Via Faenza free porn video

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To the Reader – this isn’t going to go where you expect, but it is very real for me right now. Don’t expect anything from this, instead just read and follow where it takes you. Sometimes a frightening trip through the dark can lead you to beautiful places.

‘Via Faenza’ He said to himself as he walked down the dark and narrow street. ‘Fa-enza… what an exotic name.’ He mused.

As he walked on the street angled slightly to the right. The sound of his worn old boots echoing off of the concrete crept into the darkness ahead of him. At times the concrete street would give way to packed earth or cobblestones, and his echoing footfalls would turn into faint clicks as he walked briskly along. The cobblestones reflected dully in the full moonlight, and the moon was beaming proudly this particular night. Everything was bathed in a clean, silvery light that only moonlight on a cloudless night can make. The cobblestones were worn smooth with age, and the man wondered just how old they might be.

‘A lot if history in this place.’ He whispered under his breath. ‘I can only wonder what famous people walked down this street back in the Renaissance days.’

Something sitting up high on one of the old brownstones caught his attention, a vague shape that appeared to jut out from the dark buildings that surrounded the narrow street. When he was a few steps closer he stopped to look at it, and at first glance the thought it was a Gargoyle of some sort, but definitely unlike any he had seen before. He stood there in the gloom examining it for some time when it came to him, it was not a Gargoyle at all, but a stone carving of a lion sitting on its haunches. The head was pointing up and away, toward the East. The lion’s paws cradled a shield or crest of some sort, and fixed upon it were six balls. Criss-crossed behind the shield were two large skeleton keys.

‘I’ll be damned.’ He muttered. ‘Medici Balls.’

The man reached inside his jacket under the crook of his left arm and felt there, a habit he had developed a long time ago and carried with him since. Many times, when he was struck to make a difficult decision his hand would slide up his side until his thumb landed on the butt of his gun, resting there while he was deep in thought. It had become a sort of touchstone for him, a divining rod. Often times he had made life or death decisions, just from the feeling it gave him when he touched it. Secretly it made him sad, to take comfort in something so hard and lifeless, but that was life for the man who stood there on the narrow street, dressed in black from head to toe.

His hand didn’t find its way to the gun this time, though. ‘Leave your cannons at home for this one Nails.’ Echoed a gravelly voice in his the back of his mind. ‘The last thing you want to do is t get caught with those two forties on you, not where you’re going. I doubt you’d even be able to get them into the country, so you’d best go at this one bare-handed.’

The man in black absent mindedly pulled his hand away, lifted his right booted foot and flexed the ankle a bit side to side. He could feel a faint hardness press against his ankle, and it comforted him. He kept something stashed away there, tucked away in a flap of leather just inside the stitching.

‘You’ve never been so far from home, Kid.’ He whispered to himself. ‘So let’s get this done and go home.’

Later, in the dark

The door of the green store front flew open, loud throbbing music pouring out as she rushed out onto the sidewalk, almost tripping over her own feet in her haste to get out of the club. Above her, white block letters a foot or so tall spelled out ‘The Fish Pub’ in sharp contrast to the gloss-green paintwork of the building’s front.

‘That was a mistake.’ She muttered angrily under her breath, reaching down with a practiced gesture, lifting one foot and then the other and quickly removing her heels. Her feet practically sighed to be out of the heels, and the sidewalk was cool and invigorating under her tired feet.

She felt her stomach roll and rumble in protest, a wave of dizziness almost taking her off of her feet. She leaned against the green painted walls to steady herself, then stood up straight and started the walk back to her hostel.

‘Too many Kamikazes.’ A male voice said from behind.

‘Shit!’ She hissed under her breath, turning to see two large men standing there, eyeing her hungrily.

‘Look like you need someone to walk you home, no?’ The man on the right said, more telling than asking. The slightly younger looking man on the left just smiled at her with a menacing grin and nodded his head.

The two men standing there staring her down were one of many reasons she decided to leave the club in the first place. They were Dominicans, both tall with broad shoulders and rough-cut features. She noticed that all of the other women in the club were giving them a wide berth, so she tried to avoid them the same. She was aware of them watching her several times, each time turning their heads away when she caught them staring at her. She observed them warily, trying to be inconspicuous, waiting until one of them was preoccupied with some piss-drunk college girl and the other lumbered into the bathroom. She tried to make a quick exit, asking for her tab and tossing a handful of Euro bills on the counter. Moments later she was outside trying to settle her muddled senses.

‘No I’m good.’ She finally managed, hoping it would deter them. It did not. The one on the right scowled at her slightly, and the other man seemed to be mildly amused by this. ‘I can make it back alright.’

‘You sure about that?’ The older one barked, taking a step toward her.

She wasn’t sure if it was the liquor or her temper that got the better of her, but before she knew what she was saying, she responded angrily. ‘I said no. I don’t need anything from you two. So fuck off.’

With that, she turned and stumbled away. Her feet did not want to cooperate and her stomach felt as if it were filled with a toxic liquid. She walked for several seconds, expecting the two men to say or do something in response, and when nothing happened she felt a sense of relief. After several moments she risked a quick look back, fully expecting them to be following her. Instead they were still standing there looking at her.

‘Well that was too easy.’ She heaved. ‘I didn’t think…’

The two men looked at each other and then the bigger one nodded to the other, and they both looked at her and smiled. They left the street, leaving in opposite directions. One disappeared into an alley next to the club and the other disappearing behind a large row of blue industrial garbage bins lining the right side of the street.

‘Ah fuck, Elle.’ She grunted, walking a little faster. Her hostel was almost eight blocks away. There were very few taxis on the street so late at night, and to make matters worse she had lost the street map she carried in her purse sometime earlier in the night. Truth be told, the whole day had been one foolish mistake after another. But this, she thought, was easily the worst mistake she had made all day. She should have gone back into the club and asked the barkeep to call her a cab. Instead she was staggering down a slippery old cobblestone street in the dark, likely being followed by two louts who had every intention of making her into an amateur porn star, whether she wanted to or not. She only knew of one way back to her hostel on Via Faenza, and in her current state she’d be lucky to find it. Not to mention what would happen if the Carabinieri found her walking the streets drunk.

Some minutes later she found herself at an intersection, and overhead was a street sign. Like all the street signs in Firenze, it was a white marble plaque placed up high with black lettering. ‘Via’dell Ariento.’ She sighed. ‘I’m close.’

She checked for traffic, as those blasted scooters were prone to appear out of nowhere,
and then made her way across the street. She was almost convinced that she would make to her hostel unscathed when suddenly a large shadow fell across her from behind, and then quickly disappeared.

‘Goddamnit.’ She hissed, as she knew what was coming.

‘You need to learn some manners little Girl.’ A man’s voice said, seeming to come from nowhere.

She knew without a doubt that it was the older of the two Dominicans. One look at the two of them and she knew that they were brothers, maybe cousins, and undoubtedly the older one was the chief shit-starter. She knew the type well, pairs of goons like that seemed to be a universal constant, the older guy who decides on some macho dimwittery and the younger one who follows blindly, like those two dogs in that silly old cartoon. ‘Are we gonna chase the cat Spike? Are we gonna chase the cat?!?’

She quickly glanced around her, looking for some direction she could dash in. Her senses weren’t entirely numbed and she had the unfortunate tenure to be in similar situations before. She had a fair chance of outrunning them, as big as the two of them were she doubted they were natural born sprinters. No silly screaming and flailing like some damsel in distress, just flat-out hauling ass away from those two and leaving them behind. She was an inch over six feet tall, with long well-developed legs that demanded attention. Sometimes, the wrong kind, of course.

To her left and right were tall buildings, and turning around and running toward the big brute wouldn’t work either. Just ahead of her past the intersection was a park, littered with flyers and political banners. In the back of her mind she had a curious thought, she always wondered why they couldn’t put up just a few of the damned things of instead wallpapering every inch of bare wall in sight. Do fifty signs with the same message really work better than a few?

She decided that the park was to be her escape and steadied herself to run. She could find a dark place out of sight and wait until daylight when the streets would be full of people. It certainly wasn’t how she had planned on spending the night, but it would get her out of this mess she found herself in. One of her mother’s many quotes came to mind. ‘An ounce of prevention Elle, an ounce of prevention.’ Secretly she despised her mother’s quips, moreover her mother knew it, often times inspiring her to create more of the damned things, finding adages and sayings for nearly every event in their lives.

Just as she started to take her first running step forward, she saw the younger of the two Dominicans step out from behind a car parked next to the perimeter of the park. Her heart shriveled in her chest as she resigned herself to do the one thing she hated more than anything else, she had to accept defeat, and in this situation, accepting defeat meant screaming as loud as she could manage in hopes of attracting attention. Hopefully she could drive the two away, maybe a light in a window up high would come on, or a passing car would stop to see what all the noise was all about. And, oh, how she hated having to do that. Of the countless lessons her mom so subtly drilled into her over the years, there was one she took to heart. ‘Never be a weak woman Elle, never. People can sense that, and once they do you will never be respected the way a woman should. Don’t give in easily, don’t be some helpless chick and don’t be someone’s toy. Being a woman in this hard, screwed up world isn’t a weakness, it’s your strength.’

‘I don’t feel strong Mom.’ She said to herself, a tear rolling down her cheek. ‘I screwed up and I know it.’

Elle inhaled deeply to scream, hating herself for the indignity of it all. She heard the man’s voice again, closer this time. Very close, in fact.

‘I said you need to learn some manners Gi…’

His words were cut short by an odd muffled sound, like a heavy canvas sail flapping in the wind, and she turned to see a confusing sight. The Dominican was there a few paces behind her, just as she knew he would be, a wide shadow on the narrow sidewalk. But behind him was something she couldn’t quite make out, something that at first didn’t make any sense. A tall silhouette was looming just over his left shoulder, a huge blot of black in the myriad of shadows. The big Dominican went down on one knee. She saw a gloved hand clap down hard on his left shoulder and he fell back. Another gloved hand materialized out of the darkness on his right and punched him hard three times, just under the rib cage.

‘Manners, huh?’ Came a gruff voice from behind the Dominican. ‘There’s some irony to that.’

The hapless Dominican was pulled back and as he went down the shadowy man looming over him reached down casually and clapped him hard against the temple with a bunched fist. The blow echoed quietly down the street. His body fell to the sidewalk with a flat sound, one that reminded her of the sound made when her father would throw large bales of hay from a tractor flat onto a waiting delivery truck. The large squares of compressed hay looked feather light as they glided carelessly through the air, but when they landed on the flat metal bed of the awaiting truck, the mammoth old International would shake and squeak loudly in protest. That was how she remembered her father, he had a secret strength about him that no one expected. People often assumed that since he was a quiet, polite man that he was weak. Despite his good manners and calm temperament, he had arms like knotted steel cables and a grip that could paralyze. Yet he was a kind, gentle soul. But this wasn’t her father, it was a total stranger, a mystery to her, dressed in black from head to toe.

The man in black turned away from him the Dominican to face her without a backward glance. He apparently was unconcerned about the man getting back up, and she wondered if he was dead. She stood there speechless, still holding her breath ready to scream. Honestly she didn’t know if she should still scream or not. The man pegged her with a stare, looking her up and down. His expression changed from one of determination to exasperation.

‘I’m the same way.’ He said, walking past her. ‘It pisses me off when I have to cry. And you have more company, by the way.’ He quipped, pointing toward the park.

The younger Dominican was charging toward them, his shoulders low as he ran. He looked like a young bull charging a matador. The man in black walked briskly to meet him, like a man enjoying a nice walk. As the Dominican closed in on him, he sidestepped and stuck a booted foot out. As if on cue the Dominican stumbled over his foot and fell face-down onto the sidewalk. It was almost comical to her, if not for the fact that she suspected they meant to rape her or worse. The Dominican rolled over onto his back and sat up, cursing and spitting. His face was covered in scratches and was bleeding freely as he slowly stood up. The man in black walked around him like someone inspecting a used automobile, and then he carefully planted his foot behind the Dominican’s right knee with a swift kick. As he slumped backward the man in black clamped a hand on his neck, throttling him as he shoved him to the ground. The Dominican’s head met the sidewalk and he was done.

Elle stood there dumbstruck, unable to speak or move. The man in black slipped his gloves off, tucking them neatly away into the side pockets of his jacket and walked back to her. She didn’t know what to do. Her mind was racing and she was scared senseless, but she knew one thing for certain, she didn’t know if she could outrun this guy. He was not exactly an ugly fellow, but he definitely wasn’t very handsome or the pretty-boy type. He wasn’t chiseled or heavily muscled, but he didn’t look to be too badly out of shape. ‘Just like Dad Elle, he wasn’t a big guy but he was strong as a team of Clydesdales.’ A voice in her head whispered. As a matter of fact, he was likely the most average person she had ever laid eyes on. Nothing about him was out of the ordinary, if no
t for the fact that he had just ruined two men with his bare hands.

As he approached her, she instinctively took a nervous step back. He stopped short a few feet of her and looked her up and down, as if studying her. After several tense moments he spoke.

‘Ellody.’ He said, with a tone of finality in his voice. ‘My name is Nails. You need to come with me.’

Later, after the sun came up

‘Those big guys are all the same.’ He said, taking another deep swig of coffee. ‘You take away their balance and they’ve got nothing. ‘

She sat there silent, eyeing him warily. They were in a small trattoria nestled away in the corner of a large plaza. A huge fountain sat on the opposite side of the square with an enormous sculpture of Neptune standing tall and menacing at its center. The figure was surrounded by many other smaller sculptures, and it was carved with such an overwhelming amount of detail that it was it was almost intimidating to her, a vulgar display of talent and power. Neptune dominated the landscape, despite the dozen or more other equally amazing carvings that populated the plaza. A replica of David stood not too far away at the right, but somehow the statue of Neptune commanded everyone’s attention, a somber behemoth cut from shiny alabaster stone that caught the sun and held everyone’s eye.

‘So what have I done now?’ She scolded, after a long silence.

‘I’m not sure why you think I’m here, but I’m pretty certain you’ve got the wrong impression.’ He replied.

He had a patience about him that she found unsettling, it reminded her of her father. She could never keep a secret from her him. He had a way of waiting her out, until her conscience or guilt got the better of her and she spilled her guts. The man sitting across from her was giving her the same feeling, and it seemed to be effortless on his behalf, which made her very uneasy. She remained silent, trying to hold her ground.

‘I’m not a cop. And you’re not in trouble with the law here, not that I know of, at least.’ He responded. ‘I’m not here to make another Foxy Knoxy out of you.’

She sighed in relief, relaxing a bit. Sitting up in her chair, she took a long look at the man across from her.

‘Well I didn’t thank you for saving my hide back there, so thank you. Now who are you and how the hell do you know my name?’

‘Emmanuelle sent me for you.’ He replied, after studying her for a moment longer. It was obvious he knew that the mention of that name would bring some resent.

‘Oh God.’ Elle barked back instantly. ‘Look I don’t need my mother controlling my life while I’m over here trying to make some …’

He held one hand up, the palm open in a ‘stop’ gesture. Her words fell short and she slumped in her chair, crossing her arms and looking away from him.

‘Look Ellody I know you’re tired and you’re clearly hung over. You probably feel like shit, and truth be told you should feel like shit. You’re lucky you’re not dead or worse right now. What you did last night was very foolish, but it’s not my place to lecture you on that. But all of that aside I’m not here because your mother feels a need to control you. I’m here because of something much more important. ‘

He reached in a jacket pocket and pulled out a photograph, holding it across the table for her to see. She didn’t look at it at first, thinking she knew what she would see.

‘I don’t need to see another picture of another dead American college girl to know that what I did was stupid, so stop lecturing me.’ She hissed under her breath.

She reached forward to snatch the picture from his hand and toss it aside when she caught a glimpse of the photograph. It wasn’t of a dead American college girl. Instead, it was of a woman with fiery red hair lying in a hospital bed, surrounded by a menacing array of machines and equipment.

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Sylvias Mother Ch 31

Brenda was grinning like the Cheshire cat when the two of them came back downstairs. ‘Did your shower warm you up?’ she asked. ‘Ah…yeah…it sure did,’ Jason, who knew he was blushing furiously, replied. ‘Never mind,’ her blushing mother snapped. She had put on white terry pajamas with lace around the cuffs and around the neck and down the front, which was held together by loop fasteners which allowed just a hint of her smooth flesh to be visible. ‘Sexy outfit, Mom,’ Brenda chortled. ‘I made...

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Vivian and a leaking toilet

My wife’s girlfriend Vivian had recently got divorced and Anita asked if I could go to her house to help her, since she had some trouble with the sink in her bathroom and nobody else could give her a hand in Sunday…So I grabbed my tool box and went there, to see the craving lady…I found sexy Vivian had been drinking some wine. On the kitchen, I could see an empty bottle over the counter and she was pouring a glass form another one. It was red wine…I asked her about the leaking sink and she led...

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Sylvias Bunny

Sylvia's Bunny By Stingray 5 This story is based on some factual events, although I wish it were all true. Sylvia is my ex boss though and knows something of my penchant for feminine dress. For U.S. viewers, tights read as pantyhose. *** I had the rare opportunity to do some overtime at work. It wasn't a regular thing, but afforded me the chance to act out a little adventure that I had been longing to try. Sometimes, things act as an inspiration for some...

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Also ich bin noch beseelt vom gestrigen Sex. Das erste Mal seit Corona. Ich bin der Klaus 64 Jahre alt und lebe im Rheinland. Am Wochenende war ich meine Schwester besuchen. Sie lebt in Bad Vilbel. Die corona Zeit ist hart für mich. Ich bin süchtig nach Sex. Realem Sex wo mein Schwanz in einer Scheide hin und her geht bis ich mit vollem Genuss und ohne Kondom, die jeweilige Partnerin beglücke. Angst vor HIV oder Corona habe ich nicht wenn ich geil bin. In letzter Zeit sind meine Haare grauer...

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I'd been staying at Graeme's house on and off for as long as I could remember. We met when we were about seven, and we'd gone through hell together on numerous occasions. We treated each others homes as though they belonged to both of us, and both my parents and his were happy with it that way. We only lived four houses apart, and as we were going through our early teen years, we would crash wherever we found ourselves at the end of the evening. If we were messing with model boats, we'd be...

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Sylvias Mother Ch 32

After they drank the hot chocolate Brenda made, all three of them went upstairs. ‘I think I should check on Sylvia,’ Karen said when they reached the top of the stairs. ‘Let me do it,’ Brenda said. ‘If she’s still awake, which I doubt, I can probably handle her better than you can.’ She walked to her sister’s room, opened the door, and disappeared inside. Jason and Karen stood next to each other, looking at the open doorway, until Brenda reappeared. ‘She’s out like a light,’ Brenda said. ‘I...

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VivianBy J.J. ScribeI was horny one night and my girlfriend was out of town so I decided to go to an xxx video store for some porn. I’ve done this before and picked out some dogs so this time I went up to the counter and asked the attendant, a young woman, for a little help. She was surprisingly attractive for someone you usually find working in a store like this. And she was very friendly. She said her name was Vivian as she guided me toward the back wall. As I followed her, I couldn’t...

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Sylviaacutes Slave

SYLVIA'S SLAVE PREFACE The story which you are about to read may, at times, seem quitepreposterous. I have often wished that it was an episode of a nightmare orsomething, but I assure you that it is not. Why, you may ask, have Iwritten this account? I have done so on the explicit instructions of mymistress who hopes that in the recounting of my ordeal I will once againrelive all the shame, humiliation, and agony I originally suffered. It isher intent that, in the process of doing the...

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Olivias Office

Spending every night with Rachael and Andrea over the past week had put me behind on my work. When Rachael left on Saturday afternoon I had returned home and spent Sunday relaxing alone. Monday morning came too quickly and it was Thursday before I was caught up. Andrea had no plans for me during the week, explaining she was worn out from all of our recent activity and needed a break. My Thursday meeting with her changed to a meeting with Olivia, the dark-skinned beauty from Production.Ryan...

Office Sex
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Olivias Ordeal

So many things were going through Olivia's young mind as she rode in the back of the van. Though she was uncomfortable from the cuffs and leg irons digging into her lovely olive skin, this was barely a distraction as she replayed the recent events of her life over and over in her head. It was dark in the back of the transport van, and the 20-minute ride gave her plenty of time to think. How could she have not known her boyfriend Kenny was dealing d**gs? He seemed like a nice guy and always...

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OliviaChapter 20

Olivia found Saturday to be a repeat performance of Friday with the exception of Reed calling the moment he saw her mother pull out of the driveway. "Hey Liv, where's your mom going and how long is she going to be gone for?" "I don't know, she said something about going over to a friend's house and that she'd be back around lunchtime." "What friend?" "I don't know, I didn't ask," replied Olivia as she sat on her bed relaxing in her pj's. It was the longest she'd gone...

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Olivia In Charge

Jenny and Olivia lived next door to each other and, even with the age difference, got on well.It was unusual given that Jenny was fifty-eight-years-old and Olivia was seventeen-years-old. However, Jenny enjoyed the friendship of the teenager, and Olivia loved being around a grandma figure. So, as time went on, Olivia would often knock on Jenny’s door with a cake or biscuits she had cooked herself and they sat in the kitchen and chatted about what they had been doing, just like friends...

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Olivia In Charge Chapter 2

Olivia and Jenny were continuing to enjoy their respective role reversals. Jenny was fifty-eight-years-old and was enjoying herself as a teenager of seventeen-years-old, whilst Olivia was relishing her position of authority even though actually the seventeen-year-old but taking the maternal role in the household.Jenny happily played the stroppy or sulking teenager, and even accepted the spanking Olivia gave her three times during the first week. Mind you, each time Olivia and Jenny ended up in...

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OliviaChapter 17

"Do you really need to go home? I wouldn't mind splitting outta here with you and seeing what you're really capable of," Joey suggested as he watched the gorgeous blond nymph toying with his manhood. He'd been fucking for nearly two hours between the brunette Katy and now this girl, and she was doing an amazing job at getting his cock back to rock-hardness. "Well, I can call and see if it's ok. I can say I'm hanging out at my friend Stacy's house," Olivia said after pulling the...

4 years ago
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Olivia Caught Red Handed Part One

It was in the middle of the afternoon when Olivia decided to play with herself. She knew she would be in big trouble when Jack came home from work, but she wanted to give herself a much-needed orgasm. She had been two months without an orgasm and she was about to bust. So she went to grab her favorite 9inch dildo and her most trusted glass ribbed dildo as well. She laid down on the couch with her legs spread open, and without much fanfare plunged her glass dildo into wet milky pussy. As she was...

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OliviaChapter 19

Lauren was up early, she wanted to check her messages from the Cougar Hunters website before her daughter woke up. She found that her two guys had each given her a very high rating, which resulted in a boat-load of new messages. It seemed every guy wanted to get a piece of her now that the word was out that Lauren Hastings would put out on the spot and was eager to please. The question now was, did she want to keep up with her recent behavior? She wasn't a slut, she was just trying to make...

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OliviaChapter 16

"What a crappy sleep," Olivia thought as she became aware of light streaming through her window. Her body still ached, her tummy felt crampy, and it felt like her sheets were wrapped around her body all night. To top it off, her underwear felt like they were glued to her skin. Kicking the covers off, Olivia understood why she felt like she'd been wrapped up in her sheets all night, her night gown was stretched tight across her chest. "Oh no, please God no," she whispered as she sat up...

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Sylvia SubmitsPart 2

As soon as she woke the following morning, Sylvia knew she had to return to the shop where Kim worked. She had awakened from a dream in which she was tied to a bed, eating Kim's pussy while a unknown man fucked her relentlessly. The alarm clock sounding woke her before she could see his face. With the memory of the dream fresh in her mind, she decided she would submit to whatever Kim demanded of her today. She got up and prepared for school, carefully shaving her legs and trimming her pubic...

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OliviaChapter 18

An extremely tired and sore Olivia Hastings slowly climbed the steps to her house, thankful that her mother's car was gone. "Thank God for small blessings," she thought as she pulled her house key from her bag and unlocked the door. Shedding her shoes, Olivia made a beeline for the bathroom and ran the hottest bath she thought her battered body could take. Leaving her pile of cum-encrusted clothes in a heap on the floor, Olivia climbed into the bathtub and settled into the steaming water....

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Sylvias mom part 1

Saving her daughter's virginity This is part 1 of a series of continuing stories. There are 17 parts to date with a few more to be added if there is any interest among you, the readers. The stories vary in the sexual orientation of the characters. All sexual acts are by mutually consenting adults. The genres of the stories also vary. ***** As this story opens, I was 20 years old and a sophomore in college. My girlfriend, Sylvia, was 18 and a senior in high school. Sylvia's mother, Mrs....

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"You're not angry with me then?" Sarah asked. "If you aren't angry with me," Jason answered. "No. Not at all. I know that you are older. You are used to girls who go farther. I just get angry at that 'You do or you don't' business. We've had two dates. Maybe our relationship will deepen, or maybe we'll end up as friends. I wouldn't mind that. I don't have any friends with your experience and understanding. I like you. I respect you. I'd be a fake to say that I love you. You'd...

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OliviaChapter 6

"Hiya Ms. Hastings," Olivia heard someone call out as she headed for her bedroom. "Hi Stacy, your timing is perfect, we just walkeded in the door," she heard her mother call out. "Olivia, Stacy is here!" her mother yelled out. "Got it mom," she replied as she found her friend waiting at the front door. "That was fast, how'd you know we'd be home now?" she asked. "It was easy, I was next door waiting for you, and having a little fun," she said with a sly smile. "Next door,...

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OliviaChapter 15

"What an asshole, my pussy's worth more than thirty or forty bucks, isn't it?" Stacy asked. "Hey, cab driver, how much would you pay to fuck my pussy?" "Miss, are you asking a serious question?" the man behind the wheel asked. Eyeing the two girls, they looked like they were barely in their teens, but they also looked and smelled like they just mopped up a whore house. "In your current condition, maybe fifty bucks. Cleaned up, we'd have to see, likely more," he replied. "Why,...

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Scandinavian Rampage

The time had come. Punchline and I had waited a year since our summer trips of ’09 to get back on an airplane, ditch the uncharacteristically cloudy California summer, and fly to the land of green landscape, midnight sun, no religion, expensive beers, and beautiful women: Scandinavia.Denmark We arrived in Copenhagen on a Wednesday afternoon, tired and grimy from fourteen hours of flying. We’d each slept no more than two hours on the plane, so after checking into our hotel, we crashed with the...

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Sylvia Jeri and Migel from No Anesthetic For

Sylvia has an affair with the Dean of Girls at her high school. This was before she met Al Lombardi, and before she tried to make money from sex. At this point in her young life, she was anxious to experiment with everything. The affair with Jeri had begun, Jeri would meet Sylvia after school, lock the door and sometimes they had sex on her desk!"Did you husband go down on you at all Jeri? Ever ? ""Oh yeah, he would, if I asked him, maybe three times a fucking year.."''Did you like it?""Well,...

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OliviaChapter 14

The walk back to the mall offices was made uncomfortable by the constantly buzzing egg. Olivia was still pissed about the events in the hallway — "amateurs," she thought. Their inexperienced fondling in the food court had only fired up her horniness due to the public nature of it. The fact that anyone walking by would have seen her exposed sex and two boys hand's jamming away into her privates, was what had turned her on. She so badly wanted to have everyone watch her public display of...

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Olivia Caught Red Handed Finale

Later that evening after they had returned home and eaten dinner, Jack was in the living room sitting on the sofa. Olivia finished loading the dishes into the dishwasher, wiped the table and then walked into the living room. Surprised that he was sitting on the sofa rather than his usual chair, she walked over to him, looking forward to sitting on the sofa with him. "Come here, Olivia," he said, pointing to the floor in front of him. She went over and knelt in front of him. "I'm glad you had a...

Straight Sex
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Sylvia meets Al and Rosalie Lombardi

I was singing in a club, a kind of folk music club the summer I was s*******n. I sang for tips and to practice getting my voice out in front of people. When I sang on stage, or in a productioon, with costumes and make-up and all that, I had a lot of problems with stage fright. I don't know why, but it wasn't getting better, in fact, it seemed to be getting worse. I was doing my best to try to not pat attention to how upset I was about it. WheLn I was at the Balloon Grove, a little hoie in the...

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Sylvias Mother Ch 30

‘I still can’t believe we made love in the middle of that storm,’ Karen commented as the she and Jason, both drenched and covered with pine needles and leaves, walked down the driveway toward the cabin. ‘I’ve never done anything like that before in my life.’ ‘Me, either,’ Jason agreed. ‘It was really wild, wasn’t it?’ ‘I guess!’ Karen exclaimed. ‘God, you’ve gotten me to do such crazy and wonderful things!’ Jason opened the door and the two of them walked into the house. ‘Holy shit, look at...

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Olivias Smelly Socks Slippers

This is a true story and was my first ever foot fetish experience. This very experience at the age of eight was what gave me my fetish for female feet, especially white socks.It was late afternoon on a summer day, and I was outside playing in my neighbourhood. I was sitting on the kerb alone, directly opposite my friend Ken’s house waiting for him to finish his dinner. Ken had a few older sisters and one of them was a girl called Olivia. Olivia at the time was about 18 and she was very pretty....

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Olivia Mom is a Whore

I was sitting in our small break room at work. I’d been working a week straight without a day off. I can’t even remember what I did on my last day off. It had even been over 3 months since I went out on a date. I was working too much. But I needed money to pay the bills. It was close to the end of my lunch. I had a bad slice of pizza and a coke. I work at a big box store. One were you pay a membership to shop at. I’m the under cover guy. My co-workers only see me when there trouble....

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Sylvias mom part 6

It had been a month since Sylvia went to spend the first week of her Summer break with her grandparents. Somehow, either they had convinced her to stay longer or she had decided to do so own on her own and while she had not said anything about it, I realized she might have met someone new while she was there. However, considering how things had developed between Sheila and me this did not cause me to become overly alarmed. Today she was coming home and both her mom, Sheila, and I were looking...

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OliviaChapter 7

Olivia couldn't tell if she was still dreaming or if she was partially awake, but she thought someone was sawing in and out of her pussy. It felt big, she could feel pressure on her insides that could only come from a big cock. She could feel tenderness, a slight pain coming from her crotch from whatever it was she was feeling. She tried to open her eyes but couldn't, she was just too tired. It felt raw inside from all the fucking she had done the previous night, hell the previous four days...

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Olivia My Best Friend

I walked down the hallway after ditching my last class, and called out Olivia from hers. We laughed and went to her house early, and hung around. I had a crush on her for a very long time, but we were both Christian teens and so I quickly squashed the emotions every time possible. It was hard to tell, because I would bring up my two friends who were together, and she would flip. But we would be lying on the floor together and she would start to rub my arm and I’d think ‘This is it!’ only to...

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OliviaChapter 3

Olivia had beat her mother home, but just barely. She had just finished closing the front door as she saw her mother's headlights coming down the street. With no time to change, Olivia turned off her bedroom light, jumped into bed in her cum splattered dress, pulled up the covers and pretended to be asleep. She heard her mother come in and go to the bathroom. As she laid there, the cum sticking to her skin, the scent of the cum strong in her nostrils, she began to feel aroused again. Just...

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OliviaChapter 10

Lauren was still feeling awful as she turned into her driveway. Her head hurt, her body hurt everywhere, especially her pussy. Her mouth tasted like she had drank industrial bleach cleaner. It was a rough drive back from the beach, she thought she might have to pull over and throw up more than once. All she could think of was having a hot bath and going to bed. "What a way to spend your day off," she thought. Olivia was worried about her mother. She knew that she had passed out after the...

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Sylvia Ida and Dulce mix it up in Berkeley 1965

I was on my back on the white crispy sheets in the huge bed. Ida was starting to get up, but I pulled her naked body back to me. I really love naked against naked, touching bare skin all the way up and down. For a few minutes, both women were eating me. Ida got her face right back in my puss, she was giving my clit a lot of attention, and Dulce had one, then two fingers up me while kissing the whole area around my ass and vagina. I came a bigger, louder come from that. Ida finally pushed...

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