ConflictedChapter 8 free porn video

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I was having a wonderful dream involving Kelsey and Amanda sucking my cock when someone jumped right on top of me. I sat up with a startled snort, looking around in confusion while rapidly blinking my eyes to try to clear them.

"Wakey wakey!" Kelsey grinned, giving me a quick kiss. She was wearing a small pair of white, lacy panties and a deliciously skimpy, cut-off T-shirt that managed to cover her boobs and not very much else of her sexy body.

"Damn it, sis, you scared the crap out of me!" I said breathlessly, my heart pounding in my chest. "What time is it?"

"It's about 7:20," she said brightly.

"What?" I exclaimed, a bit puzzled. "Why didn't you wake me earlier, so we could fool around?" I felt a sharp sting of disappointment rush through me. I'd been really wanting a repeat performance with Kelsey, but we only had about fifteen minutes before we had to leave for school.

"Because," my sister said with a wicked little grin, "Amanda and I have something special in store for you tonight, so we need you to keep your energy up."

"Really? What?"

"I'm not gonna tell ya!" my sister said in a sing-song voice.

"Why not?" I complained.

"Because it's a surprise, and because I want you to be thinking about what we might do to you, so you'll be bursting at the seams with cum," she breathed hotly, licking her lips.

"I'm bursting at the seams right now!" I grumbled, pulling my blankets away and showing her my impressive looking bulge.

"Wow, you're hard as a rock," my sister whispered. She teasingly rubbed her hand over my shaft, cupping my balls. "Are your balls really full of cum?"

"Yes," I groaned.

"Do you want to empty them all over me? All over my face and my hot little body?"


"I loved it when you came on my face, Damon. It was so hot to have your cum just splattering against my lips and over my tongue!" Kelsey moaned, her tight body squirming as her hand stroked my cock.

"I want to do that again, Kel. I want to cum on your face!"

"Mmmm, yes. I can't wait to feel that hot, sticky load splatter all over me! And I want your whole load this time, not just part of it. I also want you to fuck me. I want to feel that big, hard cock plow into my little cunt until I squeal!" she hissed.

I shuddered with lust and reached out for her, grabbing her arms and pulling her against me. Our mouths met in a hungry kiss, our tongues flashing before our lips were even touching. I moaned into her mouth as I felt her tongue slide along my teeth, wrestling with mine for space. Her hand was excitedly jacking on my shaft, and I was overwhelmed by my desire to fuck her, to nail her until she couldn't cum anymore.

"I want you!" I growled.

"I want you too," Kelsey moaned softly. She slowly lay down on my bed, stretching her gorgeous body for my benefit while her cum-begging eyes stared holes into me.

I leaned over on top of her, and my hand was reaching for her sexy panties when she suddenly slapped it away. "What are you doing?" she asked, trying hard not to grin.

"What? You just said you wanted me?" I stammered, totally confused.

"I do want you! Tonight!"

Before I could say anything, she rolled to her right, falling off my bed. She nimbly rolled over her shoulder across the floor, then scampered away like the little imp she was, her laughter trailing behind her as she flitted out of my bedroom door. I'd been had!

"I'm gonna get you for this, brat!" I yelled as I scrambled off my bed and gave chase. Her giggles preceded me as we both stormed down the stairs.

I was unable to catch up with the nimble little minx before she found safety in the kitchen, hiding behind Mom.

"Will you two please hurry up and get ready?" Mom said, sounding exasperated. "And for the love of God, Kelsey Alicia Richards, put some clothes on!"

I pointed my finger at my sister menacingly, giving her a fearsome scowl, then I slowly turned away and went back upstairs. I heard a little giggle behind me and looked over my shoulder, seeing Kelsey standing at the bottom of the stairs, ready to flee at the slightest hint of danger.

"I am so getting you back for this," I whispered intently as I reached the top of the stairs.

"Mmmm, yummy!" she giggled. "I can't wait."

Finally my charade broke, and I burst into laughter, motioning for her to come upstairs. She quickly ran up the steps and jumped into my arms, squealing happily as I hugged her.

"It's not nice to do that to your poor brother, you little tease," I berated her even as she locked her legs around my hips and her arms around my neck.

"Even if I make my brother cum so hard tonight he's going to pass out?" she whispered, a wicked grin on her beautiful face.

"What are you planning?" I asked, both exasperated and curious as hell at the same time.

"You'll find out. But trust me, you'll love it!" Kelsey said, winking at me before leaning in for another kiss. I sighed softly as I felt her lips melt against mine. Her body felt amazingly warm against me, and I stumbled until my back hit the wall. If it wasn't for the fact that Mom was waiting for us, I'd have taken Kelsey to my bed and fucked her right there and then, and to hell with everything else in the world.

Kelsey fervently kissed me, sucking each of my lips between hers in turn and gently biting on them. I had my hands under her ass to hold her up, and I squeezed her marvelous bubble butt, causing her to groan.

"Are you two ready yet?" Mom yelled from downstairs, and I quickly lowered Kelsey back to the floor. I nervously peeked over the railing of the stairway, but I fortunately didn't see Mom anywhere; the last thing Kelsey and I needed was for her to catch us making out.

I ran back into my bedroom and quickly got dressed, grabbing whatever was on top of the pile again, which amounted to the same pair of jeans—since I'd just thrown it on top before I went to bed—and a thin, black sweater. Being marginally presentable I went downstairs and smiled at Mom, who returned my smile with one of her own. Her eyes were constantly moving back to the staircase to see if Kel had come down yet. "You look nice, Damon," she said.

"Thanks Mom," I said appreciatively.

"Why were the two of you running around almost naked?" she asked, her face carefully kept neutral.

"Eh, she threw a wet towel on me to wake me up," I lied. "I wanted to get back at the little brat for that."

"That girl..." Mom sighed, shaking her head.

If you only knew, Mom, I thought to myself quite happily. If you only knew.

"Mommy?" Kelsey asked sweetly from the back of the car, while Mom was hurriedly driving us to school. My sister had taken her sweet time making it downstairs, to my mom's aggravation, but I had to admit that her outfit looked awesome.

She'd chosen a blue and black turtleneck sweater which was distractingly tight against her wonderful breasts, making them stand out enticingly. To go along with it, she was wearing a black, flippy skirt that came to within a few inches of her knees, matched with an expensive looking pair of black shoes. She'd done up her hair in an elaborate ponytail which playfully fell down to her shoulders. All in all she just looked plain fabulous, and her smile of appreciation when I'd told her so had tied my stomach in knots.

"Yes honey?" Mom asked, gazing at her daughter in the rear-view mirror.

"Can Damon come to watch me cheer tonight?"

"You know he's grounded, sweetie," Mom said, shaking her head.

I threw Kelsey a confused glance over my shoulder. She shook her head at me, holding her finger in front of her lips. "I know, but I really want him to be there! Please?" she pleaded in her perfect little-girl voice. She had used that voice to get what she wanted hundreds of times over the previous eight years or so.

"Being grounded means you can't go out and do anything fun, honey, you know that."

"Awww Mommy! How much fun is he really going to have watching us airheads prance around?" Kelsey giggled.

I threw Mom an annoyed glance, and she blushed a little. "You actually went ahead and told her I said that?" I asked incredulously.

Mom nodded, the corner of her lip upturned in a small grin.

"Thanks!" I grumbled.

"Please Mommy?" Kelsey asked again, her voice catching a little as if she was on the verge of tears. "You're not going to be able to make it, and I really like it when someone is there to encourage me. Please?"

I shook my head slightly; it always amazed me just how well my sister could act. I had no doubt whatsoever that this entire show of hers was just that: an act. I also already knew how it was going to end.

Mom was quiet for a few moments, then she looked at me. "Do you want to go?"

I shrugged a little, pretending not to care completely for her benefit. "It beats sitting at home, I guess."

"Well, you sure sound terribly excited. Okay, honey, your brother can go tonight."

"Yay! Thank you so much, Mommy! I love you!" Kelsey cheered, leaning forward and hugging Mom from behind the seat.

"I do need to drive, dear," Mom said primly, fending off her daughter's hands while trying to keep us on the road.

"Sorry!" Kelsey giggled. I threw her another glance, and she flashed me a very satisfied smile. That sweet little-girl act of hers still worked like a charm. As it always had.

"Stacey is driving you girls tonight, right?" Mom asked.

Kelsey nodded. "Yes, she is. She'll take us home too."

"Can she give your brother a ride too?"

"Of course, she won't mind. She likes Damon anyways," my sister grinned.

Mom threw me a curious look, which I studiously ignored while trying to keep from blushing.

"Okay sweetie. Good luck tonight," Mom said finally as she turned her attention back to the road, pulling into the school parking lot.

"Thank you, Mommy!"

Mom just nodded as she pulled up to the sidewalk, where we got out. She waved a quick goodbye, then drove off, leaving my sister and I standing in front of the school.

"So what was with all the 'Mommy this, Mommy that' stuff?" I asked my sister as we both started walking towards the main building amidst the hundreds of other high school kids.

Kelsey shrugged, her attention focused on her cellphone as she texted someone. "She really likes it when I call her Mommy, rather than Mom. I guess it doesn't make me seem so grown up in her mind or something. I always call her Mommy when I want something from her."

"Huh ... maybe I should try that sometime."

"Don't you dare!" Kelsey said, looking up with a wide grin. "You'll just ruin it for me. It's my shtick, get your own!" Her phone bleeped, and she quickly read the new message.

"Who are you texting?"

"None of your business."

"Is it a new boyfriend?"

She rolled her eyes in that maddeningly perfect way of hers. "If you must know, I'm asking Stacey if you can catch a ride with her later."

Before I could answer, a small shape came flying at me out of nowhere, and I yelped in surprise as I suddenly found myself with two arms full of stunningly beautiful blonde. I let out a small whuff of surprise, then Amanda's mouth firmly locked itself against mine, her kiss setting fire to my soul.

I groaned as I looked at her while I had her in my arms. She was dressed a little more demurely than Kelsey, having chosen a pair of khaki capris that hugged her hips tightly, along with a navy sweater that left just a hint of her wonderful tummy bare, and a pair of white sneakers. She'd let her golden blonde hair fan down loosely across her back, and it almost glittered in the bright sunlight.

"Hey handsome," she said with a big smile when we finally broke our kiss.

"Hey gorgeous," I replied happily as I gently let her down. "I missed you."

"Awww, I missed you too. I'm so happy to see you again!"

"Hey!" Kelsey squeaked indignantly, planting her fists on her hips. "What am I, just part of the scenery?"

"Sorry baby," Amanda said quickly, leaning over and giving Kelsey a big hug and—when no one near us was watching—a quick, firm kiss. "I missed you too."

"Good," my sister said happily.

"Did you jump him this morning?" Amanda asked slyly.

"Sort of," Kelsey giggled.

Amanda raised her eyebrows at me, apparently not comprehending.

"She woke me up and got me hard, then she ran away just as things were about to get interesting, saying I had to wait until tonight. The little teasing brat!" I said wryly.

"That's not very nice, Kelsey," Amanda grinned.

"No, but imagine how hard he'll punish me for it later!" Kelsey said excitedly.

Amanda burst into laughter, giving her lover another hug.

"So what is this thing you've got planned for tonight?" I asked Amanda.

"You'll see," she said with a mysterious grin.

"Will I like it?"

"Oh yes," she said, nodding fervently. "You're going to love it."

"Is that why I have to go to your cheerleading contest?"

"Well, sort of, yeah," Kelsey said. "Our plan isn't going to work if you're grounded and sitting at home."

"Plus it has to do with our cheerleading too," Amanda chimed in.

"Yes, it does." Kelsey nodded. "Besides, you love watching us in our tight uniforms with those short skirts, admit it!"

"You're right, I do like that," I grinned. "Though I also really like what you're both wearing now."

Both girls gave me beautiful smiles as they modeled their outfits for me, turning this way and that for my benefit. I groaned as I realized that they had dressed just sexy enough to drive me to distraction all day. Then again, it wouldn't surprise me to discover that that had been their plan all along.

Amanda gave Kelsey a peck on the cheek. "I love your outfit, baby. It's so stylish, yet playful," she said, while her hand briefly roamed underneath Kelsey's flippy skirt.

Kelsey grinned, biting her lower lip. "Do you think it'll drive him crazy to think about me like this?" she asked, nodding in my direction while she also pushed her tits out a little more. I groaned as I watched her sweater curve marvelously.

Amanda gave me a wicked grin and nodded. "Oh yes. He'll definitely be thinking about you like this. Especially about how easy it would be for him to pull this skirt onto your hips and just take you from behind."

"Oh, come on!" I complained, loudly enough that several students in our immediate vicinity looked over to see what I was bleating about. "You're killing me! You want me to die out here?"

"No way," Amanda grinned. "We have plans for you tonight."

With that, both girls giggled and turned around, walking towards the main building. I shook my head and followed closely in their footsteps, my cock pushing painfully against my jeans.

The bell for first hour rang just as we walked inside. I waved at both of them as they vanished down a separate hallway. "You two behave yourselves now!" I shouted after them.

"Don't we always?" Kelsey yelled innocently, causing Amanda to giggle.

I shook my head as they disappeared from view, noticing in passing just how many guys were staring at them with a hungry look. Knowing the two of them, they'd probably first go find a bathroom to fuck each other in. The mere thought of that made my cock stagger even more, and I grit my teeth, snarling at it to stay down. It was going to be hard enough to get through the entire day, thinking about what those two delicious girls would do to me, without having a giant steel pipe in my pants.

The day proceeded slowly, just like every other school day, and I was barely able to keep my mind on my classes at all. I kept imagining what both girls would do to me later. I hoped it involved both of them, as well as lots and lots of fucking. My desire to actually fuck both of them was driving me completely nuts.

Coach Walters had apparently done a good job of scaring Jeff and his buddies into leaving me and my sister alone, because I barely caught a glimpse of them all day. The one time I did see him, he quickly turned around and walked into a bathroom.

Unfortunately I didn't catch many glimpses of the girls either, at least not until fourth hour when we were in Biology together. Throughout the class I couldn't keep my eyes from roaming over to Amanda and my sister, who were sitting next to each other. They were doing their best to tease me when I looked over at them, from sucking on pens and fingers to wetly licking their lips. One time Kelsey even grabbed Amanda's breasts and squeezed them through her sweater. My look of shock just made both of them giggle.

The teacher finally threatened to give me ASD if I didn't stop gawking around, and I reluctantly focused on the blackboard, though every single thing on it might as well have been written in Klingon for all I was able to follow it. My mind was utterly flooded with images of the two goddesses. Most of those images were of them gloriously naked.

When the hour finally ended, both girls gave me wicked grins as they filed out of the classroom, winking at me before merging with the great swarm of kids that traveled the hallways like locusts. I didn't see or hear from them again until I got a text from my sister just before sixth hour, telling me to meet her in the rear parking lot after school.

Once the final bell rang, I quickly hurried outside. I saw Stacey and Kelsey standing together in the bright sunshine, and as I walked over to them, Amanda quickly caught up to me.

"Hey!" she smiled widely, hugging me.

"Hey beautiful," I said happily, engulfing her slender frame in my arms.

"Are you excited for tonight?"

"Fuck yes!"

"Mmmm, good. I hope your balls are really full," she said sensually, reaching out with her hand and cupping them through my pants.

"Jesus, Amanda, we're in the middle of the parking lot!" I gasped. "People might see us!"

"So what? Let them watch, it'll just make them jealous," she grinned. "Do you know how many rumors are going around about us? We seem to be the hottest new couple!"

I sighed. "Great."

She gave me a sly smile. "You don't like it?"

"Do you?"

She shrugged. "It sure beats not being noticed at all. I kind of like being the center of attention."

"No, really?" I teased her.

"Hey now!" she complained, pursing her lips into a perfect pout that would have put Jessica Alba's to shame.

"How did us being together become such common news?" I asked.

"One of the girls from our squad has blabbed about it, I'm sure," Amanda said with a shrug as we came up to Kelsey and Stacey. "Hi guys," Amanda said brightly to her friends.

"Hey baby," Stacey said. "Ready for tonight?" She was wearing a burgundy dress that bordered on being too short to be allowed for even our school's fairly relaxed dress code. She looked fabulous.

"Oh yeah!" Amanda giggled, throwing a naughty glance my way.

"What the hell are you girls planning?" I asked in exasperation, as Amanda hugged my sister and gave her a quick kiss.

"You'll find out," Stacey said, winking at me.

I sighed and threw up my hands in surrender.

Mikaela and Carynne joined us after a few minutes. The girls talked for a short while, trying to come up with a plan. The competition didn't start until seven, leaving us with a few hours to kill. Mikaela and Amanda both said they were hungry, so Stacey suggested we go to a quiet grill just off the Interstate for some early dinner. The girls all readily agreed, and all six of us piled into Stacey's 4Runner.

"You know, with Damon coming along with us now, this is the first time I've felt that your car might actually be a bit small, Stacey," my sister remarked from the back seat.

I turned around to look at her, and I grinned at the four girls. Though they were slender and pretty small, they were still squeezed in fairly tightly. My mouth watered as an image of me sitting between the girls popped into my mind. I moaned inwardly as I imagined sliding my hands across those sexy legs, underneath Kelsey's skirt ... I felt myself begin to flush badly, and I turned back around with a shiver of repressed desire.

"If my car's too small, you should buy me a new one for my birthday," Stacey said with a little laugh, her eyes glancing briefly into the rear view mirror.

"It's not your birthday for another seven months!" Kelsey complained.

"Okay, then buy me one because I'm pretty, and you love me!"

"Will you give me money to buy you a new car?" my sister giggled.

"Sure baby. But for that big a gift, you've got to be a really naughty girl," Stacey purred.

All the girls in the back laughed loudly while I gave Stacey a curious look. I wondered what she'd meant by that.

We got a booth near the back of the restaurant, with Amanda, Kelsey and I sitting on one side while Carynne, Stacey and Mikaela got the other side. The waiter, some mouth-breather who was barely older than we were, had trouble keeping his eyes in their sockets when he saw five gorgeous girls sitting in his section. Both Carynne and Stacey flirted with him a little as they ordered their drinks; iced teas in their case while the other girls and I all ordered water. As he walked off, everyone started browsing the menu.

"I would have thought you girls wouldn't eat before a contest?" I asked curiously.

"Nothing heavy, usually just a salad or so," Amanda replied from my left. "In my case, if I don't eat anything at all I start feeling faint by the end of the routine."

The other girls nodded their agreement.

"Do you eat at all before you swim, Damon?" Carynne asked.

"Not right before, no," I said. "The last thing I want is something heavy in my stomach while I'm trying to swim fast. But I definitely load up the night before."

"When's your next meet again?" my sister asked from my right—I assumed more for her friends' benefit than because she didn't know.

"State semi-finals this Saturday, then State Championships next week. That's the big one. It'll decide who gets to go to Nationals."

"Cool! We should all go and cheer for you!" Amanda said enthusiastically, giving her friends an imploring look.

Stacey looked around with her eyebrows raised, seeing the other girls smile and nod. "Okay, that sounds like fun. We might be the first cheerleaders ever to cheer at a swim contest, so we should wear something hot. I definitely want to make an impression."

Kelsey smiled at her friend. "Do you have something in mind?"

"Uh-huh. Do you remember that little red and white outfit we saw at Stars?"

"The crop top and the micro?"

"Yeah. What do you think?"

Kelsey grinned and licked her lips. "I think if my brother sees us in that, he'll get so distracted he'll drown!"

"Tell me more about these outfits!" I breathed while Amanda giggled loudly. The other girls were all grinning at me.

"Well, it's an All-Star cheerleader uniform, so it's a little flashier and a little sexier than a normal one because there's no dress code involved," Kelsey explained.

I nodded and waited for her to continue.

"That one shows quite a lot of skin. The skirt is very short; it's almost like the one Amanda wore on Saturday."

I winked at Amanda, and she laughed prettily. "He really liked that skirt, so I know he'll love these ones too," she grinned. I blushed a little, to the delight of the girls.

"And then it's a crop top, you know, the ones that come to just below a girl's breasts, leaving her tummy bare," Kelsey said.

I shivered at the mere thought of seeing all the girls in short, tight tops. Amanda leaned against me, and her hand searched out my cock underneath the table, slowly teasing it. I smiled as I looked over at her, my eyes almost automatically drawn to her curves in her sweater. The thought of seeing them in a crop top was very satisfying.

"How about we go buy the outfits tomorrow, so you can show them to him?" Stacey suggested right as Kelsey was about to continue describing the outfit.

"Right after school, you mean?" Kelsey asked.

"Yeah. I'll drop you guys off home afterwards."

The four girls all chirped their approval to Stacey's plan.

The waiter came with our drinks, and after placing them in front of everyone he took our orders. I went for the big eighteen ounce sirloin with the loaded baked potato—causing my sister and Amanda to shudder—while the girls satisfied themselves with salads, and Carynne ordered a BLT sandwich.

After writing everything down, the waiter took off again, though not before he took his time in checking out the hot cheerleaders. He shot me a very unhappy glare before he turned around and left.

"He seems slightly jealous of you," Stacey noted.

"I think the whole world would be slightly jealous of me right now," I said dryly.

"Don't be silly," Amanda breathed as she leaned against me. "Everyone is jealous of me for getting to sit next to a hunk like you." She softly kissed my cheek, and I immediately got goose bumps all over my body, causing me to shiver.

I swept my gaze around the table, seeing all the other girls grinning at me. "You are a lucky boy, Damon, to have that cute blonde pining for you!" Carynne teased.

Amanda flashed her a wicked grin, then she stuck her tongue out at her small brunette friend.

"You've sure taken on that habit of Kelsey's, baby," Stacey joked.

"Hey!" Kelsey protested. She stuck her tongue out at Stacey which caused everyone to laugh heartily.

We chatted about meaningless things for awhile until the food was brought out. I felt my mouth water as the massive steak was placed in front of me, and I cut it to check if it'd been done right. The meat was a perfect light red, and I nodded my thanks at the waiter, who again scowled at me. Asshole, I thought.

I dug in happily, cutting off huge chunks of the delicious meat and gulping them down. It took me a few seconds to notice the girls on the other side of the table all watching me. "What?" I asked, my mouth half full.

"I can't believe anyone can eat so much food!" Mikaela exclaimed.

"He has to. He needs to keep his energy level up," Amanda said with a delightful smile.

"For you?" Stacey grinned.

I glanced over at Amanda, grinning as I saw her blush furiously. Kelsey was giggling loudly at her friend's discomfort. "No!" Amanda said plaintively. "Well, at least not totally. It's for his swimming, he burns a ton of calories!"

"I bet that hot body of yours can burn off a ton of his calories in no time," Carynne smirked.

"Carynne!" Amanda protested, a little smile on her face as she blushed even harder. Her friends all giggled loudly.

I leaned in towards Amanda and gave her a kiss, which she eagerly returned. The girls hooted at us for a few seconds, then they got started on their own meals. Amanda's lips and mine stayed locked for a few more moments, after which I smiled at her as I returned my gaze to my plate. To my surprise, a large corner of my steak had mysteriously vanished.

"Who the..." I began, but as soon as I said it I knew who the culprit was. I turned towards my sister, a mock-angry scowl on my face.

Kelsey tried her hardest not to giggle as she chewed furiously, her small mouth practically overflowing with the large chunk of beef she'd put in it.

"You little thief!" I accused.

Kelsey tried to give me a cute, innocent look but failed miserably, her guilt clearly showing. She chewed valiantly for a few more moments until she finally managed to swallow the piece of steak. "Consider that a payment for later," she whispered quietly with a soft grin.

I shook my head at her and returned my focus to my plate, just in time to see Amanda's fork take another piece of my steak.

"Hey!" I said, chuckling, shaking my head at the cute blonde.

"Be glad that's the only beef she made off with," Stacey giggled.

Amanda grinned at me as she made a great show of putting the steak in her mouth, moaning delightedly at the taste.

"You two are going to starve me!" I pouted. I wrapped my left arm around my plate, carefully guarding my treasure. I ate rapidly amidst a sea of giggles.

The girls finished their plates fairly quickly, since they had gotten lunch-sized salads, though Carynne was frowning distastefully at the huge part of her BLT sandwich that she hadn't eaten yet. I was busy polishing off my baked potato and was eyeing that sandwich like it was made out of gold.

Amanda was intently staring at Stacey, though it took a few seconds for the taller blonde to notice. When she finally did, Amanda smiled and asked in a hopeful tone, "Can we have cake, Stacey? Please?"

My sister started giggling loudly, and Amanda leaned forward a bit so that she could see the little nymph to my right. "What?" my wonderful girlfriend asked, a little indignantly.

"You and your cake!" my sister laughed, the other girls all chuckling themselves.

"Why is that so funny?" Amanda complained, a cute frown on her face.

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Copyright © 2015 Naoko Smith This is a re-edited version of Chapter 1. (I added to the chapter, and also cut it in half and put half after Chapter 2.) Thank you so much for the feedback, which I’m working hard to take on board. Please leave comments for me. Thank you! (Diolch.) Lady Arianna el Jien van Sietter opened her round blue eyes and stared dreamily at the cool early morning light dancing on her ceiling. Her windows were open, the shutters back and a light breeze lifted the muslin...

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Apollos Revelation

President Gerald R. Ford sat at his desk in the Oval Office at the address of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington D.C. The cameras of three major T.V. Networks were pointed at him and running. When the light blinked from red to green President Ford spoke, "My fellow Americans, good evening. Last night, as we all slept and dreamt of the holiday season and the joys of being with our families, our nation, our planet, was attacked. We were the target of a diabolical biological weapon...

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Your World

I thought to myself what have I done in my life, it only dawned on me at this moment that this was the first time I had ever looked back at my life, as a young 21 year old fresh out of university, living at home with mum and dad, no job to speak of (which they won't stop mentioning), no girlfriend. I wondered what would have happened if I'd gone out with that girl or gone to a different school or even moved to a different place. But then I realised the world is my oyster, but what did I want to...

1 year ago
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Book Lover

Faye had always loved old books. Loved their smell, loved the sound of the turning page, loved the weight in her hands, loved the feel of the worn leather covers. Most of all she loved to read. It was magical to her. Nothing else could transport her to other times and places, even to other lives. She felt she had lived so many lives, seen through so many pairs of eyes, books had enriched her existence like nothing else ever could. Faye loved nothing more than to immerse herself fully in a...

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Sex With My Mother

"We should have known he suspected us," I said.My mother nodded in agreement. "Yes, we've been very lucky.""Lucky, how?""He's agreed I can have the house and a million in cash.""Why?""Because darling have you any idea just how much damage the scandal would do to his career. Yes we'd be prosecuted, and yes we'd almost certainly go to prison, but his career would be over, who would trust a man as a government minister if he couldn't even stop his wife and son from screwing each other's brains...

4 years ago
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The WellRead American

Jack stumbles for real into some classic works of literature, with results he didn’t bargain for! 1/9 Jack Durvill was an accomplished professor of literature at the Missouri State University. Along with holding regular student tutorials in creative writing and appreciation, he often fulfilled guest-speaking roles at national symposia, and would supply publishers with critiques of authors and novels, for forewords and fly-covers of new print runs, and the like. Un-professorially outgoing and...

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Tara 3 DogsChapter 3

Blaze sat and sniffed the air. She felt and scented her Dame, and the guardians enter the cavern and surround the dais. They all were amazed when the soft light appeared. They picked out the form on the dais and watched him as he removed the pack and put on the long black coat. ‘Dame, is it he?’ she dared to question. ‘No, the Mage must have transported himself here. There are no crystals so we will not be saved as the legend says. However, he would make you and your pup magically...

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The Story of Ann Chapter 6 Love on the Ranch as Devils Ride to Town

I drove home leaving Jack’s thinking about him. The man had confessed what he had done to me some 4 years ago when Janet and I attended an end of school year party. I had found myself becoming more fascinated with him as he told me his side of the story of that night. I will admit I was attracted to Jack the first time I ever saw him with grandma while at the store that day. I think it was the uniform that he wore that day and the fact that Michelle seemed to like him as well. However,...

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Nuclear Option

When it came down to the nut-cutting, she really didn't give me many choices at all: Accept, adapt, or move on. "Honey," she asked, "do you see Ted much any more? Any golf?" That's all it took to make her point. Ted had been my best buddy and golf partner since high school. After divorce he was a broke and broken man. No cash for green fees. Too much pride to allow me to pick up a lunch check. Working all the overtime he could get, he had no time to stop for a beer or barbeque. He spent...

2 years ago
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Incestuous Harem 8 Moms Soapy Tits

Chapter Eight: Mom's Soapy Tits By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Clint Elliston The hot water poured over my body, splashing on my back as the four women of my harem—two half-sisters, a full sister, and my mom—all grabbed the body wash and lathered up each other's bodies. I was in heaven. I was nineteen and showering with my sexy Mom and her huge tits, her bleached-blonde hair darkening as it grew wet. She stared at me with dark, hungry eyes. My little sister Alicia, eighteen, the hair...

1 year ago
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StepSiblingsCaught Kenzie Reeves October 2022 Flavor Of The Month Kenzie Reeves

Kenzie Reeves is the October 2022 Flavor of the Month, and her hot little fantasy involves working in a biergarten. Dressed to the nines in an Oktoberfest outfit, Kenzie makes suggestive motions with a big sausage as her stepbrother, Jay Romero, goes about making his sandwich completely oblivious. Jay eventually asks Kenzie what’s up, but it’s clear he’s still not terribly invested. Kenzie keeps laying down increasingly blatant hints about how much she wants some dick, but Jay...

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My cousin Jen

Note : This story is completely fictional! We live in a large community. My name is Matt. I am 18 and a little on the big side.I graduated from high school in the spring. I grew up with my parents and my older ass of a sister. We were all close to my dads brothers family. Late in the summer my mother got a call from my aunt. She asked it i could pick jen up from cheerleading pactice on my way home from work. Of cource being 18 i did not want to, but i did. So after work i went to her high...

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Taking Emma Watson NEW with pictures

NOTES: Rape is wrong and a crime! Don't do it! Stick to stories and staged pictures/videos, a harmless fantasy is fine, thank you! Original story by amnisac: A re-published version with his permission, all creative credit goes to him, I just merged the chapters as one big story and added some pictures made by 3DSexVilla. Download story as Word Document or HTML file. Have fun! ****************** The opportunity arose, and you couldn't resist. Emma...

4 years ago
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Cursed Ink

Crystal couldn't believe what she was seeing. She pulled her form fitting shirt back down, covering the problem. She turned to leave the bathroom, but turned quickly back to the mirror and pulled her shirt off. She checked her back first. The star tattoos that had adorned her smooth flesh since she was 18 were nowhere to be found. She turned slowly around, hands brushing the waist of her jeans. The tops of words peeked out from the jeans. She pulled the jeans down, and the impossible was still...

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My Outing With Mr O

A couple of weeks had passed since that special day and I’d been torn by a mix of guilt and ecstasy, every day, reliving those moments with Mrs G and Mrs O. My high school days were coming to an end and next year I would be in college. I had not been asked to babysit at any of the three houses since Mrs G and Mrs O had taken me. So, I’d had to fantasise about wearing lingerie at night when I pleasured myself. The long weekend of June 24th approached, usually the O’s spent this weekend at...

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Bringing out Audry

I sat nervously watching the clock as my wife Audry readied her self in our hotel bathroom. It didn’t usually take this long but tonight was different. Tonight she would meet a man we had met before several times only tonight it would be on his terms. He had promised to set up the whole weekend for the both of us. She was to do what ever she was told for the next seven or so hours, no matter what. As my mind started to drift about with the possibilities I was brought back to reality by my...

1 year ago
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Wife Visits Hunting Cabin Fucked by Me and Best F

My wife was In the hunting cabin with us all day, and we were all naked the whole time. Dave kept touching and squeezing her, and she would walk around and clean dishes and wipe things with rags, and clean floors, all the while doing it naked. Then she said do you guys just sit in the cabin the whole time? And I said, no, we usually go out and hike around, or we go hunting or fishing etc. She said well why don’t you guys go and get some fresh fish for dinner? Dave and I went fishing, and she...

2 years ago
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The Return of HoneybearChapter 3

Tuesday On returning to my hotel room after Tuesday’s training session, I changed into the khakis and button-down shirt I had brought in case I went out to dinner with anyone else from the training. Most of them were interested in using their per diem to get a pleasant buzz after the training, though, so I didn’t anticipate I would need to dress up for them. Instead, I would dress up for Annemarie a bit. On this night she arrived dressed in a sleeveless top and a pair of black jeans that...

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My Irish Bonus

I stared at an empty computer screen. It was hard to get back to work after a wild weekend like that. That was the wildest time I’d had since my ultra horny college days. Back then they had just super charged my balls. My doctor discovered my scrotum needed to be untwisted. After that it was like having a second puberty. I thought I had a big erection before then. Plus I would soon discover an extra bonus. My first girl friend in college didn’t have much going for her in the face department....

3 years ago
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Super Night

I had been working as a live in building supervising superintendent in a upper class high rise apartment building for two months when I first noticed a young attractive black women entering the building. She was particularly beautiful and her skin was so clear and glowing. As the week went on I noticed her coming in just before five pm almost every day. I actually found myself placing my self in her path to see what she was doing in the building. We had personal care aides, family and various...

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the Humiliation of Mysticemmy pt2

Mysticemmy woke to the sound of her room door being opened by one of the house keeping staff who saw her running naked and dripping spunk through the hotel late last night. “Good morning Miss. My name is Jeni”“Morning” replied Mysticemmy. Realising she was still naked and her make up running down her face.“Did you have a good night last night Miss?” Jeni asked. “Yeah I think so. Oh my god you saw me last night!”“Yes miss we all did. I was asked to give you these” passing Mysticemmy two...

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Sister Kays 50th Pt 2

((If you have not read the earlier parts of this, you will want to. This is one story that just keeps building. I hope you like it!!))Kay got up off of my knee and staggered over to the bed and fell back onto it. From where I was sitting, bound to the desk chair in the hotel room, I could see her thick cream as it leaked out of her shaved bare pussy. It was a view I have often dreamed of having. As a teen she had flashed me her snatch in the pool and at other times I had seen it as we...

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Slutty Wife 83 Vacation Day 4

MONDAY - DAY FOUR"SHIT!! SHIT!! OH FUCK THAT'S SO BIG!! FUCK ME DEEPER!!"And with that little outburst, I was wide awake. My wife was obviously getting pounded in some way or fashion I could only guess at. Then I heard Eric's voice..."HEY!! GET IN HERE AND SEE WHAT I'M DOING TO YOUR WIFE'S TIGHT LITTLE CUNT!!"There's no way that could have been directed at Sarah. I guess my 'probation' period was over, so I rolled out of my bed and walked over to their room. I wasn't ready, despite what...

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GotMylf Anissa Kate Rich Rod Riding

Anissa Kate is the type of sex goddess that deserves a room with a view. Today, she is lounging in the hills as she shows off her long, tanned legs and curvy tits and ass. She loves touching herself almost as much as she loves getting a hard dick inserted in her pussy. When our stud shows up, she is eager to take his cock. He fucks her doggystyle, stroking hard. Then she flips over and makes some lusty eye contact while getting her twat slammed. Anissa cums on his shaft as her body becomes...

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IHNC 65 Lisas Dilemma

(This chapter is from the viewpoint of Lisa Cohan, a schoolmate of Becky’s who joined in her SATs tutoring her High School Math teacher was giving her.) OMG! I wish I could get out of here! No sooner did Mr. Font drop me off than my hag of a Vietnamese mother began yelling at me in her inside voice: Broken English Banshee Wail. “WERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BE!” “Studying for my SATs,” I tried to calmly respond, but she didn’t care if I was dead and rotting in a dumpster, she just...

4 years ago
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Fuads HareemChapter 14 Getting out

I had created my own orders, (with the General's signature, a rather good forgery, if I do say so myself)calling for certain women to be brought to the General's quarters. The guards at the entrance to officer country actually looked twice at the part about me acting as escort, but they never questioned the women being sent to his quarters. I told them they could argue it over with their superior officer when it came time to switch shifts, but that I didn't want to be late on an assignment...

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Sandy looked around the bar for her husband. She was supposed to meet him for lunch but she was a little early. Rather than standing at the restaurant entrance, she sat at the bar to wait for him. It was her idea to meet for a quick lunch, then the two of them would speed off to a motel for an afternoon of getting reacquainted. Tom, her husband is fifteen years older then her twenty- six, and lately has been spending a lot of time away from home. Either on business trips, working late at...

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Jenna and Sara

Me and Sara have been bestfriends since 6th grade, one friday night in the summer of sophmore year we had a sleepover. We both had boyfriends and both thought we were straight. She came over my house and we layed on my bed talking about, friends, school, boys. She asked me then, "Hey, Jenna how far have you gone?". I said "well i mean ive given my boyfriend a blow job what about you?" "Me and Jake had sex for the first time 2 weeks ago and he broke up with me a week later and i dont know why he...

2 years ago
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Bin Shadi Ka Patni

Bin shadi ka patni Name- sanjay Mera naam sanjay hai, main w.bengal ka rwhne wala hoon, ye meri life ka sabche bara sach hai, main aj 20 saal ka hun, may abhi student hoon clg me hoon. Ye ghatna ki surbaat hui aj se do saal pehle jab may 18, ka tha may 12 dechuka tha. Aur main chuttion pet ha result nikalne me 3 month baki tha. Main bilkul free tha, mere papa govt service karte hai aur hamara business bhi hai bahut. Mera apne chcha ka ladka uska khud ka business hai ek bare se market pe ,...

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ManuelFerrara Lena Paul An Anal Nympho

Top heavy, all-natural blonde Lena Paul gesticulates and oscillates in this scene from Manuel Ferrara’s “Anal Nymphos Anal Legends #3”. For folks that appreciate a good tease the scene opens with luscious Lena poolside. The juicy, jiggly gal displays her curves with pride as she slowly gets naked. Manuel works over Lena indoors on a wide sofa. Plenty of room to get Lena into a grade A doggie position. Lena’s huge tits sway to and fro as Manuel jackhammers her asshole....

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MY SWEET MOTHER, RELUCTANT SLUT (mF Inc Reluc) By Dave E. Perelli andKachina CHAPTER 3 MORE SINS OF THE MOTHER JAMES: I stopped on my knees between Mom's legs and surveyed the scene. What asight. I knew the movie camera was running, recording every sight andsound. Mom was on her back, NAKED. Bare assed naked. This wasn't likethe small pictures I'd seen. This was real. Real naked flesh. Hearingher voice. Smelling her perfume. She was mine for tonight. And aftertonight my plan...

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A Bet to Lose Chapter 26

What surprised Heather the most was that it only took one trip to move her children's stuff. Computer equipment? No problem for Richard to carry, although Zoe insisted on babysitting the monitors to make sure they wouldn't get scratched. Clothes, of all sorts? Neatly folded up, mostly in boxes already. Zoe's collectibles easily fit in the trunk. Toys, other children's stuff? Heather should have known they'd only want some of it, the stuff that they actually had good memories of. The rest,...

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Time MachineChapter 5

It intrigued me greatly that my memory could stay intact when I went back in time and I was curious if it would be the same if I traveled further into the future than the two trips I've made so far, one a week and the other a month into the future. I decided that I would take a few days and explore this venue. I started with a year and found nothing different, but when I went twenty years into the future I noticed that my body got a little... clumsy, not so flexible. I thought that I had...

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Its My PartyChapter 96

Time: Friday, August 8, 2019 9:21 PM GHT The last of the evening twilight had faded from the sky by the time Emily, Aggie, and Mark came to the Green Mall lounge, almost two hours after the meeting was supposed to start. After a quick link with Fatima, Mark waved his arm to make sure he had everyone’s attention. “We have a slide presentation,” he said simply. “Would you all please join us in the multimedia room?” A few minutes later, the entire crowd was gathered at the first-floor...

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Ninas Story The Revenge of the Black Swan

wasn't comfortable enough in her body to fully liberate herself from the iron jaws of an oppressive, manic depressive mother. She was innocent by nature and the spotlight of New York City would just eat her up, Thomas knew this. This issue had also came front and center in his life when he decided to cast Nina in the lead up an upcoming performance. Much to the chagrin of Lilly, a raven-haired beauty, Nina got the starring role. Nina wasn't as innocent and this was obvious to Thomas the...

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Barford File 2 The Betancourts Chapters IX and X Final Chapters

IX: Training Daze Harvey Betancourt kept his eyes closed, his mind in an almost Zen-like state, as his wife continued to run the buzz of her old-school clippers over areas of his head. Glenda was almost done shaping his hair to resemble the look of the eager new recruit that was a day shy of being shipped out to Europe. Only back then, he wasn't as pleasantly well-built, nor as tanned, as he was now. The radio played a Benny Goodman swing tune as Glenda worked. He remembered...

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Lovely Words and Basketball Jerseys

It was a rough day of school. I hated senior year although I can honestly say it was better than sophomore. I would never like to revisit those days.  I slammed the door behind me, threw my bag to the ground and collapsed on the couch. With my head in my hands, I started to sob. A million thoughts had gone racing through my mind, repeating the harsh words said to me that day. I wiped my tears and pushed my long, black fringe away from my eyes. ‘God dammit, Dakota! Why are you such a faggot!’ I...

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Scarlet Part Two

SCARLET by Jessica Drew Part 2 Sam awoke with a start, air shooting sharply down into his lungs. Something was happening. He could hear the distant hum of an engine as it ticked over, revving up a few times. The yacht was starting to move and he could feel the room beginning to sway a little. The lack of a window as a point of reference made him feel disorientated. Deep down Sam had hoped that Ramirez would remain in Monaco, but Rivers had guessed he would soon depart. Sam did...

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Return of the Indian Princess

Well, I did not expect to hear from my Indian Princess (aka "flight attendant") so soon. It's pleasant nonetheless.I received a text message 2 days ago, informing me she would be ending a flying day in Rapid City. She asked if I could arrange my travel schedule to meet her there. Naturally, I pulled up my calendar and made it so.At the end of the day (yesterday), I drove to the airport terminal and waited at baggage claim. Soon she appeared, in her lovely uniform (form-fit straight skirt that...

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Sex With Landladys Daughter

My name Gopalakrishna, I am 38 years. The incident which I am going to share it with you happened about three years ago. I was looking a two bed room accommodation and I was going through the news papers under classified columns under accommodations and found a classified that read a two bed room house available for rent and they had given the location and phone #. I called the number and an old lady picked up the phone and asked her about the details of the house. The house was perfectly...

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Coffee Shop Madness

My name is Selena, a 40 year old, professional who is married with children.   My children are grown and my husband has his own career and is gone most of the time.   My husband and I had decided how important a healthy sexual activity was in our marriage.   So I placed an ad on a friend finder and meet Abigail.   Abigail was also in a similar situation and began to write back and forth.   We discussed our likes and dislikes and then agreed one day to meet.   Abigail and I had finally...

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It is now about 6:30 in the morning and the Syrian sun rises over Damascus. I have been living here for a while now and have just met a woman her name is Anna. Neither of us is from this city. It seems rather fitting that we found kindred spirits within each other. As I rise from the bed, I notice Anna bringing me some breakfast, wearing a flower in her hair and that is about it. Therefore, we sat down and enjoyed our breakfast. ‘Best you pack were going on a trip, to Africa,’ I said. Going...

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Beth OuttakesChapter 5

Although I let this chunk of a possible Kim history go as I was writing it, I wanted her to be confused, as that confusion was what got her hanging with the girls at the lunch table. I wanted her not particularly understanding how and why her life was where it is, thus this is an outtake. She held up her hand to stop me, then said, “I probably know what question. Even if I’m wrong in that, I’ll still answer that question: No. I’m not trying to ingratiate myself with Brett. Yes, he’s very...

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A dirty bike ride

Blue skies, warm sunshine, the perfect day for a bike ride and the perfect time to try some alfresco sex..... My husband and I have been camping several times and this time we were on a trip to Devon. Sex when camping is always interesting, normally a quickie in a tight space therefore unadventurous and a quiet affair. This can be a problem for me as I tend to be quite loud during sex, showing my appreciation for the pleasure I am receiving. The sex so far on this holiday had required some...

Straight Sex
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Astonishing Incidents 8211 Part III 8211 Honeymoon

Hi, Friends this is sangeeta again. Hope you must have enjoyed my previous stories. This is third incident in series. Frankly speaking this is half true and half fantasy. I ll tell in end how much is truth and how much is fantasy at the end, first enjoy. This incident occurred with one of my close friend, Sukriti. She is nice gorgeous girl and my college classmate. We used to discuss boys during our college days and have fun together. She is about 5’6″ and about 25 yrs old. She is having...

2 years ago
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The Present..."So, who's this guy that got you to go to a library," my Dad asked. We were munching down a late Sunday brunch after my Mom and I had finished weeding her flower beds. My Mom looked way too interested as she waited for my answer. I was surprised she'd waited this long to begin her interrogation."He's a junior at the college and lives in my building," I answered. I tried to give as much truth to my lies as I could. "I volunteered to do some research for a boss and since Danny was...

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Rachels bitch chapter 2 finishing what she started

Emma- age 16 Height 5 foot 4 Hair colour blonde Eye colour blue Breast size 34B Rachel- age 16 Height 5 foot 4 Hair colour blonde Eye colour blue Breast size 34B Emma just stared at her sister. She turned to her wardrobe, opened one of the doors and looked in the mirror. She reached down to try and peel the tattoo off. She was lightly scratching but nothing was happening. "What is this?" Emma asked frustrated. "That is a tattoo." "Why isn't it coming off?!" Rachel...

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Death and a Life in Emerald CoveChapter 23

As in many criminal trials, the defense had the option of waiting until the close of the case in chief (another name for the prosecution's parade of testimony and evidence) to deliver its opening statement. Wyatt Quinn stood in front of the assembled jurors with his hands in the pockets of his Brooks Brothers suit. He didn't have a picture of the victim or any other prop with him. He would use his words to sway the jury to his side of the argument. "Ladies and gentlemen of the jury," he...

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Rest Stop Sex

It around 3:30 a.m. I was leaving Atlanta heading down 85 South towards Alabama. I was downing an energy drink to help me stay awake. The energy drink made me have to piss like a race horse. I pulled over at this rest area, to use the restroom and grab a snack. When I pulled up there was a middle aged white couple walking their dog. The wife was a hot ass milf; she was built like a brick house. The hubby was on the cubby side going bald, and looked like a wimp. After I came out of the restroom...

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Boarding School

My name is Paul Davies; I have a friend, just one friend who shares a room with me. His name is Thomas, Thomas Alverton. He is funny, bright, and intelligence seems to be his middle name, unlike me of course. I am out of place to say the least. In fact, I am not sure what I am doing here in this school.Where’s here? Dunstandale Boarding School for boys.I arrived on my sixteenth birthday and have been here six months now. My father works abroad, somewhere in Eastern Asia. He’s an engineer on the...

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MIstaken Identity

This is a work of fiction intended to entertain and let me explore yet another fantasy. Working in a big box store during the early days of the Covid19 virus pandemic here in America is nothing short of frustrating as well as frightening. My shift was extended from 8 hours to 12 because some employees were leery of coming to work. Add the fact that some parents thought turning their little butt scratchers loose in the store to keep them entertained and you have a formula that drove me to stop...

4 years ago
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Double GlazingChapter 9

These days were longer than ever before, hands on the clock seemingly welded to the spot rarely moving. The long hours adding up to weeks that seemed without end. It came as a shock when one Sunday Eve gaily announced that on the following Thursday, Mr. Gaunt would apply for the Absolute. We were together at my dad's house. I had been clearing the place of his personal effects, and Eve came to help. She was happy as the apparent long wait was over. I turned to her. "I thought it was...

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