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It was a perfect September evening. A nearly cloudless sky allowed the stars to sparkle like magic. The white silk tents billowed gently in the breeze as the music drifted around us. I was dancing with the father of the bride. He twirled me around the dance floor while keeping an eye on his radiant daughter, my best friend, Susan.

"So when am I going to dance at your wedding?"

"Geez, Pop. Give a girl a break. Can't you be happy that Susan found someone and leave me out of it?"

"Nope. You're just as much my daughter as she is. Hell, you practically grew up in my house. You two have always been inseparable. What kind of father would I be if I didn't worry about both of my girls?"

"I'm fine Pop, so stop worrying already."

"You, young lady, are too independent for your own good. There's nothing wrong with letting someone take care of you once in a while. You should find a nice young man and settle down. There's plenty here. Just take your pick. That one over there sure is looking you over." Pop flicked his eyes at someone over my shoulder. He turned me slightly so I could see the man in question. "What about him?"

Time appeared to stand still and my blood began to roar in my ears as I saw whom Pop was talking about. There, on the other side of the dance floor, was someone I had thought to never see again. His blue eyes boring into mine, Luke tipped his blonde head in my direction and started towards us. I studied him carefully as he made his way across the dance floor. The years had not changed him much. His hard, angular features were more mature and his tall, lean form had gained some muscle, but he was still the same Luke I remembered.

Luke caught up to us and tapped Pop on the shoulder, "May I cut in?"

"Be my guest."

Pop threw me a cheery wink and handed me over to Luke. As his hand closed over mine, I felt the same jolt I had been trying to forget for several years now. Luke pulled me close, molding my body to his, as he began to lead us around the floor. I breathed in his uniquely male scent and tried to control my pulse.

"How have you been, Cat?" The soft question, just inches from my ear, put butterflies in my stomach as I tried to decide how to answer him.

"Fine, Luke, and you?" I was pleased to note that my voice didn't tremble.

"That's a long story, let's leave it for now. You're still just as beautiful as I remember."

His husky voice sent shivers down my spine. The music stopped just in time to save me from making a response. I moved out of his arms.

"Thanks for the dance, Luke. It was good seeing you again." I turned and started to walk away.

"Cat, wait." His hand slid from my elbow to my upper arm and held me in place. "I'd like to see you again. We have some things to discuss." He tipped my chin up, forcing my eyes to meet his. "Please?"

"No, Luke. It's no use digging up the past."

This time he didn't stop me when I turned to leave. I could feel his eyes follow me as I crossed the dance floor and went into the house. Susan caught up with me just as I found my coat and headed out to my car.

"Hey, where are you going?" She was slightly breathless and more than a little beautiful in her wedding gown.

"Home. It's been a long day."

"Did I just see you talking to Luke Henshaw?"

"You know you did." I could see the tip of one white satin shoe tapping impatiently as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"And... ?"

"And you should have told me you invited him to the wedding."

"Would you have come if I did?"

I sighed and thought about it, "No, probably not. Why did you do this to me? I thought you were my friend."

"Oh, Cat, I *am* your friend. That's why I invited him. You two need to settle this and you know it. You're never going to have any peace until you talk to him."

"That is not true. Besides which, shouldn't you be dancing with Michael instead of arguing with me?"

"Yeah, okay. But think about it, please. Luke deserves to know."

Over my dead body, I thought.

I woke up the next morning with a pounding headache. It had to be stress because I hadn't had more than a sip of champagne. I made my way carefully to the bathroom for some aspirin. After swallowing two pills, I looked at myself in the mirror. Long, auburn hair, large green eyes surrounded by spiky black lashes, straight nose, high cheekbones; not a bad face overall, but this morning it looked tired. Like that's unusual, I thought. With a sigh, I pulled off my pajamas and climbed in the shower. I had a lot to get done today and standing in front of the mirror wasn't going to make it go any faster.

After starting a load of laundry and loading the dishwasher, I carried a cup of coffee out to the deck to read the morning paper. Ten minutes later I was still staring at the headlines and trying to remember just when it was that I fell in love with Luke Henshaw.

I've known him forever. We were in the same kindergarten class. His twin brother, Logan, had been my second best friend. Luke was always there in the background of my life. Once in awhile we'd end up hanging out together but mostly I spent my time with Susan and Logan. Luke had always been busy with cross-country, basketball, and baseball in high school. If he wasn't working out or studying, he was with his girlfriend, Chrissy.

They were the golden couple: blonde, beautiful, and popular. Luke and Chrissy had started going steady in tenth grade and were practically living together by senior year. That's when it started, I decided, right after graduation.

Everyone was at Susan's house for her graduation party. We had all ended up in the big hay barn, dancing to the radio, and then later playing truth or dare. Why is it you put a group of kids together and truth or dare is the inevitable result? I had managed to stay out of most of the game, but towards the end Logan noticed that I was snuggled up high in the hayloft trying to hide. He had a grand time making me pay for that.

"Hey, Luke," he called, "truth or dare?"

"Dare," was Luke's immediate reply.

Looking straight at me, Logan said, "Climb into the hayloft and spend ten minutes making out with whomever you find up there. I'll give a yell when time's up."

If looks could kill, that damn Logan would have been dog food. Right then I decided he was no longer my friend.

"Hey, no fair!" Chrissy was already bitching.

"Sorry Chris, you know the rules." Luke's tone was apologetic but I could tell he was already moving towards the ladder to the hayloft.

"Well, who's up there?" Cripes, that woman could whine.

"Cat." Logan's tone was smug and superior. Logan *hated* Chrissy and Chrissy *hated* me. He had done it just to irritate both of us. Luke climbed into the loft and sank into the same pile of hay I was using.

"Hey, Cat. Sorry about this, but a dare's a dare."

"Yeah, I know. Just do it."

Luke rolled so that he was draped over one side of me and brushed my hair back from my face. He leaned down and gently captured my lips with his own. Nothing could have prepared me for the sensation. I'd had plenty of boyfriends but not one of them made me feel like this. My skin was on fire and my heart was pounding so hard I thought it might leap from my chest. Luke's lips teased and nibbled mine, creating a molten pool of desire in my gut. Might as well enjoy it, I thought, and gently traced his lips with my tongue.

Luke groaned, wrapped both arms around me, and rolled us so that I was sprawled on top of him. His tongue claimed my own as his hands tangled in my long, red hair. I could feel his erection pressing against my crotch and I ground myself against it, causing him to hiss in response. One of his hands moved to my ass, pressing me down against him, while the other went to my breast, his thumb rubbing my nipple to arousal. I moaned in need and attacked his mouth again. I felt like I was drowning in sensation. So this is what it's all about, I thought, now I understand the fuss.

I had just made this connection when Logan yelled, "Time." I lifted my head and rolled off Luke, trying to catch my breath.

"Jesus, Cat. What the hell was that?" His breathing was ragged, his tone laced with wonder.

"Like I know? That's never happened to me before."



"Luke, get down here!" Chrissy was standing at the bottom of the ladder with a very angry look on her face. Luke was still staring at me with a look of confusion.

"Better go, the little woman calls."

"Shit, Cat. If she sees this lump, I'm dead."

"Well, I'd offer to help but you need Chrissy's permission first."

Grumbling about insensitive females, Luke swung himself over the ladder and climbed down to his girlfriend. Yes, I thought, that was when I started to fall in love with Luke Henshaw.

I went to start another load of laundry and heard the doorbell ring. Detouring to the front door, I wondered who it might be. Everyone I know just walks in; no knock, no doorbell. I pulled the door open to find Luke leaning against my front porch railing. He looked just as good in jeans today as he did in the tux last night. He was wearing a tired, sexy smile that made my heart skip a beat.

"What are you doing here?" The words were out of my mouth before I could stop them.

"Morning, Cat. Mind if I come in?" Luke brushed by me and stepped into the house.

"Please do." My sarcasm brought a wry grin from him.

"I'm sorry, alright? I've had a rotten night. Do you have any coffee?" Luke hadn't shaved and looked like he hadn't slept. I decided to take pity on him.

"Sure, come on back to the kitchen." I poured him a cup and joined him at the kitchen table. "Now are you going to tell me why you're here? And start with how you found out where I live."

"I asked Mr. Reed." Pop. I should have known. "Then I talked with Susan for a few minutes before she and Michael left."

"You talked to Susan? About what?" Full-blown panic was beginning to creep in. What had she told him?

"You." Luke was slouched in the chair, watching me closely.

"What about me?" My belligerent tone was unmistakable. Damn it, I hate it when people talk about me.

"I wanted to know if you're seeing anyone. How you're doing. Susan told me you haven't been with anyone in a long time. Why is that, Cat?"

I shrugged. "I've been busy. Why is this any business of yours?"

Luke scrubbed his face with both hands and dragged them through his hair.

"Catherine, please just drop the attitude and talk to me."

*Nobody* calls me Catherine. I've always been Cat. This was serious. I studied Luke and tried to decide what he wanted.

"Why did you leave me that morning? You could have at least woken me up and said goodbye." His searching gaze had me squirming in my seat.

"Luke, you were headed back to UCLA. I was going back to Penn State. You were still in love with Chrissy. What was the point? It was just a one-time thing between friends. I understood that."

"I was *not* still in love with Chrissy. If you had stuck around a little longer I would have told you that. I tried to contact you a couple of times, but you never called back. Why?"

"I've already answered that. Luke, what's going on here?" I was truly puzzled.

He got up and started to pace. "Why didn't you tell me you were a virgin? I thought you were experienced. You should have told me you weren't."

"Luke, it wasn't deliberate. It just wasn't important. I wasn't exactly thinking rationally at the time." My grin was rueful and for a moment he mirrored it. With a sigh, he shoved his hands into his back pockets and stood lost in thought.

"Cat, for seven years I've been walking around with you in my head. When I go to sleep at night, your laugh echoes around me. When I dream, I see the way you looked when I made love to you that first time. I wake up in the morning and I can smell your scent, feel your body wrapped up in mine. I'm haunted by the memory of you and the night we shared together."

I sat in my kitchen chair, trying not to fall out of it, while I listened to him purge his thoughts. He wasn't finished yet.

"When I got Susan's wedding invitation, I knew I had to come here and see you again. I had to find out if what we had was real or just some fantasy I've built in my head."

Stunned, my thoughts swirling, I tried to come up with a response.

"Luke, I don't know what to say."

"Then don't say anything at all."

His husky tone should have warned me. I looked up at him and felt my gaze captured in his. His eyes were the darkest blue I've ever seen. I've seen them that shade only one other time, a memory I'd desperately tried to bury.

Mesmerized, I didn't protest when he pulled me to my feet and gathered me against him. Tentatively he brushed my lips with his own, testing my reaction. When I offered no resistance, he settled his mouth firmly on mine. Oh god, I had forgotten how this could affect me. The first touch of his tongue was electric, sending a jolt throughout my body. I moaned and answered his demand with my own. Luke deepened the kiss, molding my curves to him. I felt my nipples pebble against the hard wall of his chest. He groaned my name and bent his head to kiss the pulse throbbing in my neck. My desire was spiraling past the point of no return. I wove my fingers through his hair and forced his mouth back to mine.

"Momma, Momma, look what Grams got me!" Her voice ripped through me. Dimly I heard the front door slam. Shoving Luke from me, I stepped back just in time to catch the blonde angel that hurtled into my arms. I scooped her up and covered her sweet face with kisses as her laughter peeled into the room. I buried my face in her hair and listened with half an ear to her happy chatter as I tried to calm my raging body. I heard the front door slam again and my mother appeared, lugging my daughter's overnight gear.

"Well, this is a surprise." My mother was looking from me to Luke, trying to decide what she had interrupted. The tension in the room was unbearable. Only Emma appeared to be unaffected.

She wiggled against me to be let down. I set her on the floor and watched her march over to Luke. Tiny fists on her hips, she threw her head back and looked him over. Cripes, I knew that pose. I resisted the urge to duck and cover.

"Who're you?" She wasn't the least bit intimidated by Luke's towering height. The belligerent demand was an echo of my own favorite tone.

Luke studied her face carefully then looked at me with a closed, flinty expression. "I'm a friend of your mom." His carefully polite voice did not betray his obvious fury.

She thought that over for a minute and decided to continue the inquisition. "My name's Emma. What's yours?"

He crouched down in front of her. "My name's Luke. What were you showing your mom?"

Emma's smile lit up the room. She just loves to talk about clothes. She put one hand on his knee and patted her chest with the other.

"Grams bought me a new shirt. I picked it out myself."

"It's very pretty."

That was it; he had her hooked. Tell Emma her shirt is pretty and she's putty in your hand.

"Yep. You stayin' for lunch?"

Throwing me a look that clearly promised an accounting, he agreed. "I'd love to."

My mother had waited for an explanation long enough. "Emma, why don't you take Luke outside and show him your new swing-set? I need to talk to your mom a minute."

Emma immediately grabbed Luke's hand and pulled him out the back door, chattering at him the whole time. Mom leveled a look at me. I could tell she had something on her mind. I waited in silence for her to come out with it.

"Catherine Antoinette Thompson, I hope you know what you're doing; for Emma's sake."

Cripes, twice in one day. This was one for the record books. "Mom, don't start. I really don't need you on my case right now."

"I'm not on your case. I just want you to realize that you are not the only one affected by your actions. Cat, I worry about you. You're so damn stubborn and independent. If you want to live your life alone that's your choice, but you have to consider what's best for Emma."

Many years ago I learned that it is just easier to agree with my mother. Her temper was more than a match for my own. Besides that, she was right and I knew it.

"I know, Mom. I promise you I will keep Emma's best interests in mind." She continued to study me. When she decided I was serious, she relented. With a sigh, she kissed me on the cheek and went out the back door to kiss Emma goodbye.

I puttered in the kitchen, trying to get my thoughts in order. When I felt like I was calm again, I went out to the yard to check on Emma and Luke. He was pushing her on the swing. Her infectious, happy laugh brought a smile to my face. I settled in the hammock, watching them play. Luke's smile was open and tender as he watched Emma swing through the air. It was easy to see that he was already falling in love with her. I continued to watch them and remembered the night that Luke and I had spent together.

It was two years after the truth or dare game. The old gang made it a point to get together at the end of each summer just before heading back to college. Logan and Luke were hosting the party that year. Like Susan, they lived on a big farm in the country. A party there wouldn't bother any neighbors. Logan had built a huge bonfire to provide light and warmth. Someone had snuck in some beer and some of the others were getting pretty loud. I have never been much of a drinker so I sat by the fire and watched the others have fun. Luke wandered over and sat down beside me.

"You're pretty quiet tonight. You okay?" Concern touched his features.

"I'm fine. Just a little tired. The strep throat really wore me out." I had taken my last dose of antibiotics just a few hours ago. I felt much better, but I still didn't have a lot of energy.

"Where's Susan? I'm not used to seeing you on your own."

With a rueful smile I explained, "I gave her the strep. We shared a soda before I knew I was sick. She's not too happy with me." He laughed at that.

"Where's Chrissy? I'm not used to seeing you on your own." I deliberately threw his question back at him.

"We're taking a break." His quiet response shocked the hell out of me. "It hasn't been working for a long time now. We've decided to date other people for awhile and see how it goes."

I apologized for bringing it up and he laughed it off. I tried to get him to join the others but he refused. Confused by his actions, I tried to decide why he was sitting there with me. I was used to sitting on the sidelines. Luke was generally the center of attention. Must be the Chrissy situation, I decided.

We spent several hours sitting by the fire, talking quietly and getting to know each other again. Luke talked about UCLA and his hopes for Stanford Law. I told him about Penn State and the graphic arts degree I was working on. We joked around and laughed at the others getting drunk. Eventually, the long day caught up with me and I could feel my eyelids droop. Luke noticed and pulled me to my feet.

"C'mon. You need to get some sleep."

He started walking towards the house. His firm grip on my hand insuring I would follow.

"Luke, wait. What about your parents?"

"They're cool. Chrissy used to stay here all the time." I could tell he regretted the words the moment they left his mouth. "Besides, your honor is safe with me." He grinned in apology.

"Damn, and I was sooo hoping." My tone was joking, but I wasn't kidding. For two years I'd been hoping he'd kiss me again someday. Spending time with him tonight had made me realize I wanted more than a kiss.

He shot me a curious glance and headed into the house. I called my parents so they wouldn't worry and followed Luke upstairs to his room. I'd seen it before but it never failed to surprise me. Luke was a neat-nik; everything in its place, the bed made, his clothes put away. I wondered briefly if he was from another planet. He rummaged around in his dresser and handed me a UCLA tee shirt.

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5 Min broadcasting myself on ChaturbateCHAT:ENTER - Mrsrchlmrsrchl:hey!chickzdigmeyup:hi!mrsrchl:long time no see!chickzdigmeyup:yea lol!mrsrchl:pm?ENTER PMchickzdigmeyup:okmrsrchl:hey theremrsrchl:how have you been?chickzdigmeyup:hichickzdigmeyup:i've been goodmrsrchl:hope you've been safe and spundmrsrchl:soundmrsrchl:thats goodchickzdigmeyup:yea, nothing too drastic lolmrsrchl:did you have to work from home for a while?chickzdigmeyup:yeahmrsrchl:i had to learn how to use zoomchickzdigmeyup:i...

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He saw her first; she recognized him staring. Parallel memories reprised when she had loved him, possessed him, and, ultimately, discarded him. His tie removed, she saw the leather band beneath his collar that showed he was bound. That and his stunned look of worship woke something inside her. Pushing her carry-on bag to him, she turned to walk towards the parking lot shuttle. He followed.A decade earlier, she had been more angry and demanding and less confident and self-aware. She had...

Quickie Sex
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My hotel room door opens as Shelley uses the key I'd passed her at the memorial. It had been a lovely service. I saw all the family I'd avoided for the last twelve years. They were a little surprised and less than pleased to see me, but no one was going to cause a scene, disturb the memorial. That was fine with me, I kept right on avoiding them and they returned the favor by ignoring me. That kept it a peaceful serene service that Ray would have hated, but it had been for the living, not for...

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I sat there in my room, staring blankly at the wall, overlooking my favorite posters and photos of my friends and boyfriend. Yes, my boyfriend Jake, the quarterback of the school football team, very eye-catching and popular... Sometimes I thought he was too popular for his own good. Our relationship was suffering because of it. I didn't know if I could trust him anymore. I waited for Megan to arrive at my place. We had to cram for our first exam of the school year, always the most difficult...

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Chapter 1 Of late, I have gotten into the habit of suddenly sitting back, in the midst of work, gazing out of the window and thinking of her. Sigh! I am a 35 year old man and I have a terrific job. Ihave a good team to work with and I enjoy my work tremendously. A lot of travel is involved, which I actually consider a perk, as I just love meeting people and interacting with them. But when it comes to making those reports... gosh! I get really lazy and have to literally force myself to finish...

1 year ago
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"A world turns to the edge of night, the moon and stars so very bright... Your face glows in the candlelight, It's all because tonight's the night..." It was our song, mine and Diane's. It was the song that played when we first met, the song we sang to on our first date, that rang in our ears with that first kiss, that played softly in the background the first time we made love... "Now hold my hand and take this ring As we unite in harmony... We can begin to live the dream,...

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Leo received a wedding invitation. It was located in different city, an hour away by plane. He didn’t really want to go but he thought he should go, networking purposes. He used… Leo received a wedding invitation. It was located in different city, an hour away by plane. He didn’t really want to go but he thought he should go, networking purposes. He used to work with the groom few years ago, and he had a good job with the finance system, so it might open a good chance for Leo...

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Bridget is spending Easter with her friends Lilly and brandy. They started rejoice their teen years. Lilly asked, ''what took you so long to come over''. Bridget explained she was really busy with school. Brandy surprised Bridget by telling her Lilly and her moved in together. They decided to have a picnic in the yard. While they were eating food they decided to play around. They started sucking on food, Lilly was praised for her sucking. Lilly and Bridget started feeding each other cherries,...

2 years ago
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Casey and I

Chapter 1 Well I saw her first in the kitchen store. She was browsing around in the high dollar cookware section and examining things at length. Her hair was that beautiful Julianne Moore red color, fine and thick. She was blue eyed and a slim, but by no means skinny 5' 5". She looked to be a B cup bra size and her nipples appeared to be large as they were prominently visible through the tank top in the coolness of the cooking store. She also wore a short denim skirt that came to about...

2 years ago
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Friend8217s Mother

Hi friends I am trying there my experience and I hope you will like my first attempt as I am writing this first experience of my life, and if I get good response from you I will share few more. I was just 18 years old in those days and was reading in high school. I had a very nice friend whose name was Sharma He was my best friend in all class and we sat on one disk in class. I belonged from very high and rich family though his family wasnot poor. I often visit Shahid home and when I went to...

4 years ago
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Toying With a Young Voyeur at my Apartment Window

Through the window of my high-rise apartment, I'd been watched by a voyeur, two nights in a row. The first night, he watched me wearing just a skimpy negligee while I walked around, unaware that the mini-blinds of my floor-to-ceiling windows were open. Turned on, I sat back on a bean-bag chair and spread my legs nice and wide for him while I screwed my 55-year-old pussy with a well-oiled vibrating dildo. Trouble was, I couldn't be sure he had actually had an orgasm from peeping at me...

3 years ago
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Blood Moon Chronicles Book 4 Many Faces of the MoonEpilogue

When I had been told by Phaltina that I was going to my paradise, I did not think that she would mean being sent back to life. I awoke to find myself naked on a rocky crag not that far from the village. Just after I appeared there, Aphronia, of all people, found me. She had heard of my death, so she was shocked to find me there. She had a blanket in her pack and gave me that to allow for some semblance of modesty on our trek back to Int’samba. I asked if Janet and the others had come and gone...

3 years ago
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Kelsey Dad I dont want to twerk at their club

Prior: Kelsey – “No Dad Stop.” Prior: Kelsey - “Dad that cannot happen Again” Prior: Kelsey - “Paying The Rent” Prior: Kelsey – “Dad, how could you let that man do THAT to me.” Prior: Kelsey – “Dad – this is like really SICK.” Prior: Kelsey – “This Crazy. We can’t do it here.” Prior: Kelsey – “Dad. Please, NOT the Belt.” Prior: Kelsey - DAD, WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH MY GIRLFRIEND? Prior: Kelsey - “DAD, Don’t make me go inside that creepy Video store.” Prior: Kelsey – “Dad, what’s...

2 years ago
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Joans Room Chapters 18 and 19

Chapter 18 Edge of Seventeen Friday morning I awoke in a fog. I ate some cereal, let the dog out, and finished up with a cup of coffee. It was time to get to work. I really didn't feel like doing anything that morning. Still, I was far too responsible to simply let the jobs slide. Besides, I knew that I'd snap out of it sooner or later. With my sandwich tucked safely inside my shoulder bag, I was off. I was done at the Barnes' home almost before I...

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Introduction: Part 1. Black tutu, silk stockings, 6 inch heels and the skimpiest bra I could find. I couldnt be arsed with knickers they would only get ripped off and lost forever. I didnt want to loose any of my sexy clothes they werent designer but they were mine. Silk handbag with the essentials in it. I created that dramatic face of red lipstick and smoky eyes in the mirror. Grabbed my bag and went. As I walked out the house, across the street and tottered up the alley the rain started to...

3 years ago
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Jans Secret Love Fantasy

Jan's been married to Bob for 6 years now. It started out good. Doesn’t it always? Unless you’re one of those brides who was sold by her father and then again some of those marriages actually work out. Well Jan’s marriage hasn’t worked out at all. I think she was drunk, really drunk when she met Bob and he pulled the wool firmly over her eyes. Sure the sex was good. He was a great lover. He went down on her right from the start. He was a smooth operator, some would say a con man. She fell for...

1 year ago
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I recently came across Hentai Core and thought it could only be one of a few different things. It had to be some new brand style of heavy metal where all the lyrics are about anime sex, or maybe it was a new sci-fi flick where the Earth was full of molten manga girls with big titties and giant dicks. Alternately and most realistically, I knew this would be another hentai collection on the Internet, though I was immediately curious what the gimmick was.It turns out the gimmick is premium...

Premium Hentai Sites
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First time with two strangers

Hi, I'm Sally, I want to share this story with you, firstly, I'm married to John with two daughters, I'm blonde at the moment but naturally auburn, size 36C, John and I have been into threesomes for a while now, it took us ages to go from talking about a threesome to actually achieving it. so the barriers so to speak were removed and it was easy to talk with each other, this story is about a threesome but though John was present, he didn't join in this time. we had gone out on this Saturday and...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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Born with a cunt An apology for being female

Born with a cunt: An apology for being femaleBy Donna BarberChapter OneMy name is Donna Barber and I was born with a cunt. Even as a small child I felt different from the other girls I knew. They seemed unashamed of having a gaping hole between their legs instead of the manly rod that Gentlemen have. Worse still, as I got older I discovered that some of them were even proud of their stinking, dirty, repulsive holes and proud of being female.As far back as I can remember I did NOT share their...

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Sabki bhabhi Sapna bhabhi Part3

Hello there, my name is Raghav and those who don’t recognize me I insist you study the previous part before proceeding to this one. Before going into the story there are some key points for the viewer likes my Sapna’s assets – fair complexion, fit and in shape even after her pregnancy, 34d-26-39 a nice booty to enjoy. For ladies when fully erect 6.1 inches, brown complexion and partial build body that could attract any woman. So enough with the introduction coming back to the plot so at the end...

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I had never in my life sucked another mans cock or even touched one other than my own. I was in college at the time and was dating a pretty hot babe with big tits and a great little pussy. We enjoyed kinky sex together and she liked fucking me with a strap-on and I would ass fuck her and then stick my juicy cock back in her mouth! She said it made her feel like a slut which she enjoyed! We had gone to a few swingers clubs near the campus and had been with a few couples and single girls and as...

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Three Fantasy Quickies

I first met Amber and Crystal when I took a night class at a local college; my name’s Lynn. I’m a forty-five year old happily married housewife. Amber and Crystal, both in their early twenties, became good friends with me during the six weeks I was taking the class with them. For a while, we got together every Thursday to discuss schoolwork. After a while, our little discussion group began exploring a wider range of topics, until eventually it simply became the Sexual Discussion Group. Amber...

Group Sex
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Dark Willows Harem

Dark Willow's HaremNote: Alternate future after the 6th season episode "Villains". Here Willow goes completely dark after the death of Tara. Also, sometime after the 3rd season of "Charmed". The various characters from "Angel", "Buffy the Vampire Slayer", and "Charmed" aren't mine. I'm just borrowing them for some nasty fun. There are real people here but their actions here are not intended to reflect their real lives or orientations. All of this is just for fun: sleazy, nasty fun.Cordelia...

2 years ago
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My Sexy Maid Sita 8211 Part 2

Hi, this is Nish here again with the 2nd part of my story. Sita had become virtually my sex toy. I could fuck her at will. Her husband did not take any interest in her so she was always horny. This second part is about how I anal fucked her and shared her with a friend. One day I was sitting at my desk and watching porn on my computer. Sita was doing her normal house work. She noticed something interesting on my computer and stopped to watch. She couldn’t take her eyes off the screen. I noticed...

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She doesnt know

Jenna slapped her alarm clock as it began to buzz annoyingly down her ear. With a groan of dismay she pushed herself up onto her elbow. 7am. Damn. Time to get up. The eighteen year old brunette pushed herself upright so that her legs dangled over the side of the bed. Wearily she rubbed at her eyes. For some reason she hadn't been sleeping well, and she knew that lack of sleep always did weird things to her memory. She made an early morning vow to be extra vigilant today. She stood up. At 5'7...

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Savita Bhabhi Episode 40

Ashok was bored sitting in bed and reading magazine all day. He thought “Yawn.. Villages are so boring. There’s nothing to do here! Savita is still out with Uncleji helping with marriage preparations.” The clock showed 9 PM and he thought “Savita helping convince Ayush to marry has really impressed Uncleji. He insists on taking only her with him to help out. I wonder what important work is keeping the sasur- bahu pair out so late.” Meanwhile, Savita and Kunal were in the backseat of an...

2 years ago
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Sex In the Shower and Sauna

Nathan exhaled. He realised that most people would think he was relieved having set the dumbbells down, but he had caught sight of a pair of bare, slender and lightly tanned legs. The girl wore a tight pair of white shorts that clung to and outlined the shape of her ass, more so as she bent over, unzipping her gym bag. Her arms were bare too and only a hot pink vest top covered her torso, including her 34A breasts. She was, about eighteen years of age – the same as Nathan. White blonde...

3 years ago
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Mans Best Friend

Man’s Best Friend I had nothing planned. It was supposed to be my normal Sunday afternoon – put the TV on, find some sport to provide some background noise… and catch up on some work, maybe even have a beer or two. I’m not saying I had my priorities right but life had been that way for a few years now, not enough hours in the work week to keep up, so my Monday morning started on Sunday afternoon. I didn’t quite live alone, my faithful, ageing, companion was a Black Labrador called Ben who I’d...

Straight Sex
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Shadow on the shoulder part 3 Bring back 1996

Author note: This is the last of the chapters I previously uploaded to Deviantart - will start work on chapter 4 once this is up. ********** "Beep beep beep beep! Beep beep beep beep! Beep beep beep beep!" Mike groaned as he woke up...summer holidays were officially over. He'd spent the break chilling, spending time at the cinema with Steve watching the Atlanta Olympics(dire from a British perspective), spending the occasional hour at the cybercaf? that had opened up locally(a home I...

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Sue Takes Advantage of Todds Crush

Sue and I have been friends for many years and is my nextdoor neighbor. We always had a lot of sexual tension and flirting over the years, but have never done anything too naughty other than a little making out one New Year's Eve when we drank too much. She does know I’ve always had a crush on her but have been too nervous to really try anything more. We’ve gone out a little more often recently and I’m not sure if we’re dating or not, but don’t want to say anything to mess it. We’re scheduled...

3 years ago
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I seduced my bro

Hi friends. I m Christi Rebello from New Delhi. I m 19years old. I was born in May’88. I m 5’1″ tall, fair, black brown hair. My figure is 32-28-32. I am doing b.a. We r 4 members in our family. My dad(businessman) 48 years old, mom(housewife) 46 years old, me & my bro 24 years old. His name is Christopher. He came back to India this year after completing his mba from australia. He is 5’8″ tall, fair, athletic body. Comig to the point, i m going to share my real life story with u which happened...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 123 Gwen and Me

As soon as we were out of sight of the house, and the cop on duty there. Martin pulled to the side of the road. He went to the rear door of th SUV to do a lot of mumbo and jumbo things back there. When he returned to the driver's seat, he had a satisfied look on his face. It was obvious to me that he had rearmed himself. I was still naked in that respect and not liking the feeling a bit. The cops had all my weapons used in the firefight and we hadn't been able to get back to my stash. When...

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MomIsHorny Joselyn Jane Joselyn Dominates His Dick

Joselyn is getting ready for a night out when all of a sudden, her car alarm starts going on. She knows immediately what happened. Lil D was playing with his soccer ball and threw it at her car…AGAIN. She’s had enough. She runs outside and takes him inside. She threatens to call his mother but he begs her not to. He’ll do ANYTHING. She decides to have some fun. She’s been craving some good dick, so why not take control of the situation? She walks out in a sexy outfit and...

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catching up with an old friend

I had gone off to the military after high school and lost touch with a female friend of mine. We hooked up a few months after I got out and it had been close to 5 years since we last seen each other. We planned a dinner out and maybe a movie or bar. Over dinner we had a blast catching up, I was telling her some of my drunken adventures oversees and about the different counrties I had seen. She was catching me up on her life, job, love lived and lost over the years. After dinner we decided to...

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Family Fun Begins 2 By Darklord

It had only been three days since Aunt Patty had left for her vacation, and Harry could stand jerk off just wasn't enough he wanted pussy. As he passed Samantha's room, he suddenly had the urge to look in on her. He was so happy he did. Samantha had slept the night in the nude. She kept the curtains drawn, so her naked body laying on herbed was bathed in a hazy light. Tip toeing over to her bed, he saw that she was laying still on her back, with her hair over her face. As Harry...

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ElevatedChapter 7

Malcolm bade Corvus sit down and offered him a drink. Corvus sat, but made a sharp wave at the offer. "Tell me what's happened to Regula Vitellius." Malcolm stood in front of Corvus, took a deep breath and asked, "How well did you know her father, Labeo?" "I never met the man," said Corvus. For a moment, hope rose in this chest that whatever misfortune had happened was limited to Regula's father. "Is he unwell." "He's dead," said Malcolm bluntly. His next words came out in a...

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