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Angela Briscoe 1: Unmasking
DEAR READER: Some jerk hiding under ‘Anonymous’ has vindictively targeted me on this site this year. Usually identifiable by giving me a 00 rating and acting like a sick virus. Snide personal comments are usual. Please ignore him/her/them and judge my writing as YOU find it. Thank you. Egmont Grigor.
Sweet-faced Angela Briscoe with sensuous lips and a flattering cleavage had become the darling of the partners at Baldacci, Guy, Reinhardt & Robinson, Attorneys at Law, much to the puzzlement of lower level attorneys and some forty-support personnel.
Analytical or outright derisive discussion by fellow workers about Angela began around water-coolers, in restrooms, over coffee and in bars from the time of her appointment to the executive support team three years ago but lately had gained an admiring overtone. Angela now headed the executive support team, the most under-qualified person to do so in the legal firm’s 127-year history. The only explanation for her unstoppable rise came at the time notice of Angela’s promotion was posted. Management noted: ‘Angela clearly was the most appropriate person for the position’.
Sensational disclosure referred to by the media as ‘Angela Briscoe’s Unmasking’ came during the court proceedings into a dispute over custody of two children when Seymour Robinson, merchant banker, sought to divorce his second wife, Thelma Robinson, of Baldacci and Partners.
The story began three years earlier…
Leaning back on her leather chair, glasses positioned low on her nose to read the smallest of print, Thelma Robinson looked at the five names the HR manager had short-listed for possible appointment as minutes secretary, the most junior position on the executive support team at Baldacci, Guy, Reinhardt & Robinson, Attorneys at Law. Junior perhaps but it was necessary to ensure a professionally competent, pleasant and industrious person was appointed. That was why Thelma, as managing partner, would chair the selection panel herself.
Thelma had asked the employment agency to supply details of the top five applicants. Idly she ran through the list of the unsuccessful fifteen other short-listed candidates and one name jumped at her — Angela Briscoe of Plimmerton. Thelma had been born and raised in Plimmerton and many years ago an off duty policeman, Sergeant Gregory Briscoe, had single-handedly saved her from harassment by three men when she was home from college for Spring Break. She smiled, recalling the gruff, powerfully built policeman who’s taken her to his home to have his wife bath her bruised face. The three men had been left at the scene, two of them unconscious and tied together by their belts and the third strapped with the sergeant’s belt by the feet to the top railing of the park fence.
Thelma wondered could Gregory be Angela’s father.
Moving on to other paperwork and taking three phone calls, Thelma then circled Angela’s name and drew a line to under the fifth candidate scheduled for interviews with the note, ‘Please add.’ She then noted with interest in the background précis that Angela, although not staying on to finish college had completed a diploma in office administration and had acquired two online diplomas in aspects of sexology involving 300 hours of study and 20 hours of one-on-one counseling under supervision of a field tutor/examiner. How interesting!
During lunch with the six candidates Thelma asked Angela what her parents worked at and was told her mother was a volunteer health worker and her father was a retired policeman.
‘What are their names?’
Surprised to be asked such a seemingly irrelevant question, Angela told Thelma what she wanted to know. ‘Margaret and Greg.’
Thelma looked at Margaret and Greg’s daughter wondering whether to take the risk and engage her. The other five candidates had superior qualifications and experience.
‘You have lovely skin,’ Angela said, such a personal comment from a candidate seeking a senior job position that it quite startled Thelma, and that didn’t pass unnoticed.
‘That was a genuine compliment, not intended in anyway to solicit favoritism.’
‘Are you sure about that?’
‘Very sure Mrs Robinson.’
After the final interviews and the candidates were sent away, Angela said: ‘Who should be voted out of final consideration?’
The candidate with acne and the candidate somewhat coarse in dress, manner and speech received the minimum two votes so Thelma ruled a line through the names of those two contenders.
The HR manager asked Thelma which of the others did she prefer.
‘Please don’t be surprised because she received one vote for rejection, but I favor Miss Briscoe.’
‘Why — that was the only candidate without a college or university degree?’ said the office manager.
‘That’s conceded, but she does have a most relevant qualification, a business school diploma in office administration and is certificated at currently maintaining a minimum of 160 per minutes in shorthand and is trained to operate a range of stenography equipment. That is more that sufficient I would have thought. We are not filling a position requiring an MBA or a law degree and I do point out Angela has almost completed online studies to qualify as a legal executive. Is anyone opposed to my choice?’
No one thought it necessary to be that brave.
The next day Angela was called in to HR to complete a contract and commenced duties a week later.
Angela was introduced to the partners at their regular Monday morning meeting. She entered the room and almost stunned Thelma. Angela’s raven hair was down around her shoulders, her lips appeared puckered, ready to be kissed, her chest was reasonably sized and appeared very shapely and the skirt of her black suit was about five inches above the knees and revealed magnificent legs. Thelma sucked in her breath and looking at her three senior partners realized she wasn’t the only person sexually enchanted.
After the introductions Thelma said, ‘Work beside me Angela. Just note main points for and against any proposal, note decisions and précis questions and answers. We only require very basic minutes to be circulated to everyone here plus Michelle the office manager before midday. This is what we have discussed and decided already. Check with my PA Cynthia re anything you are uncertain about anything or with me if Cynthia is uncertain.’
The meeting finished at 9:20 and at 9.55 the minutes were emailed to recipients. Thelma called in Angela.
‘Angela, that was incredibly quick service and I have only one misspelling of a client’s name — but only make the change to your master copy. Please open the door and tell Cynthia to bring in coffee. Please sit with me on the sofa.’
Both women left the cookies untouched but sipped coffee while they chatted.
‘Angela, could I be personal and ask would you like to socialize with me?’
‘Yes I would like that.’
Thelma said her husband was president of a merchant bank. He worked long hours and often ate out with clients or buddies. ‘I don’t like dining out alone and don’t always have friends available.’
‘Yes, I’d like to fill in and realize you’d not wish to dine with me where personal in this office are likely to see us, but if they do we just ride with it.’
Thelma smiled. ‘You are astute and diplomatic. You are quite right. Even my partners would think we two being out together would be rather strange.’
On their third dinner date Thelma said, ‘Seymour my husband is out of town tonight. Would you like to have coffee at our apartment?’
‘Yes Thelma, I’d like to see how the other half live.’
‘I won’t keep you up too late. The children are at my mother’s and often stay with her midweek.’
Thelma looked sharply at Angela when the younger woman said: ‘You may keep me as late as you wish.’
The apartment wa
s luxurious and the occasion excited Angela but it was not only her cheeks that were flushed.
They sat opposite in deep leather chairs.
‘Do you have a boyfriend or lots of them Angela?’
‘Not presently, I’ve been in the city less than a month. I come from a small place you’ll not have heard of.’
‘I know it, Plimmerton, where your policeman father Gregory was off duty one evening and saved me from being molested by three drunken men. I was home from college in my final year before going on to law school. Your father took me home and your mother calmed me. This is why I overruled the feeling of the selection panel and picked you, to give you a good start in your career in the big city.’
‘Oooh, I remembered when I came home from staying over with a girlfriend my mother telling me about you. I now remembered she used the name Thelma but I never made the connection when learning your name was Thelma. May I come over a kiss you, thanking you for giving me this chance?’
‘Yes of course,’ said the auburn-haired Thelma, her dark eyes now smoldering.
* * *
Angela returned to her studio apartment well after midnight, tired and still sexually stimulated, unable to believe what had happened.
She’d walked over to Thelma feeling very sexy, so she ran her tongue over her top lip for Thelma to see and Thelma looked at her wide-eyed. They kissed, unhurriedly and long and when she opened her lips their tongues touched and Thelma’s became playful. Angela’s senses began welling and she hoped Thelma would engage a lot more. Neither appeared shy of being like that with another woman, so to Angela that meant Thelma was also comfortable with having same-sex experiences.
Thelma pulled away a little and said rather throatily, ‘Squeeze in beside me.’
It was a wide lounge chair so that worked. They kissed again and at the next break Thelma said sweetly, ‘Do anything you wish darling.’
Angela thought that wouldn’t mean two fingers up the butt, at least not on their first time together, so she placed a hand on the boss’s right breast. Thelma placed her hand over Angela’s and pushed down hard and Angela felt the big fat nipple against the bra giving the impression of being ready to rip through the restraint.
‘Lovely breast,’ Angela gasped, breathing heavily as she untwined her tongue.
‘Dig it out but give me another tonguing as well.’
Angela pulled up Thelma’s silver and gold sequin-decorated top and pushed up the bra. A heavy breast dropped into her hand, the stiff nipple seemingly racing to tangle in her fingers.
Ohmigod, Angela thought. Ten days on the payroll and she was fucking the boss, or vice versa. That was unbelievable. Although Thelma was twelve years her senior she was in great shape and obviously had her body cared for professionally. Angela had long thought she’d like to engage with an experienced older woman. Well, this was it and she sniffed the boss’s arousal.
As Angela sucked and licked the breasts and fingered the nipple and nibbled it she lifted a leg high and that was sufficient prompt to feel a hand burrow down between them. Thelma’s fingers begin to stroke Angela’s pussy over the panties, now dampening, and then the middle finger furrowed the slit. Thelma began groaning and then gasped into a series of shudders in increasing intensity and then she fell away, relaxed.
‘I’ve just climaxed.’
‘Good for you, I hoped you enjoyed it.’
‘Yes, I really did. You have a superbly firm body. I regret it’s getting late.’
Well the compliment from madam and now the push through the door, Angela thought, but no.
‘Do you want me to get you off?’
‘I’ll be okay,’ Angela said, preparing for the ‘We must never do this again’ speech.
‘Are you sure?’ Thelma yawned, and when Angela nodded said, ‘Seymour flies out next Sunday for an overnight business engagement. If I remain free would you like to come for early dinner Sunday and stay the night?’
‘Oooh yes please,’ Angela cooed, obviously delighting her hostess.
They kissed good night with Thelma murmuring, ‘I’m longing to get my mouth over your cunt.’
Angela completed the cab ride home on a real high.
At the office next day Mr Reinhardt called Angela and said her CV stated fluency in French and Otto wanted to know just how fluent she was. She replied in French her mother was French and she’d spent the final two years of high school attending an international school in France.
They chatted and Mr Reinhardt told her to call him Otto at all times except in the boardroom and told her to be in the boardroom at 3.00 to take minutes of a meeting he’d have with a French couple who’d feel more comfortable speaking their native tongue. After the couple left Otto invited the 22-year-old to stay behind for a drink. She could feel his eyes on her ass shaped by her tight yellow skirt and pushed her butt back a bit to make its outline even more obvious.
‘Sit on the white sofa and I’ll join you. Do you mind if I lock the doors? We don’t want anyone barging in to spoil our peace and quite. We have worked ready hard.’
‘No of course not,’ Angela said, watching Otto lock the main door and the door leading to two other offices. She liked the look of Otto so lifted her ass and pulled her skirt higher and quickly undid the two buttons on her tunic before he turned around and strode over to the bar. Without asking for Angela’s preference he made a jug of Martinis.
Looking into Angela’s eyes intensely, Otto put down the jug and two glasses and asked would Angela mind if he removed his jacket and tie.
‘No, of course not. You are the boss and it looks like we are in for a session as the jug is quite full. What would you like to do?’
Otto grinned — if a leer could be called a grin — and poured two drinks and replaced the jug on to the coffee table. He sat very close to Angela. ‘Cheers,’ he said. ‘This is rather pleasant being here alone with you.’
Angela waited until he was sipping his drink before replying, ‘Are we going to fuck?’
Otto convulsed into his drink, some of the spray hitting Angela and he immediately pulled out his handkerchief and dabbed her tunic over her breasts although most of the liquid hit around her waist.
‘Do you mind me attending to you like this?’ Otto asked somewhat anxiously.
Angela smiled angelically and said, ‘No, go right ahead but I warn you it’s arousing my nipples.
Confident at that response, Otto chirped, ‘Do you have nipples?’
‘Oh yes. Unbutton me and make your inspection.’
Soon Otto had pulled aside Angela’s lacy yellow panties and pushed in his pale narrow but long tool and as it stopped at a point perhaps farther than any cock had penetrated her before, Angela convulsed in excitement and covered it in fluid. Otto, sweating profusely, appeared not to notice.
Otto ground away methodically and not communicating at all. He added grunting to his sweating and finally pulled out and cried, ‘It’s no use. A dry shot again. It’s tension because I know my wife has taken on a lover.’
‘My poor man,’ Angela said, showing no disgust at Otto’s lack of performance. She pushed him back on to the sofa and dropping to her knees gave him a robust sucking, working one hand lower down his shaft and rolling his balls with her other hand.
‘I’m coming,’ Otto groaned, slinging back his head. Angela readjusted preparing to shout in triumph. She aimed the cock-head to pour the stream after stream over her breasts.
Actually Otto managed three pathetic spurts. ‘Oh God, look!’ he cried. ‘You’ve got me functioning again. Isn’t that wonderful to see?’
Angela was disappointed. She’d watched the exhibition and was left wondering when would he really fire. She thought a guy on round three or four of near continuous sex or perhaps an eighty-year-old guy still functioning could have left a bigger deposit than Otto had.
Still, he was happy so she should be happy.
Otto licked Angela’s chest clean and then kissed her passionately, saying she’d given him one of the happiest days of his life. ‘Let’s do this often to see if you can work me up to shoot harder with much more sperm and then Lydia won’t need to go looking elsewhere for satisfaction.’
‘You’re a real buddy Angela.’
* * *
Two evenings later Otto sprawled on his chair and unzipped, leaning back. He’d called in Angela who noticed his dick in his hand. She locked the doors and climbed on to his desk without undressing. Otto came forward on chair and she bent down ass up and facing him to rasp her teeth down his long tube.
Angela had just settled into cock-sucking rhythm when the side door unlocked and opened and in walked Mr Baldacci who stood, looking at the surprised couple. In a split-second Angela figured Otto was Mr Baldacci’s senior so she was under protection — sort of — so looked at him without missing a beat with her sucking.
The somewhat beefy and pot-bellied Mr Baldacci lost his astonished look and walked beyond Angela. She then gurgled in delight as she felt her panties pulled aside and two podgy dry fingers were thrust inside her pussy that, thankfully by then, was aroused sufficiently to be lubricating. The fingers raced into a gallop, creating a disgusting slurping sound as Angela was coaxed into her first climax. The fingers were then withdrawn and replaced, not surprisingly, by a big fat dick of sufficient circumference to make Angela blurt like a stuck pig as it stretched her to gain entrance.
Mr Baldacci plowed her relentlessly and without skill until she fired, Mr Baldacci bellowed as he fired and that stress made Angela bite just at the top of her upstroke, right on the collar of Otto’s dick and he fired sufficiently to make Angela’s splutter and choke.
They paused for breath while Otto poured whiskies. As Mr Baldacci undressed Angela he told her since they now knew each other intimately she should call him Enrico. The men sucked Angela’s gorgeous tits between drinks, none of them bothering to really clean up mixed liquids. When resuming Enrico wanted Angela’s ass but she screamed no-way would she allow his monster up there. The men calmed her. Enrico lay back on the chair, Angela stepped over him, helped to insert and then lay on him and began matching his efforts. Meanwhile, catching some of the drips coming from Angela Otto lubed himself and began his great adventure, never having had an ass fuck before. She had no problem with his size.
Ninety minutes later, drinking the last of the whisky, the men shook Angela awake. They cleaned up, opened the doors and windows that the cleaners would close later that night and then went down the elevator, agreeing to take a hotel room as a threesome for four hours each Tuesday evening, the men sharing the cost and paying for supper.
Angela arrived at Thelma’s apartment late afternoon on Sunday, tingling in excitement. Thelma had told her over lunch on Friday she’d never gone beyond pussy licking with another woman and was interested in Angela’s thoughts. Angela said that never had been the limit for her so Thelma handed her two hundred dollars and told her to buy something useful to expand their sexual adventures.
‘You’re ordering me to buy this stuff — have you decided to be the dominant partner?’ Angela grinned, fluttering her eyelashes.
‘You’ve got it Angela,’ Thelma said. Both women straining to touch had not touched, having at the outset committed never to touch or utter an endearment in public as their growing lust must remain their secret.
As soon as the door closed Thelma kissed Angela hungrily and then took the box offered by her visitor. It was wrapped in pink and yellow patterned paper and tied with a pink and red ribbon with a cute bow.
‘Oooh,’ this is big and heavy, murmured the boss, shaking slightly, not attempting to mask her excitement.
‘For obvious reasons there are no returns on any items once their sealed wrapping has been broken.’
‘Of course,’ said Thelma, ‘but in view of our relationship I must trust your judgment, don’t you think?’
Chapter 1 Carly sat in her car in the parking lot. She had followed Angela to the bar, hoping to see if Angela was meeting her Master. She had been following her on and off since she found out, but had missed her last weekend. Carly had driven by the house several times and had not seen Angela’s car until Monday evening. When she saw her during the week, she could see a change in her demeanor and just knew something had happened. Based on her research, she felt something more would happen soon...
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Cuckold3: Elevation Sweet-faced Angela Briscoe with sensuous lips and a flattering cleavage had become the darling of management at Baldacci, Guy, Reinhardt & Robinson, Attorneys at Law, before her unmasking. It would have been her sensational unmasking but for an amazing substantial cover-up. In Part 3 the final, Angela is promoted to the corporate headquarters of Kingdom Law. Eighteen months after Angela Briscoe’s career in law office support had edged to the brink of facing court appearances in...
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Chapter 1 Regardless of whatever else would happen, Carly decided she needed to plan on how to get Angela out and when she could do it safely. She was still not sure she would be able to talk Angela into leaving voluntarily, and she could do nothing officially. She finally decided that she would enlist Dawn’s help with it when the time came. But it was going to have to wait until more investigation had been done, and hopefully they were able to file charges. There were still a lot of ifs. In...
InterracialChapter 1 Michael and Lorraine were a married couple that owned a furniture business with three locations. Lorraine had always been rather domineering, and Michael had grown tired of it. After eleven years of marriage, they finally divorced. They stayed partners in the business, Lorraine remaining at the Eastwick store most of the time, and Michael spending most of his time at their Bridgeton location and the rest at Eastwick. Neither Michael nor Lorraine spent much time at the third location....
VoyeurAngela by am Outside I heard the Taxi driver beep his horn, I looked through the window and acknowledged him. Then, after putting my handbag over my shoulder, making sure I had my keys, purse, tickets etc., I picked up the 2 suitcases I'd packed earlier that day. It felt like an age since I'd rung the taxi and I'd been sat round in my business suit. I walked down the steps in front of my flat and nearly slipped. The heels I'd chosen to wear weren't too high but I still...
Chapter 1 When she got up in the morning, Dawn was already in the kitchen. She asked Angela if she was feeling better and if she wanted some breakfast. Angela realized she was hungry as she had not had dinner yesterday. She told Dawn she was feeling much better and would love something to eat. Dawn made her some eggs, toast and several slices of bacon. She had a large glass of orange juice as well. “You do look much better.” “Thanks mom.” “Yeah, well it seems someone has to watch out for...
BDSMAfter writing ‘Angela’s Education’, my first submission to Literotica, I found myself increasingly curious about the characters of Angela and Devin. This Prequel is a love story with no sex. If its sex is what you are seeking I recommend Angela’s Education. Angela is a lady and will take some courting before surrendering. ***** Angela paced the sumptuous lobby like a cat. Her long legs flashing through the short slit of her conservative business suit. She dialed her boss’s number on her...
Let me relate to you what happened to myself and my lovely wife Angela a few years ago. I will start by describing us; we are both in our mid-thirties and enjoy an active sex life. Angela is 5’3″, 110 lb. 34c-23-35, has shoulder length curly blond hair striking blue eyes and a face reminiscent of Anna Kournakova. Having never had c***dren her body is smooth and tight, like a 20 year old and is frequently mistaken for being much younger, her I.D. is frequently checked when we go to a out...
Angela Blade Chronicles Chapter 2: Switzerland When we left Angela Blade she was learning to cope with life as a three-year-old girl after being a male FBI agent. Not wanting to have to go live with her grandparents in Saudi Arabia a Muslim country. Trying to be a good girl and the daughter of a mafia kingpin. As we begin this chapter the Blade family is getting ready to fly to Switzerland. But daddy I thought we were staying here in Australia for the...
Angela had toothache. It had kept her awake all night having started a couple of days earlier. Her maid had advised her to use oil of cloves, but it was not doing any good. Even worse her husband of six weeks, William, was angry because she would not have sex with him. William was twenty years older than Angela and they were on honeymoon touring Europe. As Angela lay in bed wondering what to do about the pain the door was thrown open, and William stood there glowering at her. ‘ I have had...
I am married to a petite size 10, sexy brunet. Angela is absolutely beautiful, with full surgically enhanced breasts with long eraser tip nipples. Angela is the typical fun loving party girl.She always dresses in tight fitting clothes, which show off her nice figure. She enjoys the attention she gets from other men, in an innocent way. It is not unusual for men to compliment her or flirt with her at the store or when she is out with the girls. She usually will tell me about this guy or that guy...
Chris and Ange Part 1.I have known Chris and Ange for well over a decade, and we have become real good friends.They are both into mild swinging, and Ange is openly bisexual, whereas Chris is straight.Chris is in his 40’s and Ange is now 27. Ange is about size 18 with absolutely gorgeous breasts, she is about 5’6” and Chris is trim and stands about 5’8”.They both know me as Tina, and we have had social drinks before, and we have often laughed about me ‘entertaining’ Chris in front of Ange, but...
"I think I see what your problem is," I said, popping up over the bathroom counter with my adjustable wrench in one hand and a wet wad in the other. "You can't flush a paper towel, Angela, it's too heavy. These modern low-flow toilets can't handle anything that doesn't dissolve in water." My sister nodded her head and shuffled her feet. "I guess I knew that," she admitted, smiling, "if I'd been thinking. You might want to get rid of that thing, though, Neil." I looked at the...
Chapter 1Joseph continued fucking her mouth and slapping her tits for at least ten minutes, before finally stopping. She had been hearing him occasionally say something like ‘yes Master’ or ‘no Master’ and wondered if he was mocking her, but when he stepped back, she noticed the Bluetooth in his ear. He told her to turn over and slide down to the edge of the table. He grabbed something from his bag and walked around behind her. He pulled one leg up and strapped the lower leg and her wrist to...
WatersportsI, Mitchell Ryan Magnuson, born February 2d, 1959 in The city of Joplin, Jasper County Missouri, declare this Document to be my last will and testament, there being no others. Being of sound mind and unbelievably unsound body do herein state: 1. My attorney, Norman Atchison, is the executor of this will. He shall serve without bond and has discretion in the execution of this will. 2. I require of my executor that he arrange for my burial at the Grainger, Kansas Cemetery. Norm, I’d like a...
My cousin Angela, came for the summer to holiday with us, she lived in the rural countryside, and our mothers thought it best we should 'Team-up', as Angela was now in her mid-teens, and somewhat underdeveloped, both physically and mentally, I mean she was no retard, just lacked contact with boys, whereas her city bound cousin, me, was developing fast.'What the fuck am I supposed to do with her', I asked my mother, 'It's summer, and I dont want to babysit a fucking retard'.My mother got angry...
Once I open the door to my home its pretty much the same everyday. I walk in and my son Vin is the first to yell out a funny comment. Sometimes he even decides to throw something my way and see if I can catch it. While this is going on my wife Jamie usually yells out a greeting from the kitchen or the laundry room. The best greeting of all comes from my first child Angela. No matter what she is doing she always runs up to me and gives me a hug. Angela and I have a bond that only a father and...
Angela and I had been married for over twenty years, the first few years had been good with a great sex life but as time had gone by the relationship had gone stale and at the end our sex life was non -existent. I began to suspect that she was getting laid elsewhere and I had also strayed from time to time. One Saturday I returned from golf around 2.00 pm and found Angela upstairs in our bedroom. She gave me a look that I hadn’t seen for years and said she had a surprise for me. I was told to...
Introduction: My dogs love life As you can see from the title its a sequel so if you havnt already read the first I suggest you do. If you dont like bestiality, as in the genres then dont read it and leave stupid comments about it being about dogs and women please! Unfortunately I had to go to a job, rather a distance from home, it would mean lodging out and the digs didnt take animals. Fortunately I was able to organise Angela looking after Bruiser whilst I was away, after all they both new...
Angela and Martin p1: Martin's Session "What the fuck are you doing?!?" Martin had just walked in on his sister, Angela, pissing. They lived with their mom in a three bedroom, two bathroom house. The two were less than pleased to share a bathroom while their mom got her own. Angela, who was 16, wanted to share with her ever since she started her menstrual cycle. Unfortunately, for her at least, Mom refused. She was forced to share a bathroom with her obnoxious,15 year old brother....
Angela and Martin p1: Martin's Session "What the fuck are you doing?!?" Martin had just walked in on his sister, Angela, pissing. They lived with their mom in a three bedroom, two bathroom house. The two were less than pleased to share a bathroom while their mom got her own. Angela, who was 16, wanted to share with her ever since she started her menstrual cycle. Unfortunately, for her at least, Mom refused. She was forced to share a bathroom with her obnoxious,15 year old brother....
Unfortunately I had to go to a job, rather a distance from home, it would mean lodging out and the digs didn’t take animals. Fortunately I was able to organise Angela looking after Bruiser whilst I was away, after all they both new each other, intimately. The first evening away and I logged on to my camera. What a shock! There , to my amazement, although it probably shouldn’t have been, was a view of Bruiser, from behind. He was stood with his hind legs on the sofa, one either side of a...
We were in love. I know we were only 14 years old but what we had was special. We were best friends. We did everything together. She came and watched my baseball games and I went to her field hockey. She went fishing with me and I would go shopping with her. We were best friends and deeply in love with each other. We spent the last few weeks together inseparable. I remember those last two weeks well because it was the time I became a man and she became a woman. I was helping her...
Reddit Angela White, aka r/AngelaWhite! I’m sure that at one point in time, everyone’s favorite must have been the beautiful milf r/AngelaWhite/. She is not only a girl with a pretty face; she is a beauty with an incredibly hot body! Well, did you know that there is a whole subreddit dedicated to this wonderful babe? So, if you are ever in the mood to watch a beautiful slut bounce on thousands of hard cocks, r/AngelaWhite/ is the right subreddit for you.First of all, is a pretty neat...
Reddit NSFW ListANGELA I was on top of my oldest and fucking the shit out of her when I first noticed the shadow outside in the garden. It was to be the first time, but not the last. It took me a while to figure out who was watching. I half expected them to call the cops the first time, because most people frown on a father fucking his two daughters on a regular basis. But they didn't mind. In fact they loved it. They competed for my...
My boss, Angela and I had become lovers during a business trip to France. It had always been a rule of mine never to mix work and romance but in her case the two were inseparable. She was a fabulous lover and after that first night in the Hotel du Roi our trip of three days became a mix of meetings, dinners and bed. I woke up the morning after our arrival still in her bed. I woke up because her mouth was covering mine and her hand was between my legs. She claimed it was an ‘alarm kiss’ and that...
LesbianThis story begins one day in October. I left my job, it was night and I decided to go to dinner at a restaurant. I entered, I chose the table and I sat down. While reading the menu, I feel a fine voice, which asks me: What do you want to eat? I look up and see a woman with a beautiful, angelic face, very white skin, clear eyes and red hair. She wore a tight white shirt through which protruded the two nipples of small tits. I stayed a few seconds without answering, as if hypnotized. She smiled...
THIS HAPPENED IN 2015An old friend, Angela, got in touch after a good ten years, she’d been married and her husband died 4 years ago, and she asked me if I wanted to go to some gigs again. Years ago we used to go and see live Rockabilly music around the County, but that was it. I shagged her in 1976 when we were both single but not recently.This particular Saturday she rang me and asked if I fancied a concert 40 miles away. Donna and I discussed it and she said “Go if you want she’ll probably...
We had been in Paris for a few days and become lovers. Angela was an amazingly exciting lover and I was on a distinct high when I got home. Cloudsley, my cat, was aloof and distant when I got back. Sir Cloudsley Shovell was one of my Dad’s heroes. He’d managed to sink an entire squadron of ships in 1707 off the Isles of Scilly and, as a result of his misfortune, the race to develop a timepiece that would assist navigators assumed huge importance. OK, so it’s a bit nerdy but the story has always...
We had been in Paris for a few days and become lovers. Angela was an amazingly exciting lover and I was on a distinct high when I got home. Cloudsley, my cat, was aloof and distant when I got back. Sir Cloudsley Shovell was one of my Dad’s heroes. He’d managed to sink an entire squadron of ships in 1707 off the Isles of Scilly and, as a result of his misfortune, the race to develop a timepiece that would assist navigators assumed huge importance. OK, so it’s a bit nerdy but the story has always...