Wolves and Dragons of the Blood Book 2 A Spartan s WarChapter 17
- 2 years ago
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It has to be someplace high Isheeni. Aricia spoke as she leaned back against Isheeni's thick foreleg. A cave of some sort like your mother had on Enurrua.
It was an amazing sight really, an azure blue scaled dragon and a gamboge yellow scaled dragon resting comfortably on the tarmac of the airfield. Their hind legs were drawn up under their powerful bodies, ready to spring into the air if needed. And sitting casually next to them were a male and female Lycavorian, dwarfed in size by the dragons but both of them leaning up against their respective bond partners. They were speaking but no one's lips moved which was rather disconcerting to those who could not Mindvoice. The buildings and hangers nearby had quite a bit of foot traffic in and around them, and no matter whom it was, heads always turned to look at where they sat. Many of them wanted to get a close up view of Isheeni and Aelnala since until just recently, dragons had been nothing more than a myth on Earth.
Isheeni nodded her large head. Yes ... I agree ... but unlike Enurrua where the caves were all limited to one portion of the planet ... Earth has many such places. And I have been told some of these caves are quite large. Easily as big as our dragon home at the Island.
And many more have been formed since what they call the Great Fire occurred. Aelnala interjected. The seismic shifts and shaking that struck this planet because of that comet caused many of the hot mountains to explode and reshape the surface.
I think we all agree that this cave ... or whatever it is ... it has to be somewhere here on the Northern Continent. Isra spoke now. The hatchlings I saw were not old enough for sustain flight over long distances. Based on the flame streams that I saw ... I'd say none of them were over five years of age. Their flame streams will not become fully potent until they are almost ten. Isheeni is that correct?
Isheeni nodded. Yes. Our glands do not fully mature until we are at least a decade. I'm impressed Isra.
I spent quite a bit of time with your Mother whenever she came to Apo Prime. Isra answered with a smile. What I learned from her is invaluable. I estimate they would be able to go no more than fifty or a hundred kilometers at most before they had to land, rest and eat.
Could there be more than the seven you saw my brother? Aelnala asked softly.
Anything is possible ... but I only saw the seven distinct flame streams that night. He answered. This Syrilth ... she could not have been one of the ones I saw based on the strength of her flame stream sister. These were definitely hatchlings ... I estimate no more than three to five years as I said, though one burst was very weak and close to the ground. A newly hatched dragon perhaps ... just testing his or her ability. It was very hard to tell to be honest, we were probably several kilometers away and as you know water can alter your perceptions of things. We should proceed carefully ... but finding the eggs is a priority.
Then you believe as strongly as we do? Isheeni asked softly. That Syrilth does not serve this rider willingly?
Isra nodded quickly. Oh yes. That goes without saying. Her actions are not indicative of something evil. And certainly nothing like what your mother described of the dragons they were fighting during that conflict. He answered. Isra looked at Isheeni intently. She seems ... she seems to have affected you in a way Isheeni. Why is that?
Aricia and I could sense her pain Isra. Feel it almost as if it was a palpable thing. Isheeni answered quickly. She carries a burden of not only care but sorrow.
Aricia nodded. There is conflict within her. She said softly.
Isra nodded slowly as well. That's not surprising seeing how this rider treats her. One of the first things your mother taught us Isheeni was that our bonded mates might have thin skin and not to call them names.
Aelnala's tail flicked forward quickly, poised as it always was to strike, and she tapped him in the back of the shoulder with enough force to shove him forward slightly. He was laughing as she did this and Aricia and Isheeni joined in the laughter.
Be careful brother. I just might forget to warn you of the next bird fool enough to cross our path. Aelnala spoke.
Ouch! Aricia spoke with a grin while Isheeni's voice echoed in soft laughter. That would hurt.
We should make a search grid. Isheeni spoke now. One of us always here ... one of us always searching. There are only so many mountain ranges on the northern hemisphere that are conducive to hatching eggs. And now ... with the heat as it is ... the conditions are very nearly perfect.
That will involve long hours in the saddle and then returning every night. Isra warned. Are we prepared for that?
There could be as many as a hundred eggs involved here Isra my brother. Aelnala spoke gently. I will endure. You and I have been the guardians of eggs before, and you did not pause then. We will endure.
Isra turned his head and reached up to place his hand on Aelnala's jaw. And I will not hesitate now.
I will endure as well. Isheeni said.
Aricia nodded. I am game for it.
Isra nodded as they all agreed. I will put together an overlapping search grid that will allow us to target areas of the furthest mountain ranges first and we can work our way closer with each pass. It shouldn't take more than a few hours to put this together and we can begin our searching tomorrow. Aelnala and I will go out first Aricia ... so that you will have a full day to conduct any business as Queen.
Aricia nodded. We can carry small beacons that will allow Admiral Wallace to track us from EDEN while he is over this hemisphere and then cross deck it to a ship in orbit when they go to the dark side of the moon. Aricia spoke. I don't want anyone out of contact for more than a few minutes especially now that this Kavalian fool is loose in the city.
Tareif will find him Aricia. Isra spoke.
Oh ... I don't doubt that. But limiting his opportunities until Tareif does find him is just good practice. Aricia replied. Martin would punish me if I did not follow that basic principle of combat.
[Mindvoice Shielded] Like that would trouble you Aricia. Martin's form of punishment with you is to lick you all over with his tongue. Isheeni echoed in her head. You are so easy sister. I've told you to make him work for it.
Aricia couldn't hold back the smile and Isra swore he could see her blush under her tan. He and Aelnala could also feel the tremors within Mindvoice as they spoke shielded.
[Mindvoice Shielded] Then you won't mind if I tell Torma of that little mishap you suffered as we left the DT the other day. Aricia said turning to look at Isheeni's azure colored eyes.
[Mindvoice Shielded] What ... that little thing? I was just happy to be off the ship. Isheeni spoke indignantly. I slipped, nothing more.
[Mindvoice Shielded] That's not what I saw Isheeni. And do not tell me that when Torma gazes at you with those beautiful golden eyes of his and caresses the top of your neck that you simply do not melt? I'm not entirely stupid sister. Aricia said.
[Mindvoice Shielded] Well... Isheeni gave her best 'I'm so innocent impression', which for a dragon was quite impressive, though somewhat terrifying to look at from the perspective of someone who had never been close to a dragon before.
[Mindvoice Shielded] Yes ... I thought so. Now who is easy? Aricia stated.
Are you two quite done comparing notes? Aelnala spoke sternly but with a touch of humor in her voice.
Aricia looked at Isra and then she did blush. I'm sorry ... it's an ongoing disagreement that we have.
So I gathered. Isra spoke with a smile. Anything I can help with?
NO! Aricia and Isheeni stated together.
Are the four of you quite through? The new female voice spoke.
Two Lycavorian and two dragon heads turned and saw the blond haired female elf walk around the side of the DT, her pale blue eyes bright and clear. Slightly behind her walked a male Lycavorian and another female elf, but these two wore the black body armor and crimson colored shoulder markings and crimson waist sash of the Durcunusaan.
Aricia came to her feet with a smile. Thr'won!
Isra watched as the two women embraced warmly. He had heard of this particular she-elf. She had been the Chief Mage for Sparta for over two hundred years before the King returned. She was well respected and had grown quite powerful for an elf in her Mindvoice skills. It was said she had been the first to touch the King's mind after he discovered his true heritage and this had imparted to her a unique understanding of how his mind worked as well as enhanced her own abilities, much as the First Oracle now had. After a year of intense training with the First Oracle, she had returned to Earth with Aricia and the Guardian to take up her position once more. Outside of the Royal family and the First Oracle herself, the Chief Mage of Sparta was said to be the most powerful Mindvoicer in the entire Lycavorian Union.
Well ... I wouldn't exactly go that far ... but I do appreciate the compliment Commander Isra. Thr'won's voice echoed once more as she and Aricia parted and finished walking up to him and Aelnala. Isra realized then that she had picked up his unshielded surface thoughts.
Isra saw her brilliant smile and the brightness of her pale blue eyes and he lowered his head in reverence to her. Chief Mage Thr'won ... it is an honor to finally meet you.
Aelnala also lowered her head on her long neck next to Isra. For me as well Chief Mage Thr'won.
Oh please! Thr'won exclaimed. Stop it ... both of you. She stepped right up to Aelnala without fear and reached up to lay her soft hand on Aelnala's cheek. It is I who should be saying what an honor it is. I have never met the Section Leaders of Mjolnir's Hand, Aelnala and Commander Isra.
You know Andreus Chief Mage. Isra spoke confused. He is a Section Leader as well.
Bah! I've known him the majority of his life! He doesn't count. Thr'won stated with a smile. You two however. Did you know that there is a plaque honoring the two of you in a very quaint elf eatery in the Western Merchant Quarter of Tuya? You are the ones who did that aren't you?
It was Isra Chief Mage! Aelnala exclaimed quickly, her honey colored eyes full of mischief. It was his fault! He struck the officer!
Isra looked at her out of the corner of his eye. Thank you bonded sister.
Thr'won laughed heartily. Oh ... Helen told me you two were ... slick I believe the word she used is. Yes that was it ... slick!
You have no idea Thr'won. Aricia said.
Thr'won chuckled and looked at Aricia. Yes ... and I am sure you and Isheeni are just as innocent as could be Aricia.
Of course we are Chief Mage. Isheeni spoke.
As innocent as your two mates say they always are no doubt. Thr'won spoke shaking her head in feigned sternness.
Aricia and Isheeni couldn't answer that one and Aricia decided to change the subject quickly before she and Isheeni embarrassed themselves. "Did Uncle Dymas come with you from Sparta Thr'won?"
Thr'won nodded with a smile. "He's having a rather lively reunion with Tarifa and her father in his office right now. The Durcunusaan arrived in Sparta last night and we came over with them this morning. I needed to get out of Sparta. Panos was roaring to anyone who would listen how he did not need a bodyguard, and Dilios was skulking about as if someone had just stolen his favorite toy. You do realize Aricia that you and Martin have caused quite the stir with these Durcunusaan."
Aricia nodded slowly. "We suspected as much. You will grow used to it Thr'won. It is something we felt was needed. There are advantages to being King and Queen you know."
Thr'won chuckled. "Yes I'm sure." She motioned to the two members of Durcunusaan who stood behind her. "This is Lieutenant Thomeo and Lieutenant Ionoia ... the two that have been assigned to me." She spoke loudly now in a feigned voice of disapproval.
The two officers bowed their heads slightly. "Milady Aricia." Thomeo spoke formally. "Commander Isra. It is an honor for us to meet you."
"For I as well." Ionoia the female elf spoke.
Isheeni moved her bulk from where she sat on the tarmac and came over to stand in front of the two Durcunusaan. She lowered her head and gazed at them, the male's dark eyes and the female elf's eyes unchanged and gazing at her without fear.
Let me welcome you to Earth Durcunusaan. Isheeni spoke softly. It is a privilege to stand with you.
Thomeo and Ionoia looked at each other and then back to Isheeni. They had not expected this from Isheeni. It had been her mother who had instructed them how to fight dragons, how to fight dragons and win.
Ionoia let a small smile play across her thin lips. And it is our privilege to stand with two members of Mjolnir's Hand.
Isheeni saw Thomeo nod. Without question. He said.
Thr'won smiled and squeezed Aricia's hand. "Your uncle wanted me to come and pull you and Isra off the tarmac so that he could sit with you for a while. Since these white skinned creatures appear to be using this continent as their home, I decided to come here as well to lend whatever skill I could. And to keep a leash on your Uncle. He still holds great anger and hatred at these beings for killing his brother."
"As well he should." Aricia spoke.
Thr'won nodded. "He brought Spartan wine."
"Well ... I can't refuse that!" Isra spoke quickly.
You never refuse wine brother! Do not let Sadormacah or Ceiricah see you intoxicated brother! Aelnala called. They would not understand you!
Thr'won smiled and stepped up to Aricia and Isheeni, watching as Isra headed across the tarmac, Aelnala's honey colored eyes watching him intently. "They are a stitch the two of them. And so very powerful together." She whispered.
Aricia nodded slowly. "Yes they are." Aricia caressed Isheeni's lower jaw. Be safe while you hunt sister. Both of you.
Isheeni nodded. We will be.
Aricia nodded and took Thr'won's arm as they began to walk towards the office building. "I didn't know you would be coming from Sparta Thr'won."
"I am the Chief Mage of Sparta Aricia!" Thr'won stated firmly. "I don't need to tell anyone where I'm going! Not even the youngest Queen of Sparta!"
Aricia chuckled. "I am glad you are here." She asked.
Thr'won laughed as well. "Dymas thought it would be good to have some added power in case these creatures turn out to be more than we thought. I understand you and Isra are going to concentrate on finding the clutches of eggs so that you can free this dragon."
Aricia nodded. "Yes."
"You don't believe she serves him of her own will then?" Thr'won asked.
Aricia shook her head. "No."
"Fill me in as we walk Aricia." Thr'won spoke. "I've been itching for something to do since I returned and this is the first chance I've had to do just that. Have you heard from Martin perhaps?"
Aricia shook her head. "I've been talking with For'mya almost nightly. I'm going to contact For'mya later this evening. He should have reported in to her by now."
"You have felt nothing?" Thr'won asked looking at her.
Aricia shook her head slowly. "Brief flashes of great anger and great joy. Nothing more. I believe the enormous distance is all that allows for us right now."
"It is amazing that you can still sense that Aricia. No one can explain it you know, the depth of the connection you and Martin have. Not even the most senior Mindvoice Mages on Apo Prime." Thr'won said. "And they are some of the biggest windbags I have ever met. Far worse than the politicians in Sparta that I grew up with."
"I'm not so sure we understand it half the time Thr'won." Aricia spoke calmly as she gripped her arm tighter. "It is so much stronger than it was when we first discovered each other. We have lain in each other's arms many a night and wondered about it."
"And what have you discovered?" Thr'won asked softly.
"Part of it is our love for each other." Aricia answered immediately.
"You do realize he would destroy entire planets for you." Thr'won spoke. She waved her hand. "Listen to me ... he's done that already."
"I would do no less Thr'won." Aricia said soberly. "Without hesitation. I believe our mutual love for For'mya, Anja, Dysea and Isabella is also part of our strength. The love of Androcles ... of the children we will have in the future. All of us."
"You have no idea what your decision ... the others decision ... to have all your children born in Sparta ... you have no idea what that has done Aricia. To have him there six months of every year. There is a new life within Sparta child. To know what we all are now ... to know that the son of the King they all so loved is with them ... that he considers Sparta his true home. The feelings are indescribable. The people there walk with their heads held just a litter higher than before."
Aricia nodded. "I know. I have felt it too." She said softly. "And our children will feel it as well Thr'won. All of them. Sparta will always be our home ... no matter where we are."
Thr'won smiled. "Anja carries a girl you know? He passed that to us before they were out of range."
Aricia smiled brilliantly. "I know ... and Dysea comes into phase very soon. And then For'mya. And hopefully ... one day Isabella as well."
Thr'won looked at her. "You no longer care that Lisisa is his child?"
Aricia met her eyes. "Gorgo showed us long ago that we were acting instinctively in regards to Lisisa. No ... she is of his blood Thr'won. And she will be a daughter to us just as surely as if one of us had given birth to her. And there is much she will be able to teach the young ones as they grow. To have touched us as she did ... I believe she will come very close to matching Androcles someday in terms of her abilities."
Thr'won laughed. "Oh that one will be a handful I'm sure. Bonding with Elynth as he is now ... she speaks as if he is already aware of what is going on around him." Thr'won looked at Aricia when she did not say anything, and she saw her azure colored eyes gazing at her intently with keen intelligence and unparalleled clarity and power. Her own pale blue eyes grew a little wider. "Aricia you can't be..."
Aricia smiled at her. "Would you like to know our son Thr'won?" She asked softly. "Let me show you what we have shown Helen in regards to our son. She did not believe us at first either. After we greet my uncle we will find a quiet place and I will show you just how aware Androcles is of what goes on around him."
Sadi looked out over the surface of the lake from the balcony and sipped the steaming hot mug of coffee as she watched the Water Lifter docking in the small harbor by the water's edge. It would be carrying Deia and Gorgo she knew for For'mya told her they would be coming. Gorgo to see her grandson and Dasha, and Deia to meet with her. The previous day and night was still pretty much of a blur for her, but she felt lifted somehow. She had answered all they had asked of her, Armetus asking most of the questions. The man was thorough Sadi thought, and he knew what he was doing. For'mya had remained quiet for the most part, watching with those dark eyes. Sadi had held nothing back; everything she knew was now in the hands of United Lycavorian Intelligence. Safe houses, High Coven agents that she knew of ... all of it. She had watched amazed as For'mya had laughed and joked with her father as he departed with Admiral Riall late in the afternoon yesterday. He was in high spirits and didn't question that Sadi was remaining behind to spend time with For'mya now that they had buried their past differences. They had finished only two hours before and For'mya had shown her to this room to rest. Sadi couldn't rest however. She felt free for the first time in nearly thirty years. What she had desired when she went to the dinner that night was hers, and now she didn't know what to do.
Sadi knew one thing without hesitation though.
They would come for her.
[Mindvoice Shielded] That is why she asked you to remain here with us KertaGai. The voice of the dragon hatchling Elynth filled her head clearly now, as if she was speaking to her normally. You are safer here than any other place on the planet.
And my father? My real brothers?
Even now Armetus is moving to insure they remain safe as well. They will have heavy security ... but it will be security they can not see.
Sadi sensed a presence behind her then and turned very quickly almost spilling her coffee and she saw the older woman in the doorway to the balcony she stood on, the small child in her arms and Elynth standing behind her. She had left the door to the room open she remembered, and the doorways and corridors in the Island Palace had been reconstructed to fit her father Torma, though he would never fit up the stairs now.
"Forgive me child ... I didn't mean to startle you. I've learned to walk rather softly thanks to my sons and son-in-law. They are excellent teachers." Dasha spoke with a warm smile and focused eyes. "For'mya said that you might be hungry. The three of you were up all night and I came to see if you would like to join Androcles and I for breakfast before you go to sleep on an empty stomach."
"I'm sorry you ... you are..." Sadi asked.
"I am Aricia's mother Dasha. And you are Sadi, Governor Vorilas's daughter." Dasha spoke her smile still in place. And it was a genuine smile of that Sadi had little doubt. She had learned to read people quite well over the years. "I understand you work for Armetus and will be staying with us until we get this distasteful business resolved."
Sadi's soft green eyes came to rest on Elynth.
She doesn't know who I am? Sadi asked looking at Elynth.
You might be surprised what the mother of the Queen knows. Dasha's voice broke into the connection causing Sadi's eyes to grow wide as she stared at her.
Elynth moved further into the room to stand next to Dasha now and she settled to the floor. There is no need to fear KertaGai. She spoke.
Dasha shifted Androcles further back on her hip and stepped forward and it was then that Sadi noticed the boy child's eyes. They caught and held her like a powerful magnet. They were the deepest and brightest azure blue eyes she had ever seen, and they stared at her with a level of understanding that Sadi had never seen from a child only eight months old, let alone an adult.
"You and I have much in common child." Dasha spoke softly. "We know what it is like to be used by the High Coven for their nefarious purposes." Dasha reached out and took Sadi's shaking hand. "You have nothing to fear Sadi. You are now among friends."
"Friends?" Sadi gasped softly.
Dasha nodded slowly. "Child ... if you were considered a threat in any way ... and not a pawn of the High Coven and others that we know you have been forced to become ... you would already be dead." Dasha spoke calmly and with conviction in her voice. There was no hostility, no malice, just truth. "If For'mya or Elynth here had not done this, the moment you came to this island, I would have ended your life in the blink of an eye. Martin Leonidas ... he destroyed an empire because of the love he holds for my daughter and the crimes they forced upon her. I would destroy an empire to safe guard his children. Any of them. Without question or pause."
Sadi had no doubts she would do just that. She may have been nearing four thousand years of age, but as far as Dasha was concerned she was just entering her prime. Since coming to Apo Prime to start fresh after what had occurred in Sparta, Dasha had become a whirlwind of activity. She and Gorgo met at least three times a week to train and shop and study. She had become good friends with Helen the First Oracle and with her teachings and tutelage had increased her own Mindvoice powers to Tier Six levels. Her youngest son and Aricia's brother Andreus had given her intensive training in personal combat and weapons. Dasha was no longer a demure female ... she was just like her daughter and Gorgo.
She was a supremely confident Spartan Alpha female who was completely devoted to her grandchildren and the others that would follow from all of her children.
"You have been up all night with Armetus and For'mya telling them all that you know." Dasha spoke. "You are probably very hungry and still overwhelmed. You are not alone in this anymore child. Let us show you that there is such a thing as trust."
"And ... and the King and Queen ... your daughter?" Sadi stammered softly. "Will they be ... will they be as forgiving as you?"
"I believe For'mya already told that is not something you need be concerned with." Dasha said.
"As powerful as they are ... you expect me to believe that?" Sadi asked.
"Two of those my daughter and Martin consider to be sisters are half vampire and full vampire respectively." Dasha told her. "The person he has left in charge of Earth's security is a Drow vampire. Half vampire Drow scouts fill the ranks of the Union military everywhere. An entire division of cloned vampire soldiers now calls Earth home and works towards the same goals as us all. Isabella is the pureblood daughter of Veldruk the High Coven leader and now one of Martin's Queens." Dasha smiled. "You will come to know that if you are a friend to Martin Leonidas ... he will be a friend to you no matter your past." Dasha waved her hand dismissively. "Besides ... For'mya told Aricia and the others everything before you ever came here Sadi; those two keep nothing from each other. And it was Aricia's idea for you to remain here for your protection. Like you and I ... she knows what it feels like to be used by others."
"This is all ... this is all very hard to absorb." Sadi spoke shaking her head slowly. "It's all happening so fast."
Dasha looked at Androcles in her arm as the eight month old boy, raven black hair like his parents, reached out with the short pudgy arm leaning towards Sadi. Her green eyes opened wide as the small child took her finger in the grip of his tiny hand. Sadi gasped at the power of his small grip, and she watched as he drew her finger close to his face and he leaned back in Dasha's arms, making Sadi step forward. As close as she was to him now, Sadi was very nearly overwhelmed with the heavy scent of wild pines mixed with lavender. His scent Sadi realized, and it did more to sooth her than any words anyone had spoken before now.
"He likes you." Dasha spoke with a smile. "He doesn't reach out to anyone like that ... except those that live here on the Island that is."
Sadi calmed her racing heart, the pine and lavender scent coursing through her veins and burning into her mind. She gently pried her finger from Androcles's grasp and looked at Dasha. "I ... I am hungry." She spoke suddenly.
Dasha smiled. "Good. Come with us to the kitchen. We do all our own cooking here ... but I make a mean Boureki."
"Are you sure this is wise For'mya?" Deia asked as she settled into the comfortable chair in the small study.
For'mya nodded as she walked around and poured them both morning coffees. She knew how Deia liked it and added the proportions before turning and moving back handing it to her. She moved to the chair beside the desk and sat down.
"Deia you were the one who encouraged me to do this." For'mya spoke.
"I know ... but having her stay here on the Island with you?" Deia spoke as she lifted the coffee to her lips.
"That was Aricia's idea ... and I agreed with her." For'mya answered. "This woman is not our enemy Deia ... she has been used by the High Coven and that upaee of a step mother for over thirty years." For'mya shook her head. "What she has had to do ... being forced to lay with her own half brother Deia? The thought of that makes my blood boil ... and not just my wolf blood either."
Deia's eyes were calm. "I haven't begun to read Armetus's full report. I didn't know that part." She spoke.
"I want Sadi's father and her real brothers under continuous protection until this is over." For'mya spoke. "I don't care about the cost ... I will pay for the extra accommodations out of my own funds if I have too."
Deia shook her head. "That won't be necessary." She spoke. "I have a private force of Spartans in mind. I will assign them and funding them will not be an issue." She replied with a grin. "Martin started a private account last year with profits he made off that fool Chetak for just this sort of operation. He and I are the only ones with access. I will use that to get them proper accommodations while they are assigned to Vorilas and her brothers, do not worry."
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EARTH EDEN CITY Aricia stood next to Thr'won and Selene as they watched Talco pace the secure room restlessly like a caged animal, which fit with his feline nature and that of his species. Admiral Joarl stood just behind them, his dark eyes watching Talco's every move through the reinforced one way glass. "He has recovered far quicker than we had anticipated and the drugs had no real lasting effects on him. Unfortunately." Selene spoke with a cruel grin as she looked at Aricia, her...
ELEAR Vonis moved deftly through the crowds in the market, carrying the small bag he had retrieved from Va'nimia's home. He had stuffed several different sets of clothes in the bag, as well as more of the items she had in her bathing room. He had spent more time in her home on this trip, noticing how neat and meticulous she was. There was nothing out of place, all of her items in a certain spot. His intelligence teachers had told him you could learn a lot about an individual just by seeing...
SPARTA "Handmaiden?" Anja snapped. "I don't need a babysitter! I've gotten along quite well these last few years without a nursemaid. I'm not going to stop now! You didn't say anything about this at breakfast two days Tezu!" Tezu nodded his head slowly. "Given what was happening, it didn't seem appropriate." "I'm sorry ... what was happening? We were having breakfast!" Anja spoke as she leaned forward on the couch. "Everyone has breakfast!" This morning had not begun well...
ENURRUA DAY EIGHT She ached badly. Her whole body ached like it had never ached before; like she had fallen down the side of a very tall mountain, rolling the entire way, gaining bruises and bumps as she went. The insides of her thighs felt raw and battered the most, and her sensitive ass stung badly. What was wrong with her? She reached out with her mind in search of the warmth and the staggering aura of the one she so loved. He could always sooth her just by embracing her with his...
JUMP GATE THREE FIVE LEONIDAS II-CLASS STRIKE CRUISER MJOLNIR'S HAND The cavernous landing bay of the United Lycavorian Union's Flagship was a beehive of chaotic activity that many would think to be quite insane. Very neat rows of T9E TEMPTEST Fighter Interceptors and the M4B DEVASTATOR Fighter/Bombers lined the bay as the dozens of ground crewmembers went about their duties with barely a pause. They were the crème de le crème of the Lycavorian Union Fleet; they knew it and it showed in...
HADARIA DAY TWENTY-SEVEN Seanna sat to one side of the room in the palace and watched as Anja practiced calling for the healing pulses within her. She was practicing on the broken pieces of fruit and repairing the cellular damage made by knives and dropping the separate fruits onto the floor. She had a habit of lifting the pieces of fruit off the floor with her Mindvoice talents, frustrating her instructors who were telling her to focus on the healing pulses and try not to use both gifts...
DAY THIRTY-SEVEN APO PRIME OFFICE OF PRIME MINISTER DEIA Deia insured the door was locked behind her and then turned to look at the men who had just entered her office. They had come in through a little used entrance of the main government building, further deserted by the hour of the evening. She had just spent the last five hours with Gorgo and Dasha in the sub-basement of the University sifting through mountains of scrolls and data pads and even some hand written documents dating...
GALLAIS'S LODGE Tesand lowered the portable sensor device and turned to Aikiro and Yuri who stood by the doors onto the balcony looking through the glass out onto the city of Sparta. "Well, unless they have developed something our instruments can't detect, which based on what we've seen so far is entirely possible, the rooms are clean of anything we can pick up." Aikiro nodded slowly. "They were able to intercept our communications somehow. And we did not detect their shrouded ships...
EARTH SPARTA Gorgo remembered nothing from her ride on Torma as they spirited her away from that prison on Lycavore. This ride however she would remember for the rest of her life. The moment they had climbed into the sky, Martin had slipped his hand under hers as she held a death grip on the two, eight inch long spikes protruding from his shoulders. Her eyes were tightly shut, and for the first few seconds she could feel the air whipping against her skin. The moment her son slid his hand...
EARTH FOUR KILOMETERS WEST OF WICHITA The convoy of three large Heavy Lifters and half a dozen armored Lifters moved slowly along the transit path. This early in the morning and in this part of the country, other Lifter traffic was almost non-existent. Even though the reconstruction of Earth was proceeding better than anyone had expected, they had yet to reach out into the Wastes yet, mainly concentrating on rebuilding the many cities that had sprouted up, as well as building the defensive...
SPARTA DAY THIRTY-FIVE Admiral Jamerl sat with Dilios and Panos in the Senate library, the stacks of data pads and scrolls piled high on the table around them. They had been here for thirty six hours now, going through the mounds of information pertaining to disappearances of individuals from Sparta over the years. Several pitchers of water, tea and coffee dotted the table as well as half empty mugs and empty plates of food. Jamerl leaned back in his chair and rubbed his tanned face with...
.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Wolves and Dragons of the Blood: True BeginningsChapter 17Copyright© 2015 by Mike Cropo
.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Wolves and Dragons of the Blood: True BeginningsChapter 20Copyright© 2015 by Mike Cropo
.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Wolves and Dragons of the Blood: True BeginningsChapter 21Copyright© 2015 by Mike Cropo
.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Wolves and Dragons of the Blood: True BeginningsChapter 22Copyright© 2015 by Mike Cropo
.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Wolves and Dragons of the Blood: True BeginningsChapter 24Copyright© 2015 by Mike Cropo
.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Wolves and Dragons of the Blood: True BeginningsChapter 26Copyright© 2015 by Mike Cropo
.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Wolves and Dragons of the Blood: True BeginningsChapter 28Copyright© 2015 by Mike Cropo
.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Wolves and Dragons of the Blood: True BeginningsChapter 29Copyright© 2015 by Mike Cropo
.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Wolves and Dragons of the Blood: True BeginningsChapter 30Copyright© 2015 by Mike Cropo
.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Wolves and Dragons of the Blood: True BeginningsChapter 31Copyright© 2015 by Mike Cropo
.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Wolves and Dragons of the Blood: True BeginningsChapter 33Copyright© 2015 by Mike Cropo
.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Wolves and Dragons of the Blood: True BeginningsChapter 34Copyright© 2015 by Mike Cropo
.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Wolves and Dragons of the Blood: True BeginningsChapter 35Copyright© 2015 by Mike Cropo
.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Wolves and Dragons of the Blood: True BeginningsChapter 37Copyright© 2015 by Mike Cropo
.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Wolves and Dragons of the Blood: True BeginningsChapter 39Copyright© 2015 by Mike Cropo
.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Wolves and Dragons of the Blood: True BeginningsChapter 40Copyright© 2015 by Mike Cropo
.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Wolves and Dragons of the Blood: True BeginningsChapter 42Copyright© 2015 by Mike Cropo
.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Wolves and Dragons of the Blood: True BeginningsChapter 44Copyright© 2015 by Mike Cropo
.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Wolves and Dragons of the Blood: True BeginningsChapter 47Copyright© 2015 by Mike Cropo
.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Wolves and Dragons of the Blood: True BeginningsChapter 48Copyright© 2015 by Mike Cropo
.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Wolves and Dragons of the Blood: True BeginningsChapter 49Copyright© 2015 by Mike Cropo
.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Wolves and Dragons of the Blood: True BeginningsChapter 51Copyright© 2015 by Mike Cropo
.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Wolves and Dragons of the Blood: True BeginningsChapter 52Copyright© 2015 by Mike Cropo
.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Wolves and Dragons of the Blood: True BeginningsChapter 53Copyright© 2015 by Mike Cropo
.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Wolves and Dragons of the Blood: True BeginningsChapter 55Copyright© 2015 by Mike Cropo
.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Wolves and Dragons of the Blood: True BeginningsChapter 56Copyright© 2015 by Mike Cropo
.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Wolves and Dragons of the Blood: True BeginningsChapter 59Copyright© 2015 by Mike Cropo
.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Wolves and Dragons of the Blood: True BeginningsChapter 61Copyright© 2015 by Mike Cropo
.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Wolves and Dragons of the Blood: True BeginningsChapter 62Copyright© 2015 by Mike Cropo
.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Wolves and Dragons of the Blood: True BeginningsChapter 63Copyright© 2015 by Mike Cropo
.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Wolves and Dragons of the Blood: True BeginningsChapter 64Copyright© 2015 by Mike Cropo
.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Wolves and Dragons of the Blood: True BeginningsChapter 65Copyright© 2015 by Mike Cropo
.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Wolves and Dragons of the Blood: True BeginningsChapter 67Copyright© 2015 by Mike Cropo
.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Wolves and Dragons of the Blood: True BeginningsChapter 69Copyright© 2015 by Mike Cropo
.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Wolves and Dragons of the Blood: True BeginningsChapter 70Copyright© 2015 by Mike Cropo
.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Wolves and Dragons of the Blood: True BeginningsChapter 71Copyright© 2015 by Mike Cropo
.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Wolves and Dragons of the Blood: True BeginningsChapter 72Copyright© 2015 by Mike Cropo
.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Wolves and Dragons of the Blood: True BeginningsChapter 73Copyright© 2015 by Mike Cropo
.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Wolves and Dragons of the Blood: True BeginningsChapter 74Copyright© 2015 by Mike Cropo
.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Wolves and Dragons of the Blood: True BeginningsChapter 75Copyright© 2015 by Mike Cropo