Wanda and Josie Gangbang Night
- 4 years ago
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"So that's it," Jacob said.
"What the hell do you mean that's it?"
"Just what I said, I'll come by after work tomorrow for my things."
"So you are just going to walk out on me and the kids?" I was furious.
"I'm not walking out on the kids, just you. Look Wanda, we have tried but it's just not working anymore."
"It's another woman right, someone who does the things I don't?"
"You know that was never an issue with me. It's just that we aren't going to make it. It's better to end it now than to keep putting it off."
"Jacob, we have been married for sixteen years. I'm almost forty. The time to have done this was when I still had a chance at starting over. Damn you. if you are so hell bent to go, then just go."
"And that's how it ended. All those years and he just walked away." I said it to the younger African American woman. Even though I had known her for two years, it was the first time we had a really personal conversation.
"Men can be such selfish bastards. At least Rodney isn't like that yet."
Rodney was her husband. He was also a tall good looking black man at least five years younger than me. I knew them from band concerts at my son's high school. Darren and Charlie both played in the band and were almost friends. The four of us had spent a great deal of time together, while waiting for the kids to set up before the concerts or clean up after.
"So," Layla said, "Let's go get some coffee while the kids make their noises." It wasn't anything new. We had gone out to coffee or lunch while they setup and practiced for the regional or state honors band. Both Layla's son and Charlie were talented it seemed.
"What about your husband?"
"Would you mind if he comes along. If he does, he will pay for the coffee. That's one of the things men are really good for, carrying the wallet. " jShe smiled and I got a chance to smile. There hadn't been many of those in the last 6 months... "Sure why not." I agreed.
Neither of us was familiar with the place, since it was an out of town regional band contest. Since the town was a lot smaller than our hometown, we settled for a Waffle House Restaurant just off the interstate. Being on a heavy traveled road, no one paid any attention to the black man with both a black and white woman in tow.
"So how long has it been, since you and the ex had sex?" Layla asked.
I was a little embarrassed, since her husband was smiling a rather predatory smile. "Well over 6 months," I replied.
"I assume that he was the last one?" Rodney asked.
"Yes," I admitted. Even though our conversation was low, I felt like everyone in the restaurant was hanging on my every word.
"Does that seem like a long time?" Layla asked.
"Well at the end we weren't sleeping together, and I was so depressed that I didn't care.
"How do you feel about it now? Are you ready to try again?" she asked.
"I honestly don't know whether I'm ready or not."
"You should really become active again. Not just to prove to yourself that you are still desirable, but it's good therapy to out do the bastard." Rodney suggested.
"That sounds reasonable," I admitted. I didn't really feel that it was necessary, but I also didn't feel that it was inappropriate. I was really pretty ambiguous about it
"Do you have anyone in mind?" Layla asked.
"No, I really haven't met anyone since the divorce. The kid keep me on the go all the time. When he is with Jacob, I'm working all weekend. Those long shoots back to back wear me out. At least I don't have to hire anyone to stay with him."
"Wanda, I don't want you to dismiss this out of hand. I want you to think about it. You seem really uptight about sex. How about you come with us for a night? Let us be there for you."
"I don't understand?"
"Come be with Rodney and me. We are all friends, so there won't be any pressure. You do just what you feel like doing. Rodney is very gentle and patient."
"I just don't know how I feel about that," It took me a few second to grasp what she was suggesting. I wasn't upset I was just confused.
To make matters even more confusing Rodney moved from his wife's side of the booth to sit beside me. I froze solid when I felt his hand on my knee. Since there would be a concert that night, I had worn a skirt, rather than my usual jeans.
I felt his large hand move ever so slowly up my leg. Every move added to the anticipation. I wanted to stop him, I really did. I just couldn't find the strength to make a scene. Layla just smiled as his hand moved under my skirt and up to my panties.
"Her panties are wet," he said to his wife in a whisper. He acted as though I wasn't even there.
'You can't let her sit around in wet panties," she said it calmly and quietly.
I didn't resist as he hooked his finger in the crotch and then pulled them to my knees. First he ran a finger up and down my slit. I was soaked, so it was easy for him to move along the groove. My breathing was labored and I was choking back serious moans.
"That's enough Rodney, let her think about it now."
"Do you still need to think about it Wanda?" he asked.
I managed to choke out, "We can't do this."
"Well not tonight for sure," Rodney said with a wolfish grin. Then he bent and whispered in my ear. "We are going to love fucking you Wanda. We both love white women. Now give me your panties..." He saw the look of doubt in my eyes so he added. "I want them to remember this moment, and you want me to have them, so give them to me now."
I moved my legs under the table to slip them to the floor. It took some contorting, but I managed, with a foot to raise my panties t high enough to reach them with my hand. I slipped the wet cloth to Rodney under the table. Inside his large hand they were invisible as he slipped them into the pocket of his suit coat.
Later at the concert we sat together. Looking back, they seemed to be protecting me or at least trying to keep me isolated. The concert was held in a real theater in the county's consolidated high school's facility. The theater was much larger than necessary for the crowd of parents who had gathered to hear their children play. Where we chose to sit was not totally isolated, by any means, but there were no other parents crowded around us either. When the lights went down, Rodney took my hand and placed over his penis. I was more than a little afraid that I could be seen, so I tried to move my hand away, but he held it in place. At the same time Layla seemed to sense what was going on and put her hand on my thigh as if to reassure me. Since I was sandwiched between them I felt safe. I left my hand on his penis during the performance. He had an erection for what seemed like the entire concert. I have to admit even now that it was exciting. At the time it was an even larger turn on. Sitting there with my hand on his penis and my panties in his pocket made the concert fly by. I enjoyed it more than any of the other concert I had attended. Since it was a regional honors band the music was exceptional, but the feeling of Rodney's penis was even better.
I saw my son Charlie after the concert and told him our van was in the parking lot. I had clipped the orange pennant attached to a short wire onto the driver's side window. It was easy to install and made finding the van in a large parking lot at least possible To me all the mommy vans looked pretty much alike. A generic white van is how I described it to my clients and friends alike.
While I waited in the van for Charlie to say his goodbyes, Layla approached the van. She stood outside and said, "Please think about it Wanda. We both want you in our lives, but it has to be your decision. Don't let Rodney overwhelm you. Do it because you want to."
"I know Rodney is a man and this is what men do, but why you Layla? You don't seem to be gay."
"Rodney and I grew up poor, we aren't poor any more. I don't ever want to be poor again. If this is all it takes to keep him happy, then it is something I can live with. If he makes you feel better about yourself, you should go for it. Honestly Wanda, I do want you in our lives. I trust you not to take Rodney away. I can't say that about every white woman we meet."
"So you have done this before?"
"Yes twice. They tend to be very short affairs. I try to make sure it never get to the point that it threatens our marriage. I don't allow any nasty love triangle issues." She stopped there to looked me in the eye then add, "You do understand don't you?'
"You are saying, he can have all the sex he wants, but with no love involved."
"Exactly, think about it. I'll be in touch." She smiled warmly then walked away.
Charlie was excited and yakked it up for the first twenty minutes, then he fell silent. I knew that he was tired. Even a fifteen year old boy wears down after a while. Sometimes they seem to have all the energy in the world, but even they run out of steam eventually.
After Charlie finished his chattering I slipped into remembering how Rodney's fingers had felt on my body. I even remembered how his penis had felt in my hand. It was wicked, the things I had allowed him to do to me. Equally wicked were the things I had wanted to do for him. The problem for me was that I felt so good, I could not feel guilty enough. Not just the sexy play, but also the feeling of being wanted were a complete turn ons for me. That feeling of being desired might have been the really addictive part of it.
The tension built all the way home. When I got home it was difficult, but I forced myself to wait until Charlie was asleep. After I was reasonably sure he wouldn't wander by my door, I removed my vibrator from the night stand and began to masturbate. As massaged my nipples, I thought of Rodney's hands on me. My hand quickly became his hands in my mind. His hands
I woke up early the next morning. I got Charlie fed and ready for his dad to pick up. It was difficult, but I managed to do it without touching myself. During all those years of marriage, I had never been so turned on as I had been with Layla and Rodney. I went back to bed after Charlie's dad left. I woke up two hours later with the memory of a dream that both frightened me and turned me on. I used my finger to quickly masturbate to orgasm. Again I imagined that it was Rodney fingering me so deeply. When I orgasmed, it was so hard I was afraid that it might shake me off the bed.
I was so exhausted that I barely made it out of bed at all. I managed to make it into the shower where the water tended to remind me how much I needed to wash off. It was difficult but I finished the shower without masturbating again. I shook my head at the thought of doing it again. I knew that something very basic about me had changed. I just didn't know what it was. Even the considering of having sex with Rodney and possibly his wife was way out of my comfort zone. Even so I thrilled with every ring of the phone. At the end of the day nothing happened. I was very disappointed.
Charlie had always been a well behaved child. It was the only thing that made it possible for me to work from home. If he had been a discipline problem, I could never have devoted so much time to my business. Actually it was my father's business. When my husband divorced me, dad used it as an excuse to turn the business over to me completely. After mom died, dad's heart just wasn't in the family business. I had to prod him to kept him involved. He was more and more willing to just leave everything to me. After my divorce, he just gave it to me officially. He did agree to come in and work for me, if I needed help. So far I had asked for his help only twice during the six months I had run the business. Large high profile weddings went easier with two photographers. I didn't have that many but I was working to increase that kind of business.
Sunday night I slept fitfully. There is a rule every woman knows. If you are not sexually active, the need decreases as time passes. However when you become active again, the need returns with a vengeance. Insatiable is almost too mild a word for the feelings I had after that out of town trip.
When Layla called Monday just after lunch, I was a bundle of nerves. "So how have you been?" she asked.
"You don't really want to know," I replied.
"Oh, I have a pretty good idea. All hot and bothered I'm sure."
"Yes, I can't believe how turned on I have been."
"Please just use words that are down to earth. You have been horny. Rodney can do that to a woman better than anyone I have ever known."
"Yes he can," I agreed. I was chaffing a little from her admonishment about my choice of words
"So have you decided what day you would like to continue our little adventure?"
"Well it would have to be a weekday," I suggested.
"Oh we completely agree. So just pick a day when you aren't busy."
"I have appointments on Wednesday and Friday so tomorrow or Thursday would work best." She had rightly assumed that I was going to go along with whatever they had in mind for me.
"Then come to our house tomorrow at 10 AM. Wear a skirt and sweater and no underwear at all. Do you understand?"
"Yes I understand," I replied. Since her tone had changed dramatically, I wasn't sure exactly what else to say.
"Good, we will be expecting you."
The rest of the day passed rather quickly to my surprise. I had expected it to drag along with me anticipating the next day. Instead I spoke with two clients and three potential clients. With all the brushfires stamped out, I fixed dinner for Charlie on time for a change.
We watched TV together, as we usually did. With him it was cop shows and shows with attractive teen aged kids. I suffered through both just so we could have some family time together. Not having custody of him on the weekends was both a blessing and a curse. I missed a lot of quality time, but I didn't have to worry about him while I worked either. His dad was a prick to me, but he had always been a good father.
I did have a problem drifting off to sleep that night. I was so on edge that I even heard the tick tock of my wall clock. I hadn't heard that sound since the first week I had owned it. I tossed and turned for over an hour. I was trying to imagine what I the next day would be like. I finally relived Saturday night at the band competition. My hands and fingers played the part of Rodney, and I orgasmed enough to wet the bed before I could sleep.
I woke early to get Charlie off to school, but unlike most days I did not return to bed. I was far too excited to sleep. I prepared breakfast for myself, then took a very long hot shower. I tried to think how I would act. It was useless because I had no idea what would happen. The time finally just passed with me staring at the clock. I slipped into a black skirt and white sweater. I did not put on either bra or panties. I felt very exposed as I left the house. I guessed that it was the reaction they expected.
I was very nervous while walking to the front door of the white house in the upper middle class neighborhood. It seems Layla and her husband were pretty well off. No wonder she was willing to overlook his infidelity. At least if she was there to make sure it didn't get to be romance.
Layla answered the door in a robe. I could tell she was naked underneath or as least close to it. The robe was made of very thin white silk. The robe in contrast to her black skin was striking. Layla was a well taken care of woman. Even almost naked she had class. For sure a damn site more class than I had.
"Come in Wanda, Rodney is waiting for us in the playroom downstairs."
I followed Layla down the stairs to the basement. I don't know what I had expected, but it was a simple game room. A place where the children might gather to watch TV or play video games. It had an over stuffed sofa and two matching chairs. There were ottomans in front of the sofa as well as the chairs. It looked like just a big family den.
The different was Rodney was sitting in one of the large chairs reading the paper. He was also naked. Something that was hard to miss. I had held his penis but I had never seen it. His penis was much longer than my husband's as well as somewhat larger in diameter. It was mostly the length that was fearsome, though the thickness was frightening as well.
Rodney did not speak to me. Layla went over to stand close and facing him. I was left to watch as he put his hands on her shoulders. She dropped to her knees and looked at into his eyes. She also lifted his penis to her mouth. She first kissed the head of it, then opened her mouth and move her head forward to capture it. All the time she never took her eyes off his. It was obvious from the movement of her cheeks that she was creating a vacuum with her mouth then releasing it only to do it again and again. There was a look of euphoric pleasure on Rodney's face as he smiled down on her.
"Do you enjoy watching Layla worship Daddy's cock?" he said never breaking his eye contact with her.
I didn't even need to think. I could feel the heat and pressure building within me. "Yes it is a beautiful sight." I replied in a squeaky voice.
"Layla share with our new friend," he demanded. Layla somehow move back. Her chin was covered in saliva and his lubricant as she turned to smile at me. She held his penis out to me.
"I have never done that." I said it honestly and they both recognized that I was telling the truth.
"But you will do it for Daddy, won't you?" Rodney asked.
"Yes," I replied simply as I lowered myself to my knees in front of him. I wanted to know how it felt in my mouth and how it felt to make him smile at me, as he had smiled for Layla.
"First kiss the head of his cock," Layla whispered to me.
I placed my lips to the head of his penis. "Now taste the thin cum from his cock. Does that feel good?"
I pulled back then said, "God yes so sexy."
"Open your mouth and suck Daddy's cock inside.' I created a vacuum with my mouth, then moved forward slightly allowing his penis into my mouth. I felt it move across my tongue creating an ever so slight itch. Even the small sensation was magnified a hundred times as his smooth penis moved across my rough tongue.
"Let me help you," Layla said putting s hand on either side of my head. She guided my head as I stroked his penis with my mouth. "Isn't that better?" Layla asked.
I couldn't answer my mouth was full of his penis. Since I had the slow movement of my head under control, Layla removed her hands. She lowered them then reach around to massaged my breast and pinch my nipples. Her actions shot waves of new sensations through me. I had been massaged like it before but never by a woman's hands.
Layla spoke and I heard but knew it wasn't for me. "She is so turned of for you Daddy. Your little girl is a natural cocksucker. " I was looking up at him and saw him smile and nod his head in agreement. I was trilled by her words and his agreement. I had never thought I would enjoy a penis in my mouth but I was thrilled. It was probably the whole of the parts that did it.
"Take Daddy's big black cock deeper baby," Layla whispered in my ear. I tried but I gagged. "Relax baby and take Daddy's cock deep." I gagged again. "Just relax and do it again," Layla demanded. I did it over and over at her urging until I no longer gagged. She had to help me by holding my head again but I finally got past the gag reflex.
When I was comfortable with his cock hitting the back of my throat, Layla returned to holding my breasts and kissing my shoulders. She had long since opened the top buttons and pushed the sweater from my shoulders. It was wadded around my waist.
"Straighten your back," she demanded. "Don't ever slump like that again." I did as she demanded. "Now spread your legs." I did that as well. "This is the positions you will assume, whenever and where ever you are, when Daddy puts his hands on your shoulders. Layla pulled my head off Rodney's penis with a hand in my hair. "Do you understand?"
"Yes Layla I understand."
"You will answer me yes Ma'am."
"Yes Ma'am." It was silly but I was in no position to argue. I was an emotional wreck. The only emotion I felt was pure lust.
"Do you love Daddy's cock?"
"Oh yes," I answered. She pulled my hair hard. "Yes Ma'am I replied without thinking.
"Say it."
"I love Daddy's cock," I replied quietly.
"What do you want bitch?" she said.
"I want Daddy's cock."
"Where do you want it?"
"I want his Daddy's cock everywhere."
"Where do you want it when you are in this position?"
"I want Daddy's cock in my mouth," I replied and meant it.
Layla lifted his cock to my lips. "Kiss it, then you can have it in your cunt mouth." she said in an unemotional voice.
I kissed his cock lovingly as I looked into his eyes. I sucked it deep into my mouth and to the back of my throat. It was still a little uncomfortable. but it was also thrilling to see what it did to his eyes. His eyes almost rolled back into his head, when the head of his cock reached the tight part of my throat.
Layla was behind me again. She reached around me to lift my skirt. When she touched the tip of my slightly protruding clit, I shuddered more than enough for her to notice.
"She is a hot little cunt," Layla said to her husband. I was looking up an saw him nod happily. Layla continued to rub my clit until I orgsmed with a mind numbing intensity. "Oh my the cunt came while sucking Daddy's cock."
I felt his cock stuck in my throat while my body jerked in orgasmic convulsions. He had to have felt the effect it had on me. I was sagging badly when Layla admonished me to straighten my back. It was a pure struggle but I managed to finish the orgasm holding myself up straight. I was sure there would be a stain on the carpet.
When I was almost finished Layla pulled me off his cock and asked, "Do you love Daddy's big black cock now?"
"God yes," I replied honestly.
"So you are his white cocksucker?"
"Call me Ma'am and say it. Say I am Daddy's white cocksucker."
"I am Daddy's white cocksucker, Ma'am."
"Daddy made you cum do you need to make him cum now?"
"Yes Ma'am I need to make Daddy cum." I said it and I meant it. I had a deep need to make him cum.
"Do you need to have him cum in your white cock sucking mouth?"
"I need for Daddy to cum in my white cock sucking mouth."
"Then wrap your hand around the base of his cock and fuck his cock with your worthless mouth whore."
I did just that. I wrapped my hand around the base of his cock and stroked it while I sucked the head of his cock into my mouth. I move my head up and own on his cock driving it deep into my tight throat. All the while Layla was massaging my breast and tweaking my clit. When I felt Daddy thrust for the first time I knew he was about to cum in my mouth. Somehow Layla also knew she began to rub my clit faster. When Daddy's cum hit my throat I thought I was going to drown. At the same time I began to orgasm and I just didn't care if I did drown. It was all too much for me. I got lost in my own orgasm.
When I came back to reality I was in Layla's arms. She was rocking me gently back and forth. "It's okay baby, you just had your first black cock orgasm. It won't be so terrifying next time." She paused a long few seconds giving me time to note that Rodney was gone. "Daddy loved what you did for him. Daddy loves you."
"I'm glad," I replied honestly.
"Good, you are going to make a wonderful black cock slut."
"That sounds so awful." I managed to say.
"Yes but it feels so wonderful," she replied. "Doesn't it."
"Yes I feel wonderful right now."
She turned my face to her breast. I knew what she wanted. "Honestly I'm not bi."
"I know but you have to do this for Daddy.":
"Alright," I sucked her nipple into my mouth. Her breasts were larger and softer than mine. Her nipple was dark brown and large. My own nipples were large since i had breast fed Charlie. I sucked on it then dropped my hand to her thigh.
"No not that way," she said pushing down on my shoulders. I tried to resist but she was actually quite strong. I finally allowed her to force my head between her legs. I took her clit in my mouth and sucked on it. Then I licked it up and own and side to side. I also licked her vulva up and down between sessions with her clit. She finally came in a bone grinding orgasm.
A few moments later when she was again calm she said, "Get your clothes on Wanda."
She led me to the front door. "At exactly 6 PM call this number." she said that as she handed me a card. Say thank you Daddy and wait for his instructions." I turned to the door and left.
It was a miracle that I got home alive. I drove in a pink fog. I had heard comments like that from other women but had never put much stock in them. But somehow Rodney and Layla had gotten everything I had to give. I was totally empty of any conscious thought.
When I got home the feeling began to wear off. At least enough to force me into the bathroom where I tried to throw up. Nothing happened, so I gargled with a strong antiseptic mouthwash three times. None of that prevented me from masturbating to a mind blowing orgasm. I did it while I took my second shower of the day. I was rendered almost helpless again by the orgasm brought on by the memory of Rodney's cock in my mouth. Yes I began to think of it as his cock not his penis.
I dressed in jeans and a different sweater. That time I wore all my normal underwear, a plain pair of bikini panties and the usual padded push up bra. I never thought of it as anything but a little vanity. I looked better in a scoop necked sweater with a little more cleavage. Nature didn't give me a perfect body, so I tried to help myself a little.
I tried hard to work that afternoon. I even managed to edit about half the number of images I would have on a normal day. I was still at it when Charlie called.
"Mom there is a basketball game this afternoon, can I stay and watch?"
"Charlie, I have an appointment with a client this evening you know that."
"If I can get a ride home, can I stay?"
"If it is with an adult not a student," I replied as a compromise.
After he hung up I went back to work on the images from a portrait shoot from the week before. Charlie called back to tell me that a friend's parents were willing to drive him home. With Charlie taken care of for a while, I dug into my work even farther. At six I called the number as i promised. Rodney was expecting me to call.
"Thank you Daddy," I said as I had been instructed to do.
"Did you think of Daddy's cock when you got home this morning."
"Yes I remembered how it felt in me."
"That should have been, yes Daddy, I remember how your cock felt in my mouth and I fucked myself, shouldn't it?" he said.
"Yes Daddy I remember how you felt in my mouth and I couldn't help fucking myself till I came."
"That's better. Now go on line and order a long black dildo. That will be daddy's cock, when I can't be with you. Do you understand?"
"Yes Daddy, I understand."
"Would you like to worship my cock now?"
"God yes, I am so turned on," I was speaking the truth. I would have dropped to my knees if he had been in the room.
"Keep that thought, we will be together sooner than you think."
Ten minutes later the door bell rang. If it was my potential clients they were over a half hour early. When I opened the door I was shocked but my heart raced. It was Rodney standing on my stoop.
"Well do I come in or do you suck my cock on the porch?"
"Come in please, come in."
Once inside he put his hands on my shoulders and guided me to my knees. "Take what you want baby girl," he said.
"Yes Daddy," I replied as i reached for his zipper. I pulled the zipper down and then struggled to free his cock. Once i had his cock free of his trousers I kissed the head as Layla had instructed me, then I sucked it into my mouth. I looked into his eyes as I pushed my head forward driving his cock into my throat. Even after a morning of practice I gagged the first few strokes. Even so i stayed with it.
"Take your tits out when you suck me," he demanded in a harsh voice. I managed to lift my sweater and work my breasts out without losing his cock. As soon as he could see my breasts I began stroking his cock with my mouth.
"Open your jeans and put your hands inside your panties. I want you to cum with my cock in your mouth." I did as he instructed and I came within a few minutes. He knew when I came from the way I sucked on his cock. "Yes cum for your black daddy you white cocksucker."
Moments later I felt him stiffen as he drove his cock even deeper into my throat as he came. I swallowed as fast as I could, even so I choked, some of his cum slipped from my mouth and landed on my sweater.
I was still on my knees looking up at him when he asked, "Where is Charlie?"
"I thought you knew he is at the basketball game at school. He is going to get a ride home with Darren."
"Baby, you can't be serious.""I can and I am!" Wanda replied in a very serious tone."Baby, you know it was an accident.""It was an accident the first time you did it too. I told you what was going to happen.""I know, but you never seemed to care before." He pleaded, not even realizing how grating his whine was on her ears."I cared the very first time you did it. I told you I didn't like it, but you ignored me.""Baby but that was 15 years ago?""I know, but I remember it. I told...
BDSMWhile the Illuminati were talking to Main MCU Timeline Doctor Strange an alarm went off warning them of the Scarlet Witch who is Dream walking throw earth 318's Wanda has arrived. All the Members of the Illuminati other then Baron Mordo and Professor X went to deal with her. Wanda comes face to face with the Illuminati, She starts talking some trash talk and talking arrogantly about being the Scarlet Witch having the Dark Hold and that kind off stuff completely underestimating the Strength off...
BDSMThis story as told to me by my real life friend and my husband's ex Wanda. This is what she wrote to me. I had set up with a guy on a web site to take me by surprise ...kind of a role play thing...like real bad guy having his way with me. I had never met him before and thought this would be very exciting done by a total stranger rather than some guy that you had a relationship with.I am in the Circus Circus parking garage in Las vegas. .I am bent over the back of my suv in the trunk and my...
I am in a parking garage in Las vegas..and i am bent over the back of my suv in the trunk and my legs are showing..a lot of thigh high nylon showing all the way up to my white alabaster skin of my thighs before your view is blocked by my short black leather miniskirt.... and a guy walks up behind me ..he grunts ...omg you are one hot piece of ass and before i can turn to face him he has one hand around my throat shoves my face into the trunk of my suv as his other hand rips my Lacey panties off...
Back in 2004, I wrote a series entitled ‘Wanda’s Story.’ Not knowing at the time how long the story would be, I put each chapter in the category that chapter best fit in. As a result, the story wanders through eight different categories here in Literotica. I recently re-read the story and saw plenty of places to fix the story, as well as expand and explain more. Also I felt Wanda’s story wasn’t done yet. So I’m returning to Wanda’s life, and this time it will all go into one category, for...
Wanda Catron woke up that Saturday morning thinking she was still dreaming. In her dream, her pussy was being filled by a cock, again and again and again. A confirmed lesbian, Wanda had no idea why she was having that dream. As she became more aware, she felt a weight on her body, and her legs wide apart. And to her total surprise, what felt like a cock was indeed ramming into her pussy. She flung her eyes open in fear, then relaxed. She saw her Mistress, Anne Franklin, towering over her on...
As Wanda Catron drove home that Sunday morning, she was a very confused woman. Her emotions were pulling at her, her mind was in turmoil as she thought about the events of the day, and she really needed someone to talk to. The problem was, the one who threw her mind into turmoil was her best friend and lover, the person she would normally turn to to talk things out. Wanda, a confirmed lesbian, had been seeing her former high school English teacher, Anne Franklin, for a little over a month now....
It had been a long week for Wanda Catron. She had decided to move in with her former teacher, Anne Franklin, and be her slave. The moving process started Monday, a day off from work. By Friday, combining work and moving, she was all moved in. Wanda had been given a small room down the hall from Anne. The 18-year-old was surprised. After the past month of sex with Anne, she thought Anne would let her sleep in the big king-sized bed with her. But Anne had left Wanda a note, which Wanda found...
Wanda is a pure slut. There is no other way to describe her. She simply loves to suck and fuck anytime, anywhere and with anyone. She has been gang banged in every possible place and way with numerous different groups of guys. She has no inhibitions about doing a guy or guys in public. In fact, having a group of people watching her turns her on. She especially likes the feeling of being a slut and used like a sperm bank. Wanda and another slut friend, Josefina (Josie for short) went to a party...
Wanda was horny, but what was new. She always was and today was no different. She went to the beach and rented a motel room for the night and then went bar hopping to find a few men to take care of her horniness. In the last bar she met Al and Ed and invited them back to her room. They no sooner got there when Wanda strip and told them to do the same. Al lay down across the bed and Wanda crawled on top of him easing herself down on his cock. Once she got it in she began rocking and bouncing so...
Hai readers I hope you will enjoy my whole stories I think you want a change story that is natural expectation of my dear readers so here I am write a change story this is entirely different theme read and write to me.The world sleeps, but I lie awake in my bed. It"s the moon. There is something strange about it tonight. Through the glass pane of the window, the full moon is bright and cool and the stars are shining, adding all their glorious brilliance to the moon"s glow. Suddenly I think I...
Tabitha Awakes By Sammy It had been several months since I had gone to the prom as Tabitha and I was now starting my first year of collage. Me and Stacy ended up going to the same school so I was hoping it still have her in my life. I had been looking forward to starting collage all summer just to try to put the event of prom-night behind me and the desire to be Tabitha, hoping it would help me to push Tabitha out of my mind. I figured sharing a dorm with another guy I wouldn't be...
Some idiot once said, "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade." Well, life has been giving me shit lately and I'm finding out that making shit sandwiches just doesn't cut it. First, I lost my job. Another company bought out the company I work for and 150 of us were downsized. I found another job, but at half the pay and no benefits. Next, an uninsured drunk ran a red light and broadsided my car. Yeah, I've got insurance, but I've also got a thousand-dollar deductible. The washing...
The intercom next to the door buzzed, and I got up and pushed the talk button. "Who is it?" "It's Al." "Come on in, Al?" Al entered and sat down. "I want to ask you something, Al." "Shoot." "When's the last time you got laid? If you don't mind my asking, of course." "When's the last time I got laid?? "Al, I'll tell you the last time I got laid." A few moments of silence followed and Al said, "Actually, I can't even remember. I'm horny, damm it. My basic male...
Slowly, but surely, the spectral mist floating around Marie’s sleeping form coalesced and solidified. The body of the demon materialised beside her bed, seeming to take physical form. But there was nothing monstrous or grotesque about the demon’s body. If anything it was beautiful. The perfect image of an attractive naked young man in the prime of his life, fully of energy and virility. The demon Leere looked down at his newly formed body. He admired and caressed the athletic form of his...
Rowena was tired. Rowena was always tired. She was tired when she went to bed, tired when she woke up, tired all day long. She took a last look round the room she had just finished preparing, noting the main items. ‘Bed. Quite an adequate desk – it was the one dad gave me for my eighteenth birthday. Good swivel chair. Armchair, wardrobe, dressing table, bright curtains and a rug, gas fire. Yes, it should be all right.’ She sighed wearily. ‘Wish I’d never volunteered,’ she muttered to herself....
Deep within the volcano the tremors begin they shake the entire island. It feel like an earthquake and as the hours go by the tremors only increase. They are so intense that great cracks appear on the island. One of these cracks accidentally breaks open an ancient tomb sealed and buried deep in the earth. As the sunlight enters the tomb and strikes the statue all tremors cease. The statue shatters and from within emerges the great wizard dargin. He is a powerful wizard and sealed himself inside...
FantasyQuite recently I was lucky enough to experience a little more Wifey hand action, discover a vibrator for guys, and wake up my inner sub. I'd been checking out some E-stim videos now gaining popularity on the internet. One here at X-Hamster called 'My cock Cum electro Estim' especially piqued my interest as it showed a guy stimming while using an unusual looking vibrator.This vibe didn't look like the usual vibrator offerings from the sex industry, about as large as a hair dryer it was hand...
Prologue Extract from the diary of Robert Sullivan, Bishop of the Diocese of Sandburg: “When I first found religion I hoped my life could be fulfilled. When I met the woman who was to become my wife I knew that a sacrifice by me was necessary. She did not quite see God as I did, but she too sacrificed enough in those early days to overcome any doubts she may have held. Time came when I was called upon to do my duty and my wife threw herself into meeting her calling and life was good. A child...
I wake up and moonlight is faintly pouring in through the bedroom window. I see the night's glow cover her. It illuminates along her smooth skin, silky black hair, the curves of her body shaped along the blanket. There seems to be a cavernous silence throughout the house. It's winter outside and the nights have been cold and still, darker than normal, shadows upon shadows. In the distance I hear steady chilled winds, swaying through tree branches and scattering fallen dead leaves through the...
Straight SexI came out of the depths of my unconsciousness slowly, my mind grasping feebly for coherent thoughts hidden in the turmoil of ache and pressure that pervaded my head. My eyes refused to open; rebelling against the onslaught of light that I knew awaited me so I lay there and willed my head to clear so I could function again. I was in a bed and I had to piss so bad my bladder hurt but I knew if I tried to stand I would fold boneless to the floor. I didn’t want to move, it would be painful if I...
Bikini Beach: If I Should Die Before I Wake by Jezzi Belle Stewart (c)2000 (This story can be posted at Fictionmania or any free site. If you're not 18, or are offended by transgendered themes, don't read it!) (This story begins immediately following the events in Caleb Jones' story, "Gidget Surfs Up at Bikini Beach", and involves Gidget's dad and Gidget, from the TV series, as well as mentioning the character, Biff, from Caleb Jones' story.) July 2, 1968, 5:15pm Gidget...
THE MAN WHO SERVED DRINKS AT HIS WAKE Arthur Nichols doted on his wife, Una, she was the only woman he had seriously dated, not that she was any more experienced, and it was her that asked him to marry, at their tender ages of nineteen. The only fly in the ointment was her sister, Merle, some eight years older. She was a lesbian and proud and Arthur would have joined her in that sentiment at least, he believed that everyone should be able to live the life that made them happy, as...
You wake softly with a yawn and a smile on your face. The dream was so vivid, so real, and so very, very sexy. You feel your nipples, hard and tight on your chest, rubbing against the texture of the sheets as you play back the details in your mind.My arm lies across you in the dark room, reminding you that you're not alone tonight. You feel my breath, soft, warm, and even against the back of your neck and you know I'm still asleep. My body is loosely curled around yours, still spooned along...
Straight SexYou wake softly with a yawn and a smile on your face. The dream was so vivid, so real, and so very, very sexy. You feel your nipples, hard and tight on your chest, rubbing against the texture of the sheets as you play back the details in your mind. My arm lies across you in the dark room, reminding you that you’re not alone tonight. You feel my breath, soft, warm, and even against the back of your neck and you know I’m still asleep. My body is loosely curled around yours, still spooned along...
My bedroom fan circles slowly, blowing cool air across my body, where the sheet did not cling to my moist skin. He lay next to me, his chest rising and falling slowly. He is so beautiful in the moonlight, the little tufts of his chest hair silhouetted in pale blue where they poke out from beneath the sheet. He seems so soft and peaceful now, so happy. The sweat from our lovemaking has dried on his skin, and his hair splays wildly upon the pillow. He smiles in his sleep, and seeing that I smile...
Oral SexWhen I awoke, it was bright out. I was lying in a field, my overly full pockets bruising me. I heard a shout, and then the pounding of several pairs of feet running. The sun was in my eyes, and when someone's head suddenly blocked the glare I was left temporarily blind. I heard my name being called by a voice I recognised. And then something wet bathed my face. "Now I know why everyone says Ferelden smells like wet dog." I grimaced at Prince, who chuffed happily and licked me...
"Come home when you get tired," is all Nimrod says as he kisses me out the door. It is full dark outside, I look around to see where they have a bonfire set. It is over by the practice grounds. I nod my head with approval as I stride over there, Green hair blowing in wind, body humming with sex and love. For some reason the universe has brought me to this place and it wants me to be with these people. I will have to work on fitting in. I am Chronos, the god of time; Defender of man, I...
When Franz returned to himself, he seemed still to be in a dream. He thought himself in a sepulchre, into which a ray of sunlight in pity scarcely penetrated. He stretched forth his hand, and touched stone; he rose to his seat, and found himself lying on his bournous in a bed of dry heather, very soft and odoriferous. The vision had fled; and as if the statues had been but shadows from the tomb, they had vanished at his waking. He advanced several paces towards the point whence the light...
This is a story attended for adults, not for those who adults feed, watch, and change. If you are over 18, and still your mom makes your bed, you can read this but you are immature. ANYONE UNDER 18, DO NOT READ THIS. Go outside and play. Copyright © 2004. Blanket permission is granted to reproduce this work in any medium for any nonprofit purpose, as long as you provide it as is, with my name attached. For other purposes, email me. In fact, Email me and say Hi either way! ***** I was asleep...
My bedroom fan circles slowly, blowing cool air across my body, where the sheet did not cling to my moist skin. He lay next to me, his chest rising and falling slowly. He is so beautiful in the moonlight, the little tufts of his chest hair silhouetted in pale blue where they poke out from beneath the sheet. He seems so soft and peaceful now, so happy. The sweat from our lovemaking has dried on his skin, and his hair splays wildly upon the pillow. He smiles in his sleep, and seeing that I smile...
*Hit "Start Game" to enable time travel.* I woke up as any other morning, a blaring alarm and a slight hangover from last night's party. I am a normal 22 year-old inner-Empire girl by any outward measure: skinny, brunette, green-eyed, and just slightly above average in my bust and booty (not that I care). My mind is another story; I have no inclinations of being normal. I live life to the fullest; I party hard and I work hard (in that order). I am known to most in the newsroom as the "B----...
In their sleep they didn’t stay separated. Their bodies found their way around each .Their legs were entwined, arms around each other and his hand was on her bare ass Their eyes locked and then their mouths did with passion. They kissed intently for a few minutes and then he shifted them so she was on her back, while he was at her side, lying on his side. His left arm was under her shoulders and his right hand moved down her body to gently position her legs so they were separated… bent… she...
As the nude trio lay recuperating in the shade on one of the chaises, a sexy voice said, “AH HA! Caught you. You’ve been having sex and I haven’t been here to enjoy it with you. Look at all of you. Nobody cleaned up anybody. What a mess.” “There’s plenty there for you, Julie,” Dave crooned without opening his eyes. Only a few minutes had passed since he’d ejaculated another gallon of cum into Megan’s mature pussy. Erin had been satisfied with a load about twenty minutes before that. Seconds...
The next thing I knew I was lying down on something soft. At first my mind seemed filled with fog, but in the distance I could hear a baby babbling. This reminded me of my own daughter and I thrust my hands down, planning on sitting up. Hands reached out and grabbed my shoulders, holding me down. "Slow down, Little One," Bethany told me. "You took quite a hit." "But Madoka," I cried as I squirmed in Bethany's grip. "She is fine," Bethany told me. "You do have five sister...
Ken awoke groggily to a soft hand caressing his hips and stomach. Blinking, he looked around the room, his eyes settling on the person touching him. "Wha..?" he said softly, before noting that his hands were bound above his head with, of all things, a phone cord. Not to mention that he was naked. "Good, you're awake." the person said. He looked back at the person, tugging at the make-shift restraints. "Stephen, what's the meaning of this—" Ken's words were cut off as Stephen pressed a kiss to...
GayAshley’s home recording studio comprised a large area in the lower level of her large home. The main studio was about thirty-by-forty feet – plenty of room for the band, back-up singers, and Ashley. Looking onto that room through a thick plate glass was the good-sized control room, with a digital mixer board that had fifty channels that could be finely tuned using multiple controls for each channel as it recorded or played back various songs. Several large computers also graced the room....
Freddy really should learn to not bring his friends back to his house if he doesn’t want his stepmother embarrassing him. Take today for example. Freddy and a couple of his teammates are just chilling out by the pool when they find his stepmom’s oil she is melting for her anal sex she does with his daddy. Well daddy is at work so stepmommy Abby soon enough has picked off one of the boys to get some cock action. When Freddy and his other friend find them Abby has a cock buried up to...
xmoviesforyouThat afternoon they were called to the Belgravia police station. Samantha, accompanied by Ian gave her statement first. Henry gave her the final two notes from The Rover. Inspector Black introduced himself. "Miss Cavendish we are aware of Mr Metcalfe's friendship with Mr Morgan and we have all the details of the Morgan case and of your slander action against him so there is no need to tell us about that; merely about the alleged stalking." Samantha nodded. "About a month ago a note was...
Hi me hun Raja Mumbai se.Me 35 saal ka shaadishuda aadmi hun par ye baat un dinoki hai jab me apni jawani ki charam seema par khada tha. Gathila badan,gora rang aur dikhne me Anil Kapoor se kam nahi tha.Jese hi bus stop par ruki log dhakka marte hue bus me chadhne lagedekhte hi dekhte double decker kachakach bhar gayi. Log foot board par khade chilla rahe the, ‘Arey bhai andar khisko!’Bajaye andar khisakne ke me luggage compartment se lagkar khada ho gaya. Na jaane kahan se ek aurat aakar mere...
After a hard day at her job with the Maxwell Insurance Company in downtown Toronto, executive Eldana Melenik comes home, and gets the surprise of a lifetime. Lying on the living room floor, completely naked, is her Haitian husband, Ontario Provincial Police officer Paul Augustine. The young Ethiopian woman smiled when she saw her hubby face down and ass up, waiting for her. Smiling, she wishes him a good afternoon. Grinning, her favorite big and tall Black hunk tells her that he’s lubed up and...
My first foursome There was no doubt about it! I was nervous; me actually nervous about a night away with my own husband! I knew why. It was because I was anticipating something exciting and new happening. We were on our way to London, the car was hot, probably from the heat I was feeling between my legs. I'd worn a skirt, because he told me to and I nearly always did as I was told. He was watching me with amusement as I was shifting up my skirt in an effort to get more air to...
Group SexI live in New Jersey and every year you need to get your car inspected. Although, they have loosened up the requirements for all vehicles. It used to be, they'd inspect everything in the car and now they only test the emissions. They test the cycles under specific conditions under which the engine is tested during the test. It’s very stressful, because you don’t know if your vehicle will pass. I needed to get my car inspected and thought I’d dress the part and wear something a bit revealing in...
MILFFriends, you are reading this sex story on indiansexstories dot net My girlfriend is named Maya and we have been together for a couple of years, we had met when I got transferred to Bangalore, It so happened that she too had her office in the same building and we used to meet often and slowly became friends. Maya was looking for a change and got a new job Not only had the job been very promising but she had also found out that Sandhya worked in the same office. Sandhya was a very good friend...
Young Sissy Son/Brother Par 2 After lunch, Bree announced that it was her turn to be in charge, and she wanted to play dress up. "What?" "Dress up. You know, we try on different thing's and act (girly)." "Like what kind of things?" "Come up to my room little brother and I will show you." Up in Bree's bedroom, Alan was concerned for the first time that his sister was now firmly in "control," for the balance of the afternoon, that is. While younger than himself, Alan still...
The sex shop was in a really sleazy part of town. I walked past lots of guys seemingly hanging around with no good intention at all. Coming to the shop with its gaudy signs and lights I entered and glanced around. About a dozen guys were looking at the racks of magazines and at the display cabinets which contained various sized dildos, but-plugs, whips, restraints, tubes of lubricants and various other sex aids. I began to survey the magazines, moving slowly along past the various...
THE FAVOUR By Emma Finn 1 On Friday night, while we were working down our second glass of wine in her pokey little flat, my friend Pam and I realised that we had both had the same dream. Exactly the same dream. Pam and I had planned a night out drinking but when it turned out that her nasty little boyfriend Jimmy was out we'd decided to stay in. The flat was pretty shabby but it was quiet and we only wanted to drink and chat. A quick trip out to the off-licence had made...
well one night Sam and Jo got to talking about sex and things they like and some how the talking got in to what if’s and then threesomes. Jo said there is no way he can get another girl to join in even if he wanted to. ( he has no game hell most the girls his wife tells him they like him he never seen any signs to that but he is kind of blind to flirting ) but anyway. they had a great talked and laughed about it for hours on what they talked about. A few...
Mark looked at the four women in front of him. Shahana had been a great help with the initial cut of the selection, she obviously knew the women in her 'widows' group well and had a reasonable idea of who he would and would not like. Safiya was Somali, born in London, with one child, eight year old Hala, who he had chosen as the second mother, her mothering score was one of the highest he had seen. Nurbaiti and Julie were the two younger women. Nurbaiti was Malaysian while Julie was half...
"This project will determine your final grade in the class. The assignment is to market a common product in a new, and hopefully, original manner. The product will be sold at the school swap meet on the last Saturday of this month. In other words, you have two weeks from this Saturday. "You will work in teams of three, and I've already chosen the teams. The team is responsible for everything. Your grade will be based on the amount of net income you derive from your marketing effort. All...
A friend stopped over the other evening I was so horny wanting everything had and more. Sucked him till he was rock hard then rode it till he unloaded in me. After he left I walked into the kitchen his fresh cum still leaking from my soaked panties running down my thighs. Pouring a cup of coffee I felt almost satisfied but not completely haven’t had anything in me in a week I craved more and more wanting to be totally used. Leaning on the edge of the counter pushing hard grinding my little...
–As I had mentioned at beginning of Part 1, the names of the main characters in this story have been kept anonymous due to ethical concerns. Sorry if this make parts of the story a bit hard to read. — Again in silence, we drove back to the hotel. We entered the lobby to find Gina milling around almost as though she had been waiting for us. The other girls were all sitting on one of the nearby sofas “WELL!!” she barked expectantly as we approached. I felt that a fight was about to break out as...
CHAPTER 2: THE TRANSITION After my usual long commute home (two subways and a train), I drove my little car the last five miles to my efficiency apartment. I lived in the Western suburbs where we lived when married. After the divorce, he moved away so I stayed put, downsized. It was a relatively safe area and apartments were affordable for a lowly Accounts Specialist. Within the last mile, I stopped to buy two bottles of cheap wine. I was anticipating a long weekend of turmoil. I...
With me being considerably younger, of course I would be sent to bed earlier but this particular Friday night our parents were obviously in a good mood as they had let me stay up later to watch the end of the movie. They had enjoyed some wine and were being a little touchy feely, causing us to protest at the open displays of affection but there were zero complaints when the relaxed parenting kicked in. Eventually we were both chased off to bed, presumably so they could enjoy some adult time...
She kissed him lightly, still smiling, dimples appearing. She brought her hand down and started stroking his massive long thick hot cock as she kissed him again, this time her tongue slid into his mouth. Glenn grabbed the soft, wet skin of her firm white ass as they made out in the shower. Lois broke the kiss and sunk to her knees in front of him as water poured on her back and shoulders. His hard cock was inches from her smiling face as she continued to stroke him, looking at it. She...
Hi, friends, I’m madhu (real name) and I’m back with my new story, after “me and my elder virgin sister lavanya” which is yet to be posted. Girls and aunties around hyderabad feel free to ping me at Talking about me I’m a six feet tall guy with semi muscular body (sports guy) with fair complexion and attractive since my childhood. I’m a horny guy, who always thinks about sex. I used to masturbate a lot and that made me fuck my neighbour sujatha. Talking about her she is a good-looking 5.5 feet...
"What do you think about?" I asked my husband softly. We were lying in bed, him on his back and me on my side. I had my left leg over his thigh and my left hand on his chest. Our bodies were cooling, damp and sticky, and I could feel him inside my sex. He'd filled me with his sperm once again and it was the best feeling in the world for me. It made me complete, the afterwards, even more than when his cock reached for my womb. It was the remains of our lovemaking that I liked...