The Picnic free porn video

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It was July seventeenth and the day of our group’s annual picnic.

Ever since we’d graduated from college ten years ago we’d had a summer picnic. The first one had been to blow off steam the weekend after we’d learned that we’d passed our exams and would be graduating.

We had started out as twelve but, as some moved to other cities, our numbers had decreased. This year besides me, Janet and her husband Greg, Jim and his wife Karen, Tricia, and Jane had confirmed.

I saw Jane and Tricia as I arrived at our meeting place in my Bronco. Jane was dressed in a pair of denim cut-off shorts over her red one piece swimsuit while Tricia was wearing a pair of white shorts over her yellow one-piece swimsuit.

“Hi guys,” I called out as I got out of my car. “How’s it going?”

“Great!” answered Jane.

“Janet isn’t doing well though. She called last night to say that Greg had come down with the flu and they wouldn’t make it this year.”

Tricia continued, “Karen called me yesterday to say that Jim’s mother had fallen and that they had to travel to Seattle to visit her.”

“I guess it’s just the three of us then. Do you still want to have the picnic or do we cancel?”

“Why should we suffer too?” said Jane. “If you two want to I’m in.”

“I’ve got nothing else planned,” said Tricia. “Let’s go!”

“Great! I think my Bronco has the most space. Let’s get your stuff into the back and get going. It’s supposed to be over a hundred today and I want to be near water when it’s that hot. I found a new spot that I think you’ll like. It’s got a nice mix of sun and shade and a small sand-beach.”

“That sounds wonderful,” said Jane. “How did you find it?”

“It’s on a farm that belongs to the father of a friend of my sister. The only condition is that we leave it as pristine as we find it. The only downside is, because he runs a dairy farm, we might have to share it with some cows.”

The girls jumped in the front with me and we took off.

Because I’d missed it the last time I’d been up, as we got close to the turn-off, I asked the girls to keep their eyes open for a small, unmarked dirt road on the left.

A couple of minutes later Tricia called out, “There!”

Turning onto the road I said, “Buckle up. This was a really bumpy ride two weeks ago. There’s lots of small logs and rocks as well as a lot of holes.”

To emphasize my point we hit a pothole that threw the Tricia against Jane and Jane against the passenger door.

“I see what you mean,” Tricia exclaimed. “That was some hole!”

The rest of the ride was really rough but the girls kept their hands on the front dash and there were no more incidents.

As we climbed what I knew was the last rise before the picnic spot I announced, “Just over this rise we’ll be there. Be prepared to be amazed.”

At the top of the rise I stopped the Bronco. Before us lay a peaceful country scene.

Jane said, “It’s beautiful James, truly beautiful. It reminds me of an idyllic countryside I’ve read about in novels.”

“Yeah!” said Tricia. “This is fantastic. Let’s go!”

“I park the Bronco up here. I think that I’d have trouble driving back up if the ground is the least bit soft. We don’t have much to carry.”

I parked the Bronco and we got out to unload. Going around the back Jane suddenly jumped to one side.

“Look out! Watch your step! Fresh cow pie. The cows have been here recently.”

Tricia said pointing, “They’re over there. It looks like they’re wandering away from this area.”

I handed each girl a cooler and they set off down the path. After closing the Bronco’s hatch, I picked up another and followed them.

About twenty feet down the path Tricia’s feet shot out from under her and she slid about three or feet down the hill.

Jane exclaimed, “What happened?”

Then Jane’s feet shot out from under her too.

I stopped dead and looked down. There was a huge cow pie on the path and I could see that both girls stepped in it. It must have been like stepping on a banana peel.

“Are you girls alright?” I asked as I put down the cooler and went to help them up.

“I’m fine,” said Jane.

“Me too. What happened?”

“You both stepped in a cow pie.”

Jane looked at her bum and said, “Look at the back of my shorts – they’re covered.”

“Mine too. It feels really squishy when I walk around.”

“I’ll bet that it feels really shitty.”

“Not funny,” both girls groaned in unison.

“I know. But I couldn’t resist. Let’s get the stuff down to that tree. You can wash your shorts in the lake. I brought some rope so we can hang them up to dry.”

The girls put down their stuff and stripped off their shorts.

“Jane, the back of your swim suit is covered too.”

“Oh great. Let’s see yours.”

“Yours is too. In fact Tricia, unless you’ve got some strange bumps on your ass, I think some got under your suit.”

Tricia reached around and felt her behind.

“Oh yuck. You’re right Jane. There’s something squishy under my suit. Damn. I’m going to have to wash my bum too.”

“Don’t worry girls, I’ll be a gentleman and turn my back. Let me get the blanket laid out and I’ll have a quick nap while you two get cleaned up. Okay?”

I lay the blanket out and lay down facing up the hill.

Tricia said, “Not that we don’t trust you James but could you put this towel over your head. That way we’ll be sure that you can’t see anything.”

“Sure. If it’ll make you feel more secure.”

I then lay down on the blanket and put the towel over my head. Being a typical male I made sure that I left enough space that I could peek out and watch the girls.

As Tricia took off her suit I heard Jane say, “You’re right Tricia. Some did get under your suit. In fact you’ve got a wedgie stuck in your bum crack.”

“Turn around Jane. Let’s see if you have one too. You don’t, but the backs of your legs are smeared with it. It looks like it seeped through your suit too because your bum is speckled.”

While listening to their conversation I admired their bodies. Tricia’s five foot one inch frame had large boobs and a nicely shaped bum that seemed quite firm. While her hips seemed wide, they were proportional to her chest size. She was a natural blond too. The colour of her bush was so light that it was almost transparent and I could easily see the lips of her vagina.

Jane’s boobs were not large but they were what I considered a perfect shape with very pronounced nipples. She had a small waist and hips that accentuated her five foot eleven inch height. From the colour of her bush I saw that her short black hair was natural. The lips of her vagina were visible as she’d given herself a close trim from the top of her vagina down.

Admiring their bodies was having an effect on me – my cock was beginning to harden.

“All this talk of speckled bums and wedgies is getting to me girls. Could you please hurry up and rinse yourselves and your clothes so I can take the towel off. It’s making me really hot.”

“Okay, okay,” said Tricia, “We’ll only be a minute.”

I watched the girls get into the water and wash themselves off. As they rinsed out their shorts and swimsuits I could hear them laughing.

I heard Jane exclaim, “Damn, the bottom of my suit is torn. I must have caught it on something when I fell.”

“I think my suit is ruined too. I can’t get the dark stain out with just water.”

“James,” Jane call out, “Could you stay under the towel a bit longer while we have a short swim. Our suits are ruined and we can’t wear them anymore. We’ll have to skinny dip. We’ll just be a couple more minutes. Thanks.”

“Okay. Take your time. I’ll go for a swim after you get out and then we can think about having something to eat.

While they were treading water Tricia yelled, “James. Neither of us brought another suit or any other clothes to change into. I don’t know what we’re going to do.”

“I’ve got two extra t-shirts you can borrow. Stay out there for a second and I’ll get them.”

I dug out the t-shirts and put them by their towels at the edge of the water before lying down on the blanket again.

I watched the girls get out of the water, towel themselves off, and slipped on the t-shirts.

As I’m six feet one inch tall the t-shirt reached Tricia’s knees. As Jane was so tall, however, her t-shirt didn’t quite reach the middle of her thighs.

“We’re decent,” said Jane. “You can take the towel off now and have a swim.”

I dove in and came up about ten feet off shore. While treading water I saw that the girls were laying on their tummies facing up the hill.

I swam to shore and, as I stood up, saw that the t-shirts had ridden a little to expose their naked crotches from a different angle than I had seen earlier. Smiling I said, “I think that the view up the hill is as beautiful, if not more so, than the view from the top of the hill.”

Tricia looked back and said, “it’s a beautiful spot James. The others don’t know what they’re missing. Do you think we’ll be able to come here again?”

“I don’t see why not.”

“As long as we clean up after we’re done there’s no reason why not.”

“Are you girls hungry? I brought chicken wings, a potato salad, and a special dessert.”

“I brought pastrami, hot mustard, coleslaw, and some buns,” said Jane.

“And I’ve got smoked salmon, cream cheese, and crackers and a bottle of white wine too.”

“I’ve got a bottle of white too,” said Jane.

“I brought a dozen beer,” I said.

“Do you want beer or white?” I asked.

“Wine for me,” said Jane, “it’s too hot for beer. Our two bottles are on ice in my cooler.”

“I agree,” said Tricia.

When everyone’s food was out we sat cross-legged in a circle around the food. The girls took care to make sure the front of their t-shirts were pulled down so that their crotches were covered.

Jane got out a bottle and, reaching across to me, said, “some wine James?”

“Sure thing,” I said as I held my glass up.

She then reached over and poured some into Tricia’s glass. As she was pouring I noticed that her reaching had caused her t-shirt to ride up and give me a view of her crotch.

We talked as we ate and drank. Each time Jane moved to either pick up some food or pour some wine I got a look at her crotch.

All my glimpses were having an effect on me as I felt my cock begin to thicken.

The wine was having an effect too as my glances were becoming longer and more obvious.

At one point Tricia caught me looking and, motioning with her eyes, said, “Jane.”

“Whoops. I’ve been trying to stay covered but I guess it’s a losing battle. You haven’t been looking have you James?”

“Who me?” I replied.

“Yes you. You might try to say you aren’t but your body is betraying you,” she said as she looked down at my crotch.

“Are you having trouble sitting there? You must be pretty uncomfortable. What do you think Tricia?”

“Looks uncomfortable to me,” Tricia said.

“Is it uncomfortable James?”

Now it was my turn to turn red.

“It’s a bit uncomfortable. I’ve been trying to find an opportunity to shift it around so it was a little less uncomfortable. I’m sorry for looking but it was just sitting there right in front of me. Besides it’s nice looking. You keep it really nicely trimmed.”

“Thank you. I’m not going to let you get away with changing the subject that easily though. If you want to adjust it so that it’s not as uncomfortable feel free to do so. It won’t embarrass me. Will it bother you Tricia?”

“No it wouldn’t bother me. I think to be fair however it should be an eyeful for an eyeful.”

“What do you mean.”

“Well, since you had a good look at Jane’s pussy. I think that it would only be fair that she get a look at your cock. What do you think Jane?”

“Sounds fair to me. If you want to adjust it, drop your shorts and do it in front of us. That would ensure an eye for an eye.”

I looked back and forth between the girls and saw that they were both very serious. I thought about it for a minute and decided that I should try and embarrass them out of their request.

“Well okay. Just moving it around in my shorts is not going to relieve the problem. As soon as I do up my shorts again it’s going to be restricted again. The only way to be truly comfortable is to take off my shorts entirely. I’d be willing to do that if you two will sit there fully exposed too. Is it a deal?”

They looked at each other for a couple of seconds and then nodded and Tricia said, “Deal. We’ll tie the t-shirts around our midriffs if you take off your shorts and underwear.”

My ploy hadn’t worked. They’d called my bluff.

I stood up, undid my shorts and slid them and my underwear off. After folding and putting them on the blanket beside me I sat down again.

My cock became fully erect with the excitement of having these two women look at it. As I sat down the girls tied their t-shirts around their middles.

As soon as she finished Jane picked up the wine bottle and looking at me said, as if nothing was different, “more wine James.”

We sat eating and drinking some more. After about fifteen minutes I said, “I think that this is a highly erotic way to eat lunch. What do you think?”

“Well it’s definitely different,” said Jane. “However, it does feel neat.”

“I agree. I don’t think we’re being fair to James though Jane.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well James is sitting there totally nude and we still have these t-shirts on. If he’s going to be fully naked then I think that we should be too.”

With that she undid the knot in her t-shirt and took it off.

“I see what you mean,” said Jane as she undid the knot and took off her t-shirt.

“Is that fairer James?”

“Yes,” I stammered. “It’s fair that we’re all in the same state with respect to clothes.”

We sat around finishing up the remaining wine before putting the remaining food away.

“The other advantage of all being naked,” said Tricia looking at Jane, “is that we can all go swimming together. Speaking of which, I’m hot and I’d really like a swim.”

“Anyone else want to go in?” she said as she stood up and walked toward the water.

“I’ll go with you,” I said, “I need to cool off.”

As I walked toward the water my cock jiggled out in front of me pointing the way.

I dove in and swam out a way.

As I looked back I noticed that both girls were out of the water and walking back to the blanket.

“I’ll be right out.”

As I walked back to the blanket I saw both girls were staring at my crotch. Their attention started it to harden again and said, “the more you look at it the harder it’ll get.”

“Goody,” said Tricia. “I’d much rather look at a hard cock than a soft one. How about you Jane? Do you have a preference?”

“No I don’t,” she said looking me straight in the eye.

“I just like looking at cocks. When I’m looking I don’t care whether it’s hard or soft. For other activities, though, I definitely like them hard.”

“Thanks,” I stammered. I wasn’t used to women being that direct with their sexual comments.

Trying to change the subject I said, “Lunch was good. I’m think I’m going to lie in the sun for a bit and catch some rays.”

“That sounds good,” both Tricia said.

“We’ll have to be careful of the sun though. I’m not used to sun-bathing in the nude and those parts of my body that aren’t used to the sun might burn very easily.”

I said, “I’ve got sun screen in my pack we can use.”

Jane said, “I’ll move the blanket into the sun.”

“Here’s the sunscreen,” I said as I handed it to Tricia.

“Could you put some on my back for me?”

“Lie down.”

She poured some out on my back and began to rub it in. As she did Jane picked up the bottle and poured some into her hands. She started with her arms and shoulders before moving to her chest. As she rubbed them her nipples became erect, as did my cock.

As Tricia worked her way down my back I said, “You’ve got a nice touch. Have you ever thought about becoming a masseuse?”

“My mom had a bad back and I learned how to give massages treating it.”

She said to Jane, who was just finishing up her front, “if you’ll do my back while I’m finishing up James I’d appreciate it.”

“Sure,” said Jane.

Tricia rubbed sunscreen over my inner thighs and worked herself down my legs.

“You really give a wonderful massage. I’m so relaxed I don’t know whether I have the strength to roll over.”

“No problem. I had the same effect on my mom so I learned how to roll people over.”

She reached under my right hip and rolled me over as Jane said, “your back is done Tricia.”

“I stand corrected. I didn’t have this effect on my mom. Down boy. This isn’t the time,” she said as she gave my hard cock a flick with her finger.

“Thanks Jane. Do you want to finish off James while I do your back?”


Jane started to apply it to my feet and worked her way up my legs. As she reached the top of my thighs Tricia came over, and standing behind Jane, began to apply sunscreen to her back causing Jane’s tits to jiggle and sway. Jane’s hands continued to apply sunscreen to my hips, then my stomach and, as finished off with my chest. Her fingers were so gentle.

“You’re right James. Tricia does have magic hands.”

“I think that you’re done.”

The girls lay down on the blanket on her tummy’s on either side of me. I was so relaxed from Tricia’s massage that I had a hard time keeping my eyes open and was soon asleep.

I woke hearing Tricia’s voice saying, “wake up James. You’ve been sleeping in the sun for over half an hour. If you lie here any longer you’re going to get a bad burn. Roll over on your tummy.”

“Okay,” I said as I rolled over. We chatted back and forth – me on my tummy and them on their backs.

After another half hour Jane said, “We’d better get out of the sun before we get burned. Even though we’ve got protection on, there are parts of our bodies that haven’t seen the sun for a long time. I’m so hot. Anyone want another swim?”

“I will,” I said.

“So will I,” said Tricia.

We got up and walked side by side to the lake. I put my arms over the girl’s shoulders as we walked into the lake.

As the water came was about mid thigh I said, “in you go,” as I pushed them from behind. Jane must have felt my arms tensing because she ducked just as I started to push.

Tricia flew into the water but Jane remained standing where she was.

She straightened up and said, “You rat. That wasn’t very nice.”

She wrapped her arms around me and tried to wrestle me into the water.

Though I couldn’t move my arms I braced my legs and resisted her pushing. Jane was quite strong so we were evenly matched. She couldn’t push me into the water but I couldn’t break her grasp.

“You fink,” said Tricia as she came to where Jane and I were wrestling.

Lying in the water she grabbed my left leg and tried to pull it out from under me. As Tricia started to pull on my leg Jane stopped pushing and jumped up wrapping her legs around my waist. Her legs kept my arms trapped. With her arms around my neck she leaned back trying to throw me off balance.

The sensation of all her squiggling had a predictable effect of me – I started to get hard again.

After a couple of minutes of wrestling with the two girls I was rock hard. The feeling of my cock rubbing against Jane as she squiggled was fantastic.

That feeling, along with Jane’s weight on my upper body and Tricia’s pulling on my leg, caused me to start to wobble but I didn’t fall over.

Tricia pulled herself to her knees and, kneeling in front of me, grabbed both my legs above the knees and pulled. Still unable to pull me over she decided, I guess, to try and distract me by sucking my left ball into her mouth.

Realizing what she was doing I grunted, “that’s not fighting fair Tricia!”

Releasing my ball she said, “who said we had to fight fair? Your surprise attack wasn’t exactly fighting fair either.”

She then sucked my right ball into her mouth and ran her tongue over it.

After a couple of licks she let it pop out and, sticking her tongue out, licked my shaft from bottom to top. When she reached the top she ran her tongue around the head as if it was a lollipop. All of a sudden she jabbed her tongue into the hole.

I’m extremely sensitive there and her tongue hitting the hole caused me to shudder. It wasn’t much of a shudder but enough to cause me to lose my balance and topple over into the water.

As I went head first into the water both the girls lost their grip and flew off. All three of us ended up sitting in the water laughing.

“You got me,” I said, “but only by fighting dirty.”

Jane looked at me questioningly and I said, “Tricia took advantage of me. That’s the only way you guys won.”

“What do you mean took advantage of you,” asked Jane.

“She sucked on my balls, licked my cock, and stuck her tongue in the hole. Licking the hole was the straw that broke the camel’s back. It’s really sensitive and I lose all sense of physical control when it’s licked.”

“Way’ta go Tricia. All’s fair in war. Whatever it takes to win.”

With that I started to swim to shore with the girls following me. As we were getting out of the water Tricia stopped me and hugged me saying, “I’m sorry I took advantage of you that way. Can you forgive me?”

“No problem. While it was a dirty trick, I can’t say that I didn’t enjoy it.”

“Oh you did did you,” she smiled.

“Yes I did. What guy wouldn’t.”

“Well I have to say that I did too,” smirked Jane as she joined our hug.

“Wrestling with you was ... exhilarating.”

Tricia let go of her hug and I gave her a kiss on the cheek as I said that I forgave her.

She looked into my eyes and gave me a long, deep French kiss.

Breaking the kiss she said, “After sucking on your cock do you think you’re going to get away with just giving me a little-sister kiss on the cheek.”

“In fact if I remember what your college girlfriend said, you were one hell-of-a-kisser. Let’s try that again.”

She bent up to give me another kiss. This time, knowing what to expect I got right into it. As we were exploring each other's mouths I felt a hand begin to caress my balls.

I broke off the kiss and was looking into Tricia’s eyes when Jane said, “I want to say sorry too.”

She grabbed the back of my head and moved my mouth to hers. While I was exploring her mouth I continued to feel someone’s hand massaging my balls and cock.

I stood there alternately kissing Jane and Tricia.

While I was kissing Tricia I felt Jane start to walk us up the hill. When I felt my feet on the blanket I slowly lowered myself to my knees. The two girls followed my lead.

Still kissing Jane I eased the three of us down onto the blanket until we were locked in a three way embrace. Tricia let go of the hug at that point and I rolled closer to Jane. While still kissing her I moved my hand down to her crotch and, sticking a finger in, found that she was really wet. When I touched her clitoris she moaned a deep throated groan.

I rolled on my back with Jane on top of me. I felt a hand grab my cock. Given I knew where Jane’s hands were it had to be Tricia’s. After giving my cock a couple of rubs I felt something wet on the head.

“Lean back Jane. Everything’s ready for you.”

Jane broke off our kiss and pushed herself up. As she did I felt myself sliding into her pussy.

I caressed her boobs and rolled her nipples between my thumb and forefinger as she began to raise and lower herself on my cock.

While Jane was riding my cock Tricia came to my side and started to kiss me. After a couple of minutes she stopped and, looking into my eyes, asked, “How’s your concentration?”

When I looked at her questioningly she whispered, “can you eat me while you fuck Jane? If you don’t think your concentration is good enough I’ll wait my turn. I’m really horny. I think I can wait but I’d sure like to feel your tongue licking my pussy.”

“I think I’m okay. It might slow me down so I don’t come too quickly with Jane. Jump on.”

Tricia threw a leg over me and, with her back to Jane, positioned her pussy at my mouth. She spread her lips with her fingers and I could see that her lips were swollen and moist and that her clitoris was already erect.

I pulled her hips towards me and reached up with my tongue to lick it.

Each time my tongue made contact she shuddered.

Jane was uttering a guttural moan each time she impaled herself on my cock.

Tricia was also beginning to continuously moan.

I sucked on her clitoris and, as I held it with my lips, flicked it quickly with my tongue causing Tricia to really shudder and shake.

I felt Jane pick up the tempo of her movements. I didn’t know how long I was going to be able to hold out.

My hips were beginning to thrust in time with Jane’s movements. I knew that meant I was getting close to coming.

Given my mouth was occupied, however, I couldn’t let Jane know.

A couple of minutes later I felt Jane stop moving and felt her pussy almost vibrating on my cock.

After a moment she started again to ride me like she was on a bucking bronco until I came a couple of seconds later.

She fell forward draping herself on Tricia’s back.

I realized that Tricia was close so I started to flick her clitoris rapidly with my tongue.

She grunted, “Right there. Keep doing that right there. Don’t stop. I’m getting close, really close. Oh God that feels wonderful. Faster, faster, here it comes.”

She was quiet for a couple of seconds as I watched her beautiful face contorting in ecstasy.

Her thighs clamped around my head as she let out a long groan. I continued to flick her clitoris as she came until, being smothered as she bent over, I had to stop to be able to breathe.

Jane rolled off my hips and pulled Tricia over with her. I rolled on my side and put my arms around the tangled heap of their bodies.

Jane was the first to say, “That was a good one. I haven’t had one that good in quite a while.”

“Mine too. You sure do know how to eat out a girl James. I thought I’d died and gone to heaven. My stomach is still quivering. Wow!”

“I’m glad you girls enjoyed it,” I said. “I really enjoyed it too.”

Tricia turned towards me and gave me a long kiss as she sighed, “Thanks James.”

Jane crawled over Tricia’s body and gave me a kiss too as she purred, “Thanks too James. That was wonderful. Such a beautiful way to commune with nature.”

We fell asleep in a tangled heap and, after a short nap, dressed as best we could a drove back to the city.


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The Picnic

It's one o'clock on a beautiful Saturday afternoon as I walk up the gravel chipped drive to your parents house. I've informed you by text this morning to dress for a picnic. The summer sun has finally made itself known after a week of light rain, and it seems like too good an opportunity to miss. I check my watch and ring the doorbell at the allotted time, stepping back to await your answer. I hear you shout to inform your parents that you're heading out. As you open the door I am greeted by a...

2 years ago
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Church Picnic

Life in rural Ontario was tough in the mid-1800s. Farming families were able to make a living but it was hard work every day of the year. In spring they planted and hoped that the crops took, in summer they worried about drought, in fall they harvested and in winter they tried to survive the harsh days where the temperatures sometimes plunged to minus thirty for days at a time. Our family ran the General Store so we didn’t endure their long hours and physical discomforts but our living...

3 years ago
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Church Picnic

Life in rural Ontario was tough in the mid-1800s. Farming families were able to make a living but it was hard work every day of the year. In spring they planted and hoped that the crops took, in summer they worried about drought, in fall they harvested and in winter they tried to survive the harsh days where the temperatures sometimes plunged to minus thirty for days at a time. Our family ran the General Store so we didn’t endure their long hours and physical discomforts but our living...

3 years ago
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Passionate Picnic

"Well, I'm going to get up," she said, pushing the sheet back and throwing her legs out of bed onto the floor. She sat there for a minute, rubbing her nose and eyes, staring out the window at the day."Goodness, just look at the time. We've been in bed all day. I'm off for a shower".He didn't answer, it wasn't necessary. Rather he lay there relishing the afterglow of what had been an extraordinary twenty-four hours.They had met at a party and got on pretty well, right from the start. The talk...

2 years ago
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Limo and a picnic

Ring, ring, rang the phone. I open my eyes, look at the clock and think, "Who would be calling me at 8:00am on a Sunday." I roll over and decide to let my machine answer the phone. "Get your lazy ass out of bed, and pick up the phone," I hear you say. I jump up and reach for the phone. "Hi, I didn't think it would be you." "Get in the shower and be dressed by 9:00am," you tell me. "We are going out for lunch and you will be there in an hour." Let's see, its 8:00 AM. It only takes me 15 minutes...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Girlfriends Daughter Start of the picnic

Looking to her side Amanda was still in a bit of shock taking in how Bailey looked in the role as her daughter. Megan had done an outstanding job in the transformation; the makeup was just right and it looked like she had used a plumper on his lips. The pink lacy blouse with the baby blue skort just screamed girly girl with it matching the makeup and the short glossy nails he now had. Taking a moment to take it all in as he sat there with the purse in his lap and holding his black rugged...

1 year ago
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Sallys Fourth of July Picnic

“I’ve got the cooler all packed,” said Sally. “We have chicken salad sandwiches, potato chips, and plenty of beer. I think we’re ready to go.” I grabbed Sally by both ass cheeks and pulled her to me. “I’ve got the buns.” She laughed and pushed me way. “Angela will arrive any minute so cool your jets and load the car.” I grabbed the cooler and put it in the trunk of the minivan with the rest of the picnic supplies. We were going to the lake with Angela, Sally’s best friend. Angela had gotten...

Group Sex
1 year ago
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Vodka at a picnic

Kotcha was a smashing red head she had long red silky hair she was going to go on a picnic she had called up her long lost friend and soul mate to go with her he said yes to her invite derrick was sexy and she couldn't wait to go on a fun date with him, this was going to be a fun picnic she thought she put two different kinds of vodka on her picnic some cheap red wine and pucker raspberry vodka she put some pretty wine glasses rapped in a towel so they wouldn't get broken she put in her picnic...

Erotic Fiction
2 years ago
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The Picnic

Jane stepped out onto the back deck of the cabin and sighed. The sun was shining and the air was warm, but an occasional breeze kept it from being too ungodly hot. Still, Jane thought, with skin as fair as hers it would be best to put up the umbrella. No sense getting a sunburn and giving Tom one more reason to ridicule her. She quickly tried to push thoughts of Tom out of her head. After all, she’d come her to escape his constant disdain. After years of trying so hard to be the perfect wife,...

1 year ago
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The Picnic

Jane stepped out onto the back deck of the cabin and sighed. The sun was shining and the air was warm, but an occasional breeze kept it from being too ungodly hot. Still, Jane thought, with skin as fair as hers it would be best to put up the umbrella. No sense getting a sunburn and giving Tom one more reason to ridicule her. She quickly tried to push thoughts of Tom out of her head. After all, she’d come her to escape his constant disdain. After years of trying so hard to be the perfect wife,...

3 years ago
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My UPS Man Picnic

I had honestly forgotten about telling my UPS guy we could go on a picnic so when he brought me another package and caught me once again laying out in the nude I grabbed my robe and signed for the package. He was walking away when I remembered and I said hey when we doing this picnic? His turned around and his eyes lit up I said do you got time for a quick soda or iced tea?. I feel like a cold one but don’t want to drink alone. He looked at his watch and I could see him calculating his route. I...

3 years ago
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My UPS Man Picnic

I had honestly forgotten about telling my UPS guy we could go on a picnic so when he brought me another package and caught me once again laying out in the nude I grabbed my robe and signed for the package. He was walking away when I remembered and I said hey when we doing this picnic? His turned around and his eyes lit up I said do you got time for a quick soda or iced tea?. I feel like a cold one but don’t want to drink alone. He looked at his watch and I could see him calculating his route. I...

2 years ago
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The Picnic

I had seen the ad a few times before, but it never struck home like this time. A chill went up my spine as I read it a second time. I couldn’t decide if I was repulsed, frightened, or turned on. Very odd, indeed. Especially when I felt that all too common wetness in my panties . . .?Young, attractive  ladies wanted who are fascinated by barbeques. Oiled, broiled, boiled or spit roasted, your choice.  Inquire by calling: xxxxxxx?But let me regress for a minute. Maybe then, you’ ll understand...

3 years ago
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Sissy Cuckolds Picnic

SISSY CUCKOLD'S PICNIC by Throne It was Saturday morning and I was hoping to spend the day watching TV. There were always good movies running then: superhero, science fiction, fantasy. My wife Delia wasn't around so I knew she must be out for her morning jog. She keeps herself very fit by running and making daily visits to a nearby gym. I love the way she looks, so firm and lean- muscled, with her pert breasts and tight bottom. In contrast, I'm lazy and soft. I peeked out the...

2 years ago
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Chapter 1 Stage: cottage by lake, picnic for two soon to be lovers Cast: you and me We went to cottage to have picnic and to get to know each other. Never knowing just how well we would know each other by end of the day. We had been swimming for most of the morning. Frolicking and teasing oneanother with ourantics. Swimming close and rubbing each other. So we are hot for each other and hungry for food I'm wearing my new bikini, hoping to look good enough to eat. You're in black swim...

2 years ago
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Harvest of ExpectationsChapter 8 can you picnic

April 1974 Jim was up early the next day. It was six o'clock on that Sunday morning. He was the first in the house to shower and get dressed. His dirty clothes that he brought home were still in the laundry. His mother was planning on doing them later that day. Jim was hoping that his activity would wake the rest of the house. It wasn't like he bounced out of bed wide awake and full of energy. It hadn't been a good night for sleep. He rattled around in the cupboard looking for the works...

3 years ago
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Jennifers Sexual Awakening Ch6 The Picnic

‘Alessa, David’s found a nice secluded place just out of town where we can go and sunbathe in complete privacy. Would you like to join us?’ ‘What do you mean “secluded?”‘ Jennifer, having just come from having a shower, was wearing only her robe. She let it fall to the floor then raised her arms, clasping her hands together high above her head. Totally naked, she arched her back, stretched upwards and turned around slowly showing a beautifully evenly tanned body. ‘Hey, you haven’t got any...

4 years ago
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An Autumn Picnic

It all started one day, four years ago, when we decided to build a new home. Happily married and pregnant with my second child, I was hardly looking for a crush to complicate my life. I walked into the model home and was smitten. The house was perfect, and the realtor that showed me the layout had a personality that I instantly clicked with. ‘Hi, I’m Robert’ he said. I can pretty much say he had me at hello. He had smiling blue eyes, a soft voice and warm personality that I instantly trusted. ...

3 years ago
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DiSH 1 Memorial Day Picnic

Ken joined Divorced Self Help about a year ago in the midst of his breakup. He had only recently started to join in the social activities that the group puts on the social calendar each month. Bowling, Miniature Golf, and game-nights at members' homes were common, but the two holiday picnics each year drew just about everyone. Last year, he had been to DiSH's Labor Day picnic and had a pretty good time, but he was still too withdrawn to participate in the slightly amorous party games that...

2 years ago
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The Picnic

After a little while of sitting and me fingering your tight pussy, I kissed you. My hand held the right side of your face, and pulled you at first reluctantly into the kiss. Soon you were kissing me with as much passion as I felt for you.I nibbled your bottom lip, drawing it into my mouth, and kissed your chin, down to your neck. I kiss up to your ear, and nibbled your ear lobe.Reaching down, I pulled apart the top of your blouse, your bra already loosened, both breasts beautifully exposed. I...

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Diana stood at her bedroom window, looking down at the street outside. She began to have second thoughts about what she was doing. Diana had planned to go on a picnic in the park with John, her new customer of some months, then to a movie in the evening with him. But I had called her before starting to drive over and she had mentioned to me that her parents were out of town, she was going to be house sitting. I had talked her into having the picnic lunch on the kitchen table and spending all...

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Maryannes Story Team Picnic

Now I was getting all turned on again, thinking about it, talking to Michael about it, and counting the days until the big day. I was so ready to do everything they wanted and more. Michael was fucking me every night, but I hungered for more and more. All I could think about, even when I had Michael inside me, was getting all my holes fucked in Davey’s backyard by his softball team. Heck, if two or three teams showed up I would be ready to take them all on. On the big day I showered,...

3 years ago
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Couples picnic

Tim and I had been friends since high school. As the years pasted, we both married and divorced. Tim remarried a lovely lady named Linda and I, having divorced much later never remarried. We planned a picnic at a remote park along side a mountain. Nice place and well kept but rarely used during the week so we all agreed it would be a hump day afternoon. Little did I realize it would be taken literally.Each of us brought something to share. I brought wine and beer, Tim and Linda brought samwich...

3 years ago
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Company Picnic

My name is Jessica, just to give you a little idea of who I am, I love sex, I love to flirt and tease but most of all love a good fucking. I guess I've always been a bit of a slut but last summer I really embraced the idea of just enjoying it as much as I could. I'm 5'5 116lbs sandy brown hair, my breasts are a perky 34b, I have a flat abs and keep my pussy neatly trimmed and every one says I have a great ass...

3 years ago
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My Dads Company Picnic

My name is Jessica, just to give you a little idea of who I am, I love sex, I love to flirt and tease but most of all love a good fucking. I guess I've always been a bit of a slut but last summer I really embraced the idea of just enjoying it as much as I could. I'm 5'5 116lbs sandy brown hair, my breasts are a perky 34b, I have a flat abs and keep my pussy neatly trimmed and every one says I have a great ass and I tan really nice. Last summer I had just turned 18 and my birthday was about the...

Group Sex
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A Lakeside Picnic

.The Lakeside Picnicby AbeAs soon as she arrived at her host family's log homein the mountains, Marie began to realize thatAmerica was not at all as she had expected it wouldbe.  She had been told that, as an exchange student,her behavior must be beyond reproach. She musttake her lead from her host family. She must dressas Americans dress, behave as they behave, and, of course, follow the rules at the university in the fall.She was told that all American girls wear brasiers,and they certainly...

1 year ago
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Beths Erotic AdventuresChapter 8 The picnic

Beth was brought back to the present by the phone once more ringing on the table beside her, "Hello." "Hi mom." "David, how are you? Are you having a good time?" "I'm fine mom and yes a great time." "That's great honey, how's everyone else?" "There all fine, I just rang to tell you I miss you." "I miss you too David, do you know when you'll be coming home." "Yeah, another few days I think, is that OK." "Of course it is, enjoy yourself." "I will, love you...

2 years ago
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The Picnic

The Picnic a story by LePhantom The bright red Sebring convertible rolled down from the ferry onto the dock. The disappearing fog muffled the sounds as it rolled through the gravel parking lot. She sat softly in the right seat, with her sandal'd feet curled under her allowing the sun to gently warm her exposed thighs. Her sparkling blue eyes, flashed with laughter as the breeze ruffled her auburn hair.His eyes glanced from the road, down to her legs, traveling slowly up over her body, watching...

Love Stories
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The Picnic

Happily preparing our picnic basket today I jump and laugh as you come up behind me and softly pat my bottom, nuzzling in my upswept hair just behind my ear. Ohhhhh you give me instant shivers, your fingers slide around my waist and I hear your low laugh as you feel my body shudder against yours, you know just exactly what you do to me when teasing me so. I lean back against you and wiggle mischievously, lightly slapping at your sneaky fingers reaching for the slices of cold roast beef I am...

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The Perfect Potluck Picnic

My wife had made her favorite kadhi. By 9 we were ready for the bus with a big steel canister for what would be a perfect potluck picnic. Almost 50 employees had signed up for the company potluck, three teams of employees, and their spouses. We enjoyed the cushy bus ride, passing by western ghats’ lush scenery, and arrived fresh at Chinaman’s waterfalls. Our America based company had converted the Makar Sankranti holiday into a long weekend. Presently, the youngsters’ setup picnic tables and...

3 years ago
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The Perfect Potluck Picnic

My wife had made her favorite kadhi. By 9 we were ready for the bus with a big steel canister for what would be a perfect potluck picnic. Almost 50 employees had signed up for the company potluck, three teams of employees, and their spouses. We enjoyed the cushy bus ride, passing by western ghats’ lush scenery, and arrived fresh at Chinaman’s waterfalls. Our America based company had converted the Makar Sankranti holiday into a long weekend. Presently, the youngsters’ setup picnic tables and...

3 years ago
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The Picnic

Kelsey sat quietly in the passenger seat of Dillon's car, smiling at the thought of what she was about to do to him. Dillon didn't know it, but she had a plan for him that day. She had read about having sex at the park, but she wanted to take it a step farther. Dillon drove carefully; he was sneaking glances at Kelsey's cleavage and legs. His desire to not get in an accident at the moment was only slightly higher than his desire to stare at her beautiful features. Step one was complete...

2 years ago
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At The Company Picnic

Introduction: A man and wife find out about the boss and his wife At The Company Picnic My wife and I attended our first company picnic just last weekend. It was a small affair as the company isnt that big but everyone seems like family. We were new so when we arrived, the boss immediately invited us over to his table where we met his wife. They were both very gracious and kind, wanting us to feel at home. The afternoon progressed until it was time to clean up and go home. After helping, we...

2 years ago
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Ladies group picnic

My neighbors wife asked me to drive her to her ladies group meeting on a Thursday afternoon at a local parkway. She and her husband (48/52 respectively)are good people who’ve been known to throw some lively parties in our neighborhood. They only had one car available as her husband drove to work and her car was in the shop. I am on disability so I agreed to drive her. I picked her(Jeanie)up at around 12:30 p.m. and we set out for her picnic. Jeanie is a drop-dead gorgeous long-haired redhead,...

1 year ago
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Ladies group picnic

My neighbors wife asked me to drive her to her ladies group meeting on a Thursday afternoon at a local parkway. She and her husband (48/52 respectively)are good people who've been known to throw some lively parties in our neighborhood. They only had one car available as her husband drove to work and her car was in the shop. I am on disability so I agreed to drive her. I picked her(Jeanie)up at around 12:30 p.m. and we set out for her picnic. Jeanie is a drop-dead gorgeous long-haired...

2 years ago
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Before The Picnic

It's a warm Saturday morning and we have plans for a picnic in the park. It's been a week since we last saw each other, our schedules keeping us too busy for anything more than late night texts and voice chats, so we're both looking forward to the day ahead of us. You park in front of my house and walk slowly up the path, taking time to feel the sun on your back and stopping for a few moments to watch my cat chase a butterfly across the yard. Finally at my door, you smile as you lift your hand...

4 years ago
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No Picnic

Deirdre had volunteered for over a year now in the wake of her divorce. She had a comfortable flat and was provided for financially and the daytime and evening volunteer role involved driving vehicles for a local community transport scheme. She was happier now not drinking as much in order to drive safely. Her marriage had ended and she felt relief that she no longer had to endure the sexul frustration of a husband who ejaculated on the inside of her thighs before he entered her eager vagina...

3 years ago
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A Slightly Different Picnic

I’m standing in the bathroom, in front of the mirror, applying my make-up. It’s a beautiful day and we decided to have a picnic in the park. I’m wearing jeans, a shirt that accents my curves and high heeled sandals. You come into the bathroom wearing loose fitting pants and a T-Shirt. “ Are you ready to go, baby?“ you ask, as you step up behind me. Finding your eyes in the mirror I smile at you, as you kiss the top of my head. “ Yes, I’m ready. How can I not be? Spending the entire day with...

Straight Sex
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Picnic She was tied between two trees, a rope around each ankle. Her legs were spread wide since each rope was tied to the opposite tree. Her legs were at probably a 120 degree angle. Her arms were tied wrist to elbow behind her back. Another rope was tied around both forearms and tightly attached to a very thick, overhanging branch about one foot wide and seven feet up. Her long, golden hair hung freely and thickly over her face and shoulders. It was likely two feet long, and...

3 years ago
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Sis and Her boyfriend at Picnic

Hi, this is Niki, Neo’s sister. I am sure you must be looking for me after my brother posted stories about me and him, and me and my boyfriend. This one is another with my boyfriend. Let me introduce myself in physical sense. I am 17 now, slim, 5 feet 4 inch, fair, step cut hairs and….30-26-30 figure. Generally like to wear skirts, jeans, tshirt and traditional indian wear. Just entered in college few months back and enoying the college life and its freedom to fullest. This story is at the time...

2 years ago
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DiSH 2 Labor Day Picnic

The summer was ending and Ken hadn't been to a DiSH social event since the Memorial Day Picnic a few months ago. That day was one of the most memorable events in his recent life. He had joined one of Amy's risqué games and had ended up with Jenna, the group's sexpot (every college class, company department, and social group seemed to have one for some inexplicable reason), sitting on his face while catching and throwing water balloons. Afterward, Jenna had dragged him into the woods...

1 year ago
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Summer Picnic

We were all in our mid thirties and it was a hot summer day. We live in the country and an old friend looked us up and stopped by. I had known Larry since I was a kid. He introduced me to the world of gay sex when we were young. The doorbell rang and I answered the door. I was shocked to see m old buddy Larry had come to visit. I invited him in and introduced him to my wife. Jan. We talked a little and Larry suggested we go on a picnic to relax. We said ok and gathered up a picnic lunch. I...

2 years ago
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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

3 years ago
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perfect little pet at the picnic

Our BDSM group had their annual picnic last Saturday. My Master had a very special suprise in store. It started out as most picnics do. I made a nice jello salad, helped set up the tables while Sir William helped set up the equipment and stations. I ralked casually with the others, and was grateful they were a group of normal people with a kinky side. My Master smiled at me as he placed my pink collar and wrist restraints on me.. I still had my jeanshorts and campshirt on. We ate, then my...

1 year ago
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Motherless Vintage

Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...

Vintage Porn Sites
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I should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...

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Motherless Images

Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...

Porn Pictures Sites
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Motherless Amateur

I always considered Motherless the “4chan” of porn. Not only because Motherless was somewhat popularized there, but because Motherless also encourages users to share their own content in a very open way. This means minimal bullshit like moderation and censorship, and a strong “anything goes” attitude that leads to free and extreme content. It encourages people to create and upload their own homegrown content, like videos of their girlfriend pissing or spycam videos of their cousin....

Amateur Porn Sites

Porn Trends