Girlfriends' Daughter - Start Of The Picnic free porn video

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Looking to her side Amanda was still in a bit of shock taking in how Bailey looked in the role as her daughter. Megan had done an outstanding job in the transformation; the makeup was just right and it looked like she had used a plumper on his lips. The pink lacy blouse with the baby blue skort just screamed girly girl with it matching the makeup and the short glossy nails he now had. Taking a moment to take it all in as he sat there with the purse in his lap and holding his black rugged phone, the only thing that stood out from the rest of the look. The man.. No girl, her daughter looked so demure sitting there looking down at her lap and not saying a word. "Bailey, sweetie." The soft voice calling his name drew his attention, but before he was even fully looked at his girlfriend she had reached out across the seats and held him in a warm embrace seemingly as tight as she could. "I am trying not to cry right now, so please do not say a word. I just love you so much and I know this is a sacrifice for you. We have had our ups and downs recently, but I just know after all this we will be just closer than ever. It.. It just means so much that you are sacrificing for me, and... and I never talked about this before, but I always did want children. Work just always came first, and now you are helping me with both by giving me a daughter." Bailey felt like a fish out of water as the woman he loved hugged him tightly, but it felt so different with him having breasts. While he couldn't feel through them, he could feel the extra weight and how they moved when another pair of breasts.. Larger ones pressed into them. "Wove you too," he spoke through the plump glossy lips. When Amanda pulled back she saw the annoyed look on his girlish face. Running a finger near her eye to catch some of the tears that were forming she smile. "You will get used to that shortly I would imagine, but try again and this time remember the swollen lips and add the word mommy. We have to get you into character." Bailey nodded and thought for a second and tried again. "Love you to Mommy." The words came out right, but the made-up man looked like he swallowed a lemon. "That is a much better job, but maybe try it again and smile, because what you said was a good thing." "Fwine... Fine. I love you Mommy." Bailey spoke this time with a smile on his face, though he didn't realize he had fluttered his lashes at the same time causing what might have been the cutest sight Amanda had seen in a while, and it caused her heart to almost skip a beat. "That was perfect dear, now one last thing before we go. Hand me your phone." With great hesitation Bailey handed it over worried she was going to go through its contents. The fear was short-lived as he saw her removing her own phone case that was white with a flower on it. "Okay that is a much more appropriate case for you," she said tossing the black rugged one into the back seat. "Sweetie I am glad you remembered to sit with your legs together, try to keep that up and cross your feet at your ankle, yes like that. Good, you are just doing so good! Let us get you into the right frame of mind, so try to keep your hands busy. Twirl your braid with your fingers, touch up the gloss on your lips or take some selfies." "Sewfies!?" Bailey whined, his voice going up an octave. "Yes dear, selfies. In fact, I want you to take a few. Doing different poses and angles as we drive." With that Amanda put the car into reverse and pulled out of the spot and started the not so long trek to a local park. Out of the corner of her eye she could see Bailey doing what she said, still sitting with his ankles crossed, and the only real sound was of the car on the road and the sound effect of the taking of photos on the phone. "Bailey, honey we should maybe go over our story a little bit so we do not get caught. Let us see you are Bailey Andrew.. Oh that is perfect! You are Bailey Ann Best. Oh that is so cute, and it looks like one of us took the other's name after all." For his part Bailey just let out a groan. "That can work too dear, now Bailey Ann Best, do that sound again but then add mommy and draw the word out for a proper whine." With a heavy sigh Bailey let out another groan, "Mommmy." Amanda was all smiles. "That was just perfect for a girly teenage girl like you. Now Bailey, let us see, we are making you girly to make others have no reason to suspect you have some male bits, even if they are tucked away. How does that feel by the way?" After snapping another picture with his head tilted up and to the left Bailey shook his head a little. "No pain, not comfort...not comfy." Bailey had stopped himself from saying comfortable, remembering Megan's instructions to use smaller words. "Good, now for things you enjoy sweetie considering your outfit and the phone case I gave you. Let us say you love flowers and have a good singing voice even if you do not like it, so you also now enjoy singing. Hmm for favorite movie, P.S. I love you, every girl needs a good cry from a romance movie. For school... try to steer away from talk of school. Just tell them you liked choir and that you do not want to talk about school with it being summer vacation before your senior year." Snapping another picture Bailey made another sour face. "I'm supposed to still be in high school?! How old am I supposed to be?" You are eighteen now dear, the two of us did not do anything for your twenty fifth birthday a month ago with me being so wrapped up in work, so if anyone asks just use the same story. Eighteen is a big deal, so just say we needed to wait to do something special, and yes you are still in high school, oh speaking of things you liked in school. You can say boys, no correct that you will say boys. If anyone asks what kind, just describe Gerald Butler, he was in your favorite movie after all. Now about your father.. Everyone at my work will know I never got married. Some know about having a boyfriend, but they will not know if I still have one or not. Hmm we were fighting so you can say I was dating someone, but we broke up recently and for who your father was you can just use your real father and how he passed on little over a year ago, but how the two of us never married. " "Wait!" Bailey said, dropping his hand into his lap and holding his phone. "We broke up!" Reaching over and resting her hand on his knee briefly before moving up to hold his hand. "Bailey, I can not break up with you. You are my daughter, remember? We just can not have anyone asking why my boyfriend is not around. Now sweetie, repeat back to me what I told you about yourself and really sell it to me, add some specifics and make sure you are acting in character." Rolling his eyes, not realizing it fit perfectly with the image he now reflected Bailey said, "I'm like Bailey Ann Best, I love boys and singing and can't wait to have a boyfriend like that dreamy Gerald Butler. Like looking at flowers always makes me just the happiest. My future boyfriend will always be getting me them so that I just stay like that happiest and he will hold me when we watch my favorite movie PS I love you. Oh and gosh I don't even want to talk about school, the only thing good there is choir and all the cute boys I get to look at." Bailey said as bubbly as he could while still taking the time to speak correctly from his lips, though it was getting much easier. "My daughter the ditzy girl, the way you talk you did not get my brains, but at least you are pretty. That was just about perfect, just remember a few key things when off and about at the party. You are a teenager, not an adult and selfies, gloss, play with your braid. That is the list. You think my air headed daughter can remember four things?" it was said in jest, but the list was important. "What did you say mommy, I wasn't paying attention," he returned sharing in the joke. The little white two thousand and eighteen eighty-six coupe pulled into the parking lot for the picnic. Before they had even gotten into a parking space Amanda hit the speed dial on her phone. "April, hey we are just pulling into the parking lot now. Meet us there, we have to talk and I need the biggest favor from you. Good I knew I could count on you, see you in a sec." Bailey's eyes grew wide and his plump lips fell open. "Oh no.. April knows me." "Go ahead and hop in the back seat so April can get in here and I can fill her in. Just let me do the talking and everything will be fine Bailey," Amanda said as she saw April in the distance. Bailey quickly did as she asked, scared he was going to be found out so soon. April reached the car and got in the passenger seat to figure out what was going on. She was shocked to see the shy looking girl sitting in the back seat with her head hung down. "What's going on Amanda? What do you need help with and who is she?" asked April staring at the girl. Amanda then proceeded to fill her in on everything that had happened after she went to lunch. How Derrick thought she had a daughter and how she had gone to Megan for help. "Ok I get it now. You should have really just filled me in when I got back yesterday. I'm your friend and I would have helped you. But I'm here now and I'll do whatever I can to help for both our sakes. My career is on the line here too apparently. So who is that in the back seat? Obviously you found someone to play the part of your daughter today but she doesn't look like your niece Becky," said an irritated but concerned April. "I'm sorry to pull you into this but if we are going to pull this off I will need your help. So when Megan went by the house she filled Bailey in and he had this brave idea to help me. Since it was him in the picture that Derrick saw, it would only work if the same girl showed up today so here we are," said Amanda before trailing off and looking in the back seat. April stared at the cute little teen in the back seat again and then she saw it in her eyes. "Oh my God! Bailey is that you?" said a stunned April taking in the pretty teen girl that was apparently her bosses boyfriend. Slowly Bailey raised his head and nodded. Then trying hard not to break character so soon after arriving greeted April. "Yes April it's like me ok. I'm like doing this to help my Mommy keep her like job and stuff," he said in his new cutsie girl voice. April looked even more confused after hearing the girl speak in her high breathy voice, nothing like the Bailey she remembered. "Rule one you are a teenager, she is an adult. Show respect. Call her Miss. April or Miss Gates," corrected Amanda. "While you are at it why don't you tell Ms. April your other little rules." "Sorry Miss April, I have to like remember I'm a cute teenager and not like a grown up. Also I like totes love taking selfies with my cute phone. It's like super importent I check my lips like a lot and keep them nice and glossy for the boys. Oh and I like love my pretty blonde hair and need to like play with my braid all the time," said Bailey in his best airhead impression. "We had limited time and resources so we had to come up with the best disguise we could. We thought the easiest thing to do would be to really play up the teenage blonde bimbo angle. As much as I hate the stereotype it was the easiest way to keep people from expecting too much of her and asking too many questions that we do not have the answers for. She has been working hard to get into character, I am so proud of her," said Amanda quickly before filling her in on everything else that had happened, at least what she knew of events anyways including what little background they had come up with on the drive. April was impressed they had done a real number on Bailey if she didn't already know him; she would certainly think he was just any other pretty teen girl. She hated the blonde ditz angle though. It was so demeaning and insulting. She could never see Amanda coming up with that idea, it must have been Bailey's. It really said a lot about him that when he decided to pretend at womanhood he went for the most sexist stereotype possible. Well she wouldn't let that stop her from helping her friend and securing both their promotions in the process. If Bailey wanted to play at being the little blonde bimbo she would do everything she could to make sure he filled that role perfectly. Who knows maybe he'll learn a new appreciation for the things real women had to put up with before the day was through. "Wow," April said as she took everything in. "Well while I still wish you had come sooner I do understand family comes first and it looks like you have more family than I realized to help you. So what can I do to help now? Relieved by April's understanding and concern Amanda let her know what she needed. "I need you to help us maintain this ruse today and make sure Bailey does not get found out. I will be busy with Derrick so I need your help keeping an eye on her and making sure no one asks any troublesome questions." "Ok I can definitely do that. You just worry about securing our future ok. Bailey will be just fine, right girl?" said April. Bailey who up until now had just been trying to make himself as small as possible in the backseat quickly agreed just wanting to get the awkwardness over with. "Like fer sure Miss April I'm ready to have a fun time with new friends and all the cute boys today," he said with a giggle trying so hard to keep in character. "Oh you are doing great sweetheart. Ok let us get this show on the road girls," said Amanda as she, April, and a much more reluctant Bailey exited the car and began making their way into the park. They had just made it to the large pavilion at the center of the park when Derrick walked up. "Ah Miss Best, it's wonderful to see you again. I'm looking forward to us getting to talk more today." Then looking to April. "And you must be April Gates, I hear good things about you. A good hard worker, I really appreciate that. Finally his eyes settled on Bailey. "You must be Bailey! You're even prettier than in your picture," he said with a big grin. "I'm so glad you could make it. Candace will be so excited," said Derrick. "Thank you sir. I'm like excited to meet her too. My mommy told me about her and I just had to come." giggled Bailey in his high breathy voice. "As if on command a pretty blonde girl in a blue floral sundress ran up. "There you are daddy I was just looking for you." Smiled Candace as she took her father's arm. "Sweety, this is Miss Best," said Derrick before a bubbly Candace chimed in."Oh I love your dress it's so pretty and hey it looks like we match that's so cool." "Huh well isn't that fun first we match and now Candace and you are matching what a coincidence," chuckled Derrick causing Amanda to bush ever so slightly. "Why thank you Candi you look very pretty yourself and I like your dress as well, in fact Bailey almost wore one just like it today," said Amanda as she smiled sweetly at the girl. On hearing this Candi locked eyes on Bailey. "Aw that's too bad we could have been twinsies but I love your outfit, it's super cute," said a cheerful Candi. "Thanks! Your dress is like super pretty I wish I had worn mine now too," stated Bailey. "Daddy told me you might come. I'm so happy you did. Come on let's leave our parents to talk about their boring business. There's so much to do. This is going to be great. I never know anyone at daddy's business events. I'm so happy you could make it." As she quickly grabbed Bailey by the hand and pulled him away from the adults. Amanda watched nervously as Bailey let herself be led away by the enthusiastic young women. "Bailey, remember to be on your best behavior sweety!" she called out as the two girls disappeared into a group of people. "Well it's nice to meet you Mr. Conners but I think I'll leave you two as well I need to go track down my little brother. I want to introduce him to the girls," said April as she trotted off in the same direction as the girls. "Well it seems we have been left on our own. Would you mind accompanying me on a walk Amanda and we can talk about what I see in your future with us," said Derrick as he held out his arm for Amanda. Still nervous about Bailey but not wanting to blow her chance at the promotion Amanda quickly agreed taking his arm as the two walked off to discuss the future. April went to walk through the crowd of people, but got stopped more than once for pleasantries with coworkers causing her to lose track of the girls. "Well, it is a good thing I took that photo then," the dark- haired woman said, pulling out her phone and about how she got it. When the three had exited the vehicle, April had an idea "Bailey be a dear why don't you go stand next to your mom so I can get a mother daughter photo." The two people standing before her were a contrast in facial expressions. Bailey ready to refuse, while Amanda's eyes lit up at the idea of having a photo of the one day she was able to have a daughter even if it was just pretend. Waving and saying good morning to a passing coworker, April thumbed through the few photos she could take before pressing the issue, one with the two-standing next to each other. The last was of them posing, Amanda with her back to the car, her brown leather handbag in front of her while she dug through it as if looking for something, while Bailey held her floral phone up at an angle taking a selfie. Sending all three to Amanda she quickly cropped the posing photo to just show Bailey and sent off a quick text with it to her brother August. Text: "This is Bailey Ann Best, Ms Best's daughter. If you see her around try to look out for her. She did not inherit her mother's intellect and I would hate for her to get into any trouble." Text: "whoa, she is a ten! How old?" Text: "Slow down their cowboy, she is three years younger than you. No buying her alcohol, you are to keep her out of trouble, not cause it." Text: "Spend time with a hot girl at a picnic, I can do that." Text: "Good and she should be with another girl named Candace who is beyond off limits, she is my bosses, bosses' boss's daughter!" Text: "Sorry can't hear you, the text messages are breaking up." With a wide smile on her face April put her phone into her back pocket thinking how her brother could be a goober at times, but was a good kid. Man now, she corrected herself with him being twenty-one. August would help Bailey stay out of some trouble, but she had no doubt he would be flirting with what he thought was a pretty girl. She just hoped it taught Bailey a lesson when he had to deal with unwanted advances and dealing with someone mansplaining to him. "It is really sweet for him to do this for Amanda, but he just had to do it in the most sexist way possible." The classic red and white large checkered blanket laid out on the green grass, a pair of coolers resting on two of the blanket's corners one a large sixty-quart cooler, the other a smaller twenty-five. Derrick sat down near the center cross legged in his dark khaki shorts, pale-yellow polo shirt and boat shoes. With his charming smile he looked over to Amanda as she was just less than an arm's length away, her feet together to the side so that the wedge shoes were off the blanket. "You know I don't like her going by Candi, and you had to encourage that did you? Derrick said, raising an eyebrow. "She is what a seventeen-year- old girl, her dad telling he she can not go by the name she likes is not winning you any favors. I went by Mandy for years, in fact my last boyfriend called me that. " Derrick took note of the word last as in past tense, but gave ground on the losing battle of his daughter's name. "I doubt you remember me, but we actually got to meet once at a conference some nine years ago, I think." "You cannot remember that, that was so long ago and I was not even in management then." "Part of my job as regional manager is to spot talent and encourage it to grow. Or it could have been coincidence that when you returned back to your office after the conference you were offered to take some management seminars and the Lean Six Sigma certification. But if you still doubt my memory, how about this. You were part of the accounting team, had your CPA certification for two years at that point, worked as a secretary to your offices vice president of finance, and you were polite enough not to stare or point out the coffee stain I had on my shirt." the grin never wavered, but even as he spoke to show off his memory it never came across as smug. "We did not talk about any of that, you only introduced yourself and asked where I had gotten my doughnut." Amanda replied when her now caseless phone gave indication, she had three new messages pending. While he was talking Amanda couldn't help herself, but to lean in a little closer and do what she could not to be drawn into his green eyes. She loved that color and had spent much time over the years with Bailey looking into his own. Watching Amanda open her phone quickly it looked like she was worried something might be wrong. "Is everything okay?" he questioned, worried for the girls. "No, everything is okay. Bailey... well, Bailey does not have many friends and I was worried she needed help. Though it was just April showing me some photos she took of us when we got here, see?" Amanda said as she slid her phone over to Derrick. "These are wonderful photos, always nice to have them for memories and you look terrific in them. You are rather photogenic; did you ever moonlight as a model?" "Lying and now flattery, you know I am the one who is supposed to be trying to impress you." Derrick only laughed at the statement touching a few things on her phone before handing it back. "I added my personal cell phone to your contact list in case you ever need to talk after you get promoted. Nothing is a done deal yet, just from what I hear you don't need me to nudge anything along. When someone is outstanding, they get noticed, much like I did at that conference. You are right though I didn't remember you telling me all that. I remembered my secretary telling me about you after you impressed me with your talks on cost savings. A conversation you were animated about, the passion you had when you went on about what the company could do with the extra capitol to invest back into local projects for the communities, and how the money helping others would lead not only to more per dollar PR than a billboard or television commercial, and it would actually help people. So yes, I do remember you Amanda. I remember your passion, kindness and mostly because you told me where I could get a doughnut when I was hungry." A large blush came to Amanda's cheeks and she had to look away from Derrick. "Mr. Connors, you are too.." She was cut off when she felt a light tap under her chin causing her to look back up into his green eyes. "I told you, call me Derrick. I mean it." With a hard swallow she nodded. "Derrick, you are more than kind. Say what is in these coolers? We have caterers bringing everything we need today," she said, trying to change the subject. "I use this bigger cooler when I go fishing, for now it is just full of ice and bottled water, I'm sure the caterers have plenty for everyone. But I'm the type of person who worries and I wanted to make sure we had at least this for people," he said as he opened the cooler, pulling out a bottle and handing it to Amanda. As she took it their hands lightly touched and she felt the blush come back to her cheeks, not as intense as a second ago but back just the same. Mentally she was kicking herself, she wasn't a school girl and she had a boyfriend. "Thank you, what about the smaller one?" she said opening the bottle and taking a few small swallows of water. "That is me being a little selfish, it has some of my favorite beers in it, but you can have one of those if you like." Shaking her head Amanda replied as she put the cap back on the bottle. "No thank you, not much of a beer drinker, I prefer a good bottle of wine." The two continued to talk, the conversations would drift between work and personal life, each one learning a little about each other. Like how Derrick lost his wife six, almost seven years ago and how Candace was the biggest tomboy before that. How she would cry if they tried to put her in a dress and how that all seemed to change a year after his wife's death. Amanda for her part tried to steer the conversation away from "her daughter" but with how open he was being she couldn't just tell him no. So, in the end she told him the truth about Bailey's father passing on, but leaving out the fact she had never actually met the man, and instead said how they just never connected in that way. Because of that they never married, but she had Bailey because of him. None of that was really a lie, but it wasn't the truth either and Amanda did not feel good about this. She did her best to stick to the story, picking some real-life facts to add credibility. Like how Bailey spends most of her time at home, and how it makes her happy when she hears Bailey singing in the shower and how she wished she could spend more time with the ones she loved, but has been so focused on work that she missed her last birthday. "Candace actually turns eighteen the Monday after next. It is a shame we are only in town for a week so we could celebrate their special day together. Truth be told I have been absorbed with my work lately myself, do you think you could help me pick out a gift for her sometime before we leave. I'm afraid I don't know what to buy a teenage girl, say what did you get Bailey? Maybe that will give me an idea." Amanda started to drink more of her water to buy some time before an idea came to her that fed into the story and something any eighteen-year-old would like. "Derrick Connors it is less than two weeks before your little girl is legally a woman and you do not even know what to get her, how can someone who remembers something from nine years ago and be so forward thinking enough to bring extra water to picnic not have a plan for this?" Derrick leaned back onto his left hand to support himself, bringing the other up to his neck and rubbing it. "Candace is a driven girl, it is something she gets from me and when she wants something she has no problem saying what she wants and working towards it. She has told me what she wants me to get for her for years now, but this year she hasn't said a word beyond the normal everyday requests. Now what about you?" Amanda could feel her heart melting a little, a single father not having any idea what to give his girl and for years relying on her to be mature enough to vocalize her desires. He was doing the best he could and maybe she could help him with some ideas and some online shopping while he was in town. "That is too bad you will be gone for Candi's birthday, if the girls get along, I am sure Bailey would have loved to celebrate their big day together. For a starter mister you could get her a simple gold necklace that spells out C A N D I, or Y if she prefers. Later this week maybe if we can pull ourselves away from our desks, we can shop on Amazon together to look for ideas. Now for Bailey, she does not test well so her grades were not what I had gotten at that age so she has not even got her learners permit. Me missing the last birthday I know hurt Bailey. It was not that I forgot, it is that we just did not do anything to celebrate. I umm.. Gave Bailey some extra attention and personal time when I came home from work, but no present per say. Honestly money has been tight lately, my apartment was much more affordable when my umm last boyfriend was getting a paycheck. So, I figured soon as I can I will take Bailey to get her learners permit and forget the punishment for bad grades. Sounds like we all have our struggles, my Candace is what you would call a straight C student, but I can tell she applies herself so that is enough for me. You were honest and vulnerable with me so I will reciprocate. It is hard for me to tell her no or have a firm hand like you were saying you give Bailey. I never even considered not letting her get her learners permit and she has already made me promise that we would get her license my next day off after her birthday." Derrick laughed a hearty chuckle. "That girl would make me rue the day if I thought about saying her license was a birthday gift." It was Amanda's turn to give a warm smile to Derrick. He had a strong independent girl. She was a blonde girl with the same green eyes he did and it was plain to see that he appreciated her and it made her wish just for a second Bailey really was her daughter so she could feel what he felt. The welcoming conversation was brought to a close as one of her old work colleagues that was no longer a direct report to her came over to say hi and exchange pleasantries. "I guess it is time for us to mingle a bit and make our rounds before they serve any of the food or start the games. Say you wouldn't be interested in partnering with me in the three-legged race, would you? Derrick asked as he stood up. The two girls stopped when Candi noticed Bailey wasn't holding her hand back, it was just her almost dragging her along. "Is something wrong, did me holding your hand make you uncomfortable? Oh my god, I am doing it again, touching people when they don't want it." The voice had a melancholy tone to it. Trying to think on his feet Bailey did not need to screw this up ten minutes into this day, he did not get blackmailed into dressing like this just to ruin his girlfriend's chances at a promotion because it hurt this teenagers' feelings. If she was afraid she stepped over a line for holding his hand, he had an idea of what to do. Taking a step forward Bailey gave Candi a quick hug, feeling that feeling again of his breast forms pressing into another pair of breasts. The very idea of two girls holding each other pressing into one another combined with the new sensations he was having air blowing on freshly shaven legs, lace panties on his groin was getting him excited. "Like of course not girl, I was like just looking at you're like so cute shoes." The sound that came out of Candi's mouth sounded like a high pitched "Eeek!" sound as he hugged Bailey back. "They are just the cutest, I know! Quick come over here!" Bailey could just feel the exclamation points at the end of everything she said as the girl grabbed his hand again and pulled him along, this time unlike the last he gripped back and did his best to walk beside her. The two girls holding hands as they walked came over to a large three-tiered fountain that was somewhere close to the center of the park, sitting down at the edge. Bailey copied the excited girl smoothing his skort as he sat and remembered to cross his legs at the ankle. "Lets see, on my god this might just be perfect!" Candi said with excitement in her voice putting her foot next to Bailey's. "Here put these on!" she said untying the white bow on the back of her wedges that kept them on her feet. With great reluctance he took off his sneakers only hesitation for a few seconds not wanting to crush this girl. Just as he got them off and held the white ribbon tied wedges in his hand noticing they were three maybe three and a half inches tall Candi said, "Wait, I totally need to see something," and pulled Bailey to his feet. Feeling the awkwardness, but not wanting to say anything, after all he was told to stay quiet, he raised one of his now arched eyebrows to see if he could get an answer. "This is just like sooo good! Oh I so just wish you wore the blue summer dress your mom, Ms. Best was talking about. We are like almost the same height, I at most half an inch taller and I am like fer sure we are the same shoe size. We could have been twinsies, with our hair and both have green eyes. I like love that braid by the way and I'm going to tell you your mom is so pretty. Your green eyes are like just as pretty as her blue, maybe prettier cause they like match my own!" Candi was talking quickly, he felt it when the seventeen-year-old noticed she was slightly taller than him at twenty-five, then she went into clothes talk, something about his hair. That part triggered the memory of his rules so he started to twirl the braid zoning out as she continued on and on just as excited talking about whatever it was now as when she started his mind going over his situation, the feel of the bra, the weight of the breast forms, the feel of the lace underwear. When the tone changed it brought him back to the moment. "Hello, like hello earth to Bailey." His eye refocusing Bailey smiled still absentmindedly twirling his braid. "Sorry... I was just thinking about what you said." Smiling back Candi looked behind her where Bailey's gaze had drifted off as he lost focus. She saw a group of boys playing football. "Thinking about boys maybe, but not about how fun it could be to raid each other's closets. I'm like sure you have so many cute things with how your mom dresses, she is like so pretty, I wish I had a mom like that." Bailey kept his fake smile on his face and sat back down looking back to the shoes dangling from his right hand. "You caught me, that is like me always looking at boys." Shortly after the two of them were walking through the park over to a refreshment stand holding hands, but with Bailey now wearing the too tall wedges and Candi wearing his converse. She was right, they had the same shoe size or close enough that it didn't matter. "Those look so cute on you; you can borrow them if you like. We will be in town for the week so I can get them back later." "Sounds good," Bailey said distracted again trying to maintain his balance and not look like a fool, and not really sure what she just said. "Oh I know we can go like shopping at the mall, it would be like so nice to have a friend I can spend time with instead of being stuck at the hotel by myself most of the time." "Sounds good." Bailey gave the same reply, this trick tended to work on Mandy when she got excited about something he had no interest in. Just agree until you hear a tone change or she looks directly at you. Bailey was happy to stop for a little bit as they waited in line at the refreshment stand when Candi nudged him and motioned to the side at a pair of boys coming their way. "Do you like know him?" seeing her new friend shake her head she continued. "I ask cause like they are coming right to us and that one keeps looking at his phone then back at you girl. He is cute!" It took a second of looking at the pair when Bailey realized he did know one of them, it was April's younger brother. He only met him once and he really hoped the boy didn't know who he was, but the way he kept looking at his phone and then back to him he felt like he was in trouble. Looking around for a place to hide and finding none Bailey took a step to flee but stopped when Candi didn't let go of his hand. "Calm down girl, no need to be shy and like besides we don't want to lose our place in line." that was it the chance to flee was gone when the two came up. Both boys had wide grins as they came up to the girls with August breaking the ice. "Hi, my sister showed me your photo and asked me to kind of watch out for you. You are Bailey, Miss Best's daughter, right? I'm August, I'm April, your umm moms' assistant little brother I mean younger brother but I'm not that young I mean I just turned twenty- one." The young man nervously laughed. Bailey hadn't had a chance to confirm or deny who he was, but it was apparent August only recognized him as a girl and didn't remember him from the pool party a while back. Though no sooner did he stop talking when the other boy spoke up. "Hey, wats up? I'm Ryan. You two sisters?" Candi gave a wide grin showing a little bit of teeth and made eye contact with Bailey before looking back at Ryan. "What gave us away, was it the hair or the eyes?" dipping his shoulder and turning his head to look at August then back to the girls. "Yeah, you two look alike but you just don't see two smoking hot girls holding hands unless they are lesbians or sisters. It's cool if you are, it's cool." Candi giggled and let go of Bailey's hand and instead pull her in a side hug. "I can tell you for sure Bailey and I like boys. Bailey here was just watching some play football earlier. So do you agree with your friend here August, we are smoking hot?" "Nice, yeah I play some of that." Ryan nodded along and pushed his friend to respond. "Don't' mind him, he stumbles over his words sometimes around babes," glaring at his friend August nodded too. "Yeah of course I do, both of you are more umm more beautiful than a rainbow in a field of flowers. And my sister sent me a photo of Bailey earlier so I know you aren't sisters, but I mean what I said." "Did you hear that, Bailey? August here spoiled our fun, but I think we can forgive you with how sweet you are and don't pay Ryan here any mind. You getting all flustered by us is cute, just look what you are doing to Bailey, she is blushing up a storm." This entire time Bailey was beside himself. He had gotten more compliments in the last minute that maybe in the last year of his life, it felt kind of good but at the same time embarrassing to be called beautiful, guys were not beautiful and definitely not hit on by other guys. The blush on his cheeks was giving them the wrong idea and nothing he could say at this point would change their minds without blowing his cover. In his mind he repeated the rules, thinking, "I'm a teenage girl, not an adult, I take selfies, fix my lip gloss and play with my braid." The line had moved up and it was their turn and August spoke up. "Do the two of you want anything, I'm buying?" Candi just smiled at August and looked over to Bailey with a twinkle in her eyes. "Ryan, I think August here is buying for Bailey, would you mind getting me a diet coke please?" she said as she stepped over and hugged Ryan's arm. The outspoken boy seemed to have lost his confident attitude when he felt her hands and breasts pressing into his limb, so he did the only thing his mind would let him, he nodded. August meant it for everyone, or at least the girls, but with two calling out their intentions he looked back to Bailey who hadn't answered as she played with her braid. "Bailey... Bailey Ann Best did you hear me?" If saying his name twice even if one he isn't used to didn't get his attention Candi's cry of "Eeeek! OH MY GOD! Is your middle name like really Ann! That is the same as mine!" Candi had let go of the boy next to her and jumped up and down twice before hugging Bailey again. Not sure what to do, but knowing he didn't want to give off that he was uncomfortable so he copied Candi and hopped up and down, but doing so in the unfamiliar shoe caused him to stumble forward into August. Bailey's face landed right into August's chest and would have kept falling if the young man hadn't caught him. The group may have continued like that if the person behind the counter hadn't had enough. "What are you ordering?!" Helping Bailey back to her feet August motioned with his head to the booth asking the question again without the words. Bailey just stepped back closer to Candi shaking her head. The boys ordered some drinks while Bailey tried to keep his calm opening up his purse to pull out the compact and lip gloss like he was shown before and applied the strawberry flavor again to lips making them look wet and kissable once more. The sight of applying the gloss in the tiny mirror felt earth shattering, they had been here only a short time and Bailey wanted it to all end, and yet it got worse immediately. Candi had bent down and picked something up and handed it to Bailey. Looking down she held a condom that said ribbed for her pleasure. "This fell out of your purse girl, there are subtler ways to tell a boy you are interested, you know that right?" Candi said with a giggle. Utterly mortified at the condom, Bailey looked to the purse. Megan had packed it and she did this just in hopes of an embarrassing situation. Putting the thing back into the purse with the compact and lip gloss, Bailey looked up to the other two boys and sure enough they had seen it, both had grins on their faces. In one hand August held a pair of water bottles in case Bailey changed her mind and with the other he put his hand on the small of Bailey's back. The four walked away from the booth and over to a picnic table, Ryan with Candi on one side and August and Bailey on the other. Ryan regaining his fa?ade of cool wasted no time in putting his arm around Candi's waist and pulling her close, all she did was playfully giggle as she lightly slapped his chest, but never tried to remove the arm. Seeing his friend's success, August tried to do the same, but Bailey was not just going to let that happen, it was a line too far so Bailey gripped the table to hold in place. When August when to pull and felt resistance he thought the cute girl was playing a little hard to get like how Candi smacked his friend, so he pulled a little harder saying "I got you darling.'' The pull caused Bailey to lose the grip and trying to compensate for the fall ended up sitting in August's lap instead up next to him. With a hard swallow Bailey looked up to August as he sat across his lap, his feet resting on the bench where he had just been. "Get it girl!" Candi cheered Bailey, pumping one of her arms up in the air and giving her new friend a playful wink. "Now we have two hunky boys to give us attention, a beautiful day, picnic games going to start soon, what do we do with our time?" Candi says leaning her head on Ryan's shoulder. Looking up to August then at Candi, Bailey idly plays with his hair more out of anxiety now more than because he was told to. "Like, I don't know. Maybe we can check on our parents and stuff." Bailey suggested hoping to extricate himself from this position sitting on the lap of a twenty-one-year-old who had one of his arms under his, forcing Bailey to have his own wrapped around the boy to help support him, while August's other resting at the top of his socks gently brushing his thumb on his bare skin. "How about we go over and sign up for some of the games, you can do the three-legged race with me Bailey," August said with a grin. "Oh that sounds like so much fun!" Candi replied, but before she said another word Bailey was putting his foot down, his now wedge heeled foot down. "We can't, we have plans, like sorry boys." Looking to her new friend Candi gave a confused look and a bit of a pout. "Like I promised to spend the day with Candi, and we like only just met, but she is totes my best friend so I wanted to do it with her." The statement obviously struck something in Candi as she said "Awww, of course!" Candi said, who had witnessed Bailey crushing hard on August with the blushing, practically jumping into his lap and showing him a condom to let him know she was down for it, the sentiment of choosing her over him meant the world. None of her friends back home would ditch a cute boy to spend time with her like that. "We can spend a little more time with the boys and we can be off. Like what would you boys like to talk about?" Candi said fluttering her lashes up at Ryan who had never moved his hand from the cute blonde's side. "Who needs to talk when I can spend my time looking into those pretty green eyes," Ryan said as he leaned down and kissed Candi, who melted into the boy, she was a sucker for compliments. Seeing this August looked to Bailey "He is right the two of you, specially you have the most pretty green eyes." Bailey's mind screamed and went to push off the boy's lap, but he was much stronger than Bailey and ended up only sliding on the lap a bit before being pulled in close for an intimate moment where August's lips pressed down onto Bailey's plumped pink lips. Closing his eyes in revulsion, one arm stuck around August's neck to keep from falling and the other was pressed into his chest from when Bailey was pushing to be free it looked to the world, she was enjoying every second of it. August pulled back and smiled at the pretty girl in his lap seeing her slowly open her eyes and flutter her long mascara coated lashes he saw her open her mouth slightly but when she didn't say anything he pulled her in for another kiss, this time sliding his tongue across her lips and then into her open, inviting mouth. The disgust spread through Bailey's body causing a shiver as the kiss ended, a boy... a boy younger than him had just kissed him. He was stunned, but it was over so slowly he opened his eyes, blinking a few times from the sun. Then he felt the boy's arm start to bring him back up, he wanted to say something, but his mind just wouldn't work. Another kiss and this time he felt the tongue, he was being French kissed. This had to end! Pushing with the hand that was on the boy's chest he wouldn't budge, but there was another way, letting go with his arm that supported himself caused him to fall and August lost his initial grip. Causing Bailey to fall toward the ground, off the bench. August losing his grip on the girl reached out, catching her causing both to fall off the bench onto the grass below and with a turn Bailey was on top of him, both of their arms entangling each other from the fall. Candi called from the other side of the bench "You two, okay?" but when she and Ryan stood up, they saw Bailey on top of August as he pulled the girl back down to him kissing her deeply again before rolling so he was on top. August felt Bailey shiver, wiggle and push into him. He had never met a girl to act so shy, but be so open about her sexuality. August thought back to his sister saying she wasn't smart, but from his perspective she knew exactly how to get what she wanted, and he wanted it too. The fun came to an end when he felt some cold water being poured on his back. Looking up he saw Ryan and Candi standing over, a little water making it to Bailey underneath who was breathing heavily to try and get some air, cheeks flush from the humiliation and lipstick in need of repair. "Public place bro, don't think many saw, but not the time. Besides what would her mom say if she found out. You are in an entry level position at the same company man, think with something other than your dick. Bailey very much wanted August to think with something other than his dick and to get off of him so he could stop feeling it poking him. "You're right, good looking out." With that he stood up and helped Bailey to her feet, unsteady from still being in unfamiliar shoes. "Sorry about that Bailey, maybe another time," he said as he took a step back and pulled off his black t-shirt and wrung the water out showing off his well-toned, but not large body. "Say do you think I can get your phone number?" Not wanting to ogle the man that had been assaulting him Bailey turned away. He thought of how to answer pulling out his phone more by reflex and stared down at it, his eyes down cast trying to think what to say to get him to take a no for an answer after what just happened. The pause for thought was too long though and Candi stepped in. "Back to being shy when you don't have your man's lips on you, that's like totally cool, I got you girl. We all should like give out our numbers. I need to get Bailey's number and I totes want that photo you have of her August; my girl is hot in it." After exchanging numbers Candi pulled Bailing into the girls' room, a place Bailey had never been before. It was like treading into sacred ground where he was not welcome. Just standing in there he looked over to the mirror seeing the state of his lips and reliving the horrid experience, his mind drifting. "Don't just stand their girl, you okay? Wait, like Oh my god you are thinking about him aren't you. Oh, I know you are, here let me help." Candi wasn't asking she just grabbed Bailey's borrowed purse and opened it up to pull out the lipstick and gloss, ignoring the compact, tampon and two condoms inside. Before applying the contents to her lips. "Oh, I love this brand!" Candi exclaimed as she freshened up her own lips with the same plumper before turning back to Bailey. "Let's ditch the boy and go check out the games like you wanted." she said as she once again hugged Bailey. "It like means so much to me when you said I was your best friend even if we just met. You meant it right?" nodding in agreement only caused the embrace to tighten again. "I like wish you really were my sister like Ryan thought." When Candi pulled away, she reached over and clasped hands intertwining their fingers together and pulled Bailey along giving her advice how to properly walk in the heeled wedges as they went out back into the park and headed towards the area where games were being setup.

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Thangaiku Theriyaamal Amma Magalai Oothen

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...

3 years ago
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Jennifers Sexual Awakening Ch6 The Picnic

‘Alessa, David’s found a nice secluded place just out of town where we can go and sunbathe in complete privacy. Would you like to join us?’ ‘What do you mean “secluded?”‘ Jennifer, having just come from having a shower, was wearing only her robe. She let it fall to the floor then raised her arms, clasping her hands together high above her head. Totally naked, she arched her back, stretched upwards and turned around slowly showing a beautifully evenly tanned body. ‘Hey, you haven’t got any...

4 years ago
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An Autumn Picnic

It all started one day, four years ago, when we decided to build a new home. Happily married and pregnant with my second child, I was hardly looking for a crush to complicate my life. I walked into the model home and was smitten. The house was perfect, and the realtor that showed me the layout had a personality that I instantly clicked with. ‘Hi, I’m Robert’ he said. I can pretty much say he had me at hello. He had smiling blue eyes, a soft voice and warm personality that I instantly trusted. ...

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DiSH 1 Memorial Day Picnic

Ken joined Divorced Self Help about a year ago in the midst of his breakup. He had only recently started to join in the social activities that the group puts on the social calendar each month. Bowling, Miniature Golf, and game-nights at members' homes were common, but the two holiday picnics each year drew just about everyone. Last year, he had been to DiSH's Labor Day picnic and had a pretty good time, but he was still too withdrawn to participate in the slightly amorous party games that...

2 years ago
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Beths Erotic AdventuresChapter 8 The picnic

Beth was brought back to the present by the phone once more ringing on the table beside her, "Hello." "Hi mom." "David, how are you? Are you having a good time?" "I'm fine mom and yes a great time." "That's great honey, how's everyone else?" "There all fine, I just rang to tell you I miss you." "I miss you too David, do you know when you'll be coming home." "Yeah, another few days I think, is that OK." "Of course it is, enjoy yourself." "I will, love you...

3 years ago
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The Picnic

After a little while of sitting and me fingering your tight pussy, I kissed you. My hand held the right side of your face, and pulled you at first reluctantly into the kiss. Soon you were kissing me with as much passion as I felt for you.I nibbled your bottom lip, drawing it into my mouth, and kissed your chin, down to your neck. I kiss up to your ear, and nibbled your ear lobe.Reaching down, I pulled apart the top of your blouse, your bra already loosened, both breasts beautifully exposed. I...

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Girlfriends Daughter Introduction

Bailey hung up the phone smiling "Well three hundred dollars poorer I will be, but I know you are will be worth it Candy." His mind drifted back in memory to the beginning of the month when he had the escort over before and how wonderful it felt when she had him in her mouth. The smile lost most of its luster when he looked over at a photo of him and his girlfriend on the desk the two of them shared in the living room of their two-bedroom apartment. Bailey picked up the framed photo...

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Diana stood at her bedroom window, looking down at the street outside. She began to have second thoughts about what she was doing. Diana had planned to go on a picnic in the park with John, her new customer of some months, then to a movie in the evening with him. But I had called her before starting to drive over and she had mentioned to me that her parents were out of town, she was going to be house sitting. I had talked her into having the picnic lunch on the kitchen table and spending all...

2 years ago
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Maryannes Story Team Picnic

Now I was getting all turned on again, thinking about it, talking to Michael about it, and counting the days until the big day. I was so ready to do everything they wanted and more. Michael was fucking me every night, but I hungered for more and more. All I could think about, even when I had Michael inside me, was getting all my holes fucked in Davey’s backyard by his softball team. Heck, if two or three teams showed up I would be ready to take them all on. On the big day I showered,...

4 years ago
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Couples picnic

Tim and I had been friends since high school. As the years pasted, we both married and divorced. Tim remarried a lovely lady named Linda and I, having divorced much later never remarried. We planned a picnic at a remote park along side a mountain. Nice place and well kept but rarely used during the week so we all agreed it would be a hump day afternoon. Little did I realize it would be taken literally.Each of us brought something to share. I brought wine and beer, Tim and Linda brought samwich...

3 years ago
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Company Picnic

My name is Jessica, just to give you a little idea of who I am, I love sex, I love to flirt and tease but most of all love a good fucking. I guess I've always been a bit of a slut but last summer I really embraced the idea of just enjoying it as much as I could. I'm 5'5 116lbs sandy brown hair, my breasts are a perky 34b, I have a flat abs and keep my pussy neatly trimmed and every one says I have a great ass...

4 years ago
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My Dads Company Picnic

My name is Jessica, just to give you a little idea of who I am, I love sex, I love to flirt and tease but most of all love a good fucking. I guess I've always been a bit of a slut but last summer I really embraced the idea of just enjoying it as much as I could. I'm 5'5 116lbs sandy brown hair, my breasts are a perky 34b, I have a flat abs and keep my pussy neatly trimmed and every one says I have a great ass and I tan really nice. Last summer I had just turned 18 and my birthday was about the...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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A Lakeside Picnic

.The Lakeside Picnicby AbeAs soon as she arrived at her host family's log homein the mountains, Marie began to realize thatAmerica was not at all as she had expected it wouldbe.  She had been told that, as an exchange student,her behavior must be beyond reproach. She musttake her lead from her host family. She must dressas Americans dress, behave as they behave, and, of course, follow the rules at the university in the fall.She was told that all American girls wear brasiers,and they certainly...

2 years ago
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Daughters Slut TrainingChapter 6 Daughter Takes on Her Brothers

Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Mrs. Umayyah My eyes flicked from my daughter lying on her back, her first customer’s cum leaking out of her well-fucked and bald snatch, to Principal Carver pulling out his wallet from his discarded slacks, his dick soaked in my daughter’s juices. A hot tremble raced through me. I pulled my fingers out of my own snatch, my orgasm buzzing through me. Masturbating to my own live sex show was an added bonus of whoring out my daughter to pay my...

3 years ago
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Daughters Incestuous TherapyChapter 4 Daughterrsquos Incestuous Triumph

Session 7 with Jill Daniels Jill Daniels gasped as I fingered her pussy. I had my hand pressed inside her panties as she lay on her back upon my cuddling bed in my office. The sexy MILF was one of my patients. I’d just listened to her describe having sex with her son for the first time, turning us both on. “I’m going to eat you out,” I whispered in the brunette’s ear, my pussy on fire. “It’s time to start working on your relationship with your daughter. That’s the point of being...

3 years ago
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Futa Daughters Naughty Temptation 2 Mommy Tempts Her FutaDaughter

Chapter Two: Mommy Tempts Her Futa-Daughter By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! “This is very, very bad,” whimpered Grace the Futa-Angel. Her motherly face, lit by the golden halo floating above the crown of her head, twisted with concern. Her long, blonde hair spilled down her back and amid her white-feathered wings. “I'm going to be in so much trouble.” Spice had been bad. Again. Last time she had escaped, she started a century of witch hunts in...

1 year ago
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Girlfriends Hot Daughter

100% fiction! I awoke in bed alone, still naked and wondering if yesterday really happened? Or did I just dream that my girlfriend and her 18 year old daughter seduced me? Wracked with guilt, I sat up, trying to decide if it was real or a fantasy. Did I really screw my soon to be step daughter? Was I some kind of a perverted monster? Did I really cum inside her? Did I really enjoy it? Or had I just been dreaming about that too? Did my girlfriend really let me do all this? Did she really get off...

2 years ago
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Daughters Slut Training 11 Watching Daughter Pop Her Cherry

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Eleven: Watching Daughter Pop Her Cherry By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Mrs. Umayyah “Leyla!” Kimmy shrieked when she opened her door. The blonde girl bounced on the balls of her feet, her braces flashing on her teeth. “Kimmy!” my daughter answered. The girls hugged each other like they hadn't seen the other in weeks instead of at college just a few hours ago. They were so energetic, both of...

3 years ago
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Stepdaughters Have Fun With Their Stepfathers

 On a scorching hot day in July, the courtroom resounded with the final blow of the gavel. I sat there, relief overtook me as the realization of what just happened began sinking in. My now ex-wife stormed out with her lawyer, the judge had ruled in my favor and she walked out with nothing.Elsa, my now ex-wife cheated on me with another woman, and tried to ruin my reputation along with my business by concocting an elaborate scheme. Here claims were unfounded, she accused me of being an adulterer...

4 years ago
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Daughters Slut Training 5 Daughter Whored Out

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Five: Daughter Whored Out By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Mrs. Umayyah I slipped out of my eldest son's room, feeling so naughty as his and his younger brother's cum dripped out of my pussy and asshole. I scooped up my bathrobe I left outside his door, pulling it on to hide my naked shame. I was such a wicked mother. But my sons needed to relieve themselves. How could they sleep when their...

1 year ago
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Thelma and her brother

Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...

3 years ago
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Girlfriends Daughter Caught in the act to an agreement

Sitting on the on his bed Bailey leaned back on some propped-up pillows, his head just touching the light grey fabric of the headboard. Letting out a long, "Ohhhh," escape from his in his tenor voice, but a bit aspirated. A tall redhaired woman knelt between Bailey's legs, one of her hands wrapped around the base of his balls, her red long fingernails running over the surface of the skin. With each gentle press and move of her dexterous finger he felt more pleasure. "You like that baby?"...

4 years ago
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Mother catches father and daughter together

Chapter OneJason Howard stood near the window of his upstairs study looking out onto the patio where his eighteen-year-old daughter and her best friend lay in lounge chairs getting a suntan. The back of the house faced east and the afternoon sun hid him as he stood looking at the young girls. The blinds were adjusted down to block the sun and still give him a good view.It was a Saturday and his wife was out shopping with friends, something she did more and more these days. It was as though she...

2 years ago
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The Picnic

The Picnic a story by LePhantom The bright red Sebring convertible rolled down from the ferry onto the dock. The disappearing fog muffled the sounds as it rolled through the gravel parking lot. She sat softly in the right seat, with her sandal'd feet curled under her allowing the sun to gently warm her exposed thighs. Her sparkling blue eyes, flashed with laughter as the breeze ruffled her auburn hair.His eyes glanced from the road, down to her legs, traveling slowly up over her body, watching...

Love Stories
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Before The Picnic

It's a warm Saturday morning and we have plans for a picnic in the park. It's been a week since we last saw each other, our schedules keeping us too busy for anything more than late night texts and voice chats, so we're both looking forward to the day ahead of us. You park in front of my house and walk slowly up the path, taking time to feel the sun on your back and stopping for a few moments to watch my cat chase a butterfly across the yard. Finally at my door, you smile as you lift your hand...

2 years ago
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At The Company Picnic

Introduction: A man and wife find out about the boss and his wife At The Company Picnic My wife and I attended our first company picnic just last weekend. It was a small affair as the company isnt that big but everyone seems like family. We were new so when we arrived, the boss immediately invited us over to his table where we met his wife. They were both very gracious and kind, wanting us to feel at home. The afternoon progressed until it was time to clean up and go home. After helping, we...

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