SamChapter 15B free porn video

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They put the bar on the rack of the stoutest bench and manhandled six of the largest plates onto it.

"That's 300 pounds," Steve said. "We know you can lift that, but let's work up gradually, so we'll know when we start to get close to your max."

I crawled into position and put my hands on the bar. Steve and Doug moved into position to spot for me.

"Uh, guys? I don't think I need a spot for this. I feel better if you weren't standing too close, OK?"

They shuffled away and watched from the foot of the bench. Doug smiled as he peeked up my short-cropped top. I smiled back and then picked the bar off the rack and did one press with it and put it back. It was fairly easy and I hadn't even had to tap my adrenalin.

I sat up and they added another pair of 50-pound plates. This time it wasn't as easy. I had to strain a bit to press 400.

The room got dead quiet while the next pair of plates were added. With the bar at 500, I could pick it up, but I had to reach for the juice to press it. It felt weird, feeling the steel bar flex under all that weight when I picked it up off the hooks.

With 6 plates on each end, the bar flexed under the weight before I picked it up. I used the power and it instantly became effortless to press. The only problem I had was reconciling the mass and inertia of the bar with its apparent lack of weight. It felt like I should be able to make it move quicker than it did; that it was moving in slow-motion.

When we got up to 1000 pounds, there was a bit of creaking of metal as I shifted the weight off the rack and it transferred through my arms down to the bench supports. I was beginning to feel the weight, even using the adrenalin.

The guys started loading on smaller weights and I asked about that.

"It's because all the big plates we have are already on the bar," Steve told me. "We're going to load up everything that will fit. I think we can get another 500 on. You up for 1500?"


"You don't seem to be having any trouble so far. Are you still OK with this?"

"I'm fine. Let's do it."

With 1500 pounds on the bar, it flexed absurdly. The smallest weights on the ends would have slipped off, but for the locks on the ends of the bar. This was everything that could be loaded, all three-quarter's of a ton of it.

I assumed the position and reached up. I decided that the prudent thing would be not to take any chances and risk getting hurt. I closed my eyes and let my body drift into the trance-state. When the faint sounds of the room faded, I started breathing quickly to put oxygen and adrenalin into my blood. It was a strange sensation, feeling jazzed from the adrenalin and drifty and floaty at the same time.

I picked up the massive bar and positioned it directly over my chest. I lowered it smoothly and raised it just the same way. It was still easy.

"This isn't helping," I thought. "I'm holding almost all the weight in the room and I'm nowhere near my limit. This isn't even much of a strain. It's just slow to move."

Locking my feet under the bench for leverage, I let the bar drift forward and sat up under it. Then I stood with it over my head and did a press in that position. I thought about doing a curl, but that would have meant releasing the bar while I rotated my hands, and that was too much of a risk with the guys so near.

I sat back down and rolled backward, letting the bar back down onto the hooks. I detranced and took my hands away. There was an audible release of breath from everyone in the room to have that much weight at rest again.

"Ah, well... that was amazing," Roger said. "You are beyond just being strong. No one should be physically able to lift that much, never mind pressing it, then sitting up and standing with it!"

He and Doug and Lamont pulled the weights off the bar and hung them back on the racks. When the three of them had left for the showers, Steve sat down next to me on the bench.

"Did you have any trouble at all with it?" Steve asked. "Did you learn anything?"

"No. And yes. I learned that I'm going to have to crack my Physics book more. If I'm going to be tossing the odd ton around, I need to know about inertia and mass and stuff. That hadn't seemed all that relevant before, you know."

As the fire faded from my blood, I felt a slight stiffness. The muscles in my arms and shoulders were tensed and bulging. It felt like I still held the weight. I laughed as I recognized what it was.

"Something funny?" Steve asked.

"I'm pumped," I told him. "I think I've found the weight I need to be using during a workout."

"No shit! Well, we'll just have to find something heavier for you to lift. We'll just have to be more creative."

"You don't have to do this," I told him. "I kept this from you because I didn't want to drag you into it. This isn't your problem."

"Yes, it is. Anything that affects you is my problem."

"I'm very glad to hear you say that. It makes me feel lots better. But you didn't seem as surprised as everyone else when I almost broke the power-lift machine. Why?"

"Well, because I suspected something already. You're quite a handful when you, um, get excited, you know."


"Yeah. Damn, Sam. Even girls who are attracted to me are usually scared I will hurt them if we get, um, you know. It's a serious turn-off to have someone beg you not to hurt them."

"You don't have to worry about that with me."

"No, I certainly don't. For the first time, I'm with someone I don't have to worry about hurting. I can relax. It's fantastic."

"The shoe is on the other foot, now."

"Yeah. Now I'm the one who has to beg for mercy. Damn, what a turn-on!"

"It makes you hot to be with someone so much stronger than you?"

"Damn right! You're the best thing that's ever happened to me. I'm going to have to work hard just to keep up. I feel so relieved that this is out in the open now."

"How long have you suspected?"

"Since Jim told me not to be surprised if I noticed that you were different from other girls."

"Oh? And what else did Brother Jim say?"

"I thought he was going to lay that, 'you treat my sister right' rap on me. He laughed when I told him I had no intention of hurting you. I asked him what the hell that was about and he told me I'd find out in time. He wouldn't explain what he meant and I've been trying to figure it out ever since. Today I understand. You're special."

"I'm a superheroine." There, it was out in the open at last.

He looked at me as if he thought I might be kidding him.

"No, really. I go out and do battle with the forces of evil for the good of all mankind." Such was the superheroine creed as I understood it. I may have picked it up off the back of a comic book. I don't remember.

"Now I know you're shitting me."

"No shit. Of course, the forces of evil mostly turn out to be purse snatching punks and amateur stick-up men, and guys who think gang-rape is a neat party game." I deliberately didn't mention my encounter with The Torturer. I didn't want to have to explain what all went on that afternoon, especially since I wasn't completely sure how I felt about it myself.

"Um, OK. Whatever." Steve didn't buy it, but he wasn't going to call me a liar to my face. I thought maybe that was just as well. I had told him the truth. If he didn't believe me; that was OK. What he didn't believe probably wouldn't hurt him. If he found out later that I was telling the truth, he couldn't say anything about it.

We took our showers and dressed without returning to the subject. I think Steve was trying to assimilate what he had learned and been told and deciding how he was going to deal with it. I knew just how he felt, since I was still having many of the same problems with what I had become, so I let him work on it by himself.

The unusual session in the weight room had run shorter than usual, so the lunch period was still in progress by the time I got back to the main building. Rather than go straight to my locker to restock my bag with my English and Math books, I stuck my head in the lunchroom to say hi to some of my friends, but a food-fight had broken out and the entrance was packed by all the non-combatants making a hasty exit.

English class was the usual challenge. Not to succeed, but to stay awake. The real mental challenge to diagramming the parts of a sentence was to avoid the distraction of wondering when the heck I would ever put this particular skill to use in later life. It all seemed terribly artificial and contrived.

When it was time for Gym, I was again distracted by Neeka broadcasting still another climax right into my head, making me pause on the shallow steps in front of the building and lean against the balustrade until my legs quit shaking. This was a good one, and I almost lost my steel balls when my pussy convulsed in sympathy.

My curiosity about her suddenly hyperactive sex life was making me crazy. Nevermind that it seemed to be satisfying me as well and that I hadn't had to dash into a restroom stall all day. I wanted to know what the heck was going on. Neeka had almost never had sex at school before, and now she seemed to be insatiable.

"You'll know soon enough," I told myself. "Patience." And I walked on to Gym class, taking small steps and breathing deeply to get my head clear.

I didn't see Coach Sue until we had dressed-out and walked down to the field. I knew to expect something, but the change came as a surprise to the rest of the class. The chatter began as soon as we turned through the gate in the vine-covered fence and saw Coach standing in her usual spot next to the bleachers and it did not quiet until she blew her whistle the second time.

The change was impressive. Instead of the usual baggy sweatsuit and cap that hid everything but her face, she had on a pair of nylon running shorts and, miraculously, a cropped t-shirt. The shirt was modest by almost any standard. It revealed nothing but the lower hem of the sports-bra she had on under it, but it left her ripped abs and concave stomach bare. The shorts showed off her well-turned legs quite well. I would have picked something briefer, or with a side-slit, but that was just quibbling. Sue looked like a completely different person; and from the comments I was hearing, a much improved one.

"Would you look at that!" Heather said, her squeak audible above the general noise. "She's a girl!"

"And what a bod!" Angie added. "I had no idea she looked that good."

Polly said, "Every time I've seen her, she's had sweats on, or that horrible brown dress of hers."

"You think we could look that good if we keep doing these dumb exercises?" Angie asked no one in particular.

There was no answer, but everyone had been reminded that there was a point to all this running and jumping. That building your body meant something other than the bulging muscles that so many girls claimed would ruin their appearance. Apparently the lesson was well-taken, because everyone was much more into the calisthenics than usual. Even the girls who usually slacked off whenever Coach wasn't looking did all the repetitions of each exercise.

I took the opportunity to see how much effort I could spend without drawing on an adrenalin boost. Clearly now, the way for me to keep my power controlled was to remain as calm and 'zen' as possible. Without the boost of adrenalin or the total body control or trance, I was still very strong, but there seemed more of a connection between the amount of energy needed to do something and the apparent effort it took. It seemed to me to be like the difference between using a tool with some mechanical advantage, like a wrench with a long handle, and using a power tool. In the first case, I could feel the resistance as I applied force; while in the second, the effort and the force seemed disconnected.

The minivan rescue and the episode in the weight room showed me that I could draw on an immense amount of power when I needed it. Power that was going to be a couple of orders of magnitude of overkill for all but the rarest of situations. More than ever, I needed to be able to control it. At least now I had a solid working hypothesis and a sound plan: stay calm. As long as I kept my glands in check, I could gage how hard I was pulling, pushing, or hitting. If I got excited, or pissed-off, the gloves were off and anything could happen.

Some of the more mystical or spiritual aspects of the Kung Fu lessons seemed much more relevant to me. I wondered if perhaps some of the more spectacular things I had heard of martial artists doing were possible because they had somehow tapped into the same power that I had. It felt good to think that, because it meant I wasn't unique. In other words: I wasn't alone; I was just a gifted amateur who had discovered how to tap a power that had been around for centuries. It made me feel warm and fuzzy to think that I was a member of a special group who had this gift.

In the comics, superheroes who normally worked alone always seemed to be teaming up or even forming societies, or leagues, or clubs. I knew I shouldn't be trying to use fiction as a guideline, but I understood how even the most solitary of them would want to get together occasionally to be with other people who had similar abilities — abilities that set them apart from the average girl on the street.

While we went through forty minutes of routine calisthenics, I thought about all this, and about the things I had been able to do because I had these abilities. By the time Coach blew the whistle and we headed back to the locker room, I had my head back in good order and I felt better about who I was and what I was doing than I had in days. I didn't even feel frustrated at having to fake my workout. Instead, I felt calm and at peace with myself.

As I skipped along while everyone else trudged back to hit the showers, I started making plans for after school. I had worked out everything I wanted to do whole rest of the day when I remembered none of it was going to happen because Mom would be picking me up after school for the visit to the Doctor that I had let her talk me into.

My elated mood dropped back to zero and my feet became like lead. I was fine. I didn't need a doctor. Doctors meant nothing but humiliation ad embarrassment to me. Intellectually, I knew that this was just the legacy of having been brought up by Yvette — the mother from Hell — but I still felt a pain growing in the pit of my stomach at the thought of the pending examination.

"What if he finds something wrong with me?" I wondered. "What if he wants to put me in an institution so I could be 'studied'?" The risk seemed unjustifiable to me.

"What if you quit being so scared of going to the doctor?" a more rational voice in my head asked. For a second, I thought it was Neeka, but then I realized that it was just my conscience nagging me. This was the doctor who had provided my Pills on trust and Mom's promise that I would be in to see him soon. He certainly didn't sound like the type who would turn me over to the government to be an experimental animal.

I still couldn't manage to get back my good mood, but I suppressed the urge to run away and hide until after my appointment time had passed and tell everyone that I had been kidnapped by lesbian dwarves from Venus who probed me with their strange superscientific devices. The Venusian Lesbian Dwarf fantasy kept my mind off the visit to Dr. Bonner at the cost of making me wet thinking about all the things that the VLDs might want to do to me.

I was picturing different ways of being probed by the cute little Venusians when Sue caught up to me and put her arm around my shoulders. I startled me, both because I hadn't seen her coming, and because she never touched any of us casually.

"Hi, Sam! You look distracted this afternoon. Everything OK?" She said, cheerfully. She seemed as relaxed as I had ever seen her.

"I guess. I've got a doctor's appointment after school and I'm not looking forward to it."

"Just a check-up or are you having something done? You looked OK during class, but now you seem a little down."

"Just a check-up. I was having such a good time in class that I forgot about having to go. Now that I've remembered it, it seems like my whole day is ruined."

"Oh, I'm sure it won't be that bad. Have you been to this doctor before?"

"No, this is a guy that Mom goes to. A gynecologist. This will be my first time going to him."

Sue nodded and smiled. She misunderstood my apprehension, and I wondered if I should set her straight.

"And you're afraid he will find out you are sexually active?"

"No, I think Mom already told him all about that." I thought that Mom had probably passed on even more information about my sex life than she had mentioned to me. Mom was just being motherly, in her own way. "It's just that the doctors I've been to in the past have been really unpleasant. I'm just gun-shy."

"Well, I'm sure this one will be different. But good doctors are hard to find. Sometimes you have to overlook the poor bedside manner if they seem to know what they are doing," she told me.

I wanted to ask about her own experiences with doctors, and gynecologists specifically, but we were already back to the locker room and I had to take my second shower of the afternoon.

When I got in the shower, I found that my jewelry was just as popular as before. Everyone seemed to want to have another look and I tried to be nice and let them look and admire as much as they wanted. Some girls wanted to go beyond looking, and had to handle the bells, the chain, the rings, and me. The 'me' part wasn't that surprising, but that they would be bold enough to do it in a crowded locker room — was. It was all under the pretext of seeing for themselves how deeply the rings went, and how they could be flipped up and down, and no, they didn't hurt when they did that, and so on. Still, once Polly ran her finger across my nipple to see what happened to the rings when my areola crinkled up, it seemed to signal the start of Fondling Season and I found myself being touched, stroked, and pawed by one girl after another.

Some of them came around more than once, getting bolder each time. I escaped for a moment by excusing myself and running for the shower, but that just changed the venue, not the attraction. I was about to become exasperated with it and shoo them all away, but all the attention was improving my mood and the stimulation certainly wasn't doing me any harm at all. After I had toweled off and dressed up to my waist, I found my breasts once again open for business as Polly found a few girls who hadn't had a close enough look yet and she insisted on giving them a guided tour.

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First time at a Adult Theater

I have never wrote anything ever so hope i do ok. I am just going to tell the truth i did not know if should be in Taboo but i did and are true. I guess the place or area does not matter but after talking to ex and going back and forth i agreed to go to this Adult Bookstore we always see from the freeway coming back into town and home. We decided on a date night that we had just started to do it i was told it was like a movie theater but with porn.We go to eat and have a drink prior to going to...

4 years ago
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Meeting My New Boss Lesbian

It was an evening like most. I was being lazy and couldn’t be bothered to do anything. My friends all seemed to be busy with their own thing so I was left to my own devices.My name is Katelyn, Kate for short. I am a proud bisexual woman in my twenties, I am more or less a lesbian, having not been with a guy in quite a long time. I prefer the company and touch of a woman.I decided that I had to kick the laziness and go out and do something. I decided that I’d go to my local bar and have a drink....

2 years ago
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A nice morning awakening

My eyes were covered by some piece of soft cloth.I heard his deep voice, ordering me to climb on top of him, hovering over his saliva soaked cock. My own cum has lubed my pussy lips…I started lowering myself slowly onto that magnificent cock. I felt its tip touch my waiting pussy as I impaled myself on him.I let my weight to make me get down until I felt him hitting deep inside. His huge hands reached out for my boobs, cupping them, pinching my hardened nipples between his fingers.Then I...

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Workout With Mom

This story is fictional. Hi friends this line love back with another fiction hope you like my story…… Please mail me your comments at It was July during the summer before his senior year of high school. Seventeen year old David was a well built young man who had dreams of playing professional football. Standing 6 feet 2 inches, he weighed a muscular 215 pounds and was always into lifting weights in an effort to become stronger to fulfill his dreams. With his jet black hair, dark tanned skin,...

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Road Tripping

Once upon a time in happened that I was dating a girl named Chrissie. Let me tell youfrom the start guys and gals, Chrissie was a hot little number who was hotfor cock. Specifically, she was hot for my cock and had been since she'dfound out how good I was from the other girls.And how big I was.She did everything within her power to get a piece of me.I thought right from the first that she was a hottie. And I couldpretty much tell right from the beginning that she was clearly...

2 years ago
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A Farewell to Last

Oh God, Brad is moving to the west coast.  There was so little time left, and work was bound to interfere with what I had in mind.  I had had a crush on him from the time I met him.  It had turned into a wonderful friendship, but he was more like my brother.  I was going to miss him, that is for sure, but I was also determined to have my way with him before he left for the coast.    He was out there now, finding a place to live, and finalizing his job.  I called him on his cell phone, and I...

4 years ago
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The time my cousin asked me to fuck her

I woke up around 5 am. I had been tossing and turning, not able to sleep all night, just thinking about what I was about to do today. Finally I decided to get up and go to the gym.I got there and shad just about finished my midweek routine when a very hot young thing came up to me and asked if I could spot her. She had long dark hair and a perfectly toned body with an ass like you only see in rap videos. As she laid down on the bench, I passed her the bar and she started her reps, I noticed how...

4 years ago
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Undercover RoseChapter 6

After Lisa left I went out to breakfast. It was back to the southern style diner for me. I could eat what I wanted and the waitress already knew I was nuts. "So?" Liam asked. "How did it go last night?" "You should know I got the job done," I said. "Yes but how do you feel about you this morning?" he asked. "I don't know I haven't stopped to think about it. I just reacted to her and kind of went along. I don't think going along makes me a lesbian or even bisexual." "Oh what...

2 years ago
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Step Dad gave me an orgasm

This really doesn't fall under incest but I didn't know where to put my first post. There was no taboo section. My step Dad met my Mom when I was 13. My mom was a train wreck of a woman, she failed me as her daughter and failed herself. Through circumstances I will never understand she met a completely wonderful guy that had the tenacity to take on a broken family unit. You know, he could have walked away but he stayed and made it work. My step Dad is a great guy. He always supported my dreams...

3 years ago
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Mums Story

Preface: Incest stories really get me horny but every time I think about MY involvement then its an absolute turn off! Here's why... I came home from a hot afternoon trying to get layed by a new girlfriend. She had let me finger fuck her until she came but was not interested in returning the favour or any other form of sex that involved me! I had come home as horny as hell and was thinking about laying on my bed and wanking off to get some relief. I slumped down in the armchair...

1 year ago
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JapanHDV Mako Saeki Lovely cheating wife Mako Saeki visits a neighbor and fucks him

Today we have the lovely Miss Mako Saeki back with us. She is of course the same cheating housewife you remember from before. She does like to cheat on her husband as she loves the cock and she does whatever it takes to get her pussy satisfied with hard cock. She just can not help herself. She lives in a large housing complex in Tokyo and meets lots of different people when her husband is away at work. She met someone recently and they became friends and during the boring afternoons they would...

1 year ago
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TMFThe Offer Chapter 10

Andrea's apartment was not in the same building as mine. In fact it wasn't even an apartment. It was a beautiful modern 2 story house made of glass and steel like the main building on the TMF compound. On our walk over Andrea had chatted excitedly about the, as she saw it, success of the experiments today. I quietly nodded and agreed at certain points that I felt were polite. Mindy trailed at a respectful distance tipping things into her tablet computer. "So what do you think?" Andrea...

3 years ago
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The Wimp and the DebChapter 44

Rory I started work in the IT department on very good terms with my new boss. It took a few nights of working with him when the office was empty before we discovered the scam which was being run within the firm. The communications revealing it were all done on the home computers of the people carrying out the fraud. However they had a link to them from their office computer as they often accessed the office computer from home. Once I had found the passwords for their office computers I was...

3 years ago
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My Aunt

She was standing there, 5'8 short dark brown hair, 36c breasts, slim body, and the perfect ass I have ever seen. The first time I had my first experience with her is when I was 18 and she was 32 and had 4 kids, and married to my uncle. I went over to her place one day after work and we were all alone as my uncle took my cousins to the lake for the weekend so we had all the time in the world. I have always admired my auntie. I always thought about her she always made me happy and giving her a...

4 years ago
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Toms AdventuresChapter 41

He wasn't lucky enough to get any rest during the trip home. The girls all seemed to be wound up, and to Su's discomfort the other two refused to speak any Chinese. Tom grinned at her but knew that one way or the other she would be speaking English better in a short time. When they returned to the house Tom groaned at the presence of Miss Bristol in the drawing room. He had hoped that she had left before now. He didn't say anything as he passed by. He led the girls back to the kitchen and...

2 years ago
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Full Family Incest 8211 Part I

Hi my dear ISS fans. I am Kalavathi from Chennai. This is my real story which happened in my life. Our family is a simple family, my dad, mom, brother and me.My dad 55, mom 48, me 30 and brother 27. My dad’s has an athletic body, mom perfect 38 34 38, me 36 32 36 size. We all love each other. We are open and hide no secrets and have no privacy.My dad married my mom from other cast. So both our relatives rejected them, so they have to live their own from their marriage. Dad’s native is Palakkad...

4 years ago
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First Encounter With My Girlfriend

Hey Indian sex stories. This is Kashwick (name changed). M a huge fan of Indian sex stories and usually read stories on ISS when I was 18 years old. This is the story of my first encounter with my girlfriend. Her name is Swati(name changed). She is like a sex goddess. Very active in sexual chats and fucking sessions. Her figure was real charm (36-28-32).. By god her melons where the best. When I hug her I usually poke her pussy with my dick. :d :p and she says control your feeling my boy you...

2 years ago
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Cyber with Miranda

For me cyber sex was not my scene. That’s until I started to chat up Miranda online. It sort of started like just a friendly exchange talking about our interests and so on. But we grew to know each other and even to like each other and perhaps a bit more, because ‘love’ is a strong word to use for a couple who haven’t met. But that is how Miranda, after just six months felt about me. We’d exchanged photographs as you do but had not got around to arranging a meet. I had a feeling she was...

2 years ago
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Fucked Stranger Bhabhi

Hello friends, jayet is back with another real life experience. You can contact me at Main ek mnc mai employee hun aur punjab ka rehne wala hun. Achi khasi body hai aur 6 ladkiyon ko bhi chod chuka hun aur married ladies ko bhi satisfy kar chuka hun. 100% secret rehti hai mere friendship. Now coming to the chudai story, jo ke last month hui mere sath, ye mere life ka sabse acha tym tha ab tak ka. Mai delhi gaya hua tha apne friends ke sath weekend spend karne. To movie jane ka plan bana. It...

4 years ago
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Educational Video

My name is Beth and I am 29 years old. I am 5'7" tall and I weigh 125 pounds. I have dark hair and dark eyes. I've been married for the last 11 years to my childhood sweetheart. His name is Billy. Billy and I grew up in a small town in west Texas. We were both raised as strict Christians, and I do mean strict. Billy and I were both virgins when we got married because that's the way we were taught it was supposed to be. When I was sixteen my mother sat me down to explain sex to me. Having...

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The Thrill of almost getting Caught 3

It’s a bit disorienting being waked up with your anus stretched paper thin, but I immediately knew who was invading my back door, just from his unique male scent. Ben’s rock hard cock tugged on my sensitive pink tissues, pulling them out of my secret hole before shoving them back inside. I must have been still loose from our earlier session, because he was able to glide in and out with ease. I don’t know how long he had been fucking me, all I knew was my pussy was slick with dew and convulsing....

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Game Night Changed My LifeChapter 7 Tuesday at School

Tuesday seemed to be a little bit more back to normal for me. At least it started out that way. I got up, showered, shaved, etc. -- the normal routine. I was still in a bit of pain from the ribs and the stab wound still hurt as well. Overall, I was much better than a week before, but no where near 100 percent. Let's just say that I wasn't ready to go back to the gym with Larry to workout quite yet. Everything was pretty normal for the first few classes except for the fact that more people...

3 years ago
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***** Cherry, He was a mountain of a man. Standing six foot six, weighing in at 240 pounds of bones and muscles. Bones and muscles are not uncommon for a man, any man, but this Adonis was the alpha; wherever he went he commanded the room. His size intimidated me, so we didn't hang out much. Actually never. I think he was a model, bodybuilder or something like that. Paid ridiculous amounts of money to show off. Who really knew? I know he was making great money. It's almost a prerequisite on...

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The Courtesans Journal Ch 7

What might surprise people to hear I allowed was the first and only male client I ever accepted. Now, of course, I did not let him touch me or make love to me since I was sure Eleanor would leave me in a rage if I did so. Besides, after fifteen years of making love to women, I had no inclinations to make love to a man. Or perhaps I did. It’s rather hard to say now. Natural curiosity is one thing, losing one’s lifelong partner for curiosity’s sake is quite another. The doctor who sent me so...

3 years ago
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Daddy and Slutty daughter

Daddy: Mmm I'll cum with you Slutty daughter: yes daddy Daddy: Mmm Wanna be my little girl :wink: Slutty daughter: yes Daddy: Mmm let me see that tight little pussy of yours darlin Daddy: Is your cunt still hurting? Slutty daughter: yeah Daddy: Mmm I can rub it better for you Slutty daughter: even if i shake? Daddy: Mmm yes I will rub your pussy nice and gently, does it feel a bit better? Daddy: My soft warm hands rubbing your pussy lips is it getting better? Slutty daughter: it is ow daddy...

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Jerry and Stacy

‘Welcome to Ambrose Industries, Mr. Carpenter’ said the Human Resources Manager, Al, standing and extending his hand to the newest employee of the company, Jerry Carpenter. Standing as well, Jerry shook Al’s hand, ‘Thanks. I’m glad to be here. And I’m not just saying that. I really am.’ Putting his hands on his hips, Al replied, ‘I know. You came well recommended and you have the skills that we are looking for. You said that you were hungry for challenges. I think that you’ll find them...

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Dorm room fun

Last school year was the first year in college I stayed in a dorm. The dorm I was in kept two to a room, two single beds on each side of the room, and a bathroom that was just down the hall. It was co-ed but ofcourse guys roomied with guys still. And since I was 15 I have had a sort of addiction to porn a beating my meat. Even if I went to a friends house, I would be doing it while they were destracted, and sleeping. Having a roomate was definately not going to stop me. So after my classes...

1 year ago
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Pressure Relief

Juan had been hired to be a personal assistant for George. It was in the middle of negotiations of the contract and the older man had not been sleeping well. He was in a state of constant exhaustion and the board thought it would be a good idea to get him a driver, who would also act as a go for if the occasion were to arise.After a few weeks of watching the aged man come and go from meetings and seeing him becoming more and more stressed out, Juan decided he would help destress his new...

Gay Male
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Gay teenage heart break

There was this guy that I liked everytime I saw him he just made me want to go after him more and more. I since I was gay I knew that we could not be so I tried to stay away from him but little did I know that he was not complete straight or so I thought. So after a while I just decide to confront him tell him how I felt for him I said ever since I saw yhu that icould not get yhu out of my head so he stared at me making hard. So he came in for a kiss and we had sex and thats how are supposed...

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Horny Pooja gets gangbanged

This beautiful 22 year old, horny little slut was my girlfriend for over 4 years, she got married last year to a marine engineer who takes her along with him on his business tours most times than not, and at times she is left behind, she makes sure she continues to have the time of her life. She is very pretty, 5.7” very strikingly tall for a girl, supple body, long slender finger and finger nails, a very shapely body, small, cute, firm breasts, cute firm butt, big pussy and extremely lovely...

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CHAPTER 15: JULI LEADS NIKKI TO A BOARNikki and Juli had become fast close friends. Nikki felt closer to Juli than she thinks she ever felt for another woman in her life. You love the time she spent with her older friend. Even when they shared sex, they tended to have quieter, less frenetic sex. And, Juli was enjoying the company of Butch and Sam, too. After helping Nikki that last day of training for Same, Juli really enjoyed the difference in fucking from the dogs versus any other fucking she...

2 years ago
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Your Never to Old

Please take time to rate and comment, these are free your reading. all will appear later on a website I am launching later My first day of retirement resulted in a little more excitement than I ever could imagine. I pulled myself from bed about 07:30. Outside the .wind was blowing hard against the windows rain lashing the pains with all their might. Ahh I thought, should be on the 07:15 now and half way to the city slowly sipping from my second cup of tea, my wife having long left for the...

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Taken out from the parking lot

I had gone that night for a late shopping at the local grocery store. A very late night one.Now outside it was dark, the sky was very grey and the night would be horrible. I hoped just getting home before it actually stormed.I pushed the shopping cart to my car, starting to load the brown paper bags into the open trunk. A soft shuffle noise suddenly caught my attention; so I stood still for a moment. I then closed the trunk and looked around the dimly lit deserted parking lot. A little and...

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