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As he lay his tired body to rest. His weak and pale body, so drained for energy. So damaged from endless painful years of sickness. He is so tired of the reality of pain. So much he wish he could leave reality to itself. Wish he could escape into his own private world. A world were he would not be sick. A place were his appearance is not regarded as repulsive. A place of love instead of pity.

He tries to turn to his side but his damaged lungs can not conjure the air for him to do so. Even as he settles back onto his back they let out a weak and painful wheeze, making cold sweat break out on his forehead.

He can’t help to think: What have I done to deserve this? What part of my life did God hate so much he would put upon me the pains of Job?

As usual there is no answer to be found. There is only more questions to be asked.

He barely notice the nurse entering his room. Even though he knows it’s that time of the night. Neither does he notice the needle penetrate his arm. He only knows It is the bringer of peace. He only knows It will bring something better and allow him to escape reality.

As the drugs start to burn his veins, a smile appears on his face. He is on the path. And as he allows himself to dive deep into oblivion, he sets his mind free.

The warm rays of sun caresses his face. He feels free and happy. Nothing comes close to this feeling. Freedom. Being able to do whatever he likes.

This summerday is perfect in every way. Just sitting here on the curb, watching the busy life around him, brings him joy. He doesn’t quite know why this day is special. There is just a feeling in his body who tells him that is so.

Well, one can’t sit around feeling happy all day, and not do anything about it. So he decides to stroll down to the harbour. On a day like this, there is bound to be something happening there.

He was right. The harbour is busy with life. He likes it a lot, even more the approving looks from the young girl walking around the pier.

Well he guesses they find him attractive, as he does them. He flashes warm smile at them, and even makes some of them blush a little. This only makes him smile even more.

His body demands a cool beverage. This hot summer day brings on his thirst, and he decides to go buy a cold coke. There is a nice little snackbar at the end of the pier. A perfect place to sit and have a drink.

He places himself at an empty table and waves the waitress over. She is a beautiful blond girl with a slim athletic body. And he notice that he is not the only one eyeing her. The girl don’t seem to mind the attention though. She just takes orders and smiles at every customer.

While he waits for his drink he lets his eyes wander over the people occupying the other tables. Some young teenagers, others older. But all with a happy and satisfied expression on their faces. He turns his attention to rolling waves admiring the way the blue sea reflect the surrounding world. Become relaxed by watching the everlasting sea.

The waitress brings him his drink and asks if he needs anything else. He could think of a thing or two he would like to explore with her, but politely shakes his head instead.

The beverage slides down his throat, making him close his eyes in enjoyment. Just what he needed.

Suddenly he sees her. A revelation of beauty and perfection. Long red and curly hair falling over her shoulders. Flawless smooth skin with a pale complexion, which matches perfectly with her red hair and dazzling green eyes. Dressed in a cream coloured summerdress which reveals enough of her perfect looking body to start the imagination, but not enough for any kind of disclosure. Her long shapely legs carried her with grace through the tables.

God. Never before had he seen a girl looking so beautiful as her.

A shooting pain in his right arm brings his attention back instantly. In fear he watches his arm crumble into a claw, turning all numb making him twist his face in pain.

The nurse silently curses. ‘Shit.’ As she realises that she has pulled the patients drop from his arm. The patient is heavily sedated but he moans in pain anyway.

The nurse quickly replaces the needle in his right arm. God, he is thin. She thinks.

Carefully examining the patient, she looks at his face for the first time. His face is so thin and hollow looking. His eyes has fallen so far back in his skull that he looks more like a decaying skeleton than a man.

She quickly leaves his room trying to shake the sight of him.

The pain subsides and his arm is once again perfectly normal. He flexes his fingers a few times just to make sure they are all working properly.

It was like a reminder of something. The pain brought on a feeling he couldn’t quite define. But he didn’t like it.

He looks up and right into those dazzling green eyes, belonging to that stunningly beautiful girl. And she asks. ‘Are you all right?’

She hates her life. Bound to a wheelchair, crippled and ugly.

She had been a promising youth at 16. Beautiful and well liked wherever she went. She actually had to fight off the boys sometimes. Never having any difficulties getting a date.

A car accident changed all that.

One rainy evening she was hit by a car from behind, sending her sprawling through the air like a doll. Crushing her spine to dust.

Three long years in traction and endless surgery couldn’t do anything for her. At first she had been paralyzed from the neck down. Unable to control her body, and not even knowing when she had soiled herself. It was degrading and painful.

Today she had gotten the use of her arms back. But the rest of her body remained numb. She had once tried to finger herself but her sex was dead. She had not felt a thing.

Her popularity had died with her body. Her friends stopped calling and the boys never looked her way any more. After a while she started to isolate herself, never going out and never having visitors. Now she was truly alone.

Her only contact with the world was through television and what she could see through her window. A hired help came twice a week with groceries and once every second week to clean. Other than that she was left by herself. Not even family came knocking anymore.

Her only escape was her medication. She still had raging pains in her back, and the doctor prescripted small doses of morphine for her pain.

Today she was addicted to the drug. It send her flying into a world where she could walk. Where she was the beautiful woman she would have become, had fate treated her differently.

The pier looked great, as usual. She strolled casually down the street, letting her long legs gracefully carry her along the way. She let her hair fall down over her shoulders, letting it catch the eyes of the young men.

She loved that feeling and it always made her smile happily. This warm summers day especially. She had that special feeling in her body. There was definitely something going on today. Something good was going to happen to her.

The people walking around her all looked so happy and it made her smile even more. This was a very very good day

The snackbar at the end of the pier, her favourite place, was crammed with people as always. She really liked to sit there and watch people walking by. Sometimes chatting with them as well. It was a nice way to relax and a great way to meet people.

She quickly scanned the tables around the snackbar. Young couples holding hand, business men having a break from the mill and others just like her just enjoying the day.

She moved between the tables feeling the young guys eyes on her. Some of them even while they were holding their girlfriends hands. She didn’t mind the attention but the girlfriends might think differently. She didn’t care. Why should she, these guys were not her boyfriends.

She noticed a young man sitting alone at one o
f the tables. He was looking at the ocean while sipping a coke. He looked beautiful. Short dark hair, perfectly trimmed. He had a strong set jaw which made him look like a moviestar. She wondered why he sat there all alone. Everybody else had a partner with them. Or was occupied by something else. This guy didn’t seem to have either.

He turned his head and she saw his eyes. Beautiful brown eyes, warm and friendly. She had always had a weakness to eyes. And a pair as his could steal away her attention to the world around her. Only noticing him.

It looked like he had noticed her as well. He was looking her way like no one had looked at her before. She was glad that he’d noticed her. Judging by the look on his face he also thought her beautiful.

Suddenly he buckled over. Obviously in pain. His friendly eyes became hard and shocked. What was the matter, she thought with genuine concern. He looked down on his arm. She couldn’t see his arm herself. But whatever he saw added fear to his already painfilled eyes.

Without even thinking about it she walked over to his table. He didn’t notice her standing in front of him. He was totally focused on his arm. She couldn’t see what was wrong, even standing here in front of him. But no one had to feel that kind of pain on a day like this.

Suddenly it looked like the pain subsided, and he let out a sigh of relief. Still genuinely concerned she asked.

‘Are you all right?’

He looked into her eyes and smiled weakly. ‘Yeah, I’m okay. Thanks for asking.’ He motioned her to sit down, so she sat.

‘You looked really bad there for a minute.’ Those eyes really had her attention.

‘I guess so. But I honestly don’t know what it was. I’ve never felt anything like it before.’ She nodded. ‘But you’re okay now?’ Now he nodded. ‘Don’t worry I’m fine.’

They started to chat about wind and weather. Your basic small talk. She introduced herself as Virginia Deluran, and he introduced himself as Zachery Jones. With all the formalities in place, she felt confident and secure. Really really enjoying his company.

He looked like he enjoyed her company as well. Directing his complete attention to her.

He was a good listener and had a way to say all the right things in all the right places. Not like most guys, who just keep talking about themselves. That can be a boring one-sided experience. No this guy was polite, sweet and very beautiful. The more she talked with him, the more she liked him. He had a warmth that really got to her. Just like a flirt. It made her all warm and tinkerly.

She smiled warmly and he returned it with the same heat.

Oh yes. This was turning out to be a very very good day.


The nurse looked puzzled down at the patient. He was smiling like he had no worries in life. The nurse found this a little strange, considering his condition.

Normally patients with his decease always had a troubled sleep pattern. But this guy smiled and was completely calm. Well maybe it was the drugs that finally worked on him.

The nurse just sighed and finished her check. Maybe he has found some kind of peace.

Her house was completely empty. But had anyone been there, they would have seen the happiness spreading over her sleeping face. Maybe even found it strange.

She was sleeping sitting straight up in her wheelchair, like she had done so many times before. But this time she was sleeping deeply and not weakly.

Yes, other people might have found it strange.

He couldn’t believe his luck. Here he was, on this perfect day, talking with this perfect girl. Her name was Virginia, which suited her well.

Now when she sat here just across from him he could really she how beautiful she was. And even better, she had a sweet personality to back it up. Usually when he had talked to girls of her extreme beauty, they almost always turned out to be stupid as hell. But not her. She had an intelligence behind her beautiful front. And that made her even more sexy than she already was.

He wanted her. It only took him a minute to realise that. To him Virginia was the kind of girl he had always dreamed about. And he’d be damned if he was about to let this slide away from him.

It didn’t seem he had to do much work though. Virginia looked like she was really enjoying herself and that made him very happy.

‘Can I get you a drink or something?’ She smiled at him and nodded. ‘A coke would be great.’ He waved the waitress over and ordered two new drinks.

Her presence made him smile all the time. He could feel the smile coming on and staying there. Normally he would have tried to control the smiling in order not to look like the smiling jackass. But Virginia kept smiling and looking at him with warmth and care. And she definitely didn’t seem to mind his smile-control-problem.

Sitting here with her was like falling in love. Which basically was what he was doing. But it didn’t numb this wonderful feeling he had inside.

Time went by way too fast. And before Zachery knew of it, dusk were coming and the streetlights lit the night up. Virginia was walking next to him, silently. The two of them had been talking all day down at the pier. Neither of them had noticed the passing of time. Not that any of them had anything special to do this night. And if they had none of them would have given up this time they had, to do something else.

They had both decided to go out and have dinner together. The sexual tension between them kept them together all day. And it still kept them together.

They could both feel it but they haven’t talked about it. Like they were both afraid of what might happen next.

The dinner had been perfect. A nice Italian restaurant with an ocean view. Good wine and a well made lasagna. Just a table for two with candle light. The whole nine yards.

It had been Virginias idea that they had dinner together, but she had not expected it to be this romantic candlelight dinner.

She didn’t mind though. It had been wonderful.

Zachery was more than happy about the way things had turned out today. And he wanted more. For the first time today they didn’t talk to each other. After the dinner it was like there was something in the air. Something both Zachery and Virginia waited for.

Zachery looked down at Virginias hand, and couldn’t quite decide if he should take her hand or not.

Oh..to hell with it. He thought. He had everything to win and nothing to loose. He gently took her hand. Virginia looked at him and smiled. She gave his hand a little squeeze. They walked on, hand in hand. Still without uttering a word to each other. To Zachery it felt like his heart was about to beat itself out of his chest. He may look calm and in control for the outsider. But he was by no means in control. Virginia pretty much felt the same way, and had trouble keeping herself from shaking with excitement. Something had to happen tonight, otherwise she would go crazy. That much she knew.

Zachery was just about to explode. A million pro’s and con’s had been going through his head but it just made it worse. Why the hell not just jump into it.

He stopped and turned towards Virginia. ‘I…ehhh..’ How was he going to proceed? Virginia just looked at him while she tried to disguise her growing lust for him. ‘I want to kiss you….’ Virginia smiled, this time not careering for any sort of disguise. ‘Why don’t you them??’ Zachery lacked the ability to reply and decided that action speaks louder than words. So he gently lifted her chin and kissed her soft lips. Virginia accepted the kiss with all her heart. First softly and gently. Then with more passion and lust. Finally the kiss was as deep as it could be. Their tongues passionately playing with each other. Their unspoken passion for each other became a roaring fire in seconds sending them in an unbelievable lust for each other. Virginias fingers traced Zachary’s spine through his thin shirt, sending
lustful bolts through his body. Zachary’s hands held Virginia tightly, feeling the soft curves of her body through her summer dress.

‘Oh my God….’ Virginia said as their kiss broke. Zachery just looked at her feeling all dizzy. He’d been kissed before. But this definitely rated 1# on the I’ll-think-of-about-this-when-I-spank-the-monkey Scale.

He held her tightly and softly kissed her neck. This was too good to be true.

Virginia embraced him, feeling that special heat spreading in her body. Standing so close, she could feel Zachary’s growing excitement trying to find freedom in his shorts. She knew they had just meet this afternoon. But right now she wanted him in every way possible.

Zachery was well aware of his growing hard on. And standing as close as they did Virginia was bound to feel it against her stomach. But she just kept pressing herself to him and didn’t seem to mind. Being so close just made his erection harder. He could feel every curve in her body, and she was definitely build differently from him.

Excitement and lust roamed through his veins. Making his attraction to her into a craving for her.

He needed her. Badly.

Virginia licked his lips and whispered. ‘Let’s find a place a little more private.’ Zachery nodded. ‘Let’s. Because this is killing me.’ Virginia smiled, kissed him and took his hand.

They half ran down the street. Luckily Virginias apartment wasn’t far. Usually not that far. But with a lust burning like a Nova it seemed like a hundred miles.

Virginia had trouble hitting the keyhole. She was literally shaking with excitement. Wanting to get Zachery inside as quickly as she could.

Zachery was caressing her body, stroking her breasts, her ass. Everywhere. He to was shaking by now. Wanting and craving. He couldn’t wait much longer.

He let his hand gently touch Virginias pussy, and caressed her hot sex through the fabric of her panties. Virginia let out a moan and became frantically busy with the lock.

They literally fell through the door as she finally got it open. She let out a little giggle. ‘C’mon.’

Zachery let her take his hands and lead him towards the bedroom.

Dimmed light from the street below, flowed into the bedroom, giving it a mystical glow. They paused at the end of the bed looking each other in the eyes. Both showing serious lust.

Almost crazy with excitement, Zachery tore his shirt of in one swift move and reached for Virginia.

He had a great body. Not too muscular, but slim and well trimmed. Virginia let her fingers trace the muscles of his stomach as he reached for her. He unzipped the back of her dress with shaking hands and let it drop to the floor. Not wasting any time he began to work on her bra.

Virginia started to work on his pants and his shorts. Sweat was breaking out on his body. She dropped his pants, and grabbed his shorts. His erection made them stand out like a tent and she let her fingers walk over the bulge, feeling his body tense from her touch.

They stood in front of each other as the day they were born. Completely naked. Virginia was even more beautiful than Zachery ever expected. He grabbed her firm breasts, gently massaging them. He could feel the nipples grow hard in his palm. Her pubic hair was perfectly trimmed, leaving only a little just above the mound. He could feel the moisture as his fingers found her clit.

He didn’t think he had ever been so excited before. Ever. And this little touching game made the wait all worth while.

Virginia moaned and reached for his Dick, which was standing hard and ready from his body. She could feel the blood pump through it, and she started to gently stroke it. Zachary’s breathing became heavy and she felt him moving with her strokes.

Bathed in the light from the streets, they embraced each other, feeling the touch of each others bodies. They lay down on the bed, kissing and touching each other. Both knowing the wait was about to end, and they were about to consummate their craving for each other. Both knowing the love making would be wonderful. How could it be otherwise.

An annoying beeping sound came from some where. And even though Zachery heard it. He couldn’t care less about it. Virginia noticed a small cracking sound but her attention was completely Zachary’s.

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by TW, aka RatFink Chapter 1 The tires of the Halisberg's SUV picked small stones up from the rocky road that led down into Paradise Camp and tossed them relentlessly at the undercarriage of their vehicle. Eli and Ellen loved camping here. As their SUV rumbled down the last leg of the unpaved ranch road a sheer cliff came into view. It served as the background for...

2 years ago
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Meeting Samantha

It had been almost two years since my first experience with Dave. That was the first time a man had sucked my cock. It was the first time I had touched another cock and the first time I had sucked a cock. That day was the birth of a new me. I no longer was a homophobe. Although, I did not look at men the same way I looked at women. I did not lust after them. What I did lust for was for a cock in my mouth, loads of cocks. My god, I had become a cock-craving freak!

3 years ago
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Malan MothersChapter 13

"We are The Personalia. We are contacting the mothers of Malan children. You gave birth to one about five years ago. We are offering to bring you to meet your child, in Rehome colony. The child would be interested to meet you." "Malan?" "Yes. The alien child you carried and birthed, but never saw." "How do you know about that? I never knew anything about my child." "We have access to much information; more than you might expect. There are records naming you as one of the mothers....

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It had been five weeks since Anna had come to work for us. Highly recommended by the agency we were more than a little disappointed with her performance. She displayed a lethargic and apathetic attitude towards her duties around the house and seem to live for her days off. Betty and I had talked with her several times, both together and by ourselves in an attempt to improve her work. All to no avail. Finally, I called the agency and told them that Anna was just not working out and that we were...

1 year ago
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Investigative Journalism

  Investigative Journalism  by  patricia51 Dawn Garth took a deep breath and pushed open the door. She took the five or six steps down that led through a curtained archway and into the spacious room. Nervously, the blond woman scanned the entire area. Her eyes swept over the bar, where a few stools were occupied, to the couples on the dance floor. She took in the row of tables on the far side as well as the booths scattered against the back wall. In spite of her nervousness, her foot twitched...

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Second ChanceChapter 26

There was NO WAY I was going to be anywhere near the action in Somalia. The Secret Service wouldn't hesitate to throw a blanket over me if I even suggested it, so I didn't. The reports came in day and night, and I spent as much time on the Residence's basement action desk as I did attending to my actual responsibilities. We were winning. The phony Muslim group we invented was so busy taking credit for putting down and thinning out al Qaeda, throughout Somalia, that it was impossible to...

1 year ago
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ASMR Fantasy

Do you have an ASMR Fantasy you’d love to hear indulged in a pair of headphones? There’s something fucking magical about a woman whispering right into your ears, or hearing her touch herself in high-end binaural audio. If you combine ASMR with good old-fashioned pornography, you can enjoy that manual dick stimulation while getting buzzed by electric tingles and druglike euphoria. Goddamn, maybe they were right: I didn’t need to huff duster all day long to feel this way!ASMRFantasy.com is the...

ASMR Porn Sites
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Totally Crazy

© Copyright 2003 "So who was she?" I asked Martha. Martha had introduced her as Bella. "Mm," was the sound that came out of Martha's mouth as she smiled. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you," she added. "Oh really?" I said, curious. Something about the way they had exchanged glances had suggested an intimacy. Was it possible Martha had a gay streak? Martha laughed. "I can see that your imagination is running away with you. Believe me, you don't want to know." I...

2 years ago
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Every Woman Has a Price24 Swapmeet

Frieda put her boot up on the glove box and crossed her arms tighter. She ground her teeth audibly. Frieda’s mother’s, Sasha’s, hands tightened on the wheel. “He’s how much older than you? Twenty years?” “Not that much!” Frieda barked. “It might as well be,” Sasha sighed. “This is for your own good.” “But not my own happiness. And not Owen’s!” “I don’t give two fucks about Owen’s happiness,” Sasha said. They drove by the turn off to their street. She wasn’t driving her daughter...

3 years ago
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City Analyst to Naked Property

City Analyst to Naked Property ( by [email protected] ) Chapter 1 I leant back on the soft pillow and closed my eyes.  She was a good fuck all right !  She had gone downstairs to get me an ashtray and a beer after I pounded her pussy well and proper.  As I looked around her apartment, I sighed in contentment and pushed the sheets down my body.  I ran my hand down my chest and looked down my chiselled body, running my hands over my abs and deflating cock.  Another one-night-conquest to...

2 years ago
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Gigolo Service 8211 Neha Ki Chudai Karke Use Satisfy Kiya

Hi dosto… Main apka Rahul , from West Delhi , aapne meri phli story GIGLO SERVICE :- MERI PHLI CLIENT , ko pada and kafi response kiya jiske liye thanks…aese hi ache response ki vajh se aaj main aap sab k samne apni dusri story pesh kr raha hu , hope apko achi lagegi.. Pls ek request hai. Jaise Maine phle ki story main kaha tha ki agar kisi Bhabhi lady, Aunty ko service chaiye then they can mail me at , but pls khali mera ye janne ki Maine agency kaise join ki vagrh vagrh ya join krva do pls...

1 year ago
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Car Salesmen Part 2

A sour feeling was lodged in his gut before Dan opened his eyes. The only positive thought he could conjure was that it was Friday. The last working day of the week would bring in a much needed break. The unrealistic sales target haunted him every morning and his wife sensed the change. The hopes of a great evening meal were crushed with a reminder that Kate was going out for dinner that night. The only saving grace was that she was not planning to stay out late. A gorgeous wife was both a...

Wife Lovers
4 years ago
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Surviving 3Chapter 13 Girls go forward 889 AD

After the crack of the lightning Scott was pretty sure that he, his wives and the two children had all travelled forward in time. Eilean was still gripping his arm tightly, scared by the crash of the thunder and the flash of the lightning. He tentatively pulled back the flap of the tent and couldn't decide whether he was relieved or now concerned when he saw the dim outline of caravans opposite him in the darkness of the Inveraray castle campsite. A glance to his left showed that,...

4 years ago
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Football Mama

Maria loved watching her two daughters play high school soccer. They took after her and many complemented her by saying she could pass as their sister. Maria was five feet one inch tall with long raven hair that rolled down to the middle of her bottom. She weighed 105 pounds on a wet day. Her golden skin gave Maria a natural tan year round. Even though Maria had a slender body, she was very voluptuous. Her firm 28c looked huge on her tiny frame and her Latina bubble booty could be seen a mile...

3 years ago
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Stangers in the Night

I'm just your average women. My name is Judy, 29 year old young professional. Always hustling to make that next deal. I live in a big city. Always lots going on. Always something to do or see. But lately I haven't been doing or seeing much. I just work all the time. I'm married to my work. About a year ago I realized I needed a night out. Just some me time. I didn't know what would happen. Or even what I would do. I just knew I needed a fun night. Let me till you, a fun night I had....

3 years ago
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For the first time

It was a mid summer's night when we first met on the Golden Shores Pier. Rachel stood their gazing into the pinkish orange ball sink softly into the balmy night. I had met Rach through a mutual friend and we enjoyed drinks by the water’s edge. She stood their looking stunning in her strawberry red strapless, back dress. Her hair was dark brown and rested in a cute, but sexy messy bun at the crown of her head. Her eyes complimented her hair color and were also brown. Her body was curvy and...

First Time
4 years ago
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Harry potter meets the sisters black

Harry potter was taking a walk thinking about how crappy his life is. The dursleys have ruined his life for the first eleven years and the past five summers. He is so ready to leave their house, but he still has two more years left till he is a legal aged wizard. Then there is voldemort, who killed his parents, and has tried to kill him at least once a year since he turned eleven. Then last year he heard the damnable prophecy about him and voldemort. "Why is my life so screwed up!?" the 15...

3 years ago
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DreamweaverChapter 9 New Beginnings

Registration: our high school's version of a three ring circus; fifteen hundred students milling around campus for two days trying to get their class schedule organized. Okay, it's not really that bad. They break the alphabet up into blocks, everyone has a time slot based on their last names, and the time slots are random. It's a two-day event running the full eight hour schedule each day, so they break it up; Juniors and Seniors go the first day, allowing seniors first shot at any...

3 years ago
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Amanda starts a new job

The first day in a new job... Everyone is slightly nervous on their first day in a new job. Amanda was no exception. Not massively nervous - no reason to be, Just the vague threat of the new. After all - this was job was not going to be that challenging to her. She was not going to be a PA to a high flyting executive - although that would be her top choice. Not an office manager. No senior position. Amanda's new job was a receptionist. Something she thought she could do with her eyes...

4 years ago
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Watching TreyChapter 2

Robbie gave Lindsey the full treatment as well, sensing that she needed it, maybe even more so than Trey. As she completely stripped off the robe before laying down on the table, he was astounded by how much alike she was to her daughter. She too, was petite, though not quite as small as Trey, but not so much bigger. Anywhere. She was trim and compact, with a nice tight, well maintained body. And she truly enjoyed the full course of Robbie's treatment! Even more vocal than Trey, she was...

2 years ago
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Whats up Doc Part 2

They commanded her to undress and get up on the steel operating table.Much to their chargin she spat at them and told them to fuck off.As he grabbed the scalpel.Jason felt his cock spring to life.He sliced her wickedly,from just below her left shoulder blade down onto her boob.The slash was about 2 inches and deep.She started bleeding profusely.In slow motion she looked down at her breast and the growing crimson patch.When she looked back up at them the change the cut had wreaked on her was...

3 years ago
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Sluts for Black Men

When he got done he left the room and next thing I knew he was in my room. He took me by the arm and pulled me down and put his hand on the back of my head and forced me to his wet limp sperm covered cock. I could taste sperm and what must have been my mothers cunt juice. This was the first time I have ever tasted pussy juice, as he got hard he slid his hand down my body and into my shorts and felt my soft white cock, the more he rubbed my cock the closer he got to his orgasm. When he came in...

3 years ago
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One of several times at the XXX theater

Out to the MoviesI sat in the living room, waiting for my wife to finish dressing for our evening out at the movies. I heard the closet door close upstairs then her steps to the stairway. She emerged at the bottom of the stairs looking very ravishing in a sheer white blouse, her red, shelf bra visible through the sheer blouse, her nipples about half visible; her black mini-skirt, form fitting around her small waist, flared out at her hip line, and ended just below the lace of her nose tops. ...

4 years ago
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A Mother Son Marriage Story 8211 Part 4

Hi friends thanks for huge replies , I really amazed that I am still receiving e mails I’ll continue this story now and I am looking for your replies at the end . It’s a sunny Sunday , ramegowda is on front of the house rathode washing his car vijaya is in kitchen doing some work , all of sudden the phone started to ring , ramegowda took the call on other side rangamma is there Ramegowda- how are you maa Rangamma- fine son , can u please hand over the phone to my daughter Ramegowda- sure...

2 years ago
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Summer TrainingChapter 7

Kim was flustered and fuming when she closed the door to Stephanie's room. However, she was more pissed off with herself than with anyone else. All her life she struggled to make sure everyone knew that she wasn't one to be messed with. From her tattoos and pierced navel to the way she talked to people, she hated looking vulnerable. She hated Jeffery more than ever now because of that. Not that he had done anything to her but now he knew something he could use against her whenever he...

1 year ago
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Isolation had been wearing on me. Little more to do than watch porn and stroke my cock day in and day out, I didnt know I was changing. Look back the first real sign was when I started getting excited everytime I heard the word Faggot. Watching joi videos with an absolute goddess of a woman spending 5-10 minutes aggressive telling the viewer how much of a pathetic little faggot they must be.Then came the hypno porn. My mind started going wild. The urge to dress up was real. I caved and got a...

4 years ago
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Shop til you DropTo your knees

“I’ve spent a fortune Aimee! I can just hear my credit card screaming in agony!” Sasha exclaimed as she and her best friend slid into a vacant booth they’d spotted in the trendy bar in which they’d chosen to have some lunch. “Ooh but don’t deny it Sash, it’s been worth it, look at all the gorgeous things you’ve bought!” Aimee gleefully rummaged through the obscene mountain of bags heaped around them. “We’re going to be the hottest pair of girls in this city tonight babe!” she added excitedly....

3 years ago
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Hindsight 2020 Book 2Chapter 5

I stopped in and picked up sandwiches for us before heading back to the meeting. Rob and Samantha arrived right on time and joined the group. I had Joe Carlson provide some background information on how he used the UPC code technology at the Port of Seattle. After he explained the basics of the functionality and the benefits in time and money, it was my turn to say a few words. "Thanks, Joe. I want you and Craig to pay special attention to what they're presenting. That goes for every...

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Bird of PreyChapter 7

Elaine's pussy tingled with excitement as she sat amongst her prospective victims and was not to be brow-beaten, she settled down in her new position with aplomb, despite the protestations of Fox-Janner. The other members viewed her nervously and with a certain interest; some knew of Gordon's particular interests in dominant women and had similar tendencies, their interest was very apparent within their underwear. In turn Elaine gently and casually eyed the other members as she adjusted her...

1 year ago
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Jaq Has Photo Session

Many members will know all about Jaq. Jaq is my wife and a very sexy lady. A few years back, Jaq was asked to do some modelling work for her employer; this was just to show off some of the products that the company had for sale. The company sold many products that are used in the building trade. The idea was to have a member of staff demonstrating the products in a provocative manner, something that Jaq was more than capable of doing.The day of the photo shoot arrived and Jaq certainly looked...

Wife Lovers
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A Story to Remember

anal>, straight sex A weekend of passion leads Greg to take what is rightfully his.She sat naked, upright with the laptop poised on her knees, in thespacious king sized bed. The large full-length window, which Greg hadrampantly fucked her in front of the previous night, allowed thesunlight to exude through the room. Her perfectly manicured fingertipsdelicately tapped over the letters on her keyboard as she recalleddetails of their night of passion. Freshly aroused juices merged withGreg’s...

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Altered Fates Flashforward

ALTERED FATES: FLASHFORWARD by BobH (c) 2009 *** (This story is set in the world of the TV show Flashforward.) *** For 17 year-old Lacey Mikulski this was a hard time. She was trying her best to keep her mother's sprits up but her mother wasn't the only one hurting. "I miss her too, you know," she said softly. If her mother heard her she...

4 years ago
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I want to share some events that happened on our honeymoon trip to Haiti ten years ago and our bizarre encounter with the world of voodoo. The resort we visited was practically empty and after spending the first few days in our suite doing what most newlyweds do we ventured out to explore the island. During those first few days I discovered that my beautiful bride, Toni, had a powerful sex drive and seemed determined to make up for all those years of being a good girl. To be perfectly honest,...

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Jill a Mom of Two Does the Unexpected

Jill was a stay at home mom of two teenagers, and had been married for more than eighteen years. The economy over the past few years had taken its toll on the family. She decided now, with the kids getting near college age, that it was time for her to find a part time job to help out. Anything would work, just as long it gave her the freedom to continue on with several of her volunteer projects. Jill at the age of forty-three didn’t have much in the way of job experience, and found the job...

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