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Chapter 1

Today was just another day in my life, I got up and got ready for work. I put the dogs out. Made and ate some Breakfast, then headed out for work. Little did I know my life was going to be turned upside down by that evening. I just completed my afternoon staff meeting and jumped into my car and headed for home, hoping to get some project time in on my 65 Mustang. It started raining on the way home. I pulled into the driveway and was pissed off as I did not need it to be raining while working on exposed metal. I went into the house to get some dinner started. While warming up some leftovers, I heard a knock at the door. It was poring rain at this moment and I wondered who would be out on such a crappy day as this turned into. I opened the door to find my neighbor girl, Sherry, standing there soaking wet from head to toe, crying her eyes out. I asked her to come in and she did. She just stood there with her head down, crying her heart out. I went and got a towel from the guest bathroom. I dried her off as much as I could and wrapped her in the towel. I asked her, Whats wrong, sweetheart? She calmed down and started to explain her family moved away and left her behind. She came home from school and the house was empty, completely cleaned out. She said they hugged and kissed her good-bye that morning. There was no indication they were leaving without her. She said the only thing that was left in the house was a note addressed to her. The note explained they could not take care of her anymore and they themselves were financially destitute and now homeless, as they lost the house, due to lack of finding work. They said they were sorry for this, but they did not know what to do.
We immediately got in my car and drove to her old house. She opened the front door, with her key, to allow us to enter. We went to her old bedroom and searched it to see if they left anything behind of hers. Unfortunately, the house was stripped bare of all personal effects. I saw tears welling up in her eyes as we looked over the house. I took her by the hand and led her out of there quickly. Will you hold me please, she asked. I knelt down, took her into my arms and held her close, as she sobbed uncontrollably. Her arms were wrapped around my neck and her beautiful face was crying on my shoulder. As I held her, I stroked her hair and rubbed her back with my free hand. Why, w..why did they have to leave me behind, she asked. Honey, I do not have all the answers, but I may have a solution, I said to her. I am going to call a lawyer friend of mine and see if we can fix this, I continued. But I am now an orphan and orphans end up living in an orphanage. countered Sherry. Sweetheart, that is what I am going to try to prevent from happening, by getting some help from a Lawyer and a Judge., I said to Sherry. I think I can get temporary custody of you and if your parents truly do not want you anymore, I will petition the Judge to allow me to adopt you and make you my daughter, if that is what you want, OK sweetheart I said to Sherry. Sherry went from crying to smiling, then kissing me and saying, I love you and want you as my Dad.

Chapter 2

I told Sherry, We would work this out somehow. I then said, first things first, lets get you freshened up and into some dry clothes. I pointed her to the guest bathroom where she showered and freshened up. I asked her if they left her any clothes, she tearfully said No. I gave her one of my Mustang T shirts ( you could fit 3 of her in that T-shirt), some socks and a way to tight mens Jockey thong, a ex-girlfriend gave me as a gift. I offered her some dinner and she ate it up, that girl has a good appetite. In the mean time I washed her clothes and dried them. We finished dinner and she cleared the table and washed the dishes. Now that she has had time to calm down , I started to talk to her about any family that she may have in the area. She explained that her parents came from single sibling households. Both sets of grandparents were dead. She did not have anyone in this world and she was all alone now. That is a hell of a burden to place on the shoulders of a twelve year old girl. I told her she was not alone, she had me, as long as she wanted me around. She leapt into my arms and planted a kiss on my lips, I will never forget the joyous look I seen in her eyes. I told her it was bedtime and showed her to the guest room. I went to my bedroom and got ready for bed. I was no more in bed a few minutes when I heard her muffled crys. I got up and went in to see what was wrong. She said, I do not want to be alone, I am s..scared, c..can I sleep in your bed tonight? It was against my better judgment, but I said sure. I picked her up and carried her to my room and laid her on my bed. I got in bed and pulled the covers over us. Sherry said tearfully, Will you hold me in your arms, while I sleep? . I rolled over and wrapped my arms around her.
I awoke the next morning with a raging piss-boner and my arms were completely numb. I started to unwrap my arms from Sherry. She awoke and asked me where I was going. I told her, To the bathroom to pee. She laughed as she said, Is that why you have a boner or is it because of me. I jokingly said, Both. I have to admit it felt good again to hold someone in my arms while they slept. I came back from the bathroom and asked her how she knew about boners. She claimed she seen her dad with the same morning problem as me, her dad called it a boner, that is where she learned that from.
I called into work and explained the situation and was given time off to deal with it. I called my lawyer and he called a judge. The judge knowing both of us ( we all played golf together), granted me temporary guardianship, until the parents could be found. I told Sherry about what was going on and that I was given temporary guardianship and if her parents give up parental rights, if Sherry wanted, I could be her new family. I took Sherry shopping and in my own words, bent the shit out of my Platinum Card. That girl must have bought everything in the Junior Miss department, but what the hell, its only money and that little girl was beaming from ear to ear, it was worth every dime, just to see her happy. I went and picked up the paperwork from the judges clerk and filled them out and returned them to the clerk, that afternoon.

Chapter 3
We went for dinner at Wong Fus and took in a movie. I ran into some friends and they asked me about Sherry, I told them I was a foster parent to her and left it at that. The rest of the story is none of their business. We went home and hung up all the clothes she bought. As the last of the clothes were being hung up, I noticed a sheer teddy she had bought. I thought it was strange that they had that type of lingerie in the Junior Miss department. I asked her about it and she said she snuck over to the big girls department and bought it. I said, Sweety, that thing does not begin to hide anything. Her response was, Youre the only one to see me in it, so no big deal. God, kids grow up early these days, that is at least my thoughts. It was getting close to bedtime and I decided I wanted to shower before bed. I told Sherry I was going to take a shower then hit the sheets. I went into the bathroom, undressed, started the water running, and stepped into the shower. Man that water felt good, I thought. Just as I was really getting into the shower moment, the curtain slid back and in stepped little Sherry. Can I shower with you, I use to shower with my mom or dad all the time, Sherry asked timidly. At first, I felt trepidation, but what was the big deal anyway, she already seen me with a boner, the rest of my anatomy was just academic. We washed each other, tickled each other and got into a shampoo squirting fight. We got out and dried each other off. I put on pair of my speedos and crawled into bed. My urchin, decided to do the same. She grabbed a pair of my speedos and slid them on and crawled into bed next to me. She looked over at me and said, Can I sleep with you from now on, I do not like sleeping alone? I told her it was OK but if we have company over she has to sleep in her own bed. She protested Why? I explained, That the rest of the world does not understand our arrangement and can cause us a lot of problems. She said,Like what? I explained, Like me losing custody of her and me going to jail. She leaned over and kissed me, this time she inserted her tongue into my mouth. She leaned back and touched my face with her hand. Her next words stunned me. Sherry said, I love you and I can see it in your eyes you love me too. I wrapped my arms around her, she spooned into me and we both fell asleep.
The next morning, I tried to get up early to take care of my piss boner and not wake her in the process. Fat chance of that working, she immediately awoke as I removed my arms from around her. She smiled at me and asked, You need to go pee to deflate your dick? I asked her, Where did you learn to talk like that? She commented she learned it from school and her friends. She also said, I felt your boner pressing against my butt Sherry continued to say, I liked it, it felt good. I was three shades of red by now with embarrassment. I told her I was going to shower and get ready for work, and that she needed to get ready for school. She jumped out of bed and ran past me, saying, Last one in the shower can kiss the winners ass. When I got there, I kissed and bit her on the butt, she giggled. I then said to her, I wanted to be the first man to kiss her butt. We showered and played like two kids and both ended up late for work and school. Sherry asked, Can I borrow a pair of your speedos Why?, you have your own underwear, besides mine barely fits you, I exclamatorily asked. Sherry pouted and said, It makes me feel like your close, when I get scared and lonely for you. Sweetheart, if there is any problems call me on your new Black Berry and I will be there in a flash., I told her. I dropped her at school and I went to work.

Chapter 4

At work that day, I got a phone call from my lawyer. He indicated that Sherrys parents were involved in a crash on the interstate, three states over. They were both killed instantly, as was the other party that had caused it. My lawyer started the motions to grant guardianship of Sherry to me, as now she was technically a ward of the state. I left work early and picked up Sherry from school and I took her out to lunch at her favorite restaurant. I took her in my arms and asked her if she wanted to be my daughter. She asked if her parents knew. I broke the bad news to her that her parents were involved in a deadly head on collision and neither of them survived. She understandably broke down and cried her heart out on my shoulder. I told her we can talk about the adoption when she felt better. She said, Thanks Dad. I took the rest of the day off and took my girl home and held her as she cried and mourned the loss of her parents. I held her that night in my arms and just let her cry it out. I sat on the couch, with her curled up in my arms. I stroked her beautiful blond hair and rubbed her back with my hand, I did not know what else to do. She finally went to sleep. I placed her in my bed. I got into bed. She rolled over and looked me. Please hold me, she asked and I did. I wrapped my arms around that sad fragile little human being and fell asleep. Somewhere in the night I rolled over from my side to onto my back and she rolled over on top of me. I awoke with my little angel looking down at me and smiling from ear to ear. Sherry said, Thank you. She added, I love you more than as a daughter, but much more as a lover and someday soon I want to be your lover. I smiled at her for her honesty and genuineness of heart. She placed her hands on both sides of my face and kissed me very lovingly. This time I kissed her back, as I wanted to taste her. She playfully commented, Hey look, your dick is getting stiff and long, I can see it through your underwear So do you need to pee or do you need to fuck Sherry continued her verbal prodding, So how long has it been since you got a piece of pussy, Mmm? I cannot believe I am getting talked dirty to by a prepubescent girl. She continued, Ill bet you will cum buckets when we fuck That was it, I had to get up as I felt a involuntary orgasm coming on and it was going to be a real mess. I slid out of my speedos and high tailed it to the bathroom, and she was hot on my heels, I turned to tell her to wait outside, to late, I blew a load of cum allover the front of Sherry. She just hollered, Wowww, so that is what cum looks and feels like. I never came that much at one time in my whole life. Sherry had a wide ass grin from ear to ear. As we showered, I told her to never tell anyone about this ever. It was an accident on my part and she did provoke it somewhat. She just looked at me and grinned, she then asked, Can we do that again, I liked it. We cleaned up, got dressed and drove to my lawyers office to sign the motion to adopt paperwork. We walked in hand and hand. I asked Sherry, in front of one of the paralegals, as a witness, If she wanted me to be her adoptive father, she said yes and kissed my whole face. She looked me square in the eye and said, I love you daddy. Then she kissed me, again, this time on the lips and presented me with a mischievous smile. The papers were signed and were sent to the judge for final motion approval.

Chapter 5

Sherrys thirteenth birthday was coming up and we planned her first boy/girl party, to celebrate her becoming a teenager. I got some help from a few of my female co-workers, as they had daughters and knew more about this type of thing than I did. The big day came and all of her school friends came with gifts in hand. The party was a success with Sherry very happy at its outcome, the party now made her more popular at school and brought her much needed confidence and improved self-esteem. As we were seeing the last of her guests leave, a boy from her class tried to sneak a goodbye kiss, Sherry was not to keen about his move and he received a fist in the nuts from her. The boy doubled over and pissed all over himself. I told Sherry, That was uncalled for young lady. Sherry protested as I made her apologize. She said, I am sorry I didnt hit you harder. I could not laugh right then and there, but I sure as hell did later. The boy deserved it and he needed a lesson in how to act with girls. We cleaned up after everyone left and turned in early. I was tired and so was Sherry. I got ready for bed and crawled into it for some much needed rest. Sherry was in her room getting ready for bed and I thought now she might want to sleep in her own bed as she was now closer to adulthood. I was just dosing off, as I felt the rustling of the bed linens. I turned on the lights and there before me kneeling on the bed was Sherry dressed in that sheer teddy she bought, looking every bit a woman. Sherry looked at me, with lust and desire in her eyes, and said, I have come to get my present from you daddy I was in a state of shock, my mouth just hung open and my dick was throbbing and as hard as a rock. Sherry lay down with her elbows on the bed and her hands on both sides of her face. She continued, I want you and I am here to get a piece of your cock, I want it as my B-Day present. She leaned over and kissed me on the mouth with liberal use of her tongue. I kissed back, our tongues caressed each other, she looked at me with deep joy and realized I wanted her also. She pushed the covers back and seen my tumescent cock. Can I touch your cock and balls?, she asked, I said, Yes you may. She gingerly wrapped both of her soft little hands around it. Dad its wonderful she exclaimed. Its big, long, warm, firm yet soft, smooth, it feels so good in my hands, Thanks Dad, she said while looking it over, from every angle. I said, Sherry, you can never talk about this to anyone. Do you understand me? She said, I would never speak of it to anyone ever and it would be something that was only between us. She looked up at me smiling from ear to ear. Dad, I am going to suck you dick. With that said she gently placed the head in her mouth and gently moved up and down on it. She ever so cautiously inhaled a little more at a time and gently moved up and down on it. She stopped and asked me, Am I doing it right dad? Yes sweetheart, you are doing it very right, I said with a big smile on my face. Just take your time and do not take to much into your mouth, until you are comfortable doing so. I will warn you when I am about to cum, I said panting. She then said, I am just warming you up, I am not going to make you cum this way, I want you to fuck me like there is no tomorrow, I want to feel you fill me up with cum. Dad, your dick just tastes sooo good, I am going to suck it as much as I can, whenever I can. I held back as she treated me to a really wonderful warm-up blow job as she named it. The main course was yet to be served.

Chapter 6

Sherry was now comfortably deep-throating my eight inch dick. I told her to slow down or I was going to cum. She sped up and I told her I could no longer hold back, she swallowed my cock all the way to the base, She bore down and I screamed, Im cuming. It felt like I came a bucket full of cum. I shot cum down her throat at least 5, 45 second bursts. She then eased off of my now limp cock and licked her lips. She moved up to me and looked into my eyes. Dad, did you like it and did you enjoy it?, she asked. I pulled her close and kissed her beautiful lips. I said, Sweetheart, Where did you learn how to do that? She replied, I read about it online and practiced with a polish sausage and a self plumping hot dog. Smart girl there, I thought. Sherry asked, So when are you going to fuck me for my birthday present? I told her, We need to wait a while as my batteries need recharging, so to speak. She reached down and held my limp dick in her hand. She started to stroke it and it started to get hard. Good ,she said gleefully. Sweetie, I am going to show you how a man gives a woman an orgasm. Is that OK with you sweetheart, I asked. She said enthusiastically, Yessss.. I gently slid her teddy off of her. She was now only wearing the teddys see thru panties. I started kissing her lips, then her chin, beneath her jaw, her neck, her left then right breast nipple, I kissed her sternum, I slowly kissed and licked her belly and frenched her belly button. At this point she was breathing heavy and panting. I asked, Is it Ok if I remove your panties? In between her panting she said, Yes, It is always yes to you my love. I took the top edge of the panties and slid them down her beautiful supple legs and removed them. I went back to kissing her tummy and kissed the top of her pubis, I gently spread her legs. This revealed a beautiful blonde peach fuzzed labia. I gently kissed these beautiful soft lips, as she screamed with glee. I licked the outer lips and then spread the outer lips to expose the inner smaller lips. Those precious petals of flesh were rosy and pink in color, as was her vagina. I also exposed her clitoris, it was protruding out. I ran my tongue up and down the inner lips and clitoris. She started to moan and groan. Her body ebbed and flowed like the oceans waves with every lick I applied to her beautiful and tasty pussy. She grabbed the sheets and pulled on them as I continued my oral survey of the tastiest pussy I ever ate. I inserted my tongue into her little vaginal hole, she screamed and came. She drenched me in pussy juice, she squirted all over my face and head and chest. I gently kissed and licked her labia and then pulled myself up to her. God dad, where did you learn how to do that to a girl? That felt fucking awesome, she exclaimed. Dad do you think we could fuck later, I am really tired she exclaimed. Please hold me and let me sleep in your protective arms. At that, I wrapped my arms around her and our two naked bodies were as one. She did one last thing before nodding off, she reached down and placed my dick against her pussy lips and closed her legs around it. I asked her why she did that and she replied, I want to feel your piss-boner in the morning, that is going to be our morning tradition from now on. Well that beats the hell out my morning tradition of piss and go limp.

Chapter 7

I awoke the next morning before Sherry did, however she awoke as I removed my now numb arms from around her. She opened her eyes and smiled at me. She started to speak, I can feel your stiff dick against my pussy and it feels real good, I am getting all hot and tinglely. I told her a guy cannot fuck with a piss-boner and I need to relieve myself first.. I said to her from the bathroom, Its late and we need to get ready for school and work. Her response, So no morning fuck? I told her, Lets reschedule it for tonight, where we both can take our time with each other. She said disappointedly ,OK. We both showered and dressed and left for school and work. She called me several times that day to just check in. The last call from her she said, Ill get one of my girlfriends mom to bring me home, OK dad? I said, Sure no problem, Sweetheart, I have to stay later at work to make up the work I missed. Sherry said, Ill have dinner ready when you get home. I said, Thanks sweetheart, doing that is a lot of help. I called her before I left work and she said, dinner was cooking and she was setting the table. I drove into the driveway and opened the front door. She was there to greet me and led me to the dining room. She set the table ( She did a excellent job.) and it was candle lit. I knew she was setting the mood, which was good as she worked her little ass off getting dinner ready and she wanted a good fucking. I was definitely up for it. We ate dinner, drank some wine, talked and laughed our asses off. We cleared the table and cleaned up. After that she took me by the hand and led me to our bedroom. I sat down on the edge of the bed. She proceeded to undress me and I in turn undressed her. I pulled her close and kissed her lips. I slowly turned and rolled her gently onto the bed next to me. She looked up at me with such loving eyes. I slowly pulled her thong down her very well developed hips and legs. She now spread her legs and gave me easy access to that beautiful, tasty, hairless pussy. I leaned over her and kissed her inner legs and thighs, savoring this wonderful, fragrant flesh of a nubile young woman. My hands were caressing her still developing A cup breasts. She was breathing harder. I gently and lightly kissed those beautiful labias, as she screamed with glee. I licked the outer labias and then spread the outer lips to expose the inner smaller lips. These were rosy and pink in color, as was her vagina. And her clitoris, it was protruding out. I sucked her inner lips and clitoris. She started to moan and groan. Her body ebbed and flowed like the oceans waves with every lick I applied to her beautiful and tasty lips and clitoris. She grabbed the sheets and pulled on them as I continued my oral survey of this very tasty pussy. I inserted my tongue into her tight virginal hole, she screamed and drenched me in her orgasmic juices. I gently kissed and licked that piquant pussy and then pulled myself up to her. God dad, it was even better the second time around, she exclaimed. Now dad I want to fuck like there is no tomorrow., she semi-ordered. OK, sweetheart., I said.

Chapter 8

I rolled over on my back and gently rolled her over on top of me. Sherry asked, Why are we doing it this way dad? I began to explain the reverse missionary position to her, Since you are still a virgin and your hymen is still intact or not broken, this allows you to control how far you want to allow my penis to penetrate into you vagina. I continued, It will hurt for a brief moment when you and I rupture your hymen, but it will subside quickly and some blood will trickle down the shaft of my penis. That is where the comment about popping your cherry came from. She placed her knees on opposite sides of me. She slowly lowered herself onto my turgid cock. I thought, my cock is actually sliding into her tight pussy. It stopped about two inches inside. Sherry said, Its hurting me, Dad. I said, We can stop. She replied, No! and she then forcefully pushed herself down onto my cock, essentially impaling herself. Blood flowed down the side and out of our union. She stopped briefly. It hurt, yet the sensation of your cock sliding into me felt better. She slowly started to bob up and down on my stiff cock. She picked up speed. Our groins were slapping and splattering all over each other. She screamed, I am cumming and what seemed like buckets of pussy juice just pored all over us and the bed. She leaned forward and placed her hands on my chest for leverage, and started the whole process over again, she rode my cock, like no adult woman ever did or probably ever would. I started to feel the pressure build and if previous history taught us anything, my orgasms are quite voluminous, to say the least. Sherry, honey, I am going to cum! , I screamed. I rolled the both of us over and pulled out and shot cum all over her, from head to toe. She screamed with glee, God, I loved it dad, I want to feel you fill me up next time. I said, Next time is now. I slid my still stiff cock into her hot and willing honey hole. I fucked her fast and pounded her pussy hard, she screamed she was coming again and I was right behind her, as the pressure built up again, This time we both came together, I filled her up and my cum was spurting out the sides of my cock to her pussy seal and all over us. The bed linen was a mess to say the least. I collapsed on top of her, using my elbows to relieve some of my weight. She wrapped her arms around me and held me close. I then rolled onto my side as did she. We were face to face and heart to heart. She smiled at me and tongue kissed me. God I love you dad and your one helluva fucker to boot. My pussy is going to be sore for a week, but I loved every minute of it, she exclaimed. She reached down and grabbed my limp pecker and lowered herself to it. She kissed it and said, Thank you and I will see you soon.
I awoke in the middle of the night to a wonderful sensation of my dick being licked and my balls being caressed. Sherry, is that you?, I asked. No, its the dog, and I am jealous, of course it is me. said Sherry. I am actually up for a midnight snack of crè,me a la cock via daddy. Doing her best French accent. I next felt a very familiar licking, stroking, sucking, and nuts massaging sensation. I came and she slurped it up and burped. From under the sheet I heard thanks dad for the snack. She crawled up to where we were face to face, I kissed her cummed on face and all and said, Your welcome sweet heart. We both slipped off to sticky sleep land.

Chapter 9
After our Friday night fuckathon. I awoke Saturday morning and Sherry got up before me, when, I did not know. I got up and went to the bathroom for my morning piss. Sherry hollered, Dad, I am making breakfast. Great, what is it? I replied. Belgian Waffles, eggs, bacon and orange juice., Sherry replied. I asked, Do I have time for a shower?, I inquired. Yes go ahead, I just started making it. replied Sherry. I took a shower, just to cleanup after the night before. I stripped and changed the bed linens, debating on washing or tossing them out. I got dressed. I walked into the kitchen and Sherry was making breakfast in the nude. Sweetheart, it is probably safer to be dressed when cooking especially with grease spattering from the bacon cooking. , I commented. I wanted to surprise you and make you breakfast., Sherry countered. Sherry continued, I got up early this morning, showered and wanted to make you breakfast. At this point we took both of our plates into the dining room to eat. I wanted to talk to you about us becoming a clothing optional household. , Sherry continued. Why would we do that sweetheart? I asked. Well dad, when we get home from work or school, we basically wear just about nothing around the house as it is. And I really enjoy being naked when I am at home and around you. Well I have been thinking about it more as you are correct, I just about ditch all my clothes from the time I get home from work until I go to work in the morning. I countered. I do like the freedom of not wearing clothes. We will give it try for a little while and see how it goes, OK, sweetheart. I answered conditionally. Well, we tried it for a few months and we both enjoyed it so much we joined a clothing optional resort. They welcomed us with open arms and Sherry now had more new (or should I say nude) friends that she has something in common with. The resort has every event and amenity possible. They have arts, crafts, horseback riding, tennis, badminton, Frisbee golf, indoor/outdoor pools, aqua aerobics, walking and running trails. They have an onsite activities director. A full service restaurant and bar was onsite also. We bought a membership with one of their deluxe cabins. One of the greatest benefits is that Sherry and I can be very physically affectionate towards each other and the behavior is not frowned upon, but actually welcomed strangely enough. The other day for example, I was sitting in an Adirondack chair talking to some of the other members, Sherry came over, sat down in my lap, put her arms around me and kissed me very passionately. The people commented how affectionate she was towards her dad and they actually praised it saying if more fathers and daughters were as loving towards each other as she and I are towards each other, there would not be so many messed up people in the world. Another time we were out at the pool and Sherry asked me to put some suntan lotion on her back and bottom. I did it as it was no big deal. She rolled over and asked me to do her front. I looked around and seen other fathers rubbing suntan oil ALL over their daughters bodies. So I followed suite and rubbed suntan oil all over her boobs, belly and thighs. She really was pushing the envelope by spreading her legs and asking me to rub some suntan oil on her pussy. At this point I thought we were going to get asked to leave and never come back. But a father sitting next to us said, Go ahead, I do it all the time for my wife and daughters. So I rubbed suntan oil all over her pretty pussy lips. She leaned over and quietly said, You got me hot, lets go back to the cabin and fuck.

Chapter 10

Sherry and I got up from the pool side chairs and walked hand and hand back to our cabin. While we walked back Sherry started to talk about something she wanted to try, Dad, I was reading online about prostate milking, the way it works is I insert one or two fingers in your anus and massage your prostate and at the same time I suck your dick, it is suppose to produce a very powerful and enjoyable orgasm for you. So dad, you want to try it?, she quizzically asked. Your going to get shit on your fingers, doesnt that gross you out?, I indicated to her. So you go take a shit and clean out and we will do it in the shower, problem solved, Sherry shot back. Once back at the cabin, I went and took a healthy dump and cleaned up a bit. I opened the bathroom door and Sherry took me by the hand and we both stepped into the shower. We started the shower running, Sherry put some anal ease on her fingers and massaged it into my anus and then Astroglide lube on her left hand index and forefinger. From the front she went between my legs and inserted her left fingers into my anus slowly. Man did it feel good and it really felt great when she started massaging my prostate, at this point she started to suck my dick. She was right the combination of massaging my prostate and sucking my dick simultaneously produced a mind blowing intense, highly voluminous orgasm. I screamed at her , I am cuming. This time she did not realize that she broke the dam and was about to be covered head to foot in hot sticky cum. I came with multiple bursts that were highly voluminous. This time she choked and puked her lunch all over my dick and groin. I continued to spew cum, this time it hit the back of her as she was bent over and still puking, I shot cum in her hair and all over her back. Just as she stood up another load of cum hit her in the face and chest. The last spurt covered the front of her, she looked like Frost the Snowman made out of cum. Sherry started to cry as she thought she failed, it was just the opposite it was a rousing success. I grabbed my sticky cum jockey and hugged her and reassured her she did fantastic. We were in that shower for 2 hours cleaning ourselves up.
We have developed many close friends here at the resort, that are also close friends of ours in the general public. We have remodeled the back yard to include a pool with a waterfall, the pool is a indoor and outdoor setup. The privacy fencing was upgraded from 6 feet to 8 feet and double over lapped to keep out prying eyes and nosey neighbors. We routinely now have weekend parties that are clothing optional at the house that includes our friends from the resort. Sherry and I swim nude every night when we get home from school and work. Sherry has started to invite a select few of her friends over for pool parties. The other day I came home from work to find her triplet girlfriends, Marcy, Darcy and Karsey in the pool naked as the day they were born. I asked Sherry, How she got them to go skinny dipping, as these girls are not practicing nudists. It was easy dad, I got them to come over and I got naked in front of them and jumped in the pool, they just followed my lead. ,Sherry continued. Dad, dont worry only a few of my closest friends ever get invites, and I can trust them to keep their mouths shut, OK? I said, OK, but if the shit hits the fan, we will all be in trouble. Luckily, her friends were honorable and kept their mouths shut and we had many pleasurable years of nudist fun and frolic, but I am getting ahead of myself.

Chapter 11

Sherry had a sleepover with Marcy, Darcy and Karsey at the house along with some of our nudist friends. It was a very interesting sight to see 10 pubescent girls naked and running around. They finally settled down and were watching a movie in the new home theater room we just built. I snuck off to bed and fell asleep. I was awakened by the rustling of the bed linens. I felt like I had three or four people in my bed with me. I turned on the lights and sure enough, my daughter and her triplet friends had decided I needed my bed warmed up. Sweetheart, Why are you and your friends in my bed?, I asked. Well dad, Marcy, Darcy and Karsey wanted to see your piss-boner, as they have never seen a mans penis before and I did tell them you get one every morning. With that, Sherry yanked the cover off me and exposed a very stiff dick. Wow, look how big his nuts are, said Marcy, Holy shit look how long it is., opined Darcy and Look how thick his dick is., exclaimed Karsey. They looked at Sherry and asked simultaneously, Can we touch it? Sherry replied, Ask my dad for permission, its his body. Sherry added, If you breath a word about anything that happens in here tonight, I will personally kill all of you and feed you to the pigs, you get what I am saying. The triplets looked scared and agreed. I seen that look in other peoples eyes and I could tell Sherry meant what she said. The triplets turned to me and asked in unison, Can we touch it? Will you keep your mouth shut about what we are going to do tonight?, I asked. Again they said yes. I said, You may touch it all you want and fondle it to your hearts delight. Sherry looked at me and asked if she could sit on my face. I said sure. She parked her tight little pussy lips over my mouth. I could feel the triplets exploring my stiff cock with three sets of hands, all were very gentle. One set of hands was gently stroking it its full length, and one of their mouths was gently sucking on the head of my dick. I was voraciously enjoying my daughters pussy and all of its liquid treats. I love licking the walls of her sweet vagina. I looked to the side and seen Darcy had been edged out by her sisters, I motioned for her to come up to me and Sherry. I stopped briefly and repositioned myself and Sherry, so I was laying on my side and Sherry was laying on her side, my head was still between her legs. I told Darcy to lay down and spread her legs around Sherrys head. I told Sherry to play with Darcys pussy if Darcy was OK with that. Darcy nodded her approval and Sherry gently licked Darcys virgin pussy. Darcy smiled and moaned a little bit. Sherry licked her finger and inserted it into Darcys pussy hole. Sherry pointed the knuckle down and rubbed the inside top and found her G-Spot, Sherry did this while licking and sucking Darcys clitoris. Darcy was a screamer and a shaker as well, that is she convulses when she comes. Sherry helped Darcy click off 5 orgasms in a row. Sherry gently pulled the vaginal opening open to see Darcys hymen. Sherry exclaimed, She does not have a hymen! We checked the other two girls and they did not have one either.

Chapter 12
The following week it was Sherry and I at home together. I told Sherry I wanted to spend some quality time with her. Her face lit up with that joyous look that she did not have to compete for my time and affections. Every morning we would get up earlier than usual and shower and socialize about what we were going to be doing that day at work or school, we would then make breakfast together and talk and watch the early morning news. Sometimes she would sit in my lap and we would feed each other. It was wonderful to bond on a non-sexual level as well. When I got home from work and her from school , I would help her with her studies if she needed it. I think she asked for help even though she did not need it, just to make me feel like I was contributing to her education. She is a very smart girl and knows how to research anything she is curious about. We were watching T.V. one night and she started talking about birth control and how effective it was. She had started her period a couple of months after her recent 15th birthday and we were prepared for the event. She was a late bloomer in that aspect of sexual development, but all girls start at different times during their maturation process. I took her to the gynecologist and she was given a prescription for birth control pills. I stayed with her during the exam, at her insistence. It was a real wonderful experience to be included. Most of my co-workers kids did not want their parents around for this. My kid was just the opposite, she told the doctor she would be more relaxed if her dad was there to hold her hand, so I was ushered in and given some real strange looks by the nursing staff. One nurse told me she thought it was kind of sick and perverted. Anyway,
We talked about various birth control means for both men and women as PBS was airing Me and My Period. We laughed our asses off as we both knew more about it than they did. I did talk to her about her curiosity about sex. She said when we have sex it is a very emotional thing for her and that I am open and gentle at the same time with her and her requests. She said that I was not selfish in bed. I asked her if she thought she would be better off with someone closer to her in age. At that point I seen huge tears forming in her eyes and she said, Are you getting bored with me? I picked her up and held her in my arms and kissed her completely. I said, I am not and never will be bored with you and your adventurous soul. I continued, I LOVE you and every part and aspect of your being. Sherry asked, Then why do you want me to consider someone my age? I asked this as, I thought maybe you might tire of being with someone as old as me. Dad, Sherry said, I want to spend the rest of my life with you, I want to be the one you say your final good-byes to.I want you in all of my tomorrows, Dad. I held my girl and fell asleep with her curled up in my arms, I learned how a simple question can cut to the very core of a human being and do great damage if not corrected. I had to continuously reassure her of my commitment to her, for a very long time after that. Love can be a very fragile thing if treated roughly with words or insensitive actions. I carried her to bed and held her close. Each time I awoke, I kissed her, for reassurance. Each time I kissed her I studied her beautiful features. I learned to appreciate her even more than I did before, as I realized just what I had to lose, if I was not careful and being careful with her love and loving trust she has in me. She is the best thing that has ever happened to me and I will protect it at all costs.

Chapter 13

Sherry and I celebrated her sixteenth birthday by taking a trip to the Bahamas. We stayed at an all inclusive clothing optional resort. I reserved the presidential suite, it has 2 king size beds, (used for appearance sake), a fully stocked kitchen, the suites outside doors opened to the pool, you can dive from the patio deck into the pool any time day or night. The first day there at the resort we checked out the various recreational activities, Sherry and I took lessons in Horseback riding. I had the wrangler give her an older male horse, by the name of Ole Buck, he appeared to be quite gentle and easily controlled, I was given a younger Philly, by the name of Silly (Philly get it), that was quite spirited. Sherry and I trotted the horses down the beach. Silly decided I was not allowing her to move as quickly as she like, well she took off like rocket with hooves. Sherry kicked Bucks thighs and that old stallion flew past Silly and I, looked like we were standing still. Sherry hollered, Dad, Help, how do I stop him. I kicked Silly in the rips and she accelerated keeping up with Buck. I hollered, Pull back on the reins!! Sherry did as I commanded, Buck reared up and bucked Sherry off into the water. Buck just stood there looking at her. Sherry cussed him out good. I told her, Do not do that again, only the ribs never the hips. I said lets go lead the horses to the shade of the those palm trees over there. Sherry and I sat down after tethering the horses to the trees. About the time we sat down , ole Buck was sniffing Sillys hind quarters. Sherry asked, What is he doing, Dad? Just watch Honey, I said, as I already knew what he was thinking. Silly raised her tail so Buck could see her pussy and also signaled she was receptive to his advances. Buck whinnied with excitement, he then reared up and mounted Silly. Holy shit, Dad, hes going to fuck her., exclaimed Sherry. Yes sweetheart he is. At the moment, Bucks cock was as straight as an arrow and he sunk his cock deep into Silly, while biting her and holding her in place. Dad, I have never seen that before, look at the size of his dick. Sherry said as she licked her lips. Does that give you any ideas Dad?, Sherry asked as she looked at me lustfully. Sherry reached over and began to massage my semi-tumescent cock. This should help, Sherry said. Hey Dad lets play like Silly and Buck, said Sherry.

Same as Urchin Videos

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The Morning After

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The Sheik

THE SHEIK        His eyes demanded Linda’s attention, black eyes watching from above a black vale.  His eyes captured her, held her, consumed her.  She stood bare-footed upon the carpets of his tent, her linen dress limp upon her body.  Linda stared back at his eyes, unable to take her eyes from his eyes.  She raged.  She stood bare-footed upon the carpets of his tent, and in her soul, in her breast, she raged.        He had dared.  He had dared kidnap a British subject.  He had dashed into...

3 years ago
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Lesbian Seduction At College Hostel 8211 Part 2

Hello guys, I’m back with part 2. Sorry for taking too long. I hope you guys like it. All comments are welcomes, and please feel free to mail your reviews to . If you guys have missed part one, please read it and return for this one. Let’s jump to the story without further ado. We returned to the hostel with the thought of having a lesbian orgy. But it will take time and effort to deal with that as I have no idea about others anyway. So, we settled on a snack and a movie to watch in the...

1 year ago
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BDSM Venture With Neighbour8217s Sexy Wife

Hello, this is Vicky again. In the past, I have written a few stories and now writing one more. I am a horny dominant male who loves to pleasure ladies in many ways, any lovely girls, aunties, and ladies who are looking for some quality chatting, message me (email and kik given at the end of the story). I have written many stories on this amazing forum. This is a brand new story. This is a story about how I got to fuck a sexy lady living in the bungalow opposite to my house. It was a steamy...

4 years ago
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A guy and his 47 Army

Gen - Jakes first Jinn                                                            Tina - Rita's daughter Jinn - What the genies are called                                       Trully - second Jinn doc Rasmir's little sister Tommy - Friend of Jake's and fellow worker                    Nyrae - Juno's powerful Jinn    Mary - Boss's daughter                                                         Nuha - Leader of Deadly Trio      Juno - Jakes big Boss and Mary's...

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Evettes Story ch 1

Sissy Evette's First Time It is 9.55am and I am sitting in out door area of the coffee shop we arranged to meet. You will recognise me by the red jumper I am wearing that belongs to my wife. My mind wanders back to our meeting in a gay chat room on the internet a few months ago. I recall how coaxing and gentle you were in our initial chats. How I told you about myself, that I was 35 and married but was always curious about gay sex. You told me that you were 50, but that didn't matter...

3 years ago
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Man and Woman

I was in the garden grafting the roses. I always do more than I need so I have plenty to give away. It’s thoughtful to give away a rose bush for Valentine’s Day and not just a miserable flower. It’s how I’ve always done it but I’m wondering. How many rose bushes, all the same, can one have? There was a little discomfort, nothing really, I’m always nursing a football injury and I thought it was something related to that. My hand stole down to make the adjustment. For some reason my fingers...

1 year ago
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Himura BattousaiChapter 118 By a Hairs Breadth

Aoshi: You'll fight with your full strength, but as you are, without turning the reverse blade around... Kenshin: Yes. Aoshi: More empty words. (He strikes the bookshelf to Kenshin's side, destroying it.) Aoshi: You fight with regard for your opponent's life. How can you use your full strength? At the height of the Bakumatsu, you fought to kill your enemy. That's exactly why you survived as the strongest of the Hitokiris. To fight with swords is to take life! A fight is to decide...

2 years ago
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Your Love

Yes ladies and Gents, it has happened again. My adorable wife has gone into our iTunes folder and discovered one of my songs from the 80's that she (born in 85) doesn't remember ever hearing. The song is Your Love, which is, I believe, the only hit by the Outfield. So after her playing it a hundred times over the past few days it got stuck in my head and this popped out. This one is short(er) and more fun than usual. The next one will probably be a Halloweeny story. Thanks to the great...

2 years ago
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Saturday night goes of great0

Kerry wasn't sure but said she would come over later, around 5 she turned up, my balls nearly exploded then and there, she had a mini mini skirt that didn't quite cover her bum, showing her shaved pussy off, and a see though top that left nothing to hide, and heels, wow Lyn and I kissed her and told her she would get well fucked if she wasn't careful, and of course not being on the pill would be a real bummer too. Kerry told us she would only watch, and see them fuck us both, and then...

4 years ago
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Office Souvenirs Part 2

“I, uh…. Did you see-?” “Yeah, I saw those two hung, hunky men fucking you. I guess you like swinging dicks too,” Alana smiled and stalked towards Liza. “But I know that even a hot, hard, thirty minute fuck isn’t enough for you. You need more, and you need me to make you cum this time.” Liza groaned as her girlfriend slid her hand up against her recently-fucked pussy, and ground herself against it. She was exhausted from Damien’s fuck, but Alana was right, her slut cunt gushed some more,...

4 years ago
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The House Guest

It started with a simple ?Hey dad, I made a new friend today!? from my 21 year old son, Josh. This was no surprise from a guy who can?t even gas up his car without some chick slipping him her number. What was a bit of a surprise was when he asked if I would let her use the spare bedroom for a few months. He explained that she was here for college but had been asked to leave the home where she was staying with some friends of her family, something about one too many women in the house. Well,...

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Episode 51 HUMANS

IntroductionHUMANS is a British-American TV series currently airing on AMC and in the UK Channel4, where humanoid robots called Synths are being bought as home helps, but increasingly becoming indistinguishable from humans. I have only watched episodes 1-4, so have to anticipate some of the plot lines. In episode 3 we see the gorgeous female Synth Anita standing in front of a speeding car to save Toby from being knocked off his cycle. She undresses in the garage so that Joe can assess the...

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Vidya A Horny Girl From Mumbai

Hello all my lovely iss readers. I am rocky from mumbai. Once again came with a new story. Thanks for your replys. Mostly thanks to those who are my close friends and fuck buddies. Mail me at You can chat with me girls, aunty and bhabhi. So this story is between me and vidya. Vidya normal girl hai jo mumbai me rehti hai. About her stats she is 40-38-42 yes she is bulky. But really she so frank any 1 can be her friend. Vidya meri friend ki friend hai. Hum do no pehli bar friend k birthday party...

2 years ago
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An Arranged Marriage Part IV

I watched her drive away from my bedroom window, glancing up at me and smiling before she got into her car. To an onlooker she probably looked the picture of innocence, a sweet Asian lady of the highest moral standards but I knew otherwise. I had memories and pictures to prove it! It felt as though I had been hit by a whirlwind. Normally my weekends are pretty quiet unless Cherie manages to get away but this one...What had started out with what I thought would be a quiet dinner with Sanjay and...

4 years ago
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Ronnies Song Ch 03

Once again, thanks to all those who’ve followed Ronnie’s Song so far. All requests have been taken on board! ****** That night with Nate had been awkward. After the day on the lake, he had seemed to keep his distance, moving away from me when people came near and acting like we hadn’t just been talking. I was frustrated. The next day, I got out of bed at one o’clock and tripped. Looking back, I saw my suitcase lying at the foot of my bed. I glanced around the room and vaguely remembered our...

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Immoral Fables

Cover Image Source Call it an anthology I guess. The stories will likely be short and linear. And mostly about the sex. (And there's gonna be incest. Lots of incest.)

1 year ago
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Fx Porn! It seems that these simple porno websites are all I can run into lately, and honestly it's not like I mind since it's quite easy to get around these pages. It only takes a few clicks to see everything the page has to offer. I mean, you will soon enough take a look at FxPorn.net, and you will notice that the homepage is pretty much the only important page, but after a while, you will find out that the page has a few big flaws. Well, "a few" is overdoing it, there are two important...

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1 year ago
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Camping With DaddyChapter 5

After Brad Grover had fucked the savage girl on the moss covered ground of the swamp, he had collapsed back on the ground and tried to rest for a moment. But seconds later, he again felt warm, wet lips and tongue licking hotly at his cock and balls down between his legs. He tried to concentrate on what she was doing and will himself to hardness again, but the wild fuck he'd just thrown into her hot little cunt had drained his balls dry. There wasn't a milligram of cum left in them to...

2 years ago
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Cabin By The Lake

THE CABIN BY THE LAKEBy Sam DarquesiedCopyright ? Sam Darquesied 2008The form letter flatly stated that my grade point average had fallen below the University?s prerequisite for living on campus, so it was either apply for special dispensation, or find an apartment. I decided that four years in residence was more than enough for this girl, and hit the want ads that very afternoon. My friends thought I had lost my mind when I soon chose to move into an apartment with two roommates; both of them...

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