Felicity Ch. 27 free porn video

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‘I need a pussy right here,’ Larry said as he pointed directly at his face. He was naked on his back on the floor at his girlfriend Rita’s apartment in a mini orgy with his friend Andy and his girlfriend Doris.

He was mildly surprised when it was Doris’ pussy that was being lowered to his mouth but he did not hesitate eating it. He accepted all of her instructions and urgings until she had an orgasm.

It had been his first time to eat pussy and decided it was OK.

It was then that he noticed his girlfriend Rita was now fucking Andy with a strap-on. He mentally shrugged his shoulders and resumed eating pussy and got Doris to two more orgasms. By then he had decided that he liked eating pussy.

Doris slid her pussy down his body and slid his cock into her.

Rita was now fucking Andy’s ass hard. He seemed to be enjoying it very much.

Larry worried about what Andy would think about he fucking Doris but decided he had no case to be jealous since Rita was pounding his butt.

Doris’ fifth cum triggered his first. He then did something he had always wanted to do. He wrapped Doris in his arms holding her tightly to him and kissed her passionately.

Doris reacted to it like she had just been given an unexpected fabulous gift and rained kisses on him.

Rita had never allowed him to do that. She did not cuddle.

As soon as Doris rolled off him Rita stopped fucking Andy and dove for Doris’ cum filled pussy.

After catching his breath Larry went to the kitchen to get a coke. Andy was there and asked him if he ever got the same treatment from Rita.

‘No, she has asked but I have not been curious enough. I take it you like it.’

‘A lot more than expected’

Larry had kept secret that he had been fucked by guys before. All had payed for the privilege.

He wondered if Andy was gay.

The two couples had been friends since their last meeting with their parole officer and their counselor, mostly because all four were nerds.

They were angry and disrespectful nerds that had been smacked down all their lives. They were each other’s only friends, or rather their only companions.

Andy and he had fucked both girls but it had mostly been Larry and Rita and Doris and Andy. It was likely because of their height, Larry was the tallest so he ended up with the tallest girl, Rita.

Larry took a chance and asked Andy to stay with Rita that night. He was going home.

‘Will you walk Doris home for me?’

‘If she doesn’t want to stay, sure.’

Five minutes later Larry had dressed and waved at Andy and Rita and then began to walk away. Doris followed him.

‘Andy told me you were walking me home. Have you switched girlfriends?’

‘I don’t know. He told me he likes how Rita plays so I told him to stay if he wanted to. I expected you to stay too.’

‘Oh, sorry.’

‘No, no. My favorite part of tonight was with you,’ Larry quickly said. ‘If we just accidentally traded girls I am happy with that.’

She gave him a big grin, took his hand in hers then followed him into his apartment. He fixed them both a snack and a soft drink and kissed.

Neither spoke as they became nude.

They went to bed and she sucked his cock back to hardness then straddled him, sank her pussy over his cock, and gave him a long kiss.

‘I had always thought we had the wrong partner. Rita is mostly gay and I love a nice cock in my pussy. Don’t say anything to anyone but Andy’s cock is not reliable and he will not eat pussy.

You do know your cock is bigger than his, it feels very nice in me.

You have a new girlfriend.’

Her fuck was long and slow. Her kisses were deep and passionate.

If he had not cum in her before he would not have lasted very long. He also knew she had lied to him. She did that a lot with everyone except their chef.

Doris began to cum about every five minutes. He knew the first was faked but the rest were real. Doris was apparently very surprised by his stamina.

After twenty minutes she increased her speed and began to cum every two minutes or so. Six minutes later she was fucked out.

He had not cum.

She rested for a few minutes as she kissed him then slid down his body until his cock was in her mouth.

‘Tell me how you like it,’ she said.

‘Slowly,’ he said.

‘Tell me just before,’ she said.

He did but she ignored his warning and took his cum in her mouth.

They walked to the bathroom together and he expected her to spit it out but learned she had swallowed.

He kissed her then offered his toothbrush to her.

She giggled and said he had done that backwards, brush first then kiss. Before she brushed he kissed her again.

She moaned.

‘You are my first by the way, the first in my mouth, the first to cum in my mouth, and the first to swallow. Keep giving me multiple orgasms and you will get more blowjobs.’

‘I will always try to give you multiple orgasms and you do not need to give me blowjobs.’

She was stunned, she suddenly knew she had made a mistake. He knew she had lied to him. She kissed him and left the bathroom.

According to Andy she was sucking him off often. He wondered why she had claimed he was the first. Maybe she understood she had lost Andy and did not want to be alone.

After he brushed he was happy to see she was in his bed even if she appeared to be asleep. He cuddled to her and kissed her shoulder.

‘Did Andy tell you I sucked him off?’

‘I am fine with that, you were a couple.’

‘But you think I lied to you.’

He did not answer. He did kiss her shoulder again.

Her face showed chagrin, which was soon followed by a very sad smile. She knew she had fucked up.

‘I apologize. I know all guys love blowjobs and want to be the first to cum in a girl’s mouth. Andy is no different and he was not my first. I will leave in the morning and you will not be bothered by me again.’

He rolled her over to face him. He gave her a soft kiss and said, ‘I have been lied to all my life and you have been too. Let’s just promise to never lie to each other and see where it leads us.’

‘What? You want to stick with me?’

‘Until one of us gets sick of the other. We work the same shift at the same place so getting away from each other may be difficult. But you are the cutest girl I know so why not give it a try?’

Her smile for him was hesitant at first but she saw he was serious. With a brilliant smile she said, ‘OK but lets not fall in love. That would be messy.’

‘Agreed, fuck buddies would be great. Maybe a little more. No, strike that.’

‘A little more would be nice.’

She kissed him and turned away from him as she wrapped his arm around her. He softly caressed a tit.

The next morning was a Saturday. Neither was in a hurry to do anything so they cuddled, took a shower, then went back to bed and fucked.

They were cuddling when she said, ‘Lets rent kayaks and go fishing.’

He looked at her as if she was crazy. Andy had complained about her ‘fishing fetish’ and had never gone out with her.

He saw she expected him to decline.

Larry said, ‘OK.

She was genuinely elated and jumped on him and buried his face with kisses.

After she loaned him one of her fishing rods they got sub sandwiches and cokes. They rented kayaks and paddled into the bay. For a while they followed a large stingray until they saw a school of spotted sea trout. They each caught several but kept only one each.

Unaware of their witnesses they laughed and kissed often. They were the only ones on their planet.

One of their witnesses however was their chef. She was at a bay front restaurant where her daughter was assistant manager.

She asked her husband, ‘You think they are in love?’
< br> ‘Absolutely,’ her husband said.

When her daughter came by she asked her the same question and got the same reply.

‘I hope it sticks,’ she added.

‘It’s likely their time,’ her Mom said. ‘Both work for me and have been crazy for each other for a while but had no clue. They are both rescued kids that have done very well. Michelle is going to go crazy when I tell her.’

Larry went to Doris’ apartment with her and in her kitchen they prepared the fish just as they did at work and ate them with some rice and carrots.

Larry had been in her apartment before and had always liked her decor. It was a cheerful place in contrast with his, Andy or Rita’s place. The only thing Larry had on his walls was his diploma from culinary school. The other two had blank walls.

Doris had her culinary school diploma and some interesting wildlife prints including a big photo of a whale surfacing amid three kayakers. Larry knew that two of the three people in the photo lived in town but he did not know them.

After dinner they cleaned up the dishes and took a quick shower. It was quick because she had an orgasm in less than two minutes after he began to eat her pussy.

They returned to bed and he fucked her tenderly until they enjoyed simultaneous orgasms. They slept with arms and legs entangled for an hour or so.

He was eating her pussy as she awoke.

After an intense orgasm she tried to suck his cock but he stopped her and said, ‘Let’s go dancing.’

She was again drowning him in kisses.

He thought she had already surpassed the number of kisses he had received his entire life.

Larry went home to dress but came back ten minutes later with clothes on hangers and a box.

She smiled at him and said, ‘Damn good idea.’

She then saw he had brought his work uniform.

‘Fucking great idea,’ she said and kissed him hard.

They did not work until Tuesday.

As they went past their restaurant they noticed that there was a dance exhibition in progress. They had heard the boss did that but had never seen it so they stopped and watched as she and her husband heated the place up with a Cha-cha.

As they applauded their boss ran to them and kissed each cheek.

‘I am happy to see you two have come to your senses.’

Their boss was quickly in the midst of fans so they took the escalator upstairs. Larry and Doris wondered how she would have known they had started dating.

They were unaware they were holding hands and had done so all day.

As he paid their cover charge somebody asked them if they worked in the kitchen downstairs. They said yes and soon had VIP passes. They got their entry fee back.

They danced for hours, made new friends. They shared with others their panic when an order for empanadillas came on their chefs first day but with her guidance they made them anyway.

They were exhausted well before closing time so they went to her place and made love.

They agreed it was the best date either had ever been on.

They agreed it was the best day they could remember ever having in their lives.

They thought it would be prudent if they stopped there.

They went to the long pier on Sunday and fished. He caught a small shark but cut his line before lifting it out of the water. Doris looked at him quizzically and he explained, ‘We don’t want the tourist to realize they are swimming with sharks.’

She gave him a long kiss.

Doris caught a flounder big enough for both of their dinners, they went home and cleaned the fish then put it in a marinade Larry had prepared. As the fish marinated they showered then made love.

That coupling lasted longer than all their others combined as they gave themselves to each other.

Had anyone been watching they would have confirmed they were madly in love with each other.

That they were in love never entered their minds.

Both however loved the flounder, they could taste the spices of the marinade and Larry had added a sumptuous sauce.

After they ate they cleaned up the kitchen, then fucked.

Well, it began as a fuck but by the end they were making love.

Neither had noticed that for all through two days not as much as five minutes had elapsed between kisses. Many others had.

On Monday Rita came to see him at his apartment and told him that Andy had moved in with her. She asked if he was OK with that. He smiled and kissed her then said, ‘As long as you don’t hurt him too much.’

‘She laughed and said, ‘It is only pretend hurt. It really turns us both on.’

When Rita left Doris came out of the bathroom and said, ‘There are other lies I need to confess to you. Andy’s cock works well just not for very long. He does eat pussy.

My cums came when he ate my pussy after he ejaculated in me. I think he likes the taste of cum. When I gave him blowjobs I kept his cum in my mouth and he would sweep it out with his tongue.’

‘Did you like that?’

‘You know, this telling the truth thing is tough. I have always lied to people when they showed interest in me.

Yes, I liked it. When you were filling my mouth I wanted you to do it but I worried how you would react so I swallowed, which really was a first for me. I was very surprised when you kissed me twice before I brushed my teeth.’

‘Did Rita fuck you with the strap-on?’

‘Yes, often. Did she fuck you with it?’

‘No but I knew she wanted to. She is an impatient lover, she wants her orgasms but does not appear to get any from her thingy. Weird.’ he said.

She gave him a kiss that may have revealed too much. Larry loved the kiss but broke it off before she did, he did not want to reveal too much.

They eventually remembered that they were in his apartment because he was moving in with her and resumed packing.

Two months later they moved out of the apartment complex and rented a town house that was bigger then their apartments combined and a much better kitchen. I was also much more quiet.

It cost them less than their apartments combined did and a lot less in electricity. Their available spending money increased by more than their last raise did/

It made financial sense but neither thought of that for long, they like being a couple and both wanted better for the other.

They got a new bed.

But soon both were afraid it had been a mistake. No one they had ever cared for in their life had stayed. They knew that if the other left them it would be the most painful loss they would ever have.

It took her first night of her period to calm her fears, he kissed and hugged her often and turned down all her offers of blowjobs and ass fucks. He hugged and kissed her and made her as comfortable as possible for the duration.

When her period ended she just ravished him continuously for the next two days.

He had decided he loved going fishing with her. She had accepted that he really did.

She loved to see him fly his model airplane and cried when she crashed it. He fixed it and helped her control it through a successful flight. She was very proud of herself.

He helped her when she decided to buy her own plane.

She helped him buy his own fishing rod.

They were both looking for reasons things could not possibly work between them. They had spent every minute of every day together for six months. They knew everything about each other.

Larry was a drunk but had not had a sip of alcohol in three years.

Doris had lied to everyone telling them what she thought they wanted to hear. She had fucked both of her last foster parents the day she became eighteen. They put her out six weeks later.

After he became eighteen he fucked his last foster Mom regularly. Her husband knew and sometimes watched. When he began to caress his ass while fucking the wife he left.

Each had lived
in a car for a year. Each had turned tricks for money. Both confessed to not minding that too much. Both learned homosexuals paid better. He learned not to mind sucking cocks or ass fucks with condoms.

Whatever each revealed about their past was forgiven and forgotten.

Neither lied to the other.

They made friends together, their new friends were couples, straight and gay.

He became a better dancer. She allowed him to rest between them, sometimes.

She got him to take out the trash without having to ask him. He got her to squeeze the tube of toothpaste from the bottom and to put the cap back on.

They fucked and made love every day except when she was suffering through her period. He continued to kiss and hold her.

He also continued to stop her from performing favors until she growled, ‘I want this!’ as she gripped his cock. He allowed that blowjob.

She was continually reminding herself he was a nerd more interested in creating the perfect sauce than anything else, except maybe loving her.

He reminded himself of her passion for fishing, for the sea, for deep frying fish. For making sure he knew he was loved.

Six months after they moved in together their inertia was nudged when after work their chef asked if they had told each other how much they were loved.

Neither spoke until they were in the shower. He looked at her and saw the water cascade down her face as her blonde hair plastered itself over it. He saw her smallish tits redirect the stream of water to his toes. He saw her blonde pubic hair seemingly shine with its own light.

He saw the way she looked at him.

She saw his gawky body, full of muscles no one else had kissed. She saw the perennially un-kept blonde hair that she would hang onto as he loved her pussy. She saw the beautiful full cock.

She saw how he was looking at her.

They kissed. ‘I love you,’ each said.

Each understood what they were hearing and saying was the truth.

They embraced.

She sobbed for a while as he kissed her softly.

The shower hid his tears but Doris felt them. She hugged him to her with all her might.

They left the shower. After they dried each other off they sat on their love seat and just stared at each other and kissed.

Doris then got her phone and called their chef. She got voice mail and said, ‘Hi, this is Doris. Thank you chef. Larry and I understand. We love you.’

She hung up and Larry said, ‘We need to get married, I’m pregnant.’

‘Oh, no. I was so careful. Wait. Is there another reason you think we should get married?’

‘Well, it is such a small thing.’

‘Tell me.’

‘I love you.’

She overwhelmed him with kisses then said, ‘I’ll think about it,’ then resumed her kiss assault.

The phone rang and Doris saw that the chef was calling back.

She answered with, ‘The lunatic told me I needed to marry him because he’s pregnant. I think he just trapped me into this.’

Doris paused until the chef stopped laughing then Martina said, ‘You must do the honorable thing. Come on over now. We will discuss the terms.’

‘We will be right there.’

‘The chef asked us to go to her house?’ Larry asked incredulously.

‘Yes. Now.’

The chef introduced them to her husband Adrian and a redhead named Wendy, the most popular and celebrated woman in town. Adrian and Wendy seemed to know all about them.

The chef told them that they were Wendy’s next project.

The two were too overwhelmed to say anything including asking ‘What project?’

Wendy asked, ‘Neither of you have parents?’

Both shook their head no.

To Doris she asked, ‘Do you have anyone that could walk you down the aisle?’

Again Doris shook her head no.

‘The good looking man there will handle that job. Do you have a maid of honor and bridesmaids in mind?’

Both suddenly realized that Wendy’s project was their wedding.

Again Doris shook her head no. She looked like she may burst into tears.

Their chef hugged her and said, ‘Everyone you need is or will shortly be in this house. They will be the exact people you would have chosen anyway. Neither of you is alone.’

The chef kissed Doris and she burst into tears. The redhead hugged and kissed her too.

The chef’s husband Adrian led Larry to the patio and offered him a beer. Larry timidly said, ‘If you have a coke…’

He soon had a coke in his hand and sat with him in his patio.

‘My wife has been very impressed with the two of you for a while. She knows both of you went from foster home to foster home. She knows you waited on tables to pay your own way through culinary school. She knows you were at the top of your classes. She knows both of you used to have run-ins with authorities often.

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The Visit

"Hi Mikey, thanks for coming, Mum ... I mean your Gran has been a bit agitated since she came back and keeps asking for Dan." "No problem Aunty Becky," I replied, hoping she couldn't read my mind over the past events which had brought me here to 'calm' Gran down. It had started a few weeks ago when I had been left to look after my Gran whilst she was on respite with my family to give Aunt Becky a break. Gran was suffering from a form of dementia which meant at certain stages she...

2 years ago
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Loosening Up Book 5 Major EventsChapter 24 Surprise Visitors

Dave thought about not answering his cellphone. He didn’t recognize the number on his caller ID but recognized the exchange as California. “Hello.” He was holding the phone away from his body since he’d just stepped out of a quick dip in the pool to rinse off his gamey body. He’d made one swipe with the towel. “Hi Dave. This is Julia Ann. I just got into Florida this morning from the west coast and I wanted to call and see if we could get together. You made a big impression on me when you...

1 year ago
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Caught Stealing and fed to Make a Deal

I was 18 and home from college for the summer. I got a job delivering groceries for a large supermarket. I had some regular customers who wanted me to leave their deliveries in their garage when they ordered all non-perishable items, which often happened. Beer, soda, snacks were common orders. One of these customers was Mr. ‘L.’ He was divorced, in his late 40s, average looking. He would always start conversations with me, and lately they were becoming explicit and definitely over the line....

2 years ago
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Diary of a fuckpig

It seems like i’ve only been asleep for five minutes when the alarm goes off.  i feel so tired but i have another long day ahead of me serving my Pimp as His transvestite whore and sex slave.  i run my fingers round my leather collar before throwing off the thin blanket which serves as my bed linen and start to get ready for another cycle of violent physical and sexual abuse.   Looking down at my bed it’s a wonder i manage to sleep at all – it’s just a thin foam mattress stained with blood,...

3 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 5 MichelleChapter 57 Inflection Points

February 4, 1992, Natick, Massachusetts It took me a moment to clear my head after that last comment Cèlia had made, because ‘a’, I HAD thought about that; and ‘b’, I WAS thinking about that. I quickly thought back to that first trip. I hadn’t noticed Cèlia looking at me ‘hungrily’. It had been Cindi who said that. And what Cindi said had set the stage for me to read something into the situation. My reaction had, at first, been the ‘rock star’ or ‘hero worship’ notion. And everything she had...

1 year ago
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The Bet 2 Kiss Tell

Part 1 “What the fuck happened to you?” Monica is already badgering me, and I swear, I haven’t been in the kitchen for more than two seconds. “Nothing.” I reply in a temperamental tone. It is seven forty-one a.m and I am in no mood to argue. I don’t feel like fighting, I don’t feel like joking, and I don’t feel like explaining. “Hate to say it, but you look like you got ran over by a friggin semi. Telling me that nothing is wrong seems a little absurd.” Monica is giving me that disapproving...

2 years ago
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Jack and JillChapter 88

Alex and Jorge finished up going through three plates of pancakes and a couple of cups of coffee. Jorge got into the blueberry syrup, he'd never had it before. I was done and went out to see what they were up to. Alex had a long handled squeegee that he used on the floor. It wasn't dry but it wasn't flooded, either. In the meantime, Jorge opened up a long roll of plastic on the front lawn. He went up the stairs to the second floor, got up on a ladder in the middle and measured from the...

2 years ago
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Kelly By Callie Messenger The flash that I saw and the shock that I felt when Carmela placed her ring on my finger were the end of our marriage. I asked her what it was immediately after the wedding and she finally admitted that she had allowed her mother to cast a spell to ensure my faithfulness to her daughter. Carmela could not reconcile the action with the implicit trust required to make a marriage work. I walked straight back into the church and asked the priest for an...

1 year ago
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Barebacking at the bookstore

After a few visits to the adult bookstore I work up the nerve and head back to the booths. I'd seen online to come prepared so I had my balls and ass smooth hoping to entice some daddy dick. Lube in pocket with my butt plug up my ass I found three occupied booths. I knocked on the first door, no answer. Second booth had two younger guys inside jerking each other off. They invited me in but they were not what i was looking for so I declined. Almost loosing hope I knocked on the last booth's...

2 years ago
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Padosan Ki Dardnaak Chudai Or Gaand Ka Bhosda Banaaya

Hi dosto mera naam amit h me delhi ka rehne waala hu meri age 19 h mere ghr me 3 log h me engineering ka student hu…. Ab story pe aate h mere ghr k bagal ne shashiklaa naam ki ek surat rehti h wo pure family k saath rehti h uske 3 bache h pr usko dekhne se kahi bhi ni lagta ki wo bacbacho ki maa hogi uska figure 38dd- 28-40 h uske boobs pure mohalle me masoor the wo hamesa suit me ghoomti thi mera hamesa se hi usko chodne ka iraada tha jab bhi time milta me uske saath baate karta usko chune ki...

3 years ago
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Her New Master

Amy is sitting at her desk trying to focus on the job at hand but it was Friday and well who can focus on Fridays never mind that she had been distracted by the new supervisor that started this week. She tries to go back to her office work but again thoughts of Ms. Jones keeps entering her mind. Her short black hair and her blue eyes that seem to see right into her very soul. Amy doesn't understand it would be one thing if she was single but she is very happy with her girlfriend of the last six...

1 year ago
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Wifes pussy being played with public

Going out for a relaxing evening, I saw Sue getting ready."What? No. Your not wearing that out tonight."We are getting ready for a grown up evening on the town. Getting dressed up a little nicer than the usual Friday night at the bar. I am wearing nice strides and a collar shirt. Jacket. I tell Sue to put on a nice skirt. A nice little half-cup bra that pushes her large tits up and out a bit, barely covering her nips. A nice top. A lightweight, black and white pattern, flowy thing. Your...

4 years ago
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34 Year Old StepdaughterPart ten

So, with a little inspiration from someone I won’t name but you know who you are lol I was able to pull this off. This past weekend I went down on my wife both days, she gets so wet and squirts when she cums so I brought a small tupperware container, no more than 2”x2”, that is supposed to be used for salad dressing or condiments, into bed with us without her knowing.Both Saturday morning and Sunday evening she came into that little container without it ever touching her and arousing suspicion....

2 years ago
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Drinks With Amanda and David

Well Met “Vic?” I looked up from my reading into the most sultry, soulful brown eyes I thought I would never see again. “Hello, Amanda! How are you?” Once upon a time, Amanda and I had been friends, and then lovers, but as things went, we fell apart and went our separate ways. I had not seen her in several years. I stood up, and we hugged and kissed quickly. I offered her a seat at my table, and she took it. “What’s been keeping you entertained?” she asked as we sat. “This and...

2 years ago
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Being owned Part 2

Finally I felt the dog pull away, his member and sperm leaving my cunt. Our owner just pointed and the dog jumped down. Without a word he left the room, the dog at his side, wagging his long tail. I was alone, the dog's cum dripping from my stretched cunt. Would there be more? Another dog? Would he fuck me? Do other things? It was hard to think clearly as the thoughts raced through my head. So many things I did not understand. The dog was trained. That seemed a fact. The man not showing any...

1 year ago
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Thats My LifeInitiation

This is the true story of my life. I have only changed the names of persons and places to protect their privacy. My name is Fawaz and the story starts when I was 18 years old, and in a hostel in class eight. We had three holidays along with the weekend. I decided not to go home as my parents were going somewhere but as the day passed I found myself all alone in the school. So I asked the housemaster for permission to go home which he granted. Now our school was in the hills with a lot of trees...

4 years ago
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Hey Sana I Like Your Pussy Stubble

If I were to rate her out of every girl I had seen naked, or on porn movies, or even in real life – imagining them naked that is – she would rank somewhere right at the top, for she was the proud owner of the best asses that I had ever seen. Yes, she was entirely aware of what she owned. There are a gazillion girls in this world who have something or the other, but either they are too ignorant or they just do not know how to make use of their best features. Some act pricey, some are pretty...

3 years ago
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We met at the pool

Stella entered the room wearing transparent white bathing suit making Emma's eyes open wide. Emma was a dominant, long-black-haired girl with blue eyes and stunning body. Everybody wanted to take her into their bed and to make love to her all night. But, only the only one who could have done that was Stella, with her long legs and big breasts. Especially when wearing that suit allowing Emma to see everything that she was hiding underneath. The water Emma was in was warm even though it was...

1 year ago
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Fuads HareemChapter 4 A Little Skills Inventory

Charlotte called them all to sit at the "kitchen table" again. Again Su Li was allowed to remain in her cot. Charlotte asked Lucinda and Dana to make coffee for the group. When Dana didn't get up from her seat immediately, Lucinda yanked her hair and told her: "C'mon you lazy whore. Haven't you figured out yet that she's the fucking general's sweetheart? She's in charge here, hey? That wasn't a request, it was a fucking order. Get off your lazy ass and do as you're told!" Dana...

2 years ago
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The James Family

The James Family: New LifeChapter 1: Good Morning Codes:  F/f, Exhibition, Incest, Teen, Toys, Humiliation, Reluctant, Sci-FiAlison James stepped out of the shower and grabbed for her towel through the mist that permeated the sparkling white bathroom.  The hot shower had relaxed her body but her mind still raced as her thoughts turned to the coming day.  Today would be the first day of her new career.  So many years of schooling and university all preparing her for today.  All the hard work...

1 year ago
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Conference Hookup

Pretty soon, I was settled between her thighs, nuzzling her shaved little pussy... Last year, I went to a conference in Boston. The first night, I answered an ad on C-list that said "Eat My Pussy!". Two hours later, I was driving across town and knocking on the door of a total stranger. There was some awkwardness, but after a while, I was kissing her in the hallway. After a long moment, I pulled back, wondering how this happened. She looked at me, noticed my hesitation, and asked what was up. I...

2 years ago
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Meagans Tail ch2 a tail or two

Monday, July 11 2016 6:25AM Palos Verdes, California Doris stripped off her sweater in one long motion while she ran down the few steps to the pool's level and leapt into the pool in a very practiced motion of a swimmer of her skill. Her body flew to the far deep end of the pool and its deep bottom twelve feet down under the surface. There she wrapped both arms around her daughter's still body in a quick motion and kicked off the bottom back towards the surface. Meagan felt as...

3 years ago
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Doc Ch 14

As we headed off toward town, I tried to think of what might have happened. We soon had to slow to an easy lope as the light was failing. We didn’t want the horses to be injured by stumbling in the near dark. That would make it just that much longer getting there. The arrival of dusk took me by surprise. Where had the day gone? I knew the girls had let me sleep late to start with. Then I became so absorbed in what I was doing, I guess I never noticed the passage of time. I only vaguely...

2 years ago
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Thozhiyin Akka Veetirku Sendra Pozhuthu Kaamam

En thozhiyai naan kalluri paditha kaalathil irunthu ippozhuthu thaan santhikiren, avalum naanum nerungiya nanbargal. Iruvarum veru veru mathathai sernthavargal athanaal iruvarukum nandraaga oru inipu eer patu irunthathu. Ippozhuthu avalai paarthu 6 varudangaluku mel aagi irunthathu, ippozhuthu thaan avalai naan santhika selgiren. Aval velai seiyum idathil ennaku oru velai vaangi tharuvathaaga solli irunthaal, athanaal naan aval veetirku sendru irunthen. Angu avalin veetil thaai thanthai ennai...

1 year ago
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Dad and me

Note : This story is completely fictional! Hi every one, My name is Richa, I am 19 and doing first year of my graduation. Story of my life is very short, simple and spicy. I live with my dad, mom died long back. I have very few memories of her, she was a very beautiful women and I am also equally beautiful (people say so). I am the only child, so, my grandmother and my dad have brought me up. My grand mother was a very graceful lady who also left us some five years back since then its just dad...

3 years ago
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E005 The Next Day

When Emma got home she still felt shivers running through her. She did what she was directed to do and went right to her bedroom to ready for bed.Now, Emma wore thick panties and a long nightgown her whole life – usually flannel in winter and cotton in summer. They all buttoned up to her neck and had long sleeves.After she had taken her bra from her purse, looked at it and blushed, and then throwing it in the trash tonight, as she undressed and stood before her mirror looking at herself, she...

Love Stories
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Interview With GorshinChapter 15

The time was August 1942 and the Great Patriotic War was a year old. Admiral Gorshin stood contemplating the sea from the dockside at Murmansk. Beside him was Commander Neville Callender of the Royal Navy, his Liaison Officer and assistant. "The ice will be early this year, don't you think, Admiral?" the younger British Officer asked the Admiral in clear, crisp, Russian. "I do, Commander, and I think we'll be lucky to see any more convoys beyond the end of the month." "How's your...

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Retard Wants To Get Pregnant PART 1 TO PART 5====== PART 1 ======Retard Wants To Get Pregnant Pt 1Jim meets a married couple who want to have a baby to get more welfare. The young wife, Yolanda, is very immature and somewhat retarded but very horny.They are both a bit mentally challenged, neither one can read nor write very well. Jim winds up fucking Yolanda a bunch of times and knocking her up. Her pervert husband, Jack ,never finds out that it was Jim that got her pregnant.====== OPENINGIt...

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Sandra hated the phone. Despised it. She vastly preferred the Internet, preferred typing to talking. All her friends told her she had a great voice, what one of her friends called her "phone sex" voice, but she just wasn't that talkative. A lot of k**s at school took her quietness as snobbishness, and that along with her petite, curvy body and dark, exotic features gave them quite a lot to hate her for. She had a small, close group of friends, and most of them had a thing for the Internet too,...

3 years ago
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Shipwrecked on Lust Island

After six months on her new job, Melissa found herself summoned to Masters’ office. At first she was worried she had done something wrong but the boss quickly put her at ease. “Melissa, you’ve been a great hire and a wonderful asset to the office,” he said. “It’s about time you had a vacation.” “Well, um, thanks, but I don’t really know if I’ve saved enough to afford a trip,” Melissa said. “I thought you might say that,” Masters said with a smile. “I’ve talked this over with your folks and...

4 years ago
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Vilkatas The BeginningChapter 12

We reached the edge of the great forest to the north of the great plain and turned west. We were getting close to my old home, but there was no way that we could make it that far before the snow came and blocked the roads. I discussed the situation with my family, and we decided to find a town where we could spend the winter. A few days later, we came to a rather large town that was located on the bank of a large river. We drove our carts into town and had started to look for the town elders...

1 year ago
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MommysGirl Shay Sights Sophia Burns Emma Jade Eavesdrop It Like It8217s Hot

Sophia Burns and her stepmom, Shay Sights, have been hosting an exchange student, Emma Jade, at their home for the past week. Sophia and Emma have been getting along famously- they have the same interests, they’ve both just turned eighteen, and they JUST might have developed a naughty crush on each other. One day, Sophia and Emma are watching a movie on Sophia’s bed and Shay walks in, eyeing them suspiciously. Shay wasn’t born yesterday- she can tell when two teen girls are...

2 years ago
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Orphan MagusChapter 19

The drive to the closest Christmas tree place took about twenty minutes. Northlake Christmas Trees & Nursery didn’t look very busy, but then, how many people would be out in a snowstorm trying to find a Christmas tree? I eased through the entrance. Snow and mud splashed up onto the windshield. I had the heater directed up through the vents on the dashboard at full blast to keep the windshield from freezing over. The snow melted right off, but the mud was a different story. I had to use...

1 year ago
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Becoming KayChapter 2

"Heather, I'm home!" called Katie, as she came in through the 58th Street entrance, as usual. The only time she used the Central Park South entrance, was to go out for her morning runs. Much had changed in Katie's life, since she'd moved in with Heather, two years ago. She had her first period a few week after taking up residence. Heather had given her "The Talk", so she knew what to expect. Her dad also talked to her, but Heather did a better job. Soon after, her breasts started to...

4 years ago
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my frist time with my friend

It was the weekend I was staying over at my friend house since his parent will be out of town.well I am secretly bi. My friend and me went to down town and he had a little too much drink,so I drive him home and take him to his bed and took his clothes off leaving him just with his boxer.I was leaving the room, I noticed he had abulge in his bixer so I went back,knowing that he is a hard sleeper,started to rub his dick though his boxer.I then took it out and discover he had a 9inch,I was...

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