The Girl Across The Street Is Taught A Lesson - Part 3 free porn video

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As the first hint of daylight appeared in the partially opened window, I had already climbed out of bed. Monica and Cat were insatiable, I’ve never had so much sex at one time. Standing there for a moment, I gazed at their naked beauty as they slept soundly and then went to take a shower. I felt rested as the shower rejuvenated me, even though we didn’t stop satisfying our carnal desires until two o’clock in the morning.

After showering, slipped into a pair of red swim trunks and a gray T-shirt. I got the gym bag from the closet and packed it with three beach towels and a pair of navy blue athletic shorts. On the way to the kitchen with the bag in hand, I opened the front door and picked up the newspaper lying on the stoop. Closing the door and with the paper in hand, I headed to the kitchen and started the coffeemaker.

Opening the fridge, I took out the leftover pizza, lunch meats, cheese. Once the sandwiches were prepared and the pizza slices wrapped in aluminum foil, everything went back in the fridge. I took the milk and orange juice out along with eggs. Then the bacon, sausage, butter and jam.

I poured myself a cup of decaffeinated coffee, sat at the table and read the paper. Just about finished reading the paper I heard...

“Good morning, Allen,” they said in unison.

Putting down the paper, Monica and Cat went straight for the coffeepot and poured themselves a cup.

“Good morning, girls. Get enough sleep?”

“Yes, how about you?”

“I did. Now, how about some breakfast?”

“Sounds like a plan. I’m famished,” Cat said before taking a sip of coffee.

“I could go for some breakfast,” Monica said after taking a sip of coffee.

“All right then, Cat you make the toast. Monica, you get the milk, orange juice, butter and jam from the fridge. I’ll start frying some bacon and sausage. How do you like your eggs, girls?”

The answer was a unanimous, sunny side up. We all got busy and before you knew it, we were sitting at the table. As we ate, Monica asked what all the wrapped items were in the fridge. I told them they were leftover pizza and sandwiches and asked if they’d like going on a picnic. They jumped at the idea and Cat asked if they should wear their swimsuits. My smile was all they needed and excused themselves to go get ready. They were back in a flash and to my dismay had on T-shirts and athletic shorts.

“Don’t look so disappointed, Allen. You’ll see our bikinis soon enough,” Cat said as they helped clean up.

“How did you know to bring a swimsuit, Cat?” 

“When Monica called me, she suggested I bring one.”

“Well, you two finish here, and I’ll get the cooler and ice.” 

I naturally gave them the old pleading sad face as I left. All three of us couldn’t help but break out in laughter. When I promptly returned, they had finished cleaning up and had everything we needed out on the table. We filled the cooler with pop, bottles of water, along with the pizza, sandwiches and three containers of fresh pieces of mixed fruit. I took the red and white plaid picnic blanket from the hall closet along with the wicker picnic basket. The girls were impressed with the basket as it came with all the essentials needed for a picnic. Cat placed the three bags of potato chips in a bag.

“Okay girls, let’s head out.”

I picked up the cooler, and Monica grabbed the basket. Cat managed with the bag of chips and my gym bag. Once outside, the girls loaded up the Porsche Cayenne turbo as I went back to lock the door.

“Cat, you got shotgun,” Monica said as she gave her a quick passionate kiss.  

As Cat got in the car, Monica came over and gave me a quick passionate kiss as she gently rubbed the familiar bulge inside my trunks. She then ran around to the passenger side and got in the back seat. Driving off, the girls asked where we were headed to and I told them it was a surprise. Before either of them could ask, I added it was a ninety-minute drive once we hit the highway.

“Monica, when do your parents get home tomorrow?”

“Late afternoon, which means we can stay overnight if you wish. Right, Cat?”

“Right, Monica. What do you think, Allen?”

“I think we’re not getting much sleep, girls.”

The girls broke out in giggles as we merged seamlessly onto the highway. Traffic thinned out once we were away from the city, and that’s when Cat took off her seatbelt. She positioned herself kneeling on the seat and was facing me. Monica leaned forward and had a hand inside her shorts. Cat reached over, slid a hand inside my shorts and pulled the end of the drawstring. Once untied, she crooked her fingers in the waistband and asked me to raise my hips. 

As the trunks slipped off my hips Cat said, “Hope you don’t mind Allen, I didn’t have cream with my coffee.”

“Not at all, my dear.”

“Save some cream for me, Cat,” Monica said as she leaned over.

The girl wasted no time and took my erect cock down her throat. Her head bobbed up, then down the veiny shaft as she sucked swirled her tongue. There were moans coming from the back seat, and I was finding it somewhat difficult to not glance down or look in the rearview mirror. Several cars raced by and when I slowed while passing a truck, the diver honked his horn after he saw Cat’s head in my lap. I stuck my arm out the window when I pulled in front of him and gave a thumbs up. He had blasted his horn one more time before I sped off.

In less than ten minutes, I was about to spew my load in her sensual mouth as Monica cried out that she was creaming her fingers. That’s all it took, Cat promptly swallowed the first three spurts and then squeezed the shaft like a vice. She pulled her mouth back, with the cock head resting on the tip of her tongue. I looked down and watched as the last two loads coated her tongue and filled her mouth.  

Cat rose quickly, turned to face Monica, and I watched as she kissed her friend. They shared the man cream in a deep, sensual kiss. When they finished, Cat gently licked my cock clean and pulled my trunks up.

“Mmm, delicious, Allen. Now I have something sweet for you,” Monica said as she brought two sticky fingers to my lips.

I inhaled her womanly scent as she ran those fingers over my lips. I stuck my tongue out, licked and sucked the two digits clean while I was focused on the road ahead.  The girls settled back in their seats just as we hit the exit ramp and soon found ourselves on a one lane country road. Another six miles and we arrived at the gravel pullover.

“Okay girls, we’ve arrived. Let’s unpack the car,” I said as I opened my door.

“There’s nothing here but trees,” Cat said as she opened her door and got out.

“And there seems to be a narrow path leading into the trees,” Monica said as she opened her door and got out.

We unpacked the car, and I informed them we had a half-mile walk. Cat grabbed the gym bag and the bag with the chips. I asked Monica to carry the blanket while I carried the basket and pulled the cooler with wheels along. As we walked, the girls kept asking where we were going and I told them they’d hear it soon enough. The quizzical looks on their faces were priceless, and they kept asking what it was they were going to hear. I kept telling them to be patient, and they’d find out soon enough.

As we went around a bend on the path, the sound of rushing water could be heard. The girls shouted out, “waterfall!” I led them off the path in the sound’s direction and two hundred yards later, we stepped out from the trees and onto a large grassy area. There before us was the waterfall crashing down into a rather large pool of water. The girls stood in silence, taking in the sight and sound as I set the basket next to the cooler.

“How about you two go for a dip while I get things set up?”

The girls kicked off their sneakers, and when they stripped off their T-shirts and shorts, I let out a, “whoot-whoot.” 

“So you approve of our micro bikinis, Allen,” Monica said as they struck several sexy poses.

“Definitely,” I said, looking at the silver triangles that concealed her nipples and nothing else. Cat had the same top, but with two gold triangles covering her nipples.

The bottoms barely covered their mounds and when they turned around, the string disappeared between their firm butt cheeks. The girls wiggled their butts and ran toward the water. Reaching the edge of the pool, they walked in until the water was at waist level. I watched as they frolicked around, splashing water at each other and laughing.

“Get your sexy bod in here, Allen,” Cat said, baring her erect nipples.

They swam off toward the cascading water as I quickly laid out the blanket. After setting the basket on the blanket, I kicked off my sneakers and ran to the edge of the pool. I splashed my way in and swam after the girls. When I reached them, they were waist-deep in front of the falls.

“Glad you could join us, stud,” Monica said as she took me by the arm and pulled me between them.

Cat kissed my cheek as she cradled my chin in her gentle hand. Monica crooked her deft fingers in the waistband of my trunks and pulled them down. Cat turned my head and as we tenderly kissed, I felt a warmth in my nether region as Monica took my partially submerged erection down her throat. Our kiss intensified the more Monica sucked my cock down her throat. I gently pulled and twisted Cat’s nipples which caused her to moan as we passionately kissed. 

My one hand kneaded the soft tit flesh as the other hand dipped below the surface. Monicas talented mouth was brining me closer to the point of no return. My eager fingers pushed Cat’s bikini bottom to the side and one finger easily slipped into her pussy.

Monica had her hand wrapped around my shaft below the surface. She moved her hand up and down as she sucked on the mushroom-shaped head. Cat and I had stopped kissing as we felt each other tremble with the pleasure we were experiencing. I felt Cat’s pussy squeeze my finger as her orgasm coarse through her body. Monica promptly swallowed the first three loads and held the last in her mouth. She straightened up, and I watched as the girls kissed, sharing the man cream with her. The three of us hugged each other until Cat and I had recovered.

Now recovered, we swam back, and I pulled the three towels from the gym bag. We stood by the blanket as we dried off, then Monica went to the cooler and took out three sodas. Cat got the three bags of chips, and I removed three plates from the basket. The girls went back and removed the sandwiches, pizza and three containers of assorted fruit from the cooler. When everything was set, we sat down and enjoyed our lunch.

After everything was packed up, I was about to pick up the blanket when Cat came over and gripped the waistband of my trunks. In one swift motion, she pulled them down, and Monica was taking off her bikini. As Cat removed her bikini, Monica joined us on the blanket. 

“What’s going on, girls?” 

“You’re fucking us before we leave. Now on your back, Allen,” Monica said as she and Cat knelt down.

Cat straddled my face as Monica straddled my cock. I groaned as my cock easily slid in the tight pussy and my tongue reached out to lick the juicy pussy on my mouth. The girls rode me hard and fast, I was doing my best not to come just yet. I flicked my tongue around Cat's clit and back down her slit as Monica bounced on my cock.

Then I heard  Monica say, “Switch!”

The girls quickly changed places. As they continued to ride me hard and fast, I sucked and licked Cat’s pussy. Her sweet juice flowed into my mouth and down my chin. The girls groaned and moaned as their impending orgasms built up. I was close to coming and sucked Cat’s clit as my tongue swirled around it. Our moans and groans filled the air as we reached orgasmic bliss one after another.

Before the girls had fully recovered, they moved off me and lay on either side. We cuddled until everyone was ready to dress. The three of us slipped on our shorts and the girls went topless. I left my T-shirt off as well and we put our shoes on. After rolling up our swimsuits in the towels, it was time to head back to the car.

On the way back, there was a young couple walking toward us. Just before passing by, they stopped and said hello. We politely said hi, and the guy commented, "when I get to your age, I hope to have that kind of stamina." The girl commented on how beautiful the girls were. Cat and Monica said the same about her and that her guy was a hunk. 

She then pulled off her T-shirt, saying that was a good idea and that she knew what to give her boyfriend for his birthday. We told them they had the waterfall and pool all to themselves, and she said that they definitely would.

They headed off, and we resumed heading to the car. Five minutes later, we arrived and loaded the items in the car. We put our T-shirts on before getting in the car.It was Monica’s turn at shotgun and Cat sat in the back seat.

The drive home always seems to go faster. We arrived back at my house and after unloading the car; we took everything inside. When everything was put away, I suggested a quick shower, and the girls said they wanted to watch more of those videos like the ones yesterday.

After the shower, I slipped on a clean pair of shorts and T-shirt. The girls slipped on clean tees and shorts. We headed to the home theatre, got comfortable on the daybed with me in the middle. We watched two videos from my new favorite website that shows couples covered in droplets of water filmed in sensual lighting. There was a lot of caressing between the three of us as we watched the couples on screen.

When the second video was over, I called Chen’s and ordered Chinese for us. We did some heavy petting before the food arrived and just as things were about to get more intimate, the doorbell sounded. We got up; I went to the door as the girls headed to the kitchen. After I had paid the delivery boy, I went to the kitchen. The table was set, and I set the bag down. When all the food was on the table, we sat down and ate.

When dinner was over, the girls asked if they could be excused, I said yes and watched them head in the bedroom‘s direction. I took my time cleaning up as I knew what they were up to and wanted to give them some alone time. After ten minutes I made my way toward the bedroom and as l got closer, there was moaning and other sounds of sensual pleasure coming from the room. I reached the door, and the recessed lights were dimmed. The lighting was sensual, and I stood there watching them making love. 

When they had finished, I entered and joined them on the bed. They were insatiable, and I was more than happy to satisfy their desires well into the next morning. 




When morning came, I was up before the girls and after cleaning up, went to the kitchen. I started the coffeemaker and made scrambled eggs. I then started frying up some bacon. While that was going on, I set the table and went back to stir the eggs. Opening the fridge, I pulled out the milk and orange juice.

After setting them on the table, I returned to the stove and flipped the bacon. I added some salt and pepper to the eggs. I had made a decision that the girls may not like to hear, but I thought it was best to do. 

“Good morning, Allen,” the girls said as they came in the kitchen and helped themselves to some coffee. 

“Good morning, girls, take a seat, breakfast is now being served."

After setting the plate of bacon and the plate of eggs on the table, I sat down. After everyone helped themselves, I asked them to listen carefully. I explained that even though Monica’s parents were due home late this afternoon, it would be a good idea if they spent the day at her house. The girls were a little disappointed but understood, and I told them they were welcome to come visit anytime. That brought smiles to their faces. 

When breakfast was over, the girls helped with the cleanup. Afterward, they went and got their gym bags. We stepped out onto the patio. They gave me a kiss and said they’d be back. As they went across the street,  I went back in the house and spent the rest of the day relaxing. 

Tomorrow, I would run my errands and maybe go out for dinner.

The above story is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and events are products of the author's imagination and are used as fantasy. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.  


Copyright ©2020 All Rights Reserved. No part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior permission of the author, Banes1.

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The Party by DCRI was told to dress in a formal gown. This was very strange.Master usually took me to parties in the most revealing costume he had.I've been his slave for 4 years now, and never had such a request.I knelt before my Lord."Stand up, Little Cunt.", commanded master, "I want to see howbeautiful you look."I blushed. Master never called me beautiful. He knew I craved to beshamed.Master looked me over, as a groom inspects his bride. I blushed again.Since we've met, he's whipped,...

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Girlfriends Lesson

Fran we will call her was always a little bit of a tease. She would dress really provocatively and loved the attention for doing this. The cat calls, whistles, spanks on the ass. It kind of ticked me off a little, but I was also happy I had such a hot girlfriend. I repeatedly told her not to dress the way she did in the summer. Little jean shorts with the pockets sticking out the bottoms and a tight tee shirt that showed her well formed mid drift. I said if it turned me on the way...

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Brats Incestuous Lesson Chapter 1 Nubile Girls Incestuous Lesson

Chapter One: Nubile Girl's Incestuous Lesson By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Kat The moans of my mother bled through my bedroom wall. I groaned as I lay in bed, hearing their passion. The bed creaked at the sounds my mother made. The passion. Twenty years of marriage and my parents were still going at it. A shiver ran through my virgin body. I shuddered at hearing the sounds. They were so loud. “Yes!” I heard my mother gasp audibly. I shifted on my bed. I suddenly felt my pajamas over...

3 years ago
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Grandmother Taught Me About Sex In Hold Up Stockin

A true story about how my Late Grandmother  taught me about sex  after i showed an interest in  her gauzy nylon hold up stockings. Hi recently we had a bereavement in our family my beloved grandmother had died aged 90 years old.It was so sad but it was more sad for me more than anyone else because as a boy growing up in the 80s my grandmother taught me the ways of the world, in other words...SEX! grief was worsened tenfold by having to keep my dark secret of having my grandmother as my...

4 years ago
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Class Bully Gets Taught A Lesson

Hi, my name is Chelsea...I'm a transgender, or as Brianna the bitch would call me "Deformed Dickgirl". She's such a fucking mean bitch, and she is always fucking around with the jocks! She stole my boyfriend, and "fucked his brains out"; he dumped me afterwards..For her. At lunch yesterday, she poured her punch on my hair for accidently tripping her. I ran out the lunchroom in horror. But it's time to get payback! Me and my guy friend came up with a plan to get her back, we're...

2 years ago
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Straight Man Taught a Hard Lesson GayMaker

I was working from home when the doorbell rang. It was Ken, a friend of my oldest son, a guy he'd played basketball with in high school. He was wearing a suit and tie. I wasn't sure what he was doing here. My son had his own place now."Hey Ken," I said. "You looking for Brian?"Ken shook his head. "Came to talk to you, actually.""OK," I said, and opened the door. He walked right past me like he owned the place, went into the living room, took off his suit coat, tossed it over the couch and sat...

1 year ago
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I tease a friend and get taught a lesson

My husband and I meet up with an old friend of his and I tease him to much which leads to my husband getting humiliated and me getting used. I was 40 used to keep fit by playing netball, 36c boobs and have been for a long time a tease, my husband was in the army when we met and married. We have 2 sons now both grown up, during are marriage I cheated a lot and got caught almost every time. But knew after the second time that he would always take me back. It lasted 20 years before eventually we...

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A girl across the street

The first house I bought was across from a student home. My study room was right in front of the student home. I would spend some of my evenings and nights in my study room gaming or working at my computer. In the room right in front of mine lived a beautiful young lady with dark hair and about 1.75 meters tall. That would be around 5 foot 9. I had already noticed her several times walking by. We had exchanged some smiles. I also could look very well into her room, especially when it would be...

1 year ago
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r/GirlsFinishingTheJob/, aka "Reddit Girls Finishing The Job"! If you’re on Reddit frequently, then you know that there’s no shortage in supply of hot NSFW subreddits for you to check out and enjoy. One such subreddit is /r/GirlsFinishingTheJob and it’s absolutely amazing if you ask me. Sure, I might be The Porn Dude and I might like to just go to a porn site straight away, but if you’re looking for something specific and you’re into community posting, then this place is much better than what...

Reddit NSFW List
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Note : this story is complete fictional! Catherine toyed with her bald pussy. I could feel my dick getting hard just watching her from my window. It was pushing through my pants, begging to escape, so I let my nine inches free. I wrapped my hand around my dick, stroking it slowly as I watched her. I loved the way her body moved. I wanted to be one of her fingers as I watched her move them in and out of her faster and faster. She rubbed her little clit, moaning louder and louder. I couldn’t hear...

1 year ago
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Girlfriends Lesson

Introduction: She always teased me…she needed a lesson! My poor Girlfriend&hellip,. Fran we will call her was always a little bit of a tease. She would dress really provocatively and loved the attention for doing this. The cat calls, whistles, spanks on the ass. It kind of ticked me off a little, but I was also happy I had such a hot girlfriend. I repeatedly told her not to dress the way she did in the summer. Little jean shorts with the pockets sticking out the bottoms and a tight tee shirt...

2 years ago
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high school virgin taught a lesson

Introduction: this is my first story so coments would be helpful I never liked high school, but I guess things only get worse before they get better. Today I proved that. I was in English, daydreaming as usual, when I hear my name. Olivia, can I see you outside now please. My teacher asked me. His name is Scott Reming, hes 6ft4 towering over me at 5ft 2. I must say he is quite sexy, with his short brown hair spiked and his emerald green eyes. I followed him out of the classroom, he stood with...

1 year ago
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Modified Mother taught a lesson Part II

I rewrote this as well as Part I because it initially seemed like a highly offensive rape story.  Again, apologies that I didn't get the right point across last time.  Again, this is consensual sex.  I added a plot element to ensure this was clear, and that little element led to the creation of a nice little epilogue that wraps things up nicely.  Feedback and criticism welcome. Especially about the Epilogue, which I thought was cool but could have been better written. If you don't have time to...

2 years ago
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She blew my mind and then other things. by Oediplex 8==3~ The graveyard was quiet. In the space enclosed by a cedar hedge, I sat on the bench toking a fat doobie in remembrance of my Granny. She would have shared it with me, if she was there. I felt her spirit like a presence, a wisp of pungent smoke rose ghost like from the joint and seemed to signal she was with me. The buzz pervaded my whole self; the tingling in my groin was a memory of our secret life. No one knew of what we had...

1 year ago
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Girlfriend lesson 1

I told her that many a horny driver probably passed her thinking about grabbing her and using her. The odd person must have at least grabbed their cock and masterbated as they passed her. I know I did that first day. She laughed thinking it was funny as she stripped down from her 5 mile  run in front of me.  She could see I had a hard cock from watching her.  Her tight tanned little 120 pound body worked me up so so badly. She walked by me brushing up against my cock and laughed. There was...

2 years ago
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The Girl Across the StreetChapter 1

His hair was still damp from the shower as he lazily strolled across the street. Pausing in the middle of the residential road, Vinny Masters turned to look at his house. He admired the yard work that had consumed his morning. It was something he enjoyed, if for no other reason than to do what he was doing right now -- appreciating the absence of weeds and pinecones. I'll paint the house next year, he thought, tapping the three DVD cases against his thigh. I wish I could get up here more...

3 years ago
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Across The Street And Two Doors Down

ACROSS THE STREET AND TWO DOORS DOWN by Spanky de Bautumn Jamie knew he was different. He didn't fit in with the other boys, but he didn't feel like he fit in with the girls either, he just knew he was different. He wasn't into dolls or balls. He was the smallest boy in his class and more than half the girls outweighed him. But the one thing he had going for him was that he was smart. He wasn't in the Mensa category smart, although he maintained a high GPA, he was more street...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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The girl across the street4

John walked her apear in the living room, as she hooks her iPod up to the speakers, and starts to stretch. "God I love how flexible she is" John quietly said to himself as she did the spilts. He watched her stretch every part of her body, then went to her iPod, he assumed that to change the song. She started to do a wild, energized dance. John loved watching her dance, to him it was like Christmas in July. John had often thought of going over to her house and introducing himself, but her...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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A Lesson For Liz Revised

Sam and his younger sister Liz met for coffee one afternoon this summer. Sam and Liz had never been very close, mainly because Sam was 11 years older than his younger sister Elizabeth or Liz as she liked to be called. They hadn’t seen each other for a couple months yet they lived in the same city. Sam was the type that let his career run his life and never had gotten married or really settled down. He would have the occasional girlfriend but nothing ever really came of it and he was fine...

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A Lesson For Liz

Sam and his younger sister Liz met for coffee one afternoon this summer. Sam and Liz had never been very close, mainly because Sam was 11 years older than his younger sister Elizabeth or Liz as she liked to be called. They hadn’t seen each other for a couple months yet they lived in the same city. Sam was the type that let his career run his life and never had gotten married or really settled down. He would have the occasional girlfriend but nothing ever really came of it and he was fine...

3 years ago
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The girl across the street3

"hey. i finally caught you alone." she didn't answer "why did you walk away whenever you saw me?" she still wasn't talking "hello? can you hear me? are you ok? well i'm just going to keep bothering you until you answer" i guess that's what caught her attention "please go away." she asked sounding like she was about to get hit "why?" "i'm not supposed to talk to you, now just please. walk the other direction" she begged me. i stopped there and waited until she was out...

1 year ago
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My being taught to have a girly orgasm

My being taught to have a girly orgasmone of the first times I was taught by a boyfriend how to have a girly orgasm. it went something like this."Ok, you cute little sissy girl, time to have your pussy introduced to some serious play. You loved my fingers, and this will be better, I promise. It may hurt a little at first, but, let that pass and U'll be in girlie heaven." and I feel some lotion being applied to my pussy, as his finger slides all around my girlyboi pussy, making it nice and...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

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My Teacher Taught Me Life Lessons

A lot of you might remember me from my previous sexstory on ISS. I have shared few stories here and have received quite good feedback from my readers. Many of those readers have become good friends over these years. For those who don’t know me, my name is Paul (email: ), I’m a single guy aged 29 and after my MBA I found employment with one of the top MNCs in Bangalore. I’m 5’7″, athletic and an award-winning endurance cyclist. If you’re a cyclist, chances are we know each other. This story is...

3 years ago
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An Impromptu Lesson

It’s a warm Tuesday afternoon in May, and I’m catching up on my studying on the lawn outside the music building. I’m a music major at the University of… well, to protect the innocent let’s just say it’s a large state university in California. Plenty of time before my piano lesson, I think to myself, until I glance at my watch… 2:25 – only 5 minutes until my lesson! I must have lost track of time as I was enjoying the feel of the sun on my skin! 5 minutes is plenty of time to gather up my things...

4 years ago
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Young Girls Should Not be Taught Physics

Young Girls should not be taught Physics Authors Note: I've never written a story before. It sure is fun. Let me know if you enjoyreading it as much as I enjoy writing it. The physical structure is: Day 1: Classical Physics Day 2: Relativity Day 3: Quantum Mechanics Day 4: String Theory Day 5: Unified Theory Each day Mr. Jefferson teaches one lesson to each of his high school grades.If you are a teacher, you won't be surprised to learn his first week is thehardest. Thanx All...

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Sex Ed 1021Chapter 5 Lesson Three Girl on Girl and a afternoon snatch ah snack

The weekend went by really fast. It's Tuesday. Got up, did my usual, mowed the lawn and prepared for the girls lesson for today. Had my lunch and went on my way. Once again, they were ready, willing and waiting in the back yard. Went through the gate and locked it remembering last Friday. There they sat so prim and proper. Fully dressed and today they had on a blouse and a short skirt. I ask them "Where's the party?" Right here Teacher as they both stood up and lifted the hem of their...

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