Friends Only free porn video

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“Dad, how did you manage to get Mom to be your girlfriend?”

“I’m not sure I understand what you are asking, Son. We just met and fell in love and soon after that we married.”

“How did you make Mom fall in love with you? How did you keep her from putting you in the ‘friend only’ category?”

“Well first of all, Son; you don’t MAKE anyone fall in love with you. Love is something that happens between a man and woman when they find they are compatible. They are generally attracted by chemistry and build a relationship from there.”

“Well…I have been attracted by chemistry to a lot of girls and at first they seem to be attracted to me. Things go well for a while, but I eventually end up in the ‘friend’ category. What am I doing wrong?”

Rob thought for a minute and then said, “I can tell you how to manage a boy-girl attraction from a man’s point of view, but you will need to get input from your mother on what the girl is looking for in a relationship.”

“I would feel too awkward talking with Mom about romancing a girl.”

“I don’t know why you would feel awkward. What better source about what a girl wants than your own Mother? She can tell you exactly what attracted her to me. She’s your Mom and she wants you to be happy. You can count on her for the best advice.”

“Okay…I’ll think about asking Mom, but can you tell me right now how to win a girl over to the boyfriend-girlfriend relationship?”

Rob suggested they move their father-son conference outside by the swimming pool. He wanted their conversation to be private; just two guys talking about courting the female species. Rob tried to start with the basics because he didn’t know where his son fell on the birds n’ bees scale.

“When a girl is attracted to a boy, it’s often way too subtle for him to pick up. But…don’t worry, because there are a few female body language signs that indicate she likes you. But, you have to pay real close attention to notice them because many of them aren’t very clear. You have to mainly watch her eyes. If you are busy gawking at her tits, you will miss the signs. You will also run the risk of turning her off. You come off looking like a creep if you constantly stare at her tits.”

“Well…that’s probably one of my problems. I have always been fascinated with tits. I usually spend a lot of time talking directly to their tits.”

“That’s YOUR body language sending her the wrong message. You don’t want to stare because that can creep a girl out.”

Donnie knowingly shook his head in agreement.

“Well…I can see that body language is the area we need to work on first because it’s often tough to figure out whether a girl really feels attracted to you or not. She may just be trying to be polite and doesn’t want to hurt your feelings. Better to know the truth straight up, don’t you think? As I said a minute ago, when a girl is attracted to a boy, it’s often way too subtle.

“Okay…so I first focus on not gawking at her tits. What do I need to concentrate on?”

“Watch her body language, her facial expressions, her hands AND her eyes. Sometimes she will to play with her hair or touch her neck. When a girl is playing with her hair, I see that’s showing off her feminine side. It’s womanly and she’s only trying to capture the attention of anyone looking her way. From my experience, when a girl intentionally does these things when chatting with you, she’s just trying to show you she is into you chemically speaking. If she consistently does this stuff, you are good to go in the “like” department. Often, she’s going to twirl her hair. However, beware; this move can also signify she’s board and wants to move things along a little faster.”

“I’ve heard people talk about body language. Do girls really give off involuntary signals with their body language?” Donnie asked.

“Absolutely…body language is something they can’t always control. She may not even be aware she is giving off these signals. You must learn to watch for them. When a girl raises her eyebrows with a smile, she’s showing you pleasure. Translation…she likes you. Often when a girl likes a boy, she will unconsciously raise her eyebrows and might even lower her eyelids sort of shyly. She could lick her lips to catch your gaze or perhaps blink her eyes. Just be alert to them all. Also, keep in mind if the girl is shy, she might be very subtle with any of these body language signs, so you’ll have to pay close attention.”

“I think I like knowing about body language. For one thing it will help me to not dwell on her tits so much. What are some other signals I need to watch?”

“The giggle is another sign. When a girl giggles, she’s simply bringing out her fun-loving youth. She wants you to know that she is fun and alive and easygoing. If she makes eye contact with you when she’s giggling, that’s a fantastic signal she is into you. The eyes are the secret to the soul, right?”

“So, I’ve heard.” Donnie remarked.

“Also watch for the back arch. When a girl arches her back, this makes her legs and breasts the center of attention. She’s unconsciously trying to emphasize her body in order to get your attention. Often girls will do this to capture undivided attention from far off. Just be sure you don’t mix this up with her just trying to stretch.”

“What do you mean by back arch?”

“It means she sticks her butt out to obviously draw attention to her feminine attributes. Arching her back in a suggestive manner (basically sticking her butt out) reflects behavior which almost every female mammal exhibits during estrus. Estrus is the sign that all our male mammalian cousins are waiting to see. The female has approved of his mating dance and is sexually receptive. I don’t want to get too far ahead of myself, so why don’t we hold that particular signal until you are older and ready to seek a permanent mate. I think your Mom would object to me telling you about the mating dance at your age.”

“Hey…if it’s the female’s way of telling me she wants to get laid, I’m all for learning about it right now.”

“We will table that for right now. I am more interested in teaching you how to stay out of the ‘friend only’ category. When you are financial able to support a wife and child without my help, we can discuss ways of getting you laid.”

“Okay”, Donnie sighed.

“Girls have a very specific look they are going to give when they are interested in a boy. She will likely raise her shoulder and half look back over them at you, so you get a side profile. Apparently, this is a seductive look, the one you will see girls use when posing in a magazine. Keep your eyes open for this one. There are oodles of ways a girl can use her lips to pique the interest of a guy. One of the popular ones is applying lipstick slowly and sexily. Some girls choose to eat their food in a slow and sensuous manner; one that is meant to arouse a guy. If she’s sucking seductively on her straw or pausing with the strawberry in her mouth, she’s definitely trying to tell you she likes you with body language.”

Donnie grinned real big and scooted closer to his Dad. Rob realized he was getting back into the art of seduction area.

“Wait a minute; let’s hold off on that one also, it sounds like I’m telling you how to seduce a girl.”

“Look Dad…I know you don’t intend to teach me how to go out and lure a girl into my bed, but don’t you at least think I should know what the signs are if a girl is wanting to have sex with me? I don’t want the reputation of being sexually stupid. It would be embarrassing if a girl is trying to relay the message she wants to have sex me and I sit there like a dork. I can always turn her down gracefully without destroying her ego and our friendship.”

“Okay…you have a point. Just promise me you will not discuss any sensitive father-son stuff like that with your Mom. You know the stuff I am talking about. I don’t need her on my ass for leading you astray.”

“I promise, Dad.”

Donnie spent the next two weeks practicing the body language technics he learned from his Dad. He found out immediately there was a lot of truth to what his father had said. Donnie noticed right away a change in how the girls related to him. He still felt awkward when it came to initiating a kiss. He decided to ask his Mom about that issue.

“Mom…Dad told me about watching a girl’s body language to see if she is attracted to me, but how do I know when it’s okay to kiss a girl? Sometimes when I lean in for a kiss she may offer a cheek instead of her lips or she holds me at bay with her hand. It’s embarrassing when that happens.”

“I understand what you are saying, Donnie. Knowing if someone will be receptive to a kiss can be the source of quite a bit of anxiety. However, it doesn’t need to be. If you know what to pay attention to in someone’s conversation and body language, you can actually tell pretty accurately how well you’re doing and whether or not a kiss would be welcomed. Girls often communicate more subtly than boys. They very often use understated body language cues rather than words or blunt physicality. So, keep reading her body language to find out how in tune you are to that girl’s kissing language and figure out if or when to make your move.”

“Wow, I never knew how important body language was until Dad told me about it.”

“Just what did your Dad tell you about body language?”

“Oh…pretty much what you are saying. I need to watch their eyes and facial expressions.”

“There’s no single sign that someone wants to be kissed, but you can pay close attention to how she engages and interacts with you to get insight into whether she might welcome your affection. Things such as; Does she hold eye contact? Does she smile and laugh? Does she keep glancing at your lips? If so, it may be a sign she’s thinking about kissing.”

“Wow…that seems pretty easy. I just need to pay more attention to what she does and less attention to what I want her to do.”

“Slow down buddy. I didn’t mean to over simplify. None of this is guaranteed to work 100%, but if you pay attention, it’s often relatively easy to pick up on her feelings about the relationship between the two of you. There are a lot of other things that need to be taken into consideration.”

“Like what?”

“Pay attention to her level of enthusiasm during conversations. If she seems bored or anxious to get through the date, it’s most often a pretty clear sign she’s not going to feel ready for a kiss. If she’s enthusiastic during the date and suggests you go somewhere else to prolong the date…like to get coffee, go for a walk, etc., it’s a good sign that she’s enjoying the date and may be open to a goodnight kiss.”

“What else should I watch for?”

“Read her posture. Note how she holds her body when you’re together. If she turns her body towards you (shoulders, chest, and legs or feet) that’s a positive sign. If she leans forward and keeps her arms open rather than crossed, those are all positive body language cues. An open posture, while a good sign, needs to be taken in context as part of a series of positive cues. A girl may have open and engaged body posture but may be feeling friendlier towards you than amorous. If she gets close enough to touch and/or frequently leans into your personal space, that’s often a strong indicator of interest. Just be sure she isn’t leaning in simply because it’s hard to hear you.”

Donnie had renewed confidence after his talk with his Mom. He went to work quickly plying the techniques learned from his Dad and his Mom. He noticed a great improvement in his new relationships with the girls in his class. He was out of the ‘friend only’ category and had girls actively seeking to be his girlfriend. However; he wanted more. He wanted to get laid. He needed to go back to his father and learn how to get into a girl’s pants.

“Dad I need to know more about the signals a girl gives off when she is sexually aroused. You know…just so I don’t look stupid.”

His Dad knew exactly what Donnie had on his mind. The boy is a normal horny teenager and naturally wanted to experience sex with a girl. Rob thought back to when he was Donnie’s age and decided to give him the benefit of his teenage experiences.

“Remember…you can not tell your Mom I told you this stuff. You promised to keep it between the two of us.”

“I promise to keep it between the two of us.”

“Okay…you need to learn the difference between a girl’s blushing and flushing. Both result in a red face. When a girl blushes, this is a simple biological reaction to a simplistic excited emotional state. She could just be shy or embarrassed but more often than not, this is a body signal she likes you. When a girl is deep with pleasure or sexual arousal, she will change her shade to deep red, so keep your eye out for that. That’s what I call flushing and it can be an indicator she is ready for sex.”

“Now that’s the kind of stuff I need to know, Dad. What else should I watch for?”

“Pay attention to her breathing. When a girl is really attracted to a guy, or she is contemplating sex with him, her breathing will in fact increase noticeably. Maybe not noticeable to her, but you will certainly recognize it. On the other hand, if she’s having some sort of anxiety attack, that doesn’t necessarily mean she likes you. The difference should be pretty easy to spot. Also, watch to see if her nostrils are flaring nicely. This one is completely uncontrollable. I can promise you; she isn’t doing that on purpose. Experts report if a girl is sexually drawn to a boy, one positive body signal might be to flare her nostrils.”

“I should be writing this down. What else do I look for?”

“If a girl is willing to actively reach over and touch you anywhere, this is a solid signal she really does like you. Otherwise she would keep her hands to herself. Girls only touch boys they are comfortable with.

“Keep going, Dad…I want to know everything you know about seducing the opposite sex.”

“Just remember what I’ve told you so far and go out and experiment. It’s tough to figure out whether a girl likes you or not by her female body language signs. But you do have to start somewhere. Reading body language has never ever been an easy thing. Partially, because girls aren’t usually the first ones to approach a boy. Girls are good at flirting and that’s truly hard for most boys to interpret. However, the body language does not lie because it’s not a conscious action. In other words, it’s really not controllable. My parting advice is go out and practice these techniques. Let me know how well they work for you. And remember when you are talking with Mom; we never had this conversation.”


In less than a week the premier event of the school year will take place at Donnie’s high school. The annual football HOME COMING DANCE will be held in Donnie’s high school gymnasium. The school was all a buzz with excitement. The school maintenance department was busy assembling the stage for the band and the dance committee was cheerfully hanging decorations.

Donnie’s parents were puzzled when he announced he had no plans to attend. He still had no steady girlfriend, but he was now getting along fabulously with the girls in his class. Donnie’s Dad pulled him into the den and asked if there was a problem that prevented him from attending the dance. Donnie just shrugged his shoulders and offered no explanation. His father lowered his voice so his wife couldn’t hear the exchange between him and his son.

“Look, Son…you told me you wanted to get laid. Well, the high school dance is bursting with opportunities to do just that. You will be surrounded by young girls who are probably just as anxious as you to experiment. The dance will allow you to hold a girl close and not only see their reaction, but to feel and smell their emotions. You couldn’t ask for a better setting.”

“I understand all that Dad. I am ashamed to admit it, but I don’t know how to dance.

“What do you mean, you don’t know how to dance? I thought every kid your age knew how to hold a girl in their arms and move around a dance floor.”

“Well…I don’t. That’s another reason I was always being put in the category of ‘friend only’.”

“When you are dancing you can try all the techniques we discussed about getting a girl aroused. And all of it will seem natural to the girl. You can kiss them on the neck. You can nibble on their ear lobe. You can feel their nipples get hard against your chest. You can press your cock against their thigh. You can hear the change in their breathing. Before the dance is over you can almost have them begging for sex.”

“I know all that Dad, but I still can’t dance.”

“Your Mom can teach you to dance in just a matter of hours.”

“I can’t ask Mom to teach me to dance. I would feel like a real dork.”

“Nonsense…your Mom would be more than happy to teach you to dance. She loves you and wants you to find the girl of your dreams. I’ll be glad to ask her for you.”

“No…Dad, I’ll ask her. I just need to compose what I plan to say to her.”

“You know…I have another thought. You can try all those arousal techniques on your Mom while dancing and get a first hand look at how they work.”

“Daaaddd…I could never in a million years try any of those things with Mom. First of all, I would never have the nerve and second, she would kill me the first time I tried such a thing.”

“Your Mom might get mad at you and scold you, but that’s better than getting slapped by a girl on the dance floor. And I guarantee her scolding won’t be as embarrassing as getting slapped in public by a girl.”

“I’ll ask Mom to teach me to dance, but I am not going to nibble on her earlobe or press my cock against her thigh. I don’t want to do anything to cause her to lose respect for me.”

Donnie's first dance lesson with his Mom was a total disaster. He was nervous, tense and awkward. He stepped all over her feet. She finally suggested they dance bare foot in order to prevent her toes from being crush by his shoes. It was the first time he had held any female that close and it totally unnerved him.

His second lesson was a little better. Karen suggested they wear sweats and do stretch exercises before each lesson. It did help him to relax and take the edge off. Karen told him to stop watching his feet and maintain eye contact with her. He had looked at his Mom hundreds of times over the years but had never really seen her until now. When he gazed into her electric blue eyes it helped him to stop thinking about the dance steps, but it forced him to pay closer attention to his Mom’s facial expressions. He had never done that in the past and it had its pros and cons.

Donnie had never noted the fullness of her pale lips or the sparkle in her eyes when she smiled. He had never really noticed just how beautiful his Mom is or how fantastic she had kept her figure. Up until now she was just Mom; not this gorgeous sexy blonde he was holding in his arms. She was definitely a MILF. The palms of his hands became sweaty as he inhaled her subtle perfume and he started having thoughts he knew he shouldn’t have about his Mom.

That night Donnie masturbated in the shower and then again before falling asleep. He had wet dreams of stripping his Mom naked and sucking her breast and licking her pussy and sliding his cock in and out of her pussy. He woke up about 4 AM soaking wet from perspiration and his boxer shorts were full of cum from his wet dreams. He felt embarrassed and gave serious thought to canceling dance lessons with Mom. He didn’t think he could get that near to her without get a massive hard. How could he explain his erection to his Mom?

Donnie showed up for his dance lesson with a new resolve. He fully intended to experiment with every arousal technique his Dad had told him about. He didn’t for one minute think his Mom would let him fuck her, but he did want to see just how those techniques worked on a real woman. If body language was truly involuntary, he wanted to see for himself just how effective the arousal methods were on his Mom. It may lead to a scolding from his Mom but he felt the knowledge gained would be worth it. Surely his Mom would forgive him for any stupid adolescent mistakes he makes while trying to adjust to his new world of courting the female gender.

Karen put a cd in the player that contained dozens of hits from the 60s that were great for slow dancing. The music started and they moved easily around the dance floor. Donnie held her at a distance at first so he could gaze into her eyes. His Mom held his gaze and smiled sweetly. She occasionally dropped her eyes to his lips then back to his eyes. That was suppose to be a sign she wanted to be kissed, but Donnie felt reasonably sure it was not the case. He pulled her in a bit closer and was shocked at how his body reacted to the closest of his Mom. He could feel her breast against his chest and things began to happen that were not suppose to happen when you are near your Mom. He liked it, but it was scary.

After a couple of dances, they had both relaxed to the point that it felt natural for his Mom to rest her head on his shoulder. His confidence grew and he moved forward with his plan to experiment. He placed a gentle kiss on her neck where it intersected with her shoulder. She softly cooed but acted as though it never happened. He felt and erection beginning and moved his hips back to where it wouldn’t make contact with his Mom. His Dad had told him that if he pressed his hard cock against a girl while dancing it was a sure sign she was aroused if she pushed back. It took Donnie awhile to get the courage to test his Dad’s theory. He pulled his Mom closer and cautiously pressed his cock against her thigh. It took a second for it to register in her mind what had just happened. She gasped, sucked in a lung full of air and felt her panties flood with her vaginal moisture. She stepped away from her son and said, “I think it time for a break, Honey. How would you like a glass of ice tea?”

She rushed toward the kitchen and Donnie could see she was a deep shade of red. Was she blushing or flushing Donnie thought to himself. Did he make her mad or did he actually arouse his Mom? He didn’t know, but what he did know was that he needed to go to the bathroom and relieve the pressure in his aching cock. He had to masturbate before his cock exploded.

It took Karen awhile to calm down. She was experiencing feelings toward her son that she knew were forbidden. She decided they should suspend the dance lessons before she allowed something to happen that would change her life forever. They spent the rest of the afternoon on the patio drinking ice tea and chatting about the upcoming dance. At approximately five o’clock Rob called and informed Karen he was with and important client. He had to take the client to dinner and didn’t think he would be home until late. Karen and Donnie were on their own as far as dinner. Karen decided to cook her special spaghetti and meatballs. Donnie offered to go to the bakery for a loaf of french bread.

When Donnie returned he found his Mom had changed clothes. She was wearing a loose-fitting denim skirt and a white polo shirt. She had her blonde hair pulled back in a ponytail and she was nursing a glass of red wine. There was nothing unusual about drinking the red wine; she often had a glass of red wine with her spaghetti. What was unusual is she appeared as though she was a young teenager. She looked much younger than her 36 years. Donnie could tell she was braless because she jiggled with each step.

They enjoyed a quiet dinner and casually chatted about things a mother and son would normally talk about. Karen had a second glass of wine with her dinner. After dinner they continued to talk and laugh. She poured a third glass of wine. As they talked Donnie noticed his Mom was playing with her hair. Before his talk with his Dad he would’ve never paid any attention. He decided to see how many involuntary signals she would give off. She had been giggling throughout dinner and several times she had touched his arm or hand during conversation. Now she was gazing into her son’s eyes and occasionally alternated between his lips and his eyes. All good body language signs that, according to his Dad, supposedly indicated she was open to further sexual overtures. The thought ran through Donnie’s mind that if his Dad was correct his Mom just may be considering sex with him.

Donnie noted that his Mom was unconsciously stroking the stem of her wine glass as though it was a man’s cock. His Dad had said that was a subconscious signal she wanted to stroke the cock of the man she was with. If that was true she is thinking about stroking his cock. The thought almost caused him to shoot off in his sweat pants. She also licked her lips several times and flared her nostrils. Her eyes had been dilated all evening, but he thought that was due to low lighting. If his Dad was right she was in a high state of sexual arousal. The only way he could confirm that was to get her back on the dance floor and implement the other arousal techniques his Dad had taught him.

“Mom…why don’t we practice my dancing some more since Dad won’t be home for another two or three hours?”

“Okay…let me finish this glass of wine and clear the dishes from the table and I will meet you in the den”

Donnie took her by the hand and said, “Gulp down that last swallow of wine and leave the dishes for later.”

She quickly swallowed the last of her wine and allowed him to lead her by the hand into the den. The den was dimly lit by the light from the kitchen and Donnie suggested they leave the lighting as it was. He said the ambiance was like it would be at the school dance. Karen turned on the cd player and took her place in her son’s arms. She snuggled close and rested her head on her son’s shoulder. The wine had created a slight buzz and she was feeling unlike what a mother should feel while dancing with her teenage son.

Donnie wasted no time and kissed his Mom on the neck again. He felt her nipples get hard as they pressed against his chest. He ran his hand upper her back to confirm she was truly braless. She most certainly was. His cock was gradually growing into its full hardened girth. He took a deep breath and deliberately pushed his hips forward until his hard cock made contact with her thigh. This time she didn’t pull away. She purposely pressed into his hardness. At this point they were no longer moving about the dance floor. They were standing in one spot swaying to the music. Donnie nibbled on her earlobe and heard her release a large breath of air and relax in his arms. He kissed her on the cheek, then the forehead, the nose and finally planted a light kiss on her lips.

At first, she didn’t respond, but then she slowly parted her lips enough to let him explore with his tongue. After a few seconds she pressed her tongue to his mouth and their tongues wrestled. He calmly moved his hand under her shirt and caressed her nipple in his palm. She heaved a low sigh and ground her pelvis hard against his cock. Donnie thought he was going to shoot his wad in his pants right at that very moment. She reached down and grasped his hard cock in her hand and stroked him through his pants. It caused him to have an orgasm so powerful his legs gave way. He had to stumble back and sit on the over-sized sofa. His Mom dropped to her knees in front of him and stripped his sweat pants and cum filled boxers off, and then tossed them aside. She gazed into his eyes and then lowered her mouth to his still cum flowing cock. She sucked out the rest of his cum, cleaned the whole area with her tongue and then smiled up at her son. He pulled her up to his lips and gave her a passionate kiss. Not a son to mother kiss, but a lover to lover kiss.

He laid her back on the sofa, pushed her skirt up to her waist and started kissing her thigh from the knee up to her panty covered vagina. He had seen this on his favorite porn site. She moaned and cooed and opened her legs wide to offer him total access. He nuzzled her clit through her panties with the tip of his nose. She lifted her hips to help him remove her panties. He blew his warm breath on her pussy and watched her clit slowly poke itself out from its hood. This was something else he had seen on the porn site. When it was fully exposed Donnie sucked her clit into his mouth and swabbed it vigorously with his tongue. Karen instantly closed her thighs securely around his head and held him there while she shuddered and convulsed through a massive orgasm. Once she stopped squirting her cum, she collapsed back on the sofa and fell unconscious.

Donnie thought at first, he had harmed her, but within a couple of seconds she recovered and pulled him in for another passion filled kiss.

“Get your cock in me already.” she moaned.

Donnie squared himself above her and grabbed both her hips with his hands. She took his hard-teenage cook in her right hand and guided it into her soaking wet pussy. He pressed his erection, fully engorged, into her crotch and she pushed up to meet him. He slid into her with surprising ease. She was dripping wet with anticipation. Donnie marveled at how wonderful his Mom’s pussy felt as it gripped and squeezed and sucked him to her deepest depth. He had never had his cock a pussy before. It was so velvety and smooth. They both moaned as the tension of foreplay finally snapped, and he slowly thrust forward until he was fully inside her tight pussy. He paused for a few seconds, his cock already pulsating in excitement. His heart was racing and his breathing quickened. He looked around the room and this was truly a fantasy come to life. He struggled not to cum in that first thrust.

The pleasure was so gratifying that he did have a premature orgasm but didn’t lose his hardness. Once the rush had subsided enough for him to continue, he pulled back slowly, and thrust into her again, this time quicker. She gasped. Quicker again. Quicker, then harder. He began a deliberate methodical in and out motion that sent chills through the both of them. His Mom would raise her hips to meet his thrust and he worked up to a pounding rhythm. She was panting audibly, doing everything in her power to keep her moans soft enough to not alert the neighbors. This time of year, people often slept with their windows open. His balls slammed against her ass again, and again. Her tight wet pussy hugged every inch of his seven-inch cock as he slid in and out of her. Her breaths were getting shallower and faster, and he could feel her hips start to spasm and her legs shake beneath him.

“Do it.” she whispered. “Harder... fuck me harder, Donnie...”

He squeezed her tits and she gasped a barely audible.


He thrust faster, more violently, struggling to remain in control of his own orgasm until she came. It didn't take long. She experienced a series of small multiple orgasms follow by a major body shaking orgasm that sapped her of all her strength. Another pounding thrust and he felt her entire body buck under him. He held himself inside her, his grip still firm around her hips, and she bit her knuckles to stifle a scream as she came. Her pussy tightened around his cock and he could feel each wave of energy shooting through her, convulsing against him. Donnie wanted it to last forever, but his inexperience prevented him from holding off any longer. He finally exploded into his Mom’s pussy with four massive bursts of semen followed by four or five smaller bursts. He rolled to his side totally spent. They fell asleep in each other’s arms.

Karen woke up with a start when she heard the overhead garage door grinding its way open. Dad was home. She quickly roused Donnie from his sleep and sent him scurrying to his bedroom. He clutched his sweats and boxer short to his body as he ran naked down the hallway. Karen threw on her polo shirt and stuffed her panties in the pocket of her denim skirt. Thank goodness Donnie hadn’t bothered to remove her denim skirt. She grabbed a can of air freshener and sprayed away the smell of sex that hung heavily in the den. When Rob entered the kitchen, she was busy putting dirty dishes in the dishwasher. Rob was worn out from his long busy day. He gave her a quick peck on the cheek and hustled off to bed. Karen followed about fifteen minutes later and found him sound asleep. She put on her nightgown and tipped-toed into Donnie’s room. She needed to see if he had recovered from the shock of nearly being caught in an incestuous act with his Mom.

She found him lying naked on his bed stroking a massive hard-on. She sat in the edge of his bed and took over stroking his cock. Neither spoke a word. They both seem to be reliving the events of the evening in their minds. Donnie’s cock twitched in Karen’s hand. She knew he was about to erupt and increased the speed of her stroking. Donnie’s ball sack tightened and it was obvious he was on the verge of another massive orgasm. As soon as she felt the pulsating she leaned forward and took his cock in her mouth. He rewarded her with five ropes of semen. She gulped down every drop.

“Thank you, Mom. Please tell me this is not a one-time thing.”

“It’s not. Your Dad is going to the cabin with friends this weekend to fish. He is leaving Friday afternoon right after work. They won’t be back until late Sunday. That gives us Friday night, all day Saturday and Saturday night. And if we can still walk, we have Sunday until they get back home.”

“I’m all for it, Mom. Do you think you can put up with me that long?”

“Honey…if you only knew how long I have dreamed about fucking you, you wouldn’t even ask that question.”


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Only Indian Porn! Are you up for some Indian porn? Do you want Indian porn and absolutely nothing else? Well, have I got the site for you. It’s called OnlyIndianPorn. As you may have guessed from the name, it’s got exactly what you’re looking for.All of the Bobs, All of the VageneWant to know what looks like? Well, the easiest thing to do would be to click the link, but let me describe it for you. Imagine your typical free porn tube, but the blonde sluts have been replaced by...

Indian Porn Sites
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Only Incest Porn! While most of us can get off to a wide variety of smut, we usually have a few personal favorite subgenres and sex acts. For a while, my masturbatory diet consisted of only incest porn. My fantasies have really expanded since moving out of my mom’s place, but I’ll probably always have a soft spot for that family stuff. Did I say ‘soft’? Sorry, I meant I’ll always have a raging hard spot for that family is one of those free tubes that just explodes right...

Incest Porn Sites
1 year ago
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Everyone knows that OnlyFans has taken the world by storm. These days, it seems that everyone has an OnlyFans account! Well, except for people with real jobs. Nonetheless, it appears that some of these girls are really having a hard time breaking through the endless onslaught of new OnlyFans accounts. How can chicks manage to stand out in this saturated market? Well, no matter how many girls there are who have an OnlyFans account, there are always dudes who are ready to start paying up to see...

Reddit NSFW List
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Do you like nude celebrity photos? What a dumb question, of course you do! Everyone loves a nice nude celeb from time to time. However, it would seem that there are too many subreddits that get satisfied with lewd photos of celebrities rather than going all the way. Well, this isn’t the case with the sub /r/NudeCelebsOnly as this place only for nudity, and nothing else. No bullshit lewd photos, no bikinis, no skimpy dresses, only nudes. And, well, the results as you might expect… You can find...

Reddit NSFW List
1 year ago
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If you sent me a link to Only Leaks a few years ago, I would have assumed it was a free tube devoted to golden showers or a hentai site with thousands of drawings of Pikachu peeing on stuff. Times sure do change, huh? Unless you just escaped from a sex dungeon where you were completely secluded from the world for years, I bet you already know what is peddling. I’d give you a couple of hints if the name didn’t already have them built in.In case you were in the slow class, I’ll spell...

Free OnlyFans Leak Sites
1 year ago
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Ready to see some horny whorish girls get naughty and naked for free? Then you must be interested in what r/OnlyHoes/ is all about. This subreddit is filled with these kinds of cuties, and they all love to get down and dirty in front of the cameras, posting their naughtiest content on r/OnlyHoes/. There are no specifics; as long as the chicks is basically a whole, she is more than welcome to post her dirty pictures here.On the other hand, if you visit r/OnlyHoes/ and it is just not your cup of...

Reddit NSFW List
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OnlyFans girls have exploded in popularity in the last couple of years. They have been an instant hit with many guys, such as myself. What can I say? I’m a sucker for real amateur girls showing me their pussies! I can’t help it! Before OnlyFans, we had cam girls, and before those, we had porn. We still have all those things, so it might be the case that something else is better for you instead of OnlyFans. But, if you’re like me and you like following hot girls online and waiting for them to...

Reddit NSFW List
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Do you enjoy OnlyFans? I know I do. In fact, I spend a lot of my time on there, checking out the hottest girls on there. But sometimes I get bored of the same old same old and I want to see something new and exciting. Well, if you felt the same way, I know just the place where you can find the ideal chicks to watch and subscribe to. If you go to Reddit, and then check out the subreddit /r/onlyfanshottest, I think that you will find a lot of material to work with there. On it, you’ll find some...

Reddit NSFW List
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If the sign says Baddies Only, that might be a sign that dorks, doofuses, dweebs and dinguses like yourself ain’t allowed past the front door. Then again, we ain’t talking about some badass biker bar with a mean doorman and a stage full of buck-naked strippers with big titties. Nah, we’re talking about another porn site on the Internet, and wouldn’t you know it? It turns out they do accept folks like you, not to mention anybody with a web browser and a raging hard-on.So what kind of smut are...

Black Porn Sites
1 year ago
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Only Faps! You have to hand it to platforms like OnlyFans, Patreon, and more. They basically changed the fucking game when it comes to allowing anyone to become a fucking porn star in some way. Nobody has to use a talent agency, be found, or bullshit like that anymore. They can hone their skills on these types of platforms, earn a living working on their own terms, and gain a following in the process.But how the hell do you find the best of the best, specifically on OnlyFans? You get a taste...

Free OnlyFans Leak Sites
1 year ago
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Only Thots! There is nothing that gets my cock off more than seeing exclusive content from the babes over on OnlyFans. And that is saying a lot since I review an assload of porn over on ThePornDude. It’s like saying I enjoy jerking off to every piece of ass that lives in Japan. OnlyFans is massive, and the amount of people earning a living showing their pussy on the platform is astronomical.Still, if exclusivity is what makes you cum your brains out, OnlyTHOTS has what you need. It’s a growing...

Free OnlyFans Leak Sites
1 year ago
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XPornOnly is a platform that hosts all kinds of XXX videos! So leave it to this website to bring to you amazing content that will blow your fucking mind. There are no endless kissing or simulating oral sex scenes here! It’s just real porn that you jerk off to hours on end.And, hey, don’t you dare think that you are getting extreme as fuck porn here, though. If you are looking for vomiting, shitting, pissing, clowns fucking nuns, etc., content, you will have better luck on a different website....

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Only Nudes! Everyone has heard and enjoyed some of that trendy OnlyFans content at this moment, right? Well, if you haven’t, this is your chance. has compiled some of the most desirable girls on OnlyFans and their hot content. The platform is probably one of the best things an average porn browser can hope for in the way of accessing porn that resembles content you can find on the original. After all, Onlynudes has one important thing going for it; the website is entirely free for...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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If you’re really horny, Only 3X movies will be enough to truly satisfy you. Hell, mainstream movies as soft as Midnight Cowboy, Evil Dead and A Clockwork Orange were slapped with an X-rating, and nobody Googles that shit when they’re trying to rub one out. Twentieth-century pornographer and sci-fi author William Rotsler said the XX-rating is intended for softcore smut, which ain’t quite going to cut it for most modern masturbators, either. If you’re like me, you want that filthy, nasty triple-X...

Top Premium Porn Sites
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Only Tik calls itself “The best AI optimized Nude TikTok Porn Video App,” which got me excited even before I’d had a chance to take a look for myself. As much fun as I have cranking off to the real TikTok, it’s such a pain in the ass hunting for the good stuff since they’ve got a shitty set of community guidelines. I get why a lot of sites and apps ban porn, so they can help cultivate a more family-friendly demographic, but let’s be real here: those viral injury challenges are more of a risk to...

TikTok Porn Sites
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When you’re horny, sometimes Only Porn will offer any of the relief you need. Sure, you can bang a wife, a girlfriend or a hooker if one’s available, but pornography is at the ready whenever and wherever you are, provided you’ve at least got a phone connected to the internet. This next site gets close to a million visitors every month, and I wonder just how many of them are shaking their dicks at their iPhones and how many are going all out on their fap sessions, with those dirty movies...

Free OnlyFans Leak Sites
3 years ago
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---- I think I will get a drink Ralph... ---- Ok... see ya when ya get back. [Ralph laughs..., right... Elsie.] Elsie approaches the bar-keep. ---- Hello. ---- Hello he answers..., enjoying the party Elsie. ---- YES! .... How did you know my name, she asks... Mackay winks at her; I like to know the names of my good looking customers... Elsie laughs; --- Good looking eh! ... I am seventy young man... you should respect your elders. --- Oh I do, believe me... You just do...

2 years ago
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Bestfriends Forever

This is a true story Shizz and I have been best friends for 11 years. We’ve been through everything together. We’ve gone from friends, friends with benefits, dating, lovers, relationship, back to friends with benefits. That’s where it pretty much stopped. I don’t think we can ever go back to just being friends. Probably because he’s still in love with me and I’m still in love with him. I’m looking forward to seeing him this Christmas. I am so excited. I haven’t seen him since he moved to North...

2 years ago
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"What a neat little doll, Ashley!", Corrina exclaimed."Where'd you pick it up?" Corrina turned the odd little dollaround into the light to get a better look at it.Ruffling a page in her magazine, Ashley snuffled. "Oh, **that**old thing? I picked it up in Rhodes, on vacation with myfolks. Its older than dinosaur shit, I've been told"."Lemme see it", requested Zenobia, reaching out her hand forthe little statuette. Corrina passed it to her. "It doeslook kinda old", she commented. Ashley's little...

4 years ago
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Schoolfriends initiate me into getting shared

I Love Being Felt Up In PublicHow School Friends Initiated Me in Getting 'Shared'....... Myboobs were too big for my age ...They always attracted attention from others --It was so right from my school days.....I enjoyed guys and gals, staring at them....Loved when someone crushed them in crowd......Or touched them deliberately........When touched, I wanted the guy or gal to press them nicely to send shivers of pleasure in my whole body, and that happened most of the times........... ...

2 years ago
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BestFriends Ex

I stood in the nightclub listening to the same old repetitive music. The lights shining down on the Dancefloor. I was buzzing after the amount I'd had to drink and on the prowl for the right girl. I knew one girl was coming but she off limits to me because of being my best mates ex girlfriend, but the way I was feeling I didn't care and thought I'd have a go anyway. A few girls made there interest known but I just ignored them and carried on leaning against the side of the bar looking for the...

4 years ago
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BestFriends Ex

I stood in the nightclub listening to the same old repetitive music. The lights shining down on the Dancefloor. I was buzzing after the amount I'd had to drink and on the prowl for the right girl. I knew one girl was coming but she off limits to me because of being my best mates ex girlfriend, but the way I was feeling I didn't care and thought I'd have a go anyway. A few girls made there interest known but I just ignored them and carried on leaning against the side of the bar looking for the...

3 years ago
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Bestfriends Couple

Hie ISS readers, I am sri and this is my first story. This is my real story between me,my girlfriend and later my bestfriend(vikas),his girlfriend(meghana),i have a sexual desire on this meghana. First of all you have to know one thing that my gf is still using petticoats sized 85 and underwear of 85 name is amrutha(name changed),we usually talk a lot in phone and one day night we are normally talking in phone and i asked a kiss, with that kiss i became hot and my rod became semi...

5 years ago
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Bestfriends Forever

This is a true storyShizz and I have been best friends for 11 years. We’ve been through everything together. We’ve gone from friends, friends with benefits, dating, lovers, relationship, back to friends with benefits. That’s where it pretty much stopped. I don’t think we can ever go back to just being friends. Probably because he’s still in love with me and I’m still in love with him. I’m looking forward to seeing him this Christmas. I am so excited. I haven’t seen him since he moved to North...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Girlfriends Daughter Introduction

Bailey hung up the phone smiling "Well three hundred dollars poorer I will be, but I know you are will be worth it Candy." His mind drifted back in memory to the beginning of the month when he had the escort over before and how wonderful it felt when she had him in her mouth. The smile lost most of its luster when he looked over at a photo of him and his girlfriend on the desk the two of them shared in the living room of their two-bedroom apartment. Bailey picked up the framed photo...

3 years ago
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Girlfriends Daughter Caught in the act to an agreement

Sitting on the on his bed Bailey leaned back on some propped-up pillows, his head just touching the light grey fabric of the headboard. Letting out a long, "Ohhhh," escape from his in his tenor voice, but a bit aspirated. A tall redhaired woman knelt between Bailey's legs, one of her hands wrapped around the base of his balls, her red long fingernails running over the surface of the skin. With each gentle press and move of her dexterous finger he felt more pleasure. "You like that baby?"...

4 years ago
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Girlfriends Daughter Getting a Girl Ready

"Ok sweetheart it is time to get up. I let you sleep as long as I could but we have to get a move on Megan will be here any minute," said Amanda as she gently woke Bailey. Then as if on cue the doorbell rang announcing Megan's return. Amanda quickly left the room to go help her sister inside. Bailey slowly sat up rubbing the sleep out of his eyes as the reality of his situation settled back in on him. He was trapped by that bitch Megan. She had forced this embarrassing situation on...

4 years ago
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Girlfriends Daughter Start of the picnic

Looking to her side Amanda was still in a bit of shock taking in how Bailey looked in the role as her daughter. Megan had done an outstanding job in the transformation; the makeup was just right and it looked like she had used a plumper on his lips. The pink lacy blouse with the baby blue skort just screamed girly girl with it matching the makeup and the short glossy nails he now had. Taking a moment to take it all in as he sat there with the purse in his lap and holding his black rugged...

1 year ago
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Reddit FunWithFriends, aka r/FunWithFriends! Is there any sex that’s better than with friends? I’m not talking about the weird sex that ends friendships because the bitch couldn’t compartmentalize and, ‘accept what this was.’ I’m referring to the kind of sex where friends want nothing more than to fuck one another’s brains out, clean up, then go out and grab a beer before going home, taking a giant whiskey dump, then going to sleep. The kind of friend sex where everyone fucks because they want...

Reddit NSFW List
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MyFriends Mom

Hi! My name is Rahul, 21 years old from Bangalore now in Chennai. It all happened some time ago, when I was having a very close friend whose name was Sunil. We were very close to each other and studied in the same college. We use to get along very well. We used to study, play, watch movies and do all naughty stuffs that boys do. We were so close that we don't like any other boy to get between us, we tend to live and enjoy life with each other and our life was quite within both of us. Our houses...

2 years ago
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I love my boyfriends. I love to fuck. I love to fuck my boyfriends. Some days I fuck one boyfriend. Other days I fuck two, three or sometimes all four of them. They are not jealous because they sometimes know each other and they know I like all of them the same. And they know that if they get jealous they cannot be my boyfriend any more. I am 21 now and have been fucking since I was 18. I agreed with my mom and our doctor that I should not have babies so they fixed me so I won’t get pregnant....

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Girlfriends Films

Oh yeah! Premium lesbian smut at GirlfriendsFilms! Is there anything more classic in the world of adult entertainment than lesbian porn? Probably not. Since the infancy of smut cinema, back in the days of porn staches and big, hairy ‘70’s bushes, lesbian porn has been a staple to the industry, garnering a huge following and creating a whole new space in the arena of male sexual desire. When lesbian porn first took off, it was still kind of a taboo thing, and guys didn’t lust over lesbians to...

Premium Lesbian Porn Sites
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Friendship Bands

Friendship bands Chapter 1: At the Market John and Craig were old friends, right back to when they were both kids causing trouble around the streets of South London. As they grew into men they'd both had a keen eye for the girls and had no shortage of success. They made a good team. John was a natural leader with his broad shoulders, 6ft 2in height, dark hair and handsome features. The girls would all swoon over him. Craig was usually happy to provide back-up, chatting up...

2 years ago
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*****Note_1: The below story contains adult material. Do not continue reading if you are under age 18 or are offended by such material, this is a pure fantasy. All the other characters are pure fiction.Note_2: in tribute to the great BB. Sorry about the time that it took me, and thank you for the ideas.*****Chapter 1: the sisters from hell.Rachel Smith was a very attractive divorced woman. She had long black hair, deep blue eyes, and a great body. Rachel was on her way to work...

4 years ago
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Friendship Bands

Chapter 1: At the MarketJohn and Craig were old friends, right back to when they were both k**scausing trouble around the streets of South London. As they grew intomen they'd both had a keen eye for the girls and had no shortage ofsuccess. They made a good team.John was a natural leader with his broad shoulders, 6ft 2in height, darkhair and handsome features. The girls would all swoon over him. Craigwas usually happy to provide back-up, chatting up the best friend ofJohn's preferred girl...

3 years ago
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Friends Watching Us Fuck With Kelly

It was the summer of 1976. School had been out for a couple of weeks and Kelly had her friends over for a sleepover. They had set up a big camping tent in the backyard and were planning to spend the night snacking, giggling and talking about boys.Kelly ran with a tight circle of friends: Yvonne, Becca, Donna, Debbie, and Linda. Yvonne and Becca couldn’t make that party as they had to work early the next day. Kelly was the first of the group to have a steady boyfriend and the first one that was...

4 years ago
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Friends Watching Us Fuck With Kelly

It was the summer of 1976. School had been out for a couple of weeks and Kelly had her friends over for a sleepover. They had set up a big camping tent in the backyard and were planning to spend the night snacking, giggling and talking about boys.Kelly ran with a tight circle of friends: Yvonne, Becca, Donna, Debbie, and Linda. Yvonne and Becca couldn’t make that party as they had to work early the next day. Kelly was the first of the group to have a steady boyfriend and the first one that was...

1 year ago
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Friends With Benefits

The whole concept of Friends With Benefits can be a little controversial, depending on who you ask. There are dudes out there who claim it never works out, that there are always strings attached, no matter what she says. I’ve had my share of supposedly casual hookups that went sideways when the babes got jealous, but it doesn’t always go that way. In my experience, things tend to work out best when you’re really up front about what you want. These days, you don’t have to be looking for a...

Hookup Sites
4 years ago
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Friends With Benefits0

Friends With Benefits Tammy is not your typical girl next door. She is fourteen years old, just a little bit heavy, and she wears glasses and braces. Her face is okay but nothing to write home about. Even her hair sucks since her mother messed with it. I am also fourteen but unlike Tammy I am fairly good looking from what I’ve been told. Tammy and I have been friends since the day we were born. Our mothers were in the hospital at the same time but I am two days older than Tammy...

4 years ago
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Friends swap for the first time

The two ladies stood across from each other, both nervous, and excited. They had been close friends for over 15 years. Julie had been the matron of honor at her friends wedding and Sharon had been the same for her friend.Julie and Jim had been married for 10 years and Sharon and Dave for 9. Julie and Jim had become curious about swinging and had been surfing an adult site on the web. Julie was bi curious and so they had been looking for a couple with a bi curious wife and discovered an ad by...

3 years ago
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Friends for everything

Hello friends my name is Aman 24 from Delhi. We are a wealthy punjabi family living in a posh locality in Delhi. My father is a trader and exporter so has to travel a lot to china and other countries and sometimes the family gets to go too.To come to the point, the ladies namely Gulneet my mom 42 and my sister Honey 21 are sexy vixens who turn heads wherever they go. They are modern, broadminded, sexy social butterflies’ possessing great beauty and amazing bodies mainly due to regular gym and...

4 years ago
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Friends With My Sexy Family

Hello friends my name is Aman 24 from Delhi. We are a wealthy punjabi family living in a posh locality in Delhi. My father is a trader and exporter so has to travel a lot to china and other countries and sometimes the family gets to go too. To come to the point, the ladies namely Gulneet my mom 42 and my sister Honey 21 are sexy vixens who turn heads wherever they go. They are modern, broadminded, sexy social butterflies’ possessing great beauty and amazing bodies mainly due to regular gym and...

3 years ago
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Friends with benefits Part TWO Edith

this is the second part of my fantasy…. It took me about 3 minutes to decide what matching set I was going to wear for the night out with my friend. I found a very sexy Simone Pêrele satin demi bra with its matching thong, that was my choice, I turned around to my friend which was in her ‘born suit’ and ‘I CHOOSE THIS ONE… you sexy bitch!’ She gave me the ok look, ‘lets get dress first and then I am going to put you make up, I have couple of ideas, do you mine if I take pictures…..hahahahah...

3 years ago
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Friends with benefits Part TWO Edith

this is the second part of my fantasy....It took me about 3 minutes to decide what matching set I was going to wear for the night out with my friend. I found a very sexy Simone Pêrele satin demi bra with its matching thong, that was my choice, I turned around to my friend which was in her "born suit" and "I CHOOSE THIS ONE... you sexy bitch!"She gave me the ok look, "lets get dress first and then I am going to put you make up, I have couple of ideas, do you mine if I take...

2 years ago
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Friends LoversChapter 2

Breakfast was a joke. Jen and I were both hung over and preoccupied. Josh ended up eating most of it and tossing the rest in the trash. "All right you two, spit it out. What's wrong?" Josh looked at us expectantly, one eyebrow raised. Jen and I exchanged a look and shrugged. "Are we all still friends?" Another look passed between us. We both nodded yes. "Do either of you regret what happened last night?" Jen raised her eyebrows at me in question and I shook my head no. So did...

2 years ago
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Friends of My Sister

I could hear them laughing and playing through the closed bedroom door down the hall, and through my closed bedroom door. Our parent’s room was on the first floor so they weren't bothered by the racket the four girls were making. Jean had been having the three friends over since they were in grade school and it was no big deal; I was accustomed to the riot of giggling and prattle coming from her room. This night was no different, or so I thought as I went past my sister's room to the...

3 years ago
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Friends and Lovers0

Tracy was the kind of woman who felt comfortable adhering to rules. She’d served in the military for 20 years and was now enjoying her life pursuing her dreams of becoming an artist. In many ways, it was the exact opposite of the strict, rigid life she’d had in The Army. She could stand in front of a canvas for hours, sometimes forgetting to eat, on only two or three hours of sleep a night, and paint to her heart’s content. Several local galleries were showing her work and while the sales...

2 years ago
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Friends and Lovers

Tracy Robinson had a hard and fast rule: Do NOT, under any circumstances, never, ever, ever fool around with a married man. She’d been married and cheated on and she remembered all too well the pain it caused her. In her mind there was no valid, justifiable reason to date someone who she knew was going to be a liar from the very beginning; she had enough respect for herself to not date someone else’s man. Because she was bisexual, the same theory applied to women as well. Women were...

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Friends and BenefitsChapter 11

I spent a lot of the afternoon thinking about Sherri's words. Did I want Tina back? Did I want Sharon back? My first impulse was 'yes, yes, yes!' How could Sherri even ask the question? But based on what I'd told her so far, how could she not? I'd glossed over all the casual conversations with Sharon. The simple sharing of the week. I hadn't mentioned the letters and calls that were about nothing other than the little minutiae that make up most days. I'd emphasized the 'benefits'...

3 years ago
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Friends and FamilyChapter 25 Home and Work ndash Part 3

Wedding And Honeymoon After crying all the way home, I was useless the rest of the night. All I could do was hold her and cry. “Mick, I’m sorry. I wish I could make myself better, but I can’t. Please don’t be like this. I need your strength.” “I’m sorry. I can’t help it. I love you so much. I’ve never loved anyone like this. I don’t know what I’m going to do without you.” “Don’t worry about that now. Come to bed with me. I need you inside me.” We made love almost all night. She kept...

2 years ago
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FRIENDS OR LOVERS?   by Rumple Foreskin     Amy Marshall sat alone and miserable on the bank of the Mississippi River. A giant oil tanker heading upstream went unnoticed. She was too busy trying not to cry.   The tall redhead felt angry and weepy, and incredibly stupid for not knowing why. Leaning back against a big, driftwood log, she closed her eyes and tried to come up with an answer.     What has gotten into you, girl? One minute you’re feeling great, joking with the other guests—though...

4 years ago
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Friends or Lovers

The knock came at midnight, almost to the second. I was already in my shorts and t-shirt, ready to get in bed for the night when it came. No one ever comes to my door without ringing me on my intercom first so I was a bit more than a little cautious when I went to the door. ‘Who is it?’ I called. A familiar voice rang out. ‘It’s me. Marty.’ I quickly unlocked and opened my door. ‘Marty? What the heck you doing here at this time of night.’ I became concerned. ‘Hey, is everything okay?’ I...

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