Friends free porn video

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It was a Saturday afternoon and Andy was sat in his room playing on his Xbox 360 but quickly becoming bored. He could have been out with friends just like any other 17 yr old boy but he didn’t have the luxury of living near his best friends and he didn’t know many people who lived on his street. The main shopping centre was just down the road as he lived on the outskirts of town. Andy was the type of boy who preferred his own company, either that or he had just got used to being on his own, even he wasn’t sure which. He didn’t think he was the most good looking guy in the world but at the same time not the ugliest. He stood at 5”7 with dirty brown hair and piercing green eyes of which he often got compliments for. He wasn’t fat or anything but he sometimes wished he had a fitter body, perhaps with a six pack. It was a pleasant summers day so the clothes of choice were a dark blue t shirt that went down to his hips and black tracky bottoms with white stripes running down the legs. He made sure the top of his grey boxer shorts were visible just above his pants, not that anyone would see he thought, he just liked the idea that someone COULD see. He had recently admitted to himself that he was bisexual after some years of confusion but still much preferred females.

He gave up. There was only so much Fifa defeats he could take. He stood up, walked over to the machine and turned it off while planting the controller on top. He then walked over to his bedroom window and leant against the window sill. He let out a big sigh as he reminded himself that in a few weeks time he would be back at Sixth Form College. “Great” he muttered to himself whilst glancing down to the long garden that backed the house that he lived in with his parents and dog. There was a high wall at the end of the garden that stretched all the way down the street, on the other side were more houses 1 of which was once occupied by his best friend Liam. Lots of change in the last few years meant he didn’t see Liam all that much anymore even though they went to the same college but his friend had moved further away and they now “moved in different circles”.

Andy quickly snapped out of his daydreaming and looked to his right and saw a sight that immediately got his heart racing. As I mentioned earlier Andy didn’t really know that people who lived on his street probably because he never made much of an effort to get to know the neighbours. Three doors down, in the garden that backed the house stood a trampoline. Later Andy would ponder how on earth he had never noticed this equipment and the person who lived at the house before. On this trampoline bounced two young boys who he thought mustn’t have been any older than 10 years old. They were both around 5”2 Andy guessed with black hair and slim build but couldn’t make out any other distinguishing features apart from that they were wearing, or rather what they weren’t wearing. Laughter and banter could be heard as these two boys bounced up and down in just there small blue underpants and pretending to wrestle each other. Andy stood in awe as he looked on and couldn’t believe his eyes, or his luck. He quickly reacted to this and rushed to his bedside table with drawers and pulled one out which contained his socks. He quickly grabbed a black pair and put them on whole heading for the door. He tried to be calm but it was difficult as he made his way down the stairs. He got to the bottom and saw that his parents were in the kitchen and his dog, named after that vampire slayer “Buffy” came to greet him. He needed an excuse to go out into the garden as it was a thing that he rarely did. He called to Buffy, put his trainers on and headed for the front door and grabbed the handle. Twenty seconds later and they were both walking down the steps that lead to the lawn of the garden and Andy’s heart was in his mouth.

It was hard to get any sort of a view with all the bushes that blocked his eye sight so it took a moment to get in the perfect position. He got there eventually. He had a great view. The boys were still bouncing up and down and wrestling in nothing but there underpants. Andy tried not to draw attention to himself and so threw a ball for Buffy to fetch and bring back. He glanced over every now again not being able to resist the temptation of staring at two beautiful young boys as now he had a much better view of there bodies and he liked what he saw.

A couple of minutes had passed and the older boy still stood there alternating from throwing the ball for his dog and perving at the two young boys. Then suddenly one of the boys, slightly shorter than the other, stopped and looked straight at Andy and talked to the other boy. They were both looking over now and began waving. Andy repayed the gesture. Laughing could be heard as the boys continued to bounce. Then to Andys surprise they both turned there backs to him and pulled there underpants down. Andy nearly came in his boxers right there and then as he looked upon two simply beautiful asses and with not a single hair in sight. Andy smiled and laughed as they pulled there pants back up and faced him. Without really thinking Andy turned his back to them and pulled his bottoms and boxers down revealing his shapely bottom. His ass was one of his favourite areas of his body so it was very easy for him to show it off. He covered back up and turned to see the boys looking on and giggling. For the next ten minutes this continued with both parties taking it in turns to moon the other until the two boys stopped and talked to each other for a short time with one finally calling over asking whether they could come over. Andy said yes without hesitation. The boys jumped off the trampoline and put there clothes on and disappeared out of sight. Andy just stood there in anticipation.

Five minutes later and the boys reappeared at the house end of the garden. Andy walked down to greet them.
“Hey.” Andy said casually.
“Hey, how you doin’?” One of the boys asked.
“Oh yeah not bad”. Was the response.
There was a long silence until one of the boys asked if they could play with Buffy to which Andy confirmed. The older boy, and still turned on boy soon learned the names of these two hot young boys as Declan and James who were both just 10 years old and were cousins. Declan lived at the house from which they just came from whilst James lived a few streets away. Declan seemed to be the more confident out of the cousins wearing a football t shirt with black shorts and trainers. James had a slightly deeper voice and was wearing a white t shirt and matching shorts and trainers. They all got on quite well despite the age gap and had fun playing with Buffy and just generally messing about until the two young boys had to go, something Andy was very disappointed about but he needn’t be. Over the next few days the three of them saw each other every day, the cousins going over to Andy’s house. That was the case until one day it was just Declan who visited. Even though the cousins did look very much alike Andy looked upon Declan as the cutest out of the two so he wasn’t that upset that only he started to turn up at his doorstep. They spent a lot of time together mainly playing on the Xbox which was now much more fun however what happened on the trampoline was never mentioned.

Andy’s parents wedding anniversary was fast approaching and they had planned to go away for the weekend which meant Andy had the house to himself for the 2 days. He got out of bed and dressed by 10am and went downstairs to greet Buffy. There was a note on the fridge from his mum explaining what time they should be back the following day. Andy smiled at the thought of all the peace and quiet. Nothing much happened over the next few hours. Andy took Buffy for a walk and just lounged about, only rising from his seat in the living room to get food, drink and to go to the toilet.

It was about 3pm and there was a knock at the door. Andy reluctantly went to the front door and opened. There stood Declan wearing a smile, black hoody and black tracky bottoms. Andy invited him in and explained about his parents. Like the preceding days they played on the Xbox until Declan had to go home for his meal but Andy told him that he could come back afterwards if he could and wanted to. Declan wanted to and did so not long after he left. The novelty of the Xbox soon wore thin and the two boys ended up watching tv and talking about random stuff such as gaming and wrestling, something Andy wasn’t particularly interested in but was when he was younger so he at least knew what Declan was talking about. It was about 9pm and Declan reluctantly declared that he had to go home. Not for the first time Andy’s actions came first before his brain engaged.
“How about you stay the night?”. Andy asked hopefully.
“Well ill ive to ask my parents”. Declan replied.
So Declan went home but 5 minutes later returned with the news that he could stay. The both of them were thrilled.

More talking and munching on snacks followed until about 11pm and it was becoming obvious Declan wasn’t used to staying up late but actually Andy was now starting to get quite tired. So they both agreed that they should sleep, with Declan having the couch in the living room. Everything was set up for Declan on the couch and so they said there goodnights. Andy went upstairs, into the bathroom and then into his bedroom where he undressed. He moved the covers back and slipped into bed wearing just his grey boxers.

Andy felt so comfortable in bed however some time had now passed and he had not fallen asleep which he didn’t understand as he thought he was tired. He tossed and turned until he heard foot steps coming up the stairs. The bedroom door was open as it was a warm night and Andy’s room was always the warmest room in the house anyway. Declan emerged from the stairs and saw Andy lying in bed wide awake.
“Hey. Im just going to the toilet”. Declan explained.
Andy nodded and saw Declan disappear into the bathroom and the door closed. Andy had noticed Declan was just wearing a pair of small black underpants and he couldn’t help but wonder if his new friend ever wore boxers. A short time later Declan emerged from the bathroom turning off the light and closing the door as he existed. He looked into the dark bedroom where Andy was still wide awake looking through the darkness. Andy reached over to his bedside table where a table lamp stood and turned it on. It took a while for both boys’ eyes to adjust.
“Cant sleep”. Andy said.
“Me neither”. Declan said while stepping slowly into the bedroom and stopping just feet away from the side of the bed.
“It mustn’t be very comfortable on that couch”. Andy said looking on.
“Its ok I guess”. Declan shrugged.
“Well I wouldn’t usually offer this but if you wanted to you could sleep with me if you wanted”. Andy said half asking.
Declan took a couple more steps and replied, “it’s a bit small isn’t it?”. He giggled.
“Hey im not that fat!”. Andy responded laughing.
Andy pulled the sheets back and moved to the far side of the bed. Declan climbed in slowly feeling a little nervous about the situation but not stopping himself. They lied their in silence for some time until Andy looked over and smiled at Declan and asked him if he was ok to which the boy responded in the positive and both said there goodnights as the youngest boy turned out the light.

Andy had his back to Declan but his eyes were still wise open, he just couldn’t sleep and Declan was in the same state as he adjusted his body and faced the back of Andy. The young boy was now feeling very confused, he knew he liked girls but for some reason as he looked at the back of his friends head and lowered his gaze to his back he could feel his underpants becoming very tight and realised his penis was growing and growing. He edged closer forward trying not to nudge Andy just in case he was asleep.

Andy, still wide awake, began thinking about what he could do tomorrow but the answer his brain came up with wasn’t very imaginative. Then suddenly he felt the slightest of touches upon his ass but because he was wearing his boxers he just told himself that it must have been the fabric of his underwear. Then another nudge which this time was slightly more noticeable. “That’s definitely not my boxers” Andy thought to himself. He now felt something permanently resting on his right ass cheek. It didn’t take long him to realise what it was and at this realisation his own penis had significantly grown. He now had a faint smile on his face but had no idea what to do next, it took a while to come up with a plan of sorts. Andy very slowly moved backwards and Declan’s penis dropped down nestling inbetween his ass cheeks.

Declan didn’t dare move as his penis was just an inch or 2 away from Andy’s ass entrance and if it wasn’t for the boys’ underwear, surely it would take just a slight thrust…

After some arguing with himself in his head, Andy decided to just go for it. He moved back some more and it would have now been impossible to carry on as though nothing was going on. Andy reached around with his right hand until he felt the hard intruder near his ass cheeks. He slowly took it and massaged it slowly. Declan just lay there in perhaps a state of shock, he didn’t know what to do but what was happening was pleasing him very much. Andy’s efforts became faster until he couldn’t bare it any longer and turned to face Declan. There eyes met in the gloom but not for much longer as Declan turned on the bedside light. They smiled at each other and without hesitation Andy moved his body closer and kissed Declan square on the lips in the most passionate kiss you could ever imagine. Declan had no experience, not just with boys but girls either so he just let the more experienced boy do the work which Andy didn’t mind. There two warm bodies now touching including both hard penis’, Andy’s at 7inchs and Declan’s at 4inches. Andy’s hand wondered around until it came to the top of the underpants and very slowly went inside. Declan was so hard that Andy’s hand almost immediately felt flesh.

The underpants were quickly done away with and taken down past the knees and to Declan’s feet where he worked them off. Then it was Andy’s turn. He quickly pulled down his boxers and he to worked them off. Both boys’ bodies as one with there arms around each other. Andy moved his hand slowly around to the back, circling lovingly then moving down until he reached even softer skin and squeezed the younger boys’ ass cheek to which the boy let out a groan. They kissed again until Andy broke off the kiss and removed the bed sheets so both boys’ bodies were clearly visible. He then softly went back up and kissed Declan’s sweet, gorgous, hairless chest. Lower and Lower. This boys’ stomach was so soft and kissable and Andy was making sure it was kissed fully. He didn’t want to go straight to the main prize, not yet anyway, so he bypassed that area and worked on Declan’s sexy legs. Lower and Lower kissing all the way down. Down his thigh of the left leg, passed his knee all the way down to his ankle. Then he moved back to the top and repeated with the right leg whilst his right hand played with the boys’ left foot.

Andy had finished his kissing and hand to foot wrestle and moved all the way up Declan’s body and kissed his face off. They now lay side by side and Andy decided he couldn’t wait any longer. He slowly took hold of the young boys cock which was pointing straight up towards his stomach. The masturbating became intense as the more experienced boy made sure his friend was going to be satisfied. Moans could be heard from the receiver and Andy wounded if this boy was going to cum tonight.

Andy eased off the masturbating and planted his face right beside the rock hard cock. Then with his tongue lapped at the tip of the reddy purple end revealed by the foreskin pealed as far back as it would go. Another lick. Then another. Declan gasped as his cock disappeared fast into Andy’s mouth. The sensation was amazing, like nothing he had ever experienced. Not only was his cock being sucked but now his ball sack was being playfully fondled. He had masturbated before thinking about the girls at his school and he had came but very little had emerged so he knew what would happen if this continued.

It felt like an eternity but it was just a couple minutes until Andy eased off and backed of the throbbing cock. More kissing came after and Declan could taste his own cock. Andy had an idea. “Well he did like pushing it against me” he thought. He sat up and moved away from Declan facing away from him. He transitioned to being on all 4s and Declan had a clear view of his ass including his hole. Andy sucked a couple of fingers and positioned them near his hole. He circled around his hole lubricating the area and just slightly entering himself a couple of times. He then turned and told Declan to switch positions to which the boy did so. Andy, on his back then raised his legs and rested them behind his head with his feet touching the wall just above the headboard of the bed.
“Do you want to fuck me?” Andy asked without fear.
“Ive never done this before”. Was the reply.
“Its ok its easy, kinda like what you were doing before”. Andy said reassuringly.
“Ok”. Was the response.
With that Declan moved slowly forward now on his knees with his still wet cock facing towards Andy’s ass. The tip just slightly brushed the tight hole and both boys breathed in deep. Declan moved closer and closer until his body was touching his friend’s ass cheeks. He grabbed his cock and gently moved it towards the objective…and pushed.

A gasp from Andy confirmed that this really was happening and already almost all of Declan’s bell end was inside the older boys hole. He pushed in and out, he didn’t know that it was what he was supposed to do he just responded to the ass that was moving towards and away from him. Gradually the pace picked up and more and more of the boys cock disappeared until all of it had gone in and all that could be heard was his balls slapping against skin. About 5 minutes had passed and in that time Andy had moved his legs and were now positioned over Declan’s shoulders with his toes curled as the pounding has become relentless until there was still.

“What’s wrong?” Asked Andy.
“I think I need to cum”. Said Declan.
“Its ok just carry on”. Andy said with a smile.
“Erm…ok”. Declan replied continuing with the same pace as before.
Then suddenly there was a loud moan and Declan’s whole body tensed. His head pointing to the ceiling, his chest out. His legs went to jelly and began to spasm, his toes curled and his ball sack so tight it hurt. Andy knew exactly what was happening and could feel it. It wasn’t spectacular but he wasn’t expecting much. He could just about feel dripping inside him and also Declan’s cum seeping down his ass hole. The boy pulled out exhausted and still having spasms sprawled out on his friend’s bed. Andy removed his legs just as the boy fell and began furiously wanking himself off watching this gorgeous naked 10 year old who had just fucked him. It didn’t take long before stream after stream of cum came from his stiff cock some of which hitting reaching Declan who was now watching. Andy was now also exhausted and collapsed with spasm and spasm going through his body. Declan just about had enough strength to move up back to the top of the bed and lay next to Andy. They smiled and both took hold of part of the bed sheet and covered them up. They lay in each others arms naked and kissing. They both fell asleep in no time at all, both having a hand resting on each others ass cheek.

After that night the two boys continued to see much of each other and even though they agreed not to be “boyfriends” they still had fun and were the best of friends.

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It's been weeks since I (Ross) have heard any word from my wife, Emily, since she's refused to speak to me because I accidentally said Rachel's name instead of hers during the ceremony. I get up this seemingly normal day the way I usually: have breakfast, watch some cartoons, and then shower. It got to be around noon or so, I decide to go over to Monica's and see what she and everyone else are up to. I get over there and just walk in like I usually do, but there was no one there. "Hello?" I...

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“Take off all your clothes.” Even though I’ve seen Helen repeat this scene hundreds of times, I still marvel at her ability to make people do anything she tells them. Yes, anything she tells them. Why just today she had three sexy looking guys in the office and not one of them was over 21. They knew only one of them was going to get a chance to test for a juicy supporting role in a major Hollywood studio film. And the other two? They get to go back to being waiters, bar tenders, parking lot...

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It all starts when john goes to bens house to stay the night. John arrives at bens house and they are watching tv and ben says to john my neck is sore can you massage it for me? john says ya shure and so he starts they get to talking and ben askes john if he wants to get it done now and john says ya ok. So john lays down and gets a full massage and then bens says don't you find it hot in here john says ya i do then ben says well take of your pants you can just wear your boxers. so he does. as...

3 years ago
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Your friend was getting a divorce, she had come to stay with us since she had nowhere to go. I thought it was interesting since she looked very much like you, it was almost like she could be your sister. Same body type, she might be slightly heavier, but both of you had big breast, nice big butts, and nice happy smiley face. We had a spare room next to our bedroom that she got to stay in. We had a very active sex life and would make love at least once a day, but more often a couple of times....

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Carol was a good friend and she had huge tits and had them from a young age. She also would do anything I asked and one day my brother, Tim wanted to see her tits so I told Carol to show them to him.  Our parents worked so we had a lot of evening just to ourselves. Her globes were so firm and my brother's eyes got big looking at them. I told him to sit by her and touch those big hooters. He ran his hands over them and the nipples got hard. I had Carol arch her back and told him to kiss each...

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Who use to be your father is now my man and all your family wealth out of which I used to request you to support my financial needs as a best friend is now all mine, going this way you are my step daughter but you know I am too young to be a mom so I thought a different arrangement you will be our slave and me and your father will be your mistress and master, don’t bother about your father I have already made him disown you entirely even from the family wealth and gift you to me as my slave now...

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Who use to be your father is now my man and all your family wealth for which I used to rely on you to support my financial needs as a best friend is now all mine, going this way you are now my step daughter but you know I am too young to be a mom so I thought a different arrangement you will be our slave and me and your father will be your mistress and master, don’t bother about your father I have already discussed with him and he has disowned you from the family and its wealth and left you...

1 year ago
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DogStyle WivesChapter 8

Shelley walked quietly up behind Andy and stood there undetected as he swore softly, rebaited his hook, and lowered it into the water. He sat on the bank at the southwesternmost tip of the lake. "What on earth are you doing, Andy?" Shelley whispered. She gasped as he almost slid into the lake, startled by her unexpected nearness. "I came to fish, but I damn near went swimming," he said in a surly voice. Then he turned and grinned at her. "Hell, I might as well. Those damn Oscars that...

3 years ago
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Having A Laugh

It started out with the two of us having a laugh. I showed Reece some photos on my phone of our mates doing stupid shit with their cocks out and he said we should go one better and pretend like we were doing gay stuff. So that’s how it started and it seemed really funny at the time. Grabbing each other’s wangers in the first few shots and then making it look like we were sucking each other off. After we’d creased up laughing at all those, he said I should stand behind him and act like I was...

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The Drive In Movie

It was a stupid thing for me to do and I knew better, but I let it happen anyway. The problem is that I loved it and I want to do it again, but I don't dare. The consequences of getting caught would destroy my marriage, ruin my family and stamp a brand on my forehead for all to see. I am a forty-three year old wife and mother. My husband Joel and I have three great children; eighteen year old Mike, sixteen year old Cassandra and fourteen year old Donna. My husband is an electrical engineer...

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Adrianas Wish

Adriana smiled at the young cashier as she picked up her coffee and bagel. It was her Friday morning treat and she was excited to enjoy this weekly indulgence. She turned and heard a thump. She barely had time to look up when her eardrums were filled with a loud voice. ‘What the fuck!’ Adriana stared up as she realized she had walked straight into a man wearing a business suit. She had knocked the coffee in his hand against his chest and there was a growing stain on his expensive gray shirt. ...

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How Christi Paid for College Ch 06

Chapter 6: The First John Apparently no clients showed up the next day and Christi and Lily had a disappointingly ordinary day of work serving coffee and sandwiches. The day after that Christi was not on the schedule, but she was on the same shift with Lily the following day, a Wednesday. She came on at 2:00, overlapping with Lily, who had worked the lunch hour. The manager of the coffee shop, who normally came in early to prep breakfast, left about the same time as Christi arrived. Christi...

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Inspiration Ch 01

A sweet voice sang, ‘I’m your biggest fan!’ The voice sounded so innocent with a tad hint of naughty flirt. His lips curved a slanted grin as he refused to lift his head or eyes to peer at the face that went with the voice. He asked, ‘And what is my biggest fan’s name?’ There was little flattery in his tone. That sweet voice replied, ‘Sally.’ His slanted grin somewhat faded, the name was so dull and average. His fingers gripped the pen then wisp the tip across the inside of his hard cover...

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Rylees path

Introduction: Hello new readers. Thank you for checking this out. This is my first attempt at writing any sort of story, and i hope to keep you entertained. This story is about a young girl her travels to Seattle Washington, from a small town south of there, shortly after her 21th birthday. she gets into many situations that either she must take advantage of, or find a way out of. my goal is to create storylines that carry on even if the ending is "bad". For many people, a bad ending isnt...

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TGS The Honeymoon

The Honeymoon Timber Grove: Story #2 By Trinity CHAPTER -ONE- Roger Powers sat at the bar of the Coho Resort and sipped on his scotch. He wore a tuxedo with his bow tie untied, looking like a telethon host in the final hours of the night. His eyes never raised above his glass, and people in the crowded bar generally gave him a wide birth. "Get you another, buddy?" The bartender was trying to be jovial, having dealt with many men in his long career in a very similar slump....

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Indian Bhabhi Ke Maze Liye

Hi mera naam deepak (change name) hai aaj mei aapko. Apni pehli sex story batane ja raha hu. Ye baat karib 4 se 5 saal purani hai jb collage start kiya tha ek friend ki mobile recharge ki shop thi to waha aana jana tha wahi pr samne rehne wali indian bhabhi bhi aati thi recharge karane dhire dhire baatchit hone lagi seema naam tha uska kuch varsho pahle hi uske husband ki death ho gyi thi. Age approx 34 ki thi medium size ke bobs the but figure well maintain. Savli thi pr mast ho rhi thi. Baat...

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A Shade of PurpleChapter 4

Grinning, Cash saunters over and drops onto the couch next to Sarah. Kara had helped the girl up off the floor and onto the couch before disappearing to another room. It left Sarah all alone with Cash and two other lacrosse players that she doesn’t even know. “I don’t believe these guys know you,” he says as he casually tosses his arm over the back of the couch behind her. “This hot little slut is Sarah. And these guys are Chris and Andrew.” “Where did Kara go?” she asks, clearly disturbed...

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The Naughty Party

It was the kind of party that I had never been to. You could have said that I was naïve when I accepted the invitation but then there was no real need to be otherwise. After leaving the party I was more than curious about everyone else that was there. I was on a high. I was invited by a friend from work. I would know only her at the party and would be reliant on a stunted conversation with her until I got to know other people present. That kind of party always worried me slightly. I preferred...

Group Sex
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Becoming a queer

Although my sexual experiences up until this stage were limited. The gap between twenty and twenty-two change me. I had sex with a couple more girls and I loved them, but a tickling in my mind has always been there since I was a kid. Sex with guys, that didn’t me I was gay but by the time I was twenty-two, I preferred sex with guys. My mom knew before I did, I was gay or bisexual, especially with events that unfolded after I turned twenty-one. Reminiscing about, how I arrived at the thought...

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Whiskey Decisions

So I'm Laura, I am 5 ft tall with brown hair and eyes. I'm average build, I wear 36 B/C bra size (kinda in between...still a good handful) and I have a great ass so I've heard. I had just turned 18 and although I had done some serious experimenting, I was still a virgin. So after throwing back dollar shots of whiskey all night with my friends, going swimming seemed like the best idea. In our group was my best friend Mel, her fuck buddy Nick, and his roommate Sean. We started off swimming in...

First Time
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Sorority Sisters Son

After a sorority sister invited me for a week-long out-of-town spring getaway to her home, we discovered over coffee that both our sons were soon graduating high school. One late afternoon over martinis, she disclosed that in preparation for college, with her son’s blossoming sexuality, they had engaged as a learning experience in oral, vaginal and even anal sex. That evening, after filling three glass with Chardonnay, she asked her son to join us for some wine and conversation. Somewhat tipsy...

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Birthday Surprise For Three

The phone rang. Just before the third ring Kat answered, "Hello?""Hi Kat, its Lynn. Are you busy?""Nope, just watching a little TV. What's up?""I was thinking about the conversation we had the other day about the cake; the one for Matt's birthday," Lynn said. "I want you to make it."Today Lynn had decided she would have Kat make what had been dubbed the pussy cake."Ok, I'll get some photos off the internet today as reference and get started right away," said Kat."Umm," started Lynn. "I was...

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Balthazar Mf M solo Exhib Voyeur Inc

I had just moved to a new town and was out jogging a hot Saturday afternoon when, by pure chance, I saw him. I was wearing just shorts and trainers, running along the woods at the back of a nice looking neighbourhood and he was standing on his balcony about 50 yards of where I was. He was black, tall and heavy set without being fat.And he was naked.Not only was he naked but he was masturbating. Surprised, I stopped dead in my tracks looking at him while one hand flew up and down his thick, hard...

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Empathic Echoes Chapter 1 Feedback Loop

"I know what you are," said a voice.Sienna glanced up from her phone looking to see who had spoken. It was some guy, mid-twenties, long dark hair, unkempt. He was sitting at a nearby table watching her, his feet propped up on an extra chair. He had this ineffable kind of sleazy charm that she couldn't quite describe. He definitely stood out. He was wearing a tight black band t-shirt, black jeans and combat boots. It was July. Who wears combat boots in the middle of the summer?"...what?" Sienna...

1 year ago
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Handwork To Bedwork With Sister

All stories goes on a different path while mines also the same… Sex with girls u have been lusting for years and when u get to fuck her in which ever way you want with a bonus that she asks you to fuck her…. Just amazingggg… Same is my story.. About me I’m Darren from Mumbai,wheatish in colour with medium built and a cock with 7 inch n width of 3 inch rare combination. And my fucking partner my sis her name is radika(name change) fair skin sexy figure her description is in the story… Coming...

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The Love Of My Life

There once was a man who fell in love with the most beautiful woman in the world. And it was long fall, for she was vastly complex, full of hidden intricacies which would have challenged the casual lover, but fascinated this man. He relished her complexity, for he (perhaps foolishly) prided himself on his large heart, and his desire to find someone with which to share it. He knew if anyone could love this woman as fully as she deserved, it would be him. As the man continued to fall in love...

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Meeting For The First Time

Let me start off by saying that I am a black bisexual male, and I love men and women. Me and this guy name Gio had been chatting for quite some time, and we developed feelings for each other. He was a tall, black nice built, and played basketball, male. We started the long distance relationship thing about 2-3 days after we met. One day I asked him can I call him when I go on my break. He gave me his number and I called. All we ever talked about on the phone is how we cant wait to see each...

Gay Male
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Mark and CharleneChapter 6

CHARLENE'S STORY My initiation was set for the next Saturday night. It was to be held at another couple's house. Ron and Beth were part of the original group started by Joey and Debbie and another couple who had moved away. We were given the address and told to be there at 8 O'clock sharp. I dressed in a black cocktail dress. I wore no bra nor panty hose, just the dress and a pair of black lace panties. Mark was casually dressed in slacks and a sport shirt. On the drive over we didn't...

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Hired Gun From Santa FeChapter 16

Sam was a mite displeased when he caught his brother Saul poking the ranch lady that had recently become his asshole buddy at night sharing his blanket and his saddle as a pillow. He had grown somewhat accustomed to her gentle offers of her female slit and her rear door entryway under the blankets and she was the sort of female that accepted anything he did without question and kept her mouth shut like a proper trained spouse. It surprised him that she was so promiscuous as to bend over for...

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Lifes DiscoveriesChapter 6 Bicycle

I awoke with a start right at 5:00. Man, I had slept the entire day away, but at least I would be ready for tonight! I packed my backpack with clothes for tomorrow, sleeping gear, and toiletries. I fixed my hair and makeup from my nap, winked at myself in the mirror and headed next door. Leslie answered the door, dressed in a jean micro-skirt that barely covered her pussy in the front and her ass would have been hanging out if she leaned over. It was so short I could tell she was wearing a...

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Mixed Metaphors XII

It was Sunday morning; four am when Becky got out of bed and cruised the front room like a morning watch police officer looking for bodies and various types of damage. Everyone was asleep except her mother’s housekeeper Marta, who was in the kitchen sipping her sixth cup of coffee. Marta’s husband Juan had gone home earlier as their two young daughters and their sixteen-year-old son were home alone. Marta was wondering if the sun would ever come up, as she was very sleepy and still had to...

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Step Brothers Bride Pt4

It had been just over 2 weeks since the wedding. I had agreed to pick up the happy newlyweds after their honeymoon in Majorca. I was looking forward to seeing them especially Jennifer. They were flying into Glasgow airport which was almost a 2-hour drive from the small town we lived in. Jennifer had text me to let me know they had landed, so I parked in the short stay and awaited them. I noticed Jennifer first, her red hair and bronzed body attracted most men’s eyes. Then I saw Shaun,...

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