Elizabeth 05: Christmas Troubles free porn video

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The snowflakes were drifting beautifully to the street below as the workday wound down. I was grateful for the electric lights Mr. Thompson had had installed shortly before I had come to work in his office, for their warm glow was marvellous against the slate-grey afternoon sky outside. It was just one of a hundred delights I found in being a working woman in those days when that was still quite unusual. The grey would of course have faded to black by the time I took my leave in an hour or so, but then the wonderful flashy Christmas lights would have taken over and Main Street would be a wonderland out of my childhood dreams of the city. That thought pushed me over the edge into one of my still-frequent reveries about how remarkable it was that those dreams had come true. All except marrying my Edward, of course, but that had proven just as well.

Admiring the view just beyond the window, I wondered about Edward. I wondered what the weather was like in Paris, and if he was in the arms of some other man at just that moment, or hard at work on his painting as I should have been on my legal briefs. Was he painting another nude, I wondered? If so, a woman or a man this time?

I heard Mr. Thompson’s office door open just in time to rein my mind back in to my work. Finding some excuse to visit the filing cabinet, I stood up and strode purposefully across the carpet. Jonathan came bounding just behind him. ‘Snowing again!’ he said. ‘Lovely, isn’t it?’

‘Too lovely,’ I agreed. ‘What I wouldn’t give to be out there playing in it!’

‘You kids,’ Mr. Thompson said, his stern tone belying a certain amusement. ‘Just as well I’m too old to join you, I suppose.’ He poured some tea from the service by the door. ‘How is the brief coming, Agnes?’

‘I am working on the final draft now,’ I assured him, rifling through the files in the drawer for nothing in particular. ‘I’m only checking my sources now.’

‘Remarkable,’ he said, checking his watch. ‘You are nothing if not efficient, Agnes.’ Turning back to his office, he went on. ‘I suppose you already know how I had reservations about hiring a lady lawyer. But you have proven me wrong, I must confess. Ever so quick and thorough with every task, and I must say having a female form around here adds some spice to the day.’

As usual, he never looked back as he made his patronizing comments while retreating to his office. And so he did not see me flip up my skirt and flash him just before he shut the door behind him.

Jonathan, of course, did see it. He struggled to stifle his laughter until the door was safely shut. ‘Heavens, Agnes, you’re wonderful!’ he exclaimed in a loud husky whisper. ‘You put up with his sexism so well, and now that too!’

‘Thank you,’ I said, not at all uncomfortable with having given him a glimpse at my panties. Jonathan and I, despite his being engaged to my dearest friend, knew one another in the conjugal sense by then, after all. ‘I do hope I did not make you uncomfortable.’

‘Not in the least!’ he replied. ‘You know I regret nothing of our weekend in the country, after all.’

‘Nor I,’ I agreed. ‘I learned so very much from both you and Elizabeth, after all.’

‘Speaking of whom, will you be joining her at the baths this evening?’

‘Yes, and I can’t wait! Her and Irene.’

‘Ah, poor Irene,’ Jonathan said. Her relationship with Benjamin had been the one casualty of our late summer orgy. ‘I hope she is holding up well?’

‘Getting better all the time,’ I assured him. ‘But I must admit I am thinking Christmas on her own could be rough.’

‘Well, she won’t really be on her own, will she?’ Jonathan asked. ‘We’re all here for one another.’

‘Of course, but it’s hardly the same as what you and Elizabeth have, is it?’ I passed over in silence the fact that I did not have any such intimacy with anyone either.

‘This is true,’ Jonathan admitted. ‘I’m sorry.’

I hardly blamed Jonathan for his oversight. I knew all too well – even then, when I was still a bit naïve – how easy it is for those in love to take that wonderful gift for granted. I was, of course, a great deal less naïve by then thanks in large part to Jonathan, Elizabeth and Irene. Our late summer adventure at the seaside had opened a number of doors for me, and four months later I was more comfortable than ever in my single working woman’s life back in Westfordshire City. The oppressive support of my family back on the farm, though a pleasant memory, was a lifetime gone from me by now, and with the help of my friends I had put my lingering regrets about my lost fiancé Edward to bed. Quite literally, at that.

For all the fun I had enjoyed in the ensuing months, though, true love had continued to elude me. That was perhaps just as well, for I had been able to empathise with Irene when she needed it the most that fall. After all she and Elizabeth had done to help me through the dark days of the previous spring, I was very relieved, in a sense, to be able to return the favour.

None of us were terribly surprised that Irene and Benjamin’s relationship had failed to survive. It had clearly been in trouble prior to our weekend at the seashore, and the shock of all that had transpired had simply been a bridge too far. ‘He and I both admitted to one another that we wanted something a bit different,’ Irene had explained to us, dry-eyed but in a rather halting tone, over lunch at Miles several days later. ‘Neither of us is quite sure what that something is, but we know now we will not find it with one another. We shall always be the best of friends, of course.’

Elizabeth and I had both voiced our agreement with that sentiment, but privately I had suspected we would be seeing little of Benjamin from then on. Elizabeth had confirmed her agreement with me later on that evening when we were on our own at home, and sure enough, a month or so later we heard through friends that Benjamin had accepted an overseas transfer from his company. Eerily similar to my loss of Edward, that turn of events had inspired Irene to observe that our exes always seemed to feel compelled to leave the country. ‘I guess we are truly irresistible, aren’t we?’ she had asked with the first genuine laugh I had heard from her in some time.

That light hearted poke notwithstanding, the encroachment of autumn and now winter had taken its toll on my mood and, I suspected, Irene’s as well. With the impending marriage of Jonathan and Elizabeth in the spring, our circle of friends was due for radical changes already, and the loss of Benjamin had served as both a harbinger and a shock in its own right. While I was now more than capable of standing on my own two feet in the big city, I was not yet persuaded that I cared to do so. The gloomy weather was the perfect analogy for that uncertainty, and it also exacerbated it in the worst way.

Jonathan evidently had been able to see through my giddy defiance of Mr. Thompson that afternoon, for he came to my desk and touched my hand affectionately. ‘Agnes,’ he said gently. ‘I truly am sorry. I know this time of year is a difficult one to be on one’s own – I’ve been there! So has Elizabeth, she can tell you all about that.’

I sat back and forced a smile. ‘I know, Jonathan. That’s just the thing, though: soon you and Elizabeth will be wed, and the loss of Benjamin as well…Just when I felt my life had come together in the most wonderful way, now everything is about to change again, just like it did last spring. I do not look forward to going through that again!’

‘It can hardly be as bad as last spring, Agnes,’ Jonathan said, and I had to admit tacitly that he was right. ‘Besides, what if last spring had never happened? If you had married Edward and never come to know Elizabeth and Irene?’

‘And you,’ I reminded him. ‘Do not sell yourself short, Jonathan, you’re one of us just as much as I am.’

‘Thank you.’

‘And you’re right.’ I stood up, wanting to stretch my legs and
clear my head. ‘Change was for the best then, it surely is now. I guess I just get so very tired of all the joy and cheer in the air when I’m not feeling it deep down.’

‘I’m with you there,’ Jonathan said. ‘Wish I could offer you a solution, but I haven’t found one for myself. Not except for lots and lots of wine in any case!’

‘That does sound delightful,’ I admitted. ‘Thank you, Jonathan.’ I wanted to kiss his cheek, but Mr. Thompson could have emerged from his office at any moment.

My mood had improved somewhat when I stepped out into the frigid air, in the way only the end of the work day can lighten one’s mood. The cutting chill in the air only raised my spirits, for it meant the warm water in the baths would be all the more delightful. As always, I was tickled by the thought of how demure and innocent I looked all bundled up in my winter coat over my work clothes, when soon I would bare all for a dozen or more of my friends in the baths. I only hoped they would not be overly crowded on this chilly evening, but that seemed all too likely.

Though I was well accustomed by then to the intense intimacy of the baths, I never failed to feel an intense forbidden thrill deep in my body at the moment when I turned the corner into the alley where the entrance was located. If nothing else, my direction made it clear to anyone who happened to take notice of me that I was on my way to that controversial feminine sanctum. Once again I wondered what my family and friends back on the farm would think of shy, demure Agnes taking part in such a racy pastime. Then again, ‘shy, demure Agnes’ was largely a thing of the past even then! On this occasion the alley was decorated in festive red and green electric lights guiding my way to the lobby, the innocence and chaste joy they implied only further whetted my appetite for the intimacy that awaited within!

‘Agnes, welcome!’ said the young woman at the counter, whose name I had forgotten, she was one of a few quite young staffers who joined us occasionally when not on duty. ‘I thought we might be seeing you this evening.’

‘I take it Elizabeth has arrived, then?’ I asked. That, of course was always an unforgettable event, beautiful Elizabeth carried herself like no one else in the baths.

‘You only just missed her,’ she said, handing me a locker key. ‘I am ever so envious of you, she is such fun to share the baths with!’

‘Indeed,’ I said with a smile that was only slightly forced, before taking my leave. She was quite right, of course, but those of you who have read my other tales of Elizabeth shall recall that her majestic presence in the baths was a bit frustrating to Irene on occasion. Of late, I had come to share in that frustration. Irene and I could be great fun as well, after all, even if we did not stand out as uniquely as Elizabeth and her immense, remarkable ladygarden did. All too frequently we did find ourselves feeling a bit overshadowed in her presence, majestic as that presence was.

Of course, Irene and I did both understand that it was not Elizabeth’s appearance alone that set her apart. It was also her attitude about that appearance, forged in a nightmare of locker-room teasing and tormenting when she was younger, and her determination to overcome those demons, and most of all the hard-won knowledge that she had succeeded in doing so. It was not simply that she had a very hairy pussy, rather, it was her shameless embrace of her unusual adornment, her tacit proclamation that she was a hairy lady and utterly unabashed to be so, that commanded the respect and admiration of us all. Knowing all that our friend had been through to achieve her breath-taking poise, Irene and I did resent it very much.

But we did envy it on occasion.

Fighting hard to obtain and retain my Christmas spirit, I put that envy from my mind as I strode into the locker room, where I was greeted with the wonderful sight of a dozen women or more coming and going. Many, it appeared, were going, having finished their baths earlier in the afternoon. I was as grateful for that as I was titillated by the sight of so many beautiful bodies in nearly every state of dress and undress. My nervous inhibition of outdoors now wonderfully dissipated, I opened an empty locker and set about undressing as well.

Maggie, a frequent visitor to the baths like myself, appeared just to my left as I was hanging up my winter coat. ‘Hello, Agnes,’ she said. ‘Terribly sorry we just missed each other.’ She had clearly just emerged from the baths, and was swathed in a modesty cloak, a courtesy I had followed Elizabeth and Irene’s lead in never using. ‘The water is perfectly delightful today,’ she added, peeling off the cloak.

‘I had thought it must be,’ I agreed, welcoming the glimpse at her bare body as she retrieved her brassiere from the locker. ‘I’ve been longing for it all day, I must confess.’

‘No Elizabeth today?’ The disappointment in Maggie’s voice was palpable, she was one of many of our friends who never missed an opportunity to admire Elizabeth’s body.

‘Oh, she’s here,’ I said. ‘I had assumed she was already in the water. But if not…’ I looked over my shoulder at the water closet door, there was little doubt my tea-loving friend had been drinking it by the gallon on a cold day like today. As if on cue, the door open and Elizabeth emerged, wearing her ultra-confident smile and absolutely nothing else. As always, she weathered the fascinated and curious looks at her robust triangle with her practiced indifference, which of course belay a secret delight at being so admired for such a previously troublesome quirk of nature.

‘Oh, of course,’ Maggie said, her face breaking into a grin. ‘Heavens, I wish I had her confidence. And that bush…’

I thought of telling Maggie gently that she most certainly did not wish she had gone through all that Elizabeth had to gain that confidence, but I quickly concluded that it was all none of her concern in any event. Even had I wished to share, Elizabeth arrived presently with a welcoming embrace that would have silenced any conversation. ‘Hello, Agnes darling!’ she said. ‘So glad you made it through the cold!’ To Maggie she also said a polite hello. She did not offer Maggie a hug, but Maggie showed no sign of objecting given the opportunity to admire her nude body. ‘I take it Irene has not arrived yet?’ she asked me.

‘I haven’t seen her,’ I said. ‘Good for you for getting that’ – I pointed at the water closet – ‘out of the way before she could tease you about it.’

Elizabeth laughed. ‘Thank you, yes. I just remember Iron Bladder Irene has her own problems to cope with at the moment, after all. I do hope she’s coming, though, the poor girl still seemed so gloomy at lunch the other day.’

‘What’s become of Irene?’ Maggie piped up, she was now nearly dressed but in no hurry to take her leave while Elizabeth was there to gaze upon.

‘True love gone wrong, Maggie,’ Elizabeth said. ‘I am sure you have heard all the scuttlebutt there is, right here in the baths.’ She topped off her response with a slightly curt look that indicated the subject was to be dropped.

‘Oh, I am quite sure she will be joining us,’ I said. I had hurried off most of my clothes and was now down to my underwear, and I turned around to face them both as I slid my panties off and reached back to unhook my brassiere, the unspoken thrill of sharing everything with friends was all the greater when one participated actively in it! Nude at last, I shut my locker. ‘Shall we, Elizabeth?’

‘Certainly. We’ll be seeing you, Maggie.’

We made our way through the throng of other women. Once again it occurred to me that there was at least one good thing about my relative invisibility in Elizabeth’s presence: no one took special notice of my own nudity. This had enabled me to grow remarkably comfortable with a state I had never once imagined myself in prior to arriving in Westfordshire City all those months before. Indeed, I had come to th
irst for the vulnerability and camaraderie the baths offered.

The bath chamber was one of the few places I had seen of late that were devoid of Christmas decorations, presumably because the steam would wilt them. But the Christmas spirit was just as palpable inside as anywhere. The evidently-large crowds of earlier in the afternoon had dissipated somewhat with dinner hour approaching, and fewer than a dozen of our fellow ladies of the baths turned to see Elizabeth enter with her usual flair and me as usual a step behind her.

‘Elizabeth! Agnes! Welcome,’ called Colleen, a floor-manager at Miles Department Store who had only recently overcome the same shyness I had defeated in joining this insular community. ‘So glad to see you both on a night like this!’

‘I’m surprised to see you here, Colleen,’ I said as Elizabeth said a quiet hello of her own. ‘Aren’t you buried in shoppers from now to the twenty-fourth?’

‘I was lucky enough to get the early shift today,’ Colleen said as we slid into the blissful warm water beside her. ‘I mentioned to Mr. Miles that I hoped to get away to the baths this evening, and I think the idea of me lounging about naked in company appealed to him!’ She laughed, and was joined by most of her listeners, including myself and Elizabeth. ‘You’re so right, though, horribly busy every day. That’s why I needed this!’

‘Don’t we all, though,’ Elizabeth said. ‘Such horrid weather out there, and the usual drama to cope with at home as well.’

‘Oh, that’s right,’ I said. To the others I explained, ‘My cousin will be home from school tomorrow for the first time. Alexandria. She was an absolute terror just before she left, and…’

‘And we’ve got every reason to assume she will be the worse for wear tomorrow,’ Elizabeth said.

‘Well, that doesn’t seem fair,’ Colleen suggested. ‘Perhaps she has matured – didn’t you, Elizabeth, when you went away to school? Besides, it is Christmas after all.’

‘Oh, dear, Colleen…’ I began, and in that moment I could not look at Elizabeth at all.

‘That will do, Agnes,’ Elizabeth said with a polite but firm squeeze of my arm. ‘I think we all forget sometimes that the secrets of the baths were new to all of us at one time or another. In any event, Colleen, my own first term at school was an absolute nightmare of teasing and bullying. I suppose Agnes and I are both concerned that Alex may well have fallen victim to such treatment or, perhaps worse, subjected some other poor girl to it. Either way, we are faced with the prospect of a most unpleasant reunion with a girl we both used to love when she was younger and sweeter. I will of course be delighted if we are proven wrong, but there is little cause for hope of that.’

‘I am terribly sorry to hear that, then,’ Colleen said. ‘I hope you are both pleasantly surprised, in that case.’

‘Thank you,’ we said in unison.

‘Forgive my curiosity, Elizabeth,’ Coleen continued, ‘But you have always struck me as so poised and confident and mature, what on earth did the girls find to bully you over?’

Elizabeth, to her credit and to my astonishment, laughed rather than expressing any irritation. ‘Colleen,’ she said in a gentle tone, ‘When I enter the bath chamber, what is the first thing your eyes are always drawn to?’

‘Good heavens, the girls found fault with that?’ Colleen looked genuinely shocked. ‘How absolutely bizarre.’

‘Bullies will find fault with anyone who is different in any way,’ I pointed out.

‘And you don’t need me to tell you I am different in that regard,’ Elizabeth said.

‘Indeed,’ Colleen admitted. ‘It is only that I have only ever regarded you as beautiful in that regard, Elizabeth.’

‘Thank you, but the other girls did not, and that is putting it mildly.’

‘Or perhaps they did,’ I suggested. ‘I mean, Elizabeth, I have heard your stories so many times, it occurred to me early on that perhaps they were simply jealous of how grown-up and sensuous you looked.’

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Elizabeth Grey Parts 9 and 10 Slump Girl Slump

Elizabeth Grey - Part 09: Slump girl, slump! By Carmenica Diaz My mind was going around and around - should I remain as Liz or should I return to Allan? I'm not a brave person and I don't like hurting people - maybe it was best if Liz quietly disappeared and I stopped being selfish. I didn't know whether it was the plane flight or something else, but one moment I was raging hot and then cool again with goose bumps. I hope, I thought, I'm not getting the...

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“Elizabeth” She stood before me, looking so beautiful, my heart ached. The wedding dress accented her slender frame, and her eyes sparkled with joy as she looked up at me. Smiling, I took her hand... Years Earlier... “Mommy? I want to go swimming. Please?” It was the holiday weekend in July, and I was home after graduating college. With my degree fresh in the frame on the office wall, I was at work at the family business. I know, a lot of folks might think that a business that takes care of...

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Elizabeth Gets Another Night With Simon

It was now two weeks since sixty-four-year-old divorcee Elizabeth Prentice had attended the eighteenth-birthday party of her grandson, Tim. At that party Elizabeth had probably had too much to drink and, much to the disgust of her daughter Tina was snogging and groping with twenty-year-old Simon Whittaker. Tina would have been appalled if she had known that a few days after the party her mother spent the night in bed with the young man.Liz had not seen or heard from Simon since that night...

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Elizabeth To BethChapter 2

"How peaceful he looks when he is sleeping, my big stubborn sweetheart...my love, with not a care in the world. I'm so happy, I won't get a wink of sleep at all tonight.... my mind is just racing...isn't it wonderful. Poor Stanley, how did Margaret put it, hmm... yes that's it, she said, "hum dinger" and "smitten, Richard is smitten with you." Stanley is going to have one hum dinger of a shiner, a black eye when he say's the early Mass tomorrow morning. Dear Margaret, you...

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Elizabeth and AnastasiaChapter 2

The study sessions with Stacy were grueling to say the least. Everything had to be perfect, every word written, every answer, every paragraph read. It seemed Stacy expected Betty to memorize everything given to her. Period. She somehow managed to zero directly in on anything Betty had skimmed or didn't understand. Her attitude was brusque, almost to the point of rudeness, and irritated the younger girl to no end. Betty thought Stacy hated her. She didn't care much for Stacy either. Things...

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Elizabeth myself and her uncle By Frida

'What is a dare', someone once asked me? I knew the answer according to my own interpretation, as an exhibitionist, a dare was my way of doing something I liked to do, but without compromising my persona of respectability and moral righteousness. That way you have an excuse for being dirty and naughty and not have the attached stigma associated with the dare involved.But having said that, that excuse only works once, do it again then suffer the usual, slag, slut labels. Perhaps it's the...

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Elizabeth Grey Part 3 I Must Confess I Like It

Elizabeth Grey - Part 03: I must confess I like it. By Carmenica Diaz It wasn't until I finished my face the next morning that I realised I did it without looking at the instructions. The wardrobe was full of clothes supplied by Jeremy and Angela and, as we were going out, I chose a simple grey wool skirt, matching jacket and blouse. Jeremy knocked on the door and poked his head in. 'Decent?' I laughed. 'I think you've seen everything I have, Jeremy,'...

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Elizabeth my coworker

Elizabeth and I had worked together for about 5 years when this happened.She is married 56 years old, very slim ,very tan but not what I would call pretty or even good looking.When she smiles her big teeth show.She has straight shoulder length blond hair.She wears skin tight jeans almost all the time and that is the best looking thing about her.Nice ass, muscular thighs and calf's.Elizabeth likes to smoke,drink beer and watch sports.I finally realized who her face reminded me of,a picture of an...

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Elizabeth Grey Part 16 and 17

Elizabeth Grey - Part 16: That set us off again. I called Fiona Woolf's office first thing and left my name and Jeremy's number. For the next hour and a half, I paced the house, disturbing Jeremy as he tried to work until the telephone rang. 'Miss Grey, this is Fiona Woolf returning your call?' 'Thank you Miss Woolf, you probably don't recall me but you...' '...gave you my card after you played at Jeremy's birthday party.' She chuckled. 'I don't give out my card to just...

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Elizabeth Grey Parts 18 20

Elizabeth Grey - Part 18: Yes, Mum, I'm sure. By Carmenica Diaz 'Hello, Mum.' 'Liz! How did it go last night? I hope it was wonderful!' 'It was Mum, it was!' I happily told her all about the previous night for at least twenty minutes, Mum interjecting with questions and I could tell she was as excited as I was.' 'Mum, Angela was there,' I said hesitantly. 'Was she? Edward is away. Did she say anything to you?' I remembered Angela standing at the back,...

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Elizabeth Grey Parts 21 22

Elizabeth Grey - Part 21: Everything is fine. By Carmenica Diaz The buzzer sounded and Jeremy finished my hair at the same time. We heard Dean open the door and low voices. 'Do I look all right?' I asked nervously. 'Are you joking?' Jeremy laughed. 'You'll knock his socks off.' Sean was waiting with Dean and when he turned to see me coming down the stairs his jaw dropped. 'Wow,' he said and then laughed self-consciously. 'How bloody sophisticated of me. You...

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Elizabeth Grey Part 11 Dont Call Me That

Elizabeth Grey - Part 11: Don't call me that. By Carmenica Diaz When I last saw Mel, Mandy and Cleo, they were sitting sadly in the bar and drinking. My feet were hurting as I walked down the halls of the hotel room so I slipped my shoes off and carried them. As the door to the hotel room Angela and I shared swung open, I was surprised to see Sean leap to his feet. Angela was seated in the chair and she shrugged her shoulders as I closed the door. 'Miss...

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Elizabeth Grey Part 15 I Am Faithful To My Team

Elizabeth Grey - Part 15: I am faithful to my team. By Carmenica Diaz We had arranged to meet the next morning for brunch to discuss our plans and, as usual, I was running slightly late, so the others were already at a table. I had taken time to ring my mother, Sylvia and Janet to let them know what happened when I revealed myself to my friends. 'Your friends sound like marvellous people.' 'Yes, Mum, they do and they are. I'm very lucky.' 'So are they,...

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My real name is Elizabeth and this is my story. I got married at age seventeen to a twenty-two year old factory worker. It seemed that with his pay I would always have what I wanted. That sure wasn't true. I grew up in Pennsylvania and my honeymoon was at a theme park not far from home. Then I found out that the nice car he was driving was from one of those pay by the week lots with a high interest rate. We had to turn it in to pay rent and bought a fucked up old Dodge. So, here I was, married...

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Elizabeth To Beth Ch 02

Chapter Two: After returning home from the engagement party Beth is lying next to the sleeping form of Richard. She is wide-awake and her mind is racing. ‘Oh, how peaceful he looks when he is sleeping, my big stubborn sweetheart…my love, without a care in the world. I’m so happy, I won’t get a wink of sleep at all tonight…. my mind is just racing…isn’t it wonderful… Poor Stanley, how did Margaret put it? Yes that’s it, she said, ‘hum dinger!’ and ‘smitten, Richard is smitten with you.’...

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Elizabeth Grey Part 14 Friends

Elizabeth Grey - Part 14: Friends. By Carmenica Diaz Thinking the best time to telephone Cleo, Mandy and Mel was mid-morning, I waited until the next day before I placed Toby's piece of paper firmly on the table and picked up the telephone. The telephone rang a few times before a sleepy voice grunted, 'hello!' 'I was looking for Cleo Rosser...' 'Who wants to know...' 'Liz Grey.' Suddenly, she was wide-awake. 'Liz? Liz Grey? Is that...

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Elizabeth and AnastasiaChapter 8

It was strange. This was the first time she'd ever woken up in the morning with her bed partner beside her (that time with Dave didn't count. They hadn't gone to sleep until 4 am, and only slept for three hours). After a while, lying there, doing nothing, it came to her. The strangeness wasn't because it was a different bed in a different room, and it wasn't the touch and warmth of that naked body pressing into hers. It was the smell. Stacy had her own unique smell. With the two of them...

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Edward and Elizabeth met at a nice restaurant. It was raining outside. The hostess greeted them making them aware that it would be a few minutes before a table was ready. She pointed out the coat checkroom and suggested they hang their wet coats and umbrellas there apologizing that there was no one taking coats. Elizabeth followed Edward to the coatroom and removed her coat. Edward smiled as he took in her navy suit, white blouse, just a hint of cleavage. As he turned around from hanging her...

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Elizabeth To Beth Ch 04

‘Am I your captive? Are you going to have your way with me?’ I asked tugging against the handcuffs ‘I thought we had a date for ice cream?’ Richard’s hands were around my waist as he gently pulled me to him to nuzzle his face against mine. I felt his warm breath tickle my face and listened to his heart beating in his chest as he hugged me. This always makes me tingle all over because Richard loves me and I love him with a passion deeper than the seven seas. I felt my man’s hard cock...

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elizabeth hurley

driving miss hurley by perry47When I reached the age of 21, I decided to leave the small town where I grew up and move to Los Angeles. With no real skills to speak of and no connections, I was lucky to get a job driving a delivery truck. Two years of this convinced me I needed to make a change. The only change in my skills was the capability to drive to and from anywhere in the Los Angeles area without getting lost. It was therefore a natural fit for me to acquire a livery license and in time...

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Elizabeth Grey Part 4 Honestly I Wanted to Slap Her

Elizabeth Grey - Part 04: Honestly, I wanted to slap her By Carmenica Diaz We walked from the club laughing, arm in arm. So different, I thought, from how we went into the club a few hours earlier. 'Now,' I confessed, 'I'm absolutely starving.' 'So am I. Let's have lunch and celebrate,' Angela said, swinging the clarinet case around. 'Lead the way.' 'I start with Heather tomorrow,' Angela told me after we had ordered. 'Sherry finishes up next week so I...

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2020Sitting there stirring her soy-milk latte, brunette-bob cut, and the 'librarian' glasses. A black dress, up to the collarbone - nothing to tease. Beyond the lenses though, her soft green eyes are on me. Moving down a little, the nose piercings, another just above and below her mouth, Those soft lips, natural filler-free, and the corners up-turned into a warm smile. It had been a few years since we'd last caught up at her wedding, but even longer since we'd spent any time alone...

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Mary Christmas Everybody

Introduction: This is my entry for a Xmas pantomime story competition. Its in the form of a play, and is intended to simply be a spoof adult play, on a Xmas theme. If youre looking for a sexually stimulating text, please look elsewhere, but if you want something that will make you smile then (I hope) this one is for you. MARY CHRISTMAS EVERYBODY A pantomime play in three Acts. Cast (In no particular order): Narrator (The easiest part of all), Mary Christmas (An attractive woman in her early...

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Mary Christmas Everybody

A pantomime play in three Acts. Cast (In no particular order): Narrator (The easiest part of all), Mary Christmas (An attractive woman in her early 30’s), Carole (a young trainee), Rudy The Red Knobbed Reindeer (a reindeer), Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Comet, Cupid, Vixen, Donner and Blitzen (more reindeers), Foo-Kin Thin (a small box of electronics from Japan), Santa Claus (a red faced obese old inebriate wanted for questioning by police forces in 92 different countries on suspicion of...

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The Magic of Christmas

The Magic Of Christmas By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Meyers "Oh so you are awake?" said his mother poking her head in his room. "Morning honey. I hear the tv on." "Yeah, I didn't sleep so well," said Brayden rubbing his eyes. "Too excited about Christmas," said his mother coming in. "Well that and what I told you last night," sighed Brayden. "I still feel horrible." "Well not that I want to be negative on Christmas but you should honey," said his mother folding her arms....

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A Christmas Wish Mishap Twin Bullies

(Merry Christmas everyone. This is last years Christmas story from up on my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Fibaro A new Christmas story, along with two additional parts to this one is already up on my Patreon, so if you're interested go and have a look.) Intro Valerie and Vince had been very close all their lives, not surprising considering they had shared the same womb for nine months. They had a very good bond often knowing how the other felt without them even...

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Booby Christmas

Are you looking forward to a merry Christmas this year? Of course, you are! But how is that supposed to happen when you have to deal with family over the holidays? Fuck, you can’t even say ‘the holidays’ without some dipshit falling over and having a heart attack because you used the phrase ‘the holidays’ instead of Christmas.Do you know what stands between you and a peaceful, fantastic Christmas? Well, people! People ruin everything. So instead of dealing with people over Christmas, the...

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The Daddy Who Hates Christmas

I know what you’re thinking. It’s Christmas time, so that means lots of snow with carols and an unlimited supply of hot chocolate. But in reality, with mother nature never being able to make up her mind. It’s a semi chilly boring night, filled with the usual run of the mill people, scurrying about spending all their money. On the plus side, I have the night off, and I’m able to spend it with my beautiful baby girl as she lounges around in a loose tank that her mouth-watering breast keeps...

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My First Christmas in Slavery

My first Christmas in Slavery My first Christmas in Slavery A short story for the festive season  It was my first Christmas as a slave girl. I was looking forward to the special day because I was hoping my master might have something special planned to celebrate my first Christmas of slavery to him. Only last Christmas I was a young innocent 15 year old girl, enjoying normal life as a teenager. Now I had recently passed my 16th birthday and I was a permanent slave girl to a dominant...

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The Chauffeur 49 Christmas

By PABLO DIABLO Copyright 2019 Chapter 1 As my eyes opened on Christmas morning, I felt as if a weight had been lifted. As usual, Dakota was all snuggled into me and Jill had her back to my back. I woke both my sleeping beauties with little kisses. I started first with Jill. She wore herself out the past couple of days getting Diane ready for the wedding. I gently kissed her neck, her shoulders, and her chest. My fingers gently glided over her beautiful body. It took a few minutes but...

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Imagine If Christmas Was Different

Here we are at the precipice of, yet, another happy holiday season and, after so many of us have looked forward to and experienced the excitement of Christmas as children, we had the fun and the joy of buying toys for our children, and, later, were allowed to spoil our grandchildren with generous gifts. Now that we are older and mired neck deep in a poor economy that threatens to ruin the holiday for too many of us, a holiday season that used to be fun, has suddenly become a tiresome chore, a...

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A Christmas tale The fourth

A Christmas Tale (the fourth) Kyorii Chapter 1 Goodbye to a Childhood Friend. It was late October, the trees in the graveyard were giving up their final leaves to the brisk autumn breeze as Linda Anders stood well back from the main group of mourners at the graveside, she watched the vicar read from a large screen tablet in his hand as the coffin was lowered into the ground by the funeral director's staff. Linda sniffed and dabbed at her eyes as the coffin vanished from...

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The Christmas Wish

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- The Christmas Wish By AngelJedi (Megan Campbell) (Released: December 24, 2020) My mom was screaming - again. It was like the third time today or something. She clearly wasn't enjoying Christmas break as much as I was. Thankfully, she wasn't screaming at me...this time....

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A Slave for Christmas

A Slave for Christmas A Slave for ChristmasSynopsis?I could scarcely believe the other girls in the office hated me that much, but there I was on a stage, naked, manacled and gagged waiting to be auctioned as a house slave for the Christmas to New Year period. And I?d had no say in the matter.? A Slave for Christmasby obohobo WarningsPlease take note!The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only. MF NC. Spanking If you are underage or offended by...

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