Mind GamesChapter 6 free porn video

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I stepped away from the elevator as the doors started to close. The computer components were heading up to the portal, and I was down here. In the guts of Virgil Station. It wasn’t Engineering - Engineering was where people turned theory into practicality. This was the area that was labeled on the map as Cryonics. It was where I had started. It was back to the beginning. My head still buzzed with the revelations that I had seen on the way to Cryonics. I didn’t know what to think. I didn’t know what to feel. I just knew what I had to do.

I had to get the power rerouted back to the portal. With that and the computer and the Tesc genetic signature that they had up there, Jules and the other survivors could get home. To Earth. To a planet I had never seen, but in dreams and memories stolen from another woman.

“Lassie,” Lucas’ voice - smooth as ever - broke into my thoughts. “What happened up there? In Corporate?”


My skin covered in goosebumps and my nipples hardened enough to cut glass. I shivered and felt the ache of my sex spreading for that massive cock. The warmth of his alien cum, spurting into me. And I heard his voice, rumbling and rich like dark chocolate.

I am making a choice multifaceted.

All things balance in the end, Beatrice.

“Lassie?” Lucas sounded more insistent. “What happened?”

“A big scary fuckoff space dragon tried to kill me and I ran away. Real fast,” I snapped. “Lucas, where are you on this fucking station again?”

“I’ve been hiding in a closet,” he said. “You can collect me on the way back. You just need to get the power rerouted. The components are located at several junctions you’ve been at before when you were first exploring this place. I’ll sing out when you get to em - but look for something labeled as BD-BS-2. That’ll be the first bit of fuckery you’ll need to get working.”

I nodded and started forward, my feet thumping on the ground. I was too tired and worn to want to bother with stealth. And, honestly, I felt like I could use a chance to fucking rip and tear some monsters apart. I came to the first echo of what I had seen before: The woman, her throat still bulging with cum, her eyes still wide as she looked out at nothing. She hadn’t started to decay, which made sense. It had only been ... what? A few hours? And I didn’t even know if she would. Time didn’t exist in the Tesc universe, save for what we dragged with us.

I knelt down next to her, frowning at her face.


“You look familiar,” I muttered.

It had been blurred and covered in static. But ... I pulled out the PDA that I had grabbed from corporate, skimming through the files on it. I found a selfie and checked it. Yeah. I was right. This girl was Feet Up, from the desk in Corporate. Rachel Loesser. She was in the ‘human resources’ department, according to the bits of her PDA I could access. What the fuck was a human resources flunkie from ... my head pulsed and a faint memory hazed across my vision. It felt as if I could half see the corridor I was in and half see a different one. The two superimposed across my eyes and my head ached harder, migraine fierce.

I fell back onto my butt, groaning as I realized the reason why the two visions jarred so much was because it was the same corridor. Just viewed from different angles. I tilted my head back, trying to get the visions to match, and realized the memory was of me - on a gurney. Bouncing. Jouncing. It felt edged with ice and hard. Not the faint phantasmagoria of the memories of the boat, the girl, the kiss. This was my memory, not Beatrice’s memory.

“We have a Class 9 on the line,” a male voice said, echoing.

“Oh, Miss Montenegro is going to be pleased. Okay, prep the CSC and get Dobbs on it.” That was Loesser’s voice in my mind.

“Dobbs did the freak out yesterday, he’s on psyche.”


“You co-”

The memory shattered as Lucas spoke up. “Lassie?”

“My name is-” I snapped, springing to my feet - furious that he had snapped me out of it. I shook my head. “Nevermind. What?”

“Just wanted to make sure you weren’t spacing out on me,” Lucas said, quietly. “Listen, you need to work fast. This station may be running out of time - I’ve stopped getting recordings from the habitation deck.”

I rubbed my palm along my face. But something was bugging me. Something that didn’t quite resolve by the time I had reached the first component. Lucas walked me through yanking it open, fiddling with the bits inside, flipping the switches. Once I had finished up and slapped the casing closed, he said: “All right, that should handle it. You won’t need to worry about the next one as much - it’s just the exact same procedure.”

“Got it,” I said, rubbing at my eye with my thumb to clear out some grit. Three more components to fiddle into place, and the power was rerouted to the portal. We got out. Or did we? Did Jules and Tracy and ... did ... I get out? I rubbed on my chin.

“Jules?” I asked. “You read me?”

Nothing. I looked around myself and saw there were no speakers. I searched my memory of the last time I had rooted around here and started back to the locker room where I had gotten the pistol. Stepping inside, I found the two drones I had smashed were still there. I was actually getting better at recognizing the components and spotted a few that were basically the same com-units that other people on this station had used. It was cheaper to use the same component and slap it into a drone than it was to specially make one for the specific drone. It was holding that component in my palm - like an ugly egg of plastic and black metal - that it clicked into place. I frowned and stood up.

“Lucas?” I asked.

“What, lass?” He asked.

“Nothing, just wanted to make sure you were still with me,” I said.

He grunted. I walked to the second component and then started to yank it apart. When I was halfway through, I asked again: “Lucas?”

No answer. I frowned, my face set, and continued to work on the bits and pieces within with one hand. My free hand held up the communicator and I clicked through frequencies with my thumb. It clicked to one and I heard Jules’ voice, squeaky and corrupted and hard to hear.

“Are you another survivor?” he asked. “I just got the signal from-”

“It’s me, Jules,” I said, my voice quick. “I don’t have much time. Can you detect Tesc ... energy or something?”

“We ... have that capacity, yes,” he said. “But it has to be timed right. The burst of exotic particles lasts a very short time, and-”

“When I turn this communicator on again, you have to be really quiet and not speak to me through it,” I whispered. “And scan the whole fucking station. Got it? Do you got it?”

“Yes, I understand,” Jules said, sounding mystified.

I turned off the communicator, then plugged in another component. As it clicked into place the device whirred to life and the power continued to redirect. I started to walk down the corridor, then grinned slightly - trying to hide any nerves I felt. I could just be imagining things. I could just be building paranoid delusions, the first such delusion from someone who had been cock-shocked into madness by a fucking Tesc monster. For all I knew, everything after Leviathan was just a fevered daydream. Fuck. Everything before Leviathan might have been a fucking dream.

“Lucas?” I asked, cramming all those worries away.

“Yeah, Lassie?” he asked, sounding distracted.

“Just wondering,” I said, turning on the communicator as subtly as I could, hiding it against my hip. “You got a girlfriend?”

“What does that have to do with anything, lassie?” he sounded amused.

“Well, I mean, I’m kinda feeling on edge here. This whole fucking day has been one insane piece of bullshit after another,” I said, shaking my head. “Having some human contact will be real nice, I’m just saying.”

Lucas sighed softly. “Fine, lassie. Okay. I don’t have a girlfriend. But I did have a lot of friends who were girls, and were quite pleased to have me around. If you know what I mean.”

“FWB?” I asked, grinning - the letters coming from the depths of my memory without need for elaboration.

“You know it, lassie,” he said, then sighed. “Listen, I’ve got to get back to work on some hacking I’m doing.”

I nodded - and prayed. When his voice went away, I paused, then held the communicator up and whispered into it as I stood beside the final power conduit. “Did you get it?”

Jules voice was silent for a long time. I worried he didn’t have a connection to me for a moment, but then he spoke. His voice rasped and sounded like he had run several miles by himself.

“I did.” He paused. “It’s coming from the center of Cryonics. That room is just a collection of pipes and cryogenic storage systems, it’s not a room, nothing should come from there.”

I slowly turned to the side and looked at the corridor made by the cryocoffins. There they were, creating a pair of parallel lines that lead straight to a solidly built bulkhead. I remembered, what felt like a month ago, standing at this very place, looking down this very corridor, at that very bulkhead. I remember being filled with a terror of the doors opening by themselves. Of the corpses moving when I wasn’t looking at them. I clenched my fist and started forward. My feet padded almost silently on the ground as I walked past coffins. I walked past Coffin 0451.

I came to the doorway and tried the hatch.

It refused to budge.

“Of course,” I snarled, pulling my fingers away from the hatch. I noticed a set of scanners, subtly hidden along the hatch. Biometric scanners. Who put biometric scanners on a hatch leading into a room full of pipes and maintenance systems? I felt coldly furious as I turned back and walked off. When I returned, blood splattered my face and arm and I was holding a ragged stump and a grasping hand. Shotguns were not exceptionally good at amputating things. But when you had infinite ammo, you can do a lot of shit.

I slapped the hand onto the hatch, then sent a tiny jolt of electrical energy through it. Just enough to cause it to grip and warm. The hatch chimed and I was able to twist it open with a vicious jerk. It swung inwards and I stepped into the center of Cryonics ... and back in time.

I stood in a room I remembered vividly and yet had never been in. But it wasn’t just that sense of horrible deja vu that made me feel as if I had stepped backwards through time. Rather, it was the fact that the center of the chamber was a six foot long stone slab. The edges were cut with gutters and grooves that were clearly designed to drain off into a pair of receptacles. Both of those receptacles were empty at the moment, but I could see where the bottle would snap in. The table was covered with curling, curving runes. Runes. The same as the inside of the collar that controlled my nanite clothing. The walls were decorated by unfurled red banners and six sided pentagrams. A leering goat’s head statue sat in the center of the wall, looming over the macabre altar. Chains were connected to that altar. Chains that were spattered with drying blood.

I remembered being pushed towards the altar.

Robed figures loomed over me.

I remembered being chained down.

I remembered a voice.

“Begin the ritual.”

The chanting. It rose goosebumps along my skin, even in memory, and then. Then. Oh. Then. The jarring, the hideous juxtaposition. The cellphone going off. I could remember one of the robed figures slapping at themselves, then pulling out their phone. Its light - garish and blue - had splayed across the ceiling and I could see the smiling face of Rachel Loesser as she tapped away at the phone, looking up at the others.

“Sorry, guys, sorry...”

The memory cut off, as suddenly as if it had been recorded and someone had hit pause. I staggered to one knee, my hand going to my forehead. “Ah...” I whispered, hotly. My eyes closed and I felt the migraine pulse shuddering through my head. “What the fuck what the fuck what the fucking fuck!?” I snarled.

“Ah, that seems to have torn it.”

The voice - cool and calm and Scottish - came from behind me. I sprang to my feet, backing around, my butt pressing to the altar as I aimed my shotgun at the man who had appeared behind me. He looked as if he wasn’t quite there. Not because of a holographic shimmer or a crackle. Rather, it was that he was simply too perfect to be in the same world as the rest of us. His hair was raven black and his eyes were piercing, emerald green. He wore a finely pressed suit, sharp and clean lined, with a golden pocket watch in one hand. He was looking down at it and snapped it shut as I leveled my shotgun at his face. He looked up at me, tossing his head to flip some bangs back. His angular beauty made my heart ache.

It reminded me of Leviathan.

“I suppose the charade couldn’t have lasted forever, lassie,” Lucas said.

I stepped to the side, not wanting to touch the altar anymore. My shotgun didn’t waver.

“Who the fuck are you?” I snarled.

Lucas chuckled. “I have a lot of names, lassie. More than you do.” He smirked slightly as he stepped forward - his feet not making a noise as he walked forward. “The Dawnstar. The Accuser. The roaring lion.” He spread his arms wide. “I am the Lightbringer. I am the whole fucking universe.” He smirked at me and that Scottish accent faded - dropped like a mask. He was close enough to touch me now, my shotgun almost bumping against his nose. His finger reached up and he gently pushed it aside. “And you are going to help me to set this record straight.”

“The Tesc aren’t aliens, are they?” I asked.

“Depends on your definition,” the Lightbringer said, walking slowly past me. He started to circle around me, his finger caressing the edge of the alter. “Better, it depends on your perspective. There are a great number of worlds. Some are light. Some are dark. Some rich with potential. Some dying and cracked.” He grinned at me as he came back around the alter. Somehow, he had moved so that I was pinned - his arms were on either corner of the alter, my butt pressed against the edge of it. I could touch his too perfect arms or I could try and scramble up on the alter. But I didn’t move. I couldn’t look away from his eyes. I couldn’t stop listening to his voice.

“Where a world is perched between extremes, it creates potential energy. Like the magnet in an electrical generator,” the Lightbringer said, his breath hot against my face. “Your world is one such, caught betwixt and between. And so, your souls have been marvelously potent.”

I gulped slowly. “A-And TempleSoft has been ... what? Dealing with demons?”

The Lightbringer laughed. “Oh, no, lassie. The UAC started that.” He stepped back and away from me, his hands sliding behind his back. “But TempleSoft picked up where they left off. And they figured out this little program.” He gestured around himself with one hand. “Clone someone who wants to sell their soul, imprint their memories onto the clone, and sacrifice the clone.”

“And that works?” I asked.

The Lightbringer’s shoulders twitched. He didn’t look back at me. But I could tell he was upset. I smirked slowly as he breathed in, then out.

“It’s harder to tell when you’re not there. You get the burst of energy, the soul. After a time, the soul dissolves. Far faster than it should. That tipped off my lieutenants and eventually, myself.”

“And ever since then, TempleSoft fucking bilked-”

The Lightbringer’s hand closed around my throat. He lifted me up and off my feet, effortlessly. The iron vice of his grip squeezed tight and his cold eyes flashed as he looked into mine. He snarled, softly, then spoke and shook me with every word for emphasis. “Don’t. Poke. The. Bear. Lassie.” He dropped me and I hit the ground hard. I gasped for air, my eyes hooded. The Lightbringer shook his head slowly. “Our finances are in arrears. But fortunately, souls delivered directly should last a great deal longer than those delivered via death...”

I rubbed my throat, coughing. “What the fuck are you on about?”

“You’re going to reroute the portal to my home,” the Lighbringer said, calmly.

My eyes widened.

“And then you go home,” he said, calmly. “You get to take up the life of one Beatrice Montenegro - she offered her soul, and your ritual might have been interrupted by this station being yanked into Hell. The conduit is open.”

I breathed slowly. “So, you want me ... to dump those four into Hell. Then murder a woman, who...”

“Dump four people who worked for a corporation like this one without asking a single question into a richly deserved afterlife, then complete a contract made by a woman who wants her brother’s wealth and is too cowardly to take it,” the Lightbringer said, turning to look down at me. “Admit it, nothing you’ve seen here makes them worth saving. Clones, sacrificed to appease the rich. Weapons technology, in a world already with a peace fragile enough to break with a cough.” He shook his head slowly.

I rubbed my throat - feeling the pain fading to almost nothing. But I kept up the movement, not wanting to give away my thoughts. I looked at the Lightbringer - past the Lightbringer, at the statue leering down at me from the wall. That statue of the horned goat, the leering eyes, those slitted pupils. I slowly licked my lips.

“And I get wealth? Fame? Immortality?”

The Lightbringer chuckled. “As close to immortality as can be offered one with your shinimantic makeup, yes.”

I grinned. “Sounds good.”

The Lightbringer smirked.

“If I was a dickless asshole,” I murmured.

I pulled the trigger. The shotgun wasn’t aimed expertly. But it didn’t need to be aimed expertly. It was a fucking shotgun. The pellets slammed into the leering statue, shattering it into a spray of plaster and chunks of stone. The cloud of the impact filled the room and the Lightbringer staggered away from me, screeching. I scrambled to my feet, sprinting towards the exit. Then I heard the screeching changing pitch. Hue. Tone. It was becoming something else.


“You idiot!” the Lightbringer laughed, emerging from the chamber. He looked more real than he ever had before, dust caking his suit, mussing up his hair. He brushed it off his shoulders and smirked at me. “That wasn’t an icon of my power. That was my prison.”

I gulped.


The Lightbringer snapped his fingers. The cryocrypts opened and the dessicated corpses of the other sacrifices emerged. Their bodies showed, now that they were standing upright, the huge cuts where their hearts had been removed, their entrails ripped out. They stepped out, their arms reaching towards me, hideous moans busting from their mouths. I stepped back against the wall and felt a clammy hand close around my ankle. I looked down and saw the one handed corpse of Rachel Lossener looking up at me, her mouth gurgling, her eyes glowing with red fury. I shot her in the head and staggered backwards and away. The other zombies were rushing forward, and I could hear snarling sounds coming from the other cryo corridors. I’d be surrounded soon. I stepped backwards, waiting until the zombies were clustered. Then I fired out a blast of lightning at the ceiling conduit that I had prepped. It exploded in a spray of sparks and arcing lightning. Zombies exploded in sprays of gore and I staggered backwards with the impact of bone and blood along my forearm.

The conduit’s surging power faded for a moment. I risked a sprint forward, rushing for the elevator shaft. I got there almost at the same time as the second zombie hoard. My shotgun roared and several zombies staggered backwards, more thrown by the pellet impacts than damaged. But as I cocked the shotgun, I heard laughter chasing me from behind the corridor. The Lightbringer walked towards me, shaking his head slightly as he went.

I hauled myself into the elevator and slammed down the button for Corporate. The elevator closed and I held up the communicator I had salvaged from the drone. The roar of gunfire that reached my ears was intense and made Jules hard to hear.

“We’re only getting a third of the power needed!” he said. “And the Tesc are boiling out of every fucking hole in the wall! The turrets are going full tilt, and we’re-” There was a roar of gunfire, getting louder, then softer. “And we’re not going to hold out forever!”

“Warm up the portal,” I said.

“You’re not here-”

“It’ll take extra time thanks to the lower power, right?” I asked. “Just fucking do it!”

The doors opened and I came into Corporate. I could hear rattling in the pipes. But I didn’t give it any mind. I ran forward towards the flayed bodies that had been put up on the walls. Prison, huh? I leaped up, grabbing one of the spikes. I hauled back and managed to wrench it free with a grunt, and the corpse swung away from the wall, hideously red. It tore free from the other nails as I dropped down. It splatted and the pipes burst open as hundreds of Broodlings emerged from the darkness. They scuttled into the room with wild abandon.

I had to work faster.

I swung my shotgun around - not aiming at the Broodlings.

I aimed at the second flayed corpse.

I fired and took it in the shoulder. Flesh snapped and popped and tore and the body thumped to the ground, leaving only two solitary arms stuck to the wall. I managed to work another shotgun pump and blow another corpse - this one slumping in half - before the Broodlings were on me. They swarmed over my body and I felt teeth slamming into the nanite sheath surrounding my body. I screamed and thrashed - firing off lightning, but it did nothing to the massive swarm. Their teeth continued to bite and bite, and though they didn’t tear my flesh, they left dozens of stinging bruises. I felt some scuttling against my face and struggled desperately.

The sound of the roar that chased them off was like the end of the world. The Broodlings tumbled away from my body, screeching. Several burst like hideous fruit, splattering me with their black blood. Then I was sitting up, blinking. The immense head of Leviathan looked down at me. His breath was warm on my body.

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Mindys mistake

It was a Saturday afternoon and I had just stepped out of the shower after sleeping late when the phone rang. “Hello!” I said. “Hi Mindy!” the voice on the other side said. I answered, “Oh, Hi Sherry! What’s up?” Sherry was my best friend. We can talk for hours about work, guys, shopping, clothes, parties, who got kicked off the model show, and too many other things to list. “Not much,” I said. “Maybe thinking about going to the mall. How about you?” “Want to crash a party tonight?” “Sure!...

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Mindys Christmas Camera from her Dy

It is a few weeks after Christmas and you get to be the fly on the wall as Mindy plays with her new Christmas present from her male parent!!! She decides to take some pictures to show her appreciation, but what subject would be suitable....? Become the fly on the wall in her bedroom before her male parental figure comes home from work and see what she has planned to share with him to express how pleased she is with his...

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Mindys FamilyChapter 2

By the time lunch was on the table the following midday, Sam had completely finished the beautifully seasoned oak casket's exterior; oops, the seasoned oak commode, for want of a better word, and was fitting out the entrapment shackles inside. He had to widen it so that Mindy's knees were nigh on up to her armpits, snuggled under where her armpits would be locked in place. A belt strap would encircle her hips; cinched tight, it wouldn't allow her to struggle as she was raped by her father...

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Mindys EscapeChapter 4

After a quick breakfast, he drove down to Home Depot and bought some lumber, PVC pipe, hinges, a large funnel, and other assorted hardware items. Upon getting back home, he got to work. Building the new device was a much simpler project than building the original toilet slave chair. All he needed to build was a new upper part of the toilet head box. He'd also need to build a footrest since the new toilet seat would be about 6 inches higher above the floor. He constructed the part over the...

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MInding Others part 1

by DiscipleN Chapter 1 I have an older brother and two younger sisters. Mother is divorced, and my few memories of my father aren't so memorable. He left us while mom was pregnant with Shelley. I forgot about him by the time I learned to jerk off. Once when I was nine years old, I interrupted Rodney masturbating in the john. Of course anything he could do I had to ape. His face burned red, and I though he was angry with me, but he was just embarrassed. He tried to tell me it was no big...

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Mindyrsquos Storyhellip An Apology

To all of you... To you frequent readers and contributors to xhamster… I owe you an apology for not following the examples I’ve noted in many of the posts on these pages… a sincere effort to record a fantasy or the memory of an event… and write about it in the best way possible for that contributing individual to express the pent up sexual arousal achieved by these memories or fantasies. I have enjoyed a stimulation or two from your stories… and applaud your sharing with any and all who would...

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Minding my Business

MINDING MY BUSINESS By Geneva A young man has been changed to a woman in a special government facility to divert him from a life of trouble. The new woman takes to a new life successfully, and helps a young businessman avoid a potential swindle. This story is set in England in the 1960's. The same government facility mentioned here also appears in my earlier stories, "A Dirty Night Out' and 'Subterfuge'. START A loud pounding and shouting at his door eventually penetrated into...

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As he lay his tired body to rest. His weak and pale body, so drained for energy. So damaged from endless painful years of sickness. He is so tired of the reality of pain. So much he wish he could leave reality to itself. Wish he could escape into his own private world. A world were he would not be sick. A place were his appearance is not regarded as repulsive. A place of love instead of pity. He tries to turn to his side but his damaged lungs can not conjure the air for him to do so. Even as...

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Mindfuck Paradise

60 years ago, a strange phenomenon swept over Earth, sparking its transformation into a world of free sexual use. The phenomenon turned humankind into a sexually-focused society, and a wide array of mutations have created new groups of humans with features and capabilities far outside the previous norm. All humans are essentially immortal; their aging slows to a near stop around 30, only progressing if they want to become older, and they'll regenerate from any injury - even total destruction -...

Mind Control
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Jack stared at his phone in confusion, but decided to tap on the mysterious app that had appeared. A screen is displayed. M - Mind B - Body R - Reality There's then a ToS section.

Mind Control
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The zamindari system was introduced by british in India. A certain area will be governed by zamindars and they are the owners of the land. They set own rules. When the British were paid with taxes they don’t mind about any despot behaviours. The Raj Thakur is one of the richest zamindar. He pays tax in advance and he is friend for most of the British generals. Their family is ruling our area generation by generation. He has taken charge at the age of 26 and now he is 32. I am Sindhu, born in...

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Jamindar Ki Hawas Part 1

Frnds aaiye aapko maze ki sair karata hu.Baat angraji jamane ki h. Ek ganv jiska naam …H waha ka jamindar satyaprakash urf satya singh h.Satya singh apne nyay ke liye prasiddh h.Magar uski ek hi kamjori h aurat ka jism.Jab bhi wah kisi kamsin gadrai jawani ko dekhta h to uske lund ki nason me khoon ka daura badh jata h aur ye nasha bina kisi ki choot ka kachomar nikale nhi utarta.Satya singh ki biwi anjali h uske do bete surya singh aur kuldeep singh h.Anjali ek bharpoor jawani ki malkin h 45...

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Jamindaru Jyothi Tho Peleru Prasad

Hai na peru babu .Idi ma friend cheppina anubhavam.Athani matallo nenu meku e katha chepthanu. Nenu prasad nenu 12 th class chaduvuthunna rojulavi..Nenu nallagaga knchm pottiga untanu kani polam panulu cheyyatam vallana manchi kandalu thirigi untanu. Science thappa migilina sub annitilo manchi markulu eppudu nake vachevi .Inka tenth exams rendu nelau kuda levu ma principal school paruvu pothundani chala kangaru pade vadu.Science teacher sarigga patalu cheppakapovtam valane ala jaragataniki...

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MindFuck of The Hermaphrodite

Authors note: this is the TG part of a larger story adapted to stand alone. Synopsis of other things: Imagine a world where the superpower gene and the gay/transgender gene are one and the same. For some time a demon called Talon is seeking to enslave New York, corrupting its heroes and releasing its villains. MindFuck of The Hermaphrodite By Topaz172 New York The Mayor of New York glared impotently at his 18 year old son, or rather his Master did. It had been it's...

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MINDBOMB by BobH (c) 2012 - Prologue - HEATHER CONNOR: "Look, Mommy, it's Santa Claus" said Lily, tugging on my sleeve excitedly. I looked in the direction my daughter was pointing and had to smile. With his white beard, his round face and rounder stomach, the elderly man standing near the main entrance to the mall certainly looked the part. He had to be in his seventies or even his early eighties, and had obviously stepped outside to...

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Mindbomb The Beginning

MINDBOMB: THE BEGINNING by BobH (c) 2012 "There, all finished!" she said, smiling proudly. "I knew you were skilled with make-up," I said, staring wonderingly at my reflection, "but I still can't quite believe how beautiful you've made me look. Thank you." "Nature made you beautiful. I just enhanced what you already have. And it seems appropriate I should do your make-up on your big day since it was me who did it for you the first time you ever wore any." I smiled up at...

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Mindbomb Revelations

Following the blast in Las Vegas (see MINDBOMB: LOOSE ENDS - by Zapper) the existence of mindbombs and the knowledge that they swap the minds of those caught in their blast radius is now public. However, those behind them have long planned for this day .... (WARNING: This contains major spoilers for the earlier stories listed below in reading order. You should read at least the first of these before reading this one: 1. MINDBOMB 2. MINDBOMB: THE BEGINNING 3. ALTERED FATES: A...

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Openmind Sexy Mom

Open mind sexy Mom By san I live with my mom for several reasons. I’m 20 and mom lets me have my freedom. I can do just about anything, except drugs and bringing girls home for sex. Otherwise, I have the run of the house. My last reason is; my mom is hot. My mom works in real estate and does some modeling for the local TV shopping channel. She models clothes and jewelry, sometimes makeup. My mom is 40 and petite, with a 38c chest. I think she looks perfect. My father left mom for another woman...

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MindFucker By Dorothy StrangeloveHe was my ultimate fantasy. That's a strange statement considering I'd never seen his face, but as soon as I heard his voice, that was it. I wanted him. His name was Jay Lucas, he worked on the top floor in the office, at least there was a door with his name on but he was never there. He was always calling in by phone and email, and as company secetary I often found myself taking his calls. He had the sexiest voice I'd ever heard. And one day when I took his...

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Here I sat, at my computer doing nothing that could be considered constructive towards wider society. On my computer were at least 25 windows open, some were about various animes and mangas, others were Youtube videos I had yet to finish watching, various porn sites sprinkled here and there, and of course a few pages of this site I found not too long ago, containing lots of stories, many of which I took a liking to. Overall, absolutely nothing was going on, whatsoever. Nothing interesting would...

Mind Control
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Mindfuck Love and Payback

March 29th 2014The DVD wasn’t the one Vanessa had expected.She paused in sipping her sauvignon as the title card faded up on her laptop screen, accompanied by an acoustic guitar riff.Houston Lasalle ProductionsPresentHuh? She’d asked to borrow an erotic arthouse coming-of-age flick, but this was – what, a home movie?Sammy SukjobWhat the actual…andShane BoxschafterInOh guys, no you haven’t…Any Which WhereThe title was in boxy ‘70s font reminiscent of classic porn. It was accompanied by the...

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Parminder Stranded

© Copyright 2004 The beamer caught my eye, partly because of the rental sticker on the bumper, and partly because of the petite, dark-haired, dusky-skinned young lady pacing in frustration nearby. Don't see many BMW's in these parts, nor people who can afford to rent them. Also don't see many such exotic beauties. I pulled over well in front of the apparently stalled vehicle, leaving a cushion of distance so the young lady wouldn't be too frightened having a stranger stop. "Can...

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Women say that men 'have their brains in their balls and think with their dicks' and if there's a grain of truth in that (let's face it guys - there probably is) then Tracy blew my mind regularly! At home and alfresco - in the back of a black cab going home after a night out; in the cubicle of a public restroom; in the park, in the woods and on the beach - anywhere, anytime. In privacy or for an audience; although my personal favourite was after enjoying a leisurely Sunday morning breakfast...

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*Before you start reading and just to clarify: All characters in this story are of course at least 18 years old.* *Oh, and if you like, what you read, don't forget to like;) * I was a normal boy, living a normal life, in a small village in a completely unimportant rural area somewhere in western europe. There was really nothing special about me. I wasn't particularly strong or tall. I wasn't the smallest kid in class either, though always somewhat below-average. I was fairly thin too making it...

Mind Control
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Mindys Dilemma

Mindy's Dilemma By Bashful The webmaster spent most of his morning on the Internet, chatting with friends. Not his usual Saturday morning routine but he had decided to try it once. He wasn't sure if he would ever do it again but it was a better experience than he had expected. Now he had chores to perform. First the dishwasher had to be replaced. That took him only an hour and a badly scraped set of knuckles. He then set to work on the server farm. He intended to split his...

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Mindy and Me

Mindy and Me   Mindy turned out to be very much like her mother Melba had been. Of course Mindy was much younger than Melba had been, but she was wonderful company and she was hungry for sex because she was divorced with no ‘friend with benefits’ in her life at that time. So, we were compatible with one another from the very first day we were together when she took me to visit Melba’s grave and then invited me to visit with her for a while at the lake home she had inherited from Melba in order...

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Mindy And Me Continued

As I was leaving Mindy’s home that first day we met when she had taken me to Melba’s grave site, Mindy said, “I hope we can stay in touch and see one another again soon”. I said, “I’d love to, but staying in touch may be difficult because I’m married and if you call me on the phone my wife will be able to see your name and phone number and wonder what’s going on between us.” Mindy said she understood, but that perhaps we could stay in touch through E-mails. Since my wife doesn’t even know how...

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Minding Others part 6

Chapter 6 Nightfall concluded as I approached the only place my soul had ever rested. I reached for the doorknob, and it's cold metal shocked me. Mom. She was inside, waiting. Time ceased to flow for me, but I could feel the universe spinning around my grip on the round handle. Insect dots hung about the porch light. My eyes flew out of my head and looked around 360 degrees. Darkness had surrounded the porch. Yellow street lamps lent a wicked color to the black tarmac. It could have...

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“Lies, Lies, Lies!” Mindy angrily thought to herself as she left the restaurant and got into her car. “I can’t stand myself.” She was sick with her life, and sick with lying about it. She had had what she supposed to be a perfect life, and imagined herself the envy of many. A husband who owned a successful office furniture business that allowed her to be a stay at home mom for her two beautiful girls, age twelve and fifteen. A beautiful mansion in an exclusive, gated country club. She was an...

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Mindblowing Threesome

I am raj. I am 29 yrs old. I am not married. Living in Mumbai remote area after my friend Manish (33yrs) told me buy a flat near him. I bought flat and moved there my flat was some 100 ft from him there is no flat in between so we came see ourselves a bit from our flats. I got a bike for my travel my office is just 5 minutes from home. Manish is doing some business in navi mumbai a long way he goes by his scooter daily. If he goes in the morning he comes late night so i use to help them in the...

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Mindblowing girlfriend

Hi this is Anozor from canada. This is my first post to ISS. Please sent me feedback if u like my true incident . My email id is We met in our math class.. That time we were almost like rivals. Means thats she was extremely good at studying and i was not even close to her.. She always used to get top marks in all the exams….i was very clumsy at studying and did not even used to do the home works… So naturally my grades started to fall and very soon i was in deep trouble and she was the best...

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Mindys New Job

Author: [email protected]: 9/9/11Title: The Dream Job                Friday 1pm.Mindy was relaxing at home and drinking a soda. She had just got off the phone with the secretary at St. Paul private school. She just accepted a job offer to be the new school counselor, and that was no easy feat mind you. Mindy had 3 interviews, 2 of them with more than one person, and went out of her way to make friendly with those who interviewed her. Mindy even went as far as finding out through word of...

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Mindys Mistake

It was a Saturday afternoon and I had just stepped out of the shower after sleeping late when the phone rang. "Hello!" I said. "Hi Mindy!" the voice on the other side said. I answered, "Oh, Hi Sherry! What's up?" Sherry was my best friend. We can talk for hours about work, guys, shopping, clothes, parties, who got kicked off the model show, and too many other things to list. "Not much," I said. "Maybe thinking about going to the mall. How about you?" "Want to crash a party...

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Mindys Autobiography

By: Mindy Hello everyone, this is Mindy. Yes, I am an actual person and not just a figment of Hungry's imagination. For the longest time he's been asking me to write responses to his stories about me so you would get the story from my viewpoint. Now I've seen in the feedback section that I even have a few fans. I've written very little fiction and I'm not even sure what I'd write for these stories. I mean, once I'm encased as a statue or installed as a toilet there'd be very little for...

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Mindys FamilyChapter 4

Ethel breathed a sigh of relief when the job was done. "OK, fellows, who is going to christen it to see if it works?" "Mom, I know what to do; something really nasty!" Jason's cock, up until now at half mast, after pumping his load into her ass, took upon itself a life of its own and sprang into a good resemblance to the horn of a narwhal much to his mother's pleased expression. "Mom, lets fuck and when we've cum, I'll tell you what to do." Without more ado, his mother laid down...

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Mindys EscapeChapter 2

The first thing he did after work every night was to check his email. The erotic writer receives countless emails from fans--mostly women with rape and snuff fetishes. Their stories are almost always the same--they fantasize that some serial killer would rape and murder them. While most of them have been sufficiently sane to admit, after a few rounds of e-mails, that they don't really want to be murdered by a serial killer, most had dropped subtle hints that if the erotic writer should...

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Mindys EscapeChapter 3

Mindy Moves In With Hungry, He Makes Her His Toilet Slave And He Begins To Build A Permanent Sewage Treatment Plant For Her He doubted that she would be on the train that Friday night. But he went through the motions stopping on his way home from work and waiting on the Amtrak platform in New Brunswick just so he could go home with a clean conscience and ask her why she didn't show. Mindy had sent him her photo, and he was startled to see her get off the train: a cute blonde with the...

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Mindys EscapeChapter 6

Several police cars made their way through the construction of Shady Acres Condominiums, a new housing development that the town board agreed would be a marked improvement over the slum that it replaced. Detective Merrill from CSI: Piscataway walked up to one of the police officers looking down into the bare foundation of one of the demolished houses, "What do we have here, officer?" The officer replied, "Sir, the construction crew found a body in the basement of this old...

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Mindless Aunt ndash Just Like Your Uncle

Mindless Aunt – Just Like Your Uncle My uncles newly wedded wife needed help moving her stuff from her current living state to my uncles place. It was right around the holidays so our family have been in a bit more contact than usual. My uncle asked if I can help move since he worked in the morning. I didn't complain since his wife or my aunt was a beauty. She had a huge natural rack. She was beautiful, tall, had to have 34C's, skinny asian body. She was stunning and I don't know how my uncle...

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Minding Others part 3

Here's the kicker. That day at school, when I masturbated, I pretended the set of events was my fault. I went so far as to call my cock the 'Horn Key'. All I had to do was point my cock at a woman and she would beg me for sex. The trouble was, none of them had. In typical revisionist thinking, post orgasm, I decided that sort of fantasy was directly responsible for old men in raincoats. I dismissed the concept. It returned to me later that night. Mother was yelling at Rodney when I...

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