Wolves And Dragons Of The Blood - Book 3: DiscoveryChapter 11 free porn video

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"They gained access to the Temple through a rear delivery door my Queen." The Elven Holy man spoke as he watched Dysea and Isabella move around the small vault like room. There were over a dozen scrolls encased in the clear glass containers and spaced at even intervals throughout the vault. Three of them were now smashed and empty, but the others remained untouched. "They made their way down here and entered the vault. Only a bio-signature password can open the actual containers themselves, so they smashed them and took what they wanted."

"Who has access to the vault?" Dysea asked. "It does not appear to have been forced open." The elven Holy man couldn't meet her eyes. Dysea looked at Isabella briefly and then back to him. "Amandil Easan, please answer my question." (Cleric)

"Only I and the other two clerics who stay here have access to the vault area my Queen." Easan replied.

"And where are the other two Amandil?" Isabella asked.

"Amandil K'tas is currently in the market purchasing supplies for us." Easan spoke. "Amandil Forgain has ... he has disappeared Lady Isabella."

"Disappeared?" Dysea spoke.

"This was not something that was revealed to us!" Isabella snapped.

"K'tas and I believe it was Forgain who allowed these people, whoever they are, entry into the Temple and then here into the vault." Easan answered. "It ... it is an embarrassing proposition my Queen. Forgain is part of the younger generation of Amandil that we have been trying to recruit. We did not suspect that he was..."

"You did not suspect that he had already been corrupted by this cult?" Dysea finished his sentence for him.

The middle aged elf nodded slowly. "It ... it would appear so my Queen."

Dysea looked at Isabella for a long moment this time. It appears this cult has a greater base than we first thought Bella.

Isabella nodded. The question remains how much greater. Iriral?

I have found nothing to indicate which direction they took when they departed. Iriral replied immediately. She was circling the temple in the clear sky above, using her dragon vision to try and determine if there was a trail they could follow. Many people could see her bulk circling above the temple and were commenting about her presence. There is far too much Lifter traffic in this area, and the city does sit on two major transportation portals. There are Water Ferries departing every few minutes from the docks, and interplanetary shuttles from the spaceport just as frequently.

Which means they more than likely left within moments of stealing these scrolls? Dysea spoke from inside the temple.

I would say yes. Iriral spoke.

Dysea turned to Miai who stood by the entrance of the vault. "Miai ... go to the Port authorities for both the docks and the spaceport and retrieve all passenger lists for both the ferries and shuttles that departed for other cities the same night as this theft took place."

The Lycavorian aide for Dysea nodded quickly. She looked bright and alert and her long strawberry blond hair was now tied into a pony tail and wrapped in two sets of fine, dark blue and light blue Drow silk. Dysea had seen such wrappings before and knew what they were, and she only hoped Miai knew what they signified as well.

Miai stepped forward slightly. "Should I focus on a destination?"

"Specifically Wainn." Dysea said with a nod. "Or anywhere close enough to Wainn that gives them easy access to that city. Get the description of this Amandil Forgain from Easan and see if anyone matches that description leaving the same night as the theft. Take the Twins with you in case you need to exercise your authority."

Miai nodded quickly and her blue eyes sparkled when Dysea mentioned the half vampire Drow elf twins that had become her protectors and so very much more in her eyes. "Yes Milady." She said before heading for the door.

Isabella looked at Easan. "Why are you buying supplies?"

Easan looked at her. "I was under the assumption one or both of us would be going with you Lady Isabella." He answered.

Isabella looked at Dysea. Personally I don't think we need either one of them Dysea ussta she-elf. However ... Miai was not able to read what was on these scrolls and only this fool or his friend knows what they say. It might be advisable to give ourselves every advantage, especially if what Arzoal has told you turns out to be true.

Dysea nodded. I agree.

Isabella turned back to Easan. "You will accompany us Easan." She spoke. "When your partner arrives gather your things. Do not pack heavily for we will be traveling fast at times. Please head upstairs and give Miai a description of this Forgain character." Easan nodded and quickly exited the vault. Isabella walked up to where Dysea stood, her hazel/green eyes focused on the door as she pressed close against Dysea. Can we trust him?

Dysea looked at her for a long moment. What choice do we have? Like you, I wish there were copies that Miai could read and memorize, but there are not. And we may need his knowledge in the future.

That they have stretched this far north from their base is not good Dysea. Iriral's voice filled their minds.

Iriral ... how many individuals in our vicinity can Mindvoice on our level? Dysea asked the question, her emerald green eyes focused on Isabella's questioning hazel/green orbs.

None that I have been able to detect so far. Iriral replied instantly. That does not mean they do not exist however. If they are advanced enough that they can shield their presence from us, than they will undoubtedly be limited by that as well and not be able to hear us as we speak.

The three vampires you detected in the capital Bella. Are they able to Mindvoice? Dysea asked.

Isabella shook her head. I did not detect any trembling within my head indicating that to me when I saw them. My people all have this capability as I've told you before, but my father discourages the use of it strongly, except for select few that he chooses. At least he did when I was among them.

He does not wish others to possibly become a threat to him in this way. Dysea said.

Isabella nodded. Like the Lycavorian people, not many vampires advance this skill to the level we have achieved. Unlike the Lycavorian people however, vampires are not encouraged to pursue this skill outside of my father's control without considerable risk. There are even fewer who can commune at the level of dragons. We are in very elite company Dysea. Outside of Mjolnir's Hand and those of us close to Martin, your Oracle has yet to declare any Tier Six Mindvoicers with the exception of Thr'won, as she reconstitutes the Order of Oracles.

That does not mean they don't exist like Iriral has said. Dysea spoke. I recommend we communicate Shielded, in your language Bella, at least when we discuss anything of true importance.

I agree Bella. Iriral spoke.

Isabella nodded. Very well. I have learned to trust yours and Iriral's intuition, and if you think that is prudent, by all means let us stay prudent. We have not yet linked this religious cult to this Artre...

Bella... Iriral began.

That does not mean I discount it Iriral, quite the contrary in fact. Isabella added quickly. I have enough years to know that there are many things we do not have the wisdom or experience to explain. The relationship between dragons and elves is one of them. Like Arzoal said ... we need to discover if this cult is just a group of fanatics reaching for something, or if it is indeed some of the original followers of this Artre. I will not begin to worry until we make that distinction.

And if they are connected? Dysea asked.

Isabella grinned. Then I believe we will have a bigger problem than we first thought, and we will need to remove these vampire fools who think they are being so inventive in following us, so that we can concentrate entirely on this cult.

Dysea shook her head as she stared at Isabella. Does anything make you shiver and doubt yourself? She asked.

Isabella leaned over and kissed her. Your lips upon my body make me shiver all the time ussta she-elf and I doubt my ability to keep from screaming. Does that count?

Dysea and Iriral could not help but laugh within their connection. Dysea kissed her back, her emerald eyes sultry and alive. You are such a harlot. She spoke.

Will I have to act as chaperone for this mission so that the two of you maintain some semblance of seriousness? Iriral asked with humor in her tone.

Isabella joined in their laughter. I will behave Iriral. She said squeezing Dysea's hand. At least until we have returned to the ship and we are in more comfortable surroundings.

Thank you. Iriral answered. I'm landing outside.

We'll join you shortly. Dysea spoke.


Do we know nothing more about this Firespitter? Arzoal asked.

The facility had been built within the last year, only six kilometers from Tuya, but three kilometers away from the Island Palace in the opposite direction of the city. It was used as the primary training facility for Mjolnir's Hand, with barracks and large pens for all three hundred dragons should they ever occupy the base at one time. Since Apo Prime was such an enormous world, only half the planet was actually used for the billions who lived on the world. Mjolnir's Hand's base was massive all by itself, like a small city really, with the majority of the families of the members of the unit occupying the housing and schools.

Arzoal was the largest known dragon to exist, primarily because of her age, and her eighteen meters of length and twelve meters of height surpassed even Torma in size. Walking between Arzoal and Torma as Martin did now, he looked tiny in comparison and it would have been comical if not for what they were discussing.

Isra and Aelnala have confronted them only once so far. Martin answered. As I told you when we spoke through your aide, she is nearly as large as Isheeni. Isra says between twelve and fourteen meters long and Aelnala estimates her age at roughly three thousand years old based on the skin molts they discovered.

Arzoal nodded her massive head. Torma will not grow in size now for a millennia at least, but I suspect he will become as large as me one day based on his size now.

Martin chuckled and looked at his dragon brother. Don't worry. I'll keep him on a strict diet so he does not become fat.

Fat? Torma exclaimed. I am stronger, faster and leaner now than I have ever been I will have you know.

Arzoal chuckled as well. When Torma had come to her asking for her permission to take Isheeni as his mate, even though it would be two hundred and fifty years before she would be able to have children, Arzoal had inwardly questioned his commitment to her daughter. It wasn't until she had seen him interact with Isheeni that Arzoal knew Torma truly loved her daughter.

I have spoken to the other Elders Martin. She said her voice becoming serious now. You must remember that we occupied different parts of Enurrua so that we were not all together in one location.

Martin nodded. A wise move considering what Chetak and his people were doing.

Arzoal nodded. There is only one incident that either of them can remember where eggs may have been ... where eggs were lost to us. We had thought the situation solved, and until now we have never revisited this incident.

Martin looked at her. I'm listening.

This occurred before the Union was formed here on Apo Prime. Arzoal spoke. Many of your people were still under the thumb of the Coven and had not broken free of that control completely yet.

I'm not going to like what you're going to tell me am I Arzoal? Martin spoke.

There was a confrontation on Enurrua four thousand six hundred and nineteen years ago. Arzoal continued. It was the last Great War between Chetak's people and dragons. Thousands were lost on both sides over the course of this war. When this war ended is when I began blocking the hatchlings abilities to utilize their full skills.

Why? Martin asked.

Arzoal's flame colored eyes rested on him. You, Aricia and the others of Mjolnir's Hand are not the first to have ridden dragons Martin. She said softly seeing his eyes go wide. There were a handful of Chetak's people who discovered this skill during this war.

How long did this war last?

It continued for ten years. Arzoal answered. In the third year, after a particularly savage battle, it was discovered that among the dragon casualties were four females, who at the time were carrying eggs.

I thought you didn't allow egg carrying females to hunt much less go into battle. Martin asked.

It was a different era my King. Arzoal spoke starting to walk again, Martin and Torma following her without question. We were far greater in number then and all of us were warriors at that time. We had not even begun interspecies breeding yet. That only began a thousand years later when our numbers had diminished to dangerous levels. Arzoal took a mighty breath as she continued talking. It was in the third year of this war that Chetak's people discovered our largest combined nest. They attacked and destroyed over ten thousand dragon eggs over a three day period.

Martin and Torma's eyes went even wider at this information. Elder Mother ... this is not ... this is not common knowledge. Torma gasped out.

Arzoal shook her huge head. No it is not. And it must not become common knowledge. We have come so far in our relations with other species now that this information, if it became public, I fear it would be very damaging. We ... we took drastic measures to insure he did not take any of the eggs, by collapsing the main cavern where the eggs were stored, crushing them and any of his men who made it inside. In essence ... we are just as responsible as Chetak and his men for the deaths of ten thousand of our own kind.

Martin shook his head quickly. We've had this discussion before Arzoal. The three of us, because of what I have shared with Torma that only he and you know.

Arzoal looked at him. An act of evil to stop an even greater act of evil. She spoke.

You did what needed to be done. Torma spoke. Now is not the time to question what you did Elder Mother.

Arzoal looked at the obsidian black dragon who was mate to her youngest daughter and her eyes shone with pride. She took a deep breath once more and continued. The four females I spoke of earlier were casualties of this battle. Exactly two years later eleven dragons appeared with riders who were working for Chetak. Their skills were no where near as advanced as any of Mjolnir's Hand is now. We battled them over the course of several months, five of them turning against their riders when confronted with their remaining parent. We discovered that the riders were Lycavorians who had worked for the Coven and had been brought in by Chetak. Their Mindvoice skills were superior to any among Chetak's people, and they were able to control their dragons in a fashion, brainwashing them from the time they hatched into believing we were the bad ones.

You said five returned. Martin spoke.

Arzoal nodded. Five returned to us yes. Four we had to kill outright; and the last two disappeared and were presumed dead because they were never seen again. A male and a female. Arzoal looked at Martin. Both of them were Firespitters and the rider of the female was a male Lycavorian.

That isn't good. Martin spoke as he stopped walking now.

The timeline of events on Enurrua and the history of Earth myth about dragons matches almost perfectly Martin. Arzoal said looking at him. Somehow they must have found their way to Earth.

But the Firespitter Aelnala and Isra faced is barely three thousand years old. Aelnala was almost certain. And the skin molts confirmed it. Torma spoke. It can not be this same dragon.

Arzoal shook her head. No. More than likely it is a child or grandchild of the original pair.

And almost five thousand years have passed since they disappeared from Enurrua. Martin spoke. Arzoal how many children did you bear before your mate was killed?

Nineteen. Isheeni was the last to hatch and she is the youngest of that batch of eggs. She answered immediately.

And if he had not died, how many eggs could you have produced as a healthy female dragon in the same time period that has passed since they disappeared? Martin asked.

Arzoal met his gaze, understanding his question. If my mate still lived and we began birthing at the same time as these two dragons may have? If you include the thirteen times my cycle passed and my mate and I chose not to have eggs, five times that number calculating two eggs per batch average. And as a Firespitter myself, I never had less than three eggs.

So we're talking potentially almost a hundred dragon eggs. Martin said.

Arzoal nodded slowly. Yes. But you must remember Martin, dragon eggs, especially Firespitter eggs, will not hatch unless conditions are absolutely perfect. Climate, temperature, humidity, all of these things must be perfect sire. It took Isheeni almost seven years to hatch after I laid her egg.

The chance still remains though correct? Martin asked.

Arzoal nodded slowly, her eyes growing larger. Which means we may have sent Aelnala and Isheeni into a situation they can not win?

Martin took a deep breath and shook his head. We will not panic. He spoke calmly. I will speak with Aricia as soon as you leave Arzoal, and I will order Mjolnir's Hand to hold where they are until we know for sure. We have only seen the one dragon and rider, and that could very well mean that is all there is. Arzoal could this be tied somehow to what Dysea and Isabella are investigating on Elear?

You have spoken with L'tian? She said surprised.

About the elf angle of this whole religious cult thing yes. Martin nodded. Not why you are involved. Or why you feel the need to return to Elear so quickly. You have always spent time with your grandchildren when you come here, but this time your DT is remaining hot on the landing pad to take you back up to your ship and return to Elear. Why?

It is a very long story sire. Arzoal spoke meeting his eyes.

Give me the short version. Martin told her. And we told each other we would never hold back anything from each other, no matter how bad it was Arzoal. We made the agreement and you are very near crossing the line we established. I can not protect you and the dragons if you don't tell me everything. And this information could potentially put Aricia and Isheeni in great danger, not to mention others that I care about. That you care about. You have to trust me Arzoal. Our fates are intertwined now!

Arzoal stared at him for a long silent moment, her flame colored eyes focused on only his dark brown orbs. She lowered herself to the ground and inched her huge head closer to him, never breaking eye contact. It is a dark part of our history Martin.

We all have dark parts of our history Arzoal. Look at my people. We treated our own females as nothing better than animals! Martin spoke. We almost committed genocide on dragons! I'm pulling us out of our past Arzoal, sometimes kicking and screaming in the process, but I am doing it. And so are you with the dragons! My people and dragons have become synonymous with each other because of what you and I have built with Mjolnir's Hand. I will never hold anything back from you, and that is how you must be with me. Without that level of trust Arzoal, what we have done will never last. And I know you want it to work just as deeply as I do. As Torma and Isheeni do. As every member of Mjolnir's Hand wants it to work. You know this.

No non dragon has ever known this part of our history sire. Not even Tablina, who is considered family to so many of us. And no dragon younger than five thousand years has this knowledge. Arzoal spoke as her eyes fell on Torma.

You know as well as I that Torma and I speak with one voice and think with one mind. He is considered the senior dragon among Mjolnir's Hand even though half of them are older than he is. Like Aricia and Isheeni, our experiences have become shared Arzoal, as if we have led each other's lives. Martin spoke. If you can not trust us, who can you trust?

Then I suggest we go someplace far away from prying eyes and ears, of which there are still many here on Apo Prime. Arzoal spoke.

Martin nodded. I know a place. Torma and I discovered it several months ago. We haven't even told Aricia and Isheeni of it.

Then let us go there. Arzoal spoke. And I will tell you all that I know, but I don't believe the two events are tied together. We can discuss it more, but I think you will agree. And then I will visit my grandchildren before returning to Elear.

Martin leaped nimbly up onto Torma's back. Follow us.


"Aelnala can carry you both easily now." Isra spoke as he knelt near the couch where Tarifa and Aihola sat, and placed items into the small pack in the rear of the DT. Aelnala rested her bulk on the deck while Tarifa and Aihola sat on the couch. "She is much stronger than she was on Enurrua, and if anything happens while we are gone, she is who you must get to. She will bring you here, where Lohana will take you into orbit to the station. Do not question what she does, either of you. Your protection is priority over all else, by Martin's orders."

"Isra ... we will not question her." Tarifa spoke.

Isra looked at her and his violet eyes sparkled with love and passion as they moved back and forth between Tarifa and Aihola. He reached out and took their hands within his. Had anyone he had known told him even two years ago that he would have not just one, but two breathtakingly beautiful elf females as mates, he would have laughed endlessly. They had spent a second night in their home with Aelnala watching over them, as they pleasured each other in ways none of them had ever thought of before. Isra just did not tire of them, their scents filling his head until all he wanted to do was possess them. And possess them he did on many occasions, both Tarifa and Aihola happily crying out his name in blissful abandon. He had also learned just what the two of them could do to each other as well. He had watched them pleasure each other at the same time as they pleasured him, until the very sight of them together would almost be enough to send him over the edge. And when they turned their combined attention on him, it was over very quickly for he couldn't and didn't last long.

"I know you both better than you think." He spoke with a gentle smile. "I have not waited this long to finally claim you both, only to lose you both because you do something utterly foolish."

"Nor have we." Aihola spoke softly. "I will watch out for us."

Tarifa laughed softly as she leaned into Aihola. "Nya Istel ... you are more reckless than I." Tarifa exclaimed with false indignation.

Isra shook his head with a grin remembering Martin's words to him about them. "We have strengthened our Mindvoice connection so that both of you can now reach me or Aelnala anywhere on the planet. While I am gone I want you to practice with her in maintaining a shielded connection and conversation. She will never be far from you, but if you wish to ask her something and not have others hear your voices, use a shielded connection."

"Isra do you think there are others within Eden City that can hear our conversations within Mindvoice?" Tarifa asked somewhat surprised.

Isra nodded. "It is always a possibility." He answered gently. "Aelnala established her connection with you on Enurrua, and the ease with which she did it suggests you both have potential you have not touched. It is something we can work on in the future, but to connect with a dragon within Mindvoice as you both have to such a degree is not normal and not easily done. You should not need to be concerned, but we also do not know the extent to which these creatures can extend their own abilities and it is better to be safe."

Mindvoicing is not natural to elves. Aelnala told them, explaining further. You have learned much the two of you, just by exploring your bond with each other. I will begin to show you what is natural to my kind and to Lycavorians, and soon it will become like second nature to you. We should include Lynwe, Selene and Layna my Bonded Brother. They all have this potential, and it would not hurt to be able to speak with others as well.

Isra nodded. "I will trust in your wisdom." He answered. "No more than that, until we discover more about our enemies. Until Aricia, Isheeni and Thr'won arrive with the Guardian of the Line, we are the most powerful Mindvoicers on Earth, and we should guard ourselves accordingly."

Aelnala nodded her large head. Agreed.

Aihola looked at him. "Isra ... can Aricia ... can she really throw ... psychic projections ... psychic weapons from her hands?"

Isra shook his head. "Martin ... yes. Aricia I have never seen do this but there are stories that came from Enurrua that say otherwise. They are the only ones who have reached that level of power because of the pureness of their blood. A Lycavorian's blood is what dictates the power of our Mindvoice abilities, the pureness of it, and the two of them have the purest blood ever recorded according to Senior Hadarian Healer Eurin."

"How long will you be gone?" Tarifa asked leaning closer to him.

"We have detected half a dozen of these sensor spots along the Gulf. Your father suspects no more than two days to investigate them all. Aricia and Isheeni should be here by then." He answered.

"We have not waited this long to finally have you claim us," Aihola spoke with a brilliant smile as she too leaned closer to him. "Only to have you do something utterly stupid and foolish."

"Nya Istel is right." Tarifa echoed.

Isra grinned. "Me? Do something foolish?" He exclaimed with indignation as well.

Oh please Brother! Aelnala snorted.

Tarifa and Aihola laughed and they pressed close to him, their eyes closing in contented bliss as he nuzzled their ears and held them both tightly wrapping his wolf aura around them both. They heard Tareif come stomping up the ramp on purpose and they turned to look at him. He wore a gentle smile on his face.

"We are ready." He spoke.

Isra nodded and kissed them both deeply before getting to his feet and picking up his bag. Tarifa and Aihola got up as well and went to her father, hugging him.

Tareif looked at them. "I will bring him back to you both." He said softly.

"Be careful Papa." Tarifa told him. "We want you both to return."

"That means you don't do anything stupid either War Master." Aihola spoke as she kissed his rough cheek.

Tareif smiled and nodded. "We will see you in two days."

Tarifa and Aihola grasped hands, their fingers entwining as they watched them start walking across the airfield toward the waiting RAPTOR II. Aelnala came up directly behind them.

My father has a habit of finding trouble wherever he goes. Tarifa said.

Then they should get along famously. Aelnala replied. For Isra has this same trait. She nudged them both in the shoulder gently with her huge head. Come. You have very important meetings to attend today. The Representatives of the Zaleisian Empire are shrewd and if my schooling while on Apo Prime is accurate, not to be entirely trusted either.

Aihola looked at her. What did you learn of them? She asked as they moved down the ramp.

Tarifa climbed into the saddle first, and then Aihola settled in front of her. Yes Aelnala, whatever insight you can give us would be helpful. Tarifa said.

Then we shall loop around the city several times while I tell you what I learned. Aelnala spoke just before she leaped easily into the clear sky.


The island was much larger now than the hundred and seventy thousand square meters it had been centuries before. The Tsunamis and underwater earthquakes caused by the Comet had washed over the island, submerging it for over four hundred years before several earthquakes within the last fifty years had caused it to resurface and enlarge itself by five kilometers square now. The other six islands within the Dry Tortugas chain had also resurfaced because of the earthquakes and become larger, though Garden Key was still the largest.

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SPARTA "Handmaiden?" Anja snapped. "I don't need a babysitter! I've gotten along quite well these last few years without a nursemaid. I'm not going to stop now! You didn't say anything about this at breakfast two days Tezu!" Tezu nodded his head slowly. "Given what was happening, it didn't seem appropriate." "I'm sorry ... what was happening? We were having breakfast!" Anja spoke as she leaned forward on the couch. "Everyone has breakfast!" This morning had not begun well...

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Wolves and Dragons of the Blood Book 2 A Spartans WarChapter 7

ENURRUA DAY EIGHT She ached badly. Her whole body ached like it had never ached before; like she had fallen down the side of a very tall mountain, rolling the entire way, gaining bruises and bumps as she went. The insides of her thighs felt raw and battered the most, and her sensitive ass stung badly. What was wrong with her? She reached out with her mind in search of the warmth and the staggering aura of the one she so loved. He could always sooth her just by embracing her with his...

2 years ago
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Wolves and Dragons of the Blood True BeginningsChapter 9

JUMP GATE THREE FIVE LEONIDAS II-CLASS STRIKE CRUISER MJOLNIR'S HAND The cavernous landing bay of the United Lycavorian Union's Flagship was a beehive of chaotic activity that many would think to be quite insane. Very neat rows of T9E TEMPTEST Fighter Interceptors and the M4B DEVASTATOR Fighter/Bombers lined the bay as the dozens of ground crewmembers went about their duties with barely a pause. They were the crème de le crème of the Lycavorian Union Fleet; they knew it and it showed in...

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Wolves and Dragons of the Blood Book 2 A Spartans WarChapter 11

HADARIA DAY TWENTY-SEVEN Seanna sat to one side of the room in the palace and watched as Anja practiced calling for the healing pulses within her. She was practicing on the broken pieces of fruit and repairing the cellular damage made by knives and dropping the separate fruits onto the floor. She had a habit of lifting the pieces of fruit off the floor with her Mindvoice talents, frustrating her instructors who were telling her to focus on the healing pulses and try not to use both gifts...

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Wolves and Dragons of the Blood Book 2 A Spartans WarChapter 15

DAY THIRTY-SEVEN APO PRIME OFFICE OF PRIME MINISTER DEIA Deia insured the door was locked behind her and then turned to look at the men who had just entered her office. They had come in through a little used entrance of the main government building, further deserted by the hour of the evening. She had just spent the last five hours with Gorgo and Dasha in the sub-basement of the University sifting through mountains of scrolls and data pads and even some hand written documents dating...

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Wolves and Dragons of the Blood True BeginningsChapter 6

GALLAIS'S LODGE Tesand lowered the portable sensor device and turned to Aikiro and Yuri who stood by the doors onto the balcony looking through the glass out onto the city of Sparta. "Well, unless they have developed something our instruments can't detect, which based on what we've seen so far is entirely possible, the rooms are clean of anything we can pick up." Aikiro nodded slowly. "They were able to intercept our communications somehow. And we did not detect their shrouded ships...

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Wolves and Dragons of the Blood Book 3 DiscoveryChapter 32

EARTH SPARTA Gorgo remembered nothing from her ride on Torma as they spirited her away from that prison on Lycavore. This ride however she would remember for the rest of her life. The moment they had climbed into the sky, Martin had slipped his hand under hers as she held a death grip on the two, eight inch long spikes protruding from his shoulders. Her eyes were tightly shut, and for the first few seconds she could feel the air whipping against her skin. The moment her son slid his hand...

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Wolves and Dragons of the Blood Book 3 DiscoveryChapter 30

EARTH FOUR KILOMETERS WEST OF WICHITA The convoy of three large Heavy Lifters and half a dozen armored Lifters moved slowly along the transit path. This early in the morning and in this part of the country, other Lifter traffic was almost non-existent. Even though the reconstruction of Earth was proceeding better than anyone had expected, they had yet to reach out into the Wastes yet, mainly concentrating on rebuilding the many cities that had sprouted up, as well as building the defensive...

3 years ago
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Wolves and Dragons of the Blood Book 2 A Spartans WarChapter 13

SPARTA DAY THIRTY-FIVE Admiral Jamerl sat with Dilios and Panos in the Senate library, the stacks of data pads and scrolls piled high on the table around them. They had been here for thirty six hours now, going through the mounds of information pertaining to disappearances of individuals from Sparta over the years. Several pitchers of water, tea and coffee dotted the table as well as half empty mugs and empty plates of food. Jamerl leaned back in his chair and rubbed his tanned face with...

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