Hunted Ch. 02 free porn video

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I woke up early the next day to a warm, wet, really nice sensation on my cock. I looked down and sure enough, Liv was sucking it, still completely naked from sleeping. ‘Morning, babe,’ she said, and put it back in her mouth. I groaned and tried to go back to sleep, but failed. It was like a fucking vacuum cleaner on my cock, but in a good way. Liv suddenly stopped and said, ‘We have to do this fast. Kay could come knocking at any minute. This could be the last time for a week. And please try to suppress your moans, I don’t want him hearing.’ With that, she positioned herself over my cock and lowered herself onto it. I moaned. She put a hand over my mouth. ‘What did I just say?’ she hissed, ‘Keep it quiet!’ She lay down on top of me, crushing her boobs into my chest, and started thrusting into me, keeping her hand over my mouth.I moaned into her hand as she picked up speed. She was right. It had to be a quickie, God knows what Kay would do if he walked in on us! I only lasted another minute. Her pussy felt so good. She climaxed, moaning into my ear and rolled off me. We then took a shower together and washed each other, no sex.

After the shower, we changed into our clothes for the week. We couldn’t change after today. My uncle loaned me his jungle ACU (Army Combat Uniform) pants from his Ranger days and an army green T-shirt. I brought boots from home. It was July so I didn’t need long sleeves, even at night. Liv was wearing an army green tank top, very low cut and revealing bra straps. On her lower body she had military fatigues, but from the marines and tight fitting. She also wore a black headband. She looked very sexy, as always. We then took a few more minutes to apply some of the black stuff that athletes wear under their eyes to deflect sunlight (I’m not sure what it’s called). We looked fucking badass!

Coach Kay knocked on the door about 5 minutes later and told us to meet him outside. He was impressed. Everyone had some sort of camo/woodland clothing on, but we were the only two with the stuff under our eyes. I got positive comments on my new hair. Anyway, Kay gave us all our own pair of dog tags with our name, DOB, religion, and blood type. He’d had them specially made for this. With dog tags, my hair, the sun reflector stuff, and my ACU, I looked like a modern Rambo! Next, he took out a bag of supplies and told us to take one. I reached inside and pulled out a Bowie knife and a sheath. Badass, I thought. I think I’ll hang on to this. I put the sheath on my belt and stuck the knife in. The others had taken food and water. I hope he doesn’t try to use that on me, I thought. Or worse, on Liv. I turned to her. She had a flashlight and a map, which she stuck in her back pocket.

Coach Kay spoke, ‘The supplies you have now are all that you’ll have in the woods. Once we get there, you’re on your own. For food, water, shelter, everything. And remember, no phones or iPods allowed. In fact, leave them with me, along with the clothes you were wearing yesterday. You’ll get them back when you return. Ok, if there aren’t any questions we’ll eat breakfast here then leave. Go on. Come back outside when you’re done.’ He went back to his truck and got in, waiting for us.

Breakfast was another buffet. I had eggs and bacon. The 4 of us (me, Liv, Nate, and Cody) sat together, laughing and joking. Bre, Nick, and Steve were all sitting alone, understandably. They all looked bored and unhappy. Probably thinking of the pool and Liv unabashedly and with no subtlety giving me that very intense, but amazing, kiss. That’s going to be hard to forget. After breakfast, we all assembled outside by Kay’s truck. He got out and opened the tailgate, and we all jumped on the bed, settling in for a 3 hour ride. Cody and Nate sat to my left, once again on their phones and iPods. Liv was lying down, with her head in my lap, looking up at me with a smile. I smiled back and started stroking her hair. She closed her eyes and was probably asleep. I leaned down and kissed the top of her head. I sat up and again, Steve was watching, jealous of us. He opened his mouth to say something but stopped as the truck started moving.

The ride was uneventful, apart from Liv falling asleep on my lap. She stirred as coach Kay turned onto a dirt road. She finally gave up on sleeping and opened her eyes, yawning. ‘I didn’t sleep much last night,’ she said, looking around.

‘I can’t imagine why,’ Cody said, looking at me out of the corner of his eye from his iPod and giving me a knowing smirk. I smiled and turned away, but something caught my eye. It looked like a glint of sunlight off a scope. ‘Hey! What was that?’ I asked pointing over Steve’s shoulder, who was sitting across from me.

‘What? I missed it,’ Cody said, sitting up and following my gaze.

‘Near those trees. It looked like sunlight reflecting off of something,’ I said.

Steve sneered and finally spoke. ‘Seeing things now, are we?’

I ignored him. ‘I could have sworn I saw something. I must’ve imagined it. I am tired from last night.’ I winked at Liv as she and Cody started cracking up. Steve obviously didn’t get it, being the virgin that he probably, no, undoubtedly, was. Nate and Nick had their iPods in and completely missed our whole conversation. I was still convinced I’d seen something glinting. It must be my eyes fucking with me, I thought. What else could it possibly be? If I only knew what lay in store for us over the next week….

Coach Kay parked the truck and helped us get out. I was still creeped out by that glint. It looked a hell of a lot like a scope for a gun. That can’t be it, hunting season’s over, I thought. So what the hell was that? I know I saw something.

‘Hey! Jackass!’ Steve called, ‘Wanna pass me the knife?’

I was shaken out of my thoughts. ‘No. I don’t trust you with a knife. Hell, I don’t trust you at all!’ I replied, giving Liv my hand for her to jump down from the truck. Steve scowled and muttered something and walked away. Meanwhile, Nick was chatting away to Nate about Call of Duty, the only thing he ever talked about. I liked video games too, but Nick was obsessed, to the point where he missed meals (not that he needed them, given his weight already) and had withdrawals in school. Cody had gone on ahead to find a campsite.

Liv held my hand as we walked in the direction Cody had gone. ‘Are you ok? You seem shaken up about what you supposedly saw back there,’ she said, her hazel eyes filled with concern and boring into my gray ones.

I sighed and said, ‘I know what I saw, there was sunlight reflecting off something. Like a gun scope or something. I’m not scared, but it’s driving me crazy. I wanna know what the hell it was.’

Liv laughed and said, ‘You’re so cute when you’re annoyed. C’mere.’ She pulled me in for a kiss. ‘Just try and forget it. It was probably nothing. Now let’s go find Cody. He’s probably looking for a secluded place to jack off right now.’ She smiled and walked ahead of me, flaunting her ass, already her best feature if you ask me, making it really enticing. That certainly helped me forget! It also had me drooling over her body, like I normally do. That was working until Nick caught up to me and was chatting my ear off. I wasn’t listening. I never do with him. He finally gave up and walked ahead.

I turned around and saw Nate walking, so I stopped and waited for him to catch up. ‘What’s up?’ he asked.

‘Oh nothing. Liv’s all concerned because I thought I saw something back on the dirt road. It looked like sunlight reflecting off a scope.’

He frowned. ‘That’s weird. It’s not hunting season. Are you sure it wasn’t a pair of sunglasses someone dropped?’

‘I’m pretty damn sure. I just can’t shake the feeling that we’re being followed. Like I said, Liv’s really freaked out over me.’

Nate said, ‘She really loves you, you know. She talks about you a lot when you’re not around. She cares about you. You’re a lucky guy, Matt, having a gorgeous piece of ass like Liv. A
lot of guys at school are jealous of you. They all wanted to hit that. I wish I had a girl like her waiting for me.’

‘Dude, it’s nice having a chick on my arm that turns heads, not to mention that she also gives really good head, but I’ve gotta say, I regret it sometimes, what with dickheads like Steve always staring at her. You could try chatting up Bre. I’m sure she’d bang you. Or I could loan you Liv for a night and I could have your mom,’ I quickly dodged the punch he jokingly threw.

He laughed. ‘You’re so gay! I can see why Steve doesn’t like you.’

‘Steve?’ I snorted. ‘Please. I don’t give a shit what he thinks about me. And I’m not gay. Just ask your mom.’ I smirked at the last part and dodged another punch.

‘Shut up,’ he said laughing. ‘One of these times, I’m going to really sock you. You’re lucky I like you. If Steve ever said something about my mom, I’d knock him out. And there’s no way I’d ask Bre, she’s probably banged every boy in the school. I bet I could get lost in there, she’s so loose.’

‘Probably. It would be like trying to mow a lawn with scissors. It doesn’t make much of a difference and you won’t notice anything. And I don’t really think your mom’s hot, you know. I just enjoy pissing you off.’ I laughed.

Nate suddenly stopped walking and motioned to me. ‘Shhh. You hear that?’ he asked.

I listened. It sounded like yelling. I recognized Cody’s voice. ‘Shit. We’d better go,’ I said. We started jogging to the campsite.

Cody was in the process of yelling at Steve. Liv, Nick, and Bre were all staring at them, speechless. Nate and I came jogging over. ‘What happened?’ I asked.

Liv looked up and walked over. ‘Someone or something hit Cody on the back of the head and gave him a nasty bruise.’

Cody was yelling, ‘….YOU FUCKING FAGGOT, IF YOU EVER TOUCH ME AGAIN….’ He was pissed. I’d seen him angry before but nothing like this. His hands were balled into fists and his face was red. His green eyes were bulging out of his skull.


Cody lost it at this. He grabbed Steve by his shirt collar and slammed him into a tree. ‘WHAT DID YOU SAY TO ME?! YOU MOTHERFUCKER, WHY DON’T YOU GO STICK YOUR PATHETIC LITTLE COCK THROUGH A HOLE IN A TREE, BECAUSE THAT’S THE CLOSEST YOU’RE GETTING TO A GIRL!’ He raised a fist and was about to hit Steve when coach Kay came running over. ‘What THE FUCK is going on here?!’ he asked breaking Cody and Steve apart.

Cody spun around, ‘I’ll tell you what’s going on! This jerkoff here sucker punched me and left a bruise!’

Steve said, ‘I never touched you. Get your head out of your ass. Why would I want to? This whole exercise is about teamwork.’

Coach Kay said, ‘Cody, are you ok?’

‘Fine. Just keep that punk away from me.’

Kay turned to Steve and said slowly, ‘Steve….if I find out you did this….your parents will be the least of your problems… it?’

Steve nodded and said, ‘But I didn’t! This is horseshit! It’s always my fault around here.’ He gestured to me. ‘What about him? Maybe he did it.’

I replied, ‘Listen jackass, don’t drag me into this. And why would I hit Cody? He’s one of my best friends.’

Steve had no answer and just stood there.

Cody rubbed his head and said, ‘Shit. What the hell is your problem?’ He eyed Steve warily.

‘You are. Because you keep accusing me of stuff. I’m not admitting to something I didn’t do, so fuck off,’ Steve said irritably. There was silence.

Kay turned to the rest of us. ‘Unless there’s anything else, I’m going to leave you now. I’ll be back in a week. Good luck. And try to enjoy yourselves. I know none of you want to be here, except maybe you two lovebirds-‘ he looked at me and Liv, ‘-but try to have fun, ok? Good luck!’ Coach Kay smiled and waved as he walked away. We were finally on our own.

‘Ok, I think we should each build shelters first, then find food. Is that ok with everyone?’ Cody asked, looking around. ‘I’m guessing you and Matt are sleeping in the same shelter?’ he asked, looking at Liv.

‘Is that even a question? Of course I’m sleeping with my boyfriend!’ Liv said, emphasizing the word ‘sleeping’ and stroking my thigh.

Cody snorted and said, ‘Ok, let’s do it.’ We all dispersed and started searching for suitable materials. I found some suitable wood (tree branches! Not the type of wood you’re thinking of) but I had to whittle it, while Liv was also looking for suitable pieces and bringing them to me. It was surprisingly hard work. The sun was beating down on us and it must have been at least in the 80s temperature-wise. I was covered in sweat by the time I finished, something Liv, being her typical smartass self, called, ‘very sexy. Especially in that military uniform.’

Meanwhile, Cody was trying to coax Nick to do something. ‘Nick, for fuck’s sake, get off your lazy ass and make yourself a shelter.’ Nick refused to get up. ‘Fine. But don’t expect to be sharing with me. Or get a share of the food for today.’ Cody sighed and came over to give me a hand with mine. ‘Nice work, Matt,’ he grunted as we pushed the wood into the ground. ‘That fat fuck won’t build his shelter. He’s not coming in mine.’

‘Or mine,’ I said. ‘If he ruins a good make out or fucking session with Liv, I might have to kill him.’

Liv came over. ‘What? I heard my name and ‘make out’ in the same sentence,’ she winked at me. ‘Why, do you want to? Maybe in front of Steve again?’

‘Speaking of him, where is that son of a bitch?’ Cody asked, looking around.

‘I saw him trying and failing to build a lean-to,’ Nate chimed in, coming over to join the circle. ‘Cody, could I share your shelter? I can’t seem to build mine.’

‘Be my guest, you’re a hell of a lot better than either of the other two guys. And at least you tried to build one, unlike either of those two,’ he gestured.

‘Maybe Nick could share with that other girl. I’m sure she’d be glad to take him, in more ways than one,’ I said with a smirk. They all laughed and looked in her direction. She was also failing to successfully build a makeshift shelter.

We put Nick in charge of finding food, as that’s the only thing he seemed to care about. He came back with some berries but couldn’t find any meat, saying something about setting traps to catch animals. ‘That’s actually a really good idea,’ said Cody. ‘Congrats Nick. You can eat tonight.’ He then turned to everyone and said, ‘By the way, for future reference, no one goes out alone. We don’t want any accidents!’ We spent the rest of the day building improvised traps, sharpening tree branches and rigging logs to fall on anything that got too close.

Nate got a fire going just as the sun was going down. We set up logs around the fire and sat on them, eating and talking and joking. It was also getting colder, maybe in the 60s now. Liv certainly noticed and sat next to me, putting her arms around me and leaning on me, giving me a clear view down her tank top. She also got the idea of feeding me, which I liked. I returned the favor, feeding her all of my share of the berries. Then she decided to take one of my fingers in her mouth, sucking on it and swirling her tongue around it.

I laughed. ‘Liv, there’s a time and a place for this, you know.’

She took my finger out of her mouth. ‘Damn right. It’s now.’ With that, she sucked each of my fingers on that hand one at a time, and started kissing up my arm and neck, not caring that there were people around. If that wasn’t bad enough, she started sucking on my earlobe. I had to resist the urge to moan. She stopped and whispered into my ear, ‘This isn’t the only thing I’ll be sucking later.’ She smiled and turned my head, giving me a particularly wet kiss. That’s why I liked her, she didn’t give a shit what she looked or sounded like.

I was shaken out of my thoughts by Cody
‘s voice. ‘Jesus Christ, try and keep it in your pants, will ya? You were right, there’s a time and place,’ he said with a grin from across the fire. Liv finally pulled away with a wet and audible smack, once again hugging me and leaning on me. I put an arm around her waist, holding her close.

‘Sorry. Liv can’t get enough of me,’ I said jokingly. Cody and Nate both groaned and pretended to puke.

‘Anyway, as I was saying, before Romeo and Juliet over there interrupted us, I wanna know what scares you all the most,’ Cody said, looking around at us.

There was silence until Nate spoke up. ‘Spiders.’

Cody’s jaw dropped. ‘Dude, what the fuck are you doing out here? I don’t like them either but they’re not my absolute worst fear.’

‘I don’t know, I just don’t like them. Some are ok, like the small harmless things I find in my house. But, there are also some truly nasty motherfuckers crawling around. Mainly the massive, hairy, fucking leviathans I see in, like, South America or Australia. Those fuckers are the things that give me the shits.’

Cody nodded. ‘Fair enough. I’m with you there. Nick?’ he looked over at him, waiting.

Nick thought for a second, then said, dead seriously, ‘Breaking my Xbox.’

‘Screw Xbox. PS3 is where it’s at. Right Matt?’ he asked.

‘You’re damn right it is.’ I agreed (I had a PS3 and played with Cody a lot).

Cody laughed and turned to Nick again. ‘Now seriously, what scares you?’

Nick replied, ‘I was serious.’

‘Aw come ON Nick! You need to get out more. Maybe run into a pack of wolves or Freddy Krueger or something. Then tell me how scary breaking an Xbox is.’ He sighed and shook his head. ‘Right, who’s next? Bre? It is Bre, right?’

Bre nodded. She had literally not said a word the whole time we’d been there. Her voice was raspy when she spoke, probably from smoking. ‘I’m not sure yet. Probably heights. Or blood.’ There was silence.

Cody said, ‘Alright. That’s a common one.’ He looked around. ‘Steve, you’re up.’

Steve had also been quiet this whole time. But he finally spoke. ‘Nothing.’

Cody snorted and choked on his food. When he recovered, he looked at Steve in disbelief and said, ‘Bullshit! You seemed pretty scared when I was yelling at you today. Which I’m still pissed at you for, by the way.’ He gave Steve a dirty look.

‘You shouldn’t be, because I didn’t do it,’ he was straining to keep his voice even. ‘How could I? It couldn’t have felt like a fist, and I wasn’t holding anything.’

‘I still think you did it. I don’t know who else it could have been.’ He paused. ‘So back to the question. What scares you?’

‘I’m telling you, nothing scares me.’

‘Yeah. Ok pal,’ Cody said sarcastically. ‘You’re telling me you wouldn’t be scared if you ran into a serial killer or went for a late night stroll through Detroit? You’re full of shit! I can see why Matt here hit you back in 7th grade.’ He was getting pissed at Steve now.

Steve flushed and said nothing. Then Nate spoke up, ‘I wanna know what scares the 2 horny lovers over there.’

All eyes fell on us. Liv went first. ‘I’ve always been scared of the dark. I always feel like there’s something waiting just out of my line of sight, trying to kill me.’ Her voice changed to a joking tone. ‘That’s why I’m sleeping with Matt tonight, to protect me. As well as other various reasons, which you can probably guess,’ she grinned.

Everyone burst out laughing, even Bre and Steve. I laughed and put an arm around her again. She smiled and fell silent, snuggling against me again, putting her head on my shoulder.

The laughter eventually stopped. Nate said, ‘Go on Matt, what scares you?’

Cody spoke up, ‘Screw off man, nothing scares him.’ He got up and threw more wood on the fire.

I smiled. ‘I don’t know about that. Girls used to scare me.’ I paused and continued with a smile, motioning to Liv, ‘Until I met this one.’ Instantly, a disgusted groan went around the campfire. Cody jokingly rolled his eyes. Liv laughed and kissed my cheek. I continued, ‘But seriously, the thought of never seeing my friends or my family again scares the shit out of me. That and the things that make your skin crawl, and the hair stand up on the back of your neck.’ I paused, smiled, and pointed, ‘Like Nick over there.’ Everyone laughed even harder, except Nick, who blushed. Liv, Cody, and Nate were crying with laughter now. I grinned and continued, ‘One more thing. My grandfather always told me a creepy story of his dad.’ I paused and cleared my throat, leaning in and removing my arm from around Liv. Cody leaned in from across the fire and looked at me, the flames reflecting in his green eyes.

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I'm divorced now. My ex-wife had an affair which ended our marriage. She doesn't know that I had my own affair, seven years earlier. We were great fuck mates. I fucked her constantly and I fucked her one day before we split up. But after she had our baby, she changed in many ways, including sexually. She didn't want to fuck nearly as often as she used to and her pussy was dry almost every time we fucked, before she changed, her pussy got wet just from thinking about sex! I'm patient by nature...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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First time for wife

Firstly we are a normal couple mid 20s, Jane very pretty with small pert breasts . I have had a fantasy for a long time about watching jane with another guy but didn't know how to bring it up. I was worried she would think that i was wanting an excuse to have another woman or that she was not enough for me or that i was just wierd. so one night when we where talking about sex and fantasies she said that she had one about being with two guys so i told her about mine. she was a little shocked and...

Cheating Wifes
3 years ago
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My Cucking Chapter 1

Prelude Let me begin by saying that I have always been a submissive. This wasn't a part of our sex lives, but it was a part of our everyday lives. More often than not, I agreed to whatever she wanted to do, where she wanted to go, and to pretty much anything else she had a mind to do. While there were some things I did by myself that she didn't like, in twenty-six years of marriage we have had an active and fulfilling sex life, even after children. We both enjoyed giving the other oral, and...

2 years ago
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Long Is The Way Chapter 1 Through A Glass Darkly

The thick leather paddle whipped into Owen's bare ass repeatedly. Just when it was starting to feel good, the blonde young woman behind him stopped. “Are you OK? Am I going too hard?” “I'm fine, Mistress Jade. Harder, please.” She'd already asked the question, or some variation of it, at least a dozen times. It was starting to get ridiculous. Her inexperience was showing more clearly with every act. Caution was fine, especially when it was your first session with a new sub, but at some...

3 years ago
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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 25 Missed it by That Much

Jason was holding up his CAP card. Leticia exploded out of her chair with a loud cry of pure joy. She tackled Jason. They fell to the floor as the young woman covered his face with kisses. Ashley looked down at the couple. She kicked playfully at her brother's leg. "You scared us!" "I scared myself," Jason admitted. "Even knowing that I should score well, I was stunned by how often I couldn't answer one of the questions quickly. And the scenes I had to move through. You ever try to...

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Ori WarTrue heir

The last emperor of Ori had over a dozen children. He also had many enemies and those would stop at nothing to see him suffer. His governors were corrupt and traitors and his generals and senators were as bad. When his children began to die he had to do something. His oldest son was the last of his children and when he was assassinated and that drew the line. His dead son had a son and two wives. The emperor made plans and a story was told of his grandson's death in a fall from a horse. The...

3 years ago
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Other Colors Ch 910

Part 1 – Red (continued) Chapter 9 “Christ in heaven, Penny…” his eyes dilated and his body stiffened. “Where in God’s name did you learn to do that?” I blushed. It made me nervous, being so exposed in front of him. But I was glad he was pleased with me. I’d worked so hard, and suffered much. I bit my lip, “You—you really like it?” Peter stood beside me, studying the immense and swirling red surface of my canvas. It had been just seven days since Mr. Caine coerced me into creating it, six...

4 years ago
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I blew my new fatherinlaw at our wedding

Introduction: It was a lovely wedding. I was not expecting to give my new father-in-law a blowjob. We had the most beautiful wedding on the shore of Lake Tahoe. It was mid-May. The weather was just perfect and so was the setting. We had decided on a sunset wedding and fifty friends and relatives were there. Both of my parents were there and so were both of my new husbands parents although they never said anything to each other. They had been divorced for four years and it was not an agreeable...

2 years ago
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Mischiefs With Naughty SisterInLaws

Hi this is selva!!! contact me at: ITS A COMPLETE WORK OF FICTION This story throwbacks some years ago, One summer when i completed my school and was just 18. During holidays i used to stay in my grandparents home but since this is long leave my mom sent me to my cousin brothers home in kerala. Both my cousin brothers stay together for business purposes. Train reached Cochin at 5am, my younger brother was there to pickup me and we reached the home. Elder sister in law opened the door with...

3 years ago
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Horse Loving DaughterChapter 11

Lynne lugged out all of Blazer's jizz, then pulled away. She sat back on her haunches and looked at her mother. "I wanna get fucked," she said. "You ready to have your ass fucked?" Janice smiled. "I've been begging for it for three days," Lynne gasped. "Of course I'm ready." She quivered, her head spinning. At last she was going to have her ass reamed. Janice brought Abdul to the center of the barn. "Blazer had your cherry, now Abdul can have your virgin ass." Lynne moaned,...

4 years ago
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Scissor Sisters Chapter Twelve

Scissors Sisters - Chapter Twelve - By: Beverly Taff List of Characters. Me: Peter(Now Petra); Susan(Susie): My mother; Grandma: My granny; Aunty Pauline: My mother's twin sister; Charlotte: My younger sister(By one year); Persephone & Stephanie: My younger twin sisters(By 3 years); Emily & Judith: My twin cousins(2 days younger than I me); Janice: Grandma's live in maid; Uncle Reggie: Grandma Brother and a Baron; David: Emily's...

4 years ago
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From off stage, I heard the Overture begin ... Damn, how do people do this for a living? I guess I prefer to have my back to the audience. Hmmmm? My musical cue was coming up, so I climbed the stairs of the set piece to enter the dungeon set... As the applause started, I took a final big breath with Charles right behind me and the underscoring began. I opened the door, as we were walked down the stairs. I pulled my bag of props away from the guardsmen locking us up. An applause I wasn’t...

3 years ago
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Weekend job II

Covering my self as I rolled over, Mr king smiled. He said you didn't have to be so shy, and reached down. Pulling my hands away, he said let's see what you're hiding. My heart beat faster as he moved my hands. Well, Mr king said. That's a nice looking dick you have. Blushing I didn't know what to do. Mr king pushed my legs apart and poured some oil on my them. As he massaged my thighs his fingers or thumb rubbed against my balls. Finishing up my legs he said, I think it's time to work on your...

1 year ago
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CHAPTER 11: A 5-SOME (OR IS IT A 6-SOME?)Joe showed Nikki an email exchange between Michele and Jim and Sarah. Although they had experiences with each since the initial meeting at the resort, they had never gotten together as a group. They were wondering about the 5 of them getting together for similar fun as they have shared separately. “We could invite them all here. We’ve met in neutral locations in the past for the convenience of everyone. It might be a bit of drive for them but we can...

2 years ago
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Mrs Sweeney

This is the kind of body Mrs. Sweeney hadMrs. Sweeney was one of my friends mother. She was a single woman. I didn't know at that time if she was divorced or a widow. Her son is my age and she has a married daughter. She had a southern accent. I am guessing she was in her late 30's. She had red hair that was always a mess. She always wore an old lady dress. Every dress she wore was big on her. She had big tits that stuck straight out and the dress hung down over them making her look fat and it...

2 years ago
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Sex Lies and Videotape pt1

“Hi. I didn’t think that you would ring, after last week…I’m sorry too….I know… (Laughter)….I was good-wasn’t I! (More giggling)…..I wasn’t THAT good… If you say so. (Laughter)...Yes, I’m wearing them…I suppose they might be a little bit wet…No! I’m not fingering myself! …. You know why! …In his office, working on that bloody computer…I wish that it was porn… (Laughter)...They are inside my knickers now….yes, it does feel nice… (laughter)…of course it’s not as nice as your cock…it’s very,...

1 year ago
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What Lena Wants

Introduction: Lena used to be close with her brother Milo, but things have changed recently. Lena just wants to have her brother back, maybe a little closer than before. Hi Lovelies! I hope you enjoy this story. I am hoping to expand upon it with more of Milo and Lenas relationship, so stay tuned. Xoxo, Cede ——– Growing up, I was the youngest in our family. The only girl on top of that. I had three older brothers, Sam, Peter, and Milo. Sam and Peter were five and eight years older than me,...

1 year ago
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Fantasy about my wife and the black preacher

We have a historically black church down the street from us and last weekend they were selling homemade barbeque for a fund raiser. We stopped to buy some and the minister invited us to attend services. The next Sunday we did and invited the preacher to dinner at our house and he accepted.After he arrived, he and I went into the living room and made small talk while, Sue, my wife was preparing dinner. The minister made a comment about her being a very attractive lady, I thanked hi and told him...

2 years ago
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Femail order part 6

It seemed almost the normal routine to put on a skirt and top to go to the office the next morning. I checked my appearance carefully to make sure I was demurely attired. Although I knew that I was wearing pretty silky knickers and stockings with suspenders, I didn't want everybody else to see them. I realised that Julie had been quite correct. In public I needed to look like a professional office girl, showing no more of my pretty legs that was decent, and avoiding opportunities...

1 year ago
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Dans Story

Introduction: Everyone has disappeared, Dan thought he was alone until he met Sharon Dan woke at about 9.30 am, the sun was shining and the air was clear. The boat was rolling gently in a slight swell, he hove anchor and started to make his way to shore. He was hoping Jane his girlfriend was in a better mood than last night, for some reason she had been trying to pick a fight all night, so he grabbed a few beers and a bottle of whiskey got in his boat and went offshore for a couple of mile to...

1 year ago
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The two companions Part 2

THE TWO COMPANIONS : PART TWO (In which Inara must teach two more and meets her master.) As Inara groggily awoke, she became aware of the presence of two men standing over her. She kept her eyes shut and assessed her situation. The companion was lying on her back on some kind of bed with her wrists bound with what felt like plastic zip ties. Her legs were bent and from the cool air on them, she was evidently naked from the waist down with her gown bunched up on her belly. From the sounds of the...

2 years ago
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Lose a Fiance and gain a New Girlfriend

It all started after my fiancé Wendy departed me after 4 yrs together and 6 months away from saying I Do. I thought Wendy was the love of my life but I guess I was wrong when she called it off. Wendy was a hot little 5’3 Blonde, green eyes, 32C and with a killer butt plus sweet calf muscles. She played soccer most of her life and that is the reason for the sweet legs. My name is Paul 30 yrs old 6’2 210lbs and on the slim muscular side. Before the split up we met both sides of the family’s and...

2 years ago
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Kamuk Nepali Ladkiyan

Hello friends! Mera naam Aaditya hai. Main abhi IIT Delhi se engineering kar raha hu aur sath hi UPSC ki bhi taiyari kar raha hun. Main hamesha ISS se kahani padhta tha. Isiliye apni kahani bhi share kar raha hu taki aaplog maze le sako. Ye kahani pichle mahine ki hai jab main apni girlfriend ke sath Nepal ghumne gaya tha. Girlfriend ki chudai ki kahani kabhi aur bataunga. Kyuki jyada interesting bat ye hui ki us trip pe mujhe do Nepali ladkiyo ko chodne ka mauka mila. Meri girlfriend, Prachi...

1 year ago
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Undercovers Detective chapter 7

I nervously applied the last of my makeup in preparation for my debut at the Slice. Up until three months ago, no one besides my parents and physician had seen me nude, but now perfect strangers were going to be ogling me. My folks would have cardiac arrest if they saw me now. They were opposed to me joining the police force to begin with. My dad wanted me to follow in my family’s tradition of corporate law, but being the head-strong woman I am, I forged my own path. However, when I agreed to...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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NaughtyOffice Bailey Brooke 23901

Sexual harassment is no joke, and Bailey Brooke is taking sharp measures to ensure that any murmur of it in her office is swiftly addressed, resolved and extinguished. And that starts with JMac, who she’s pulled into her office due to rumors he’s been masturbating in the office, said to be found offensive to certain women in the office. The problem is, JMac just can’t help pleasuring himself, as he decidedly demonstrates by pulling his dick out in front of his boss and stroking it! Bailey’s...

4 years ago
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A Controlled Life chapter 15

Chapter Fifteen 'Slaves must worship the temple that is their Owners' body.' 'Orally serving one's Owners is a privilege and an honor.' 'Serving one's Owners orally is not a sexual act; but an act of service' 'Being allowed to serve orally is the highest calling a slave can ever achieve.' 'A slave will provide oral service in any context required; whether that be to provide arousal, completion, clean-up, or any other function requested or desired by its Owner.' 'The...

1 year ago
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Sweet Surrender Ch 04

It was a draw on who was more shocked at Emily-Jane’s comment: Barbara, Emmie, or Luke. Luke wasn’t sure if he should leave the two women to fight it out or if he should be there just in case he had to pull Emmie off of her sister. Barbara was the smaller of the two and Luke already knew that Emmie had the tendency to fight dirty. He didn’t want to have to continue their relationship in jail, but if looks could kill Blaine would be looking for a new fiancé soon. ‘You’ve been putting up with...

1 year ago
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Hard at Work

This naughty little story, although entirely fictional, is based on/inspired by real life experiences I’ve had. Enjoy reading it, I certainly did writing it! ???? lol So I’ve been working this office job for a while now. I started out when I was 18 and ever since then I’ve been a busy hard-working worker. I shan’t bore you with the ins-and-outs of the job (who wants to read about such a thing on a porn site?! lol). Anyway, having been working hard for a few years, I figured I was more than...

1 year ago
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Full Metal ProphylacticChapter 13

I didn’t feel almighty, bursting with innate magical powers from every pore, but the spark was there inside, like a tingling in the pit of my stomach. It needed time to grow ... and so did we all. Like Linda, we’d need years to develop and understand with any assurance and self-reliance that our new duties would be. Right now, I didn’t feel the need to loving tend some garden or pond, or find a neglect forest to loving foster. I wanted... needed to get back to Barry. I could feel, with more...

1 year ago
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Sexe en nature avec Meacutelissa

Je donne rendez-vous à Mélissa vers 20h dans une commune avec pour consigne une jupe sans sous-vêtement avec un petit mot bien décolleté. Arrivée 20h je rejoins Mélissa nous avons chacun notre voiture je l'embrasse en guise de bonjour et je lui dis prends ta voiture et suis-moi. Nous nous sommes dirigés vers un belvédère la nuit commence à tomber nous descendons chacun de nos voitures et nous nous dirigeons vers le point de vue, là je place Mélissa contre la barrière je lève sa jupe, elle ne...

3 years ago
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An Unexpected Bonus A Mile High

Usually I love summer. An enthusiastic sun-worshipper, I am also addicted to being the object of admiration under any circumstances, and my body in a bikini is certain to attract attention from any red-blooded male within view. As a result, I like to spend my summers in tropical locales where I can live in a permanent state of near-nudity. The logical choice would have been to spend my summer in Florida where Kyle is training for the pro tennis tour, but I just couldn’t prolong the inevitable...

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StripChat Spy Shows

Sometimes, you want to watch beautiful cam models stripping and getting nasty on the camera for you. And other times, you want to watch them do all of that without their knowledge that you are watching. I know the idea of creeping into other people’s live shows and watching them without getting caught will get a lot of you fucks enables perverts like yourself to spy on the amazing camgirls on Stripchat. It is where you are going to find all kinds of cam girls that you can...

Live Voyeur Cams
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Parent Teacher ConferenceChapter 16 Life Back on Earth

The trip took even less time that I had expected. Soon Lara and I were on Earth, and back at my old apartment. It looked just as it did before I left, before my attack. My floor safe was closed and undisturbed, but I knew the letters and notes were gone. I discovered that we had only been gone four weeks, not five weeks as I had thought. I introduced Lara to Earth culture including food, clothes, and I even taught her how to drive my car. The marks on my wrists were fading fast and I was sure...

1 year ago
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Down by the river True Story

Myself and my girlfriend at the time decided to go for a hike one day and explore the town we were in. We walk around town and there was really nothing in it for a small hick town. As we were walking back we seen a trail going off into the wood I said let see where this goes so we turned onto it. Its was a beautiful day and I was feeling frisky so I started playing with her you know grabbing her ass groping her breast. She was pushing me away and telling me to stop but I could not she was just...

4 years ago
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Joyce Dickinson part 5

Joyce lay on top of the bed staring at the ceiling. She had watched the clock go round for three whole hours. Two cars had started up within that time, one almost immediately after she got back to her bedroom, and the other one two hours later. An hour ago she had heard Robbie in the shower, then twenty minutes later heard a door down stairs slam shut. All was quiet. She slipped into the ensuite and started the power shower. She cleaned her teeth and looked at her clouded reflection in the...

1 year ago
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Tropical Island Vacation Chapter 7

Rinsed and refreshed we return to our blanket. It must be getting to be late afternoon as the shadow of the cliffs behind us has almost reached the water’s edge. Suddenly, both Talia and I realize we’re both hungry. We had only brought food for lunch that we ate several hours ago. And although we would both prefer staying naked on the beach for a couple more hours before darkness falls, we decide to gather our things and head back to the car. There aren’t nearly as many people around any more...

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With Strength and SteelChapter 15

It was his eyes. The beautiful amber orbs that shone for me were gone, as was the face I loved. In its place was a mask of cold rage that showed nothing, revealed nothing of who he was or how he felt. It was the face of a man who would do anything and not care, no matter how much carnage he left in his wake. But his eyes were so much worse. Black but for the smallest slit of red down the middle that I could scarcely make out only because they were focused on me. Eyes gone dead, without the...

1 year ago
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Mother With the HotsChapter 8

It was early evening and Marilyn ate a light meal with her son. They were on the patio where they usually ate in the warm weather. The sun was fading, but the heat of the day was still with them. Sally had been gone for over two hours. Marilyn was very pleased with how the day turned out. Sally and Donny had been wanting to fuck for a long time, and finally it had happened. They were no longer nervous with each other as before and having Marilyn with them, joining them, increased their...

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