Ms. Waddles free porn video

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Facts from fiction: Sandy is real and she provided me with a lot of things to wear growing up. Some things she knew about some she didn't. She was also a plus size little girl and a plus size woman and I adored her for all of our lives. Sandy is also a woman I've since come to know after discovering she has a passion for taking boys down a peg or two. Both are very tolerant of a boy like me. I've mixed the two for this story and the rest was written as fiction and because of girls like them. Introduction: Mr. Macho, Chuck to his friends, likes dressing up in his sister's clothes. A false alarm puts him into the lens of Sandy's camera. That same Sandy he'd teased a couple of years ago when she was wearing diapers for giggle incontinence. Now it was Chuck's turn to be incontinent only he wouldn't be giggling. Ms. Waddles By Mary Beth Sanford Do you remember that girl next door? That girl you ignored or teased? That one who one day appeared suddenly so different? So wonderfully different? What changed? What forces were at work? For most boys it's simply hormones. For Chuck it was a diaper, a soft pair of plastic pants and a Betsy Wetsy doll in a dress just like the one he was wearing. And it began with a voice! Chuck's heart was pounding in his neck. All he'd heard was Janet's voice calling out: "Hey Susan! You there?" Chuck was on the small slop of the room outside their shared recreation room in an instant. Outside and clinging in fear at getting caught before he realized it was Susan's recorder tapping Janet's call. Susan had shut the ringer off as well as the outgoing message so all you heard was incoming message and of course Janet yelling for Susan to pick up. Chuck moved carefully back towards the window and slipped a leg. He was careful not so much worried about falling as not getting his sisters pageant dress dirty. His panic had taken the pleasure out of dressing up and a few minutes later everything was carefully put back where it had been. Everything but the ruffled panties and those, as well as the full slip he wore went into the washer on delicate. It was the only drawback for a boy wearing such lovely things Chuck thought with a smile. Eleven pictures hung in Sandy's dark room an hour after Chuck's appearance. The large parcels were both covered with trees and the local deer shaded themselves in the late afternoon under those trees. What got Sandy's attention, at first, were those few does running off towards the river. What intrigued her after that was the source of their disturbance; and, what made her grab for the camera was that satiny white dress against the light gray of her neighbor's house. She had moved within a hundred feet of that house and the camera was clicking even before she had settled into a stand. Someday she'd win awards for her pictures already getting local attention. These, she decided when she recognized that it was Chuck, would be kept private. At least for now she thought. Good old Mr. Macho in a white and pink satin little girls pageant dress and Sandy had it on film. That same boy who, last year, made Sandy's life a living hell with his never ending teasing after finding out she suffered from giggle incontinence. Actually it wasn't the giggle incontinence that caused her suffering but the humiliation of wearing a disposable diaper for a time. A chance discovery when Chuck moved over towards Sandy's house playing paint ball. Sandy had done the same thing Chuck had just done. Each parcel was five acres and each nicely wooded so there was a sense of privacy and Sandy only ran out of her house for a second to fetch the phone she'd lift on the patio. She'd just changed into a fresh diaper before doing so and there she was in her white blouse, tennis shoes and socks and, of course, that diaper. Chuck's laughter started a few seconds later and didn't end till his mother promised he'd be wearing them if he said another word. That was four weeks after that day and while he didn't laugh out loud he did laugh and she was positive it was him that had left the pacifier on her doorstep. Sandy laughed as well as she started cleaning up the chemical baths she'd used. Sandy laughed because she still had that pacifier. Chuck could appreciate the irony of that. Chuck could appreciate a lot of things in a few days Sandy decided as she started cropping the photo set she'd give him. Little Miss Waddles, Droopy Drawers, Soggy Bottom, Puffy Pants and Chuck's all time favorite back then Messy Missy came back to Sandy as she rummaged through the attic. Sandy already had that partial bag of disposables and the cloth diapers she'd used for a time till the rash went away as well as the plastic pants. Those she'd found easily. The little dresses she wore a few years before then took some time to find. Sandy was pleasantly plump now and heavy back then. Heavy enough that some of what she wore was mother made and a mother made dress was not made with cost as a consideration. Sandy's little girl dresses while not very little were adorable anyway and she felt as pretty because of it as the rest of the girls on those occasions. Chuck would feel just as pretty as well she thought after finding two of several bags. "Hey Chuck!" Sandy said leaning against the fence on her side of the property. She was on a stump that gave her a chest high view of Chuck reading on his patio. "What do you want Miss Waddles?" Chuck asked taking on that look he had for Sandy. "Miss Waddles! You know, that was always one of my favorites! Think I'll use that one first." Sandy said. "Okay, so what do you want?" Chuck asked. "Thought I'd try talking you into coming over and letting me pin you into a diaper. You know, the kind babies wear? Diaper and a cute little pink pair of plastic pants. While you nurse a baby's bottle of course or if you like you can use that pacifier you gave me. It's still got the pink ribbon on it and I've found one of my little dresses that would go perfect with it. So what do you say?" Sandy asked. "Kiss off Miss Waddles and stop bugging me or you go public on Monday." Chuck said with a slightly twisted smile. "Great! We can go out together. I mean we can both debut together then. Me in my diapers and plastic pants, then you in your sister's pretty little dress. That one you wore the other day would be perfect. Anyway, I'll meet up with you Monday and we can go to school together. You can play the mommy and I'll play the baby. Should be fun!" Sandy said stepping off the stump making her disappear from view. "What the hell are you talking about?" Chuck said now leaning over his side of the fence. Clearly she knew something he decided or she wouldn't have been so arrogant or, for that matter, so accurate. Chuck had to know what she knew. He was almost sorry when she went into detail on what he was wearing and worse what he had on underneath. He was very sorry when he warned her that she couldn't prove it. She could prove and did as she tossed the set of pictures over the fence. Chuck looked at the nearly dozen or so pictures showing first him and that dress then him turning and that slip then moving through the window and those panties. It could almost be a movie given the sequence. "Okay, so now what? I apologize and keep my mouth shut and you do the same?" Chuck asked in a tone far softer than the one he most often used. "Gosh Chuck that's exactly what I was thinking. I mean after all you did last year you simply apologize and I walk off all fat dumb and happy. Now why didn't I think of that?" Sandy said and then added: "NOT! Actually my little Miss Waddles I was thinking that it would be much better if you come over, took your clothes off and, while you nurse a baby's bottle full of fresh milk, I show you how I use to diaper myself." "Look Sandy okay! I mean I'm sorry already. I really am!" Chuck said to Sandy's back. He was pleading when he repeated himself. "You coming or not?" Sandy said without turning around. When there was no answer from Chuck Sandy added: "Fine. See you in school Monday. Listen, if you want, I can use whatever girls name you like and you can chose any one of those pictures that shows your face for the school paper. You don't have to decide now, just let me know on the bus." "Okay, okay!" Chuck said climbing the fence and landing on the stump. Sandy never slowed nor did she turn around but she did smile. Chuck's speed was slower as if the world would change before he got to Sandy's door. It didn't as she stood aside for him to enter from the patio. Chuck saw the dress and slip first hanging from satin covered hangers off the molding between the kitchen and dining room. The open blanket with the diaper and next to that a pair of semi- opaque plastic pants sat waiting and Chuck saw those next as he moved into the kitchen more. Sandy was already holding that baby's bottle of milk she'd talked about. "Sandy please!" Chuck said. "Gosh, that sounds just like me that day. Remember? Please Chuck! Please don't tell anyone." Sandy said and then added: "You've still got your clothes on Little Missy!" 'No quarter given, none expected!' Chuck thought to himself. It was the yell he and his friends gave when they split up to play paint ball. Sandy was not going to give him any slack and all he could hope for was that she'd grow tired of humiliating him before he fell apart. That humiliation began the instant he started undressing. She just stood there watching. Watching with a smirk and holding that baby's bottle. "Okay precious! Take this and go ahead and lay over your diaper for mommy. You can start nursing on it when you're comfy." Sandy said as she handed Chuck the EvenFlo baby's bottle with the pink cap holding the nipple on. He moved to the blanket, knelt down then sat before laying back. Undressing had been hard to do but spreading his legs was harder still and it got worse as he had to start taking in the milk that dripped down his throat. "Oh this is so cool!" Sandy said kneeling between Chuck's legs as she slipped on a pair of latex gloves. Chuck's body more or less ignored the humiliation his mind registered and Sandy laughed as she sprinkled more baby powder on Chuck as she added: "Obviously this isn't going to be as bad as you've made it out to be." Chuck closed his eyes. "Okay, lots of baby powder is the key to staying dry precious. Now then, what I like doing first is drawing the diaper back and forth just a little so it gathers between the legs. When that's done I bring it up between the legs then wiggle it a little more like this! It gathers nicely when you do that. Oh, you can't see. Anyway I'm sure you can feel it can't you. Okay, I can describe this for you just as easily. "Anyway, once you've got all that plushy cotton gathered between the baby's legs you snugly pull it to the baby's stomach like this. See how it forms that classic puffy little "V" shape. Now that's a nearly perfect image. I like to start with the right side but you can start with either side. Just grab the back flap like this and smooth the front flap under like this and hold both with the tips of your fingers. "Feel that? You don't want to pull the first side to tight or you'll offset the diaper when you pin the second side. So a good rule of thumb is draw it closed with a knuckle between the baby's side and her little diaper. Then pin it closed. I'm using pink diaper pins with little bunnies on them. They are really cute. Want to see? No? Okay, that's alright precious. You can see them later. These are safety diaper pins because they click into a grove that keeps them from popping undone. "That's really important when you're skipping rope or playing hopscotch. Anyway, you do the second side the same way making sure the diaper is just snug around the little girls waist. Josh I'm pretty good at this. Chuck, really you should see this. Come on honey open your pretty little eyes. It's your first diaper!" Sandy said causing Chuck to open and look. His legs were still apart because Sandy was still between them and he was looking at a puffy "V" and those pink tipped diaper pins. He'd nurse about an eight of his baby bottle when he removed it from his mouth. "Ta ta baby. Keep that bottle in till all of your milk is gone." Sandy said as she guided his hand holding it back towards his mouth before she added: "Baby pants next!" "These are very noisy so you'll have to ignore that when you're moving about. I never wore these to school for that reason but I had to wear them for a rash a few times. You'll like the feel of them I'm sure and once you have your little dress on and that pretty slip the taffeta will hide the rustle of you're panties. Anyway, put your feet in sweets and mommy will get you all snug as a bug in a rug." Sandy said holding the up slightly after moving out a little so Chuck could move his legs. She guided the pink plastic pants over one foot then the other and drew them along to his knees before he planted his feet and lifted his bottom. Chuck felt the diaper ease away a little but tug at the back as he moved. He could also feel the cotton bunching up between his thighs as Sandy worked the panties up and over it. "Gosh I was big back then. I may have to start using two diapers on you." Sandy said as the baby pants went over the back before he settled to the floor again. "Okay precious, now it's safe to wet if you need to. Just lay there and I'll get your little girl shoes. I'm going to use my big girl Mary Jane shoes because the little girl ones will be too small. It's okay though because these are strapped just like my little ones only they've got a slight heel. No big deal and with your pretty lace socks you should look just as adorable. Here, I'll show you." Sandy said grabbing a lace sock trimmed in pink. Chuck was nearly half way through the bottle when Sandy had him stand. He was expecting the slip until she said: "I'm guessing you want to see how you look don't you? Of course you do. Come on and I'll let you use the mirror in my room. This way you can also hear the baby pants before you're slips cover the noise. Here, let me have the bottle and you can nurse the pacifier for awhile." Chuck led Sandy towards her room when she suddenly said: "I guess Little Miss Waddles was accurate back then wasn't it. I mean you've got a cute little waddle yourself sweets." Chuck didn't turn around and continued down the hall to Sandy's room when she suddenly said: "Oh look! There. There on my bed! Ruffled panties! I almost forgot about those. Here precious I'll let you wear those over you diaper and baby pants. Given how you were dress at the house I'm sure these are going to delight you to no end. Come on, lift a foot. That's it. Gosh this is so fun. I wish we'd done this sooner." "Isn't that a sight to behold?" Sandy said over Chuck's left shoulder. He didn't want to look but he didn't want to see into Sandy's eyes either and if there was any up side he was thrilled over those panties and how well her black patent strapped shoes felt on. His humiliation was still there but other forces were coming into play as she patted the ruffles from behind before taking his hand. "Time for you little dress." Humiliation can foster all sorts of negative feelings but that wasn't the case in Chuck's case. Oh, he was humiliated and way beyond what he'd imagined when he thought about being caught but that was no longer the strongest emotion. That slip did rustle and it had far more layers and gathers than his sisters. Taffeta segmented into three layers sewn together with a layer of chiffon that was trimmed in a wide lace. Each section smaller than the last till those petticoats joined the bodice of the slip. That too was taffeta and laced even around the neckline and he adored that little pink bow. She toyed with the nylon straps bringing the slips side to just under his arms and he felt wonderfully giddy as she played with the layers around him. "You really do like this don't you?" Sandy asked but no longer in a mocking tone. She even took hold of his pacifier and removed it giving him a chance to answer. Chuck didn't look straight at her and said: "Yes." "So it's not much of a punishment all of a sudden is it?" Sandy said moving around to stand directly in front of him. "No!" Chuck said keeping his eyes on the floor. "But you don't like the diaper and those plastic pants do you?" Sandy asked softly. "Not really." Chuck said moving a leg and fibbing a little as the nylon of the panties, pushed outward by the thick diaper, played against his thighs. "You do like the diaper don't you?" Sandy said more curious than condemning. "A little." Chuck said. "You know, you really hurt me that summer!" Sandy said lifting Chuck's face. "I know and I did feel bad about it. It's why I never told anyone. I am sorry. I was such as ass." Chuck said with his chin still gripped by Sandy's hand. "You were and it made me feel worse because I liked you." Sandy said. "You did?" Chuck asked. "Right from the start." Sandy added. "I use to love watching you play in those fancy dresses your mother made for you." Chuck said letting caution go out the door. "Remember that one?" Sandy asked. "No. I mean I'm not sure." Chuck said looking that the layer bubble gum pink party dress and it's gathered skirts and slips sewn into the design. "I had another one like that in yellow." Sandy said. "I remember the yellow one." Chuck said. "Want to wear that one instead?" Sandy asked. "No! I mean maybe. I mean that pink one is very pretty." Chuck said honestly but almost in a panic that he wouldn't get to wear it. "You can wear the yellow one later if you want?" Sandy said letting go of Chuck's chin and moving to the dress. "I'd like that?" Chuck said in a voice that slipped into a softer tone. "You've been doing this for a long time haven't you?" Sandy asked as she undid the sash and worked on the buttons at the back. "Yes!" Chuck said. "I'm still going to make you wear diapers for awhile!" Sandy said forcing herself to sound angry. "Okay." Chuck said passively. "And you'll have to take a bottle now and then?" Sandy said testing the new waters she found herself treading in. "Okay." Chuck said in that same tone. "But not all the time!" Sandy said smiling as the anger slipped away. "I don't mind." Chuck said no longer caring what Sandy might think. "I know!" Sandy said sounding far more adult all of a sudden before asking: "Do you like dolls?" "Yes." Chuck said feeling his face flush at his confession. "Mom made matching dresses for my Betsy Wetsy doll. Want to play with her?" Sandy asked as she gathered the dress to slip it over Chuck's head. "Okay. Chuck said letting that little girl within have free rain all of a sudden. "Do you have a name? I mean have you ever thought of a girl's name?" Sandy asked. "Cindy!" Chuck said. "Well Cindy! Let's get you into your little dress then go find Betsy Wetsy and that boxes of dresses. Can't be a little girl without a doll right?" Sandy said suddenly excited over the prospect of whatever it was that had hold of her. "Okay." Chuck said from underneath the layers of satin and tulle and chiffon that fell over his head. Chuck's head appeared as his arms came out of the puffed sleeves and Sandy's face was near his. He was looking at her now and she looked back not so much confused as in a sudden daze. The kiss was experimental, soft, gentle but growing firmer before their mouths parted. It was almost evening when Sandy walked Chuck back towards his house. He'd worn the pink dress for a short time, then changed into the yellow one and finally ended up as Cinderella from a Halloween costume and bridal slip. He'd worn panties in the yellow one but Sandy diapered him again after time spent on the floor with her and Betsy Wetsy. Sandy adored the diapers she'd said after Chuck diapered Betsy. "I can't believe this?" Sandy said as they neared the gate. "What?" Chuck asked pausing when Sandy did. "I'm dating a guy that likes dressing like my Betsy Wetsy doll!" Sandy said. "Well, I'm falling for Little Miss Waddles so we're even." Chuck said bending in to kiss Sandy and Sandy kissed back before breaking off. "That's Ms. Waddles to you Cindy Sue!" Sandy said with a light slap over chuck's jeans and the ruffled panties she insisted he wear home. "Yes Ms. Waddles!" Chuck said jumping a little from the slap and giving a poor version of a curtsey as he did so. "That's better!" Sandy said before adding: "And we need to work on that curtsey!" "Okay. Can I ask what you are going to do with those pictures?" Chuck asked as he lifted the gates handle. "Start an album silly. Do you have any idea how many dresses I had as a little girl?" Sandy said as she moved a finger over the lob of his right ear.

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by julee [email protected] @)~%~;'~`~ I was staring in the window of a Victoria's Secret when I saw Billy Mills' reflection. He was approaching with a tall redheaded girl. They stopped and Billy laughed at me. "Shopping for your girlfriend, dude?" he said. I almost laughed but then he said, "Or your boyfriend?" He didn't know about my female life. I put on my best male voice and said, "At least I buy my dates something." "Think you're funny, little wiseass?"...

3 years ago
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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 5 Paying the PiperChapter 6 Advance to Contact

The next week passed with me going over in my mind moves to inflict the most damage on Martin Hodge in the shortest possible time. I also needed to make arrangements to obviate serving a long spell as a guest of Her Majesty. My defence stratagem was planned, but I required a top notch defence lawyer to bring the plan to fruition. As ever when I was in a bind I called on Harry Ledbetter. He was now a Lieutenant Colonel at the Ministry of Defence in Whitehall. In fact his spell in...

3 years ago
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The Affair pt 2

PART TWOJulie had been away on a business trip for a few days. We chatted briefly every evening around supper time while she was out of town. It sounded like she was having a good trip. She told me that the meetings were rather involved and that they were wearing her down. When she got home, everything got back into its usual rhythm. We would make love once a week in our usual manner. Yes, I was experiencing some guilt for having slept with Diane but I did everything I could to hide that fact....

1 year ago
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BangPOV Macey Jade Macey Gets Freaky

Today we have the lovely Macey Jade here to meet Preston for the first time. She saw an ad online that we needed some new sexy girls for porn videos, and she felt like she fit the job description. We couldn’t agree more. Her big tits and nice ass speak for themselves. She shows off her amazing body and gives Preston an amazing blowjob. She rubs her tits all over his dick and then he fucks her like never before. He really likes this girl, teasing her with some soft and passionate strokes...

2 years ago
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The Absent HeroChapter 5 Rachel

Mom and I drove to school and I helped her to her office. She thanked me and told me that the basketball team should have a meeting after school. I told her I would let everyone know and would see her later. "Call my cell if you need me ok?" I told her. "I should be ok but I will if I need you. Thanks sweetie" she replied. I ran into Cindy in my first class and had her help pass the word on to everyone. Luckily Cindy came through her ordeal without problems. I guess she wasn't...

1 year ago
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The cab dropped her at the entrance of the huge house, mansion really, and was now gone. Laurel checked her make up one last time before walking up to the front door and pushing the small black button next to the door. She thought she looked good and had certainly tried to look like someone they'd want to cast in their film. The announcement had asked for a look a little on the wild side but not too wild, so Laurel had tried to come up with the right half slutty, half girl next door...

1 year ago
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Kontrolle dem der es verdient

In dieser Geschichte geht es um Rache, gnadenlose, unnachgiebige BDSM Rache. Dies wird ermöglicht durch Isabel, dem Racheengel. Sie verleiht Menschen die es, in ihren Augen, verdient haben. Im Hauptstrang der Geschichte geht es um Sophia Berger, sie ist eine 18 jährige Gymnasiastin ein Jahr vor ihrem Abschluss. Sie ist Bildhübsch, aber sehr schüchtern und vorallem Prüde. Dies ging der Clique rund um Henrik mächtig auf die Nerven, sie locken Sophia in eine Falle und erbeuten Erpressungsmaterial...

4 years ago
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Her first bbc pt 2

Rob came to the table and sat down next to k and ask is all in agreement to the rules? We both said yes rob said good now lets go to our room k will ride with me and you will follow when we stood up rob told k to raise her skirt for the walk out without a question k raised her skirt and t they went with me following like a little puppy. I was hardly able to keep up with Rob a we went across town to another motel Rob had already rented a roo #66 inside was a king-sized bed and a chair...

2 years ago
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Girl Next Door

When Greg and Shelia bought their home in the suburbs of Southern California five years ago, they were delighted with their purchase. Their neighborhood was quiet, and when they eventually had kids, it would be a perfect place to bring them up. They had great neighbors, with the exception of the dysfunctional family to their right, the Samsons. Nobody in the neighborhood liked the Samsons. The kids were always running around in dirty clothes and the parents didn't seem to give a shit what was...

3 years ago
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I went to bed early, needing to get up early for practice. I typed “Good night Little Sis. I had a great time with you today” On our still open chat, while I was getting ready for bed. I turned the computer to be sure she could see me sleeping, and setting the alarm for 4:45am, went to bed naked. I woke up to the alarm, a hard on greeting me. I’m sure Rachel had something to do with that (remembering disjointed images of her from my dreams). I got up, stumbled to my computer, and...

4 years ago
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A Revenge Saga Chapter 2

“Aditi?” Devansh walked up to the stranger with the question,”Ah! I thought I saw you!!” he added sounding all thrilled. Aditi turned, the initial look of the puzzle on her face gave way to an expression as blank as a plain piece of paper and then a tired smile flashed across her face. “Oh! Hi Devansh!!” she replied. Silence. They just looked at each other for what looked like an eternity. Devansh was at a loss for words. What could he possibly say to her after all this time?Finally, Aditi...

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Kendall Baxter was used to being passed over for a lot of things in life. Having always been the smallest boy in class and presenting few signs of masculinity in his facial features or physique he was often mistaken for a girl, and a young girl at that. At 17 he had finished high school graduating in the top 10 in his class and a college scholarship had provided him with the path to degrees in Music, Performing Arts and Literature. It was other parts of his life which had challenged and...

3 years ago
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Daves Australian OdysseyChapter 35 Cunnamulla to Blackall

Saturday Week 13 Dave decided to give the girls some space, so went for another bike ride before breakfast. He would have liked to have been a fly on the wall, because he figured that Wendy was going to tell Kellie what had happened yesterday afternoon and why she had left the light on while she made love to Kellie. He found out later that afternoon that he was right. When he got back, there didn't seem to be any problem and Kellie was happily preparing breakfast for them. It was almost...

2 years ago
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Loosening Up Book 3 GrowthChapter 17 Awkward

Alice was unembarrassed. She said to Joan Coswell, “Well, if you want to talk about sex that covers a pretty broad spectrum of things. Are you interested in technique, lifestyle, emotions, relationships, variations, types, location, physiology, kinkiness, toys, shows, clubs, or what?” Joan whispered, “All of it, and what you think about it. I don’t know what questions to ask, and I’m not even sure whether this is the right subject, but for now it might be.” Alice threw her head back and...

3 years ago
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Ines Bouquet 1 Hero Ines Floral Arrangement The Beginning

Ine's Bouquet 1 - Hero Ine's Floral Arrangement: The Beginning By Enbreeze Ine looked again up at Earth. She (for there was no better word for a genderless creature with her traits) looked on Earth with sadness in her heart. She loved the Earthians. Every one of them. She had helped bring them into existence long ago, but her memories of that had faded in time - and she welcomed this as it kept her mind fresh but her unspoken, unrecalled knowledge powerfully present. Upon...

1 year ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 79 The wheels on the bus go

What sort of torture are they going to push us through now? I know I am actually tired and want some sleep. So what if my body doesn’t really need it to recharge. Upstairs they had us all get into segregated seating. It made sense because there were now about half the girls that had gone topless or wearing a pajama top with only a bottom button buttoned. Most of their tits could be seen, If they saw someone looking that they wanted to let have a good look, they would move or pull their...

3 years ago
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The Hawk and The ChipmunkChapter 41

That same Sunday morning things were much more laid back in the Del Coronado suite presently occupied by Hawk and Maria. They’d fallen asleep in each others’ arms after their second time of making love, and they were still that way when Hawk’s body alarm said it was time to stir. When he slipped out from under his wife the damp coldness on his butt told him the bed was soaked. Hawk made his way to the bathroom to relieve his bladder and brush his teeth. When he returned Maria was on the...

2 years ago
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Fantasy becomes reality

(This story has been co-written by myself and a lovely member of Lush called Davie . It has been written from 2 points of view. I had been a member of Lush for only 6 weeks and already I had clicked with someone. The chats were heating up and I knew where I wanted it to go but did he? I turned on the computer in anticipation; everyday was the same, the buzz of turning on the computer and checking your messages. Had that special person been on and left me a message? I lived for a message from...

Oral Sex
4 years ago
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The Ring of ControlChapter 8

Now that my insight into the actual power of the ring, as I perceived it, was settled; I started to fix lunch. I had planned on just sandwiches, but then I thought that it would be a great treat for Brie, to fix her favorite lunch: macaroni and cheese with Spam. Why she liked it, I have no idea, but she did. Mom would keep the fixings in the pantry for this dish, just so Brie could have it. The funny thing was, that after about three or four times, I started to like it myself. Of course, Bea...

1 year ago
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My first time with a complete stranger

After eating, we went up to my room. I told him he could take a shower and freshen up, because "I take long showers" I said. He took me up on the offer. He was done quickly and came out with a towel around him. He had a great body. Nice six pack...defined pecs! I told him he could use the phone and call home to let them know that he will be coming tomorrow! It was early summer in the early 80s, about the time colleges are finishing spring semester and summer breaks are beginning. I had just...

2 years ago
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Like Mother Like Son 10

Thanks to Victor G for his editing and inspiration. I'd also like to thank Faith for her friendship. **************** Chapter 10 **************** I woke up Thursday morning with a pair of aching lungs, the result of keeping pace with my mother and her friends by matching them cigarette for cigarette. Some day, I thought, when I'm living as Nancy on a more permanent basis, I won't feel this way. But for now I'll just have to grin and bare it. The memory of hanging out with...

3 years ago
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A Classy Lady

Story by: calm27 at [email protected] ------------------------------------- F-m /consensual / D/s / humiliation / slavery / exhibition / spanking / watersports / serious Synopsis : A man falls head over heals for a distinguished looking women. Fascinated by her elegance and beauty, he finds out soon enough that she is a temptress looking only to have him as her pet slave.                                                                                                             A Classy lady...

1 year ago
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My Girls IIThe End Of Cycles The Beginning Of KnowledgeChapter 20

The trip to Iraq was a long one. I don't remember how many hours, but it was long. Military transports are not the most luxurious way to travel anyway. After several stops, and many hours, I arrived. Much better, right? Wrong! It was hot. Well, what did I expect; it was a desert, right? Still, it was hot even for a desert. By this time, I was beginning to question my sanity for coming here. These guys could take care of what needed to be done without me looking over their shoulders. But, it...

1 year ago
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Dealing With Aunt Delilah

Dealing With Aunt Delilah By Eric Who was inspired by Dale's great picture and caption. Chapter 1 Her Aunt Delilah was smiling sweetly at her as she approached Janet with the scissors but the old woman had a dreadful eagerness behind the smile. Why had she agreed to such madness? WHY? Janet wondered. Janet's mind flashed back a week ago when her father called her and her mother and two brothers into his study. To their surprise they found him almost tearing his head...

2 years ago
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The Adventures with my Son and his girl friend Chapter 1

Being a single mother and working full time as most know makes it really hard to have a social life with friends. I have been supporting my son and I for 10 years. But now Jon is 18 just graduated high school, and getting ready to head off to college across the country. He is very smart, attractive and has an amazing girlfriend, named Allison who will be going away to college with him. As Jon has grown up I have noticed myself becoming more and more sexually attracted to him. I have always...

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BigTitsRoundAsses Ashlyn Peaks Insanely Huge Natural Tits

You’re going to want to suck, fuck, and share Ashlyn Peaks tits with your homies. They’re so big its amazing Danny Steele can even get his hands around them. Seriously her tits are so big they’re like a dream come true. Not to mention she has a big fat ass too perfect for hitting from behind. Danny Steele fucks her hard and her humps and lumps jiggle all over his cock like an earthquake of sexual pleasure. She sucks and fucks his dick with her tits, and eventually he cums all...

4 years ago
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Jill had Tim tied with his hands above his head and he was naked. She had his legs spread wide and she was jerking his nine inch cock. She also was naked and would sometimes rub a tit against him. She would stroke his cock just to the point of him cumming then she would stop. She then grabbed his balls with one hand and began rubbing his nipples with the other. As she began to suck on his nipples she squeezed his balls tight. His balls were large and hard. He was so sexy and she loved...

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my first blond

my first experiance with a blond was at f******n and i liked it so much in now only fuck blond men. My friend was also f******n at the time, we both went to scouts and as friends do we both went to each others houses. I didnt realise he was gay until my first experiance with him. I went round his because he asked me to, he didnt give me a reason but i went anyway. His parents were out he answered the front door i nothing but a very sexy pair of y fronts. Pulling me in by my tshirt he forced me...

1 year ago
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Julia held the letter I'd sent her in her hands. Well, it was more like an explanatory note, as I had just given it to her. It was a couple of pages, as I wanted to fully explain what I was thinking and give details about the offer. She'd had it a couple of days, long enough to think about it before we met. I was nervous, as I often got in tense situations. That's one reason I'd written out the note, so I could word it correctly to provide all the right information and express...

2 years ago
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The horny bank official

Hello, this is Arman back again . This is a true story about my encounter with a bank official. First ill describe myself. I’m 24 t. Thanks for the response for the previous stories . I would need more response from horny mature ladies to post some more exiting events of mine . . I am 5.9″ tall with a muscular build. Now of my girl. Her name is Gurjit. She is around 30 years old. She arrived from Punjab 10 years ago, so she still has an accent. But she is so sexy. She is 5’4″, has black hair,...

1 year ago
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The Day That Changed Everything

Ree is 22yrs. old and two months from her marrage, her and her mother stef were checking the last fitting of the wedding dress things were going great till her moms phone rang it was a text and when stef seen it her face turn red she went to another room and called someone, Ree came out to show stef the dress and the sales women told her where she was Ree started to turn the corner when she hear (BUT HONEY I CAN'T JUST LEAVE NOW --YES I DO LOVE IT AND WANT IT MORE THEN ANYTHING --- BABY PLEASE...

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EvilAngel Kiara Lord Gaping Anal Girl

Voluptuous, redheaded Euro-Babe Kiara Lord shows off her curvaceous bod in a flower print summer dress. She strips naked and slides a clear butt plug into her sphincter. Director/stud David Perry twists the toy in her tight aft porthole. He quickly whips out his big cock for Kiara to swallow. David fingers her cunt while she gives him a lusty blowjob. In the stairwell, he bends her over for a buttfuck! David feeds Kiara his tasty cock ass-to-mouth. She sits on his pole, and then he spoon-fucks...

2 years ago
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My Man Went To Jail

Every day away from him has been torture and today I finally broke. I had tried to pleasure myself all week, and I just couldn't seem to get into it. I tried putting my fingers in my pussy and using lube and all kinds of toys.. Nothing seemed to work.. I just couldn't bring myself to cum without my husband helping me. He called me today, and started talking very dirty to me on the phone, and as he spoke, I felt my pussy lips swelling and I started to really get wet... My juicy pussy was...

1 year ago
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The SongbirdChapter 7

Cate Gradually over the next few weeks bookings came in and time became a precious commodity. Steve and his musicians were in demand for studio sessions, I was still getting bookings for Rock concerts and we had to get together to rehearse and refine our performance as Kat Lacey and the Stela Swing band. The visit I had promised Jack was put back time and again. He was golden about it. Constantly re-assuring me when I yet again phoned him to put off our few days together, that it was o.k....

1 year ago
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A Helping Hand

My Neighbor & I : Interracial Anal QuickieMy Neighbor & I : Interracial Anal QuickieLauryn was my next door neighbor. We didn't really say much to each other, other than the usual "Hi" whenever we saw each other outside. All this happened a few weeks ago.It was a normal Friday afternoon and I just got home after running errands. I walked up to my door and I was just about to get my keys out when Lauryn stepped out of her house."Hi there!" She said."Hey!" I replied, my attention now...

4 years ago
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Meeting Auntie8217s Desires

My name is Jona, age 24, short person with big and hard cock from Andhra. This is my second real story posted to ISS. This story shares my erotic experience with a young neighbor aunt. This incident took place before 2 months back. I attended one program where this aunt also came. We had good photo session. I uploaded the pic in Facebook. One evening my neighbor aunt told me to tag her in the pic. I told her that I don’t have her mail id. She gave her id. Through fb we became close friends. She...

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