuck Lisa. I moved toward the foot of the table and he took my place. He slid his cock into her mouth. Lisa reached up without being asked and grasped his shaft with her free hand. Jack started pushing in and out, his eyes closed and a stupefied expression on his face.

Feeling silly with my prick hanging out, I tucked it back into my pants, although I didn't bother zipping up. Instead, I went back around to the other side of the table. Lisa had gradually twisted onto her right shoulder so that she was lying almost on her side, facing away from me.

"Now, don't get excited, sweetheart," I told her. "I'm gonna do some rearranging. You just concentrate on giving Mr. Jones the best blowjob you can." Lisa hesitated momentarily, then resumed her efforts, but there was a wariness to the way she held her body, as if she was fearing my touch.

I didn't make her wait to find out what I meant. I put my hand on her stomach and slid my hand under her sweatshirt, moving it up until I could cup a breast in my palm. Lisa whimpered something around Jack's cock that might have been another meaningless "no," but I ignored it. She continued to work her mouth and hand back and forth on the prick while I squeezed her tit. I moved to the other one and stroked it, too. I could feel her nipple hardening through the elastic material of her sports bra.

I worked the sweatshirt up her torso until I could see the bottom of her covered breasts, then pulled up on the back of the shirt to look at the back strap of the bra. As I suspected, it was one of the pull-on types with no clasps. I picked up the scissors again.

"Hold still a second," I said. Both Jack and Lisa stopped moving. I pulled outward on the strap, slid the lower blade under it, and then hacked at it several times until the strap parted with a snap. Putting the scissors down, I reached around in front of her and lifted the bra away from her tits. Jack started humping Lisa's face again, forcing her to resume her work.

I pushed the sweatshirt and the bra up above Lisa's tits, so that they were fully exposed. They were almost milk-white with blue veins running through them. I cupped one of them and felt the nipple like a pebble against my palm. The nipple seemed to get harder as I squeezed and stroked her breast. I squeezed a nipple between my thumb and forefinger, rolling it from side to side and pulling out on it. Lisa moaned around Jack's prick again, but I couldn't tell whether it was protest or passion.

Leaning over the table, I licked the nearest nipple, flicking it with my tongue. Then I sucked it into my mouth, pulling on it strongly. Lisa moaned again. This time, I was pretty sure she was getting turned on. I nibbled at her tit, nipping it lightly with my teeth, then sucked on it some more.

When I lifted my head, I could see that Lisa was not the only one who was getting turned on. Jack was breathing heavily through his nose and plunging his cock faster and faster through Lisa's hand and into her smacking, sucking mouth.

"Don't get carried away, Mr. Jones," I said, "unless you want to spend some time on the sidelines. Why don't you take a break?"

Jack shoved his prick in and out several more times, then lurched back with a jerk of his hips. His saliva-wet dick was rock hard and as red as his face, sticking out from his body and curving upward. He braced himself on the table with both hands and huffed and puffed for a while, regaining control.

Lisa lay on her side, her free hand curled near her mouth. She was also breathing hard. Putting a hand on her shoulder, I turned her onto her back.

"Come and help me, Mr. Jones," I said. "Let's get these pants off our little sweetheart."

Before joining me at the foot of the table, Jack kicked off his shoes and pushed his pants down his leg, then stepped out of them. He tucked his dick back in his underwear, pulling it back through the fly. The elastic held it flat against his belly, a tube of hard meat outlined in white cotton.

I reached up and grasped the material of Lisa's sweat pants at the waist, digging my fingers under the elastic to grasp her panties. When I pulled down, I couldn't get them over her butt, and Lisa reached down instinctively to try to stop me. I pushed her hand away brusquely.

"Now, now, Lisa," I said. "Let's not forget our agreement. Lift your hips, sweetheart."

Taking hold of her pants and panties again, I waited. With a little whimper, she pushed down with her legs and lifted her fanny off the table. I dragged the pants and panties over her hips and down past her knees. Lisa relaxed, but kept her thighs pressed together as best she could.

"Hold her leg," I told Jack, moving my hands to the buckle around her left ankle. He wrapped his hands around her ankle and pressed down. I popped the buckle open and released the leg. Then I grabbed Lisa's leg above her pants. Jack grabbed the material and pull it over her foot. Then he wrapped the strap around her ankle again and re-buckled it. Lisa offered no resistance. We repeated the process with her other leg. Jack dropped her pants and panties on the floor and kicked them out of the way.

"While we're at it, we might as well take her top off," I said.

We moved to the head of the table. I pulled the sweatshirt sleeve and then the severed bra off Lisa's free arm. I held her arm while Jack buckled it back to the corner of the table. Then we repeated the process with her other arm.

Lisa lay completely naked on the table. Her pert, rose-tipped breasts stood out from her chest, rising and falling with her breath. Her stomach was flat and her legs were firm. Between her thighs, although she kept them as close together as she could, I could see the top of her slit peeking through her ample bush of dark hair.

I ran a hand up the inside of her thigh, and Lisa clenched them together in some futile hope of protecting herself. I pinched her hard and she squealed.

"No," she said. "Please don't! Let me suck you instead."

"Don't be silly, sweetheart," I told her. "We haven't gone this far for nothing. We're going to fuck you, both of us, and you might as well relax and enjoy it."

I pushed my hand upward again, and Lisa reluctantly let it spread her thighs until my fingers brushed against the lips of her cunt. I slid my middle finger up and down her crack, working my fingers into her. Jack moved to the other side and laid a hand on her belly, extending a finger to dip into the top of her cunt and twiddle her clitoris. With his other hand, he massaged her breast.

After a minute or so, I could feel the moisture building. Like it or not, Lisa was getting excited by our manipulations of her cunt. Her thighs relaxed and spread slightly.

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Amelia opened her mouth to provoke Kamarrah, but soft lips pressed against hers. Warmth spread through Amelia. She kissed her partner back, sliding her hands along her smooth, curvy body. The queen caught Amelia by the wrists and lifted them up and away. A dissatisfied noise reverberated in Amelia’s throat, but Kamarrah didn’t let go.Fingers danced and twisted, and something lashed Amelia’s wrists together above her head. Instead of panicking, she let out a soft moan. If Kamarrah desired to tie...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
1 year ago
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Jessica strained and struggled against the bonds that held her upright, but they held without budging. She could just see the bright red ball gag that filled her mouth, causing a steady stream of drool to leak out before dripping onto her breasts. She loved the sensation of being helpless and the thought of what was coming made her wetter than she had ever been before. Scarcely more than an 24 hours ago she had been sitting at her computer idly surfing the internet when a popup had caught her...

3 years ago
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Bound to Happen

Lisa had always been shy. She had grown up in a house where her father was the dominate force. She along with her sister and mother had all strived to do whatever he wanted. Lisa remembered being instructed by her mother on the importance of taking care of the man of the family. Now she was away for her freshman year of college and frankly she felt disoriented as there was no one telling her what to do and when to do it. Frankly Lisa was miserable!The first month she did nothing but go to class...

2 years ago
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Bound to My Clothes 2

Bound to My Clothes - Chapter 2 By Sissy Alamoor I looked around me and only saw darkness. It felt like days since the start of this...torture. Aside from banging one of my fiancee's friends, I had done nothing wrong. Why was I being punished? What did Denise and Susan have to do with it? I wouldn't have to wait long for answers--some of them anyway. With my hands and feet bound, and with something holding my mouth open, my sense of hearing was quite acute. I...

1 year ago
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Bound to Bond

Template Bound to BondSynopsisThe clinic where Melanie and Robert were sent for therapy, proved a painful experience.  Bound to Bondby obohobo WarningsPlease take note!The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only. MF NC. Spanking If you are underage or offended by such material, or if viewing this file is illegal in your locality, then leave, close or delete this file-story now. This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to persons living,...

1 year ago
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Bound Desires

Jessica strained and struggled against the bonds that held her upright, but they held without budging. She could just see the bright red ball gag that filled her mouth, causing a steady stream of drool to leak out before dripping onto her breasts. She loved the sensation of being helpless and the thought of what was coming made her wetter than she had ever been before. Scarcely more than an 24 hours ago she had been sitting at her computer idly surfing the internet when a popup and caught her...

1 year ago
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Bound For Trouble Chapter 2

Mark was just as anxious to get inside the bound girl as she was to have him there. He moved down to her feet and untied her ankles, rubbing the marks where the rope had been for a moment. "I'm going to keep those hands tied for now," he said. Kelly moaned her response. Part of her wished he would untie her so she could hold him, while another part of her was turned on by the idea of being bound and helpless. But in either case, Mark was the one in charge. He was in total control and all...

2 years ago
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Bound For Trouble Chapter 1

"Are you sure your folks are gone?" Ricky asked as Kelly unlocked the door to her house."Of course, Mom is working at the hospital until midnight when her shift is over and my stepfather is off on a business trip. We have the house all to ourselves for hours yet!" Kelly assured him. Kelly pulled him into the house and shut the door behind him. "Go on into the living room and I'll bring us a couple of sodas." Ricky went on into the living room as she had suggested and Kelly followed...

1 year ago
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Bound For Her Pleasure

Tricia pulled up a stool and sat down next to the solid oak coffee table that stood in the centre of a sparsely furnished spare bedroom. She was dressed in a black lacy bustier, black fishnet stockings and a pair of lacy black panties. In her hand was a black leather riding crop. She looked endearingly at the naked man lying on the table and ran her hand over his forehead. “Feeling comfortable my darling husband?” She asked softly. His eyes opened wide and he motioned with a nod of his head....

2 years ago
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The thrill of it all eventually won out over trust. She did trust him but, there just seemed to be an undertone of helplessness within her. Helpless to ward of being subdued, especially as an alpha female that exuded sexual confidence. Sex was always mutually enjoyed but, to be bound to his whims only, would be very different. Straining against her bonds she knew she was secured. Tight enough that she could flex her arms and legs a bit without being uncomfortable. She watched his face as he...

1 year ago
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Bound by the Amazons

“Wake up swine!” You hear a cruel female voice command as cold water drenches your face shocking you into consciousness. You try to wipe away the water, but your hands and ankles are firmly bound. Shaking your head and blinking your eyes you slowly begin to regain focus, coming out of a drugged like state. Your mind races trying to remember and process your surroundings. As a captain of a small company of soldiers you were sent to capture a local tribe that has been raiding your newly founded...

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Bound Trade

The door bell rings. When I answer he is standing there in black jeans and a t-shirt that hugs his muscular chest and arms. Without a word he goes over to the couch and lowers his jeans. There is no underwear beneath them, just an already hard cock that bounces when it is released. Next he pulls off his shirt and drops down on the couch. Without a word he spreads his legs for me and stares down at his cock over the tattoos on his tight chest and belly. He is tough and hot with his shaved head,...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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BOUND TO PLEASE Surfing, searching, hunting, I was looking through the sex adverts on the Net, mostly they are the same old shit day in day out but one of them caught my eye 'YOU ARE BOUND TO PLEASE THESE TWO YOUNG HORNY GUY’S? It was obviously or hopefully that they were looking for someone to tie up and I was hoping that the rest of the advert would be as interesting as the title. I clicked on the read button and started to read. We are 26 and 24 years old, slim muscular build, no beard or...

1 year ago
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Bound For My Daddybylovecraft68©So Keri, did you and Mark ever hook up?"I looked over at Laurie, and tried to focus on her words. I was pretty sure I understood what she was saying, but couldn't quite get answer out. Instead, I shrugged and giggled at her. I'd been doing a lot of giggling tonight as had Laurie and Krissy. Giggling would be a normal occurrence anytime eighteen and nineteen year old girls had a sleep over, but tonight there was a lot more than usual. The fact that the bottle of...

4 years ago
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The thrill of it all eventually won out over trust. She did trust him but; there just seemed to be an undertone of helplessness within her. Helpless to ward of being subdued; especially as an alpha female that exuded sexual confidence. Sex was always mutually enjoyed but; to be bound to his whims only, would be very different. Straining against her bonds she knew she was secured. Tight enough that she could flex her arms and legs a bit without being uncomfortable. She watched his face as he...

2 years ago
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Bound Awakening

She was in that transition between sleep and consciousness where everything is hazy. She felt the slightest caress on her face, and wanted to reach for it as if a dream were escaping her grasp. She couldn't reach, her hands weren't responding to her thoughts. Not that they didn't want to, it was that they were bound at the wrist to the headboard. Coming fully awake now she realized that not only were her ankles also bound, but she had a blindfold on as well. Panic was welling up inside, because...

3 years ago
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Bound To Order

Bound to Order   BOUND TO ORDER!ByAnne Gray It was a dark and stormy night! No, really, it was.? Well, in fact, it was late evening but it was dark and the rain was pelting down as I waited for my prey. The one I was after seemed to go for fashion rather than practicality and obviously, as I had counted on, didn?t bother listening to weather forecasts. I had watched her entering the office building earlier, before the forecasted rain started; dressed in a very smart, fawn coloured hip...

3 years ago
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Bound Part Two

Bound Part Two By: Light Clark Warning: This story involves some mental manipulation which I know can be disconcerting to some readers. It's also set in the Whateley universe, but doesn't require you to know any of the characters or plots from that universe. It only borrows some basic world details and thematics. Chapter 18 - Day 25 - Wednesday Crashes and explosions buzzed out through laptop speakers as images of some epic action scene flashed along the screen. I didn't see...

3 years ago
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Bound And Pleasured

“Okay, Serena… Strip!” my black dominant lover said to me. The flatness of his tone sent a chill down my spine. “Now!” he insisted.I seductively wet my lips and smiled as I casually opened the buttons of my dark-blue, silk blouse, and then pulled it back to expose the powder blue lace bra that supported and accentuated my breasts. He nodded his approval, and said, “Leave the blouse on, for now. Take off your skirt.”With the same casualness as before, I undid the button on my white, pencil...

4 years ago
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Bound To HappenChapter 3

Now that our family was "playing house" together, it was only going to be a matter of time before all possible couplings took place. Ginny was too hot not to try her father and Tom, despite his reticence, was soon going to be on the receiving side of some anal intercourse. I thought to myself, "Why not see to both of these events at the same time?" Ginny and I arranged a little swapping session one evening so that after doing her brother while I entertained Tom, we agreed to switch...

2 years ago
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The Woman Pleaser

An engineering student helps her professor with a very interesting project.The Woman Pleaser Being a woman at an engineering college had its advantages. Not the least of which was that Helena was outnumbered by men everywhere she went on campus and was the only girl in several of her classes. She liked it that way. Helena liked watching the male students gawk as she sashayed across campus in a tight skirt and bustier, her four-inch heels making her ass sway back and forth as she walked. She...

2 years ago
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Bound to Please

"Good morning Aida, how was your weekend?""It was pretty routine, had the grand kids over on Sunday; but other than that pretty boring." I loved walking up to the front office in the mornings; Aida dressed impeccably, sexy yet very professional. Her hair and nails were always nicely done. While she wouldn't create any beauty standards now, when younger she must have been pretty hot. Now, I have a huge foot fetish and she knows it. We often joked that my reason for stopping by was to check out...

4 years ago
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Bound but not gagged very true story images and

BOUND BUT NOT GAGGEDI’m bent over a cold object but I cannot state what as the blindfold presses my eyes obscuring them to the sight and bringing abnormal levels of assertion to my other senses, I'm merely obeying the master’s commands. His coarse hands roughly stroking the firm buttocks I possess, I bite my lip as he smacks my arse in one motion a subtle burning sensation gathers on my right cheek, my eyes flinched shut which seems a task made pointlessly as the blindfold sits securely....

1 year ago
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Bound Part One

Bound Part One By: Light Clark Author's note: Hey everyone, normally I do this kind of thing at the end of the story, but I'm just too eager to get to this announcement to wait that long. My first properly published book, The Demon King of Gen'ric, is finally out! Written in the light novel style with lovely art by the talented Tony Kuusisto, it tells the tale of the great and terrible Kxyzvalendarizandun. Except, after a bumbling summoner botches his resurrection - she's - not...

1 year ago
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Yes Porn Please is a website that offers thousands upon thousands of great porno videos that you can watch over and over without your getting your wallet bruised and burnt! YesPorn Please is a nice name, it's a catchy name, and above all, it's a name that will bring you great joy. However, it's a very simple page without a certain thematic going on for it. It's generic, even. However, it is obvious that a lot of effort has been put into making YesPornPlease, so obviously, a page like that...

Free Porn Tube Sites
1 year ago
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Say Porn Please, and then say Thank You after you finish adding a new layer of sticky crust to the underside of your desk. People these days can be so goddamn rude, even when you’re straight-up giving them free fuck flicks. I’m just trying to encourage some general politeness, even though very few of you are ever going to extend any gratitude to the smut peddlers of the world who make your alone time so much more fun. Hey, throw your old pal The Porn Dude a bone! I work hard to find you the...

Free Porn Tube Sites
1 year ago
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“Yes, Porn Please XXX,” I said out loud as I drug myself from bed this morning, eyes blurry, hangover pounding and morning wood raging. It had been a long night, a bookend to an even longer weekend, and now Monday was upon me with all its demands and responsibilities. Sometimes, a man needs a hard reset in the form of an intense, porno-fueled fap session; other times, a man just needs to get off into a sock before starting the work week. Honestly, with me there’s a near-constant urge to stroke...

Free Porn Tube Sites
2 years ago
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Bound to Please

My name is Tabitha. No, I'm not a witch and I can't wiggle my nose. My mother, however, was a big fan of the old television show "Bewitched" and yes, that's where she came up with my name. Anyway, the firm I work for insisted I attend the grand opening of a new branch office in Baltimore. I didn't relish the thought of being away from my husband for a week but my employer wasn't looking for a volunteer, it was part of my job. My unusual story really began on the last night of my...

3 years ago
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Bound And Bound Again

You get out of the shower and dry yourself off. You walk into our bedroom naked, looking forward to doing all the things you fantasized about while showering. Suddenly you feel someone grab you from behind. Before you can make a sound a hand is over your mouth. You start to panic but then your eyes adjust to the dark. You notice that I'm not in the bed and you feel the body pressed hard against you. You feel a hard cock pressed between your butt cheeks. You realize it is me holding you. ...

2 years ago
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Bound Heart

In the middle of the woods Masa stumbled around. She tripped over roots and ran into trees. ‘Damn, where is the village? It should be around here somewhere.’ Lost and confused she continued to stumble around looking for the village. After a while she stopped to take a breather. She pushed her blonde short cut hair out of her hazel eyes using a tree to support her. The bindings on her chest weren’t helping any, but she refused to take them off. She hated her breasts. As she caught her breath...

1 year ago
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Bound to the Cross II

Bound to the Cross – Part II   I lost track of time as Master John continued whipping me.    My body no longer reacted to the lashes of his whip.   My body was limp and I hung by my arms from the cross to which I was cuffed.   My head hung forward with my hair falling down over my face.    I felt like I was in a dream.     I opened my eyes as I felt Master John undoing the cuffs around my ankles.   He then unlocked the cuffs from around my wrists and my naked body collapsed into his arms....

2 years ago
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Bound to the cross

I had thought about being a helpless damsel in distress ever since I was a teen.   But, the years had passed and I had never had the opportunity to actually live out my fantasy.   I had talked to a few close friends about it and they all seemed to say the same thing.   I was sexually repressed and the thought of being under someone’s control was my way of coping with the fact that I was really afraid of sex, of voluntarily being intimate with a man.     I had been looking at articles and...

2 years ago
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Bound to bed

James had a decent life. Well muscled, tall, black hair, blue eyes, he was the type of man most girls wanted. He had a good job and was making lots of money. About two months ago he met a girl named Tiffany. Tiffany stood at 5'6" and was well filled out. She had light brown hair and deep green eyes. Her breasts were well proportioned to her body. Tiffany was also a rich girl who had inherited a lot of money from her parents. She had one major problem, Tiffany tried to control James life in...

2 years ago
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Bound In Chains

I wake up to the sound of water dripping on concrete . My head is so groggy , and as I open my eyes everything is still fuzzy and out of focus . At first I can barely make out the windows as the light shines through them . I close them again to try and give them time to adjust . The dripping of the water is so loud , each drop sounds as if it is crashing to the ground . I try to focus on my breathing to clear my head . When I try to move , I realize I am bound and I become dizzy as I can not...

1 year ago
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Bound For Fun

This is a true story but goes back some years now. My husband never stopped surprising me in bed and there, well I was his happy sidekick. Not that they were used often but we kept Velcro restraints tied to our iron bed. This night he added a blindfold saying he needed a bit of light, without question I went along. There naked on the bed bound and blindfolded he whispered in my ear that doing so wasn’t to keep me here but to give me full innocence to what was about to happen. I must say I was...

2 years ago
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Bound for Hawaii II

Please read chapter one first.Bound for Hawaii Part III had barely heard Rule 5 as Jessica’s legs lowered her pussy onto my waiting mouth. I held my tongue out as rigid as I could and felt it slowly slide into her tight, hot, wet pussy. Her juices slowly ran into my mouth and I could taste her sweetness. There is no other taste like young pussy I thought to myself.I could feel hands slowly stroking and caressing my cock but I ignored them as much as possible and concentrated on the task at...

2 years ago
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bound and spitroasted

I was invited over by a guy i had been talking to, told him i was very kinky and wanted to explore more, so we plan a time to have some fun, it was a lot longer away than when we usually plan, he told me he was pretty busy. we had been talking about walking to set up a gang bang, but i told him it would be to weird for me to try so he agreed he would like to try and help me one day. we didnt say anything about a gangbang recently though. I got to his house and we went upstairs,we talked for a...

1 year ago
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Bound 4 trouble

Glad everyone liked my previous encounter. I have had a few since. One happened recently that I thought I would write about. About a month ago, the guy I see now and then said he had a friend that would like to meet me and possibly "get to know better". I have never been with more than one guy at a time so I was hesitant, but after a little consideration, I thought it might be something to try.The next weekend I went over to his apartment on Saturday, his friend was there and we had some...

1 year ago
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She had made it pretty obvious from the first time they chatted on-line that she enjoyed being dominated. It really wasn’t in his nature to be dominating, but he easily slipped into that role during their chats. She was drop dead gorgeous, stunningly so, so he couldn’t imagine that she would ever have trouble calling the shots in her relationships if she wanted. It seemed the more dominating he became, the more she craved him. He spent many chat sessions describing what he would do to her. She...

2 years ago
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BOUND TO PLEASE (PART 3 FINAL) ................. About in a sexual situation with other guys .. Not outside in public !.. "Get pedaling slave !" the same voice as last time.. Others joined in "Get Pedaling" ............. "Get pedaling" ........I started pedaling I didn't feel any sensation of moving, and I decided that it was on a kind of stand. I felt a little bit more relaxed now. Someone was pouring oil over my body, down my back, over my front, someone else was fastening a wide leather...

1 year ago
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BOUND TO PLEASE (PART 2)Someone was again fastening the ball stretcher on to my already stretched balls and they were pulled back between my spread-eagled legs......... lower it ! lower, lower!........ I felt something pushing on my arse hole, and then I felt it forcing it's way in, it was heavy, I could feel the weight on my arse, it was again a huge dildo but it felt different. I had the feeling that it was being lowered from above from some sort of gantry.Suddenly it began to vibrate, an...

4 years ago
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The man decided to finally make a picture of his first conquest on his iPad.A little memento to remember her by.Little did they know, this was actually the very first conquest he made a picture of.It would grow out to become a big collection.The girl opened her eyes and gasped, but there was no sound because her mouth had some tape over it.And her legs and feet were tied!She looked at her surroundings.Laura discovered she was on the floor in a bathroom with a naked man who had just taken a...

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