REUNION free porn video

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Jenny sat quietly and watched the countryside pass the window of the train. She had never been to this part of the country before, it seemed so isolated and remote. The rolling hills and forested valleys were newly alive with the warmth of the coming summer. She watched without any real interest in the view as her mind kept going back to the chance encounter with her brother James. She hadn't seen him in many years, not since that terrible day when their father had caught them in the barn. They had been playing a game they had devised daring one another to undress, to show their naked bodies to each other. This particular day they had progressed beyond being naked together and were hesitantly exploring their own bodies responses.

Father had exploded in rage and dragged them still naked to the house were he confronted their mother. He accused her of not being a good mother in allowing such things to happen. Mother had held them to her and tried to defend them and her self, saying that such things were a natural development in growing c***dren. Jenny flinched at the memory the blow her mother had taken as they had been wrenched away from her arms. She and her brother had been sent to dress listening to the loud angry words from downstairs. Father had collected a few of his things and loaded them in the buggy. As he drove away he told them they were going to live somewhere else were he could keep a closer eye on them and punish them if they ever repeated the terrible thing they had done.

The buggy had gone only a short distance when James jumped out and began to run away. Jenny started to follow but her father had grabbed her arm forcing her back and drove on without even looking back. Jenny had lost her brother and her mother that day and she had missed them terribly. She had no idea how to find them as she had been quite young and she came to accept that she would never see them again. Strangely she had never regretted the intimate moments with James.

Life had been different after that day but she had survived. Her father had died some years later but she was old enough then to care for herself. She had learned to be a seamstress and supported herself and had even had discrete lovers but without the magic of love to make her want to commit to marriage. James had found her one day as she shopped for cloth in a wholesale warehouse. He had been buying cloth lots for the dry goods store where he worked. He had recognized her immediately. He was tall and handsome and seemed very happy. She had taken him to her little flat where they talked until very late. James brought her up to date on his life as she shared hers. Neither regretted the loss of their father and James was adamant that every thing would be put right now. He insisted that Jenny come with him to meet his wife and family and he was certain that once she met them and visited the little village where they lived she would agree to live there with them. They had parted with embraces and kisses and tears. Jenny assured James that she would consider his offer and let him know. Now after she had made her arrangements and considerations she was on the way to meet him, her beloved brother.

Evening had come by the time the train arrived and Jenny wondered if she would need to find lodging for the night. James had informed her by letter that he made all the arrangements for tickets and that the train did not come to his little village but that he would be there to take her on to his home. There were only a few other passengers leaving the train with her and most seemed to have arrived home to be met by others, however she saw no sign of her brother. Jenny gathered her meager luggage from the porter and went to the ticket window. As she was about to ask after a hotel she heard her name called out. There was James at the end of the platform. She rushed to him only to be swept off her feet and embraced. Quite unexpectedly James kissed her lips instead of her cheek. The kiss lasted and grew more passionate until she realized where they were and pushed him away. She was gasping for breath and felt warm all over from the greeting. She felt quite aroused. James was laughing and holding her hands and telling her how happy he was that she had come. He put her bag in his carriage and helped her up and started off into the night for his village.

The ride began with excited recollections of the trip, with explanations of her arrangements where she lived, and with her brother's descriptions of the country side and his family and home. It eventually darkened completely and fatigue caught up with Jenny. She fell asleep leaning against her brother's shoulder, his arm around her. As she gave in to sleep she was struck by how very good it felt to be in her brother's arms again. At some point in the journey a bump perhaps woke her to find that her head was in her brother's lap and she felt what could only be his hard cock under her cheek. Rather than making an awkward issue of it she turned as if in sleep and moved her head away. Presently she again fell asleep only to dream of the wonderful things they had discovered in the barn and of her brother's hard cock.

James woke Jenny up as they entered the quiet little village. She looked at the neat houses and yards in the street lamps as they passed and liked what she saw. It seemed peaceful and serene, very like a home should be. James lived in a cottage just passed the edge of town and they soon arrived. Jenny was apprehensive about meeting her brother's wife and family but James explained that they were away for the night. He showed her to a room in the back and put her bag down and went to put the carriage away. She looked around the clean little room and smiled at its welcome feeling. There was a washbasin and water she used and was just removing her things from the travel bag when James returned.

"Jenny, I can't tell you how much I have looked forward to this day. To have you here at last in my home, hopefully to stay." He said as he again took her in his arms. This embrace was not the intense first meeting kind but one of warmth and comfort. He held her with one arm as he gathered her face in his other hand and tilted it back. His lips covered hers as his hand went to the back of her neck and held her to him. Jenny melted into the kiss returning his ardor until she felt his tongue part her lips. She tried to push away but her brother held her lips to his as he explored her tongue with his.

"No!" she gasped, "you mustn't. We can't!"

"Oh, but we can!" he said into her mouth. "I love you. I have missed you so much and now I can have you back. Everything will be different now, you will see, you will understand. I have so many things to explain and to show you. But first…"

James picked his sister up and carried her to the bed laying her out in its center. He bent over her and again kissed her as he mounted the bed beside her. Jenny didn't know what to think but her brother's kisses and the wave of emotion that washed over her to be with him again wiped her mind clear of objection. She returned his kisses and her tongue to his. She was hardly aware of his hands as he loosened the bodice of her dress. Her skirts were gathered up as his hand caressed her thigh. She listened to his soft whispers as her brother told her how long he had imagined having her in his bed, of how they had undressed for each other and how very pretty she had been when she was naked for him. His words came like warm lotion softening her reluctance and soothing her body as he gradually removed her clothes. She moved when he guided her, their lips barely touching but never quite losing contact, until she was naked beside him.

James kissed his sister's lips and her tongue. He kissed a path around her face, her eyes and cheeks, until he found her ears. Taking each lobe into his mouth he gently sucked them and whispered his love into her ear. He kissed his way down her long neck licking the warm hollows at the base of her throat. Her hard nipples were sucked and tongued as he held each globe in his hand and caressed its creamy skin. His kisses continued down over her firm stomach stopping to lick and probe her navel while he raised himself over her legs. Spreading his sister's legs, James settled between them and took a bottom cheek in each hand. He kissed the crease of her thighs and all around her swollen cunt lips.

Jenny was in a trance as her brother kissed his way down her body, thrilling to the tender touch of his lips and tongue as he explored all of her hidden places. She felt suddenly cool when he raised away from beside her, the air giving a feeling of exposure, of being naked, her wet nipples tingling. She gave a gasp when she felt his lips at the top of her thigh and fairly swooned when his lips touched her cunt. His tongue was hot and wet and magic as it licked between the lips, causing her to shiver and tremble. No lover had ever kissed her so.

James probed into his sister's cunt lips opening them with his tongue. He licked the length from bottom to top slowly, savoring the taste of her sweetness. Quick touches of his tongue to her clitoris brought shivers and he would withdraw to lick its length again. He paused to probe into her tight opening fucking her with his tongue before continuing to lick up the essences now freely flowing into his mouth. James wanted to give his sister maximum pleasure but slowly. He explored her cunt with his tongue. Aware of the reactions he received and not wanting to cause an orgasm too soon he would move on and come back to those places that made her respond. Gradually he developed a pattern of kisses and licks and occasionally would include a suck of her clitoris at the best moment. He brought one hand up and began to work a finger into her cunt, then two as he licked and sucked. When he judged the time right, that Jenny could take little more, he put one of his wet fingers at the opening of her bottom. He pushed his finger in as he began to tease her clitoris with his tongue, flipping it and sucking on it. He had held her at the very edge of orgasm as long as he could, as long as she could.

Jenny felt as if she were melting, she was so hot her entire body was on fire. She clutched at her breasts and squeezed them pulling her own hard nipples. Her brother's tongue caused one wave of pleasure after another. Feeling as if she was going to suffocate she gasped and panted for air but the air brought her no relief. When James pushed his finger into her bottom hole it set off an explosion that began at the white-hot center of her bottom and rushed through her body to pour out her melted self into his mouth. Convulsions racked through her and tremors shook her body over which she had no control. Lights flared behind her eyelids as she gave up her awareness and fell into exhausted sleep.

James received his sister's nectar into his sucking mouth as he fucked her cunt and bottom with wet fingers. Her tossing about as she came into his mouth made it difficult for him to keep ministering to her open cunt but he licked and sucked until she quit moving. He slowly withdrew his fingers and kissed her still twitching cunt lips. Looking up her naked body he could see that she had fainted away. Taking this opportunity he quickly undressed and tossed their accumulated clothing onto a chair out of the way. He climbed into bed with his naked sister and gathered her to him, kissing her damp forehead and lips as he caressed her warm body. Jenny barely moved as he cupped her breast and played with the still hard nipple. He wet his finger in her dripping cunt and wiped the nectar on a nipple and licked it away. Jenny seemed to be in a deep sleep as his caresses caused no reactions. He hoped this was the first of many times they would make love and even though he was more aroused than he had been in a long time, he could wait. His hard cock rubbed against his sister leaving wet trails. He grasped his dripping cock and slowly stroked it reliving the moments before and planning for many more. Occasionally he would squeeze out the clear oil dripping from his cock and bring his coated fingers to place drops on Jenny's lips where he would lick them away.

Later that night Jenny awoke to find herself lying with her naked bother. She had her head on his shoulder as he held her. The lamp was still burning by the bed and she could look down the length of her brother's naked body. She licked her lips and kissed his nipple as it stood up directly before her. Trying not to move too much she studied James' naked form. She had been with few men but knew enough to know that her brother had a beautiful naked body. His cock was not completely soft but arched over onto his leg and she could see the drop of clear oil still hanging to the opening. Strangely he had very little pubic hair only a small tuft well up from his cock. She couldn't resist the impulse to touch him and so gently ran her fingers over his cock and then down to touch his balls. His cock was smooth as silk and very warm to the touch and in grasping it discovered that he had no hair at all around his cock or balls only the little tuft up on his stomach. Jenny felt his cock stir in her hand and begin to swell. Soon it was iron hard and stood up from her brother's stomach in all its glory. She was still stroking it when she felt kisses on the top of her head.

James let his sister play with his cock until he couldn't help getting hard. He was very pleased that she was accepting this even though he had felt that she would. He kissed her hair until she offered him her lips and tongue still grasping his hard cock. He leaned over her as he continued the kiss and covered her hand with his and encouraged her to frig his cock. He then opened her thighs and covered her wet cunt with his own hand.

"I love you." He whispered into her mouth.

"I love you. I must love you too much to have let this happen." Jenny replied. "What are we going to do? What if someone finds out? I won't have trouble in your family over me. I've missed you terribly but I'll go back if there is to be trouble."

"Hush," he said, "there isn't going to be any trouble. Ellen, my wife, knows all about us. She knows where we are right now and what we are doing. Or I should say what we all hoped that we would be doing."

"I don't understand, what are you saying?" Jenny gasped. "Do you mean to say that you told her what might happen? Is that why she left you?"

"Wait. Slow down. No Ellen hasn't left me. She went to stay with her father for the night and took the c***dren just so that we could be alone. So that I could find out if you would be willing to finish what we started all these years ago, to see if you would be willing to join us.'

"Now I really don't understand. You said we all hoped and that I would join you. Who do you mean when you say we all? Join you in what?" Jenny was starting to sound worried.

"I will try to explain but first let me say this. No matter what we have done know that I love you and I always shall. We have done nothing wrong, only loved each other. We have expressed our love to each other in words and now in deeds. As they say here, it is never wrong to love. If you don't feel that you could stay and live the way we do you should leave but I will always love you and you will always be welcome in my home. Ellen will tell you the same thing when you meet." James voice was starting to break as he finished.

Jenny held her brother's face in her hands and kissed his damp eyes and his lips and then clutched him to her breasts holding him tightly to her. "I have and will always love you too. I just don't understand how this can be right with others." She cried too.

James then pulled her back to his side and began to explain how he had first come to meet Ellen. As he talked he cupped Jenny's breast and caressed it. James had come through the Village as a salesman and had called on Ellen's father at his store. He thought it was love at first sight and when he found that he could make love to her when ever he wanted he was truly struck. It didn't take long before Ellen had convinced him to give up his job and work for her father in his dry goods store. He had then discovered just as Jenny was about to discover that this was no ordinary village. James explained as he had been told that this Village and the valley that hid it was first settled by a group of families that believed in and practiced family love. That is to say that every person of age in a family was free to love every other member of that family, physically as well as emotionally. Everyone was brought up by their parents to know how to make love and how to share that love. Fathers taught daughters and mothers taught sons and brothers and sisters and aunts and uncles all made love together. It was not only permissible, it was the right thing to do. If fathers and sons wanted to love each other or mothers and daughters, gender or relationship didn't matter as long as it was what everyone wanted. This openness in loving was also extended to the entire community of families. People married to raise families but were free to love anyone they chose, as often as they wished, when and where ever they wished.

"Do you mean to say that you have made love to others besides your wife and she doesn't mind?" Jenny asked in astonishment.

"Not only doesn't mind but she encourages me to and she even helps and joins in." James laughed. "She also loves others always with my love and knowledge." He then went into great detail in the telling of a recent party with Ellen's brother and his family. The descriptions of brother and sister fucking while James fucked the brother's wife and of wives helping each other while both were fucked by both husbands at the same time. By the time James had related how he had fucked his sister in law and his mother in law and various nieces and wives of friends and their daughters, his cock was dripping all over his sister's busy hand.

James soon replaced his cunt wet hand with his mouth until Jenny was again on the verge of orgasm and then she placed her brother's cock into her own cunt and pulled him in. They fucked with passion until both erupted in liquid pleasure. James kept pumping white cream into Jenny's sweet nectar filled cup until it ran over. Then he emptied it of their combined essence with his tongue. They rested and started again and again. He put her on the edge of the bed and sucked her cunt, then fucked it with his cock, then pulled out to suck it again and then fuck it again until she filled his mouth again with her clear sweet nectar. Finally their bodies could take no more and exhaustion over took them in sleep.

Jenny awoke when she felt the body sit on the edge of the bed beside her. She moaned in pleasure and comfort as she turned to greet her brother only to discover that a pretty dark haired woman sat beside her. Jenny gasped in panic and surprise and tried to gather up the bed covers over her naked breasts. She belatedly felt James' naked body next to her side. He groaned and sat up and smiled at the intruder.

"Good morning!" the woman laughed, "I hope I didn't startle you. I'm Ellen, and you're Jenny my husband's sister I know. I see that James has welcomed you to our home. I hope that he has done some explaining so that you won't be concerned, it can be a little difficult for outsiders to understand. He has talked of nothing else since he found you, about how he wanted you to come to the Village and live with us. I hope so too."

Jenny was struck dumb and could think of nothing to say even if she could speak. She was trapped by the covers as her sister in law sat on them preventing her from pulling a cover over her exposed breasts. She tried vainly to hide her nakedness with her hands until Ellen gently pulled them away. Her sister in law then calmly cupped one breast and thumbed the hard nipple as she leaned down and kissed her mouth. She opened her lips to the probing tongue and accepted its wet sweetness. The kiss broke when there was a sound at the door.

Ellen and Jenny looked up to see a very pretty young girl standing in the doorway. Jenny was introduced to her niece Amy who was asked to fetch the tea and toast from the kitchen. Jenny was beginning to realize that some of what her brother had said was true. His lovely wife was clearly not upset at finding them in bed together, brother and sister naked. Ellen had also not stopped fondling Jenny's breast during the brief introduction.

Young Amy soon returned with a tray and everyone was supplied with tea and toast. Jenny was still naked to the waist as was James as they sat up in bed and answered Ellen's questions while having tea. Presently Amy was sent to tell her brother that it was time to bathe. James then threw off his covers and came around the bed to his wife where she sat beside his sister. Both women looked at his well used cock as it swayed and hung down over his full balls. He leaned down and kissed Ellen's lips. Jenny could see the exchange of tongues and her eyes widened in surprise when she saw Ellen quite naturally reach out to grasp her husband's cock. She was even more surprised when James stood up and his loving wife held his cock up to her lips and kissed its head before taking the entire length into her mouth. Ellen gave James' cock only one suck popping it out of her mouth with a loud sound of released suction. She smacked her husband's bare bottom and sent him off to start the c***dren in their bath.

"Mmm. He tasted good! I'll bet that was you I tasted." Ellen smiled and leaned over to quickly kiss Jenny's lips. "I hope all this isn't too much for you. You do look quite shocked. Or at least uncertain, maybe a little bewildered?"

"I just don't know what to think," Jenny stammered, "James told me so many things about how you live and what you do. I wasn't sure if he actually meant it all. I have always been taught that love between us was wrong but it didn't feel wrong."

"We have a saying here that we believe is true. Love is never wrong. Some times it is difficult for others from outside to understand. Please forgive me if I offend you but we don't just fuck here. There is a difference between fucking and loving. But loving by fucking and sucking and pleasuring and touching and kissing and all the ways of showing love physically is good. Do you understand what I am tying to say?" Ellen asked.

"Yes, I think so. I know I love my brother James and I love to fuck my brother James, more than I have ever loved anyone else. I'm just not sure about the total freedom that he talked about. Do you really share each other so openly? He told me some of the things that you have done together with others. Your family." Jenny looked a little embarrassed.

"Are you trying to ask if I fuck my own brother? Yes, and my father and my uncles, and my nephews, and many friends who are not related to me at all. I also love to show my love for my sister and nieces. Some day I will be able to show completely my love for my son and daughter, just as I was shown by my parents." Ellen replied.

At that moment James, still nude, came to the door to announce that the bath was ready. Ellen stopped Jenny from gathering up clothing and took her hand and led her through the house. They went out through the kitchen door and across a brick paved area to a side building. It happened so quickly that Jenny had no time to react to being naked outside when they entered the little building. The floor was of smooth bricks and held a pool of water just to her ankles. To her complete surprise hot water was showering down from pipes above to wash over her. James was washing, as were Amy and her brother Andy. Ellen had stopped at the wide doorway and removed her dress and joined her nude family. Jenny noticed that her sister in law had only a tiny heart shaped patch of dark hair well above her cunt whose bare lips shown clearly. She could tell now that James had the same tiny heart.

After the unusual bath everyone dried and dressed and gathered in the parlor where Jenny got to know her niece and nephew and sister in law just as if they were all at a normal family visit. The rest of the day went much the same as Jenny learned about her new family and her brother's work and before long it seemed as everyone was taking it for granted that Jenny would stay in the Village and use her skills as a seamstress. The only part that reminded her that this was a new kind of place came when Ellen was showing Jenny a dress that had been made for some special occasions. Jenny was uncertain how it was worn until Ellen offered to model it for her. The party dress left Ellen's breasts bare and surrounded by lace. She looked beautiful. Ellen was pleased with Jenny's reaction especially to the panel in the front that could be removed to show Ellen's naked body from the waist down. The two women had a pleasant time imagining further alterations to dresses and this only seemed to confirm that Jenny should stay.

After a healthy meal and a cordial evening spent in Ellen's neat garden still sharing experiences, the c***dren were put to bed. The early night had become quiet and cool as Jenny blew out her lamp. There was a light tap at the door and at Jenny's answer Ellen came in. She was nude.

"It's time that I welcomed you to my family." she said as she came to Jenny. There was no pause in her steps as she walked up to her sister in law and covered her mouth with her own. Jenny accepted the offered tongue and the embrace. She felt Ellen's hard nipples through her light chemise and her legs trembled, unsure how to respond to this new sensation. She had never kissed another woman in this manner, certainly not a naked one. The kiss grew more passionate as the two women mashed their breasts together, tongues intertwined, hands running over the others back.

Ellen broke the kiss and stepped back. "You won't need this." She said as she as she opened Jenny's chemise and let it fall to the floor. Then she took her husband's sister by the hand and led her naked down the short hall.

Candles gave the room a warm glow and a gentle breeze wafted in past the curtains. Ellen guided Jenny to the bed where James lay naked. His cock stood up hard and shiny at the top as he stroked it with one hand. Jenny was placed beside her brother as Ellen joined them on her other side. Soon she was covered in kisses. Lips and tongues wandered over her body and hands caressed and fingers teased. James sucked her tongue from her mouth as he pulled her hard nipples and kneaded her firm breasts. Jenny gasped into her brother's mouth when she felt Ellen's tongue slide into her cunt, licking up her juices and teasing her clitoris. This new sensation of another woman's tongue licking and sucking her cunt brought her to her first flowing orgasm. Ellen sucked and licked until she had gathered all of Jenny's offering into her mouth before she climbed over her naked body to share the bounty with James in a three way tonguing kiss.

Jenny lay resting and watched as her brother's wife sucked his cock, seeing how she licked up the shaft gathering the clear oil dripping down and then taking his length into her mouth. Her cheeks hollowed with the strength of sucking as she pulled his juices up from his balls to be swallowed down. Ellen saw in the candle light how intensely Jenny watched and reached out to her and brought her face to her brothers cock. James looked down as his wife fed his cock into his sister's mouth. Then they were taking turn and turn sucking it while the other licked. They both shared clear sweet oily tongues as well as his coated cock, both hefting his full balls. Ellen pushed her husband's legs wide and took his sister's hand from his balls. She sucked one of Jenny's fingers wetting it as much as she could and then guided it to James' bottom hole. Ellen used Jenny's finger like a dildo pushing it in and out of his bottom until Jenny took up the task. Knowing the reward for such attention Ellen surrendered James' cock to Jenny's mouth and wrapped her fingers around its base and began to frig it in earnest. It took very little time for James to come to an erupting orgasm. His hot white cream flooded his sister's sucking mouth as his discharges came faster than her ability to swallow. Ellen quickly lent her tongue to the task of gathering her husband's escaping juices. The two women worked in unison tonguing James' cock and each other's coated mouths.

The passion over came Jenny as her sister in law covered her mouth with her own. Ellen crawled over her husband and mounted his sister's naked body, breast to breast and mouth to mouth. They were soon embracing with such force that neither could hold the other to her any tighter. As they embraced their hands rushed over breasts squeezing and pinching nipples, each would grasp the other's bottom cheeks to force their cunts into harder contact. Ellen pulled Jenny over on top of her and opened her legs wide allowing Jenny to fall between. They soon reached a position in which they could grind their wet cunts together until both screamed out in climax. Strangely the orgasm did not stop them.

Ellen rearranged them again by rolling Jenny to the bottom once more. Then she turned about and kneeled over Jenny and buried her face between her opened legs. Jenny again felt her sister in law's wonderful lips and tongue at her wet cunt. Above her was the bare open lips of her new lover's own cunt. She relied on the lessons being taught to her even then as she pulled Ellen's naked body down to her mouth. The two women shared their flowing juices and tongues caresses as they used fingers to probe into yearning openings. Jenny fingered Ellen's bottom when the same was done to her. She was on the verge of another climatic orgasm when above her face she saw her brother's hard again cock. He offered it to her lips then to his wife's open cunt. He pushed in a stroke or two then taking it out offered to his sister's mouth again. Jenny took up the rhythm and held James' cock guiding it into Ellen's cunt then pulling out and licking both clean of the combined sweetness, over and over. A few minutes of this joint effort and all parties were unable to hold back. James groaned and shot his white cream over his wife's cunt as Jenny had just removed it to suck again. Ellen convulsed in pleasure and collapsed onto Jenny as she felt her husband's emission wash over her own to flowing into his sister's sucking mouth. Jenny too released her own emotion filled orgasm as her mouth filled with James and Ellen's honey like juices. There were screams of passion and pleasure as the three lovers released themselves into each other. They fell into a tangled heap of wet naked bodies that slowly slid around until the three mouths could kiss, sharing the mixed essences and the love.

Several times during the night the three lovers would arouse each other and a new arrangement would take place. Ellen witnessed her husband fuck his sister. Jenny was treated to her brother's cock in her cunt and mouth and to her sister in law's cunt and mouth. She watched as James slowly fed his freshly sucked cock into his wife's willing bottom and then accepted it into her own. Morning came much too early when Jenny's niece and nephew climbed into the bed and woke them all.

After the new bathing routine and a healthy breakfast James and Ellen announced that there was yet more to learn about the Village. Jenny was told that this afternoon Ellen's father would be coming for tea. Ellen's mother had died some years before and her father had remarried so this would be her introduction to his new wife as well. She and Ellen spent the morning doing very ordinary things and even made refreshments for tea, although Ellen hinted that there may not be time to enjoy them.

Jenny was even more apprehensive at meeting her brother's new family than when she first arrived. Her new knowledge of the practices in the Village having been confirmed all night left her wondering what might happen.

Eventually there was a knock at the door. James and his family and Jenny were sitting in the parlor and Ellen went to answer the knock. Jenny could hear pleasant voices and conversation as Ellen welcomed her father and stepmother. She was totally unprepared when the couple came into the parlor with Ellen. Ellen and James both had huge smiles as they turned to Jenny.

"Jenny, I would love for you to meet my father Amos and his wife Mary," Ellen laughed, "who as you can see is your mother."

Jenny felt faint and almost could not get to her feet to greet this astounding new revelation. Her mother rushed to her quickly, embracing her tightly, covering her tear streaked cheeks with kisses. The others stood back and allowed the mother and daughter to calm them selves and come to terms with the strange reunion. Eventually Jenny and her mother were seated. James joined them sitting at his mother's other side. They each stumbled over the other's attempts at explanations until finally James undertook to confess to his bewildered sister how it all had come to pass. Their mother sat between them with a hand on James and Jenny's thigh.

James explained that he had of course ran home when he had jumped from father's buggy. He confessed that all those years ago when he and Jenny had been experimenting in the barn, he had been passing on the lessons that their mother had been teaching him. They had over the years tried vainly to find Jenny. When James had met Ellen and fallen in love, they had shared their pasts and he had been invited to come to the Village to live and work for Ellen's father. James and his mother had continued their loving practices and when he had discovered the Village it had seemed to be the perfect place for them. He had married Ellen and soon after that Amos had asked their mother to marry him and completely join their families.

"But that means that you and mother were…" Jenny stammered.

"Yes, dear," mother Mary interjected "James and I have been making love for many years. I had not thought to include you until your father had found the two of you in the barn. I hadn't any experience with other girls. James hadn't told me that he was including you but after you were taken away it was too late. I'm afraid that this has been all my fault."

"No, not at all!" James added, kissing Mary's cheek. "If anyone is to blame it is I, but that is all over and done with now. Now we are all together again and we can do as we please. And I please to love my mother and my sister and include them in my love for my family."

Mary turned to her son and offered her lips to his. As they kissed the hand she had resting on his thigh moved up to grasp his cock through his trousers. "And I am pleased to be loved by you, my son. How wonderful it is now that you have found your sister," she said as she turned her face to Jenny, "please say that you will stay here and join us. Let us be a complete family again."

"Oh, mother I love you so! I missed you so much!" Jenny cried as she too kissed her mother's cheek. Mary lifted her hand from Jenny's thigh and cupped her daughter's chin and brought her lips to her own. Their kiss grew more passionate amid the tears, each opened to the other's tongue. Presently the kiss broke and Jenny looked down to see that her mother had removed her brother's hard cock from his open pants and was stroking its wet length. She felt her mother's hand then on the back of her neck and realized what she was being asked to do.

Jenny leaned across her mother's lap and lowered her open mouth down over her brother's cock. She felt the hot shaft slide over her tongue and almost in to her throat. Her mother's hand still held the dripping cock and milked its length bringing sweet oil flowing from the tip. Jenny sucked with hollowed cheeks drawing out James juices. She felt hands on her clothing as the buttons of her bodice were opened and her skirts raised. Cool air washed over her bottom as she lifted up to kneel on the cushions.

"Oh, love, how delightful!" Jenny heard her mother say softly. "You've left off your drawers. You should never were knickers now." She chuckled as she began to caress her daughter's bare bottom. Mary explored Jenny's bottom and soon found her wet cunt. She stroked the open lips and pressed the hard little clitoris hidden there. Her fingers were soon wet with Jenny's emissions.

"Jenny, s*s, now!" James stammered as his cock erupted into his sister's sucking mouth. His hot juices shot out over her tongue and down her throat. Jenny lifted up so that she could collect her brother's sweet cream and tried to hold as much in her mouth as she could until she felt his spasms die. She then raised up off his wet coated cock and quickly found Mary's waiting lips. Mother and daughter shared the son's sweet cream then in a prolonged kiss.

Mary held her reunited son and daughter to her as they both calmed down from the excitement of the moment, each kissed her wet lips and face. She continued to stroke Jenny's bare bottom, her fingers covered with the clear nectar of Jenny's own orgasm.

Ellen gathered Amy and Andy up and told them it was time for them to bed and led them off. When she returned from her motherly duties she found that Mary was still attending to hers. During her absence Mary and her son and daughter had removed their clothing and were now naked for each other. Jenny lay on the rug and James was between her open thighs. His renewed cock was sliding in and out of her wet cunt as Mary held her daughter's cunt lips open. Jenny and her mother kissed as she cupped and kneaded Mary's breasts, tweaking the hard nipples. Mary would often bring her juice covered fingers from her son's fucking cock to spread the wetness on her daughter's hard nipples so that she could lick them clean, or to cover her own red nipples for Jenny to suck away.

Ellen saw that the reunion was having its effect on her father as well. He too had become naked and sat across from the fucking three on the rug. His legs were spread wide and his cock was in his hand as he stroked it while he watched. Ellen quickly removed her simple dress and tossed it on the pile having grown by the door. She knelt between her father's legs and replaced his hand with her mouth. He continued to enjoy the sight of his wife and her c***dren as they fucked each other and the wonderful sensation of his daughter's mouth sucking his cock.

The scene changed frequently as the three lovers moved around to new combinations. James fucked his sister, then his mother. He was sucked as he sucked one or the other's flowing cunt. He filled his sister's sucking mouth with his white cream as he also filled her cunt and bottom. Mary tried not to interfere with the brother and sister reunion but still had her share of hard cock in her cunt and bottom and mouth, as well as two very sweet tongues in her mouth and cunt. She had shared sweet clear nectar from her daughter's filled cunt and hot cream from her son's cock. At some time during the night the three lovers noticed that Ellen and her father were fucking and sucking along beside them. They were of course invited to join. Ellen's father then had the honor of fucking his daughter in law, who was also his stepdaughter. James made love with his mother and his sister and his wife, who was also his stepsister. Mary enjoyed the attention of her own c***dren as well as that of her husband and her stepdaughter. They were indeed a complete family.

Morning found the family of lovers spread over the parlor, naked and spent. Each had given up so much essence that they were parched. They finally roused enough to follow one another out to the bath where they assisted each other in washing and then retired to the kitchen, where still nude they all helped to prepare breakfast. After they were joined by Andy and his sister everyone dressed, and Mary and Amos kissed everyone around and went to their home to rest. Jenny was invited to join them soon where she was to meet the rest of the family, Ellen's brother and his wife and c***dren, as well as her sister's family. James had told her of his adventures with them and Jenny could barely imagine. Fathers and mothers, sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, all together in the same place, each fucking and loving the others.

Over the next days Jenny became acquainted with the Village and its many good citizens. She met several of her sister in law/step sister's friends and spent a pleasant afternoon discussing the possibility of Jenny opening a seamstress shop to design and make new party dresses for the Village women. It had become quite a new fashion for the women to display themselves in outlandishly lavish dresses that left most of their charms naked and open to view and touch. Jenny accepted this welcome new openness with good humor. The women showed no qualms about being naked or talking about the wonderfully fulfilling love they received from friends and family.

A party was held at her mother's large home one evening where Jenny was introduced to Ellen's brother and sister and their spouses and c***dren. Also there were new friends including the local pastor and his family, as well as close friends of James and Ellen. By the end of the evening the house was full of naked people each giving and receiving pleasure. There were combinations of three and four lovers with the players often exchanging positions or even changing participants. Watchers pleasured them selves or a partner. Jenny was of course the center of attention for many of the circles. The next morning she could hardly believe that she had taken so many cocks, sometimes three at a time. She had become accomplished at tonguing cunts and enjoyed it as much as the hard cocks. The most striking moment of the evening had been the first pairings as they were called. A Village tradition held that the first couplings were for family. She had been fucked by her brother as every one watched, even as they were doing the same all around her.

Jenny announced her decision to remain in the Village on the morning of the celebration of Founder's Day. The family had awakened early and bathed and prepared a large basket of food and drink. The picnic was packed into the carriage with several blankets and throws. By this time Jenny was prepared for the uniqueness of this day. All of the family remained nude, as they would be for the entire day. Andy and his sister had decorated their ponies with colorful ribbons and wore ribbons tied on their arms, as they were to compete in a race around the Village green. Jenny had been told that the day would be spent in contests and food and drink and love. The Village green would be a vast gathering of fucking loving families in the bright sunshine.

As they rode through the Village, they were joined by many others, families and couples and individuals. Every one was nude and smiling and happy. Jenny could see all the bouncing hard cocks and jiggling breasts. Her newly shaved cunt with its tiny heart of hair was wet already in anticipation of what the day would bring, the sights she would see and the love she would share with as many others as she wished. The day was bright with sunshine and pleasure. Jenny felt truly reunited, not just with her actual family but with all of the families of the Village. She had at last arrived home.

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I Know Hes A KingChapter 11

They gagged me, blindfolded me, and tied me. It would have been better if they had just blindfolded me, but they manhandled me like a carcass. That was where my killing power laid. If eyes could kill, they called it. I definitely could. Still I slapped myself mentally, because I had not even tried to get mad at the Wilijies, not attempted to protect Lex and myself. They came, knocked Lex out, and took me away. I tried to reason with myself that it was too a small amount of time for me to...

2 years ago
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New school

Hi there, I am Irene, I was new in school and this guy called Josh just look at me every time he saw my like he would wanna eat me on a slice of bread. One day after josh's football practice... he walked to me when i'm reading a book. "wanna go out?" he asked. "look, i did not like u at ALL" i replied. josh walked to his friend and said " i don't understand, EVERY girls in this school like me.. even the teachers." he said to his friend, Mark. "u should trick her, that's how i do with my ex." he...

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So anyway, 14 years old, normal in all proportions, I had glasses, brown messy hair and blue eyes...perfectly average in every way. Now, the story!!! * * * My school's science teacher had just left and we were due for a new one, it was a windy Monday morning, and first lesson it was Science, my favourite lesson. Remember how I told you I was perfectly average? In science I was a genius, top of the class...

2 years ago
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Melissas Lovely Mommy

Melissa's Lovely Mommy: Silk, Satin and Sissy Delights Johnny entered the office with his magnificent mother holding his lovely delicate hand. The click - clack - click their stiletto high heeled shoes made on the marble floor announced the two wondrous women had just made their fashionably late grand and great entrance. The women looked in awe of Miss Styles, the power she commanded on this day left the ladies she employed stunned, shocked and speechless. She looked divine in...

3 years ago
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Serena my bisexual friend

I am a married female aged 52 living on the south coast of England. I am very bisexual and having an affair with my friend Serena who is 43. My husband Rob knows I am bi and knows what I am doing with Serena. Her husband Mark does not even know she is bi.She visits me twice a week for lunch and we end up fucking and sucking each other. Rob would love to watch us having fun but Serena won't let him. I give him all the details when he gets back from work and I usually wank him off while I'm...

2 years ago
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Husbands House Guest

Poor Jeremy, Kristen thought as she pulled the freshly laundered sheets from the dryer. She walked down the hall with them bundled in her arms toward the guest room. With the k**s away at camp she was taking advantage of the uninterrupted days to get caught up on housework and projects. That was, until, her husband's best friend had called and said he'd like to come down to visit for a couple days. Her husband Brandon, and Jeremy had been friends since c***dhood. Until recently, Jeremy had been...

1 year ago
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A Simple Life

Author's Note: Before I begin this serial I need to give thanks and give warning. The thanks I give to my incredible patrons. One of whom made the suggestion that became the seed of this story and all of whom helped me create these characters and this world. World building really was a team effort on this one and a hell of a lot of fun. The warning I give to you. My goal with this story is for it to be a pure slice of life where we simply peek into the day to day life of our main character. A...

2 years ago
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Weekend To Remember

WEEKEND TO REMEMBER Holly When I arrived home, the first thing that came to mind was how quiet it was. There were no sounds of playing kids, a rarity in our house. As I put away my briefcase and changed my cloths, my wife entered. I asked her where the kids were and she indicated that they were staying with friends so that we could have an 'adult' weekend. It had been a long time and I nearly came then and there. She handed me a drink and the strong liquor scent made me aware...

2 years ago
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TRAVELS (GAY TALES)As a follow-up to my Lesbian Tales entitled TRAVELS, I will use the same approach with gay men telling stories about their sex life when they are travelling.ROBERT (30 years-old. Single. Top gay. American. Clean-cut and handsome salesman.)I was told Switzerland was pretty uptight when it came to sex. I don’t know if it depends which part of Switzerland you go to, but I found Geneva very open-minded. I travel to a different country in Western Europe every two years. I started...

1 year ago
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Stroking outside 2

Well I found my self horny again while I was driving home so I look down to find my cock hard as a rock I was wondering where to go and jerk off so I cruised by the new house still no one there it was about ten our so but I didn't care I was horny and just love jerking off outside it was still pitch black out over there so I got my jerking tools and went around back by the pool I didn't even go inside this time I just went out back and stripped down to my jacket again and found a spot in the...

1 year ago
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Model FantasyChapter 6

I lay out blanket so we will not make a mess on the bed. Gently I tie the blindfold around your eyes cutting the world off from you. Helping you to the bed I have you lie down on the blanket. You lay back and wait patiently for what I will do next. You hear the sound of whipped cream coming from a can as it touches you breasts covering them. I start at the nipple and work my way out. After one breast is done I move to the next doing the same. Moving down I leave a trail down your stomach...

3 years ago
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A Summer in Olympia Ch 02

After we passed through the secret door, she occasionally lit a small lamp as we traversed the secret passages and past narrow stairs. Along each wall were little silver disks. Whispering, she said: ‘These are peepholes, so we can tell when we are needed. Tonight we go to see how Monty entertains himself on Saturday nights after the opera. Most evenings he shoots billiards, smokes cigars and drinks brandy with Maurice, but tonight is different.’ ‘Okay, I guess so. Why do we need to see what...

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