Wolves And Dragons Of The Blood - Book 3: DiscoveryChapter 29 free porn video

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"Don't know what the hell it is Admiral!" The Commander screamed. "It just appeared twenty seconds ago!"

"It's over five kilometers long and a kilometer wide Commander!" Another voice chimed in. "Sensors are not able to penetrate the outer hull. It seems to be reflecting our scans back on us somehow!"

"It appeared directly from some sort of LSD reversion within our ODP grid! Sensors are reading massive Quantum signatures across the board!" Another voice echoed.

"Stand by on all Orbital Defense Platforms!" The officer screamed. "ODPs to manual targeting! How the hell did it just appear without any warning within the grid? Only seven people within the entire Fleet Forces know how to do that! Something that big we should have seen coming two light years from here!" He screamed moving to another console. "Lock all weapons and missiles and prepare to engage! And order Queen Dysea's ship out of the area now!"

"Commander ... I'm ... I'm detecting a STRIKER DT separating from the port side of the unknown ship!" The man yelled. "It's on a course for Tuya!"

"A STRIKER DT! From that? Confirm that information now!"

"Confirmed sir! It's transmitting recognition codes! Stand by!"

"C'mon man, give me the codes before I blow it out of the stars!" The Commander screamed.

"Sir ... it's the King's STRIKER! It's King Leonidas! I'm confirming Commander Endith's operating codes along with King Leonidas's confirmation command code! Sir ... it's broadcasting new orders!"

"New orders?"

"Commander ... we are receiving a Priority Alpha Alert! All Fleet units are ordered to stand to and begin immediate deployment from their staging areas! All ground forces are ordered mobilized and to prepare for immediate departure. It's the same order as Admiral Riall gave!"

The Union Commander squeezed the railing he held with a smile. "Now we'll start kicking some mida!" He spoke. "Send an ORC burst and then get me the status on all fleet and ground units! If the Admiral's initial order didn't get them moving ... the King's will kick their mida into gear!" (Order Received Confirmation)


"It is very good to hear your voice my King! Even better to actually see you!" Armetus spoke as he looked at the transmission.

Martin stood in the back of the DT, Armetus could tell that much for he saw Torma in the background saddled and ready for an exit out the back of the lethal flying ship. His King's face looked drawn and tired, but he was alive and that was all that mattered.

"Give me a no shit status Armetus!" Martin ordered reverting back to his more coarse language before discovering his true history. "Straight from the hip and leave nothing out!"

"Andreus is on the island now Milord." Armetus spoke quickly. "He Mindvoiced to me that he believes there are only two assassins remaining. He has secured the Prince, Sadi and Dasha within the panic room and it is now sealed but For'mya and Aurith are still out there somewhere on the island. A force of eighty Durcunusaan and additional Spartans will land in roughly nine minutes. They are using an evasive route in case there might be any missile teams on the island waiting for us to do just what they are doing. Admiral Riall was severely injured in an attack on him within his own home, but he is now at the Tuya Medical facility and in stable condition." Armetus saw Martin reach out with his hand and hold someone from entering the transmission signal. "Dysea and Isabella are approaching my location on their DT and..."

"No." Martin interrupted him. "Torma and I will find For'mya and Aurith. I will contact Andreus myself and secure the rest of my family. Have Melda Min and Bella divert to the medical facility where Riall is."

"Milord ... Martin ... there is something else you need to know." Armetus spoke softly. "There is a very good chance that ... that your mother is not..."

"Is not my mother?" Martin finished for him.

Armetus looked at him taken aback. "Milord we ... we believe she is a High ... a High Coven clone. Milord... ?" He stammered. "How could you..."

Martin reached out to the side of the transmission now and Armetus watched as he pulled the cloaked and hooded figure that was standing next to him into view. Gorgo reached up and drew back the hood quickly and Armetus's eyes went wide, Vengal and Vistr letting out audible gasps as well from where they stood. "Armetus ... you have never had the opportunity to meet my real mother." Martin spoke confidently. "Allow me to introduce you now."

Gorgo stared confidently at the holo transmission. Her face was drawn and weathered as if she hadn't seen the sun or eaten correctly in years, but there was no denying the burning brightness in her eyes. "My ... Riall ... my mate? You said he was injured! Where is he?" She asked immediately and without pause, her voice with a tone of command in it. A powerful woman expecting an answer.

"Admiral Riall was ... he was injured in an assassination attempt as I said ... but he is stable." Armetus answered quickly seeing the look of relief pass over the real Gorgo's face. He looked at Martin. "Sire, forgive me for ... Milord the clone has fooled us for fifteen years. How do we know this is not another High Coven trick?"

"Armetus ... I don't have time to explain all that has happened right now. Rest assured my friend, we will share some stories over Spartan Wine when all is said and done, for you and I will be very busy." Martin spoke. "Do you trust me Armetus?"

"Sire ... that goes without saying." Armetus answered instantly.

"Then believe me now when I tell you this is my mother." Martin spoke firmly pulling her tighter to his side. Armetus saw something from the Gorgo in the transmission that he had not seen in the clone since the return of Martin Leonidas. He saw her face become animated yet relaxed in the knowledge that her once lost son was indeed very much alive and she was next to him. "Not that nubous abomination walking through my home right now. I want to cross paths with her, but my main concern is my family right now. I will leave her for Andreus. I made a promise and I intend to keep it. I will touch Andreus and he will take her into custody alive Armetus ... and that is how I want her kept."

"I understand Milord." He replied seeing the look that the real Gorgo gave him as he spoke.

"My Aunt ... is Deia?" Martin asked and Armetus saw Gorgo's head turn to look at Martin with wide eyes.

"I have Deia in protective custody." Armetus replied instantly. He had been reading people for over two thousand years of his life, and the look Gorgo had just given Martin when he had replied told Armetus everything he needed to know in an instant. The clone had also been surprised when she discovered Deia was in fact the sister of Eliani, and this woman beside Martin, her face showed the stunned shock at this revelation. "She is running things from the bunker under Fleet Headquarters. This ... this ship you arrived on gave everyone quite the start."

Martin nodded. "I'm sure. Endith will take my mother to the medical facility where Riall is once Torma and I have exited. I want Riall ready to be transferred immediately to the City Ship." He spoke. "Anja is still on board with my ... with my daughter. She will take charge of his care. Have NORMYA'S LIGHT and MJOLNIR'S HAND depart for Earth immediately at their best possible speed. I don't care how many LSD coils they burn out during the trip." Martin saw Armetus's eyes go wide.

"Aricia and Isra are about to become engaged as well Armetus. I need to move fast and hard while I am here." Martin spoke. "Endith and Tina will bring my mother to the medical facility where Riall is located as I said. She is not to be taken from his side for any purpose or reason ... is that clear?"

"Perfectly sire. I will have her blanketed by a Lochi of Durcunusaan ten seconds after she lands." Armetus replied. "With Dysea and Isabella there no will question it. They ... they do..."

Martin nodded. "I have touched them already. They are aware." He answered. "Inform Deia that I have returned and have her prepare to move her entire staff to Earth when I give the word. She is not to argue this order from me Armetus. Make that clear to her." Martin said. "The Senate goes as well. I want every governor and politician within the Union swarmed with security. Vengal?" Martin paused looking at the elven General he had come to trust implicitly in the last two years.

Vengal stepped forward. "Milord?"

"I want you and Vistr see to that." Martin spoke. "I want them covered for two reasons Vengal. Their protection and ours. I don't care how much they scream."

Vengal nodded. "Consider it done sire."

"Tell Ceneu he is in temporary command of the military." Martin spoke. "Any ship that has not already left its birth is to leave within six hours. I've already sent those orders via secure burst to the PROTECTORATE. They will reinforce Riall's orders and give everyone a swift kick letting them know this is no drill."

"Dysea has told you what she saw I take it?" Armetus asked.

Martin nodded slowly. "She passed to me what she saw in this vision, and it relates to what I have detected in High Coven space as well. The entire fleet is to go to full combat alert until further notice. If it is not one of our ships, or a ship belonging to one of our allies and they enter Union space they are to be given one warning to leave or they will be obliterated from the stars. Armetus?"

He stepped forward again. "Sire."

"You will make ready to initiate an Omega Purge Armetus." Martin spoke seeing the man's eyes go wide at this unexpected news. "I want it all purged! Every last bit of it! Flush them out Armetus! All of them! You find me every last one of those stinking, bloodsucking spies in my Union no matter where they are hiding! Is that understood?"

Armetus looked at the transmission with an evil glint in his eyes. "Then I must ask the same question I did little more than a year ago sire. Rules ... Milord?"

"None." Martin answered immediately shaking his head. "None at all. Not this time. They have held my mother ... tortured my mother for fifteen years Armetus. Now I want them to know how big a nubous mistake that really was!"

The transmission ended abruptly and Armetus looked at Vengal and Vistr. "I don't believe I have ever seen him so ... so obsessed." He spoke.

Vengal shook his head slowly. "I have. The day he killed Xerxes. He has come far my friends and he will maintain the control he has learned since that day, but we must insure his orders are followed exactly. He will not be forgiving of mistakes in any manner."


For'mya moved silently along the wall of the estate, staying as deeply in the shadows as she could. Her left hand clutched the Shukur, the blade extended back along her forearm in a defensive manner, her right hand never leaving the cool scales of Aurith who crept beside her.

Where could she be For'mya? Aurith declared. We have searched the entire bottom floor.

For'mya stopped with her back to the corner. She turned to gaze at the large head of her now Bonded Dragon Sister. I don't know Aurith. I fear the worst. There would be no reason for her to be in the upper areas. Gorgo's apartment was on the lower level next to Dasha's and it was empty when we went there. As if she had not even slept in it.

We have heard nothing from anyone since Andreus announced he was here. Aurith spoke. No one will answer our calls.

For'mya slid lower into a squat and Aurith moved closer, bringing her snout close to her shoulder. Sadi said a Bo'yak attacked her. For'mya spoke. They are some of the most skilled assassins in the universe Aurith. They are also very patient. I fear they are waiting for us to make a move to return to the panic room or expose ourselves in the open.

But more Durcunusaan are coming. Surely they would not remain.

They would if I was their target all along. For'mya spoke. They will not leave until I am dead.

I will not let that happen! Aurith announced. I will burn them just as Elynth showed me.

For'mya forced a smile and drew her hand across her face wiping away sweat and dirt. I am so very happy you are here with me sister.

Aurith nodded. I as well For'mya.

For'mya turned her head slightly as she thought she smelled something odd drift across her nostrils. I do so wish Martin Leonidas was here. She spoke. Aricia has told me his sense of smell is beyond anything she has ever witnessed. All I can detect are faint scents of things that don't belong. I caught Andreus's scent briefly as we passed the offices ... but now ... now I can't determine what is what anymore. It's so overwhelming.

We should make our way back to the panic room For'mya. Aurith spoke. We don't even know if Gorgo still lives. She has not answered our calls within Mindvoice. We dare not continue to risk ourselves sister.

She is Martin Leonidas's mother Aurith. For'mya spoke.

Aurith nodded. And she has been wolf for far longer than you sister. I do not wish to stop looking for her, but what other choice do we have? We can not go out among the timber and hills. If these Bo'yak are as good as you say they are ... they would find us easily. We should move to the panic room and wait for the Durcunusaan to tell us the island is clear.

For'mya met her eyes and nodded slowly. You are right. We should...

Aurith blinked several times as For'mya stopped talking and looked past her. She turned her head slowly and saw the evil pig looking Bo'yak moving from inside the shattered doorway, his weapon leveled at both her and For'mya. The snapping sound caused Aurith to twist her head back and she saw the second assassin moving from around the corner warily, his weapon also trained on where they both were.

For'mya turned the blade over in her hand slowly. "You will not take us alive assassin scum!" She snarled ... her wolf fangs fully extended and her eyes burning in anger.

"That is not the purpose of this mission." The first Bo'yak growled out. "The purpose of this mission was to kill you. You may now be wolf elf bitch ... but even that dragon baby can not help you now. You can't beat both of us, and our weapons will shred your body before you take two steps."

For'mya's calculating brain had already told her that. They were too spread out ... too far away and too alert. Aurith could burn one easily, but the other would open fire instantly killing them both. At this range their newly discovered psychic shield would not protect them. It just was not powerful enough to stop lethal projectile rounds at close distance. For'mya looked slowly into the night sky.

I have failed you Martin Leonidas. She whispered. I have...

The shattering sound from the center of the palace caused all of them to turn their heads as whatever windows remained in place throughout the lower level were blown outward. The ground shuddered violently as if something very heavy had just smashed its way through the very top of the palace. The burning of the inner palace flared brilliantly for several seconds, part of the upper floor collapsing down into the center of the main foyer, flames shooting in all directions. For'mya did what her mind roared for her to do.

Aurith run! She screamed out in Mindvoice.

To her credit Aurith didn't hesitate and they both broke for where they knew the dragon cave was while the two Bo'yak stared at the devastation of the palace in stunned shock.

"They're running!" One Bo'yak screamed out as he turned back and began to bring his weapon to bear on the fleeing figures.

For'mya what was that? Aurith screamed out as her talons dug into the dirt deeply, propelling her away from the palace just as fast as she could move.

For'mya was only steps behind her zigzagging as she ran so as not to provide a clear shot for the Bo'yak. I don't know! Something must have collapsed from the top down! Run Aurith! Don't stop!

The two Bo'yak were leveling their weapons at the fleeing figures when the sound of wrenching steel and crumbling concrete tore their attention away and brought For'mya and Aurith to skidding halts at the sound that reached out to them within Mindvoice.


Aurith's golden eyes flew open. Father? Aurith gasped.

The Bo'yak assassin who had come out of the palace felt the shuddering in the ground once more and his eyes grew wider as he looked into what remained of the rear half of the palace. The massive head of a black dragon exploded from inside the smoldering wreckage that had once been part of the palace. Following that black head was a body that was encased in a shimmering psychic shield, the flames and falling debris licking at the edges and bouncing harmlessly off as the near six metric ton body of Torma filled the Bo'yak's entire field of vision, smashing aside parts of the rear wall as if shaking off drops of water.

Torma's snout was a mask of unadulterated rage as he let out a trumpet of anger that turned the heads of many of the civilians three kilometers away that were crowding the docks in Tuya watching and listening as the battle raged on their King's island.

The Bo'yak's red eyes nearly bulged from his oval head as the blast of breath and sound made him stagger back several steps from the beast in front of him. His decision was simple. He tossed aside his rifle and turned to run.

Torma would not spare him.

In the little over a year since he had become bonded to Martin Leonidas many things had happened. Torma already held the distinction of being the largest dragon among their kind save only Arzoal who was all of half a meter larger. His strength was without question, his speed and maneuverability while flying almost unmatched by any hybrid dragon that lived. In truth, only his precious Isheeni could out fly him now. Torma was widely considered one of the most intelligent dragons among their kind and since becoming bonded to his Spartan brother, he was considered without question the most powerful dragon within Mindvoice, surpassing in many respects even the Elder Mother. His devotion and love of his mate Isheeni had been witnessed many times before and that had only increased when he became bonded to Martin Leonidas. As with all bonded pairs, they took on many of their bonded one's emotional traits and even some of their mannerisms. Due to the depth and power of the bond he shared with Martin, that now included Martin's absolute and unquestioning love of his mates and his children. Any who would do them harm would die without remorse, question or hesitation.

Torma flicked his head forward almost casually and For'mya and Aurith could only watch in stunned silence as the Bo'yak was launched screaming into the night sky. His body collided viciously with the massive tree a few dozen meters away, the sounds of bones breaking easily heard even over the sound of the burning and collapsing palace. Torma yanked his head to the left and before the Bo'yak ever touched the ground his body was flipped screaming through the air once more. His screams stopped when he smashed face first into the two meter wide truck of another tree over forty meters away. Once more Torma's head snapped back and the Bo'yak was yanked back to land in front of Torma, his body crashing to the ground with a thud. His arms and legs hung useless and twisted in odd directions, the bones splintered and broken, and his face shattered and bloody. One of his eyes had been torn open by the thick bark of the tree and now dangled from its socket. His one good eye could only watch as Torma bared his terrible fangs in another trumpet of anger and he slapped his front leg down with controlled precision and devastating power.

Never threaten my daughter! His voice blared out within Mindvoice. Never!

Two of Torma's four massive talons impaled the Bo'yak completely, penetrating through his body to stick into the dirt beneath him. Yellow green blood fountained into the air splashing onto Torma's leg from the Bo'yak's mouth and the two wounds.

The second assassin had witnessed all this in horror, his red eyes wide and unable to tear away from the death of his fellow assassin. With a wail of fear driven rage he lifted the rifle he carried and pulled the trigger. His head turned when he felt the moist spray shower his face. His red eyes could only watch as his shoulder and arm exploded in a spray of blood, flesh and bone. He felt no pain so quickly did it happen, and his eyes were wide as he watched what remained of his arm fall to the ground before him, the index finger of his hand still attempting to pull the trigger on the weapon. He felt a moment of searing pain before his chest exploded outward and the spear head of the Spartan Nehtes erupted from his flesh followed quickly by nearly a full meter of the thin shaft. He staggered to the side, the near nine foot length of the spear embedded in his chest, throwing off his balance as he turned. His eyes fell upon an equally ferocious sight as Martin Leonidas stepped from the embers of the palace around him, his eyes the color of yellow gold, his vicious looking dual incisor fangs fully extended and displayed. The light blue psychic shield encompassed his body, his helmet and crested plume making him give off an almost nightmarish visage. His failing eyes saw Martin lift his hand into a closed fist. He saw the silver tinted psychic knife explode from his knuckles and the last thing he would see in this lifetime was that eight inch long psychic knife punching through his overdeveloped forehead.

He dropped to the ground, a one inch diameter hole in his head, his sightless eyes open in horrible death.

Kinsoaurgai! Martin screamed out within Mindvoice. (Voice of my heart)

Aurith! Torma's voice echoed an instant later as he lifted his massive foot and with barely any effort he flipped the body of the Bo'yak assassin off his talons to sail into the darkness around them.

Father! Aurith shouted as she sprinted forward.

Martin's head snapped around as For'mya slowly came to her feet from where she had been kneeling next to Aurith. I am ... We are here Martin Leonidas. She spoke softly, gazing at him with a love and passion she had not felt before this night.

For'mya watched as he covered the distance to her in what seemed like a single blink and then she was swept up in his powerful arms and his handsome face was buried in her neck and hair. She gasped out as she wrapped her arms around his broad shoulders and using her new found wolf strength she squeezed him as hard as she was able. Tears clouded her eyes and his lips found hers before she could scream out in joy.

Clone/Gorgo hissed out her anger as she watched the scene from the treeline nearest the docks. He was here! How had he returned? She was told he would be dead! Clone/Gorgo blinked quickly as the brownish red snout of Doranthe appeared suddenly not ten meters in front of her, his eyes looking none too friendly.

"Not exactly what you wanted to see is it clone bitch!" Andreus's voice echoed from behind her.

Clone/Gorgo turned slowly, her face relaxing to a prose of relief and surprise. "Andreus!" She exclaimed. "Thank the gods." She spoke watching him. He stood loosely only five meters away but she sensed his damnable dragon creeping closer. "What has happened Andreus? I ... I was out walking and the explosions knocked me into these tress. I..."

"Save your excuses for those who will believe them clone!" Andreus hissed. "My King has already told me who you are!"

"What do you mean? I was knocked unconscious for a few moments. I only awoke to ... I ran for help! I was so frightened ... I..." Clone/Gorgo pleaded.

The was a flash of silver white light, Andreus stepped in close to her and his Shi Viska slammed into her face with the power of a falling brick. Clone/Gorgo's head snapped around and her eyes rolled up into her head as she fell to the soft dirt, blackness washing over her.

Andreus stepped closer and stared down at her inert figure. "The mother of a Spartan would never run!" He hissed savagely. "The mother of the Spartan King would die beside her family!"

Doranthe snorted in approval. Well done my brother! He declared. Well done!



"Steady my friends! Steady!" Lynwe's voice echoed softly across the fortified position she rested behind. She turned her amber eyes on the heavy machine gun and its Lycavorian Spartan gunner as the sun began to make its way into the clear sky. "Do not fire until there are at least a dozen that have cleared the entrance."

The Lycavorian nodded confidently. "We want them bunched up under the others." He spoke. "Yes General Lynwe ... you have said this six times in the last hour alone." He spoke with no malice in his voice, turning his dark eyes to her with a grin.

"I am micromanaging aren't I Steffan?" Lynwe asked with a smile of her own.

The Lycavorian shook his head quickly. "You are acting as a leader shoulder General. You have put this plan together in two days, and a fine one it is. Now let us show you how well it will work." He looked at Lynwe's amber eyes. He had been with her during the Battle for Earth and every day since. She may have been a Drow elf and now a vampire, but damned if she wasn't one of the most inventive officers he had ever served under. He was right of course and she knew it, and that is what made her a leader of men and women.

Her plan had been all too simple and brutally efficient. There were only so many places these white skinned monsters and their allies could exit the sewers beneath Eden City in any sort of numbers to be effective. Lynwe simply had the other sewer entrances welded shut and positioned her forces at these locations. Nearly three dozen across the city. Steffan may have been a Lycavorian, born and raised in Sparta, but he discovered very quickly that Lynwe, Selene, Tarifa and Aihola were seasoned and tough fighters in their own right, even if they were all elves.

Lynwe nodded her head in the dawn sky. "Let us hope it works." She spoke. She tilted her head to the side quickly. "Layna?" She spoke into her implant.

"I am in position Lynwe." Layna's voice replied immediately.

"Layna ... you must do nothing foolish. Selene and I do not wish to lose you so soon after discovering you." Lynwe told her in a whisper voice full of feeling.

Layna chuckled in Lynwe's ear implant. "Rest assured Mistress ... I feel very much the same way."

Lynwe looked up as one of Tareif's elf Dragoons slid to a stop next to her. "General ... Senior Polemarch Dymas has begun his attack on the mountain!"

"What of our attack against the ocean facility where they were hiding the eggs?" Lynwe asked.

"Commander Isra and Administrator Aihola left no one alive." The Dragoon answered. "The three transport Lifters are being tracked even now moving for this city in Kansas. Steven has his RAPTOR II at sixty-four thousand feet in looping circles over the Lifters. Commander Isra and Aihola are following them from eighteen thousand feet."

"The Kavalian dogs?" Lynwe asked.

"Admiral Joarl was correct. They landed only two hundred and twenty. They used the travel corridors of the reconstruction ships to blend into the normal flights and then broke only at the last moment." The Dragoon answered. "Admiral Joarl reports he and the HAMMER OF THE GODS are five thousand kilometers from the Kavalian ships under full Shroud."

"How were they able to enter the travel corridors?" Lynwe asked.

"Forged reconstruction documents and codes from one of the companies." The Dragoon replied. "They are broadcasting that they are simply cargo vehicles and their escort from Dulban Nine."

Lynwe's amber eyes glinted in the morning light. "They think we are fools." She said softly. "They think because we are elves and humans that we are fools. They think Martin left us in charge for some ridiculous political notion of equality."

The Dragoon grinned at her. "Well ... they will learn that is not the case at all." He spoke. "Watching the interrogation of the Kavalian was informative. Perhaps these fools believe the King only left you in charge because he was sleeping with all of you."

Lynwe met his eyes. "You are serious?" She asked.

The Dragoon shrugged. "I noticed this Talco did not have much use for females of any kind. His distain for you and Administrator Selene is obvious, but he dislikes females as a whole it seems." He answered. "It would not surprise me in the least. It is his loss really as it leaves more females for us to enjoy."

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Wolves and Dragons of the Blood Book 3 DiscoveryChapter 26

EARTH EDEN CITY Aricia stood next to Thr'won and Selene as they watched Talco pace the secure room restlessly like a caged animal, which fit with his feline nature and that of his species. Admiral Joarl stood just behind them, his dark eyes watching Talco's every move through the reinforced one way glass. "He has recovered far quicker than we had anticipated and the drugs had no real lasting effects on him. Unfortunately." Selene spoke with a cruel grin as she looked at Aricia, her...

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Wolves and Dragons of the Blood Book 3 DiscoveryChapter 24

ELEAR Vonis moved deftly through the crowds in the market, carrying the small bag he had retrieved from Va'nimia's home. He had stuffed several different sets of clothes in the bag, as well as more of the items she had in her bathing room. He had spent more time in her home on this trip, noticing how neat and meticulous she was. There was nothing out of place, all of her items in a certain spot. His intelligence teachers had told him you could learn a lot about an individual just by seeing...

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Wolves and Dragons of the Blood Book 2 A Spartans WarChapter 3

SPARTA "Handmaiden?" Anja snapped. "I don't need a babysitter! I've gotten along quite well these last few years without a nursemaid. I'm not going to stop now! You didn't say anything about this at breakfast two days Tezu!" Tezu nodded his head slowly. "Given what was happening, it didn't seem appropriate." "I'm sorry ... what was happening? We were having breakfast!" Anja spoke as she leaned forward on the couch. "Everyone has breakfast!" This morning had not begun well...

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Wolves and Dragons of the Blood Book 2 A Spartans WarChapter 7

ENURRUA DAY EIGHT She ached badly. Her whole body ached like it had never ached before; like she had fallen down the side of a very tall mountain, rolling the entire way, gaining bruises and bumps as she went. The insides of her thighs felt raw and battered the most, and her sensitive ass stung badly. What was wrong with her? She reached out with her mind in search of the warmth and the staggering aura of the one she so loved. He could always sooth her just by embracing her with his...

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Wolves and Dragons of the Blood True BeginningsChapter 9

JUMP GATE THREE FIVE LEONIDAS II-CLASS STRIKE CRUISER MJOLNIR'S HAND The cavernous landing bay of the United Lycavorian Union's Flagship was a beehive of chaotic activity that many would think to be quite insane. Very neat rows of T9E TEMPTEST Fighter Interceptors and the M4B DEVASTATOR Fighter/Bombers lined the bay as the dozens of ground crewmembers went about their duties with barely a pause. They were the crème de le crème of the Lycavorian Union Fleet; they knew it and it showed in...

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Wolves and Dragons of the Blood Book 2 A Spartans WarChapter 11

HADARIA DAY TWENTY-SEVEN Seanna sat to one side of the room in the palace and watched as Anja practiced calling for the healing pulses within her. She was practicing on the broken pieces of fruit and repairing the cellular damage made by knives and dropping the separate fruits onto the floor. She had a habit of lifting the pieces of fruit off the floor with her Mindvoice talents, frustrating her instructors who were telling her to focus on the healing pulses and try not to use both gifts...

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Wolves and Dragons of the Blood Book 2 A Spartans WarChapter 15

DAY THIRTY-SEVEN APO PRIME OFFICE OF PRIME MINISTER DEIA Deia insured the door was locked behind her and then turned to look at the men who had just entered her office. They had come in through a little used entrance of the main government building, further deserted by the hour of the evening. She had just spent the last five hours with Gorgo and Dasha in the sub-basement of the University sifting through mountains of scrolls and data pads and even some hand written documents dating...

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Wolves and Dragons of the Blood True BeginningsChapter 6

GALLAIS'S LODGE Tesand lowered the portable sensor device and turned to Aikiro and Yuri who stood by the doors onto the balcony looking through the glass out onto the city of Sparta. "Well, unless they have developed something our instruments can't detect, which based on what we've seen so far is entirely possible, the rooms are clean of anything we can pick up." Aikiro nodded slowly. "They were able to intercept our communications somehow. And we did not detect their shrouded ships...

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Wolves and Dragons of the Blood Book 3 DiscoveryChapter 32

EARTH SPARTA Gorgo remembered nothing from her ride on Torma as they spirited her away from that prison on Lycavore. This ride however she would remember for the rest of her life. The moment they had climbed into the sky, Martin had slipped his hand under hers as she held a death grip on the two, eight inch long spikes protruding from his shoulders. Her eyes were tightly shut, and for the first few seconds she could feel the air whipping against her skin. The moment her son slid his hand...

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Wolves and Dragons of the Blood Book 3 DiscoveryChapter 30

EARTH FOUR KILOMETERS WEST OF WICHITA The convoy of three large Heavy Lifters and half a dozen armored Lifters moved slowly along the transit path. This early in the morning and in this part of the country, other Lifter traffic was almost non-existent. Even though the reconstruction of Earth was proceeding better than anyone had expected, they had yet to reach out into the Wastes yet, mainly concentrating on rebuilding the many cities that had sprouted up, as well as building the defensive...

3 years ago
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Wolves and Dragons of the Blood Book 2 A Spartans WarChapter 13

SPARTA DAY THIRTY-FIVE Admiral Jamerl sat with Dilios and Panos in the Senate library, the stacks of data pads and scrolls piled high on the table around them. They had been here for thirty six hours now, going through the mounds of information pertaining to disappearances of individuals from Sparta over the years. Several pitchers of water, tea and coffee dotted the table as well as half empty mugs and empty plates of food. Jamerl leaned back in his chair and rubbed his tanned face with...

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