Angela Gets a New Master Part 15 of the Angela series
- 3 years ago
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Chapter 1
Michael and Lorraine were a married couple that owned a furniture business with three locations. Lorraine had always been rather domineering, and Michael had grown tired of it. After eleven years of marriage, they finally divorced. They stayed partners in the business, Lorraine remaining at the Eastwick store most of the time, and Michael spending most of his time at their Bridgeton location and the rest at Eastwick. Neither Michael nor Lorraine spent much time at the third location. Michael often personally interviewed new employees if he was at the location when they came in.
One day while at the Eastwick store, a candidate for a sales position came in for her interview. Her name was Angela. As soon as she was introduced to Michael, Angela felt an immediate draw to him. She wasn’t sure exactly what it was, but there was something definitely there. Michael continued with the interview, and although Angela was not a real strong candidate for the position, he decided to hire her anyway.
Angela was surprised when he had offered her the job, as she felt she had blown several of the questions he had asked. She had made a couple of comments that were less than appropriate and her body language had been all wrong. She was happy to get the job; after high school, she had had a number of menial type jobs, never staying at one for more than a year or so. She had finally decided to go back to school, but dropped out after three semesters and had mostly part time jobs since then. She had moved away from home and was currently renting a room in the home of a divorcee.
Michael told her to report to the store at 10am on the following Monday. He gave her a copy of the job requirements, including the dress code which permitted only skirts or dresses. She would be working for a small base salary and commission. The percentage would be based on her total sales and adjusted each three month period. Angela went home to check out her wardrobe. It was pretty limited and she would need a number of new outfits so she would not have to wear the same thing every day.
Since her funds were limited, she went to one of the consignment shops in the area. Angela picked out three skirts and four different jackets that could be worn with two of them as well as another skirt she had already. She could only find three tops, but also found two dresses. Even at the consignment store prices, she needed to use up almost all of her emergency money. She could only hope that she was able to sell some furniture quickly, so she could cover her rent.
Her wardrobe was still pretty sparse, but it would have to do until she made some money. She also went to a lingerie store and invested in one good bra. She got a long overdue haircut and was ready to show up for work on Monday. While she waited, she tried to figure out what it was she sensed about Michael. She just was not able to put her finger on it. He was okay looking, but nothing fantastic.
She was a tall, robust girl, though by no means overweight; and he was average weight and about two inches shorter than her. Judging by the amount of thick black hair protruding from the open neck of his shirt and the backs of his hands, he was one of those guys that was hairy all over. A real turn-off for her normally. Although she did not feel the attraction was physical, there was something. If she had known then what she would find out later, she might have turned and run. By the time she found out, it would be too late to do anything about it.
At the same time this was going on, Michael was wondering why he had hired her. She did not seem to be an especially strong candidate. He had interviewed several others with more experience than her. If the clothes she had worn to the interview were any indication, her wardrobe must be pretty shabby, not a good thing for a salesperson. He was also conscious of his height and generally avoided taller girls. He would later discover what he saw and would be very glad he had gone with his gut.
Chapter 2
Angela reported for her new job bright and early Monday morning. She had picked out the best outfit she could put together from her existing clothes and her new purchases. She had laid everything out and made a list of mix and matches, which would allow her to go a little over two weeks without having to repeat the same outfit. Although she had a number of bras, only one other was decent, so that meant hand washing each bra by hand every night, as well as each blouse. She debated what shoes to wear. She preferred flats if she was going to be on her feet all day, but noticed that all the women had on at least two inch heels.
Angela would also have to wash her one good pair of pantyhose everyday and hope they didn’t run. She had barely enough money to put gas in her car and hoped she would make it until payday. She would be living off peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for lunch until then and might have to skip dinner some nights unless her landlord, Dawn invited her to share her dinner. She did not even have enough money for a soda, so would be drinking water with her sandwich. Angela was not a big water drinker, but had no choice.
The personnel manager met with Angela and went over her paperwork, the job requirements and dress code. She set her up with her employee ID, and told her she would be shadowing another salesperson for the first week to learn the ropes. During this time, she would be earning no commission, but her base would be doubled for the first week, then would drop to 50% extra the second week and would be the quoted amount on the third week. Each week, there would be a weekly sales goal to be met, that would increase each month until it reached the normal amount at the end of her probation period. At that time, it would be the same amount expected each week from the other sales people. She was to record each customer she spent more than ten minutes with, as there was also an average sale total based on the number of customers she had each week.
Her first week’s salary would be held back, then payday was every two weeks, so it would be three weeks before Angela got her first paycheck. The probation period was three months long and if she was not meeting her weekly goals by the end of that time, she would be terminated. She would receive no benefits until after the probationary period and was expected to put in at least eight hours each day, plus six hours on one weekend day. Her base pay was set though, no matter how many extra hours she put in. She was given her schedule and introduced to Dave, the salesperson who would train her.
She had not counted on the extra day of work each week, nor the fact that it would be three weeks before receiving the first paycheck. Her food supply would not last that long without really skimping and her car did not have enough gas to get past two weeks at most. Angela had one nice piece of jewelry she had inherited from her grandmother, and the only way she would make it to payday would be to hock it. Hopefully, she would be able to reclaim it quickly, because her mother would never forgive her if she lost it. Dave turned out to be a less than stellar trainer, or salesman for that matter. She supposed he had very little incentive to do a good job training the competition.
Angela learned what she could from him and tried to observe some of the other salespeople in action. When there were no customers, she wandered the store to familiarize herself with the inventory. She knew she was not the most outgoing person, but was determined to make this work. During that week, she only saw Michael once or twice, but was once again distracted whenever she saw him. On the other hand, he watched her closely on the monitor in his office trying to figure out what it was about her that had him perplexed.
Chapter 3
On Friday night, he sent word to her to come to his office when her shift was over. Angela feared she was going to be fired. When she got to his office, she was acutely aware of the fact that she towered over him in her heels and quickly sat down in a chair. When she did, the middle button on her blouse popped off. Since the top button had been opened, her bra was now fully exposed. It was a low cut job, so much of her breasts were revealed.
It was also very sheer and Michael could clearly see her nipples through the fabric. She reached for her jacket to cover herself, but she heard Michael ordering her to stop. Angela put her hands down and lowered her gaze, but he ordered her to look at him. Michael asked her what would have happened if that had occurred in front of a customer. He looked furious and Angela was sure she was going to get the boot.
“I called you here because I was going to let you start on your own tomorrow, rather than on Monday. I have noticed you watching the staff other than Dave and checking out the inventory on your own. I like when someone shows initiative like that, but now I am not so sure. If you can’t even sew on a button properly, then what kind of salesperson are you?”
Angela panicked.
“Please give me another chance! I really need this job. I can’t even afford to look for another job until I get some money. I will do anything.”
“Anything?” Michael was getting an idea.
“Yes. Anything. Please.”
“Play with your nipples.”
“Play with your nipples. Rub them through your bra. Make them nice and hard for me.”
Angela was aghast and hesitated, then looked at Michael who appeared quite upset. She really needed the job, so she reach up and started to rub her nipples. The feel of rubbing them was making her slightly hot despite her fear and the humiliation. Michael was sitting behind his desk, so she could not see what he was doing, but one of his hands was under his desk.
“Now squeeze them. Roll them between your fingertips. I want to see them poking against your bra.”
Angela did as she was told. Her nipples were now very erect. She noticed Michael was breathing heavier. As she kept on playing with them, she was getting more aroused herself. Although she was no virgin, and often pleasured herself, she had always been somewhat shy about her body, usually doing things in the dark. She was uncomfortable, but not able to stop herself. She did not know if she was doing it to hopefully keep her job, or due to the feelings she was getting from being ordered to do it.
“Squeeze them harder.”
Angela squeezed harder.
“Lift up your bra.”
Angela was appalled. Even though the bra was very sheer, it still covered her. Without it, she felt completely vulnerable. She hesitated.
She pulled her bra up, exposing her tits.
“Use your hands to cup the entire tit and start massaging them.”
She did as she was told. Michael continued staring at her and working his hand under his desk. Almost ten minutes had passed since she started and she was starting to get familiar feelings in her pussy. The last thing she wanted to do in front of him would be to have an orgasm, but she felt herself getting closer.
“Now, pull on the nipples for me. Stretch them out as far as they will go. DO IT NOW!!”
Angela pulled on them and suddenly felt herself orgasm. She did her best to hide it from him, but was unable to do so. He jumped up from behind his desk and she could see the bulge in his pants.
“Did I tell you that you could cum?”
“I couldn’t help myself. I have never done that before. It just got me excited.”
“Put your hands down.”
She did and he reached out and slapped both her tits hard. Then he grabbed her nipples and pulled on them, even harder than she had. It hurt a lot, but also sent another little wave of pleasure through her. He used his finger to flick at each nipple until they were both very hard again. Then he walked back and sat behind his desk. Angela found herself sniffling a little.
“Very good. Now, for god’s sake, put yourself back together and stop crying. You will work tomorrow for commission. I will personally take on your training from now on. If you wish to keep this job, you will do as you are told. I think you will be a very good fit here as long as you continue to obey me. Angela had a bad feeling about all of this, but was intrigued at the same time. Plus, she feared if she said anything, she would lose the job.
Chapter 4
Angela reported for work on Saturday. She had been very careful to make sure all her buttons were sewn on tightly and dressed very conservatively. She was able to engage several customers and made three sales. Two were small, totaling less than $200 but the other one was about $700. She also gave several other customers her card and felt at least one of them was serious about a bedroom set he had looked at for his young daughter.
When her shift was almost over, she heard her name over the PA system, summoning her to Michael’s office. She entered it with trepidation. She had no idea what would happen. She felt she had done well on the sales, but was troubled by the way he had said he would be training her, and that she would be okay as long as she obeyed him. Her emotions were mixed as her mind hoped there would not be a repeat of yesterday, yet her body tingled slightly in anticipation. She made a quick check of her blouse, then sat down in the same chair as yesterday.
Michael was sitting on the edge of his desk, directly in front of the chair. He reached out and yanked her blouse open, popping off one button and tearing it in the process.
“Take it off.”
She removed her jacket, then the blouse.
“Take off your bra.”
Why was she doing what he asked? She did not want to, but could not stop herself. Angela reached around and unhooked it, then slid it off her shoulders. Michael was rubbing his cock through his pants and she could see him start to harden. What was he planning on doing to her? Was any job worth this? Yet, she could not find the will to say no or just walk away from it all. He just sat there and watched her for awhile. Finally, he spoke.
“Why are you just sitting there?”
“What? What do you mean? What do you want me to do?”
“I want to watch you play with your tits. You will do what you did yesterday and anything else I tell you to do to them. But today, you will not cum until I tell you to. Or maybe I won’t let you cum at all.”
Angela hesitated for just a second, but it was too long for Michael. He reached over and slapped both her breasts several times, very hard. His hands left bright red marks behind. She started to cry.
“Next time, when I tell you to do something, do NOT hesitate. DO IT NOW!”
Angela picked up her hands and started to play with herself. Her nipples were tender where he had slapped them, and she rubbed them gingerly.
“Harder. Put some effort into it. And stop whining.”
He was rubbing his cock through his pants again and she noticed the size already, and he did not appear to be completely hard yet. He might not be all that tall, but he seemed to be bigger than a lot of the other guys she had fucked in the past. She watched him watching her as her hands seemed to take on a life of their own and were pulling her nipples and massaging her breasts automatically. She felt herself nearing the edge and started to moan softly.
Angela came out of her trance and forced herself not to orgasm. Michael bent down and took one of her breasts into his mouth. He began to bite them, then lick them, then repeated it again. This was sending alternate waves of pain and pleasure through Angela’s entire body unlike anything she had ever felt. He stopped suddenly, then slapped her tits another half dozen times.
“Now play with your tits again, and this time, no orgasm until I say so. You may touch your tits and only them. Do not touch your pussy. When I give you the okay, you will have one minute to cum. If you take longer, you will pay the consequences.”
He went back behind his desk. Both of his hands were in his lap, and she heard his zipper go down. He leaned back and she could tell he was stroking his member as he watched her. She played with her tits, pulling, rubbing and massaging them, keeping herself near the edge, but not allowing herself to go over it. This went on for a good fifteen minutes as he continued watching her and rubbing his cock. He suddenly began to rub faster.
Angela pulled on her nipples until they were stretched way out. It hurt, but felt good too. Her pussy was getting wet. She massaged her breasts until she felt the orgasm coming on. She rubbed her nipples between her fingers and it pushed her over the edge releasing a gush of liquid, soaking her underwear and pantyhose. This time, she did not try to hide it from him.
“Fuck, I’m cumming!! Oohh God!!”
As she shouted out, she could tell it excited him and within seconds, he came as well. She could smell the smell of sex on herself and wondered how she could go through the store like that. Her blouse was trashed, she was totally disheveled, and was sure her juices were rolling down her legs. And she had enjoyed it! What was he doing to her? She no longer had any doubts about the direction this was headed in, and yet worried about how far it would go, but found herself almost looking forward to finding out.
Michael had taken some Kleenex and was cleaning himself off under his desk. She heard him zip up his pants. He stood up and walked around to the front of the desk again, his bulge still showing.
“Get dressed. You can use my bathroom to clean yourself off a little. There are some safety pins in there for the blouse. In the future, unless you want me to keeping ripping them off, I suggest that you remove your blouse and bra BEFORE you walk into my office.”
“Wh.. wh.. where could I do that without being seen by someone?”
“I don’t care if you are seen, just make sure they are off when you walk through that door. Now, I think your first two training sessions have gone quite well. I am very pleased with your progress. You are also doing well on the sales floor. Keep up the good work. Please close my office door when you leave, and don’t make a mess in the bathroom.”
He turned and left the office. Angela’s worst fears had been confirmed about the training. Michael’s statement about the first two training sessions left no doubt he was not referring to training here in the art of selling of furniture. He had something far more sinister in mind. Although filled with trepidation about exactly what the training was for, and an urge to just run and never return, she was strangely compelled to stay and see what would happen.
Finally, Angela went into the bathroom and tried to wash her cum off her legs. Her panties were soaked and she was sure anyone who got within ten feet of her would smell it and know exactly what she had been doing. She used one of the pins to close her blouse and put her jacket back on. She buttoned that as well. She ran her fingers through her hair, then cleaned up around the sink.
When she walked out, his secretary was gone and there were only a few customers and two salespeople left in the store. But as she walked down the stairs to the showroom, it felt as if every eye left in the room was looking at her. She felt herself turning a bright red, which just made matters worse. How could she keep on doing this? But then, how could she stop?
To be continued...
Chapter 1 Carly sat in her car in the parking lot. She had followed Angela to the bar, hoping to see if Angela was meeting her Master. She had been following her on and off since she found out, but had missed her last weekend. Carly had driven by the house several times and had not seen Angela’s car until Monday evening. When she saw her during the week, she could see a change in her demeanor and just knew something had happened. Based on her research, she felt something more would happen soon...
Oral SexChapter 1 Bright and early Friday morning, Angela arrived at work. She went directly to Lorraine’s office and knocked on the door. She had the paperwork and the bag with the items Lorraine ordered her to bring. She had the midsized plug in her now and though she had grown accustomed to it, was unsure of the larger one. It was at least twice as large as the one she was wearing now. “Enter.” Angela walked in. Lorraine was sitting at her desk waiting for Angela. “Right on time. Very good. Now...
Mind ControlChapter 1 Angela figured she would give the apartment a good cleaning for Michael. She wasn’t even thinking about sir, but there he was, sitting in her living room when she opened her door. Next to him on the love seat was a young boy. “George had a set of keys made for me so I don’t have to knock all the time. He called to let me know that you would not be available this weekend because Michael was bringing over some friends, but I have a very special treat for you today. This here is my step...
TabooChapter 1 Michael had more stamina than any other man Angela had ever been with. It seemed like he had been fucking her for well over an hour now and he showed no sign of letting up. He periodically added some lube to his cock or the dildo, which was keeping everything sliding in and out very smoothly. She had already cum at least five more times, or maybe it was just one continuous orgasm. She could no longer tell. Michael had not said anything to her when she came with him in her pussy the...
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MasturbationChapter 1 Regardless of whatever else would happen, Carly decided she needed to plan on how to get Angela out and when she could do it safely. She was still not sure she would be able to talk Angela into leaving voluntarily, and she could do nothing officially. She finally decided that she would enlist Dawn’s help with it when the time came. But it was going to have to wait until more investigation had been done, and hopefully they were able to file charges. There were still a lot of ifs. In...
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Angela sat on her bed and touched herself. Her fingers flew across her clit with a desperate urgency and her entire body convulsed as she reached her climax. With a sigh and a shudder she stood pulling her robe down over her perfectly toned pale body, and grabbing her habit off of the small inn table and pulled it on over her gorgeous smooth blond hair. She checked in her tiny mirror for hair sticking out and pursed her lips. Then she crossed herself and sent a prayer for forgiveness to God,...
Introduction: One man and his Dog Further exploits of man and his best friend. It was getting beyond a joke! My dog was getting all the boning he could handle and there was I, miles from home, phone in one hand and cock in the other! It was going to have to change, I was going to get this job done and get home as soon as I could. I worked my arse off but still didnt manage to get ahead with my work, or even catch up, having left early to install the additional cameras. Whilst working away I...
It was getting beyond a joke! My dog was getting all the boning he could handle and there was I, miles from home, phone in one hand and cock in the other! It was going to have to change, I was going to get this job done and get home as soon as I could. I worked my arse off but still didn’t manage to get ahead with my work, or even catch up, having left early to install the additional cameras. Whilst working away I thought about what I had seen. The Wicked Witch getting “Dogged”, I had it...
One side of the chalet Bungalow was open space where the end of the crescent of the beach could be seen. The other side had a row of similar chalet bungalows, about 20 altogether. Next door lived a rather attractive lady and her 16 year old daughter. I was later to find out that she was also a divorcee but a bitter one who hated men and that the daughter was actually her Step daughter, from the marriage. Apparently the Step-daughter also disliked her father enough to want to live with her...
Angela by am Outside I heard the Taxi driver beep his horn, I looked through the window and acknowledged him. Then, after putting my handbag over my shoulder, making sure I had my keys, purse, tickets etc., I picked up the 2 suitcases I'd packed earlier that day. It felt like an age since I'd rung the taxi and I'd been sat round in my business suit. I walked down the steps in front of my flat and nearly slipped. The heels I'd chosen to wear weren't too high but I still...
After writing ‘Angela’s Education’, my first submission to Literotica, I found myself increasingly curious about the characters of Angela and Devin. This Prequel is a love story with no sex. If its sex is what you are seeking I recommend Angela’s Education. Angela is a lady and will take some courting before surrendering. ***** Angela paced the sumptuous lobby like a cat. Her long legs flashing through the short slit of her conservative business suit. She dialed her boss’s number on her...
Angela Blade Chronicles Chapter 2: Switzerland When we left Angela Blade she was learning to cope with life as a three-year-old girl after being a male FBI agent. Not wanting to have to go live with her grandparents in Saudi Arabia a Muslim country. Trying to be a good girl and the daughter of a mafia kingpin. As we begin this chapter the Blade family is getting ready to fly to Switzerland. But daddy I thought we were staying here in Australia for the...
Angela had toothache. It had kept her awake all night having started a couple of days earlier. Her maid had advised her to use oil of cloves, but it was not doing any good. Even worse her husband of six weeks, William, was angry because she would not have sex with him. William was twenty years older than Angela and they were on honeymoon touring Europe. As Angela lay in bed wondering what to do about the pain the door was thrown open, and William stood there glowering at her. ‘ I have had...
I am married to a petite size 10, sexy brunet. Angela is absolutely beautiful, with full surgically enhanced breasts with long eraser tip nipples. Angela is the typical fun loving party girl.She always dresses in tight fitting clothes, which show off her nice figure. She enjoys the attention she gets from other men, in an innocent way. It is not unusual for men to compliment her or flirt with her at the store or when she is out with the girls. She usually will tell me about this guy or that guy...
Chris and Ange Part 1.I have known Chris and Ange for well over a decade, and we have become real good friends.They are both into mild swinging, and Ange is openly bisexual, whereas Chris is straight.Chris is in his 40’s and Ange is now 27. Ange is about size 18 with absolutely gorgeous breasts, she is about 5’6” and Chris is trim and stands about 5’8”.They both know me as Tina, and we have had social drinks before, and we have often laughed about me ‘entertaining’ Chris in front of Ange, but...
"I think I see what your problem is," I said, popping up over the bathroom counter with my adjustable wrench in one hand and a wet wad in the other. "You can't flush a paper towel, Angela, it's too heavy. These modern low-flow toilets can't handle anything that doesn't dissolve in water." My sister nodded her head and shuffled her feet. "I guess I knew that," she admitted, smiling, "if I'd been thinking. You might want to get rid of that thing, though, Neil." I looked at the...
I, Mitchell Ryan Magnuson, born February 2d, 1959 in The city of Joplin, Jasper County Missouri, declare this Document to be my last will and testament, there being no others. Being of sound mind and unbelievably unsound body do herein state: 1. My attorney, Norman Atchison, is the executor of this will. He shall serve without bond and has discretion in the execution of this will. 2. I require of my executor that he arrange for my burial at the Grainger, Kansas Cemetery. Norm, I’d like a...
My cousin Angela, came for the summer to holiday with us, she lived in the rural countryside, and our mothers thought it best we should 'Team-up', as Angela was now in her mid-teens, and somewhat underdeveloped, both physically and mentally, I mean she was no retard, just lacked contact with boys, whereas her city bound cousin, me, was developing fast.'What the fuck am I supposed to do with her', I asked my mother, 'It's summer, and I dont want to babysit a fucking retard'.My mother got angry...
Once I open the door to my home its pretty much the same everyday. I walk in and my son Vin is the first to yell out a funny comment. Sometimes he even decides to throw something my way and see if I can catch it. While this is going on my wife Jamie usually yells out a greeting from the kitchen or the laundry room. The best greeting of all comes from my first child Angela. No matter what she is doing she always runs up to me and gives me a hug. Angela and I have a bond that only a father and...
Angela and I had been married for over twenty years, the first few years had been good with a great sex life but as time had gone by the relationship had gone stale and at the end our sex life was non -existent. I began to suspect that she was getting laid elsewhere and I had also strayed from time to time. One Saturday I returned from golf around 2.00 pm and found Angela upstairs in our bedroom. She gave me a look that I hadn’t seen for years and said she had a surprise for me. I was told to...
Introduction: My dogs love life As you can see from the title its a sequel so if you havnt already read the first I suggest you do. If you dont like bestiality, as in the genres then dont read it and leave stupid comments about it being about dogs and women please! Unfortunately I had to go to a job, rather a distance from home, it would mean lodging out and the digs didnt take animals. Fortunately I was able to organise Angela looking after Bruiser whilst I was away, after all they both new...
Angela and Martin p1: Martin's Session "What the fuck are you doing?!?" Martin had just walked in on his sister, Angela, pissing. They lived with their mom in a three bedroom, two bathroom house. The two were less than pleased to share a bathroom while their mom got her own. Angela, who was 16, wanted to share with her ever since she started her menstrual cycle. Unfortunately, for her at least, Mom refused. She was forced to share a bathroom with her obnoxious,15 year old brother....
Angela and Martin p1: Martin's Session "What the fuck are you doing?!?" Martin had just walked in on his sister, Angela, pissing. They lived with their mom in a three bedroom, two bathroom house. The two were less than pleased to share a bathroom while their mom got her own. Angela, who was 16, wanted to share with her ever since she started her menstrual cycle. Unfortunately, for her at least, Mom refused. She was forced to share a bathroom with her obnoxious,15 year old brother....
Unfortunately I had to go to a job, rather a distance from home, it would mean lodging out and the digs didn’t take animals. Fortunately I was able to organise Angela looking after Bruiser whilst I was away, after all they both new each other, intimately. The first evening away and I logged on to my camera. What a shock! There , to my amazement, although it probably shouldn’t have been, was a view of Bruiser, from behind. He was stood with his hind legs on the sofa, one either side of a...
We were in love. I know we were only 14 years old but what we had was special. We were best friends. We did everything together. She came and watched my baseball games and I went to her field hockey. She went fishing with me and I would go shopping with her. We were best friends and deeply in love with each other. We spent the last few weeks together inseparable. I remember those last two weeks well because it was the time I became a man and she became a woman. I was helping her...
Reddit Angela White, aka r/AngelaWhite! I’m sure that at one point in time, everyone’s favorite must have been the beautiful milf r/AngelaWhite/. She is not only a girl with a pretty face; she is a beauty with an incredibly hot body! Well, did you know that there is a whole subreddit dedicated to this wonderful babe? So, if you are ever in the mood to watch a beautiful slut bounce on thousands of hard cocks, r/AngelaWhite/ is the right subreddit for you.First of all, is a pretty neat...
Reddit NSFW ListANGELA I was on top of my oldest and fucking the shit out of her when I first noticed the shadow outside in the garden. It was to be the first time, but not the last. It took me a while to figure out who was watching. I half expected them to call the cops the first time, because most people frown on a father fucking his two daughters on a regular basis. But they didn't mind. In fact they loved it. They competed for my...
My boss, Angela and I had become lovers during a business trip to France. It had always been a rule of mine never to mix work and romance but in her case the two were inseparable. She was a fabulous lover and after that first night in the Hotel du Roi our trip of three days became a mix of meetings, dinners and bed. I woke up the morning after our arrival still in her bed. I woke up because her mouth was covering mine and her hand was between my legs. She claimed it was an ‘alarm kiss’ and that...
LesbianThis story begins one day in October. I left my job, it was night and I decided to go to dinner at a restaurant. I entered, I chose the table and I sat down. While reading the menu, I feel a fine voice, which asks me: What do you want to eat? I look up and see a woman with a beautiful, angelic face, very white skin, clear eyes and red hair. She wore a tight white shirt through which protruded the two nipples of small tits. I stayed a few seconds without answering, as if hypnotized. She smiled...
THIS HAPPENED IN 2015An old friend, Angela, got in touch after a good ten years, she’d been married and her husband died 4 years ago, and she asked me if I wanted to go to some gigs again. Years ago we used to go and see live Rockabilly music around the County, but that was it. I shagged her in 1976 when we were both single but not recently.This particular Saturday she rang me and asked if I fancied a concert 40 miles away. Donna and I discussed it and she said “Go if you want she’ll probably...
We had been in Paris for a few days and become lovers. Angela was an amazingly exciting lover and I was on a distinct high when I got home. Cloudsley, my cat, was aloof and distant when I got back. Sir Cloudsley Shovell was one of my Dad’s heroes. He’d managed to sink an entire squadron of ships in 1707 off the Isles of Scilly and, as a result of his misfortune, the race to develop a timepiece that would assist navigators assumed huge importance. OK, so it’s a bit nerdy but the story has always...
We had been in Paris for a few days and become lovers. Angela was an amazingly exciting lover and I was on a distinct high when I got home. Cloudsley, my cat, was aloof and distant when I got back. Sir Cloudsley Shovell was one of my Dad’s heroes. He’d managed to sink an entire squadron of ships in 1707 off the Isles of Scilly and, as a result of his misfortune, the race to develop a timepiece that would assist navigators assumed huge importance. OK, so it’s a bit nerdy but the story has always...