Picnic free porn video

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A bright, sunny morning with hardly a cloud in the sky; the girls had risen from their beds and had showered and dressed by 9.30. They took their breakfast of coffee and buttered toast on the terrace, sitting opposite each other with the low onyx-topped table between them.

Jane was helping herself to more coffee. She was wearing a cornflower blue silk blouse. The blouse was semi-transparent, the white lace on the top of her camisole was showing through it.

Looking over at her friend as she nibbled at a slice of toast, Susan could see she was not wearing a bra, she could clearly discern the outline of Jane's small, pert breasts beneath the two thin layers of clothing.

"It's going to be very hot this afternoon," Jane said, placing her feet on the edge of the table.

"Yes, it's quite warm already," Susan replied, as she unfastened the single button on her linen jacket and leaned back on her chair, causing her breasts to thrust out against her white chiffon blouse.

"I hope you are not going to our picnic dressed like that," Jane said, observing that Susan wasn't wearing anything underneath her blouse; the coral pink aureoles and perky tips of her firm, rounded breasts were clearly visible beneath the sheer, lustrous chiffon. 

"Dressed like what?" Susan asked. 

"Wearing a see-through blouse with nothing beneath."

"Well, you yourself said it was going to be hot this afternoon."

"That's hardly the point," Jane said, lifting her feet onto the table and drawing back her knee-length, royal blue, pleated skirt until it rested across her slender thighs.

Emulating her friend, Susan placed her feet at the edge of the table and hitched up her black cotton skirt until the hem lay across her hips, exposing her long, suntanned legs and her white silk French knickers.

"I'm really looking forward to today's picnic," she said. "David is quite a dish, isn't he?"

Jane nodded in agreement.

"How old do you think he is?" Susan asked.

"Early 20s. 25 at the most, I'd guess."

"He's got a terrific bod, from what I could see of it. Very muscular." 

"I wonder if he has a big willie?" Jane ventured.

Susan felt a tingling thrill racing through her body, her imagination sparked by her friend's words.

"Yes, I should imagine it's very long and thick."

"Oh, Susan!" Jane laughed, noticing that Susan's nipples had stiffened and were now jutting out against her blouse. "Look at your boobs!"

Susan was well aware of her state of arousal. She raised her hands to her breasts and gently cupped them, her thumbs stroking the silky fabricof her blouse against her nipples. '

"It's your fault for bringing up the subject of David's willie," she said, pouting her full lips at Jane.

"Calm down, for goodness sake," Jane playfully admonished her, a teasing smile spreading across her elfin-like face. "If you're not careful you'll be creaming those gorgeous knickers."

"Do you like them?" Susan asked, as she moved her hands down to finger the scallops of lace that decorated the loose legs of her knickers.

"They're absolutely divine. I'm sure they're heavenly to wear."

"I bought them at La Perla when I drove into town yesterday, while you were out riding. They were rather expensive."

"Oh, don't tell me how much they were," Jane said, feigning a sulk. "You'll have me turning green with envy."

"They cost over £100." Susan laughed as she trailed her fingertips across her abdomen.

"Gosh!" Jane exclaimed. "I could never afford to spend that much on underwear."

"Not that I paid for them – I used one of Mother's credit cards."

"Whilst I'm at uni I have to make do with the £50 a month clothing allowance my father sends me."

"£50 a month! How do you get by on that?"

"Exactly," Jane said, running her hand through her short-cropped black hair, "you should try telling him that. But I have to admit that if I see something that really takes my fancy, like the new camisole and panties set I'm wearing today, I can usually cajole Daddy into paying for it – but if I were to ask him for £100 for a pair of knickers he'd probably have a seizure."

"Umm, new undies. Show, Jane, do!"

Complying with Susan's request, Jane parted her legs to reveal a pair of ice-blue, bikini-style panties. The upper section of the panties were transparent; an inch or so of Jane's pubic hair was showing above the shiny gusset, which had an opaque double layer of fabric. As she opened her legs wider, the gusset stretched taut between them, clinging to the contours of her labia like a second skin.

"Lovely," Susan declared. "I'm sure David will fully appreciate such a delightful sight."

"And what makes you think David is going to see my panties?" Jane asked as she closed her legs.

"Oh, I know you well enough darling. I'm sure you will contrive a way of offering him a look up your skirt at some point during our picnic."

Both girls broke into a fit of laughter, which only stopped when the maid appeared on the terrace. They removed their feet from the table as she approached them.

"Have you finished your breakfasts, Miss Susan, Miss Jane?"

"Yes Jenny, you can clear the table now." Susan answered.

The maid placed the crockery and the coffee pot on the silver tray.

"If I may be permitted to say Miss Susan, I think you would be wise to cover yourself up. Your mother is on her way down, and you know Her Ladyship's views on personal modesty."

"Yes, you're right, Jenny." Susan said, rising to her feet. She buttoned her jacket, and ran her hands through her shoulder-length blonde hair. "We don't want to start the day on the wrong foot."


Lady Dovescote was already sitting in the armchair by the French windows, reading the morning paper, when the girls entered the lounge.

"Who is this young man you have invited to your picnic this afternoon Susan?" Her mother asked, putting down her newspaper.

"Oh Mother, I've already told you twice." Susan replied. "His name is David Carswell, and he is staying at Whitestone Manor as a guest of Sir Richard."

"That's all well and good," her mother said. "But what exactly does he do?"

"David works in the city Mother, he's some kind of accountant. He does a lot of work for Sir Richard. He's only staying over until tomorrow, that's why we invited him to our picnic today."

"I do wish you would let Jenny chaperone you. She has very little to do today, I'm sure I won't miss her. You know I do not considered it appropriate for two 19 year-old girls to go picnicking in the wood with a young man of whom they appear to know very little. I don't want to be worrying about the pair of you all afternoon."

"We're going in the mini moke, there will be no room for Jenny. But if you are so worried about our safety, why don't you phone Sir Richard and ask his opinion of David?" Susan said, knowing that her mother would do no such thing.

"Very well then," Lady Dovescote relented. "I'll tell Cook to pack a hamper for you. She can prepare salad sandwiches, and there is a veal and ham pie in the larder that you can take."

Lady Dovescote was about to resume reading her morning paper when she looked up at Susan again, as though she had just remembered something.

"By the way, I don't suppose either of you have seen my Barclaycard. I'm almost certain I left it on the table in the hallway, next to the telephone, yesterday morning."

"Oh Mother, your memory is getting worse than ever," Susan declared.

"I'm only 49 years of age dear. Senile dementia can hardly be setting in just yet." Lady Dovescote chided her daughter.

"Jane and I will keep an eye out for your credit card. I'm sure it will eventually turn up somewhere," Susan said, gratefully drawing a line under the subject.


The girls had arranged to meet David Carswell at Crofter's Wood, which marked the boundary between Lady Dovescote and Sir Richard's properties at the southernmost point of the Dovescote estate. Susan's family had used the grassy dell in the wood as a picnic site for as far back as she could remember. Her father had set up a sturdy wooden table there, with bench-type seats attached to it.

David was already waiting for the them when the girls arrived in the moke. He was wearing a white, short- sleeved shirt, fawn-coloured trousers and a pair of white tennis shoes. Unlike when they had stopped to chat with him whilst out riding the previous Sunday, he wasn't wearing a hat; a shock of blond hair now hung down across his forehead.

In her eagerness to greet David, Jane quickly climbed out of the moke, leaving Susan to carry the hamper and woollen travelling rug.

"Hello Jane." David smiled at her as she approached him. "How nice to see you again. I must say you are looking rather stunning today."

"Thank you," she replied.

"Hi Susan," David greeted Susan as she joined them.

"Hello David. I hope we've not kept you waiting too long."

"No, not at all - and besides if you had it would have been well worth the wait. I was just complimenting Jane on her appearance, and I must say you too look absolutely ravishing."

Susan led the way down the woodland path to the dell. Jane and David followed, her arm linked through his.

When they reached the dell Susan placed the hamper and the rug on the end of the picnic table; David sat down at the end of the table where she had begun unpacking the hamper and Jane sat down next to him.

"Oh, do hurry Susan," Jane said. "I'm famished. We've had nothing to eat since breakfast."

Cook had packed two bottles of lemonade in the hamper; but Susan had taken them out and replaced them with two bottles of Chardonney.

"Allow me," David said. He uncorked the bottle and poured the wine out equally into the three large glasses that Susan had placed on the table.

Susan filled three plates with salad sandwiches and a generous slice of veal and ham pie, then sat down opposite David and Jane who had already started drinking their wine.

The three of them chatted as they ate. David kept the girls entertained with amusing tales concerning his work in the city. Jane chipped in with a few anecdotes about university life; but for the most part, Susan had very little to say throughout their lunch.

"I'm getting too warm for me," Susan said, as David uncorked the second bottle of wine. "I think I'll take off my jacket." 

She unbuttoned her jacket and slipped it off, folding it neatly and placing it on the bench beside her. She noticed David's eyes widening appreciably when he realised that she was not wearing anything under her blouse. Her awareness of David's attention, plus the warm breeze gently wafting the lustrous chiffon against her breasts soon caused her nipples to stiffen, which served to pique David's interest all the more.

Much to her vexation, Jane could not help but notice David's overt interest in Susan's breasts. She pressed her leg up against his and left it there in an attempt to divert his attention from Susan's pouting nipples, but her ploy drew no reaction from him.

When they finished their meal, Susan took the travelling rug over to a spot in the sun, where she shook it out and let it fall onto the grass. She then walked back to the table and placed her hands on
David's shoulders.

"Come on David, let's lie in the sun for a while."

"Good idea," David replied, standing up and swinging his leg over the bench seat. "I'm afraid I don't get much time for sunbathing. I'll make the most of it while I have the chance."

David walked over to where the rug was spread out on the grass, unbuttoning his shirt as he did so.

Susan drank the rest of her wine before setting off to follow him. Jane made to get up, intending to join them; but with a wave of her hand Susan motioned her to stay where she was.

David was stretched out on the rug with his shirt wide open as Susan walked over. Seeing his eyes were closed, she took a long look at his body. Although it was plain to see that he hadn't done any sunbathing that summer, she could tell that he had spent a lot of time in the gym; she pursed her lips in admiration as she feasted her eyes on his pectoral muscles. She lay down on the rug, leaving a two foot gap between them.

Sensing her presence, David opened his eyes and sat up.

"You make a really pretty picture lying there like that Susan," he said, looking directly into her pale-blue eyes. "I hope you don't mind me feasting my eyes on you."

"Be my guest," she replied, closing her eyes.

"No, don't close your eyes - they fascinate me."

"Oh my, you are a charmer, aren't you!" Susan smiled, opening her eyes again.

"Ah, you suspect that my compliments conceal an ulterior motive."

"And why should I think that?"

"Your blouse - you must have noticed the effect it had on me when you took your jacket off."

Susan felt her cheeks start to flush.

"Oh dear, I've made you blush."

"Well, I wasn't expecting such a direct answer."

"I don't believe in beating around the bush."


"So, may I kiss you?"

"You may, or you may not," Susan replied, leaving him in no doubt that his next move would be have to be entirely of his own initiative.

David immediately drew closer to her and put his arm around her shoulders.

Susan felt her heart beating faster as his face loomed closer until their lips finally met. He kissed her gently, his lips barely touching hers. Moving his head away from her, his hand brushed away couple of stray wisps of blonde hair from her face before he moved in to kiss her again. This time it was a much more passionate kiss. Susan's lips yielded to his, inviting him to take full advantage of her rising passion. He did not disappoint her; they were soon ardently kissing each other, his tongue exploring the inside of her mouth.

Jane was annoyed at Susan for not inviting her to join her and David on the rug. After a few minutes brooding, she threw her legs over the bench seat and turned to face them. She was not in the least surprised to see her friend and David locked in a passionate embrace.

"Mmm, Susan, you kiss like an angel," David said, removing his tongue from her mouth.

"Flattery will get you everywhere," she murmured provocatively.

"And does everywhere mean everywhere?"

"Oh, you shouldn't take me so literally," she replied, a wry smile playing on her lips. "I can see I'll have to choose my words more carefully. I wouldn't want to give you the wrong impression."

"And I'll have to stop interpreting your metaphors as open invitations." David laughed as he sat up and adjusted the front of his trousers. Having made himself more comfortable, he looked down at Susan's breasts, her aroused nipples poking out against the sheer fabric of her blouse. He leaned over, placing his arm back around her shoulders and his hand at her waist, from where he slowly moved it up her blouse until he was cupping her breast. He ran his thumb around the circumference of her aureole and then gently fondled the nipple with his finger and thumb.

"Ooooh." Susan could not withhold a sigh of pleasure as he began to thumb the silky fabric against the swollen tip of her breast.

"Such beautiful nipples," he said softly, as he moved his hand over to her other breast and continued his fondling. "Can I kiss them?"

"Yes please," she murmured, closing her eyes in anticipation.

As David started to unbutton her blouse he looked over at the picnic table, and saw that Jane was watching them.

Jane was taken by surprise when David looked over at her. She smiled at him, but David didn't seem to notice. She quickly realised that she had been sitting with her legs parted, and Davids eyes were fixed on the gap between her knees. Eager to retain his attention, as she hitched up her skirt a couple of inches and opened her legs wide enough to give him an unobstructed view of her panties.

"Would you like me to do it?" Susan asked, her eyes still closed as David fiddled about with the top button of her blouse, his eyes fixed on the taut, shiny gusset of Jane's panties. 

"No, no. I want to do it myself," David replied, turning his attention back to her.

Jane threw her legs over the bench seat, and sat with her back to them as David began kissing Susan's breasts. She was fuming; angry with herself for opening her legs to David, and more so at him in that he hadn't even acknowledged her gesture.

Moving from one breast to the other, David kissed Susan's nipples, flicking his tongue against them as he did so. 

Susan squeeze her thighs tightly; she could feel her vagina moistening as her passion mounted in response to David's tongue teasing her nipples.

Sensing the heightening of her arousal from the soft, purring noises she was making, David's hand moved down from her waist.

Susan quickly crossed her legs as David put his hand under the hem of her skirt and began to stroke her her knee. Sucking on her nipple, he took it completely into his mouth as his hand travelled up her leg until his fingers reached the lace on the hem of her knickers.

"Mmm, French knickers," he said, raising his head from her breast as his fingertips travelled over the scalloped lace and on to the loose leg of her knickers.

Keeping her legs crossed, Susan experienced a warm, tingling sensation in her abdomen as his hand his hand moved onto the front of her knickers.

"And you defoliate too!"

"I had a full Brazilian wax yesterday," Susan said, as she made a vain attempt to move his hand. "But don't read anything into that. I didn't have it done for your benefit."

"Oh, as if such a thought would have entered my head,' he replied, as his index finger edged her knickers into the top of her labial slit.

Susan opened her eyes and looked over at Jane, who was sitting with her back to them. 

"Kiss me, please, David," she said.

Casting her modesty aside, she uncrossed her legs and opened them wide enough to allow him access to her vagina.

David kissed her as he moved his hand inside of the leg of her knickers. Susan was trembling with passion as his fingers came into contact with her labia. His tongue entered her mouth, entwining with hers as as his hand explored the swollen lips between her legs. He ran his middle finger up and down her slit, gently easing open her labial lips, allowing a few drops of her vaginal secretions to seep out.

"That's nice," she purred, breaking away from his kissing as David ran his finger in a circular movement around her ultimate pleasure point. "Keep doing that, and kiss my nipples again too."

David moved his head down to her breasts and began kissing each nipple alternately as he teased her clitoris.

"Yes, yes, keep doing that,...oooh, oooh, that's so nice."

David moved his finger faster, increasing the pressure on her clitoris. Susan was loosing all control, her thighs gripped his hand and her cries of pleasure increased in volume as her orgasm approached.

"Oh, yes, yes..you're making me come....I'm coming, I'm coming...ooh, ooooh...yeesss."

David continued to manipulate her clitoris after Susan climaxed, slowing down his finger movements as her orgasm gradually subsided. He then moved his index finger down, and eased it between her inner lips and into her vagina, causing a trickle of her secretions to flow out.

"You're nice and moist," he whispered in her ear. "I think you're ready now."

"Are you going to..." Susan's voice trailed off. 

"Fuck you?" He smiled, looking directly into her eyes. "Yes, I'm going to fuck you Susan - that is, if you want me to?"

Susan nodded her consent, her eyes focusing on the bulge in his trousers.

"Yes, I am rather big in the trouser snake department," he said, noticing where her gaze was fixed. "We will need something to put under your bottom, so that I'll be able to enter you fully."

"There's a small pillow in the moke, Mother uses it to sit on when she's driving. Will that do?" She asked.

"That will be perfect," he replied. "I'll go and fetch it."

"No, I'll ask Jane to go for it. I want some more more kisses."

"Yes, well, there are a couple of places that I haven't kissed yet," he said as he removed his hand from up her skirt, "but first you'll have to take your knickers off ."

"Jane!" Susan called over to her friend.

Jane turned around.

"What do you want?"

"Be a darling, and go and get the pillow from the moke."

Jane stood up, and walked over to where they were lying on the rug. "Why can't you go yourself?" She asked curtly.

"I would, but we are rather busy at the moment," Susan replied, hitching up her skirt, pulling her knickers down her legs and over her ankles in one swift movement.

Jane turned on her heels, and stormed off down the woodland path.


When Jane returned with the pillow, Susan's skirt and blouse were lying next to her knickers on the rug. David had stripped down to his white cotton shorts; he was on his knees, his back was arched over, his head between Susan's legs, which were wide open with her bended knees pointing outwards. Susan's eyes were closed and her mouth open, her head slowly moving from side to side as though she were in the throes of ecstasy.

"There you are," Jane said sharply, displaying her displeasure as she tossed the pillow down on the rug, and walked towards the picnic table with Susan's cries of pleasure ringing in her ears as David's tongue brought her to a climax.

As he rose to his feet David picked up Susan's discarded knickers.

"May I?" He asked, his other hand pointing to where her secretions were smeared around the lower part of his face.

Before she could give her consent, David had wiped the area around his mouth. He then held her knickers between his teeth, hooked his thumbs into the waistband of his short and slid them down his legs.

Susan mouth gaped open when she saw the size of his penis as he stepped out of his shorts: although it was not fully erect, it was at least eight inches long, and so thick that she was sure her hand would not fully fit around it.

David took the knickers from his mouth and wrapped them around his penis. Susan watched his penis rapidly stiffening, adding a couple more inches to its length, as he stroked her knickers up and down the shaft until the skin on its bulbous, purple head was stretched so tight that it looked as shiny as the silk he was rubbing around it.

Having brought himself to full erection, David placed the knickers down on top of Susan's blouse, and reached for his trousers. He took a tinfoil package from his trouser pocket, and ripped it open.

"I see you've come fully prepared," Susan said, as he slipped the contraceptive sheath out of its envelope.

"Yes, I always carry a couple of condoms around with me. Not that I was expecting to use them today," he quickly added. "I'm a strong advocate of safe sex – it ensures peace of mind, for both persons."

"Where do you want me to put this pillow?" Susan asked as David rolled the condom down his penis.

He asked her to sit up, then placed the pillow under the small of her back, and carefully laid her back down flat on the rug, where Susan wriggled her bottom, and settled herself on the pillow.

"Are you comfy?" He asked.

"Yes, I'm ready for you," she replied, opening wide her legs.

David knelt down and positioned himself between her legs. Grasping his condom-clad penis, he placed the tip against her labial lips and ran it up and down her slit.

"Open yourself for me."

Susan put her hand between her legs and, with a finger each side of her labia. she opened her lips to reveal her moist, pink vaginal passage. David placed the head of his penis at her opening and
gave a little push. His penis did not penetrate her.

"Brace yourself, I'll have to push a bit harder."

"Perhaps you are too big for me," Susan said apprehensively.

"No, you've juiced enough to take it. Once I get the end inside you, the rest will slid in easily," he assured her.

Susan eased back her bottom on the pillow. Bending her knees, she placed the soles of her feet firmly on the rug.

"Go on then," she said, "but try not to hurt me."

Holding his penis at her entrance, he gave a sharp thrust.

Susan gasped as the head of his penis entered her vagina, stretching her inner lips to their full extent.

"Mmm, that's exquisite." David let out a sigh of pleasure, the head of his penis cocooned in the warmth of her vagina.

"You're stretching me," Susan cried.

"You'll be all right. I'll ease it in a little at a time."

Susan closed her eyes and held her breath as he slowly eased his penis into her. 

"There, it's all in now," David said as the last inch or so of his penis entered her.

Susan's had never encountered anything so big; she felt herself tensing as her vaginal passage contracted around his penis.

"Are you all right?"

"Yes..well, I think so," she replied.

"Then relax a little."

"I'm sorry. I'm all tense inside. You're too big for me."

"No, it'll be all right once you loosen up. Try playing with your clit."

Susan moved her hand down between her legs and hooked her finger into her clitoral hood. Her clitoris was fully engorged; almost as soon as she touched it she felt a fresh flow of secretions moistening her vagina.

"That's better," David said as he felt her love juice coating the thin rubber sheath around his penis. "Are you ready now?"

Susan nodded.

David withdrew his penis three or four inches out of her and then slowly pushed it back in. He repeated the movement a few times, gradually building up the tempo. Susan soon adapted herself to his thrusting, bucking her hips in rhythm with him, eagerly accepting his full length each time he pushed his penis back into her. She started to purr with delight as David began to move his hips a little faster, withdrawing his penis a full six inches or so before plunging it back into her in a much firmer manner. She opened her legs wider, and wrapped her ankles around the back of his legs.

"Faster, faster, do it faster." Susan looked up at David's face as he endeavoured to respond to her urging: his eyes were shut and he appeared to be grimacing as he repeatedly drove his penis into her.

"Oh!" She gasped aloud as David's thrusts suddenly slowed down to a standstill. "Don't stop, I was enjoying that."

"My, you really are hot for it, aren't you?" 

He smiled at her as he started to move again his penis again, this time deliberately teasing her as he slowly withdrew it until just its head remained inside her before pushing his full shaft back into her vagina. He continude to slowly move his penis in and out of her. Susan could tell by the smile on his face that he obviously was enjoying himself, but her own needs were more urgent. Attempting to get him to quicken the tempo, she tightened her ankles around his legs and began to buck her hips at him each time he pushed his penis back into her.

"Yes, that's more like it," she told him as he began to respond to her urging.

David's thrusts became shorter and shorter as the speed of his bucking increased. He managed to keep up his momentum for a minute or so, until Susan's soft groans of pleasure brought him to the edge of his own orgasm.

"I can't hang on any longer," he gasped. "I'm going to come.' 

In three powerful spurts he ejaculated into the teat of the contraceptive deep inside Susan's vagina; she could feel each spasm as he spurted into her.

"Don't stop, please," she begged.

David clenched his teeth and continued bucking his hips.

"Keep going, keep going. Oooh, ooooh, I'm nearly there."

Spurred on by the noises Susan was making as she approached her climax, David summoned up one last burst of energy.

"Oh yes...yes, I'm coming," Susan cried aloud as the thrill of her orgasm surged through her body, and David's thrusting came to a halt.


"That was fantastic," David said as he sat up on the rug and rolled the contraceptive off his penis. "Thank you."

"And Thank you. It was super for me too. Now give me a kiss."

David leaned over and kissed her lips.

"Oh Susan.you kiss like an angel, and fuck like a princess," he said as he withdrew his lips from hers.

"I'll bet you say that to all your girlfriends." Susan smiled.

"Only when they are genuine princesses," he replied as he sat up straight.

"Well, if I am a princess, will you not grant me a royal wish?" She asked.

"Your wish is my command, your royal highness," he laughed.

"Princess Susan would like her prince to pleasure her again with his big willie," she said, sitting up and taking his flaccid penis in her hand. "We can do it nice and slowly this time – you'd like that, wouldn't you?"

"Oh Susan, you are insatiable."

"No I'm not! But if I do appear to be so, it's because I don't often meet someone who knows how to serve me so well." She smiled at him as she slowly drew his foreskin back and forth over the head of his penis. "Let me stroke you with my knickers. I'll soon get you stiff again."

"Much as I'd love to have you fondle me with your knickers, I'm afraid that I must decline your

"Why?" she asked.

"I've only the one condom left. And I was rather hoping to fuck Jane."

"Oh no, please," she said, pouting her lips at him. "Forget about Jane. I want this to be my special day – a day I'll never forget."

"But it's a special day for me too," he said. "After all, it's not everyday that I get the chance to fuck two beautiful young ladies."

"Very well then," she said icily, letting go of his penis and rising to her feet, "if that's the thanks I get!"

David looked over at Jane as Susan put on her blouse and skirt.

"I'm going for a wee," Susan said, picking up her knickers. "You can do what you damn well like!" She turned her back on him and walked off towards the bushes at the edge of the dell.


David put on his shorts, and walked over to the picnic table, where Jane was sat with her elbows on the table, her head resting in her hands.

"What's the matter Jane?" David asked as he sat down next to her. "You seem fed up."

"Yes," she replied. "I'm fed up with being ignored."

"I hope you don't think I have been ignoring you."

"If going off with Susan and leaving me on my own isn't ignoring me, I don't know what is!"

"But that wasn't my fault. It was Susan's doing. After all, she's your friend – you should know what she's like," he said, drawing closer to her.

"Oh yes, I know what she's like! She can be a selfish little bitch at times."

"Yes, I have noticed that."

"Where is Susan?" Jane asked, looking around for her absent friend.

"She's gone for a pee," David replied. "She flew into a mood because I told her that I wanted to fuck you."

"And what makes you think that I would be inclined to let you?" Jane asked tersely.

"Come on Jane." He smiled as he placed his arm around her shoulders. "You weren't flashing your panties at me for nothing."

"I'm sorry I did that. It was stupid of me," she replied sulkily. 

"Well, you captured my attention, but I couldn't do much about it while Susan was so amorously disposed, could I?"

"When we first arrived you told me I looked stunning, and I thought we were getting on well during our lunch – but ever since Susan took her jacket off you've only had eyes for her."

"But that was of Susan's making," he said, running his thumb up and down the thin shoulder strap of her camisole. "She was deliberately teasing me, and I must admit that I wanted to see how far she
would go. I doubt that any other man would have done otherwise."

"To the extent that you completely ignored me?"

"I didn't completely ignore you. You are a beautiful young lady, and you look absolutely delectable in your lovely silk blouse," he said, trailing his hand down her blouse until it rested at her waist. "When you opened your legs to me I took it that you were offering me a fuck - I hope I interpreted your intention correctly?"

"That was then, and now is now," she replied.

"Don't be like that, Jane." he said, as he moved his hand under her arm and up the front of her blouse. "I can assure you that you've got my full attention now."

Jane could feel her resistance rapidly ebbing away as David's hand cupped her small rounded breast and thumbed the silken fabric of her blouse against her camisole; her heartbeat began to quicken as her nipple responded to his gentle teasing.

"That's better isn't it?" Still toying with her nipple, he took hold of her hand and placed it in his lap.

Jane squeezed the bulge in his shorts, tentatively at first, and then a little more assertively, running her hand along his penis assessing it's length and thickness. 

"You like?" he asked.

Jane nodded, her dark-green eyes widening as her hand closed around the end of his semi-hard penis.

"Well, come on, let's lie on the rug and get a little more intimately acquainted," David said, removing his hand from her breast.

"But what about Susan?"

"What about her? She's had her pleasure, from now on your pleasure is all that matters."


When Susan returned to the dell she walked straight over to the picnic table, where she began to carefully place the plates and glasses back in the hamper. She looked over at David and Jane as she put the empty wine bottles and the remains of their meal in a plastic carrier bag: they were lying on the rug, locked in a passionate embrace. She was of no mind to watch them; nor did she feel inclined to sit with her back to them, as Jane had done when it was her who David was pleasuring. She put on her jacket and picked up the hamper and the hamper, deciding to go back to the moke and wait for them there. She passed David and Jane on her way to the woodland path. Jane's skirt and blouse lay on the rug; she was lying in David's arms in her camisole and panties. David was kissing her; his hand between her legs.

"I'll wait for you two in the moke," she said as she passed them. "Don't forget to bring the rug and the pillow when you've finished."


Susan had been sitting in the moke for half an hour or so before she saw David and Jane emerging from the wood, walking hand in hand down the path with him carrying the pillow and her the blanket.

David walked Jane up to the moke, where they dropped the pillow and travelling rug in the back. They exchanged one last kiss before Jane climbed into the passenger seat next to Susan.

"Thank you both for a wonderful afternoon," David said when Jane had settled herself down and fastened her seatbelt. "The picnic lunch was delicious, and the desserts were absolutely delightful."

"You're welcome," Jane smiled at him. "Speaking for myself, I can assure you that the pleasure was all mine."

"What about you Susan, did you enjoy your afternoon in the sun?" David asked.

"Yes, I enjoyed it," she replied, her voice distinctly lacking in enthusiasm.

"Well, I'd better get back to the manor. I still have a few loose ends to tie up before I leave in the

"We'd best not detain you any longer then," Susan said as she turned the key in the ignition and started-up the moke's engine.

Jane gave a little wave and blew him a kiss as they moved off.


"He's some guy, isn't he?" Jane sighed as they sped down the dirt track towards the tarmacadam driveway.

"Yes, I suppose you could say that."

"I wonder if we'll ever see him again." 

"I doubt it," Susan replied. "We're probably just two more notches on his willie."

"And what a willie he's got!" Jane declared. "You were right when you said you thought it would be long and thick. It's the biggest one I've ever taken."

"Me too," Susan said, easing her foot off the accelerator as her mood brightening a little.

"And he certainly knows how to use it," Jane continued. "He couldn't get it all in at first, but when we started jiggy-jigging he managed to get it in all the way. Gosh, he was so big!"

"It was more or less the same with me. I had an absolutely superb orgasm."

"I had two before he shot his load – the second one was the best."

"I wonder which one of us he preferred?" Susan pondered aloud.

"Actually, I did ask him that." 

"And?" Susan asked in anticipation.

"He wouldn't say."

"Did he tell you that you kiss like and angel and fuck like a princess?"

"No," Jane replied. "But when I asked him which of us he liked best, he did say tell me my ginny was tighter than yours."

"Well, he would, wouldn't he?" Susan scoffed. "You know, I could have gone for him in a big way, if it wasn't for his...."


"Yes, that's the word I was looking for."

"When you were having your fuck did he put his finger up your bottom?" Jane asked.

"No!" Susan exclaimed. "But when I took my knickers off, and you went for the pillow, he did ask if he could kiss me there – I didn't allow him, of course. You didn't let him put his finger up your bum, did you?"

"Well, just a little way up. It was quite nice actually, it was that that gave me my second orgasm."

"I'm glad he used a contraceptive, I started ovulating yesterday," Susan said as she turned onto the driveway that led up to Dovescote Hall.

"Yes, I'm in the middle of my cycle too."

"That probably explains why we've both been feeling so horny today."

"Speak for yourself lady," Jane said, 'it was you who set out to seduce David with your see-through blouse."

Susan laughed. "Well, it worked, didn't it? Anyway, you didn't exactly rebuke his advances, did you?"

"I need a shower," Jane said. 'And a change of underwear, my panties are all gooey."

"Yes," Susan said. "We'll have a shower, and then go to my room – and we can compare notes on David's performance."

"You just want to hear more about him putting his finger up my bottom, don't you?" Jane laughed.

"Yes – and I'm sure you would like to hear all the compliments he showed upon me while he was still unsure of whether or not he was going to get into my knickers."

Both girls broke into a fit of laughter, which lasted throughout the rest of their drive to the hall.

Kate W

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Altered Fates Double Edged Sword

Double Edged Sword by Bashful Jim Carter was an angry man. He had been an angry boy and an angry child. Today he was just plain angry. Jim was the physical education Instructor for a small high school outside Cleveland, Ohio. Mostly, Jim was mad at the left wing liberals ruining his country. Until 3 months ago, Jim was in charge of the school athletics teams, now the damn courts were ordering him around. Jim required all his male athletes to wear their hair very short. ...

4 years ago
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Pay Back part2

Pay Back, part 2 She made the call for someone to take care of my needs while she was out of commission. Then she told me grab a shower and head to the bedroom she would send her in when she got here. I was excited Susan was no 10 in the eyes of society in general but she turned me on for some reason. It was going to be weird with her being Sugar’s best friend though. I started hoping it not mess up their friendship or Sugar and I’s relationship. I wondered if I made a mistake. Maybe I should...

1 year ago
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My New Bull Part 6

I am awakened by the feel of soft lips kissing my naked back. I realize from the late afternoon sun streaming through the windows that I must have slept a couple hours. I roll over onto my back and DeSean covers my face and lips with more kisses. As good as it feels I realize I should be going. "DeSean I need to get cleaned up and go" I say,"You can't go home like this. We should probably wash my cum off you. Unless your husband gets off on stuff like that.""Like what?""You know, some guys get...

3 years ago
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Neelam ni jaagruti 8211 9

Hallo, kemm chho ? Hu-n Neelam. Aape maari jatiy jagruti na aath bhaag vanchya hashe. Have navamo bhaag raju karu-n chhu-n. Aasha raakhu-n chhu-n ke aap ne aa bhaag pan game. Nava vaachako ne jara parichay aap dau-n. Hu-n haal trevis varas ni chhu-n. Maara pati Dr. Ravi mara thi panch varas mota chhe, Baroda ma-n practice kare chhe. E maara foi na dikara pan thaay. Foi na mota dikara, mara jeth, Raaj chhe ane Sima saathe paranela chhe; teo foi nu-n farm sambhaale chhe. Sex ni babat ma-n ame...

1 year ago
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Her Dark Needs

John arrived alone. He greeted them and said, “I’m sorry, my wife, Samantha, is out in the lobby finishing up a call. She’ll be in shortly. You must be the lovely Emily. Alexander has told me so much about you. But I can see he failed to fully describe how beautiful you are my dear.”As John was kissing Emmy’s hand, Samantha arrived at the table. She was, indeed, stunning. John stood to pull out her chair for her while Alexander stood out of courtesy and turned to greet her. Suddenly Alexander...

3 years ago
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Best Dinner Ever

My name is Tom and my girlfriend Sarah and I had been dating for about a little over a year when this story takes place. It happened the fall after our trip to the lake. I was driving home from work one fall evening, when my phone rang. I looked at the caller id and saw it was Sarah. "Hello sweetie" I said on answering "Hi honey, can you pick up some bread for dinner tonight? I'm cooking up something special." "Of course I can. Can I ask what we are having?" "Something...

3 years ago
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My cousin gets pregnant

Read the story I wrote about my first time, which is true if there was doubt, to get a background on my cousin.Since then she has had a baby, and this is that story.We continued to explore all the things we could do with our "parts" together, and it didn't take us too long to realize that I fit inside of her. Neither of us had hit puberty yet so we would fuck whenever we had the chance, and sometimes when we didn't. She never let me fuck her ass though, although looking back she wish she had...

3 years ago
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Fucked Hot Bhabhi In Front Of Her Husband 8211 Part 1

Hi readers this is Rocky from Bangalore . This is a story about how I fucked a hot bhabhi at a place where I was staying as a paying guest. To tell you about my self I am 23 , in third year of B.Com and live in Bangalore. This story happened when I moved out of college hostel and took a PG Bangalore. I was lucky enough to get a room in a three bedroom house where a married couple where living. They were in their mid 30s. The guy worked in a Bank while the wife was a house wife. I hadn’t met...

2 years ago
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I Want To Play A GameChapter 2 The Search For Clues

The screen then went dark and the girls were on their own again. "That was fun." Chirped Sammy, "She's gonna be soooo much happier now." "That was terrible." Reacted Trisha ignoring Sammy's comment. "How could anyone do that to another person." "Someone is obviously just pissed off at the world," replied Jade, "Or women at least. There's probably some screwed up 'Noble Cause' behind it all." "But still," continued Trisha, "She was barely twenty, somebody took pleasure...

2 years ago
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The Stages of GriefChapter 7 Acceptance

Rick Peterson may have been short, pudgy, and a bit of a sexual deviant. He liked to humiliate women, he liked to torture them, and it was probably because the boy was a sociopath. He was just a few years away from becoming a full-fledged rapist and murderer. But his older brother Steve did think he had one thing going for him—he was an electronics and surveillance genius. Rick may have gotten caught putting cameras in the women's locker room of their apartment building's gym, but that...

2 years ago
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Growing up with Sex

Just to provide a taste of my life, I grew up in a farming community, my parents were hard working middle class and I was your typical boy, average, but with a strong body and a typical boy scout, however I was turned on to sex by feeling my mom's undies in the clothes basket, and putting them on, hmmm, and great times followed. I will never forget the rock hard cock that erupted under the silky nylon and boy did I feel great. I was too afraid to cop a pair but did find my way to the hamper a...

4 years ago
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Nancys GuysChapter 2

Karen was a bouncy little blonde, nice tits, great ass, an All American type if there ever was one. And deep inside her, there was a seething slut. Karen would drop by our house and Nancy would have a guy or two for her to check out. It wasn't the excuse that was used, but that was what was being done. She'd just stop by to return a blouse she'd borrowed and some potential stud would be interviewed without ever even knowing he was at an interview. I was bouncing in and out of L.A. for...

2 years ago
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Farmers DaughterChapter 7

Paula hooks her arm around Adam’s as they walk to the truck. She looks so different in her flowery sundress. Before Adam had left the farm earlier, the girl had apparently packed a few things in behind the seat of the truck, including a change of clothes. The dress is short and low cut, revealing a little cleavage. But that’s not all that seems to be different with her. There is something else that he cannot quite put a finger on. Besides that though, he feels different too. Even though they...

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