Impulse free porn video

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We were stopped at a red light. After catching ‘World’s Wildest Police Videos’ a few times on TV, I’d decided that stopping at red lights was a Good Idea. Not so much because of the cops, as the loony in the other vehicle.

So, there we were, stopped. Windows down, as it was a warm, sunny summer day. Someone leaned in through the open window and pushed a leaflet into Carol’s hand. She opened up the crumpled leaflet and I heard her gasp.

‘What is it?’ I said, moving off as the light turned to green.

She laughed. ‘Listen. ‘Nude Beach Special at Dover Point. Celebrate National Nude Day on July 14. Free admission that day for couples and family groups’.’ I looked across at Carol, grinning, but she had her thoughtful face on. ‘That’s today,’ she said.

‘What is?’

‘July 14.’

‘So? Oh, no. not me. You’re not getting me on a nude beach!’

‘Why not?’

‘I’m chicken, that’s why!’

‘Balls, you’re chicken! Why not?’

I took her question seriously and thought about it. Why not? Self-doubt, I guessed. ‘I don’t know, I guess I don’t have the nerve.’

‘Uh-huh, Jack. You’re the guy that was commended for tackling a gun-toting hophead with bare hands. Don’t tell me you don’t have nerve!’

‘He was threatening my Mom.’

She reached over and squeezed my hand. ‘I know. She told me all about it.’

‘Well, then. You know that was different.’

‘I guess so.’

I looked across at her, this girl I’d been dating for a couple of months. We weren’t lovers, not yet, but I think we both knew that it was only a matter of time, as we each had a powerful attraction to the other. I hadn’t said so, not yet, but I found myself thinking of marriage, wondering if she felt the same as me. I was almost ready to find out, I reckoned. ‘Do you want to go?’ I asked her.

I drove a couple of blocks in silence, then she turned to me. ‘Pull over, please, Jack.’ When I’d stopped she took my hand and waited until I faced her.

‘Yes, Jack, I do,’ she said. ‘I want to know if I have the confidence to be naked in front of strangers. Maybe if I can, then maybe it’s time I let you see me naked. This combines both.’

I felt my breath catch. ‘You told me that I’d know when you were ready to make love, as you’d be naked,’ I reminded her.

She smiled, but said nothing, holding my eye. I squeezed her fingers.

‘Okay, dammit. Yes, I’ll go with you.’

‘We were going to the beach anyway,’ she said, ‘and I think the beach at Dover Point might be quieter.’

‘I wonder why?’ I said, grinning at her. ‘Come on, before I lose my nerve.’

It was about a fifteen minute drive, and when we got there, the parking lot was about half full. Maybe because it was a Friday. I suspected there’d be more if it was a weekend. We grabbed our bags and headed for reception. The girl behind the desk was bright and cheerful, modest in bikini top and shorts. A concession to the interface between the two worlds, I guessed.

‘Hi, folks. Come for the free admission for couples today?’ she said with a welcoming smile.

I took a breath. ‘Yep.’

‘First time?’ I nodded. ‘Don’t worry. After ten minutes it will all seem natural. Unless you meet someone you know, of course.’ She grinned. ‘Surprised me when I saw my old high school teacher, I can tell you!’

‘I’ll bet,’ I said, laughing. ‘Do we sign in or anything?’

‘We’d rather you signed out, with a comment about what you thought, if you don’t mind. And, in case you want to come back, here’s a couple of application forms, and a brochure. Gentlemen that way, ladies that. Enjoy yourselves.’

Carol and I looked at each other. I think we were both a little nervous that we’d be naked together for the first time in a few moments. And naked in public, too. ‘See you just outside,’ I said. She nodded, and we went our separate ways.

The men’s changing room was deserted, and it took me only a moment to discard my clothes and put them in my carryall, along with our picnic lunch and my towel. I took a deep breath and opened the door to the beach. I stepped out and looked around. No sign of Carol, so I moved to the edge of the little terrace and looked around. Most people seemed to be down closer to the water, or using the clumps of pine and birch as shelter. There was a noise behind me and I turned.

Carol smiled nervously at me. She’d tied her long hair back in a loose ponytail, and was holding her carryall across her with both hands. Her breasts weren’t covered and the sight of them confirmed the promise of my occasional caressing of them, usually when it was too dark to see them. Not large, a handful, high and firm. Her nipples were erect, pencil-eraser sized, in dark pink areolae an inch across. Beautiful, I was about to speak when she took a deep breath and let her bag swing aside in her left hand.

Her belly was slightly rounded, just enough softness to blur the muscle. Her mons slightly pronounced, with a soft mat of red-gold hairs clipped neatly to her bikini line. There was a bright spot of color in each cheek as she faced me, biting her lip at the corner.

‘Carol, my pet, you are beautiful,’ I said.

She smiled. ‘You’re not so bad yourself, Jack.’ She stepped forward and kissed me, a brief peck on the lips. ‘Where do we go?’

I shrugged. ‘Where do you want to go?’

She pointed. ‘Why don’t we go along there, past those pines, see if it’s quieter along there?’

‘Okay.’ I took her hand. ‘Let’s go.’ We set off across the sand, hot under our feet, moving between groups of people, families, couples, no one seemed to be alone. The color was still high in Carol’s cheeks but she walked tall and I was proud of her. Of her? Hell, I was proud of me! There were a lot of attractive women on the beach, of all ages from toddlers to grandmothers, and the common factor seemed to be that they were all relaxed. Most had all-over tans, attesting to their regular visits, but there were a few like me and Carol, with paler butts, and breasts on the women.

We were close to the clump of pines when we heard a voice. ‘Carol! Jack! Hold up a minute, will you?’ From a group of women, most tanned, a couple of – what was the nickname? Oh, yes! Cottontails – a couple of cottontails, came an attractive woman with a wide smile on her face.

‘Aunt Jen!’ said Carol, startled, I think, to see her aunt, who stepped up and hugged her, then did the same to me. I like Carol’s Aunt Jen. Fortyish, divorced, slightly plump and tanned all over, I noticed. Good figure. Definitely bedworthy, a wicked corner of my mind decided. Carol and I occasionally used her pool.

‘Hi, sweetie,’ said Jen. ‘Surprised to see me?’

‘I guess so,’ said Carol.

‘I didn’t know you were interested, or I’d have said something.’

‘I wish you had. It’s only because someone stuffed a leaflet in my hand that we knew about the offer today. We were going to the beach anyway, and I persuaded Jack to come here. Impulse, I think. We were just going to have a look past the clump of pines.’

‘It’s quieter there, furthest away from the parking lot and the concession, so the lazy folk don’t get there. I’d invite you to join us, but you don’t want to be saddled with a bunch of middle-aged women. Not when you’re together. Go on, enjoy the day, and lose your fears of being naked. Next time you come around for a swim, don’t bring your suit!’ She gave us a warm smile and returned to her friends, giving us a wave as we turned the corner.

‘She looked good,’ I said to Carol as we paused to look around. Jen was right, it was quiet. A couple of family groups, moms and kids, a couple, younger than Carol and me, maybe late high school or just starting college, that age, the girl tanned all over, the boy showing a paler butt, and three girls, two of them cottontails. But the teenagers seemed to be leaving and in a few minutes there were just us and the two family groups.

We la
id our towels out near the pines, and Carol took out the sunblock. She held it out to me. ‘Will you do my back, please, Jack?’

‘My pleasure, of course.’

Carol stretched out on her face, and I poured some sunblock into my hand and began the pleasurable task of rubbing it into her shoulders and down her back. I hesitated as I reached her butt, but she turned her head.

‘Please, Jack, keep going,’ she murmured and for a few moments I enjoyed the sensuous pleasure of rubbing sun-block into her firm ass. She moved her legs apart to give me room and, startled, I realized I could see her pussy. There was a gleam of moisture. Sunblock, or was she turned on? I moved my hands onto her thighs and I let my thumb touch her pussy as I slid my hands up, rubbing the sunblock in. She stiffened as my thumb touched her, then relaxed with a sigh. Her head turned, a flush on her face.

‘Don’t, Jack. Not here. Not yet. Later,’ she said. Later? Oh, please God, don’t let me get an erection, not here, I thought, echoing Carol’s words in my mind. Had she just made me a promise? God, I hoped so!

I reached her ankles and she sat up, reaching for the sunblock and beginning to rub it into her breasts. She glanced across at where the kids and moms were playing, then smiled at me.

‘If they weren’t here I’d want you to do this for me, sweetheart,’ she murmured, with a wink for me. I groaned, and her smile widened into a grin.

‘Don’t, you’re torturing me!’ I said, and I could hear the hoarseness in my voice.

‘Come on, you’re enjoying this!’

‘I’m enjoying being here with you, yes, I love seeing you naked, yes – the reality is so much better than I imagined. What I’m not enjoying is the constant fight against an erection, although, I have to say, those two toddlers over there, if I glance over at them it’s instant deflation imagining what their moms would do to me.’

Carol giggled. ‘Emasculation, most likely. Come on, turn round, and I’ll do your back.’ She sighed. ‘You’d better do your own front.’ She smiled at me. ‘Half an hour in the sun, a swim, and then take me home.

‘You sure?’ I said, looking back over my shoulder. She bent forward and kissed my cheek.

‘Certain,’ she said. ‘Pass the food, please.’

We ate, we chatted, we even played ball with the kids and their moms, twenty-somethings, tanned and friendly, and we both of us avoided any mention of what might happen when I took Carol home. The moment came, and we packed our things up and, hand in hand, made our way back to the changing rooms and showers. Carol’s Aunt Jen was still there with her friends and waved us over.

‘Pool party on Sunday,’ she said. ‘Please come, both of you.’

‘With or without suits?’ Carol asked with a grin for her aunt.

‘Without. Everyone else is a member here, you two were the only doubts. Now?’ Jen shrugged, smiling at us. ‘Now, I can relax.’

Carol looked at me, her brows raised in query, and I nodded. ‘We’ll be there,’ said Carol.

‘Good,’ said Jen. ‘Come about two. Bye for now.’

In the car, driving back to her apartment, Carol was quiet. She smiled when I caught her eye, but the smiles were brief, as if she was preoccupied, and I began to feel a little concerned. It’s not far to Carol’s block and there was a vacant parking slot nearby, so it wasn’t long before we were entering her apartment. She lives on the shady side of the block and isn’t overlooked by neighbors, and other times I’d been there, in the evenings, she left the drapes open and we could see the lights around us. Now, still in broad daylight, she triggered the drapes closing mechanism and the living room was in a cosy duskiness. Once inside, Carol poured us each a tall wine cooler, took a sip of hers, and put it down.

‘Excuse me, please, Jack. I think I need to change. I’ll just be a moment. Put some music on, something romantic, or maybe something light classical.’ She kissed my nose, and she was away.

I flicked through her CDs, decided on some Borodin. Like me, Carol was quite fond of some of the Russian composers. In moments the muted strains of the orchestra began to fill the room. I caught movement out of the corner of my eye, and turned. Carol was standing in the doorway. She was wearing a silk kimono I’d given her as a present the previous week to celebrate her birthday. Her twenty-second, as it happens. She’d brushed out her hair so that it hung loose about her shoulders, and she smiled when I caught her eye, moving towards me, the silk moving on her body in a way that told me it was her only garment.

Without hesitation she moved into my arms, raising her lips for my kiss. It started gently, but there was a subtle tension about her and the kiss quickly became heated, so that she was breathing heavily when she broke away. Holding my eyes with hers, she loosened the kimono and let it slide down her arms to the floor.

‘Make love to me, Jack,’ she said, her voice a husky, almost hoarse, parody of her usual tones.

‘Sure, baby?’

She nodded. ‘Absolutely certain.’

I held her eyes as I stripped the polo shirt off over my head. She smiled, and I loosened my waistband, kicked off my sneakers and pushed my chinos down and off. There was a growing bulge in my boxers and Carol’s tongue swept swiftly across dry lips as I pulled my socks off. It was a relief, a huge relief, not to have to fight an erection and by the time I’d pushed my boxers off my hard cock was pointing somewhere up at the pictures on the wall.

I held my arms out, and Carol moved back into my embrace, her lips hot and urgent on mine. Without breaking the kiss, I eased her towards the couch and we slowly moved down and onto it, Carol at my left, my left hand behind her and my right on her hip. Her arms were twined around my neck, and I took hold of her left hand and moved it down, resting it on my cock. She broke the kiss and stared at me, and I squeezed my hand over hers, letting my fingers trail up her thigh, over her hip, up and out along her arm, and then in, and down, my fingers trailing lightly over her nipple, hot and hard, swollen.

Her breath hissed in on a gasp and her eyes fluttered closed. Her hand was steady on me, and she squeezed, her fingers moving over me, lightly, soft, exploring, her thumb rubbing over the mushroom head even as my own fingers caressed their way over her belly, through the fleece on her mound and down between her legs. Almost unconsciously, her legs separated and I slid my finger the length of her cleft, up to the hood of her clitoris, moving easily in her juices. I slid a finger, two, into her, my thumb gentle on her clit and she moaned softly into my mouth, trembling.

I pulled my head back slightly and her eyes flashed open. I smiled. ‘Do I need anything?’

‘Do you -? Oh! No, just put it in me.’ She smiled, soft, loving. ‘Soon, please? Before I pass out from wanting you.’

‘You want me?’

She took a deep breath. ‘More than I’ve ever wanted anything in my life.’

I eased her to her back on the couch, and moved over her, looking down into her eyes. She moved her legs apart, holding my eye. ‘Now,’ she said, and as I moved to put the head of my cock at her cleft, her cool fingers took me, guiding me into her warmth and wetness, into the scalding cling of her, a soft gasp coming from her as I pressed in, pulling back, spreading her juices and pressing in again, deeper, feeling my balls brush her ass as I filled her. There was a soft moan from her as I hit bottom.

‘Ohh. Yes, Jack! Yes, yes, yes! Fuck me, fuck me deep, fuck me hard, my darling.’ I was startled, as I’d never heard her say so much as a ‘damn’ before, but this was a time for the raw bluntness of such language, because there was something primitive in us as I began to thrust into her, feeling her getting wetter as I thrust, beginning to hear myself as I moved in her wetness, smelling the potent mixture of her spring flower perfume and the raw sensual juices I was moving in, sweat
coming to my brow, to hers, and pooling on her belly where I touched her as our bodies moved together, her breath beginning to hiss in my ear as I moved, her breathing adopting the rhythm of my thrusts.

It wasn’t long, excited as we both were, before the moment was getting to me, and I was gritting my teeth, fighting to delay my climax, moving so that my angle of entry was slightly different, a hiss in my ear telling me that Carol was enjoying the moment, too, that the change was good for her, that this moment was ours. Not mine, not hers. Ours.

There was no way such intensity could last, and it didn’t. Carol came first, a gasp from her as her pussy clamped down on my cock, her belly rippling, her pussy sucking at my cock, drawing me on, triggering my own climax so that my hips thrust at her in climactic reflex, and Carol gasped in my ear as she felt me driving into her, her hands pulling me tight into her.

As we came down from our high, and our breathing slowly crept back to normal, as we cooled slowly in the summer warmth, we were silent, until Carol suddenly giggled.

‘What?’ I said.

‘I think you’d better pull out, before you fall out.’ She made a face. ‘I like having you there.’

‘I like being there.’ I kissed her nose, then pulled back, flopping onto my back. She rolled over, half on top of me, her chin on my chest, one leg between mine, gazing into my eyes, gnawing at her top lip.

‘Was I good?’ she said.

‘Better than good. Wonderful.’

She half smiled. ‘Do you want to do that again?’

‘You need to ask? Every chance I get, and twice at weekends.’

She gnawed her lip again, then took a deep breath. ‘Jack, I want your child.’

I tried to keep my face impassive while I recovered from the shock. ‘You do, do you?’

She nodded. ‘I do, so very much,’ she whispered. ‘I love you.’

‘Well, in that case, Carol Elizabeth Trevelyan,’ I said. ‘Will you marry me? Because I love you, too.’

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Hello everyone, I hope you all are doing well. Today I am going to share a real story about how I got stuck at my mother-in-law’s place and have been fucking my maami (wife of mother’s brother) from day one of the lockdowns. And honestly speaking, I don’t want this lockdown to end! I am Lucky from Delhi. Age:- 22. Dick:- 6-inches. About my maami – Name:- Komal. Age:- 34. Boobs:-Really Big 38D. Size :- 38-30-36 (literally a sex bomb). Sex appeal:- More than many porn stars. She is always ready...

2 years ago
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Home Alone

The world, on the other side of the glass, was suffering; buffeted and sodden. Gales had been lashing for the better part of two days. High winds had whipped the pines into thrashing wands, stripping the remaining pine cones to fall to the ground with little thuds, barely audible above the cacophony of the storm. Black, scudding clouds shrouded the landscape, creating bizarre, moving shadows of dark over dark, blotting out the usual features of the pine forest. The rain, driven almost...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Paisley Bennett Gaping Ass Wide Open

Slim blonde Paisley Bennett playfully teases in tight jean shorts and a colorful top. The sassy cutie strips and masturbates, moaning as she stuffs her fingers into her butthole. Tattooed, wild Tommy Pistol arrives with cock in hand, and Paisley gives him a raunchy, slobber-soaked blowjob. Tommy pries open Paisley’s wet pussy, and the crazy nymph spews girl squirt into his mouth! Tommy slam-fucks her asshole throughout a kinky, hole-stretching anal soiree, kissing Paisley as he crudely...

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The Room

THE ROOMShe lay helpless on the cold cement floor.There was no light,  no sound, no nothing.She tried to move but very soon found her arms handcuffed and also her feet.She tried to move from side to side and also found that was no good as it appeared that she was attached to the floor in some fashion.She was unsure how long she lay there.She had very few memories of how she got here.The last thing she knew for sure was that she was coming out of work at the bank.She had worked very late on the...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 376

Dinner with me and the three gay guys was hilarious. The two flamers were who they were, and Simon enjoyed pushing all their buttons. He probably did it to amuse me as much as himself. In the end I explained that I was off to the casino to play blackjack. I promised that I would wander into one of the quieter lounges for a drink, when I lost all my money or 1AM, which ever came first. It was almost 10PM when I meandered into the brightly lit casino. It certainly had nothing in common with...

3 years ago
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My first blowjob part 2

This is a continuation of,- Lucy the office secretary gives me my first blow job. A true story from my youth. As you will recall when I was about 17 and working as an office junior, I was seduced by the new office secretary. . I had been working for the company for about eighteen months when Lucy (name changed) arrived. I remember clearly the day Lucy arrived for an interview. The whole office, well all the male staff, prayed she would be the one selected for the position. That day I recall...

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Haze Balls I fucked my pledges girlfriend

That party was sick b*o. Glad you came out. Sucks you had to keep the fire going last night, but its pledge ship you’ll get used to it. Anyways while everyone was hanging out by the fire I asked your girlfriend Erin to give me a ride to the store so I could get a pack of cigarettes. She was looking so fucking sexy. Those slutty heels and that short black dress. Dude you’re lucky. Anyways I asked her how ya’ll were doing when she took me to the store. She complained about how you were always...

2 years ago
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Rebas TranceChapter 6

The next evening... “Wait, why am I strapped to this table?” Eugene asked as he noticed that his body hair was gone ... and felt something else was missing. His cock ... it was gone now, too, and the wound had been cauterized. But why? He looked at Jake, who smiled wickedly at him as he dangled the man’s own dick in front of his face. What the hell was going on here? Eugene really panicked now, despite the lack of pain, as his prick had been cut off in his sleep. “Don’t worry, Gene. We’re...

3 years ago
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My teachers shoes

One Friday after school i stayed at school to help set up the spring school dance.After i finished setting up the things that i had to i went back to my teachers room (she organizes all the dances so the supplies are in her room) to get my bag.No one was in the room I looked to the side and saw her shoes, then i went over too her shoes knelled down and smelled. Wow it didnt smell bad it was making me horny. i opened my zippers and got out my cock. then i heard steps so i pulled down my shirt to...

1 year ago
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Bikers want more fun

As Sasha & Milan rode down the road, discussing the days events, The rumble of motorcycles surrounded their car. Hey, pull over in the turn off ahead. We weren't sure we wanted to, but somehow couldn't resisted the excitement, terror, and thrill. We pulled in, they did also. Milan was pulled from the passengers side, They undid her pants roughly pulled them and her panties down, and pushed a butt plug up her ass. I got out, locked the car and was pushed face first over the cars hood. My ass...

3 years ago
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A very merry Xmas thanks to a MILF call

Okay, if you read my story 'Something on account', you'll know that I had a big surprise waiting for me at the office Xmas party in 1978 when I was 17. Completely unexpectedly, I had received the best blow job I had had to date - and it was from Joan, the company accountant AND three times my age!Well, you will also know that I mentioned that there was another mature lady at that party. Lisa. In the UK, there is an old saying... "As fit as a butchers dog". What that means is that the butcher...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Abella Danger Luna Star The Squirting Maid

Luna Star is having a big party at her place tomorrow and needs to clean up before her guest arrives. Realizing that she can’t do it all herself, she calls the first cleaning service she finds online. When Abella Danger answers the phone, she informs her that they’ll be happy to send someone over tomorrow before her guests arrive since she’s calling after hours. Luna says that’s unacceptable and offers to pay whatever she wants for her to be serviced tonight. Abella says...

4 years ago
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Choti Behen Ki Virginity

Hello everyone. Main aditya mehra aap sab k saath apni kahani share kar raha hu. Ye story mere or meri behan ki hai. Meri age 22 years hai or main pune mein rahta hu. Mere ghar mein mere mummy papa main or meri choti behan rahte hai. Meri behen nishi 19 years ki hai. Figure slim or skin color white hai. Wo bahut khubsurat hai. Uske college mein bhi uske bahut sare deewane hai. Ye kahani tab suru hue jab main apne hometown mein rahta tha or main iss par incest stories padhna suru kia. Dhire...

3 years ago
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The Best Sex

Hi To all readers of ISS and a special thanks to the founder of this site because it has been helping lots of people to fulfil their desire of sex. Let’s start with the story and this is a narration of a true event that occurred to me. I am Sumith a male aged 25 and I live in Karnataka and I am a good looking with a cute face and a sexy body. This all started when I met this girl once named Sonal. She was working at a bank once I had been to Bangalore and she was also on the same bus we didn’t...

2 years ago
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A Fathers Gift

You don't just become a slut over night. No! You think about it as you play with your dick for years. You practice in your head, work out the details in your fantasies; go through the motions a thousand times. Fetishes are not like plants: they don't need the light of the day. They grow best at night, in the dark, where shapes are vague, and things are never clear. They are born behind closed eyes, living their lives in your dreams, growing stronger as you grow older, at first nothing more...

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The Dark Shadow of Desire

Hidden in the depth of your lust, you will find your own dark shadow of desire. My therapist asked me to write out my confession, read it to myself, seal it in an envelope and burn it. My name is Derek and this is my confession.  It was last Friday night. I had arranged for a limousine to take my fiancée and I to the formal ball that begins the Arts Centre’s new exhibition season. The tickets were very expensive but I knew that my fiancée loved elite social affairs and the art shows so I wanted...

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A NotSoSimple Life Part 4

Introduction: If you like it, dont like it, just feel like commenting or anything in between, feel free. Feedback is always nice. Plox-n-Thank you ???? The cafeteria died, figuratively of course, but it did feel like I was staring at bunch of ghosts after that. Everywhere I looked I was met with pale, awestruck faces that I tried my best to ignore as I weaved through the crowd. Keeping my head down, I managed to break free from the mass and escape the cafeteria, leaning up against the wall to try...

2 years ago
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Death of a Muse

Solemn and faceless they bore her coffin in from the cold, listless morning. It was early, yet, and the chapel had not yet filled, but I knew that before long even the standing room would be crowded. The pallbearers paused with the strength of ritual, and placed the mahogany box like an altar at the front of the church. The rich wood gleamed brilliantly with the kiss of sacred candlelight. As well it should shine, as it would be a closed casket service. The air was stifling with the scent of...

1 year ago
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Only3XLost Samantha Reigns Luscious babe Samantha Reigns amazing fuck and facial

There is a sweet girl wearing short shorts and is on the phone in the parking lot. Unfortunately, her phone died, and bravely asked if she can borrow one from the driver who is filming her. Samantha Reigns looks so sad as she just lost her job due to the pandemic. Too bad this chick is a foreigner, from the United States and the opportunities are scarce. You can see the desperation with this chick as she talked with the guy on the car and he proposed a quick money-making job to her. She was...

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Fraternity Brother to Sorority Sister Chapter 32 The Wedding

Fraternity Brother to Sorority Sister Chapter 32 - The Wedding For weeks Beth basked in the memory of their trip to Disney World. She was thankful that she had a trip to see her former family and speak with Ken's mom one more time. She would treasure that moment always, especially when Carol said that if she had a daughter she would have liked for her to be like Beth. She was debating whether she should send Carol a baby picture. It might be a way to keep the communication open so...

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Lusts What The Doctor OrderedChapter 2

Prinz lay back in the deep tub luxuriating in its soothing warmth as he spoke into the telephone. "No, Mark... I'd like you and Coco to be here around seven-thirty. And I'll have a little surprise for you tonight--her name is Karen..." There was a pause and the man on the other end of the line spoke slowly as he told the psychoanalyst, "Ah, look--you know how Coco is, Doc... it took me a month to convince her it was okay to let her hair down in front of you." "If it's a question of...

1 year ago
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Recipe for LoveChapter 2

Just after dark there was a knock on my door. When I opened it Jenny was standing there wearing a very – very – short dress. She didn’t say anything, just put her hands on my shoulders and literally jumped up, wrapping her legs around my waist. Her tongue was immediately in my mouth. When she jumped up, I instinctively put one hand behind her back, while the other hand cupped her butt. I immediately realized she wasn’t wearing panties. Somehow I managed to close the front door, then...

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Daddy and the Park Walk

I had been told what to wear and where to go so there I was in the local park at 9.30pm it was dark but several street lights lit the path quite well and I had been told where to walk by my Daddy who was a right kinky bastard .... I had 'dressed' as ordered and teetered along the path in my 5'' heels holding my skirt in both hands I raised it to my waist to expose my pantied cock framed by my stockings and I clipped along the path my cock swayed lewdly infront of me hard and...

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Out for a run parts 79

Part 7Well, it has been a week, let me tell you. After telling my husband about my experiences with my group of young guys and than taking him up to my secrete place in the park and showing him around and than using the area to the fullest. This week has been just as exciting for me. Before I continue, let me describe myself, I have a distinct look – 51 years old, 5 feet 5 inches tall, 145 pounds, Hispanic with darker skin, brunet hair – shoulder length, mouth that loves to suck cock and has...

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Mia woke up suddenly. She looked at the clock. It was off. "No power. " she thought. Light was coming through the blinds on the window but it still felt like it was the middle of the night. She got up to go to the window. As soon as she threw off the covers chills went through her body. It was a cold November night, and since the heater wasn't on, it was cold. The fact that she was only wearing a night shirt and her panties didn't help either. She folded her arms as she walked over to the...

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Moms and Band

Billy Thomas had to beg and plead with his mother to give him and his friends permission to use their garage for his band to practice. She finally gave in and for two hours a day she had to listen to Billy and his three friends jam out hard rock hair band songs. The other guys were really happy Billy was able to convince his mother to let them practice there, one she was always really cool about it and the other she was hot. Christine Thomas, mother of two, 37 years old, she was in very good...

2 years ago
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Random Banging

Hope you enjoy this its my first attempt at this sort of thing, hope its not lame have fun. I'm on my way out of walmart, it's late just dropped in to get a new movie check out the game section. Maybe check out a few women shopping. Didn't really see anyone too hot until I hit the exit and watched this sexy business woman in a blue blouse, black backseam stockings, blue stilettos and a skin tight pencil skirt that hugged her wide hips walk towards the greeter. Honestly is there anything...

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Cockatoo part 16 Includes missing chapter

Apologies, I had a blonde moment and missed a chapterHere is the missing one and the latestCockatoo Part 16I was getting seriously pissed off being everyone’s punch bag, but hehad me backed into a corner, and I knew I would have to go along withhim. But, it gave me a glimmer of hope that I could get Jandaeng off myback. With my head in my hands I said, ‘I have no choice, I agree.’He pushed my phone and wallet back across the table. They had been takenfrom me in the van on the way here. I was...

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A Brothers Revenge1

The only words that could escape his mouth after his door bell rang in that fridgid January morn. "It's 3am. I dont know why you could not have at least called first." He was pissed she knew. After all, her older brother and her never got along. She was the only girl of the four of them and could, hell did get away with everything. From the drunken teenage parties, to the drugs and having a child at 16, her father mearly looked the other way. Her older brother Mike, on the other hand,...

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SusanChapter 27

Calvin Monroe was disturbed. Although at sixteen, he was now a full member of the Black Avengers, Ahmed's behavior was increasingly troubling. Dealing crack was one thing. Robbery, extortion ... These were just ways of getting money, ways that were certainly easier than working. But it was something else. While most of the gang members were young — under sixteen, down to twelve — Ahmed, the leader, was in his twenties. And he was becoming more violent, in Calvin's view, just for the sake of...

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Learning AssistanceChapter 5

It was a fun day and we enjoyed our time with our parents. I think the four of them genuinely enjoyed spending time together ... We didn’t go out Friday night though it was tempting to go to the club for dinner and dancing. We would leave in the morning for our apartment to give us some time before Sunday when it was our turn to teach. It would give us some “alone time” to enjoy each other without inhibitions, too. Saturday night was lovely and we woke up rested and energized. In Sunday...

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Having an affair with my neighbor could not have been more perfect. It suddenly became a thing as we didn't have to go anywhere and everything was so easy. We ended up fucking multiple times a week without my gf being suspicious of us. There were times where we would do quickies and then time where we could absolutely take our time and fuck however long we wanted. We even experimented a little as we would fuck in his backyard even. He had a nice paved back yard and there was plenty of space for...

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The Bastard Who Made Me Howl In Lust

In His email He had said what He wanted in unequivocal terms. He was consistent,demanding and brutally curt. He had an arrogant way of stating His expectationsand a crudeness in describing them, which had riveted my attention and overwhelmedmy misgivings. I stood on his doorstep, my stomach churning with apprehensionand managed to knock only feebly on the knocker. I was still trying to bracemyself when the door opened quickly and made me jump. ?Ah, you,? he said byway of greeting, ?You're late....

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Futas Wild PassionChapter 13 Little Sisterrsquos Fertile Futa Desire

I stared at the text message from my mom in shock. She never sent me text messages, and now she was ruining all my afternoon plans. It read: “Ms. Petrov wants to meet you. I’ll pick you up after school.” Anger brimmed inside of me. The good mood my wild passion I’d just shared with my sexy and busty teacher, Mrs. Greene, had given me in evaporated. I angrily hit the call button on my phone and held it to my ear, tapping my foot. Yes, I called my mother. That was how angry she made me. I...

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The Pumpkin Patch

-Oscar Wilde *** Most of the year it was just an empty lot, dusty and overlooked. Little ever grew there, and no one ever tried to build anything on it. But people knew, deep down, that it was a special place, and they treated it with deference. It was a place of power. Jezibaba’s little house crouched across the street from it, and that night she drew her curtains aside and peered through the gloom. It was the first new moon in October. When the clock struck half past, she went...

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