Appointment In Balmorhea Ch. 02 free porn video

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Sena was between movies. Sierra was between semesters. They had talked repeatedly about a road trip, just the two of them. Why not now?

‘Okay,’ Sierra said. ‘Oregon or Montana?’

For the first time in awhile, Sena reminded Sierra that she loved filming Big Texan, in southwest Texas. Trust me, that part of Texas is beautiful, like southern Colorado, Sena explained. Most of the people she got to know there, thirty years earlier, were still living.

‘More than any place I’ve been, those Texas folks were not impressed by me. Jim Greene trailed a cowboy around like a puppy dog. Those Texans are so full of themselves, they did not have room to be impressed by me,’ Sena added laughing.

This impressed Sierra. She had never liked being around Sena’s idolatrous fans. Once they were cornered at Dodger Stadium. Sena signed autographs and posed for photos for three innings. By the time they returned to their seats, Valenzuela was out of the game.

Sierra was intrigued. Plus, her mother really wanted to go to Texas. Sierra agreed.

They took their time, puttering eastward. Best Western hotels greeted them three evenings, before they entered Texas. Sierra, traveling with friends, especially in her college days, had stayed in places several notches below a Best Western.

This type of hotel was new to Sena, almost like camping out. On location, she had stayed in some rough places, but at least Sena had been waited on like royalty.

Sierra Hamilton handled registration and brought in fast food. Sena floated around, behind her thick sunglasses. They watched movies late, and the Today Show early. Neither admitted it, but this was their best time together in years.

Like a flower needs the sun, Sierra knew that Sena eventually would need a ‘moment’. It came in El Paso. Instead of asking Sierra to bring in breakfast, Sena proposed they go to IHOP.

Without her scarf or sunglasses, but with makeup and her best road attire, Sena made a smiling grand entrance, worthy of the Red Carpet. She asked for a table out of the way, so as to not block traffic.

Soon a line formed. Between bites, Sena signed autographs, and posed for photos. Eventually the cooks posed, too.

Today was different. Sierra enjoyed this. That is my mom, she thought.

They arrived in Pecos in mid-afternoon. Sena’s appointment in Balmorhea was at noon the next day. Sierra again brought food. By coincidence that had their heads shaking, Big Texan was the Eight O’clock Movie. Again, Sena told stories about the filming. This time, Sierra was entertained.

Around eleven the next morning, they headed south, on the 30 mile drive to Balmorhea.

Not for the first time recently, Sena wondered what Ernesto looked like, thirty years later. He was almost sixty. One of Maria’s girlfriends quickly latched onto him, she figured. But, she did not recall a woman’s voice, the night she called him.

She wondered if Ernesto could sexually still do it. The last night before the Texas trip started, Sena’s latest quasi boyfriend, fourteen years younger, a handsome fellow, gave her excellent oral service. And as usual, the actor could not get an erection.

‘Dammit! I am with you, a beautiful, famous, willing woman, and I cannot perform.’

‘Earl, you give great head.’ Sena consoled him, like he was a little boy. He would not quit whimpering.

Sena changed the cassette player. She gazed at the contrast of the surrounding desert, and the Davis Mountains, on the horizon.

She thought of other contrasts. She could not imagine Ernesto repeatedly failing, and seeking sympathy like Earl. Either Ernesto could still get it up, or he had honorably retired from bedroom trysts.

Sierra shook her head. ‘It looks like we are still in New Mexico.’

‘See those mountains to the southwest? Those and Marfa beyond them are another world from this. The Balmorhea Springs are in the foothills. The Springs are great.’

‘Who will we meet there?’

‘Ernesto Garza, a ranch foreman. He is the one that Jim Greene followed around. He’s charming, and thirty years ago, he was very handsome. I told him that if he came to Hollywood, I would get him into movies. I was serious. He became a true friend. He kept a lot of people propped up and going.’

‘Who else we gonna meet at lunch?’

‘Another guy.’

‘No women? Just another guy? Who is this other guy?’

Sena was careful. ‘I dated a rancher, Ernesto’s boss, although I felt Ernesto was the real boss. The rancher was a widow, with an eight year-old son. You were a year younger. We compared notes a lot, about the two of you. The other guy is the son.

The rancher remarried. They have a daughter, who is seventeen. We will see the rancher and several others. Just not today.’

‘Is the rancher’s son married?’

Sena pursed her lips. She moved her hands on the wheel. ‘No.’

Sierra’s eyes narrowed. Sena felt her hostile long stare. Moments passed.

‘Is this one of your set-ups, Mom?’

Sena pretended an Oscar was on the line. She shook her head vigorously.

‘No. Not at all.’

Sierra kept staring at Sena. Sierra slapped the dash. ‘Dammit, dammit, Mom! You never give up! We’ve come a thousand miles for you to once again try to marry me off!’

‘Think what you will. We’ve had a good time so far. My best times in Texas were at the springs, just ahead. My best friend in Texas is Ernesto Sanchez. He could not bring the guy I dated, because he is married. Ernesto is a second father to this other fellow. And I was fond of the little rascal.’

Minutes passed. Sierra knew she was trapped. Finally, Sierra asked ‘What is this guy’s name?’

Sena grinned. ‘Bubba Junior.’ She looked at Sierra, and snickered.

Sierra observed her mother with half closed eyes. Slowly, she shook her head, for quite awhile. She gazed to her right.

Sierra repeated the name slowly, one syllable at a time.

‘Bub-ba…Jun-ior.’ Sierra kept shaking her head.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Ernesto and Bubba Junior were unsaddling Pete and Topper in the corral near the Big House. As casually as possible, Ernesto asked ‘Are you and Big Shorty gonna be in the team roping event tomorrow, in Fort Stockton?’

‘Naw. Sis [Ceasar Sis] will drop her colt in the next day or two. I’ll hang around, probably eat with the folks.’

‘I want you to go to Balmorhea Springs tomorrow with me.’

Bubba Junior was carrying his saddle. He stopped, turned back, looking confused. ‘Why do you want to do that? We go there just for Nancy’s birthdays.’

‘I want to go just one time, and relax-when it is not an event.’

They resumed walking. Bubba Junior laughed. ‘I did not think you missed church, except when you had to.’

‘Oh, I miss now and then. I just pray twice as long the next week.’ Ernesto was grinning.

Bubba Junior thought about it awhile. ‘I may be up a lot tonight with Sis. If you can wait until mid-morning, I may go with you. We won’t be there long will we?’

Ernesto shook his head. Like the rest, Bubba Junior went to bed early and got up early, except on Saturday nights. Maybe once a month, he went to a dance and sometimes spent time with a girl afterwards. The other Saturday nights, he read past midnight, then slept late.

This was perfect, Ernesto thought. Sena and Sierra would not arrive in Balmorhea until noon.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Around nine-thirty the next morning, Ernesto parked his pickup at the Big House. He saluted the crepe myrtle. This was his last next to last year of good luck, according to the planting lore. What would happen after that, he wondered.

He whistled as he marched the sidewalk. As he opened the screen door, Nancy came whizzing by, late for Sunday School. ‘Hello, E.’

Jim Ed was right behind her. ‘Keep it under seventy. Otherwise, I will send you to reform school,’ he shouted, grin

As Nancy eased into her three year-old Mustang convertible they recently bought for her, she gave her dad a long look. Don’t forget who the real boss in the family is, her look said.

Smiling, white haired, refrigerator-sized Hermalinda emerged from the kitchen. ‘I have some bacon and egg tacos for you and Bubba Junior. And I have a nice picnic lunch for the four of you.’

‘We also need some of your delicious coffee.’ Ernesto wiggled his eyebrows. With his middle finger, he smoothed the area under his lip that for years wore his moustache. A few months after Maria passed, he cut it off. He had wanted to years earlier, but Maria liked it.

Janet padded in. She ignored the coffee that the men drank, and reached for the percolator. ‘You tell Sena that she is welcome, and you convince her I am sincere. We will show her around. She can stay as long as she wants with us.’ Janet pointed at him.

‘But, she has to first give me a big kiss,’ Jim Ed said, grinning.

Janet half smiled at him. ‘Maybe a little kiss. On the cheek.’

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Ernesto bounced the three miles to Bubba Junior’s. Ring and Sally, the border collies that presently ran the place, barked and jumped on him, licking his hands. He glanced at the neat, two bedroom house, with a small loft. Ernesto knew everything was in its place. Bubba Junior got that neatness streak from his mother, at least for the house. But, he knew Bubba Junior was not there.

He entered the barn. Two empty Coke cans stood next to a bottle of horse linament on a tabled rescued from a church bazaar. An eclectic mixture of paperbacks with a few hardbacks loaded one half of the table. On another table rested some veterinary books, discontinued by the A&M Vet School, and rescued by Bubba Junior while in College Station. One book was open, face down. Stables stood on the south end. Sis and another horse, stabled to keep Sis company, snorted at his arrival.

Ernesto glanced at the telephone numbers and scribbling next to the phone. The last time he was here, he had answered the phone. ‘Is J.E. there?’ That meant the caller knew Bubba Junior in the Marines.

Ernesto and Jim Ed, Sr. had both been in combat in World War II. But, Bubba Junior had felt more comfortable talking with Ernesto about Vietnam when he first came back. But, the subject had not been brought up by either in years.

Ernesto walked through a door on the west side. As usual, Bubba Junior was sacked out in a bedroll, several feet from the barn. Except in rainy weather, Bubba Junior slept here. Sometimes when it rained he slept underneath an overhang outside the barn. A stone lined campfire pit was close by. The lake’s edge was fifty yards away.

‘Rise and shine! We are burning daylight!’ Ernesto remarked.

Bubba Junior threw an arm across his face. ‘The brown devil has arrived.’

Ernesto knew they had plenty of time. And he could not push it. Bass were hungry, and were popping the water. Bubba Junior might decide to fish instead.

‘I have some of Hermalinda’s tacos and coffee.’

Bubba Junior pulled his blond headed, six-two, 210 pound frame into a weather beaten, wooden chair. They talked about Sis and what work needed to be done in the coming days. Ernesto reminded him that Paco would be down within an hour and stay with Sis.

An hour plus later, they passed through Fort Davis, and were headed out of the mountains, toward Balmorhea.

Ernesto was driving Bubba Junior’s two year-old Ford pickup. He made a dramatic sweeping gesture with his right hand.

‘I have a surprise. We will meet Sena Miller at the Balmorhea Springs.’

‘No shit? Why is she coming to the Springs?’

‘She had a good time in Texas. She wants to return to revisit the surroundings, and visit us’

‘Why now? Why, after all of these years?’

‘Why not now? Plus, I have invited her, two or three times, over the years, in letters.’

Bubba Junior glanced at him. ‘Did Maria know about those letters?’

‘Yes. She helped me write them.’ Ernesto glanced at him. ‘You know the story. Sena and I were just friends.’

Bubba Junior stared to his right, thinking about this. ‘Is she bringing a Hollywood posse, to film some kind of documentary?’

‘No, I don’t think so.’

‘Well, who is she coming with, then?’

Ernesto looked as innocent as possible. ‘Her daughter. She is only a year younger than you. We compared notes about the two of you back then.’

‘Is her daughter bringing her kids? If she is my age, she must have kids. They will like the Springs.’

‘I don’t think so.’

‘Is she bringing her husband? She is married, isn’t she?’

‘No. I don’t think so.’

Ernesto felt Bubba Junior staring a hole through him. Bubba Junior slapped the console.

‘Shit! Is Janet trying to line me up on a blind date again? Shit!’

‘Janet has never talked to Sena, as far as I know.’

‘Well then, dammit, are you or Dad behind some kind attempt at match making here?’

Ernesto finally glanced at him. ‘Not me. We already have enough bossy women on the ranch.’ Ernesto started whistling El Rancho Grande. ‘Let’s sing a little,’ Ernesto said. Then he belted a few lines with his baritone.

‘I don’t feel like singing a damn song. I feel like jumping out of this pickup.’

‘A daughter of Sena Miller is probably nice to look at,’ Ernesto said. Then, he started singing again.

Bubba Junior stared at him, like he was crazy. Finally he asked, ‘What is the daughter’s name?’

Without hesitation, Ernesto grinned at him, and said loudly but slowly, ‘Sierra’.

Bubba Junior slowly repeated each syllable distinctly, ‘Si-err-a’. He gazed to his right. He kept shaking his head.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

The turn indicators of the blue Mercedes toting Sena and her reluctant sidekick pointed to the left, towards Mexico. Sierra spotted a gray hatted man and his younger, black hatted detainee, perched on a bench, near the entrance to Balmorhea Springs.

Sena and Ernesto approached each other, smiling. They hugged. She kissed him on the cheek, and pulled back.

‘I swear, you don’t look much different, Ernesto.’ Her clinched fist tapped his stomach lightly. ‘No beer gut.’ Ernesto grinned broadly.

Sena studied his face. ‘When did you lose the moustache?’ He grinned, but said nothing. She lifted his hat off.

‘Heck, you still have all of your hair.’ Gray streaked though his temples.

He cupped her shoulders with both hands. ‘You are as beautiful as you were the last time I saw you.’

Sena smiled softly and slightly shook her head, acknowledging that thirty years takes a toll. ‘At least I look better than I did in that photo of me on the beach, which seemed to go around the world. I promptly lost fifteen pounds.’ She waved her finger. ‘There is always a good side to adversity.’

Ernesto chuckled but said nothing. He could not stop grinning. He was still surprised Sena had actually arrived.

Sierra and Bubba Junior glanced at each other during the old folks’ reunion. Finally, their eyes settled on each other. With a long look, each conveyed they had been tricked, and were humoring people they loved.

Ernesto pointed towards a picnic table, about fifty yards away, in the shade of cottonwood trees. ‘Hermalinda has made a nice picnic lunch. And we have some cold beer. You remember Hermalinda?’

‘Of course,’ Sena said, smiling. ‘She’s got to be, what eighty years old?’

‘At least, but nobody knows for sure. She won’t tell. She’s never been sick a day. She says hello. They all say hello. Janet, Jim Ed’s wife wants you to visit and stay with them as long as you want. Jim Ed, too.’

‘I really appreciate it. We’ll do it. But, first I want to spend time with you and Bubba Junior, and enjoy this place.’

The four detoured by the two acre pool, fed by the artesian springs. Bubba Junior played to
ur guide, explaining where the water went from here, and so forth.

‘I cannot tell any difference from thirty years ago,’ Sena said, while slowly turning and gazing. She did not mention that she stopped by here in 1966, coming from New Orleans.

‘Since then, they brought in squirrels for the tourists,’ Bubba Junior explained.

‘I can see the squirrels, getting on the edge of this oasis, and seeing the desert. They probably almost faint,’ Sena said, grinning.

They settled down with Hermalinda’s fried chicken, potato salad, and fried peach pie.

The men rested on one side of the picnic table, facing the women. Ernesto had folding chairs nearby, for after lunch.

Sena small talked about their trip, and the fortuitous airing of Big Texan the night before. Ernesto grinned and nodded. Sierra and Bubba Junior sneaked glances at each other and then looked away.

He is easy on the eyes, Sierra thought. And he has the bluest eyes I have ever seen.

Bubba Junior noted that from the neck up, Sierra probably favored her father. But, she had her mother’s great body. The white spaghetti straps of her camisole blouse contrasted with her tanned, toned arms and shoulders. She worked with weights, Bubba Junior noted.

Sena smiled at him. ‘I hear you attended Texas A&M.’

Sierra chimed in, ‘I did not know you went to college.’ She immediately regretted it.

Bubba Junior eyed her coolly. ‘Yeah, I went to college. Graduated , too.’

Sierra smiled. ‘What did you major in?’

‘Double major-Animal Science and Range Management.’ He did not mention Vietnam, the Marines, or that he spent two months in her native California, a year or so after leaving the Marines.

Seirra noticed his limp, and figured it resulted from a cowboying accident.

Sena had reserved some questions and comments, to glide over touchy moments.

‘Ernesto, the day I left Marfa, you and Maria came to the train, to see me off. But, you were really tired. Maria said you were up all night, with your favorite horse. Do you remember that?’

Ernesto pushed his hat back. He rubbed his chin, trying to recall thirty years’ earlier. Bubba Junior grinned. He remembered.

Slowly Ernesto rolled it out. ‘We had a good stud horse, Dandy Jack. Most stallions are not good for anything but breeding because they are too ornery around other horses. But Dandy Jack was an exception. He could also do roundups and other cow work. He was an especially good cutting horse. The night before you left, he had a fracture in the lower leg.’

Ernesto demonstrated the area with his hands, the area between the fetlock and the hoof.

Sierra interrupted. ‘Which phalanx of the pastern was broken?’

Ernesto stared at Sierra as if she suddenly had four eyes. ‘It was the short one.’ Ernesto looked at Sena and explained, ‘A phalanx is a bone, and the short one is the small one.’

Sena made a smug face, as to say this made perfect sense to her.

Bubba Junior calmly studied Sierra.

‘The vet had just bought an x-ray machine, but he was a hundred miles away, working. So, I located the fracture the old way, by feel. I put on a plaster cast. Dandy Jack was a perfect patient. He did not move while the cast dried. I was up with him all night just before you left.

Damn, we were lucky. Most horses rear and plunge, trying to get rid of their cast. But, he didn’t. You don’t leave the cast on long because of cast sores. But, even after the vet took the cast off days later-the vet was back by then-the horse didn’t use the leg right away, which gave it more time to heal.’

‘Sierra asked, ‘Was he a usable horse after that?’

‘He still bred mares. But, Dandy Jack’s cutting horse days were over, because of the stress on a cutting horse’s legs. A roping horse can be used if they recover from a broken leg, because of the short distances they work. I’ve seen a couple of barrel horses that were still real fast, in spite of slight limp or even a club foot. But, after a broken bone, the work days of an everyday ranch horse are over.’

Ernesto was grinning. He was talking about his favorite subject, horses.

‘Why? I understand that if a horse survives a broken bone, they get over the pain. Why can they still be a barrel horse, but not a ranch work horse?’Sierra asked.

Ernesto knowingly looked at Bubba Junior, who was still observing Sierra.

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   Cindy's Sex Party My story begins in the Summer of 98. My wife and I had just moved into our new home in a suburb of Chicago. The next day our neighbor Cindy Johnson came over with a pie she had baked especially for us and she told us that she just wanted to welcome us into the neighborhood. It wasn't long before my wife and I started hanging out with the Johnsons. One evening my wife invited them over for supper. The four of us sat around talking until nearly midnight. The conversation...

Group Sex
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Singala Nattukattai Auntyai Ootha Kathai 8211 Part 2

Nattukatti aunty karupu kuthiyil kanjai irakiyathum en nanban vanthu kural koduthaan, udane aunty sunniyai pundaiyil irunthu veliyil eduthu vitu aval nightai keezhe irakinaal, naanum en sunniyai jattikul vitu pantai pottukonden. Udane naan paduthu thunguvathu pola nadithen, en nanban vanthu en arugil paduthaan. Aunty meenavan nanban vanthathum naan ungalai ezhupugiren neengal paduthu urangungal endru solinaal. En nanbanum sari akka endru soli paduthu uranga aarambithan, aunty light off seithu...

3 years ago
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An Ordinary Teenage Sex LifeChapter 16 Casual Sex

JUNE 2001, JUNIOR YEAR "Unnnnnh! Ohhhhhh! Unnnnnh!" The hot brunette before me had been whining and whimpering constantly for the past fifteen minutes. I held myself balls deep inside the tight, clenching pussy. With my hands gripping her slender hips, I ground my pelvic bone against her asscheeks and pivoted my cock inside her, stretching out her vaginal walls. Her head hung down between her shoulder blades in this doggy-style position, her silky brown hair cascading down to the...

3 years ago
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Taboo 8211 Slot A into Tab B

He went into her room even though she was sleeping. His wife was sleeping too, the mother to this eighteen year old beauty who didn’t know he was there. He pulled the covers down without waking her up, and saw that she was sleeping in an over-sized T-shirt that was pulled up enough for him to see her pink panties. He started rubbing her crotch lightly, fingering her clit with his thumb and pressing his index finger against the softness of her opening, which made her moan in her sleep and...

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i want it doggy


2 years ago
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A Stitch In TimeChapter 24

On Monday morning, I was racing to my locker after English and before Astronomy to switch my books. Getting rid of Moby Dick alone would improve my posture for the rest of the morning. I quickly dialed the combination and jerked the locker open, only to have it slam close again. Tommy Narburg was standing right next to me. The locker door had apparently banged off his forehead. Despite the dazed expression on his face, it didn't appear to have done any damage. "Tommy?" I asked as I...

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Betty wants a baby and gets bred

I have asked her why she just doesn't get married again or find a guy but she doesn't want another man ,”I like my freedom”she would say. “I miss the sex but I have you for that” she would say “and once a week is just right”.I have to admit once a week with her has been just enough for me too . My wife seems happy too as I am not pestering her for sex like I had been doing. I still try to get my wife to do it with me but she keeps telling me to find a girlfriend,little does she know I...

1 year ago
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sex games part2

as i watched the 2 girls starting to ravage my sister, i thought to myself,they did not know what they were in for. my sister mary is physical, hard body,hot could crack an egg on her breasts.i never really saw her monkey, but i often dreamed about it.when i was 10 years old i got a peek .,through her nite gown, but that was it. karen and i were awe struck and just sat st the picnic table and gulped our beers.we had to see this,our hands quit rubbing. we just were in shock.the 2 new...

4 years ago
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Likes Boys Loves To PartyPart 1

Likes boys, loves to party... A tale of the Evil Fag-Hag Part 1 "You need to come to this party on Saturday night, Donny." Gordy Locke wheels up on his motorbike to enthuse. Just one leather clad biker buddy to another. It happened in the parking lot outside of our favourite occult bookstore. Too bad for them, the Fag-Hag and certain others happened to hear it. I'm Allan Sheppard, by the way, just some thirty-something loser in life who happens to be openly gay. "The Cherry...

3 years ago
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Eden RescueChapter 3

It was a matter of routine for the Space Exploration Service to record and chart all newly discovered novae. Not that there were so many of them, a nova is a rare event indeed and especially within the comparatively tiny realm of charted space. Even so it would, to say the least, be an embarrassment if one of SES' exploratory ships were to emerge from worm space—the uncertain hyperspatial dimension through which they bypassed the limitations of the known universe to travel far faster than...

1 year ago
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My Best Friends Wife

As I rounded the corner to turn on Maple street, on route to Shane’s house, I couldn’t help but chuckle at the irony of Brad Paisley’s ‘Alcohol’. Here I am on my way to a party and this song comes on the radio. Of course it alters the minds of us poor college kids. How else are we supposed to suffer through four years of college? If it weren’t for a weekend full of nothing but alcohol, sluts and escaping reality, we would all lose our minds. It’s a nice balance before we jump head first into...

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How Kara Learned to Dance

This story contains some nudity, lesbian overtones, mind control, drug use, and mental cruelty. Read at your own risk. I am always interested in any stories which contain identity assumption. I can be reached at impersonateU at mac dot com. Identity Theft: How Kara Learned to Dance ? by: Lauren Smith My wife was never much of a dancer. I always thought she avoided dancing because it would involve letting loose in public. Her job, as the chairwoman of the Office of...

1 year ago
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My Wonderful Obsession 35

My Wonderful Obsession Part 35: Shocking News I case you'd hadn't already figured it out for yourself, that spring of 1999 was the absolute craziest time of my young life. Where do I start? Well, there were all the scheduled activities like school and work, doctor visits, voice training and dance lessons, and there were also important responsibilities to juggle, like housework, Mom's accounting, and looking after myself with proper diet and exercise ... and at the same time I had a...

2 years ago
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Going out in public

My Mistress gets me to wear a latex bra and panties (M) also puts a butt plug in my ass and puts my day time collar on and attaches a rope to it (M) then gives me a horse crop (whip) to hold in my mouth, just before we head out (M) gives me the rules, which are to obey every command given to me by a stranger, acknowledge them when they speak to me and to address them properly, as we head out (M) commands me to crawl everywhere.As we pass people on our walk some stare and others take pictures of...

4 years ago
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OptometryChapter 3

The following morning Dan checked the internet and saw at his web site that there were almost four full days of appointments booked at the school. What struck him a little bit interesting was that there were a number of appointments booked after three o’clock which he thought were after school ended. The three o’clock appointment was Pam Driscoll and he assumed the other ones at that time or later were teachers. Dan didn’t see Stacy at the campground the next day and thought she must have...

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Мне было тогда 18 лет, которыесильно изменили всю мою жизнь. Дом в котором я жил был небольшимвсего на 18 квартир, и находился онна окраине красивого, зеленногогородка. Возле дома располагалсябольшой к тому времени ужезаброшенный парк, в котором быломного укромных беседок, а в центрепарка располагался заросший пруд.В нашем дворе помимо меня изподростков жили Валерка 19 лет,Серега 19 лет, Анютка 18 лет (мояодноклассница), Катька 18 лет,Анжелка 19 лет, Людка 19 лет. Всемы с ранних лет знали друг...

2 years ago
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Wife Discovers Erotic Photography Chapter 9

The next morning, Chris reminded Stephanie he was going out of town for a few days the following week.Stephanie teased him, “I wonder what a naughty wife will do with her husband out of town? Maybe she could get together with one of her lovers? Maybe even find a new one?”Chris felt a twinge in his crotch thinking about the last time he was away on a business trip, and Stephanie had the shoot with the hung black model right in their bedroom. After the shoot, she even fucked the model and Jeff’s...

2 years ago
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Winter FiresChapter 11

It was the next morning. Caroline heard her sister's voice from the front door, "Hi, Mum! Hi, Cari!" Caroline got up and stomped into the hallway. "You BITCH!" she shouted. "Huh?" was Marianne's response, coming at the same time as her mother's reprimand, "Caroline! Language!" "Do you know what you've done?" she shouted at Marianne. "You blithely went off with your new fella, assuming Simon would just pick up with me, didn't you!?" Marianne was looking at her sister in...

1 year ago
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Two couples watch each other

Some years ago my girlfriend and I lived in a new house in a new subdivision. Our backyard looked out on a large, open field. Corn was usually planted in that field. One autumn night, at about 11 p.m., we happened to glance out into the newly harvested field. The corn stalks were about ankle high. The moon was very bright that night, and we saw two white specks in the moonlight. They were far out in the field. Curious, I got out my trusty binoculars and trained them on the two white specks. Lo...

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I was always aware that my mom was really sexy, I just dismissed all my friends comments about how they'd like to kiss her and do other stuff to her. I'd just laugh it off.The older I got the more I saw that she was more than hot, she was gorgeous. My mom's name is Abbie and she's 37 years old. She got pregnant when she was 16 and decided to have me. She stands at 5 ft 11 tall with the most slender legs ever. She has a tight arse and perky smallish boobs that are very rarely in a bra. My mom...

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Branding of the Vampire Queen

I was a queen among my people. Well, all but a queen. The Vampires were broken into several clans, and the one I was a part of, the Vicci Clan which originated in Italy, saw me as a queen. I ruled over my clan with an iron first, spreading our gift across half of Europe. All was well in our little world. That is, until he appeared. My only guess is that a rouge Hunter had learned of my presence in the area and he decided to act. And did he attack. He easily fought his way through my guards and...

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New girl next door 3

"Important family thing, maybe?" He muttered. He shook his head. 'Probably some kind of performance. His little brother always has shit going on' he thought. He walked over to the big black chair in Daves' room and began playing his guitar. He liked it, but regretted not bringing his with him. Daves' was red and was a fender. Sams' was a fender too but it was a dark forest green. It matched his eyes. His eyes always looked good when he wore that dark green. He put the guitar...

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DunrossiterChapter 4 Father And Sons

In the six months of her marriage, Katherine Dunrossiter had learned much of her husband’s household and way of life and had begun to suspect that her marriage had been a mistake. For one thing he was incredibly high-handed with the servants, indeed, with anyone of Irish blood. He taxed them unmercifully, worked them piteously, and was prone to chastise any errors, whether real or imagined, fiercely. Her attempts to alleviate the suffering she witnessed were only partially successful. The...

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My Second Chance Book 2 Grade 10Chapter 46

On the way back to the SUV, I tell Gun, “The back roads are filled with Mennonites. Head straight for the highway. Drive as fast as you can until you see the first sign for highway 29. Then, slow to the speed limit. We will need to turn left off the highway in Charlie Lake.” We get to the vehicle, and I jump in the back. Jane and Grace are in the middle seat, so I hop to the back seat. I don’t bother to hide my rifle, throwing it into the trunk area. Turning to face the front, I see Grace...

2 years ago
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Insider Trading

John and I worked for the same health care company. I was the president of the company and I hired John on a recommendation from a business associate at a previous job I had held. John and I had passed paths only briefly in the past, but I was happy to bring him on to the team in an operational role. Although I was technically John’s boss, I looked at him as an equal and tried to treat him that way. Our business relationship soon blossomed into a personal relationship. Lucky for me, John had an...

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a walk in the forest

a walk in the forestIt was one of those early summer days when the air is warm and the sun is shining but its not to hot. I had just started my summer break and i did decide to take a walk just outside the vilaye I live in there are a forest that almost nobody spends time in. It was about ten O'clock so I did just pull on a light blue dress that was down to my knees and white sneakers. My long brown hair that almost look like gold in the sun was free and I started to walk and before i knew it i...

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LinnetChapter 12

Linnet was extremely quiet – almost withdrawn – on the journey back to Essex and for some time after. It was Erica who made the biggest difference to her; on the journey she spent most of trip curled up on Linnet's lap or snuggling against her, with a sensitivity that might have been remarkable in an adult. Linnet, in response, held her; occasionally stroking her hair or absently kissing her head. It took a couple of weeks but Linnet gradually returned to her 'old' self; not that she...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 7 SakurakoChapter 36 Intimacy

March 9, 1994, LAX, Los Angeles, California “Steve Adams,” I said into the cell phone. “Steve, it’s Patrick. Aimee asked me to call you. She’s received orders for the Enterprise.” “Fantastic! When does she report? And what assignment?” “May 15th and she’ll be second-in-command in the CIC.” “Tell her congratulations for me. When does she come Stateside?” “About ten days before. She’d like to see you, obviously.” “And I, her. My schedule for early May should be pretty clear. Let me know...

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Growing Up A MasterChapter 30 The JG Party

The night after graduation Kari came by to drive me to the party. When we arrived at Sandy's house, I heard the music playing in her back room, and lots of giggling. We walked through to where the party was, and as we entered the room, I realized that I was the only guy there. Sandy noticed me and yelled, "It's our guest of honor!" Another look around and I realized that all the girls present were official JGs. In fact, every single one of the JGs were there. "Welcome to the first...

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An Army Story Ch 01

I am but a small cog in a very large process. Not that it is not an important piece I play, because defending our freedoms and protecting lives is always important. Rather, that I was just one of many that had been mobilized to serve our country in Operation Iraqi Freedom. I work in the Operations Center of a unit that has been preparing and getting ready to go overseas. I work on the night shift. It was yet another one of those exercises when this story took place. It had been almost three...

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CarolChapter 8

(Carol tells Bill the story of how she became a slut) When I was twelve, my brother and I did not get along at all. I suppose there were many reasons, but the biggest reason was that I was jealous of my brother's popularity. I would mess with him, try to get him into trouble and just be a major pain in his ass. Joey was almost four years older than me and captain of the school football team. Everyone loved him, even my parents favored him over me or at least I thought so at the time. One...

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M. was just as surprised as me that W. had agreed to get together. Neither one of us thought it would actually happen since we started corresponding three months ago. But there we were at the local pub having drinks. The conversation flowed easily, much to my great relief. After an hour or so (and 3 drinks knocked back in quick succession) W. says, “Alright, let’s go.”The walk back to the house was quieter, as if we are all lost in our own thoughts. When we got inside and out of our coats...

1 year ago
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USAChapter 21

They were only gone for a flicker, but Heather, now dressed in a Roman toga, came back in total awe. She was positively grinning. "Gods and goddesses, time travel, history as it's taught in school is so wrong ... magic!" she exclaimed. "And I can't tell anyone." Her grin turned upside down and her bottom lip protruded. She hugged herself. "Now that that's out of the way, Wendy," Seven said. "I believe you want to know what's happening with ... or to ... your husband. Let me...

1 year ago
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The Basement

Chapter 1 The beginning of a plan It all started with a trip to visit an elderly colleague with whom I had worked for a few years. He lived by himself at the far end of rural dirt road, which was little more than just a track through the woods. Turning into his gate, I noticed an old extended cab pickup parked beside the house with at least two persons inside. But that fact was ignored immediately as I exited my vehicle and heard definite cries of pain coming from the other side of the house....

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The Cheaters 8211 Part 1 Friend8217s Boyfriend8217s Sex

I woke up on a Saturday morning and quickly ran toward the washroom of my flat. I closed the door behind me and my mind ran through whatever happened last night. I ran my fingers on my lips through which I was sucking a cock. Slowly, I moved my fingers to my nipples which were sucked by a mouth that did not belong to my boyfriend. My other hand then touched my clit which was swollen because yesterday, I had the first orgasm of my life in 3 years of my relationship. Satish has never been able to...

3 years ago
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PetuniaChapter 9

Alex took Alvin's advice and spent the week in bed. Thinking. And being pampered. It was funny to watch Mr. Smith. Sure, he could do some things really well, and he wasn't afraid to try to do anything. But it was obvious he had never taken care of a sick or injured person before. He was a disaster. It was hard not to laugh, because he was trying so hard, but finally, after he had fallen into the bathtub while trying to lift her out, she couldn't help herself. It was hard to call him...

2 years ago
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Teacher Meena Veetil Kaamam

Vanakam nanbargale, en teacher veetirku eppadi sendru kama uravu konden enbathai tamil kama kathaiyil ungalidam pagirugiren. En peyar Sunther vayathu 19 aagugirathu, naan ippozhuthu thaan kalluri muthal aandu padithu varugiren. En meethu oru teacher akarai athigamaaga kaati vanthaargal, avargal peyar thaan meena. Meena teacherai enaku migavum pidikum, avargal sexiyaaga irupaargal. Muthalil enaku anaithu teacher meethu bayam irunthathu, aanal kalluri sendrathum tamil kama kathaigal athigam...

1 year ago
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GloryHoleInitiations Chanell Heart Demi Sutra 09232018

Chanell Heart and Demi Sutra are “besties”, but a better description might be “odd couple”. You may not remember the TV show with the same name, but Demi and Chanell make for an odd pair, because Chanell is one slutty hoe…while Demi is very, very prude! Chanell loves one-night stands, but Demi wants to make a man wait — until they fall in love. So when Chanell drags Demi to an adult bookstore, and then discovers a gloryhole in the back of the joint,...


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