Turning The Wheeler Family’s Lives Upside Down Part 1: Ted’s New Job free porn video

On the way he practices the speech he will give to Karen. In his mind he sees her smiling, supportive as always, as he tells her they would get back on their feet in no time. They had a good savings account, patiently built, and Ted was the best accountant there was. He imagined her smiling sweetly and kissing him on the forehead. Ted smiled back to the empty air and struggled his way into the house, eager to see the love of his life.
“Karen?” Ted yells as he slips off his loafers. “Karen?”
The house echoes his words. Nancy’s, still trying to graduate, is at summer school, Mike’s at camp and Holly’s at her grandparents. For the first time in years Ted is blessed with a house devoid of the sound of children. He takes a moment to enjoy it before heading off in search of his wife.
In the kitchen, while examining a pair of leather jackets that he doesn’t remember owning, he hears muffled noises coming from upstairs. Standing perfectly still he listens to the panting, smacking and low voices coming from directly above him.
Ted ascends the stairs with careful steps and stops outside his bedroom door, pressing his ear against the thin wood. Creaking, smacking, panting and gargling come in muffled bursts from the other side. Ted throws the door open and barges into his bedroom, stopping in his tracks as he finally locates the source of the noises.
Karen, his beautiful trophy wife, is bent over on the bed, naked except for a pair of black heels and fishnet stockings. Her hair is a tangled mess, her slick skin covered in red handprints and her makeup smeared on her face. Lonnie Byers stands behind her, thrusting mercilessly into her swollen pussy, while Billy Hargrove stands in front, moaning loudly as Karen’s head bobs robotically between his legs.
Ted is frozen. He stands in the doorway, eyes wide, as the two men used his wife like a cheap whore. For a moment he thinks she’s being forced to fuck them. Maybe they were raping her. Yes that would be much better. He hoped that was the case.
But any hope of Karen’s savage fucking being forced was erased as she pops Billy out of her mouth and urged Lonnie on as she caught her breath.
“Oh yes….. yes baby….. oh yes….. oh yes……fuck he hard…… fuck me hard….. ”
“Where do you get off giving orders?” Lonnie replies with a smirk, stopping his assault on Karen’s pussy abruptly. “You want it bitch? Come and get it!”
The mangled housewife needs no convincing. Automatically she thrusts back into Lonnie, relodging his cock deep in her battered hole and then bouncing against his hips with loud, wet smacks. Lonnie stands still, hands on his head, smiling like a king as Karen does all the fucking for him.
“See Billy?” Lonnie laughs as he slaps Karen’s ass. “I told you this bitch was crazy for cock.”
“You know how to pick em Lonnie.” Billy replies as Karen slurps and gags between his legs. “I gotta finish up though. I’m picking up the little ginger bitch from school today.”
Ted watches in silent horror as Billy reaches down to Karen’s head, digs his rough, calloused hands into her tangled hair and began thrusting into her gaping mouth, pile driving her makeup smeared face.
“Oh ya. Oh ya. Take it. Take it Mrs. Wheeler. Take my cock.”
Soon the room is filled with the sounds of Karen gagging and moaning through the cock in her mouth.
Billy thrusts harder, slapping his wet balls against Karen’s chin and jamming his stiff dick down her spasming throat. Below her swaying tits a small pool of spit and precum spreads across the already ruined comforter.
“You ready Mrs Wheeler?” Billy growls, gritting his teeth and closing his eyes. “You ready to drink my cum?”
Looking up at him with bloodshot eyes and a mouth full of cock Karen nods eagerly and fondles Billy’s spit coated balls.
“You fucking better be bitch! Oh gooooddd.”
Billy crams his throbbing cock deep into Karen’s mouth and begins emptying his load. His hips twitch violently as countless ropes of hot cum quickly fill her mouth to the brim..
Karen panics as her cheeks begin to stretch and bulge from Billy’s endless deposit. She tilts her head back and lets the sticky goo flow down her throat, gulping down a thick white river as the man in her mouth continues to erupt.
“Drink it!” Billy yells. “Drink my cum! Drink it all!”
The housewife’s bulging cheeks slowly deflate as she swallows Billy’s cum in large, loud gulps. Billy’s shaft, still lodged in Karen’s mouth, twitches violently as the last ropes fall lazily onto Karen’s playful tongue.
“Fuck yes….. fuck yes….. fuck yes……” Billy pants as he finally releases Karen’s head from his iron grip. “Drink it all…… Drink it…..”
Finally Billy is still and Karen goes to work milking the last drops of cum from her newest lover. Her head resumes a steady bobbing as she sucks, licks and slurps the final bits of salty seed from Billy’s cock.
“Damn Mrs Wheeler.” Billy laughs, trying to catch his breath. “You are a Grade A whore! I haven’t cum that well since we moved in with Max.”
Karen pops the now soft shaft from her mouth and smiles up at Billy as she jacks him off. “Well you have one Grade A cock young man. I think you should be coming by here more often. That is, if Lonnie is okay with it.”
Lonnie had resumed his savage assault on Karen’s pussy when Billy had blown his load. He looks up absently at Karen’s comment and smiles.
“Of course I’m willing to share. I think there’s plenty of this housewife whore to go around!”
Both men laugh and Billy removes himself from Karen’s grasp. With a spring in his step he starts to get dressed, retrieving clothes from all corners of the room.
It was then that he notices Ted.
“Oh hey Ted!” Billy calls, with a smile smeared on his face. “Have you been enjoying the show?”
Lonnie halts his thrusts and spins around to see Karen’s husband standing in the doorway. An evil smile spreads across his face as well.
“Ted you pervert.” He calls out. “How long have you been standing there?”
Karen spins around now, her eyes wide with emotion. Ted expects her to jump up off the bed, to cover herself and try to explain. This was all just a mistake, she will say. She will beg for his forgiveness. She will try to fix it.
Karen does none of these things. In fact, she makes no effort at all to detach herself from Lonnie’s cock. She seems caught between two worlds for a moment. Knowing what she was supposed to do and also unable to stop doing what she wants to do.
“Ted….” She half whispers, half moans, as Lonnie slides back inside her, locking eyes with Ted as he does.
“Lonnie…. Billy….”
Ted tries to speak, tries to find his words.
“I just….. I was home early…. that’s…. that’s my wife you know!”
“And she is FAN-tastic.” Billy replies, patting Ted on the shoulder as he exits the room. “See you later Lonnie. And I will DEFINITELY see you soon Mrs Wheeler.”
Billy winks and Karen blushes back at him. Smiling as spit and cum dry on her chin.
“Bye Billyyyyyy.” Karen calls, her body once again swaying from Lonnie’s thrusts. “Come by any tiiiiiime.”
“Karen!” Ted yells. “You are my wife! What are you doing!”
“I’m taking care of myself Ted.” She says, looking back at Lonnie with a smile. “I need someone who knows how to take care of me.”
“Knows how to take care of you? What is that supposed to mean? I’ve been taking care of you for years!”
Karen responds in half a moan as her body shakes from Lonnie’s continued thrusts. “Ted you’re a good father. You really are. Ohhh my good Lonniieee. Oh yes fuck me deeper….”
“Lonnie would you knock it off!” Ted spits, finally raising his voice. “I’m trying to talk to my wife!”
Lonnie doesn’t answer and seems not to notice. He continues thrusting his cock deep into Karen’s twitching pussy for a moment and then stops abruptly. When he does answer, there is no emotion in his voice.
“Let’s ask Karen what she wants.” He says, holding his hard cock in the firm grasp of Karen’s quivering pussy . “So what will it be Karen? Talking to your husband? Or being my little whore?”
Karen looks anxiously at Ted. Ted returns her gaze, silently begging his wife to pause her infidelity and talk to him. Karen does not answer. Instead she silently began thrusting back into Lonnie’s dick, choosing her side with the wet sound of her pussy swallowing him whole.
“Have a seat Ted.” Lonnie remarks casually, grabbing Karen’s hips and resuming his assault. “I’ll be done with your wife in a minute. Then she’s all yours.”
“Lonnie you don’t get to tell me when I talk to my wife!”
Karen did talk to him, just like Ted wanted. “I’ll be with you…. ohhhh goooddd….. in a second Ted. Go sit down now. Mmmmmmm Lonnnnniiieeeeee.” Karen pants.
“Karen….” Ted whispers, his words lost among Karen’s constant moaning.
“Take a seat Ted.” Lonnie says, gritting his teeth as he pushes deeper in Karen’s pussy.
“I wasn’t talking to you!” Ted replies, in shock, as Lonnie motions to an empty armchair facing the bed.
“I said take a seat Ted.” Lonnie replies, this time with venom.
Ted meets Lonnies gaze for a moment. He puffs up his chest, thinks angry thoughts and tries to look tough. Lonnie looks back with eyes filled with ice.
“I’m not going to ask you again Ted.” Lonnie, spits through gritted teeth as he pauses his pummeling of Karen. “Sit. Down.”
Karen, distressed by someone splitting Lonnie’s attention, chimes in. “Sit down Ted! God! Why do you always have to make things so difficult!”
“Ted!” Karen yells as she grinds her hips into Lonnie, desperately trying to push him back inside her. “Can’t you just wait five minutes! Jesus!”
“I’m sorry…. I….” Ted starts before slowly sinking into the chair to waiting his turn. He sits quietly, legs crossed, staring at the floor and trying to ignore his wife.
Karen’ relieved, reaches back and guides her lover back inside her. Lonnie stands still while the housewife dances on his cock, grinding her hips into him like a cheap whore.
“Oh Lonnie. Oh Lonnie. Oh Lonnie. Yes. Yes. Yes. Oh my god yessssss. Mmmmmm baaabyyyyy.”
“Look at your wife Ted.” Lonnie taunts, pulling Karen by the hair and resuming his brutal fucking.
Ted stares at the floor, counting carpet fibers and trying to ignore the world.
“Honey?” Karen, adds, her tone filled with love and care. “Honey can you look at me please? If you love me I know you’ll look at me honey.”
Slowly, Ted raises his eyes towards his wife, seduced by a few minutes of compassion. He does love her. He loves her so much. She can never doubt that.
“There you are.” Karen coos as Ted meets her eyes. “Are you watching honey? Are you watching me?”
Ted was.
At his wife’s request he watches her sway in front of him, abused from behind by another man. Karen’s face is caked in spit, cum and sweat. Her naked, glistening body shakes violently as Lonnie hammers his hips into hers over and over again. Ted stares at his trophy wife and she smiles back at him, just like she used to.
“Watch Lonnie fuck me honey.” She whispers, looking deep into Ted’s eyes. “Watch me be Lonnie’s little whore.”
Ted does as he is told. Out of commitment to Karen he watches closely while another man defiles her. He sits in a room filled with the smell of sex, the sound of abuse and the sights of a porno starring the love of his life. There are no objections from Ted. He does not know how.
“Oh oh oh oh oh my goooooddd uhhhhhh.” Karen moans as her eyes roll back in her head. “Please please please please.”
“Your wife is a whore Ted.” Lonnie taunts. “She’s been bending over for me all summer. And I know for a fact I ain’t the first. And I sure as fuck won’t be the last!”
Ted stares on in shocked silence. Too much of a man to leave, too much of a coward to fight.
“Oh Lonnnnie oh gooooddd Lonnnieeeeeee.” Karen screams as her body starts to shake. “I’m cumming Lonnie. I’m cummminnnggggg.”
“Pay attention Ted.” Lonnie yells over Karen’s screaming. “We both know you never seen this before!”
Karen cums in spectacular fashion. Undeterred by the presence of her husband she moans like a bitch in heat, convulsing and shaking as Lonnie continues pounding into her. She claws at the stained sheets of the bed and thrashes as the orgasm smashes over her.
“Loooooniiiieeeeeee mmmmmmmmmm Lonnnnieeeeeeeee yessssssss. I’m cummmming. I’m cummmming. I’m cummmminnnnngggggg.”
“Are you watching Ted?” Lonnie growls. “Are you watching your wife cum on my cock?”
“Oh my god…….. Oh my god…… Oh my god…...Mmmm….. Mmmmm…..” Karen pants as the orgasm subsides.
“See that Ted?” Lonnie smirks, adding bright red another handprint to Karen’s ass. “That’s how to make your wife cum!”
Finally, after the longest few minutes of Ted’s life, Karen is left panting, shivering and moaning softly into the ruined sheets. Her eyes hang half open and her body is limp, held up only by Lonnies iron grip on her hips. Lonnie, undeterred by Karen’s limp body, spears himself inside her harder, desperate to cum as well.
“Thank you. Thank you. Thank you Lonnie. Thank you. Oh my god. Oh Lonnie. Yessss.” Karen whispers into the comforter, staining it with more ruined makeup and cold cum.
“Ohhhh Karen.” Lonnie moans, digging his nails into her hips and thrusting harder. “You’re gonna make me cum you whore. Oh god yes. Oh my god I’m going to cum.”
“Cum for me Lonnie.” Karen coos into the bedding. “Make a mess inside me babyyyyyy.”
“Are you watching Ted?” Lonnie groans, gritting his teeth and panting as his balls began to tighten. “Watch me fill your trophy wife up with cum!”
Ted does watch. In fact he can’t look away. He watches as Lonnie’s balls tightened and his cock spasmed wildly inside Karen, unleashing a flood of hot cum deep inside her.
“Mmmmmm babyyy I can feel youuuuu.” Karen moans, grinding her hips on Lonnie’s cock as his cum pours into her.
“That’s good baby.” Lonnie moans, clawing at Karen’s battered ass. “Milk my cock. Milk it good.”
Lonnie stands panting heavily and glistening with sweat as his cock finally stills. With a smile he slides his deflated cock from Karen’s battered pussy with an audible “pop.”
“God damn baby. You are something else. You cock crazy little slut.”
Karen smiles with closed eyes. Exhausted from her afternoon workout with Billy and Lonnie, she collapses forward onto the bed. The whore housewife lays face down, with her legs spread and cum leaking in a steady stream from her overflowing pussy.
“Mmmmm thank you Lonnieeeee. That was aaaamaaaziiiinnnngggg.”
Lonnie rounds the bed and sits down next to Karen’s head, facing Ted. Again a quick slap on the ass rouses Karen into Lonnie’s service.
“Come on baby. This cock ain’t gonna clean itself.”
Karen, obediently, rolls off the bed and settles on her knees in front of Lonnie’s limp, cum covered cock. She cast a brief, guilty glance in the direction of her husband and then slides the slick shaft into her mouth. Slowly her head begins bobbing in Lonnie’s lap, using her lips and tongue to clean herself off of his dick.
Lonnie groans softly and lites a cigarette before addressing Ted.
“Alright Teddy boy. Thanks for being patient. You can go ahead and talk to Karen now.”
“What’s on your….*smack*smack*smack* …mind honey?” Karen asks, staring sideways at her husband as she slaps Lonnies cock against her outstretched tongue.
“Whats on my mind? Karen! You’re cheating on me! You’ve ruined our family!”
“How have I…. *glug*glug*glug*…. ruined this family Ted?” Karen replies as she pulls Lonnie out of her mouth and licks his shaft from balls to tip. “Besides the fact that you have no idea how to satisfy me, this house is fine.”
“Satisfy you?” Ted says in shock. “I’ve satisfied you! There’s a roof over your head, food on your table…”
“See that’s the problem Ted. I say ‘satisfy me’ and you think I’m talking about a new sofa.” Karen interrupts, as she holds Lonnie’s glistening cock by the hilt. “I’m a woman Ted. I have needs.”
“And THESE are your needs?” Ted sputters. “Having men treat you like a whore!”
Karen simply smiles and slowly jerks off the twitching cock in front of her, easing it towards her lips. “I was making them happy honey. I loooove making men happy. I tried to make you happy lots of time. You were always too tired.”
“Well I don’t think you could say I’m very rough….. but if you had asked….. I’m sure I would have tried!”
“Wait.” Karen interrupts, rubbing the head of Lonnie’s cock with her palm. “Why aren’t you at work?”
“What?” Ted responds, suddenly remembering the cardboard box downstairs.
“Why…. *glug*glug*glug*glug*….. aren’t you at your job Ted?” Her voice was stern and commanding.
Ted shuffled in his seat. “There were some cutbacks….” Ted began, trying to find his words.
“Well that’s just fucking great Ted.” Karen spat back, grabbing Lonnies hand violently and dragging it to her breast. Lonnie smiles and gropes the housewife’s tits shamelessly. “At least before you could provide some money for the family! Now what are you doing?”
“Honey I….”
“Seriously Ted.” Karen starts as she laps at Lonnie’s balls like a dog. “I raise the children, I keep the house clean, I run the errands. What do you do? Sit on the couch and NOT fuck me?”
“Karen this is just a setback…..”
“Ted I can’t do this.” Karen whispers as she resumes her head bobbing. Without looking at her husband she removes Lonnie from her mouth and speaks with finality. “I need you out of here. I need you to go.”
“You’re kicking ME out?” Ted replies, shocked.
“Unless you can come up with something you do of value around here in the next few seconds then yes Ted. Pack your things.” With that she went back to pleasuring Lonnie. Karen had finished cleaning him long ago. Now she enjoys rolling his limp dick across her tongue, watching with glee as his smile twists.
“You know Karen.” Lonnie starts, as Ted stands silently by. “With Ted gone you’re going to need a strong man around here. Somebody to keep you safe. I’d be more than willing to help out if you need.”
He punctuates his point by stroking Karen’s mascara smeared face. With fluttering eyes she leans into his touch and smiles up at him.
“Oh Lonnie.” She coos, stroking his shaft in a slow steady rhythm. “Would you really do that for me? I don’t want to be a burden.”
“Of course baby. I’ll take care of you…”. Lonnie smiles as he pushes Karen’s head back towards his cock. “…. if you take care of me.”
Karen’s beams and then resumes slurping and gagging on Lonnie’s slick shaft. Ted stands slowly and makes his way towards the closet, where his luggage is stored.
In his mind he begins to inventory his belongings and wonder how much hotels cost these days. With a shaking hand he opens the closet door and there is a squeal as a small girl tumbles out into the center of the room.
“What the fuck?” Lonnie barks.
Ted’s daughter, Nancy Wheeler, tumbles out from where she had hidden and looks up at the room filled with guilt and shame. Her small frame is draped in a modest sundress, her hair combed to perfection and her panties twisted around her ankles.
Karen’s head pops up to see what’s distracting Lonnie. “Nancy?”
“Nancy!” Ted yells. “What are you doing here?”
Lonnie laughs, pushing Karen off of his cock and walking across the room towards the wide eyed teen. Nancy claws at her ankles, trying to pull her panties back up with hands that were still slick from touching herself.
“I think she was watching!” Lonnie calls back to Karen.
Nancy looks around, face flushed with embarrassment and finally manages to pull her panties back up. Flustered she stands and meets eyes with everyone in the room. Her father staring in surprise at her arrival, her mother wiping cum from her chin in embarrassment, and Lonnie walking towards her, smiling sweetly.
“I’m sorry.” She manages, in a small, meek voice. “I heard noises. And then I hid. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.”
“No no little one.” Lonnie coos, pushing past Ted. “Don’t be sorry. It’s natural to be curious.”
The naked man wraps his hand around Nancy and rubs her shoulder. Nancy’s eyes wander over Lonnie’s muscular body and unconsciously she licks her lips.
“Now tell me Nancy.” Lonnie continues. “Did you watch what your mommy was doing with her friends?”
Nancy looks to her mother, unsure. Karen smiles at her daughter with cum coated lips and shrugs her shoulders, looking like a child who has been caught in the cookie jar. Nancy looks back up at Lonnie, eyes now much more curious than concerned.
“Yeah I saw….”
“Was that the first time?” Lonnie asks, leaning in and cocking an eyebrow.
Nancy, again red with embarrassment, shakes her head.
“Oh really?” Lonnie says, grinning again. “And how long have you been watching mommy when she has friends over? It’s okay to tell me, you aren’t in trouble.”
“I first saw a couple months ago.” Nancy whispers. “I was just curious! I didn’t mean to spy….”
“No, no Nancy.” Lonnie reassures. “There’s no need to be sorry. In fact I’m glad you did it. You were very brave and I’m proud of you.”
Lonnie, naked with his cock still glistening from Karen, tussles Nancy’s dark hair and smiles down at her. Nancy smiles back, looking relieved that she isn’t in trouble. Without thinking she pushes a little closer to Lonnie, brining her hand inches from his dick.
“And what did you think Nancy?” Lonnie continues, noticing Nancy eyes drift towards his swollen shaft. “Did what mommy was doing with her friends look like fun?”
Nancy nods and timidly reaches out, brushing her fingers on Lonnie’s rapidly hardening cock.
“Oh hey!” Lonnie laughs, thrusting his hips toward’s Nancy’s lingering fingers. “Do you see that Karen? She wants to be just like her mommy!”
Karen beams as she watches her daughter explore Lonnie’s cock, gliding her fingers up his shaft and grazing his balls with a timid curiosity. Nancy’s eyes bulge as her light touches make Lonnie’s cock twitch and grow. Delicately she takes the expanding shaft in her hand and looks nervously towards her mom, stroking Lonnie’s length in awkward, quick jerks.
“Lonnie that’s my daughter!” Ted screams from beside the closet. “Get your dirty hands off of her!”
“I’m not doing anything!” Lonnie laughs, raising his hands high in the air as Nancy continues imitating her mother. “This is all her Teddy boy. You raised her. Not me!”
With cum still dripping down her leg Karen shoots an annoyed glance at Ted and then walks over to where Nancy and Lonnie are getting to know each other. Smiling she runs her hand through her daughters hair and offers silent encouragement. Nancy, relieved at her mother’s approval, resumes playing with her new toy.
“Nancy is a big girl Ted.” Karen explains as she takes her daughter’s hand and begins teaching her how to jerk off Lonnie. “You can’t just tell her what to do. She should choose for herself.”
“And she has clearly chosen!” Lonnie says, closing his eyes and savoring Nancy’s rapidly improving hand-job skills.
“And you’re okay with this Karen??” Ted gasps, exasperated.
“I’m her mother.” Karen whispers, kissing Nancy on the head. “I’ll always support her. Whatever she wants to do.”
Both girls turn to Lonnie and Ted stares in shocked horror as his wife teaches their daughter how to jerk off the biggest asshole in the town. Hand in hand they pleasure him and smile at each other, sharing in a mother-daughter bonding moment. Karen is a good teacher, patiently explaining to Nancy how to make Lonnie twitch and moan.
“Wrap your hand around the head baby. Now rub it in your palm. That’s it baby. Just like that.”
“Cup his balls Nancy. Gently now. That’s great baby, you’re doing great. Now roll them in your hand. Slower baby. Yes that’s perfect. Keep going honey. Nice and slow.”
“Loosen your hand baby, don’t squeeze him. Gentle but firm remember? Don’t look at me baby, look at Lonnie. Stroke him baby. Look at him and stroke. That’s good. All the way to the balls honey, all the way down.”
Lonnie, the worlds most willing instructional tool, lights a cigarette and groans loudly. He pulls Karen to his other side and begins mauling her chest with his hand. Karen, barely noticing, continues teaching Nancy as her body is molested.
“Are you really leaving daddy?” Nancy asks, multitasking with Lonnie’s shaft and balls.
“Yes he is baby.” Karen responds, answering for Ted. “Lonnie is going to be your new daddy.”
“But why?” Nancy asks, confused. “Don’t you love us dad?”
“Of course he does honey. But so does Lonnie. And Lonnie is a strong man who can take care of us. Not a pussy like your father.” Karen replies. Ted cringes as his wife continues. “Your father can’t provide for us. He can’t protect us. And he can’t satisfy us. He can barely boil water.”
“Karen…”. Ted whispers.
“Now Karen.” Lonnie interrupts, suddenly sounding concerned. “I think you might be being a little hard on poor Teddy boy here.”
“She is?” Ted responds.
“Yes she is Ted,” replies Lonnie, migrating his savage groping to Karen’s ass. “I think that deep down you want to be a good father.”
“I do.” Ted answers, enthusiastically.
“And I think you can do it.” Lonnie, continues. “If only you had a chance to prove yourself.”
“What?” Karen butts in. “What do you mean?”
“I mean that we should give Ted an opportunity to prove he can take care of his family. I think that Ted’s new job should be the family butler. He’ll make sure the laundry is done, dinner is cooked, the house is cleaned and most of all…”. He says as he pulls Karen and Nancy under each of his shoulders. “…he’ll leave us lots of free time to have fun!”
“So I can make him do anything?” Karen inquires, suddenly liking the idea.
“Until he proves he’s a father worthy of your family. Then yes.”
“And I don’t have to do laundry or clean my room anymore?” Nancy asks, gleefully.
“Nope. Your father is going to do all that for you. He’ll take care of whatever you need. So what do you say Teddy boy? Do you want a job?”
“The job?” Ted croaks, looking shocked. “Do I want to be the maid of my own house? To my own family? After you fucked my wife and violated my daughter?!”
Lonnie detaches himself from the girls and walks over to Ted, looking serious.
“Ted? Listen to me and think carefully.” He begins, his voice a low and commanding. “Do you want to watch your children grow up?”
“Of course.” Ted replies.
“And do you want to be a part of your family? Do you want to live in the house that you payed for?”
“Yes. Yes of course.”
“Then you better take the job Teddy boy.” The naked muscular man hisses into Ted’s ear. “Because I’ll lock that door behind you and never let you back in. You go start being a good little maid around the house or I’ll make sure that in two months you aren’t even a memory to Nancy.”
“So what do you say Ted?” Lonnie says as he stands up, smiling ear to ear.
Ted, defeated, looks at his daughter and knows he can’t lose her. He can’t bear to have her forget him. He can’t leave her alone with Lonnie. He can’t abandon her. She needs her father. Now more than ever.
Slowly he stands up from the chair and faces Lonnie.
“I’ll do it.” He whispers.
“Sorry I didn’t catch that.” Lonnie sneers back.
“I’ll do it.” Ted says, louder than he means to, eliciting a laugh from his tormentor.
“Great!” Lonnie replies, raising his hands. “Karen, put him to work.”
“With pleasure.” Karen says with a tight smile. “Ted the comforter and bedsheets are filthy. Go put them in the wash and be sure to scrub out all the stains. I made a bit of a mess…..”
Lonnie laughs loudly and smacks Karen’s ass as Ted moves towards the bed.
“And then go clean my room!” Nancy calls out, beaming.
“Whoa now Nancy.” Lonnie responds, taking the teen under his arm once again. “We’re gonna have to wait on that one. I have a job that I’m gonna need your dad for after he gets the wash going. Speaking of which, I have a question for you.”
“What is it?” Nancy replies, looking up at him with wonder in her eyes.
“Do you want to be like your mommy?” Lonnie asks, pulling the girl close.
“Yes!” Nancy responded, eyes sparkling. “Yes I would love to!”
Karen looks on, smiling with pride as Nancy’s hands automatically drift back to Lonnies cock, picking up where they had left off. The girl was a quick learner. Already she was remembering to play with Lonnies’s balls while she jerked him off. She kept eye contact, just like Karen had shown her, and always remembered to massage the tip as she stroked.
“Is that true baby?” Karen asks as she takes her daughters hand. “Do you really want to be like mommy?”
Nancy is silent but responds with enthusiastic head nodding. Karen places a quiet kiss on her daughter forehead and smiles.
“Lonnie and I will teach you baby. We can show you how.”
“Okay.” Nancy says breathlessly. “I’m kinda nervous though.”
“Don’t be baby.” Nancy responds, hugging her daughter. “I’ll be right there with you. You and mommy can do it together.”
“You hear that Ted?” Lonnie calls over his shoulder. “Your little girl wants to be a whore, just like her mommy!”
Nancy blushes and giggles. Karen strokes her daughter’s hair and pushes her head into her naked breast. Lonnie smiles sadistically while Ted looks at his feet.
“Alright girls,” Lonnie announces. “Why don’t you go get all pretty for your NEW daddy. I’ll get us some new sheet to ruin….. and Ted….. have you ever used a video camera before?” -->

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