- 3 years ago
- 38
- 0
I came out of the depths of my unconsciousness slowly, my mind grasping feebly for coherent thoughts hidden in the turmoil of ache and pressure that pervaded my head. My eyes refused to open; rebelling against the onslaught of light that I knew awaited me so I lay there and willed my head to clear so I could function again. I was in a bed and I had to piss so bad my bladder hurt but I knew if I tried to stand I would fold boneless to the floor. I didn’t want to move, it would be painful if I did.
I resigned myself to the devil and flipped the light blanket off me then rolled my legs over the edge of the mattress and forced myself to a seated position, feet on the cold wood floor, elbows on my knees, head cradled with care in my open hands. As I sat there waiting for my bones to solidify my mind began to work through the pain, formulating thought and reason. Hangover.
I had a brain crippling hangover and I had to go pee. Those were the two clear messages that managed to get through while I sat with head in hands. I forced my eyes open and looked through my fingers at my own lap. I was naked and my cock was resting limply at the junction of my legs and seeing it only reminded me that it was the hose I needed to use to drain my bladder. I struggled upright and tottered toward the only open door I could see hoping it was a bathroom.
I still wasn’t sure of my surroundings so I was delighted to find a toilet on the other side of the door. I turned my head to look behind me, to get my bearings of the bedroom and just as I was closing the door I noticed a long shapely lump in the bed I had just gotten out of. My head was trying to shut down again from all the movement but I still recognized a woman when I saw one. The shock of seeing a woman in the bed I just got out of jolted me past the headache. ‘Who in hell is that?’ rattled around in my skull as I took in the rest of the room. The careless piles of clothing scattered across the floor and one used condom were evidence of recent sexual activity; but who was she?
I stood in front of the toilet holding my cock, trying in vain to keep my shaking hands from spraying the sides of the bowl with the stream. I inspected myself carefully and noticed that my pubic hair was matted and clumped, a sure sign that I had mousse de amour smeared into it. It was obvious to me that I had gotten fucked sometime in the night but I’ll be damned if I remembered doing it or who the lump in the bed was.
I began to sort through the slow burning carnage in my mind for memory.
A funeral.
I was at my grandfather’s house because my grandmother had died and was buried yesterday. My grandparents owned two bed-n-breakfast places side by side in the historic district of the city so the family gathered and was staying at the inns. As I shook the drops off my dick I tallied the count of relatives that were present. My mother, my dad was history; one aunt, single; one aunt and one uncle with spouses; one adult sister; three adult male cousins, two adult female cousins and an assortment of younger relations from 17 to toddler.
I smelled of stale booze, stale sweat and stale sex and the shower stood invitingly near so I decided to clean up and hopefully clear my head. I turned on the water and stepped into the flow and let it massage the alcohol from my sore body.
A hazy flash of naked female legs teased my mind, whose were they?
My grandparents are Irish so the funeral reception was more of a wake. A party to celebrate the life of my grandmother, not her death. Alcohol and stories flowed, food was consumed rapidly only to be replaced with more from an endless supply in the main kitchen. I remember talking to several young women as the evening stars grew brighter but I also remembered that the last guest left the house around 10:30. After that it was just family, large and small, old and young, close and distant. I didn’t remember making a date with any of the young women guests so who was sleeping in the bed I just got out of???
All of a sudden I wasn’t sure I wanted to know. I shut off the water, my body was feeling more refreshed but my mind was still roiling with insecurity, caused by the unknown person in the bed. I toweled off and steeled myself to go back into the room, to face the unknown. I wished for my clothes but they were scattered all over the floor so I could only wrap the towel around my waist. I opened the door to meet my paramour and got yet another shock. The bed was empty. The woman and her clothing were gone. The only trace of her was the rumpled bed and the deflated rubber on the floor. Once again I stretched my memories for clues. The dress? It was a black dress laying the floor. Shifting through the litter of memory fragments didn’t help, most of the women were wearing black dresses at the wake. Which of the girls I had been talking to came back after everybody else had left? As hard as I tried to make one up, I knew that no one had come back. I began to shake; my nerves were kicking in as I realized that whoever she was, she must be related to me.
I got dressed slowly, not wanting to go down stairs for two reasons. The first was the change of altitude, it would compress my head even more and the second would be walking around with the rest of my family. One of my female relatives had been with me in bed and I didn’t know which one. Whoever she was, I doubted sincerely she would welcome me with a kiss and a smile and that bugged me more than I would admit. She knew, I didn’t.
The front room of the bigger house was the focal point for our sad reunion. I walked into the room searching for coffee and was greeted by the din from the gaggle of kids playing around the legs of the more tolerant adults. I scanned the room looking for the adult females feeling self-conscious as hell. My mother was there with her married sister and her daughter Betsy, one of my cousins.
My younger sister Zoë saw me come in and grabbed a cup and filled it with life sustaining liquid from the coffee pot, wound her way through the kids and handed it to me. I thanked her then finished my inventory of female relatives. Missing from the room were my single aunt, one cousin and my uncle’s wife. That was three women, one of whom was probably taking a shower just then trying to wash away the shame of incest before she came face to face with me again. I ruled out the married aunt and concentrated on my mother’s unmarried sister and the cousin. My mothers youngest sister Carlene is just 6 years older than me which makes her 31. She’s a pretty woman, nice body, great legs, fantastic tits. I’m not supposed to think like that but ever since I grew hair on my balls I liked being around my aunt. She works in some kind of investment house so most of the time she wears clothes that make her not only professionally confident but also highlight her figure and looks. She exudes sexuality which must help her a lot when working with male clients. I’ve secretly lusted after her for years. The only cousin not in the room was Kendra. Kendra is a tall stack of eye candy too. She’s 25, same as me and just finishing up some sort of graduate degree at the local university. I’ve heard a few stories from my sister Zoë on how Kendra celebrates life at frat parties which she apparently does at least once a month. If the truth be known, I wouldn’t have minded at all if Kendra was the one who slinked from my bed that morning.
My aunt or my cousin? I just wished I could remember.
“Hey! I’m talking to you.”
I looked around at my sister, “I’m sorry, what?”
“How’s your head? You look like shit, your eyes are gonna bleed to death.”
“You don’t look so fresh and eager yourself, your hair is a fucking bird’s nest. What’s going to happen today?”
Indifferent to my compliment about her hair Zoë answered “Grandmam is buried, I guess we all go home. I have to be in Dallas tomorrow.”
I looked around the room again then asked Zoë “Have you seen Carlene or Kendra yet?”
“I saw Kendra tiptoeing down the hall to the shower about 30 minutes ago. She looked totally wrecked herself.” Zoë looked me with a slight smile on her lips and hesitated before she asked “Why?”
“Why did she look wrecked? Maybe because she got hammered last night too” I shot back.
“No, why do you care where they are?” I wasn’t in the mood for an interrogation so I walked away to find my mother. She was riding with me and I wanted to find out when we were supposed to leave. The little bit of information from Zoë about Kendra was enough to decide that I had fucked her the night before. My cousin? Okay, not too bad. I would have liked to remember it because Kendra is hot and I’d bet I had a lot of fun for a few minutes. As I looked for my mom I began to plot another meeting with Kendra, next time I wanted to be sober and enjoy it.
It was another 10 minutes before she came in. When she walked into the room most of the men swiveled their heads to watch, Kendra had that effect on testosterone even though we were all family. Knowing that I had screwed her just hours earlier made my cock perk up and my heart quicken. I gave her time to get coffee and a scone before I approached her.
“How you feeling?”
She looked at me with half open eyes, “Stomp on my foot maybe that will make me forget my head.”
“Grandmam would have been proud. I don’t think anyone over fifteen was sober last night.”
She grinned lopsidedly like half of her face wasn’t working right “Thirteen; Ricky was as plastered as the rest of us.”
Kendra may have been hung over but she looked sexy as hell. She was wearing a soft blue peasant blouse over ass hugging stone washed jeans. Her long legs were made even longer by the heels she wore, putting her face almost to the same level as mine. Her short jet black hair was still damp from the shower. I looked into her soft gray eyes and decided to explore a little deeper. “The shower felt good this morning, it took me several minutes to wake up but it helped my head.”
“Yeah, I took a long one too. I might have used all the hot water but I don’t give a shit, I needed to wash last night off me.”
“You had fun?” I was hoping she thought I remembered what we’d done.
“Fun!?” She almost spit the word out, “I woke up this morning with my legs lying in a puddle of puke, Betsy threw up on me then passed out. I was so disgusted I pushed her off the bed, she hit the floor so hard I think she dented the boards.”
Betsy was her younger sister, she was 17 and generally a pain in the ass drama queen. At first I didn’t understand what I heard but as I looked at the revulsion on Kendra’s face it sank in, if she was sleeping with Betsy, she wasn’t in bed with me.
Just then Carlene came in to join the crowd. I glanced up at her and my heart slammed hard as I thought about Kendra’s words. Carlene was the second candidate on my list of two; had I actually fucked my hot aunt? I left Kendra to hate Betsy and went outside to clear my head, there was no way in hell I was going to try to talk to Carlene about the night. She was different, she was my mother’s sister.
Zoë herded our mother to the car so we could leave. Mom wasn’t exactly feeling chipper so she took over the back seat, fluffed up a coat for a pillow and went to sleep as soon as we hit the streets. Zoë was riding shotgun while I tried to keep the car between the curbs, I was still a little rocky from the booze and lack of sleep. Sis rested against her door and watched me cautiously while I drove.
“You okay? I can drive if you want.” “Turn on some music, but not too loud.” In moments she had found a station and we had Adele to keep us entertained. Zoë was looking out the window watching the trees march by when she asked “How was your night?”
I glanced at her “I don’t think there is any alcohol left in the house. I got most of it.”
She smiled ruefully, “Not all, most of us were pretty fucked up.” She fidgeted for a few seconds, a frown on her face the she then confessed “I got so drunk I didn’t know where I was this morning when I woke up.”
I glanced at her “What do you mean?”
Her face began to glow red “I mean I woke up naked in a bed, my clothes were strewn all over and I heard somebody in the shower, there was a used rubber lying next to me.” She hesitated slightly, looked sheepishly at me then continued softly “I got laid last night but I don’t know who he was.”
I almost missed the curve in the road. Her words jolted me so hard I forgot to steer and when I realized I needed too I jerked hard left to keep from running into a parked car.
My heart started pounding, I heard ringing in my ears “Who were you with?” I quizzed carefully.
“I told you, I don’t know. When I woke up enough to think, I realized he had to be one of our cousins and I got scared then got the hell out quick.”
“Whose room were you in?”
“I don’t know that either, you know I was staying in the other house, I don’t know who was there. I was hoping you might know who had the room at the top of the stairs, left side.”
“You want me to tell me who fucked you last night?”
“You don’t have to say it like that,” she grumbled, “I might have had sex but I didn’t get fucked.”
My heart slowed down, I was thinking more clearly. I didn’t want to tell my sister that it was my room she was in, that apparently I had screwed her. “Why don’t you just let it be a mystery? Sex with no name, some people get off on that.”
“Goddamnit, don’t play with me asshole! Do you know who was in that room or not!?” Zoë was getting pissed.
I didn’t say anything; I let her fume while I tried to sort my thoughts. How in hell did my sister and I end up in a bed together? Even as drunk as we were we should have known better. Both of us. What had we done or said that would break down the barriers of our sibling relationship enough that we would think it was okay to have sex?
We drove in silence for five minutes before she spoke again, the entire time I was desperately trying to remember how she and I ended up in the same bed. I fought for every fleeting memory, looking for hints. Wondering if we at least had fun with each other.
Zoë is 23, two years younger than me and I have to admit, she looks as good and hot as my Aunt Carlene or Kendra. As we grew up I often idled time away imagining what she looked like naked but I never spent any time thinking I would want to screw her. Brothers and sisters just don’t mix, aren’t supposed to, it’s against nature or something so what had we done? I was beginning to hate the fact I couldn’t remember.
About the time we got to the freeway Zoë checked on our sleeping parent. Satisfied that she was soundly out my sister put a hand on my arm and looked at me with pleading eyes. “Tell me, who was I with last night? I’ve never done that before and I feel really strange that I don’t know who I let between my legs.”
How was I supposed to answer her? If I told her it was me she’d probably go crazy right there in the car and kill all of us. If I lied and named one of our cousins, she might confront him and he wouldn’t have a clue what she was talking about and of course deny it then she would be doubly embarrassed and angry with me.
My bedroom fan circles slowly, blowing cool air across my body, where the sheet did not cling to my moist skin. He lay next to me, his chest rising and falling slowly. He is so beautiful in the moonlight, the little tufts of his chest hair silhouetted in pale blue where they poke out from beneath the sheet. He seems so soft and peaceful now, so happy. The sweat from our lovemaking has dried on his skin, and his hair splays wildly upon the pillow. He smiles in his sleep, and seeing that I smile...
I savour the routine, peeling the clear plastic off the carton, flipping the lid and removing the foil, selecting a cigarette from the pack, lighting it, tasting the tobacco, breathing in the smoke. That feeling of inhalation is orgasmic. It brings back happy memories of my youth, a time when I was young, free and single. Sarah made me quit, said it was a filthy habit, and she wanted me to be healthy so that we could enjoy a long life together, a long, happy life of nagging and dull jobs and...
It came as a bit of a shock, but I can't say a completely terrible one. Andrea and I had just made love, and were lying in one another's arms afterwards. She had made some small talk about how it must be terrible not to have experienced an orgasm, or even to have sex for years and years. I wondered where she was going with it, when suddenly she sat up and looked at me, and asked me if I could consider having sex with her mother.Apparently they had been having a bit of a heart to heart, and her...
IncestRe-Awakeningbybillywiggins©It came as a bit of a shock, but I can't say a completely terrible one. Andrea and I had just made love, and were lying in one another's arms in the warm afterglow. She had made some small talk about how it must be terrible not to have experienced an orgasm, or even to have sex for years and years. I wondered where she was going with it, when suddenly she sat up and looked at me, and asked me if I could consider having sex with her mother.Apparently they had been...
I savour the routine, peeling the clear plastic off the carton, flipping the lid and removing the foil, selecting a cigarette from the pack, lighting it, tasting the tobacco, breathing in the smoke. That feeling of inhalation is orgasmic. It brings back happy memories of my youth, a time when I was young, free and single. Sarah made me quit, said it was a filthy habit, and she wanted me to be healthy so that we could enjoy a long life together, a long, happy life of nagging and dull jobs and...
Gay MaleI guess its genesis occurred more than 25 years ago, before I even knew my wife, Louise. Its rebirth took place a few months ago at Roy and Jill’s and has changed our lives. We get together every Friday evening with Roy and Jill, our friends of more than fifteen years, alternately hosting dinner followed by a movie. On this particular occasion Roy had something to show us before the main feature. He explained it was a homemade video shot in a hotel room by a husband filming his wife with two...
InterracialChapter 9RelationshipsAfter Sarah’s revelation there had been silence as they all pondered what had just passed between them.It was Daniel who spoke first.“Well I don’t know about you two, but I need a drink”. He marched to the huge graphite fridge and yanked open the door. Glass clanked inside at the force with which he had opened it. Sarah glanced at Isabella and her expression had changed – she was no longer strong and angry, more…what was that expression, thought Isabella. Mixture of...
Chapter 8SarahIt had been several weeks since the evening Josh left the house. Yesterday he picked up the last of his belongings and now all traces of him were finally gone. She felt sad about the situation but was now looking forward to being with Daniel without the random pangs of guilt that she used to feel.It was a Saturday morning and Isabella woke early. She was enjoying her own space, and the house was starting to feel more like her own. She had put up more photos of her family and she...
Chapter 7Time to GoJosh arrived back late, slightly unsteady on his feet. He had had a few drinks to overcome his anger. It hadn’t really worked, but he had enjoyed fucking that girl in the car park – that had dissipated a lot of pent up emotion. He was surprised to see the lights still on in the house. The anger rose in him again as he remembered how much it hurt his pride to find out about Daniel. That bastard! And she was such a bitch to do that to him. He thrust his key into the door and...
Chapter 6ConfrontationThe weeks passed by quickly after their erotic encounter at the Hilton. Work got busier and Isabella found herself staying late most nights just to get through the files that were building on her desk. Daniel had got much busier, attending networking events, functions, dinners and had brought in some new clients which meant a lot more work for Isabella to get stuck into. It also meant more time with Daniel. She admired his work ethic and professionalism, his dedication and...
Chapter 5SurpriseHe opened his eyes as the sunlight started to fall across his face. The net curtains danced gently as the cool breeze wafted through the window. He was aware of the weight of her head on his chest, her hair tumbling across his skin. Her arm was across him, her hand resting on his shoulder. He listened to her breathing and found his own falling into the same rhythm. He stroked her back, loving the silky feel of her skin. He cast his mind back to the previous evening, finding...
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It has been a few years but the constant curiosity of who it was and why they did it remains a mystery. Let me explain....As a young married couple my wife and I moved to a new neighborhood where we could raise our 2 c***dren. Nice location, nice neighbors at the end of a cul-de-sac. Everything a couple could hope for. My schedule was inconsistant at work and occasionaly my wife and I were working different hours and had little time to see each other except weekends. We made the most of them,...
He stepped into the room and she lay there asleep, the blanket barely covering her naked body. Her alabaster skin glowed in the early morning haze as she shifted her body, revealing her breasts. Her nipples stiffened in the morning air. Leaning over the bed, he softly blew onto her breasts, seeing her nipples react. With the sweetest touch, he took her left nipple in his mouth, rolling his tongue over the sensitive mound, and gliding the skin over the tips of his teeth. She stirred at this...
For all these years she had been fulfilling her duty as a wife and working mother, working in the office throughout the week and managing the home and her family on either side of the day. She was always busy, but somehow found the energy to keep going. Perhaps it was the gym sessions: the only time in the day she had time to herself, when she could even feel herself. Weights, Zumba, stretching - this was the time when she could feel alive in her body, feel it all stretch and push, feel the...
Since I had first started my maturing I had never really seen myself as being my male body. Whenever I would have sex dreams it would always be from a women’s point of view. Eventually, it became my second self. I didn’t especially hate my male body, I just was never especially fussed about it or at home in it. I had no frame of reference on whether my cock was anything to write home about because my only reference point was through porn. During my later years, I started to experiment with my...
CrossdressingThanks to Lubrican and Three Sheets for editing and guiding me.Special thanks to Old Fart for the kick in the pants that got me writing again. "Hold still, Maggie" said my best friend Sara, laughing as she captured a stray mahogany lock and pinned it with the rest of my hair piled on top of my head. "Or we won't ever get to the party." The Halloween costume gala Mama and Daddy have held for the past ten years in the ballroom of the Grand Moon Hotel was underway. You have to be sixteen to...
Justin and I have been married for seven years now and we're very happy together. Our sex is great, even if it does get a bit routine every so often. We enjoy racing and have friends, Todd and Cindy, who also like to go to car races. The race I remember best was the one in Charlotte where we booked a large suite for the four of us for the weekend. We went down on Friday night and would come back home on Sunday evening after all the events were over. We checked in around six and dropped our...
You just logged off after spending 2 hours on the computer talking with me, feeling very happy and tired. You walk into the bedroom, changing into what you are wearing to bed, and crawl into the covers. You start to dream of what we talked about... Walking along a nice wooded path, listening to the sounds of nature as we walk. Coming to a pond with a small waterfall we stop and sit. Hold one another close, letting my lips softly touch yours. The kiss going from one of love and compassion to...
I was fourteen years old, and have been raised only by my father in an extremely protected environment. One day, having come home before I was expected, I saw our pretty Hispanic housekeeper sitting on the kitchen table, our gardener standing between her spread legs, the top of her uniform open, his lips suckling at her breast. It was all more than I could have imagined. I had barely seen a man and woman kissing, not being allowed to see movies unless my father approved them, not being allowed...
Copyright© 2003 I am lying face down on the ground. A dog is nuzzling my neck. It feels good, but seems rather strange. Why would a dog be licking my neck? I don't own a dog. I then awaken to feel you kissing me on the back of my neck. The kissing stops and your fingers start massaging my neck under my hair. Gently your fingers glide up and down. Then lifting my hair you let it slowly fall back on to my neck. Through half open eyes I can see the clock. Good! Over an hour before we have...
18-year-old Josh's mind was filled with erotic images as he slept, a strange woman knelt naked before him her mouth closed around his cock as her tongue explored the engorged and swollen purple head. He moaned in his dream and stirred in his sleep, it felt so real, he could feel the teeth brushing his cock shaft as the mouth slid up and down it. Mind fuddled with sleep he came awake, the sensations from his dream seeming to follow him. His body was caressed by cool air as he realized his...
AwakeSunlight blaring across my eyelids awakened me, a silent alarm clock sending waves of pain through my temples with a steady beat. I swallowed hard through a dry throat wondering if I should tempt fate and open my eyes. My muscles aching I tried to stretch them out. My eyes snapped open as I realized I could not move my arms. Struggling with the fear that now swallowed my previous hesitancy to open my eyes, I tried moving other parts of my body feeling instantly that I could do little...
Awake Awake Part 1 It had been over a year since I began developing strange powers. I could give people suggestions by simply thinking them. I could stop time. Most importantly, I could make people believe and act and think in any way I could imagine, simply by telling them something while time was frozen. I had determined a lot this past year. I was the grand-son of a fallen angel, which is the source of my power. My sense of morality completely deteriorated. I was some kind of sex...
Adam slowly opens his eyes to the dim light of a gray rainy morning casting a glow into the room. He senses the heat of the naked body lying next to him and turns to absorb it. Eve is lying face down on the bed, curly black hair covering her face and neck. Her arms curled above her head exposing the soft curve of her breast. The covers are pulled down to just above her waist, the shadows hiding the delight he knows is there. He is immediately aroused. In his eyes she is perfection. Her toned...
You wake up from an awful dream, but you remembered something from it you can't stop thinking about. You. Are. God. You dismiss the idea as you get up and grab a drink of water from the tap. You think it couldn't hurt to try, right? Suddenly you're no longer in your apartment, you're in space, looking down at earth. You feel terrified and exhilarated at the same time as you wonder the possibilities, you start to not be able to breath. You panic for a second, but dismiss the panic and breath...
Mind ControlAdam slowly opens his eyes to the dim light of a gray rainy morning casting a glow into the room. He senses the heat of the naked body lying next to him and turns to absorb it. Eve is lying face down on the bed, curly black hair covering her face and neck. Her arms curled above her head exposing the soft curve of her breast. The covers are pulled down to just above her waist, the shadows hiding the delight he knows is there. He is immediately aroused. In his eyes she is perfection. Her toned...
BDSMFrom just this side of slumberI hear her soft voice tell me that she can't sleep,and yet to me she seems so deepinside a dream of my own making.She slowly turns away and I feelthe soft, round flesh of her bottom brushagainst my slightly bent leg -- a rushof electricity every time.She pushes back further untilI feel the delicate dampness between her cheeks,and with no sound this movement speaks,and I am always ready to listen.Pulling away the sheet to expose our naked flesh,I glide my open lips...
Awake By Karen Marie As I awoke from the fog of my dreamy state the light entered my eyes and consciousness returned. I experienced a moment of total disorientation. Where was I? What was I doing? A glance to my right revealed three empty wine glasses on the table next to a sink. I found myself reclining in a salon chair with a severe neck cramp. I heard the sound of a hair dryer off in the distance. The pungent smell of hair permanent solution filled the air, stinging my nose. As I...
I barely knew him. That’s what I thought when he shoved his fingers deep inside me. He twisted and rolled them in ways I’d never felt. I watched his eyes flicker with every breath escaping my mouth. It didn’t really matter. Because he knew exactly what I was wanting. And he gave to me the most giving. He made a fires flame nothing but a mere kiss. He ignited me somewhere I was dead. Because he touched me. I watched the expressions on his face. The way his hands held me down. The beads of sweat...
I did not like the battle plan. I did not trust those that had made it and I did not think we had a chance. It was simple we, a full company of highly trained soldiers would be put into capsules and ejected out of a ship. It would be behind the moon and we would be in stasis until we reached the planet. As we entered the atmosphere the capsule would wake us and then peel away. We would freefall in battle suits and use grav shrouds to slow and land. After that we had a hundred kilometers...
In their sleep they didn’t stay separated. Their bodies found their way around each .Their legs were entwined, arms around each other and his hand was on her bare ass Their eyes locked and then their mouths did with passion. They kissed intently for a few minutes and then he shifted them so she was on her back, while he was at her side, lying on his side. His left arm was under her shoulders and his right hand moved down her body to gently position her legs so they were separated… bent… she...
Deana and Mark have planned for a three week trip to Ireland for the past three years. It was the home of her ancestors. This year, their dreams would come true, they have booked the tour through Magical Escapes. On the fifth of March they’d fly to Dublin, see the sites, look up distant relatives, and immerse themselves in Irish culture. She could hardly contain her excitement as they boarded Delta Airlines, destination: Dublin, Ireland. They quickly found their seats and when the plane took...
----- 12 -- The next day started off fairly slow. Bentlee woke Montana and I up and we all somehow made our way into the kitchen and started throwing random breakfast foods together on the stove. In the end, we all, including Ean, sat around the table eating eggs, bacon, and waffles. The conversation of what to do that day eventually came up while eating. Bentlee suggested the zoo. It was a good one I admit, but a bit extreme for no planning whatsoever. Montana, whether I should call...
This story is fiction and from a guy's perspective.The summer this year is proving to be very hot, I am happy that Dad got a pool installed over the winter. I am a 21 year old male and in fairly good shape. I lost my job at the local surf shop a few months back because my ex worked their and she was a bitch and got me fired. So now I have plenty of time to sit at home and swim in the new pool; as you can see I am not complaining.I still live with my Mum, Dad and my little sister. My Mum is a...
IncestNote: This story is completely fictional. Firstly, I would like to say a little about myself. My name is Paul; I am 18 and live with my dad, Joe, and my stepmom, Nicola. I am 6"2 and am fairly muscular and have a 6"3/4 circumcised penis. Right, where to start... Well, earlier I said I live with my dad and my stepmom, that isn't really the case. See, my dad works abroad a lot, last year he was at home for just three months. This meant that it was just me and my stepmom living together. She had...