The Perilous Adventures of Isabel and Moira
- 2 years ago
- 43
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"You ready?"
I was in Joanne's room, though it hardly looked like the room I knew. Instead, it seemed like a rather barren guest room. All of her carefully gathered trinkets were gone, packed away and already sent to San Diego. Gone also were the wall hangings and the framed paintings and prints that had covered her walls. Gone, even, was her quilt, a gorgeous blue-toned handmade heirloom that had been her grandmother's. The suitcases, sitting ajar on the floor, made me sure that if I looked in the closet, I would find only a few empty hangers, instead of the brilliant, eccentric, and perfect clothing that had hung there before.
"I'm packed, ' she said, shrugging, as if that small accomplishment might count as an answer.
"I meant for the party."
She sighed. "There's no being ready for that." She stood, and crossed the empty space that had stretched between us. She took me in her arms, but held me away far enough that she could look earnestly into my face. "I don't want to leave, Moira. It's just that there's no other way..."
I knew that. She needed Burt. And for that, she had to leave Furthurmore. I wondered if there was a Burt in my future. I could not imagine going to someone other than Gary. But I could understand the rest. All the rest. I could feel it. Lord, I knew the yearning that was driving Joanne away from Gary.
We hugged then; sisters about to part. I'd never had a sister, but I knew that Joanne was my sister in all but blood. Even if we were apart for years, I knew we'd never grow distant.
My eyes caught sight of the clock on the bedside table.
"Jo, we can go out now, and you can be there as people arrive. Or we can wait fifteen minutes and you can make a grand entrance. Which one?"
"Yikes," she said, looking at the clock, as if to be sure I'd read it right. "Let's go. I'm not up for a grand entrance, nor a grand exit. I'd prefer to just be there until I sneak away."
She let go of me, and went to her suitcases and closed them. Then she straightened, and her eyes searched around the room, checking for anything she might have forgotten. Finally, her eyes found mine again, she gave me a smile, and we headed out to the dining room. Michelle and Jake were fussing with food. Sid was drawing himself a Fiji Baby from the tap, and offered to do the same for us, but Joanne and I both declined his offer.
And then Joanne started the process of saying her goodbyes, even as people arrived. I stood against the bulkhead, watching her easy way with people. She slipped her arm around Michelle's waist just as the chef was placing a platter of delicacies upon the table. Joanne had already snatched one, and tasted it, and I heard her say, "I'm going to miss your cooking almost more than anything else, Michelle." And then there were quiet words I couldn't catch. I saw Joanne's free hand reach for Michelle's hand and give it a squeeze. And then the two were hugging, until Michelle broke the embrace, saying that she needed to get more food from the galley.
I watched as Joanne took a few of those treats off the platter onto a tiny plate and carried it over to Tony, telling the captain that he "had to taste one" before feeding him a tidbit with her fingers. She moved in close as they talked, and I saw her brush a crumb from his lip – an intimate gesture. She gave him a tender kiss on the lips before pressing the plate, with the remaining goodies, into his hand, and she moved on to where Carol and Lin were standing.
Gary came over and stood beside me then. He didn't say anything, but he let me take his hand in mine. Together, we watched as she flirted with the women. Soon, even the dour Carol was laughing. Joanne gave each a kiss on the cheek, and let their hands linger in hers as she pulled away. I could see the pang of longing in the eyes of the two women as they watched Joanne move away.
"This is killing me," said Gary to me, softly. "She has so much grace. Everybody loves her." It was true. We all did love Joanne. She was with Sid, now, and they were laughing and goofing. Sid had his hand at the small of her back. "You aren't going to miss me, you're just going to miss my butt," I heard her jest, as she grabbed his wrist and moved his hand down to her bum. I could see his fingers give her a squeeze there. He pulled her in tight for a kiss, but she turned her face a bit, so that their kiss only met at the corners of their mouths. He looked disappointed, but she teased him again. "Don't you go starting anything now, Sid. I have a plane to catch."
And then Joanne flowed across the room and joined with Simone and Tori. I turned my eyes to Gary. He was slumped against the wall, with his eyes closed. He looked defeated. I was about to move closer, to comfort him, when I saw Saralinda and Kate just outside the door, lingering on the deck, talking quietly. I watched with curiosity as Saralinda pulled Kate into a quick hug, and then rubbed her hand down Kate's back as they parted and finally entered the room.
Kate stopped just inside the door, and her eyes searched the room before they found Gary next to me. She bit her lip when she saw him. Her eyes moved and the two of us stared at each other for a few seconds. I watched her swallow and look away, and then Kate moved towards Joanne.
Saralinda had also stopped at the door, but by the time my focus had shifted to her, she was almost rushing over to Gary and me. She scooted up right next to me, taking my hand. She looked a bit nervous as she glanced around the room for a moment.
I wrapped my arm loosely around her, hugging her from behind, and whispered into her ears, "Something wrong, Honey?" She didn't say anything, and she didn't relax. She did turn her head and tilt it back so that we could kiss for a moment. Then she lowered her head and stared at Gary, who was still slumped against the wall, and still had his eyes closed.
Saralinda twisted out of my grasp and went over to Gary. She maneuvered her arms around him and gave him a long, long hug, but he didn't seem to react. She pressed her face up into the hollow of his neck. His arms wrapped around her a little bit. "No matter what, we love you, Gary. No matter what. I promise," I heard her whisper to him. Then she tightened her hug again, and slowly Gary returned the embrace. After a few seconds, he seemed to straighten and relax, and then Saralinda drew back. Gary was standing now, and his shoulders lost their rigid set, at least a little.
I watched all of this with confusion. I knew Joanne's departure was hard on Gary, but this seemed different. It felt like something else was going on. Something to do with Kate, maybe. My eyes flicked around the room to find her, but she was gone already. She must have nipped in only long enough to say goodbye to Joanne.
I felt Saralinda's hand pulling me, and I turned with it. She basically pushed me at Gary, who was still looking a bit shaky. I took Gary's hands in mine and stared into his face. He couldn't seem to meet my eyes, which made my heart tighten.
My mind whirled through all of the possible explanations for his funk, so that I could try and counter it.
"You okay, Gary? ... Hey, what's wrong?..."
I reached up with my hand and pretty much made him look at me.
"Gary, you're not losing all of us. I won't leave you. I won't, okay? Relax. We'll get through this..." I didn't even know if that was what was bothering him, but he didn't say otherwise.
I was about to give him a kiss, when I noticed that Jake was standing next to us. Jake stayed silent until Gary looked over at him as well.
"Sorry to interrupt, boss. You ready to do the champagne toast? Joanne's cab is due here in fifteen minutes."
Joanne had insisted that she simply take a cab to the airport. She refused all offers to have Gary or Jake drive her there. She wouldn't even let me come along with her. "It's just too hard, Moira," she'd told me. "I hate goodbyes."
I looked up into Gary's face. He breathed out heavily through his nose, but then he nodded to Jake.
Gary walked over to stand at the head of the table, and tapped a knife against a glass while Jake quickly took the tray of champagne glasses around so that everyone had one. Jake looked surprised to have one left over at the end, and his eyes flicked around the room, searching to see who he'd missed. I went over to him.
"Kate was here, but she seems to have left already," I said to him quietly.
He grimaced, and put the tray down, taking his own glass and leaving the one for Kate abandoned. The chatting stopped, and everyone looked up to Gary.
"Okay, everybody. Joanne has to leave us in just a minute, but I wanted to say a few words." And then he had eyes only for Jo.
"Joanne, you are like a cool drink on a hot day, and like hot mulled wine in winter. You are always exactly what is needed. When you come into a room, everyone feels better. You are gorgeous and sweet and we're all in love with you. We've been blessed to have you with us, even if the time has been too short. Eternity would be too short. But we do not begrudge your departure.
"This is not goodbye, but farewell. We will miss you. But knowing that you will be with Burt, your true love who adores you – that takes away the sting.
"Joanne, we wish you a wonderful homecoming with Burt, and we look forward to seeing the two of you get married on Valentine's Day, if we don't see you again before then."
Gary's eyes then swung around the room, taking us all in.
"So, let us all drink to our dear friend, Joanne. May she bring happiness wherever she goes, as she has brought us happiness. And may it be returned fourfold to her and to Burt."
And at that, Gary raised his glass to Joanne, and we all did the same with ours.
"To Joanne," and "Hear hear", and other such things were said, and we drank. And then Joanne was in Gary's arms, with tears streaming down her face. The rocked each other back and forth, holding tight. Gosh, I wanted to rush to them, to share in that embrace, but I held back. Gary needed that private moment with her – a moment cut even shorter by the impatient honk of the cabbie on the dock outside.
Joanne broke away, and a quick glance at Jake sent him and Sid scurrying to carry her luggage. Gary walked her out of the room and around the deck to the gangway, while the rest of us trailed behind. I pushed my way to stand beside Gary at the top of the gangway. Joanne insisted that we come no further with her. She gave Gary one last hug and a quick kiss, and then gave me a quick hug too, and a kiss on the nose. She looked happy, and excited, and that made me smile in spite of sadness. She waved to the others on the deck, then turned and practically skipped down to the dock and across to the cab.
Sid held a door open for her, as Jake shut the trunk and came over to take her hand. Jake brought her fingers to his lips, like he was paying respects to a princess. She giggled and tossled his hair, and then Sid's. Then she waved at us once more, then disappeared into the cab. Sid shut the door, and she was off.
I phone the office and Moira answers, “Good day, Brown’s companies, Moira speaking. How can I help you?” “Hey Sweetie, can I speak with your mom?” “I thought you were supposed to be on a date with Dahlia.” “It ended early. She will probably tell you all about it. Just don’t push her, OK.” “OK. Just a sec. I’ll get Mom for you.” “Helen speaking. How can I help you?” “Mrs. Papadakis, it’s Trent. I was wondering if I could take you to coffee so we could talk about some personal...
Tony and Anita were sitting at a late breakfast when the maid came in and gushed out the news. “I just heard it from the Cartwicks’ driver, Miss Heyworth. Lord Brougham’s son was killed in a duel this morning! And before the eyes of his father! What a tragedy! I better brush out your black dress. Will you be going to the funeral?” “I guess I have to, at least for his poor wife’s sake,” Anita answered, but the maid was already rushing out, probably to relay the gossip to other acquaintances....
It was distinctly strange to have the door to Saralinda's room closed. I knew she was in her room, and somehow the closed door seemed like a message to me. I'd been really happy that Joanne had dragged me out to go snorkeling, and I really should have asked Saralinda, but I wanted one more precious day of just Joanne and me. And now that door was closed. I was in my own room, with the air conditioning off and the window open, enjoying the heavy tropical air. Staying off-ship for two weeks...
"Well, Moira?" It was a pregnant question, that's for sure. I looked around the table. Gary had asked it, of course. Kate had her usual sourpuss face – she's always worried about things. Joanne was there too, and Henri, though I had no idea why he was with us. Last of all was Jake. He'd understand all of this the best of any of them. I'd only had two days with her so far, since she'd woken up in my arms. Thank God she was talking. If she'd closed me out, I wouldn't be able to help...
Life on Furthurmore has done little to help me learn patience. Usually, the only thing I ever get impatient over is the arrival of dinner, or Jake being slow in bringing me a drink from the bar. Not nearly the same class of thing as waiting three days for the psychological evaluation to be completed. One thing we hadn't counted on was that they wanted to observe her for 72 hours. We could see her every day, for an hour in the morning, an hour in the afternoon, but that was it. I wasn't...
Out of the dreamless sleep of the dead, I was startled awake, and lay there, wondering what had awoken me. I was alone, and I unaccountably felt annoyed by that. I'd grown accustomed to having Saralinda in my bed, but the last couple of weeks, I'd gone to bed alone more than once, though she'd always joined me sometime during the night. It was my fault as much as hers, probably, if it was anyone's fault. I was spending a lot of time with Joanne, and Saralinda was hanging out with Malia....
[Note – this chapter contains descriptions of past physical and sexual abuse that may disturb some readers, and which are not reflected in the story codes - Gray] I led Saralinda back towards my room. Sometimes it was hard to believe she'd tried to kill herself just days previously, but then she'd say something that would bring it all freshly to mind. My heart ached for the poor girl. I just hoped and prayed that we could keep her safe and heal her and let her know, really know, that hopes...
It was two in the afternoon when I got back to my room. I'd been on lunch duty, both preparation and clean-up. I was surprised that Saralinda wasn't in the room, and it left me wondering what to do with myself. I wasn't sure what I felt like doing. It was a nice day, of course. I could go to the pool. Or I could get out my guitar. Or I could go see what Jake was up to, or Gary, or Joanne. I didn't mind my aimless life, but there were times when it made me feel somewhat superfluous in the...
We were brushing out our hair, after our shower, when Saralinda spoke. "I'm sorry," she began. "I guess I shouldn't have, like, intruded this morning. But when I woke up, I couldn't even remember where we were. And then I heard you singing upstairs, so I went up there, and there wasn't a door to knock on or anything..." I smiled at her. "It was fine. Don't worry about it," I told her. "And then, when you told me to come over, I couldn't believe it. I was so afraid at first – I...
I went to bed alone, but I woke up between Gary and Saralinda. It was nice to feel so loved, but it did make it harder to get up to go pee. I managed by pulling Saralinda into a hug, rolling her on top of me, and after a little cuddle during which she didn't really wake up, rolling again, leaving her next to Gary. After, I looked at the clock – seven – the sun was up and we should be too. I stood in the bathroom, looking in the mirror. How could I already be more than thirty? Almost 35 ......
"So? What are you going to do, Joanne?" She'd just gotten off the phone with her fiancé, Burt, back in San Diego, and her eyes were still focused half way around the world, it seemed to me. When she didn't answer, I moved over next to her and took her in my arms for comfort. "You okay, Jo?" I added. "Yeah," she finally managed to get out. She she gave herself a little bit of a shake, and I let her go. "Yeah, I'm okay. Burt says to stay here until Gary and Kate get back. I think...
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Chapter 1 The sun shined into Bill's eyes as he walked out of one of the homes of the cable company's many customers. Bill squinted and shaded his eyes as he walked towards the street. The 23 year old cable repairman strolled up to his van. After he placed his tools in the back of the van, Bill set out to go get lunch. Bill drove his van down the highway. As he made his way towards Islip, He sat there and tapped on his wiry leg. He grabbed the knob on the radio and turned up the...
My name is Clinton Conners. I'm thirty-five years old and at the beginning of this story, I was confused, and pissed off. Those were, however, the only things I knew about my situation. Of course, there were other things going on in my life, but at the time I was blissfully unaware of how stupid I was. As I looked around the small airport terminal, I was still wondering how the hell my boss had convinced me to be there at that moment, doing what I was doing. It was a Fall Friday morning, the...
Brad was four pulses into the most incredible orgasm of his life when he became aware of a crash and a number of thumps to his right. Looking over the side of the bed, he beheld Sarah, lying half on her side, apparently trying to catch her breath. “Are you okay?” he puffed. Sarah gazed up at him in shock and embarrassment. It WAS Brad! “I think so,” she said in a small voice. “Who is it?” Gina asked. “I can’t see...” “It’s Sarah,” Brad related. “How long have you been here?” Sarah stood...
Most people are upset at Russia for invading Ukraine for geopolitical reasons, and I get it. But unfortunately, there is not enough time in the day for me to both watch porn and keep up on current events.Pussy PoliticsI have no idea why Russia invaded Ukraine, and I don't plan on finding out. However, I'm still upset. Just not for the same reasons most other people are. I'm pissed because so many sexy porn stars have come out of Ukraine.Every month the war continues, another batch of sexy sluts...
Twitter Porn AccountsSalvage The next morning before returning to the ship to continue the salvage work the two sailors met with Kekoa. The old French Captain and Zack felt the need to do something to help protect the villages from the marauding pirates when they returned. During that time with Kekoa they also discussed what to do, and where to hide, when the pirates came back to the island. All three men felt it was not a question of if, but rather one of when the pirates would revisit the island. Eventually...
My wife was invited to a new year party by one of the ladies in her cuckold group. It's a small group of married women that get together for sex with well hung black men. She has hosted parties at our home a few times and on that occasion I was allowed to watch the action. Now back to the new year party, I wasn't invited in fact non of the husbands where allowed to be at the party. I asked my wife who was serving the drinks if no husbands where allowed? She said that Mattie ( the hostess ) had...
I'm 14 years old boy quite good build. And I have a girlfriend who I like very much. It was in July 2010 my cousins and my uncles came to spend the week with us. One of my cousins was sally who was 14 swell but she looked quite old for an 14 years old. She looked about 17 or at least 16. Who gets with me really well. We always used to spend the day in beach and the night partying, BBQ drinking. usually my girlfriend is always there but that weekend she had to go to a weeding. Normally we...
Book Two: Rogue's Wicked Harem Part Five: The Queen's Good Boy By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Chapter Thirteen: Royal Command Sven Falk – Faerie “Fuck my daughter.” The command that the faerie queen gave me shocked me. I expected to be ordered to eat her pussy, to make her cum. I was here to pleasure her, to show her my prowess in bed. Did she not think I was worthy to fuck her? That I wasn't good enough to bend her over and fuck her hard from behind? The urge to stand up, throw...
I woke up with a start as the crushing light came threw the blinds in my family house in my room. The reason I woke up were that I had a bad dream about a rebel against the Capital in Panem. My family of 12 year old twin brothers and my crazy grandma fought against the Capital but we lost and I had to watch as each of my family member died. I woke when president Snow shot me in my forehead. Today is the reaping in district 7 the lumber district. This year will be the first time they will enter...
When Jeff left for class Monday morning I felt like a married woman, hubby going off to work, me heading off to my own job. We would return for dinner and spend a lovely night together. Was that what married life would be like? I should have remembered I'd never seen that in my house. I got home early in the afternoon after visiting the bookstore. It was just another school year. Nobody had classes all day long, except possibly Jeff. I did some of my reading, listened to some music and...
My wife Usha who became sex goddess after romantic fuck encounters with my landlord Shyam duly helped by his wife Smita. After being fucked by her lover Shyam, she bloomed into a beautiful flower and now the young guys were more after her. They were following Usha every now and then. But Usha’s beautiful body had a driver Shyam so Usha was not paying any attention to them. This year Holi was to come. We thought of celebrating this year’s Holi nicely with our friends as we all were very happy....
"Alright, everyone knows the rules," yelled Ethel Baker from her bullhorn. "All campers must be completely dressed at all times. No one is to skinny dip or to be in the nude anywhere, but the showers." "Also the showers are no longer co-ed. The showers have reverted back to their original schedule of boys in the evening and girls in the morning. In addition the cabins are not repeat ARE NOT co-ed." "Anyone caught breaking these rules will be dealt with severely." The first day of...
Encomium to ΕλένηAthena, Patron Goddess of AthensGrey-Eyed, Goddess of War and WisdomWhen did you hear my plea? And send dark haired HelenaAcross land and SeaTo bring her close to meThe daughter of Greece caught my eye in the university cafe bar. My eyes were immediately drawn to her, and beside her I went to sit. She sat there, head down in a book, her long black hair falling forwards. In order to attract her attention, I noisily placed my cup on the table. She looked up with a start.I smiled...
Love StoriesAs you stand up and wipe your hand across your mouth, you give me a devilish grin. I decide to guide you over to the couch, and sit you down on coffee table. We start a little kissing and stroking, but we soon get down to business - must be all of the pent up frustration from the day. I have you bend over in front of me, kneeling on the coffee table.I roll your panties down your legs. Then I get to lick and finger your holes. You writhe in pleasure, just trying to hold yourself up. The harder I...
Cheating“So, tell us about the first Masters of Culverin!” said Jenny. She had taken a tortilla and was piling on some of the spicy beef and veggie mix. Jack smiled and wagged a finger at her, and then began working on his own tortilla. “After dinner. I will tell you two things now, though.” Jenny’s family chuckled; their youngest hated to wait for anything. “First, at the time, the 1790s and early 1800s, this was the frontier. When Jacob showed up here, western and central North Carolina was the...
Friends.. Rony here (Aunty Lover). Since this is my first story in Indian sex stories .. I would like to introduce myself to you all… My Name is Rony(screen name). 26 yrs old, 6 feet tall, fair and handsome(thats what girls tell me), I haven’t really measured my dick after it becomes hard but its long & thick enough to satisfy any women(not girls). About my taste.. I prefer Bhabhi’s & Aunties over Young & Slim girls… I find Aunties very attractive and love having deep & intense sweaty sex with...