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This is a story about firsts. A whole bunch of them in fact looking back at them now. Everyone says they clearly remember the first time they ever made love with anyone. And I suppose that's true. But I clearly remember all the other first times as well, as though they were yesterday.

I met Teresa in the 5th grade. She would later become the girl I would date and eventually experience a fist full of firsts with. But that was years away yet. Right now, my female experiences were limited to gawking, acting silly, stupid, trying to impress a girl who wouldn't give me the time of day. Hell, what girl at that age, who was of the right mind would anyway? And to what point? The point was, there was just something about Teresa that told me, even at that age, we were somehow meant to be together. And then as it was perhaps expected, I chased ... and Teresa ran like hell. Funny how fate can step in and totally change things so unexpectedly. As the next few years passed by, Teresa and I found ourselves sharing classes, and then into Junior High, taking the same bus to school, likewise again having a couple of classes together. By now, she at least tolerated me, even smiled on occasion, enjoying my still somewhat stupid jokes and attempt to befriend her more than she was willing. All for naught of course, Teresa was still as elusive as the pot of gold at the end of the proverbial rainbow.

She wasn't as anyone might classically call a raving beauty, but she really was pretty. Of Spanish decent, she had an olive complexion, dark smoldering eyes to go along with her middle of the back length almost coal black hair. She wasn't tall ... if anything short, at just five feet, if that even. The fact she had a rather large chest for her size, (which by the way was admittedly one of the reasons I was attracted to her back in the 5th grade. She was about the only girl in our class that actually had boobs large enough to require wearing a real bra.) But try as I might, I made no better headway with her than I had early on, and so at last ... I finally quit trying. And fate had a hand in that as well, in the weirdest of ways.

Heading into the second year of Junior high school, the powers to be for whatever reason, changed school boundaries on everyone. With Teresa just living on the next street over from where I lived, they had chosen the very street that separated us as the border for sending us to different schools. Teresa remaining with the same school we'd both attended the previous year, and me ... off to a brand new school that had recently been built. When that happened, I had pretty much figured that it was meant to be, and that it was time to give up on my almost life-long endeavor to win her over. As such, I began looking elsewhere, and eventually had better luck with a girl I soon met, and began seeing as often as I could after school. Sure, I still saw Teresa on average of once a week as we attended the same church together, but beyond that, that was all. She'd even made a point of coming up to say hello to me first, something she had never done before. But like I said, by this time ... I'd given up on her, and having someone else who did seemingly enjoy my attention and affections, I suppose I was far more aloof around her than I had ever been before.

The chaser ... became the chase' e.

Dawn was my first ever "French Kiss," a cute petite little blond who was also a member of the girls junior cheerleading squad. She was in a sense quite a catch, and furthered my status in the rankings back then as 'lucky guys'. And though we hadn't done anything ... and I virtually mean anything, French kissing a girl was considered more or less a prelude to eventually going further with them. So as far as I was concerned, it was only a matter of time. Needless to say, the furtherest thing on my mind was Teresa. Though when I saw her again, so unexpectedly I might add, the timing couldn't have been any more perfect.

Dawn and I were milking our five minutes between classes to maximum degree. With both classes close to where we were standing, there was just enough time for a press against our respective lockers (also close to one another ironically) a quick (non tongue) kiss in this instance, and then a promise to see one another after school of course. We wouldn't have time to visit again until then as after this, our two remaining classes took us off in entirely opposite directions. And so it was with the warning bell that we had less than a minute to make it to class now, Dawn kissed me quickly once more, and then headed off to her class down the hall. The moment she broke away, I looked up past her as she ran off, and low and behold, there was Teresa walking towards me. Surprised to see her yes ... I nevertheless took a moment of secret delight as she had to have seen Dawn and I actually kissing there in the hallway. She continued to approach, even having a smile on her face as she looked at me. I stood however still dumbfounded at seeing her here, at this school ... my school.

"Cute girl," she said passing, still smiling and then walked right by me looking at obvious room numbers. In doing so, reminding me that I was going to be late for class myself if I didn't get a move on here. But still curious as hell as to why Teresa was now here at my school. When she stopped, looking at the teachers name on the door, and room number, and then entered the class, I almost fell over. She'd just entered into my classroom. Social studies and human nature class, of all classes to be having with her ... but obviously, I would be.

I couldn't help but wonder if fate wasn't once again intervening here for whatever reason. With Teresa being given a seat one up and across from me, I sat just behind her, occasionally given glances backwards from her as she caught my eye, once again smiling in a way I had never seen her smile at me before. I soon learned she had been transferred, even this late in the year with only a couple of months to go before school was out for the summer. An oddity as that wasn't a very common occurrence, not at all ... especially this late in the school year. But as it turned out, there were still adjustments being made. One of which was class size, and so the word had gone out on a volunteer basis, that if there were any students who were willing to transfer to the new school, even inside current boundaries, then arrangements would be made.

Teresa had been one of a small handful, who had volunteered to transfer, and now she was sitting in my class.

Role reversal

Though I continued to see and more or less date Dawn, Teresa and I likewise reacquainted ourselves, and basically renewed our friendship, more so in fact than it was before. But now, I didn't actively pursue her of course, not like I had done. Dawn was now a part of some of our conversations in fact, though I found it interesting that she herself wasn't seeing or dating anyone. Towards the end of that year, we found ourselves thrown together in a very unique way, though at the time I didn't foresee the future, or what would come out of it, because of it.

There was a TV program being aired at the time, called "The dating game." It was very popular, if not quite outrageous at the time for prime-time viewers. All of the drama and arts classes were involved in producing our own version of the Dating game for school assembly, and as luck would have it, I was to be one of a handful of so called "eligible" bachelors. What I didn't know until we were literally on stage, was that Teresa was the unknown, likewise eligible bachelorette. Needless to say, it didn't take long for either one of us to realize she was the one asking questions, and that I was one of three guys answering them. I even got most of the laughs as the game progressed, and it also seemed more than my fair share of the questions being asked too. I was fairly sure that Teresa would be picking me as her "date" as the game continued, which consisted of a cheap evening meal at a local hamburger joint as it turned out. But to my surprise, along with everyone else's as it later turned out, Teresa selected someone else. And though I think Dawn was quite relieved at the outcome, I was taken aback by the end result, along with a goodly number of classmates and friends. Everyone said we had this sort of real "chemistry" and why Teresa had picked someone else, remained an unsolved mystery. At least until the very next weekend.

We were back to sharing a bus ride home. And though I didn't always take the bus, most often walking Dawn home after school instead, it left me with a two mile walk home after doing that whenever I did that. On this particular night, I'd been tasked by my parents to "take the bus", as they were going to an office party that evening where my dad worked, and wanted me home before they left. Thus I found myself sharing a seat with Teresa on the way home, which is when she told me, "You know why I didn't pick you over Jerry?" She began. Although I was curious as to why, I didn't want to seem too anxious about it either.

"Haven't really thought about it," I told her. "But since you mention it, why didn't you? Everyone said afterwards that they thought for sure you were going to."

"And that's the reason I didn't," she said candidly. "Because I knew everyone there ... including your girlfriend, thought for sure I'd be picking you. I didn't want to cause problems for you because of it."

We'd barely gotten the mysteries of all that out of the way when we reached my stop. Standing up in order to get off, Teresa did as well, even though her stop was still several stops away yet, though admittedly, it would almost be quicker for her to get home in getting off where I did. And yet ... she did so, following me off. I had on some few occasions walked her home to her place after church, so I certainly had been to her place before, and once even invited inside for a brief visit. But never ever had Teresa been to my place.

"Wanted to see where you lived," she'd said answering my unasked question. So I took her inside, introduced her to my parents though they already knew "of her" in a way, though never formally meeting, or having been introduced to her before. After making a phone call to tell her mom she'd be home later than usual, she stuck around long enough for me to be given my "while were out for the evening" instructions ... and then I walked her home. By the time we got to her place, her mother had already left, as she worked in the evenings as a waitress. Her dad worked in the evenings too, so it was a strange situation for her where she became the supervising adult over her younger brother and sister. Both of which usually disappeared out the door the moment her mom left for work, thus leaving the two of us pretty much alone together. Something that over time, we'd begin taking a lot of advantage of, but that was still a ways out yet. I mean after all, we weren't actually even dating ... yet.

First kiss

I remember the conversation clearly, as though it were yesterday.

"So, is Dawn a good kisser?" She asked me point blank as I sat there on her couch. I had only planned on staying a minute or two, after walking her home, before heading back. After all, Dawn would be expecting a phone call later on that evening since we hadn't spent any time together after school.

"Yeah, I guess," I responded a little sheepishly, feeling slightly uncomfortable at the weird topic she'd chosen to discuss with me.

"Better than me?" She then asked.

For starters, I obviously had no idea. I'd never kissed Teresa, for real anyway. Only in my dreams. "How should I know? I've never kissed you," I responded back, not seeing the trap I'd just sprung on myself, but not minding that I had as things eventually turned out.

"Then maybe you'd better find out," she'd said looking into my eyes, expectantly. I guess if I'd been all that serious about Dawn, I would never have kissed her. But the moment she said that, I somehow knew, it wouldn't be the last time I would ever kiss her either. That kiss turned into another, and then another and another. And before you knew it, I'd been there almost two hours, just the two of us sitting there kissing and making out as it was called. Until "curfew" for her younger brother and sister brought them home again, forcing us to finally part company.

I never did call Dawn that night, too busy fantasizing, and masturbating like mad for one thing. But for another, I was also trying to come up with an easy way to break things off with Dawn. Like the old song says, "breaking up is hard to do," and Dawn knew immediately who was behind it all too. It didn't take a lot of investigating to find out as for the last few remaining weeks of school, Teresa and I spent most of it hand in hand, wandering the halls together, riding the bus home ... and then spending a minimum of two hours every night tickling one another's tonsils with our tongues.

Getting up to bat, feeling my first ever titty.

Back then, just getting up to the plate was half the fun. Few were, and few did. And though I constantly struck out back then, never even getting to so called "first base", the fact was, I knew one day ... I would. But there would also be only an occasional single even then, it would be a long time before I would ever score my first double, or make it to second base. Such where the times then perhaps. But I digress.

Still together by this time, and still dating, now in high school of course, and with me having just gotten my driver's license, and first car, it was time to celebrate. And it was also time to go out on our very first "official" un-chaperoned, date together. As such of course, we went to the drive-in movie. We'd certainly gone before, with friends who were driving, though none of us had done anything more than a whole lot of heavy kissing. Yeah, admittedly I had managed to graze one of her boobs here and there, and even once remembering she'd allowed me to rest the palm of my hand on her once, for longer than two seconds. After that, it became more of a challenge just to see if I could increase the duration of "officially" holding her breast, which came in nanoseconds of time to be perfectly honest about it. It took a long time before I finally hit the three second mark before she'd finally move my hand away from her breast. Or so it felt like anyway. But ... that was an official halfway down to first base for me. At least I was now actually hitting the ball on occasion, even if I was still being thrown out before ever really reaching the base.

But things were about to change, and at a pace that I don't think either one of us expected or had planned on up until then. That change was brought about by the times to some degree, along with drastic changes taking place in Teresa's home life. Her parents were about to divorce for one thing, something that had been a long time in coming. It was also the age of Aquarius ... free love, bra burning (though Teresa wasn't about to burn hers, let alone take it off yet), but that too would soon happen. But when it did happen, when things finally did change, it happened so fast, and in such a way, that in some respects, neither one of us was really prepared for it. I think part of that was because Teresa and I had both turned eighteen early on in our final year of high school.

For me, it was because of my mother way back when. For whatever reason, she hadn't started me in school when I was really young, when she should have, holding me back a year before doing so. In her way of thinking, she wanted to make sure I would be a bit older, a bit more used to the idea. Being an only child, looking back, I think she wasn't ready to give me up being home all the time. As for Teresa, hers was a matter of being right on the dividing line perhaps. Turning eighteen shortly after school started, and thus ... the two of us already well ahead of most of the others when our senior year began. It had its perks ... advantages, but it had its disadvantages as well. I was no longer governed by a curfew for one thing. As long as I kept my grades up, graduated ... then I could pretty much come and go as I pleased. Something I certainly took a great deal of advantage of. As for Teresa, with her mother now divorced, trying to survive and raise three kids without a whole lot of support from her sometimes father, she was thrown into the role once more of playing mom, looking after her siblings while her mom worked most evenings. Though by this time of course, Teresa and I both had part-time jobs. As an "adult" one of the downsides of being eighteen ... I had to find money to pay for my own dates, and gas for the car I drove. The days of having an allowance as it were, was over with. Needless to say, whenever we had time together outside of all that, we made it quality time. And that's when things just seemed to dramatically escalate all of a sudden.

Making it to first, and then second base ... standing up.

Fridays were very special to us. For one thing, neither one of us had to work. For another, her mom did, which meant we'd pretty much have the place to ourselves, though I didn't dare show up until long after her mother had actually left. Her brother usually bolted out the door to head off and screw around with his friends the moment their mother left, which left us with Teresa's younger sister Sara, who could be a real pain in the ass at times. I think she hung around just to annoy us, knowing full well that we wanted some alone time. But she used that to her own advantage as well. Very often it took some sort of a bribe to get her to leave the two of us alone. Either with allowing her to watch some movie she shouldn't be, or having a friend over, or even going so far as to allow her to have her own boyfriend over, though she wasn't (or hopefully wasn't) doing what we had been.

I knew there was something about this particular evening too. It wasn't as though we had discussed it, or even talked about it ... but it was in the air. When Teresa suggested that we go outside, out back, and sit on the old sofa as opposed to staying inside, I knew there was a lot going on here. That was indeed our "later in the evening" make out couch. Usually where we ended up for the last hour before I had to scoot home before her mother arrived. The fact we were going out there a whole lot earlier than normal spoke volumes. That, and the fact Teresa was wearing my favorite pull over sweater, the one I loved being able to caress and rub her tits through. And on occasion, once in a great while, actually being able to sneak a hand under for even more direct contact, though still while she was wearing a bra. Yeah, seriously ... that's as far as I'd ever gotten with her. I'd still never actually touched them in the flesh, nor had I seen them either for that matter.

All that ... was about to change.

We started out as we usually did, lots of kissing ... only this time, it was still light out, no stars yet. And as such, I didn't dare jump to light speed and simply place my hand on one of her breasts. At least not until I couldn't really see what I was doing yet. That seemed to be at the time, one of the requirements or something. I tended to think it was because Teresa didn't want me seeing her "horny face," as I called it. Though I knew she got that, especially the way she'd squirm, even pant and moan a lot as I kneaded her soft breasts like freshly rolled dough. So when she lifted my hand, placing it right there on her breast, in the middle of daylight no less ... I knew indeed this was going to be a very ... very special evening. Especially when I discovered that double D Teresa, wasn't wearing a bra!

Now, like I said ... on some few occasions, though even then not for as long as I would have liked, she'd permitted me to actually sneak my hand up inside her sweater or tee shirt, and actually fondle and caress her breasts that way. I had more easily felt her nipples harden through the material, enough so I could finger, and thumb them, teasing her ... teasing them, certainly teasing the hell out of myself if you will, but never directly. The fact I was now touching her, in daylight ... outside, with the threat of her little sister popping out on us at any given moment was one thing. But the fact I was also feeling her hard extended nipple, even with her (my) favorite sweater on was something else. For one thing, that fucker(s) was hard! Harder than I'd ever felt it, imagined it ... and she seemed to be doing a lot more squirming and moaning too as I sat there rubbing it, rolling it, pulling on it, even if it was through the material of her sweater. In the meantime of course, I am also kissing her, everywhere that I could, every place I could find exposed flesh, I kissed before going back to her mouth again. And then I began to notice something. Each time I moved downwards, kissing that "V" of her neck, it seemed to be getting lower and lower with each pass that I made. Opening my eyes (finally) I saw that she had hooked two of her own fingers in that "V" of her sweater, pulling it down. I was actually looking at the upper swells of her full firm breasts, and suddenly kissing them too! More and more of them in fact. It became this weird, highly unusual game we were suddenly playing. I'd make the return trip back to her face, lips, and then start downwards again, watching her as she pulled down on this damn sweater of hers. More and more flesh suddenly revealed, and then saw ... actually saw this difference in texture, coloration. And I knew without any doubt whatsoever, I was looking at the crescent moon of one of her dark colored areolas!

I don't think I'd ever been so fucking hard in my entire life! And then as I made my final trip ... knowing it would be, I looked, and holy shit ... it was suddenly there. This big, beautiful, totally naked hard nipple just waiting for me to kiss it, to suck it, to fondle it. And then I was. I remember reaching it, first kissing it of course, repeatedly, her hand suddenly on the back of my head holding it against her, as though nursing me in a way, which I began doing of course. Now sucking it, gently, almost afraid she'd wake up and find out what I was doing here. Until maybe I'd spent too much time doing that perhaps, which is when she then said, "Baby ... suck the other one too."

I'd almost forgotten she had two. Like maybe she was saving one for another occasion or something. But now it was awkward. It meant putting one back, and then what ... me pulling down on the other side in order to reach it? (What did I know?) But then she of course made it easy for me. She just reached down, and pulled her sweater up and over her breasts, now both of them exposed. And me, sitting there staring at them for the first time, both of them, in their absofuckinglutely beautiful glory.

I think time stood still. I know the stars eventually came out, but I sat until the kink in my side turned numb. Hell, I wasn't about to change positions, even if I left paralyzed after this. I took delight, and time ... going back and forth between the two, never getting my fill of doing this. Of seeing her, seeing her breasts, hell ... sucking and playing with her very bare breasts. Are you kidding me? Her mother would have had to come home and forcibly remove me herself at the rate I was going. I was in seventh heaven, and so was Teresa by the sounds of it.

The nice thing about that night was, we never went backwards from there. After that, every chance we had, every moment we could take, she wanted me to play with her tits, suck them, nurse them, and fondle them. I honestly believe to this very day, Teresa was one of those women who could actually have an orgasm just by my doing that. There were times after we'd been doing this for a while, she would shudder, and then shortly after ... was when she'd almost have to forcibly make me give them up. Not that I minded, especially knowing, we'd be doing it all, all over again, the following day.

My problem was ... I was beginning to think that I would forever have a persistent case of perpetual "blue-balls". I'd pretty much decided that was just the way it was, and that I'd have to learn to get used to it. Sure ... after I got home, I'd furiously jerk off until the flames had momentarily been extinguished, but it was still a bit frustrating. I was now playing the same old "two second" hold game on her pussy that had taken me several years to get past and make it even this far with her breasts. At that rate, I'd be well into my late twenties before I even got to see her pussy, let alone anything else. I wasn't sure I could be that patient. But once more, Teresa was way ahead of me.

My first triple

It was another one of those rare precious times we could actually go out on a real date. Dinner and a movie ... and not just a drive in. And though that certainly didn't allow for us doing anything inside a sit down theatre, even the drive home back to her place always held the promise of something more. She'd very often tease me, excite and arouse me by removing her bra in that almost magical fashion women can. Without taking anything else off. Suddenly, pulling it through the sleeves of a blouse or sweater, tossing it behind into the back seat. (I even think I had two or three others at this point I hadn't as yet gotten around to bringing back to her). But that was always a good sign that we'd still have some mess around time even if her mother happened to be home that evening, which she was in this case. Which made this particular night even more memorable, exciting ... and to some degree, wickedly dangerous.

We were still a bit early yet from the time we said we probably would be back when I pulled onto her street.

"Cut your lights," she told me as we slowly approached. "And then cut the engine too," she added. I did both, silently letting the car drift up in front of her place. The lights were still on of course, including the porch light, though it was just dim enough not to shine down on us as we pulled over against the curb. Though her mom was home, and no doubt still up, she wouldn't be expecting us yet for one thing, but even if she did see us, and come out the front door, we'd have plenty of time to make ourselves presentable before getting out. Or so I hoped anyway. But I was again just expecting some more titty play before we called it a night again. So imagine my surprise when she turned towards me and said, "Baby ... take it out, I want to please you."

You don't really plan these things. I know I certainly didn't, hadn't ... though maybe she did. Maybe she had been thinking about it all day, all evening. But she certainly didn't let me in on it until the very last moment. So it's not like you actually come prepared for this. Especially when it's the very first time. I'm not even sure I had heard her correctly when she said that, I was still trying to comprehend the words she'd just spoken, which weren't made any easier to understand either as she once again lifted that still favorite sweater of mine up again over her breasts. (Maybe I should have taken a clue in the sweater ... I think it too was magical in a way). But there I was looking at her gorgeous bare breasts as she leaned up against the passenger door and window, looking at me.

"Unless of course you don't want to," came the famous last words.

I don't think I've ever unzipped my fly that fast before, realizing she was actually serious. Though even then I hesitated, reaching in myself, taking it out. But then she started playing with her own breasts, and that's all it took. A moment later, I was sitting there with my cock (at least it was nice and hard already) sticking up and out as she sat there staring at it. Finally, she moved over, placing her hand on it, and then as though she'd been doing this for a number of years, began jerking me off. I knew the moment she began doing that, there was only two ways this was going to go. Thank god it didn't go the way I was fearing the most, though it almost went too far the other way.

I was nervous as hell. Sure ... excited beyond belief. After all, Teresa actually had my cock in her hand and was playing with it! But I was still nervous, now fearful of her mom suddenly stepping outside. Or worse, perhaps even sneaking out the backdoor, seeing us parked there out in front, wanting to surprise us ... catch us. And oh yeah ... would she ever if she were to do that. Especially now. So maybe that helped a little, took the edge off the excitement, adding a pinch of fear into the mix. Which was just enough to keep me from losing it all too soon. The pleasure of my girlfriend's hand, hell ... a different hand other than my own, now working my dick was far more than I could have ever imagined happening at this point. And yet ... here she was.

It felt so fucking good that I finally started to realize that I was going to be shooting off in my girlfriend's stroking hand before too much longer here. And that now raised another concern. Once more, way ahead of me Teresa smiled looking down at my rock hard cock and tightening balls, and said. "Rick? Do you have anything?"

Had I known, had a clue that this was even remotely on the agenda for this evening, I'd have brought something with me. Ironically, having cleaned out the car earlier in preparation for a real date, I'd discarded the few paper napkins I'd tossed over into the back seat from one too many fast food stop offs. As it was, I couldn't think of a single fucking thing we could use.

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The dirtiest sleaze club I went too

Being a traveler, to some of the seedier sides of this planet, I have been shown, as a voyeur, and participated in what people might call seedy or sick sex.Experts will tell you sex is a d**g, we are drawn into it, take a normal woman to an orgy, and watch her let her hair down, or take some women to a male strip joint and watch them whore themselves, as the twin dangers of big cocks mixed with alcohol, stir our juices, I have seen mothers and daughters suck the same guy, taking turns beneath...

2 years ago
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Sandy Krause was the picture, the very picture of contentment. She had, at a very early age, set her sites on not only being a lawyer but being a prosecutor. These days, as assistant county prosecutor, she was a happy woman. Of course, she still got feed back from her family, mostly from her older sister Mona, since her Mom and Dad were now both gone, about being what Mona called ‘an old maid’. But Sandy argued that the concept of ‘old maid’ was no longer a viable category in a society where...

1 year ago
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Domination Series 1

The Domination Series My Uncle I was sixteen years old when I got my first taste of Domination. I was living with my Uncle then. I was still a virgin and didn't know much about sex. This was about to change. I was staying with my Uncle Bill for the summer. He was the kind that let my cousin Mike and I drink beer and even smoke pot. We were sitting in the living room one night after dinner and Mike was off with his friends someplace, when my...

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My ass ruined by sexy Stella

So I was there, on all fours onto a bed in a dark filthy room…Some salty tears of pain ran down my cheeks, as this sweet babe Stella drove her huge black cock into my ass. In my wildest dreams I had never expected myself to be in this situation, beaten, bound and having my tiny asshole fucked by a sexy well hung transsexual black girl…I had started to go alone to bars and pick up lonely ladies to just fuck them. My sex life with my sensual wife was going down, since she began to fuck black...

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My roommates pictures A sissyrsquos beginning

I wasn’t surprised when my roommate sent me nude pictures of his cock by mistake. Or even that he had taken them in the first place. He was like that, very full of him self and very successful with the ladies. What did surprise me though was the lustful feelings I had when I saw them. His long, thick, veiny shaft. His well defined cock’s head. His big, heavy, hanging balls. I began to desire sucking his cock, like all the girls did that he had over. I had, lusty, Gay feelings, lusty, Gay urges...

1 year ago
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Lose One Find AnotherChapter 61

Waking up alone is tough. I hadn't gotten up out of bed without a woman next to me in a long time. Since Ashlee moved in with me, she and I had been sleeping together every single night. We would make love, get cleaned up and then fall asleep snuggled up against each other and sometimes we would wake up in the morning and do it all over again. Yeah, we had it good and I really enjoyed it. She did too based upon her desire to do it with me. Anyway, I managed to stumble to the bathroom,...

3 years ago
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ElenaChapter 25

Jenny and I had checked into a hotel room. Neither of us wanted to go to her house. She and Courtney both lived with Jessica. We didn’t want to go to my house because that’d just be awkward. And I didn’t want to go to the apartment above the R. Callison Theater because that theater was special to me. I had gotten married to Maxine there and I had made love to her for the first time as her husband. So we picked the nicest hotel we could find nearby. So that’s how I found myself looking at...

2 years ago
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My Sister And I In Chennai

Hello everyone I’m jack. This is my first post, so if you find any mistakes please correct me or for any feedback please send me an email to I currently reside in Chennai, TamilNadu. If any aunties, housewives, couples who are interested please contact me through my mail id. The story is way too long and I thought I can split them into different episodes. I wish to narrate it slowly so that you can actually feel the situation so please be patient reading this story. Now coming to my story it...

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When Aunty Came

Aunty Joan is comming over to stay for the weekend called mother. Aunty Joan is about 50 years old. She has looked after herself and has a great body. Im always mesmorized by her massive breasts.When aunty Joan arrived i had to carry her suitcase up to the spare room. It was now quiet late and she had had a long journey so wanted an early night.I Layed awake touching my cock thinking about aunty Joans Breasts just the other side of the wall.The Following Morning Mother and Aunty were going into...

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A Teachers Punishment

***Note: This story is entirely fictional, as well as my first story for the site.***Bryce and Kyle had been best friends for as long as either could remember. Since the age of 6, the duo had been in and out of trouble together for various stunts. Both were sophomores in high school now, Bryce being 16 for a while and Kyle having just recently celebrated his birthday. Kyle was a lanky kid, skinny arms and skinny legs. The stomach stretched over his skin tightly, covering a flat chest and skinny...

3 years ago
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Sword Saint a New StartChapter 41 On the road again

I had a horse saddled for Megan the next morning. "Come, My Lady, I have a horse for you to ride. It seems that the rain has stopped." I bowed grandiosely, and offered her an orchid before she made ready for the day. "You seem to be in better spirits today, My Lord." "Why shouldn't I be? The rain has stopped, and there is a pair of beautiful maidens to ride at my side." I bowed with a flourish to each of them. Chandra looked at me funny when I bowed to her too. "Thank you, My...

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My Girlfriends Bet with My Roommate

It started as an average Friday night with my girlfriend Jennifer, and I relaxing in my dorm room. We sat on my bed pretending to play video games and making out. More accurately, Jennifer played the video games while I, far too distracted by her slim figure to play myself, interrupted her with kisses.At only 9pm my roommate Mitchell came back. As Mitchell took partying pretty seriously I was quite surprised by his early return on a Friday night. As soon as Mitchell sat down I was reminded of...

1 year ago
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We went into a more industrial area of Dallas and I led Sherry inside the nearest run down building. Candles and wall sconces lit the interior. It is musky. Music started up, as I handed her a drink. She drank it nervously. " I'll have to go soon." I grinned. She can see a feral lust in my eyes, a greedy naked hunger that she had never seen in the eyes of man. She quivered, " Come Sherry, let's dance." She slide into my open arms. The music is slow, she pressed closer. I grinned as I...

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Warehouse slut

There I sat at my computer, ready for another morning of chatting with my new online lover, much like all other mornings for the last two weeks.  It had become quite routine for us to chat for about an hour in the mornings, then off to our lives.  I was, quite honestly, starting to lose interest, figuring he was just another of the "Internet fakes".  We have all run into them, the guys who are all talk and no action. This morning, however, would turn out much different and I was in for a quite...

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The Things You Can Buy At The Fair

The event had been going on in Michael town since he was a kid and he went there every single summer. The rides had always been fun and so had the food, despite his skinny build Micheal could wolf down food like a wolf. In the past few years Michael had developed a fear of heights, making many of the rides no where near as fun as they used to be. Now it was only the food, the music and the atmosphere that brought the young man to the fair. Walking across the pavilion Michael tried to...

1 year ago
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NuruMassage Abella Danger Worst Day Ever

Zac Wild is impatiently waiting at a massage parlor when the masseuse, Abella Danger, comes rushing in. She is out of breath and wearing a tight cycling outfit, which draws Zac’s eyes to her heaving chest and sensual curves. He can’t help but stare as she profusely apologizes for her tardiness, rambling about what an awful day she’s had so far! She was on her way to work when her bike got a flat, and it just spiraled from there…But Abella doesn’t want her bad day...

4 years ago
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SequelChapter 5 Megan And Ernie

His eyes snapped open, like a character in a cartoon. "What did you say?" "I said, 'Your father tells me that you've got a really fat cock.'" "What brought that up?" "None of your business. What's the idea of telling him that I had a bad reputation in my old school?" He didn't answer. "Well, do you?" "Do I what?" "Have a fat one?" I had just parked my car in the driveway of my house. Ernie had been walking in the mall and had accepted my offer of a ride home. The...

3 years ago
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Best Friends Forever Part One of Thirteen

Young people today have an acronym for it: BFF or best friends forever. But, as is often the case in the real world, “forever” is a word that has no substantive meaning. For me, James Clausen, and my best friend Rodney Pollard, both currently and commonly 27 years old, the acronym had, however, been meaningful since the second grade.Yes we were tight the two of us. And the nature of things being what they were, the gods seemed to making a point that the two of us would in fact be family to each...

1 year ago
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My Friends Sister

It was a random night like any other. I had my laptop with me sitting in front of the television watching one of my favourite shows. The only difference was that I was watching it with my friend’s sister, Liirne. We occasionally got into a lot of tickle fights and fun rough housing around. She is a great girl, one of the best I’ve ever met. She has dark brown eyes, C-cup breasts, and a smile that makes me want to hug her silly. Even those glasses she wears makes her seem adorable. Anyway, we...

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Little Miss Breeder gets a new life in the outback

Little Miss Breeder gets a new life in the outbackThe lovely slut from Rochester, MN didn't understand what had happened. At 31, she was fit, gorgeous, and completely in control of her life, until that horrible night in April. She had come home, jumped in the shower, toweled off and walked into her bedroom, shocked to see me sitting on her bed, naked with a throbbing, deeply veined erection. Their were four young girls in the room as well, all dressed in black latex; they clearly would not be...

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ParenthoodChapter 6

Monday morning I drove Liz to her campus, and promised to be there to pick her up in the afternoon. I had some business of my own to take care of, while she was meeting with her teachers. I found out that it felt good to really do something again, even if I wasn't making money, but spending it. Oh, well. In a few more months I would be able to make more of it, again. Liz was tired, but smiling, when she jumped in next to me in the afternoon. She might have been tired, but it didn't stop...

1 year ago
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Punishment From Master

Kneeling in the floor of T/their dungeon the tears slowly sliding down her cheeks she awaits Him. Why? She wonders to herself did she not obey. She saw the anger in His eyes and heard it in His voice. Now she awaits His punishment. She knows he is waiting til his temper cools as that is T/their rule. He will never punish her while angry. How long she has been waiting she is not sure but it seems like an eternity for her. As her shoulders shake with the sobs she tries to hold in she hears Him...

2 years ago
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Massage with Rebecca

    I had been to see Rebecca twice now for a Tantric massage lasting an hour. Rebecca always wore a white uniform she had shoulder length hair a very pretty face and a nice body. The massage started with me face down naked as she massaged each limb in turn with oil. She then asked me to turn over and repeated the process on my front, finishing with a lingam massage where she slowly massaged my cock and balls till I came. As I was dressing to leave she said now that she knew well enough she...

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Grand dadChapter 6

There were an awful lot of grins around the dining table that night. But only Pop and Kathy and Peggy seemed to notice. Polly kept talking about school and Paul was talking about work. Peggy smiled and said, "Do you guys realize I will actually graduate from High School in a few weeks. Granddad promised me he would take me to Los Vegas for the weekend as a graduation present." Everyone looked at Pop and he nodded. He had asked Kathy if it would be OK and she had quickly agreed but only for...

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A Son A Soldier And A Lover 8211 Part 2

David couldn’t believe his eyes as he reread his Mom’s email for the second time. She seems to have changed her persona. The ‘spare no details’ part made sure that she wanted him to talk more openly and naughtily. He made sure to reply with as much openness and vulgarity as he can. He knew that a few more spicy emails from his end would make his Mom fall for him. Looking at the photos, he immediately knew that his Mom had put in some extra effort to show off her cleavage. She should have used a...

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My Hair is Stuck

Introduction: This is my first story. I truly hope there are more to come. If you asked me when I first felt attracted to my father, I couldnt tell you. Honestly, Im not entirely certain that I am attracted to him at all. At least physically. Its more the idea that hes my father that really gets me excited. He and my mother married in college and lived a pretty normal life. They had me and, unfortunately, my mother passed away when I was about 3 years old. I remember very little about her, but...

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Part Two Mommys Strapped Again

My bedroom door opened and I watched as my mom backed into the room, covered now with a modest robe and carrying a tray of food.“Hun, I made you some soup and brought you some water.”She sat the tray down and he eyes widened when she turned and saw me.“Oh John, I didn’t realize, I’m so sorry.”She rushed over to the bed and released the ring gag from my mouth. My mouth ached as I was able to close it. I could barely hear what she was saying.“This is going to hurt John.”“What?”She let the...

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My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 10 Martys family training and a surprise

Introduction: THIS IS A ROMANCE STORY, NOT JUST HUMPING AND FUCKING ALL THE TIME. Chapter 10 Martys family training, and a surprise Characters Introduced: Sheila, 26 58, white Bens tattoo artist, 36C breasts The story picks up the next day after Ben has fucked his two willing virgin slaves in the ass. Martha comes over to her Master, You really fucked Cam and Calla good last night. They seemed to enjoy it from what I could hear!. In comes Cam and Calla rubbing their asses and kiss Master...

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Best Way To Get Out Of A Ticket

It happened one night I was driving home from a night out with the girls. I hadn't had anything to drink due to the driving but it had still been a good night. As I drove along the dark country road light flashed behind me. "Fuck!" I thought and pulled over. Watching through the mirror I saw the policeman get out his car and walk down towards me. I rolled down my window and plastered a smile to my face."How can I help you officer?" I asked."License please," he replied."Sure." I said, handing it...

Quickie Sex
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A day at the office part 1

I smelled him before I saw him. I in hailed deeply, "tony" I whispered breathlessly. His muscular physique and 6'3 frame took up the entire entrance of my cubical. I suppressed a shiver, he's so....intimidating. "You know Johnson if you keep chewing company pens you may have to reimburse us one day." His voice was as smooth as dove chocolate. I managed to slowly raise my brown eyes to meet his. Not failing to notice his toned, defined, muscular legs and his strong arms crossed over...

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A Mothers Needs

Brooke was a prim and proper forty-year-old woman to anyone that knew her. She was always the most organized, punctual, dressed up of all her family and friends. She was the seemingly perfect mother and housewife that had every aspect of her life in order, except that she didn’t.There was one aspect of her life that was empty and unfulfilled. Her sex life was beyond lacking. In fact, it was non-existent, and it drove her to high levels of sexual frustration. The only thing she could do about...

4 years ago
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My Birthday Gift from Aunt

By : Sexlover143 Hi  I’m Raj 23 years old, 5.8 inches tall, fair in color with average body. I had sex with my aunt (dad sis) her name is Radhika and 42 years old and she looks like Hindi actress Hemamalini, the incident starts like it’s a matter of before 6 months, her husband is a doctor and remains busy with his work, and she had only son and he is doing MS in States. She had huge house with swimming pool very rich but she was unhappy because of her loneliness she didn’t had company even to...

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Marnie Goes Lingerie Shopping

Copyright© 1996-2003 There was a young Jew of Far Rockaway Whose screams could be heard for a block away. Perceiving his error, The Rabbi in terror Cried, "God! I have cut his whole cock away!" I can't express how much I like my Slave, Marnie, dressed for my private enjoyment in sexy lingerie. It could be simply stockings, a classy teddy or maybe just high heels. It did not need to overdone, just one or two pieces to highlight her naturally beautiful face and body. Don't get...

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The return of Gina part 1

My name is Bill and I am a male escort. I met Gina at rest stop on the way home from a working party with a lot of GILF's. As she was walking, I see that she was a gorgeous Black woman. She got close and with a smile, asked if she could sit with me because this place is full of creepy guys that think I am looking to hookup. I asked playfully, well are you? Her answer was, Maybe you'll find out with a wink. Gina is 5'5", 125 pounds, firm high standing C cup tits and a firm athletic body with a...

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New Beginnings Pt 3 Ch 06

She watched, fascinated, as the curved, ornate, but very short blade sliced into her soft stomach. The blade was heated and very sharp so that she barely felt the kiss of its entry. Still, she felt her body react in pure ecstasy to the sensuous invasion into her vital organs. The blade was decorated with glistening jewels that became tarnished as her blood, almost pink in color, ran along the blade and into the center of the transparent handle. A quick, short slash to the left, and the cut...

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A black stranger in the metro

Victor and I had gone to New York for just a weekend.My loving hubbie was taking some boring round of conferences there and he had asked to join him in that voyage.The first day I visited old friends living there, while Victor assisted to his own business.The same evening we decided to have dinner outside our hotel and then Victor suggested to use the metro and cross to Manhattan…I was trying my best to keep up in my seven inch heels. I was wearing a nice short yellow summer dress that was...

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El No We Wont GoChapter 2

The News Stand really should have been renamed 'The Community Center' Mike always thought. In the seven years that he had grown up running it with his father, he'd watched the life of this local district revolve around it and the coffee shop / bakery next door, like the planets revolve around the Sun. You could set your watch at 4:00 A.M. by Angelo Catrella arriving to start the day's baking and Mike would have sworn he'd heard "Time to Make the Donuts" mumbled at least once or twice...

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Hot time in Manchester UK

My First time with JamieI guess it started on Thursday morning. I had had a bad week. My boss was being particularly awful and the previous weekend my girlfriend had dumped me. I was low – very low.I was having coffee at the machine in the office with a couple of work pals John and Jason who were ribbing me about my situation – I was not amused but I guess I was putting up with it when Steve another work pal who was gay took my side. “Hey don’t be hard on him – this sort of thing can happen to...

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Open mouth cum dump

Wife and I were sitting and discussing what she wanted for her birthday. She thought about it and said she wanted a massive Bukkake I said ok I will arrange it at the adult bookstore that I usually take you too. I go and visit Joe the owner and set the ball in motion. A few days later he calls and say read the ad I put into the underground web sites. Come by Saturday night and enjoy a night of a massive Bukkake on a cum slut. We will have fluff era here for you but must register starts at...

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GamesChapter 2

Sundays turned into more than one-day-a-week: Steph was staying at my apartment more than one day a week. Then, over Spring Break, she just moved in. My carefully plotted schedule went to hell. First I had to give up scrabble club. I mean, who had time for shifting tiles around a playing board when I could use the time to study. And once I studied in that time, I could free up a couple of extra hours to do you-know-what with you-know-who. Then the debate team had to exist without me....

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Mike and MalokChapter 13 The Voice From the Dark Continent

The next period of time was relatively uneventful and spanned a couple of weeks. During that time, my little community flourished under my leadership and an occasional dose of Hogat's wise assistance. There had been a small part of me that had worried that perhaps Hogat, Nomat or Jonab would try to take over, but Hogat and I had a talk one day that told me exactly how they felt about me. I was sure that Malok's charm was working on them, but it really went a lot deeper than that. All three...

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Ms Marca Fucking My Old Neighbor

This is more in the life and times of my wild and wicked ways.   This is about me, just a part of my late teenage life!     Ms Marca     Fucking My Old Neighbor   My last two year of high school I was dating like it was going out of style and if I didn’t go out something was wrong. That summer of my 17th year I was also modeling at the mall or I was home doing nothing but working on my tan. Mother was always out running and doing something and father worked long hours and I had the place...

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My Exceptional Desire

If you're not into a story with a long plot line, then this isn't for you as it builds up to excite. It indeed has plenty of details. This is my first story, so be kind, i'll write more if it has positive rates.It had been a year since I began working for a prestigious magazine press company, and as any other editorial, I, Laura keep close contact with my co-workers, especially my boss. He was was strict when it came to the company, but still young for his age. I wonder how he got to ever...

2 years ago
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My Hot Mother Malini and Me

I am floating in cloud 9 as I am holding my partner’s hand and entwined my fingers in her slender, soft and long fingers. My partner is walking along with me in grace. We were in a mall observing the shops and materials displayed and talking ourselves. My partner wore a tight jeans and short top. Through which her 36 B boobs jetting forward. The impression of her nipples can be seen through her fabric. The jeans so skin fit that contour of her panty is visible. She is revealing almost all her...

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Wendy Gets Seduced By Her Friend

Wendy has been wandering around in somewhat of a sexual fueled daze for a few weeks now. She’d had a very liberating experience with a truck driver named Sam. He had offered her a bed in his truck when her car had broken down at the diner where she worked. She had gotten stuck by a snow storm, all by herself in the diner with no heat. To repay Sam, she was going to sleep with him, but instead of simply having sex, her eyes were opened to a new experience. After realizing she was leaking breast...

1 year ago
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My Unique CareerChapter 5

The following Tuesday, Jamie called and said she'd be a bit late for our appointment since there was a final inspection issue at her new shop. Later that evening, she knocked on the door and I walked over to let her in. As she entered, I could tell that she was upset so I asked, "Are you okay? You look angry." "Sorry, yes I am. I'm really pissed with that damn building inspector. That asshole has demanded that we relocate some of the electrical outlets farther away from the washbasins....

1 year ago
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Never Give Up

I was feeling low.  I thought my life was in a mess, and even the positives about it were not enough to keep me happy.  I was a divorcee but relieved to be out of that difficult time and I had two wonderful teenaged stepdaughters, bubbling with youth, optimism, oh, and hormones.  They were the delight of my life.  And I had a good job – hard work but it paid.So, what was the fuss about?  Why was I low?   I decided to go for a long walk and work out, not only why, but what to do about it.I set...

4 years ago
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Khusboo Sabki Dulari 8211 Part III

By : Rajani_sharma Ab tak ka safar honeymoon se wapasi aur teen din baad principal sir aur roma madam ka wedding reception teen din isliye kyuki mein teen din tak apne aapko sambhalo seal tootne ke baad ek ladki ko kaisa lagta hai ye wo ladki hi jaanti hai thoda dard aur thoda sukhah anubhav hota hai us dard mein bhi use mithaas aata hai. Meri yehi halat thi. Wedding reception ek 5 star hotel mein rakha gaya tha. Roma madam ne mere liye ek khubsoorat dress gift mein diya aur kaha khusboo...

3 years ago
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the guardians pet

She wouldn't need her weapons for this summoning because she was summoning a Yochlol demon to do her bidding this evening. As a High Priestess with the Goddess' blessing the demons would not dare disobey her command. She slowly pushed open the door stepping lightly into the black stone room and lit a single candle giving the only light her sensitive eyes would need. Once inside the room she closed the door behind her barring it against interruption she let her deep crimson eyes scan the...

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