- 2 years ago
- 36
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We met Stan and his Japanese wife, Michiko, at a subway stop near the Ginza. She wore a stunning traditional kimono, a sight seen too infrequently in modern Japan. Although she spoke English well enough, she seemed to enjoy speaking Japanese with me. I found her to be delightful and we hit if off immediately.
Stan hadn’t changed much from our school days, the years had been good to him. He was a successful computer consultant, traveling quite a bit before getting married and settling down. His sense of humor hadn’t diminished either. We stopped at a bar first and after a few drinks, we howled at one recollection after another of our escapades at school, usually under the influence. ‘Do you remember how me and Dylan and Josh threw you in the pool on your birthday? You were all dressed up, ready to go out to dinner. We thoroughly enjoyed the vision of you in your wet dress! You were spitting mad, but you got Dylan good! That was a tackle worthy of the NFL! And, if I recall correctly, you two started going out right after that.’
I gave Stan a little punch on his arm. ‘You’re damn right I was mad! But I’m glad the wet dress made such an impression!’
‘And you, Sasha! Sounds like you’re all set these days. Big museum exec! I’ll bet that was quite a shock running into Hallie like you did!’
‘You have no idea!’ He patted me on the back.
It was only when it was time to leave for dinner did Stan reveal the culinary – and cultural – treat we were about to experience. He had arranged for us to participate in a kaiseki feast, which consists of dish after dish of artfully displayed delectables. I had been to one once and found the spectacle, as well as the food, to be the most beautiful and memorable I’d ever had in Japan.
When we arrived at the restaurant, Michiko led me to a back room where I could borrow a kimono to wear. She selected an exquisite one in indigo with gold trim, which would look good with my blonde hair. She helped me put it on and arrange it properly.
We had a private dining area as is traditional in better Japanese restaurants. The men were sitting at a low table on tatami mats when we joined them. They both stood up as we approached.
‘Wow! You wear the kimono well,’ Stan exclaimed.
Sasha gave me an intense look and smile. ‘Beautiful,’ was all he said, taking my hand.
I blushed and lowered myself to the ground as gracefully as I could.
The kaiseki is more than just a meal. It includes ritual greetings, hand washing and traditional music. Michiko knew the meanings behind each gesture and dish and patiently explained it to us in English. Each plate was artfully presented and the flavors were spellbinding. I was truly thrilled to be taking part in such special event. I felt Sasha’s hand on my leg, discretely under the table. He looked so happy.
Michiko and I stopped in the ladies’ room on our way out of the restaurant after our three-hour meal had finished. I confided to Michiko that I was glad to have shed the kimono already before attempting to use the lavatory.
‘Oh, you get used to it,’ she explained, which was the solution to many annoyances about the Japanese lifestyle. She then looked at me closely and asked if she could ask a personal question.
‘Sure!’ I was flattered because it meant that she liked me very much, Japanese do not normally ask a new acquaintance about anything personal.
‘What do you think of Sasha?’
‘He’s a great guy,’ I responded, surprised by the question. ‘It was quite a coincidence to have met him on the flight over.’
‘I noticed how he was looking at you during dinner,’ she said matter-of-factly.
I blushed.
Her face lit up. ‘Could it be that the feelings are mutual?’
‘But Michiko, what am I to do?’ I brought up my hand and made sure she could see my wedding ring.
‘I can only offer one suggestion to a woman in your position, far from home with a handsome suitor: Abec-hoteru.’
I brought my hand over my mouth in a gesture of surprise or embarrassment that many Japanese women make, my eyes expressing my amusement at the suggestion. It means ‘love hotel.’ Since few singles have their own living quarters, lovers take a room for a few hours at such perfectly legitimate establishments. Rooms are lavishly decorated and contain every conceivable erotic aid: porno channel, hardware, sex-toy shop in the lobby, massage, etc. Not that I had ever been to one, but it was common knowledge what goes on.
‘Well, could you suggest a nice one?’ I couldn’t believe I was talking to someone about this. I suddenly realized it had been very difficult not to reveal this secret about Sasha to any other person.
She wrote down an address for me. ‘Stan and I took a room here once or twice while we were dating. You two make such an attractive couple. I don’t blame you. Have some fun and let tomorrow figure itself out.’ Now that was not a typical Japanese outlook.
‘I can count on your discretion, I’m sure,’ I reminded her.
We finally stepped outside to join the men-folk.
I went over to Stan and said, ‘I know you wanted to go out to a karaoke place, but I’m not going to be able to tonight. I’ve got early meetings tomorrow so we have to get back early tonight. Maybe later on in the week, OK?’
‘Yeah, I figured. I’ll call Sasha about it. Good luck tomorrow!’
He suggested that we walk a few blocks to a taxi-queue, to enjoy the balmy evening and vivid street scene. He and Michiko plunged into the crowd. ‘Come on!’
Sasha and I fell into place next to each other a few seconds behind. He grabbed my elbow and pulled me closer to his side. I looked up, smiling suggestively. I whispered, ‘Have I got a surprise for you!’
He raised his eyebrows in mock horror and hissed, ‘What?’
‘Not tellin’! Later on!’ I pulled away and caught up to Stan and Michiko, looking over my shoulder slightly. Ever since she had made her suggestion, it was all I could think about. I was wondering what new heights of sexual pleasure Sasha and I could possibly reach!
We found a cab quickly. Before I got in, Michiko and I embraced lightly. She said softly, ‘Go get him! Oh, I forgot to tell you. Order a massage at the hotel, too. I think you’ll enjoy it!’
I laughed loudly, with my hand over my open mouth, of course. As the taxi pulled away from the curb, we turned around and waved to them until they disappeared from view. Sasha and I put our arms around each other.
‘So what’s my surprise? I’m dying to know.’
‘Not yet, bad boy. But I’ll tell you this, we’re not going directly back to our hotel room.’
‘Oh, really?’ His eyes opened wide with surprise.
‘That’s all I will say.’
We soon were riding through a more crowded, seedier, retail district with narrow streets. Brightly colored signs and neon lights broke the darkness with sharp colors, another way Tokyo challenges one’s senses.
We pulled to a curb and the driver told me we had reached the address. I paid him, we stepped out. I stopped on the sidewalk and looked at the building. I was a little intimidated by the surroundings, but my lust overruled any objections my head might be offering.
There was a man in a small cashier’s booth just within the doorway. When we stepped inside, the man called out from behind the glass. ‘Look at board – if a picture of a room is light, it good.’
On a display next to the cashier’s booth, there were about a half dozen backlit photographs. I gazed upon rooms with different motifs: jungle, futuristic, even brass bed Victorian! Beneath each picture was the price per hour, plus a list of what I assume was the equipment in the room. I couldn’t quite understand all the Kanji characters.
‘So, what are you in the mood for?’ I asked Sasha.
‘Is this place what I think it is?’ He stood with his mouth open in surprise.
‘You betcha!
Welcome to a Love Hotel!’
‘Wow! I’ve heard about these places! What ever made you think to come here?’
‘Michiko, if you can believe it! She took one look at you and knew you were dangerous. She seems to approve, though, and gave me the address!’
‘You are too much!’ He pulled me close, playfully grabbing my breast.
I couldn’t resist, and grabbed his crotch in return.
‘We’d better choose one quick, huh?’ He looked at the board for a moment, then turned to me and said in a very sexy voice, ‘Jungle.’ I laughed.
I went up to the booth to give the man the number. He quoted me a price and asked, ‘Massage?’
I thought for a second. ‘Sure!’
‘Just man, or you too?’
‘Me too.’
‘Regular or full treatment?’
I had no idea what that meant. ‘Uh, full treatment.’
He quoted me another price. It wasn’t cheap, but nothing was in Tokyo.
I paid the man. He handed me a key.
‘We ring you when time up. Masseuse be there in 20 minutes. Toy shop over there,’ he said, pointing to a small display case.
Sasha bent down to better see the wares. I didn’t think much of it until I heard Sasha asking the man in the booth, ‘Uh, you have any big dildos?’ I almost died.
The man didn’t understand and looked at him quizzically.
‘Um, buzzzzzz?’ Sasha made a ring with his thumb and forefinger, slid it up and down while moving it rapidly from side to side in front of him.
The man gave a big silvery-toothed grin and came out from behind his partition. He unlocked the display case, brought out a tray of vibrators in many shapes, sizes and colors, and presented it with a little bow to Sasha. Then they both turned to me and smiled while the man offered the case in my direction to make a selection.
I put my hands over my face and hung my head down. ‘I can’t believe you’re doing this! You pick one!’ I said, half laughing, half mortified.
Sasha pointed at one and pulled out some money to pay for his purchase. He looked very pleased with himself, swinging the bag in his hand as we walked to the elevator.
We took the tiny elevator to our floor and went down a short, dark corridor. Heavy metal music at high volume came from one room we passed by. We opened the door to our room and stepped inside.
I took one look and said, ‘Oh my God…’
‘Jungle’ didn’t do justice as a word to describe the decor. A dim bulb showed through a red lampshade, casting an orange glow on the miniscule room. Tiger stripes were everywhere, on a furry bedspread, small upholstered chair, even the wallpaper. We both looked in different areas of the room to see what ‘equipment’ they had. ‘Ooh, I like these,’ Sasha exclaimed. He held up a handcuff lined with leopard fur, attached to the wall by a fabric chain.
‘Hmmm, we’ll see!’ I responded.
Sasha flipped on the TV, images of huge-breasted western women came into focus. Sasha sat on the bed and stared intently at the screen.
‘OK, thanks, sweetheart, I’ll see you later,’ he teased.
I came up behind him and put him into a chokehold. ‘Oh, you’d rather have big, fake, plastic boobs, than smaller, but real ones?
‘Yours are real?’ he exclaimed mockingly, as he turned and pawed at me. ‘Let me see!’
‘Oh, no you don’t!’
I scooted to the other side of the bed, out of his grasp, giggling. He lunged and caught my foot, pulling me back within his reach. Throwing himself on top of me, he pinned my hands above my head with one of his. He began to unbutton my blouse, laughing, while I struggled to free my arms.
‘You’re a wild one tonight! I think you would be better off restrained.’
He reached over, grabbed one of the handcuffs and slipped it over my wrist. I howled in protest. He did the same to my other hand. I yanked on the cuffs, but not too hard. I started to feel very aroused.
He straddled my hips and took his time unbuttoning my blouse. Then he unzipped my skirt and pulled it off. He brushed his lips over the tops of my breasts where they overflowed my bra. He reached down and undid the hooks in front that held it together. As the last one fell away, he pushed the bra aside and fondled me. Then he stopped, slid off me and removed his shirt and pants, keeping his boxer shorts on.
Suddenly a knock came at the door. ‘Massage!’ said a female voice, in English.
‘Oh my God, Sasha, I forgot to tell you! I ordered us a massage!’
A smile lit up his face. ‘You stay there,’ he commanded, as if I had a choice. My heart beat faster. Someone was going to see me like this!
Sasha opened the door. An attractive young woman in skin-tight pants and a frilly midriff blouse came in.
‘Good evening,’ she said, without seeming to notice that Sasha was almost naked and that I was handcuffed to the bed. ‘You want massage, right? OK, man go first. More fun if lady watch.’ She patted Sasha on the chest and smiled. ‘You good looker, aren’t you?’
She pointed to the end of bed and told him to lie down on his stomach. She reached into a drawer and pulled out some oils that she applied to her hands. He lay down, turned his face towards me, and winked.
I’d never fantasized about watching another woman with my man, but there was no denying I found it stimulating. She expertly, but quickly, massaged his shoulders and arms, then went to work on his back while softly cooing about how big and strong he was. She slid her hands down to his shorts and slipped her long-nailed fingers under the fabric. He squirmed at her touch, but had a smile on his face.
She looked at me and said, ‘Full treatment, right?’
I nodded.
‘What’s that mean?’ Sasha asked.
‘You turn over, I show you.’
He turned onto his back and she quickly pulled his shorts off. I couldn’t believe my eyes, I had no idea I’d purchased this! Nevertheless, I was starting to feel very horny and was interested in seeing what she’d do to him.
She massaged his neck and chest first and worked her way down to his stomach. Then she knelt between his legs and started rubbing his calves, moving to his thighs. His erection grew. ‘Oh, you are a big boy!’ She applied more oil to her hands and lightly gripped him. With her long, graceful fingers, she moved up and down his shaft.
All of a sudden, he grabbed her by the wrist and lifted his head. ‘That was great, but I want to save it,’ as he nodded his head towards me.
‘OK, that’s good. Now we get lady ready to take you.’
‘Oh, yes, I want you to do her. I’ve always wanted to watch.’
She smiled. ‘I think you will like.’
They both turned their attention to me. ‘Leave her tied up,’ he commanded.
I shivered with anticipation.
She started at my feet and massaged my legs. By the time she finished there, I was comfortable with her touch and starting to feel extremely horny again. She massaged my arms and shoulders, then drizzled some oil on my breasts.
Sasha sat at the end of the bed, he looked at me and said, ‘Is this OK with you?’
I ran my tongue around my lips. ‘It feels really good, baby.’
He smiled.
She gently rubbed the oil into my breasts and around my nipples. My hips started to rock. Sasha grabbed my panties and slid them off. That’s when our masseuse spied the dildo Sasha had put on the table.
‘Oh, this make you feel good. Let me show you.’
She flipped the little switch at one end. I could hear a low hum. She placed it on my upper arm at first and stroked it down to my hand. Then she put it on my leg, sliding it up to my hip. Sasha was running his fingertips down my other arm. I closed my eyes and felt the sensations both within and without. The vibrator made its way up my leg and stopped.
‘Put it on me,’ I begged, lifting my ass off the bed.
She held it right above my cunt and finally laid it against my vulva. I jumped a little at the
intensity, then thrust my pelvis closer to it to feel it again. She placed it onto my entire cunt and pressed down.
‘Oh my God!’ I cried. ‘More!’
Sasha was pinching my nipple with one hand and caressing my thigh with the other. The masseuse rolled the vibrator on top of my cunt and let it rest on my clit. I started to moan and tremble.
Sasha said, ‘Hold on, I want to ride this one!’
He knelt up and placed himself between my legs, he inserted his penis into me. The vibrator resumed its duty on my clit. Sasha thrust himself in and out quickly, my climax was close at hand. In a few seconds, I felt my orgasm building and exploding. All Sasha’s muscles tightened when he came with a loud ‘Ohhhh!’ as my contractions were fading.
‘You English always come quick,’ said our masseuse with a smile, surveying our limp bodies on the bed.
‘Be sure to tip her!’ I managed to say to Sasha before she left.
first time posting a story.... grammar and spelling might need some work.... Sasha lay bent over end of bed panties at half-mast and hood on so she could not see anything and could barely hear anything either she wasn't sure how long she waited but it was sometime before she felt movement around her. master was careful not to touch, just looking at her from afar, getting his stuff ready for what he planned on doing, while he stood there gazing at her perfectly rounded ass with her panties at...
Sasha woke that morning feeling sore from the previous night’s escapades, but she was still smiling. She yawned and stretched slowly trying to get the kink out of her back. As she twisted and turned slithering along the silk sheets her hip grazed against him. “Would you mind I’m trying to sleep here,” the hoarse voice of the man in bed with her said slightly annoyed at her. “Sorry, Mitch, I just can’t get this kink out of my back. You wanna help me out with it?” she asked playfully as she...
I wanted to surprise my lover with a full body massage. I got to his home an hour before he was to arrive. I went up to his bedroom and lit a few candles. One of the candles had a vanilla scent, which made the room smell good and inviting. I brought out the massage oil that I picked up from one of those stores exclusively for body lotions and sprays. This oil’s scent was more masculine, and I knew that he would like that. I went back downstairs and started to place the cards at strategic...
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Just over 12 months ago I split up with my girlfriend of 5 years. She knew about my crossdressing but she didn’t know that I met Men behind her back. When she moved out I decided to buy myself a few wigs and some slutty female clothes and I started to dress up on my own and practice doing my own make up. After a few weeks I found myself constantly thinking about dressing feminine and sucking cock. I even started looking at couples as they walked through the town centre and imagined myself...
It was my 18th birthday. I was now legally eligible to get a driving license. I expressed it to my dad and he readily agreed. So it was decided that from next week I learn driving. Dad told me that there was a agency “Prerna Driving Classes”right near our house who taught people how to drive and also assisted in getting a learners license plus driving license. I went to their office. There was a man sitting at the reception who gave me a smile and asked me to sit. I told him that I want to get...
(AdProvider = window.AdProvider || []).push({"serve": {}}); After a short sleep, she awoke, feeling exhausted but happy. As she stood up she felt Sean’s cum trickling out of her. While she walked to the bathroom she could still feel his cum running down her legs, this always excited her and reminded her of what a great fuck he was. Julie was sitting on the toilet having a piss and letting the rest of Sean’s cum leave her. She sat there contemplating the mystery of her missing...
The next day, the sun creeps in through the curtains of the guest suite at the stables, awaking what appear to be two lovely blonde girls from their slumbers. The girls are Alice and Sarah, lazily stretching in the two queen sized beds in the luxury suite that the brothers showed them to last night. Before they went to bed last night, they removed all their make up with plentiful supplies of cold cream, but in the pink nighties and still with their long blonde hair, prominent boobs,...
Not wasting much time m writing my story. As u know about me in my last story my sexy mom falling for a tailor manohar in my presence.(my mom’s tailor) and in the process turning on her young son. after that we didn’t find much time alone at home. and finally we got a chance to go to our native towards the end of my vacations Its my cool cool journey to my native. .and dad has booked tickets for three of us in a sleeper coach bus our bus was at 11pm. . and i already i requested mom to wear the...
''apparently she caught him in panty ....can you imagine how weird it is''''just a challenge he said he lost , but how weird is that...a boy wearing girl panty''''I really dont know Marie but its weird indeed''i was back from school and mum was with her friend Marie, trying to avoid them, as they talk about my friend Brian''hey Alex how are you, had a good day?'''' tired tho''i went up and changed , removing my cloth i was quick to remove my little panty , i was one of went...
Jill hadn’t married well after graduating from the University of Arkansas. She ended up with a husband who had once been handsome and interesting, but who had grown into an unambitious man, with little charm and not much to look at anymore. She had grudgingly accepted their meager life in Benton, and hadn’t been on a real vacation in over five years….so she was totally pumped for this one, and couldn’t wait to let loose with her old friends from college. She’d packed lightly….mostly skimpy...
We got home later than usual and went straight to sleep. This play is growing more intense every time we run it. An early phone call woke me up. It was Dad! "Michael, did you spend almost $6,000 yesterday?" "Yes sir, I sure did. Amy needed to replace most of her wardrobe. It seemed a smart investment." "Where does she think this money came from? You didn't tell her anything ... did you?" "Dad, I told her everything–it felt great to get that off my back. I also quit my job...
Grampa woke very early, as he always had, and felt Lauren’s body pushed up against his chest, and his semi-rigid cock pressing into her buttocks. It had been years since he had awakened with someone in his arms, and he lay there enjoying the feeling for several minutes before he gently untangled himself from her, leaving her sleeping soundly, as he got up and went to the bathroom. It was just after four in the morning, and he knew he would have to get her up and back to her own room before her...
Hi, I don’t want to waste any time like others by describing my prick size and muscularity and well I am only an average man. So here is the event or its still happening. It was holidays again I was all alone at home. Guys you know how it’s like to be alone at a home. So here is what I usually do surf internet so to say watch porn. I was left ‘high’ after watching this kind of stuff. Now something to say about my room and my room was upstairs. I keep my computer near windows for obvious reason...
Incest~~Beatrice~~ The ball didn’t last long after that. Antoinette left, and she took Jack with her. The poor kid looked pretty scared as the most powerful Kindred in the city dragged him off with a firm grip hand-in-hand. He’d looked Julias’s way, with ‘she’s angry’ printed on his face. Julias gave a small wave, and Beatrice did too, but hers was far more teasing. She had no idea what Antoinette did when she was upset, and Jack probably didn’t either, but he was going to find out. “Fuck man....
Hi iss, I’m sex animal and this is my first ever incest story. I am 20 years old, sex starved young fellow who is doing his bachelor’s degree. The story i am going to narrate happened just months ago… In Neyveli ( city in Tamil Nadu ), i reached home for one weekend where my cousin’s wedding was being arranged. The wedding of my cousin Rinu ( Suji chithi’s daughter ) was held on a Saturday morning. We were planning and preparing for it almost a year now. So finally the big day was here. We all...
IncestA rather startled Jason looked across the table at the former Speaker. Trying not to reveal anything in his face other than puzzlement, Jason asked, “I’m not sure what you’re referring to, Mister Speaker.” “Relax, Jason, and please call me Newt. As for my comment, I’m pretty sure that behind your actions is a missing document that’s been like a guillotine casting an ominous shadow over the head of every President since Lincoln. What’s more, I’ve known of its potential existence since I was...
Hi guys, this Vishnu from Bangalore I am 23 years old presently working with a mnc, I am normal guy with great looks..Any aunties,girls or women interested to have private sex chat can feel to mail me on mail I am going to narrate a incident happened to me last year. Now without wasting too much time lets come to story. There are just 3 people in our family my mom my dad and me. My dad died 2 years back in an accident, then on me and used to live in 2bhk flat. Now some thing about me and my...
IncestSo sorry for the long wait. I have no excuse except for lack of time. Now, I’m back and just trying to focus on my writing. Happy reading! ***** Daisy narrowed her eyes and pointed her finger through the body wall her mother and Grace had formed. ‘You better be a figment of my imagination and not really here, Jake McKean!’ ‘Shield your eyes, young man. Or there will be naught but bad luck in your marriage,’ Donna Jones warned her son-in-law to be. With a sigh and a quarter turn, Jake...
1871 Robert leaned on the small oak table in the sitting room of the farmhouse where he and his family had lived for more than two years. The clapboard home with its two frail-looking chimneys perched on a rounded hilltop near the road to Darnestown, barely a mile from the center of Rockville and the busy store where he worked ten or more hours a day, six days each week. He could hear his wife upstairs getting their children to bed, his son squalling as usual about wanting to stay up...
She was forty years old from the year 2040, but now living in the year 4000. After being cryogenically frozen for 2,000 years, she was starting her new life. In the past she was a Trans woman fighting for her rights to be herself. Now in the year 4000 things had changed for her. There was even such a thing as dual gender now. . In the year 2040 a corporation called lilac was formed and funded by several Nations. They created a program to cryogenically freeze and genetically enhance...
These are compliments of mario Scientists have discovered woman have the same DNA as shrimps ... Their heads are full of shit, but their pink bits taste lovely. I’m taking Viagra for my sunburn. It doesn’t cure it, but it keeps the sheets off my legs. I told my boss 3 companies were after me and I needed a raise to stay at my present job. He asked which companies were interested ... I said the Gas, Electric & cable. Had a fight with an erection this morning ... Beat it single...
Forced to be a Pansy II By Cheryl Lynn Please read "Forced to be a Pansy" before reading this one. This is an X rated fictional meaning that in no way is this story related to reality or to any living person, place or thing. If you do not enjoy reading demeaning punishing torment of men by dominant women, then do not read this. YOU ARE WARNED. Story is copy written by the author and permission is granted for private use only. No authority to republish or use on pay sites is...
Becky’s turn: A little house in the woods. Ever since I figured out that I wasn’t going to have kids, I thought that I wanted a little house in the woods, a little garden in a sun-lit spot in back, a neat kitchen with a great stove, a cozy living room, maybe a reading nook with a window out into the edge of the woods. I imagined a fireplace, either a real, in the wall fireplace, or maybe one of those Scandinavian stoves with the window in front. Trouble was, I never quite saw Keith there...
There were tears in my eyes. I was glad that I was not wearing makeup. Had my tears ruined my makeup, I was sure I would have been beaten. Girls such as I, I had learned, could be beaten for far less. On the other hand, perhaps the men preferred their girls to ascend the block in such a state of obvious distress. Perhaps the buyers found such innocence appealing. I did not know. I knew only that I had to obey. I had been captured only two weeks earlier, in the fall of my home city, where...
What a start to a wild weekend. To take you back a bit and get you up to speed, I had lost my wife several years ago. My daughter, who was in college, had set me up with some dates. In all cases there had been problems at some point. I had been alone with no dates for just about a year. My daughter Sue decided to start staying with me on weekends. I think she was worried about me being alone all of time. One Friday night, not knowing she was in her room, I stumbled drunk into the house after...
============================================================ The events of ALL my stories are true, to the best of my knowledge and have been written down as-is. The names of the people involved, however, have been changed to protect their identities. Most of these stories involve elements of romance, regular conversation before the actual act, for a more wholesome reading experience. I’d like to humbly request you to stick with the story. Feedback would be appreciated: – you can write in to...
Gay MalePhyllis had a smile as big as the sun that Sunday morning as the Gang gathered for their regular brunch. Claire could not resist a tease. "But you've worked with pro teams who won championships." The day before, Sean had completed his championship quest. Only two of his championship matches reached the second round. Grant Jacobs, the erstwhile favorite for the title, had moved up a weight class immediately after Sean had beaten him so soundly during the conference schedule. There was time...
Part 3 from Jonathan.It was early morning as the safari limo disappeared from site of the retreat compound. Dana, the oldest sister, had tried to stop the vehicle but was unable to. She knew the possible dangers that perhaps awaited her younger brother and sister but for now she could only remain behind and worry about them. Reflecting on her own affair with black male flesh last night, she embarrassingly felt a strange excitement. She was worried yet aroused at the thought of Shawn and Tia...
TabooA Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter One: Naughty Daughter Spanked By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! “We're not angry with you,” my mother said, giving me a slight smile, “we're just disappointed, Bess.” “Disappointed?” I groaned. “That's it? Disappointed?” I glanced at my father's car, the front end crumbled, radiator fluid forming a larger and larger puddle. I pushed up my glasses and then rubbed at the back of my...
Es ist jetzt schon einige Jahre her, ich war schon 18 aber noch in der Ausbildung und wohnte auch noch bei meinen Eltern.Nach der Arbeit radelte ich bei schönem Wetter nachhause, vorbei an der Videothek, das grosse Plakat vom neuen Schwarzenegger Film hing im Fenster und ich stoppte um mir den Film zu leihen. Aber wie üblich waren alle Kopien verliehen und ich schlenderte duch die Videothek, ich war schon in der Abteilung ab 18und ging noch um ein Regal zu den Pornos. Wenn schon kein...
IncestWhen the time came to go to Paris, the Emir's plans had changed and Robinson was booked on a scheduled flight, where he was treated as a VIP passenger and given a secluded cabin within the first class area of the Air Kobekistan jumbo jet. Shortly after take-off a stewardess joined him in the cabin and calmly stripped herself of all her uniform except her shoes and cap. "I am here for the Master's pleasure, to serve all his wants," she said, "I understand you have not flown with us...
Roger hid in confusion behind the boxes as the dog went trotting eagerly into the basement room behind Ellen. He was a large German shepherd, full grown, and he bounded straight toward the curvaceously reclining brunette on the couch as though he knew what this was all about. Louise, spread vulnerably on the couch, widened her eyes in terror and put a hand to her mouth to prevent herself from screaming. She began to close her wide-splayed legs and slide from the couch, but the dog stood at...