Captain Janeway Captain s Slave
- 4 years ago
- 484
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Author: [email protected]
Date: 9/9/11
Title: The Dream Job
Friday 1pm.
Mindy was relaxing at home and drinking a soda. She had just got off the phone with the secretary at St. Paul private school. She just accepted a job offer to be the new school counselor, and that was no easy feat mind you. Mindy had 3 interviews, 2 of them with more than one person, and went out of her way to make friendly with those who interviewed her. Mindy even went as far as finding out through word of mouth the alma matters of the school principal and came into the interview wearing a pin from that school just to please Mr. Rumbold. Fortunately for Mindy, she had the right education level and the people skills to land a job at the prestigious and Catholic St. Paul. Mindy lucked out, because this particular school did not do thorough background checks, but rather placed their faith in the good interview skills of the staff to select prime candidates for open positions. Good thing to for Mindy, she would have a hell of a time passing a background check.
Mindy was never a good student in high school; in fact she barely passed. Her mother and a stepfather she had not liked raised her. She went through the motions of typical teenage rebellion, ditching school to smoke and drink and generally not giving a damn about anything. Mindy passed high school with a C- average and didn’t bother walking in the ceremony on account of a hangover. Mindy was close to her grandma, so it was a sad day when her grandma passed away a month after high school graduation. Mindy got a generous inheritance, enough to pay her way through college. Mindy wanted to honor her grandma by doing something productive with the money, so she went to school to be a school counselor and studied psychology. Mindy worked hard through community college and transferred to a 4-year university. After college graduation, she rewarded herself with a trip to Ireland. While on vacation, Mindy rented a car to see the countryside. Unfortunately, Mindy got in a car accident with another car. Mindy was knocked out and when she came to, the police had arrived. According to the police record, the accident was Mindy’s fault on account of her driving too fast. The police were going to allow Mindy a few days to recover in the hospital before officially booking her. Mindy did not suffer any broken limbs, just shaken up and a few scratches, however she heard that some of the people in the other car were injured. Mindy was young and scared, and was smart enough to know this would look bad on her record. So, on her first night in the hospital, she crept out of her hospital room (there was a cop watching her room, but he fell asleep), went to her hotel to gather her things and then took a taxi straight to the airport. She caught the first flight to the U.S.A and then took a connecting flight home. She knew she was evading the police and it would very likely appear on her record. She never heard anything about her ‘accident’ again, but she knew that if someone looked hard enough, they would discover her dirty little secret.
Mindy finished her soda, left the can on the coffee table and walked over to her desk. Her planner was open to this weekend. There was a reminder about a church service on Sunday morning at 8am. Mindy was never big into religion, but she promised Mrs. Rumbold that she would start attending her church service. Mindy meet Mr. Rumbold, the school principal two weeks ago for their first interview. Mrs. Rumbold stopped by after the interview to drop something off for her husband. Mindy did not want to be perceived as rude, so she chatted up Mrs. Rumbold. She invited Mindy to attend the same church that her and her husband went to. Mindy thought it very forward to be asked to go to a church service, but it was a small price to pay. This was the best job Mindy has been offered and she knew how valuable that was because she made a point not to give anyone the opportunity or desire to dig up any of her past misgivings. Mindy saw the sense in getting close to the church since she was applying for a counselor job with a Catholic school, so of course she agreed.
Sunday 7:55 am.
Mindy arrived 5 minutes early to the church service. She wore a conservative black skirt that hid her curvaceous legs and a white shirt with burgundy jacket. Mindy had generous breasts, so it behooved Mindy to dress in layers so that she did not look ‘slutty’. Mindy had her hair in a librarian-esque bun to make her look more professional, smart move since her new boss was going to be there. She applied dark brown lipstick and a hint of blush, pretty without being flirty, the appropriate look for the new school counselor of the most expensive private school in the city.
Mindy spotted Mr. and Mrs. Rumbold from a distance. The Rumbold’s were making small talk with a group of people, higher ups in academia. Mr. Rumbold might be the school principal, but he also had a seat on the board of private education. It just so happened that Mrs. Rumbold graduated from the same college, as Mindy, and Mrs. Rumbold was the president of her and Mindy’s University’s alumni association. Mindy was grateful for running into Mrs. Rumbold on the day of her first interview, Mrs. Rumbold has friends in high places, and Mindy wanted to be friends with the Rumbold’s. It’s almost as if Mrs. Rumbold played a hand in the hiring decision that got Mindy her job.
Mindy noticed Peter Rumbold standing near his parents and staring at her, and it made her feel weird. Peter was the 15-year-old son of the Rumbold’s, their pride and joy. Peter is a student at St. Paul’s, but has to work just as hard as any of the other student’s, no special treatment for being the principal’s son. Physically, Peter was an unimpressive lad. He was not into sports and sported some baby fat in the face thanks to preferring video games to track and field. Intellectually, he was a B average student and a member of the chess club, whom made up the bulk of his social life. Mindy had no reason to feel weird about Peter staring at her/checking her out.
It was time for the church sermon to start and people starting taking seats in the pews. The Rumbold’s took their seats and their friends sat next to them. That pew and the one behind it was full, so Mindy started looking for a seat on the double. Mindy quickly learned that these church goers wasted no time in finding a seat, and Mindy did not want to look out of place, so she started searching for the first available seat.
?Hey Mindy, I saved us a seat?. Said Peter
Mindy would have preferred being called Ms. Adams, as that is a more appropriate title for her, Mindy did not appreciate how familiar Peter was being.
?Thank you, and that is Ms. Adams, my friends call me Mindy? said Mindy.
?I’ll remember that,? said Peter as he gestured toward the pews at the back of the church.
Mindy was focusing on not looking like an idiot, so she followed Peter to the seat. Peter sat on the far back pew, it was smaller than most of the other pews, would seat only about 4 people. Maybe it was smaller to discourage people from sitting back there. No one else was sitting at that particular pew and Peter patted the seat next to him. Mindy though it was brazen of him to assume that she would sit next to him if there was room. Mindy sat on the other side of the pew, with a 4-foot gap between them. Peter did not like that Mindy put distance between them, and he spent a minute thinking of what he ought to do. Peter did think about scooting over closer to Mindy, but instead he pulled out an envelope out of his jacket and quietly placed it on the seat, near Mindy. Peter silently crept off to another pew; he wanted Mindy to read this by herself.
Halfway through the service came the point where the preacher asks everyone to stand up and introduce themselves to the people around them, this was done to make everyone feel more comfortable. Mindy shook hands with the people in the pew in front of her and then turned to do the same with Peter, but Peter was not there. Mindy looked down at where Peter was sitting and saw the manila sealed envelope and it said ?to Mindy? written on it. Mindy thought Peter was doing something nice, maybe him and his friends wrote her some ‘welcome to the school’ letter. She thought the sentiment was sweet. Mindy did not want to read the letter during the service least she be caught ignoring the sermon to read personal mail, so she tucked the envelope away in her purse. The sermon ended a half hour later.
Mindy waited outside the church until she spotted the Rumbold’s and then she approached them. Mrs. Rumbold said how nice it was to see her and Mr. Rumbold congratulated her on her new job. The Rumbold’s said it was their tradition to go to a bakery across the street from the church after the service and have pastries and coffee and they usually invite a friend from church to join them, and they were inviting Mindy to join them. Mindy was not particularly hungry, but she could tell it was a thoughtful gesture for them to invite her over their prestigious friends, so she accepted the invitation. Mindy and the Rumbold’s enjoyed delicious French pastries and Italian coffee. Mindy ate more food than she thought she would have room for, but it tasted good and she knew she did not have much food in her apartment now since she was living on canned goods because she was between jobs (her last job was a YMCA counselor, and that only paid slightly above minimum wage). Mindy said she enjoyed the church service and shared recipes with Mrs. Rumbold; it was a great opportunity to make nice with the Boss and the Boss’s wife. Mindy was about to pay the bill, but Mr. Rumbold stopped her.
?Mindy, consider this my treat. My wife and I have taken a liking to you. You have a solid education and I can tell you are a person of virtuous character. Your references had only good things to say of you and you belong to a small group of people who have no blemishes on your record. We only hire the most hard working and sincere at St. Paul. If you want to thank me for this food, just keep practicing good morals and lead by example. That’s what we like to see?. Said Mr. Rumbold.
Mindy thanked Mr. Rumbold and said she would do her best. She was somewhat concerned about blushing, she thought St. Paul did not do a background checks, yet they did but she passed all the same. This realization put an ear-to-ear grin on Mindy’s face. Not only did she land a well-compensated job as a counselor at a private school, but also the car accident from years ago could not come back and haunt her. Mindy had the best job in the world.
Mindy went home, kicked off her shoes and turned on the TV. She needed to spend some time watching her soaps to get over how boring the church sermon was. She finished the show and then remembered the envelope from the church. Mindy sat at her table and retrieved the envelope out of her purse. It was a manila envelope, about 9 X 12 inches, the kind of envelope you use when you don’t want to fold or crease documents. Mindy opened the envelope and pulled out the contents.
Inside were a Xerox copy of an old newspaper clipping, a photo of her and a letter that Peter wrote. Mindy’s jaw dropped when she read the headline on the copy of the newspaper. It was from the Dublin News, dated the day of her car accident in Ireland. The story was about an unidentified American woman who was responsible for a car accident. On that day, Mindy had left her ID at the car rental and gave a fake name to the police. Then it hit Mindy, she never went back to the car rental, and she forfeited her deposit, and left her passport at the hotel. The police would have traced the car she rented to the car rental and would have found her real name as the one who rented it. Mindy was vaguely aware of this at the time, however Mindy was more interested in avoiding jail time. That is why Mindy fled Ireland the same night as the accident. However, the police did not have a picture of Mindy, so there was no way for anyone reading the newspaper to make a connection to her, at least not with the information there.
Mindy put the newspaper clipping down and picked up the picture of her. It was a photo of Mindy, on the day of the accident. Mindy did not remember the police taking her photo that day, must have been taken by some random passerby. The photo was printed on computer paper and near the bottom of the photo there was a message that said ?I know this woman! She just got hired at my school!? in hand written ink. The picture did indeed establish that Mindy was at the scene of the crime, but not necessarily responsible. However, it did seem that Peter knows one of the people who was at the scene of the car accident that day, six years ago.
Mindy picked up the letter and read it.
?Dear Mindy, read this and read it good. I have a friend in Ireland that I play online games with. After playing games and chatting with him for a about a year, he tells me about how his favorite cousin broke a leg in a car accident and some American woman was responsible. He also mentioned that the bitch had the balls to flee to America the night of the accident. He sent me a picture of the woman responsible that he took; he said he shows it to anyone he knows just in case he ever gets the chance to get some payback. Well, that was a month before you came to St. Paul for a job interview. I saw you walking into My Dad’s office and I thought you looked familiar. So, when I go home that day, I look at that picture and what do you know it’s you, you are the responsible bitch. I would love nothing more than to pack you up to Ireland so that Patrick can beat your ass with a bat, but I don’t think I can do that. No, I am going to punish you for Patrick. I could show the evidence to my parents, and you would be out on your ass and without a job, and we all know how bad the economy is. Let me make this clear, this is blackmail, I do have copies of everything and yes my parents are well known in the academic community and yes, they can make or break someone’s career, that is, if they are depending on them for a job, as I’m sure you are since St. Paul is lenient on background checks. From this point forward, you are mine, you are to do exactly as I say, wither it be said or written. If you agree to be my slave and want to save your precious job, then meet me today at Mikey’s Burgers, the one down the street from St. Paul. If you are not there at noon today, then I suggest you start looking for a new job and possibly a good lawyer. P.S wear something sexy when you arrive. -Peter.?
Mindy could not believe what she just read. What if she had not noticed the envelope and someone else had picked it up, she would be ruined. Her day was going so great and now this. She hit herself in the head a few times and called herself stupid. What were the odds that someone from her town would get in contact with a relative of someone who was a victim in her car accident in Ireland from six years ago? Mindy looked at the clock, it was 11:49 am, eleven minutes away from Peter’s deadline. Mindy had no time to weigh her options, she would go to Mikey’s and sort things out there.
12:02 pm.
Mindy walked into Mikey’s, and she was not aware that she was two minutes late. The parking lot was crowded as it usually is during the lunch rush and Mindy had to park down the street and walk the rest of the way. Mindy spotted Peter sitting by himself at a so-called ?family table? A family table was something unique to Mikey’s. It was a table for four; with two of the seats being adult sized (for the parents) and the other two seats across from the table were the ‘kid seats’, which were smaller and usually decorated in a cartoon theme. The kid seats were also higher off the ground to compensate for kids being smaller (with a rung under the chair to push themselves up with). Because this chair was higher off the ground, there was less legroom between the chair and the table. For that reason, it would be very uncomfortable for an adult to sit at a kid’s chair. Mindy walked up to the table that Peter was sitting at. Mindy was angry and confused, yet stood frozen and staring at Peter. Mindy was about to sit at the ‘adult chair’ next to Peter, but Peter gestured to the ‘kid seat’ across from him and told her to sit there. Mindy paused, but decided to play along. She did not really want to sit next to him anyways.
Mindy was in good shape, but she was still an adult with adult sized legs. It was a tough squeeze, but she managed to get herself in place. Mindy pretended that people weren’t giving her weird looks behind her back.
?So, I got your letter, now what? Do you want money?? Asked Mindy.
?Your dressed the same as you were at church, I believe the letter said to wear something sexy? said Peter.
?WHAT! No, I’m not doing that. I don’t have time for these games. Just tell me what you want and then leave me ALONE!? said Mindy in an assertive voice.
?Oh, so not only are you late, but you’ve come to tell me that you have no intention of following my orders. I have copies of those incriminating documents at home. I bet my parents would be excited to see them today? said Peter.
?YOU can’t be serious. I’m not playing around. I’ll give you some money and then we’re done,? said Mindy in a loud voice.
‘First of all, lower your voice; you’re disturbing the other people. I am not playing around. I don’t need your money, my parents are putting me through a private school and my family owns a yacht. We are doing just fine without your money. I want you to obey me, I haven’t decided exactly what that entails or for how long, but you will be at my beck and call.? Said Peter.
Mindy started to dig through her purse and pulled out the $38 bucks she had on her in cash and threw it on the table. Peter looked disinterested and stood up.
?I wish you could be there to see my parents face when I show them what you did six years ago? said Peter, as he was about to walk away.
?No, no, its okay. Please sit down. I’m listening. I’ll go along?. Said Mindy.
Peter paused for a moment and decided to keep walking. Mindy reached out to grab Peter, forgetting how little legroom she had. Mindy hit her knees on the table and she leaned back and grimaced through the pain.
?Oh, I see you are serious. Put the cash back in your purse.? said Peter as he sat down again.
Mindy picked up the cash off the table and put it back in her purse.
?I said to wear something sexy, and you’re not looking very sexy?, said Peter
Mindy sat there for a moment, trying to think of a smart response.
?Take off your jacket and loosen your hair, you look too uptight?, said Peter
Mindy struggled to take off her jacket, because there was little space between her stomach and the table. Cindy was not fat, far from it, however the kid seat was not designed for anyone taller than four feet, yet she managed to remove the jacket. Mindy reached behind her hair and pulled the hair clip out, letting her brown curls cascade around her shoulders. Cindy laid her jacket and hair clip in the seat next to her.
?For now on, say ‘yes, sir’. You will acknowledge your master when he tells you to do something?, said Peter.
?Unbutton the top four buttons of your blouse?, said Peter.
?Yes, sir? said Mindy
Mindy wanted to refuse. She hated how this boy was manipulating her, but she just told herself to go along with it until she found a way out of it. Mindy did as she was told. Peter got an eyeful of Mindy’s pink bra and large mounds. Peter realized how flat the jacket made Mindy look.
?Tear off the top four buttons of your blouse?, said Peter.
?Please don’t ask me to do this. This is my nicest blouse?, said Mindy
?Good, I want you to start looking cheap?, said Peter.
?Yes, sir?, said Mindy as she followed orders.
Mindy was red in the face ashamed, and she did not need the curious looks from the patrons to help her feel embarrassed. She was now the plaything of Peter and she knew it. Mindy tossed the buttons onto the floor. She did not want to be reminded of her indignity.
?For now on, you will wear black bras and white shirts. That way people can see your bra though your shirt, and something with lace. You should look like you’re on the prowl for man meat?, said Peter.
?Let’s go to the counter, I’m getting hungry. Your getting a salad, I don’t want you eating junk food and turning into a fatty?, said Peter.
?Yes, sir?, said Mindy.
Peter and Mindy walked to the counter. Mindy stretched her legs once she got out of the chair and grabbed her purse. It felt damn good to stand up and feel like she can breathe normally. Mindy was wearing heels and her blouse was missing buttons, therefore her breasts jiggled more than usually when she walked. A few young men noticed and tried to hide their smiles.
The man behind the counter was a tall and lanky fellow named Carl. Carl was the assistant manager at Mikey’s and was working the register, because an employee called out sick today.
?Oh my god, I remember you from high school. You’re Mindy Adams.? said Carl.
Carl graduated from high school the same year as Mindy. Carl had a big crush on Mindy, but she was one of the hot girls and he was a computer nerd. The closest he ever came to asking her out on a date was offering to tutor her in math. She turned him down flat. After high school, Mindy went onto college and a promising career while Carl got a job at Mikey’s and is currently saving money to go to a technical school. He wants to be a computer programmer. Between saving all of his paychecks for tuition and having a skinny build that makes him look like he might get pushed over by a stiff breeze, Carl had neither the money or looks to get many girls. Not surprisingly, Carl was a 28-year-old virgin who lived at home and still rode the bus.
Mindy gave Carl a bashful look. Not because he recognized her, but because she was being gawked at by a dorky looking career burger flipper and she was looking like a complete slut with a torn shirt and her cleavage visible to anyone facing her. Carl had nothing to complain about, he was enjoying the scenery. Peter got Carl’s attention and indicated he wanted to whisper something into Carl’s ear. Carl was use to dealing with weird customers and even stranger requests (there is an old lady who ‘demands’ that the pickles on her burger are fresh and had been made that day. She comes in every Monday). Carl leaned toward Peter and Peter whispered into Carl’s ear. Peter whispered that Mindy was flat broke and hungry and was now turning tricks. Peter also threw in that Mindy would suck his dick for a free meal. Carl stood up real fast.
?Carl, can you take a 5-minute break, I think we need to talk outside?, said Peter.
?Yeah, I can take a break?, said Carl.
Carl asked one of the other employees to take over the register. Peter started walking outside and he gestured for Peter and Mindy to follow him. Peter led them to the back of the restaurant, which faced a brick wall.
?So, uh, your friend tells me your broke and you need some food?? asked Carl.
?No, I have money, I can afford to pay?, said Mindy.
?Shut up slut, you don’t have any money?, said Peter as he pinched Mindy’s leg.
Mindy squirmed and cringed her face into a sad puppy dog expression. She did not like standing in the dirty alley in her nice heels. Carl looked shocked. What was going on? Was Mindy, the hot girl from class a slut; was this young guy her pimp or something? Carl did think that Mindy looked kind of down on her luck with a torn shirt; maybe she can’t afford decent clothes.
?Mindy, I told Carl how you are broke and that you would suck his dick for a free meal. Don’t say anything, just do as your told?, said Peter.
?Wow, what’s going on here. Are you her pimp?? asked Carl.
?Let’s just say I’m her cousin and leave it at that?, said Peter.
?Mindy, get on your knees and open your mouth. Carl, Mindy is going to suck your dick?, said Peter.
?Yes, sir?, said Mindy.
Mindy pulled up her skirt and slowly lowered herself to her knees (she did not want her nice skirt touching the filthy ground). She started feeling sick in her stomach and wanted to hurl. She would rather eat garbage than suck Carl’s dick, but the sooner she did it, the sooner it would be over. Mindy opened her mouth cave and Carl whipped out his flesh dragon. Carl walked up to Mindy and placed his hands on her head. He had been dreaming about having sex with Mindy since the first time he saw her in 10th grade algebra, but not necessarily like this. Carl had never been laid, so who was he to complain. Carl slipped his penis into Mindy’s mouth. Mindy closed her eyes and resisted the urge to throw up. Carl slid his dick back and forth in Mindy’s mouth and it grew longer and bigger. Carl started to swear and arch his back, meanwhile Mindy tried to keep her tongue from coming into contact with Carl’s dick since it tasted like an unwashed flesh hotdog in her mouth, however this proved difficult since the cock was enormous. This went on for a minute and Carl shot his hot load in her mouth. Carl was relieved and Mindy chocked some of the sperm up, causing it to drip down her chin and into her cleavage.
?Good job man, I know you need to get back to work. Go back in and will catch up with you in a minute?, said Peter.
Carl made himself decent, tucked his shirt back in, made sure he looked presentable and went back inside to take over his register again. Mindy stood up slowly, but was bent at the waist, holding back tears of shame. Peter came up beside her and patted her on the small of her back.
?There, there Ms. Adams. You did beautifully?, said Peter in a mock sincerity.
Peter led Mindy back inside. Mindy was using the last tissue from her purse in a vain attempt to clean the jizz off of her chin and chest. She did not have any paperclips to try to close her shirt. The gleam of drying cock juice on her neck and chest was her advertisement to the world, that she had just been defiled. Peter and Mindy got back in line and ordered their free meal, compliments of the management. Peter enjoyed his double cheeseburger and Mindy was just glad that her salad would help get the taste of Carl’s dick out of her mouth. Someone had decided to walk off with Mindy’s jacket while she was giving a blowjob. She had to walk back to her car with an open shirt and no jacket to cover up her cleavage. Mindy was rewarded with many catcalls.
Monday 11:45 am. Start of the lunch period at St. Paul.
Today was Mindy’s first day as a school counselor at St. Paul. She got to work early to decorate her office. She brought some flowers, a few pictures. One of the staff members popped into her office an hour ago to let her know that Italian food was being catered for the staff in the teachers lounge and she was more than welcome to stop by and get some lunch. Mindy heard the bell ring and she looked up at the clock, it was lunchtime. Mindy was logging off her computer when someone walked in. Mindy looked over to see whom it was and her heart sank, it was Peter.
?It’ll have to wait till after lunch Peter. I’m going to the teacher’s lounge for lunch today?, said Mindy as she was getting out of her chair and making her way to the door.
?Great, bring me back a plate?, said Peter as he sat down in Mindy’s chair.
?Oh no you see. I’m getting lunch for myself. I don’t think they’ll let me get lunch for me AND a friend? said Mindy, trying to hide the fact she was a little scared.
?No, you see. I want you to get a plate of food and bring it back for me. I can wait. I heard they are serving wine, yes, you will bring me some wine?, said Peter.
?Yes, sir?, said Mindy.
Mindy walked over to the teachers lounge and stood in line for lunch. The Italian food smelled really good, she wished she were able to enjoy it. Mindy got a plate of lasagna, a bread stick and a glass of wine. Mindy knew that Peter was probably not going to share the food, so she walked slowly back to her office, eating the breadstick on the way back. The breadstick was tough to keep down, thanks to memories of swallowing Carl’s man log last weekend. Mindy brought the food and wine back to her office, placed it on the desk and shut the door. Peter started digging in without so much as a thank you; instead he motioned for her to take a seat on the sofa that the school was nice enough to provide.
Mindy dressed in a conservative, dark purple dress. She was still suffering from personal embarrassment and she wanted to dress as conservative as possible, if not for her own peace of mind. Peter greedily ate the meal, and washed it down with the glass of wine. It occurred to Mindy, that she had just committed a crime. She had just given alcohol to a minor. Mindy offered Peter a piece of gum from her purse, so that the smell of wine would not be on his breath. Peter declined and said that he wanted his breath to smell like wine, so that if he wanted to bust her for something, it would be for giving him alcohol.
?This has gone on far enough?, said Mindy as she stood up in defiance.
?Sit down slut, I’m getting to you?, said Peter and she obeyed.
Peter finished his lunch and dropped the plate into the trash.
?You disobeyed me. How did I tell you to dress for now on?? asked Peter.
?In white shirts and black bras?, said Mindy.
?And yet, I see you wearing something else. I could ask you to show me your bra, and if it is black, I could lessen your punishment. But, I won’t do that, rather I think a point needs to be made.? Said Peter.
Peter picked up the yardstick near the desk and walked to the center of the office.
?Bend over the desk and wait for your punishment?, said Peter.
?And if I don’t?, said Mindy with her last sliver of pride.
?If you don’t do as I say, I’ll have you show me your bra. If the bra is black, I’ll have you tear up your dress so that your ONLY wearing the garments I allow you to wear, and if it is not black, then I will double your punishment?, said Peter.
?Yes, sir?, said Mindy.
Mindy walked over to her desk and bent over. Her abdomen rested on her soft breasts and her perky bottom sticked out invitingly. Peter stood behind Mindy and lifted the skirt of her dress and laid it over Mindy’s back. Mindy clenched her bottom; she knew what was happening next. Peter took the yardstick and gave Mindy 15 good whacks. Mindy squirmed in pain after each smack, biting her tongue so that she did not cry out in pain. He didn’t count them, but he felt he gave her a good spanking all the same. The backs of Mindy’s upper thighs were red from her punishment. Mindy was somewhat relieved, she thought she was going to get ass raped. However, her ass was sore from the spanking and she started crying before she knew it.
Peter led Mindy to the sofa and the two sat down. Peter started to hug and pet Mindy, and she let him, it felt good to get some kind of affection. Peter had Mindy lay across his lap and she sheepishly looked up at him. He massaged her breasts with one hand and slipped the other hand under her dress and caressed her vagina. Mindy was just glad her punishment was over. Peter continued to cuddle Mindy and she closed her eyes, she was enjoying the attention her sensitive parts were getting.
Friday 8:05 am. 10 minutes before first period at St. Paul
Peter strolled into Mindy’s office. Peter had been spending the week visiting Mindy during the lunch period and training her, each day Mindy learned how to cater to Peter’s wishes. Mindy remembered her spanking from Monday so well, that she did not need another. Mindy was not sitting in her chair this morning, but was standing beside the desk and gesturing toward the cappuccino that Mindy made a point to get for her master this morning. Peter sat down in the comfortable leather chair and consumed his drink. Mindy’s face was done in a bright red blush, glitter purple eye shadow, and stripper pink lipstick. Mindy’s hair was teased up, not unlike a female singer from the 1980’s, but nowadays just looked silly on a woman of her position. Mindy has been wearing a white shirt and black frilly bra everyday since Tuesday, without fail. Mindy knew that her master was coming. As per her instructions, she had the top four buttons, unbuttoned so that Peter can stare at her cleavage while he has his coffee. Peter has Mindy well trained.
Peter looked at his watch and realized he had to be in class before long. Peter pulled out and small vibrator, it was the shape of and egg, just smaller.
?Put this in your vagina, I’d do it, but I need to finish my coffee?, said Peter as he turned it on.
‘Yes, sir?, Mindy said.
Mindy took the egg shaped vibrator, and with the other hand she lifted her skirt and positioned the vibrator in her vagina. Peter pulled out Ziploc bag of AAA batteries and placed the bag on the desk.
?Mindy, you will keep this vibrator in your vagina all day. Obviously I can’t know for sure that you will keep it in, beyond checking in on you at lunch. However, this particular vibrator runs on one AAA battery at a time. I know they go through batteries fast as I have turned this one on and watched how long it vibrated for until the battery died last night. I expect to see a bag of dead batteries when I come back. I strongly suggest you don’t take the vibrator out for prolonged ?brakes?, least you forget to change the battery when it dies. I expect to see at least a dozen used AAA batteries by the end of the day?, said Peter. Peter finished his cappuccino and got up to go to class. Peter had left the empty cup on Mindy’s desk. It was her job to clean up after him.
Friday 3:35 pm
Class at St. Paul let out five minutes ago, but instead of looking forward to a nice and relaxing evening at home, or perhaps an night out with the girls, Mindy sat at her desk patiently, waiting for her master. The hum of the vibrator between her legs was a constant reminder of what was in store for her. Peter walked into her office and shut the door behind her. Mindy looked anxiously at the pile of dead batteries on her desk. She did just as Peter told her and it made her as horny as a racehorse in heat.
?Does your apartment complex have a hot tub?? asked Peter
?Yes it does?, said Mindy.
?Do you own a bikini?? asked Peter
?Yes I do?, said Mindy.
Friday 4:00 pm Mindy’s apartment.
Peter was sitting on Mindy’s couch watching TV.
?Hey Mindy, put your bikini on, I want to see how you look in it?, said Peter
?Yes sir?, said Mindy.
Mindy walked into her bedroom and started changing into her bikini. It was pink with yellow trim. Mindy walked into the middle of the living room and modeled her bikini for Peter, even doing a twirl. He noticed that her bikini was the kind that you tied the ends in little knots for it to stay on and untied when you wanted to take it off, Peter liked that.
?What do you think??, asked Mindy
?I like it, and do you know what I would like to see even more?? asked Peter.
?What is that?? asked Mindy.
?Pull the vibrator out of your vagina. I want to see if you left it in?, said Peter.
Sure enough, Mindy reached into her vagina and retrieved the vibrator. Mindy held the vibrator out so that Peter could see it, it was still on.
?Good job, leave it on the coffee table. If people ask what it is. Tell them it is an Easter egg?, said Peter.
Mindy placed the vibrator on the coffee table. The battery died a minute later.
?What kind of booze do you have here?? asked Peter.
?I’m all out. I haven’t splurged on any alcohol since I was between jobs until I started at St. Paul?, said Mindy.
?That’s okay, Lets go to the store and buy some. Get some cash out of your purse?, said Peter.
?Dressed like this? That is embarrassing?, Mindy said.
?Your right put some sandals on. High heels would make your tits bounce too much?, said Peter.
Mindy slipped her sandals on and grabbed her purse.
?No, I said grab your cash?, said Peter
Mindy took the cash she had from her purse. She stood there holding the money for a second and then it dawned on her. Mindy stashed the cash in her cleavage. Peter grabbed the keys and the two of them started walking toward her car.
Peter drove to a nearby liquor store and parked in front. Mindy felt self-aware when she got out of the car. A homeless man that was sitting outside of the store started laughing at her. The truly sad part of this was that, this is not the most embarrassing thing to happened to Mindy.
?Buy a carton of O.J, bottle of Vodka and a bottle of whiskey. I’ll meet you by the front?, said Peter.
There were some construction workers inside the store that were gawking at Mindy; she wanted to crawl into the fetal position and die. This was the same store that Mindy went to all the time, now she would be too embarrassed to ever go back. Mindy got the drinks she was told to get and put them on the counter. The cashier was a fat man who spoke in one-syllable responses, which always smelled like cheap cigars. The man kept leering at Mindy’s tits like they were winning lottery tickets. Mindy felt like even she was too cheap for this place as she dug into her cleavage to pull out the cash. The cashier enjoyed watching Mindy’s tits struggle and jiggle as her hand reached between her breasts. Mindy paid for the drinks and scooted her little butt out the door.
Back at Mindy’s apartment
Peter took the drinks and poured about half of each into a blender and turned it on. The O.J came in a white half-gallon cartoon. Peter got a funnel and poured his homemade cocktail back into the carton and put it into the fridge. He grabbed the half full bottle of whiskey to Mindy and told her to start on that. Peter wanted to get Mindy drunk and he knew how to get it started. Peter looked at his watch; he knew his parents were expecting him for dinner. Peter used his cell phone to call one of his friends and asked him for a ride, and his friend agreed to drive Peter home. Steve is a friend of Peter’s, good guy, a senior in high school and has his own car. Peter would eventually let Steve take Mindy out for a ‘test drive’. Peter told Mindy that he would be back later. Peter left to catch his ride and went home for dinner.
Friday 9:30 pm.
Peter’s parents were going out with some friends and were going to be out late and Peter suggested he might hang out with a friend as well. Peter used his bike to ride over the Mindy’s apartment. Peter knocked on the door and waited. A sleepy looking Mindy answered the door. Mindy had put on a shirt over her bikini. Peter could see the bottle of whiskey on the coffee table, next to the Easter egg. Peter had changed into a pair of swimming trunks and a T-shirt.
?Get two towels and the carton of O.J I left in the fridge, we’re going to the hot tub?, said Peter.
?Yes, Sir?, said Mindy.
Mindy got the items she was told to get and then led Peter to the hot tub. The apartment complex was mostly inhabited by single people who were either out on the town or still at work, so no one was at the hot tub or pool. Peter and Mindy stripped down to their bathing suits. Peter walked toward the hot tub holding Mindy’s hand and Mindy was holding a super size variation of a screwdriver. The two buddies tiptoed into the hot water. Peter sat opposite of Mindy; he wanted to stare into her tits that were gift wrapped in a pink bikini top.
?That is my own recipe, drink up?, said Peter.
?Yes, sir?, said Mindy.
Mindy got to work on her booze and Peter just sat and watched. Peter had a plan, and he was half way there. For the moment, he just had to play his poker face, even resist the urge to cop a feel on her inviting body. Mindy drank the alcohol like it was nectar on a hot day. Well, it was not that good, but it beat sucking a dick. Mindy was already a little tipsy from downing several sips of the whiskey a few hours ago. Mindy went at that carton like a champ, even managed to get halfway through before she passed out drunk.
Saturday. 6:50 am.
Mindy woke up with a headache to the sound of the gardeners leaf blower and the booze swishing around in her head. She had not been this hung-over since the day of her high school graduation. She rested her head on her hands until she got her bearings. Mindy opened her eyes slowly and stretched. She remembers Peter and her coming down to the hot tub to drink and then she fell asleep. Mindy noticed that the towels and her shirt were not sitting on the chair next to the hot tub, maybe Peter brought them in, but he should have left her one towel. Mindy started to stand up on wobbly legs and felt the water jet against her bare ass. Mindy looked down and screamed when she realized she was naked. That little bastard stripped her naked and took all of her clothes and the towels with him in the middle of the night. She tried to cover her fun bags with her arms. Beside the gardener that was about 30 feet away and his back to her, it did not seem like anyone has noticed her yet. Mindy was scared as hell; she jumped out of the hot tub and ran for her apartment.
She ran the fastest a naked woman has ever ran before. She kept her eyes forward and tried hard not to think about the handful of early birds who were opening their curtains to watch the sunrise. Mindy banged on her door and demanded to be let in. Peter was already on the other side, enjoying himself way too much.
?Let me in Peter, I’m butt naked out here. I’m begging you, let me in?, said Mindy.
?Will you give me a blowjob?? asked Peter.
?Yes, anything, just let me in?, said Mindy.
Peter unlocked and opened the door for Mindy and she ran inside. Mindy was doing the best she could to cover her body as she stood in the entryway catching her breath from the sprint from the hot tub to her front door. Mindy was dripping wet and stood with her mouth open, but that didn’t stop Peter from drinking in the view. Peter had never seen a naked woman in person before.
?Go take a shower, you smell like chlorine?, said Peter.
Mindy obeyed, but forgot to say ‘yes, sir’.
Mindy took a shower and then walked out of the bathroom wearing only a towel. Peter was sitting at the dining table having a bowl of cereal. Peter eyed Mindy standing there and he got an instant erection. He surprised himself that he did not try to fuck her sooner, but maybe it was better that he took her down a notch before trying anything.
?Come over here and rub my shoulders,? said Peter as he put the spoon down.
?Yes, sir? said Mindy.
Mindy walked over and stood behind Peter. Her moist towel came into contact with Peter’s head, reminding him that she was virtually naked. Mindy used her soft hands and long fingers to massage Peter’s shoulders and it felt really good to him. Peter reached over and snatched the towel off of Mindy’s body. Mindy was somewhere between recovery from the hangover and scared into obedience, so she did not resist or even try to maintain some modesty. Her jiggle bags swayed a little thanks to being freed from the towel. Mindy had strong thighs and water drop shaped tits. Peter had to put his poker face back on before he shot his load in his pants.
?Go lay on the bed, I’ll join you in a minute?, said Peter.
Mindy walked her shame walk back to her bedroom. ‘I’ll join you in a minute’ what is all that about? Mindy felt so stupid, it took her less than a week to go from counselor all-star to complete slut to a kid. Mindy grabbed a magazine and lay on the bed. Mindy had large milk mounds and they spilled on either side of her chest ever so slightly. Mindy had to keep telling herself that it would soon all be over. Peter finished his cereal and tried to calm his heart, it felt like he was going to burst.
Peter walked into the bedroom and saw Mindy laying on the bed, one leg flat and the other leg with a bent knee. Mindy heard Peter walk in and she tossed the magazine to the floor. Peter undressed and left his clothes in a pile. His flag was at full mast, a respectable 6 inches, not bad for his age. Mindy started getting a burning in that loin. She had that damn vibrator in her vagina all day yesterday and never got a chance to get some relief. She would have called an ex-boyfriend over to fuck her on Friday night, but then she remembered that she would have had to ask Peter’s permission first. Mindy wanted Peter to fuck her hard and she betrayed her feelings in her facial expression
?I’m going to fuck your brains out?, said Peter as he crawled on to the bed.
Peter lifted Cindy’s legs and planted himself just in front of Cindy. Peter started fuck Cindy, at first slow and then at ramming speed. He was 15, all hormones and no experience. Cindy was horny as hell, she did not care. Cindy was moaning and Peter was fucking. Peter licked how his balls nested in Cindy’s pubic hair each time he slid his shaft in. The sex lasted four minutes. Peter arched his back and cumed inside Cindy. Peter collapsed in a sweaty heap of body parts and after sex glow. Peter was going to enjoy fucking Cindy, for years to come.
From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper' ~ "Langdon Beech-Thorndyke III was 'a catch.' Mother and Father thought that he would be a perfect match for me. He was twenty three and I was fifteen. My parents hoped that we would become betrothed that summer and then a grandiose wedding would follow in three years after I turned eighteen. This was my sister's summer, though. Miranda would be married in August to a Vanderbilt cousin who she barely knew. The opulent affair...
The story I am about to mention happened a few years ago. I had received this new offer which required me to relocate to an altogether new city to which I had to agree as the pay was good. The first day was pretty okay with lots of formalities and introduction rounds. The next few weeks were going to be of training. Initially I had trouble to look for a new house. But I soon found a two bedroom flat with an attached terrace. One month for me to settle down with all the gas and telephone...
GayFrom 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper' ~ "Beauty comes from pain, Louisa. A proper young woman does not present herself unless she is properly coiffed, properly made-up, properly attired and wearing the proper accoutrements. That, Louisa, is what 'proper' means." Of course, I tried to argue. That is, after all, what an adolescent is supposed to do, but my mother would just purse her lips, shake her head in disgust and repeat that one sentence that she spoke most frequently...
From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper of New York and Newport' ~ "The day of Miranda's wedding was cloudy and overcast, so perhaps Aunt Ada had been correct. Perhaps God would not waste a beautiful day on a wedding that would lead to a loveless marriage. Instead of using the vast tents that had been erected on the lawns at Golden Bluffs, everything was moved into our grand ballroom, which was large, but could not accommodate everyone who'd been invited. So, tables were also...
From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper' ~ "The week prior to Miranda's wedding was a hectic and crowded one at Golden Bluffs. All of our relations came to Newport for the event and many of them stayed with us. Unfortunately, we also had many friends and business associates staying as well, which did lead to some difficult choices. Father was a self-made man who had family he wanted in attendance, but they were from a lower rung of society. So, since the rooms were assigned to...
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This is a true story about the light of my life. She passed away from cancer years ago and I wrote this to remember her. She was an amazing person who left this world a better place. Enjoy. A true story This is a true story about the light of my life. She passed away from cancer years ago and I wrote this to remember her. She was an amazing person who left this world a better place. Enjoy. My wife and I were attending a car show in Newport Beach. It was at the Newporter Inn, a classically...
SwingerReddit Handjobs, aka r/Handjobs! I know many of you guys like blowjobs way more than you enjoy handjobs, but if we were to just give handjobs a shot at fascinating us, I think that most of us would feel more than grateful that handjobs exist. I don’t believe that these wonderful things get enough attention from people. So to compensate for that and perhaps give handjobs a little bit of love, I’m going to introduce you guys to a subreddit that is all about handjobs. It’s called, well,...
Reddit NSFW ListWe all had a good night’s sleep and used one of our own Cargo skimmers that was part of the Destroyers equipment to fly back instead of walking and were told to join all the other cadets in a large assembly hall with flags of the Union hanging from the ceiling where I estimated perhaps 600 senior Cadets had gathered. There were no chairs, everyone was standing. At one end of the assembly hall was a raised platform and a lectern with the Newport Academy logo. I saw an Admiral coming in. I...
It's a drab, nondescript little room hardly worth describing except it plays a key part in our story. It was not Martin's in any propertied sense. Nor was it his in the sense that it was the room his wife Cindy consigned to him. He had in fact chosen it on his own months before, as we will learn. Today it's his to live in when he's off duty. In mockery after a few martinis, Cindy refers to it as the "formal maid quarters." Never refurbished or remodeled like the rest of the house and...
Mindy awoke on the morning after she had sex with her brother Brad and lay in bed trying to remember what she was dreaming about. She looked at her alarm clock and saw that she had awaken at the same time as if she were going to get up and ready for school; however, she was on Summer break and she didn’t have to be anywhere. She pulled her sheet to her neck again and lay on her side looking at the clock. She had already decided that she wasn’t in the mood to get up and do anything, so she...
Author's Note: Humiliation, CFNM and pegging lie ahead! I've had this idea for a while about an adventurous married couple on the edge of opening a new chapter in their married life. I hope you enjoy reading it as much I enjoyed writing it!On her first day in town, Debbie and I were Mindy's only friends. The professional moving company hired by Mindy's employer did as little as required. They placed furniture, stacked boxes labeled "Kitchen" or "Bedroom" in the correct room and left a small...
Mindy Holmes was as fresh as a 17 year old could be, having just turned so 10 days after the end of her Junior Year of High School in the typical all American mid-western city her family had grown up in, as did their parents before them. Mindy was known as an “Okay” chick, to her male peers, meaning that although she was a pretty girl, she wasn’t a party girl. She was cool enough to be with when she did show up at some of the regular gatherings that started years ago in the garages and...
The summer moved slowly like a beetle crawling along a hot, dusty, back road. Days dawned too early and went dark too late as far as Mindy was concerned. She used to love the lazy summer when she spent her time with her friends, traveling and playing between their various homes and vacation cottages. But that was when they were young and considered socially awkward so they were encouraged to take turns planning, then promoting parties and dances.Mindy and her friends seemed to be focused on...
Mindy was on a mission to make her ex-boyfriend jealous for breaking up with her. She made sure the pictures were racy and showed her doing extraordinary things in bed. He would call her to discuss the pictures or short videos she sent.She did not respond to him. She showed him pictures of Holly going down on her. She showed a clip of her having a threesome with his brother and a friend. Damon was sorry that he dumped her and wanted Mindy to meet him and talk.She planned on calling Damon...
LesbianAuthor's note: I think this works as a stand-alone. I get my lily white ass reamed by a big black bull in front of my wife, her friend and my swim team. Delicious humiliation!Mindy's moving day signaled a huge change in her life and the relationship I have with my wife, Debbie. That was the day we put on a real life show of me offering up my sissy ass while Debbie reamed it with Mindy's big strap-on. I'm still reeling from it all.Debbie immediately offered our help on moving day when Mindy had...
Mindy Green had just gotten out of a serious relationship. Her boyfriend told her she was too “vanilla” for his taste. He wanted her to be more adventurous in the bedroom.When he broke up with her, instead of crying and being upset, Mindy decided to go wild. She wanted to have sex with a woman and have a threesome with two men. She would send her proof to her ex. She wanted him to see what he was missing. She would make him jealous and beg for her to take him back.It was Friday night and...
ThreesomesMindy’s Father Remembers J.W. Holmes, Mindy’s father, rode silently in the limo with his daughter for the long ride from their Manhattan hotel to the private airport in rural New Jersey where his corporate jet awaited them. He had already experienced her sharp looks and blunt responses to him and assumed that she remembered enough of last nights events that he felt he should give her some space but show her a modicum of respect and concern, but above all, not make a remark to her that could be...
To describe myself a bit, I'm 24 years old, 5'7", 115 lbs. I have long dirty blonde hair, C-cup boobs, and green eyes. I like running and working out and going to the gym on base. I've been told I have an athletic body and the guys at the gym are always hitting on me. I don't have any children. I have been married since I've been 18 years old - right out of High School. I got ready to go to the interview at the office I would be working out of. I wore a nice blouse, knee...
Mindy giggled to herself after her ex left several messages wanting to find out about her shenanigans with his brother. He told her about their naughty threesome and now was interested in why they always had simple sex.In Mindy’s mind her boyfriend was simple. He just wanted her to suck his cock and slip his dick into her cunt. He never wanted to do anything more than that. Perhaps, it was because Mindy was just bored. They did go out for many years and he never suggested anything more...
LesbianMindy was on a mission to make her ex-boyfriend jealous for breaking up with her. She made sure the pictures were racy and showed her doing extraordinary things in bed. He would call her to discuss the pictures or short videos she sent. She did not respond to him. She showed him pictures of Holly going down on her. She showed a clip of her having a threesome with his brother and a friend. Damon was sorry that he dumped her and wanted Mindy to meet him and talk. She planned on calling Damon...
Mindy Finds a Way to CopeA couple of weeks had passed since Mindy’s trip to New York with her father… she went to work with him every morning but only worked for four hours, three days a week… she had two hours of her College classes every day in a comfortable training room in the corporate suites along with four other fellowship students. After class she would call her father’s executive assistant and arrange for a ride back home… there was always a company messenger making runs around town so...
We begin with a mini-montage of life in Newcastle-upon-Tyne ... A shot of Gray’s Monument, of the busy Eldon Square shopping center, St James’ Park football stadium, before we find ourselves in a busy street, looking up at an impressive, and very modern looking 5 story glass fronted building. We can see through the glass walls, seeing the staircases and offices inside. And then, stepping into frame from the side, trying not the block the architectural masterpiece – another masterpiece of...
[/u]Mindy’s Trip with her FatherMindy knew she woke later than her usual morning hour… but this morning she was aware of the electronic buzz of an alarm clock that wouldn’t stop… Mindy reached out blindly toward her nightstand and felt someone else in her bed… which startled her to near consciousness...forcing her to open her eyes and try to focus...the person next to her slowly took an identifiable form, it was her father, and he was sleeping. She could now hear his heavy deep breathing and...
Mindy giggled to herself after her ex left several messages wanting to find out about her shenanigans with his brother. He told her about their naughty threesome and now was interested in why they always had simple sex. In Mindy’s mind her boyfriend was simple. He just wanted her to suck his cock and slip his dick into her cunt. He never wanted to do anything more than that. Perhaps, it was because Mindy was just bored. They did go out for many years and he never suggested anything more than...
As I was leaving Mindy’s home that first day we met when she had taken me to Melba’s grave site, Mindy said, “I hope we can stay in touch and see one another again soon”. I said, “I’d love to, but staying in touch may be difficult because I’m married and if you call me on the phone my wife will be able to see your name and phone number and wonder what’s going on between us.” Mindy said she understood, but that perhaps we could stay in touch through E-mails. Since my wife doesn’t even know how...
Group Sex“Oh God, oh God, oh God,” Jessica Buske whispered to herself, crying. She was sitting on a bench in the park. It was the only place she could think of to go. Jessica is a pretty red head, nice figure. She’s wearing a business suit. “Cutbacks...cutbacks...” she repeated it to herself, almost not believing the meaning of the word. The word seemed like some kind of a curse on her. Her whole life had changed an hour ago. And now, here she was, in the park in the middle of the afternoon, wondering...
Mindy and Me Mindy turned out to be very much like her mother Melba had been. Of course Mindy was much younger than Melba had been, but she was wonderful company and she was hungry for sex because she was divorced with no "friend with benefits" in her life at that time. So, we were compatible with one another from the very first day we were together when she took me to visit Melba's grave and then invited me to visit with her for a while at the lake home she had inherited from Melba in order...
Straight SexOne night while looking on jobsites you spot a job advert from my company. “Import and export firm seeks a personal assistant, will involve some travelling, sometimes travelling will be to foreign countries, salary 24 – 26K depending on experience. Would prefer somebody with previous experience but this is not essential” For some reason this advert strikes a chord with you and the role sounds very interesting to you. You especially like the idea of being paid to travel to...
Without answering that dumb question, what else can you fap to, hombre? I have come to learn that it's the small and simple that make life lively. With online porn being flooded with all manners of sex – wild orgies and extreme fetishes – it's the simple, intense handjobs that make you erupt exceedingly. Handjobs feature the art of stroking! Horny lusty babes can't wait to get their hands around a dick and choke it mercilessly until a hot load spews on their fingers. Watching her hand move up...
Premium Handjob Porn SitesThe beat up old car chugged up the driveway with labored putters. Mindy peered through the windshield in awe as she soaked in the view. She had driven passed high gates that opened up to grand lawn filled with perfectly trimmed hedges that guided the path. Every few feet was met with an elegant hedge statue of figures in classical poses as if they were part of an old art painting. The path eventually circled a large fountain that was just before the front entrance. Here, the young blonde was...
Mindy Holmes: EpilogueMindy did find success in the corporate world. She rose to prominence quickly… first as a scholar with acknowledgements from many renown universities and intuitions that she had attended and then received degrees and citations of honors from… all proudly framed and displayed throughout her large corner office in the penthouse suites of her fathers corporation. She was the undisputed Second In Command and the heir to the kingdom when the appropriate time came. She was in...
It was a Saturday afternoon and I had just stepped out of the shower after sleeping late when the phone rang. “Hello!” I said. “Hi Mindy!” the voice on the other side said. I answered, “Oh, Hi Sherry! What’s up?” Sherry was my best friend. We can talk for hours about work, guys, shopping, clothes, parties, who got kicked off the model show, and too many other things to list. “Not much,” I said. “Maybe thinking about going to the mall. How about you?” “Want to crash a party tonight?” “Sure!...
Fred's New Job By S. J. Burton About a month ago me and my wife Mary, had the biggest argument of our marrage. It seems that she was angry at me because she thinks that I don't help around the house enough, and that if it wasn't for her this home would be a pig-sty. I laughed and told her that I thought that it was enough for me to go out to work everyday, without having to come home to even more menial chores. Mary fumed at me about this. "You think that looking after you and this...
Author's Note: Another quick story after far too much time away from writing. I was forced to use my vacation or lose it at work, thus the sudden flurry of activity. I am always looking for story suggestions, especially now that I have time to work on them. For example, this one is for a man who wanted a story featuring a much more willing sissy receptionist working at an auto shop. I hope you enjoy this. Once again, I welcome comments here or...
Jim's New Job by Karen Elizabeth L. (KarenTV720) I was only sixteen when my life changed. I know now that the change was definitely best for me but I had serious doubts during the time the change was occurring. I suppose the biggest problem was that I had no idea of what was happening to me or why. But before I get involved in some deep philosophical discussion let me explain what happened. Liked I said I was only sixteen and in the middle of my junior year in high...
We start this week’s show with establishing shots of a Geordie-land’s infamous night-life. Along the Quayside, teaming with young bodies as the youth of the Toon move from pub to pub, barely wearing enough to protect them from the cold northern wind. Then we’re around the corner on a street with four story buildings on either side of a wide street, with plenty of pedestrian space infront of multiple pubs and clubs. Everyone looking very relieved that the lockdown is over and the party has...
It is a few weeks after Christmas and you get to be the fly on the wall as Mindy plays with her new Christmas present from her male parent!!! She decides to take some pictures to show her appreciation, but what subject would be suitable....? Become the fly on the wall in her bedroom before her male parental figure comes home from work and see what she has planned to share with him to express how pleased she is with his...
First Day at the New Job John sat there with his sweaty hands clenched together. His right leg was shaking in a nervous twitch. John looked up at the man sitting across from him; all that separated him and an intimidating man wearing a fine suit was a simple wooden desk. He looked down at his hands trying to figure out the right answer to his question. "God I hate interviews," is the only thought in his mind. About a month ago, John's old company went through a series of...
NOTE: As always, if you are offended by transgendered themes then by all means don't read this story. Thank you to all the wonderful readers and their kind comments. I have many other stories binging around in this twisted head. I'm glad you find them "tit-ilating". Enjoy. LS My New Job By Lord Stormbringer Sam rolled over in bed, pulling the covers over his head. His wife, Sharon, punched his shoulder, demanding that he get out of bed. "What for," he mumbled. "To get a...
Mark was still mortified the following day and called in sick rather than face his boss, Ezra DeZam. But DeZam surprised him, and came by his motel room to see how he was and to impart some important information to him. “Listen Mark, here in Monroe, some of us play it fast and loose. We have good reason for it. Other folks have tried to fit in here ... this climate sucks. We get torrential rain followed by floods and the humidity and heat are enough to drive you crazy. Seemed like everyone...
Portions of this story are true although sadly not all of it. I will leave it up to the reader to choose which aspects of it that they want to believe as fact. Admittedly, not my finest hour. I fell asleep at work and was fired. I don't necessarily feel like it was completely my fault due to certain circumstances but it happened, so there I was out of work, my lease was up, and I had no money whatsoever. I was in pretty bad shape. Naturally I called my mom. Mom jumped on the...
A New Job By Cassandra Morgan 8:45 a.m. The sound was like the echo of a rifle shot, a sharp clap every time the heel of a shoe hit a floor tile. The steps were ominous and mean, like the cracking of a whip. They shouted that someone was approaching, and that world should pay attention. It was the sound of a heel on an office floor, and every step made Paul Taylor feel worse. It was the sound of his heartbeat, beating out of control. He moved into the office of National...
I had a quick look around, Lisa was sat next to her dad, herbrother was on the other chair. The only space for me to sit was nextto Judy, Lisa’s mom. They’d just had a family barbecue and as Lisa’sboyfriend, I had been invited along. We’d all had a bit to drink andnow we were inside continuing the party, having polished off the food.I had been with Lisa for just over three years and was considered verymuch as part of her family. Lisa was a year younger than me attwenty-one with blonde hair, and...
************ Wendy moaned as her husband slowly licked around her pussy. She grabbed the sheets in her ecstasy. An orgasm rising excruciatingly slowly in her. Ian was great at cunnilingus. He practiced often on his wife. Delighting in the way his tongue could give her pleasure. In high school his second girlfriend had made fun of his small penis. She had actually laughed at him when they had sex the first and only time. After that he always tried to start his lovemaking by going down on...
Leo's New Job Produced by Leoroc Written by Verandert Leo angrily slammed the mop to the floor. It wasn't fair. None of it was. He'd been working at this women's clothing store for a week now. Not by choice, of course. When the cops caught him tagging up those old apartment buildings on Reed Street, they hauled him in front of a judge. Leo didn't personally think that tagging some broken down buildings that no one even lived in anymore was worth a court appearance: a slap on...
A New Job By Margaret Jeanette Sue Baeten was on her way home. She was looking forward to a good supper. She had given her husband, Tim, twenty dollars that morning to pick up pork chops for supper. They were on sale at the local grocery store. With Tim being out of work for over six months, money was tight and they didn't get to enjoy top of the line food often. They had to shop the sales. She was getting out of the car when she saw the empty wine bottle. She was angry...
It was my first day on the job, the first day of my year in industry for my degree course and, though it may seem strange, I knew no-one in the company, the job had been arranged by the college. All I knew was the company was a publishing house, I had to report to a Mrs. Fenner and that I was to be working as an editors assistant, my course tutor in 'Reporting' had said that the job would be an eye opener, I hadn't understood the wink he gave when he made the comment. So here I was at the...
THE DA'S NEW JOB Kate Wilson, big city attorney and now New York's newest DA justarrived a few days ago to start her new job. Kate a highly decorated lawyerhad gotten the promotion just a few days after the former DA disappearedunder mysterious conditions. Kate at just 28 years of age and standingat a mere 5ft4 and tipping the scales at 115lbs. The young lawyer was everywoman's nightmare and a man's wet dream she has a well toned body her 34-26-36cshape always gets her the hoots and whistles. ...
Chapter 1 Michael and Lorraine were a married couple that owned a furniture business with three locations. Lorraine had always been rather domineering, and Michael had grown tired of it. After eleven years of marriage, they finally divorced. They stayed partners in the business, Lorraine remaining at the Eastwick store most of the time, and Michael spending most of his time at their Bridgeton location and the rest at Eastwick. Neither Michael nor Lorraine spent much time at the third location....
VoyeurWhen my former boss, John, left, the job just wasn’t the same anymore. I didn’t look forward to work like before when each day was so exciting. I missed those morning meetings and “coffee sessions” with John. So within a month I started looking for something new. I had a girlfriend whose husband worked for a company in the East Bay that was looking for some office workers. It was a large construction company and working for them would be at the corporate business office.I applied and was hired....
Office SexThe first day in a new job... Everyone is slightly nervous on their first day in a new job. Amanda was no exception. Not massively nervous - no reason to be, Just the vague threat of the new. After all - this was job was not going to be that challenging to her. She was not going to be a PA to a high flyting executive - although that would be her top choice. Not an office manager. No senior position. Amanda's new job was a receptionist. Something she thought she could do with her eyes...
“New, job huh? Did you get one of the TA-ships?” Artemis asked as she dropped off the pull up bar. Lacey’s roommate was named after a goddess by her parents who wanted her to know strength. In the end the name was fitting, as her father had taught her how to bow hunt and her tuition was paid for by her Archery Scholarship. For a year, she’d been bugging Lacey to walk on for the cross country team, since she was so fit, but it wasn’t of interest to Lacey. Who’d want a walk on senior? Still,...
Shawna had had a rough month. Her job as a secretary had gone due to the pandemic and new positions were very hard to come by- firms simply weren’t hiring. Bills and rent were piling up and the savings she had put aside were dwindling fast.At her old job Shawna had been well respected and seen as maybe a little dull. She was a quiet person who wore cardigans and rimless spectacles. No one really ever thought of her as a sexual being.But appearances are deceptive. What no one knew was that her...
Shawna had had a rough month. Her job as a secretary had gone due to the pandemic and new positions were very hard to come by- firms simply weren’t hiring. Bills and rent were piling up and the savings she had put aside were dwindling fast.At her old job Shawna had been well respected and seen as maybe a little dull. She was a quiet person who wore cardigans and rimless spectacles. No one really ever thought of her as a sexual being.But appearances are deceptive. What no one knew was that her...
I kissed Jeryl softly, so as not to wake her, and quietly headed out of the house for my morning run. Once again, running had become my thinking refuge. There was peacefulness to my mind as I pounded out the miles. The first weeks of summer had flown by with meetings and time in the office drafting papers and filing patents. I had spent the past two weeks in upstate New York with Doctors Reis and McTavish as we worked on the fabrication process to build our custom microprocessors. We had not...
On the way he practices the speech he will give to Karen. In his mind he sees her smiling, supportive as always, as he tells her they would get back on their feet in no time. They had a good savings account, patiently built, and Ted was the best accountant there was. He imagined her smiling sweetly and kissing him on the forehead. Ted smiled back to the empty air and struggled his way into the house, eager to see the love of his life. “Karen?” Ted yells as he slips off his loafers. ...