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Note_1: The below story contains adult material. Do not continue reading if you are under age 18 or are offended by such material, this is a pure fantasy. All the other characters are pure fiction.

Note_2: in tribute to the great BB. Sorry about the time that it took me, and thank you for the ideas.


Chapter 1: the sisters from hell.

Rachel Smith was a very attractive divorced woman. She had long black hair, deep blue eyes, and a great body. Rachel was on her way to work after she said goodbye to her roommates. Looking around the 5th avenue she had a sudden urge to enter a few shops. Then Rachel decided that since it was her boyfriend's birthday, then she would go to buy a few things at some posh store. When Rachel was inside, she went to the undergarments area where she decided to buy: 5 half cup bras, 5 laced bras, and 5 strapless bras. Next she went to the underwear part where she decided to buy: 3 g-string thongs, 5 thongs, 5 laced panties and 10 ruffled panties. Next Rachel went to the buy 10 babydolls, 10 halter babydolls, 10 flyway babydolls, 15 silk babydolls, 15 satin babydolls, and 10 stretch lace-neck babydolls.

When Rachel came to the register, the woman there told her: "I see that you have an excellent taste, and knowledge of our discounts."

"Yeah, I love this store. 250 bucks after almost 75% discount is great."? Rachel said with a smile as she handed her credit card.

"You know; there is a fashion show in Japan on April 10th, and we are giving invitations to special costumers. Since you know us so well, I was wondering if you would like to get one you can bring 3 of your friends with you." The seller said with a worm smile.

"What is the catch?" Rachel asked worried.

"There is no catch. All you need to do is to fill this form." The seller said as she gave Rachel a paper.

"Do I need to fill it now?" Rachel asked a little calmer.

"No. we know that you need to think about it. You can take this form home and fax it to us. Here is our card. Ho my god you were right." The seller replied before she ironed the card. "Here you go miss. Thank you for buying here."

"Thank you." Rachel said as she went out of the store.

When Rachel arrived to her office, she called her best friends and told them the story. Each friend told her that they would join. Sitting at her desk, Rachel began to fill the short form.



Rachel smith.




Hudson St. 785 apartment 25A.


Lois Jones, Moesha Mitchell, and Monica Green.

Cost of buy without discount:


Cost of bye with discounts:


How did you hear about us?

I had a friend who used to work for you.

What did you bought?

Lingerie and negligee.


When finished, Rachel faxed it and returned to work. Then, at the end of the day a fax came, and Rachel took her home. At dinner, Rachel showed her roommates the fax which said:


Date: 10/03/1992.

To: Rachel Smith.

Subject: you won.


To our smartest costumer.


Ms. Hiroko Naira would love to see you and your friends: Lois Jones, Moesha Mitchell, and Monica Green. Next month on: 01/04/1992 a limousine would come to take you on: 09:00. Please do not let him wait for you because the private jet must fly on 10:55 sharp. The fashion theme will be: "lace and leather." So come ready because once you will land at the airport, the driver will take you to the party.




Fellow American.


"Ricky-Ricky Rick? What kind of a name is that?" Lora asked as she tried not to laugh.

"And what is that: fellow American?" Lois asked confused.

"I guess that we would understand in one month." Moesha said before all girls began to laugh.

"Let's send her a fax back." Rachel said before she joined the laughter.


Meanwhile across the pacific a blonde woman wearing a dog collar lay across the feet of her Japanese mistress, who took her time spanking her ass. With every stroke, the humiliated woman said in Japanese: "thank you mistress Hiroko. May I have some more?" then after the last spank, the Japanese woman asked: "are you sure that sent the fax you stupid American? You people can't do anything right, aren't you Licky-Licky? How many times do I have to teach you how to?" before she was interrupted by a knock on the door. "What is it?" Hiroko asked with anger before a young geisha with the belt over her chest got in.

"Ho sis, it is you. Sorry that I screamed at you. Licky-Licky here is an idiot. What happened?" Hiroko asked with a smile. Since her sister refused to speak English or Japanese in a level that Ricky-Ricky Rick would understand, she just lay there humiliated.

"You received a fax from one Rachel Smith. She confirmed that she and her friends would be here. Hiroko, may I ask you something?" the younger Japanese replied shyly.

"Yes Keiko; what can I do for you?" Hiroko asked smiling as her younger sister knelt next to her.

"Well, I know that you are my bigger sister and the better geisha as your belt is on your waist. But I was wondering; when you will give me the plaything that you promised me? You have Licky-Licky, and I still have no American to play with. Did you lie to me? Please say no. I can't deal with more betrayal. Every time in which I expect to have some great new thing I am as the Americans would say: SCREWED." Keiko said in despair.

"In a month my dear, little sister. I can't forget what I promised you. Just have a little more patience Keiko. I am going to have four new girls soon. Maybe you will get the African-American that I told you about." Hiroko said with a smile.

"How do you know that there will be African-American?" Keiko asked surprised.

"No white woman will have; Moesha as her name." Hiroko said as she pulled her younger sister to her feet. "Look, why won't you change cloths and we would go to eat something? just you and me." Hiroko offered her sister.

"Sounds great to me." Keiko said before she kissed her sister on the cheek. "Are you promise?" Keiko asked with a smile.

"Yes? go." Hiroko said with a smile before her sister left the room. Once her sister was out, Hiroko said in perfect English: "having a younger sister is a very hard work. You see, I promised that she would have a doll to play with two months ago. Since then whenever we speak she takes the time to remind me. To be honest, I can't be angry with her because this is the way that she is. She had a very hard time until I became a geisha. Whenever an American came we had to make sure that he was happy. Now that I have an American toy to play with, she is jealous. However, she won't be jealous for long. In one month I am going to give her a present. Now be a good girl and where your socks."

"Yes mistress." Licky-Licky said humiliated as she got up and went to where Hiroko threw her socks earlier. As Ricky-Ricky Rick put on the socks she remembered the past. Before she was known as Ricky-Ricky Rick, her name was: Linda Wilson. She and Hiroko both learned at Cambridge University. While Hiroko struggled against the all odds, broke the barricades, and learned to speak English; Linda did everything within her power to break the young Japanese. The only support that she had was Keiko who came with her to England. In time when Hiroko learned to speak English, she came across some blackmail stories, and after speaking with her sister she came up with a plan. The plan worked perfectly. Since then Licky-Licky became her personal plaything as she moved to Hiroko's apartment building. During the 1st year Licky-Licky was constantly gang-banged by women until she learned her place.

Once Licky-Licky was dressed, her mistress tied her hand behind her back. Next she pressed the remote in her, and the vibrator that was pierced to her slave's clit began to vibrate. Then as Licky-Licky began to moan with pleasure, her mistress led her to a closet. Once the humiliated woman was inside, Hiroko informed her before she closed the door: "when I will return, we will continue our chat."


As Rachel woke up she felt groggy. The last thing she remembered was the blonde woman that gave her a drink. Where was she now? Once her vision cleared, she saw that she was naked. Next, she looked around she saw that she was in some bad room. Suddenly, the door opened and in came a blonde woman wearing a Parisian maid outfit (see: Darkheart for the description of the outfit) and a dog collar. In her hand was a small pink bag.

"Where am I? Who are you? Where are my friends?" Rachel asked in panic.

"My name is Licky-Licky. I am the personal plaything of Mistress Hiroko, and the one who wrote you the fax. You are now in Mistress Keiko's bedroom. You are going to be her personal slave. Mistress Hiroko will tell you what happened to your friends. Please wear these." Licky-Licky said as she handed her a bag.

"What will happen if I will refuse?" Rachel asked Licky-Licky.

"They have a tape with you on it? you don't want it to come out." Licky-Licky said.

"Very well then." Rachel said as she opened the bag. "You are not serious right?" Rachel asked after looking into it.

"What the mistresses want, the mistresses get." Licky-Licky replied as she looked across the window wishing that she was free.

"How did you get that name?" Rachel asked as she took the pink g-string thong and put it on.

"I was foolish enough to refuse an order." Licky-Licky answered humiliated while Rachel pulled the thong up. "You need to pull the straps until they will be on your waist. Less then that and you will be punished." Licky-Licky said, and Rachel followed.

"Thank you. What was it?" Rachel asked as she looked at the blonde's collar.

"Lick Mistress Hiroko's ass." Licky-Licky said humiliated before Rachel hugged her and tried to calm her down.

"Do you have any tips for me?" Rachel asked the humiliated Licky-Licky as she wore the pink tube top.

"Only one: don't argue and follow their orders. Now let's go? I don't want to be spanked." Licky-Licky said as both women went outside the room.

As Rachel followed the naked blonde she asked her: "what does my top say?"

"It say; 'I am an idiot American who is willing to become a whore.'? Mistress hiroko loves that sort of massages." Licky-Licky said as she opened the door and led Rachel in. inside the room were two Japanese women. The 1st woman set behind her desk, and wore a business suit. The other one was younger, and was dressed in midnight blue evening gown.

"Great job Licky-Licky. Get your ass under the table, and start to clean my shoes." Hiroko told her slave.

"Yes mistress. Thank you mistress hiroko." Licky-Licky said before she ran to her mistress side. Once there she vanished under the table and began to lick her mistress's shoes.

"Who are you?" Rachel asked Hiroko.

"I am Hiroko Naira. This girl is my sister and your mistress. However, you will call me; mistress. Understood?" Hiroko asked Rachel.

"Yes mistress." Rachel replied.

"You are probably wondering what happened to your three friends' right? Well I will tell you: your friend Moesha was sold to her in-laws. It was a big mistake to have such a massy divorce. As we speak she is inside a nice crate on a jet plane doing her way to London. Now lets talk about Monica and Lois' I have a friend in Kyoto who needs a new whores. As you can see we did a lot of research regarding your friends." Hiroko said with a sadistic smile.

"Let's go dolly? it is time to have fun. You better be faster then that idiot, Licky-Licky." Keiko said in perfect English as she lost her patience. Much like her sister, Keiko learned how to talk from Moesha mother in-law.

Next she dragged Rachel out of Hiroko's office. As the two left, Hiroko slumped in her chair smiling. When Rachel and Keiko reached the girl's room, Keiko gave her slave a paper as she informed her in perfect English; "I do not like to speak in English, but I have no choice so here we go; read this paper!"

"Yes mistress." Rachel said before she began to read; 'basic rules for dolly;

1.     I accept the name: Sucky-Licky as my own. My former self, Rachel smith, is dead.

2.     I will call Keiko mistress.

3.     I will understand that I am a plaything, and nothing more.

4.     I will follow Mistress Keiko's orders.

5.     I will do whatever Mistress Keiko told me.

6.     I understand that I am a toy without: will and control over my body and soul.

7.     I understand that I have no will of my own.

8.     I understand that I won't see my friends anymore unless Mistress Keiko and Mistress Hiroko will decide otherwise.

9.     I live to serve my mistress.

10. Other rules will be given to me by Mistress Keiko in our sessions.

11. I agree to be punished whenever I will be a bad girl.

"Do you understand those rules Sucky-Licky?" Keiko asked with a smile.

"Yes mistress." Sucky-Ricky Rick replied.

"Good girl. Let's start your training. Say; please Mistress Keiko may Sucky-Licky suck your nipples." Keiko said with amusement.

"Please Mistress Keiko may Sucky-Licky suck your nipples." Sucky-Licky said humiliated.

"Good girl. Now say: please Mistress Keiko. May Sucky-Licky lick your cunt?" Keiko continued with the humiliation.

"Please mistress keiko, may Sucky-Licky lick your cunt?" Sucky-Licky repeated her mistress's command.

"Good girl. Now ask me to accept you as my personal slave." Keiko said without telling her slave how.

"Please mistress keiko, accept Sucky-Licky as your personal slave." Sucky-Licky said humiliated as Keiko's eyes grew with joy.

"Ho boy I'm so proud. For the 1st time in my life Hiroko will be green with jealousy. You are an amazing American. You are nothing like the idiots that Hiroko told me about. Can you tell me; what is your name? Rachel?" Keiko asked her slave.

"No mistress. My name is Sucky-Licky. Please Mistress Keiko. May Sucky-Licky lick your cunt?" Sucky-Licky said and saw that Keiko was in heaven.

"You are learning to speak faster then Licky-Licky. Now I want to hear you say: please mistress may I Sucky-Licky lick your ass?" Keiko said with a warm smile.

"Please mistress, may Sucky-Licky lick your ass?" Sucky-Licky said and looked at Keiko who almost fell from her feet.

"My god she is going to die slowly. You are not talking like that to humiliate me later right?" Keiko asked as she suddenly became paranoid.

"No mistress. Sucky-Licky wants to be good." Sucky-Licky replied smiling.

"Because if you would then I will make sure that you will pay for it? ho and just in case you are thinking about escaping: don't. Licky-Licky tried and she is paying the price until now." Hiroko said with a smile.

"You can trust Sucky-Licky mistress." Sucky-Licky said with a smile.

"I hope so. Now let's have some fun." Keiko said as she led her slave to her bed.

The end of chapter 1.


Chapter 2:? clowns, slaves and everything in between? or changing back the hands of time.

Note; the clowns are based on pictures that can be found here and they are used with the artist's permission.

Six months past since Sucky-Licky arrived to Japan and turned into a lesbian sex slave. Sucky-Licky missed her friends and wondered what happened to them. Right now she stood naked next to Licky-Licky who was also naked and Rick and the two mistresses who looked at Hiroko's new statues. As they looked, Hiroko and Keiko who wore a robe talked in English.

"I don't get it Hiro, why do you love those statues so much? What is so special about them? How much do those replicas cost you?" Keiko asked her older sister.

"Less then it should. Look at this. These statues are the symbol of victory. You see, they were carved during the middle ages. Both statutes are still standing. On the right you can see the statue that symbolizes the Judaism. As you can see she has a blindfold to show that she is blind to the truth of Christ. Look at the bouquet of dead weeds that she carry is symbolize that the Judaism which is a dead religion. On the right you can see the Christianity. The Christianity is a beautiful, young queen who carries a staff and a chalets? the joke is that a few years after those statues were revealed to the public the Islam conquered Spain." Hiroko replied with a smile.

"So why do you love it?" Keiko asked her sister.

"You know that you are insane right sis? Just look at those women? the fabric? the way that you feel as if they are going to come to life.? Just look at them. Don't you see it?" Hiroko asked her sister.

"No. what I see that my sister, you, lost her mind." Keiko said before her sister began to laugh. Keiko and Hiroko never shared the same taste. What Keiko loved Hiroko asked and what the later loved the 1st hate. Besides, Hiroko always thought that her sister's taste should be controlled by her because if it won't then a disaster will strike.

"Cute, real cute. You thought about that or Sucky-Licky thought for you? after all; your American is smarter then my slut." Hiroko told her smiling sister.

"Sucky-Licky thought about that. Tell me Hiroko; what do you think about rap? Sucky-Licky said that it is great, and I agree with her." Keiko said as Hiroko's big eyes grew even bigger.

"If I may quote a great man: rap is crap. I forbid you from hearing that type of music. Understood?" Hiroko asked her sister.

"Yes mom." Keiko said with a smile.

"Whatever? bye. I will tell you when the clowns will be hear? so don't be late." Hiroko said as she mocked Licky-Licky's former self.

"Like bye." Keiko said trying to say like an American as she turned around and pulled Sucky-Licky leash and led her to her room. Inside the room, Keiko ordered her slave to assume position. Without a second to loose Sucky-Licky dropped to her hands and knees before she raised her ass up before Keiko's robe fell over her head. Next, Sucky-Licky felt the cursed phallus being pumped in and out of her ass again.

Meanwhile at her office; Hiroko used poor Licky-Licky as a stool for her bare feet, ash she set next to her table which had three envelopes on it. The 1st envelope came from her friend, Lynn Mae from Kyoto who wrote to her:

Dear Hiroko my love.

I am happy to say that our experiment is working well. As you can see here, Lois is doing very well in fact she is the best whore that I have. And Monica is my puppygirl. As you may see in the picture she is not wearing much. It is amazing but she is my best girl now. When will we meet again?

With love,

Your friend; Lynn Mae.

As she finished, Hiroko took the 2nd from the two that she had on her desk. Next she looked at the picture in her hand where she saw Lynn, who wore a traditional Chinese dress. Next to her stood Lois who wore pink sandals and a skimpy skirt which she held up to reveal her shaved sex. Her hair was tangled, and her face was heavily made-up.

After putting Lois's picture in the frame she took the next letter, and read it;

Dear Hiroko.

I want to thank you for sending your and young Keiko's condolences after my husband died last month. I was really touched when you proposed to help with everything that I need. God bless you Hiroko. Now after both my husband and son died, I have nothing left except for Shaniqua M. Mitchell. I sent you an e-mail with her pictures. If you want her back as you told my husband then take her. However, I do implore you to think about it.

Best regards,

Martha Fitch.

Once Hiroko finished reading the letter, she took a paper of her own and wrote:


Dear teacher.


When I was in your class and you taught me in Latin, you saw how troubled I and my sister were. When we finely learned how to speak and write thanks to you, you told me: Non obsruradis os bovi trituranti. I still remember what it means and how I felt when you translated it to me. When I told it to Keiko, she said that maybe we have a friend. Surely we have one. From a pair of outsiders you took us, and "adopted" us when we were all alone in the world. Thank you teacher for everything that you did for us. Now that I finely have an Imperium over my slaves as a mistress, I am willing to give you the provocatio if you would like it.


Thanks to everything that you did for us, the nightmares that Keiko used to have are finely over. She can sleep now. I love this girl more then I love anyone else. I used to have nightmares and fears about her but now she is smiling. I think that giving her some sort of control did a remarkable thing for her. I saw what you sent her? Thank you? she needed it.


I finely finished building my real-estate empire. If you want then I can give you better apartment in cheaper price.


Look, I don't feel so good? I will write to you soon.



Hiroko Naira.

PS: I refuse to allow you to use the bondage right.


With that Hiroko quietly folded the paper before she put it in the envelope. Once the paper was inside, Hiroko fainted. When Licky-Licky did not hear her mistress, she looked up and began to panic as she saw her mistress unconscious. Knowing about the smelling salt, Licky-Licky broke her mistress's order (who told her not to move), and ran to the cabinet. Once the smelling salt was in her hand, Licky-Licky opened the bottle as she returned to her mistress. Next to the chair she put the smelling salt under Hiroko's nose and waited. Once her mistress began to move, Licky-Licky quickly placed the bottle on the table and dropped to her hand and knees.

"What happened? Ho god, not again. I think that it is time to check on how much Linda loves to be my lesbian sex slave. What do you say Licky-Licky?" Hiroko said as she took the bottle in her hand. She had some mysterious diseases since she was a child. At the time it was Keiko's job to look after her. However, now it was Licky-Licky's job in return for being allowed to have her old name in return over the next month. The problem was that Hiroko did not have those attacks often and so Linda was stuck as Licky-Licky.

"Yes Mistress." Licky-Licky said trying to hide her relief.

"Very well; for the next month my personal slave, Licky-Licky, will be replaced by my horny, low IQ personal bimbo, DD Wilson. Understood?" Hiroko asked with a smile as the humiliation continued.

"Like DD Wilson is totally understand and stuff." Licky-Licky said as rule 5a said. At the time when she was gang-banged her name was DD Wilson. When Licky-Licky returned to Hiroko, the later gave her a manual on how to behave. In the manual; articles 5-10 spoke on DD Wilson; attitude, position, wardrobe, etc.


A few hours passed since her episode, and now Hiroko used DD as she bent on her as they walked with Keiko and Sucky-Licky. As they did, the two began to speak in English. They decided that outside of the house they would speak in Japanese while inside with their slave it would be that "vile language," English, as Keiko and Hiroko called it? especially now with the new clowns.

"You really should do something about your episodes sis. How long are you going to continue with your suffer?" Keiko asked concerned.

"Keiko, we went to every doctor that I can think about: gynecologists, shrinks and family doctors. They all say the same thing after intensive sets of degrading and humiliating exams: we don't know what you have, and we can not help you. Look, I think that I know what the problem is." Hiroko said as she tried to calm her younger sister.

"And what is that?" Keiko asked cautious. Hiroko was all she had, and she didn't want to loose her.

"I think that this is an allergic reaction." Hiroko replied as she placed her hand over her sister's shoulder.

"How can you be sure?" Keiko asked her sister.

"I did some tests. Now as you may know other then the usual hobbies I love to: read, cook, rest and dance. Last time before it started I ate Tchina. Now, I never ate that before. However, what I did eat was before every attack was sesame and as you know; Tchina is made of sesame." Hiroko explained.

"Maybe you are right sis. If you are allergic to sesame then maybe you should try not to eat it even though I know how much it will be hard. So here is what I am offering: since you never left me when the times were bad; then I will stop to it sesame based products with you right here, right now. What do you say Hiro?" Keiko asked her smiling sister.

"You will do that for me?" Hiroko asked as her smile grew bigger.

"Yes." Keiko replied with a smile of her own.

"Thank you." Hiroko said as she pulled her sister closer to her.

"You welcome." Keiko said as she placed her hand over the taller Hiroko's waist.

"I love you Kiko." Hiroko said with a smile as she opened the door to the waiting room.

"And I love you Hiro." Keiko replied as they got into the room.

Inside the room were two rows of clowns. The raw on the right was made of 5 clowns that only had their faces painted. The raw on the left had 8 clowns that their entire bodies were pure white. 8 of the clowns wore evening gowns, 2 wore already in costume, and 3 wore something else. As Keiko looked at the clowns she was shocked. Standing there in front of her were the 13 American celebrities that vanished one year ago. "Where have you fined them?" Keiko finely was able to ask Hiroko.

"When I visited my friend Monica at America last month. We went to the circus together where I saw them. After the show I went to the owner of the circus and offered him 1 million dollar for each of them. At 1st he refused to believe that I have this amount, but after I introduced myself he agreed. Over the last month they did their last show, and now they belong to us. You will own the five clowns with their faces painted. Those clowns are: B, M-1, M-2, AH and TR. Go to your new mistress ladies? now I own: Nina, Dina, Mina, Lina, Sina, Rina, Tina and Bina. Come to me girls." Hiroko replied smiling as every clown stood next to her mistress. "You see Kiko; thanks to the makeup, you can control your clowns. Mine are going to help me to; humiliate each other, humiliate Linda or that they would do a few tricks that I will teach them. Right clowns?"

"Right? (Giggle?) mistress." All 8 clowns answered in unison.

Once her clowns stood next to her, Keiko asked Hiroko while still looking at the clowns: "can they or I remove their makeup?"

"Kiko? Kiko? Kiko? Kiko? over the last year your clowns had every chance to escape. However, they did not. Why was it? The answer is that because they don't wear makeup. This is their skin. The only difference is that the scientists who sold them to the circus only had your clowns' hairs and face changed. Mine on the other hand had their entire bodies changed from their toes to the less strain of their hair. Thanks to that mine are easier to work with and I already have a few tricks for them to learn... especially; Rina." Hiroko said with a smile as she looked at the clown. Rina and Mina used to be famous pop stars. However, now as Keiko looked at them, both of them were changed women. Like the rest of Hiroko's clowns Bina's skin was cream white. Her lips were dark red, with an ordinary red line that curled over her check. The red line went under her lower lip before it curled on the other cheek. Over her legs, Bina was wearing a blue, ankle high latex boots. Next over Tina's waist was a tight pair of hot pants baring blue and purple stripes. Looking further up, Keiko saw a colorful tank top with blue pom-poms. Then she reached her had and saw the midnight blue biker cap that Tina wore.

"So they will do and wear what I want, Hiro?" Keiko asked as she looked at AH.

"Yes Kiko." Hiroko replied with a smile.

"Can I change their names?" Keiko asked with Hiroko's sadistic smile on her face.

"Yes you may Kiko. Just don't use the same names that I gave my clowns." Hiroko replied.

"Okay then? let's go. Sorry Hiro, but I suddenly became horny." Keiko said shyly.

"Go Kiko and have fun." Hiroko said as she watched her Keiko walking away with Sucky-Licky and the clowns. When they arrived to her bedroom, Keiko tied Sucky-Licky to her bondage chair as she told her clowns: "when I speak to someone then I love to know their names. Initials and names of planes don't do it for me. Do you agree with me?"

"Yes ring mistress." All the clowns said in unison.

"Very well then. D, from now on your name will be: Tink. M-1: your new name is; Tramp, and M-2 your name is; Bimbo. AH, your new name is; slut, and TR, your new name is Wink. Understood?" Keiko asked with a smile.

"Yes ring mistress." All the clowns said in unison.

"Now Tink; I want you to do Sucky-Licky's hair. There is a hair color on the table. Tell me when you are done." Keiko said with a smile.

"Yes mistress." Tink said before she went to work.

"Wink: do her makeup. You will fine it at table. Tell me when you are done." Keiko said with a bigger smile.

"Yes mistress." Wink said before she went to work.

"The rest of you; come and pleasure me." Keiko said as she disrobed and lay naked on the bed. Ho almost forgot: when you will finish pull her to the side of the bed. Bimbo; when you will be on the bed, I want you to lick my private area. Slut; be a dear and suck my right nipple. And tramp; you will suck my left nipple. Understood?" Keiko asked as she lay on her back.

"Yes mistress." All the other said in unison as they got on the bed. Then Bimbo began to lick her pussy while slut sucked on her right nipple, and tramp sucked on her right like they were told. Once Tink and Wink finished, they pulled Sucky-Licky's chair next to the bed. Then they said: "done mistress."

Looking up Keiko said as a joke: "then sit at the bed post and suck my feet."

"Yes mistress." Both clowns said before they did as they were told. Then without saying a word, each clown got into the bed from another side and began to suck her feet. Then Keiko closed her eyes smiling after she caught a short glimpse at her toy, Sucky-Licky.

Meanwhile at Keiko's bedroom;

DD set naked as she pumped a dildo in and out of her pussy. In front of her on the called was her ex-fiancée, Sissy Wimp, who shook violently against the spreader bar that his hands and legs were handcuffed to the corner of his eyes, he saw the clowns coming naked after their mistress. Poor sissy was also naked accept for his training collar and the jester hat that wore. He was caught a few days ago as he tried to fine information regarding Linda Wilson. When Hiroko confronted him, she offered him: "if you win then you get Linda back. Loose and I will get you both." George (that was his name at the time) refused at 1st, but when he saw the guns, he had a change of heart.

"How is your ass Sissy? Did my little whore love the way that pumped that huge dildo in and out of his ass?" Hiroko asked the humiliated slave.

"No mistress?" Sissy whispered with his head bowed.

"Bad whore." Hiroko said as she pressed the remote and her hand until sissy twitched and then she stopped. "I have no super hearing. Now as I asked: How is your ass Sissy? Did my little whore love the way that I that pumped that huge dildo in and out of his ass?" Hiroko asked the humiliated slave again.

"Yes mistress. Next time will you please use the phallus to fuck your whore's ass." sissy replied after calming down.

"I am sorry slave, but starting from tomorrow you will wear a chastity belt with iron attachment for your sack and cock. That is why I'm going to fuck your mouth with my phallus. Do you love it when I fuck your mouth?" Hiroko asked with a victorious smile.

"Yes mistress. I love it when you fuck my mouth, mistress." Sissy replied in shame? he really loved it and knew that Hiroko knew it long before she met him. By using the dildo she forced him to admit it in front of Licky-Licky. Since then Licky-Licky despised him, and Hiroko used it to humiliate her.

"What do you think about my clowns? Those chemicals turned them into greater and better women." Hiroko asked as she stood in next to the two green haired women. "As you can see they are always smiling. Furthermore, they sex are shaved, and they look great. Look at them, the best thing that arrived to Japan since Douglas McArthur, wrestling... and all the types of music except for rap. I hate rap. Rap is crap as the song goes." Hiroko said as her the jingle that she loved the most was on the radio. Bad thing that the singer died of "acute cocaine intoxication". As she listened to the jingle Hiroko remembered when she saw the singer sing before a wrestling match that he won. Loosing control over her body, Hiroko began to dance and sing with the singer. "My sister somehow sank so low that she loves rap though. I truly don't know how it happened to her." Keiko added as the jingle was over.

"Maybe she has a good taste mistress?" Sissy said before he was shocked again.

"I will pretend that I did not hear that. My sister in that division does not have a good taste. Look, I have collections of very interesting music. So why in the name of god she likes that vile music?" Hiroko asked DD who began to moan like a whore.

"Maybe mistress Keiko does not feel well mistress?" DD asked before she closed her eyes with fear.

"Now you see this is an answer. Good work DD. Why can't you give answers like DD? She is not that smart you know." Hiroko asked Sissy with a wicked smile.

"I am an idiot?" sissy asked with fear.

"Try it again!" Hiroko ordered her fearful slave.

"I am an idiot." Sissy said with fear.

"Perfect." Hiroko said pleased with a smile. "Now DD; tell me what sissy is." Hiroko asked her moaning bimbo.

"Like, he is a total idiot." Licky-Licky said as she moaned with pleasure.

"Excellent." Hiroko said as she played with Licky-Licky's newly pierced nipples. After a few minutes, Hiroko told her clowns; "come and give IT to Sissy as I told you on my mark. DD I think that you should look at this."

"Yes mistress." All the clowns and Licky-Licky answered in unison.

"Group one; go." Hiroko said with a smile.

"Yes mistress." The purple haired clowns replied. The 1st clown in the group was Bina who bent before she splashed the cake all over Sissy face. Next was Dina who dropped the cake and splashed it over neck, and then came Mina who dropped her cake over the top of his head.

"This is cold mistress." Sissy said as the cake began to drip.

"Of course is called. Have you ever heard about warm ice-cream? I decided that this will be the only sort of cake that they would use. Now group two; go." Hiroko said with a smile.

"Yes mistress." Replied the Green haired clowns, Lina and Sina, before each splashed a cake at the sides of sissy's head.

"Please mistress; no more? I will do everything you want." Sissy begged.

"Very well. Tell me what Non obsruradis os bovi trituranti means, and the rest of the cakes will be used on DD's Face and breasts." Hiroko said with an evil smile.

It took sissy a while before he said: "don't waste my time?"

"That is correct." Hiroko lied with a smile. "Bina; use your cake on DD's right breast."

"Yes mistress." Bina said before she went to the chair and splashed the cake straight on DD's right, DD cup breast. Poor DD began to scream as Bina returned to the line of clowns.

"Good girl. Now Rina; be good and do the same to her left one." Hiroko said smiling as she heard DD pleading that she won't do this to her. Much like Hiroko, DD also learned Latin and knew that she lied. However, since she could not say anything, then all DD could do was to beg as her boob jumped up and down. Unfortunately for DD, her mistress Hiroko who ignored her begs and pleas.

"Yes mistress." Rina said happily before following her mistress's order.

Then as Rina did her way to the line, Hiroko said: "Good girl. Now sissy; as you know one of my teachers was a Jewish, and I picked a few words in Hebrew. Now, if you will tell me what Rina and Bina means then Nina won't use her cake on?"

"On who mistress?" sissy asked his mistress.

"I just told you that. Now? what? is? the? answer?" Hiroko asked with a smile.

"I don't know mistress." Sissy replied the truth.

"I know that you don't know. So guess!" Hiroko's tone of voice changed and the smile vanished.

"Yes mistress. I think that Bina is smart, and Rina is slut." Sissy guessed with fear.

"That's half the answer. Nina, be good and use the cake on DD's beautiful face." Hiroko told her clown who followed her instructions before returning the line.

"Now Sissy, I have good news and bad news for you. The bad news is that you were wrong of what toy answered when I asked you what Non obsruradis os bovi trituranti means. The good news is that my spirit squad as a cheer for you and DD. Go ahead girls. Do cheer one." Hiroko said as her clowns began to cheer.

The end of chapter 2.


Chapter 3:? better.

Hiroko returned home after a visit to the US, where went to the grave of her favorite singer, and toured; Washington, New-York city, and LA. During her visit Hiroko checked the newspapers to see if there are news about her and Kiko's clowns. However, there was none. As always Hiroko was right. The only way that anyone in America would look for them will be if someone would strike pearl-harbor or sink some American ship again. At Washington she took the tour of the FBI building office? and was sure that she saw J. Edgar Hoover's dress. Knowing that there will be FBI agents at the white house, Hiroko took the tour there as well. However, no one even looked at the tall 2 meter woman whose head was taller then all the visitors.

Visiting ground-zero was the toughest thing for her. As she read about the number of victims something was wrong. As far as she remembered the world trade center was made of two buildings. Each building had between 105-115 floors (she was nor sure how much). Combine that with the floors of the underground parking garage then 2749 victims seemed a little small for her. Is that number also including the "black labors?"

Upon her return home, she was hugged by Keiko who was dressed as a geisha and finely her belt was on her waist.

"Congratulations Kiko. You finely did it. Guess I can't boss you around anymore. Huh?" Hiroko asked with a smile as she placed her suitcases on the floor and hugged her sister.

"Thanks Hiro. Sure you can? remember that you are my big sister." Keiko replied with a smile.

"How could I forget?" Hiroko asked her sister.

"Because I am a woman now." Keiko replied with pride.

"You always were a woman Kiko. You just had to get into the mind of one." Hiroko said with a smile.

"Thank you Hiro." Keiko said smiling.

"For?" Hiroko asked confused.

"Helping me and believe in me when nobody else did." Keiko said as she hugged her sister again.

"You deserve it. Would you like to eat something outside Kiko as a celebration?" Hiroko asked proud of what her sister became.

"Okay." Keiko said as she held Hiroko's hand before went to eat. Once they left the apartment building, Hiroko and Keiko went to the Sushi restaurant that the later loved more then everything. After finishing their food, Hiroko offered that they would go to see a movie. And so after four hours since they went out of the house, they returned home at 12:30.

When they returned home each went to her room. As Keiko got to her, she saw her newest clown, Sucky-Licky, throwing cakes at the picture of the American president under the supervision of the others. Sucky-Licky's hair was pink afro with colorful bows and ribbon's. Her face was a combination of Tamp and Tink. As Keiko ordered before she left, her 5 clowns forced Sucky-Licky to do unspeakable things. Whenever Hiroko was away, Keiko used her clowns as well, but she had her sister's permission so they did not forget who owned them. Taking a page from her sister's book, Keiko decided that her slaves\clowns will be naked. However, unlike Hiroko's clowns who were naked all the time for extra humiliation; Keiko allowed her to dress when they escorted her out to the streets. Then Keiko dressed them as geishas and made sure that the belt will be over their chest, and on their heads they always wore a Bonkin-Takashimada (if you know Japanese please write to me if I wrote the name correctly in English, thank you.) that matched Keiko's. This was another difference from Hiroko who refused to dress her clowns and let them leave the apartment.

Yesterday Keiko had time, and saw she took a trip after Major Atanaka's codetta. Hiroko read her about it, and now she took the time to learn. Looking at the imperial palace, Keiko could see what the book talked about. If Hiroko only knew how much she walked, she would flip. Tomorrow she would go ALONE to Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Thank god Hiroko did not know about it? if she would give her two hours lecture. Then another two hours will be devoted for the difference between the heritage of Americans and the US to that of other peoples and nations. Being Hiroko's younger sister was hard. This woman was smarter, more beautiful, taller and sexier then all the geishas in her class combined. Keiko new that Hiroko's knowledge was so great that it scared many men and women. However, Keiko used Hiroko's knowledge to learn more and it pushed her to be the best that she could be.

"I see that you beginning to like your new job. So anything to declare?" Keiko asked with a smile.

"One day mistress, someone will save us mistress. Just you wait." Sucky-Licky replied.

"Like whom?" Keiko asked.

"The FBI for once." Sucky-Licky replied.

"Yeah right; the only thing that would make the FBI do something will be if I would drop 10 tons atomic bomb on San-Francisco. What happened Sucky-Licky, you used to be smarter." Keiko asked with a smile.

"Ducky-Licky misses her friends. Please mistress; what happened to them? Nine months passed since Sucky-Licky became your slave, and Sucky-Licky misses her friends." Sucky-Licky replied upset as Keiko went to the locked door next to the door which led to the clowns' room.

"Come in? whores!" Keiko said as she opened the door. Once the door was fully opened, two slaves came out. Both women only wore black, Locking Leather Spanking Skirt. Over their face was what Sucky-Licky recognized as a leather silence mask with the zipper close. "Turn around!" Keiko ordered, and when the two slaves did, Sucky-Licky saw their red asses.

"Who are they mistress?" Sucky-Licky asked her mistress.

"I'm sorry. Tell my toy that you are one at a time!" Keiko ordered as she grabbed the hand of the 1st slave and turned her around. "You 1st bitch." Keiko hissed before she spanked her slave's ass.

"Yes mistress; my name is slave Monica." The 1st slave replied.

"Tell her your full name!" Keiko ordered with a smile.

"Yes mistress; my fool name is Monica Green." Monica said humiliated.

"And what is your position in life slave?" Keiko asked her.

"I am an American whore whose only purpose in life is to serve my Japanese mistress." Monica replied humiliated.

"And where do you live?" Keiko asked with an evil smile.

"I live in this dungeon together with slave Lois." Monica replied her mistress.

"Turned around and present yourself!" Keiko ordered and looked as the slave followed.

When Lois felt her former friend, she said: "I am slave Lois. Formally I was known as Lois Jones."

"And who do you serve?" Keiko asked the humiliated slave.

"I live to serve my mistress, you." Lois replied humiliated.

"What kind of slave her you?" Keiko asked with a sadistic smile.

"I am your ass-slave mistress." Lois replied with tears.

"Ass-slave? What is that?" Keiko asked innocently.

"It means that whenever you would like it then I need to lick your ass. Furthermore mistress; as such I need to have my ass on display, ready to be used by you at all times." Lois replied humiliated.

"And what sort of slave are you Monica?" Keiko asked pleased with how docile her slave, Lois, was.

"I am your ass-slave as well mistress." Lois replied humiliated.

"And what is your real name and position Sucky-Licky?" Keiko asked with a smile.

"My name used to be; Rachel Smith mistress." Sucky-Licky replied as she looked at the shocked slaves. Ever since they were forced to become streetwalkers they cursed her, and here she was with a worst fate then they had.

Meanwhile in Hiroko's bed, Hiroko went to sleep with her clowns; the actresses; the purple haired Dina who had her lips over Hiroko's right nipple, the green haired Lina who had her lips over hiroko's left nipple and the purple haired Mina who kissed Hiroko's pussy lips. Under hiroko the red haired Nina, who the 1st used as a mattress and her boobs as pillows. Sleeping with Hiroko's left foot in her mouth was the green haired, Sina, and sleeping with Hiroko's right foot was the blue haired Tina sleeping. At the bed post, were her former pop stars, the blue haired Rina and the purple haired Bina, who slept in a sixty-nine position. When Hiroko 1st met them she had them doing a few tapes which were sent to the husbands of: Bina, Rina and Sina. Once the tapes were done, hiroko signed them on personal contract that gave her permission over their empire. Next Hiroko finished taking over their lives by having them signed on a contract that she locked in a vault hidden away from the clowns, Licky-Licky and the world. Inside the cage next to the bed slapped her slave.

The end of chapter 2.


The end of the story.


Note_1: The below story contains adult material. Do not continue reading if you are under age 18 or are offended by such material, this is a pure fantasy. All the other characters are pure fiction.

Note_2: in tribute to the great BB. Sorry about the time that it took me, and thank you for the ideas.


Chapter 1: the sisters from hell.

Rachel Smith was a very attractive divorced woman. She had long black hair, deep blue eyes, and a great body. Rachel was on her way to work after she said goodbye to her roommates. Looking around the 5th avenue she had a sudden urge to enter a few shops. Then Rachel decided that since it was her boyfriend's birthday, then she would go to buy a few things at some posh store. When Rachel was inside, she went to the undergarments area where she decided to buy: 5 half cup bras, 5 laced bras, and 5 strapless bras. Next she went to the underwear part where she decided to buy: 3 g-string thongs, 5 thongs, 5 laced panties and 10 ruffled panties. Next Rachel went to the buy 10 babydolls, 10 halter babydolls, 10 flyway babydolls, 15 silk babydolls, 15 satin babydolls, and 10 stretch lace-neck babydolls.

When Rachel came to the register, the woman there told her: "I see that you have an excellent taste, and knowledge of our discounts."

"Yeah, I love this store. 250 bucks after almost 75% discount is great."? Rachel said with a smile as she handed her credit card.

"You know; there is a fashion show in Japan on April 10th, and we are giving invitations to special costumers. Since you know us so well, I was wondering if you would like to get one you can bring 3 of your friends with you." The seller said with a worm smile.

"What is the catch?" Rachel asked worried.

"There is no catch. All you need to do is to fill this form." The seller said as she gave Rachel a paper.

"Do I need to fill it now?" Rachel asked a little calmer.

"No. we know that you need to think about it. You can take this form home and fax it to us. Here is our card. Ho my god you were right." The seller replied before she ironed the card. "Here you go miss. Thank you for buying here."

"Thank you." Rachel said as she went out of the store.

When Rachel arrived to her office, she called her best friends and told them the story. Each friend told her that they would join. Sitting at her desk, Rachel began to fill the short form.



Rachel smith.




Hudson St. 785 apartment 25A.


Lois Jones, Moesha Mitchell, and Monica Green.

Cost of buy without discount:


Cost of bye with discounts:


How did you hear about us?

I had a friend who used to work for you.

What did you bought?

Lingerie and negligee.


When finished, Rachel faxed it and returned to work. Then, at the end of the day a fax came, and Rachel took her home. At dinner, Rachel showed her roommates the fax which said:


Date: 10/03/1992.

To: Rachel Smith.

Subject: you won.


To our smartest costumer.


Ms. Hiroko Naira would love to see you and your friends: Lois Jones, Moesha Mitchell, and Monica Green. Next month on: 01/04/1992 a limousine would come to take you on: 09:00. Please do not let him wait for you because the private jet must fly on 10:55 sharp. The fashion theme will be: "lace and leather." So come ready because once you will land at the airport, the driver will take you to the party.




Fellow American.


"Ricky-Ricky Rick? What kind of a name is that?" Lora asked as she tried not to laugh.

"And what is that: fellow American?" Lois asked confused.

"I guess that we would understand in one month." Moesha said before all girls began to laugh.

"Let's send her a fax back." Rachel said before she joined the laughter.


Meanwhile across the pacific a blonde woman wearing a dog collar lay across the feet of her Japanese mistress, who took her time spanking her ass. With every stroke, the humiliated woman said in Japanese: "thank you mistress Hiroko. May I have some more?" then after the last spank, the Japanese woman asked: "are you sure that sent the fax you stupid American? You people can't do anything right, aren't you Licky-Licky? How many times do I have to teach you how to?" before she was interrupted by a knock on the door. "What is it?" Hiroko asked with anger before a young geisha with the belt over her chest got in.

"Ho sis, it is you. Sorry that I screamed at you. Licky-Licky here is an idiot. What happened?" Hiroko asked with a smile. Since her sister refused to speak English or Japanese in a level that Ricky-Ricky Rick would understand, she just lay there humiliated.

"You received a fax from one Rachel Smith. She confirmed that she and her friends would be here. Hiroko, may I ask you something?" the younger Japanese replied shyly.

"Yes Keiko; what can I do for you?" Hiroko asked smiling as her younger sister knelt next to her.

"Well, I know that you are my bigger sister and the better geisha as your belt is on your waist. But I was wondering; when you will give me the plaything that you promised me? You have Licky-Licky, and I still have no American to play with. Did you lie to me? Please say no. I can't deal with more betrayal. Every time in which I expect to have some great new thing I am as the Americans would say: SCREWED." Keiko said in despair.

"In a month my dear, little sister. I can't forget what I promised you. Just have a little more patience Keiko. I am going to have four new girls soon. Maybe you will get the African-American that I told you about." Hiroko said with a smile.

"How do you know that there will be African-American?" Keiko asked surprised.

"No white woman will have; Moesha as her name." Hiroko said as she pulled her younger sister to her feet. "Look, why won't you change cloths and we would go to eat something? just you and me." Hiroko offered her sister.

"Sounds great to me." Keiko said before she kissed her sister on the cheek. "Are you promise?" Keiko asked with a smile.

"Yes? go." Hiroko said with a smile before her sister left the room. Once her sister was out, Hiroko said in perfect English: "having a younger sister is a very hard work. You see, I promised that she would have a doll to play with two months ago. Since then whenever we speak she takes the time to remind me. To be honest, I can't be angry with her because this is the way that she is. She had a very hard time until I became a geisha. Whenever an American came we had to make sure that he was happy. Now that I have an American toy to play with, she is jealous. However, she won't be jealous for long. In one month I am going to give her a present. Now be a good girl and where your socks."

"Yes mistress." Licky-Licky said humiliated as she got up and went to where Hiroko threw her socks earlier. As Ricky-Ricky Rick put on the socks she remembered the past. Before she was known as Ricky-Ricky Rick, her name was: Linda Wilson. She and Hiroko both learned at Cambridge University. While Hiroko struggled against the all odds, broke the barricades, and learned to speak English; Linda did everything within her power to break the young Japanese. The only support that she had was Keiko who came with her to England. In time when Hiroko learned to speak English, she came across some blackmail stories, and after speaking with her sister she came up with a plan. The plan worked perfectly. Since then Licky-Licky became her personal plaything as she moved to Hiroko's apartment building. During the 1st year Licky-Licky was constantly gang-banged by women until she learned her place.

Once Licky-Licky was dressed, her mistress tied her hand behind her back. Next she pressed the remote in her, and the vibrator that was pierced to her slave's clit began to vibrate. Then as Licky-Licky began to moan with pleasure, her mistress led her to a closet. Once the humiliated woman was inside, Hiroko informed her before she closed the door: "when I will return, we will continue our chat."


As Rachel woke up she felt groggy. The last thing she remembered was the blonde woman that gave her a drink. Where was she now? Once her vision cleared, she saw that she was naked. Next, she looked around she saw that she was in some bad room. Suddenly, the door opened and in came a blonde woman wearing a Parisian maid outfit (see: Darkheart for the description of the outfit) and a dog collar. In her hand was a small pink bag.

"Where am I? Who are you? Where are my friends?" Rachel asked in panic.

"My name is Licky-Licky. I am the personal plaything of Mistress Hiroko, and the one who wrote you the fax. You are now in Mistress Keiko's bedroom. You are going to be her personal slave. Mistress Hiroko will tell you what happened to your friends. Please wear these." Licky-Licky said as she handed her a bag.

"What will happen if I will refuse?" Rachel asked Licky-Licky.

"They have a tape with you on it? you don't want it to come out." Licky-Licky said.

"Very well then." Rachel said as she opened the bag. "You are not serious right?" Rachel asked after looking into it.

"What the mistresses want, the mistresses get." Licky-Licky replied as she looked across the window wishing that she was free.

"How did you get that name?" Rachel asked as she took the pink g-string thong and put it on.

"I was foolish enough to refuse an order." Licky-Licky answered humiliated while Rachel pulled the thong up. "You need to pull the straps until they will be on your waist. Less then that and you will be punished." Licky-Licky said, and Rachel followed.

"Thank you. What was it?" Rachel asked as she looked at the blonde's collar.

"Lick Mistress Hiroko's ass." Licky-Licky said humiliated before Rachel hugged her and tried to calm her down.

"Do you have any tips for me?" Rachel asked the humiliated Licky-Licky as she wore the pink tube top.

"Only one: don't argue and follow their orders. Now let's go? I don't want to be spanked." Licky-Licky said as both women went outside the room.

As Rachel followed the naked blonde she asked her: "what does my top say?"

"It say; 'I am an idiot American who is willing to become a whore.'? Mistress hiroko loves that sort of massages." Licky-Licky said as she opened the door and led Rachel in. inside the room were two Japanese women. The 1st woman set behind her desk, and wore a business suit. The other one was younger, and was dressed in midnight blue evening gown.

"Great job Licky-Licky. Get your ass under the table, and start to clean my shoes." Hiroko told her slave.

"Yes mistress. Thank you mistress hiroko." Licky-Licky said before she ran to her mistress side. Once there she vanished under the table and began to lick her mistress's shoes.

"Who are you?" Rachel asked Hiroko.

"I am Hiroko Naira. This girl is my sister and your mistress. However, you will call me; mistress. Understood?" Hiroko asked Rachel.

"Yes mistress." Rachel replied.

"You are probably wondering what happened to your three friends' right? Well I will tell you: your friend Moesha was sold to her in-laws. It was a big mistake to have such a massy divorce. As we speak she is inside a nice crate on a jet plane doing her way to London. Now lets talk about Monica and Lois' I have a friend in Kyoto who needs a new whores. As you can see we did a lot of research regarding your friends." Hiroko said with a sadistic smile.

"Let's go dolly? it is time to have fun. You better be faster then that idiot, Licky-Licky." Keiko said in perfect English as she lost her patience. Much like her sister, Keiko learned how to talk from Moesha mother in-law.

Next she dragged Rachel out of Hiroko's office. As the two left, Hiroko slumped in her chair smiling. When Rachel and Keiko reached the girl's room, Keiko gave her slave a paper as she informed her in perfect English; "I do not like to speak in English, but I have no choice so here we go; read this paper!"

"Yes mistress." Rachel said before she began to read; 'basic rules for dolly;

1.     I accept the name: Sucky-Licky as my own. My former self, Rachel smith, is dead.

2.     I will call Keiko mistress.

3.     I will understand that I am a plaything, and nothing more.

4.     I will follow Mistress Keiko's orders.

5.     I will do whatever Mistress Keiko told me.

6.     I understand that I am a toy without: will and control over my body and soul.

7.     I understand that I have no will of my own.

8.     I understand that I won't see my friends anymore unless Mistress Keiko and Mistress Hiroko will decide otherwise.

9.     I live to serve my mistress.

10. Other rules will be given to me by Mistress Keiko in our sessions.

11. I agree to be punished whenever I will be a bad girl.

"Do you understand those rules Sucky-Licky?" Keiko asked with a smile.

"Yes mistress." Sucky-Ricky Rick replied.

"Good girl. Let's start your training. Say; please Mistress Keiko may Sucky-Licky suck your nipples." Keiko said with amusement.

"Please Mistress Keiko may Sucky-Licky suck your nipples." Sucky-Licky said humiliated.

"Good girl. Now say: please Mistress Keiko. May Sucky-Licky lick your cunt?" Keiko continued with the humiliation.

"Please mistress keiko, may Sucky-Licky lick your cunt?" Sucky-Licky repeated her mistress's command.

"Good girl. Now ask me to accept you as my personal slave." Keiko said without telling her slave how.

"Please mistress keiko, accept Sucky-Licky as your personal slave." Sucky-Licky said humiliated as Keiko's eyes grew with joy.

"Ho boy I'm so proud. For the 1st time in my life Hiroko will be green with jealousy. You are an amazing American. You are nothing like the idiots that Hiroko told me about. Can you tell me; what is your name? Rachel?" Keiko asked her slave.

"No mistress. My name is Sucky-Licky. Please Mistress Keiko. May Sucky-Licky lick your cunt?" Sucky-Licky said and saw that Keiko was in heaven.

"You are learning to speak faster then Licky-Licky. Now I want to hear you say: please mistress may I Sucky-Licky lick your ass?" Keiko said with a warm smile.

"Please mistress, may Sucky-Licky lick your ass?" Sucky-Licky said and looked at Keiko who almost fell from her feet.

"My god she is going to die slowly. You are not talking like that to humiliate me later right?" Keiko asked as she suddenly became paranoid.

"No mistress. Sucky-Licky wants to be good." Sucky-Licky replied smiling.

"Because if you would then I will make sure that you will pay for it? ho and just in case you are thinking about escaping: don't. Licky-Licky tried and she is paying the price until now." Hiroko said with a smile.

"You can trust Sucky-Licky mistress." Sucky-Licky said with a smile.

"I hope so. Now let's have some fun." Keiko said as she led her slave to her bed.

The end of chapter 1.


Chapter 2:? clowns, slaves and everything in between? or changing back the hands of time.

Note; the clowns are based on pictures that can be found here and they are used with the artist's permission.

Six months past since Sucky-Licky arrived to Japan and turned into a lesbian sex slave. Sucky-Licky missed her friends and wondered what happened to them. Right now she stood naked next to Licky-Licky who was also naked and Rick and the two mistresses who looked at Hiroko's new statues. As they looked, Hiroko and Keiko who wore a robe talked in English.

"I don't get it Hiro, why do you love those statues so much? What is so special about them? How much do those replicas cost you?" Keiko asked her older sister.

"Less then it should. Look at this. These statues are the symbol of victory. You see, they were carved during the middle ages. Both statutes are still standing. On the right you can see the statue that symbolizes the Judaism. As you can see she has a blindfold to show that she is blind to the truth of Christ. Look at the bouquet of dead weeds that she carry is symbolize that the Judaism which is a dead religion. On the right you can see the Christianity. The Christianity is a beautiful, young queen who carries a staff and a chalets? the joke is that a few years after those statues were revealed to the public the Islam conquered Spain." Hiroko replied with a smile.

"So why do you love it?" Keiko asked her sister.

"You know that you are insane right sis? Just look at those women? the fabric? the way that you feel as if they are going to come to life.? Just look at them. Don't you see it?" Hiroko asked her sister.

"No. what I see that my sister, you, lost her mind." Keiko said before her sister began to laugh. Keiko and Hiroko never shared the same taste. What Keiko loved Hiroko asked and what the later loved the 1st hate. Besides, Hiroko always thought that her sister's taste should be controlled by her because if it won't then a disaster will strike.

"Cute, real cute. You thought about that or Sucky-Licky thought for you? after all; your American is smarter then my slut." Hiroko told her smiling sister.

"Sucky-Licky thought about that. Tell me Hiroko; what do you think about rap? Sucky-Licky said that it is great, and I agree with her." Keiko said as Hiroko's big eyes grew even bigger.

"If I may quote a great man: rap is crap. I forbid you from hearing that type of music. Understood?" Hiroko asked her sister.

"Yes mom." Keiko said with a smile.

"Whatever? bye. I will tell you when the clowns will be hear? so don't be late." Hiroko said as she mocked Licky-Licky's former self.

"Like bye." Keiko said trying to say like an American as she turned around and pulled Sucky-Licky leash and led her to her room. Inside the room, Keiko ordered her slave to assume position. Without a second to loose Sucky-Licky dropped to her hands and knees before she raised her ass up before Keiko's robe fell over her head. Next, Sucky-Licky felt the cursed phallus being pumped in and out of her ass again.

Meanwhile at her office; Hiroko used poor Licky-Licky as a stool for her bare feet, ash she set next to her table which had three envelopes on it. The 1st envelope came from her friend, Lynn Mae from Kyoto who wrote to her:

Dear Hiroko my love.

I am happy to say that our experiment is working well. As you can see here, Lois is doing very well in fact she is the best whore that I have. And Monica is my puppygirl. As you may see in the picture she is not wearing much. It is amazing but she is my best girl now. When will we meet again?

With love,

Your friend; Lynn Mae.

As she finished, Hiroko took the 2nd from the two that she had on her desk. Next she looked at the picture in her hand where she saw Lynn, who wore a traditional Chinese dress. Next to her stood Lois who wore pink sandals and a skimpy skirt which she held up to reveal her shaved sex. Her hair was tangled, and her face was heavily made-up.

After putting Lois's picture in the frame she took the next letter, and read it;

Dear Hiroko.

I want to thank you for sending your and young Keiko's condolences after my husband died last month. I was really touched when you proposed to help with everything that I need. God bless you Hiroko. Now after both my husband and son died, I have nothing left except for Shaniqua M. Mitchell. I sent you an e-mail with her pictures. If you want her back as you told my husband then take her. However, I do implore you to think about it.

Best regards,

Martha Fitch.

Once Hiroko finished reading the letter, she took a paper of her own and wrote:


Dear teacher.


When I was in your class and you taught me in Latin, you saw how troubled I and my sister were. When we finely learned how to speak and write thanks to you, you told me: Non obsruradis os bovi trituranti. I still remember what it means and how I felt when you translated it to me. When I told it to Keiko, she said that maybe we have a friend. Surely we have one. From a pair of outsiders you took us, and "adopted" us when we were all alone in the world. Thank you teacher for everything that you did for us. Now that I finely have an Imperium over my slaves as a mistress, I am willing to give you the provocatio if you would like it.


Thanks to everything that you did for us, the nightmares that Keiko used to have are finely over. She can sleep now. I love this girl more then I love anyone else. I used to have nightmares and fears about her but now she is smiling. I think that giving her some sort of control did a remarkable thing for her. I saw what you sent her? Thank you? she needed it.


I finely finished building my real-estate empire. If you want then I can give you better apartment in cheaper price.


Look, I don't feel so good? I will write to you soon.



Hiroko Naira.

PS: I refuse to allow you to use the bondage right.


With that Hiroko quietly folded the paper before she put it in the envelope. Once the paper was inside, Hiroko fainted. When Licky-Licky did not hear her mistress, she looked up and began to panic as she saw her mistress unconscious. Knowing about the smelling salt, Licky-Licky broke her mistress's order (who told her not to move), and ran to the cabinet. Once the smelling salt was in her hand, Licky-Licky opened the bottle as she returned to her mistress. Next to the chair she put the smelling salt under Hiroko's nose and waited. Once her mistress began to move, Licky-Licky quickly placed the bottle on the table and dropped to her hand and knees.

"What happened? Ho god, not again. I think that it is time to check on how much Linda loves to be my lesbian sex slave. What do you say Licky-Licky?" Hiroko said as she took the bottle in her hand. She had some mysterious diseases since she was a child. At the time it was Keiko's job to look after her. However, now it was Licky-Licky's job in return for being allowed to have her old name in return over the next month. The problem was that Hiroko did not have those attacks often and so Linda was stuck as Licky-Licky.

"Yes Mistress." Licky-Licky said trying to hide her relief.

"Very well; for the next month my personal slave, Licky-Licky, will be replaced by my horny, low IQ personal bimbo, DD Wilson. Understood?" Hiroko asked with a smile as the humiliation continued.

"Like DD Wilson is totally understand and stuff." Licky-Licky said as rule 5a said. At the time when she was gang-banged her name was DD Wilson. When Licky-Licky returned to Hiroko, the later gave her a manual on how to behave. In the manual; articles 5-10 spoke on DD Wilson; attitude, position, wardrobe, etc.


A few hours passed since her episode, and now Hiroko used DD as she bent on her as they walked with Keiko and Sucky-Licky. As they did, the two began to speak in English. They decided that outside of the house they would speak in Japanese while inside with their slave it would be that "vile language," English, as Keiko and Hiroko called it? especially now with the new clowns.

"You really should do something about your episodes sis. How long are you going to continue with your suffer?" Keiko asked concerned.

"Keiko, we went to every doctor that I can think about: gynecologists, shrinks and family doctors. They all say the same thing after intensive sets of degrading and humiliating exams: we don't know what you have, and we can not help you. Look, I think that I know what the problem is." Hiroko said as she tried to calm her younger sister.

"And what is that?" Keiko asked cautious. Hiroko was all she had, and she didn't want to loose her.

"I think that this is an allergic reaction." Hiroko replied as she placed her hand over her sister's shoulder.

"How can you be sure?" Keiko asked her sister.

"I did some tests. Now as you may know other then the usual hobbies I love to: read, cook, rest and dance. Last time before it started I ate Tchina. Now, I never ate that before. However, what I did eat was before every attack was sesame and as you know; Tchina is made of sesame." Hiroko explained.

"Maybe you are right sis. If you are allergic to sesame then maybe you should try not to eat it even though I know how much it will be hard. So here is what I am offering: since you never left me when the times were bad; then I will stop to it sesame based products with you right here, right now. What do you say Hiro?" Keiko asked her smiling sister.

"You will do that for me?" Hiroko asked as her smile grew bigger.

"Yes." Keiko replied with a smile of her own.

"Thank you." Hiroko said as she pulled her sister closer to her.

"You welcome." Keiko said as she placed her hand over the taller Hiroko's waist.

"I love you Kiko." Hiroko said with a smile as she opened the door to the waiting room.

"And I love you Hiro." Keiko replied as they got into the room.

Inside the room were two rows of clowns. The raw on the right was made of 5 clowns that only had their faces painted. The raw on the left had 8 clowns that their entire bodies were pure white. 8 of the clowns wore evening gowns, 2 wore already in costume, and 3 wore something else. As Keiko looked at the clowns she was shocked. Standing there in front of her were the 13 American celebrities that vanished one year ago. "Where have you fined them?" Keiko finely was able to ask Hiroko.

"When I visited my friend Monica at America last month. We went to the circus together where I saw them. After the show I went to the owner of the circus and offered him 1 million dollar for each of them. At 1st he refused to believe that I have this amount, but after I introduced myself he agreed. Over the last month they did their last show, and now they belong to us. You will own the five clowns with their faces painted. Those clowns are: B, M-1, M-2, AH and TR. Go to your new mistress ladies? now I own: Nina, Dina, Mina, Lina, Sina, Rina, Tina and Bina. Come to me girls." Hiroko replied smiling as every clown stood next to her mistress. "You see Kiko; thanks to the makeup, you can control your clowns. Mine are going to help me to; humiliate each other, humiliate Linda or that they would do a few tricks that I will teach them. Right clowns?"

"Right? (Giggle?) mistress." All 8 clowns answered in unison.

Once her clowns stood next to her, Keiko asked Hiroko while still looking at the clowns: "can they or I remove their makeup?"

"Kiko? Kiko? Kiko? Kiko? over the last year your clowns had every chance to escape. However, they did not. Why was it? The answer is that because they don't wear makeup. This is their skin. The only difference is that the scientists who sold them to the circus only had your clowns' hairs and face changed. Mine on the other hand had their entire bodies changed from their toes to the less strain of their hair. Thanks to that mine are easier to work with and I already have a few tricks for them to learn... especially; Rina." Hiroko said with a smile as she looked at the clown. Rina and Mina used to be famous pop stars. However, now as Keiko looked at them, both of them were changed women. Like the rest of Hiroko's clowns Bina's skin was cream white. Her lips were dark red, with an ordinary red line that curled over her check. The red line went under her lower lip before it curled on the other cheek. Over her legs, Bina was wearing a blue, ankle high latex boots. Next over Tina's waist was a tight pair of hot pants baring blue and purple stripes. Looking further up, Keiko saw a colorful tank top with blue pom-poms. Then she reached her had and saw the midnight blue biker cap that Tina wore.

"So they will do and wear what I want, Hiro?" Keiko asked as she looked at AH.

"Yes Kiko." Hiroko replied with a smile.

"Can I change their names?" Keiko asked with Hiroko's sadistic smile on her face.

"Yes you may Kiko. Just don't use the same names that I gave my clowns." Hiroko replied.

"Okay then? let's go. Sorry Hiro, but I suddenly became horny." Keiko said shyly.

"Go Kiko and have fun." Hiroko said as she watched her Keiko walking away with Sucky-Licky and the clowns. When they arrived to her bedroom, Keiko tied Sucky-Licky to her bondage chair as she told her clowns: "when I speak to someone then I love to know their names. Initials and names of planes don't do it for me. Do you agree with me?"

"Yes ring mistress." All the clowns said in unison.

"Very well then. D, from now on your name will be: Tink. M-1: your new name is; Tramp, and M-2 your name is; Bimbo. AH, your new name is; slut, and TR, your new name is Wink. Understood?" Keiko asked with a smile.

"Yes ring mistress." All the clowns said in unison.

"Now Tink; I want you to do Sucky-Licky's hair. There is a hair color on the table. Tell me when you are done." Keiko said with a smile.

"Yes mistress." Tink said before she went to work.

"Wink: do her makeup. You will fine it at table. Tell me when you are done." Keiko said with a bigger smile.

"Yes mistress." Wink said before she went to work.

"The rest of you; come and pleasure me." Keiko said as she disrobed and lay naked on the bed. Ho almost forgot: when you will finish pull her to the side of the bed. Bimbo; when you will be on the bed, I want you to lick my private area. Slut; be a dear and suck my right nipple. And tramp; you will suck my left nipple. Understood?" Keiko asked as she lay on her back.

"Yes mistress." All the other said in unison as they got on the bed. Then Bimbo began to lick her pussy while slut sucked on her right nipple, and tramp sucked on her right like they were told. Once Tink and Wink finished, they pulled Sucky-Licky's chair next to the bed. Then they said: "done mistress."

Looking up Keiko said as a joke: "then sit at the bed post and suck my feet."

"Yes mistress." Both clowns said before they did as they were told. Then without saying a word, each clown got into the bed from another side and began to suck her feet. Then Keiko closed her eyes smiling after she caught a short glimpse at her toy, Sucky-Licky.

Meanwhile at Keiko's bedroom;

DD set naked as she pumped a dildo in and out of her pussy. In front of her on the called was her ex-fiancée, Sissy Wimp, who shook violently against the spreader bar that his hands and legs were handcuffed to the corner of his eyes, he saw the clowns coming naked after their mistress. Poor sissy was also naked accept for his training collar and the jester hat that wore. He was caught a few days ago as he tried to fine information regarding Linda Wilson. When Hiroko confronted him, she offered him: "if you win then you get Linda back. Loose and I will get you both." George (that was his name at the time) refused at 1st, but when he saw the guns, he had a change of heart.

"How is your ass Sissy? Did my little whore love the way that pumped that huge dildo in and out of his ass?" Hiroko asked the humiliated slave.

"No mistress?" Sissy whispered with his head bowed.

"Bad whore." Hiroko said as she pressed the remote and her hand until sissy twitched and then she stopped. "I have no super hearing. Now as I asked: How is your ass Sissy? Did my little whore love the way that I that pumped that huge dildo in and out of his ass?" Hiroko asked the humiliated slave again.

"Yes mistress. Next time will you please use the phallus to fuck your whore's ass." sissy replied after calming down.

"I am sorry slave, but starting from tomorrow you will wear a chastity belt with iron attachment for your sack and cock. That is why I'm going to fuck your mouth with my phallus. Do you love it when I fuck your mouth?" Hiroko asked with a victorious smile.

"Yes mistress. I love it when you fuck my mouth, mistress." Sissy replied in shame? he really loved it and knew that Hiroko knew it long before she met him. By using the dildo she forced him to admit it in front of Licky-Licky. Since then Licky-Licky despised him, and Hiroko used it to humiliate her.

"What do you think about my clowns? Those chemicals turned them into greater and better women." Hiroko asked as she stood in next to the two green haired women. "As you can see they are always smiling. Furthermore, they sex are shaved, and they look great. Look at them, the best thing that arrived to Japan since Douglas McArthur, wrestling... and all the types of music except for rap. I hate rap. Rap is crap as the song goes." Hiroko said as her the jingle that she loved the most was on the radio. Bad thing that the singer died of "acute cocaine intoxication". As she listened to the jingle Hiroko remembered when she saw the singer sing before a wrestling match that he won. Loosing control over her body, Hiroko began to dance and sing with the singer. "My sister somehow sank so low that she loves rap though. I truly don't know how it happened to her." Keiko added as the jingle was over.

"Maybe she has a good taste mistress?" Sissy said before he was shocked again.

"I will pretend that I did not hear that. My sister in that division does not have a good taste. Look, I have collections of very interesting music. So why in the name of god she likes that vile music?" Hiroko asked DD who began to moan like a whore.

"Maybe mistress Keiko does not feel well mistress?" DD asked before she closed her eyes with fear.

"Now you see this is an answer. Good work DD. Why can't you give answers like DD? She is not that smart you know." Hiroko asked Sissy with a wicked smile.

"I am an idiot?" sissy asked with fear.

"Try it again!" Hiroko ordered her fearful slave.

"I am an idiot." Sissy said with fear.

"Perfect." Hiroko said pleased with a smile. "Now DD; tell me what sissy is." Hiroko asked her moaning bimbo.

"Like, he is a total idiot." Licky-Licky said as she moaned with pleasure.

"Excellent." Hiroko said as she played with Licky-Licky's newly pierced nipples. After a few minutes, Hiroko told her clowns; "come and give IT to Sissy as I told you on my mark. DD I think that you should look at this."

"Yes mistress." All the clowns and Licky-Licky answered in unison.

"Group one; go." Hiroko said with a smile.

"Yes mistress." The purple haired clowns replied. The 1st clown in the group was Bina who bent before she splashed the cake all over Sissy face. Next was Dina who dropped the cake and splashed it over neck, and then came Mina who dropped her cake over the top of his head.

"This is cold mistress." Sissy said as the cake began to drip.

"Of course is called. Have you ever heard about warm ice-cream? I decided that this will be the only sort of cake that they would use. Now group two; go." Hiroko said with a smile.

"Yes mistress." Replied the Green haired clowns, Lina and Sina, before each splashed a cake at the sides of sissy's head.

"Please mistress; no more? I will do everything you want." Sissy begged.

"Very well. Tell me what Non obsruradis os bovi trituranti means, and the rest of the cakes will be used on DD's Face and breasts." Hiroko said with an evil smile.

It took sissy a while before he said: "don't waste my time?"

"That is correct." Hiroko lied with a smile. "Bina; use your cake on DD's right breast."

"Yes mistress." Bina said before she went to the chair and splashed the cake straight on DD's right, DD cup breast. Poor DD began to scream as Bina returned to the line of clowns.

"Good girl. Now Rina; be good and do the same to her left one." Hiroko said smiling as she heard DD pleading that she won't do this to her. Much like Hiroko, DD also learned Latin and knew that she lied. However, since she could not say anything, then all DD could do was to beg as her boob jumped up and down. Unfortunately for DD, her mistress Hiroko who ignored her begs and pleas.

"Yes mistress." Rina said happily before following her mistress's order.

Then as Rina did her way to the line, Hiroko said: "Good girl. Now sissy; as you know one of my teachers was a Jewish, and I picked a few words in Hebrew. Now, if you will tell me what Rina and Bina means then Nina won't use her cake on?"

"On who mistress?" sissy asked his mistress.

"I just told you that. Now? what? is? the? answer?" Hiroko asked with a smile.

"I don't know mistress." Sissy replied the truth.

"I know that you don't know. So guess!" Hiroko's tone of voice changed and the smile vanished.

"Yes mistress. I think that Bina is smart, and Rina is slut." Sissy guessed with fear.

"That's half the answer. Nina, be good and use the cake on DD's beautiful face." Hiroko told her clown who followed her instructions before returning the line.

"Now Sissy, I have good news and bad news for you. The bad news is that you were wrong of what toy answered when I asked you what Non obsruradis os bovi trituranti means. The good news is that my spirit squad as a cheer for you and DD. Go ahead girls. Do cheer one." Hiroko said as her clowns began to cheer.

The end of chapter 2.


Chapter 3:? better.

Hiroko returned home after a visit to the US, where went to the grave of her favorite singer, and toured; Washington, New-York city, and LA. During her visit Hiroko checked the newspapers to see if there are news about her and Kiko's clowns. However, there was none. As always Hiroko was right. The only way that anyone in America would look for them will be if someone would strike pearl-harbor or sink some American ship again. At Washington she took the tour of the FBI building office? and was sure that she saw J. Edgar Hoover's dress. Knowing that there will be FBI agents at the white house, Hiroko took the tour there as well. However, no one even looked at the tall 2 meter woman whose head was taller then all the visitors.

Visiting ground-zero was the toughest thing for her. As she read about the number of victims something was wrong. As far as she remembered the world trade center was made of two buildings. Each building had between 105-115 floors (she was nor sure how much). Combine that with the floors of the underground parking garage then 2749 victims seemed a little small for her. Is that number also including the "black labors?"

Upon her return home, she was hugged by Keiko who was dressed as a geisha and finely her belt was on her waist.

"Congratulations Kiko. You finely did it. Guess I can't boss you around anymore. Huh?" Hiroko asked with a smile as she placed her suitcases on the floor and hugged her sister.

"Thanks Hiro. Sure you can? remember that you are my big sister." Keiko replied with a smile.

"How could I forget?" Hiroko asked her sister.

"Because I am a woman now." Keiko replied with pride.

"You always were a woman Kiko. You just had to get into the mind of one." Hiroko said with a smile.

"Thank you Hiro." Keiko said smiling.

"For?" Hiroko asked confused.

"Helping me and believe in me when nobody else did." Keiko said as she hugged her sister again.

"You deserve it. Would you like to eat something outside Kiko as a celebration?" Hiroko asked proud of what her sister became.

"Okay." Keiko said as she held Hiroko's hand before went to eat. Once they left the apartment building, Hiroko and Keiko went to the Sushi restaurant that the later loved more then everything. After finishing their food, Hiroko offered that they would go to see a movie. And so after four hours since they went out of the house, they returned home at 12:30.

When they returned home each went to her room. As Keiko got to her, she saw her newest clown, Sucky-Licky, throwing cakes at the picture of the American president under the supervision of the others. Sucky-Licky's hair was pink afro with colorful bows and ribbon's. Her face was a combination of Tamp and Tink. As Keiko ordered before she left, her 5 clowns forced Sucky-Licky to do unspeakable things. Whenever Hiroko was away, Keiko used her clowns as well, but she had her sister's permission so they did not forget who owned them. Taking a page from her sister's book, Keiko decided that her slaves\clowns will be naked. However, unlike Hiroko's clowns who were naked all the time for extra humiliation; Keiko allowed her to dress when they escorted her out to the streets. Then Keiko dressed them as geishas and made sure that the belt will be over their chest, and on their heads they always wore a Bonkin-Takashimada (if you know Japanese please write to me if I wrote the name correctly in English, thank you.) that matched Keiko's. This was another difference from Hiroko who refused to dress her clowns and let them leave the apartment.

Yesterday Keiko had time, and saw she took a trip after Major Atanaka's codetta. Hiroko read her about it, and now she took the time to learn. Looking at the imperial palace, Keiko could see what the book talked about. If Hiroko only knew how much she walked, she would flip. Tomorrow she would go ALONE to Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Thank god Hiroko did not know about it? if she would give her two hours lecture. Then another two hours will be devoted for the difference between the heritage of Americans and the US to that of other peoples and nations. Being Hiroko's younger sister was hard. This woman was smarter, more beautiful, taller and sexier then all the geishas in her class combined. Keiko new that Hiroko's knowledge was so great that it scared many men and women. However, Keiko used Hiroko's knowledge to learn more and it pushed her to be the best that she could be.

"I see that you beginning to like your new job. So anything to declare?" Keiko asked with a smile.

"One day mistress, someone will save us mistress. Just you wait." Sucky-Licky replied.

"Like whom?" Keiko asked.

"The FBI for once." Sucky-Licky replied.

"Yeah right; the only thing that would make the FBI do something will be if I would drop 10 tons atomic bomb on San-Francisco. What happened Sucky-Licky, you used to be smarter." Keiko asked with a smile.

"Ducky-Licky misses her friends. Please mistress; what happened to them? Nine months passed since Sucky-Licky became your slave, and Sucky-Licky misses her friends." Sucky-Licky replied upset as Keiko went to the locked door next to the door which led to the clowns' room.

"Come in? whores!" Keiko said as she opened the door. Once the door was fully opened, two slaves came out. Both women only wore black, Locking Leather Spanking Skirt. Over their face was what Sucky-Licky recognized as a leather silence mask with the zipper close. "Turn around!" Keiko ordered, and when the two slaves did, Sucky-Licky saw their red asses.

"Who are they mistress?" Sucky-Licky asked her mistress.

"I'm sorry. Tell my toy that you are one at a time!" Keiko ordered as she grabbed the hand of the 1st slave and turned her around. "You 1st bitch." Keiko hissed before she spanked her slave's ass.

"Yes mistress; my name is slave Monica." The 1st slave replied.

"Tell her your full name!" Keiko ordered with a smile.

"Yes mistress; my fool name is Monica Green." Monica said humiliated.

"And what is your position in life slave?" Keiko asked her.

"I am an American whore whose only purpose in life is to serve my Japanese mistress." Monica replied humiliated.

"And where do you live?" Keiko asked with an evil smile.

"I live in this dungeon together with slave Lois." Monica replied her mistress.

"Turned around and present yourself!" Keiko ordered and looked as the slave followed.

When Lois felt her former friend, she said: "I am slave Lois. Formally I was known as Lois Jones."

"And who do you serve?" Keiko asked the humiliated slave.

"I live to serve my mistress, you." Lois replied humiliated.

"What kind of slave her you?" Keiko asked with a sadistic smile.

"I am your ass-slave mistress." Lois replied with tears.

"Ass-slave? What is that?" Keiko asked innocently.

"It means that whenever you would like it then I need to lick your ass. Furthermore mistress; as such I need to have my ass on display, ready to be used by you at all times." Lois replied humiliated.

"And what sort of slave are you Monica?" Keiko asked pleased with how docile her slave, Lois, was.

"I am your ass-slave as well mistress." Lois replied humiliated.

"And what is your real name and position Sucky-Licky?" Keiko asked with a smile.

"My name used to be; Rachel Smith mistress." Sucky-Licky replied as she looked at the shocked slaves. Ever since they were forced to become streetwalkers they cursed her, and here she was with a worst fate then they had.

Meanwhile in Hiroko's bed, Hiroko went to sleep with her clowns; the actresses; the purple haired Dina who had her lips over Hiroko's right nipple, the green haired Lina who had her lips over hiroko's left nipple and the purple haired Mina who kissed Hiroko's pussy lips. Under hiroko the red haired Nina, who the 1st used as a mattress and her boobs as pillows. Sleeping with Hiroko's left foot in her mouth was the green haired, Sina, and sleeping with Hiroko's right foot was the blue haired Tina sleeping. At the bed post, were her former pop stars, the blue haired Rina and the purple haired Bina, who slept in a sixty-nine position. When Hiroko 1st met them she had them doing a few tapes which were sent to the husbands of: Bina, Rina and Sina. Once the tapes were done, hiroko signed them on personal contract that gave her permission over their empire. Next Hiroko finished taking over their lives by having them signed on a contract that she locked in a vault hidden away from the clowns, Licky-Licky and the world. Inside the cage next to the bed slapped her slave.

The end of chapter 2.


The end of the story.


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It was a Saturday afternoon and Andy was sat in his room playing on his Xbox 360 but quickly becoming bored. He could have been out with friends just like any other 17 yr old boy but he didn’t have the luxury of living near his best friends and he didn’t know many people who lived on his street. The main shopping centre was just down the road as he lived on the outskirts of town. Andy was the type of boy who preferred his own company, either that or he had just got used to being on his own,...

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It was the first weekend of summer vacation and my girlfriend Debbie was spending the night with me. My family lived in the hills outside LA and my parents let my girlfriends and I use our guest house for sleepovers so we could stay up late and not bother anyone. Debbie said she knew I was as horny as she was and had a surprise for me later. But she said we’d have to wait until everyone in the main house was asleep so no one would catch us. No matter how much I begged,...

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Friends by Vickie Tern i. It seemed to be the darkest day of my life, though now there's no doubt I'm better off for it. Janice, she's my wife, she thinks so, and her friend Melissa thinks so, and they both tell me so often enough. Even my friend Ray thinks so, Melissa's husband, though he always says whatever Melissa tells him, so who knows what he really thinks? I guess it's true. We're all better off...

1 year ago
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Connie and Dave had been our friends since we were at school. We’d paired off. I paired off with Claire. We enjoyed the same things, laughed together and I guess just fell in love. Both girls gave up their virginity at the same party and as soon as we were able, we married, within six months of each other. I guess you could say we were best friends. We would holiday together and took turns in having the others to dinner.In our mid twenties, Dave and Connie moved away so, because of work...

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I'm John and this is my story, a story about me and my friends. It's about how I got closer to some, lost contact to others, and changed my relationships with most of them. I live in a small town. It's fairly quiet here, nothing big ever happens, but I like it. My apartment isn't too big either, but it has enough room for me and that is all that counts. I have nice neighbours, too. My family isn't living too far away from me, so I can easily drive there in a few minutes. I have a nice job and...

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Another story off the web. Enjoyi have been friends with my next door neighbor for about 5 years now. he recently divorced his wife, but somehow managed to keep the house. So, we have been doing the bachelor thing together for the last few months... beer and cookouts on sundays while watching football, getting drunk, fixing cars, etc. my wife complains a little about this, but all in all, she puts up with it. she uses the weekends to visit her sister (who is ill) and go out with the girls. i...

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I did didly squat at school and left under a little cloud after dragging the headmaster across his desk and getting ready to pummel his brains out ... Due to the noise the Deputy head (Monty) stormed in and separated me from the dickhead ... I really liked the deputy head so when he grabbed me I settled down and shut my mouth ... Monty hauled me into his office and asked me for my story ... I filled him in on the background and he paled a little knowing that I had the goods to the the bald...

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If you like consensual feminization (persuasion, no pain, no extortion or blackmail, no magic), this story's for you. If you're under any relevant legal age, it isn't. Girlfriends by Vickie Tern One "What are you doing, honey?" My wife Tracy's voice calling me from downstairs. Tired, but trying to take charge nevertheless. She was home from work late again, after a wearying day. ...

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Nick and Sue were friends all through school. She was a petite blonde and he was a good looking black guy. In high school Sue developed a nice set of tits and she and Nick went out several times. She would let him take her shirt and bra off and suck her huge globes but no further. She planned to go to college and did not want to risk any unwanted babies. Nick stayed content sucking the big boobs. Then when school was over they both went to different colleges and had not seen each other for...

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There was a time when I had to crash at a female friends house for a couple days. It was one of those situations like a quid pro quo. So after a couple beers and some catching up, we entered the bedroom. She changed into these booty huggin' shorts with no panties....I could see the clit and pubic hair through the shorts. Weren't too long before I asked to go down with no stopping I had her legs up, toungue in. She she got so wet she grabbed the chocolate bar and pushed it in, whimpering my...

2 years ago
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Friends By: Fantasy Man Billy had met Stacey several times. His mother worked with her at the fertilityclinic had her over for dinner frequently. Stacey was total knockout. About5.5 feet tall, her dark, straight hair came about half way down her back. Fordinner yesterday, she was wearing a navy blue sport jacket, over a tight whiteshirt. For a young man of 17, Billy was overwhelmed by the sexual image beforehim: massive breasts thrusting against a lacy bra who's outline was clearlyvisible when...

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hi mera naam harshit hai aur mein delhi meni rehta hu meri age 18-19 hai aur mein kisi bhi ladki ko dost banana chata hu qki meri koi storie nahi isiliye dost banana ke mein kisi aur ki storie likh raha hu qki 1000 word se kam to likh nahi sakte aur apni baat khane ke liye 1000 pure karne the qki 1000 word se kam submit nahi kar sakte koi bhi girl mujhse dosti kar sakti hai mera email mobile no 9911624812 plg plg plg plg call me .V serial dekhne k liye or bakchodi karne k liye aa jaati thi. Or...

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It was one of 'those' days. A bad hair day to end all bad hair days. Looking at the devastation in his driveway, Michael reflected that at least no one had been close by at the time. The falling chimney would surely have killed them. The lightning strike itself had been bad enough. They had been quite reassuring: his hearing would come back completely after a few hours. The firemen had covered the holes in the roof with a canvas sheet. The small amount of the chimney breastwork that had...

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I became roommates with my straight best friend, Joe. We shared a two-bedroom condo. Joe was very straight, girlfriends and pussy all the time. Once, I came home and caught Joe watching straight porn and jerking off, as he came in tissues. Joe ran on the bathroom, dressed, and left without a word. I went into Joe's bathroom and found the cum-filled tissues. I smelled and rubbed the cum in my hand. I knew then that I had to deep throat Joe and eat his load fresh!A few weeks later, Joe had been...

4 years ago
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* There is some language in this that some may see as derogatory, it's for entertainment purposes only and doesn't reflect true feelings of the author. *“Dude, are you sure she won’t come home?” Brad asked.“Yes. Don’t worry about it.” I said, as Brad continued to stroke my cock. Finally, he slid off the couch and got in between my legs. He leaned in and took the head of my cock into his mouth and began to suck on the head while he massaged my balls. I moaned as he began to bob his head up and...

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"Are you ready?" "Yeah, are you?" "Yup." "Can you see everything?" "Move the camera down just a little." "That better?" "Perfect." "I'm a little nervous." "Me too, but I think the nervousness will stop once we start." "You're probably right. Okay, let's go. Tell me something." "Like what?" "I don't know. Something that'll make me hot." "You have a beautiful pussy." "That's good, say something else." "Your tits are wonderful too. They're so big....

2 years ago
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I looked over her to my alarm clock “It’s only 11:15, I'm not ready to sleep.” “Me neither but let's put on our jammies.” Vicky and I got off to opposites sides of the bed to undress. Once we were nude, she grabbed her night gown but I stopped her, “No, let’s be naked for a while, I like the feeling of the sheets on my bare skin.” She smiled broadly, “I bet you would like the feeling of Nate's hands on your bare skin.” We both laughed as we jumped back onto the bed, on our knees facing...

1 year ago
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I went to my girlfriend’s house to just hang out. Susan and I had met through a mutual friend a few ears ago. Her husband was out of town and mine was working late. After arriving at her house we chatted a little bit over a couple glasses of wine and a little bit to eat. We wound up in her and her husbands room and I flopped on the bed. I watched as she folded laundry and she started going through some of her clothes. During this I made a passing comment on a sexy little G string teddy that was...

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The following story is a true one, although it may seem unbelievable at times. Of course, I will try to skip the mundane parts and stick to those directly relating to or leading to the sexual acts, but it might still be slow at times. The story is not something im proud of, the 'wild times' led to repercussions for many years. But sometimes I like to reminisce on the fun I had at the time and the carefree attitude of those around me, which is why I decided to put it into writing. I am happy for...

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It's been weeks since I (Ross) have heard any word from my wife, Emily, since she's refused to speak to me because I accidentally said Rachel's name instead of hers during the ceremony. I get up this seemingly normal day the way I usually: have breakfast, watch some cartoons, and then shower. It got to be around noon or so, I decide to go over to Monica's and see what she and everyone else are up to. I get over there and just walk in like I usually do, but there was no one there. "Hello?" I...

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“Take off all your clothes.” Even though I’ve seen Helen repeat this scene hundreds of times, I still marvel at her ability to make people do anything she tells them. Yes, anything she tells them. Why just today she had three sexy looking guys in the office and not one of them was over 21. They knew only one of them was going to get a chance to test for a juicy supporting role in a major Hollywood studio film. And the other two? They get to go back to being waiters, bar tenders, parking lot...

1 year ago
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It all starts when john goes to bens house to stay the night. John arrives at bens house and they are watching tv and ben says to john my neck is sore can you massage it for me? john says ya shure and so he starts they get to talking and ben askes john if he wants to get it done now and john says ya ok. So john lays down and gets a full massage and then bens says don't you find it hot in here john says ya i do then ben says well take of your pants you can just wear your boxers. so he does. as...

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Your friend was getting a divorce, she had come to stay with us since she had nowhere to go. I thought it was interesting since she looked very much like you, it was almost like she could be your sister. Same body type, she might be slightly heavier, but both of you had big breast, nice big butts, and nice happy smiley face. We had a spare room next to our bedroom that she got to stay in. We had a very active sex life and would make love at least once a day, but more often a couple of times....

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Carol was a good friend and she had huge tits and had them from a young age. She also would do anything I asked and one day my brother, Tim wanted to see her tits so I told Carol to show them to him.  Our parents worked so we had a lot of evening just to ourselves. Her globes were so firm and my brother's eyes got big looking at them. I told him to sit by her and touch those big hooters. He ran his hands over them and the nipples got hard. I had Carol arch her back and told him to kiss each...

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Who use to be your father is now my man and all your family wealth out of which I used to request you to support my financial needs as a best friend is now all mine, going this way you are my step daughter but you know I am too young to be a mom so I thought a different arrangement you will be our slave and me and your father will be your mistress and master, don’t bother about your father I have already made him disown you entirely even from the family wealth and gift you to me as my slave now...

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Who use to be your father is now my man and all your family wealth for which I used to rely on you to support my financial needs as a best friend is now all mine, going this way you are now my step daughter but you know I am too young to be a mom so I thought a different arrangement you will be our slave and me and your father will be your mistress and master, don’t bother about your father I have already discussed with him and he has disowned you from the family and its wealth and left you...

4 years ago
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A Matter of Convenience

I wish I’d been around when gas stations were full-service. I’ve heard the old-timers’ stories about how you’d pull into a gas station and a guy wearing a white uniform would rush out, pump your gas, clean your windshield, check the oil, air up the tires, and do just about everything short of giving you a blowjob. That must have been nice. A blowjob would’ve been nice, too. But not as nice as getting out of your car to stretch your legs, taking a piss in a clean bathroom, and browsing the...

3 years ago
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SusanChapter 12

Susan was tired when she finally got home. Although the sun was still high enough that she could have laid out on the porch to enjoy some of it, her bed felt much more welcoming. It had been an early start to the day and she needed the nap. She didn't get to sleep real long; her mother woke her up for supper a couple of hours later, and although Susan felt a little grumpy at having to get up, she at least rationalized that it was probably just as well. While she was going to have to get...

4 years ago
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Losing My Virginity With My Boyfriend At My House

Hi, I am new here and this is my first sex story. My name is Riya, I am 19 and have figure 32-26-32. This story is about how I lost my virginity at my own house with my boyfriend karthik who is 20. We had a relationship of 6 months and we were very close to each other. We used to have sex talks late night talks and we want to have it but were not getting perfect place for it. Suddenly my family have to go somewhere and due to some reasons I was not able to go with them. So my family went up in...

4 years ago
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Im Not A Sex Robot

Sure, she smiled as the class laughed watching her skateboard on a giant screen even though she had never stepped on one before. The regret came weeks later, when a pleasure robot designed with her scan, an exact replica of herself, became the biggest-selling model in the entire world. Her baby face, short stature, slim physique, and D-cup breasts had everyone fall in love with the Rape Me Mindy bot. It was programmed to resist and cry but to be easily overpowered, kind of like her, too....

2 years ago
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The Vacation Vixen

Gil decided to take a vacation to get away from the building stress of running his business. He wanted to go somewhere different; some place where his subordinates would not try to find him. He told everyone he was going overseas and would not have access to email or phone service. In reality, Gil drove 300 miles to visit his best friend, Randy with whom he had served several years in the Navy. Randy had married a few months ago and Gil decided it was time that he met Randy’s wife, and got...

Oral Sex
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The new family slave

After being divorced for four months we still had a very good friendship, not only with her but with her entire family. I was still fishing with her father, and was still being called to fix everything that broke. I didn’t really realize how close we all still were until I was at her nieces’ house replacing a toilet for her. I had the new toilet in when I noticed that the shut off valve was leaking. It was a little after 11pm and there was no way I was going to get a new shutoff tonight, so I...

2 years ago
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Sex with Adopted sister

It had been 6 days since we last had sex.. her & me are having lots of fun in our cross country trip sight seeing, the movies, dinners, shes glad that i invited her to come along with me. she has always wanted to do a cross country travel but never had the money to do it so she was very happy that i asked her if she would like to come as our trip went on, we got lots of good pictures and movies, got lots of shopping & great foods too. Arriving In Arizona the Grand Canyon is about a 30 mind...

4 years ago
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The Cabin chapter III

When I awoke the next morning sun was shining in through the windows, bathing my golden hair in its rays. I got up quickly, but careful not to wake my lovers. The nice weather made me think that we would soon have to leave the cabin and my taste of life as a girl would be over. Regretting this, I was determined to make the best of my morning with them. I went to the bathroom and once again treated my body with the uttermost care, leaving it soft and shiny. Tip-toeing back into the bedroom, I...

4 years ago
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The Dreamcatcher

Go to the house at the top of the street. Enter the house. (May 21, 2012 10:03 P.M.) Slowly advancing up the tree-lined hill, she glanced up from her lit phone screen to see the dark house towering over a neat lawn. The sky was a dead blue and every shape cast a black shadow on the dusty path. Beneath her shoes, the gravel path crunched and ground into the earth, every footstep echoed into the dark forest. ‘Is he in the house?’ she contemplated. Probably not. There were no visible vehicles...

1 year ago
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MomPOV Brenna Texan MILF With Nice Bubble Butt E396

Nick’s notes: – 36 yrs old – Is from TX and a mother of 1 – She loves to Travel, Read, Shop and big on outdoor events – Its always been a fantasy of her’s to do porn – She is very sexual – Loves Anal sex – Loves Doggy Style and has the perfect ass for the pounding – Great at giving blowjobs and enjoys every minute – She was a little shy and nervous at first – After she warmed up she performed a lot better – Felt great pounding her nice round bubble butt – Very tight ass, only tried anal a few...

2 years ago
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A Girls Fantasy

The air was filled with the smell of animal lust and raw sex and the alluring scents of his strong cologne and my delicate perfume mingled with it. I looked up to the ceiling where a little while ago, the dancing shadows of tree branches appeared as ominous hands, pinning me down into the mattress. Now those shadows just danced gracefully across the moonlit darkness, looking down on the exhausted young, sprawled out, naked girl. The slight breeze outside was now the only sound reverberating...

1 year ago
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Smoking Visits

My mother would drag me along to many of her friends house's so she could have a drink and a catch up. This was a regular occurrence and boredom would always set in the minute i would had to sit there.Visiting Maureen was different though, Maureen was a smoker. Maureen was a petite loud carefree woman that didn't hold back in saying what was on her mind.She was a northern working class mother who was rough around the edges but naturally attractive. I would sit and wait patiently for her to grab...

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kathy at the party

"We'll just make an appearance, then leave as soon as we can," I said to my wife. My boss had invited us to his annual New Year's Eve party, and neither of us were enthusiastic about going. "Vince is just so arrogant around women, he makes my skin crawl," said Kathy. "Do we have to go at all?""I don't think he ever bought our excuse from last year," I replied. "Remember? We said we had to go to your mother's instead? He's been making comments at the office like maybe I'm not happy with the...

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The Takeover

THE TAKEOVER James Lock was on a knife edge. He had worked for the Sunlight Group as first as accountant then a Financial Director before he was thirty. His promotion was one of the last acts performed by the Group owner before he died. It was designed as a wedding present for his daughter Sue, when she married James, but he didn't know that it would shortly be her that had to take over the reigns of running the businesses when he was suddenly taken ill. A mere six weeks later he...

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Chaachi ki khwahish

Ek bahut hi prachlit kahawat hai:-manushya kabhi apne paas waale saaman se santusht nahin ho pata.uske paas bhale hi duniya ki harek chij maujood ho,phir bhi wo kuch aur paane ya doosre ke kisi chij ko hathiyane me laga hi rehta hai.wo apne chijon se tang aa jata hai aur sochta hai-kaash wo bhi hamara hota to kitna accha hota.bas yahi ashantushti n laalach ki kahani hai HCI n MCI ki.jahan ek or MCI ka MCA ke 50 cm diameter waale hathore jaise land se maar kha-kha ke raat raat bhar aaah-aah ki...

1 year ago
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The New Player

Hey readers I just have a few things to say before we start this adventure. First off this is heavily inspired by The Gamer chyoa edition. The reason I'm not putting this this with it is that I don't want my first story to be limited by the world space I didn't create, so your going to notice quite a lot of similarities. The second thing is, like I already said, this is my first story so expect revisions throughout the story. Ill let you know when and where I changed things. Thirdly it is going...

4 years ago
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Rumors of HavenChapter 17

Reaching the station, the caravan was hardly stunned to discover that six more people resided there, using it as a shelter for the moment. There were four men and two women, of which two guys and one woman seemed to know each other rather well. The other three people had just recently met each other and the others, but like their new companions, they made a point of greeting this new group. They were cautious, of course, bracing themselves for possible trouble, just as the newcomers did. This...

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RebirthChapter 9

I woke up early and just stayed in bed looking at my lover. She had a small snore that she always denied. When she woke up she looked around to see me looking at her. "What are you looking at mister?" "Oh, just the woman I love." "Ha! You love a lot of women and I have to share." "True but I love you the most." "Prove it." I started my journey till she remembered her state. Her bum got a single swat and I continued. Her scream five minutes later woke the others. With her hand...

2 years ago
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Always on GuardChapter 2

A few minutes into Jorgarn's first lesson, Sir Torbert was tempted to promote him the Noble Guards immediately. He held himself in check, if only barely. It was clear that Jorgarn was head and shoulders above the other trainees some of whom had spent two years in the program. But the Noble Guard wasn't the true goal of many of the young nobleman. For numerous reasons, few made the transition to full status. Many of the young men faltered initially and left the program within a few days....

4 years ago
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Cousin Jim and Me

Introduction: I had always had a crush on my cousin. In my first story, I told about the first time I saw and touched a penis. It was my grandpas. This story is about the time I saw my second penis, my cousin Jims. I will call him CJ in the story. I had a crush on my cousin, Jim, since I was 13 and he was 15. We lived in different towns about 400 miles apart and our families would visit each other three or four times a year. We would get together and CJ and I would play board games mostly with...

2 years ago
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Helpful WifeChapter 3

One month to the day after Tim Cartwright had flown to New York City, his wife stood in the ladies room of the Dew Drop Inn, primping her hair before a large oval mirror over the wash basins. She was a little inebriated, although far from being drunk, and a crystal stem-glass filled with a Brandy Alexander stood beside her elbow on the ceramic ledge of one sink. Lord! she muttered under her breath as she reached for the glass, she had eaten nothing since a quick lunch, and here it was after...

3 years ago
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The best sex I ever had

This happened, I can’t forget nor do I want to.It was late summer but the warmth of the day hung in the air even at 5pm. In full suit I scanned the train carriage. The warm train hummed with the busy commuters, I had done the journey so many times I knew where the usual people would sit and who they would be sat with. The heat and the motion of the train was a heady mix. In my mind I proceeded to undress every woman in the carriage. Mature ladies in blouses and suits, young students in t-shirts...

2 years ago
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Someones Hero

In an age of time when the destruction of modern civilization slowly descends upon us we must look to a future when someone, anyone will rise up and take the reigns so long ago dropped and lift us back to our rightful path. This at least was the thoughts and the most constant staple of Professor Damien’s lectures. He knew that the inner cities were going to hell and also that his student ratio had jumped by 60% over the last few years. At the ripe age of 45 he was still younger than the larger...

4 years ago
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The Slut Wife Chapter 1

¬The bald man’s cock is deep in my ass as I sit on it while the blonde man has my head firmly in both hands and is fucking my face…the tip of his cock sliding in and out of my throat. Rick moves over on the couch next to me and begins squeezing then slapping my boobs…squeeze then slap, squeeze then slap. I feel a hand slide to my pussy, playing with my clit and then hear the bald man behind me say “wiggle that ass bitch!” then slap my hip hard for emphasis. The blonde man is face fucking me...

2 years ago
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Give me Your Ass Pegged Gay

When we were first dating, my wife and I experimented with sex somewhat. We ran through some positions and then she straddled me once, facing away and had me spread my legs. She slipped a finger into my anus and found my prostate. I knew exactly where my prostate was because I used to soap up a finger and finger fuck myself in the shower.I didn't say anything about it at the time because it was kind of a big thing. She never did it again and I didn't ask her for it. She was kind of rough on me...

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