Elizabeth Ch. 01 free porn video

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The sound of distant cannon fire carried over the southern meadow. Where once there was a sea of grass dotted with dandelions there was now a city of tents. Hundreds of soldiers with musket and sword shuffled about in their yellow coats, leather boots trampling the grass and mud under hardened heel. The eyes of all vacant and defeated. The great castle that rested on the cliff of the northern bay, once a symbol of great pride to the gentle countrymen, was little more than trivial decoration to them now.

Once, a hundred years ago or more, the castle was a great fortress of defense in times of war. Now, cannon and musket made it a castle of sand, easily swept away by the tide of ruthless conquest. Elizabeth stood on the battlements and wept for the loss of gentle peace that once blessed the region. Blood and fire ripped through that scared peace and gentleness and kindness were no more. A world burning under the flame of oppression.

Stephan, her husband, came up from behind and took her hand. ‘Come inside,’ said he. ‘There is nothing left for us to see.’

‘We don’t have long,’ said Elizabeth, ‘we should flee.’

‘As Count and Countess our honor and duty demands that we stay. Let us go. The servants have prepared a midday meal.’

Elizabeth looked out at the lonely oak that stood a distance into the meadow. It was under that tree that her husband had made love to her for the first time, such a gentle and sweet love. Since that day she had a remarkable fondness for that oak. There was a soldier sitting under it now, back against the bark and no doubt wounded. She would never look upon that oak the same way again. No longer an object of romance and passion, the tree was tainted as was the rest of the countryside.

Feeling her husband’s touch on her hand, Elizabeth turned from the battlements and escaped with him inside. The table had been set in the dining hall. Servants surrounded the table with somber faces, the men in black coats, the women in simple black dresses with white aprons. Stephan sat at the head of the table and Elizabeth sat at the other end. The servants served cheese and wine for lunch.

‘It isn’t as bad as it all seems,’ said Stephan. ‘Reinforcements are coming. I heard so from the General himself. The shipping port at the base of the cliff is of major importance to the nation. The only access to that port is via the lift here in the castle. We will not fall. reinforcements are coming. We will be saved, Elizabeth.’

Elizabeth offered her husband a feint smile, more of a ghost of one. ‘Of course, husband.’ She sipped her wine and ignored her cheese. She was not feeling hungry at the moment. ‘As you say, reinforcements are coming.’

‘You look beautiful today.’

‘Thank you.’

Unsure of what else could be said, Stephan began nibbling his cheese and ignored his wine. He didn’t feel like drinking at all. ‘After this silly war is done with, we should have a ball or masquerade,’ he suggested. ‘A celebration of a return to normalcy.’

‘That is a grand idea,’ lied Elizabeth. ‘I would very much like to laugh and dance again.’

‘Yes. These past few months have been rather dark, haven’t they?’

‘Yes. They have.’

‘I think I’ll hire musicians from Lepant,’ said Stephan. ‘The finest musicians always came from that old city.’

‘Lepant has fallen, husband.’

Stephan’s face turned ashen. ‘Once the tide of war turns in our country’s favor,’ said he, ‘I’m certain it will be quickly taken back and restored.’

Elizabeth could have sworn that the cannon fire was getting closer. Her attention shifted to the tall arched windows that looked out to the southern meadow. Heart racing, she listened carefully. She was sure of it, the cannons had gotten closer. She looked back at her husband who resembled something of a scared boy in his manner and face. ‘Of course,’ said Elizabeth in the most reassuring tone she could manage. ‘It will be restored by next spring. I’m sure of it.’

Her husband smiled and said, ‘we’ll hire a full galley of costumers. No expense spared. Would you prefer or a ball or masquerade?’

‘A masquerade I would think.’

‘Yes. That sounds wonderful. Music and laughter.’

‘Music and laughter,’ repeated Elizabeth in what was barely a whisper. She sipped her wine. The sound of the cannons were closer yet, near her beloved meadow. Hope had vanished in her, but she smiled bravely and acted unconcerned for her husband’s well being. Stephan was a sensitive man. A poet and lover and fair ruler of the lesser classes. He did not have the stern temperament for war, or its ill effects on body and soul. Her husband, while forty, was still a gentle child at heart, scarcely capable of violence or cruelty. There was a bravery in that, thought Elizabeth. A quality that she admired greatly in him.

~ o ~

The cannons did not cease, they thundered well into the night. It was almost impossible to hear the pounding on the door. Covering herself in a blanket, Elizabeth rushed out of her bed chamber and down the stairs to the foyer. Her husband was already there, lantern in hand, to answer the door. He opened it and a soldier in a yellow coat came tumbling in. Stephan quickly closed the door behind the young man, who gasped for breath while falling to the floor.

‘Dear Lord,’ cursed Stephan as he knelt by the soldier. ‘What is it, man?’

The soldier sat up and spoke, ‘the General is dead. The captains have deserted us, running towards the woods to the east. We have no command.’

‘But the reinforcements,’ argued Stephan.

‘Ambushed and decimated,’ said the soldier. ‘Sir, you need to take command presently. If you do not, then the field and castle will be lost.’

‘Lost?’ Stephan’s face went pale. His eyes darted around the floor nervously. ‘No,’ he whispered, ‘such a thing is impossible.’

‘Unless a proper strategy is put into place,’ continued the solider, ‘we will be massacred. The meadow will be littered with the corpses of yellow coats.’

‘How can I do such a thing?’ asked Stephan. He looked up at Elizabeth. ‘I can’t.’

‘There is a way,’ explained the soldier. ‘But I am only a private and they will not listen to me. They will listen to the Count of the castle however. Please. We only have moments. You need to take command immediately.’

Stephan shook his head and stumbled to his feet. ‘No,’ he repeated. ‘I can’t. I simply can’t.’

The soldier’s face turned grim. ‘Then we are lost,’ he sighed. ‘We’ll fight to the last man defending the castle. You can be sure of that. However, the enemy will be at the door by dawn.’

Reverted back to the manner of a frightened child, Elizabeth’s husband sat on a chair and mumbled to himself. Elizabeth stood and watched him fall apart before her eyes. Stephan could not take command of an army any more than she could. They were both too gentle for it. There was only one thing to do in her mind. She looked down at the soldier and said, ‘surrender.’

‘No!’ her husband shouted, leaping out of his chair. ‘We will disgrace ourselves doing such a thing. We can line the battlements with muskets. Set the meadow on fire. Reinforcements will come!’

‘The cannons will rip through our walls like paper,’ argued Elizabeth. ‘And set the meadow on fire? Are you mad? With what? How much gunpowder do you think they could possibly have left?’

‘We’ll flee,’ said Stephan in a most desperate voice.

‘What of your honor as a noble gentleman?’ asked Elizabeth. ‘Those men will be slaughtered in the night.’

‘Let them,’ whined Stephan. ‘That is what they are for, Elizabeth. That is their place and duty in the world. Let them die to the last man so that our dignity might be saved.’

‘You should flee,’ said the soldier to Elizabeth. ‘Both of you. We’ll hold them off long enough for you to make way west, to Koldon. Your husband is right, gentle lady. It is our duty as soldiers to die for our betters

‘It is your duty to do as commanded,’ said Elizabeth. ‘I, Countess of this castle, command you and your fellow soldiers to surrender and save your lives. Do you understand?’

Stephan remained silent, paralyzed by the cold hand of dread. Elizabeth remained calm and resolute in her convictions. She glanced at her husband, who once under her green eyes quickly shrank back to his chair like a scolded kitten. The soldier stood, tears in his eyes and nodded. ‘Very well,’ said the soldier. ‘If that is your command.’

‘It is,’ said Elizabeth.

The soldier left the castle, despondent and saying no more. Elizabeth went to her husband, knelt before him and took his hand into her own. ‘Whatever happens,’ said she, ‘they cannot take away our gentle souls, nor our loyalty to our country. Loyal servants to the rightful crown we will remain. We will surrender the castle. The royal army will regroup at Koldon and come back with the greatest fighting force the world has ever seen. We will be saved, Stephan. Just as you said this afternoon.’

Stephan began to weep.

‘No, my husband. You cannot do that,’ said Elizabeth. ‘You must show strength and resolution. You must show spirit. You are a man, not a child.’

‘You have doomed us,’ he accused her.

‘I have saved the lives of many good men,’ said Elizabeth with patience. ‘We’ll endure the cruelty of our enemies for a little while, just until the royal army returns to liberate us.’

‘Your cowardice wounds me,’ her husband said. He darted from the chair and rushed up the stairs. Elizabeth watched and said nothing. After he was gone, she spent a long time on the floor, tears flowing down her cheeks. Frightened beyond thought, all she could do was wait for the cruel masters of Tyran to come through her castle door.

~ o ~

Some time ago, Elizabeth had met Stephan for the first time. He was a poet of minor note but a gentle soul of promise. Elizabeth had seen that in him and cultivated him into the husband that she had always desired. She was twenty then and thirty now. Red hair cascaded down, brightened more by her fair complexion. She had a regal face, large eyes and pronounced cheeks that were the marks of royal blood. Ample breasts and a plump ass gave her a curvaceous figure that often complemented the dresses that she wore. Tonight she wore the gold one. She felt the need to look regal for when the brutes came smashing through the castle door.

She heard them at the walls. Her face was a mask of stern resolution. She left her bedchamber and stood at the bottom of the foyer stairs and waited. Stephan cowered at the top of the stairs. The doors opened and the black coats of Tyran entered with their muskets and swords. Elizabeth’s heart felt as though it was about to burst through her heaving chest. She could scarcely breathe. The sight of the brutish enemy in her castle made her want to drop to the floor and weep, but she refused to do that. She remained stern and upright.

The captain of the black coats entered, an older man of about fifty with short, dark gray hair. ‘Where is the count of this castle?’ he asked. His voice was rough and menacing, unlike Stephan’s sweet and gentle voice.

Stephan descended the stairs slowly, looking like a whipped dog. His head hung low and his shoulders stooped. ‘I am,’ said he quietly. ‘I am Stephan.’ Tears were running down his face.

Amused, the captain looked at his men. ‘What a strange country,’ he said. ‘When they are conquered it’s the men who weep and wail. No wonder we had such an easy time burning through it.’

The black coat soldiers laughed.

Unable to control himself, Stephan dropped to his knees and wept. ‘Please,’ he begged. ‘We have given you the castle, please let us go. Let us escape this misery and shame. I beg of you.’

‘Pathetic,’ growled the captain. ‘This isn’t a man, this is a dog. Crawl on the floor and bark like a dog. Come on, entertain me.’

‘If I do, will you release us?’

‘Do it or I’ll beat you into the dirt,’ threatened the captain.

Like a true coward, Stephan quickly dropped to his hands and began to crawl about. He barked, kept his head down and barked again. The captain laughed as he watched. Try as she might, tears began to escape her eyes as she watched her husband reduced to groveling and barking. The captain walked over and circled her, his lecherous eyes molesting the curves of her body.

‘You must be his bitch then,’ said the captain. ‘Have you ever been fucked by a proper man?’

A shiver went down Elizabeth’s spine. ‘I am Elizabeth, Countess of the castle.’

‘Not anymore,’ said the captain. His rough hand wrapped itself around her neck. He pulled her close to him. She could feel the heat of his body and smell the stench of battle on him. ‘You’re my bitch now,’ he whispered into her ear.

Elizabeth was unable to explain it, but a surge of excitement came over her at his rough touch. Her words stumbled and she repeated, ‘I am Elizabeth…Countess of the castle.’

The captain stood in front of her, his rough hands grabbed the front of her gold dress and ripped it open. Her big breasts came spilling out. Reflexively, she shrank back and tried to cover them. The captains hands grabbed her arms and yanked them down to her sides. One of his soldiers came up behind her, seized her arms and held them behind her back. She suddenly felt hot and anxious as the captain groped her chest while his men watched, licking their lips like hungry wolves. She moaned a little at the rough touch.

Stephan cried out, ‘stop!’

One of the soldiers hit him the butt of a musket, putting her husband back on the floor when he tried to get up. They grabbed him and held him on his knees. ‘Want us to take him away, Captain Rowan?’ one asked.

‘No,’ replied Captain Rowan, ‘let him watch how much his wife will love Tyran cock.’

‘No!’ cried out Stephan again, weeping pathetically.

A soldier took a small, round table by a chair and dragged it over to the center of the foyer. Elizabeth was taken and bent over it. They no longer had to hold her down. She submitted to their viscous will and waited for her conqueror to fuck her. The rest of her gold dress was ripped from her trembling body. No longer trembling in fear, but in wanton anticipation. Never in her life had she felt anything like this, she was intoxicated by the humiliation that she felt. When Rowan slapped her plump ass, her pussy dripped. The fact that her husband was watching in shame only caused her detestable passions to grow even more wild.

Elizabeth cried out as Rowan stuck his cock into her. Her eyes went wide and her mouth gaped. The desecration of her sacred femininity made her shudder with base pleasure. Her knuckles went white as she gripped the table. It was so big, so powerful. ‘Ow!’ she cried as it pushed its way in. ‘By God! It’s so big!’

The soldiers laughed. Some of them stroking themselves as they watched their captain fuck the regal Countess like a filthy slut. ‘How do you like having a real man inside you, bitch?’

Slammed by Rowan’s big cock, Elizabeth could barely function in any meaningful way. She moaned and wailed in feverish ecstasy. Her tight pussy was drilled. Rowan fucked her hard and deep, slapping her plump ass at his whim. ‘Oh God!’ she moaned out, shuddering with pleasure. ‘Stephan! He’s so much bigger than you!’

Elizabeth didn’t know why she was screaming those awful things, she only knew that it made the pounding of her tight pussy all the more satisfying. When she said those things, she was fucked harder and faster. Elizabeth wanted to be pounded, groped and taken. She was being fucked mad and the redheaded slut loved it. Captain Rowan was right, Elizabeth loved it. She convulsed and cried out as her first orgasm hit her.

Rowan kept pounding at her tight pussy. His rough hand grabbed her red hair and yanked it back. Elizabeth felt herself cum again suddenly. Stephan watched as his
beloved wife was fucked mad by the black coat captain. Her face twisted itself into some sort grin, a degenerate smile that he had never seen on her before. She moaned and howled like some wild animal.

Being fucked hard felt so good, Elizabeth found herself praying that it would never stop. She wanted to be fucked all night and long into the day. The sweet, gentle lovemaking of her husband was a memory that was rapidly vanishing in her shrinking mind. Elizabeth had made Stephan her husband, but Rowan had made her his bitch. Her pussy belonged to the black coat captain now. That was all she was to the cruel master, and found herself desiring to be nothing else but.

She cried out, ‘Stephan! Forgive me! I love it, dear husband! I love his big cock! I’m his bitch now, Stephan!’

Elizabeth felt his his rough hand grab the back of her neck in an iron grip. She heard his cruel laugh at her confession. How quickly she had degenerated into a raving whore. The sound of her husband weeping sweetened it. When she looked over her shoulder and saw his face, she felt herself cum a third time. Rowan’s hand shoved her her head down. Staring at the floor, she felt every pound, every slam of his powerful cock. She felt him cum insider her, filling her with his dreaded seed. It was over. Rowan left her on the table fucked and sore. Elizabeth dared not move.

‘Alright,’ said Rowan as he backed away. ‘Have at it, men.’

Elizabeth was taken from the table to the floor and laid on her back with her legs spread. They crowded around her, grabbing at her big breasts and pulling at her hair. She was dazed, barely aware of what was going on around her. The first soldier stuck his cock into her. The feeling of it brought her back to life. Elizabeth arched her back and moaned into the soldier. She remembered wanting to be fucked all night and long into the day and it looked as though she was about to get her wish.

She looked over at her husband who sat on the floor unrestrained, completely broken. He just whimpered and whined while the black coats each took a turn fucking his wife. They came on her stomach. They came on her breasts. They came on her face. She watched her husband the entire time, moaning under each of them. Giving them her body willingly. The more they fucked her, the more she liked it. The pain was sweet to her as nothing had ever been before. The humiliation of both her and her husband was a constant source of want. The more he suffered, the more she came.

When dawn broke and the soldiers had finished, Elizabeth laid on the floor well fucked and covered in Tyran cum. She was dizzy and barely conscious. The soldiers all retreated to sleep, the captain was no where to be found and she was left in the foyer with her whimpering husband. Her own thoughts and mind slowly returned to her. No longer under the spell of a savage lust, Elizabeth thought of the yellow coats she had commanded to surrender. Elizabeth and her husband had endured much that night, but their lives were worth it. Endure and wait is what she had to do. Wait for the tides of war to turn and for herself and her husband to restored from this nightmare. A small piece of her wanted nothing of that sort, but she locked that away inside her. The worse had happened, now it was time to do what she could for the country she was still loyal to.

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The forest was silent except for the faint sounds the car's engine made as it cooled off. One of Gardhe's lesser moons crept hesitantly from behind ragged clouds, throwing the looping, furry branches of nearby trees into sharp relief against the sky. They could feel faint glows of energy from a few tiny minds in the woods nearby, coming from birds that slept high in the branches of the trees. No larger animals were anywhere around. And nowhere, strain as they might, could they find the...

2 years ago
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Vedanti8217s lust

It was one summer in the early eighties, while my parents were away for the week, that I found myself, alone with my older sister. For me, the days before that week, were busy with college, work and the few activities I was involved in. I was a bit awkward back in those days, and not dating much. My only sexual encounters seemed to be with my right hand while looking a pictures of pretty women. In other words, I had had very little experience in sex. That was changed by none other then my...

2 years ago
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black alley revised new

We had always had a trusting relationship until one very drunken and sorry night when we went to a club. Donna was never one to shake that booty, but after downing a few mixed drinks I convinced her to get out there with me and dance... she is so sexy!! She loves to wear mini skirts and on this night she had a white one on with a thong that made me and others drool. I noticed that Donna was particularly horny as she dirty danced with me and grabbed at my crotch from time to time. I in turn...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Silvia Dellai Cute Czech Saleswoman Silvia Dellai Closes the Deal on Two BBCs

Travelling saleswoman Silvia Dellai is making a house call on brawny black stud Yves Morgan to try to interest him in her latest skin creams. But as she rubs the cream on his broad, hairy chest, her sales pitch is the furthest thing from her mind! Before long she decides to try out rubbing some of the lotion on Yves’ monstrous dong, the white cream shining on his black blood sausage. But once she’s done rubbing him down, she decides to take the whole thing right down her throat! Now...

2 years ago
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Unforgettable Trip To Hills

Hi all, I am Kavita (name changed) living in Chandigarh the city beautiful I am unmarried and 29 years old, a little about me….. I am 5′ 4″ in height and wheatish in colour, I wear a 34 B bra and have firm boobs with dark brown small nipples, I have been in a relation but still a virgin till the day of the story. I work at a private office as branch coordinator, I have had lots oral with my boss(Vikas 45) but never let him cross the line. Friends its my first here and a true one so I hope you...

4 years ago
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Brash the Dragon and the Schrodinger SnareChapter 3

“Wait,” Cindi said, her hands holding up in an unconscious emulation of the guy from the alien channel talking about aliens. Like, you know, the image used on all those memes that came right after first contact where they replaced ‘aliens’ with ‘dragons.’ “Why the heck aren’t we going to his parents?” She thrust her finger at me, which made me wave at her excitedly. “That is a good question,” Princess Kira said, looking at me. “Oh! They’re busy,” I said, nodding sagely. “Mom and Dad are in...

1 year ago
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Working With Walker Pt 7 Finale

Once we were all in Tyler's room, Mike asked, "So what else can we do?" I get on the bed and sit up on my knees. I grab my half-hard dick and present it to Mike. "How about you start with this?" He needed no more prompting. He jumped on the bed enthusiastically on all fours, grabbed my cock, and shoved it in his mouth. He didn't have the technique down just yet, but it still felt really good. If he doesn't end up regretting tonight, I imagine he will have plenty more practice to get...

3 years ago
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Indian Sex Stories Reader Ki Chudai

Hi indian sex stories dot net doston , mai ravi thanks friends aplogon ko meri story achi lagi thi ye story 4 weeks pehle ki hai koi girl west bengal se contact krna chahti hai to mail kr sakti hai pr.Or apko story kesi lagi zarur bataega. Ab mai sidha story par ata hon ye story shuru huwi 2 moth pehle jb maine iss prmeri pehli story post ki boht se logon ka msg aya usme ek rani(name changed) ka bhi mail tha maine mail ka rply diya ahista ahista baten shuru huwi phir usne mujhe fb pr add kiya...

3 years ago
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First Impressions

The ad seemed simple enough. “Help wanted. Full-time work in a professional atmosphere. Duties include but are not limited to…” All that corporate jazz. I wasn’t in love with the work-life, but my mom sure wanted me out of the house and working again, so I wore my best suit ready and made an appointment.I wasn’t really thrilled with the suit. I was more of a dress girl myself, but hey, ‘dress for the job you want.’ And I wanted the job. Living rent-free with my mom sounded great in theory, but...

Office Sex
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Repaying a Debt to Goddess Danielle

I had been acquainted with Danielle through an ex girlfriend of mine for 3 years, but we were never close friends, but kept in touch and occasionally got together when she visited Los Angeles. She is extremely wealthy after inheriting over a billion dollars of family assets. Danielle is 31, dark haired and very curvy with beautiful facial features, a stunning ass and large natural breasts. Danielle is also a lesbian with multiple lovers whom she flies down to visit her or employs on her...

3 years ago
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IBE The Days Of WanderingTulsa

I don’t know how long I cried. I blacked out to it. Blacking out doesn’t necessarily mean that you are out for the count as it were. Sometimes it just means that the events that took place while you were blacked out are gone from your memory. The memory of the one time Rachel and I actually had sex was one of the hardest I have. I mentioned earlier that having sex with Rachel was the most meaningful. It was. It was also stupid. It was meaningful because the main effect of drunkenness is to...

3 years ago
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My First Time 2

Hi all, in my last story you read how i needed 10,000 from Roshan…(if u have not read part 1, please read it for context. Roshan called me later…. Me : Hi Roshan Roshan: arre chamilya…maan gayee tu? Bol kab choosegi? Me: Roshan, I just need 10,000. can u meet and we can talk?? Rosha: don’t waste time chamiya…main lodi garden aa jaata hoon. Maine tujhe kaha tha ke advance interest main ek blow job in a public place. Aaj kal andhera jaldee ho jaata hai. 7 pm? Kab se wait kar rahaa hoon...

4 years ago
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You must be Gay with That Little Cock

Since I was 21 I have been frequenting many different Adult bookstores. I loved watching all sorts of kinky movies and jacking off. I have had numerous bi fantasies especially after seeing the bi and she-male movies but had yet to explore them. These were great places for me since I usually didn't have sex with too many women do to a size issue. I am 35 now and this one particular day I was in Montana on business and I happened to drive by an ABS. Later when I finished working I drove back to...

2 years ago
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New Ski Bunny Part 4

New Ski Bunny Part 4 by Nikki H Kim and I are really thrilled to receive so many emails of encouragement about our life story. Please don't stop sending them and we promise to try and reply personally to some of your messages this time. The more we get, the more we will tell ! The next part of our story will be about our escapades in Germany and maybe even France if we have time, but only of course if you all want to hear about them! Love and Hugs to you all and we hope you...

4 years ago
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wet mom

My mom had me was just 18, at least that's what she told me. Actually I knew that 18 was when she got pregnant with me but hadn't ever married the guy. He was only a year older than she was. She must have really loved him because she wouldn't go out with any guys. She did have a girl friend as I was growing up and sometimes she would sleep over with my mom when I was younger. My mom never admitted to being bi but a couple of times I came home from school earlier than expected and caught them...

2 years ago
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After the Energists Mikes and Tempes NIS WeekChapter 7 Astronomy Domine

NIS Day 3 – Halloween Mid-Morning - Medway High School 10:58am, Wednesday, October, 31, 1979 “NO! STOP!“ Lynette shouted. Lynette’s amazingly forceful command did something I never thought possible. Her words created an Energists’ time stop bubble around her, me and Sammy in the hallway before our fourth period math class. A minute-and-a-half earlier, two twelfth grade stoner guys, Tony Griffin and Dale Housner had stopped Tempe about fifteen feet from Mr. Quigley’s math classroom. They...

3 years ago
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Karachi K Karke Ki Kahan Us Ki Zubani 8211 Part II

Hi friends kese he ap sub aur kia horaha he dosto mera name kashan he age 24 aur pak khi karehne wala ho me iss ka daily parhne wala ho lekin ajj pehli bar apna expereince aploago se shar kar raha ho dosto koi ghalti nazar ae meri writing me to nazar amdaz kardena aur karachi me koi larki ya aunty mujhe se online sex karna chahe ya live sex karna chahe to mujhe mail kare pleas meri id he Mujhe intazar rahe ga kahani ki taraf ate he 1 weekend me 2baje rat apne ghar ko lot raha tha to 1 bus stop...

4 years ago
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The Seduction of a slut

Portia Stewart closed her lace parasol with a snap and turned to watch the throng of people shove their way into the shade of The Egyptian Theater building. Perspiration pooled at the base of her back, soaking into her chemise as she waited for her husband, Gabriel, to return with the tickets. People shouted, pushing their way in. What they were clamoring about? It would be hotter in the building than in the ninety-degree sun. Despite the heat, the crowd was enticing. It was gathered for a...

3 years ago
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Motherin law Motel 1st full encounter

The mother-in-law and I had our first kiss, an intense make out session but that was as far as we had gotten due to, not being able to be alone. We had text one another, emailed and shared several phone calls but other than sneaking an occasional kiss, that was as far as we could go but then, I received a text early one morning at work.. " are you free early Saturday morning ?". She text me.... "I can be" I replied back. "Clear your schedule from 8am Saturday morning till 5pm that night, I'll...

2 years ago
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Prison Without End

Prison Without End Nothing is more memorable or potentially arousing than a smell. One scent can be unexpected, momentary and fleeting, yet conjure up a face from the past. Or a foot. Or a cock. In my case, I am ashamed to say, all three. I caught it in a crowded elevator, on the way up to my office. His smell detonated softly in my memory like a velvet land mine. In moments, my soft prick grew hard. I turned my head, discretely, to catch sight of him; he of the three years that I...

4 years ago
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Loris and MorgChapter 6 Windshift Magic Remember

'Yes, we're going with you.' "Why? I've been hunting you for 6 moons." 'Yes. But you don't want to eat us, you want us to help you.' "This is true. You're more valuable than the prairie grazers." 'The prairie grazers have their own place in the circle, you honor them when you take a life, and you waste nothing.' "To do so would be to curse the maker." 'Long ago, before there were mountains, we were friends of tall walkers. We helped them hunt and move their...

3 years ago
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AC Installation That Didn8217t Happen 8211 Part 3

Urvashi slowly walked towards her apartment. The 3 pair of eyes never left her body. She was cursing herself under the breath and was thinking about going back to her car when one of the 40 years old spoke. “Good Evening, madam. Myself Subbarao. This is my colleague Gajendra and our helper Bunty. Thank you for trusting and allowing us to complete the job today itself”. Subbarao had a poker face. His professional smile never left the face and he was directly looking in to Urvashi’s eyes....

3 years ago
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Lonely Vacation

Lonely VacationComing up from the pool you slip out of your bikini, admire your smooth hard body in the mirror before stepping into the shower......Feeling the force of the water against your body you are about to start washing when the door opens.......She presses her body against you and you feel her nipples harden.....her freshly shaven lips press against the taught skin of your perfect butt..... Her hands move smoothly, cleaning every part of your incredible body..... Sliding her hands...

1 year ago
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Busted Axle RoadChapter 76

It was really too cool for swimming on this, the last Saturday of August, but going to the Spearfish Lake city beach seemed like the thing to do. Josh and Amy and Danny and Marsha had spend a lot of time at the beach over the course of the summer, and it seemed like the logical way to end it. The water was cold, and they didn't stay in long. After they got out of the water, the girls curled up in towels while sitting on the sand, with Josh and Danny on either side, mostly looking across the...

4 years ago
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Incest Games Chapter 14

Travis swallowed some whiskey and fought down a cough. The stuff burned and tasted crappy, but he figured he needed it, or something to jack up his nerve. No matter what his sister said, he was still kind of edgy about his dad. But more than anything else, he wanted to be part of the up coming action. He and his old man, fucking mom and Jenny; Father and son, fucking mother and daughter, it was so awesome that Travis's mouth went dry and ...

2 years ago
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Lonely Housewife

She needed to have her senses challenged, to feel nature close to her, she didn’t want to hug-a-tree, she wanted the trees to hug her. Feeling more at home sitting on the wooden staircase than anywhere else, she observed the door that lead out into the front of the property. She stared, admiring the beauty of the oak grain, before raising her head to look up to the small window above the door frame. Before she arrived at her new home in a new state with her family, watching wispy clouds...

3 years ago
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Waiting at the BluebirdChapter 4

Roxie had to work the six-to-eleven shift the following morning. The breakfast trade was always the best for tips and Monday morning was the busiest weekday. Since her car was on the sick list, she found herself walking the two miles at five in the morning. The sun was just beginning to burnish the horizon. She took that on faith, since in the center of town there was no horizon. If she’d had her car it would have been a quick drive to make it to the diner just at the last minute. There’d be...

3 years ago
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My Mothers Visitors PART 4

She came down the stairs and passed him on the way to the kitchen. He looked over his shoulder and watched her hips sway from side to side as she walked. His whole body shivered. “Hey Alex your brother just called, he’s in town for the week.” Alex groaned. His older brother Greg had always tormented him. At home and at school he always talked down to him and teased him, but everyone laughed along because it was all just ‘sibling rivalry’. “He’ll be here by the time you get back from...

3 years ago
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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 237

The day after her tryst with Stevie in Stevie's expensive hotel room, Laura got a call at work from Rhonda's secretary, asking if she could meet briefly with Rhonda at eleven. "Of course," Laura said, in a clipped, brusque manner, actually terrified. How did she find out? she wondered. How could she have found out? Oh god. She hates me so much, this is all it will take for her to get me fired, the cunt. Nevertheless, she took several deep breaths and tried to be poised and confident,...

1 year ago
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Sensual Sex With Neighbor In Chennai

Hello, all, I am going to be narrating my recent extramarital ongoing affair with my neighbor. Your comments about my sex story are most welcome to my inbox – I am Vimal, 32 years from Chennai Velachery, married and have a kid. Our marriage life was fulfilled and never thought of any extramarital affairs until I saw a new neighbor adjacent to my house. I was lucky enough to talk to her the day her family occupied their house. In the evening, she rang our doorbell instead of switching on the...

2 years ago
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Unexpected bang at NYE party

This happened on the new year eve just past, I spent the new year eve with my girlfriend and her high school friends at one of the girl house. there were three couples plus two single girls at this party. Now let me tell you about the girl I had fun with that night, she is one of my girlfriend good friend from high school and she always has been the wild one (from the stories i have had heard). Well she is Cambodian and her name is Zoe, she is about 155cm and a very tone body. I had always...

1 year ago
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Should a vampire be trusted for your first time

*** This is work of erotic fiction! He could feel her heart beat faster when she saw him across the room. They had known each other as friends for a while, but now Andy was ready to take their relationship further. He wanted her, and he knew that she wanted him. She was alone in the room, playing her guitar softly. She looked up at him as he approached and smiled warmly. As always he was aware of her passion for him, although neither of them had ever taken things to more than friendship. But he...

Erotic Fiction
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first meeting2

Judy Tsang was in no doubt that she was taking chances by not telling anyone about where she was going. Over the previous two months she had built up a friendship over the internet with a supposedly nice guy. She had felt at ease with John Thompson right from the very start. Even so all trust was just on his word. At the very start it had been an innocent chat as she already had a boyfriend and John knew this. He had in no way tried to undermine her relationship. The fact that the...

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