A Reunion free porn video

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It was starting to grow dark, and she would need a place to sleep soon. She’d been walking for a few hours already, and she felt she had wasted enough time as it was. Seeing a garage still open, she wondered if the owner would let her stay the night. She was growing more tired by the minute, and the snow-covered ground was finally starting to chill her warm body. She adjusted the bag on her shoulders and re-adjusted her hand on the bag she was pulling behind her. Taking a deep breath, and hoping for some kindness in this dreadful town, she opened the door. The two men inside were dressed in navy blue mechanics outfits and seemed to be really nice guys. They greeted her with smiles on their faces. Her voice was very soft, shy, when she spoke to them.

‘I’m sorry to bother the two of you and for putting you in this situation,’ she paused, and they offered her a seat. The life seemed to be taken out of her, her normally vibrant blue-green eyes were just a dull flat color. She looked up at the two men, no emotion on her face, and she saw them completely for the first time. They were squatted down in front of her, looking up at her so that she wouldn’t feel threatened by them. They were brothers, that much she could tell by their similar features. The one to her right was a little taller than his brother. He had wavy, sandy blonde hair and emerald green eyes. She had never seen eyes naturally that color. He had an average build with some muscle, and his name tag read Josh. The one to her left was a bit heavier and a few inches shorter. His hair was a light brown and wavy also. There was sincerity in his hazel eyes, and she was sure he had a smile that could brighten up even the darkest room. His name tag read David. Both men were concentrated on her, they almost seemed worried.

‘I really do hate to impose,’ she began again, this time a little braver, ‘but I was wondering if there was any way the two of you could let me stay the night here.’ The young woman felt horrible as soon as the words left her mouth.

The two brothers looked at each other almost in disbelief. They hesitated, not sure what to do. The woman looked tired, and they could tell by her accent that she wasn’t from this place. If she had somewhere to go, she wouldn’t have approached them, or could it just be that she didn’t want to spend her money? There was doubt in both their eyes as to what her true intentions were.

She could see the doubt and decided to tell them what had brought her to this place, hoping that her story would bring understanding or sympathy or both. She was alone in a place where she knew no one. She was still far from her destination.

They listened intently, absorbing every word. Not knowing she was leaving just a few details out, her story got to them, and they decided to let her stay. They even offered to take her to her destination since she was still at least twenty miles away and on foot. They had a cot in the back where she would stay, and they would be staying in their apartment, just upstairs.

She thanked both of them and offered to repay them somehow. She did have money with her, but she knew the closest hotel was at least an hour or two away if she were to walk. They declined her offer and told her to get some rest. She was passed out as soon as she laid down.

Morning came, and they awoke her. She was allowed to clean herself up and shower in their apartment. Feeling very fortunate and grateful, she offered to make them breakfast. Once they were done, she gathered her things and off they went.

The three of them reached the house sooner than she had hoped. Nervousness coursed through her body as they drove down the street. She was terrified but wasn’t sure why. She got out of the car and saw that his was parked in the driveway. She gave each brother a kiss on the cheek and thanked them again. As they drove off, she approached the house.

‘This is it,’ she thought and gathered up the courage to knock on the door.

He opened the door and recognized her immediately, his eyes growing wide with shock. Both had yet to speak, he was in shock, she was afraid he’d slam the door in her face.

She had come here to prove something to herself. She not only needed closure, but she had to be sure that her feeling of hate towards him was just that. She needed to make sure there was nothing else there. Seeing him now, she wasn’t sure what to say or what to do. She hadn’t thought this part out yet, but now it was too late. She was stuck where she was.

Finally snapping out of it, he spoke. ‘What are you doing here?’ he asked. There was no anger, no disgust or anything negative in his voice. He almost seemed happy to see her.

‘I had to make sure of something,’ she said softly.

He stepped aside. ‘Why don’t you come in?’

The cold getting to her, she accepted his offer. He took her bags from her and placed them by the door, and he led her to the couch.

Stepping aside, he invited her in, and since the cold was getting to her, she accepted. He took her bags from her and led her to the couch. Neither knew what to do as it was an uncomfortable situation. He wondered what she meant when she said that she had to make sure of something. Did she come all this way to make sure that he was alive, that he was okay? No, it had to have been something else, right? Just because she hadn’t heard from him in almost three years didn’t mean that she would come here just to check up on him. He needed to know, and since she wasn’t offering anymore information, he figured he’d ask. But first, he would make sure she was comfortable.

As he looked at her sitting on the couch, he had noticed how much she had changed, and yet she hadn’t. She had lost weight since he last saw her. Her figure now looked much more fit than when they had first met face to face. She had been taking very good care of herself, and it really showed. He was admiring her. Her full lips had a small pout to them as if she was deep in thought. They had a red tinge to them as if she had been chewing on them – probably from trying to decide if coming to see him was a good idea. Her eyes didn’t seem to have any life in them, and he remembered them always sparkling, whether from mischief or love or something else. Her dark blonde hair was still layered, and he was a bit surprised it wasn’t up in a ponytail like it usually was when she traveled long distances. She was wearing a pair of dark blue jeans and a gray flannel-type jacket with wolves on it. Even though she was wearing normal clothes, she looked great.

He shook himself out of the daze he had put himself in and finally managed to ask her what had brought her here.

‘I told you already,’ she replied softly.

‘That’s not what I meant. What exactly did you need to make sure of?’

Anger flashed through her eyes. The asshole is really full of himself. I bet he thinks that I came here to make sure he was okay, she thought to herself.

‘Well, after everything that has happened between us, a lot of emotions went through me. I went from loving you to hurting because I loved you from hoping to hear from you to hurting because of you and then finally to utterly despising you.’ She watched as he flinched when he heard the last few words. ‘So, I came here to make sure there was nothing left but the hate I feel towards you.’

He almost choked at her words. ‘And is there anything besides that?’ he asked hopefully.

She answered quickly, ‘Nope.’ A wicked smile slowly appeared on her face. This was going much better than she had planned for he didn’t hate her as she thought he did.

‘Do I at least get a chance to explain my actions?’

‘Explain them? You asshole! I fucking waited almost three fucking years for some kind of closure! I called and I wrote letters. I left you numbers where you could reach me, and you never fucking bothered. You never even gave a shit. All that shit I said to you when we broke up was right. I never meant anything t
o you. You never cared for me. All I fucking was to you was a fucking challenge.’ She kept her voice soft, but the anger and betrayal were still there.

‘You’re wrong,’ he spoke up. ‘I had my reasons for not contacting you. You had him to fall back on.’ There was sadness in his eyes, and she could see jealousy in them also. ‘You were more than any of those things to me,’ he continued. ‘I loved you,’ he paused and looked her in the eyes, ‘and I still do.’

It was her turn to be shocked. That was one thing she definitely wasn’t expecting, and she had a feeling it wasn’t true. If he really had loved her, why would he have treated her like shit? And he did. Even though while they were together she convinced herself she was happy, she wasn’t fully happy. She didn’t realize how often he had lied to her until after they broke up. She wouldn’t let him wrap her around his finger again, she knew better.

He pulled her up. ‘You can’t tell me you don’t feel anything between us.’

‘No, I don’t. I lost every feeling I felt for you other than hate and disgust.’ She tried to pull away, but he kept her near him.

‘Then prove it. Prove there’s no spark left.’

‘And how am I supposed to do that, asshole?’ She watched him flinch. Why did her words hurt him so? He doesn’t care for her, so why would her feelings about him affect him?

‘Kiss me,’ he said softly.

‘What?!’ She tried to pull away again but failed.

‘Kiss me, and if you don’t feel anything, I’ll accept that you hate me, but right now, I don’t believe that’s how you really feel. Kiss me and prove me wrong.’

She couldn’t believe how arrogant he was, but something inside her told her he was right. If she kissed him and felt nothing, then there were no other feelings but her hate left towards him. If she kissed him, she would know for sure, but that’s what she was terrified of. What if there was something else there?

He watched her in anticipation. Hoping she would give in, he didn’t press her. If she really did hate him now, at least he would get one last kiss, and he really wanted to feel her lips upon his once again. He wasn’t lying to her when he told her that he still loved her. One of the reasons he broke it off was because of her ex. the fact that she was living with him while they were dating ate away at him. He was always wondering what they were doing and if she was being faithful, but he never questioned her about it. He was too proud.

Leaning towards her, he hoped she wouldn’t reject him. He craved that one kiss more than anything.

She watched as he made his move. She didn’t resist or back away because she knew this would be the true test. Their lips touched, and it was like electricity surged through both their bodies. He wrapped his arms around her and they ended up on the couch with him on top. The simple kissed turned passionate so quickly, she didn’t realize it. After a few minutes, she finally pushed him off, and they were both breathless. He seemed dazed and had a big grin on his face.

‘What the fuck are you smiling for?’ she asked upset, confused, and annoyed. She was pissed because those feelings were still there. The fact that this little trip of hers was a bad idea was becoming clearer every minute.

‘Don’t tell me you didn’t feel that. Both you and I felt it, there’s no point in denying it.’ He watched her, wondering what her next move would be. He was addicted to her. He wanted to kiss her again but first, he needed a sign that she wanted this as much as he did. He knew she was probably wet from the kiss, and he also knew his arousal was apparent.

She looked at him, noticing that their kiss had the same effect on him as it did her. Anger and desire were coursing through her veins. Before seeing him, she was sure of the fact that she hated him. Now, sitting here so close to him and still being able to taste his lips made her realize she was just pissed because of the way things ended. But she wasn’t about to throw herself into his arms and ask for him back. She didn’t want him back. She was finally happy with herself and with who she was with. She didn’t want to throw everything away for someone who was going to treat her like nothing. But damn it all, he looked so hot and tempting and she was so turned on. No, she couldn’t do it. She loved Jack way too much. She tried willing the hate to come back, but it wasn’t working. The anger did come back and at full force.

‘You’re an asshole, you really are. Did you think that you’d kiss me and then suddenly have me throwing myself at you? I despise you for everything you’ve done to me. You almost made me ruin my life!’ She was practically yelling at him.

He didn’t expect her to react like she did. He knew she felt what he felt, that there was something still there, but how was he going to convince her he wouldn’t hurt her again? He decided to steer the subject away from them.

‘How did you make it all the way here? I didn’t see a car or a taxi driving away.’

She told him how for most of the trip she took the bus, but they made her get off at the wrong stop, and then someone stole her tickets. She didn’t have enough money to buy yet another ticket, or else she’d run out of money for food and the hotel she was planning on staying at for the night. She’d been on foot for a few days now, and she explained why he hadn’t seen a car or anything – because of the two brothers.

He was amazed at all she went through just to see him again, even if it was for a negative reason. He looked at his watch and saw that it was almost noon.

‘Are you hungry?’ He asked softly.

‘Actually, yeah,’ she replied.

He made something simple for them to eat, and they sat together in silence.

It had just hit her that they were alone together in the house.

‘So what are you doing home on a Friday? Or did I keep you from going to work?’ she asked.

‘No, you didn’t keep me. I actually took today off so I could have a three day weekend.’

‘Did you have something planned?’ Her curiosity was peaked.

‘No, I just wanted a mini-vacation.’

A few minutes passed in silence again.

She cleared her throat, ‘So, when is everyone due back?’

‘My sister’s staying at the dorm, and my parents are away until next weekend.’ He began to wonder why she was asking.

‘Oh,’ was her only reply.

Another few minutes passed, and then he got up and walked toward her. Pulling her out of the chair and into his arms, he kissed her again, lust and love were driving him. She pushed away from him.

‘Jason, I can’t do this. I don’t want to do this.’ She was backing into a wall without realizing it, and he kept walking towards her. She knew from the look in his eyes what he wanted.

‘You still have feelings for me. I can tell from the look in your eyes and from the way you kiss me.’

She shook her head, denying it even though she knew he was right.

He could see that he was upsetting her again and decided to back off. He took her hand and lead her back to the couch, sitting her down.

‘You win, okay? I give. I’m not going to force you into anything, but can you at least be civil to me?’

She shook her head – no. He let out a sigh and retreated to the kitchen. He made both of them a drink, but when he offered her one, she hesitated. He offered her the other one and got the same reaction.

‘Kat, I’m not going to drink both of them. I didn’t do anything to your drink. What can I do to prove it?’ He was frustrated.

Her eyes grew wide as she heard the nickname fall from his lips like nothing. Anger was taking over her body again.

‘First of all, asshole, don’t you EVER call me that again. You lost that right a long time ago.’ She looked at the drinks in his hands. Damn, did those look good. ‘Take a good drink out of both, and then I’ll know that you did nothing to them,’ she demanded. She watched as he did as she wanted and was pleased that he didn’t hes
itate. Taking one from him, she downed it in less than a minute and followed him as he went to make another.

Several drinks later, they were acting as if they were life-long friends. He was happy that the alcohol had mellowed her out, and now they were both at ease. The talked about everything, and even when the subject of their ex-relationship came up, things were still fine. She allowed him to explain his reasons and listened with an open mind. She actually understood why he did what he did. If she was him, it would have gotten to her too. The fear, jealousy, hurt, the fact that things were moving so fast. They would have eventually gotten to her also. It was getting close to 5pm, and they were both drunk, she worse off than he was. They both had admitted that those strong feelings still existed. She had forgotten everything, and it was as if they were the only two people who existed. They were both feeling the effects of the alcohol, and when he leaned and kissed her, she didn’t object. The kiss began slow and soft, and then it turned more passionate. It was as if they were both starved and only the other could fulfill them. Her hands were tangled in his hair while his were wrapped around her waist, pulling her closer until she was on his lap. His hand began to wander all over her body, onto her breasts, rubbing her back, massaging her tights. His lips moved to her neck, and his hand cupped her breast beneath her shirt.

A soft sigh escaped her lips. She was enjoying every second of his touch upon her. Soon, her shirt was lying crumpled on the floor. His hands were working his magic all over her, it was almost as if she was trapped, but she didn’t care. She was blissfully happy for the moment, not thinking about anything but this moment and her lust. Suddenly, she felt so empty, and only one thing, one person could make her whole again. The alcohol was slowly beginning to wear off, but both of them were too involved in what they were doing to care.

‘Kat, I want you,’ he spoke softly. Her only reply was a moan.

Their kisses became more passionate, and his shirt joined hers on the floor. He stopped the kiss before she knew what was going on, and he gathered her into his arms and carried her to his bedroom. He laid her down on the bed and stripped down to his boxers. Jason sat down next to her, kissing her again, making his way down her body. When he reached her jeans and tried removing them, she stopped him. She was thinking semi-clear now.

‘No, not like this,’ she pushed him away.

He looked at her, shock on his face.

‘What are you talking about?’ he asked.

She sat up. ‘Look, I don’t know who or what you’ve been with since me. If you want anything to happen, you need to use a condom.’

His jaw was practically on the floor. ‘I have not been with anyone since you. I’ve had no desire to,’ he paused, looking at her. ‘Even if I had wanted to, I wouldn’t have. I’ve had no interest in anyone. My heart,’ he held her hand to his chest, ‘my heart belongs to you. It has since the day we met, and it’s been in your possession ever since.’

She didn’t know what to say because she didn’t believe him. She knew him better than that, knew that he wouldn’t do that because he never cared that much.

‘Kat, baby, look at me,’ he didn’t know what to say. How could he prove it to her? In reality, he couldn’t. There was no way. ‘How can I prove it to you?’

There was only one thought in her mind and only one thing that was making the blood course through her veins: lust.

‘Just, get dressed.’ She saw the look of rejection he had on his face, and she let out a sigh. ‘Well, unless you have any condoms around here, you’ll need to be wearing something so we can go get some,’ she smiled.

‘No, I don’t have any. You know I hate those damn things.’ But yet, he began getting dressed anyway.

‘Well, you’re gonna have to deal with it if you want anything to happen.’ She was fully dressed now, and so was he.

They got into his car and went to the nearest convenient store.

From his driving, she knew the alcohol hadn’t hit him like it hit her. She still had a full buzz going, and he seemed fine. She shrugged it off because it didn’t really matter to her, but she was happy she had thought to use some sort of protection and not really having to force the issue. Either it had been a while since he last had sex, or he was just really horny. She didn’t think that it had anything to do with her. She was just there and wasn’t male, so he probably figured ‘why not?’ She knew he still cared for her, but she wasn’t sure how much. She had no reason to believe him even though the way he’d looked at her, and was still looking at her, told her different. He was great at playing head games, she had to keep reminding herself of that. After all, she still remembered how he had had Kelly wrapped around his little finger, believing he loved her, when they had fist met.

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5 Min broadcasting myself on ChaturbateCHAT:ENTER - Mrsrchlmrsrchl:hey!chickzdigmeyup:hi!mrsrchl:long time no see!chickzdigmeyup:yea lol!mrsrchl:pm?ENTER PMchickzdigmeyup:okmrsrchl:hey theremrsrchl:how have you been?chickzdigmeyup:hichickzdigmeyup:i've been goodmrsrchl:hope you've been safe and spundmrsrchl:soundmrsrchl:thats goodchickzdigmeyup:yea, nothing too drastic lolmrsrchl:did you have to work from home for a while?chickzdigmeyup:yeahmrsrchl:i had to learn how to use zoomchickzdigmeyup:i...

2 years ago
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He saw her first; she recognized him staring. Parallel memories reprised when she had loved him, possessed him, and, ultimately, discarded him. His tie removed, she saw the leather band beneath his collar that showed he was bound. That and his stunned look of worship woke something inside her. Pushing her carry-on bag to him, she turned to walk towards the parking lot shuttle. He followed.A decade earlier, she had been more angry and demanding and less confident and self-aware. She had...

Quickie Sex
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My hotel room door opens as Shelley uses the key I'd passed her at the memorial. It had been a lovely service. I saw all the family I'd avoided for the last twelve years. They were a little surprised and less than pleased to see me, but no one was going to cause a scene, disturb the memorial. That was fine with me, I kept right on avoiding them and they returned the favor by ignoring me. That kept it a peaceful serene service that Ray would have hated, but it had been for the living, not for...

3 years ago
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I sat there in my room, staring blankly at the wall, overlooking my favorite posters and photos of my friends and boyfriend. Yes, my boyfriend Jake, the quarterback of the school football team, very eye-catching and popular... Sometimes I thought he was too popular for his own good. Our relationship was suffering because of it. I didn't know if I could trust him anymore. I waited for Megan to arrive at my place. We had to cram for our first exam of the school year, always the most difficult...

2 years ago
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Chapter 1 Of late, I have gotten into the habit of suddenly sitting back, in the midst of work, gazing out of the window and thinking of her. Sigh! I am a 35 year old man and I have a terrific job. Ihave a good team to work with and I enjoy my work tremendously. A lot of travel is involved, which I actually consider a perk, as I just love meeting people and interacting with them. But when it comes to making those reports... gosh! I get really lazy and have to literally force myself to finish...

2 years ago
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© Copyright 2003 -- all rights reserved It was a perfect September evening. A nearly cloudless sky allowed the stars to sparkle like magic. The white silk tents billowed gently in the breeze as the music drifted around us. I was dancing with the father of the bride. He twirled me around the dance floor while keeping an eye on his radiant daughter, my best friend, Susan. "So when am I going to dance at your wedding?" "Geez, Pop. Give a girl a break. Can't you be happy that Susan...

1 year ago
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"A world turns to the edge of night, the moon and stars so very bright... Your face glows in the candlelight, It's all because tonight's the night..." It was our song, mine and Diane's. It was the song that played when we first met, the song we sang to on our first date, that rang in our ears with that first kiss, that played softly in the background the first time we made love... "Now hold my hand and take this ring As we unite in harmony... We can begin to live the dream,...

1 year ago
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Leo received a wedding invitation. It was located in different city, an hour away by plane. He didn’t really want to go but he thought he should go, networking purposes. He used… Leo received a wedding invitation. It was located in different city, an hour away by plane. He didn’t really want to go but he thought he should go, networking purposes. He used to work with the groom few years ago, and he had a good job with the finance system, so it might open a good chance for Leo...

1 year ago
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Bridget is spending Easter with her friends Lilly and brandy. They started rejoice their teen years. Lilly asked, ''what took you so long to come over''. Bridget explained she was really busy with school. Brandy surprised Bridget by telling her Lilly and her moved in together. They decided to have a picnic in the yard. While they were eating food they decided to play around. They started sucking on food, Lilly was praised for her sucking. Lilly and Bridget started feeding each other cherries,...

1 year ago
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Movie Night

It was a cold November evening and I was relaxing at home. It was 7:45 and I had called my boyfriend, Blair, then, like me, a highschool senior, and asked him to come over at 8 and watch some movies with me. My family had left earlier in the day to go to one of my 12-yr-old brother's soccer tournaments. I had just been lounging around in a fluffy yellow towel after my shower so I went upstairs to change. I put on Blair's latest present to me, a black bra, and added my favourite pair of black...

First Time
2 years ago
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Her mother becomes my boss

When I was a freshman in high school, Madeline was a new girl that moved in part way through the year. While talking to her in class one day, I found out that she had a very likeable personality and because we were both athletes, we had a lot in common. We became friends not only in person but on social media as well. Madeline was tall and athletic. The 5'10 brunette would go on to make the varsity volleyball team that first year and I was a short 5'3 blonde gymnast.I learned right away that...

2 years ago
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The Notes Part One

Isn’t it funny how the memory works? I can tell you so many things from that day. I was wearing knee high boots. I’d eaten a chicken salad for my lunch and I had worked on the Henderson account all morning. What I can’t tell you is who was around the office just before I got back from getting a glass of water. Who had the opportunity to drop that note on my desk unseen? So many times I tried to replay the moments before, to see if I could work out who had left me the note. The Note! My legs go...

Oral Sex
3 years ago
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Craigslist Chronicles Ch 06 Thomas

While at work, my horniness returned. God was I ready to be fucked again. It hit me hard. I needed to be used. Stumbling through the m4m section of craigslist, I added "dom" & "dominate" to my search. I wanted someone more dominate and rough around the edges. The thought of having someone tell me what to do turned me on. Hard dom top for slave btm - 22 Horny as fuck. My regular sub has moved away... Looking for a replacement. Big load saved up. Late night ++++. I'm 180lbs, 6', fit,...

3 years ago
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The School Life Of A Boy 8211 Part 1

Hi I’m guyanga.im not currently living in India.i was born in Canada even though my parents are Indian and came to india as my parents got jobs there.there I went to a private school and as I had very weak Hindi I did all my studies in English medium.all these experiences are true and I wanted to share them with my fellow Indians for their entertainment.ladies I am looking forward to your comments and getting to know you all on chat.so please comment to me via email – again please do not reply...

2 years ago
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Bikini Ready Mother

I would like to say hello, I am Mrs Johnson, age 42, married with two sons age 13 and 15.We have a fairly good life here in the UK, A detached house with a nice big garden.We go on holiday once a year, sometimes two, mostly in Europe, our favourite, well my favourite being the south of France.I love nothing more than relaxing in the sun and that is what this story is all about.2 years ago we went to France, but my body was not prepared for the hot weather, soon after arriving all I wanted to do...

2 years ago
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Power Tool Original versionChapter 01

John Smith is a tall blond man of average build with fair looks who lives a very quiet life. It’s like he’s hiding from the world, which he is. Despite this lifestyle he’s well known and liked in his local community. His only family is his niece, Brooke. His older brother married a much younger girl while in high school, she was pregnant at the time. John was nine and his brother was eighteen when Brooke was born. She was nearly eight when an explosion and fire destroyed the home of John’s...

2 years ago
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Compound X131Chapter 25 Showtime

Greta ground her hips with all her strength, rotating her slick spread lips against the mirror image of Blakey's soaked vulva. In return Blakey's swollen clit ploughed wet groves through Greta's wiry pubic fleece. The captain's empty vagina regularly contracted, and ejected molten flows of hot juices. Greta's pubis lurched forwards' forcing her swollen clit towards the source of the warm honey that spurted against its polished dome. The rearing bud met the grasping orifice and brushed...

1 year ago
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For old times sake

I was abroad on business when after my meetings had end I could't catch my sleep so I went to have a brandy down at the bar of the hotel I was residing at. I was happy to see the bar full of people seeming to have a good time. A live band was playing Jazz in the back and as I went to find a place to sit and order my brandy I saw her. There she was, Sarah, looking lushes as ever. It had been a while since I'd last seen her. It must have been at least seven long years ago since we had first...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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His Pregnant Lover Ch 08

Dave returned to the camp in the early hours of Boxing Day. The camp was quiet, Ruby the only one moving as she bent over the open fire cooking crabs. He stopped to admire her tiny black body. What a difference clothes can make, he thought, as he studied her with her feet bare in her day to day gear of denim shorts and shirt. “My god Ruby you looked horny last night in that red dress,” he called. “Thanks boss,” she grinned and blushed. “If I were you I wouldn’t tease me, remember I’ve got...

1 year ago
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Vile Chapter 8 Dominance

The two of them laid against the dust of the heap, Bloodhound's chest panting hard against the milky cushion of Madre's breast as his seed pulsed from the freshly fucked hole. Tracing idle patterns along her mate's side with her fingernails, the silver haired woman's body still shivering from her lingering orgasm and the warm fluid within her, she spoke with a gentle and deeply satisfied tone; "...You, my dear... I am certainly going to keep." "Keep...?" Bloodhound snickered at...

2 years ago
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Hers for The Day

Hers for the day By: lsa3 For personal use only. All rights reserved. Duplicate with this copyright messageintact. He lost the bet, her team won the game. He regretted thefact that he had been such a smartass because he “knew” he couldn’t lose thebet and now she “owned” him for a day. From 9AM till 9 PM she could do what shewanted with him and he could not protest or object. She owned him and could doanything she wanted with him or to him. The look on herface said it all. ...

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After long time

It is a fiction story where I have shared my feeling about one of my readers and informing to others about my come back. [email protected] waiting for your comments.

1 year ago
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Dyked Lila Frey Sarah Vandella The Psychology Of Eating Pussy

Lila Frey was in deep trouble after getting caught kissing another girl at school. Her parents decided she needed some therapy. She got to Sarah Vandellas office and was not fully prepared to open up about her true inner sexual feelings, but Sarah brought them out with some awkward questions. Those questions led to actions of a sexual nature. Sarah allowed Lila to explore her body and feel free for the first time in her life. Lila may not admit to being a lesbian, but she certainly will admit...

4 years ago
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Noc 8

Megan sat, her legs strewn around Aaron’s waist as her vagina split open to cater to it’s all to welcome guest. She caught on to Aaron’s severely distraught face and instantly knew that she had succeeded in destroying Aaron’s life the second time that morning. Rotating her chest around to turn the shower water off, she slowly lifted her body of Aaron’s penis. She tried not gasping as the long shaft slowly slurped out of her happily filled vaginal tube. She stood up and stepped from the...

2 years ago
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A sister lets her brother climb into her bed

I know this story is long, but I did it that way for myself and my own enjoyment. I also tried to make the "build up" as long as I possible could. It might seem more than a little bit excessive, but I loved writing it like this.Sexual content, no one under 18 allowed!* * *We were driving slowly because of the snowy roads. Mom and Dad were in the front seat, and I was sitting in the back seat with my brother Tim. I hadn't seen him since he left for college in September and it was so wonderful...

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Harry Potter As One War Ends Another Begins Part 2

Part 2 Harry woke the next morning with his head pounding. He could feel the mixture of last nights drinks resting in his stomach and it made him feel sick. Although he had been drinking a lot recently he'd never really experienced a hangover before and he became worried that something was wrong with him. Not as worried as when he opened his eyes however. 'What the fuck!' he thought to himself as he realised a half naked Hermione was pressed against him. Not only that but his hand...

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Slutty Sarah exgirlfriend strips for strangers

Right, Chris, Sarah’s new boyfriend, you know what an exhibitionist she is? Well, has she told you about the time she did a strip for 10 men, and what they did to her? Surely she will have told you about that. No, well, I had better then, hadn’t I?She had asked me a month previously about if I minded if she let men finger her pussy, as long as they didn’t fuck her. I’d told her I didn’t mind much. Actually, I’d quite enjoyed seeing men feeling her tits, even that tramp in the last story about...

3 years ago
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Amat Memoriae

He saw her shadow through the front door waiting for him. He quietly unlocked the door and let her slip in. With her shoes in her hand, they tiptoed down the hall, through the kitchen to the stairs to the basement. They went down the stairs careful not to be heard. He led her to the guest bedroom at the end of the hall. As they entered the room, he spun her around and wrapped his right arm low on her waist. She dropped her shoes. He pulled her towards him. Their bodies pressed together at the...

1 year ago
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Semper Fi Pt 03

Copyright by calibeachgirl and shuttlepilot All rights reserved, 2011 Chapter 14 Our House… A house is not a home unless you share it with the person you love or so he’d been told. They wandered around the Zoo as Kelly tried to name the different animals. Frank finally sat down on a bench, needing a break. A four-year-old child somehow had more energy than any adult he had ever seen until she fell asleep. ‘Disneyland?’ he asked. ‘Are you crazy?’ she answered. ‘Disneyland? My God, she’ll...

3 years ago
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Massage woman of the house

I am Brinda. I was born and brought up in a very rich landlord family. I was youngest of six co-brothers and sisters. Like other sisters and girls of family I was not allowed to attend school. Tutor came home to teach girls of family.I grew and started hearing and knowing about sex. I came to know that all males of my family particularly my father and two elder brothers are fucking village women as if they are their slaves. I asked mother and other elderly ladies.They said that women of poor...

2 years ago
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Rachel Grahams Precious Little Life Chapter 8

"Projekt Katgut, Rachel speaking." It was Monday, 15 minutes before I was due to get out of there. I really didn't want to deal with the phone. "Rachel, it's me, I need a huge favor." Brittany had this habit of assuming my availability was a given. She wasn't used to me having a life. Fortunately for her, I didn't. "Hey Britt. What do you need?" I cradled the phone in my shoulder while I started finishing up for the day. With her taking up the line, nobody else could call in,...

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first time with a man2

I had just turned 21, and was extremely curious about sex with another man. A little history first. In 5th grade, I tasted my first cock when I licked my neighbors dick. Me, my neighbor and his brother were looking at my dad's magazines and somehow the conversation came up for me to try his dick in my mouth. His brother seemed cool with it, and I thought what the hell. His shorts were unzipped, and out came a 5" cock already erect, and dripping slightly. I opened...

4 years ago
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The Eyes of Love

The stage shook under his feet, vibrations from the low string of his guitar. It was he alone, Leroy Jet, occupying the stage that night; One man, one guitar, an amplifier and a microphone. The guitar was black, a hollow body with f holes. It played smooth with the string action low. The amp was small, but had a gritty tone he liked. It didn’t matter the size, it was channeled through the house PA anyway.Jet stamped his foot, the heel of those black dress shoes thumping wood. This club was...

Love Stories
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My Wife Needs Big Cock

Hello readers! I am Raghava from Hyderabad.i am aged about 25 years and got married forcefully by my elders. I am not interested to get marriage since I got my own doubt I may not be suitable marriage life. I got job as asst engineer in private company with good salary. My relatives brought match to me and my parents accept it without my knowledge. Finally, with great difficulty I was made to accept it. After my marriage, my elders celebrated my first night and I slept separetely. My wife...

3 years ago
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Ace of Spades

What had started out as some fun flirting on the Internet ended up far more than I had bargained for! We have met innocently enough in the chat room, some good-humoured fun, and a little bit of gentle flirting. You don’t come in here for anything serious or mind blowing, or at least that’s what I thought. The chat had become a little bit more intense, still fun and flirty but I soon realised that there was a sensual undertone to the witty one-liners and the quick responses. That chat became...

4 years ago
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First Swapping Experience

I was very recently married when this evening took place and whilst that may be shocking to consider for some, we had such an enthusiastic and adventurous sex life with each other that, with hindsight, the events of this evening seemed to be a natural extension, I say with hindsight as the whole experience was arranged as a surprise by my wife....Annie is petite and dark haired with cascading brunette curls falling just beyond shoulder length, she has hazel eyes and a beautiful body with curves...

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