Gujarati Teacher Ko Choda
- 3 years ago
- 22
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Lance glanced over at Wesley as he hopped in the truck, eyebrows furrowing some as he noticed one less person. ‘Where’s Lacey? Thought she was gonna come see us compete tonight?’ he asked, swiveling his head to see if she was walking up to the truck. The slant-load trailer was hitched to the back and both the Hell-Bitch and Gunthar were loaded, ready to head out.
‘Ah… she says she’s not feeling too well. She’s got a fever. Wanted to stay home.’ Wesley scratched the back of his neck. He seemed a bit nervous with Lacey’s excuses. They’d been using protection, but still, it worried him. He shifted in his seat and reached for the seatbelt to strap in. ‘Let’s go. We gotta get to the gate by 3.’
Lance nodded, a slight frown on his face and then shifted the truck into drive and slowly pulled out and headed down the long drive to the main road that led out to the frontage road.
Lance glanced over at his best friend, furrowing his eyebrows some as he drove. ‘You ain’t nervous, are ya?’ he asked, turning his attention back to the road. THAT wasn’t a good sign.
‘Me? No… I never get nervous.’ His voice was a bit higher than normal. It almost squeaked and he cleared his throat, still tapping against his thigh. Lance shrugged a bit and then glanced in the side mirror. Lacey and the boys should be leaving about now. He glanced over at Wesley again and hoped that he didn’t wind up killing them all after tonight. Seeing Lacey and her barrel horse Ice was going to be quite the surprise. Especially with how good they had gotten.
Wesley shifted a bit and rubbed the back of his neck. ‘Lance… has Lacey been actin’ funny lately, or is it just me?’ He still had that nervous edge to his voice. Lance glanced over at Wesley, one eyebrow inching up. Surely he wasn’t on to the plan? They had been more than careful. Hell, the whole ranch knew about it now, except for Wesley, and they had all worked hard together to keep him in the dark. ‘Wh-what ‘cha mean funny?’ he said, clearing his voice a bit and shifting in his seat as he drove, glancing back in the mirror again.
‘I mean… she has this…. glow about her. She’s overly happy. Now this, this… sick… thing.’ He clearly was nervous, but he didn’t seem wise on to uncovering any plan.
Lance wanted to die laughing as he caught on to what Wesley was nervous about. He was relieved that he had no clue about what was really going on. He leaned over some and slapped Wes on the shoulder, a chuckle slipping past. ‘Easy there, fella … I think you’re letting your imagination get the best of ya. Hell ya, Lace is happy … look at you two!’ He shut his mouth quickly before he said anymore. Hell, he was a pro at keeping secrets. Wes looked out the corner of his eyes. He wasn’t at all convinced. He’d worked a ranch too long, and had seen the cycles in lots of species of females. All he needed was Lacey pregnant. That would put stress everywhere it wasn’t needed.
‘If you say so.’ Lance just chuckled and squeezed his buddy’s shoulder. ‘You just need to get in the arena and work that worry outta ya, Wes. Trust me, yer worryin’ fer nuthin’
Wesley just muttered. ‘Yeah… I guess. At least I hope so. That’s all I need right now.’ He seemed somewhat more relaxed at Lance’s gentle assurance. He stopped the nervous tapping and shifting, but he still stared out the window as the grasslands became a blur as they made their way to the rodeo.
Lacey watched the guys load up from the bedroom window, hopping on one foot as she shrugged on her tight black jeans with tiny silver sparkles in them. She watched until she saw the brake lights of the trailer disappear. Then she quickly ran for the closet, pulling out her black boots with silver trim, tugging them on then shrugged on her matching silver top, embroidered with sparkles and black trim that Caroline had made especially for tonight. Grabbing her hat and a comb, she dashed downstairs, holding the brim of the hat in between her teeth as she buttoned the shirt and tucked it into the waistband of her jeans, buckling the shiny black and silver belt into place. Caroline, Tate and Tyler waited for her downstairs.
Tyler looked the cowgirl over and gave a low appreciative whistle as he gave her the once over. Tate did it too, but wasn’t quite as vocal about it. Caroline just grinned and hugged her. ‘C’mon… get in the truck. The boys should be far enough ahead we won’t catch up to them.’
Lacey grinned appreciatively at the boys and then hugged Caroline, kissing her cheek. ‘I feel like I’m gonna puke,’ she murmured, running for the truck, but stopping long enough to check the trailer and rub Ice’s nose. ‘Hey baby-boy … you ready to go?’ Ice snorted and stamped, nuzzling her hand. Tyler wrapped his arm around her. ‘C’mon cowgirl. In the truck. We gotta get to the gate by 3. Lance and Wes left later than I thought they would. We gotta go.’ Lacey smiled and rubbed Ice’s nose once more before climbing into the truck. Pulling on her seatbelt, she hung her hat on her knee and started combing her hair and braiding it into one long braid down the back as she tapped her foot nervously. ‘I hope I remember how to do this,’ she murmured softly, glancing to Tyler.
Tyler grinned and nudged her as they headed off down the road. ‘You’ll be fine. You gotta good horse. Just give ‘im his head and he’ll go.’ Tyler looked over at Tate. ‘Ya think Wes is gonna freak?’ Lacey glanced over, listening to the guys as she finished up her braid and tied it off and then pulled down the mirror to take a look at her make-up. If only Tyra could see her now!
‘Ah hell … yeah, prolly,’ Tate muttered and then gently patted Lacey on the shoulder. ‘But just wait ’til he sees this li’l gal in action. I betcha she places in the top five. Besides, it’s time Wes got a big push over this hurdle. He can’t go on avoiding the races forever.’
‘Took ‘im what? Two an’ a half years to start goin’ to rodeos ‘gain? Then another year to get ‘im in to competing again?’
Lacey played with the hat that Wesley had given her, fingering the hat band and the pin on it. It had faded a bit, but she and Caroline had taken silver polish to the buckle and pin and added a bit of black powder to it, spraying it down with some hairspray and a bit of glitter to make it shine. It could pass as new, and went great with her new outfit. She glanced over at the guys and smiled gently. ‘You two really think he’s gonna be okay with this after the initial shock?’
‘Oh yeah! He’ll be fine. Ya watch.’
Lacey inhaled deeply and nodded, turning her gaze out the window to look at the side mirror, her smile returning as she thought of her gelding Ice back in the trailer. They had turned into quite the team over the past weeks. Now they just had to prove it in the arena.
Tyler grinned and opened the truck as they came to a stop inside the arena. He looked around to make sure Wesley and Lance weren’t anywhere around, and he turned around to help Lacey out. ‘C’mon… let’s get that horse o’ yours unloaded and git ya where ya need ta be.’ Lacey slipped her hand into Tyler’s and stepped out of the truck, shoving her hat gently on top of her head, the blonde braid gently swaying down her back as she moved to the back of the trailer where Tate was unloading Ice. The palomino gelding seemed very unruffled, nickering friendly-like to Lacey right before he shoved at her with his muzzle for some loving. She rubbed his forehead, tousling his forelock some before taking the reins to walk out the kinks. ‘Meet you at the gate, Miss Lacey. I’m gonna check ya in,’ Tate said as Tyler hurried to go park the truck.
Lance and Wesley were at the opposite side of the arena, getting ready for their roping event. Lance kept glancing up every now and then as if he were looking for something, knowing the races were coming up not long after their run. There was only a short break for some chuck-wagon racing and he had to figure out some way to get Wesley to watch tonight.
Wesley was busy with the rigging and cussed when it knotted on him. He growled and tugged at it to get it to loosen it up and untangled it with deft, sure hands. He lifted the saddle up onto Gunthar’s back and lowered the cinch, strapping it in place. He heard Gunthar take a deep breath and chuckled, tickling him behind the forelegs to get him to snort and exhale. ‘Gotta suck it in buddy. There ya go. That’s better.’ He grinned and patted Gunthar’s shoulder and rubbed up his neck, up over his head to his muzzle. Wesley never showed to be too soft on the outside, but when it came to his horses, he was a softy like none other.
Lance glanced over at Wesley, checking his cinch one last time before settling the stirrup back down and checked his lasso, hooking it in place over the saddle horn. Rubbing the Hell-Bitch’s ears, he glanced to the opposite end of the arena. Lacey and Ice were back there somewhere. He was looking forward to seeing how she ran tonight. With all the practice they’d snuck in, he hoped she’d do well. Grabbing the reins and shoving a boot into the stirrup, he hopped up into the saddle, taking up the slack as the Hell-Bitch shifted and side-stepped, nonchalantly broaching the topic that had to be addressed tonight, ‘So … I was thinking. I think it’s time you watched the races tonight … at least for a little bit’
Wesley rounded Gunthar’s shoulder again and adjusted the length of his stirrup. Somebody had been using his saddle off and on, somebody short. It was rather irritating to have to redo his gear every time he needed on. Gunthar snorted and leaned down to rub his leg. ‘You were thinkin’, huh?’ He looked over at his friend and shook his head. ‘I don’t think so.’
Lance rubbed the Bitch’s shoulder and neck, eyeing Wesley as he adjusted the saddle. He couldn’t help but grin some, thinking Lacey never did remember to fix that damn thing after she used it, but now she had her own saddle. It wouldn’t be a problem anymore. ‘I wasn’t asking,’ he said, adjusting the reins and leaning across the saddle horn some. ‘It’s time, Wes, and you know it.’
Once he had the stirrups adjusted. he hooked his left boot up and swung over to settle with the agility of an experienced horseman. Waiting for Gunthar to lift his head again, he leaned over the saddle horn to grab the reigns that had slipped with the stretching of the horse’s neck. He muttered as he laid them across the horse’s withers again, looking at Lace with a dark gaze. ‘I don’t care if you’re asking or not. The answer’s no.’
Lance continued to lean across the saddle horn as he regarded Wesley. He knew that this was going to be like pulling teeth on an old man that refused to give up the last of what he had left, but he was determined. Even prepared to go to drastic measures if he had to. ‘I ain’t budgin’ ’til you agree to watch.’
‘Well… you’re gonna be standin’ there a long damned time then. ‘Cause I ain’t watchin’.’ Gunthar was shifting his weight from one side to the other, dancing, ready to go. His head lifted and his ears perked as he watched and listened to things going on.
Lance shrugged and swung back off the Hell-Bitch, looping the reins in his hands. Wesley was the major competitor in the team. Lance was the show-off. He knew it would only be a matter of time before Wesley agreed to do whatever it took to get Lance back up on his horse. He glanced out as the team before them shot out of the gate and ran after their calf. ‘Hmm … we’re next I guess. Too bad I ain’t going out there.’
Wesley growled and glared at Lance. ‘Damnit, Lance. Get on. We have a show to do.’ He glared more when he didn’t see Lance budge and he reigned in Gunthar, backing him up a few steps. Wesley looked toward the arena. They were being waved in and he growled again, glaring at Lance. ‘Get the fuck on yer horse and let’s go. Now.’
Lance leaned against the Hell-Bitch’s saddle, not making a move to get back up on her. He glanced almost lazily up at Wesley for a moment as one of the arena judges starting walking towards them. ‘Not ’til you give me yer word that you’ll watch the races with me.’
Wesley snarled dangerously. He didn’t want to start a scene with Lance. Not here, not now. ‘Do you want me to fuckin’ withdraw us? I will. I ain’t watchin’. Period.’
Lance scratched at the back of his neck and glanced towards the judge approaching them. He knew that Wesley wouldn’t withdraw them, but he also knew that he was pushing some major boundaries. ‘What’s the big deal? It’s a race … it’s been three and half years, Wes. You need to do this and you damn well know it.’
‘No! I ain’t watchin’, damnit!’ Wesley’s mood was entirely not in the game now. He glared at the judge, then to Lance. Without another word he turned Gunthar’s head away and nudged him into a quick canter away from the scene and back toward the stalls, leaving Lance to handle the judge.
Lacey was coming back from stretching out Ice’s legs in the riding arena back behind the main covered one, glancing towards where she saw Tate leaning against the doorway, watching her. Ice was moving good and had some quick starts. She was looking forward to seeing how well he ran, but she was having a hard time with the nervousness about Wesley. Would he watch? Would he be pissed? Would it help him get over this last hurdle with Anne’s ghost? Pulling up to Tate, she smiled gently. ‘Well, what do ya think? Think Wesley will show up?’
Tate rubbed his chin and he just nodded ‘Yea… he’ll show. How kin he not show? How’s he doin’? Work that kink out of ‘im?’ Lacey glanced over Tate’s head towards the arena, her eyebrows furrowed some. The loudspeakers had just announced that Wesley and Lance had withdrawn their entry tonight. She chewed on her bottom lip nervously before she glanced back at Tate and nodded, rubbing Ice’s withers as he shifted beneath her, bending his head down some to rub at his leg. ‘Yeah, he feels good … got quick releases. I think he’ll run good tonight.’
Lance walked the Hell-Bitch back towards the stalls, fuming that his plan hadn’t worked. Now, not only did they have to withdraw and lose out on a chance to add more points towards their bid to Nationals, but Wesley was in a foul mood. How the hell was he supposed to get him to watch the races?
Wesley was dead silent as he worked. He always got that way when he was angry enough to spit nails. He got down off Gunthar’s back and immediately lifted the stirrup to unstrap the cinch and lattigo and folded them up over the seat to avoid dragging them through the dirt as he lifted the saddle from the horse’s back, setting it over the top rung of the stall. He grabbed the grooming bucket and retrieved the soft brush to brush Gunthar down. Gunthar looked at Wesley all sorts of confused. They hadn’t gone to work. He kept trying to nudge Wesley to get the saddle back on but Wesley didn’t even respond with so much as a head pat.
Lance stopped, flipping the ends of the Bitch’s reins over and over in his hand as he glared at Wesley. ‘You are one stubborn sonofabitch, ya know it? What’s it gonna hurt for you to watch? You don’t wanna get over it, or move on, or what? Cuz if you don’t, then how come yer stringing Lacey along for a ride that she’s never gonna finish?’ He knew his words were strong, and would hurt, but he had to get through to his friend somehow. This about more than just a surprise. This was about his friend finally finding some happiness.
Wesley stilled as Lance’s words sank in. They hurt. They hurt bad. He gripped onto Gunthar’s mane to keep from simply hurling himself at Lance and causing a huge ruckus in front of God and everybody. He and his friend had fought too much too often lately. It was starting to become a regular pattern. Once he could breathe again he spoke low and evenly to try to keep his temper under control. ‘I’m not watching, Lance. End of story.’
Lance just shook his head angrily. There really was no getting through to him, and at times like this, he wondered if he ever would. He kicked
at the lower plank on the railing, cursing and then walked the Hell-Bitch to the other stall, yanking the cinch loose and then quickly hauling it up and off her back. He had to hurry if he was going to catch Lacey’s run. Despite his failing to get Wesley to watch, he refused to let her down completely. ‘Fine, asshole … have it yer way. But yer fucking up, big time, and ya don’t even care.’ Pulling off the Bitch’s bridle, he hung it over the saddle horn and walked out of the stall, closing it behind him as he stalked off to find a good place to watch. ‘I’m going to watch the races,’ he called back before disappearing from view.
Wesley let out a sob he’d been holding in the whole time Lance had stood there. He leaned against Gunthar, his fingers wrapping in the silken mane. Yeah… he probably was messing up… but there’d be plenty of time to come ’round. Or not. He could probably survive just fine without ever seeing another race. It was just horses and girls circling barrels anyway. After several moments he stood up on his own two feet again and walked around Gunthar’s head, removing his bridle and hung it over the saddle horn then rubbed his muzzle ‘Sorry ’bout tonight fella…. I’ll make it up to ya in the mornin’.’
Lacey watched, feeling the butterflies take flight in her stomach as she watched the racing chuck wagons slowly come out of the arena. They were driving in a truck now to set up the barrels and she glanced around, inadvertently looking for Wesley. ‘He’s not gonna show … I just know it,’ she said softly, feeling Tate’s hand gently pat her thigh.
‘You don’t worry about that none … you just git out there and do yer best. Time to show this place that ya really belong on a ranch, eh?’ he teased gently, looking up at her.
Wesley half-pondered going over to watch the races… the after-effects of the argument still stung bad. On top of what happened, they wasted a night of competition and it depended on if they were high enough in the ranks as to whether they’d be allowed to compete tomorrow night at all. If not, it had been a waste of a 3 hour drive and $150 entry fee. He’d tell the judges that Gunthar had a stitch in his leg and he’d found him unfit to run tonight. It’d probably buy them a little bit of lee-way.
Lance jogged up just in time as the truck drove back through, the arena all set up for the races. He grinned reassuringly at Lacey as she caught sight of him, her eyes hopeful. He walked over, shook Tate’s hand and then shook his head a bit, patting Lacey’s thigh as if to tell her he failed. ‘I’m sorry, Lacey … he wouldn’t budge.’
At the disappointed look on her face, Tate stepped up and took hold of Ice’s reins to get her attention. ‘Now you listen to me … you’ve worked your ass off for this, and it’s not about Wesley. It’s about YOU. And Ice. You get out there and do what you’ve trained to do. You’re damn good at it, Lacey, and you love it. I see it every time you get on that horse.’ Lacey nodded quietly, the sad look on her face slowly replaced with determination.
‘Folks…’ the loudspeakers boomed ‘Up next we gotta rookie. Miss Lacey King. This is her first run at regional level. First run ever it says here. Born on the King ranch in Riverton, lived in New York City until just a few short months ago! Our very own Lacey King and her gorgeous mount, Ice ‘n Fire! Ain’t she lookin’ fine tonight folks?’
Wesley stopped and looked up from the judge he’d been talking to. He waved the judge off ”scuse me…’ He couldn’t have heard the announcer wrong. He’d heard the name twice. Damn the girl! No wonder Lance wanted his attention on the races. Without a second thought he darted over to the gate and shoved another cowboy over to crawl up to see just as Lacey darted into the ring on a horse he’d never seen before. He couldn’t help but shout and cheer with the rest of the crowd. She was perfect. She marked the animal wonderfully as they worked as a well-honed team.
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This is a fictional story that I would like to see come true. Although some of it is true. My wife and I have been married for 25 years. I am a good-looking man with a 7” cock. My wife is a looker with a really nice ass, and a nice handful of tits. Our sex life is great, we love oral, and the wife really loves my cock in her sweet little pussy. I have always had bi tendencies but I have never acted upon them other than with my wife. We have some dildos that the wife will use to fuck my ass, and...
BisexualThe first week of having a useful cock went well. For the first time since we got married, we had sex every night. After strapping my extension on, I would lick Hannah's pussy enough to get her turned on and then she'd choose a position. If I got physically worn out, she would choose another position. Because I was having sex so often and doing some research on the Internet, I was able to develop some control over how soon I came. I was easily lasting over two minutes, partly because there...
CrossdressingI had no expectation of breaking Bob Jones that easily, so I started my routine of questions and pain. "Well, Bob, I hear that you have aspirations of becoming a pro in the NFL. What do you think your chances might be if I smashed up this knee?" I tapped his left knee with the bat as I asked the question. "Oh, God, NO! Please don't do that! Without sound knees, I don't stand a chance with the NFL." "OK, I see that I got you attention with that one. How about selling out one of you...
Hey guys. my name is max and I am 28 years old now. I am a 6'2 guy with an athletic body and an average member. The incident I am about to share with you happened when I was 25 and during the final year of my college.Sandhya was her name. The maid, who had been with us for about 3 years. deleted
So I'm 18, and I was at home one day alone (or so I thought) watching a TV show (I can't remember what it was called) but I saw something I liked and it got me horny, so I decided to go upstairs and jerk offSo when I got upstairs I went into my room and got completely naked I had a raging hard on and it was throbbing, before I started jerking off I realised my lube bottle was empty, I remembered that my mum keeps lube in her draw for her dildos (I fount them one day whilst going through her...
Frances stormed out of the room, and almost bumped into the hotel manager. “Oops. Sorry, Frances. I was just coming to let Mr Robertson know that we have the local reporter for the Scarborough News downstairs near the front door.” “Damn. No chance he will go away?” “No. He says his boss told him not to come back before he got the story of the Robertson group from the rail crash. He must know something.” “Perhaps. I think it is more correct to say that he THINKS he knows something. We are...
Dans le Murs – Part XIV Synopsis: Colin has returned to Lille encountering the mysterious Fatima on the way. As Grand master Designate he is required to conduct an interrogation into a possible infiltration. The methods used by the interrogators are extreme and Colin is forced to justify their use to his own conscience. During this encounter he challenges the future role of Lalith, the Grand Priestess. The pair return to the Grand Master to report. Now read on. Part 14 – Defectives and...
Erotic FictionThe end of the year is always a busy and stressful time for me what withvarious family and work commitments, I feel like I'm constantly on the gountil the first of the year. So now that we have finally changed to thenew year, I feel relieved to be done with that stress.I woke up just before noon on January 1st on top of my bed and still in myblack sequin cocktail dress and my black Soma Vanishing edge bra andmatching black high cut lace panties.My hair and makeup were a mess and I felt a little...
She was called Maxine, six months my junior. I first went on a date with her four weeks after my first fuck with Beth. Believe me my experiences with the older woman made me feel like a total Casanova with Maxine, though it wasn’t until our third date that I got to fuck her blonde teen pussy. Maxine was a plump blonde with gorgeous round tits and soft arse, she was thought to be something of a rebel because she always wore a black bra under her white school shirts, a fact that amongst the teen...
I was halfway out the door when my brother stopped me again. The orgasm I’d had that morning had really taken the edge off, but I was still horny, and so I’d called my boyfriend and organized to go around. “Wait,” he said, and I stopped. “What’s up?” I said, checking my phone for the time. If I didn’t leave in the next few minutes, I’d miss the bus, and my boyfriend had this thing about punctuality. “This morning, in the kitchen ... it was so hot.” “Yeah...” I said, suddenly blushing....
I met Christy and Greg for breakfast the following day and again, the conversation was about her adventure the previous day. Christy was drinking her special yellow drink at breakfast and she looked amazing in her jean shorts and a white vest top.I stayed with them for the morning and it was just after eleven o’clock when Greg received a call from an old friend of his from New York.“Peter wants me to go and meet with his design team; they want to hire us,” Greg shouted. “This contract could be...
ExhibitionismTrevor Neil gradually awoke on the Saturday morning and found his hand on his erect penis. As he came out of his slumber he, at first, thought that he must have dreamt about his having had great sex the evening before with nineteen-year-old Kelly Simpson from next door. But as he became more and more awake he concluded that it really had happened. The chair was in an unusual position in his bedroom and he remembered it being there because he had moved it to sit on whilst spanking Kelly's bare...
MatureI had to get some new uniform recently.This involves going to see one of the office staff.The woman responsible is a woman in her fifties who has a bit of a reputation.She took me to her little uniform cupboard and began to ask me for my sizes.I didn't have a clue so she said she would look at my shirt collar first.As my shirt was tight i had to virtually remove it so that she could see the size.This exposed my chest which seemed to be exciting her.I was also beginning to get turned on and my...
My ex girlfriend was an absolute cum slut. She was eleven years younger than me, thirty-five years old when I was forty-six. Our sex life was hot and amazing from day one and continued right to the end of our relationship thirteen years later. Her ex-husband had her beaten down pretty bad when I met her. Not physically, but emotionally and mentally, which can be worse; scars and bruises heal, words hurt forever. I opened her up to a whole new lifestyle, gave her confidence, convinced her she...
Wife LoversI was stationed overseas about 40 years ago. I had a roommate, Bob, who never went downtown for pussy or a blowjob or anything. He spent a lot of time in the club after work and would come back to the room very, very drunk. When we were there together, most of the time I would have to help him back to the barracks. This one particular night I was already sleeping when Bob came in, drunk as usual. He woke me up stumbling around. I sat up and he started talking about how horny he was, started to...
You find yourself in a blissful, yet pensive state of mind. You feel as though you're on the cusp of something big, yet can't quite put your finger on it. Your thoughts toss and tumble through various visual dreams. First you're inside a cozy room with friends. A glow of orange and yellow light quivers from behind the mantel and you all laugh together as someone draws a card before the image shifts again. This time you're in a Cathedral. Looming pillars and a high ceiling of black brick line...
Tommy grabbed his prick and fought its urge to leap into his mother’s spread slit. What if she was dry? He would have to make her wet, somehow. Licking her pussy, like Robert had, wasn’t his style. He tested her hairy vulva with the tip of his desperate cock. He found moisture there, but maybe not enough. Sliding it up and down he found her inner hole quickly. Fucking from behind must be easier than his brother’s way. Tommy grinned for being smarter. Again, he felt wetness in the resisting...
I was out with a buddy of mine (Jack) having drinks one night a while back. We were sitting at the bar, and eyeing this hot chick at a table across the room. I asked him what he thought she would do after a few more drinks. He said "Probably, almost anything we asked her to. Like Janet". (Janet is my wife). I asked him what he meant by that, and he immediately realized he might have spoken too soon, and clammed up. But he knew that my wife had done some screwing around, and after a few more...
The Reverend Tobias Whitmore was surprised. As he sat in the gently jolting coach, he realised that he was actually looking forward to a springtime social afternoon in the gardens of his mother’s cousin’s husband, a Canon of the Church of England. This was an unexpected emotion, where mortal terror might have been more appropriate, due to the presence of his beady-eyed mama who wanted him to marry profitably and several young ingenues eager for a ring on their finger.It had been a bleak winter...
HistoricalLet’s start this off with a small but important description and introduction, shall we? My name is Andi. My body type would be average I’d have to say, not too small but not too big. I’m a bit curvy. I’m a natural blonde which my personality proves when I talk for too long. I’m 5’9 and my breasts are a perky set of 34Ds, despite their size, and eyes like an ice blue. I’d like to admit that I’m not the one writng this story but my girlfriend is and she better be getting all the words right. She...
I tried locating Mom after that. Itworked much easier than the time I'd spied on Liz. Almost instantly, I sensed who was fucking her. All six of them. Jack and Mark. Vince and Ishmail. Todd and Dom. Letting out a dejected sigh, I severed the link, or dismissed the supernatural connection, or hung up, or whatever the hell the term was. No doubt Iva would know and could make me feel like an idiot child for never having heard it. Whatever I did, I no longer sensed my mother's exploits. Good for...
IncestThis is a continuation of first time with a Guy. This is the story of my first time with a guy. "My turn?" he asked. "Um", i said. I had never sucked dick before. I looked at him and realized he had a nice smile, and his blue eyes were very sexy. Was this guy actually attractive to me? I must admit, I've thought about sucking dick before. I love the taste of cum. I almost always love to jerk off and lick my mess up. "Sure" I said. I figured after the magnificent time he had just showed me, I...
GayA slight departure from the usual in both style and content. Also, and many of you might be thankful, is the length! I like the nameless aspect of this in that any of us can be the dancer, we can all feel how she feels if we want to, we can all sense the guilt, the desire and all of us have thought about the fear. The moral of the story, what's that I hear you cry? A Jennifer Richardson story with a moral? Not so much of a moral as a warning sign. I'd take it seriously if I was you,...
My name is Kelsey and my mom is a slut. I’ll go ahead and say that right at the front. It’s why Daddy divorced her when I was twelve. He just couldn’t take her cheating any longer. The funny thing is that it wasn’t a nasty divorce. They sat me down and explained it to me when Daddy decided to move out. They didn’t fight over custody of me, either. They asked me who I wanted to live with and I decided that I needed to be with Mom, at least in the short term. I’d just had my first period a few...
Karen cooked and got the table ready. I looked around for something to do. I had some time, so I decided to sneak out. I opened the door to the basement, which was located just outside the kitchen, between the living room and utility closet. I quietly walked down the sturdy, wooden steps. They didn't make a sound. The air was earthy and moist, even a little drafty. The dim light took some getting used to. Suze, who lived down here, never said a word. This was her home, as nice as anything she...
We would start with both of us standing. I would pin you against the wall with my body and start nuzzling your neck. My hands would move over your perfect body, working my way down over your breasts and find their way to your waiting pussy. As I run my finger along the outside of your lips, I can already feel that you are damp. You wrap your fingers around my cock, feeling it get hard as you move your hand over it. I continue to nibble on the side of your neck and I feel you take a quick...
The situation is set in the earlier story "My sister in Law First Time" This is the continuation.Since our first time I have fantasized about a second time but was too scared to do anything about it. I did take every opportunity to feel her tits against my chest when we were doing the mandatory greeting. Now though, I made a point of kissing her on both cheeks so I could feel both tits against my chest. June never made any complaint, so when we were alone i would make the greeting last longer...
I awoke in the middle of the night flat on my back and was admittedly having a hard time opening my eyes as there was something crusty covering my eyelids and it wasn't until I remembered the familiar taste of my own cum that I remembered why I was in my little makeshift office naked, covered in dry cum, and the after effects of stretching out my own ass for hopefully my new Mistress. Admittedly I walked a little funny to the bathroom where I took a hot warm shower contemplating what I had...
Elsa Jean is a bombshell and she knows it. She has men giving her lavish gifts like cars. While we don’t have a car ready today what we do have is a big black cock. Prince Yashua is ready to destroy Elsa’s beautiful pussy. He whipped it out, and you can tell Elsa is ready for it. She starts sucking on prince’s thick dick. Her eyes water a little, I can’t tell if they are tears of joy or pain. He flips her over and starts pounding away. She’s such a pretty girl it’s impressive how much she can...
xmoviesforyouKalluri padithu mudithu ithu varai entha pennaiyum kaamam seiyaamal irunthathal eppozhuthum kaama very pidithu alaigiren. Entha pen eppozhuthu kidaipaargal endru aripu athigamaaga eduthu alaigiren. En nanban oru naal avan kathaliyai santhika sendran, appozhuthu avanathu sexyaana kathiyudan thozhiyum irunthaal. Naan avaluku arimugam aanen en peyar suresh vayathu 24, naan santhitha pen peryar santhiya. Iruvarum paartha udane thee patriyathu, iruvarum pugai padam eduthu kondom. Pinbu angu irunthu...
I finally got my car. During the whole past junior year of high school I worked every evening I could. During the summer break I worked as many hours as they would let me. By the end of summer and before my senior year started I saved up enough. I bought a Mustang. A blue one. I was now "the man". I was ecstatic. I had my own wheels. I could go where I wanted when I wanted. Within reason. I needed to check with my parents for some things. This year my dating life was going to skyrocket. I...
Just because Alexa has braces doesn’t mean that she’s innocent. In this scene, she’s wearing her older sister’s sexy lingerie to seduce this guy. As he pulls down her red lacy bra and thong to get to her goods, it’s safe to say her seduction plan worked. Alexa has tear-drop-shaped tits and a round booty. This guy laps up her shaved pussy until she’s so worked up she just has to have his cock in her mouth. Here’s another fact about Alexa: Just because...
xmoviesforyouThe taxi pulled into the driveway of my house at four in the afternoon. It had already been a really long day and I still had hours of daylight left to suffer through. I had been up before dawn to catch a flight to Chicago. My flight was delayed an hour, which I found out when I arrived at the airport. So, I got to Chicago later than expected. I tried to use the extra time to review the pitch documents, only to have a woman stumble and spill coffee over the print outs. Ending that...