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I sat there in my room, staring blankly at the wall, overlooking my favorite posters and photos of my friends and boyfriend. Yes, my boyfriend Jake, the quarterback of the school football team, very eye-catching and popular... Sometimes I thought he was too popular for his own good. Our relationship was suffering because of it. I didn't know if I could trust him anymore.

I waited for Megan to arrive at my place. We had to cram for our first exam of the school year, always the most difficult one to get through. I needed to get my rhythm back and find the courage to dive into boring textbooks.

I recalled how I had met Megan. It had been a couple of months before, three days after school had started. I was at my English class, when Mrs. Holmes was interrupted by a knock at the door. As though she was the shiest person on earth, Megan opened the door just enough to pop her head in and ask if she could join the class. With a curt nod, Mrs. Holmes invited her to sit down. Megan tried to explain the reason why she hadn't showed up earlier, but Mrs. Holmes was not interested. A crescendo of whispers in the room became louder and louder until Mrs. Holmes hit her writing desk, demanding silence. I hadn't paid much attention to the newcomer; at that time, to read an excerpt of a book I was supposed to have read at home seemed far more important than to look closer at a stranger. When Megan went past me, heading for her chair, I felt a jolt inside, my heart galloping like a wild horse...

"Megan Lockwood, you say?" Mrs Holmes asked.

"Yes," Megan said, facing our teacher.

There was a pause in Mrs. Holmes' voice but the obvious was there to be seen. "You look awfully like Ms. McCarthy... Are you two related?"

Our heads turned to each other. I saw surprise rippling on that face that looked so much like mine. I had definitely met my dead ringer. This could become dangerous, I figured; dead ringers were supposed to bring bad luck. Despite all that we soon became best friends. She had tastes and ideas about life very similar to mine. We found out we liked the same kind of music: U2, especially... Bono was the Voice and the Lyrics... "To die for..." Megan said at one point, smiling, showing her mischievous side.

We had once discussed the possibility we were sisters, twins... Megan had asked her parents if she had a sister she didn't know about. The answer had been a confused "no" followed by a categorical "of course not". She confessed that sometimes she felt lonely when she was younger. She wished she had a little sister to play with.

"Why not a little brother?" I asked, sitting up on the bed, staring at Megan's quiet beauty and the lightness of her hair - color and weight...

"I don't know," she said, looking down, her long hair cascading down her shoulders and full breasts. Then she looked up, her blue eyes locking onto mine. "A sister seemed more natural to me... Don't ask me why... I don't know. It's just how I felt."

"Maybe you're right."


"I have a little brother and we can hardly get along."

I woke up from my reverie. The door bell rang once and then twice. 'It must be Megan,' I thought. Megan was an impatient girl. She came from a big city and her big-city girl impudence was one of the reasons I found Megan so fun to be with.

We greeted each other when I opened the door. Megan was upset... Aggression was in the air, that much I could feel, but I hesitated about raising the subject. Although we were best friends we were still somewhat strangers to each other.

We opened our books, notes, and sketchpads... and studied. Hard. I'd look up and watch Megan covertly, but my friend would be too concentrated to notice. I would experience urges to ask her what was on her mind, but she would keep her silence. I knew how hateful it could get if someone pressed for something when I wasn't ready for it. Jake, for one... When I had more or less given up, Megan closed her books and sighed.

"Gonna stop. Too tired to go on..." Without putting a hand in front of her mouth, Megan yawned and then added, "Guess I'm not sleeping enough. But I won't bother you. Just go on. I'll go downstairs and fetch a glass of water. Wanna some?"

I shook my head. Once Megan gone, I could not concentrate anymore. The printed pages went blank... I felt so strange... Megan had such a strange effect on me. Every time Megan had to leave I felt an immense emptiness, as though half of my soul had gone away with her.

I jumped out of my bed. There was no point in staying there and feel guilty about it. We would have three more days to cram... I dashed down the stairs and went over to the living room. Megan sat on the love seat, staring absentmindedly at the wall. A creepy feeling of deja vu came over me. Not only she really looked like me but also she seemed to have a couple of behavorial traits that I recognized just too well. A shiver shot up my spine. This was getting eerie.

I sat next to Megan.

"Are you ok?" Megan didn't look at me. Her thoughts were definitely miles away.

"I guess."

It was frustrating not to be able to ask her what was going on... And then as if Megan had read my mind, she asked, "Did you ever get so mad at your folks you wished they were not your parents anymore... ?"

"What are you getting at?"

"My dad wants to forbid me from seeing Jason... He says he's no good, like every goddam boyfriend I introduced to them."

"And Jason, what does he say about it?"

"He doesn't know."

Tears were welling up in Megan's eyes. I reached out for a tissue and handed it over to her. She smiled, her mouth drawn into a whispered 'thank-you', her hand touching my cheek ever so lightly. For a moment we sat there, staring at each other, until Megan leant forward and kissed me on the lips. It was so deliciously sweet and tender and soft... which made me groggy, as though I had gulped down half a bottle of Jack Daniels. That kiss hadn't taken me by surprise. I had once dreamt about it. We were at a party, wearing long white wedding dresses - both of us; Megan was my bride and she kissed me, a passionate kiss, very much like that first kiss...

We kissed further, holding each other close. Explanatory words weren't necessary. The touch of wet, sensual, soft lips was all we wanted...

Back at school we wouldn't talk about it. It was taboo, it seemed. It had happened... No point in crying for more. However, when we were among friends Megan would play a little game with me, brushing her leg against mine, her hand falling "accidentally" on my lap, grazing my breasts... I wished she stopped that game. It got me worked up for nothing. Fingering myself would be an outlet but for how long? Yes, because Megan would ignore me when we were alone...

Why girls were so difficult to read?... I would immediately understand what Jake meant or was planning to... But with Megan... sigh... it was hopeless.

A month later Megan came over to my place, almost breathless, her eyes red, her slender body trembling from the cold... It was almost Christmas, and the snow wouldn't stop falling, delighting children and parents alike. I dragged her to my room before asking what the hell had happened.

"Just sit down, Julie... You're not going to believe this... My mom... she told me everything... She... Oh God, how can I explain this?"

"Just calm down." I wanted to throw my hands around that desperate girl. I wanted to assuage her pain, whatever that was. I began to hate Megan's parents; they seemed so cruel and uncaring. "I'll get you a glass of water."

"No, I don't want to. Just listen, because if I don't tell you now I probably never will... I- I'm your sister. We are twins... Not identical, but we are twins..."

Shocked at first, and reasoning a few seconds later, I stated, "Megan that's not possible, and you know that. Our birthdays don't even coincide."

"I was born on the same day as you. My mom... *Our* mom... showed me my birth certificate and yours... You were adopted. She was only sixteen when she got pregnant... She could only keep one of us."

"You're lying, Megan. I don't believe a word of it."

"Why not?" It was the first time Megan really looked hurt if not outright furious; her hands on her hips, probably ready to strike.

"Because you've got a twisted sense of humor or just want to frustrate me even more with one of your little games."

"What games?"

"Getting me excited, playing the temptress with me, seducing me with those Mata Hari looks and then leave me out in the cold... Those are the games you play." I didn't mention how often Megan talked about wanting a sister... That must be wishful thinking. Incestuous wishful thinking, for that matter.

Megan smiled a twisted smile and came closer. Megan hugged me, hushing me, lovingly, tenderly. Megan's red eyes gazed at me, scaring me somehow. What the hell did Megan want from me? I couldn't understand... And this story of us being sisters didn't make any sense, nor the fact that Megan was kissing me again, this time with her mouth open, her tongue searching mine, her lips thirsty for kisses. Slowly Megan's lips went down my neck, sending thrills of pleasure up my spine. Megan's breathing speeding up... I couldn't stand it anymore.

"Stop. STOP."


"How can you say we're sisters and the next minute you start kissing me like that?"

"I didn't think about it. I didn't plan this, if it is what you're thinking."

"Ok. Just think about it... before we start something for the wrong reasons."

Utter fear set in. I began to avoid her and before long she understood the hints I was handing out. Her angry staring couldn't hurt me more, but I figured it was better that way - for both of us. I couldn't sleep at night, though. I got mad at her, because of her mind games... I thought I was going crazy. Doubts became stronger and stronger... Suppose she was not lying... Suppose she was saying the truth... Could she be my sister, my twin sister? Mom and Dad had lied to me all these years, omitting the fact I was adopted??? So many times I had teased Jimmy that he couldn't possibly be my brother... We were so different, in everything! He had brown eyes and dark hair, whereas I had blue eyes and light blond hair. Besides, his skin tanned one hundred times faster than mine - much to my envy, I must add. He hated Bono... "He sings like a girl," he'd say, punching on my stomach. "Sepultura and Metallica are *the* stuff, yeah!!!" Talking about Beavis and Butthead...

I went out with Jake more often and tried to concentrate on my studies. Lucy was still a little hurt because I had more or less dumped her for Megan. I had tried to convince her that was absolutely not true; deep down I knew she was right, though. Megan was so magnetic and beautiful, with her flowing shiny blond hair, her easy smile with two dimples to match, her shapely long legs, her prominent breasts, her sharpness, her outspoken way of being... Half of the male population of our school were in love with her... The teachers loved her, and word spread that Jason had been voted the luckiest guy around. Sometimes I'd overhear a few derisive comments about her, how smug and unfriendly Megan Lockwood was... It was the price of popularity, I decided. I had heard the same kind of criticism when I started dating Jake and made the cheerleader squad. The green-eyed monster lurks everywhere...

Megan and I didn't speak to each other until a few days before Spring Break. Megan had cut the cheerleader trials as well. She was throwing a party at her house to celebrate her last success. It was a party I had to go to... Cheerleaders had to stick together. The bending of that rule could cost me my spot in the squad.

In a way I was happy I had an excuse to see her house, at last. When I got there I caught a glimpse of her mom and dad but they were gone before I could see their faces. I was somewhat curious about my supposedly biological mother. The guts to confront Dad and Mom with Megan's claims had subsided with time; I just could picture the smirk in Jimmy's face if he learned about it. He'd probably become the happiest little jerk on Earth.

Megan, as usual, was the center of the party. She was wearing her cheerleader outfit when our eyes met and I felt again that jolt in my heart.

"Hi," she said, her smile vanishing from her lovely mouth, becoming serious, her eyes gaining the usual intensity when we were around each other.

"Hi," I replied.

Those were the only words we exchanged for a long while that evening. Most of the time I spoke with Martha, our head cheerleader, and Jill, a very good friend of mine. All of a sudden someone had to refer to how much Megan and I resembled each other.

"If I didn't know better I'd think you were sisters."

"We're not," I snapped. As soon as I said that, Megan got up to her feet and stormed out of the room. Stupefaction was visible in every face. I did my best to cover up my anger and disappointment. I had hoped she'd long forgotten her obsession about us being sisters. After all I was wrong.

Martha stared at me questioningly. I replied with a shrug. She said, "Maybe I should talk to her..."

"No," I heard myself say. "I'll talk to her." I was afraid of what Megan might say if she was upset. Probably she'd blurt everything out to Martha and I definitely wanted to prevent it at all costs. We had kissed... and we were sisters... according to Megan... That would sound terribly wrong.

I climbed up the stairs and knocked at her door. The door was open. I walked in the room without waiting for an answer. It took time before I could make out where she was. She sat on the edge of her bed, staring into space again. Realizing I was in her room, she switched the bedside lamp on.

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm worried about you."

"Since when?"

"Since you walked away like that and left all your guests wondering what the hell's gotten into you."

"Afraid of the gossip mongers?"

"Frankly, yes. You know how mean people can get if-"

"If I spill my guts, right?"


"Not to worry. I won't. I wouldn't squeal on my own sister."

"Would you stop that? I'm NOT your sister."

"Yes, you are and I can prove it. If Mom were here she'd tell you that herself..."

"Why doesn't she?"

"I told her you weren't ready for it, yet."

A long silence followed, the ticking of her old fashioned alarm clock was the only sound to be heard, apart from our breathing.

"Come here," she said, with sadness in her eyes. I did what I was told. How could I not? Who would refuse anything to a girl like Megan Lockwood? She made me sit next to her, her arm locking mine, as if she was afraid I was going to spring up and leave that room of hers. "Look at me," she commanded, her lithe fingers on my kin turning my face to hers. "God, you're so beautiful."

"Megan..." It was a protest, a weak one by the way, which died in her mouth. We kissed again, the same overwhelming feeling of belonging and craziness rushing over me. What were we doing? What the hell were we doing??? I let her kiss me, though. She made me roll over in bed and put the weight of her beautiful body on mine, so that I couldn't escape. We kissed and kissed... her soft lips on mine, tasting so sweet... Her endless tenderness was driving me crazy and for the first time I let myself go. She was in control... She wasn't forcing me into anything but knowing that she was calling the shots lessened the guilt... She was so passionate, her hands brushing over my breasts, her mouth licking my ears and going down my neck, licking me... That wet feeling made me shiver... No boyfriend had made me feel like that - ever. Soon lust took over and my platonic admiration for her turned into sexual desire... I encircled her waist and opened my legs to allow her thigh come in between and against my crotch... I was getting wet... and wanted some contact down there...

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A Visit From Home Ch 03

Please excuse the deviation from my normal, more light-hearted erotica but this story has been in my head for a while demanding space on my flash drive. For all of this to make sense you may want to (re)read Parts I and II as well. Kari watched Jesse read the Sunday paper in the bed next to her and couldn’t help but smile. If anyone had told her a year ago that she would be involved with her little brother’s childhood friend she would have laughed right in their face. ‘What’s so funny?’ He...

1 year ago
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I Fell in Love with the Caramel Feet of My Boss Free Sex Stories and Adult Erotica Stories

I had recently changed my job and I liked my new boss. She was not only stunning but also extremely sweet. I am James, 26 years old and always in search of fulfilling my dirty fantasies. She always wore either leather or suede high heels along with a shirt that amplified her bosom and a tight skirt that showed off her long caramel coloured toned legs. I have always been a sucker for well-toned legs and feet and I was crazily in love with them. I was going to experience Love with the Caramel...

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The Girls of Western High Football

Western High School is an exclusive private school where all the students live right on campus. Students that attend Western receive a unique educational experience. The governing board has always tried to provide an ever evolving education experience for the students of the school by using some of the innovations developed in the school's laboratory on the school's student population. For example, Years ago, some female students developed a pill that changes a person's DNA structure....

2 years ago
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Blackhawk HallChapter 2

The Duke and Duchess had just dressed after bathing when Arilee walked into the bath room. She marveled for a moment that there was no evidence of the battle that had occurred here only a short time before. She found that she had to concentrate to maintain her composure in light of Christi wearing only a thin nightshirt and Cerebus clad in only a pair of cotton pants. "Excuse me — Ashtar wishes to speak with you." Mindblind grunted and nodded his head. "That's a good sign for you, Ari....

1 year ago
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Married Cousin Ko Chudaii Ka Asal Maza Diya 8211 Part II

Hello dosto mai apni second kahani k sath ap ki khidmat mai hazir hon. umeed hai aap ko meri pehli kahani “Married Cousin ko Chudai ka asal maza diya” pasand aayii ho gi. aaj mai usi kahani ka second part aap logon ki khidmat mai le ker aaya hon. jin doston ne meri pehli kahani nahi parhi un k liye mera thora sa introduction Mai pakistan se hon or Shadi shuda hon, meri ye kahani meri aik married cousin k barey mai hai jo k mere ghar se thora sa hi door rehti hai or us ka husband chudaii mai...

3 years ago
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My first Time81

"Hey Max" my friend Caleb said, Caleb is 16 and I've known him since we were both little. Our moms are good friends so naturally we became good friends to. "I can't wait to go to your house tonight dude, your parents are gone all weekend arnt they?" I asked Caleb. "yeah bro this will be fun, what time you comin over?". "Bout 6:30 il bike over, my mom wants me to have diner before I go" I told my friend. "alright peace, see you later tonight" Caleb said and then he hung up. After...

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Wendys POV How it All Started

I am not a bad person, but I can’t help wanting what I want.I first saw Darrell when our school was facing our arch-rivals from St. Paul’s High School. I never saw him before that Friday night. When he was on the basketball court, it was so surreal. He was in control the entire time and seeing him lead our team and the fans cheer for him really caught my attention. I’m not really into sports, but this day, my friend Amy really pushed me to go to support our Eagles. I really wasn’t doing much on...

2 years ago
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Sissyfication of Link

This surly is frustrating. You were just about to finish your quest. But master Gannon knew that you'll came and threaten him. So he sent me, his best wizard, to stop you for good. I was sure that it will be piece of cake to capture you. You were too busy fighting with my moblins to even notice me. And when you noticed, it was too late. I'm not into direct combat, right, but my magic is most powerful in all Hyrule. You'll learn it very soon. How do you feel? Pretty helpless, aren't...

3 years ago
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Sucking my first cock

I was 12 years old and effeminate looking boy when I gave my first blow job to an older High School boy. I had started crossdressing at age 9, which is young but I kind of knew that girly clothes got me excited. My mom was a superb seamstress and was constantly making gowns, womens suits, pants, dresses, you name it. I was tall, thin, and was the perfect mannequin for. She'd always wanted girls, and I had 3 older sisters. When the girls were out she used me occasionally to model the outfits...

2 years ago
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The Hypnotic EyeChapter 10

Ironically, both Olivia and Stacy went into labor in the same week. They gave birth a day apart, with Olivia delivering a baby girl first. The next day, Stacy gave birth to a baby boy. Joey, now seventeen, was now the father of two boys and a girl. Stacy had dropped out of school after getting pregnant. Olivia continued to work, but she took maternity leave to have the baby. Joey had decided that there was no need in being married to Stacy, now that her and her mother were his sex slaves, and...

3 years ago
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Interlude Day 1

Interlude, Day 1 I have the opportunity for a full 48 hours as Kim. Even though I am working on my other story, Yankee Swap, I started by journaling the events of this time. Will it stay autobiographical or wander off into fantasy? Tell me in the comments section what you think is real, and what is illusion. No prizes, but kudos to those who guess well! Dear Reader, My wife and I have worked out a truce of sorts over the years about my cross-dressing. First, I get to do...

1 year ago
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Daze in the ValleyChapter 51

It was the middle of the night when Adam awoke for some reason. He glanced at the other occupants of the bed and they all slept soundly – except Shelly on his right. She looked up him with a half-smile. Adam's hand was resting on her pert bottom and he gave the cheek a squeeze. Because of the minor surgery on Monday, she was wearing panties – but nothing else. Shelly's smile widened. "I'm horny," she whispered. Her hand lifted off Allie's butt and found Adam's dick, not far...

3 years ago
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wife and sister fucked hard

We had a good sex life or three years. We have no child. I work in a private company in Hyderabad I like to go in the morning to the office at 8 and return at 7 PM. At this time she used to go to my sister Rizwana’s house which is nearby our house or Rizwana will come to our house. My sister Rizwana(30 years old. Looks like actress Charmi) is married and her husband is in Singapore. Her mother-in-law is staying with her and that old lady spends most of her time in sleeping and watching TV...

1 year ago
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Strict Owners Daughter part 3

I’m 19, my name is Angie and I work in a butcher’s shop where Janine, the owner’s daughter, rules the place. To set the scene, a few months ago I was made to witness and take part in the spanking of Jim, the 17 year old Saturday lad. She made him strip off and used the cane on his bum and a springy plastic ruler on his cock to teach him to control himself. I really fancied Jim and a week or so later Janine caught him and me in the act in her stockroom and spanked us both. Jim and I started to...

1 year ago
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Deflowered By A Mature Neighbor

My name is Anamika. I am from Kerala. About me, I am 5’8”, slim, fair, curvy, and have long hair. My body started developing from a very young age, and this is the story of how I was deflowered. I am 24 now and 36-27-35 with D cups. I met him for the first time when I was 18 years old. He moved into the opposite apartment, along with his family. He was tall, with salt and pepper hair, and in his early 40’s. I felt an attraction towards , and I couldn’t define it. Every day in the morning, I...

3 years ago
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Miracle of Facebook

For my freaky friend She had always wondered about what he was like. Now by coincidence they meet at a mixer. Reunion of school mates that Facebook makes happen every week seemingly. She wasn't going to go out with hin because those days were behind her now. They were mixed memories anyway. Especially of Roger, the star athlete. She had traveled and changed so much since than and honestly, Alicia didn't care to reminisce about the fucking everyone else had been involved in back then....

3 years ago
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Mellissas Second Conquest

Melissa's Second Conquest by Michelle X Hello, it's me again. Melissa, remember? I'm the one who makes a living out of turning men into women. A few weeks ago I told you about how I turned my jerk boyfriend Steve into a pretty secretary named Stephanie who now has a gorgeous husband. Well, I thought you all would be interested in hearing about my second conquest. I had figured that my feminization of Steve would be my first and only one, but another challenge soon...

2 years ago
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Mera Beta

As I left the heavy city traffic behind, my mind wandered and I began reminiscing about the first time I contributed to my mother’s special gift. She had made a man of me that day. The experience was so intense that I remember every detail as though it were yesterday. As I played the images back in my mind, my cock began to harden and stick its head out through my unzipped fly. I took it in my hand and slowly masturbated as I recalled that day ten years before..My mother is a stunning beauty...

1 year ago
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Sleeping Cutie

Note : This story is completely fictional! It was a sad day when Brian and Emma's father Jack, died. He was their last blood relative and now they only had each other. They did get stuck living with their evil stepmother named Angela though. Angela had married Jack a few years after Brian and Emma's mother died. Although Angela married Jack she clearly had her eyes set on Brian. Brian was a handsome young man. Being only 17, he was tall about 6'1" and had dark black short hair with smoldering...

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Karas Party Mouth

Author's Note: All characters depicted in this story are of the age of 18 or older, thus complying with all local, state, and federal laws regarding age within the United States. No character depicted in any stories will ever be under the age of 18.Kara, still the adventurous slut, had been looking for any and every opportunity to exhibit herself to the watchful eyes of voyeurs or to even step it up a bit and to see how many strangers that she could fuck and how often. Her record for fucking...

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Masturbation Test

*this was taken from another person's stories. I do not claim to own any part of this, except for the answers to the following questions. Unusually avoid these things but I found this one interesting. Plus I am always interested in know about others and their prevy habitsI saw this in a friend's gallery and thought what a great way to introduce yourself to a group, of like-minded people. I love sex and masturbating. An ex of mine never understood why I masturbated all the time, every day... of...

1 year ago
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Primitive Art

You like that piece, huh? Yeah, me, too. Real art, that is. There's a story about it, too. Hell of a story. Maybe tell you sometime ... Now? Take a while, you got time? Well, why not, then. Story I haven't told in ... Lord, I don't know how many years now. I'm over seventy, you know, coming down the home stretch now, haven't told it in ... well, it was back in the 'fifties when it happened, and after I told it a few times I sort of gave up and I haven't said much to anybody since...

3 years ago
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For The Virgins

By : Indiansexstorywriter Is it true that most girls want a handsome boy with ‘athletic’ body and huge dick, like they describe in their stories (believe me you will find many, specially in couples section) to satisfy themselves? Oh I am sorry girls whoever said ‘looks don’t matter to me’ and then they kept dreaming about MTV VJ or Shahid Kapoor in their sleepless nights. Well this story is dedicated to those girl’s who are in search of handsome, some good looking, so called ‘hot’ (by the...

4 years ago
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Earning her tuition

I was only nineteen and my world was over! One little clerical error and I was no longer eligible for the student loan I needed to get me through my next semester. I didn’t even have family that could help me. My mother was a waitress living paycheck to paycheck, and my father died when I was six. I had been in a daze of disbelief when I left the college’s office, where Mrs. Banks had broken the bad news. I had known the moment I walked in and saw that she was smiling at me with a look of...

2 years ago
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Death of the Salesman

Sara was a sexy little devil of a girl. She had dark brown hair and sexy dark eyes. She is about 5 foot even, 96 pounds (when she is wearing panties) soaking wet. I knew her from school. I had taught her back at Quantico. She excelled so well in the FBI environment. There wasn’t anything that she couldn’t do. But then back in those days that is how FBI agents got recruited, for performance, intelligence, and skill sets: a four year degree and some snotty references and a doctors note as to why...

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Dares and Discoveries

Cooper was one of Jet's best friends, a seemingly eternally relaxed boy who despite being a bit short and always dressing in dark colors had a pretty powerful presence wherever he went. Part of this was the fact that despite multiple comments informing him of this, he insisted on wearing far too much body spray. However, most of this was attributed to his powerful sense of observation and his willingness to weigh in on the personal matters of friends and strangers alike, offering advice to...

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Sauna Suck

Hi! My name is Jamie. I'm 23 years old. I work at the local Walmart as a cashier. I still live at home with my parents because I cannot afford to move out on my own. I've recently been battling a bad case of depression which my doctor gave me some medicine for. It helps but I still feel down most of the time. Recently, my Mom and Dad suggested that maybe I should start a workout program. I was a little offended at first but after I'd thought about it, I decided it might be a good idea. Ever...

3 years ago
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A little Christmas tale part 3 my wife the slut1

The bikini I had on was as skimpy as was allowed on the hotel's private beach. I had it made just for me, for this trip, and none of my friends were here to see it. The rules said no exposed nipples and no exposed private areas. That was a bit confusing to me since I didn't consider my pussy a private area any more, it was open for business. My nipples were covered, barely, the same was true of my pussy but the fabric was so thin that every little curve was visible. If it got wet more than...

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