Hallelujah Ch. 03 free porn video

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A gurgling sound, and then it’s done.

The last of the juice leaves the tube, other than a few driblets clinging here and there, and the thick, dark, mush at the bottom of the bucket is all that remains. It’s thick, purple sedimentary looking, and it almost seems biological. It’s pretty gross.

I turn and lean in and tap the large glass carboy…big enough to hold six gallons…and frown. The directions that came with the kit say that after transferring the wine from the bucket where the first fermentation occurred to the glass carboy, I should top it up with water or wine to within a few inches of the bung.

But I have six inches or more left over. That seems like an awful lot of water to add. Fuck. Did I screw this up?

With a shrug, I start adding water. Maybe it IS an awful lot to add, but whatever. Buck assured me when we bought it that, so long as I follow the directions carefully, all would be okay. So I guess I’ll keep to that storyline and hope for the best.

I have to hurry anyway. My shift starts in forty minutes, and it’s almost that long a drive to get there.

My shift. Fuck. It’s been six weeks since my last session as a recording engineer. Or, if you’d rather, since my brief turn as a producer. In that time I’ve looked for other gigs without a lot of success. It’s a tough town to be an unemployed engineer in, and I’d bet your sexual organs that Bennie is giving me less than favorable recommendations to anybody who asks.

I’m pretty sure about that, but not a hundred percent. You’ll note that it’s your balls I’m betting, not mine.

Actually, I did hear from Bennie one last time. Sort of. He sent me a lengthy e-mail detailing all the ways he thought I’d fucked up what he called ‘the best job of your life’ and, in no uncertain terms, telling me that I wasn’t fit for recording or for any gainful employment as far as he could tell. It was a long missive, with very little in the way of punctuation or capitalization. At times, I had to take my best guess as to where one sentence ended and the next began.

Oh, yes. I read the whole thing.

I noted that it arrived very late in the overnight. I wonder if he was drunk. I hope he was, actually. The guy needs some kind of stress reducer in his life, and he doesn’t seem like the hard drugs type. Not that that means anything.

Still, Bennie just isn’t that important. He’s not an eminent threat. Going four straight weeks with no incoming money, on the other hand, was not a small problem to have. In fact, it was absolutely horrifying to me to realize just how close I generally live to the brink. Another four weeks without any money coming in on top of that, and I’d have been in real trouble. So, two weeks ago I bit the bullet and applied at an electronics store in the shinier part of town. I’m knowledgeable enough, the pay is adequate, and nothing in this big blue world sounds more boring to me.

So of course I got the job.

Last week I trained, today I work. The manager’s friendly, if a bit odd, the people working with me are mostly five to ten years younger than I am, and the hours are good. Today is the first day of the rest of my life. Fuck.

You know what kind of chafes is that I haven’t seen Teddy Fields since the day he let me ramble on about Jasmine. In fact, he didn’t even bother to let me hear his thoughts on the story. After being so damn insistent that I tell him everything, he let me drone on and on and, when I was done, he paid for our drinks and said he had to be on his way. Left me sitting there totally bewildered and a little embarrassed. Not even a goodbye, just a wave over his shoulder. Like he expected to see me again soon. Like we were old friends.

I got some papers in the mail, to sign and return. It was all legal shit regarding payment for services as producer of the song (which now has the official title of ‘As Long As I’m Here’), stuff I probably should have run down with a lawyer. But, I can’t afford one, and Fields is not exactly feeding a rabid fanbase with his gruel, so I just signed and returned them. They gave me about enough money to cover groceries for a month. That was okay by me.

If anybody asks, and really nobody does, I’m hoping to get out of town and start up recording again somewhere else. Probably Omaha. The music is what matters, and I can’t imagine living my life in Nashville surrounded by music I’m not a part of. I certainly don’t want to be hawking gear at some Radio Shack-knockoff designed to appeal to people with half-a-million dollar houses and bullshit medical problems that they get innumerable prescriptions for. I really don’t want to spend my time selling fancy massage tools to people who are sixty pounds overweight and sit at a desk all day and then come in looking for help with a ‘back problem.’

So why am I doing exactly that? Why haven’t I spent a single minute of my ample free time looking into job opportunities, or housing, outside of the Nashville area? Why do I keep looking up the listing in the phone book for AJ and Jasmine Knox?

What the fuck is wrong with me?

I called Grandpa Cooper a few days after the firing and poured my heart out to him. He was sympathetic, and encouraged me to stick it out. ‘Don’t let the world dictate to you what you’re going to be,’ he’d said. He was coughing a lot. I should get up there and see him as soon as I can.

My wine is topped up and the airlock put on, so I dress for work and try to think up new goals for myself. It’s a strange exercise, actually. On the surface, it seems like something people do all the time, but the truth is we tend to spend most of our lives in pursuit of a very small collection of goals, with small steps being shuffled along the way. Lose weight, become more financially secure, clean the garage…we don’t change all that much, over time. Starting over from scratch is…well, it’s liberating. It’s also frustrating, and a bit depressing. I’ve been pretty singular since high school, and while it’s lead to some pretty intense experiences and the opportunity to meet some famous people, I’m looking at my button-up shirt with my name sewn over the right pec in the mirror and realizing just how old thirty-one can sound. Not, you know, in that bullshit ‘oh my god I’m an adult now’ kind of way. More in the fact that my career is going nowhere and I’m alone in the world. No wife, no children at my feet, no chance of either one in the nearest of futures. Maybe ever. Goddamn.

Heading out the door, my life gets a little shittier: Mrs. Married is bouncing happily towards me. She’s wearing a light blue shirt that has some kind of jeweled butterfly thing arcing over her fabulous breasts. Her hair is in a ponytail. She sees that I’ve noticed her and waves energetically, hurrying over.

‘Hey, baby,’ she smiles. ‘Haven’t seen you at the gym in a while. I miss you, you know.’

I shrug. ‘Haven’t been going.’ Actually, I’m not a member anymore. I’m avoiding you.

‘Well I’ve missed you.’ She gives me a once-over, admiring the uniform and flattening my collar like an attendant mother. ‘Look at you, in your new shirt. Very sexy. We should go inside.’ A mischievous grin spreads and she raises her eyebrows expectantly. ‘You can keep the shirt on,’ she says, and leans in for a kiss.

I pull back. I suppose I make a bit of a face, too. She scowls at me, and suddenly she’s a lot less playful.

‘What’s this?’ she pouts. ‘Don’t give me a bunch of moody attitude. Use your big boy words. What’s wrong? Suddenly you’re not interested in spending time with me? I thought we had a good thing going, before. I thought we had fun. I mean I know did.’

‘It was good,’ I admit. ‘But I’ve been thinking a lot about it, and I don’t feel right about sleeping with married women.’

‘Then we just won’t fall asleep this time.’

‘I’m serious. This…it bothers me. A lot.’

‘Seriously.’ She pinches the bridge of her nose with her thumb and forefinger, li
ke I’m being an idiot or something. ‘Listen, this is a lot simpler than you want to believe it is. I like you. I like the way being with you makes me feel, and right now I need some of that in my life. My marriage is shit. That’s all there is to that story. You didn’t pull me out of it, or seduce me, or take me away from my husband. You didn’t destroy anything at all. God, I’m the one who seduced YOU,’ she kind of smiles her way through that admission. ‘And I know that men go about these things in…simpler ways…but a woman doesn’t cheat just because she’s horny and a new opportunity jumps up at her. She doesn’t have an affair because her husband isn’t giving it up often enough, or just to fuck someone new. When a woman cheats on her marriage it’s because she’s already checking out. Because she’s falling out of love, and it’s scaring her. And she’s insecure, and needy, and very aware of her own emotional needs. I don’t want you to sweep me off my feet. I don’t want to spend the rest of my life with you. And I don’t want you to think whatever I do with my marriage is your fault. That mess is over in all but name.’ She gives me those goddamn ‘save me’ eyes, and leans in closer. ‘Please, Jake. I’m going to be forty in a few months. Forty, and single, and probably out of the reproduction game for good. I’m terrified. Being with you gives me courage. It makes me feel like I have something to offer, like maybe I really can say goodbye to a life that makes me unhappy and try starting over with someone else. Don’t let some stupid idea about chivalry, or whatever, ruin that. I need it.’

The gap closes a little more, and our lips meet. It’s a gentle touch, deeply intimate but not passionate. A promise in a kiss.

‘I have to go to work,’ I tell her. I’ve rehearsed the part where I end this sordid affair many times, but never in my mental preparation did I develop an argument for a speech like that.

Another gentle, almost tickling kiss. ‘Be a little late. I don’t need much time.’ I’m aware of the faint odor of mouthwash on her breath. The swell of her breasts pushing against me.

‘I can’t,’ I put my hands on her shoulders, stepping back. Buy time, go away. Try again another day. Stupid lyrics for stupid boys. ‘It’s my first shift and I, uh, I need the money pretty badly.’

She pouts. ‘What about tomorrow, then?’

I should say no. I need to say no. But it’s not happening, so I look down at my feet for a moment. Come on, Jacob. This is easy. Tell her you can’t. Never mind the big speech, who knows what’s really going on in her life. You need to be free of it.

Though you are awfully lonely.

I look up and open my mouth, but I don’t really know what I’m about to say.

I don’t get a chance to find out. Over her shoulder by about thirty feet is an angry looking man with a baseball bat. He’s locked in on me specifically, and he’s closing the gap between us very swiftly. Receding hair, kind of short, very red faced. His tie is flapping and he doesn’t have any shoes on. In less time than it takes for a celebrity’s death to travel across the internet, I know that this is the husband. He’s here to fight for his woman, and he took his fucking shoes off so I wouldn’t hear him approach. He has big arms, and rage-wide eyes. And that fucking baseball bat!

‘Oh, shit!’ I push Mrs. Married out of the way. I don’t know why. I don’t doubt for a fucking minute that this is all her fault. And, really, I don’t think he intends to hit her.

She yelps and falls, and he emits a stupid guttural…something. Like a cross between a cat giving birth and a rock slide. He swings the bat.

Pushing her left me unprepared. My arms go down as the bat swings, but they’re too slow and it slams into my left ribcage. A blink of red and I’m on the ground on my side, mouth open and kicking my legs out uselessly. I can’t breathe. I hear him yell something, a whoosh of air, and blinding pain concusses on my right arm near the shoulder. It feels more like a stab than a strike, and it carries me over onto my stomach. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. I’m going to die right here. I just know I am.

Now she’s yelling, too. Begging him to stop. I’m trying to get up. This isn’t my fault, goddamn it. I tried…

His boot swings up into my guts. At least he’s not using the bat. Whatever air I had left is gone and I’m back on my side. I fold up, unable to think or make a noise, and out of my periphery I see a fist come sailing in. It connects with my cheekbone, my head bounces off the concrete. I don’t even realize immediately, but the impact makes me nauseous.

The fist drills me down into the pavement a second time. A third. A fourth. I can’t think. Everything’s blurry. My mind is reduced to a primordial desperate plea for survival. I hear voices, but nothing makes sense. Somebody’s crying. Her. She’s crying, braying like a goddamn donkey. I try to focus on her voice, to make sense of the world around me.

‘Harold! You have to stop! You’ll kill him!’ she’s sobbing.

‘Goddamn right I will.’ He says, calmly and almost cheerfully. ‘Goddamn right.

He kicks me in the back, hard, between the shoulder blades. It burns, in a way the other injuries don’t. I’m aware that my mouth is open, and that I’m drooling on the ground. Muscles all over my body are spasming at random. I never was much of a fighter.

‘No!’ she shouts. ‘Please! Please!’ Lady, for the love of god try to be a little more convincing than that.

The punching stops. I raise my head a little. I can make him out, now, standing over me with the baseball bat in both hands. He sees me move and raises the bat. His face is without compassion.

What a jackass way to die. I’m a rat and he’s going to do away with me because that’s what you do to rats when they invade your house. I’m really about to die.

But I don’t.

Instead, Buck Nelson comes sailing through the air from behind Harold the Cuckold like a banshee from the depths of hell, and drops the guy with the only weapon he knows how to yield. If I had to guess, I’d say Buck isn’t much of a fighter either, but he apparently has this one thing that he can handle like a fucking ninja: a wine bottle.

It shatters over the fucker’s head, spilling dark red juice all over him and making it look for all the world like Buck Nelson just murdered him in a single blow. A short stumble, a moan, and he’s down. His hair is so matted with malbec, or whatever, that I can’t even tell if he’s bleeding. He must be, though. Shit, a wine bottle? I can’t help but pray that Buck didn’t kill the guy. A hit like that to the head could very well do it.

Mrs. Married rushes over to the now-prostrated form. She doesn’t even look at me.

Buck leans over me. ‘Are you okay?’

I nod. Jesus, how should I know? I’m having a hard time not crying.

Now Married is sobbing over Harold the Cuck, and Buck is calling 911 on his cell phone, and the only person who isn’t either injured, probably going to jail, or both of these things is the woman who started it all. I can recognize that there’s some humor in that, but I don’t think I’ll be laughing at it any time soon.

I lay on my back and close my eyes, wiping tears off my cheeks and trying to breathe evenly.

Somewhere out there Jasmine is a Knox, and she is living a good and joyous life with another man. And she will never have to see me bleeding and crying in the parking lot of a low rent apartment complex in my button up shirt with my name sown on it and my ribs broken in the hot and humid Nashville sun, while another man’s wife cradles his lifeless body and begs it for forgiveness and forgets that I exist at all.

I think of her face at the restaurant, of the way she jumped out of her chair when she saw me, and I smile. And then I close my eyes.

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Her next planet-more correctly, theirs--was perfect in every respect: crystal clear air, sparkling blue water, vegetation as green and verdant as a still-life painting ... without a trace of indigenous life. Not even insects or birds were found. Following a bitter afternoon in Paradise, they shrank away on a moonlit beach, onto a grain of perfect white sand. Her fifth planet was even worse. Iris set them down on the outskirts of an ancient city on the largest continent’s west coast. The lost...

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Her Devotion Chapter 01

Marcella hadn’t been raised Catholic, but Evangelical. All her life she had neglected the Virgin Mary with extreme prejudice, just as her mother did, but one day, at twenty-one, she converted to Catholicism in an act of rebellion. At this age she began to recite the prayers, to wear her white, lace veil, and to attend mass, all of it with an almost exaggerated devotion, much to her mother’s distress. Her faith, however, seemed to be conditioned by her rebellion and not by her faith itself, and...

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“You know, I generally expect my Christmas presents to be wrapped, Dodson.” “Wha... ?” I was articulate, even eloquent, at times, I swear – but not when being disturbed by that voice that should not, under any circumstances, have been waking me up. I rolled, with every intention of sitting up and delivering a blistering rejoinder – once I’d dealt with the small matter of the dried drool on my cheek, and my eyes which I couldn’t seem to quite crack open – but that voice which shouldn’t have...

1 year ago
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Seniors Day Off

Its my senior year in son Michael a ride to and from school for a week because his car was getting repaired. Since they are close friends of the family it was agreed by my mom that I would. This made me very upset and angry. Michael is a high school senior who recently turned 18. I am 22. There's nothing wrong with Michael, its just that he is sort of arrogant and way to preppy. The first couple days of driving him were actually ok. I got to know him a little better and we even shared some...

2 years ago
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A Match Made In Cyber Heaven

He noticed the friend request on the online fetish site that he had joined a few years prior. It stuck out since the request was from a woman who was pretty much half his age. He was leery since, in his experience, this kind of thing was typically a scam or someone posing as a hot young woman (which, in reality, is a scam in its own right!). He accepted the request and sent a short, polite note thanking her and asking her for more detail about herself.After some time had passed, he had put the...

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A Week in a Womans shoes

In this story, you play man down on his luck. (Or a pathetic loser, depends on your point of view). Due to series of events totally under your control, you act like a prick to the wrong woman and pay the price for it. Your life undergoes the ultimate change: you get turned into a woman to teach you what that's like. You get one week to do what it takes to turn back into a man: Get your toxic masculinity in check by walking in a woman's shoes. Literally. But be aware - every time you act like a...

1 year ago
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A Cool November Morning

Rick likes to make omelets, and I like to watch him. He has a ritual: gathering the ingredients from the refrigerator, settling them in the burner of the stovetop that he won’t be using, frying up the meat – bacon or sausage or ham – setting it aside and finally cutting up the vegetables. He grips the knife around its bolster – the knife’s balance point – with his last three fingers resting on the handle. His thumb and index finger are on opposite sides of the blade, like the knife is an...

1 year ago
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YOLO Chapters 610

Chapter 6--I'm Going to Disney World! With a laptop in her hand, and her girlified son at her side, Sheila rang the doorbell at the Brown estate. Partially girlified, Sheila thought to herself as she looked down at Brad. After reading his mom the riot act for dressing him up in Allison's sister's stuff, he insisted on not wearing anything girlie. And he'd do so even if he had to wash his outfit every day. He stood there in a baggy t-shirt and shorts with his hair tied in a low ponytail...

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June Autumn and RogerChapter 16 The End in Sight

June and Roger sat in complete silence during the 30-minute walk to his apartment. Once inside, June took off her dress and broke the silence. “Do you mind if I take a quick shower? I feel dirty. I don’t know why. I’ve had every orifice of my body either probed, inspected or flushed clean.” Roger laughed. “You’ll have to kiss me first.” “Why does everything I want to do come with a price? “ June asked jokingly as she threw her arms around Roger and kissed him. When they broke apart, she...

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The Seductive Sister

Jack had only recently had his birthday, he had always hated having it so close to Christmas, as it never got him as many presents as usual. But I always tried to make it as special as I could for him. We had only known each other for 3 years, but I had never had a mate that I could relate to so much. We were almost telepathic, and enjoyed exactly the same things. He had only recently turned 18 while mine was months ago, so I couldn’t go out without him. I felt a brotherly bond like ours...

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DaughterSwap Grae Stoke Abby Adams Dad8217s Divide The Equation

Abby Adams and Grae Stroke are a couple of cute girls who are not too good at math. But their concerned dads think they just need a little extra attention and tutoring. The babes try to focus, but they cannot keep from touching each other under the table as their dads go over equations. The minute these dads leave their daughters alone, they start playing with each others pussies . But when their old men stumble in to see what the girls are up to, they are furious! The only way they will keep...

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Uncontrollable Cock 8211 Part 4 Saw My Sister Naked

I was able to clear things out with my sister (But later saw my sister naked.) Not just that, that unknown woman fingered her pussy in a video call with me. On the other hand, my relationship with my stepmom was going in the right direction. At night, I waited for that woman, but that day, she didn’t come online. I also messaged her on Skype, and there was no response. I knew this would happen one day, so I didn’t give much attention to that. For the next few weeks, I progressed with my stepmom...

2 years ago
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It Started With Tattooed Eyeliner 4

It was late Sunday morning, a time when I had hoped Keri would let me recover a bit from Saturday's intensely humiliating venture to the waxing studio, along with my exposure via social media. In keeping with her threat to keep me dressed in the skimpy outfits I'd bought for my secret crossdressing, she had me in a crop top and a school girl pleated skirt that was so short my heavily bandaged penis showed below the hem. No underwear. That wasn't being allowed these days. Five-inch pink...

1 year ago
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Older Woman in Coffee Shop Part 1

Note 2: Part 1 is a mostly non-sexual background for James and Angella's relationship. This section is much longer than the others, but the background is relevant to the story, so Part-1 at your own peril -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EARLY YEARS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- At the age of 15 James came across a box filled with pictures of his dad's old girlfriends. Even though clothing...

3 years ago
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True based story bicurious

Too hot to sleep , need to find some way to waste some time :)How about i tell you guys i lost my "virginity". Well, at least my male-on-male virginity :DFor a lot of years i had a craving to fill my butt, starting out with small things like a finger and ending with golf-balls and 20 CM vibrators. However all this time i had sex with women and never actually thought of having sex with a guy. Sure in the heat of the moment when i was horney as hell it passed my mind a few times. But whenever i...

3 years ago
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Birthday MagicChapter 4

"After I bought the book from you," Peter began. "I went over to Jenny's place and passed the book to her." "Well, not exactly," Jennifer said. "He told me about the book, but didn't want to pass it to me right away, so I just took it from him and went to my room to read it." Peter smiled. "Yeah, that's true. Jenny was naughty and took it from my bag." Leena looked at Jennifer and asked, "Was that when you cast the 'Golden Hair' spell?" "No, not yet," Jennifer replied....

4 years ago
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Watching Over Him

“Oh how could he, how could he?” Sabby felt tears well up in her eyes and her temper rise as she watched her husband Rob’s bare butt thrust forward again sending the dick that she had experienced so many, many times doing for her what it was doing now for the naked female lying on “their” bed. At thirty-two years of age Susanne Andrea Belvoysan, SAB or Sabby to her friends, felt that her husband’s behaviour would cause her to die of a broken heart, but that was a silly thought, after all, she...

3 years ago
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Christines Story II

Introduction: As told to me By Christine The scenes of being fucked kept recurring. I could still see his naked cock as he stood over me. From my point of view it seemed enormous. His circumcised dick stood straight out from his loins supported by a tight sack. It bobbed up and down like a caged animal. Then I was being fucked. Over and over again this movie replayed itself. First I could see his phallus then I was being fucked. I awoke with a start. I was disoriented for a moment. Then the...

3 years ago
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The RescueChapter 9 Shopping

Malcolm led Jason down the hall to the elevator. Both men had changed back into their T-shirts and shorts once they were back on the Bottoms Up. From the lobby, Jason followed Malcolm out onto the streets of Bridgetown, a small warren of upscale boutiques and downscale tourist traps. “Let’s go in here first and get you guys some shoes,” Malcolm told the teen, pointing at a store across the way. “Lead on, Doctor Jenson.” “Call me Malcolm, and call Caroline by her name, too. We run a pretty...

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CynthiaChapter 6

Before leaving, I checked the cable modem. She has her computer on the cable. After the gym, I went to the big box store to get my equipment. When I went to Laura's house, there was a note on the back door telling me to come in and do what I needed to do. They had gone to visit grandmother. It took a while to get the holes drilled and the cable strung. I had to drill holes through the floor of the closet, but that worked out fine since closets were the same on both floors. I couldn't hide...

1 year ago
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My Mothers LoverChapter 7 The Riviera 03 The lesson

Diary: Dear Diary, C has demonstrated unbelievable manliness and judgment — better than my own. I actually offered myself. And he very sweetly declined -- "for now," he said. Of course, it is possible that he simply doesn't find me appealing on that level, but I don't think so. I am slightly self conscious, I won't say embarrassed, that it would be a terrible blow to me if it were true. After so carefully keeping us from it, to find that he did not want me. Oh dear, look what has...

2 years ago
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Craig HillChapter 13

Sunday morning was normal. They trooped off to church in Ripley and then Mark had an early snack lunch and left. His family all wished him luck in his new job and Serena gave him a passionate kiss in public which caused Elspeth to smile. He arrived at Bulford Manor at about half past six and, having circled the house decided which door was the ADC's flat entrance. He knocked and the door was opened by a little man, no more than five foot six, with jet black hair, vivid blue eyes and a wide...

4 years ago
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Finding HomeChapter 14

I wake up to the alarm, and I wake my two bedmates. We enjoy a fun shower with lots of play and giggles, but no sex. When we arrive in the main room for breakfast the Room Service people have almost finished serving the twelve meals set over two tables of six. Dad, Rob, Sharon, Lia, Mai, and I sit at one while Nadia, Kira, Makha, Mayu, Belle, and Liz sit at the other. I’m not happy, because the table isn’t big enough when we need to be close enough to discuss business etc., which is every...

2 years ago
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Distracted Driving

Here I go again. I think I’m obsessed. I’ve been thinking about you all day again. Now I am driving home. It’s been a busy day but going home a little early. This road is fast but fairly straight for the mountains. My mind is sort of on autopilot. I want to close my eyes and imagine you being here but, for obvious reasons, not a good idea. A song comes on the radio that makes me think of you. My thoughts are very powerful. As I think of you I find myself getting very erect. It is...

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MyDadsHotGirlfriend Lana Rhoades 22979

Seth would be all over his dad’s new young and hot girlfriend Lana Rhoades it he wasn’t already over her. All she does is spend his college fund and his dad’s hard-earned money on whatever the hell she wants. Seth complains about all this to his friend Damon while they’re shooting pool when, lo and behold, who walks in with charges from the mall? Lana! Seth gets even more miffed when she starts flirting with Damon right in front of him! But it gets even better when Seth goes looking for Damon –...

4 years ago
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Fun With the Colte FamilyChapter 5

Unlike her beautiful, sex-starved teenage daughter Sarah, Judy Colte hated to be alone. Unfortunately for Judy, it seemed lately that she always was alone – alone, and for the most part, ignored. She felt helpless and miserable, and perhaps more importantly, trapped. She supposed that it was really no one's fault but her own ... but that didn't make her feel any better. How did I ever get in this mess? Judy found herself wondering. Not that she thought her life was a complete disaster –...

2 years ago
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So there I was, Balls deep in Eileen's tight ass, but I get ahead of my self, From the beginning...I met Eileen on a YAHOO dating site. She was a divorced MILF who was looking for some "non-Committal" intimate relationship. We passed a few e-mails back and forth for about two weeks then decided to meet for lunch to talk face tot face. Eileen was a MILF of 42 , she stood about 68 inches tall, dirty blond hair (with a matching carpet) 36D breasts, We talked over lunch and decided that we would...

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A Friend in NeedChapter 28

Greg woke briefly, and in searing pain, as the doctors and nurses worked frantically on his broken body. Once they noticed that he was awake, they started asking a bunch of questions that he did his best to answer, but the pain was making him confused. He saw the lights on the ceiling pass over him as they took him to surgery, and once through the doors, he felt the falling sensation as the anesthetic poured into his body. Then once again it was into oblivion. The nurse on duty came into...

3 years ago
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Black List IV MalevolenceChapter 17

Mason and Bridges creep through the wintery terrain using the snow dunes as cover. The Titan Armor they wear mimics the color of the snow further camouflaging them. They blend in so well with their surrounding environment they can probably walk out in the open and straight into the side entrance unnoticed. Mason is tempted to try just that, but it is Bridges that reminds him of Nash’s orders not to push anything to the limits. The suits allow both men to traverse the land quickly and...

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My Best Journey 8211 An Orthodox Woman Made To Have Sex

Hello guys. Myself Rahul from Pune and Jaipur. I m 6’1,with awesome stamina and an equally awesome tool.If anyone interested please mail me at promise your identity wont be disclosed.Also give me a feedback. All right, getting to the story, it’s a real life incident. I was traveling from Pune to Jaipur in third ac and had an rac so had to share a berth with someone but luckily the other guy didn’t come so I had the whole seat to myself. In the same bogey was a big family traveling for marriage...

2 years ago
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complicated seduction part V

Hi to all..my dear hot cock sucking girls and bhabhis and my cunt licking male friends , thanxs for all the admiration, responses and support from so many people, I never thought that my story would be like by so many people.. I never thought that I would get so many responses from the female admirers as well, and this is due to the love and support of all the people that I am back with the last and final part of my story. I have personally mailed the last part to many people as per their...

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