138 A favour for Misty
- 2 years ago
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When Larry had gotten home from work, she had explained to him that Robert was coming over later to talk to them. Larry was not happy to say the least. She didn’t explain to him the reason, thinking it would be better not to. At 8:00, the doorbell rang, and Robert was there. She was not surprised that he had changed clothes, dressing in a business suit, much like he did when talking to his clients.
‘Hi Robert, come in. ‘ She told him and led him into the living room where Larry was sitting on the couch. Robert sat in a chair across from Larry and she went and poured each of them a glass of wine before sitting down next to Larry.
‘So what’s the problem? Is my wife not doing her job? ‘ Larry laughed and she was not amused at his sarcastic humor. She saw that Robert wasn’t either as he had chosen to ignore the comment.
‘My business has grown and I would like Misty to start working at my office on Monday. I will need her for at least three days a week, maybe more. It will be just during the day, not always all day of course. I wanted to talk to both of you about this since it would involve more hours and her not working at home. ‘ Robert stated.
‘She can’t do the work here? ‘ Larry questioned, but kept his cool.
‘No. There are a lot of things that will require both of us working on and I will also have to teach her new things as well. Naturally I will be giving her salary a large increase for this. She will of course have her own office, and Larry you are welcome to stop in anytime. ‘ Robert said, and then she noticed a change in his tone as he looked directly at Larry. ‘ There isn’t any specific reason you prefer her not to work out of the home, is there Larry? ‘
‘She can do what she wants. It’s entirely up to her. ‘ Larry said quickly.
‘Of course I want to do it. ‘ She said ignoring the glances Larry was giving her. ‘ It sounds like a wonderful opportunity. ‘
‘Well then it’s settled. Misty, you can start Monday, 9:00am. ‘ Robert said as he stood up heading for the door. She followed him.
‘Where is this office by the way? ‘ Larry asked, looking directly at her.
‘My offices are in my home, not far from here. This actually should be a convenience in case she needs to come home quickly. That’s not a problem, is it? ‘ Robert said, again in a rather intimidating tone.
‘No. ‘ Larry said and looked away, turning the television on as if he was dismissing them both. She walked Robert out to her car and it was hard not to show how excited she was.
‘Thank you so much, Robert. ‘ She said as he was getting in the car. She wanted to reach up and hug him, but stopped herself.
‘You’re welcome. I’m glad it worked out. ‘ Robert said softly and she noticed his expression held that of worry. ‘ Be careful and if you need me don’t hesitate. ‘ He said and without waiting for her to say anything he drove away. She had a good idea of what he was warning her about.
Driving home he felt extremely nervous leaving Misty there alone with Larry. Even though the conversation had gone like he had anticipated, Larry had also proved every bit as smooth as he had suspected. Larry was not going to allow his temper to get the best of him in front of anyone but her, having been as friendly and agreeable as possible. He suspected Larry was the type that would never let anyone see what went on behind closed doors, let alone see the different side of him that Misty saw. It was only the fact that from working with her over the last year that he had come to see it, but he also suspected Larry was unaware of this, and for Misty’s sake he was relieved.
He had stayed close to the phone all weekend, not being able to rid himself of the feeling that she was in trouble. He was relieved Monday morning when she showed up for work, although he noticed a change in her but wasn’t sure exactly what it was.
‘Good morning. I brought a few of my things from home that I’ll need now that I’ll be working here. ‘ She said walking in carrying a box. He immediately took it from her and carried it to her office, putting it on her desk.
‘How about a cup of coffee first? ‘ He asked, smiling and something in her eyes made him wonder exactly what had gone on over the weekend.
‘Sure. ‘ She said following him to the kitchen.
‘Everything okay? ‘ He asked as he poured their coffee. He looked at her, trying to read into her eyes what she was not telling him. He noticed she had dressed in her usual jeans and long sleeve sweatshirt, giving him the impression she was not in the teasing mood. He wanted very much to wrap her in his arms and let her tell him what was wrong, but he could tell she was being distant and he didn’t want to push.
‘Everything is great. I guess I’m just a little nervous about working here, silly I guess to feel that way. ‘ She said, finally smiling.
They talked more, and then he showed her the papers he was working on. He explained what he needed her to do and the rest of the day it was all business. He was impressed by her willingness to learn as well as how fast she picked up on things. Before he knew it, the time had gone quickly and it was time for her to go home.
‘I’ll see you Wednesday. Will that be okay? ‘ She had asked him as she headed for the door. He told her that was fine and watched her walk to her car and drive off.
Wednesday came and went, and she was pretty much the same. He was disappointed that she was keeping her distance from him and wondered if maybe she had only teased him before, never meaning for it to go any further.
She was running, not knowing where. It was nighttime and foggy, she was beginning to feel cold. She had run out of the house just wearing her white T-shirt and blue jeans and had not even stopped to put shoes on. The road was cold against her bare feet, but she continued to run. Tears ran down her face and besides getting cold, she was getting tired. Suddenly she tripped and she was on the ground, crying out in pain as her arms slid against the pavement. She laid her head down continuing to cry and unable to move when she saw the headlights approaching.
She woke up screaming and crying from the dream this time and it took her several minutes to calm down and realize it was just the dream. She was relieved to see that Larry had already left. She got out of bed and went to the shower. She was relieved that the soreness in her body was starting to diminish. Larry had surprised her after Robert had talked to him by not fighting with her. It had confused her until they had gone to bed and he had taken her roughly, without so much as a word. It was the first time he had shown his anger in that respect and he continued to do so the entire weekend.
It had been hard for her to even face Robert Monday morning, the fact that every part of her body hurt and she actually felt unclean had kept her from getting close to Robert. She knew he sensed something was wrong, and as much as she wanted him, she couldn’t get past how Larry had treated her and how worthless she felt. She was relieved that Larry had left her alone since Monday, although now being Friday she was not looking forward to the weekend. At least she got to spend the day with Robert even if it was just working, although when she thought about his hands on her, she smiled. She would have loved to have continued what they started, but Damn Larry, for treating me that way and making me feel so cheap, she thought to herself.
‘Good morning, and don’t you look nice today. ‘ He opened the door letting her in. He was happy to see the smile back on her face and even happier to see that she was wearing a bright orange sweater and white skirt. He could tell instantly that her mood had changed dramatically.
‘Morning Robert. Thank you. ‘ She said walking in and going to pour herself a cup of coffee. ‘ So, do we have a lot of work today? ‘
‘As always. ‘ He said sm
iling at her. He went with her to her office and after she sat down he started showing her the papers. As he leaned over her, he couldn’t help but inhale the intoxicating way she smelled. It took every ounce of strength he had not to run his fingers through her hair, put his lips on her neck to taste her and smell her even more. He quickly finished explaining and stood up, knowing if he didn’t leave now, he might not be able to restrain himself. ‘ I’ll be in my office. If you need any help with this, don’t hesitate to ask. ‘ He quickly left, not wanting her to see the bulge forming in his pants.
It was hard for her to concentrate after being so close to Robert. He had smelled so good and feeling the warmth of his breath on her neck as he was explaining things to her had sent shivers through her body. She had been disappointed that he had left so abruptly, but she had caught a quick glimpse of why and this left her smiling. It was also the reason she was having a hard time now concentrating on her work. After a half hour or so, still getting nowhere on the paper work, a wicked smile came across her face. She picked up the papers and went to Robert’s office.
‘Robert, I’m still having a problem with this. Would you mind helping me? ‘ She asked and walked behind his desk, standing next to him. She put the papers down in front of him.
‘What seems to be the problem? ‘ He asked. She saw that he intentionally was looking at the papers and not her. She leaned over, putting one elbow on his desk and resting her head there while her other hand pointed to certain figures on the paper. She knew that in her present position, her skirt was raised almost enough for him to see the white thong she had underneath. At any rate, he most likely would be able to see the tops of her thigh high stockings.
‘I’m not sure if these match. ‘ She said smiling, and without looking directly at him, she caught a glimpse of him staring at her behind. She felt excitement growing and moved a little, spreading her legs just an inch or so. A second later she took a deep breath as she felt the softness of his fingers lightly brush the back of her knee and continue slowly up. She turned a little more so, giving him a more open invitation and her other elbow went on his desk, she was holding her head up with both hands now.
‘Yes, they match. ‘ Robert said softly, both his hands running slowly up and down on the insides of her legs. She wiggled even more so at the tingling he was causing in her body and as she did so, she could hear his breathing becoming deeper.
‘Does everything match? ‘ She said in a whisper, her excitement obvious.
This was all the invitation he needed, as he began slowly to run his hands even higher up her legs. He was enjoying the feel of her stockings and the excitement it was stirring in her as his hands gradually came to the tops and touched her warm bare skin. He saw her body shiver unconsciously and his cock was coming to attention. His hands caressed her slowly moving higher, pushing her skirt up as he did so.
‘Everything matches beautifully. ‘ He managed to whisper now seeing her backside with only a thin piece of material covering her crack. He ran his hands slowly over her behind, and she shifted more so now leaning to rest her chest on his desk, parting her legs even more so.
‘That feels sooooooo good. ‘ She moaned softly. He rolled his chair so that he was directly behind her and he slowly pulled her thong down, teasing her with his fingers as he did so. He could feel his cock straining inside his pants, but did not want to give in to his own needs just yet. He parted her legs further and his hand slowly rubbed between her legs. He was not surprised by how wet she was and when his fingers found her already swollen bud, she moaned even louder, pushing herself against his fingers.
‘You feel so good. ‘ He whispered, his lips kissing her backside as his fingers continued to bring her closer to climaxing. He had had many fantasizes about their first time together and not once had he expected it to be like this, always picturing a slow romantic love making scene.
‘Oh God Robert, I want you now. ‘ He heard her cry out. It was too much for him and he quickly stood up, removing his pants and with one hand now underneath her, he positioned himself to enter her. ‘ Yessss, oh yessss. ‘ She moaned as he entered her and he felt her meeting his thrusts. His one hand was at her waist guiding her, while his other hand reached between her legs playing with her. It wasn’t long when she moaned and he felt her muscles contracting and he knew she was cumming. It was all he needed and he exploded inside her, over and over he felt the spasms. When they both finally settled down, he sat back down in his chair and pulled her onto his lap kissing her passionately, and he felt her response matching his.
‘Back to work now? ‘ She asked finally after they had calmed down.
‘Honey, you have just given work a new definition. ‘ He laughed and kissed her again.
‘A better definition, I hope. ‘ She laughed, putting her arms around him and meeting his lips with hers. She felt wonderful, having never experienced something so erotic and exciting in all the years she was married. They kissed and she still was reveling in the passion that had been ignited. It wasn’t long before she felt his hands underneath her sweater and as he started to push it off her, she stopped him.
‘What’s wrong? ‘ He asked, obviously now confused.
‘Nothing, nothing at all. You have no idea how wonderful you have just made me feel. ‘ She said kissing him again, but preventing him from taking off her sweater. She finally stood up and reached for her thong. ‘ I think I better go so I can shower and things before Larry gets home. ‘ She knew he could tell she was nervous now, but she couldn’t help it.
‘If that’s what you need to do. ‘ Robert said standing up and walking over to her. He suddenly surprised her by quickly lifting her sweater.
‘What are you doing? ‘ She asked quickly pulling her sweater down and backing away. She new it was already too late by the expression on his face. He had seen the bruised areas on her breasts from Larry’s rough hands and now she felt totally embarrassed at what he would think of her.
He saw what he expected when he lifted her sweater, in fact he almost could see the handprints that the bruises were made from. He instantly was angry, and his first thought was to shake some sense into her, but then he knew that would only make it worse. Visions of how her husband might of violated her to produce such bruises kept circling in his mind.
‘You don’t have to ever leave. ‘ He finally said to her, not really sure what else to say. He knew he didn’t want her going back home, but he also knew it had to be her choice.
‘I have to go, at least for now. ‘ She said and put her arms around him. ‘ I will be okay, honest. ‘ He heard her whisper in his ear and then felt her lips softly brush his. He again pressed her to him, kissing her passionately, not wanting to ever let her go, but she broke the kiss shortly and after gathering her things, without another word she left. He heard her say she would see him Monday, but his mind still couldn’t get the pictures of what Larry had done out of his head.
It continued to plague him for the rest of the day and even all day Saturday. He was even tempted to call and make sure she was all right, but then he was afraid that might make trouble for her too. Too restless to sleep, he got out of bed that night and lay on the couch watching television and soon drifted off to sleep. It was almost two in the morning when he awoke from a dream, sweating. He couldn’t recall what the dream was, but he knew something was terribly wrong.
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She was running, not knowing where. It was nighttime and foggy, she was beginning to feel cold. She had run out of the house just wearing her white T-shirt and blue jeans and had not even stopped to put shoes on. The road was cold against her bare feet, but she continued to run. Tears ran down her face and besides getting cold, she was getting tired. Suddenly she tripped and she was on the ground, crying out in pain as her arms slid against the pavement. She laid her head down continuing to cry...
She was running, not knowing where. It was nighttime and foggy, she was beginning to feel cold. She had run out of the house just wearing her white T-shirt and blue jeans and had not even stopped to put shoes on. The road was cold against her bare feet, but she continued to run. Tears ran down her face and besides getting cold, she was getting tired. Suddenly she tripped and she was on the ground, crying out in pain as her arms slid against the pavement. She laid her head down continuing to cry...
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CHARACTERS: Robert Smith ... male lead character, eighteen at graduation from a military academy Roberta Smith ... female lead character, two years younger than brother Robert Lila ... female supporting character, thirties, sexually insatiable I believe I'm a fortunate man, a very fortunate man. So many people go through life with love unrequited-that is, unattainable, unfulfilled, unconsummated. Whereas I on the other hand, have had multiple and requited true loves. How did this come...
I fantasize plenty of times of how our first time would be like. It would be romantic and, knowing myself, cheesy. Like spreading rose petals on the ground that leads to the bed we would make love in. Maybe I play romantic background music to set the mood just right. A candlelight or two couldn't hurt. This is what happens when you haven't had sex in your 22 years on this Earth. But it didn't matter. What mattered was that I was going to spend the rest of my life with the woman I love....
"What is it, babe?" Alexis said, understandably looking worried. My 23-year old Mexican-American wife looked incredible. With her slightly tanned and toned body, D-cup breasts, seemingly long legs even though she's five feet four inches tall, and long raven hair, she was a knock out. Alexis loves to workout too which did wonders for her body, especially her ass, thanks to the Brazilian butt exercise phenomenon. The perfect woman. And now I risk losing her, over something I never could have...
Misty: She had hated leaving Robert that way and would have preferred spending the entire day in his arms, but she couldn’t. He had already seen more than enough when he had lifted her sweater and there was no way she wanted to explain any of that to him. What happened between them this morning, had erased those memories even if just briefly and it also gave her the strength to get through the weekend, knowing she would be with him again on Monday. Larry was in a foul mood when he got home...
(Author’s note. Two Silver Foxes is a nom de plume for two literotica.com contributors, Silverstag and Redneck Woman56 with Silverstag writing the dialogue for Robert and Redneck Woman56 the dialogue for Rebecca. The author’s hope you enjoy the story and will continue the tale if your comments and votes indicate an interest. We would like to say that collaborating in this way has been an enjoyable and intellectually stimulating experience.) ROBERT: I was walking down Peachtree Street in...
The cell was grey. Gray stone, single grey blanket, grey walls and door, grey straw on the floor. Gray light coming in through the tiny opening. There was a bucket in the corner which contained grey water. He was thirsty, but could not bring himself to drink it. Instead, he tried to clean up the dried blood which stuck to him and made his skin itch. The pain in his head made it hard to concentrate. There was a tiny aperture in the door of his cell, through which the gaolers could check on him....
I wasn't sure that was going to visit Mother was a good idea. I knew I should and felt guilty that I didn't want to go. I rested until the Thursday and went. I flew commercial into Miami and took a limo to the guest condo at Mother's facility. I think she recognized me, but that was about it. It was Spring Break for some colleges, and college students were all over the beaches. I had supper with Mother at the dining facility in her building. The food wasn't anything like Army hospital...
Hoofdstuk 1. Robert ? la Roberta Door Louis van Amoren. Het verhaal dat ik U ga vertellen, klinkt U misschien een beetje vreemd in de oren. Maar het is helemaal echt gebeurd. Ik ben nu ??nmaal heel goed van vertrouwen, dus stap ik overal erg gemakkelijk in. Maar ik zal eerst even vertellen wie ik ben, dat praat iets gemakkelijker. Ik ben ongeveer ??n meter vijfenzeventig lang, 61 kilo, dus nogal slank en 21 jaar oud. Mijn naam is Robert van Amoren en ik ben van het mannelijke gesla...
When Misty showed up at one of the local association meetings Thomas belonged to, he was full of lust for her immediately. She was very beautiful. She was dark skinned. She was Asian and Afro-American, with gorgeous results. She had long straight coal black hair and beautiful smooth silky skin. Her eyes were brown but very bright and she had a beautiful smile with a heart shaped face that would make your heart stop when she smiled. Her body was spectacular. The thing he noticed right away was...
Robert is Robin By Robin Young This story is a combination of fiction and truth....some of the people and events are based on true experiences and contain many accurate details. Some major events have been disguised to protect the innocent and names have been changed. Some things are exaggerated. Some parts are a consolidation of events to help speed the story along (which covers about 8 years of my life). This is the story of how I came to terms with being a feminine male and how I...
RobertI had known him for three years, and still to this day, he was the mostalluring guy I had ever known. Nobody else had ever left such an intensephysical and emotional impact on me. He had hair like a gelled pitch blackmidnight, eyes as blue as the ocean, a smile as bright as the sun but assharp as a blade. His presence was so striking, that it would make even thespirit of Alexander the Great bow down. He was rebellious but intelligent.He could laugh it up over something stupid and a...
Robert:It started innocuously as many of these things do. I had just returned from a hard cycle ride and was taking a shower when I heard my mother shouting for help, swiftly tying a towel around me I ran into the kitchen to find her desperately holding on to a large pan of soup which was on the verge of falling off the cooker. I quickly grabbed the handle of the pan and managed to right it back on the stove."Thank you sweetheart" my mother said and then paused, she was looking at my naked body...
Incest[ Part 2 of a young white couple seeking to escape the confines of what was formerly known as a monogamous relationship! ]Robert---When I first saw Tara I never thought she'd be the slightest interested in me---as a 'boyfriend' sort of relationship. In fact, I'd never really had an actual girlfriend before. I'd once been infatuated by one particular girl I used to know, but she got married, had a baby, and that was that. And then I saw Tara.She worked a place I would go for lunch on lunch...
After the surgery, I was transferred to the Naval Hospital in the Philippines to recover. Then I was flown to Pearl Harbor for rehabilitation. As soon as I was able to walk with a cane, I was sent home. I was in pain much of the time and had difficulty sleeping. My motivation was to get home from Pearl. When the military flight let me off in California, instead of waiting for the later flight on my military voucher, I called Grandfather and bought a first class seat on a commercial flight to...
Introduction: Robert comes home drunk after seeing his ex-wife at his work. After an amazing drunken tryst, he gets a big surprise. It had been a lousy day for Robert. Robert was a district manager for a retail company that had several locations in malls in the region, and his day had started with having to fire one of the managers. To make matters worse, he had seen his ex-wife and her lover in the food court during his lunch. Once he was done with work for the day, he had headed towards home,...
He was still upset when he got home, and noticed a light on in the apartment above his garage. A classmate of his daughter’s who had gotten pregnant had moved in before Robert’s wife Janet had given birth and left. Robert and Heidi had worked out a mutually beneficial situation, with an open invitation for both when they were at home. He had found from their first time that Heidi liked things a bit rougher than his wife had ever seemed to, and given his current mood and drunkenness, he was...
After a great cum thanks to watching Robert and Danny, I washed up in the bathroom. I figured I'd give them a few more minutes before telling them to straighten up his room and take showers. Just before lunch Ann pulled up and they came in carrying bags from the department store. I told the boys to help their moms unload the car. Danny's mom said to take her bags across the street and put them in her room. Thankfully I had them bathe because Ann told Robert to come see the clothes she bought...
Bob and Paula had been living together for the last three years and were my best friends. We played golf together about every week-end and I was at their house about as much as I was my own apartment. Paula was a petite little red head with green eyes and a nice trim little figure. Despite that small frame, she was a dominate type person and could hit a golf ball as far as any woman on the LPGA, except she didn't always know which direction it was going. Bob was about my size,...
The snow fell outside, locking them into Clara’s house. They relaxed in front of the fire, and finished off the bottle of brandy. An ember spat and jumped out of the grate. Robert reached out a toe and kicked it back into the fireplace. Silence reigned. They both sipped their cognac. It should have been peaceful, but a tension gripped him. ‘There is one thing I regret,’ Clara said suddenly. ‘I hear married ladies whispering and laughing about the intimacies of the bedroom, and it annoys me...
Robert is your run of the mill hot sexy I am better then you kind of man on the outside but I have started seeing sides of him I never would have guessed at I do not even think he himself knows his bonds , he is about to have one of the wildest days of his life …The day starts out as any other day , up at 6 am shower shave and get out the door by 7 am , But today I have a surprise waiting for him as he gets out of bed mm he stretch and walks over to the bathroom he is naked …
Tuesday night, Jeanette called. From her voice, I could tell she was excited. After brief hellos, she said, "You won't believe it. A Kappa pledge had to drop out and tonight at the chapter meeting, I was voted a bid." I said, "That's great. Did you accept the bid?" I was happy for her. "It costs more money than I expected. When they gave me the costs for the year, I almost cried. The pledge fee is twenty-five dollars, local chapter fees are fifty, initiation fee is seventy-five, a...
This was originally written as a series of messages for a very hot lady on here... On my way to the UK I stop over in the US and take a little trip to Seattle... You pick me up at the airport just in time to go out to dinner. You have chosen a great little restaurant and drive me there... we make small talk as we drive about my flight and such things... I cannot take my eyes off of the elegant little black dress you are wearing... it has ridden up as you sit behind the wheel... I am wondering...
The next morning I woke up at 6 AM to the smell of bacon and coffee. As I stumbled into the hallway I noted Doug coming out of his room. We just stared at each other and then headed for the kitchen. There was Roberta putting the food on the table. When we said good morning she said we were just in time for breakfast. During breakfast we both told her how much we enjoyed the meal and if she promised to cook for us she could stay as long as she wanted. We had been half kidding of course but...
The story is in the Dutch language. Several times is asked the stories to translate in English. But I am sorry, not alone no time, but also is my English not good enough for translating. But perhaps is there anywhere a Dutch speaking person with a good translating feeling who will translated my stories. It is possible under the name of Louis, but can also under your own name. Zoals al mijn verhalen is ook dit verhaal weer van A tot Z verzonnen. De personen die worden genoemd bestaan...
….A jack!! That gave me a full house, beating Patrick’s straight! A whoop of triumph left my lips. What an incredible rush! I mean, it’s sweet to win, but when victory drops into your hands after escaping from the clutches of almost certain defeat it has the saccharine scent of honey and the unbearably, indescribably delicious taste of a preposterously decedent dessert. Although I’d won in February, this was so much better than that first adventure, and it was a rush I knew I would just had to...
….A jack!! That gave me a full house, beating Patrick’s straight! A whoop of triumph left my lips. What an incredible rush! I mean, it’s sweet to win, but when victory drops into your hands after escaping from the clutches of almost certain defeat it has the saccharine scent of honey and the unbearably, indescribably delicious taste of a preposterously decedent dessert. Although I’d won in February, this was so much better than that first adventure, and it was a rush I knew I would just had to...
ReluctanceRoberta Montgomery - Part 1 Chapter 1 - Proposal "Sweetie!" In the fog of sleep, I heard my girlfriend's voice. "Sweetie! Sweetie, wake up! Sweetie!" Initially, the sound was distant, but it quickly grew closer. Suddenly, I felt myself being shaken. I awoke to Margret (yes, spelled without the second "A") hovering over me, with her hands on my upper arm. She gave me a moment to collect myself. Eventually, I asked her what was wrong, thinking there was an emergency. "Nothing's wrong," she...
After my walk back to the room my balls felt wonderful, my cock all good surprisingly, like after a great work out, but my asshole, was feeling a bit stretched. I wondered if I was walking funny because it sure felt that way. The shower was rejuvenating, and I was all dressed. I had my hide-away gun, a sweet little Sig, loaded and strapped on. Now, I had to just finish loading my extra clips for my new Glock and I’d be ready to go. Tucking my Glock into my shoulder strap, I...
by Lubrican Misty bounced and bobbed as she skipped toward her father down the drive. He had just gotten home and she was obviously very excited about something. Bob watched happily as she came toward him. She was fun to watch. Misty had taken after her mother, growing nice big handfuls of breasts, with prominent and usually hard nipples. She didn't like to wear bras. The fact she was his daughter didn't bother him. She was a babe, pure and simple, and babes were fun to watch. He envied...
Later after Doug had checked on the animals we decided to drive down to the river and 'drown a couple of worms', as they say. Roberta was all happy saying she was looking forward to a good catfish dinner. Doug said "We can catch all the catfish in the world, but we would still have to cook a steak for Bob!" Before Roberta could reply I told her, "Yes, I like fish, I just do not like catfish. But if you want a catfish dinner I will do my best to catch you a mess of them." About two...
The line was written on the outside of a locker in the gym’s shower. I licked my finger and tried to rub it off, but I was getting nowhere fast. At least this one didn’t have the additional info ‘That’s Robert’s MOM LOL’ written under it. I sighed dejectedly because I knew I’d hear this joked about every day after gym now. “You okay over there?” a voice spoke. It was Mark. I saw him approaching as I glanced at the sound. Mark is huge. Too big for a wide receiver from what the other guys on...
Roberta's Christmas Wish By Paul G. Jutras Every year Robert enjoyed spending Christmas with his parents. For the 31 year old, this year would be different. In September he had told his mother of his plans to become a woman. She was hurt to say the least. As he finished his morning shower and stood before the bathroom mirror in his underwear, his look was a mixture of disgust and fear. As he ran his hand through his hair, he hoped to get started on hormone replacement...
"Did you enjoy our naked fun game last month, Kevy?" Roberta smiled at me as she drove me home from my latest evening of actually babysitting her kids Marilee, Brent and Landon Junior. Then she licked her lips in a really sexy way that had my dick rock-hard in my pants. I stammered something and the auburn-haired MILF laughed. "You loved it and have been jacking off wondering when we'd do it again?" Since that was exactly what I'd been doing almost every night, I nodded. Roberta just...
"Well. Are you having fun jacking off with my dirty wet panties, you fat pervert?" You know, hearing those words—or just about any others—when you're whacking your meat and are just about ready to cum REALLY takes the edge off your lust. It doesn't help when you're sitting on the edge of the bed belonging to the owner of the voice with the pangtis she dropped a half hour earlier wrapped around your dick. I mean, talk about busted! On the other hand, when the woman you're supposed to be...