Reunion free porn video

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I met Joanne the first day of High School. An alphabetical accident placed Bobby McCoy and Joanne McCrary side by side on the seating charts for the next four years. I loved her at first sight. It only took an hour more to realize that that love was hopeless. She was rich, beautiful, out going, athletic, scary smart, and completely out of my league. I accepted my fate without a fight. I made myself a quiet place in her background.

Dawn was the rough first-draft of her younger sister, two years older but only a grade ahead ... While Joanne was tall and full figured, Dawn was large and heavy. Joanne excelled. Dawn struggled. Joanne was a star, a bright, vivid leader. Dawn and I plodded along with the average. So I asked her out. I dated her for three years. She was my toehold into Joanne's world away from school. I treated her as well as I could. I thought I concealed my initial feelings from the sisters. I was wrong.

My dad died during the summer following my Junior year. I was forced to take a long hard look at myself, my finances, and my future. I took a firm grip on my ears, and pulled my head out of my ass. I met with my astounded guidance councillor. We came up with a plan to salvage my academic career, and laid the foundation for scholarships and student loans. I signed up for summer school and advanced placement classes at the community college.

Dawn's parents could afford to send her anywhere she chose. Her first choice was Northeastern University, in Boston. The attraction was the cooperative program, which alternated quarters of classroom participation, with quarters of real world work experience. Her fall back was the University of Connecticut, close enough to continue our relationship.

I never meant to hurt her. My goal was to set her free, to get out of the way, let her find the one who was meant for her. Best deal I could make was one year in Boston before a decision was made.

Freshman year was a trial for her. She barely made it through her first quarter. She wasn't properly prepared. She had to study, and learn how to study, at the same time. She had little time for me. I was taking an overload of classes, and working every hour I could get. I had minimal time for her, even while I tried to let the relationship wither away.

The inevitable happened. She called, in tears, to tell me she had fallen for someone else. She begged me to tell her what to do. As gently and firmly as possible, I pushed her into his arms. I didn't realize I was crying until Mom asked about my tears. Dawn stayed in Boston over the summer and it was years before I saw her again.

UConn was the only school I applied to. Half my family had gone there, and three quarters of my classmates planned to. Everyone insisted that I make additional applications. My councillor brought up Northeastern. Co-op would pay more than mimimum wage, and would look much better than fipping burgers or restocking DVD's on my resume. UConn began to look like four more years of High School. I'd had enough of being class clown, and hanger-on to the elete. Northeastern had a rolling acceptance policy, and I was set to go a week after my interview.

I got caught in the transition from academic scholarships, to scholarships based on need and ethnicity. Mom had income from Dad's insurance, and I wasn't Black, so I was out of luck. I found some work-study hours in the concrete lab, and washed dishes in the cafeteria. I really got into my math classes, and excelled, which led to a job as a tutor for struggling students. Dawn was one of my first pupils.

She looked great, and I was thrilled to be of help with her understanding of statistics. Her first three boyfriends hadn't panned out, but she was still actively looking. As I had no time or money for dating, I fell into the role of fill-in escort and occasional friend with benefets. Not what I'd dreamed of, but it was only three more years.

I really, REALLY, didn't want to go, but I couldn't refuse to attend my wife's ten year High School reunion. Mom moved back with her family after my graduation, so I had no reason or inclination to return. I couldn't come up with a convincing reason not to go, so here I was.

I found myself, once again, seated next to Joanne. I didn't recognise her at first. The lustrous black hair had been replaced with blonde. Her full body had been pared and sculptured to slim perfection. Her breasts stood even prouder and firmer than I remembered. She had married one of her sister's classmates, Dan Everson, quarterback, captain of the basketball team, class president. They had been a good match. She appeared to have continued to excell, while he had peaked back then. I thought I might have stepped up a rung or two myself.

My wife mouthed "do her," and wandered off with her friends. Dan went to the bar to "network and peddle insurance." Joannne and I continued to reminisce.

"I know you crushed on me in school," she said, "but you never made a move. I remember all those double dates with Dawn. She had to drive. You sat up front, me in back with my current jock. I had to listen so often, while you got her off so well with fingers and tongue, while I wrestled a gorilla in the back seat."

"I loved you from the first time I saw you. I knew I NEVER had a chance against those rich guys, and jocks, and college playboys you ran with."

We spoke softly about what had been, and could have been, and maybe should have been. She was taken away to the dance floor several times, but always returned. We danced. She was my dreams in my arms. She pressed the breasts from my teen wet dreams against my chest, and rubbed. She spread her thighs around mine, rubbing against my erection, as we slow danced through my recurring fantasies.

She breathed in my ear. "You might not have had a chance THEN, but you definetely do NOW. Give me a ten minute head start, then come meet me in the band room." She took a firm grip on my cock, made a long measuring stroke. "If you want to as much as I do..." She stroked my cheek. The scent of her arousal, wet on her fingertips, intoxicated me.

The band room was pitch dark when I entered. There was a pile of gym mats on the stage. A single blue spot illuminated them. The sound of the music, from beyond the wall behind the speakers had a strange underwater sounding tone. She lay on her back, naked under her spread dress. She slowly slid it off and away, "Do me." she snarled." DO ME the way you did Dawn. Then take me, the way you never did then!"

I walked up beside her, held her head with my fingertips, kissed gently. I caressed her temples, ran fingers through her hair, around her ears. I kissed her temples, her eyelids, nibbled her nose. She giggled. I held her cheeks in my palms, as I ever so softly kissed her lips. The kiss grew stronger. I nibbled her lower lip, until her mouth opened, and her tongue came out to play. Our tongues wrestled and explored. She moaned.

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Stud of the shelter

As I mentioned in this story: I fucked my first virgin I met in a battered women's shelter. I also fucked her mom. This is a bonus story to that.Somehow word got around in the battered women's shelter my mom, me and my sister lived in temporarily, I do not know by whom, that I had fucked Faith and her mom and I was really good at it. I was 15 years old at the time and could get and stay hard and after fucking and cumming could...

4 years ago
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Return To The Swingers Dance

In our last story, we went to a swing club and discovered that we wanted to have a couple watch us have sex, and participate in a threesome with a woman. However the experience that we had last weekend surpassed any expectations that we may have had. The evening started out tame enough. We were informed that the theme for the evening was lingerie, which would include a fashion show and a contest. My wife prepared for the evening by having me shave her pussy (always fun for me), and dressing in...

2 years ago
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This may be archived/posted anywhere. Just give credit where credit is due, thanks! Sacrifices By Pretzelgirl Author's Note: My apologies in advance if this story flows a bit disjointedly. The entire thing came to me in a vivid dream (I'll leave as an exercise for the reader to guess which character I "played" in the dream!) The morning after, I dashed this off as quickly as I could, trying to recapture the whole surreal experience before it faded away. I've since edited it for...

3 years ago
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My short dick is a favorite

If you have read my stories you already know that I'm a married man that has a wife ( Linda ) that fucks around. Up untill last Friday my small think penis was never useful to my wife. Once I talked her into going outside the marriage for sex she hasn't had a need for my extremely small dick. As a matter of fact she started buying me different styles of chastity devices and keeping me locked up for a month at a time. This was what I had excepted as being normal. I enjoyed hearing her tell me...

1 year ago
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The Color of Sex Ch 2630

Chapter 26 The first day of February arrived with Candice doubling over in pain. Her stomach was cramping, sweat poured down her forehead and skated along her spine. She crawled out of bed, hoping to make it to the bathroom before she peed herself, unfortunately that didn’t happen, but it was not urine that had been applying pressure to her lower abdomen. Blood poured from her vagina and a scream erupted from her lungs as she collapsed on the floor, clutching her belly. She reached for her...

2 years ago
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bookstore pickup

   I woke up from a mid-day nap quite horny. I decided to go to the local bookstore hoping maybe to get picked up. I gazed around and noticed a medium built man occasionally looking my way. We both moved closer and talked a bit and decided to go back to his place for some drinks. I, of course, was thinking of drinking some warm, tasty loads of cum. The man's home was very nice. He gave me a glass of red wine and we sat down on his couch. He moved in closer and started slowly kissing me. I was...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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Rocky Mountain High

FROM: Paul Mason TO: Mike Olson Hey, dude, your luck’s changing. Didn’t I see you out at MacMurdo’s Friday night with some hottie? FROM: Mike Olson TO: Paul Mason Nope, no hotties in sight. Friday night I took my little sister out for a burger and a movie. She’s a great kid, but I wouldn’t call that a change of luck. FROM: Paul Mason TO: Mike Olson Wait, that angelic brunette in the white sun dress was your sister? My God, man, you’ve been holding out on me! FROM: Mike Olson ...

2 years ago
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Jennys Day at the Beach

Jenny was short and sweet, a true blonde with light blue eyes fringed with honey colored lashes, and dripping wet as she stepped out of the surf. She smiled as she looked down at the swell of her breasts glistening in the sunlight. Finally they filled her bikini top, and that meant a lot to a girl just turning thirteen. Her pointy pink tongue swiped impishly over her full, pouty upper lip. This was the first afternoon her parents left her alone at the beach all Summer, and naughty Jenny planned...

1 year ago
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BigGulpGirls Skye Mae Stole My Heart

Skye Mae. Stole My Heart. Yes she did. This one unique gal. First of she is super sexy. Has a great, very nice warm smile. A girlfriend with a freaky side smile. Then there is her insane body. Take a closer look. Its bangin’. She is Polish and speaks it. She was born there but parents brought her here. Something about those middle European girls. Ukranian girls too — probably the reason Putin (go fuck yourself dick) invaded. They are so hot. More hot that Russian girls for sure. But...

2 years ago
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Becoming a true Lesbian but maybe just a little

Modeling I was f******n, out of school for the summer and enjoying an ice cream at a place not far from my home. There were three of us setting in the park across the street from the place we got our cones, when a very attractive lady came up, stopping just in front of me, “Hi my name is Janice, I’ve been watching you for a few days now. Don’t worry I’m not a pervert or anything, I work for a modeling agency and I think with the proper training you could make some good money.” She handed me...

2 years ago
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The Ultimate Incest part 3

Hi indian sex stories dot net readers, I am Yash. I am 23 living in Pune. My email address is Send your feedbacks and I will keep on writing the stories. I am a horny man, so any girl, aunty can contact me. I have my own place. I especially love divorced aunties. Divorced aunties can message from anywhere in India. This is the third part of the series. Let’s recap a little. I seduced my mother and we had wonderful sex. Now, in this part is about our vacation in Goa. I joined a company in Pune...

3 years ago
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Bystander blowjob

Sitting here watching porn with my cock in my hand, I have the shades and windows open as it's a nice day. Not really paying attention as I am too focused on the vids I am watching, a woman is standing at the window watching the same video I am. She is a good looking woman. "That's hot" she saysI am startled as I didn't see her. "Yeah it is" I say"I was talking about your cock" she told me"Want a better look?" I ask her"Of course" she saysI go out and let her in. She is about 5'6, black hair to...

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